THE SUNBURY AMERICAN , is runnsnr-D evkhy Saturday by UM'L WILVERT, JProprietor, Moore A Disalnfrcr's Bullutag, Market Square, (At 91.50 in Advance. ' II not pall within 6 Month SHbuortttiom takm for Ism ltnut tit .Yvnt. Vnsvncrm with this establishment Is an ertn slveNEVV JOB OFFICE, containing a vnrloty of plain nnd fancy tvpo enwal to any establishment D the Interior of the Suite, for which the putrou- age 01 me ruouc is rospecuuiij sonciiu 1 rofcflaionul. AN. DRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMD AMINO JUSTICE of tiic TEACH. Next Door to Judge Jordan's Kcsidcnce, Chest nut Street, Suubury, Pa. Collections aud all legal matters promptly at tended to. , JEREMIAH SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND ACTING JISTICK OF TnU PEACE. Conveyanclng,tho collections of clalms,wrttlngs, nnd all kinds of Legal business will be attended to carefully aud with despatch. Can be consult ed In the English nnd Merman language. Offlco formerly occupied by Solomon Mallck, Esq., op positeCity Hotel, Bunburv, ln. March 29, 1873. lr. GA. BOTDORF, Attorney-nt-Law, GEORGETOWN, Northumberland Co., Ponna. Can be consulted in the English and German language. Collections attended to In North umberland and adjoining counties. mlilS Til. B. KANE, Attorncr at Law, SUN- BURY, PA. Office in Market fcquare, adjoining the office of V. I. Ureennugu, Esoj.,) Professional bni-lnos In this and adjoining coun ties promptly attended to. Bunbury, March l1197.J.-1v. W. C. PACKER, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. Kovsrnber 0,jl87i. If. DR. CM AM. jr. MARTIN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON", Nutibitry, Pciiu'm. Ofllse mi l'rnnt Street, nxl iloyr tn Huns A, Fniri-lv. Office Until S a m. From 12 t.) 1 p Trom S to fl p m., and uftfr '.I o'clock p tn. At all other hours when not profession. ill y rn frssrH, oiu be fotitij at Drug Store, nn Thiol n., nuxt to Clement llnuw. . nit)f3,"72.-ly 8 It. ItOVEK, Attorney and Gmnsellor at l,'tr. Room Nn. C 3 Second Fl'xir, Urihl's UulMitiK, SCMiCHY", PA. Profcssiona business attended to, in tlu eouils of Northum lifrland and adjoining rour.tlps. A'so, in the lrrnlt finJ Putrid Courls for flic Wi-tein Dis trlet of PiiinsylTauiii. Claims promptly collect- 4. Particular attention paid to rd in nnk ruptty. Consult; to:t em b ha-l In the Uer m.iii liiiuruiii.'i'. .mar'J5,'71. I TH. H AM., Attorncv at Law, PUN j .M-t UU'.tY, PA., office in Miser's Building near the Court llouss. Front Room up iMaim nbot'e ths Drutt Store. ".i!lcctlons made in 'Nor- I t htiinherliind and udjnininif counties. 1 eitnbttry, Pa.. June 8. 1ST. i Jti. II tIC K EE A CO, Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. I Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, j Olnss. Varnishes, U'lhwiih, Tobacco, Cigars, j Pocket Hooks, Diiirles, c. P. tVOEVERTON, Attornev at Law. ! Os Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Profession- nl bttsiuufK in this and adjoining counties prompt- i . attvmlcd i". I 15. UASSER, Attornoynt Law, fcUS- BURY, PA. Collnctions intended to in !u! countlos of Northumberland, liulon, Snyder, Montour. Columbia nnd Lycoming. ;'l '11 o-'i'.t IOI.O.IIOX MAUCll, J ATTORNEY AT I.4.W, O fill's at hi residence on Arch street, sijuarfl uortli of the Court lloute, near the J.iil, SUN- I HL'IiY, PA. Collections and all prolVionnl business promptly atte.nded to In tlii and adjoin- j ing counties. Consultations cau be had in the j 4tirinnn language. ulyfiT-lSTJ. j a. w. ziEOLKtt. i.. r. nonuiur.n. XIEOI.ER sV KOIIR1IACH, ; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, j nillci.' in Hatipt's Building, lately ooctiic.l by .Jud'e Rockefeller unci L. T. Ilohrbaeh, Esq. Collections nd nil prolessioual business pr inptly ntiended to iu the Courts of Northum berland and n.'ljoining cnunties. n.'tr. . H71. 1 " i . i . - hotels nub ttcstannmts. tt.mti'h ntatem hotel, v. f. VJ K I IC! IF N, Proprietor. Opposite the lie pot S1IAMOKIV PA. Every iitteullon given to travellnrs. and the hert aoi oiutuodatlons given. April 5, lHja. tf sx7 j in es; 1 1 o r ee, Ko. 308, S05 add 810 Ruse Street, PHILADEL PHIA. HENRY LEHMAN, Proprietor, late of Wonster, Ohio Successor to Wm. Chiistman. Term i 2.23 Per Day. Market St.- CarB eonnset with West Phlla. senger Depots, to all p.uis of thu City. Feb. CS, '71. 3 nios. Pas- , -11TASHIXUTON NOISE, C. NF.FF I & Second i V Proprietor, Corner of Market fit rsets, opfmMtc the Court House, Sutibmy, Mny'.'H.'iU. ! AEEECiHENY 1IOI SF., A. BECK, ' Proprietor, Nos.Sli and 814 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, S3 i per day. He respectfully jlicits your patron- i age. JauU'7. XTATIONAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd county, r.i., at tiie station ortti . C. R. W Choice "inert unit cigars lit the bar. The tabids supplied wHU, l lie, best the market affords, t.oi-1 rtalilicig and attentive ostlers. H I'M .MEL'S RESTAIRAXT LO I IS HUM M EL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SIIAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having Just relltteJ the above Saloon for the accomodation of the public, Is now prepared to serve a Is friends with the best refreshments, and fresh Lager Beer. Ale, J'orter, aud all othur malt juors. IJ Vi: KEY'S llOTEL, JOSIAll BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Maha uoy township, Northumberland county, Pa., on the road leading from Georgetown to Union town, Smith Inn, Trevorlon Pottsville, &c. The choicest Liquors and Segurs at tbe bar. The tables are provided with the best of the sea son. Stabling large and well salted for drovers, with good ostlers. Every atteutiou paid to make guests somforta Lie. Nov. U, 1871.-1 v. ashless W. S. HIIOADS. J. PSCKIR Hill -TIT H. HIIOADS A CO., V KETill. OEil.KHS Or ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, FENN'A. Orriri! with IUas, Fiorur & Co., Orders left at Scusholii it Bro's.,ouioe Market reet, will receive prompt attention. Country nntom rosect fully sulieiled. Feb. 4, 1S71. tf. AXT1IUACITE COAL 1 VEEVriE DIETZ, Wholesala and Retail dealer In every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kinds of Graiu taken 1b exchange for Co&L Orders solicitor and tiled prompiljr. Orders left at 8. F. Novin's Confectionery Swre, on Third street, wlUrcclev prompt attention, and money l.'fV t,l foe, the -suit ;is St 'h ofllce. ,1 PRICE 91 SO IN ADVANCE tbbertiscmcnts. COAIil VOALt COAEI GRANT HUGS., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers In WIUTE AND RED Afill COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (lower wharf.) 'fgySolo Agents, westward, at the celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Jan 19-6 DENTISTRY. GEORGE M. KENN, In. tiimpion't Building, Market Square, Suhbcbt, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kiuds of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keens constantly on hand a large assortment of Teeth, And other Dental materia), from which he will he able to select, and mccv. me wants of his customers. All worn warranted to give satisfaction, or else the money refunded. The Tcry best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders kept on hand. Ills references are tbo numerous patrons for wfcom he has worked for M last twelve years, Banbury, April 81, 1873- NEW COAL YARD. THE undersigned having connected the Coal business with his extensive FLOUR & GRAIN trade, Is prepared to supply, families with the VERY BERT OF COAL, CHEAP FOR CASH. Egg, Stove and Nut, constantly on haud. Grain takeu Id exchange for Coal. J. M. CJtWALLADF.R. Snubury, Jnn. 15, 1870. tf. ft3 ft H.T.Eelmbold. KEARNEY' FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, b the enly Known Remedy for llripht's nis M sad lis cured every rnso of Pmbotw in wWch it line been piven, Vrimtlou of the Keck of the Itlatfdof end Inflammation of tho Kidneys, nceretion of thn Kidneys end Bladder, K.'ten tion of Crlne, Dlseasus of the Prostate dlmid, Btone in tho Dlsdder Oravul, Brick Dust P posit, and Mucous or Milky riischsrpes, and for Ku feibled nnd PelicntaConitUnJioiisnf lioth 'ius, utti'uded with the following; svmntoms: li of Power, Loss of Memory. liiBicuIty of llretuh tng, Weak Nerves. Wakefulness. Pnlu tn th' Muck, Flushing of theBoe v, Kruptlonun Ibe Fare, PulUd C'onntenance, I.ssftude of the System, etr. Used by persons In the decllno or chnnce i llfo; afwr confinement or labor pains, bed ei linf iu children, etc. In many affections peculiar to ladles, the K?t traot Bnriiu Is unenualed by any other remedy As In Chlivrosis or Ketentlon, lrreeularity, 1'oln f alnessor Snppresslon of Cairomary Kvacuallnus, Ulcemtcd or Sehirrus stHto of tho Uterus, Lcu rorrhiEa or Whites, Ktorillty, and for all com plaint Incident to the aex. It Is prcsrrihed ewtenMtvolv by the most eminent Physicians and Mldwlvca for enfecWet snd a-lli ..i.n tkms of both sexes snd all sges. ItKAnNUY'S ICXTIIACT nut III', Cures Mtant JLritinq from fnimidrnctt. 73MU of Mnwllm, Etc., in all their stuRes, m little expense, little or no chango in In convenience, snd no exposure. It causes a fre- Kient desire, and L'lves slrenith to urinate, ercby removing Obstruetion Prpventiint and Corine Strictures of the Urethra. Allaving Pain and Inflammation, f o frequent in this clues of dis eases, and expelling all poisonous matter. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BTJCIir, tl.00 per boltle or six bottles for fS.OO. dsllveredl lo snr address, secure from observation, hold bjf druKiilsta everywhere. Prepared by Kb KEAflNKY CX)., 104 Dnane St, N. Y. to whom all letters for information should b addressed. AVOID QUACK8 AND IMPOSTER. Ho Charge for Advioe and Coainltatlon. lr. J. It. Itvoll. flradnnto of Jijferfon ilidU-at CoUtg, Philadelphia, author of several valuablo worlot. can be couultd on all diseases of the ftexual or Urluary Organs, (which ho has mado us especial studv), cither In mal or female, no matter from what canso oriitlunUuir, or nf how loni standing. A practice of 30 years enables hiui to treat diseaoes with success. Cures gusr entocd. Oiatyes reasonsble. Thoso at a dis tance can furward letter describing symptoms, and enclosiuK stamp to prepay potaee. bend fer the fuil to HrallA. Price 10 ecnts. J B. DY0TT. M. D., 1'hy.iclan and ttargeoo, lMDuaaseu. Hew York. Fcbiuaiy 8, 1873. ly. FACILTY at- ( IRRH I LIM SUNBURY ACADEMY. ('lassies and Mathematice, Ykov. N. FOSTER BROWNE. FrcMch Langtiatre and Literature, Mus. II. M. BROWNE. German language, Pnuv. DAVID Rl'IMEK. Teacher of Ennllsh Branches, Mr. C. D. OBKRDORF. Advanced EuglUli .nirv, Pkop. N. FOSTER liKOUNE. Assisted by Mrs. II. M. BROWNE. Primury Department, Mmb.1L M. BROWNE. s.isted by Mil. ('. D. OBEltDORF. Iiif-trnnieuta! Mutir, Pnor. DAVID RKIMEIi. Vocal Music N. FOSTEit UROWNF. Tkok. For Cataloeua or buy other information, ac. drees N. FOSTEB BROWNE, .i Prinaipal aud Proprietor. Or to Mrs. H. M. Dhownr, Lady Principal. Sunbnry, ip;rch 15, 187S.-3 raw, J. F. LERCH'S CiRRIAGE AND WAGON yu ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT ST., BUNBURY, PA. Vehiclm or all Kmns maix to Ohptr. The latest styles and the best workmanship. Samples may be seeu at the shop. t.Jve ulin rail. Suubury, Dec. 7, 1873. ly. O. W. KEEPER. C. W. BASSLEB.. New, Goods ! Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Oil Cloths, Glass and Nails f every vartoty, at aae low price, at Keefer & Bassler's Store, Oornorof Fourth and Market St reots, 8UNBURT, FA. All kinds ef Grain takeu Iu exchaug saute as eask. Call aasl see us. . KEEFER HASSLE JL Runbary, psk. 1, 1WB. X2ftalllried In 18AO. - ' t ' ti BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL jQR. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, lias discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and elfeotual remedv In tho world for nil DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of the Back or I.'.mbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Impotcncy, General Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyspcpsy, Languor, Low Spirits), Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembllnga, Dimness nf Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, A flections of Li Ver, Limits, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, tc, Impos sible. tOUNGMEX especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exulted talents and brilliant Intellect, who mleht other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thnnders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy tbe living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Yonng Men contemplating tnnrrlugo, nwnre of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procreatlve Power Impotency), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily relieved. He who places himself nndar the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide lu his honor a gentle man, and conUdcntly rely noon his skill asal'bv. Kleiau. 1 ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotcncy, Loss of Power, immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable nnd marriage impossible is the penalty pnid by the victims of improper Indulgences. J Young persons are too apt to commit excesses l from not being awaro of the dreadful conseoenccs that may ensile. Now, who that understands j the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation Is lost sooner by those fulling into Improper habits than by the prudent t licsidcs being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and desl ructlve symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreatlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of tho Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons rulued In health by unlearned preten ders w ho keep them trilling month after month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Meinhnr of the Royal College of Surtreons, Lon don, Graduutcd from one of the most eminent Colleges tn the United States, and the trrcatcr pnrt of whose ifc has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, lias ctl'cctcd some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known j many troubled withrlug Ing la tho head and cars when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed At sudden sounds, buslifulnese, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injurrd themselves by Improper Indulgence and solitary habits, which ruiu both body ami mind, untitling them for either business. Ktudv. aocluu wm liuge. Tlinsit are some of the sad and melancholy cll'cels produced by early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains iu the Back and Ilsad, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspcpsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Diuestive Functions, General Debility, Symptom of Con sumption, &c. The fearful effects on the mind nre much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Avcrslou to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., are some of the evils produced. Tuol'Sasms of persons of nil aires ran now judge w hat is the cause of their declining lieulth, losing their vigor, becoming, .weak, pale, nervous nnd emaciated, having a singuh r appearance about the eyes, cough nnd symptom ol consump tion. VOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or nt school, tho etlects of which nre nightly felt, even when asleep, iiud if not cured, renders marriage impos sible, nnd destroys both mind mid body, should apply immediately. V Hal a pity tliai a young man, me uojh: im his country, t he 'darling f his parcuts, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and Indulging In a curtain secret habit . Such persons must, before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and bsxly are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, tbe journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage j the prospect hourly darkens to the view ) the mind becouius shadowed with despair and tilled with the melan choly reUeclion, that the hnppiuess of another becomos blight ed with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. Whcu the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure tlttds that he has Imbibed the seeds of this pninful dibcase, it too often happens tbatuu Ill-timed seuso of shame, or dread of discovery, I ricti i s him from applying to those who, from j education and respectability, cau alone befriend him, delayinir till 1 he constitutional symptoms ot I this horrid disease make their uppearunce, such us ulcerated sore throat, diseased uose, noctunil pulus In the head and limbs, dimness or sight, deafness, nodes on tho shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face aud extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bonus of the nose fall Iu, mid the victim of this awful disease, becomes a horrid object of commiseration, tin ueaiu puts a period to bis dreadful suffering, by sendiug him to " that Undiscovered Country from whunce po traveller returns." ' It Is a luclnncholv fact that thousands DIE victims to thiB terrible disease, through falling into the hands of Iirnoraut or unskillful PRE TENDERS, who, by tho use oi thai aeaitiy rot sod, Mereurjr, &v.t destroy the constitution, and 1 Incapable of curing, keen the unhappy sutlisrer month after month taking their noxious or In jurious compounds, and Instead of being restored to a renewal or Lite vigor unci uappiuaaa, in uee pair leave him with ruined Health to sigh over his galling disappointment. To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledge him self to preserve the most Inviolable Socrccv, and from his extensive practice uad observations in the great Hospitals of Europe, and the first in this country, vii England, Frunoe, Philadelphia and elsewhere, Is enabled to Otter the most cer tain, speedy and effectual remedy iu the world for all diseases of Imprudence. DR. JOHNSTON. OFFICE, NO. 7, S. FREDERICK. STREET. Baltiuohi, M. D. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a Tew doors from the corner. Fall not to observe uaiue and number. Mr No letters received unless postpaid and containlug a stamp lo be used on the reply. Pur sons writing should state age, and send a portion of advlilUeuienl describing symptoms. There are so mauy Paltry, Designing and Worlhkiia Impnsters advert ieiujr thetusolve as Physicians, trifling with and ruiulng the health of all who unfortunately l.xil Into their power, that Dr. Johnston deems It necessaiy to aay es pecially to tlie uaacqualnled wUU his reuuta tiou that bis Credentials or Diplomat ulwa bang In his office. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS.' The many thousands curc4 at Uii Establish ment, year after year, and tbe anuteroua im portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. JoiiBSton, witnessed by tbe representatives of the prese and many other paper, notices of which have Appeared again a (it a gala before the public, besides his ataaalng as a gentleman of character and responsibility, Is a sutttclent guarantee to tho afflicted, tibia diseases speedily eared. March 1, , i; , t ..,.,, , use sty SURr,PA..JATUmVY MORNING, THE KING HARDER SHOP 1 S TIIE SHOP OF THE TOWN nnd long has been ask history and she will tell yon Men have grown old In our patronage Babies on their mothers' breast 'J'o bouncing boys nt play t And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver gray. And nmong the honored nnd lasting Impres sions of time, nnd tbe crash of revolutions in clrcunistnnccs, we stn4 tt living monumental memento of tho Ingenuity nnd perseverance ap pertaining lo the Identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest stylo of nrt and perfection, nnd uspiriue to achieve Ihc highest reward of merit attainable In our bumble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of snnerlor appliances and es tablishment nre always ont to inspire. Always to pleases We shave with case Cut und comb wltk tnsto the hair Shampoo tbe bend with soothing earn, And color the whiskers black or brown,. To suit the people about the town. Then allow me politely request you to stop. And not go past nor from around our shop. To gel shaved on the basis of ability nor ns somo-havc done for our use of the bnllot for prin ciplesacred nnd righl nor nndcr tho common secret nnd Invidious guise of enmity to complex ion t for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of his skin, ought not tontrcct his usefulness nor his qunllllcations. A fair chance Is nil that wo demand, to glvo tin proof to all the land. JAMF3 W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. 8unbury, April 5, 1R73 t No. 01, Market st. BLATCH LEY'S IMTCOYED i DCilMBLR WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Durable, F.fflcient nnd Cheap. The best Pump lor the lea-t ni'Mier. Attention is es pecially Invited to Blatcbley's Patent" Improved Bracket and New Drop Cheek Valve, which can be withdrawn williout re moving the Pump or disttiibins the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or c.iic. "'"I fill outlast any other, tor sale bv Dealers everywhere. Semi for Catalogue and Price List. CIIAS. G. BI.ATCHLEY, Manu facturer, 50C Commerce St., Philnd'a. Pa. S14,ly This Space Is) Rrsiorvetl Tor the A DVKUTISF.MRNT Or PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A II DVAK E S T O 11 E Murket St., Nnnbury, V. THE PARKER GUN. SIHD STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN.CT. March 29, 1873. Jr. CALL SPKCIAL ATTENTIOX To tbelr Immense Stock of Foreign and Asnerlrisn Watches, DIAMONDS JEWELRY, SlI.VEH ANU 6ll.VEK-Pl.ATKI WARR, Clorks, Bronzes and Fnucy Goods. Forming as ELEGANT ASSOttTM EN T ta uvety DE PARTMENT. LOW TRICES. rW.adclpbla, March 23, 1873.-lyr. To the t'ltiaeu of Kuubury. TIIE v nderalgned lias made arrangements to attend the Tuesday and Saturday Markets, with Froth Butter, Eitgs, Lurd, Potatoes aud Apples, which will we sold as low as can be hudolsewhcre. Call at the Market aland ueur Fourth aud Mar streots, south side. After inarkot hours auy of the above articles can be had by calling ax his tore en Itpruce street between Second aue Third where Ike best fcruuds of the celebrated Lm hiel Flour 4s kept conataull u baud, 4re4 Fruit, Cider, Viuejfar, .. , JOIIN WILVER. : fctcsury, Teh nary 15, IS71. MAY 3, 1873. A TRUE STORE. I always recall with keen relish (ho joko which Fanny Burns played on hor scliool master. It was' altogether unpremeditat ed and involuntary on her part, but that mada it all the more enjoyable. Mr. Charlton was very dignified, stern at times, and prided himself on the strict discipline enforced in his school. Hut, Fanny Burns, with her black eyes, irre pressible love of fun aud ready wit, was almost too much for hint. F'onny and I wcro good friends. I used to draw her home in ray sled, run races with her, e;ive her dainty morsels out of my dinner basket, aud perforin various oth er gallantries suited to our juvenile ideas of such things. And when wo were a little older I walked homo with Iter, instead of drawing iter, nnd made purchases of oran ges, in lieu of bestowinji on tarts and baked apples. It was about this time Hint tho mania for writing notes took posses sion of us. Although we saw each other before school, at recess, nt noon, and after, it invariably happened that during study hours matters of sudden and vital impor tance would arise, demanding epistolary communication between us. Notes would bo written aud passed from haud to hand until they reached their proper destina tions : for there was a mulnnl agreement between all the pupils to perform such of fices secretly and faithfully. Sometimes, indeed, we would sit near together on op posite sides of an aisle, for instance so that we could deliver our missives directly to each oilier. This practice of writing uotes was, of course, strongly condemned, and strictly forbidden, by our teacher ; and, us Fanny and I were especial and frequent oll'enders in litis particular, he managed to glance towurd us many times iu the course of a day. We were generally successful, how ever, in eluding his watcblulness, and ma naged to exchange great numbers of small bits of paper, on which messages were scribbled. Hut one day our hour of grief came or at least I thought so, for the lime being. Fan ny had handed me several notes to which, for some reason, I had neglected replying ; and soon came Another, neatly folded, which she reached over to me with consid erable exertion. Accompanying it was a lead pencil, though for what purpose b could not imagine. I was just reaching over to receive it from her hand, when a loud, stern voice paralyzed us bulb for tin instant. "Tlwre I Miss Burns 1 I have caught you at List !" Fanny 's bright eyes dilated with fright. 1 shrank back iu my seat, leaving the note still in her hand. 'You will please step forward. Miss Burns, and bring that note with you.' Fanny obeyed with a subdued air, though not without turning up her nose furtively. I trembled with apprehension, more, for her sake tlwtn my own. '.Stand up there on the Mage,'' said Mr. Charlton, sternly. lie took tho note from her. 'I have often spoken of this despicable practice of writing notes,' lie said, turning so as to view Fanny and the whole school simultaneously, of its wrongfulness and bad influence. I have given warning re peatedly that it must not be done, and have threatened to visit with severe punishment the fust o He nee of the kind coming within my knowledge. The silly and baneful love trash with which they are filled should ne ver pass bet wee u young people. In fact persons of your ages should never say to each other by word or letter, what you would not be willing tho world should hear. I cannot say that I am surprised, Miss Burns, but I atu deeply grieved, that you should disobey mo iu this instance, as you doubtless have in mauy others. It be comes my duty to make an example of you, which 1 shall do by mortiynnj yoi. i pre sume you would dislike exceedingly to have me read this note aloud U the sclionl. . Fanny started violently, aud seemed about to speak, but checked herself. Mr. Charlton paused, but sho was silent. I who was watching intently, noticed a cu rious expression on her face. M there anything written in this note that you would be ashamed to have the pu pils hear ?' 'No, sir,' she faltered. 'I presume not !' said Mr. Charlton, sar castically. Was it possible, thought I, that Fan ny's apparent ditBculty iu speaking was caused by suprcssed merriment V Ilor face certainly indicated It, for while she bit her lips her shoulders moved convulsively, and there was an unmistitkahle sparkle in her black danciug eyes. I watched the nroceedines with intense interest. 'I shall read it aloud.' said Mr. Charl ton, relentlessly, and evidently somewhat excited with the prospect of making such an impression as he expected to, 'and I hone it may prove a lasting lesson to you.' lie unfolded the paper with a pompous air and held it before his face. Tho attention of tho pupils was almost breathless, and the hush of expectation was profound. But instead of reading tbo note Mr. Cliailtou looked at it with an expression of utter astouishment. Perplexity, dismay and anger tlittcd by turus across his face, which was tiually overspread by a violent red Hush. Ho turned to Fanny furiously.. 'Was this done on purpose to entrap tuo, Miss Burns V 'So, sir.' . The astuuishmcut of all knew no bounds now. Tha scene was inexplicable, to all except tho two chief actois in it. 'What does this 6oiifc piece of j)ajer mean ' Au audible titter suddeuly arose, like the first pattering of a summer shower. Tho truo state of the case began to dawn upon our minds. Fanny was using all her energies in en deavoring to obtain a sober and respectful air toward hur questioner. 'lie Uidu't auswer my note,' sho said, 'and so 1 was going to hand liim that piece of paper aud peucil to to as tt aorlof hint!' The titter now swilled Into a roar, in an iustaut every boy and girl in the school room laughed iiieonlrollably. Fanny bu ried her face in her handkerchief, and also laughed violently, but silently, l'eals and cheers arose, and it was simply impossible to pursue further a serious treatment of the tubjoei. Mr. Charlton himself was obliged to smile iu the midst of his wrath aud discom liture. He hakvded the paer back to Fau- ! uy, and said a lew words to Ucr which uoue ! of us could hear in the uproar, and she, bowing went to her sent. The funny sceue euded, and all was stu dious enough for the reuiwiuder of that day and iiuteoi for many days thereafter. 1 well tutueuaUsr wbeu we ivcul up to tber 1 New Series), Vol. 5, No. S. I Old Serteft. Vol. 83, No. 22. next 'grade,' Mr. Charlton was talking to the teacher whose department we were about to enter. Fanny stood near, and patting her on the head, ho said : 'This girl you will find, will always have her lessons, but look out for her. or she'll be loo much for you. 'There's danger bo hind those black eyes V' . If this were a 'story' Fanny would of uuuiau uu my vnu nun, uui na lb in n. sim ple reminiscence of real life, it doesn't end that way. Soon nfter our entrnnco into the higher grade Fanny discovered charms in a youth named Smith that far outshone miuo. This threw mo Into a cynical frame of mind, from which it;, look me fully two weeks to recover. Then to spite her I went with another girl.! Then came Ill's breaking up of our class, some tears and hearty hand-shaking. That wns a dozen years ago, and I believe Fan ny is now the wifo of a niau out West. .Such is life ! SisccIIancoits. Jerusalem Bkstored. Two recent announcements are strikingly suggestive of the rapid advance of modern seienco into tho most distant and ancient seals of the world's civilization. A railway is project ed from Jatlit, on the coast of l'alesiine, to the holy, though now desolate city nf Jeru salem ; and iu tho streets of Jerusalem itself horse oar tracks are lo be laid, and ere long the ring of the conductor's 'punch' may be heard in the very places where Sol omou was wont to sweep by in nil his glo ry. With more ready communication wilii the venerable centre of Christianity, re newed interest must be felt by the Chris tian nations In tbe explorations which are at last revealing to us as much of the c rigi tial city as yet remains, bidden beneath de bris, later superstructures and modern buildings. About five years ago permis sion was granted to certain Knglishmen, by tho Sultan, to enter upon an excavation of the foundations of the magnificent temple which Solomon reared without the aid of! any iron tod, on tho craggy summit, of Mount Moriah ; a fund to defray the ex penses of this estimable work was raised with the usual generosity of the moneyed men of England ; and now wo are iu pos session of results which, though partial, are yet most valuable, and conliniMit least tho traditions winch nave lingered ot the vant size, tho masive masonry' the nobleness of l the architecture, and the gorgeous adorn mcnU of the mouumuuts which the wise king reared to the glory of (iod above the vale of Kedron. The restoration of all the. old temple which Chaldean and Mot-h'tn have spared seems Ifkely to be fully accom plished under the energetic auspices of Captains Wilson aud Warren, unless their finanual resources give out a contingency which is not probable, considering from whence they come, and the increasing interest with which tbo work can not but bo regarded when tho discoveries already made aro appreciated. Tho revelation already made of the wails, chambers, galleries anil courts of Solomon's Temple is not llattcring to the pride of mo dern uri ; fur it is safe to say that there is no nation on tho face of the globe which cuuld now rear so splendid a monument. Tho great pyramid is an archilectmal won der aud mystery ; what architect in twen ty centuries has been able to iin i-itie how it was built, or what aclueologist when it was built '( Vet iu some respects Solo mon's temple, its foundations wedged into the very crags and cliffs of Moriah, is a grander triumph than the great pyramid of Cheops. Thu wulls nre formed of im mense blocks of stone, aud of these walls there is :t total height ot more than 400 feet but little less than the apex of the pyramid; and between the four walls of the temple it was possible for 210,000 adult human be ings to worship together at tho same time. Coloscums and St. Peters and amphithea ties aud La Scalas are dwartcd Ut insignifi cance in the comparison. So) vividly may the temple bo reconstructed in imagination by the data already published, that it re quires no forcing of thu mind to fancy Sol omon sea ltd in its midst, the highest priests sacrificing at the altar fires, tint great men of llu.' most daz.liug of Oriental courts ga thered iu 6hiuiug raiment around the inner courts, ;and the multitude of ancient long bearded Jews nnd creaiu-eomplexioned Jewesses gathered in a human sea iu Uiu great quadrangles aud galleries, humbling themselves m tuo preseueu ot the anointed monarch and the priests, ami awslruck by their propinquity to the mysterious Hly of Holies. That a Moslem sovefoigii should permit the "Chrisliau dogs" to thus reveal me most sacreu relics ot ootn reli gious, marks a singular aud happy con trast with the days when the hosls of hos tile armies warred about its very walls for the possession of the Holy City. lioetou Post. A Bkidboroom in the Witoxa Bfd. The Atlanta Snn says : At a late hour Tuesday night quite a bridal party arrived iu the city aud put up at one of our hotels. The bride was accompanied by Iwo or three young lady friends, aud the groom by two gentlemen. Tho names were register ed in the usual way, hut a mistake wns made iu registering the identity of the brido. The hours sped on toward dawn, and the brido in her silent chamber waited the appear- i anee of" her lord. et he chjuo not. Sure ly, he was not sitting up all this time. The rest of tbo party bad retired, sho wa cer tain, aiiino she. had heard them iu their npartmenU. What had become of him ? I linpatieuco gradually grew into terror. She rang her bell aud the servaul knockod at the door. "IXi you know where uiy huuband is ?" she inquired. "Ain't ho in here, mam ?' "No." "Mabe he stepped out iu t'.e city, mam, and will be bow directly. M "I'm afraid ; oh, do inquire at the office and see if there is any intelligence about him." Tbe corvaut retired, nnd lu a few tun. nieuts relumed with the information that there was none. The wife was now alarm ed in earnest. Sho never had a husband before, and like the man who drew the ele phant in the lottery, scarcely knew what lo do with the animal. Iu her anxiety she went to the room of her UlJcsmaid and kuoeked at tho door. "Who's Uiere J"' caiue lu accent unmis takably niiisculiue. . "Me, tsarali ; but inerey, who arc you V" Tlbcna was a suddeti stir, aud tbo sound afflict falling oa the Uoor. "Who the devil am I iu bed with, theu V" she brd tbe mau say, tu the door swung iteu aud her husband's face necped out "Oh I I'm disUacteJ about you : wliero have you beeu ?' ADYEttTTSnOi SCHEDULE 10 Llnc, or about 100 Werdg,,),, sqnBr One week 1.0(5 3.00 8. no. 8.00 VOO'' ' ' Two weeks l.&o: J.00: 8.R0, 4.00 S.Oti'll." IMS Throe " .00: 8.60 .fiO; 5.00 .0o'l3.ou!-! ' Ftir .W ! LoOi S.ftO, 0.00 10.00 15.(H?i ft Five " S.7:V 5.00' .50i 7.00 12.0O17.O0 'Jfilt, Six 3.00; 0.78 7.50j 8.00 ia.0 18.00 U7..71 Tiro ute'i :a.5: 7.50! 850 9.00 10.00 20.UP ! 0. Three", 'u.fio; .oo: 9.5o;io.OOaoovr..iiHO.oi? Biz n.W . 0011.00 i9.OOi2S.oej;.l)OHJ.O0 Nine ' 0.00 10.00 l3.Ou.l5.(HU5.O0,4f,.i(7f.()0 One Tear H.OO 13.00 )ri.00).lKr in.O0lO".lOtl.C0 "I've boon here In bed ; but deuce Uku me, I thought you were. too ' , .. "Oh I James, it 'wasn't nie.V . .... "Who is it, theii V" ' " "Why tt is Sarah?" ' . ."Tim devil.". vr.; ;. "Oil 1 no, James it was Sarsh. Didn't you know it, James !"'. "Blast me if I did ! I found her asleep, and thinking tliis was our room, 1 crept in to bed and went to sleep," replied James, evidently impressed with tho idea that lie had a ditlicuit case to argue. "Why dou't you hear Iter snore ?" ' llut just then Sarah waked up, and see ing a man In bet room, tilled the hall with people. And now the bridegroom found himself in a delicate position. In thu hur ry of explaining the matter to his wifo ho had neglected to put on his pnuts ; and now in his eager search for them ho was dancing around tho room like otic possess ed, and then imploring Sarah to hush. "I'm going don't you see f' But Sarah was seeing too much, and she wouldn't bush ; nnd the wifo in the hall hi'iiimod In hy the eager orowd, hnd lunnoil her head against the wall nnd wns enjoy, ing a hearty cry. At last, however, tho pants were found and put on, aud tho Iiuh hand and wife escaped lo (heir chamber, whilst Miss Sarah doublo locked tho door against further iutrusion. Tho next niorn ingcxplanations were gone into, but there's no denying that both ladies were the least hit incredulous, and it is said a pcrceptiblo coldness had grown up between llicin, whilst tho unintentionally otlimding bride croo.n walks about a good deal, his head down, and evidently indulging in pleasant meditations. Ueoroanizino llts Win:. 'I never attempted to recorganize my wife but once,' confessed Artetnus Ward. 'I shall never attempt to do it agnin. I'd been to a pub lic dinner, nnd had allowed myself to be betrayed into driukiu' several people's healths; and wt.sliiu' to make 'cm as ro bust as possible, I continued tlrinkin' their health until my own was afleclod. Con sekence was, I presented myself to Betsy's bedside late at nite with considerable lick er consealed about my person. I hud somehow got possession of a hoss-whip on my way homo, and reniemlieritt' sonm crauky observation of Mrs. Ward's in tho ruornin,' I snapped the whip putty lively, and in a very loud voice, I said : 'Betsy, you need orgaizin'. I have cunt', Betsy,' I continued, crackin' tho whip over the. lied, 'I have come to re-organize vou.' I dreamed that nite that somebody laid a hoss-whip across me several times and when I woke up 1 found she had. I hain't : drank much of anything since; and if I ! ever have another reorganizin' job on hand, 1 shall lei it out." I Tin: Last Witch ks Executed in Eso : LAND. Tho following notice of the last persons who HiU'ered for witchcraft in I these kingdoms is curioua. In a uirl 1 nineteen years of age, having eaten a leaf ! of sorrel which she got from a reputed witch, fell into convulsions and vomiting, i She is said to have vomited needles, pins, i feathers, an iron knife a spun long, ogg i shells, i:c. The accused was immediately committed t" the county jail, and, at thu assizes held soon, was hanged and I burned. In 17J-', nt Dornoek, Sutherland, i au old woman was accused of being a witch. Her crime was transforming her j daughter into a pony, and getting her shod i by tho devil, of which crime she was found guilty, and burned. Tho act against witchcraft was repealed iu England and . I Scotland about 11 M, but not in Ireland ; until l HETTY drut.k but "drunk as DicrxK. Joe W. was never ouch, and tiiat time he wan a fool." Consequently, bis wife, who was a very pious woman, was very much shocked, when one night ho staggered home under the iulluence of li quor. After remonstrating with him about tho folly of drinking, she said : "Joe, when we were married, and he- j came one, 1 little thought I should ever see i you in this condiliou." j Who can imagine the devoted wife's I thoughts when Joe made her tlie following : reply : I "Well, Mary, dear (hie,) I know I am I pretty drunk "(hie;) that's a fact. But, llary, as we (hie) were made one by mar riage, then (hie) you must be pretty drunk, too (hie.',) A boy got fooling with his father's horses, unfil finally one put his foot iu his face. Ho was carried in nnd the doctor sewed tip his hp, and bandaged his rye. nl1' "J'jUice.J I.i8 .'luuks, but tiu iMjlltjfl 0 : !l,u I,l"t abei1 !l ul,"" H T, of dliv. ad wllr' he began to get a little I letter he called lor n looking glass, and casting his eves upon ' it his countenance fell. "Father," said ho, ' "do you think 1 ever shall be as pretty again V" "No, my son," the old man re ! plied, "you will never he as pretty again but j you'll know a darned sight more, ! One of the latest iuveiitious is a porta- . ble travelling bed, which cau be rolled U like a shawl in u cylindrical form, 23 to 2"J inches long, and 7 to til iuches iu diameter, the price ranging from S3 50 to $21 according to the size and quality. U coiiiU of a light hair mattress, including single or double air pillows, a fine woollen coverlet, a canin stool, 'attachments and " i- f - .. 1 - .1. " t lur "l"u u ;': ''" uk. aPiaratuu lo. Ul:nS tbe pillows 'with air. "IlK is a HitU K."" Many persona be sides schoolboys and colle: students ie the pbraae, "He it a brick," without i lea that it is stiDiiosed to he of rlassic orgin. It is said that King Age,ilaus, being .inked by an ambassador from Epirus why they had no walls for Sparta, replied : I "We have." 1'oiuUng to his siarshaled army, he said : "Time are tie walls of Sparta. Every ma you see in a brjck, " Onk of tuo bet remedies for neuraigin wo know of, i Mo nil of pepperniiut, ap-. plied to tlio effected part with a Camel's hair brutd). ' not get it int-j your eyes, it would c pretty severe ; uor allow a child to tvid it us it would act as a poison takeu luuTually. It will soothe pain al most iistantly, aud a fewnplieations about, the umples and cords of tho face, will, w-o Uoulrt nut, cll'ect a cure. 'Snow me tho mau who struck O'Dough-. crty," shouted a pugnacious little Irishman at uu ejeeiiou. "Show me the mau who struck O'liougherty and I'll,' "I'm the mau who struck O'Pougherty," said a big, brawuy fellow., stepping front ; "aud what have you got lo -say about it " "Och, sure," answered the small one, suddenly tiollatiug, -"and did't you do it well." Ovkk a thousand hotels iu the State j Lave closed since the election on the lierneu Jlll Miou. t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers