Sunburn Slmcricaiu H. B. MASSEH, (. WllVERT. ( Bdtlors. SUNBURY, FKHRUATtY 1, 187S. L- - -U'J-IL -L. ' I i. -. . .'- NouTUUMnnnuAND County's Men or "Note tJ 1779. Under this hrnti, J. F. "Wvlfrigtf, F-q., tins published Homo nr ticl't tn tht JMitomVm In tYptnl to (he early Mtttert) tt this count. We find In the fret, tht following Tn relation ta Paul VM : ".. 'BK1y, TatiJ, wm nmrtng ilia Crst ect llere of Snnbury. ' IT i enttl tohavebnilt himself ft Btnnll log house, nnd to ha to car tied on' iv (Inn trade with tho Indians around Sunbury through the crocks be tween the logs, n he wns Afraid to let '.hem cuter his little store. In my boyhood days nt Sunbtiry I saw a smali brick building that llnlily was said to have lived hi." Paul Baldy, tliotih an early settler, was not among the first, and was not over 12 or 14 years old i'i 177-. Ho was tho father of I'cler BnMy, of Danville, and maternal grand father of the senior 'editor of this paper. The 'story .of bis t ratling, ".villi tlio IudlnM is not correct, ns ho never engaged in mercantile pursuits except in his lutttr years, when ho atsiHted in the storo of his son-in-law, Ihe laic. ITonry'' Masscr, but carried on his trade of b!ncksm!lliiti on tho lot where tho new Presbyterian Church now stands. We have frequently heard tho lato Jtu1i!e lluslon, of the Supreme Court, speak of hiiu,' who knew him well, and who had bis homes shod nt his shop nt that early period, when ho enmo from Bellefouto to attend our courts. ' Mrs. Baldy, his wife, was a email jjirl when she come to this place. Iter father (Ream) was among tho first settlers, and ho frequently related . to the writer, her grand-son, when a boy, the raids and mas sacres of' tho Indians in this neighborhood. Her father occupied a new unfinished log house, one of the first, where John O. Fry now lives. The savages were in the habit of peeping through tho crevices, nnd of course, fiightend tho children. Paul Bal dy built the house now owned ami occupied by SamisuJ J. Packer, .Esq. He died in tho small brick house at the southwestern cor ner of Fourth and Arch streets, built by Peter Daldy, his son, about 50 years ago. Tub County Auditors are engaged in auditing the county finances for the last year. From information wo nro pleased to learn that the collectors are hurrying up the delinquents with a "sharp stick," and that the financial condition of Northum berland county will compare favorably with most conntibs'in the State. Demovrut last H'ifJ We are plefised to sec that our neighbor is magnanimous enough to state the above fact, knowing tint it has been brought about by the new board of county officers. Had the -county officers for years past adopted tUvj plan of the present iucumbcnU, there would have beeu tess complaint on the part or the lax-payers. Mr. J. E. U'oottkv, for a number of years assistant superintendent and engi nner of micliinerv on tin; Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, has been promoted to the wenpnnflililc! teiMi hill uf grnrrnl iif r! Mr. Wool tun i a competent nnd ilii-er, nnd in his intercourse with employees and other Intfc nlway won 'heir r6;wt and i-st.Pf m. In liii new position, tlii'ro is not a doubt that 1m will give lint smo satisfaction to the rrmipiiny a he did in lbs onu from which he retires" II in tui-m-rons friends throns-houl tliu couutrv will feel tritilicd to K-arn of Ui advance ment to higher honors. OocXTKliFElTS. There are now in cir rnlation twii sets of counterfeit five United .States notes. Tho ll re. t of these bourns cr.'t-nbacks is poorly engraved ou tolerably good paper, ami purnor s li 1m No. 0.si2. The statue of '"At it:n.,nn the left hand side of the ti-te, in f.iint'y and badly excLUted. as is also the medalion portrait in the lower riy,ltl hand corner. Tlie lino engraving on the back is indis tinct, and the curved lioi; weak and wa vering. The second counterleit is badly printed on wretched paper, is numbered .tt.720. and the engraving is exceedingly coarse and scratchy. Tho Executive OonimitUe of the United mates ieiiietimal iomhiifiou l.:ii an in- 1 tervicw with the Governor nt llarrUhurg Tuesday. In theeveningth'icoininis&ioui-rs j nikt the members of the legislature nnd weie j cordially received, it is quite probable i that the Li-gihlnt ure will appropriate Sl,- vuu.uw. C mgress has passtal a bill repealing th franking piivilege. making letter postage 'J cents on each half ounce, and requiring all printed matter passing through the in ii's lobe prepaid afur the litst of January next. LOr.'AL Lr.UlSL ATIOV. A hill le.c e.iSM,.,l I the House of Ketircsentive nt IlarrUhnr.r ! authorize the loivn Council of Siiiil-.m-v T,. I borrow i3".tH)'i nnd isstio coupon bonds therefor, payable, ten years afler date with seven per cent, interest, p lvalue semian nually. 15y Hie prolusions ofihis hill, the coupons are in be receivable nt par in pay ment ofall taxe laid by town council, and the hounds arc ii'H l' 'be taxable lor bo rough purposes. Thr franking privilege has been abol ished, ns both branches of. Congress have passed a bill lo that ttlcct- It has long iveu known that tto privilege has been shamefully abused, that it was pros tituted to basest of political purposes and therefore its repeal will be heartily ap proved. Jt'DtiK Kellby has addressed a letter to Judge l'.ilnnd. chairman of the Credit Mobilicr Committee, asking him t trans fer thu Credit M ihilier stock, said by (Jakes Anus to belong lo him, t.. thu United fciiales Treusurt-r, together with the jKWU Hhich Mr. Ames dwcliued l receive. Gamdt.ika iv Nevada. Il is a f.iet n -t yenerally know, perhni'S, that the ymvss Slate of Nevada legalizes gambling, aud'tgutets a licunsn from cardsliarperaund swit 'ilt rs. Il Uotliclully mated in a Into tho Trenury uf the fctatcis,iim:iwl!y entiehed liy slMiut 81.5. tlM.,r:iiiLiiigof snihler.' hepiiM-s. I'lfo-t are tr. ., " ing made for a reform in Hi tin: li. r; by .(.rod 'ing leyilMiiiu lo miko Eamtillnj '' and there is a su- o!ii t'y ' Hi-ji. result being Hi luiile i. Ti aiii il'tvi'- l-.s '.4fir pri snnf of n. ii lo t 'ii.i-(g-.. ist v: m. oi-in threw ' i.f-.'-m in v oft .if!' v-t(i..w in the r y fibir:iii! t-'lt di'li. itild then - i a f 1'o-r cit il it'll .n-.nsii.nmi. "ii.. Tegs i;H pa (I the bill nppi'oprist- i i iJi.W.v to the ITnit. d Stat. Com uukiioii to the Wmu Uxpcgitioa. ' Thb editor or Jlto Philadelphia Prcst having failed in his Ueiapt to defeat the, Kopublicau candidnU Governor lust fall, is net content, but shows his malig nant epiril whenever an occnslon offer. He reminds tts mucltof the school-hoy whu made mouths nt tho rest of the 'Scholars af ter receiving a severo thrashing from the nvster. After having insisted that Uett. Cameron was the Reader of the Republican party in this State) nt the beginning of the campaign, nnd showing his deadly hatred by unfounded charge,, he now resorts t( thoahusoof all whu did not endorse his charges. On tho day after the Inaugura tion, a scurrilous nrtlclo appeared in the Pres. In reference to the inauguration cer emonies, which the Philadelphia liulktin answers In tho following able manner : "The bitter personal animosity of Mr. Forney against General Ilartr.inttanil S-u-ator Cameron cannot keep itself down. The Press gels oil' another bitter tirade against these gentlemen and the Republi can URrty at large, this morning. It reit erates Hkj slander which it invented last year against General llartranft, and talks its miserable trash about his fair fame be ing tarnished, and says That his career "has not been wholly given to evil." The insult falls powerless from a journal that bus blackened Itself with one of tho most disgracefiil'crusades against a brave and gallant soldier and good and faithful tn cial, that can le found In the history of American politics. -' Mr. Forney thinks that the Bplendid pa geant enacted at lluiritliuig yesterday was tho homage of ";t Taction that bus won a great victory," and that the multitudes that swarmed the Statet'upitol were 'sub servient lackeys, 'lau "army of corruption istf." The little faction" that has won General IliirlraufVs great victory numbers in all just a:i'., 125 of the free Voters of Pennsylvania, rather a large body to be disposed of us a factiou. ISuc the sore spot in yesterday's rejoic ings wasnotso much Governor llariraiill as .Sena tor Cameron. He was the Mepnis- topbeles of the occasion in the eyes of the incorruptible patriot who ci.uducts the Press. "Rack of all yesterday's pomp and glory was the sinister figure oi' Simon Cam eron." II is unanimous election by the Republicans of tho legislature to the U.S. senate lor mo iourtn tune, is a "conspiracy of corrupliouists," "humiliating to our State pride, and indicative of a low condi tion of political morality."' Now in strict deference to the rules of rhetoric, Mr. Cameron was not a "sinister figure" crouching "back of all yesterday's pomp and glory." The truth is that the veteran Senator, despite the inclemency of the weather, and the weight of years that have kept apace iu the advaaces of the inarch of the century, stood out yesterday in the bold foreground of the pageant, iu front of bis home, a conspicuous figure in the scene, the object of cordial greetings from his many iricuds, "with his martial cloak around hiiu," and wi'.h a bearing of dignified enjoyment of tiie imposing 'de monstration which signalized the victory of the great hepublicun party of his native State. If Mr. Forney had jeered at Sena tor Camerou for risking a ' bad cold iu his i nean lor tne saKc ol witnessing the inaugu ; ral processing there might have been some j point in it; but as it is, bis rhetorical allu sion is quite at fault, j Whatever Senator Cameron's faults may j be and if the immaculate Pass is to be believed, they must be more iu number than the bands of the sea and deeper thau i the sea in their enormity it is a plain fuel. that with perfect unanimity, aud without a shadow of a necessity lor tliu use of any j oonujil , the ltrjMlhtlcan lA-ialit- : tore has again chosen hiiu for our Senator, j Nobody has been bought, sold or bargain t cd for. No comH'titor was presented to . the Republican lA-gislators. They declare ; their willingness to entrust the interests of ! Pennsylvania again to the cure of Senator ! Cameron aud In worthy colleague. ! All Republicans are not Mr. Cameron's 1 friends or solid admirers. U has never ! been our business to tight Ins Unties or j write his eulogies. Uul it is only common ! sense ami honesty to recog n if e hit re-elee-' lion to tin- Senate lis an net in accordance with the willof the people of Pennsylvania, and In express the hope that Senator Cain j eron may live out a full U-nu of honorable ; service, d- v-ileil wholly lo the welfare of ' his Stale, satisfying his friends and silenc ing his enemies by sm h an ollieial career : as (shall close, a long life with the universal - approbation of his fcllow-cili.isus. I iMTE AGUlcClTirTu.l- MH'IE TV I ELECTION liit; Or OF FH. KRS Bl'SIN ES5 ICX KCV T 1 V K COM J I TT K K. I The t'lecti'iii for ollicers ol the 1'. oiw, '. : vani:t Agricultural Sociitv took place on j Wciliit.s.lav iiftcrnnou, the loth u'.t.. and resulted as follows: President,!. U. Eby. Vice-l'rei'iilenis 1 .las. A. M C'rea, 13 George Scott. M tit-orge lllight, ,11 John A. Nnilh. raschall Mossis, ,1 Win. M. Walts, I 4 A. 1). Levering, 10 ti. 11. VVeisiling. .Iet.teV. Knight, 17 John S. Miller. W. II. IIo,teiu, 1H J. I. Thompson. . II. lirunsou. ll - . . Kusell. :2'i J. U. Kilpairick, 2t (ieorgo Khey, 2-2 Wm. S. Disscll. 21 J. Miinloek, Jr., 21 Jas. C' Shaw. Ilamaioud, Win. Tay- Tobias Darin, H'm. L. I'eiper, W. C. Fivciuau, I). II. Xeii.iah, 1J I I'll Tripp. At l.aigc-.T. " lor and J. Pot ter. Additional MemU-ts of Kxecu'.ive Com mittee Deojimin (i. IVters, IJco. IJerg ner, Abner itutherford. A.Wilhelm, M. C. Tfol.t. ex-l'icsidenls l'lederick Watts, David Taggart. Jacob S. llnldcman. TUos. 1. Knox. A. D vd Hamilton, Amos E. Knapp, John C. M u rn. Corresponding Secretary KMridge Me Con key. Chemist and Geologist 5iam. S. Ilalde inan. Assistant Chemist aud Ueoloyist lluh Hamilton. Librarian Win. II. Egie. Alter the election, the new Executive Committee fixed on Eric us the place for the next fair, and the '.'lid, 2 lib, ii"Al and '2Uth uf fct'iitembcr as the time for holding it. J. U. Hutherfoid was unanimously elect ed Treasurer of thu Society by the Execu tive Committee, and 1). W.iviicr See clary, afler which the proceedings of the day ter minated. Killed. A laborer named Hugh Furvy, nged about 70 years, waa killed at heehlet 's crossing, on the L. ct D. It. R., last Thursday morning. Thorn were two trains passing iu opposite directions at the lime and the unfortunate man in get ting out of the way of one got upon thu track of lh" other was struck nnd nhnost instantly killed. He leaves no family. Dunvillc American The Lewisburg C'iionic is responsible for the following : Iu O. tolx-r, two hngs itrayej away near LcwiMown, uud gulling in an old pen were iiecidently shut up and forgotten. Here they leinuiiit (I for sixty-live days without food or waler, and when found, where alive, but mere skeletons. When they went in. they weighed 3W pounds,' when found Ihey were l ed need to ZO, Several of the younger member of- the L-mtsbU-r Dar proposa going to Texas in a few week, to mgnge in sheep raiting. Conl Trade r Nortttumberlwud k Coauly. . The following is tho qnantity of coal imnvu nnu sent to market ry operators in Northumberland county in 1872, for which wo are indebted to J. J, John, or Shamo k in t Wm. Montc'.tas, 9tnnrtvill, 01, S10 Mny, Piiltcrsnn fi Bro., Buck R1iI(;b, Cl,(17 May, Aiiili-iirk"! .Vt'a, dt 1(1 417 Mineral R.K. it Mtn. Oo.,htike Fliller, Tft.SlU do do Cuinrrim. 7ll,M0 t" do Hit-kor.Twanip,4i..!H J. LnnudMl A Co., His! Mountain, H7.!l!i4 Icane Mhj ACo., BurasMe, Oii.lmi T. Bannignnlaer A Oi'o. " fi.V7.U Rnhrrtsnn A iiiti-iBiun, Henry Clay, 47,118 A. Fulton, o 17.103 Helm A Hnnilwlll, Kcat Valley,. Cl.T'Jt North Franklin Coal Co., Trcvortoa, M.'JSI (. W. Jolnis & tiro., Monitor, AS.liUi (IrieliiT, Keinple Co., I.oeut Gap, n4,SS3 F.xot'lflor Coal Min'g Cu.,Exrr!sior, 5l,til7 Iliirton tiros, .t Co., Coal K'alire, fio,iHH R. B. Doiity, liiu Fratikha, 27.74H iultciiuiin,Girm-in A Ccireeinlinek, 3", ":i7 i L.iiil'iIoi) A Co., IttrUorv ltidgp, SS.k-j KnlcrprlM- Coal 'o., EaU-rpi-lse, (!:l,0 H) weaver c Martin. eiiamokm. iJ2.H(i4 I'liiriey, Mawellyn t Co., HellrnHtt-ln, lit, 815 r. nnnnes, cririitrpser A Ilccil, Wui. Brown, to A. Morton, Pehwpnk A Co., Han A FaeHv, MrArtluit A Itnth, Boinrlii-r, Slilpp ,t Co. Helm A Goodwill, KreKR A Bro., Sailtli A Kier, Curler A Gorman, Kiltorprlso Conl Co,. Coal Mountain. 8.UU3 0,(118 do Daniel Webster, 14, 043 liimtiert l :i.-J7 Morton, Cile Ionia, Franklin, do Frank Gown, Mnrshull, Uenrgc Fa!e, Ijiiiie.iftr, 1J,K(I7 M.177 3,S7'J :i.ii.'.7'O n.yti7 0.107 8.141 J,iienn Sninmit, M.irjrla PrniiR'n, GiiltdiminjGorniaa AC'olir.idy, 18 Totnltoimt-t 11T2, Total toas in lTI, 1,221,: 3? W Inprpc !n 173, K.'WI Of this piantity. 7)d.ll7 t-ins were Bent eal by the Philadelphia and tending Railroad; dO'j.o'i tons were sent west, via Northern C-ntral Hiitwiv; I 1,3 I t un via Lehigh Valley, an I :i..i.i: tons via '.he Tvcvcrton nnd Snsquehauua tntoi'i;. TF.nnim.K Maiiisr PisASTEn. ion- j (ion. .ian. a report of a terriolo mar : ine disaster which occurred lat night in j the Knglish Chaunel had just b en n.veived , in London. Theeiuigratil ship N'orthtleet, I which sailed from hen' several days ago for ' Australia, with 412 passengers, exclusive of her crew, was in collision nt midnight, ' two miles olf Dung.mes, with an un- known foreign steamship, and was cut down j to the water's edge. Only So persons are I knnwu to bn saved, ami it is believed that I every other passenger who was on board bar found a watery grave. Xn attention ! wis paid by the steamship to the emigrant I vessel after tho collision, and she proceeded . on her course, leaving the sull'erers to their I fate. ! Frmiiru Paktic ti.aks of tiik Ca- VALTY. Lnmlftn, Jan. J3. AVhen the collision between the emigrant ship Xorth- fleet, nnd an unknown steamship happened ! : last night, a panic occurred on the former j ! vessel. The passengers, who were asleep. rushed from their berths to every portion ; of the ship, when; thev thought they might j be safe, and utterly refused to obey" the 'or- : ders of the captain. That officer, ns a ! j last resort to enforce obedience to his com- ! i mand, was compelled to fire upon the ter- ! : ror-stricken people, and one of them was ! I wounded. It is believed that if the pas- ! I sengers had obeyed the orders of the cap- I tain, more of them would have been saved, j I LATER fAr.TTtri.AItS. I j Loxdox. Jan. 2:1. Additional particu- ' I lars of the terrible marine disaster oIl'Dun- petiefs lighthouse last niijlit have been re- i ceived. Tho Xorth licet was lying at an- ' chor til the time the collision occurred, j 1 Iter cflrun iotitiutotl of rnilrontl ir..ti. : I Three hundred and twenty one persons were drowned, including the captain ofi the ill. fated vessel. The name of the ' i steamer which ran into the ship has not . yet been ascertained. Hut she is believed '. i to have been a Spanish vess.d. The Board ; of Trade of this city, has ollered a reward , of lw pounds for her discovery. Twelve I other persons have been saved from end- , j grant ship Xorth Fleet, which makes 1)7 ; lives known to have been saved. Lloyds ' i have telegraphed to their agent at all south- , j cm stations to stop, it possible, the steamer i j which ran Xorlhtlecl down. j Hand Whiting cpon an Yioa. ! I Hyde Dark, Scranlon. last week enjoyed , I a tirst class sensation. An egg was) j found upon which was read in raised let- ; : tors ibis terrible sentence : "Woo to the! i inhabitants of Hyde Dark who indulge in j , intoxicating drinks repent, therefore and i j pray earnestly for the forgiveness of thy j I sins! 1ST3." This terrible doom upo'i the j inhabitants of Hyde Dark created the wild- I est excitement, and tli.) old soakers are ' j trembling in their boots, while the tern- nerance people ri'o up and call the heu j i blessed. j I Fourteen young meti have been arrested j at lIiigheKvil!e and bound over to appear' j at court, for bad conduct at church. I j Hon. C. U. Duckalew has been appointed attorney fertile I.ebigh Valley Uaildoad i Co., at a sulary of $10,000 per annum. j j A contemporary asks, "when will the ! j supply of old army overcoats be exhausted?' ; Il is a remarkable thing where they come , j form ; yet every year, as tlio winter up- i proaclns. Ihey appear on the backs of men j j employed in out-door work, and seem to i be almost as plentiful us at the cl jsu of the 1 ' war. i j ! Sleighing patties iu Schuylkill county curry their provisions with them. and. af ter enjoying themselves at the hotel ate ! polite enough to say 'thauk you" to the I landlord, ) A Dottsville wifegavo her husband half ! the furniture the other day uud scut him j nomc to tns parents. A very considerate wifu. The sprlu? election for Bradford county was held ou tho Ulh of January. The vote was taken for and ngattist license, nnd carried against by a majority of about J, 2jU. Ex-Senator Gwiu, otherwise Duke of Sonera has sold his silver mine for Sl. 000 000. Theodore Mears was hanged on Friday, at Denver, Col., fir the murder of George M. Uoud, iu August, 1S71. A lad uamad Win. D. Kaiser, fifteen years of age, committed suicide by bang ing himself, n low days ago, near Clear Held, this Slate. He had run away from his homo in Urook villa, ami was living with a farmer, when seeing himself adver tised in a Clearfield paper by his lather, he went to the baru aud committed the rash act. Robert L. Cassy was tried in Potisville, last week, for the murder of "Turk'Uleily, nnd acquitted. Cassy wns a policeman of Tumaqua, und on tho night of the -JOth of July last Keilly made an assault on him, when Cassy shot him iu self-defence. Kpeclal Court. "VTOTICE l U'.rctiy,i;lven that a 8pwlal Court of the Court of Coniinoa Pica, in nnd lor the eoiiuiy of Noi ihumb r.i.n.l, will M lioldeii at Rinbury, comiueuciuK MONDAY, April 7, A. I). und eoniluulnx one veek, fur tho ttlul of sll (pecial cuiiftei on the Plenii denending LLOVD T. I'.OIIKbACH. Pnnbury, January 17,1873 i'rotbouoiary. ADJOURNED COURT.) l'roclnmatiou. WHEREAS tho Honorable Wm. M. Rock. (Her, President JuriVo, and hit Associates, for this District, hve Issued their mandate for an adjourned Conrt for Noithnmtwrland enmity, to tw hold on Monday the 3d diiy of Mureli, A. D., 1873, bclinf lha lt .Monday of said month, In Sunbiiry, nnd to lnsl on week. I therefore ire notice to ull Jdrvtnen drawn for this Court, nnd nil others Inteasted. to b and nppir nt the place aforesaid at 10'o'clocs, a. in. of said dav. SAMUEL II. rtOTllERMEUBherlff. Stirriff's Olllcs, - " Punharv, Feb. 1, 18TH. Notice. riinE Military Ilonrd of Nortutimbrld Co., 1. Organized January lsth. at armory of the Slmmokln Guard, dipt. JOHN McF.blF.SG was (1-cte.l Pi-esiileut, :id dpt. A. CALDWELL Si-cretnry. The Board Is now ready for the transaction of such military b-islness as may ht brntiijht befuro it. A. CALDWELL, feb 3t . Secretary. Itulc m lleiris of Valentine Klane. Uccennod. ST ATK OF PENNSYLVANIA L. County of Northumberland, To the Sheriff of said County Greeting i Vc command you that you notify Mary Klsse, widow of Valentine Klnse. late ot thn borouirh of Suyd-rtown, county of Northumberland, deceits rd. Cnthnrliie. now Intermarried with Abrnm R.-iner. Eve, now Intermarried wl.h ti. W.Lerch. John Kliise, W:ilnm H. Klasc, Lnv:na, ttitsr tnan iod with Isaue Boulnicr &ht !s now d eeased leaving the f il or nr chlMUnt Isabella nouglnier. T. 1. Bongliner. Henrietta KOTtchnfr. Clara Uoughner and (.:oiite llon.rhner. Barnh W are, now Intrnnarri.- t with Noah Ware, Va lentine Klnse, Hannah, now intei mttrried ,wlttt Danii-I Doul;ieli, Suannah, iinvy l&iertaarrlcd with (.; -oi.e Ailauis, all hi ii-4 aud lenal rebresen- t.itives of Valentine Klase, iutu of the bilI'OU;bof Snvileriovvn, Noiihauibeilaiid ouuty, deceased, that nt. tlio January Term. A. I). 1373, u rul wiu granted upon tliem the said heirs uud legal rep n sentntives of the said deee lent, commanding tlicin to come forward and accept or refuse the real mtate of said decedent ut tlio valuation put upon the same bv an Impicst, Ismlnif ou' of this Cum t. returnable nt tliu January Term of the year 1T:1. or show raupf why the same should I not 1 1.: sold in cjh the said paniei should neir- lector refuse to take and iicccpt the ssme as aforesaid, by the 11 rut day of next Term, vli, the second Monday of Match, A. D., 187H. Vituv the Honorable Win. M. Rocke II S 1 I'res dent of our said Court, this 1 "' ' twenl.v llit day of January, A. D. elgh ""' teen hundred and scveuiv -three. J F.SKING, Clerk O. C. Register's Oi:' ',', Siiubury, Feb. 1, !$?:. !!t. TP.1T OF PARTITION. IM itc of Daniel Wtliuer, d- censed. iltetun Ma ret IST.t. I Returnable to irch Term No:iTncMiirni,Ni) Cocstv, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Phc rilfnf Northunibei land County, tlreeting : WHEKEAS. at an Orphans' Court held in Sun bury, in nnd for the county of Northumberland, the eighteenth day of January, iu I devour of our I. nrd one thousand eight hundred and seventy. three, before the Honorable Win. M. Rockefel ler, Ks( President, and Ills Associate Justices of the Court. In the mutter ot P, oil. l Wcini'T, de ceased. The petition !' Wi'li am VVeiuier, North nmlie' land. borough. Nnilhntnher'.iTid county, in the state of Pennsylvania, was presented, letting fotth that lie is one ef lie- el. i'. dren and lineal de scendants of Daniel Weiiner, iate f tin: borough of Northumberland, deeea-e.l, thai the -a'd Dan iel Weiiner died on the day of , A. D. one thousand eight hundred nnd foily-elght. intes tate, leaving a wl low inline I Margaret Welmcr who Is also deceased, mid nine children, viz: your petitioner Wni Weiiner mid Christian L. Weiiner, (Jeo. I.. Welmcr, Mary intermarried wi'h Heni v ItivcMe. Callnrine intermarried with A. I.'ov.l. Margaret intevmari I' d with Jno. S Mallorh. El'zt.eih liit-rtoarrl-d with John A. IWinier, tarah W.-'nner nte' ttenella IVeiuier. I I. . I Ilia ...I I il.O..,le..l l..lllel W. i et 1 , ! 'eil ...'. fed in fee of, ati'l in a certain lot or iieee of ground situated in the born'iiih of Nortti'imherlittnl, Nor tlinnilierland e.etniy.t'iMinsylviii'ei .er.i'talnlng se veetv live feet (1") in front .vi W it. r street, nnd one bnn.lred and ni'e t y-l o feet in t. 1 th to an al ley. it Ii.'lng lot n'.nilier seven, an ! llt'tei-n feet of lot number six In the general j.'an ol the borough of Nnttliunil.ptl-ind. whereon I creeled n double two story leg dwelling house, with klt"hen at tached, n one and a liu f slory frame store house, stub i... and other out buildings. 'fills is to notify you and each of you herein above named, and you are herein- nr.ttlled that by virtue (f the above writ to nur dire-t'-d. an Inquest wi'l be he'd on the p remises of tiie above niiincd Daniel We'oiiMr, deceased, in tie borough of Nor thumberland, No'th'd Co., Pennsylvania, us here in de-crib.-d, mi Wednesday, March 13. 1S73, ut liio'c'ock, a. m.. forthe purpose of i. taking par tition of as to value, r.n.l upprili the real estate herein nbove described rf the said decedent, lit which time nnd place you may c.ieh nnd till ap pear if you think proper. S. H. ROThE It MEL, Sheriff. Sheriff Oltiee, Sunbury, February LISTS. t. Rule on Ileirn of I'll II Ip Ileckert, fleeensied. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA N'.i ihumherlnnd Count v. 8S. At an Orphans Point he'd nt Snnbiny, !n nnd for said enmity, on the l(h day of J.innnry, A. P. one thousand eight hundred and seventy tl.rce. before the Honot ab!- William M. Roekc f.'iVr. Prcsiident. nnd Josei'li Nicely, and fieorge C. Wr'ker. tils Associate Justice-ol s .i.l Court. I'l'on the petition of Emanuel Tl.-ckert, one of the children nnd heiis of Philip Heekert, late of Lower Mnhanny township. In said count y. d'rt, the Cnmt granted a rule on von, I'manuel Heek ert. Ann Marv Heekert. (widow of said Philip Heck .ri ) Philip Herker'. Susannah Intermarried w ith Philip Tsebopp, Michael Heekert. Marv In termarried wiili Imiiic H. Ressler. Rachel Heek ert. Catharine Intermarried with William Lem mon, Andrew Heckeit, LIHey, Minerva. Uriah Ellsworth, nnd Henry, children f.f Henry Heck- rt, who linve for th. lr Onard'sn Emanuel Deck er Ann Mary, Frederick nnd Daniel, children of Daniel Heekert, dee'd, w ho resl le In Marshall county, and State of Iowa, nit heir anil legal re presentatives of Philip Heekert. lnt of said county, deceased, commanding yon, nnd each of you to show cause by first dav of next term, to wit. second Monday of March. A. D. i:!T!S, why the balance of snld dccel'-nt's e tate,lo w it i pur. part numbers one nnd three should not be snld ft-cnnling to the Act of Assembly iu ti.t-a case made and provided. In wltucst whereof,! have hereunto set my ric -i baud and Ollicl.-il Srnl. this twemy-flflii ' ' dav of January, A. D. one thousand eight hundred nnd seventv-lbre". JAC03 LEISEN'RIN-, Clerk, O. C. Register's Office. Sunbury, Feb. 1, 1S12. St. Audltor'a otiee. rilHE undersigned. Auditor appointed by the 1 Couit to make iilstribullon of the funds In the hands 1 f William II. W-ippIr, and M. B. Pi iestlcy, Assignees of Daniel Lesher and Wil liain Miller, parties trading under the linn name of Lesher oc Miller, to and umoug the creditors of said ttrui legally entitled thereto, hereby give no lice, that he will meet all parties lutciei-ied In thu distribution ol the said funds at his olllee, oppo site the First National Bank, biinbury, on 8alur day the l.tth day of Keln.ii.rv next, tor lha pur pose of iitteu jiuu to the duties of bis appoint ment. WM. C. PACKER, Auditor. Sunbury, Jan. 19, 1873. AlsMIXIMTKATOIl'M MALE of Real Eflat of Nancy Cassett, dee'd. PURSUANT to an order of thu Orphaa's Court of Northuinbei lund C.iumy, Pa., will be toid ul pitolio sale, on tlie premises, iu bun bury, in said county, 011 TUESDAY, Ihe lh day of FEBRUARY. 1S73. thu following proH.rty, to wit iOue HOUoE A LOT niluato ou Broad wuy or Front street, being the southern half of lot numbered 011 the general pluu of said bor ough of Sunbury, at lot number Ul 1 containing kM feet aud V luchra In fioul on said Broadway or Front btreot, and rxtendiug cast of that width !eo0 feet lo 1111 alley. On which are orcoiod a frame Duelling House, and other out buildings, also a well of Water, uud a lot ofebolea fruit trees. Hale to commence at o'clock, P. M.,(.faid duy, wheu the terms will be mad known by P. H. MOORE, Adut'r. Jacob Lecturing, Cl'k O. C. Kuubury, Jauu try 18, 1S7S. Election Proclamation, WHEREA8, by on Act passed by lbs Legis lature of this Comniouwealth. it Is imide tho duty of the HhciltT of every enmity to (tlvn notice of nn election tn be held nt the time nnd places of holding election for township nnd mu nicipal officers of snld election districts, for the purK)e of voting for or ngnlnst the Act known n the Local Option I,ur- Approved Ihe SiTth day of March, A. D. lsn. wlileb pt"To,rtw followsi Pec. 1. lit (I tnat-tetl, e., That on the third Frlduj In March", one lhtiusnu,Jl rbht hundred and seventv-three, In every Tty n' coun ty of this Commonwealth,, nni r the annu al mnnlelpal elections oVrty lltlsrt ycr thereafter, In every such city nnd county. It shall be the du ty of the Inspectors and Judge of the election in the cities ntvl counties, to receive tlrke's, either written nr printed, from the legs. I Voter of snld' cities nnd counties, labelled orr the- outside "II ceusV'snc' on the mslde'Tcr,"or"neitlnet llcenso,' nnd to deposit said ticket iu n box pro vided lor Ibnt poronse bv said 'inannnir .....l Judges, as ia required by law in the ease el other tickets received, shall be counted, and n return nt tho same made to the Clerk of the Court of Quni terbeslonsof the pence of thu proper coun ty, (iiilyjcertilled u it is required by luwt which certlUeates shall bo IhIiI before tbeJudKes ol snld court nt tlie Urst inxcliug of said nouit nfier 81,1 election held, and ahull be Uled with the other recunut of all oouil ; and it . ehull be tlie duty oftr.nyors of cities, aud sheriffr ol CniptU-, or of nny oilier officer whose duty It mnv bn to perform such ervi-c, lo itive due public' notice of such special election above provided for, three weeks previous to tlie time of holding tliemmn, nnd also three weeks before suelt election every third year thereafter iVoefc.W, Unit this net shall not be construed to repeal or Hlfect nny spo- . .... j..jiii.iMiig mo sme ot intoxicating li quors, or prohibit tho irranllnK of licenses t JVo vUUd, thst when the municipal nnd township elections In any county or city do not ocenr on the third Friday in March, the elections provided for In this section shall be hold on tho day fixed forthe mnnlclpcl elections In said eonnty , Jlnd pretWtdt furthtr, that all lieouses granted after the flisl of Jauuary, ono thoasand eight hundrsd and seventy-tlir...e, shall cease, determine and be come void on the first day of April, one thou sand eight hundred and seventy-three, If the dis trict for which tbcv shall be grunted determines against the graDliuy of license i nnd tire treasu rer of the propvr county shall then reTuud to tUo holdet of such license the moneys so paid there-' for. for which thn eal.l treasurers shall be enti tled to cioditiu their uceouuti with the Com monwealth. tEc. a. Thut in rcecivitnr and counting, and niuklug retmus of the votes cast, the Inspectors, judges and clerks of said election, shall be gov erucd by the laws of this Commonwealth regulat- iiiu Bi-icnu eieciions; nun na Hie or, said election luws. oro hereby extended to and i shall apply lo the voters, Inspectors, Judges uud j clerks, votiug ut and nttending upon the election ! held tinder the provisions id this net. Therefore, , 8. 11. Rotuuumix, High Sherilfof j Northumberland county, do hereby make known nnd proclaim to the qualified voters of Noitliuui- herluud county, that mi election will be held for that pnrpose, on FRIDAY, the Sil-t day of FEU- RL'ARY, A. D. Ib7u, ut :he following places und i uisiru-is witriiu ine county, to w it : Sunbury, West Wurd.ut tho Court House, 8nn. bury, l'a. t East Wurd, at the public boutr of K. T. Drumheller. ITpjier Augusta tow ntUip, nt the public nouse of Joel Bittcnnun. Lower Augusta township, nt the public hou.-c of Peter Dunkeiberger. Noithuinberland borough nt the pubile house, of Jerry Yordy. Foiut District, nt the hnuc of Mrs. Johnson, In the borough of No.thuiiiberliind. Milton, South Ward, ut the. House ot C. W. Slicker; Noilh WarJ, at the pub. lo house of J. M. Hull. Tiiibut township, nt the houee of Abraham Kissinger. Delaware township, at tho house of Datesnian nnd Heckle. Chlllquuque, ut the house of Charles Hart- ninn. Wat&ontowu, lowur room of Academy build- I lug. I Lewis township, at thu house of D. H. Dreis- ! Iiaeli, In 1 m V lilt- btirough. IStniniok in townihip, at 'he house of T. Nt-shit. Upper Mahuiioy township, ut the bouse of John 11. (ieist. Little Mahauoy township, nt the house ef Con rad liaker. Lower Mah.inoy, ut tho home of A. Itoa.ler- mcl. Rush township, at Liberty-Pole school house. Jackson township, at the hou-e of John Al- ; bert. Heindoii, Pa. toal n.v,t. i.ip, t il... Lo...,. nr Austin Malice. ' Bliamokin borougli, East Ward, at the llnu-eof , Win. M. Weavert West Ward, ut thu bouse ot Patrick Kuirns. j Zerbe towu-diip, at tho house of Thoiius ' Foulds, Jr. ( Cameron township, at tho house of li. W. j Uetl!, tiowen City. j Jordan town-hip, nt the houe of Jacob Mio-scr. . Mt. Curtnei borough, at ti e Ml. Carinel House. ' Washington township, at the house of 11. C. i Fl8-cr. MeEwcnsvlllc, nt the home of Henry I'cei'.er. j T ill tfit v ii Ip. at the lioU'e cl bi iuin tpp. I Mt. Carmcl luiiklep, at lha llnu.-e c.l Miebuel I Cirulia n. I Itiverside I'.'irnuli, at the public school hous of said I Snyileilottii, ut tho puu'.ie house of William Farrow. j Given under my hand, t my nllice, iu Suu'mry J this 'JmIi dayof Jaimaiy, In tiie of our Lord j one tboiir-mid eight linn.lrc l and fen'nty.tlnee, j uud ill the t.iii. ly eeiuli year i f the Indvpcn- deuce of the L'l.itcd St tcs. v I S. II. UOTUF.ItM EL, Pheritr. I Shcrlrt s Otlice. Sunbury, j February I, 1S7J. O. W. KKEFLft. C. W. IlASSLElt. NewGoods! J)ry Goods, Xotloun, Funiishing Goods, GroeerieH, Oil Cloths, j Glass and Xnils j of every aiicty, at out- low pi lee, ' nt I Kcefcr & Uussler's Stin'e, Comer ot l-'ouilh and Maik. l Stn-. ls, tUNBl'RY, PA. All k'.uiU of Grain taken i.i t-xehaiige rnme lis cush. Call uud see us. KKEFER .V UASSLI U. Sunbury, Feb. 1, IfcTJ. Borough OrdiuuitefN. lit n Oiioainko hy the Itiuge-ses and Town Council of the Ihnough ol t-unlinn and it it hereby or.luiuei: by 1. liliio,i. ol t,,t 1st, That Iron. nlii-r the paSM.ue (.f ll.i ordiuniicc, it sh 11! not be lawlui for uny peisou or persons to c.n-t any iiiblii-h, il'nt, sand, u.iith, rnul. coal ashes, o- wast p.iH-r upon any .tinl or alley within sal 1 boioiiul'. wilbout pi rmirsioii of ihe Council, under peu.iltj of Tbi.-e io;',.ii for each and everv such mi I eo-t- of ).io Secutlon, uud cos Is of leuioviiig the same, which pcuall Vlnav be reeotritii by any peison Mieii.g lor tac same bef.iiu uny Just'iv of the Peace or Burgess ot said buiniigh. iu like manner a. oiii 1 debts are recovuinblu by law, the one hall ol s..i I penalty to the 11-e of Ihe prosecutor, ni l the oth er hull lo I he use of the borough. 2d, Inconsistent herewith, me hereby repealed. Moiutliall two thirds votej Yea. It bee.iine- law, January Uib,lS73. Sunbiuy, J..U. IS. 1013 -3:. Be IT OliPAINru by tlie Buigesres an I To .in Council of the Boiough ul biliilni: v, an il is Vie by ordained by the nulllo'ity ..I the same lt, Tliul from aud aft. c the pu-sugc of lbi Oidiiiauee, that etty iH.-etit4ti.l of real .bi.iic within said borough, rbull cl.-uM elf all airl. .hn-i and rubbish, and till seow and lee from the side walks and culler-, the full idih ofihe -a , in froul of it'll occupied premises, wit in lwei;ty f'our hours from the lime of its lo igiuert . V I, In cute such pioeuieiii, or any l Hu m. Is Hill so cleuuud, kueh vrou m olle .di..g an I ue alectlng, shall lie liuble to a penally of line Dol lar for the use of any person wlin 111 ij proserule for the luiiue, and iy eot of Ion, and ul enpeun'i n 1 e move the same, such penalty to be recoverable before uny Ju-tlceof thu Peuce or Burgess, us oilier debts aru recovered. There being more than two-thirds, it becouitt a Uw.Jasuarj Ulb, 1873. Sunbury, Juu. 18, 1873. -St. Executor' Notice, (On tbs Ektata of Abraham Snyder, dee. I NOTICE is hereby given, thai Letters Test a -meulaiy bave been grinned 10 the unCer sigued. Executor of tlie Estate of Abraham Sny dor, deceased, late of Upper Augusta township, Northumberland couuiy. Person know lug tbeui elves ludvbted t snld estute, and those having claims againtt thssauie, will present them to the Executor for ;tluienl. - A. N. BRICE, Esecutor. ' unbury. January !t3, 1ST2. fel. jcto bbcrlismtnls. N V - ruti.K S1.K OB Valuutile Heal I'.ntale. rPR? ticrelnaft described .iepeitv,'ownc.( by -A. tht- Fort Augusta It.itMiug and Lonn Ansn elation, ir duubuty, Pa. will bo sdld nt Public Dale, on .i. THE nth-DAT of FEHRUARY, 1878, nt the CORNER OF 81 And MARKET iim!i, In front of J. elilpajau's-olllce, thn follow lug de scribed property, to wit i u Certain lot or piece Of (toii4 silut on the corner or 4lh and Vina sis., now occupied by Geo. Oelst r, being lot, No. 17' OillSlaBor Mas. fir's Hdditlon to the borough of Biinonryj containing 81 feet, fronting 011 4,h,und eSlwndlng west nlong Vine si,, of that width, m an Alley wbcreou Is creeled r laifo, aud solj. Slnntial two-ntory frame dwelllng.linnse, with a two-story rrnmo kltchea attueUen, and othor ne cessary out-biilldiugs. ' . ' AL8O. A certn'n lot or pleeo of ground, situate In TJp pr Augusta township. Xoiihnmlierlnnd countv, nt the forks of thu Tnlpetiox-ften imd Pluirt I reek rnnds, chntalning about 0110 und n quarter ncres, more or less, whereon is erected a laruti and com-, inodlons, two story frame iuilrliiig, with a base ment suitable for n hotel, or dwelling. There is nlso n choice lot of frtilt trees, and a well of Wa ter on the int. These properties will positively be sold nt the time nnd pi a re above mentioned. Any further iu fnrmHtlon desired, will b furnished by the tin derstgned committee. Termseusyt sale to romtneuceot 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, when terras will ba made known by J. IT. MOORE.' J. BHIPMAN, H. Y. FRYLINO, Committee on ijalc. fttinbnry, January 21, 1878. T1IAI. H. N1UN0, j Third and Market Square, HAS Just received A full line of flrst-clnss goods nt moderate pries. ' Has tho best stock outside the cities, consisting of American aud NwIhm Watches, Elgin. Mi nois, llownrd Ac Co., Wnltham, Mass.,' Springfield Watch Co.. Peiladelphiii. : Alsoa full line of Ladles' aud Gent,' Gold aud tiilver Watches. JEWELEY. Roniun Gold sets, pink coral nnd Gold set?, K:ir-R'n.s, Neeklucei nnd Pendants, Ouyi nnd Jet Jcweliy. SILVER-WARE, Solid Silver-ware of Sterling purit), made to or der. H1id.1l nnd Preicntati.m Piece?. Knives, Fork and Spoon iu cases, also, a full line' of Silver Plated Goods, Tea Si ts, lr Water Sets, Erbit Stands. Cnke ISaskeis, Collce TL'iti", Fork, and Spoons treble plated, the best iu the markets SPECTACLES. If you Value your Eyesight, use the Pel feet Len-es, ground from minute Civile Pebbles mel ted together, and derive there name "Diamond'' on iiccrmul of there hardness uud brilliancy. They will Intt many years without change, aud warranted Superior to all others Iu use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal handles in cases ft: -plled to t.rdei. CLOCKS. A full assortment of Eight day nnd Thirty hour Ciorks, ,.(Mi t 'aleuder Clucks ot ,.il inscrip tions, l-.ngraving done at the slmi test notice. All goods sold v. iirr.iele.l as Ihey are tepie font d. And he would caO the ull.-niiot. of .'. patron uud the public t hi. i-ne st.-i-k I AMERICAN nod S is W..tebe of the 11 ei makers hi tin; wiuM. N.. tioublc 10 -how goo N. 1 Call and CMimiue my sn.ek. TH A D'S S. PJ'A NNON. I Sauburv, Dec. gl, UT.'. I THE NEW DISCOVERY la Chemical and medical Selene. Dr. GARVIN'S TAIt UE.TIEDIES Cure Incipient Consumption. Dr. ARVI S TAIt REMEDIES Cur Catarrh. Dr. OAUVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure itlhma. Dr. OARVIVS TR REMEDIES Cure Heart Disease. Dr. GARVIVS TAR KE.tfEDIES Cure Skin Diseases. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Regulate the Elver. Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Regulate theStomachand Bowt'U Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Curo all Female Weaknesses. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Tarifr the Dlood. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Diseases of the Throat. Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Bronchitis. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure "Rose Cold," or'-Ray Fever" Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Lang Diseases. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Salt Rheum. Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Kidney Diseases. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES prevent Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Trcveut Malarious Fevers. Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Remove Pain in the Dreast. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Remove Pain in the Side or Back. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Are Superior Tonic. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Restore the Appetite. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Restore the Weak and Debilitated Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your System.' . I. F. HYDE tfc CO., BOUB FBOPBICTOBtsj 195 Seventh Ave., New York, IXivo.Ot 1 it, ijj.. ly 1307. RIGHTER dt GASKILL, 1307. DEALERS IX American and French WiuJaw Glass, Urystal iihe.t, Rough Plats, Colored, Enameled aud Oruameutsl Gists, . 1307 Market Street, Phil .delpliia. " January II, U73 ly. ?b ibf rtiotiTfirisV iiiitorn TVntKe. ri'tllE nnnerstpicd liavlnfj been app.jlnted If JL the court to restate tho nccottnt of George i: !oimor,H(lntlnlprMtnr "f Dnnlcl Vlmer, ' liiteol lhe borough of Northumberland, ilee'd 'and report on exceptions filed tipreto, hereby j gives notice that he. will nttend to the duties of bis appointment al lil offlce In Siinbiirv, Pa., on J Thursday the 20th duj of February, 1S7;1, nt 10 o'clock, . in., when all persons interested may niuuid if theii see proper. n. KASE, Auditor. January 86, 18TH. St.. book: AGENTS GREAT INDUSTRtES OF THE UNITED 8TATES - 1300 PAGES AND COO EXC.KAVINGS Wiitcn by 80 Authors, Including . 4oiin n. oorou Ann ltohACG onRrt.ET. This work Wfteoinplrtclilstoiyorullbranrue of industry, processes of manufacture, etc., in oil nges. li i tt complete encyclopedia of nrts nnd tTniiiiifaet.Hes, and Is the most entertaining nd valuable w ork of Informal iou on subjects of gen eral 'Interests ever odcrcd to the public. W want Agents iu every town of the United Btntes, nnd no Ageut can fall to do well with this book. One agent sold 133 copies In eight dnys, another sold 358 in two week. Our agent In llartford old 397 In ona week. . Specimen ccut free on re ceipt of stamp. AGENTS WANTED FOTl TITE FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 830 PA0E9, 260 EKORlVINQS. An Interesting and aimiking treatise on the Medical Humbugs of the past and present. It exposes Quacks, Impostors, Travelling Doctors, Patent Medicine Venders, Noted Female Cheat?, I'm tunc Tellers and Mediums, and gives Interest ing accounts of Noted Physicians und .Narratives of their lives. It reveals startling secrels nnd Instructs all how to avoid the ills which flesh Is heir to. We give exclusive territory nnd liberal commissions. For circulars uud terms addres the publishers. J. B. BURR & IIYOE, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, III. SCXKlItY n A It II I. F. YARD, Fourth Street below Murltet, SUX11UHY, PENX'A. rpilE undersigned has returned from the Ver 1. mont Marble Quarries with 5tt Tons of Marble for pRtj, iHoimiut'iits, Grnvc-Ktoueii, &c, &c. 'ill He hns bought nt such figures that tfp-A will allow him to sell better stone, for r . less money, than heretofore. The best Falls Marble, ' which is better than Italian. Rutland is now sold as low ns the Manchester. ( Those who need anything In the Marble line, 1 for Monuments, Grnve-tStones, or other purposes, 1 w ill lin.l It to their Interest lo call and examine I tills large stock, as better bargains can be secur i ed than buylut; from parties 'huckstering' round : tlie country. I All lettering will be done In Ihe neatest nnd i mo-t improved lyie. ! W. M. DAl'GIIEKTY. j c?anbnry, Jan. II, 1873. GET TIIE REST. Website rtf I mi bridged Dictionary. It), DOt) ir.i-,.V u( 1 Meimlii'j f in nther L'Uliou-rti-ic. :: "'l Eagiaiings; 18 10 Pag;,, tj iarto. Price ?1S. "W'i -never I w h lo obtain esacl ilcllnil ions, V I coii-nli li. ficliiiylci .Colfax. Eveiv Scholar knows its va.uc. V. II. Pre-c .t the Iliaioi i.m. 1een one of my dai'y companions. I John L. Mot ley, I he lli-toiian, ttc.J So far in I know, best deiiuing 1 actional v. Horace Mam,. ' 1ie b.-st gui le of students of our I.ung.iagc. 1 Jehu (!. Wiilulcr. 1..cels nil others in defining scicnt'lic terms. i Pre-ide'nt lUtchcoek. 1 Jiiiarkilileeonipcivliniu of human know le.ig'i V W. !S. Clark. Pics"t Ag. College. A ni-ness'.iy for every Intel, igent f.imi'y, slu d. nt. teacher and professional man. What Li brary is complete without the best English liie-ti-.niary. ALSO tViinst Kit's Xatioxai. I'ii tiiihal Hit i ionauv. li'HI Pages Octavo. U!W Kugraviugs. Pi ice f "1. The weik N r.-a Iv a gem of a dictionary, j i-t the fling for the million. Awctvan .'..'! iT-ntV.j. Published l.yti. ttf. M F.I!!; I A II. Springfi.-M, M.i-S. Sold bv all UMi!vsdlei's. , a 'tl Tlils, "ijiace is ItiMerteil f'tir tlie A iivkii . isr.MevT ok F'A'N t h M-j'OHMI.'K'S II A ;: 1) V A li E S TO li 1: I'itiKel Nt,, Sunbury. l'a. Xotlee. NOTICE Is hereby glteu Hint applicatUm has been made to tile Court of Common Pleas of Koill.iinii.crlaiid county, by thu ti(l Ueruiau He formed Chinch of buiil.ury, for un amended charter of Coipoialliai lor 1 burch, uud if no siiltlelent reason lo the co-iiinry is shown, a de cree ill be. made ul the nevt term of suid Court uecordlng to thu act of Assetnuly iu such cam made an' provided. l. t. RonatAcn, rioth'ry, A 1 jsfa',T1i4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers