&5Pi THE SUNBURY AMERICAN m rtTKLisnraj every satubdat By EM'Ii "WH.VKBT, Proprietor, Moot Wesmgcr's Building, Market Sonars, At fl.50 In AdTuee. II ot p-ld within ItontlM M. jatMlMi laJbus fir lm Vn Monifit. Co-nmorm with thU stabllshm enl is an ext-cn-etveN EW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and fancy type rqaal to any establishment n the tnwrtor of the State, for which the patron air of the public It respectfully sorlcited. professional. W. C. PACKER, Attoin6y at Law, Stmlnry, Pa. Wvemb , 18T. tf. . db. ciias. in. MAnTI.H, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Sunbnry, Penn'a. OflWs a Frou Street, next door to Haas A Fas-sly. Offla Boars. Until 8 a m.. Trots 11 to 1 p m. Frmn & to tt p ra.,aud after 9 o'clock p ni. At all oilier houre when not profeaelonnlTy en gaged, ee a be found at Drug filers, on Third St., next to Clement House. . augs.'Ti-ly Sit. BOYEIt, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. Room Nos. t 8 Beeond Floor, Bright' Building, SUN BURT, FA. Professions biulnee attended to. In the coorte of Northura bsrland aud adjoining eouetle. Also, In the Vew and IMrUt Courta for the Western Dis. trict of Pennsylvania. Claim promptly collect a. Particular attention paid to mum In Bank rupt$g. Consultation oau be had In the Ger language. mar26,'7l. Lli. KANE, Attorney at Law, BUM BURlf, PA., offiee In Mnr'i Building near the Court House. Front Room np stairs abore the Druir Btore. Collections made lu Nor (humberland and adjoining counties. feVnihury, Pa., June 8, 1878. Til. B. KASE, Attorney at Law, SUS- BUKT.P A. OlBce In the Clement Build dings, second floor. Entrance on Market street. Professional bnines hi thU aud adjoining conn lie promptly attended to. Banbury, March 18, 1S72.-1V. J ti. MARHI.E CO, Market Street, . SUN BURT, PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints. OIU, ;J!as, Varnlshos, Liquors, Tobaeeo, Cigars, Pocket Bonks, Duirles, &c. r . VTOI.VERTOX, Attorney at Law. O. .Market Square, 8UNBURT,PA. Professlon 1 business In tin aud adjoining counties proinpt y attended to. GA. KEI.nEXNSYDER, Attorney ut Law, BUNBURY, PA. All business u . rmti'.l to bis mire ultunded to promptly and with diligence. npl-J7-ti7 HB. MASMEll, Attorney at Law, 8UN- BURY, PA. Colleotlous attended to In the counties of Northumberland, Uulou, Snyder, Montour. Columbia and Lycoming. iipll0-6a AN. BRICE, Attorney at Law, Bunbury, Pa. Otlice In .Masonic. Hull Building. Collections of claims, writings, and all kind of legal business uttendej 10 "carefully and with dispatch. I April 8. 1W71. ly. s OLOMOM M ALIC K, ATTORN KT AT LAW, . Offlee at his residence on Arch street, one square north of the Court Ilont-e, near the Jail, &UN BL'RT, PA. Collections and all professional buslne promptly attended to In this and adjoin ing enmities. Consultations can ba had In the 5enunn language. July3"-lS72. 0. ziBOLin. t. T. rtonnmcH. EIEtil.KR ROI1RBACII, ATT0RNBT8 AT LAW, Office In llaupt's Bnlldlnt;. lately occnpled hy Judge Rockefeller aud L. T. Rohrbach, Eq. Collections and all professional business pr mptly attended to In the Courts of Noribuin- burlaud and adjuiuiuj counties. Oec .. lavi. ITjotcls ao uestanrnnts. TATJOVAl. HOTEL., F. KITCKEN. PaomiiTOR, Mt. CAKMrt, "obtu'd Cot.5TT, Yk. Centrally lorated In the tawn, and amp'e e coinmolationl furnished to the traveling public. A convylne rons to and from every passenger train fra of charge. Jj:y 7, 1S7S. WANHIXttTOW IIOI'KE, C. NEFF Proprietor, Comer of Market A Seroud SlrcslK, oppocrte the Ooait House, Bunburr, P. May8S.'70. VI.IEGI1EMY HOt'NE, A. KECK, Proprietor, Nos.SU and 814 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, 13 per day. He respectfully solicits yonr patron age. Janfi-72. NATIOXAI. IIOTF.l,. AUWUSTt'B WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd County, Pa., at ine btmlon of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines aud clears at the bar. The tablets supplied with tbe best the market ntf rde. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. nrmiEIK REST A l' RANT, LOUIS HUM MEL, Proprietor, Commerce ft.. 8HAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having Just refitted the above Saloon for the acomnilutlou of the public, is no prepared to serve jls frien.U with tbe beet tefroshmente, and troll Lager User, Ale, l'orier, aud all other mall q uirs. IIYLKLV'N IlOTl.l.. JOSIAH BY ERLY, Proprietor, Lower Maha noy towuslilp, Northnmberland county. Pa., ou the rotd leHdiner from Georgetown to Union town, Smith Inn. Trevorton Poltsville, Ac. The choice-t Liquors and Segrs at tbe bar. The tal'lnt uie ptovidel with the best nf the sea son. Sulillng large aud wall suited for drovers, with good oxtiers. Kvery attention paid to make gnrstt comforta ble. Vnv. U. lS7t.-ly. business arbs. . KlIOAI'S. i. I-ACXBH HAAS J ti. RHOAnS K CO., IT t HBTA1I. DEALERS Or NTHRACITE COAL, BUNBURY, PKNN'A. Orrici with Haas, Faoely A Co., Orders left at B uillioll A Bro's., ntHoe Market treet, will receive prompt attention. Country uelom respm iiuily solicited. J?Kt. 4jlt71. tf. ANTHRACITE GOAL! VALENTINE IMETZ, Wholesale aud Uetnil dealer In evory variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, 6LNBUKV, PENN'A. All kinds of Grain taken In exchange for Coal. Orders soliciied and Blled promptly. Orders left at 8. F. Nevin's C-Mifectiouery Btore, an Third fiueel, will recirve proinj-t utteutlon, aud money .-ceipte.1 fnr. ti sain a at the olfle. NEW COAL YARD. ' I VIE undersigned having cwinected th Coal JL biibinrss with hisexten.iv FLOUR A GRAIN tr ide, is prepared to apply faicilie wllb the YERY Bi:vr OPtOtL, CHEAI FOR CASH. T.?g, Btnve and Nut, connaully on Laud. Uralu taken In exchange forCoal. 1. M. CADWALtADER. unbnry, Jan. 15, 17U. f. dentimtryT GEORGE M. RENN, In SimjitWa IiuiVUng, MurLtt Sytiora, fcrNBURi, Pa., 1 prepared to do ull kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on hand alulae a.sortuient of Ttetb, u:d otter Dental material, from which he will t able to- select, Hut in re .ce w.mti of bis customer.. All o.-i warranted to glvesallsfactiODjorsiM Ihn money refiuuled. The very beet Mouth Wash and Tootb'lMrarl kept ou baud. His references are thv uumerous pat' Otm -eno'ii ne uaa woriea Inr vim lasl twlrw ireubnry, April 11, lTA rN T m T TV TT T : W m mm ' I ' I i mm MM ' 9) I P L . U - J'.-'L' - -- - - - . - - K-tabll-hed In IRtO. .1 PRICE 1 50 IN ADVANCE (cto Abbcrtistmfttls. CO A El CO AM COAL.! GRANT BROS., Bhlpptrt and Wboleenla and Retail Denier In WHITE ADD RED A8T1 COAL, 8UNBCRT, PA. (lower wharf.; VST Sole Agents, w set ward, at the celebrated Heniry Clay Coal. Jan 1B-8 PINE MILLINERY. Tbe Fall and Winter stock of Goods at Miss L. WefMer'a Store, Market Street, Bnnbnry, TAKES THE LEAD. Every article In the line of Millinery Goods can be purchased at her estnbllsiuont, com prising of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETF, FftAMIB, FLOWERS, CRAPEB, RIBBONS, LACES, TURQUOISE, and all the leading style of ladles' Millinery wewr, NOTIONS, a general Yariety. HANDKER CHIEFS, GLOTE3, ROBE, Ac. Tbe ladlef of Bunbury and vicinity are Invited to call aud t lauiiue the gem goods now in my Btore. MISB L. WF.I8ER. IT ovsmber 16, 1875. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY'. nst received from the cities an entire new stock of Millinery floods, consisting of BONNETS AND HATS. FLOWERS. WREATHS, Frulbers, Frames, liaees, Ribbons, Turqanlse, and all the leading stylee of line Millinery. I have spared neither pains aor expense to make my Fall Block one of the most attrartlva ever offered to tbe citizens of Bunburr and vlclu l.y. All art Invited to eall And examine my stock. M. k. OOaSI.KR. 4ft Bonth Fourth 8trcet, bflow tbe B. V. R. K., 8UNBURY, PA. Nov. , 187i. LADIES' FANCY liOODM FALL STYLES AT Miss Kate Black, Karbrt-Sq-aro Sunbury, Pa., BLACK UUESS SILKS, Piald and Plain Popllas, Worstrd and Erabrot erie, Worsterd Aaeks and Shawls for Ladles and Children. All kin of LADIES' WOOLEN GOODB. A central nssortmrut of White Goods, Dres TrliuuiinL's, Lara. Ac. A icneral vaiic.ty of Ulovtw, Mandkerchlefs, Hose fur ladles and gen tlemen. TOILET SO APS AHD PERFUMERY. Evrrybo4y is Invited to call and see them and buy i beup. GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, rhikdoJphin, . J TAILORS . : aad MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military,' Band Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Our being tbe leaJIng hoase on Military work, we feel that, we can offer inducements which can not he attaln1 anywhere else. Aug. ii. 1X72. CENTER OF ATTRACTION. Everybody Is Invltrd to come and bny of the haudsoiiir nrortmnt of TOTS AND CON FECTIONERIES at SAIiTJEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame btilMlne, adjoining Moore A Disslnger'a building, THIRD STREET, BUNBURY, PA Just opened a fveb supply of Coufeclioueris of every noecnption. TOYS OF ALL KIND eoustautly on hand. The bcH KAI8INS, TIfJB, IT HKANTa A HIUkD KKU1T. PURE RIO COFTEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every morning, FANCY CAKE6, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. Ol'STEKS I OYSTERS ! OYSTERS t Having Btlrd np a room expressly for serving up Oycicrs In evny style. Ladies and bentlemen will be aceominodated with the bent bivalves lu market, tit all hoars during tbe day and evening Families will be supplied ut their resideuce with the ben Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, ut lb i very lowrxt prices. Call and see my escellcut assortment of goods ana ascertain the prices. B. T. NEVIS, Dee. 1, 1$7L - NUNni'RY FIRE INNl'R ANCE C THE D1RERTORH OF THE SUNRURY HORSE AND CATTLE IN SURANCE COMPANY, A rr bow ttkaing Hie risks under their special euarxor fiamea ay in Legislature. Th recent great calamitous tires of Chicago ana Boslup bava proven conclusively tvo fuels, lt. Thai SJumal Iu-urunc. Companies pro. vide tlie niiul teiuilly to tbe assured for the smallest eYM and are tbe beet able to sustain heavy losses. Sd. That . llro Companies aru an absolute teerssky and furnish the bert guarantees for payment or liwoca as they cover no heavv risk wonking wtsid of cities and cannot be affected by such treat. :ennflagrallons as lb Boston and Chicago 8rs wbieli liav ruined many of our Deri auu Htrongrsi toinpanius. THE BUNBURY FIRE INSURANCE CO., By eperiul privileges works the Joint stock and mutual plnus together, I bus enabling them to enjoy tbe advantages of both modes of lasn ranee without doing cue iniu.uce to th bolder ot tbe mutual policy by assesing blm for the bencfltof lb slock noiitur. All itolivtea are Issued ou the mutual plan. All rii-ks are taken outfidc the great cities, and only on srtrft rtroiierty as Is not so ex noted a to .' hazardon. . Tbia enable th kiuipany to iur ire for lea rate tban many other Compaoie and supplies a great need now felt by all of a ra .tauiy cimauctca ana 6AFE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. rhelr Jolntiek Plan protect aralnst Mor. oiiaiii or rcpensrn aseessments. RELIABLE AGENTB WANTED. Address a A. REIMENSNYDF.R, Bt-retsry, E. D. RTLLIAN. BpeHhl Agent nu!,'iUa December 7, 1873. if. r r f-if !eiionslMe inn n Lnr.l T Aifent to sail Fruit and ornamental trees In uelgbtiorhond hre ibey srslde. To the rlg'at parties vary liberal friiis und an opisnnu nlty toaalahllsb a-aal and nrnaiu'l. h... Add res Tt Dingo Conrad' Co.t Whorusai SUNBDKY, PA.'.' BALTIMORE LOCK IIOSPTTAL DR. JOHKSTOIT, T ,' ' . . - l '-ill j PhysMan of thto srehvatsd tnsMtvtfe),' bo) discovered th most eertejo, speedy, pleasant aad effectual remedv In the world for all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of th Back or Limbs, BtrtotnsM, Affections of Kidney and Bladder, lnvoltm-1 tary Discharge, Impoteucy, General Debili ty, Nervouene, Drspepey, Lanirnor, Love Bplrtts, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Bight or Giddiness, Dl sense of tbe Bond, Throat, No or Bkln, Affection of Liver, Lnnts, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising from th Solitary flabltsof Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than th song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hope of anticipations, rendering marrlagv, Ac., Impas sible. . ' ,' ' lOUNCI MEN especially, who have become the victims of Boll tary Vict, that dreadful And destructive habit ; which annually sweeps to. an untimely ' grave thousands of foune men bf tbe most axaltsd. talents and brilliant Intellect, who might other wis have entranced listening Senates with th 1 thunders of eloquence or waked to scetacy the livlug lyr. may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Yonng Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss f Procreatlve Power Impoteney), NerTons Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, soeedllv relieved. He who places mmseir under ma ear or nr. J. may religiously confldo in kis honor as a gentle man, and confidently rely noon hi skill as a Pbv- siclau. ORGANIC WEAKNESS. Impoteney, Lnts of Power, immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Ancction which renders Lira miserable and marriage Impossible is tbe penalty paid by the victims of Improper lndnlgonoos. Young persons arc too apt to commit excesses from not being aware or the arrAnriil consciences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lott sooner by those falling luto improper nnmt man ny mo pruaeni r uesuivs bclug deprived the pleasures of healthy off-pring, the most serious and destructive symptoms lo both body and mind arise. 1 be system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreatlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of ibo Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of tbe Frame, Cough, Coueumptlon, Decay ami Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling month after month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply immediately. Member of the Royal College of Burgeou, Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eminent Colleges In the United htatee, nnd the greatcr part of whose If has been speut in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia aud elsewhere, has ettected some of tbe most astouishliiL' cures hnt were ever kuown ; many troubled v. ith ring ing In the head and ears when asleep, groat nervnusuiss, being alarmed at suddeu soauds, baohfuluess, with fluent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. lAJffc rAKUCLLAK MJT1CE. Dr. J. aadrrstc all tbosa who have lujurrd tbemselvee hy improper ladulguuc and solitary habits, which nun bulb body and mlud.anllLiiiig thein for either business, study, society or -mar- rtsge. Tiir.dR are some of ths sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vis x V) eakness m the HacK aud Limbs, ruins in the Bsckand Head. Dimness nf KiKht. T.naa nf Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nrous Iriitaluiiiy, Derangement 01 Ulteollre Functions, lienerai Debility, kWmptoina ot Con sumption, Ac. M evtallt The fearful effects on the mind are Binch to ba dreaded Los of Memory, Cou- fusion of Ideas, Degression or Bpirits. KtiI- Forebodings, Aversion to bociety, bsif-Dislrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, otc, are some ct the evils produced. Tbovsafp or rersoD or all ace can now Judge wbul is tbe cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singnl ar appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consump tion. TOUNO MEN Who davs injnred themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged In when alone, a habit freiiuemly learned from sril companions, sr at school, lbs stlerts of which are nightly fell, evsu when asleep, aud if not cured, renders marriage impos sible, aud doetrore bola iniud and body, should apply immediately. What a pity tbut a young man, the hope of bis country, the darling of bis parents, should be snatcbrl from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the couscqueuce of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret bublt. Such perrons ui'bt, befure contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sonnd mind aud body are the most ueeestary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, ths Jouruey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage) ths prospect hourly darkens to the view ; tbe mlud tccojios shadowed with debpair aud UUed wuu tbe melan choly reflection, lliat the bappiooes of another becomes blithted w ith our own. a. CERTAIN DlbEABE. When the misguided and imprudent votarr of pleasure finds that he has imbibed tbe seejs of Ibis pamrul iliseafe, it too often happens thut au ill-timed sense of sliiime, or dread of discovery, deters biui from applying lo those who, froin educutlou und respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the couxlituiioiial bjinploms ot this borrij disease make tbclr appearance, eiu-U as ulcerated sore throat, diseased noe, uucturul pains In the head and limbs, dlmue.s of siyht, deafness, nodes on tbe sbiu bones and anus, blotches on ths head, face and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of tbe mouth or the bones of the none fall in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful suffering, by sending blm to " that Undiscovered Country from wbeuce no traveller returns." It is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE victims to this terrible disease, through falling Into the hands of Ignorant or nnskiilfni PRE TENDERS, who, by ths use of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, Vc, destroy the eoustilutiuu, aud Incapable, of curing, keep I lie unbappv sufferer month ufler mouth tuking their uoxious or in jurious compounds, and instead of beiug restored to a renewal ot Life V igor aud llappluers, lu des pair leave bim with ruiued Health to rlgh over bis galling disappointment. To such, thcretore, Dr. Jodwstom pledges him- sen to preserve tbe most luvioiaoie Becrecv, and from bis extensive in set lee and nb.ervaliuus iu the great Hospitals of Europe, and the ftr.t lu tbia country, viz i Eugluud, France, Philadelphia aud elsewhere, is enabled to otter I lie most car tain, speedy aud effectual remedy lu tbe w.ir.d for all diseases of huprudeuce. ' DR. JoHNhTON. OrF:CE, NO. 7. b. FREDERICK STREET. BU-TlMOnB, M. D. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door from the eoruer. Fall not to observe ,iu uc and number. Irf No letters received nnless pnstpal 1 mid coutaining a stamp lo be used on the repiy. Per- sons writiug should state age, an I send a porlioa i aavi.tise.uent deserving yiiiptna. There are so many Paltry, Designing and w..r.M... T,n... i,ivr.iJ,T ,i,.7....i... Physicians, lulling with ami ruining lbs ten th -. . ..rw of all who nuforiunaSely full into tlieir power, that Dr. Johnston deems U necessary to suy e peclally to those unacquainted witu bis reu.ua-i lion thai bis Credentials or Diploma always ' hang in his otrtce. ESDUHoEMENT OF THE PKKSS. The mauy thousands cured al this Establish ment, year after year, aud tbe numerous lu portant burglcal Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the representatives of the press aud many other papers, notice of which bas ai'i-eared again and again befure ths public. besides bis st.indiug as a geutlemaa of character vsasjaSPy ifi( UfTV. SATUJtDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 1, 1873. clect otlrjj. THE OUTCAST. T ovla jnnnrnrrn. Th snow Is falling thick nnd fast, And tbe wind wall drearily i It seems to say as It hurries punt, "Come, wundercr, come with met !Vo pkice for thee near the happy hcurth . Noneln the fenlve hulls! Noplace for thee wherethe laugh Of mirth For an uostveilng echo culls I" I know It, nnd t come, I coins, Tlinuuh the snow-flakes swiftly fall i They scnticr round me like the oceans fom, And still the wild winds call. Blow, blow, ye winds fall fnster, snow, Be t hull my winding shoot I A I've ''uiuile my bed 1 mini rest," I know, Though that bed be lu tbe street. It Is better thus. I con'd not live To inoet the cold world's scorn 1 My secret into God's care I give Till lbs resumption morn. ' A pleasant languor steals o'er my frame, And a dreamy calm o'er my mind Want, and temptatlou, grief and shame, 1 am leaving you all behind. j I bear tbe wild winds' voles no more. Jor f-el tbe wintry cold ; , Far off I see th "oilier fbore" R pearly gates unfold, I sea Ike white-winged augols stand, Aud I hear the Muster call : 1 am going to the "better laud," Fail faster, suow-Qnkes, fall t lti3ctll;i tncous. Th Oreut Sturm. TKRRIBLX TKMPKST IN MINNESOTA. Few nf the jicriiilo in this section of our country can have any idea of the hulllrinus endured by the men, women nnd children of poi'li'insf Miniieaotii liming the late terrible snow storm. Nnihiiifj like it han been knitwu for yt.ara. Tlic loss of life wua fiijjhll'ul. while tlie destruclioti of irnierty was iniini iisv. The followiin; is a draerip tinn i f the horroiiv of the huriicane, n aunt by a correspoiideiit from Winoiiii, Minnesotii, to the w York llemUl: 1 vina in Miurrwofa ntttr the iiwful nisa HHcri t of let) years iisjo, wlicn the red wave of Indiiiii iiivnsiou swept over the umiliiiir land und h it it a wnpto of nshea Bonked with blood ; but the aeulpinj: knife and bullet of the .Sioux did Mot oo Mich ha voc us the snows have v.-rouhi this jeac, nor were nll-tlie tortures ol the reil I'.cinls produi'live of more nuony tlian I have wil oi'KBed wilhin l lie I'hhI ten days. What has been sudetvd and how many have beeii slain has not yi-l hi en nscerlained, for the B, til. nienls r far apart, nnd coiniim liiciiiiou is dillii ilit ; but by every mail come particulars thai chili the blood, and we) cau now fairly estimate the extent of the calamity. Up to that fatal Tuesday, at whose men tion many a heart shall ache, in Minnesota fjr years lo come, there had la-en winter weulher of th.; usual sort, clear, cold, with occasional storms of snows, soma ofwhieh had seriously blockaded the railroads, and induced ponuidciaolc suffering from ttearet ty of fuel. Tuesday, tiik 7th, was a lovely and mild day. The sun wns bright and the air balmy. Kvcry pulse of the country was nslir under the genial in flufmsj.nnd the wild swans that claused overhead ouce or twice from the meres must have seen the prairie rose, alive wilh teams. The farmers were nil out at the nearest settlement. They were fieltiti short of fuel ; there was but a handful of llour at tins bottom of tlm barrel ; not a scrap of meat was left. Hut the snows had erased, their shany littla horses were well auaiu, so every far mer hitched his team for the town. In the little cottages of wood were women nnd children ; the school-houses weru full of lit tle onrs. Such wns the country, thus its dwellers, when thu snow fell. Nature woulu teem to have, arrogated to herself nil the savage attributes which had marked her first children, there, their careful aud patient watch for an easy opportunity, nnd their sudden and relentless onslaught. Ho utterly unprepared were the people for llie change in thu weather, and so suddenly did it come upon them, that one man ut Winnebago City describes it ns "if a man had clitped his hands so, and the snow came in our faces. " ivnowim; what the h ir.icane boded, men leaped into their sleighs, and Willi voice und lat-h uracil their cowering horses out into the storm. Then the work of death began. For more than fifty hours, lill late ou Thursday, the frceziug wind aud falling snow continued. It was not a steady fall of snow, but a howling hurricane, the wind sometimes at tainitiK' a speed oft wenty-eit'ht, thirty, or thirty-two miles. The snow came iu lilful flurries, willi a wild screech und a stingint; whiz. The thermometer fell sleadily, tiil at C'hamplaiu it registered fifty-four de grees below zero. At other places the mer cury or iiril marked fiouieutii to forty two decrees below. Some of the farmers who set out Boon toun) that if they valued life they must turn l ack. - They were en veloped in ahoets tf suow tl t blinded them. The wind cauie so liercely that they were fain to stop aud luru round lill a mo mentary lull came. The road why, the level prairie was all ruid now, without one track of wheel or runner to indicate the path of safely. Wherever there was a slight knoll or a tres the dri vim: snow-sleet curied round it and broke n.er it like yeasty billows over a wreck, und tar lo leeward izvkw up di ilisol eeceuurio lorm. Tllrtl Uio Ktlrtiliy hurai-a thai t.iili-tl Hlolitf, iw. bi.iuj; with ltu-ir luav- Hit; Il llike dower U. raidi i.lUer li,r WHriiilli a ill dumb proU ctioit uu! Mvutiittiy, ri fun eil to go forward ; tint tlrivui foil liiiuaulf hcciiiiini; lialli'Hs. tuaiolil liml wi-riigmw iiiu' Harm, ami warned nf tlm aw ill eomiii nf dfiilh, liu lui'iiiil und re I rand Ida l ps. Hippy tliy who did Ih'Uiiii'sI Tln ie wtie iniuv wlm ludd "U i-liil)li"i lily lill :t win t.iuit'e rii. re wi re ninny wh,i, gmud mi by a driiidful fiar of the laic nt'llifir wivv and Ilia- iiiiiti, led al'iiic in tin ir la ail til.i- I dela, torced on through the drifts that grew cI.tiht at every ateti, and cold that grvvr , , ,t0 j,lu.nu every in cut. And there . . ., , ' r.7 w,'r,: utheis who grew weary of thu contest aiii. n iug uu ii iii men ii'wi, were lulled ..i i. : I bv the elemental ruguiuto a slumber whu.h knew no awakening. Sometime the horses gave out, and the unhappy driver, benumbed aud chilled, his in iveluenu impeded by I. is heavy clothing hail to abaudiiu his leaiu aad luiie to the drift. The miHuis and shrii ks of th hor ses themselves thus deaerted hy their mas ters are said by some few who survived such scenes to have beeiingouiziiig to hear. Aud al their homes thing were uo butler. There was perhaps a scanty supply of fuel raruex. niyui iroq ei9m- vq iss nrciivi .. . . i .. i . . ( 1 . II I .11 ' M noon. Perhaps the mother was alone with her suckling child, her husband ten mile away in one. direction, her children two. miles away in another. These hapless pa rents su fie red countless deaths. The wood en buildings creoked, nnd rocked in the awing of the storm like ships at sea. The limbers cracked with the frost like lilies, llendsmf frost stood on every piece of wood work, the tsnmll panes of glass were so thick wilh ice that there was no chance that the lamp set in the casement could send its feeble light to the belated 8Uri:gleiS with out. It was impossible to open the doors, so high had the drift become. The fire grew low, though it was replenished with the scanty furniture. IMy succeeded to darkness, but thu day wns ns the tiiht. Only the chimney of the house appeared above the tltifts. The poor womnn knsw thai her children lay dead, hand in hand, on the piaiiie.and that her husband's corpse wns somewhere entombed in a giant drift. The little ba by's blue lips were laid against her empty breast ; the soul had sped from between thetn in a little c'oud of frozen vapor. .She lay down and died, und the relenting winds wafted through the apertures of the room a decent drift of diamoud snow for her wind ing sheet. These pictures, terrible as they may sppenr to the readers of the lhrahl, who sit by warm II res and lind the music of the snow, as it tinkles against the glass, a musical and cheerful sound, are less than the reality. The advance of death was like that nf ta torturer, who comes with all his horrid cng lies to the victim bono,! at the slake. Only they were to lie envied who met- a swifter fate iu the rasing storm without, aud were spared the sight of their children dying before their eyes of hunger us of cold. On the railroad there wus not absolute sulk-ring. Of course trains were snowed in for days, nnd drifts that towered to the tel egraph wires, ami passcus-eis had to shiver and he scantily fed. )ut this was only a irille. When Friday, the ICth. camo, the sun rose upon a land of snow ami silence, llril'ls many feet deep, and many square miles in extent were there. Here and there the chimney of a house stood up liko a tombstone iu a vast cemetery. The land lay like a corpse under a winding-sheet that had moulded itself into occasional wrinkles over the dead limbs or features. Now came ihe giant labor of clearing away the "inn drifts, aud setting free the impri soned liaiiis, aud the sadder task of trac ing through the prairies the si-eps of the dead. Everywhere they were found lying still nod stalue-like iu the icy embrace of death. Nimelimcs the searchers would lind man horses and harness together, the firmer lyitij: dead, wrapped iu his rotas, wilh the w hip in his hand, iu tin sleigh, one Imrse down, the other standing iu the spot where he wns fastened by his pkrlucr's 1:4.11 till he shared his partner's fate, .Some times Iho sleigh wus toiiud overturned, with Ihe traces cut. Then to right or lell would be discovered the driver, who had wander ed iouii'1 iu a despiiirin circle lo die. Oc cusioually tin- beasts showed iu their dilat ed nostrils, widely spread hps, and staring eyes, the signs ol mortal terror. Aud the men, too, were sometimes Laocoous of ice ntuluea of will ll 111-; Ueepaii. l)ut, as a rule, deaih came quietly, as it generally does in these cases, lill lobbing the victim ol'lhe consciousness of approach tug dentil, which begets an agotiized slnijr gle for life, and stilling him wilh a stupor said lo be ns delicious as it is deadly. The death roll cannot yet bit made up with any reasonable degree of certainty e are only now getting detailed reports Iroiii Ihe nearer settlements, and it will be- fully a week ere these lire so complete as to be trust worth v. Many of the missing will not be found till spring, but it is sate to set down all the missing as dead. After carefully collating the various re ports received thus far, und making all al lowance for the remaining parts of tin State, I am led to conclude that the loss of life in Minnesota will range from two bun, drcd aud ti fl v to three hundred. It is po6 sible, though uot probable, that the higher liuurc may be reached. Almost all ot these are men, iud the very large proportion of them fathers of families in straitened cir cumsUnces. The surviving widows aud children will thus bo left without means of support of any description. Tl1 charita ble of the East will here tiud an object for their sympathies. Terrible Detw.ll oft lie Lute Modoc Mavwacro When on the 2'Jlb of November last Cap tain Jack aud his Modoc warriors were driven from their encampment on Lost Kivcr, Or., a portion of the bund w ho had for some months occupied a positioti across ihe slream near the while settlement of Tub Lake seized the opportunity to perpe trate a most bloody massacre. William lloddy, hi two stepsous, Kichaid aud Willie C'tarigau, aud his soa-iu-law, Nich olas hchcira, were cutting firewood in this limber uot tar from their bourn, and ab ut noon the team of the latter euinu at a gallop, drivel less, dowu theroad to the l'ui'in-houbc, aud as it drew"ueur was seen to be covered with blood. Mis. Scheira, thinking her husbaud had U-tu thiowu out, ran up the roud a quarter oi a mile, and found him lying by lue road side shot through 'the dead, but still alive. He expired iu a few minute, big ludiaus dashed past her towards the house, aud Mrs. .Scheira, at ouce susiectiu tiie truth, hurried ou iu scuicll of the oilier men. A little lurl her ou Kicliuru, the elder slepsou, was discovered, killed and stripped nuked, lying across his wagon. Horses uud harness were gone. Mr. Bod Jy had beeu chopping wood a quarter of a tuiie lurtin r ou, aud a number ol Indians were seen at that poiut. I'hu woman dared not go ou, and luimd back lo laid Willie, who hud beeu lending sheep near the luiuse, lying in the held with a bullet through Ins breast aud his throat cut, Only thu wouieu of thu lamily escuiied. Their nexldoor neigh bo- and ull Ins family but the witu were also slaughtered. Toe two women, Mrs. lioUdy aud Mrs. Scheira, traveled till dark iu thu tw o feel of suow, aud sal down under a tree lo wait lor morning, aud liuaily, totally es-bausU-d, reached the Lost Kivtr bridge in iheaitei'iioouol the uexid.iy. The Indians had beeu threatening assault opuiily lor mouths Until wus uot considered mat a euard from tbe fori was uocarv. As il i wu u,u services ol the soidwis were i-ouv ' .. . . . . lluoU to discovering UUU lutelllug lue uu IWtuualu victims. A novel turkey hunt has been devised. A turkey is lied to a stake, the hunters ar ranged iu a circle ai.uud aud al some dis tance fiom the slake, blindfolded uud bid den lo "go." The fellow who lust gels hold of the turkey has liim. The amount of tumbling, bumping against each, other aud sprawhug upon the, ground done by the hunters beloro cue ol their number weu. w r i r '(Now fterlesj, Vol. , So. 44. j Oldster!, Vol. 3S, Mo.O. :. ' codttslg Woa. ' I ' i It isadrendfiil tblns 'for 'woma to swear, but it's worse to be forever scald ing I And if I were a married man. aud must choose between 'Wearing and scbldius habits iu my wife, I should choose an occV sional swear to a continual scold. IJut the play is tbe men don't est ilia privilege of choosing, instead of this Dine married women outoi every ten. are bain tuul scolds. IlUiKtthe cares of wifehood, nor Ibo trials of ruothei hood that steel the roses from the cheeks. Oh, no I It's the habit of scolding and fiettiug that nine out of every ten wives luuulge id. . Of couise you, 11 ail say ibis is a mous trous falsehood, and vail uie a sour old maid, envious and jealous of tuy tuoro fortu nate married sisters. I'll not deuv that I'd rather be a urn rled womnn than a siugls on, but us heaven is my witness I'd rather live an old maid to the eud of uiv davs than Sun manv of niv sisters do, marry add become fruit uf, scold ing wives. N'o wonder the man learn to forsake their homes and gradually grow indifferent to the charii s that won them, w lieu so many wives forget to lie charming, and fret auu scold whenever they can secure a listeuer. There's cure enough, and vexation enough in the business lift) of any uihu to make bim long lor rust aud quiet at home. But lo be met with a fretful complaint of his Mary Ann's daily trials every time hu steps into his comfortable home is enough to drive suy reasonable man to distraction. Oh 1 of course I know there's another side to this qursliou, but it's uot my pur pose to present it at this time. Ami in conclusion I've ouly todcclaro it to ho the result of careful observation that I have discovered this truth. The chief cause of so mauy married men erasing to devote their spare moments to wife nnd home, is that the wives JTrt censo to be attractive, aud actually drive their husbands from their sides by thuir own un lovely behavior. And scolding or fretting at little things is the most common aud the tuost unlovely of all. Life in Arkunsas. My Dkak Boy : The double-barrel tbat you scut came safely to hand, and I was ouly shot at once while I was carrying it home. Bill Silver popped a. m from be hind the fences as I was passing his house, but I hud haided the two-shooter as soou as I got it, aud lie didn't jump up from be hind that fence but ouce. I am glad that one of the barrels is a rille, as I ueeded it for lonsprauge practice. The oilier I can fill with buck shot, aud can riddle a man nicely at close quarters. 1 i nea u lo try both barrels on those Jells when I meet them. You sew, old man Jett stole a mule from us iu ths war, and when it was over pap IsiJ for bi:u aud killed him. Tin u higher Tom Jett, as we called him the black faced one he laid for pap aud plugged him. Then I picked a fuss with Tom and cut him into giblets, aud since thai time his brother Sam has hscu laying for me. 1 know it is his luru, but I lliink my double-barrel will prove too mcu-u foi trim. If you wbut to see fun come down for n while aud briug a rille. Il don't make any diUi-reuce which side you belong to, and it isn't even necessary to join the militia. It is easy to get up a grudge against some body, and all you have to do is to lay fur your mau aud kuock him over. ' Behind my pig-peu is the sweetest bidiug place I know of, and it is so handy 1 A good many people come within range iu the course of a week, und a man cau pass his lime right pl-R8antly. 1 wish you would send me a catalogue of Sunday-school books, with the prices, if there are any iu St. Louis. If we cau get them ou lime, we will take a big lot of books. lain superintendent of the Bap tist Sunday-school now, and am running it uuder a full head of steam. Old mau Byers, who was turned out, is right mad about it. and swears that he will chaw me up; but he will chaw lead if he dou't keep clear of me. My wile wants to know if you cau't send her n set of teeth without her getting meas ured for them. Her Iweuty-llve dollar set was busted all to flinders by a pistol shot that went through her mouth; but it didn't hurt her tongue. Write soon to your frieud and pard. P. S. That sueaking, ornery cuss, Sam Jk'.c, crept up last night aud fired at me through the window, but he didn't happen to kill anybody exeept a nigger girl. I mean to go for him, though, to-day, and will lie glad of a chance to try the double barrel. Dovr.rt, Ark., Oct. 3, 1972. How Drinking Cai'sk-i Apoplexy. Il is the essential nature of all w ines aud spirits to send an increased amount of blood to the brain. The first etlict of taking a glass of w ine or stronger fruui of alcholiol, is to send I lie, liloo.l tuxrs taster tliuu commou, hence ihe circulation that gives the red face. It increases the activity of ihe brain, aud it works faster, and so does ihe touuu. Bat as the b! J goes to the brain faster than conmioji, it returns faster, aud uo special harm results. But suppose a man keeps ou driukiiijf, the blood is sent to the brain so fast, iu such large quantities, that iu order lo make room for it Ihe arteries have lo enlarge themselves ; they increase iu s'dte, and iu doing so they press against the more yield ing flaccid veins which carry the blood out of the brain aud thus diuiiuish their size, their pores, I lie result being that the blood is not ouly curried to the arteries of tbe brain faster I ati ts natural or health ful, but it is prevented from leaving it us fust as usual ; hence, a double set of causes of death are iu operatiou. Heuce, a tuau may drink enough uf braudy or other spirits iu a few hours, or eveu miuiites, lo bring ou a fatal attack of apoplexy. This is literally being dead drunk. lr. J tall. A Makkikd ladt who has many ad lu'uers was in c impauy, recently, where the marriage lie was the subject of conver kuliou, and a pleasant sparring arose be tween Iter husband, also pretcnt, aud her self. "Ah, "she exelaiined al length, "you tlo not think so Liguly ot the hy menial knot as 1 do I" "Yes, I do," he replied, "and il is ouly when you wish lo make it a double beau kuot that I object lo it." A little girl, daughter of a clergyman, being led one day to "tend door" and obeying a summons of Iho bull, found a gentleiuau on the steps who wished to- see her 'father. "Father isn't in," said she, 'but if it's anything about your soul 1 can attend to you. I know lbs whole plan of salvation." Air artificial florist who lire upon the ewooud flonr may he flM a er mm al Khm rVpVRTISIKO SCHEDULE r ;mii SsssWas.isV' . 10yiies,orahMtI9OWeray3riikeairiar .1 Aa 4 Ski. 1 SW A tL. iyj -iv.r T bn wjt '!. a.oci e.ftrJ t oo, .ooi'1.oij Two weak 1.50 J.OOj 1.601 o 80ull.00ia.OO rmm r Four f riv tux . T r ma's Three mx p Nin H .oo, iJo4.aurt.sni .ooiituwui.oh Jjr-tf-uV 9v.oo lttfonuw .t5i 5.00t t.W. T.UM)L0017.UO.utl s.ooi .7&i t ew 8.on i.wi8.eoV7.w) kf.Mt T.5o KM e.00 l'Vttm.OObo.Ms - soi o.tw( Mio,wijuol-.s.coi4ie r. V sj kX IU I I Ik.! .U lU.SMI I U , 1 C - - Li W v IS! J 1 . k SVrJ IS I. A .M '.Wr-a. r lstHtiB.o.tfi7Wi : Ous Tef r SilM.IMrsBlU!su.OMf.t(ll r 1 4i':.miiii r.?. jjjgg ., Cyot'OLATS 3fUfccAWdit Grata . , . ; qunrtci ef s) poutte)Iaaec dtoqolate (a , oue qtii.rtof tpillKdsJ a quarter of apouud . , gelsVuiu and. a parser of a iiund'pf pow-j dciod sugan MixalLiaa farina kettle or, , a pilcljer. aud staud'itu a kettle of , cold nif 1 water ivac lha.Arw. atir occislouaUy uu-. ( , til (he water bullet. and then- stir coutinu- ' . . '.' " ously while boiliug for Uftuen minutes.- Dip a mould lu iced water, pour in the Uanu uianje, aud aland- aside to cool. When cool, turn it out of the mold; aud terra with suxaraad cream'. Boiled Haddock. Scrape clean anT empty llie Beb, and fasten Ibo tail firmly in the mouth. Tie it lu a weU-doured cloUr and lav it iu a fish kettle or ordinary sauoo pan. Cover It with col J water aud let U heat slowly. When it simmers, pusliUw kettla back to pswnt boiling, and eriiri--mer gently for vweuty -.liluutea; or, if the hsh is very larga, half au hour. 8ervu with melted- batter, parsley aud slices of hard boiled eggs. Bcttir CaKb,To half a pouod of butler add the saute quantity of brown su gar, three eggs, tlie nliU" of tw- lemons,' quarter of an ounce of cinnamon and a tn blespoonful of giogur. Work into it a niucli flour as will make It a paste, cut ii into eliuK-9, and strew over the top some powdered ulmonds and' cfttidicd oAilge peel. Buke iu a slow oven. Eva's Pcddixo. Grate three-quartern' of a pound of bread; mix- it willi tho same quantity of finely slired suet, the stnne of apples and the same of currants.' Mix with these four eggs beaten to a froth; Put it iulo a shape and boil three hours. Serve, with pudding sauce, iu which is a littlef' lemon Juice. Children's Loaf Cake. Five cupe of dough, two of sugar, oue of butter, giound caraway seed aud two eggs. Line pans with buttered paper, and bake aa soou as light. Una home made yeast: Oiianoh 1'tE. A few good1, tender juicy oranges, skinned, cm up and placed under a ci ust.aa oue would do with apples, make a really good pie. "So, Boss." Mr. Jones, one evening in fly-time, having been provokingty lashed in the face, tied the tail of the cow bo wns: milking very securely to bis hoot-strap. Everything went on smoothly for a lime,, and Mr. .Jones congratulated himself on' the stratagem. Presently, however, tfio . cow took a notion to lash a fly that was biting her. Mr. Jones chuckled some when he fell the pull at his boot-strap ; but the chuckling wus cut short, for "Bossie," finding that she could not touch her tor mentor, suddenly started, aud, and, as" Mr. Jones was trot prepared for such a demon stration, be was upset, and the contenta' of the pail distributed over bis person. Tbe cow stopped for a moment, aud iu that time our hero had gained his feet ; in au instant after he was seeu with bis baud on the hip of the cow, makiug the tour of the fartn-. yard with prodigious bops upon one foot. At every hop be would ejaculate, "So, Boss! Uo, lioss I" Uut "Boas" didu't"o" worth. a cent. At lust the boot attachment gave way, and Mr. Jones returned to tbe house a wiser if uot a Bidder mau. , BrLLisov AcricE to' Jbtt. By aw!' means, Joe, get hurried if you have got a fair show. Dou't stand shivering ou thu bank, but pitch iu aud stick your head uu der, aud the shiver is over. There ain't enny more trick in getting married after you're ready than there u' in eating pea nuts. Mauy a man has etood shivering on the shore till nwl run out. Don't expect to' marry an augel; them have awl been pick ed up loug ago. Remember, Joe, you ain't a saint yourself. Don't marry for buty exclusively. Buly is like ice. awful slip pery and thaws dredl'ul easy. Dou't mar-'-ry for luv neither; luv is like a cooking stove, good for nothing when the fuel give, out. But marry a mixture; and let- the' mixture be some buty becomingly dressed, wilh about 2200 iu her pocket, a good spel ler, handy and neat iu the house, pleuty of good sense, a lull' constitution aud by-la w?; small leet and a warm heart. This mix ture w ill keep iu any climate, and not evap orate. If the cork happens to be left ofT for two or three miuutes Ihe streugtK'al&'f all gone, Joe. For heaven's sake don't mnrry for pedigree. Thar ain't much it Mdigtee unless il is bucked by bank slock. A family with nothiug but pedigree gener ally hicks sense. CONsOLATW'.-. "Which of these roftdr'. leads to the villi. of Wilton?" inquired ay Yankee traveler us" lie enme lo a place' where the road hu was traveling forks I in dillerent directions, of uu urchin who sal upon a log iiiiar by, uud whose appearance indicated tbat he was evidently a speci men : "ja.j rDe of 'sin, sirK" answered Ibo "Which Is the beet, uiy lad?" luquired' the traveler. "Ain't nary one on 'em the best" "Which is the nearest?' 'Ain't much dillereaee." " W hich do you think I had belter take?" "You may tovke any on 'em; aud afore, you pet half-way thar'you'U wish you had tuck t'other one." When three Irishmen dug a ditch for which they w ere lo receive four dollars.the trouble was bow to divide four among" three aud have it equal. Oue of them re mained quiet aud lue other two al last de ferred to his judguent, as he had bneoto' scbool and knew arithmetic, to make t!V division. He did it at ouce,saying,"Its aisy enough! Shure there's two for you two, and two for me, too." "Begorra," said one of his co-laborer, "what a great thing it isto have 1 truing." "Aud," said the otner; us he poekcled his sicgls dollar, "to know 'rithnietic, tool It's tbe like ot us two' I never divided them four dollar tqunlly." . A Womas consulted the surgeon nt sv free hospital tbe other day. swid he ordered' her "bi-carbouate of potash." She imme diately inquired if tt was absolutely oec s sry to buy eurbutiale of potusl aa her brother was a chemist aud diu-ist auu would give bur sotue. A exchange puts tt truly, although In a facetious uiauner, as follows : A follow who has actually tried it,savs that although there are three scruples lu a dram, tbu more drams jou take tbe less scruples you, have. ''Six fret In tiis boots ! " exclaimed Mrs. Beeswax. "What will the impudence of" this world come to, 1 wonder? Why, they might as well tell mo that a man bad six head tu hfs bat." The enterprising Indivinual who Is or gauizing a brass band of twenty women says that If they learn half aa many "airs' as they put on, the experiment aannot fait! T uetng a i i-f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers