GRAND OPENING OF PALL AID WINTER GOODS AT S- HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothiiig Store. Juet (Tvncl, tn enormous Stock of READY-MADE The largMt ever ofir retl In (his lown. Clnlhtng to suit nil tustcs. Clothing for all oc casions, from lbs jilninest Workinp Clothes to the finest and ruost fashionable jmESS SUITS. Boys' and Youths' Clothing. This dcpnrlmcnt is well stocked with a lnr-rc variety of goods of nil colors, qualities and styles. All clothing is miwle to my own order, by the best mechanics, and combine durability nnd strength with neatness and style. Hats id Cans i Men al Boys. An enormous assortment in this line, including the very latest iu New York nnd Thila- dclpbia styles. -eiaf9 Furnishing Soii, The most magnificent stork to be found outside of the lnr cities. The very latest ia Neck ware, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, und especially a full liuo of the best makes in Shirts and Gents' Umlenvare. ME, and numcrov.3 Doing by far the largest business iu my line In tho county, and btivinsr lurne quanti ties for cash, Iain able to ofllr superior indacements and sell at LOV.'Eii PRICES than any of my competitors. Everybody is respectfully invited to call nnd csamiuc tho largest stock ever seen in this place. Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury.'Sept. 11, 1872. !-rand Opening of iiSla & WINTER OOlS, AT New Centra! Variety Store, So. 100, Market Street, South Side, E.iBt of the Railroad, Dress Goods of all Ivinds, Silks Silk Popllus, Alpacas, Luster Alpacas, DeLalncs, I'lads, Opra, Flanoels, Cloaking. NOTIONS. LADIES' and GUSTS' FCRN'ianiNQ GOODS, noaiary. Glove?, Hoods, Caps, Gerroaotwn Wool, Ladies' Immitntlon Hair Goods Iu osw and beautiful Style. SHAWLS. Ottatnon Ciowu, Ottomou Double, a'.l Wool, FlnJ Shaw:, Breakfast Shawls, Scarfs, .e. JEWELRY. Ladles Platsd sad Jet Optra CUa'.us, Ladles' Fluted and Jet Setts, Stays, Sloeve Bullous, G pocerics, Ttt)i Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware, Floor, Table and Stair Gil Cloth. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Go to Fluuey's for the Greatest Variety of Goods. Goods arriving ' Duily. F. B. It Is lb universal verdict of the trade tliat my goods arc sold the Ion est lu this market. D.:A. FINNEY, KovemUr 0, 1ST3, No. 1UC, Marcet Street, Sunbury, Fa GOO! TUIXCf TOR I IIKISTJIAS. OLD SCOTCn wniPKT, OLD UtlSIl WIlIsKV. FINE J AM ACA UL'M, FINEST. CU'JlXIXM, Very OLD APPLE WniSKY. All of IbtM for hot drlLbs for winter nights. Tkcu we have ELEGANT RTE WHIBKT ? i.OD a gallon, or t 11.00 a dosen. GOLD SEAL BRANDT, tlS CO a dozen. 7ERV hne TALn sur.r.A wise, 11. 00 ad., ten. ' BABE OLD PORT WIN 2, 1 11.00 a doxen. AU carefully paeknu und sent to so; address. Scndli y.ur'ordeis. n. A A.C. VAN DEIL, The Win Merchants, 1310 Chestoct St., Fhlla St t. 81, IST1. tin. BUTCHERY I BUTCHERY ! Meitsrsw itxrrr.w a no-writ. Third Btr-et, opposite Central Uctel, SUNBl'RT, FA., KEEP eonstar.Uy on hand the very choice', of fresh nr.r.F, mi'ttox axd vfai., which Is soi l at ths loweU price. Meat can be ha t at all hours during tho tiny, aunn ii-f.Pj , Jus H, 181. UMBRELLAS, other articles. Merzfeldcr Ticking, Ladles Finger Rings, Ear Rings, IiKH'UR NTORE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, 8UN BL'RY, PA., Respectfully Invites the atl.ntlon of Retailers and others, that he has on hand, aud will con utantlv keep all kinds of FOIiElGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniac, C herry, Dinner, ''.oehelle ami Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-istliled, Mo'"n- gahela, Apple, ana .Nectar. rURE HOLLAND HIN ! Wines: Champaue Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rm, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which ean be found in the citv markets, which will be sold at Whole- s.i'.e and IUt.i.i. Kvory artiele KUHruuteril as DMiJOHVf 1 u.l linT 1 i T4 ulwa. rti, l, VvT Urilia proinptli altenued ami yuo.'.c yulronie reietfuilj ie'.ird r. nff. Buubury, July i, 18U. ly VICU'N H.OKAI. Gl'IUE For 117a I THE Guide is now published Quarterly, 2.'. cts. pavs for the year, four numbers, wlileli la nut Iriil'llin cost. Those who afterward seud money to the amount of One IUllak or mole lor seds iiiiiv nlsoor ler Twentv tive cenls wot 111 el tra Ihu frlce mid for ths fiuide. The Jiiuuury Number is be:.iililiil, glvinc plans for uiiikiiiir liural Homes. Desii'iis lor inning Tub e lleeoratioiis. Window Gardens, Ve., and nn! lining a maa of liiforntutioii invaluable to the lovers of flowers. One hundred and Fitly n iirei on the tinted turner, some. Five Hundred engravings, mi J a sni.vrb Colored I'latu an I Cliromo Cover. The First Edition of Tv.o II nn. died Tliousiiud just printed lu F-nglibh itnd Ocr I limn, uud ready to send out. JAMES VK K. nocbstter. K. V. the NAnn.iTirM of oik lord, BY BISHOP STEVENS. Is sn entirely new work on an absorbing topic, written In thw anthor's mwl powerful style. It presents She, subject In novel snd beautiful light. Can not (ill to awaken a deep Interest nnd he productive of great good. Agents wanted, to whom liberal commission will be allowed. Ad dress J. M.i BTODDART 0., Pnblleuers, Philadelphia. Jan, 11, 4w. , , ! Crnmbsj of Comfbrt Tho Lrtdlea' Friend. . As your grocer for ft. ltAUTircTT'Ss nr. Af'irivn always grves satisfaction. Try It. . , . ... ; PEARL BLUE for tho tatindrv tins no equal. Bold by proeere. H. A. BARTLETT A Co. 118, 117 N. Frotit-st., Phlla., 1 Chambrrs-st., N. T., 43 Brosd-st., liopton. Jnn, 11, 4w, ".f niy eadly made with Stencil nnd key. t liecK outfit. t5?"Circu!nrs Free. Stafford MTg Co. rift Fulton Kl. N. Y. J35 4w $K 1 19A per riuy I Agents Wanted I All tprJ 10 (J)rvU cIbmcs of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more money at work lor us in tiielr spare moments, or all the tlnis' than nt anything else. Particular free. Adriress. u. btinpon . CO.. 614-ly. Portland, Main. am Bango nrst rrcmlnm EJ Ulm.Insi.l8Tl Double Elevated Oven. Warming Closet. Broil ing Door, KennVr tluard, Dumping snd Shnkign firatc, Direct Drnrt. FULLER, WARREN A CO., i'R6 Water ftroet. New York. drHw in uniuuaieil tiv unv ki.cwn re-iu-dv. it ill era dicate, extirpate and thoroughly destioy all pol- Fonoim sulistunces In the llhiod and will elfectu aliy difpelall prediFpositlou to bilious derange ment.. Is there want of action in vonr Liver and Spleen ? I'nlrss reiuved the blood becomes Im pure by delcrious secretions, producing scroln loUH or f kin disepe. Blotches, Telons, Pestulcs. Canker, Pimples, Ac.. &e. I Jlavpyon a ilyspeptic atomaeu T Lnless cliees- tion Is promptly aided the syotem I debilitated with poverty of the Blood, Dropsical tendency. general weaknesy and inerlli. Have, you weakness ot the intestines T Ton are in danper of Chronic Diarrbccaor Inflamma tion ol the bowein. Have you weaknefs of the Uterine or Urinary Organs t You are expoeed to (ufferiug to its most aggravated form. Are you dejected, drowpy. dull, sluggish or de pressed iu BpiritB, with head ace. backache, coat ed tongue and bad tasting mouth 1 torn pertain remedy lor all of lliee diseases, weaknesses ami troubles ; for cleansing and pn rtfyingthc rtated blond and Imparting vigor to all the vital forces? ; for building up aud restor ing rhe weakened constitution UaE JUBUDEBA which is pronounced by the leading medical au thorities of Loudon and Palis "the most power ful trnic and alterative known to the medical world." Tins is no new and untried discovery but has been long used by the leading phjsiciani of other countries with wonderful remedial re sult. Don't wenken nnd impair the digestive organs by cathartics nnd physics, they give only tempo rary tellef Indigestion, flatnlcury and dyspep sia with piie.i and kindled dUcas'es are sure to follow their use. Keep the blood pure and healthy is assured. JOHN O,. KELLOGG, 18 Plait St., N. Y. Sole Agent for the United State. Price, Si per IlnUlc. Send for Circular. drl4 4w Agents wanted for the new and startling book, TUo T"iTj,1rTT '" m-i"i j, ov me Allium Ulli V l.Ji of '-tlo l In History" Il lustrated by Dure and Nast, Endorsed by Immi nent divines. E. II. TREAT, Pub., S05 B'wnv, JW,lw N.JT. AtiLlVI'K, the fastest sell'inn book lu tho mar ket is T. S. Arthur's THREE YKAUS IN A MAN-TRAP. Selling nearlv ten thousand a month. Circulars free. .!. St. BTODDART A CO.. Publishers, Philadelphia. Jj.'.4jr. BOX'T be deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial dilHculties, use anly WoilN Carbolic Tnblrtst, Worthless imitations sre ou the market, but the only scleiitilic preparation of Carbolic Acid for Luug diseases is w hen chemically rombiacd with other well known remedies, as In these Ta blets, and all paitii s arc cuntioued agaiust Obing any oilier. In all cases of Irritation of the mucous mem brane these Tablets should he freelcy used, their cleansing and healing properties are astonishing. He warned, never negleet a cold, It Is easily cured in its Incipient state, when it becomes chronic the cure is exceedingly difficult, use Weils' Catholic Tablets as a specific. JOHN Q. KELLOGO. IS Piatt St.. New Tork, N'.Mw. Sole Agent for United States. Price 2S certs a box. Send for Circular. ND RUBY FURNA CES. Powerful and Economical Heaters James Lawson, Patenter. FULLER. WARREN & CO., T,2w aii Water St.,' New York. ,5 ELATCIILEY'S I HPIICVED CDCUKBER M'XD PUMP ? Tasteless, Durable, Efficient and Cheap. 1 he beat Pump for the least inoner. Attention Is ?. pee la lly invited to llliilchley'a Patent Improved Rracket and New Drop Cheek Valve, which tail be witliilrawn without re. moving the Pump or disturbing the joints. Also, tba Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and w ill outlast any oilier. For sale hy Dealers everywhere. Send lor Catalogue aud Price List. CliAS. . I1LATCHLEV, Manu facturer, 5CC Commerce St., Plillnd'u. Pa. $75 fa $2o0 per Jiioulfi. 3 Pff lllOUth. male and fc- nil, le, i- to Introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense Fuinilv Sewing Macbiue.Th'.s ifHiiichine will st.icli, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, tcni'd. bind, bra'd 11 nil embnililer In a most k superior manner. Price only 115. Fully li censed and warranted furtive yeara. We will pay 1 1,(MK' fur hiiv innehlue that will sew a sti n'iger.more bciiutifiil, or more elastic seam VClhan ours. It makes the 'Elaslle Lock 1 itch." Every second stieb cun be cut, and 'siill the elolli cannot be pulled apart without 4leiniiig It- VI pay agents from t7fr to lf)0 "- per month and expenses, or a commission ZJZ irnm which twice ihut amount can be made. Address 8 ECO MB & CO., boston Mass., Vilubingh, Pa., Chicago, III., orSt.Louls,Mo.4w CO M among all ciitsses. Old people, the mid u .Heated, timsr who are Just tillering life, and youth ofjuth setesbuy and read with Hie greatest protil. S Mr Joi.i.t Fhirnu's BsrKET, Pit) LEWIS' lait and best hook. It is meeting wilh the greatest success ; tj X und there's Money In it. hend roronr circulate, en., wuien nre aeni iree Ntf,4w. tiKO. MACLT.AN, Hiila. SHUT'S TRUSSES Andomliiiil KupHirter uud l'lle riw Relief nnJ t uro 'or Itui'ture, Female Weakness, an I files indestructible, lilit, sufe, cleanly, (olee spiintis route. I ), never rusts, breaks, liiiihers, nor sr.ils, atfer i'l. g coiuful, safety, cleaiiliuesa and durability. I'uiversiilly approved hytlie Mcdleul l'n'fessin'ii, and ull who wear them, as the best aud ii'o.-t sa'.UI'at'toiy iippll.inces known. Kent by mail ermpresj. RMablishuieuta, lli-47, Ches-luit-st., riilliKlelphlii, and Til Broadway, New. Yoik. Cural'ul aud torrwt adjustment. F.ipe tlsnee I lady In artrndanre. Jsn. 11 , 4ms. AiVlQ leas?1" et.S Or Snirnr.Coatcd, Concentrated, Host avnd llerbnl Jntoc, Antt-Ulllona Ornnilra. THE "I.ITTIi: til ANT" CATHAIsTlC, or nnltnm In Parrn Physic. v The novelty of modsro Metrical. Chemical and Vtm Waciaiticitl Hciea . So nso f any longer taking the large, rcrmlMve end nsnseons pills, eHUnsM'd of theau, crilile, and bulky linrmlienia, when w oenn by aearornl Spplieatlnn wr cbemical seieucc, extrect all the cathartic and ntlivr nicillctnsl pniortic Inan Ilia iaet valiuible root and licrtij, and euiirearriite them Into minute Ornnale, scarcely lararr thati a liliiaturit aeed , ih it ran lie ifiulWy swallow eil hy tbose of tlte most onsitlve stniuuelis anil Instiillniia taste. Kachllttle I'lircntivo I'eltet n pr.-si nts. In a innsi cniioem rated form, as nucli Cat hnr. it jmwer as is embodied In auy of thi! Is';,' pills rinui.lh rule la the dreg shops. From their wumleiful tathartlc powor. In prniMirUii to their i-lce. peoiila who liav ant trietl them aia apt to sunose tiat they aw harsh r iliastioia elTeet, but sncli is not at all tl'o rsse, the tliQ'ereiit active mvtlivinal principles ,. wliit li iliey nre toraposaSl beinj- to liarmouixed and n)iitlfil, reie hy the others, n to pmilnse n imit sioarehlriv met iltoron li, vrt gvtitiy and liiuuly e;nra. ting cutlturtic S 00 ItcvTnnl is lietbv offered hv the proprie tor of Uieee I ill. is. Is a 17 clittnist who. kuii an alysis, will Cud In them nv calomel or other firuu el mercury or any otiier minerul pouiuu. Being pntlrflly TesroUiblri, no eaTe la n-inlred while usiug tlieia. "eir 0)ei-ti! without dismrbsnct In tin cunsiiiutlwi. diet, er lc enpation. For .liuinitler, llen.i ! , tlou ntlputlon, Impure Ileol, k-i in tue Mlion Idcra, 1 ialitiicsaur u..-. s. i- Ktnraa.Siour Crualiiltun f t.r N'.,ii acli, Had taslo im tiuuMi, Vl.::nn HttHchH, Fain In region atf (l.jii j, Inluriiitl Foyer, niouled let I!iik 1. oul Sio.nncli, It ti ah of HItU In Hr(ifi,Uirti Colored IJrliia, Ui.wciul.ll il y uiii) Gloomy rnrobotlltiva, uLs lr. S'l'rce'a Plraaant suriiittl vt I'ellet. In x'!ana tlouof the roiiieiliul power of niy Purvalive i,,lr'i uver so groat a var iety of di-essKS, 1 still to spy tluit their action upon lire iitilnitil tco'in. ray It nnlvoreal, unt n (tluiid or llaauo eacaplllg tbelr luualiie J ill press. Ag does not impair tliem; their sucnr-rnuilr? ni d bcii enclosed iu glass bottles preserve their virtues unim paired for any length t lime. In auy climate, so li st they are always fresh and reliable, which is Dot iba rase with the pills found In tho drug stores, put up la rhenu wood or paste-board boxes, Jteeollar.t tUct for all diseases where a Laxative, Alterative it Pnreutlve ia indicated, these liule Pellet will give the most perfect satialactiuu to all who uu Uiviu. They are rold by nil entorprlsiud Drugsjist at 15 cent a u bottlo. Do not allow any drngglat to Induce yea to lake anything else that r e may ssy is Just a food as mr Pelleta because be makes a Urctr pmiit on ti nt whit. li he recommead. If your druTgirt raauut supply them, enclose US ceaU and receipt tsuiu by rieru mail from if. F. rULKCE, it. V., frop'r, BUFFALO. V. Y. My 4, 1S72 EYE JZTJD EVT INFIItMAItY, SUXBURY, PEXN'A. rilHIS institution Is now opeu for the reception Jk. of Patients for the treatment of Disease of the EYE, EAR, TLIR0AT, LUNGS, CATARRH", Ac, Ac, Ac, nnd njwrntlons In GENERAL BrilOERT. Clnr collection of INSTRUMENTS is very large, com prising all the lutcst IiirHOVEMtsTs, enabling us to meet SUP.GERT In nil forms. Physicians nre Invited to accom pany Patients to our Institution for alterations, lly request of mauy Citizens, w will attend to calls In GENERAL PRACTICE. Infirmary, Clement's) Bnllding, LUa.VtU 1111UU A.lil MARKET tTB.. SUMJURY, FA. C. E. IP DE ,R FF, Physician and Surgeon. Sunbnry, Feb. S. lSTi.-tf.. J. Fa LERCH'S frVr& (CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAK1 ZSTABLISHMEMT, CHESTICUT ST., SUNBUBY, PA. Venici.ES or au Kinds mads to Osdib. The latest styles and the best workmanship. Samples may be seen at the shop. Give him call. Suubary, Dee. 7, 1S7J. ly. J. W. WASHINGTON'S (;itlM) BARREIt SHOP. In Miss liailius' bullilinir. Market street, rsst of the Railroad, north aide, BUNHLKX, m. The old permanent shop of the towu. We decline the boast, bul at tho samr lime consider that the mighty truth inayjtie aeaanna bly apoken without maiiifestlntr an uncomforta ble amount of vanity and ambition. Just twenty yeara ai;o I betran my business career in this place half my lifetime thus fur spent, hnve I stood upon the floor of our aliop day after day, and night after night, and applied the sharp blue gleaming steel, and within that elapse of time embracer! by the mighty folds of that eventful irerlod have I shaved nearly every body in the cotin'ry (in common parlance) aud i to oblige the public iuterest we Herein publicly anuonnee tw our patrons old anil new tnai we are ready to shave them all ugalii three hu Hired thousand times or more. Come wben you please. Just in Hint la the max im we are alwaya ready to work, forenoon or afternoon, to shave yoo, hair rut van, shampoo you, whisker dye you, or perfume, minb and ar ransre the hair with art i-t ic skill, in the "water full" or water raise style to suit the customer. We work to please, not please to work. Plop, don't go past our ahop lo get shavad on the basis of ability because we do It ae well as il can be done or ever could be. A chance U all that a o demand To give the proof we hold in baud. Oct. 1, 17J. Mauhood i-IIow L,ostt How Ktor cd I TMSifci.Jiist published, a new rdhlon of Dr. aWjrCSr CfLVEKWELI.'S VELEUKATF.D EbsAY on the rmliral cms (without iiicdiciur) of t-PEUM ATORKIKF.A, or beuiinal Weakness, Involuntary eeminul Losses, 1M POTENCY, Mental and l'livsieal lncuiiacitv. Impediments to Marriage, etc. also. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by aelf-iudulgeuce or aexuul extra valance. trf IVice, lu a sealed envelops, only 8 cents. The celebrated uuthor, In this admirable ra iny, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful praetiee, that the alurniiug conse quences of self-ubu&o may be radically cured without the dvrgeioua use of Internal medicine or the application of the knife pointing out a! ol cure lit once simple, tierluin, and eflec tual, by means of which ever.v mat ter what his condition may be, may cure himself elieHiilv. frrivHtetv and radicallS. if' This l.ratura should bo in ths hands of every voulh and rvnry man iu the land. Beut. under seal, lu a plain envelope, tu any address, postpaid, on receipt of sis ceuts, or two postage stamps. AIbo, Dr. Culverwell's Murriage Guide," nrico 50 cent. Address the Publishers, C11AB. J- C. tl.I.NK it CO., P. O. Poi, 1ST Bowery, New tork. April ST, 18TJ. EADWAY S READY 'RELIEF IX'HKH TI1R WOltHT FAINf tn from Ono to Twenty MInato. NOT ONE HOUR iit iTMliiir UU n-Wtrrf ifirmpfit itfptl nt efM M'Fr'Ktt WITH I AIN. ttAWAT RK..HY HKUKP i4 k T0 KVKllY 1'Ara. Il wm (lie Aral Mid li Thn Only ltxln llomMv Hist Inrtartff ttov Uia m'i4 MPmeUttw T'i, fclltrn fit f itnnmilniH. nti4 rirvn t'tiit-rflWHM, wtirtlt?rf the LtirticN fctnnmUt, afuwalAi or iHhtr itlaviiils r otkuu, I vum plk Am Tf rftoM rna to twjwty MTNtrnw Nornattr bow vlolvnt ir rvcruHiiiiiijt Ih ptn tii RHKTT- MAlli:, iKti-rMtit'ii, innrm, i"rnpit or pntsHrAUtl with dimranu luuf suncr, lKti-rMtlen, Innrm, CrlnplsJ, S'rvou, IsturalCs, sttl with dimranu luuf suncr. RADWAY'3 READY RELIEF WII.I. AFFOIU) IN ST A NT EAbE. . irtr.AMMATiun t 1KKI.AMMATIUN v TltK PLAnnKH INFLAMVA.T1U iU.N or TUK IlllWKI.l. DOMiESTlON UK TTTTS LrVM 60ItB TBllOAT, MfirrLT nnKATTtlNO. PALPITATION Or TUB liKART. rrrsTEitioB, cnoui, uii-htiiekia. CATAUUll, TRTLVmA. n B A DA CJIE, TOOTH a rrrn. KKt llAl.OlA, linEUilATIS. trt,T mti.T.s. Aors oiiii.i.s. Tm siMlieiU..ii .r ths It raity ItellrfSB ths rsrter yrlK lii- Vlul lAlu vt aiUiuiUly ttxuts ul atfwa mm awl wimSst. Twenty iliyms H Ita'f a InmTiVf f wafss wttl hi a frw Bmeew cst CltAMTSJ. M'AMfivai'OR artlUACIL nr. RTnurtx, stt:k iikadachk. diakkhka, IiSfEVtlJiV ' Ctll.lil, HUD HI TllIC DowkLB, sul ull tSTKIlNAIj PAINS. Tmvvits. slw.uttl slw rarrf a botlW ef Unit way's Ready Heller tismi. A few drops In .ar U isrei, slt KM'ns or fwiln fMim clianpe i4 wstsr. MlsWur Uus 'fiitli Uisniry i r )UUrs tu s tinmlaiit. KKVEU AND ACCE. riVCR AMI iiitK rrl flri, csuu. Thoss kt act a rcnrfilisl arfciit In IUl4 wurld Hint til ciirt Itvir ana AmM. mid sil rthiT tllllmiK, Si'nrkt, Tvt'held. l.Jlavs.and Alli.i- rsvrm l.v ItAllWAK'S PIlLST so olci ss Jt.U)Vt Ava TtKADf HBUK. Wis suits ) ,uuJa. 6v.i W lrnitgUs. HEALTH mm I! sniOKo aki) nTiiK mm nixxiH-tstutgASB of FLESH ANM) WEIUIIT-CLRAIl SKIS A.NU EAC TLF L'L C'01PLXiUHI SEUCKKU XO AJLL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT or Mks iXXDK Tnt most AsToyisiiisa rruEfl; m Vt-l' K. 0 ItAril AKK TUJC CUAXiiKM t 115 IHtUX I nirEI(Utr9a I'NPEll TUB IN NTI.CtM'lt r 1 ma 1 Hti.1 TflAT KiVUlVaJSJs Evory Dny nn Incroaea In Flosh end Weight Is 6oon ond Felt. TKE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every dfp if PATISA PA KtLLlAJf KF.siOI.VKNT fi nmuiiK-ritfg thrttuh tliu lllortit, hvfitt. rHu, ttiiti MJtrt (I'lidiund jnici ut tin B tfn Uic vtor f I fv, fur It rsln tlie wantcs mr liiidy itU ni 1 twuf 4 inM-r'.rti. HiroflllV CoUrfHITiIJttitl, Olnrnhilw dl'triw, Ulwi In the, Muutii, Tu tirv uUi In t v (i iuuli nuj other part of llu vvtifin, HrVyvA, MrjtucuH J'l-cJmre from ttio htM(fi:jii im wwMt roinm vf h ln difHrM. iu' , dv.uu si isyi, sataisf u viiu, nail rMTU4ij CwiCvr In 11m Wutiib, ntitl nil w-t:ik.u)ntf Btnl ,'iiliiful &.-tUnrfft-n, Nltf'it SwsMs lo" of SurTm, nnJ ul riaitru. Lrfo i triii ri ?. fcrtj witiiiu Uu fiMtive rugM vf wonJt-r of MmliTn 1. hcmlatr-, onl a (c:w il ttV uir T-ruv to luiV rm-u -)njr It f.rr titUcr it IL.wi fo.iuJ u iI.'sxmusJ Iu inSrnt powy lo curt theiu. If Uif imtlcnt, tl tl'jr bt-romlnr retucsf hy tho wmim crd aWmiioitl Ihot U tontijtinii'j' nrtMing, tirux-U la turswtlnsf Uti-sjc waKttta, (ju1 rrtair.t1lij kau m" new riiAtf Itl m-utcfrom ha.llhy l)swl ka PAltAFAliXs 1.1 AN w Jnil do tvx'Ut , u. iti4wa r"ii'n vv uriiia in iuu r ismiis us v hot Oltft CK tlj LHAlLOArMtflLlAl tXMM.nWT MfJ stsl a? f I tlll'UlC SarJIifukH'A. ouM!lutMUMs aud bkui tllswsj ; ul It la 0.1))- ciU tir fcf lildnoy &!drr Compnlnts fniKirr, fd Vtn Uw,iiif, Clifl, IU'-t TfvT WM'nei' o Wtr. InftxitkusiirA tf L'r.n. iUlSl lK jUUiinlnnrlsV nn1 lu b'I cjimii wIht llrre hr tflr.tu Ar Lusdtft, or witUr 1 thick, (1au.1v, ti.ixt-1 vMJt iubistitir. Lit Uw wblU f n iett turftt'U II v.hl'.o cr Uir Vsk irttwbt.l, dork, Ultxtisi nppvarnnC' , and vliltn Un-dv.t dsjfsitfttlA, Bfifl tirti tture 1st n frUklni', lur:li't t 'MlUa Uou (wweinc wtT, nnd r:tln lu Ui uitul i-t tL IW& wtd oUt Um Im ills' lrl"s WORMS.-Tlie ouiy kaowu ud tur HmJlf V vfn9-i'H Jape, tic. Tnmor of VJ Ycaru' Growth Cored hy llany'a RrBoIvcrrt. Ib-woir, MaJH., JsaIj- 1-, Hit. Pit. SiriT-T kavw bsj fnHaa 1 trw-r tsi tU nsu-ia d tV.w.U. AU Am ftsM. vu4 t)it trsw t)-lr-fr lu" I t-d ear j Hlaar that rsMMnuieedrd ; btit it.rUtmr h r I 4 Pv. I U-ivnt, " UiosKi'it 1 u brvsatkj I had rWtlaYsMt fwf tWtlir r. 1 tw M UnilM sf tSsj I' II. iA l0 KlilM M t-u Itswiffsvl. auJ tMsa Tsi ssf Kt-t' I r.JH ; ftSMl Iftrr U sV4 m ttn uf Iu.iksT M Issj Mns t-f fcM. f Ur tctlvr, MMrlsr, mn4 Usvprmir than 1 I a fvf Ivrah jw J Kantflsy In lb Irft tJ lli bnrfk. rrw Ui. vhI I wnu iLU lo . sv Mm fecit Aavr. Y rm pnlJIsh l tf lUKksAU I. KM API. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. pcrti-cUy ttaO-issM, elorantlf oai(-d vtth ft rm, porro irnJHi, iumy, cJsAiuw, aifi i4N)Uitii. Kviwn) I'lltn, f,x Oi- rr tf kli (Vo. t of tL 'suvici. Uvsir KsdAsetMi, f1Uidr, Vrvrwi UifM', UmAmL C'-nltts. 14, I oauvstMrswt. lsj UTVSMIOB, V -J-L, P ll3Miro U m Fi-wpf. lurkk.UlMailJtsl Ot t" bwVfCiA. 7HsJ. Usd htttaptftniU uf Ui loituiitd Vis. Wi.iitii.U4 Vo r7c Olsfr'.lwC (Hrv fjrvl VvfTstLiUsr. COIsfOlad g ho tMTfUTJ l..u.-rvi'si, tjr dWtHr.ruUsi druif. t O rt.e Uto fdiuwUi sryit. UH twofe! fWaBl IM. CarslsHO i4 thn llijj- llrtt.rwt farH'asulu b wa. -I lla, FWlrM el tlM f U-sl bs (S. PsJ Ao4n d Kt utl., Kau. Iffauwr. ItsM. f Tt. folr M tybl ia liu fesaiunra, rosu Kntin. tu iu s rhK- Ur m WM -,( nf ti.a Km surra., no jtun'i K vt lit. V4, Hsrvrsw ar- ojr tl 1 Jlathfl, llstAlu as? hWrUM rattAsiSH wiua la ft MX rrw l f IWsmtrsui tsiA-. ci i, ; ft'asa. " ms Uv ih . ,'.. ftiiJ hull t'taa la ifea HsmsI. iHsVUcc A Vw fTIPTAVd ITU. t. a f p avf.t-RaV. ' 1. jStf-S). tfUs, SM WU f-CT yy..t) iv. a mi tut t p Mnrcb SO, 18T2.-ly. A GSEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY ir. TTATrrrr-'i c-tires::: a YINEG-AE BITTERS g Hcndresh cf Thausanda as Cat Ul CuioLx k.u.cif. !f P u g K 5 t " " Hi r f WHAT THEV ? 'At tab s . 2t. - z t!" ' s ss u a! "Si 5 O t 9 TIIET AP.E V0T A TU-E I u FANCY DRIf'K Srt Ml Ho Persaa aaat take thrsa Blttare aV ing to direenons. and remiio long uiiweu, previaea uisis Istmss sre ant destroyed by mintrsl poisao m olhar mssas, and tKt villi orgsnt wsttcd bcvnnd lh p't rtpsir. Dyspepsia or Indlarstlon. Hesdachc, i'aia ia tht Shoulders. Cougha, 1 nililncas of ths C.lissl. plM ms. Soar Erucranoni at the Stomach, Had T.sis ia Jba Moulh, Bilious Auacks, Pslpiianon of tin rWait. In Samautioo of tht Luiif s. Pain in Ilia regions of the Kid neys, sad a hundred other painful symptoms, arc I he osT spnuta of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it baa no equal, and one bottle will pros a tetter (uaranu of its menu than a lengthy advertisement. for Female Complaints, in young ae old. mar ried oe single, at the dawn of weaisnhood, or the turn of life, theve Tonic Hitlers displsy so decided aauiSaenoe thai a marked improvement is snon perceptible. For Inflapiniatory aud turoiele Hhsn tnatlsiu and Gout, Bilious. Kemilleut and luteimit tent Fevers, Diseases of ike Blood, l.ivcr. Kidneys ssd Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused br Vitiated R ond, is reneraily produce4 by derauiteeenl of lire Dnesuve l)rans. Tlser ara a lla l'ttraUe as well aa Teals, possessing aiso the peculiar merit of serine aa a powertul scent in relieving onge.nini imumm.i. f the Liver and Visrecs' Organs, and in Bilious IJiicasea. For 8kin I)a.easae, Eruptions, letter. Salt Rheum, Blotches, bes-li. Pimples, Plltue Boils, Car buncles, King-worms, Sald-Head, Sore Eves, Krysinelas lull, Scurn, l)nco!or.aions ol tlie Skin, Humors and Dis eases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are lit erally dug ap and carried out of the iyitiu in a siiorl lime by the ase of the.e timers. The properties of Da. Walkhs s ViNsaaa Birraas are Aperient. Diaphoretic and Carminative, (lelrilioiu, Laianve, Diurelic, Sedative, Counler lm saot, Sudo'iac, Aileranve, and Anti-Bilious. Orateful Thousands proclaim Vihshai bit Taas the saost woaasilul lnviaraui l hat aval satuuud the sinkiBi sreuei. J WALKER, Prop t. .M.MeDOJIAI.Da1sOO., n.a.,.i. na r. l.t, &. Vrancisca CaJ.. and comer el Wasliingtoa aud Charltou Sta., New York 60 LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. SEW Flonr, reeiL Fruit aa Yenetalile Store, Sprues Street, between Front aud Beoond, BCSBl'RT, PA. JOHN WILVER baring Just opened a Store at the above place, where all kiuds of of thu hust brauda of Flour and Frotl will be sold nl greatly rod need prices. Ths cele brated Buck's Mills Flour will be kept constantly on hand. Also, all kinds of Feed, Grain, Corn, Oats aud Rye, chopped or whole, Potatoes, Applea, Cabbage A Fruit generally, at a cheaper rate thaa ran be bought elsewhere. All goods deliver! Free of Charge. Call and examine my stock and aseeitaiu the prices bafore purchasing elsuwhere. JOHN WILVER. Sonbrorr, Tie. , lITl.-lf. ARE & Bo i Ms MAC'HISK KIIOP AfiD IKOlv ronnnr. GTX. HOHRBACTI & SOTTS, Nnnbnry, Pcana, FrTORM the pnhllp thnt they are prrparsnw do nil kinds of CASTINGS, and hsvlng ftddod a new MnrMns Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themaelves with New tatties, Planing and Borlna; Machines, with the Itttost tmpiovutnents. With the aid of skillful imehaulae, tUey nre enabled to execute all orders of t KEW WOltR OR REPAIRTSO, thnt may he given them, In a satisfactory man ner, i (Arntra to anlt stny StATe. IRON tlLUMN8, for churches or other tmlld I Ings, of nil sites. BRASS CASTINUS, . ' Ornamental Iron' Fencing: FOR GRAVE TARD LOTS i VERANDAHS, FOR tARDS AT RE8IDENCES, AO., AO. The PLOWS, Already celebrated for their su periority, hnve been still further Improved, and will always be kept nn hand. Alto. TflREPHlNO MACHINES. Bnnbury, May 20. 1871. LsjUIBKR AND IMLANINU .niLLS. Tliird Street, arllolnlrg Philn. A Erie R. R., two Bquaree North of ths Central Hotel, 8UNBCRT, PA. JJtA T. CLEMEXT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public Having all the latest improved machinery for manufacturing Lunbcr, be Is now ready ta till or ders af all kluds of FLOORING, PIPING, DOORS SnCTTERS, BAKU, BUNDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, HRACKET8, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAKO ASSORTHTOT OP BILL LUMBER, n EM LOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Tickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, and shlppej bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEM ENT. decl. tl8:ly STOVE et TIN F.HTAilI.ISHMF.XT. MARKET STREET, 8UNBURT, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. sCOCitSSOK TO SMITH k ftENTUBlt.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would respuctful ly intorm the public that he now has ou hand n large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Ppeer's Conk Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, busqurhuuna aud others, which nre so arranged as to be used for Ceil or Wood, and are warranted to perform satislartori ly or no sale. 1IEATEKM of all kinds put up to heal one or more rooms. HEATING STl ES of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Evrry lrsicrlpt Ion kept constantly ou hand. Ronflug aud Bpoutiug wilh the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with disptrh. Csal Oil sLd Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a A.nda. ftore opposite Couiey's hardware store. Give me a rnll. A. KKACSE. aplW-ly GK AA boixFxsJ" of the largest and most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cassimeres cf every grade, and G?ntWmt'n' Furnishing Goods, at TIION. O. XOITM MERCHANT TAILOR STORE. In Miller's block, Third street, two doors below Market, SUVnCRY, PEN'N'A. The roost fashionable clothing wade to order from every variety of goods. Bulls of all sires made up at the shortest no. tier, from the best sulectud stock lu 5ew Toik and rbi:ndr!phia. Call and be convinced. TI1C6. O. 0TT. April 0. lSTV' V. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIQ3ST, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, bVNHl'RY, I'F.NN'A. Docorating nsd Paper Hanglrg dnue in the latest iinprovr-rl style. Orders solicited,' which will receive prompt jit tenlion. Residence In Psrdvtnwn, Emerlek's Building. Suuhury, May ll.'ma.-lf. EXCELSIOR FI R EMI'OIUl JI. I. ISAACS, Successor to JOHN FARF.IRA, 718 Arch street. Middle of the block, between 7th and 8th streets. South aisle, Philadelphia. Importer and Manunicturrr or FAXCY FIK For Ladles' and Children's Wear, wholesale and retail. Having Imported a very large and splendid as sortment of all the different kinds of Fnrs from first hands In Europe, would respectfully Invite the readers of this pa prr lo call and examine the assortment of Fancy Fura. I am determined to sell at the lowest Cash prices. All Furs war ranted. Nn misrepresentations to elect sales. Furs altered and repaired. IsWRemombtr the Store, 718 Arch street, Phil adelphia, oct , Sin. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIIIL, Respectfully informs the ritlr.rns of Sunbury and vicinity, thai lie has opened a TAILOR SHOP. on Fouiih bln-rt. below Mnrkrt, In the Mtillrn buildiiis. and that he Is pivparel lo make up all kinds uf onxTS' a.i now ?en, in the Ulet style. Il.rvii f ti ki lunch exper ience iu the bueiueea he desires the pubiir tu give bins a trial. v t isthlng will b" nvulti us lu ths latest 1'iiiis and Aniriicaii Fashions in Ilia ain.t s.itisiaetory inn an. r. Aug.l7,'7i.-lf. CilARLLlr MAIIIL. I.ucltawunna and owiiiHburt Rail- . W1STIK ARRANti " i XT Cf PA!-r s Niiltl' r 1VS. Time Tah'e tr.k-s rtli-el Nnvembur 55, 1STJ. TRAINS wOVIN sOl'TII. r w. k.H. a m. r.M p.m. r m. Scran on, 8 10 6 45 1" IS 11145 3 M 0 4.1! Pltt.ton, 1 .',7 Hi 1149 11 14 4 It 7 16, W Pitt-ton S : 7 23 DM 11 VI 4 1" 71' Wtomlug 8 4S TTO 11 do 11 30 4 17 7 So I h 3 16 65 11 40 4 45 85 Shlckshinnj'3 51 U 9 3d ilerwick 4 23 6 00 10 1" ; Ktntrmsburg4 57 8 30 U Id Danville 5 30 U 01 V- 2J ! Northuin'd 6 05 10 35 1 0 6.45a. m. train. No S, fiom Scr.nitou, arriv ing nt Niirinuiiirn rliiiid ut 10 o5 am; H.tnis burgat 1 45 p ill ; Ua.tiinoreul 6 3U p in. 3 10 p in train from Scruuton, passeugi-rs leav ing New Yoik at 8 in h hi. connect wilh this train arriving at Xoilhiuuberlun 1 nl 6 06 p. ill. TRAINS S0V1NO SOUTIJ. r.M. r m. a m. r.M. r at A.M. Nonhnm'd 9 40 Hanvllle 10 20 RliHimsb'rg 10 58 Berwick 11 24 Shirkshlnn) 11.55 Plymouth 12 27 4 50 8 30 5 U0 8 35 6 06 4 40 6 40 6 50 7 U 7 00 7 45 1 55 5 Oil 8 20 Kingston Wyoming W Pitlaton Piltslou 8crunlou 13 40 8 00 8 45 1 40 5 80 6 35 13 58 13 58 1 03 1 35 8 13 8 00 1 54 5 37 8 1 J 9 07 i 00 6 45 8 24 91-1 8 05 5 .VI 8 55 9 45 2 40 6 25 9 40 a. in train, Nn. 3, from Northumberland. Passanger leaving Willlaiusport at 7 55 a.m.) coi.iueilng at Northumberland, arriving at Svianton at 1.35p.ui., New York at 9.00 p. iu. 4.51p.m. train from N'orthuinlHirlund, con necting at Bcraulon with trains arriving at Bing hump ton st l.)e6 s.ns. DAVTD T. &Or?nr. Unp't. READIXe RAILROAD. WINTER A BRAN GSM JITS, ssoiifiAT, Mcaanaa Sod, M7I. Trains leave Hurrrsbniw fbf "w Tar a fel lows i at 6.80 and 810, p. m., aid i.Ot, p. m., connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Rail rond, and nrrlvinir at .iew Irk at i3.3, .RO and 9.46 p. m., respectively, Rr tnrnlnlng i Leave New Torlt at 9 00 m. 19.60 and 5.80 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.M, S.4t a. m., and 8.80 p. in. Leave llnrrlsburg for Readlna, ottnlMr. Tamaqus, Mlnerslle, Ashland, 6hamoklo, Al lentown fnd Pblladelotila at 6.80 and 8.10 sv ta., 8.00 and 4 05 p. in.,, stopjilng at Lcbnueo ami principal way stations the 4.05 p. m.; train swo- nectllig iy PhlludslphlA. Pottsvlfle and Colma i Waonly, For Pottsvllle. SchnylkUl Ravca aadt , Auburn, Tin SchnylkUl and Busqnslianaa Rail road leave Flarrliourg at 8.40 p. sh. s F.ast Pennsylvania Rnllroad tmlns koave w5--7 . Ing for Allentowar Kaston and Mew Tork at 7.30 and 10.85 a. m., and 4.00 p. m, Retortdtur. leave Nuw tork at $.00 a. m., 18.50 and R.80 p. lnM and Allentewu at 7.20 a.m.. DJJ26, 8.10, 4.8 and 8. 5$ p. in. Why Passenger Train lenTea PtdlaiUluKU .t 7.80 a. re., connecting at Reading with train on East Pennn. Kullroael, returning leaves Petts Tlllo at 4.R5 p. m., stopping at all etatlon. LenTePottsville at 6.00, 8.05 and B.10 a. m., nnd 8.30 p. m., Herndon at 10.00 a, si., Bbamo ktn at 6.00 and 11.0?. m., Ashland nt 7.1S a. m nnd 1:1.20 p. m.r Mabanoy Clty at 7.58 and 12.54 p. tn., Tnaiaqna at 8.85 a. m., and 8.10 p. m., for Philadelph a, Hew Tork, Reading, Har rlsburg, Jtc. , Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 8.05 a. m., for Hsrrlsburg, and 11.46 a. m., for Plnegrove and Treanent. Pottsvllle Acrommodatlon Train leaves Potts vllle nt 6.00 n. id., passes Rending at 7.40 a. in., arrivlug at Philadelphia nt 10.16 a. m. Return ing leaves Philadelphia nt 4.45 p. m., passes Reading at 7.15 p. tn.. arriving at Pottevill aV .00 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train loaves Futts town nl 6. 45 a. m., returning, leaves Pbl:sill phia (Ninth nnd Green,) at 4.80 p. in. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.30 a. nv.nnd 6.15 p. m., for Ephrneta, Llt'.s, Lancaster, Columbia, kc. t reruruing leave Lan caster at 8.20 a. m., and 8.30 p. m., and Colum bia nt 8.15 a. m., and S.liO p. m. Perklomen Railroad trains leave Perkloruon Junction at 7.U5 nnd 9.00 a. m., 8.56 and 6.40 p. rn. ; returning, leave 0rer Lane at 6.16 a. Hi., 13.35 nnd i.'M p. m., connerting with trains oti Rsnillng Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leavs Phoe nixville at Vl.lOa. tn., 3.10 and 5.50 p. m. return ing, leave Dyers at 6.S5 a. m., 12.45 and 4.80 p. ui., rnuner'tlhg with trains on Reuding Railroad. C'olehrookdiile Railroad trains leave Pottstowu at 9.40 a. m. and 1.30. 6.26 nnd 7.15 p. m., re turning leave Maunt Pleasuut at 6.00, 6.00 and 11.25 a. 111. and 3.00 n. m.. rouiittctiuir with trnina. on Reading F.allroud. Chester Valley ICiUroad trains leave Brilga port at 6.3(1 a. in. 3.40 and 5.33 p. m., returning, lesve OowHiniflown tit 0.65 a. ia., U.3Uaad 6.4.) p. in., connecting with trains on Reading; Rail road, On Sundays i leave Xew Tork at 5, 80 p, tn., Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. tu. and 3.15 p. tn., (the H.00 a. m. train running only to Heading,) Irave Pottsvllle at It. 00 a. m., leave llarrlsburg st a. in. and 2.00 p. in. -, l'nve Alleaton s at H 55 p. in. i Irave Reading nt 7.16 a. ta. uad 10.15 p. ui. for Harrishurg, at 7.30 a. m. for Sew York, aud nt 9.4 a. tu. aud 4. IS p. in. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileiivr, Srasou. School and Exriirslan Tickets, to aud from all points, at re duced rates. bugm ge cheeked through ; 100 poands allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTF.N. Anltt. Srl. ot fng. MwVry. RffaKlMS, F., Uecemlrrr X, 18?J. Xortheru Outrol Bailvsay. "'INTER ARRA.foEMEXT. AN mo alter Oat. 27, 1872, trains srtU run aa iwi . NOR1 nWAOD. Nlagnrn Eipress leavea Bunbury at liVU p. m., for Niagara Falls Mall arrives at Sunbury at 4.10 p. m., arrive st Wii!uinispoit 6.2u and Elmlra lO.atl p. i. Fast Lire arrives ut Sunbury at 9.60 p. w., arrive ut Wll:iamsorl 8.S5 p. ta. Erie Mull le tvcs Sunbuiy at 6.30 a ra liHiusptirt at 8 40 a in, uud arrive ut Esuiru K UMl) p in. SOUTH WARD. Mall leaves Sunbury at 11.03 a. m., arrive at Iliirristnirg 1.45 p. tn., Baltimore C.30 p. m. Erie Express leaves Sunbury at 9.40 a. in., ar rive ut Ilarrisburg 11.30 a. m., Baltimore 8.00 p. in. Kris Mull leuve Sunbuiy at 12.50 a. m., arvivo ut llnrritburg. V45 a. ut., B tlsitaore S.Vi a. ra. Niugura Exprrss leaves hsnbury at ? 00 p m, H.srrisburg at 10.40 p m, arrive at "Baltimore li a ui. siiAMOKiN nmsies. EASTWASD. Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. sn., arrive at Mratiio kiu 6.5U p. m.. Ml. Cannel 6.30 p. aa. Leave Bunhury ( Accommodation,) at 18 6,, p. in., arrive at tibumokin l.t5 p. iu. WESTWAItP. Leave Mt. Cur in el at 7.40 a. to., bhamoktp 8.20 a. in., arrive at Sunbury 9.6 a. at. Leave Shnmokiu ( Accominodatlon,) at 8.46 p. m., arrive at Sunbury 8.55 p. ro. Express leaves daily. Ail other trains leave datlv, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskb. Er. S. Torso, tien'l. Sup't., Oen'l Passsn'r Ag't., llarrlsburg, Pa. Balimorc, M A Fbllndelphlst (tad Frle Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Sundav, Oct. 37th, 1972, Ibe Train ou the PhiludulpblacV Erie Rail Road wl.l run as follows i WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " nrr at Erie, Erie Express leave Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " " an nt Lrie, Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " " arr at Lock Haven, Nina.ira Express leave Philadelphia, " Suubury, " " ai r at Renovo," EASTWARD. 11.40 p m 6.30 a tr 7.55 p nr. l'j.40 p tu 7.01 p m 7.45 a 111 8 00 a lit i . M p in 7.45 p to 7. oe a nt 12.40 p m 4 !5 a iu I V:sli Tiain leaves Eric. 11. 5 a iu 12. si a in A..'ii a in 9.15 p m 9 oS a m 3- 0 p in 7-4'i a in 11. mj a m 6 .00 p m 3.5 p m I " " Sunliurv. ' " air nt Philadelphia, F.rie Exprers leave Erie, " Sunbury, " " arr ut Philmlelpuia, Kltuiiii M..ii .cue- Liak Haven, ' " feunbury, ' " mi ut I'hiiuiteipbia, I Nim ira Express lruvrs Kruovo, I biuhnrr. I nil ul Pliii sStJM is, 7..ia p in S lio s in j Mail F:ist coriiiei'ls vast and west at Erie Willi ; L. h. A M. i. R. W. and at hviuvluB with Uil i Cr.-, k uuj AlUgtieny R. It. W. I Niairiiiii Exore-s ninl Erie Expitss East, and M ill, Ni.igaia Express and F.'.mira Muii ! W. .I, comiect ul Vi.liainKirt with trains gning , ninth ou the K uiiru and Cauundalua divuiou 1 of ti e N. C. K. K. I Cutiwissa iasrngrr trains will be run east and wist Itoiu WlliiiitiiM.ntton F.luilra Mail. WM. A. UALPW1N, (.m'l Btip'l Hunt illf, IIhzIcIou Jk lVllht'stbetrro It. K. i'ruuu. K. It. Co. Lt'kisro. BCMMI-R ARRANGEMENT. On and after this dale Passenger trains on the D., 11. A W. K. R. will run a tollow i WESTWARD. EASTWARD. l.SAVI. A.M.' IE4TC A.M. New York, 6:00 Sunbury, 6:20 Philadelphia, 8.00 Danville, IvX Euslon, 9:35 Cultawiess, 7:i'S Rithlrhecn, 10:05 llasleton, 9.08 r.M. r. st. Hni'.rton, l:Uti Retlilehcm, 12:10 Cmiawissa, 8:40 Kaston, 12;S. Danville, 3:20 Philadelphia, 2:15 Sunbuiy, arrive 3:57 New York, arr. 8:50 Train West arriving nl Sunbury 8:57 p. m., liuiki'S close ooniirctions with trains on Philadel phia JC El is R. R. tor MUton, Wllllaltikport, Link llavu and ull rsiiils Wtst, Elmira and all points North, arso with Northern Central Rail any, for llariisburg and Raliimaro. L"N'i w and elegant roaches ruu thtougli be tweeu Suubury oid Kaslan. SHANK THOMPSON, eupi. D. II. 4 W. K. R. BrtT's Orrf-a, rTnusMsroFT, P. May 1, 18T3.
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