THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, 19 rUIHISTTED EVfitlY SATURDAY BT SM'L W1LVERT, Proprietor, Moor A Dlstitiger' Building, Market Square, At S1.50 In Advance. II not pnl.I within 0 Months f2. gibiartj'tioni takm for list than til Month. .Vjvxronso with this establishment Is an extnn IwSSff JOB OFFICE, containing a Variety of plain and fancy type equal to any establishment u lbs Interior of the State, for which the patron age, of the public Is respectfully toicllcd. trofcsslonnl. AN. BHItT,, e ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND ACTINO JU3TICE TBI PEACE. Next Door to Judge Jordan'! Ketldenee, Chest nut Btreet, Sunbury, Pa. Collections and nil legal mutters promptly at tended to. JERSiVllAH SNYDER, ATTORNEF AT LAW, AND ACTIXO JISTICE OF THE PEACE. Conveyaurlng.the collections of claims, writings, and all kinds of Legal business will be attended to carefully oud with despatch. Can bo consult ed in the English and German language. Office formerly occupied by Solnmnn Malick, Esq., op posite City Hotel, Sunbury, Pa. March SO, 1373. ly. A. BOTDORF, X Attorney iit-Law, GEORGETOWN, Northumberland Co., Penna. Can be oonju'tej In the English and Herman languages. Ciill''Ctlous attended to in North umberland and adjoining counties. mhl5 "fl II. It. HASE, Attorney at Law, 8UN l. BUKY, PA. OtMce iu Market rqnare, (ad, lining the otllce of V. I. Greenough, Esq.,) Professional bus iues iu this aud adjoiuing coun ties promptly attended to., March 1", l7S.-ly. w.c7packer Attorney at Law, 'innlmry, Pa, v.;.n';;r ejlST. If. Ii?. CWS. M. SI ART IK, rn v SiCi an axu sukgeon, ti Fr.-:.t Sural, r,-Kt door to iJua A i.:.-. v. - i. ::;:! is a ill Fio.n 12 to 1 y "J. ',..! '. to il ;. :n., u' after W o'clock p in. t k'I ol hoi 'ten not profession tlly '.n :i..i-,(jr'i be fuui.d a: Lhe rUorj. on Tnli-l st., l. C'eiUcot limit-. uug3,'72.-ly ' 15. nOVKH, Attorney and Coins tllur . at L-iw. Rkiois No, 'i 8 Seciind Fmor. tlrlghl's Bail ling, SUN'BURV. PA. Profess'.,,,,, i isiuess attended to, in the courts of Nun hum bsilund and adjoining coai-tles. A'., In the. Clrs'ii't uu I DUtHct Courts for the W-tetn 11U tilst of Peiinsylvatiiii. Claims promptly collect ed. Particular attention piid to caiti ln Euttk rufy. Cii'i-i'i't.i.ion can i had iu the Ger ntau lauf'u'e. marK5,'7l. LIU. HISE, Attorney nt Law, SCN lUJRV, PA., orttce In M:issr' Bnlldliis tin! Court House. Fro it Rio n np st:ilis :ih,i,v l!w Drug Store. Coilectio'is made iu Nor ; ha r.'iorland an.l adjoining counties, fc-joli'.iry, Pa., June S, 1S7J. J. JSAnKLE '0, Market Street, . SUNBURY, PA. Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Gla-is, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, L' jrl et li jol;s, Dairies, Ac. f. WOLVEBTOW, AttnrneT at Law. Kit Market Square, SUSBURV.PA. Profession ill iui-luerf iii liiis aud itdjoiulag counties prompt y ulieudej to. Kit. SIAStiEU, Attorney nt Law, KUN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to In the counties of Northumberland, Union, Huydur, Montour, I'oluuiliia ami Lycoming. npllJ-CU gOI-OUOX MALUti, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olil .'u at his residence on Arch street, one square north of the Court llsus-e, aenr the JaII, bU N liUKV, PA. Collections and all professional liusiiiefs promptly alteuded loin tills and adjoin ing com. tics. Consultations ran he had in the Jurmun laiiguiiga. July 27-1 H7ii. o. w. zirui rn. i.. r. icohmbaou. ,Ii:;i.ESt A ROHBIMCH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OnScr in ll:iupt"s Hul'ding, lately occupied liy Jnlg" liocke filler and L. T. Ilolirliacli, F.sq. Coilci'lions hni nil prntessloiinl bm-incs pr mptly intended to In the Courts of Norlhum- berlruid and adjoining, counties. Dee. 'J. 1H71. jotels nub itcstunrnnts. TTSII'En STATES HOTEL, W. F. U KI I'CIIEN, Propn.-lor. Opposite the De pot SIIAMOKIN, PA. Evury attention given to t aveliers, and the bett acro.nmodalions given. April 5, 1S73. tf ST. JANES HOTEL, Nos. SOU, 308 aud 310 Raeo Street, PHILADEL PHIA. HENRY LEH M AN, Proprietor. lute of Wooster, Ohio Sueccssor In Wm. ChlivtulrfO. TcriUMt 2. S3 Per Day. Market St. Cars counset wiih Wi-st Phila. Pas sciieer li'Trits. to all pans of the City. Fj h. -ji, :7X J iioi. F IKlll.VUT-OX HOI'SE, C. NEFF 'piliiorf corner ni ;iaiKei n piecoun .pi'Miitc the Caurt House, Sunbury, Mivya,'7U. St r. t'l A LLEGnENY HOI'SE, A. BECK, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, 13 per lay. Ha icspeetlally sa.icits your patron, uge. Jau'i'72. NATIONAL HOTEL. AL'GUSTCS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd County, Pa., at inc. otaiiou of the N. C. K. W, Choice u ineA and eigurs at the bar. Tin table Is supplied with the best the market Uioi I-. (iood stabling uud atteutive ostlers. nl .11 JILL'S RESTAl'RA .N T, LOUIS HUMMEL, I'roprietof. Commerce St., SHAMOK1N, PEN.N'A. ' H iving just refitted th above .Suloou for the accomodation of the public, Is do prepared to serve ais friends with the beat lefrcshments, aud fresh Lager Boor, Ale, Purler, aud ull other malt ij uors. It VE KEY'S HOTEL. JOSiAH BYF.RLY, Proprietor, Lower Matin noy township, Noithumlierland county, Pa., ou the road leading from Genrgetuwu to Union town, bio, tli Inn, Trevorlon Pollsville, 4c. The clioicert Liquors and Sugars at the bar. Tils tables are provided with the best of the sea soil. Stabling lurge and well suited for drovers, with good oellers. Every uttenliun paid to make guests comforta ble. Nov. 11, 1871.-1 T. 1 P;- ...a. - iL insincss B. l.UOAl'S. J. TACKEtt 11AAI -Y a. niioAiis a co., ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Offick with Haas, Fauelt & Co., Orders left at Seusholtz & Bro's.. otllce Market Ircet, will receive prompt atlentlou. Country tiftoin respectfully solloitcd. Feb. 4, lij71. If. ANTIIUACITE COAL I VALENTINE DIETZ, Wholesale and Hi'tuil dealer Iu avery variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kiuds of Uraiu taken la exchange for Coal. Orders solicited and dllcd promptly. Orders left ut 8. F. Nevlu's Confecliouery Store, ou Third tuctt, will recieve prompt alluotion, and money TAiSijtsd for, lua lime ae rt tbe ofite. IN HtallljlieA In 18 AO. .1 miC'E 9 1 50 IX ADVANCE, ttrbrrtisciitftits. COAM COAM COAL!-GRANT 11UOS., Shipper and Wholesale and Retnll Dealers In WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, 8UNBURY, PA. (Lownn whakt.; W Bole Agents, westward, at the celobritted Honry Clay Coal. Jan l-6 DENTISTRY. GEORGE M. KEKN, In Bimpson't Building, Market Sqtiare, Scnburt, Pa., 1 prepared to do all ktnds of work pertaining to DcntiBtry. He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which he will be able to select, aud mco. me wants or his customers. All wora warranted to give satisfaction, or else the money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash nud Tooth-Powders kept on baud. Ills references are the numerous patrons for whom lie has worked for the last twulTO years. Sunbury, April 81, 1872. NEW COAiTyARD. THE undersigned having connected the Coul business with his extensive FLOUR A GRAIN trade, is prepared to supply families with the VERY It EST OF OA!., CHEAP FOR CASH. Egg, Stove and Nut, constantly ou hand. Grain taken In exchange J. M. CADWALLADER. Buubury, Jan. in, 1870. tf. a& H.T.Elmbold j KEARNEY' FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Is the oaly Known Knudy for ItrlKhl's Dls mo and hiis cured evury ese nf Iiiabetes in wlach It has ben given. Icrltatlon of thoNsck of the Bladder snd Irulaiumaticn of the Kidneys, Wcennlnn of Ihe Kidneys end J'.lsddcr, Ri teu tiou of Urine, Disessos of the Prostate Gland, Stone In the Bladder. Qrnvel, Brick Dnst I)c po,it, and Mucous or Milky l)icnsrea, end for l.'n feeblcd snd Delicate Constitutions of both heirs, attended with the following fymptorrs: l.on of Power, Lo8 of Memory, Difiiculty 'f Pr,nth log, Weak Nerves, Wskefnlutss, Pain in the hack. Flushing of theBoiy. Erupiiouon the I'ncc, FnlUd Countenance, Lsssitudoi f tlieSysieta. vie Vssd by persons in the decline or rlMnru e ' life; sfter ronflncment or lubor pulus, beu-we. 1 ting in children, etc. In mtmy affcctlous pccnllsr to Isdlcs. the Kx trsc4 BucJiu is uiicqnaJed by any otlivr ri-iiietly As In Chlorosis or detention, Irregularity, or Suppression of Cast oninry Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schlrrus state of tho Uterus, Lcr. eovrhsea or Whites, Sterility, end for sll eom plslnls Incident to tho sx. It la prescribed extensively by tbe mobt eminent rhysieisns ami Midlives for-enfeebled aud d-licate constitu tions of both sescs and all ages. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT DlTIIi:, ftr Uttatf A'i-'tnt; frrm hnjruittna, TI iblt of Uiinititm. Etc.. in sii their st.igus, at - little expense, little or no cliaua In diet, i.o in convenience, and no exposure. It causes a fio nnent desire, and Hves strenet ri....u. thereby retnoviug Obstructions, lWiuling sml Luring Htriiiiiirs of tho Urethra, Allaying Tain and Inflammation, so frqunt in this class of dis eases, snd expelling sil poisonous uunti. KEAUNEY'S EXTRACT BTJcnr, tl.00 per bottle or six bottles for 00, dslivprwl to any sddress, secure from observation. BoW bjr Aruegists everywhere. I'rcparnd by E KE AllNEY A CO., 104 Dnane St., N. Y. lo whom all letters for luforuistlou should ba addressed. "AVOID QUACKS AND IMPOSTERS. So Ciarg-s for Advios and Censslt&Uon. Dr.J.R Vyott. Graduate of -hfftrmn Mtdlrnt CvUo, Philadelphia, author tif several valuable works, can tie consulted on all discuses of th Kxu :l or ITrinary Organs, (which be hss msda an eriiscial study), cither In male or female, ni matter from what cauo originating, or of bow lonjr standing. A prscllco of 81) jeers enables liim to treat diseases with cuccom. Cores gnsr uuteed. Charges rcssonablo. Thoso at a dis tance csn forward letter ileecriblug syiuptonis, and eueloslug surop to prt psy postsge. bend trr the nuidt to Health. Price 10 centa i. B. Dl'UTT. M. D., Physician and Sorgeoa, 1M Duaas St., Mew York. February 8, 1873. ly. FACULTY 4i CCttRICLXCM SUNDURY ACADEMY. Classics and Mathematics, rr.or. N. FOSTER BROWNE. French Language and Literature, Mks. H. M. BROWNE. German Language, Pko. DAVID RF.IMER. Teacher of English Branches, Mil. C. D. 05ERD0RF. Advanced English Course, Tiior. N. FOSTER BROWNE. Assisted by Mae. 11. M, BROWNE. Filmary Department, Mrs. II. M. BROWNE. . sslstcd by Mr. C. D. OBERD0RF. Instrumental Music, Pnor. DAVID REIMER. Vocal Music Phor. N. FOSTEn BROWNF. For Catalogue or any other information, ad. d.e. N. FOSTES BROWNE, Principal and Pior rletor. Or to Miib. II. M. Bhownk, Lady TrlDclpal. Bunbsry, jc,rch IS, 1873.-2 tuos. J. F. LCRCH'S WAGON MAKING (gjw ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTIIUT ST., BUNBTJBY, PA. VgaiCLM OF ALL K IK 1)8 MADS TO The latest styles and the best workmanship. Samples may be seen at the shop. Give him call. Buubnry, Dee. 1, 1872. ly. O. W. KEEFEIl. C. W. BASSLER. New Goods! Dry Goods, Kotions, Furnishing uooas, uroceries, Uu Llouis, Glass and Nails cf avcry variety, at one low pi loe, at Kecfer & Basslcr's Store, worucr oi rounu ana AlaiKcl Dl reels, SUNBURY, PA. All kluds of Grain tuken In exchange same as easn. iu ana se us. - REEFER BASSLER. Snnbnrr, ftb. 1, WjJ. 5TJEY SUNBURY, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL 2R. JOHNSTON, " Physician or this celebrated Institution, bcl discovered the most certain, speedy, plaasant and effoctual remedy In the world for all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Wenkness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affeftlons of Kldueys and Bladder, Involun turjr Discharges, Impotency, General Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits. Confaslon of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or eiddlness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Bkin, Affectians of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariuors of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, tc, Impos sible. tOUNG MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful aud destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy tbe living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Mnrrled Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procreatlve Power Impotency), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakucss, Nor. vous Debility, or any olher Disqualillcallou, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide iu his honor as a gentle man, aud conlldcntly rely unon his skill as a Phy sician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotency, Loss of Power, Immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life ni is crablc and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by tho victims of Improper Indulgences. Young persousare too apt to commit excesses from not being awaro of the dreadful conscqences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the nower of procreation is lost sooner by thoso fulling iuto improper habits than by the prudent I Besides being deprived the plensure of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive Bymptoms"ioboth body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, tbe Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreatlve Power, Nervous Itritublllty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wastiug of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health bv unlearned nretRii. dcrs who keep them trilling month after mouth, j ,-L-tir n.i.n.,n. . n a I t ....!,. i .. . V ,mug jjiiinvuu.lj UU lUJUIJVtt. bUUIVUUUS, should npply Immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eminent Colleges tu the United States, and the greater part of whose Ife has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia nnd elsewhere, has ctlected some of tho most astonishing cures '.hut were ever known ; inauy troubled wlthriug ing Iu the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden soauds, bashfuluess, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with doraDgcmeut of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injnrrd themselves by improper Indulgence and solitary habits, which rnin both body aud mind, untittitig tliem for either busiucse, study, society or mar riage. Tiiksb arc some of the snd and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vUi Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains iu the Hack nnd Head, Dimnoss of Sight, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of thu Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Deruugclueul of Digestive Functions, Geueral Debility, tfyuiptotus of Cou- stmtt.tirm. A'P. Tbe teaiiui .. . . arc much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Boclety, belf-Distruat, Love of Bulitude, Timidity, c., ar; some of tho evils produced. Thousands of persons of ull ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appoarauco about the eyes, cough uud symptom of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged iu when alone, a habit frmtuouily learned from evil companions, or tit scheul, the etlects of which ure nightly fell, even when asleep, aud if not cured, renders marriage impos sible, and destroys both miud aud body, should apply Immediately. What a Dtty ihut a voting man, tne nopaoi ms connlry, the darliug ef his parents, should ba snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of lite, by the consequence of deviating iroui me path of nature aud indulging in a certain secret habit. Buch persons mi'st, before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and bedy are tho most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness, indeed wnnout tnese, tne journey inrougu life becomes a weary pilgrimage j the prospect hourly darkens to tbe view t the mind becomes shadowed with doepulr aud ullc.a wuu me melan choly rcllecilon, that the happiu Jss of uuolher becomes blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided aud imprudent votary of pleasure Cuds that be has Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too ofteu happens that an ill-timed sense ot shame, or arena oi discovery, dctcre him from applyiug to thoue who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend bun, delaying till the constitutional symptoms oi this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcrated tore throat, diseased nose, noctural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shiu bones aud anus, blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till ut last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall In, and Ihe victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death put a period to bis dreadful suffering, by sending him to " that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It Is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE victims to this terrible disease, through falling Into the hands of Ignorant or unskillful PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, Ac, destroy the constitution, and Incapable of curing, keep tbe uuhappv sufferer mouth after month taking their uoxious or in jurious compounds, and Instend of being restored to a renewal of Lite V igor and tiappiuess, in acs pair leave him with ruiued Heullu to sigh over hit galling disappointment. To such, therefore, Dr. Johwbtow pledges him self to preserve the most Inviolable Secrecy, aud from his extensive practice and observations iu the great Hospitals of Europe, and the first lu this country, vin England, France, Philadelphia and elsewhere, is enabled to oiler the most cer tain, speedy aud eU'cctmil remedy In the world for all diseases of Imprudence. DR. JOHNSTON. OFFICE, NO. 7. . FREDERICK STREET. Ealtiuoiie, M. D. Left band aide going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fall not to observe uame aud number. No letters received nnless postpaid aud containing a stamp to be used on the reply. Per. sons writing should slate age, and send a portion of advlrtisement describing symptoms. There are so many Paltry, Designing and Worthless I m posters advertising themselves as Physicians, trilling with and ruining the Leallh of all who uuforluuutuly fall Into their power, tout Dr. Johnston deems It necessary to say es pecially to those unacquaiuted with hi remits tlon that his Credentials or Diploma always bang lu his otlice. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The inauy thousands cured at this Establish ment, year after year, and the numerous im- Sortant Surgical Operation performed by Dr. ohuelon, wiluessed by the representatives of th press aud many olher papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides hi standing a a gentleman of character and retponslhility, Is a umcieutguarauteetolb aflllcted. Shin diseases spesdlry eared. March J, IMS. ly PA.. SATURDAY ' MORNING, THE IilVCJ ItAltlIEK SHOP r S THE 8U0P OF THE TOWN nnd long has been ask history aud she will tell you Men hare grown old In our patronage Hulilcs on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys at pluy t And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men sllvor gray. And among the honored aud lasting Impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions in circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the Ingenuity and perseverance ap pertaining to the identity of progression, plying our vocation with tho highest style of art and perfection, nnd nspiting to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable In our humble rapaci ty, and tbe sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliance aud es tablishment are always wout to inspire. Always to please We shave wbh case Cut and comb with titste tbe hair j Shampoo the bead with soothing cam, And color the whiskers black nr brown, To suit the people nbntit the town. Then allow me politely request you to stop, And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred nnd right nor under the common secret and invidious guise of enmity to complex ion j for the cut oT u m m's coat, or the color of his skin, ought not toalfcet his usefulness nor his qualifications. A fair chance is nil that we demand, to give the proof to all the land. JAM Ed W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Stiubttry, April 5, 1S73 ; No. 1)1, Market st. liffHCVED lliCuXiLR HUD TUMP. Tastclws, Dunib'c. Elllcicnt and Cheap. The Inst Pump lor the lea-t mo net. Attention Is es pec'ally i ivite'l to It atclilcy's I' .tent Improie l Itmckel uud New I), op li. r k Viilv", which can be with Imw.i without re mot iug the 1' i'pp or disturbing the joints A so, th Copper Chriu.b.T, ivIiVh net er cracks nr I o'.t t. ar.v r. Koi sale bv Dealers evervwh. if. ri u I lot' i . t o,;;m uid Price List. ' CH -In. u 11 1.A'l ' I! LEY , V ana faclurer, .V.'t (. ,,i,-.!i.'jrii i i ..ul'.i. I'u. M Mil Setter Is Ilottervetl for the AnviinusfcMKST tip PAINE & McCORMICK'S " w 1) W A 11 E S TO It K MHrkrl S(., Nuuburj', I'a. THE PARKER CUM. ,M:-..,ii'eX t K J STA.V h r . I AIiit i U V O VYLST MCRSUEHsCT. March S, 1873. ly. '4?-. CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION' To their Immense Stock of l'orrigu aud Ainrricun H alehes, ' DIAMfJNDS JEWELHV, SlLVr.H AND SlLVlH-l'LATEO WAUK, Clocks, Hrnnsea and Faucy Goods. Forming an ELEGANT ASSORTMENT in every DE PARTMENT. i.ow thicks. rhlladelpbia, March lS73.-lyr. To the ClllxciiM of Sunbury. THE undersigned has made iirrniigements to attend the Tuesday and Saturday Markets, with Fresh Butter, Eggs, Lard, Potatoes uud Apples, which will be sold us low ascan be hadcUcwiicre. Call at the Market stand near Fourth and Mar streets, south side. After market hours any of the above articles ran be had by culling at his store ou 8prucu street between Second uud Third where the best brands of lbs celebrated Lochlel Flour is kept enusiautly on baud, filled Fruit, Cldr, Vine jar, Ac. JOHN WILVFM. mnhury, FeVnary IS, 1TS. ic.iies. and wi' AMERICAS APRIL 26, 1873. TRl'ST IN iOD. BT NOHM.t MO'LEOD, I). D. Courage, brother I do not stumble, Though thy path be dark as night There's n star to guide the humble "Trust in God nnd do tho right." Though the road be long and dreary, And t he end be out of sight ; Foot It bravely, strong or weary Trust In God and do ihe right." Perish "policy" and cunning. Perish till that rears the light. Whether losing, whether winning, "Trust In God and do tbe right." Shun all forms of guilty passlou, Fiends can look like angels bright j Heed no custom, school, or fashion "Trust in God and do the right." 8omo will hate t ice, some will love thee, binmi will Hatter, some will slight t Cease fiom man, and look Above thco, 'Trust iu God and do the right." Simple rule uud safest guiding Inward pence and shining light Star upon our path abiding "Trust In God nud do the right." oxlv a ;ji:tu vMi'. . The snow was falling like a myriad flight ofiiuy, white-winged birds, tho December biusl howled mournfully through the twi light streets, when tho lights weru bvgiu 11111' lu shine out here anil there, solitary UuewtiB oi lire, uud Uiaceuud Myral'iiyne were sitting utiiiro the grate iu tlieir cosy, well useil Mtiing rooin, laikiug. Uiiiee li.ul been duiniug btoekings a piece of domestic not pai ticu luiiy oriiaiiiciiull, 'lilt novel tholess immt issinlinl ; una Myra was tlulini,; Hie edge of a ttinri collar tviili stuehea like seed pearls. Jiul it was grown loo Uurk lo work now, iinii they sttt m Ihe ruddy shiue id Ihe grille lire, eiijoyiug Ihe season coin niuiiij uiiurtii as "biiud iuau'8 holiday. ' 'iN'oiv, Ciiace, I'm sure you'll thiuk bet ter oi it,' suid Myra, cousiugly. "DuuT Hunk there's the kust pros poet in life of any such thing,' returned Grace. May, though we liavu not photograph ed our heroines for tho eye ol llie reader's fancy. Well, they weru two pretty girls, allhoiiyli in SiiincwhalUillcrent styles. My ra, the elder by a year, was tail and slcu der, wilh dark, languid eyes, an oval face, aud jet black hair, slightly rippled. Grace was small aud sprightly, lullier inclined to be piuuip thau otherwise, wilh big browu eyes, full ol liquid laughter, a skitt like rose-colored fculiu, and browu curl, winch could no more have been coaxed to lie straight thuu so many grape-vine tendrils. 'louaru really going to many a com mon mechanic !' persiisled Myra, retiion stra lively. 'Well, I thiuk he's rather an uncommon one, myself.' UuL our papa is a gentleman.' 'Our papa is a lawyer by prolession, My ra, but 1 don't lliiuk ho is any more of a Mechanics nte not gcullcniau I 'l es Ihey are, if they beliave themselves. Now, look here, Myra,' and thu big browu eyes became very teS'jIute, '1 inn very glad that you are engaged to a Wall steed, uro ker, who lives in a brotvu stone house, buL 1 ''iioi; that givus you the privilege ol criiii'iuuio, my luver t' 'Hut ho is so poor, Grace.' 'lie has health and strength, aud his ow n right arm to help him.' 'Aud you will have to work.' 'Well, what thuu 'f My goodness gra cious,' and graces elevated two Utile plump bauds, 'what do you suppose these were given lo mo for '( To wear kid gloves aud diamond rings only, and lo gather roses 'i .No, indeed! I can litid a belter use for them than that.' Grace, you ure perfectly incorrigible !' 'Its, 1 am ; so you may just us well leave oil' lecturing tue,' said Grace, saucily. -i pleud gutlly lo all your accusations. 1 am going to marry nothing but a mecha nic. I shall live iu half a house ; 1 can't go out in a carriage, nor give parlies, uud 1 thiuk very likely that 1 shall not uulre qui utly wash dishes, sweep rooms and iron my husband's shirts. Aud through il all expect to be very happy.' My r.i sighed and abandoned the useless argutuetil. What was lo be dotiu with so very unreasonable a damsel as this ? A bright little hearthstone a kettle sing itii! on the hod ; the crimson carpet, uol Brussels, nor velvet, but simple lugraiu ; and the plain, neat furniture, with Grace smiling at Ihu ready -spread table ibis was a pleasant home for Waller Geulis locome to alur in day's work lu the great ma chine simp was over. 'Upon my wu.a,' ho said gaily, 'I ihiuk we're happier here than Myra in her big hnuse, wuu her parties and her visiting list, aud her swarm of servauts. aJo you ku iw, Giaeie, 1 aliuool Icil al one nine 1 I mil I was doiu wrong in marry tug you V ' 'Wrung, Waiter ?' j 'Myra seemed lo ttiiuk you were such a i victim.' 'Do I louk like a victim Y" demurely ask ed Grace. "Why, no, I can't say 1 think you do, bul 1 wish 1 could have brought yuu lo a house ail y our own, my pel. .Never iniud, some day you reigu iu a palace wor thy ot you"'r" .Nonsense, Waller; could I be happier anywhere than with you i" "Are you happy love V She rune from tier eeul and came over lo her husuaud's side, looking lull into his face with eyes to i lmju. lit that ull the die tiuna. li s in creation couid uol have spoken inure phiiuly. Yes, hu knew thai she was happy, Mrs. Linley too, ihougut she was happy, and pilled 'poor, dear Gj.icie' from the ve ry bottom if her heart. So servants, no silver napkin rings, no double damask lu-ble-cloths with embroidered monograms ou them ; no carriage, no Wilton carpets nor brocatel curtains. What could lile be worth without llitso V And then, too. she lived so oullatidishly ; actually dining iu the middle of the day, uud having good fates 1 pork uud cabbage occasionally, and fried onions I Mrs. Liudley was quite sure lluil she could nut have existed under sueh tlarful concatenation of circumstauces. 'Of course wo must continue to visit 111011),' said Myria, iuhaliug the Lubin per fume Iron) her Valenciennes-edged pocket haudkerchief, 'but really 1 am quite asham ed to have our carriage seen in tuch a com monplace street.' 'She's your sister,' said Mr. Liuley, 'and Genlis is a good fellow, after all.' '1 know it but a common mechanic !' And Myra look out her pearl tablets to look over her visiting list. Grace Genlis knew very well that Mrs. Gustavus Lindley despised her and her low estate, but lrace cared not two pics for New Nerlen, Vol. S, No. 4. Old Series, Vol. S3, Xo. l. thatwhy should alio ? Was she not hap py lis Queen Victoria herself iu her snug little liuuso, with love to brighten the low ceilings and beautify thu maple wood fur niture. 'Grace is a pearl of price,' thought the young husband, as ho watched her at her thrifty houBowitury, 'and sotno day she shall shine in a proper scttiti)i us well as Gustavus Lindlcy's couceitcd dull of a wife. She shull, or my uatuo is not Walter Gcn lis 1' Mrs. Linley did not find herself entirely inconsolable when Walter tiutiliH accepted an oiler from a Califortitnn linn to cotuo out as head niachiuist, and her sister went away. 'It's just as well,' thought Myra, 'for I wanted to give a series of (ictiii.nis this whiter, and I couldn't havo invited them, and of course they would havo been mor tally uUt-nded. Now it's all riht.' The years passed by, and Myra Liudloy forgot to answer her sister's leltets so often that at leujjth tJraco left off writing, and Mrs. Lindley became a blight star iu the ;.,r!V,'.fr11 '"' ""d enJ."ea fl!lse- r- i """" '.' 7 uucuup.jBiuvureu exciiuuiKUi i of any kind I One eveuing Mr. Linley canio in late, but ho often did that. Myra glanced languidly up from the book she was skim iniug over, not because she enjoyed reading, but becauso it was a fashionable work uud she wanted to say she had read it nud no ticed that his face was perturbed. What is tbe matter she enquired, a lit tle startled by his look. 'The matter.' returned Gustavus, seating himself deliberately before her, 'is that we tire ruined.' 'What do you mean ?' 'Simply t hat we are penniless beggared havci 't a cent in the world, and debts en ough to sink the Spanish Armada I' Myra looked at him in blank dismay. 'And w hat are we going to do i" 'Do 'f Why, do as other people do I' sa vagely answered her husband. 'Go into the second story of a tenement house aud starve !' Mrs. Linley fell into weak, sobbing hy steric. Her husband, uot hiding her, sal staring moodily ut the lloor. "It must be a horrible dream,' gronasd Myra ; 'it can't he true I' But unfortunately it was true, and in something less than a week Mis. Linley, her husband, and her three children, found themselves the inmates of a tawdry, third rate boarding house, while Gustavus vain ly tried to obtain a situation somewhere 1 as clerk, and Myra cried and scolded alter nately, und wished so many limes a day that she were dead, that Gustavus linlly lost all patience, and intimated, darkly, that 'he wished so, too.' And then Myra coiled him a 'horrid brute,' aud cried more persistently than ever. 'A carriage at tho door, and to eo mo ! It cau't be possible 1' said Mrs. I .inlev. ! pcepiti' over Ihe blinds of th window. 'U was Mrs. Gustavus Liuiev tho ludv ! asked for. ma'am n li-inht. i, ! ken lady as ever 1 seen,' said tho maid of " l"iSlY"iiel" VcrciifVrd'mV'iWW, ' 'karoTitiy ?a, reeUcssly, as she hurriedly smoothed down her neglected hair and twitched at tho but tons of her faded silk wrapper. 'Why, Grace Geulis !' it isn't you !' It was Grace Genlis, nevertheless, in a superb black tilk, nnd a priceless India: i, ,,,i ,00 ,iijmm,ig in her ears, bul ! Grace Genus ail tne same cagei, iuhuj j and impulsive. i 'We beard about Gustnvus' failure,' cried Grace, hugging her sister, and laughing i and crying alternately, 'and Waller said j we would come to Xetv York at once and j see w hat we could do for you. We ure rich people, now, Waller und I,' said Grace with a spice of inuoceui triumph, j 'and ho has concluded to settle it) New York, uud Walter owns tho Genlis Iron Works, aud wu should like Gustavus for j book-keeper, und of course, you'll nil come j and live with us, oud that's all, Walter, : dear, isn't it ' 'All ! I should think it was,' said Mr. j Geulis, who had listened smilingly to his wife's ttvalaneho of words, 'and a pretty ' mess you've made of it. There, stop crying we'll be all right again, presently. "It s o so trying,' sobbed .Mr i.iuiey, 'that Grace should b rich, aud wear dia monds, und 1' ' 'Didn't I always tell you I should put mv little wifeiu her right "place oue of these days, although I was nothing but a mecha nic ' demanded Walter. 'Why, here is Liudley, I declare. Give us your hand, old fellow ; you haven't changed a bit.' And GtiBtavus Linley listened with hum ble thankfulness to his brother-in-law's of fer to make him book-keeper to one of the branch establishments of his famous Iron Winks. 'Hut how did you strike this golden vein?' inquired he, when he had accepted the po sitiuti, with many thanUs, and Myra had whisperingly commented on llieir buitig re duced lo such nn imiohle fate. 'Il was ull through an invention of Wal ter's, ' said Grace, gleefully : 'I always knew Walter would make his way in tho world. Hut come get your things on I'm going to take you away with tne, Wal ter and Gustavus can walk, nnd there's lot's of room for the children in the carriage with us !' Mrs. Liudley was thankful enough to leave the T.ini'd limits of this third-rale boarding house, and return once more to a spacious browu stone front, where the halls were paved with mosaic marble, und the ceilings It esc icd iii dove color nnd g Id. Hut il was none the less a sore come-down for her pride that the house was not her own, but that of thu simple-minded little sister wl o had married a common mecha nic.' 'Who would hnve thought it, ten year' ngo I' sighed M.yru. isj-'j .r . , J, . i- iHisallaiuous. Indications or Madness in Dogs. Already this seusun several dogs have been under the elfect of rabies, and not a week passes, during the warmer months, that we'( diseased, iuto very small pieces, lie subject do not read of persons being bitten by atii- j ed them lo the sulphur bnlh for 1!8 hours, , mats in a rabid condition. As a belter protection of people aguiust the danger of hydiophobiu, the Council of Hygiene, Bordeaux, France, lias recom mended pre cautionary measures. It is well-knowu I lint the madness of dog hue a period which is premonitory and harmless. If these periods were geue rally known, the dogs could bo put out of the. way before they become dangerous. On this subject tho Couucit of Hygiene has issued the fol lowing instructions : "A short lime, sometimes two days, af ter madness has seized a dog it create symptoms iu the animal which it l iudis pensahlo to recognuo. "1. There is agitation and restlessueas, nnd the d g turn himself continually ADVERTISING SCHEDULK 10 Lines, pr about 100 Words, rncko a Fknart :18q! 2 Sqi S Pq On week il.Ool ..Wi 8.60! 4 Bq Jtl Keol.1 ool B.UU d.OOj 8.00 15.00 4.00' 8.00'l 1.00 18.00 Two weeks 1.50; 3.00: S.fto! Three 12.00 8.50i 4.501 6.00: 9.0o;i3.00 90.00 4.60j 5.80 6.00 10.00 15.00 V2.60 5.00; 0.5O 7.00 l2.00;17.tW:.'6.00 Four " Five " Six Two mo' Three " Six Niu " One Year 2.50; iU.7o S.OtJi 0.7j 7.6UJ 8.00-1 3.0 1S.0OU7.50 ill.85: 7.50! 8.50l u.00 1 5.00 20.00 t-O.tO 3.50 . Obi 9.50jlO.OO0.00!'-.OOI40.0C :5.00i V.UO'l 1.002.00 .2S.0OX5.tO'S0.OQ ti.OI): 1 0.00; 1 3.00 1 fi.OO'BS.OlMS.t 0 76.00 .8.00: 12.Oti;i5.OO;20.O04O.O0!t0.tO $1.00 his kennel. If ho he at liberty, he rocs and comes, aud seems to bo seeking something ; llieu ho retiming motionless, as if waiting 1 then stnrts, bites the air. us if he would catch a fly, and dashes himself howling aud barking against tbe wall. Tho voice of his master dissipates these hullucina tiotis ; tho dog obeys, but slowly, with hes itation, ns if with regret. "2. lie does not try to bite ; ho is gentle, eveu all'eclionate, and heeals and drinks, but gnaws his litter, the ends of curtain, the pudding of cushions, tho coverlids of beds, capcls,&c. "3. Hy. the movement of his paws about the Hides of his open mouth, one might thiuk he was trying to free his throat of a bono. "4. Ills voice undergoes such a chango that it is iinpoM.Hibln not to be struck by it. "5. The dog begins to light with other dogs; this is a decidedly characteristic sign . if the dog be generally peaceful. "The three symptoms last mentioned iu- uicaie an tiUvanceil period ot the disease, unit ll... t llw. I.,.. ..., ,... .1 . any moment, if i.nmcdiata measures nro Uut taken. It is best to chain I him up at onca, or, better still, to kill him." Dlath of General Canuy. U. 8. Army. Edward Kichard Hprigg C'anby whs b"iu in Kentucky in 1?U, graduated from West Point in ISM, and served iu Florida, in the Seminole war, to 1812. Ho served in the Mexican war, nnd won tho brevet of majorat Conlreras and Cherubus co in August, 1847, uud of lieutenant co lonel ut the Helen Gate, two months later. In lSol he was insula captain of the 3d infantry, nnd four years later major of thu 10th. His colonelcy of the lUth infantry, was dated May, 1801. March following ho became brigadier general of volunteers. Before this ho served with General Johns ton in tho Utah expedition, nnd command ed Port Htidger iu 1800. His ciforts in defending New Mexico wore considerable. IIo was called to service in the War Da partment, and commanded tho troops in iu New York city during the riots in tho summer of 1803 ; returned to tho Depart ment : was made major general of volun teers in 1801, and assigned try command the right bank of tho Missisippi, from Missouri to the Gulf. Iu IS ij ho com manded the nrmv nt tho capture of Mobile and icceived Dick Taylor's surrender. The next year he was made brigadier geu eral in the United States Army. He has commanded several districts since the war. i and was in commanded of tho Department oi Columbia, Headquarters at Tortland, Oregon, when ordered to tho service iu which ho has fallen. Is he Rich ? -Many a sigh is heaml, many a heart is broken, many a lile is ren dered miserable by the tcrribiu infatuation which parents manifest in choosing a life) companion for their daughters. How is it PossluU br happiness to result from tho un- lou ot two principles so diametrically op- principles I-i5 t ct:H cjlliur hi ev.-ry point as vir ine 's l Vice f And yet how olletl 14 wealth considered a bet lcr rccnninienda i tion fur vounil m.'"1 than virtue Vt How ! the suiter of daugtiter this, "is ho rich ?' Yes, he abounds in wealth ; but docs that j nllurd any evidenco that ho will mako a kind nnd aiVcctionuto husband "Is he j rich ?" Yes, his clothing is purple and fine linen, and he fates sumptuously every day ; out do not riches sometimes take to t l...,nl,.oi ,,'irma ft,'l lljr ntrnj'o And you consent that your daughter siw.e marry a man who has uothiug to recom mend him but his wealth V Ah beware. T ho guilded bait sometimes covers a bnr bed hook. Ask not then, "Is ho rich If but "Is be virtuous V" Ask uot if ho has wealth' but has ho honor 'f And d not Sftcriflco your daughter's peace fjr minoy. A Yankeu, arriving in llostou without money or friends, was revolving in his mind some plan whereby he could raise the chink, as ho expressed il. Jonathan had never visited a city before iu his life. He strolled into a shoemaker's where uu advertisement, "Wanted, a first-class bootmaker," appear ed ou the window, nnd accosted the propri etor : "Do you want a tirst-class bootmaker hert'f" "Yes." "Whatdovou nav'f" "That i depends on your capacity. Have you work ed ut custom-woik 'f" "I reckon. You Just try me, captain, I niu't skeered a bit at tryin,." Tho proprietor gave his new hand a bench aud materials, and bade him mako a pair of ladies' gaiters. Soou after he left lite store ou business. Jonathan made a shoe, bul such a horrible all'air that, nshamed lo show it, he hid it in the leather shavings ; just us ho completed his second shoe the proprietor returned. He flew into a passion nt beholding the botched shoo. "You confouuded rascal, so bail a shop us that has never been made in this estab lishment," he exclaimed. "Would you like to bet oa that, stranger "f" Hot? Yes. I will bet ten dollars no such work us that was ever dono iu this store." Jon athan walked to the shavings, dragged forth his tirst sho.t, and coolly pockelmg his leu dollars, walked oil'. The largest canal in tho worid is the ona iu China, which passes over two thousand . miles of country and alongside forty-two ciiies. It was commenced as far back as the leuth century. -J -IL'J. -X Piucventino Pot in Potatoes. Iu the year 1850 the writer of this (fas engag ed, in a small way, in the agricultural lino . that is he spreudiu himself iu a one-aero lot iu the old Bay State, his principle crop, iu prospective, being potatoes, which for several years previous had sullured greatly , wilh the rut. Peeling naturally anxious lo . secure, if possible, the fruits of his labor, he resorted lu tho following as it "preventive1' , against tho fell destroyer, with tho results here stated : In a hail' hogshead, partially tilled with water, he put '-'0 pounds of the (lour of sulphur, letting the tub ttand opeu to the suu nnd air for three or four days previous to use, stirring it up well several . times each day ; then eultiug up his seed potatoes, lunuy of which were seriously . stirring the sulphur well up from the bottom ol the tun at the time ot putting them iu, ufier which they weie planted in hills iu , tho usual way. Kesuit: a crop of potatoes that elicited tho commendation of a freshly imported Irishman who dug them, entirely t free from rot, while others uot so treated suffered badly, us did the potatoes iu tho . neighborhood generally. It will hardly do . to build a theory or base a fact upon a. single experiineut. So satisfactory was tho . result, however, that 1 shall treat my pota toes iu the same way this present season, and also roll them iu sulphur. Aud should tho rot appear among them, or it) the neighborhood. I shall aorlukle sulphur over ' their top and burn it in ditlerrrt part. if the Uld
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers