ARRIVAL Ap pEPATrlimiPTUUiiATM-!IBVHT. N. C. R W. South. I P- r,. K.Jb Wert.- - Frio Villi. V.' , MM. . . O...U II 111 I Nlai'. Kxprcss1:J.40 pm ft. mini Mall 4.U0 ." Erie Express U.KI'."' Mali. 11 OS " N.lng. EcirwH-lWp-n I Ei Iff Kxirc4v 7.01 " PVNft"M anh i.wwistowx n. n. i i : " Leave Banbury for Lcwlstnwn nt 7.45 n. in., anil 3 10 p. M. " ' , Arrive ut Snnhurjr 'from Lewistown nt 1.60 nnd 7 43 p. m. ' ' mmmokik tmeliw, F. c. ft. w. i.itAm ; . i knurr gnnbnry nt .Ktm At Bunbary 8.8.1 m . I'iUpn ; . " -M P" 4.40pm u. .00pm pstmtV ft trn.irrans.nRi R. tt. Regular passenger t-aln leii flmvTmry fop Danville, tr'ntuwlssn, n-iftPinn and Intermedin te pint Inn. H 0.45 a. in.' K'-t'iTttlng leave Haslo tnii nt 1(H) p ni. Arrive M 4 (XI p. in. ' ' l,ACKAWAKSlrLonM3in;R0. n. ' l.eave Nortbnmborlnwd nt 0-40 . m. and 4.S0 p.m. 1 - . Arrive nt Northamberland at 10.06 e. m. and 0.05 p. in. " ' ' ' ' ' ,'- Accidental Tnstirfinra TJe'tel en be- .hid of J. Ticket Agent, nt the, Depot. ,J11SU1C55 SKrt tSl) M.l!UlNli.TMiKH (illO lllC DullllSiatllC for the sale sf Iht best Sewiug MHclitnesi in existence, vfz S '-'The Improved Singer," "Urnver & Baker," "Ttow," mil "Dntnstlp," wlilcli are coii't intly on hand and soli lu rea sonable prices. Shclsrlso agent for the cele brut.; I FranU nil I Pope Knitting Machine. C'nll and fee them. 6'ti.e in Market rtreot, east of the mllrnad. -" - ' Bfoim the new your by diking Insurance on your life. On!'. and have the plans of the Metro polian explained. We (Jive Insurance will meet with your approval. Wishing nil a happy New Year, I remain yours, LEWIS jr. YODER, i Office near the Court House, r - -Ss- Yo'lrigman's Wine Is reco-nniumled by Physl cl;in generally to their convalescent patient. House ami Lot pou Sale. A new House and Lot. located on Spruce street. Sunbury, is offered fur i!i1e on easy terms. App'y to JOHN WlLVER. Fuse 3pKitc:r. Mt HUtor i 5)avlil F. Claik, who has recently bom compelleil to abandon the pulpit in X.irlliu'iiharland, lieeauso of his desiru t'i prali hU eonvliMlonsof the truth, mill who is re:'.i-e 1 i hearhnt 1 1 the p.i'illc hall of the town ill ilWhvr mi ad lre-n in Garlnser' Hull, Suii-bin-y, next Sunday, Fehrunry 2nd, 1ST3, nfter iiuo i at :i o'clock. All who believe in the tolern ti n of liu'.u'st opi.; al e invited. Y. Rei.Iiiions ok the Would Tills valuable re liui.ins W'irk Ciintaln- a statement of the origin, icvebipiiienl and form a of worship, doctrine an I L'ovei'uuieiit o: thu leliinim denominations i l : i ! v i-l I, Willi bii graphica! sketches of cmi ll it di i us, h i b.-eu enlarged and revised.and hIi i -.1 i fri i a placeln eiery ho usehold. It It complete liinioryof all denoiuii.ations that have aa 1 do no'.v exi-t In the world. The book can not be obtained at bonk store-, h it ii only sold by afrits. We arj liut-py to see that Calvin Vo.iU"ek ha reeelcd t'.ieag'ncy f r its sale In t 1'iliary, NoitlianilHii Ian d, Upper and Lower A'.i,'iila, and is now ca-'vas-inj; for subscribers. Tie w irk i- vary citjap, an t ovary one should avail t!i -..nj.ileri of a copy, il it Illustrated wiili il i st jel enr iviujjs, and coulains nearly ban Ired p. lies. fel-'Jt Tub Eileiibcrrcr Brothers' Conceit Troape Neoni i;. At tli.t O.iera IIoue, Snubury, Keb ru iry "lib and tit rt, Wednosday and Thursday evenings. A I ui-sio;i 85 mid fi ) cents. Tnl? celebrated Troupe comes hlilhly recotn nie 1 led by the clergy and tetiiperance societies, an I i- compose I of six brotheis, Itneren-es bv pnrmlKtion t J. 8. Lewis, Pas tor 1. E. Church. Factory villi-. Pa.; Prof. K., Mid lletown. N. Y.; Prof. II. II. Butsett. Co. a. College, ocraiiton, Pa. Valkntines ! riNs ! of every variety and style, at Hazeltine't. Fink and StTKitrtNREvtry style of Valen tine c ut he li ul at ll..z-illuo' buukaiid pcriud ftore. All the pnrln lie.-ils of the day cm bo had nt Hazeitiue's peilo leal stole. A Uke Chance pou liARQAixs. Sellliie oil' nt ro t, lor c.n-ll. From this date until the 80th of F In-1 iry, Cle n -ill ,t Disiii jr, at the Stur trioi e, will dispose of thu following tfoods at cost: Dint lot of Shiwls, Uliinktls, Woolen Caps, Skiit. G.ove, ilo-e, Ladictt' aud Oeutr' Uuder. wear. Fur-, H-ivy'.nn Dre Goods, Finn neU, an 1 oae handled reaiy-mada Verts, price $1 to ?J. No a- is the time (o secure b irijalns. fel-3t On. (iarvi i' K 'oieales cure incipient Con sumption, i-o'.d by all drug!lts. W. R. F. Weinier has just reeeiied his second purrh ie of fall and winter (ids, cheaper than ever. His stock of ladies' drest goods, waler pioi.fs, lurs, carpet-, oil cloths, flue groceries, an I In lai i vv.'iyi!ii:i:; to niiit the taste and fancy, an I al !rire asto.ihiai;ly low. He Sells for l ea iy c.isli, ami will nut be undersold by any one. :i v,. Mm a call, and If convinced that Weinier's i i ir'i clme is the place to ecuie l)ar;..ins. N'oiicp.. At the Excel-lor Is ihe place to buy I'.n the lio 1 lavs, a Miller has gotten up the ill-ee-t Moots an I Shoes for the oecusion. Go and l ie II le-t French calf Scotch bottom, and ii .u l t. trlii' I liKii.s; ai-o, siuglit and double tol - I li.iil, al of them warranted. We h I'.e'iii.H la nore tun hundred pair of ladles' 'i - of an, mens' arethts, over shoes ; al- ..i li Mien an I C illdieiis'. Ladies' ruU l. r- iin ii f..r: i-eiii- to inn- di liar. Buy only I1- '' iln. i. Hick rittibi r u, it Is the best lathe K.e y pair we ted ale warranted. Any ' i -e Hi il nai l uive'aetion, we give n ' ' .' i.i p nee nf thi-'ii. The Excelsior and i a-i a hi (i liters, on to bo got at Mil i 1 1 r- is, and f .v t twenty per ceut "- 'I the iwe-t e ish prices. W .t. H. MILLER. lro 'I M.i.-k i t. A thie story bilek bouse on East .-ei, M.. re !'.nin eu llrst floor, second .: 1 1 ii I to. ie t iVt . da for Lo lg Rooms, size o!' . tin- i-..itns lj I y Jo iVet, tit ill every rfaiin. Al'.' v i i l.jiui & 8...., S inhaiy, Pa. tl.-J.Sl. iliiv" ip i. Tnj new styles of Huts and Caps that i I. .'ii ihe win-lows of S. Faust's bat store, on Xlaik-t sii'eet, an- beautiful. HU fall uud winter ctiH-k is a(.i!or to any ever seen In tills p ,ne. All the .m.-ri riyltf , and of the best qua lity, are lo l.u found at his establishment, and at piices to suit the limes. Chapped Hanks, fac, rough tkln, pimples, ringworm, sail-. he nn. and other cutaneous af fections cure I, uud I ne skin made soft aud smooth, h using the Ji.'nipeu Tah bOAj, made by I aswell. Hazard t Co., New York. Be cer t il l to gel the Juniper Tar (Soap, as share are in any worthless imitations mads with common (" 18w. The Purest nnd Sweetest Cod-Llrer O Is Il.izirl A ''usweU's, made on the sea shore, from fresh, selected livers, bytlaswell. Hazard 4 Co., New York, it Is iib-oiutelv xire aud sweet. Pa .ieuls who tin ve nnea luk.-u -l urefcr it to all others. Physicians luv deeh'.t.l il superior to any of tin other oils In nre-- 1 3w ' -'.? - ..i. 'wet rs, t -vn I iTocal Affairs, . I y ' ' j ;i; X Alarm or Fine. On Saturday evening last, mi alarm was given, ix-rasloned' by the hr-nhim-ofgasut the O is Wdrkt. " Through the presence of mind .f Mr Brewer, Hie snperlnteo dent, In applylmr mud to thofVeut, serious dam nf us adverted. r . " , , Finn. 61 Thursday t;vcillni of Inst wcrlt. n Clerk nf the II mi of M e-ri. Winner t Co., atlils place, passed a lump under tninn ironds hnnglng upon a line for display, In ' the store, wheiV the iroods look flic and burned Very rapidly. The burning mass was fast Into the street, which tared a serlon conflaeratlon. The loss readied teroral hundred dollars. Ttm members if St. Matthew's Eplscopnl t'hnrcn, at this place, spent a pleasaU evening on mI Tua'aday week; nt the Rev. Vandyne's reeldcnce,' on Walnut .etrei-t, pastor of that ehiircb. lu the course of tho evening, a dona tiou of about one huudrcd aud twenty-live dollars was presented to the rector, which was roeelved wit hearty thanks. " Assistant ToSt MAtER. We tiotlce thl our yonng frhnd Peter P. Smith, tins been appointed assistant Po truster -of this place. Sir. Suillb Is a courteous nnd polite voung man, and will give iiencral salisfactlon lu that position. Wt: niilnleiitioniilly emitted the name of 8. B. Dover. E q the list uf lawyers (published. In lust week's Issue) -who attended Supreme Court at Philadelphia during the past week. Mr. Buyer bad n mimht-r of rases to argoe before iheS i prcine Court. He displays mote perseverance In hi' profession than the majority of lawyers nt this bar. Wit received the proceedings of a mrrtlng held tn Shsmokln in regard to the Local Option Law. came too lute for this week's Issue. They will appear In our next. Dr. Dewitt has been placi on four Commit tees In the Legislature, viz: Library. Military, Railin.ids and Company bills. Coldest i 40 Years. Or. R. B. McCoy, of Northumberland, says Wednesday night, was Ihe coldest si-ice 183!i, the thermometer standinir at 20 decrees below zero. In this place it was 20 degrees below nt 7 on Thursday morninir, nnd In Shamokln, on tho same mornine at 21 below. According to Dr. Ilotteustein it was at 27 below, the lowest since 18f3, when it stood at the same ligiiret. A.E. K.irp, Esq., of Korthii:berlnnd, who has been dangerously HI with typhoid fever of lute, W, we arc happy to stale, convalescent. At a meeting of the new directors of the Sun bury Mutual Loan & Biiildiuit Association, held on Monday eienir.g, Kin'l Wilvert was re elected President for the ensuing year. At an election held on Tuesday last at the bauUing bouse of the First National Bank of Sunbury, the following peisons were elected I)i restois for the en-uing ye u' : Hon. John It. Packer. J. K. D-ivis, snr.. Jesse C. llorton. Win. It. Wapplcs, Simon Cameron, Win. I. f'.reenoiii;!!. John Unas, Hon. Win. Rock efeller, Win. CMineioii. A. I). Wrford. Hon. Alex, ford. in, Geo. Smnller, and Geo. Sehuure. The fall of snow this winter Is unusually great and many apprehend an unusual flood. This, of course, u ilidcpcrd on circumstances. The entire fall of snow In this place, flnce Novem ber, is about 53 inches, which Is equivalent to about inches of rain. About two thirds of this, say three feet, it may he estimated, is ftill lying on the e round, should this be carried oil' suddenly by rain or otherwise, high floods would be Inevitable. But this Is not always the ease. The snow may melt and riisuppear gradually, ns it often does, and cause uo unusual rise in our rivers and creeks. P. L. Hac resbi mo, E,q., of Milton, resigned the position ..f Assistant Assessor for thcFoutth Division of tills District, which consisted of the upper end of this county. P. M. Shiudel, Esq., of this place, who has had charge of the Third Division, has rec-lveJ notice that the two Divi sions have been consolidated, uud that be should continue as tho Assessor. Mr. Shiudel has made an elllclcnt officer for the government, aud will uo doubt be retained as lone; as that olflcc exists. New Post Oppice Bi ii.uish. We learn that the Directors of the Masonie Hall Association, have contracted for ihe erection of a b-'lhling on thesnu'lt side ol the Masonic building for a port nlftc", uud that thu buiidlug will he computed as early as possible. It Is to be built expressly for a post office, nnd is to ba designed and arranged by our present efficient )uwt master, J. J. Smith. The building Is to be a tnree stoiy brick, and to occupy the vacant space along side of the pre sent post office building. A new uud more spa clous posi office is much needed, nnd we feel con fident, that, troui what we hear, the enterprise will meet with ge eral approbation from every one. and that thu inside t.rraugenients will he made with a view to accommodate the public. PiivtaxiATloN. A presentation of a hand somely engraved gold watch was made at the office of the N. C. R. R. Co., at Shninokin, on Tin-slay alleinonn last, to Mr. D. P. Alllck, Train Master on the Bhaniokin Division of the N. C. R. R., by the employees and friends of the road. The presentation was made by Rev. J. C. Clark on the part of tho employees, in a very pleasant speech, and was received on the part of Mr. Attick by Ihe Rev. Asbury Clark in appro priate remarks. Mr. Attick hat been train mas ter on the road for several years, aud is highly esteemed by the employees, who have shown by tills substantial present their high appreciation of him us a man who ouduavois to do his duty toward all holding prsitlons under him. Ocr Nr.ionnou m Tue Rampage. Our neigh bor of tho JJailylt becoming virtuous all at once, and Is Ihiealsning ihe Town Clerk, In his pa per of Wednesday last, with a 'clamor of reform' If that official don't furnish him with the bor rough advertising. We remember well, when this same editor used tn rant against the Demo cratic county official wheueer they spoke ol'giv iug the Rcpuhdi-uii papers any of the county work, (the Anuriran not included, us we were the last that would have received any patronage from that source.) Now, neighbor, this looks Inconsistent, for wo believt that this borough It Republican by several hundred majority, with a Republican Council and Clerk. The Cierk bus been known lu IM- place as a gentleman long be fore the editor of the Daily imigiated to (his town, and as be was expected by the found., us well as by the citizens to advertise the Ordinan ces In papers where they would likely be se a, he chose the two having the luigest circulation lu the placV. i the Laity not excepted.) We can not see thfl propriety of our neighbor's 'reform' anient he Intends to assume control of the Re publican putty In this town, and llieu run it Into the ground as he bus the Democratic paityoftbe county. We. should like to advise our neighbor to recall Wt remarks in regard l the to u clerk, as he Is us old eitlaen of Irrepranehable character,- a thonugH business roan,- and' pojnilar nut's, ba masses. Matters which the editor ban.atlelout in other quurlms will certainly r cil sk. fit owu head. We are favorable to Pdarajrtlie Daily upoa a permanent ft sis, and .Mild like 4 see it well patronised, but wsqou'v . lu U see the sill tor force things nose thau Is eorrl's'riil witii Vt eosite la Umns ntsW Turbut TowiiMlii Men tl' Solo In 1772, Ac. BT t. r. WO!.KIMHin,--. - Among our early Tin but township men of note we huvt the lollnwiiig, g 'i'urbut township in 177 J included nil the territory beiweeii Port Augusta and the Miincy Hills. Brady John. Captain John lived ou a farm u short distance below the laiwishurg cross cut lu nur canal, lie entered oar Revolutionary tinny in 17711, but came home. In 1778 to defend our frontier seil'eiiK-ut aeaiusi thu Indians. The In dians, however, k.lled and scalped hiin lu .tpiil, I77U, at Wolf ttilii nenr .VliiucJ. He was thu lather of the celebrated Caitaln Sain Brady, who made tunny .an Indian bite the dust by way of re venge lor bis lather's death. S on Brady the, son, needs no description here. CimiK Willluii., lived at Northumberland aud was the first regular slier I tf or Northumberland County. His served from l?7li tn ltio. He also represented our county In the Provincial Confer ence of Penuiiylvanla that met III Philadelphia In Jane, 177(1, and lu our Mate Convention of 177li, tint foi mud our Mule Constitution vf I77U. Crawford J une. was a member of our 8tate Convention of 177C that formed our Btate Consti tution, and nl.-o Bherllf of Noi thuutbeiluud coun ty fioin 177 8a. - Dougherty Samuel, entered our Revolutionary urmy in 1771, aa a Lieutenant n' a couip uiy, but u 1.77 was st-ut home by General Washington to aid In protecting our frontler-n tth rt from the In ilans. But Dotighnty full In battle here while defending Fort Freeland on the Warrior Run creek, on the KVtli of June, 1779. Francis T u i butt, was a Colonel or nflr nillitln and for a while commander of Furl Augusta, ul Suubuiy, and lu 17 7 J hu became oue of the Hi si Associate Judges of I lie Courts of Noi'lhuiiilier land county. He wrote his iiaii.o Turhult, and unt Torbeit uud Tuibut towunlilp was called alter him. ' " ' Kr -e an I Jacob, bul't a small grist mill on Wai i lor Run cteekln 177 J, nod lu 1775. built a mail f t aekado Fort elm-e l), e.Uled Fort Free land, for the belief defence of.liiinsolf and neigh bors Ben list the Indiana. But in June 1770, thrs grist mill and fort were burnt, down by Ihe In dians and Uritl-li Under Captain John McDon ald. In after years u uew grirt mill Was built upon the old site, and the writer's father tended Unit mill (about half a mile ill a uorlb curt direc tion fiom where Ihe Wuriior Run Chinch, on the great road from Milton lo stands) wheu the w riter was too young iu years to re member anything about it. r ulmcr Jae.iti, was a Oerman farmer whore presented Northumberland county in our Stale Legis mure, iu 1770, the llr-t Legislature held in Pennsylvania ufier we ileclaredViurselves inde pendent of Great Britaiu. His name Is refolded upon our Lcgblulive Journal of 1770 as being 'Fillmore' and afterwards as 'Fulincr,' hut his descendants now write their niiiiie 'Fullmer.' The venerable Col. Daniel Fullmer of Ml. ton Is a son ol this old Jacob. llaiiibriglit John. CYpt. lTnmb. IlHiI was nn officer at Fort Auuii-la Iu 17. 0. when that Fort was built, but settled hiiuscil iu Turbut town-hip b fore our Revolutionary war broke out. In 1770 he became the Chairman of The Conim.tlee of Safety for North ii mherlniif. county, noil. in that olllre, as well us otherwise, rendered Valuahlu set vices for the defence and benelit uf our in.'aut seillcnienU. London John. Captain John I.nwdeii associ ated with Captain Wiliiam Patterson, laid out I lie town of Noi l hiniibcr . -unl in 177;!, and after ward soi l it lo Iti-ul.en Haines, n wealthy Brew er of i'iiiladclpliia. Nunc say that Ilayucs laid out t his town. Inn it i- a mistake as vo ir Court record, at Sui'huiy, cl -aily show. Northum berland i heaui il'niiy lai I out, ml 1 has iiiagniil eeiil names 1'or it Mason Julia. .Inlniliy Mason, aa In? u.-cd to be called, in my boyhood days al N-nUm iiln-t l.iiid. was an eccentric o'd li iehelor. lleh.-il a h iii l soine farm and rlwel i ig h-iti-n on the f.-uinms 'Mine Hill' oppo-ite tile town of Noriloi.e'iei am I. He had a summer bonne of ohservi.tion, tiuiil close along the edge of this hill fronting North UMibcilaml, and so l.uili us to make it look n if il leaned toward the town, and would fall over, hat it stivd solid. Mason wn horn m Philadel phia in 1 70S, iiinl dad on his Long Reach' farm, near Newberry, Lycoming county, iu 1SIII. aged upwaids ol 8J year, and bis remains lie buried under a rhetuut In e ip-ar lii Blue Hill leaning summer houe or rather where it used lo stand, as it is gone now, I brieve. This curious st riici lire, the t-minutiun of nu eccentile mind, wus ed lciiiiingly, at an an gle, piobahly of i.O degrees, apparently, over it frightful priclpice of upwards of 500 perjien Urn lar feet In height h. perhaps the greatest naluial perpendk-ular h.-li-hlli iu Veosyivanln. The West Kranch winds gracefully around the angle of Blue Hill ut this point, and when visitors stood upon the still further projecting portico, nothing hut the blue bosom of the r':ver was visible he low. Thirty years ago II was n gn at place i f resort for the young people of Sunbury, North umberland and Lewlsbtirg, and even later it has been an attinr iive place lor pic-nic purposes, Ihe beautiful scenery, as well as the romance with which it wan surrounde I tniough the mysterious old man who dwelt there, making it such. Few persons visited the place who did not in scriV their names soinwUcie upon the building, and la the lust days ol the exigence of the old fabric lea little room was left for names. About ten years ago, some jours after this place became a railroad c.-ntre, this curious structure was de stroyed by a number of railroad attaches, stran gers, who were led to I ho spot through curiosity, uud conceiving the inischievious Idea of its de struction by throwing it over the precipice, they loosened it from its mooiiugs; and iu a few mo ments the air was tilled with, the detached purts of the old house, hallowed by time and the asso ciations ol early youth. Nolhitg but the iron fuslenliigt remain. The citizens of Northumber land ottered a rewaid, but the culprits remain undiscovered. d. Amekican. Mominger John, built "Fort Memlnger' thut once stood near the moutbef Wuriior Huncreek. Memlnger was a Gtnnau. McKuight Jame.-, was a member of our State Legislature lu 177S, and he wus near Fort Free land, uud was takeu prisoner whun that fort was burnt by the Uiilish and Iudiaus uuder McDon ald. Moodie Robert, was Ihe flrtd Justice of the Peace fori uibul lown-lnp, and also one of the liist Associate Judges of the Courts of Noiluuin b -riaud county in 1872. Hie descendants are stl.l among us. Martin Robert, built himself a house and kept tavern ut Norihuii.tieriuiid iu 173'J, and after I'e nil's purchase of lauds fioiu the Indians, iu 1708, Martin's Invtru was thronged with sur veyors, land speculators and other adventurers to this then uew region of our West Branch. And Martin himseil b. came a uoled c ia racier, for he was a member of our Poiinsy.vaulu Provincial Couference iu 1770, aud a member of oui biate Couveutiou that formed our fclate Constitution, and ii Iso mcuilwr of oar Sluts L gisluture of '7S-79. Many James, was n member of our State Le gislature lu 1777, our second Legislature, us un Independent people Boon lluwkins. l'aHnin Boon entered nur Re volutionary army in 1770, but by order ol tieuer ul Wasbiiigion cine home in 1177 to defend our frontier ugaiiist the Indians, lie hni.t Fort H.sni at the moulh of Muddy Ran, between Mlitou and Walsoutown, and led in balt.oat Fort Free laud iu June 177'J. McKinney David, was a memhi r of our Slate Legislature iu 1760. Ills descendants still live -i Delawaie township, a part of old T.iibiilt. btraub Audrew, was u German inill-wrighl fioni Lanea-t. r county, who laid out the town ol Milton iu It'Xi, and hul.l a gill mill ihere. boine of his descendants are stiii al Milton. limns John, was a primer hs eomu eiiceil the publication of the Hepul.licaa Argus Hew spa pn at Nortuunibciiaiid i ) ISOvi, and continued until 1SI0 or 1817. when he moved to Philadelphia unit published a puier there. He was also for many years one of the Aldermen of Philadelphia, uud toward Hie close of hi- life wrote and published a law bonk now called 'Binn'e Juslic, an excel lent authority uud gnije lor our Janice or the peace, at eufUrged aud Improved by h new band since Binn's death. Linns died al Philadelphia iu quite advanced iu years. Cooper Thomas, wut itu Englishman of extra ordinary talents us a lawyer, physician, chemist, miuerologirt aud political economist. He left Rutland iu 17tt.iat the age of 87 years, and Join ed his li b. ad, the Rev. Dr.Priost.ry here ut Norih unihatlaiid. In IS JO he becume the President Judge ol the Courts of Northumberland county, but was In 1811 succeeded In office by Beth Chnp uiun, of Noiiliumb irland. and died iu South Cu rwlUia lu May, 1810, ul ibe advanced age of 81 )etrt. Priestley Joseph Dr., wrt a distinguished Eng lish divlue and animal and expeiiintHiial pkiio Sni.lier end coutroversiul rlter. Finding it un safe to remain In England on account of his re ligious aud political opinions, he lu 17m, in the Ol-t year of his age, came to America, aud set tled biinaelf here in the quiet and beentiful ell. Mnwhcrlaretimtlwu hs twewsWi UasL i conl r lied his Klvdh'S un". experluu -iiffl. and died lu FctT iil'y lMt'l, aged .tl yuirr. Ilia lrtC!iid auls arc Still to bu toitn l In Northnnilterlajid. .Cuuuiron Pinion, spent his boyhood days at Northumberland, but has been for many years, and stlil i a lending man In our National affilrs. He owes his itpp'ilnrlty srn it pollrteal leader lo tliee two traits ot e'n.irirfei-1 1st, bis always Inking n plain anil ptarticil ci mtiion sense view of thing t '-Jd-. hi Ptendiness and tlxedncss of purpose n earthing out his stronit nnd Pominon scii-e views In matters nf Slate. Me I likoClius. Humnor 'nf Miissnchii"cti, can give us long sp.-eches thai sparkle with brllll int and prnfunnd na1 d-'llirht ns. Hut 1htv ofin lead us as tray like nn l7f ifMSM, or fmi sh fire, nn I an make lis. In tho 'end, IhII tick ant rely upon plain men nf good practical common sense only who liif Sure to give r.s w iser end ten llirtes safer ennnsels for r.iir guidance as a people and a irv eminent. Cameron has a large shire rf the t ime great common sense that ch inlcterlze-l old Roger Sherinitn of, and our rtlll greater Gen. Washington. In regard to Mr. Cameron's rssl tenre In Nor thumberland in his boyhood days, the writer has made a mistake, as It Is a well f.''.abl!.-heJ Tact that he speut his early days i'l Sir 'jury. An Attempt at Sriotwa- We are Informed that Joromlah Fnrnswwlh, a resident of the low er p.iit of this plaee, mado nn attempt to com mit suicide on Monday evening last, bv taking laudanum. The proper remedies were applied, nnd his phylclan has hopes of his rocnve.y. It is supposed that he w.os laboring under tempora ry derangement at the time of Committing t lie act. A Veteran Gone. Mr. Philip Gaul, n volt ran of the war of 1813, died nt the residence of his son In Upper Augusta, on Ihe.CTlh iu'l., at tho advanced age of 81 years, 5 months and 14 days. Uo belonged to the Pennsylvania troops that rn a rebel from York, this St;ilc, lo Baltitnore, At the latter place hu parliclpatwd In tho battle of Fort Mcllcnry. Mr. Gaul lids been blind for a number of years, nnd luiS inisforvuno tni(.lit have made life burdcusumc to hiin, bail not thu kindness of his children been so manifest. Aiify ofThutti'axj. Mr. Ai.BKnr Dihiiam, of Nm-jhumberland, has been appointed express agent on tho Dan ville, I.'urleton and Wilkcsbaire Railroad, vice Ileber Talnter, resigned. Almost a Conflagration. Tha hardware store of Messrs. Paine A McCormlck, t n Market street, narrowly escaped a disastrous fire on Wednesday evening last, csused by the delect lu I the heaters. The lire had reached the shelving lu j the strn-e when discovered, and was promptly ex tinguished by Mr. Paine, who was In the store ! nt the time. Piiomi-t PaTmehts. The Hon.G. C. WeUer, agent of the I.ycominc; Insurunre Co., on Tues. day last paid over the Insurance money . to Win. 1 Raker and E. RecJ, at Seven Points, amounting to J'J,5C3, the ninouril of In: tirance on cai riage j and smith shop, which was ooiinuncd by liroii j few wecl s n.-o. lie u'so paid 'Samuel Bloom I,1S5, the lo r : d In the burning of his saw mil1, on the line of the I. ft. .t W. R. R. j li an K 1 t.r.CTioNs. (.in the Ml li u't., the stoek , hol lers of the National Hank eiecte.1 Ihe i following direetors : I Win. ('. Luwson, Win. F. Nag'e, M. Chain beilin. W. P. Hull, Thus. Swenk. Jno. Roush, ; W. 8. Montgomery, I. B. Davis, and DaviJ Esh- bach. On the same day the foV.oxing were elected , for the First National Bmk (Ml ton) : i John Dalesman. 8. T. Brown, Win. Savidge, ! M. A. Nicely, I-.ine Brown, J. Woods Brown, U. Q. Davis, It. K. Ilitag, W. A. Scurcycr, lleury Prick unl John Hang. We clip tho following It-m.! from the .Vui'Awn 1 bcrluid rrcit of lust week : I Mr. il. E. Post lei hwiiite lost two canal boats I through the to e.-iki ig up of the Ice on Kit in da v ; last. He llO i' '""li iluitrw...l nlx.ut il. ' Mr. Win. Carter was robho I of a w-iteh. ovr I coal, money, V;r., aiiioui.ting lo uhoitt c7.i, on Satuid.iy night last, at Mr. J. U p s hi ul "ig i house, by a man bv lint n line of V n. Link, uh.i I h id eniiaged hoar ling at tin; uhovc liou-e le.v ; day prevlou.t to the n Ittiery. Tl.e thief is -li.l ' nt large. j Mr. Wm. Reed, or Point town-hip, lost a val I liable hors i very u 1 l.-uiy, la-t week. His son I while driving to town not't-e 1 that the horse traveled as il not well, lie i ie ti it.-ty t nrne I ) around and went home, un I thu horse di-d er.-.m . after bsinj stabled. j RnKr.p KiLl.r't. One i.Iiit last week six sheep ! belonging to Vt. John Good, who resides lie- tweeu this p'.:tcean.l Milton. were killed by dogs, j One of the .log was owned by Goo I, and he shot It. The other was followed some distance, but 1 got away. H' Itetont. Killed. On Friday morning la;-t, Michael Brian, of WV.te Deer Mills, opposite this place, was killed by an engine on the Catawiesa rail road, a short- distance below tb-j Alien wood de pot. He was laylug on tho truck when struck, and It Is supposed he was Intoxicated. Hu was employed by the company as a track walker. He len ves a widow and nine children. W'uUoiUvioh Pl'OLtc Salu On TuaHday next, tho 4th Inst., the administrator of Nancy ( 'asset t, de ceased, will su k bouse uud lot ou Front street, Sunbury, IV. Bills have becu printed at this office daring the past wed: for the following sales: Ou Saturday, 8lh liibt., at Druinhellcr's Cl:v Hotel, u house uud lot situate iu Lower Augusta township, belonging lo lleury Guichall. On the s.imc day, at tho corner of Thir l and Market street.?, a triune, dwelling housu and lot of ground situate ou Fourth street, Suuburv, 1'... A so, a house and lot of ground situate In t'pper Augusta township, belonging to tlm Fort Au gusta Building and Loan Association. On '.helMi'ii insl., the administrators of Mi chael Wei l, de.-eased, will sell a h.t of prisoiia! property at the Into residence of the diseased, iu Low, r Mah inuy low uship. On tho 4lh of March, Mr. Sumuol Lel.n will offer lor sale horses and cattle, and farming utensib, ut his residcuee in Lower Mahauoy township. On the Hlhor March, Gabriel Lower will have Cattle, wagon, i.nd tanning utrnslls for sale ul hU residence in Lower Mar.auoy township. Look to Yorit Root. Tho heavy weight of thereout falls of snow ara liying lo f,-ail uud niisupK)ite.l roofs. In such cases it Is well to remot e the snow in time to avoid a crash. of Juror for au Adjourned Court, 51 it r ill S, 17 a. Frederick Bin kenbiiie, Northumberland, Patrick Ready, Coal lap., Thomas Luugblin, Coal twp., Beujamlii Barto, Lewis twp.. Franklin Carter, McEweusvillc, Henry Clement, Cunhiiry, -Biiilliolomi-w Connors, Ml. Carmel twp., Isaac Albert, Jackson twp., Willi nn Deibler, bh.unokin borough, Daniel H. Beckley, wlllton, John Eailsion, Point, William Dent, Sli nuoklii borough. Nathan Brown, Jackson, Ellas Rebock, t'pier Mahanoy John Corcoran, Saiiinu-y, Daniel Smith, ssuydciinaii iHtrnugh, Jacob ll. Kuullui an, L'pp-r Miliauoy, George W. Snipe. Lower Augusta, . John Hepplii, Jackson, John Hiluer. bhaniokin , Heiiiy (iuliek, Ml. Cariuei twp., Daniel Kan hner, Turhnl, Peter Brown, Upper Mahanoy. Jesse Miller, Point, John H. Beck, Lower Mahanoy, Isaiah Johnston, Point, John T. Forsyth, NorihuiuhmrlHtid, Joseph Liity.'hh amokln hnroiigh, John Ncshil, Nonhunih, rlan I, Dr. Joseph F.yster, Bantnny, John Good, Delaware, Isaac Messenger,'oiilovin, Jacob I. Z ii I man. Jackson, William F. Kutzner, rhunioklu p.lsough, John Koik, bhamoklu boreuyh, Edward Fabtr, Delaware, " " " (roa Tim Amur cti.j t I.oci sT Gap, Jan. 21, 1S7". Mit. wavtcuxr What has beioioe of your Lowttr Augusta cm respondent nnd his rhyming machine I But why wnrdnr I When Israel, for their sins, were carried Into captivity, Ihey hung their limps upon the willows, and could not sing tlm songs of Zlon In n strange land. And ran we expect the lain Democracy In write, to sing, to display Ihe bit? rooster nnd prow, as when thu old party flag flouted In triumph! Mo, sir I No more machine poetry ships Pat Il ls t.nn t i. Since we Inst Ihe Presidency ly 173,l 't'i Hie Governor ley 1:I7,0W; Congress by 4.IHW) County officers all gone Its tlie Radicals. VVor.-ethau all, llu prospective loss of sf.'nru.'tu. The cloeingof I lie hotels mil rest nil runts at the last elections stmek EO per cent, from the Demo crat c vote of the Old K"ytoue. Clone thorn for good, an I far- well t H.ijm. I, t Us re-oivc to emlgiate, and fonn J a Colony In our iintv uequlilthiii AUM.a an! slug with Immortal Cowper t "O, for a lodgo In soma tab! n tl leroess, dome b'tnii lles coiitlnuliy oT sh ide, Where rumors of " eiccilons and delrals The untie Cannot p-rvadet Stern Winter ndgns upon his Icy throne, But Grants, llaitniiills and Packors arc tin known. I'UItLlM, i:lllor'H l utile, Frtitasra's Montiii.t p m FrnnrAtiT. A more readable iinn.her or Scrlhuer's than th.i Febru ary has, perhaps, never been Issued. There is a strange, siory hy Miss t'h nps. Sinca I Died, in w hich the gates seem to have been set ujar, In deed; a pnazllug account by Noah Brooks of whal he Calls the Bui Rafael Phalanstery) a cu rious discussion by Philip Gilbert llamcrlnn, the Kngllsh art critic-, of Oae Phase of the Marriage Question) an interesting description by Albeit Rhodes of a Court Ball at thu Hague: n new story by Miss Trillion, entitled Little Miss Frere; some pleasant and pointed talk by Junius Mauri Broiviik on Borrowing as a Social Science: a trenchant and most timely paper on Art at the i.apitoi; n lively description by Lady Blanche Murphy, of that peculiar British institution, nu Aicliiav.itgical Breakfast: n very valuable nnd entertaining article on Hie Tehuantuuee Shin- Canal: a strikingly Illustrated paper ou Siam, In aim Aroaini r.ingKoK) and nn Illustrated piece or popular science, How Men Learned lo Anal yze ine .sun. The most striking poems i.r the number are is Vision of St. E igiur. bv Gcnrgo Mai-Donald, ns quaintly spiritual as a poem of iicmert s; tine Night, a weird thing ty Aman da T. Jones; Covert, by II. H.j and For Thoughts, by Culla Tliaxter. Dr. Holland's Arthur llonnicasllo contains the record ol a ro- inarkable voyjg. ,i his Topic of the Time he has Thoughts tiftcr Christina-, tho Neglictnf Hot Kich, Habits of Literary Labor, to the. Mem ory or George P. Putnam The Old Cabinet has Number One hundred mid eleven. Home and Society contain the Hospitality we should likelo see; ul lliu r rout Door; tin Sltutcs, and rami lino for the Sickroom. Culture i.ud Progress discusses Art in our Homes and Schools, an Or acle of our Day, fcc. Nature nnd Science Is as as usual; and, by the way of Variety, there is a pretty little child poem iu tile department or Etching-! The puhli-hers advo'ti-e the November and December numbers s't.l free to all subscribers for lb7u. Ini: Brst Mots" and Gnus' Maoazint. Dcmoicsi B Young America Is always sp trkllng with ciiteitaiiiii.g stoii., poems, music, puzzles, games, travels and other plea-ant features, Is profusely Illustrated, and cannot lail to iiinnsc, in-triict ali i elevate, and as-i-uo make the lives of yoethlni Americans useful, tnitlifal and hap ly. The February number, jut received, is a leal gem. Yearly, fl (0 Address VV. Jen nie:: Demurest, SU8 Uroad-.vay, N. Y. A Modkl Paulop, Maga7.ini:. Tills Is essen tially Iruit of Demorot's Monthly, which c-m-bines literary attraeiioiis of u v.iy I.'.gh order, with tliemost complete array of reliable larhions of periodical in the country. It is a model, also, of urtl-tic beauty iu lis illustrations and ty pograpby, as any one can see by reference In the beautiful February number, which we tind on our table. This " popular magazine, together with two beautiful and artistic oil chroma, rep resenting in value Ills, and ull for a, is umoug Ihe marvels of literary enterprises. Gonrr's Lauv's L'ook. This most excellent and oldest of American magazines is on our ta ble, and like lis predecessors is a bijou of rare excellence, and is only an improvement upon the earlier Volumes lu so far us the present is an Im provement upon fony odd years ago. Go'lvy keep up Willi Hie a:;e", il not u little ahead In the in. it; iziue liue. Spec!;'.! Notices. ttn "tlurriiiKO. Essays for Young Men, on Greet soi ial Evils and Abuses, which interfere will. Mm r age, and rain the h upptiio of thou--ainls, with sure ni -ans ( relief for th" Krring and L'liroiluiiate, deceased nnd debilitate.!. Sent in sea'.-d letter envelope, free of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. g, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. On Thursday January SO, 1S7U, Mr. Wm. H. Yot-NO to Misa Anui'.Y McWii.i.iaV!.-, both of Chester county, Pa. We are glad to bear that our vour.g friend William has ranked himself among the fortu nate. We rejoice, nnd in the language of the poet allow us to express ourselves : May tho cures of 1 1 lu Bear liyhl.y upon hiin uud Ids Wife. "V. " At tint residence of his sou, George Gaul, ill Upper Augusta twp., on Monday last, Mr. PHI LIP GAl'L, aged ubout S4 years. KlXRt'ISY MAKKbTN. I'loiir 811(1 ti Extra Family JlU.Oi) Buckwheat, p. et., ii.lfo Corn Meal, " g.AU Wheat Bran, p. ba. 1.5D Shorts, 1.00 Crn .t Oats Chop, g 0,1 Timothy Seed, p. b. .0U Potatoes, 7."i Kggs, per do., 8 i Butter, per ib., M Lard, " l Sides, ID rain .tliirkct. lied Wheat, p. bu., 5, Corn, " Buck wheat " 1 Oats. :i2 lbs. Flaxseed, 8 !fIurIot. Hams, Tallow, Country Jmp, Dried Apl'lcs, " Peaches, 'Shoulders. Ailnilnist rHtor'k Xotlco. (Kslate of Nancy Cassatl, dec.) NOTICE is hereby gneu 'that Letters of Ad.nin-l-tratioii haling been gianted to the uti.icrs'.g.iid on the Estate of N.uicy Cas-ntt, late of the bor otigh of Buubmy, Noiiliuiulierlaud county. Pa., dec. All persons knowing thein-elves iii.let.t.-d to mi I estate, are rnpie-ted i make iiiimediate payment, uud those having eluims, to present t lu-it for sctlluiiieu;. P. II. MOOUF., Adm'r. Sunbiiiy, Jan. 4, lS7o. (it. Ailuii!iit rutor'M Xollec. "ITOTICE Is hcivhy given, that Letters of Ad iniuisi ration having Ihicii granted lothe un dersigned on the estate of Michael Wert, .ate of l.ou.r Mahanoy township, Nortbumlwrlnud cuilntv. Pa., deceased. All permns knoaing them-i'lve Indebted to said estate are requested tn make pnvtnnnt, and those Inv ng claim to present them duiv authenticated lor settlement. JOHN WKKT, PETE It WERT, Administrators. Lower Mahanoy twp., Jan, 11, lb.J. (it. Full uuil Winter Sty lea op HATS, CAPS, and BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Crapes, bilks, Sulius, Tuiqiioise, Crajst and Lues Veils. Trimmings nf every iVacriptinu from Ne Yoik and .Phllade'phia, just opened and for 'ale at inusually low piices, t'all and examine uud be convinced. MIS3 1.. BIIISSLER, Market Equal s, Sou'.h side, Suubury, Ps. Banbury, Oet. K, lsTU. isctllaiifone A. M. MEIXELL, OXAt.KU t Amrrtcnn unci Tsifoprmi' M ATCH I .N. FINE JEWCLHY nm! SII.VKItAVAUE. PerftMslrrl fienf1rft enil F.e' GIumcsj. COLD HEADED CANES. Welches and Jewslry neal'y rcpnlrcd And war rant od. Markst Pqe.nre, fiUNBLT.Y, Pa. isrs.-tf. Feb. 3, 1372. 1812. iHM OPKMXO or FAUj AND WINTER GOODS, at the Store of Itrrtl Krpther A Sca-sltoll?, (siieccRsorsloS. O. Reod A Bro.) COMI'RISlxa OF DRY GOODS of every description nnd vsrh-fy s-.ich p Goons, Mkiumoh, Cahmpkps. Satiss, Alpa cas. Port ins, Ao., Plain I iotikpp (loops, SHAW LS ASU C'llATH, llOSIPKT, Slid & Full Assoiitmknt of Notions, which nre being sold ut li-.o lowest Cali Prices. Al-o, Grocekihs and Provisions, pure and fresh. QlEKNSW.r.K. GLASStVAI!!?, AND WOOD a.u Willow Wai.i:, Nicest Rmndsof Flour constantly on hand. A very largo ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glnzcd and common, always on hand. ROOTS AN D SHOES from the celebrated hand made Jioc t and Shos Manufactory of YVutsontow n, fur MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN. if EA 1) Y-MA IK CLOTHING, of all eize and of the latest a vii-s. F L O U It . A constant supply of western white wheat Co-jr a speciality. The public are Invited lo call ar.d examine our Goods tree of charge. Onr motto is "Quick Sales and Small Prolils," and to ieasit al'. T he litght-t price:- will be pal,; i'i-r aii hinds i f country produce. By strict attention to tm. Ine'.- m.d l,it j lug at nil times !imost complete stuck, und selling ut tliu low est pi ices, we hope to merit a f -ill share of patronage. BEKD BfJOTIIEU JtffEASHOLTZ. SiiUbury, Nov. 2, lKT-'.-ly. WIXIIKT'X PISV. TKEIs TAR (OltlMAI.. XATVIllTS GliKAL UEMEQY rou Tns THROAT AND LL'NCsS. It Is gratifying to us to inform the public that 1 Dr. L. Q. C. WIshai t's Pine Tar Cordial, j fur Throat and Lung Disea-c", Imp ej-lncd nn en- 1 viable ri'pati'tion lioin the Atlantic tn the l'uei-1 lie coast, and from thence to sou.. t of the Cr .t I families of Europe, not. th:-i,iit I-, t'.e per -is alone, but by person throughout the State? actually! bencliltcd and cured at his r-o'i-i.. While he rub- ! li.-hcs less, so say our reporter, he I-, enable to , supply the demand. It l ain? nnd iioi l!- I:s repu- j taiion ; First. Not by stopping c,r.:i;'i, let l.y luoscu- j lug and iissitimg uatuie to throw- nff the uu- healthy matter collected about Cue throat uud bronchial tildes, w hich cau-cs in itatioj. j Second. It removes H.e een.-e c( irriLU'oa , (which pio-.l.ices cough) of the miicvoiis biaue and bronchial tubes, assists tli lungs to. net and throw off the unhealthy eccietkiui., and I purines tUa blond. j Third. It i free from srpins, lo'xiia, ipecas i and opium, of which throat and lung rc-I medics are composed, which ulluy cough olily, j and disorganize the Ptomach. It has a soothing ! effect on the stomach, nets on the liver and kid- I neys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus ', le.iching to every pa; t of the system, ni.d In its ' Invigorating and puriMng clfcets it has g;;i;i-id n reputation which it must buid above al! others In . Ihe market, XOTHT. THE PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, Grout Anicrlc.iu I5j s;rji,Ia Vllln j AN t i iro;;.f .sugar drops I Being under my immediate direction, thrv shall not loose their curative quiilitica by the use of cheap and Impure articles, II i: N It V II . WIN II A II T , PKOPIlIKToIl. FREE OF C II A It 0 E . Dr, L. Q. C. Wishart's Ollice Parlors are open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednc-davs from U A. M., to li P. M., for cousiiltaHoii by Dr. Win. T. Magce. Willi him are associate! two con sulting physlciaus of acknowledged ability. This opportunity Is not oll'ered by any lmtituilou lu Ihe city. All letters iniisl lie m i-; . ro I.. I). . UDSllAUk, rl. !., KO. 32, N. SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA. November Id, lS7i Omos. XEW TtHI.K (' AXI SI.GAIt. A.I Jl RUSH STORE. South side ofMaikct m-ert between Sd dm! 4h bL NUl RY, PA. JuHt.pened, uu entire new stock of' ull Uudsof TOBACCO AND SF.G AHS. 5. gar nf every .Trade. Tohai-to of i very vaiie'y. P;;-s,bolh plain und fancy. PPUMIE8! BKCSHESM VKUSHES I ! I A huge ais.titnieiit of ll.i,.-l.sf direct fioin ll.e iiiniiuiai-iuier ut greatly re.!-j;ed prices. Ill line ol bnikhes are a i-pci ialiy and ninny new kinds never before mtrntruct-il into l Irs inaiket. Also, Ciillais and Cults In great vai If' y. A .urge iifooiluiti't of ull thu popuiur bjngs Of Ihe liny. " Call uud exuuilu't piy goods nnd pet a list of I,,'t t IIENKK PETEliY. November B, 1S7J. ly iMtecclhncoirj.- - : 1 r. v .. mew hinio store, No. 13, South Thir dBlrcct, Cltinent Hcuse MIei, Sitoy, Pa. DR. C, M. MAliTJlN & CO. "YK are now opening an cutli.'.ri'i- i,--ic tollUOrt A XD MEDICINES, nndareprcpatod to supply any article In otir linn that nniv be celled foi, sto lisve:,h,on lull stock cf all thale.tding Patent Medicines. Fine. IV. Tu rnery and To'li-t Ait'te'ii-s a spi-eiallly, a fail as sort incut of Hair, Torth. Nail, Shoe en I otlo-r Briisln'; Dr-jwiing J s ui other Couil.i In fi'cr.t v.ii Icty. . - , ' l ISETCIMCThOAPS, . -,. . s fall line Cooking rxliiicls", l'rencli Mi:Mnr,i, Oliolce ri ices. I'cppcr- who'e or rjoirnd, n-lile nit.l Laundry Soiip-j I.eiupChimaeys'autl I. .An i (;.iOd gennnlly- .liu J In f.ifge Oi' im'I quantlllcf, ' ' CARPENTER.! CHALK, full fllo -U Pliild and Solid l.Ui scl. l'.iixers urn! Pills off. H- P., S'ig:r Coated, StreiigthhtilnCv An. lea, l'oror.. Pour Mini's and other I'lcstcrs, Aycr'a, Wright's, Schei.k's Mandial:e, McLnnu's Liver and oth -r Pills, cur stock vmhraccs every thing found In a well conducted Drug Store. Country l'hyrlci.ins will tind our stock full and complete. and we guarantee lo sell aslotenr. the same nitirlea enn be luunht In I'liii.-tdelphia, choice Wines, Whiskey and Brandy fur Medicin al purposes. October r.. is?: Qaldwellci 002 Che -itnrxt Street, PIIILAIJELPJIIA Have rt'W ready th'.'.r mngidfirin tslocit of tioi.iuiy toons. JEWKLUV, WATCHCS, SILVErtWAEi:, FAN CY GOODS, ErilOi'KAN NOTF.LTltS, ATTIUCTViX G-'JODS AT MHDEP.ATE FIX F.l i-nicus. 902 Chestnut 002 Jt I W. D. MEILiCK, Druggist anl Apolliccary, (Successor to Dr. W. W. Mood,' AvM.s old estabiisbcJ stand ou tiiipkot s(unrp, Ki;rptcatY, v.i. Keeps cu hand a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Prsggists Fancy Goods, COMBS,, PATENT MEDICTNES,01LS, PAINTS- GLASS, PUTTY. VAKMXII, IVYESTtTFS, In fact eve.rytUefr ueinl'v l;cjjt Iu a well con ducted ZDTVtTG- GTOEE. Parlicular nttention paid to cotnpoundias Phy sicians pre-eriptlons aud farnliy receli ti by the Proprlator l.imself. Sutihury. Ta.. dune I?. 1S72. SEH'GOlftSI XrfT GOOUSM JarA Cjism-,.'. Informs ihe cil !-n "' .Snnhniy nrd vic'nllr. I ha; he h,ns received his large :t--'oi tinent ! Dry (loads an.1 telling them cheap for ca-.h ut Lis si i: r.:m . in rner 1 ji.d u n a (.' h u rch r trects, -uxnunv, pa.,. His stock e j;tipil-ii fvy fjoods itutl Cii'oepricis. T'ae D'-j e'.! .1 par,.t::sit i toniplcle, having r L-.aeral ns-orfaent f . Cloths C;i---iuii -;-o-, Calicos, DoLainst, und cveryt'ia'C In !'u: Dry G.-o.l.: line. The :k.-i'.cc!i:m arc n'.l frc-li. a:,d ,!' I .., Coffee, c;::-ir, M-iiln..-; : ; :c-.i', Mm', Fih, &c. WiKow-TiVnro hmV i!.ss-Ti"arpf .1 i;ct'.cral nssor''.; In fact evervtrilr:; kept in n lirst-class now, cfl,i be had ut the nio-t reasonable price for ensh. Having loeiiied in Sunbury fur the purpose of becoming one of It? citir -ns. 1 nope that by fair dealing and sine: r'lentioti to business to merit a sialic of the public patronage. My motto Is 'Ismail Prolils and Quick Safes." All mi cordially invited to cali and examine my goods, in no etiurgcj v. iil be made, for show ing th.-.nt. P. J. EYP.0D. S.'.:,tr :.y, 0 -'.. 10, 1ST'!. I1XTIMY .iJir.FI. Citi'.e to lie: preni'.cs of the undersigns 1, in Lpper AUga -ui loAi i'nn, -ou 'lutTy.c! im.u to,, on -r about tho 3-th of Nt rem'e.- last, live sheep, all white. 7 he owner i r '-svriers arc rennet :cd to come fur ward, prove property pay cliargcs, and lake them irv-iv, or i.!-:e th' y wiii be disposed of according to '.a . ItACREL CAMPEELL. Jan. :th, :S73. ?. rros. IIVI.I.IY ixCOVHCOlil'M.V ! nstidi.-; cV HROTIf liR'S' I Illustrated Wvr:. Pur J .-in try, I-';;, !' ojt. I-.ii.-J i- a Qmtr ; t.-ily. Tl.e tour :i ;.-. 1 f is tent to any nddiess, by ! limb, for -'i cents. The riclut nnd most in" ' stnictiic, iilusiiuted and ilc-criptive fic-ral Cnid'j ever published. Those of our pations v.-'jo or dered Seeds last year and were crci.ttel with VH cents, will i.vei'.o t'ic fo'ir Q-.n-riei lies forJ-lTo. Tints.; who oiili-r seeds this year will be ci-'dilec. w ,;h ,v aul-seriplioii for 1-74. Tl.e January mini, ler c:n.t iinsi,t.i.r v 4'I3 Engrnvings. two s.iferb-olon-ij Pitiles. suilablc for framing, and r.lso luted plates of oar gorgeont, rioial (.'hrnmos j iiifurin:itioii rch'tive In I'lo'.vcrs, Veg.-Tab'es, dec. and tlielr cuitiviulon, and all t'.i.'h matter as was formerly found in our Ann'inl Cularc-f ne. You w II. ini-s it if you order See I- b"-'ore seeing Hi ijgs it Bro.'s Quarterly. Wu clui linge com p n i-on o.-. ipialit v of 8ee-l and pric mid sizes of packets. O'lr Culend-te Adia'ic? Sheet und Price Ll-t for lS'.a," s t f ee. . liRIGGS A ItllorilEiI, Tt - . . v. ...... . ....a rirt.i .i j t... .i .... .. w. .,-t.-ii-;:. in ill... i iui ni', - ,..(.-1, . AGENTS wanted for Pro.. ""' I F'l'i Gre: t WuilK, ou y, inh.Ktd, onutnlioi tl. ci. t ihc.r Mutual Iiitev-r.iatioii i Love, InLiw i. Power, lie. Send for i,hvIi,ih, ptg.-i . u i inouiar, withteims. Address, N.'.'llONAL PL'BLISH ING CO., Philadelnhia. J j:.,4w 1 be Immense sai. 10,000 In one month our I.lVI(iVIOM, M years In Al Kit A is having proves it ubnve all otbcis uu-l...k tiio masse, want. It goes like willfl'.t. Over 000 page-, niy (3 :,0. Merc AiTcnls Wiiiilc.I. NOTR E. He not licenced by inli . v. .;n'.. tions made tr palm oft lugh-pi lied iCs-iors -oikS but send for rireiiliu's eiid p' o,:nt stdii-ntents and great sueecrs ol siHteiiietrfs and grcil suc cess of our HM'.tlr. l .'! e, w ort U tlO, ir.aii.d use. lirBBAiMi IV.;!.. "ii'.-i : '.. T'.'li sal soiti st., Phih-.. AGEXTa WANTED. 'Ihe n:n.i IP.. -a! terms ev. r t:r. red. K I. .ratio, . -rr,r-i. Tlicdiirov-en-r Sisi-it eri tl. 'i'lie udv.-uitiies of a ino-t uHven"iiius".ii.:, A l.iri- octavo Volume, spleti didly iliustr.iied. (.'-priilu. iiicldeo .,( th0 .i-de-'.il cie.-r of ll, great Hare! r, ll.e i, aniii.iii-, iiatlr-., hu'iinur, etc. Tl.e b,--i ilige't.V cyrlopedhi cf ATiicau Knowl.-dg.! an 1 l.alng- tniicV K-xploratio.iS ever pab.isiiei. Ktill ac count Law bin ii ley found Lib.g-iou- The only took '.si-lorsel by tho p,, t.. tend 1 1 for ouur-, crmi'.tlV. Film ,t to., phlljkelpl.l ., Pa . n epMilglielil, cSU.-tw t po Hie H orklug VIhuk. m oe oc feiu..l, X 0J a week gu;iniiilceil. ,'tefMii-lab.o cm pioyment ul borne, day or evening : i ca pital requiiyd ftiil iiisti ucti.'u.s an.r'a Uiiuable -n.u-lc. s,e nf goods to start Kith .enl free by mail. drus, with ll ceiit reliiru wan.p, M. Ji.'l'Nlt Ai, C'O., 18 Coi.ll'Ar. It !., N' Wuk J. lj it. J.E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers