I. MA.SSER, W1LVERT. Editors. SUNnUHY,SKLTEMIiEIl 23, 1871. Itr.riHI.ICAMSTATKTHiiET For And II or Cirnrral, DAVID STANTON, OF UKAVEIt COUNTY. For Snrvcycr mernl, KOIIFllT 15. K i:Tn, V)F SC HUYLklLL COUUTY. Ml'DIC'IAKY. Vcopk'g Candidate for resilient Judge, Of Xorthunilmlanil Cotmty. KETLBIMCAIV t'OUXTY TICKET. Ton hei'uksentative : DENNIS BRIGHT, of Montour Co. FOIl TREASURER ! A. CAD WALLA DER, of Milton. FOR COMMISSIONER I AMO,1 VASTINE, OF Shamokin Tvi for district attorney : JNO. K. CLEMENT, of Sundury. FOR AX D1TOR '. JACOB M. EOLLMER, ofTurhot. A: editorial appeared iu Inst tvcclt3 mocrat, in reply to a paragraph of ours, M-hicli, it is very yi. lent, was written by Mr. Scott himself. Tim article is full of misrepresentations. Wo defy tKc editors of iho Democrat or Mr. Scott to furnish re. uponsiblo proof, that tho sentence quoted from us is not -cfcrrect. Why is it, that Mr. Scott is so anxious to have us cease giving tho truth to tho public, and has asked our friends to speak to us in regard to it, and does not furnish proof of a creditable- character that our statements arc in correct. Tho friend ho complained to last week, who advised biiu to refute it, was somewhat surprised when Mr. Pcolt ac knowledge 'that "ho was in rather bad company at Mt. Canncl," but denied that l'at Hester was present. If Mr. Scott is disposed to associate oven witli Put Hester's associates, what right has ho ta ask us to suppress tho truth, when the people of tho whole district aro interested in tho matter. Tho articlo refers to a certain Democrat, who feels disposed to act honorably towards his Democratic friends, by exposing the imposition that is wont to bo practised upon his party, and as he is acknowledge a iAAiiwi.it, v.'e feel sure that he is fully able to tho task, uud will inform his friends of certain movements of Mr. Scott's, which ho Cars might bo exposed. Tho writer says : "Wo venture to say that no man ever yet approached Mr. Hcottinr. gnt'.emauly way, who did not reeeiva courteous and gentlemanly wel come." If 2Jc Scott calls, putting on nits nfa King, aud taming Ins buck towards then who Approach him on business, and rriifllv iiuR)r.iin them "that ho did'ntdo SUiiuess ouUiJo oflus oOlee,'? u rocemng 'them "courteously and gentlemanly", then wo acknowledge our mistake The writer-cays : "Instead of running strorind tho streets begging votes, or tolling Kt about Ins opponent, Mr. Bcolt lias kept 1 his otlicft, v.-orked hard from tho day of h's hoiniuafior. t his private affairs, aud, believing tlifct ho is in tho hands of tho people who f'l.iiuld bo left unbiassed iu tho luVetion of a 'Judge, has not electioneered n iihglo man. whether priest or layman, JeworCentiri." If Mr. Scott wore not soon traveling out daily, and 6ol!:ilinz voles siuco his nomina tion, and mrtCt of tho tiimo seen in company with Irish Catholics, tho abovo might bo bolievad. Eut as it is a common Hung, and every body sees it, tho lie readily rebounds ii the head of tho author. Hero in Sun N'ry it is 'vell known that ho can scarcely be found iu hlsofiioo uulcss his Irish friends Ca tho Cm Region coma to town. In fact tho wholo nrticlo is a misrepresentation of tu :ts, and cannot be substantiated. T.ik Linui Roman Catholic Rioter. axi tiik Gf.kmans. In New York tho Irish aud their friends gained political power, and every (Jerajan is kept out of otliif. Whenever I hey j.;ct con! ml oflabor the (Sonnnus aru driven oil", and treated liko dugs. When France rushed upon (nu'inany in tho Fiaueo-Prussian wai, tho lrihh to a man took sides with Prance, Ic M'.iri thoy hato tho Hermans, and because tho Pope hates Hernia ny aud her great and teamed men, and became ha wauled Louis Nupulc on,- with his French soldiers to overrun iJerumny,- and dcsolutu uud lay waste, t!uv. Fa'.lforland. Through tho wh4ljwar.l.11 li'.-li were iho fr iends of r'umexi and tlri ai-inies of Germany, bo ckus) tho Pikj prayed for his favorite son Li'iin Napoleon. Tai Two cl.lnn.il of luell Hie deeply lu'cicstnl in taxes-via: Iho funnel's, luiuer Hil l i,i a'atoi-.i, mi l liuiiit t and iiMnm nl' Iiouk uud loin, uud lionu-n. 'l'oy all pay t ir, tin I mo are intt. rented in lusia. The utot rclaniuiv the consumer of la.en, ll.e lis e iHiilti' and llu-ir ftltlnh. In M, I'.iiiml township uud in Coitl, Pat Ih itur uud Mr. Scoiu uiiinU e.ilteei the t inch, mid ll 1'ii.uinta uud lens (f thoU" liul I III-" Collected by tlielll, till. I Um d In 1 14 their u U, h i luipinn lo bo nut uf w ur kit .u I xi old uiid infirm lo wi k, or t m Uy t wurk. Ii l w-il und' Ul I.I..U l.n ;,i t Mil Hint i'f UK- urn iuiM; lliu i-ii.il liii.li, uf.l ilu i.pi.' in I l.o t'ttm iia I'Hiiri I i i .ay llu ui, an. I inn I' td lllll'. itll.li u t ip'.o i.i ii 1 ;l.l, li d I I'""- vt I iliwr tiu 1 ii il ii,li ttii t.in)ii. I. tl wiu tui .1 v.' t ei.u'.ri'l Hi' iho v'.i ii) , (Imi iiH till fur t ivy I. Vii'iU I ut I i , l'v .ri) I .u.i i, l lllt l IT'll.i ) l l ilhplll. iiin, ( ll.ul (!u y ll.l I'll u Tiiicii my lliuj lluro I m. An . i j.i.ut.''l tn"l Uui.d nl.uh u iU u t IU.. ; 4 ',i .'i I lui cmiiii) li..iif) i-'l'U 4 A IUi ;j It tif nl t'liiiipl .ltiiH.' - 'I'Uu ,'. ki,'' 'i 1 VI. hd, iiiiv ! In ln. I ui it d hi dui'Hi lU Vi-ar, 1 1 t,tkt. K'-l it i .iu )' '1 .. - :li . iu !!. .vi.w." lUm r ill! I ill' ! I . Il: I Ml. ! I 1 -' - k 1 1 It'-. ( 'I ...I I I J . V .1 I u.u h 1 .11 il 1 1 i 1.1 ,1 I I I..I....I I. 'I i.l .lU Comb on with your Affida1ts1 Scott on the Stand ! 1st Question. Did you or did you not, in tho bar-room of one of tho priucipal Hotels iu ML Carmel, make certain pledges to sotlio parties of a gang of "Molly Maguires ?' 2d, Did one of them say to you : "If we holp to cltct yoti, will yoti do tho fair thing by us V" fid, Did 'they hsk of you a pledgo to help them to elect certain other officers ? 4th, Did you thon and there pledgo your self thus : 'Gentlemen, if I am nominated and elected, I assure you that I will remem ber my friends, and my enemies nntet be ware ?" Cfh, Did you pledgo yourself to ccuro tho following nominations to tho persons named and their friends, your friend Pat Hester for Sheriff, Miko Conncly for Pro thonotary, and Galagher for Legislature ? Mr. Scott theso aro grave and serious charges, if truo,no honest man can voto for you. Let us hear from you. Trot out your witnesses. Let us have tho affidavits 1 1 Will not Hester nud Galagher aud Conncly swear you this ? District Attorney. Rut littlo has been said in regard to this office, iu tho present campaign. In tho administration of justice, it is perhaps next in importance to that of President Judge. It therefore behooves voters nnd tax payers, not to for get the imporlanco of selecting a person for this office, who has the necessary qualifica tions. It is not so necessary that tho Dis trict Attorney should be a clever fellow, us it is that he should havo tho ability and experience to dischorgo tho duties of tho office. In tho performance of his duty, the District Attorney may save to tho county thousands of dollars, which an inefficient officer, with tho best intentions might lose by his want of knowledge aud experience in his profession. Tho best thing that can bo said of tho Republican candidato, Gen. Clement, is tho fact, that ho is well qualified for tho office, and that itis generally admit ted by tho Court and Ear, that ho per formed his duties, not only with abili ty, but with ontiro satisfaction, when ho held tho same oflieo sotno years since. His opponct, Mr. Ryan, ou the other hand, has but little to recommend him for that responsible office, while it is generally un derstood, that he was ono of tho leaders, if not the principal, in getting up the fraudu lent voto in the coal region, by which tho honef t democratic candidates, not iu league with tho Irish Catholic candidates, wcro wronged and cheated out of their nomina tions. Voters and taxpayers should not for get that a good District Attorney has it in his power to save largo sums of money for the county, if ho is properly qualified for tho position. Thousands of German voters in this coun try never before cast for tho measures and men of tho Republican party, will this Fall voto the KepublttHrtrtickct u. Peiwsylvanin, Ohio, Now York nnd other States. They understand uo .fully that Republicanism 1. ' -- J--rf , - - n dti im IWi 1nm they are disgusted with dishonest tulo liko that of Tammany. Tho fact is that our German citizens, as a mass, havo no natur al affiliation with tho Democratic party, which iu tho lato war showed its affection for them by taking sides with their enemies. In Now York, especially, all tho desirable offices hnvs been given to tho Irish, whilo to tho Germans was left only tho empty privilcgo of voting to confirm tho will of Tammnny. It will bo a good day for tho country when the German clement shall bo emancipated from its present boudago to its foes. Thomas Chalfant w. the Maiia- NOY3. Our cotcmporary of tho Danvillo lnlcllijcncir who is tho Democratic candi dato for Legislature with Mr. Gallagher, is disposed to cast slurs at tho "Dutch Mahanoys" ns ho calls them, because many of them feel disposed to vote for Dr. J. 11. Novbnker and Details Eright. As we aro pretty Well acquainted with tho people in thu Miyhauoys, wo can utsuro our cotcm parythattheyiireju.it n enlightened iu tho Mahauoys, as they oro anywhero clue, am! Hnow their own business best. Tlicy aro haiiei! nnd would never countenance fraud ad corruption in any party, nor will they do so now. They nro also fully aware of tho movements of tho Irish Catholics In this couutrv. nint will voto ngaiLst all who a'ro kaowu to bo favorable to their movo niiu'.t. So lookout .Mr. C'halfant! Tho voters of tlicfco "Dutch Maha:toy" as you ultfcia 1 1 cull tin m. may teach vtu some Etij,li - the loth of October, uext. Tin: Irioli CiithulUn of Lyc lining county j sucivcdi'd in plaeittj upon the lK'inocratic ticket, u Human Cathnlle f.ir tlu rid'. Tho huiicKt !' iiiiici':U don't liko it, aud are de termined to ihliiil liiui. Why is it that lrinh (.'athiilics am so aiixluiis all at oueo to get control ot all the ulllce iu tliu coun try. Do they expect It m t coulrol of our IV'Vv.inm lit no it to i'uLiliali l'ox iylu thU country, or la It to break up thu U mo rtatic j ai ty. In lu aily every County in the Statu ihi ru U one it iiioi'o placed upon thu lAiiioi r.tlic lielii't. Nurlhutabcrlatui vouii ty hint It full hare. ThoM who do uot Uliiiij 1 1 that church, nro strongly lui- piegli.lti il with llalll, mid khowlllg 4 Wil- liu';iiiki t j aid lluui in order to huld oil fee uu Ur t'xiu. A 'I it iSi-i'Aiti i r tiin.K.--'i"(n Ttu iiuiuy liui Iimii? U-t'ii eiiiiip-'H'id in exlil lul tiiii uimiilil of lli illy of New Voik, a r. iiiioiiuo of iimm ui i.iu.ii wit up- , .11.1. it I i l X mil. hi lln III. J In; i'oiiiuiittt o mil l.i-1 u k, mi l .i.i' I uu t null iili r t .. 'uii'l! , tiii i uiiii'l tin hi t'l il all tho h.i.iks im-l V 'Uklu la Mould Imi pi tend l l"lo llu in oil i''l I'lV. It u I Jib. Itul Ulllol lU- inti I.', on Xi- 'it y iii,;U, Ui- oiiue u ilio 1 1 .1, .1,. I. r bin ..( l d l ImiI .i.ik. um I i.. ...;. i.i.i.'t. f ir r id. i iitu ilii. ll.iU' Ol.ll lot,. Iuidill4. A I'd till lillU mi.ii'.J lAt. Iiiioiiltol ll,e uwVe.UHiklltof ll.u )Ulo 4ii ( "I tl.u ll.ltloll. toil.! Ii Si h 'S I HI W. M l) of 1111, ft i. X-ik. I.u I touniiy muoti.i iioin ll.u t i.i, In. ,L 1. 1. 111. and Uul. u llui Mi ll-. II. ll.u ul li Inn. Kl'Uilii. llui lUu ii.u. i4i 4' U M k I d -d to Mil III It.J I i. i.i. in I o, i .1 in. ira o im iiui ..ii t t. i .i ,i i m. i-i. . ii ui"! . u llll Ul'llU luUlllllul ' 1 I I on lllloii Mki, k IliiMU I' liwilU 1 aU Uwi Htt; An Indkpetndent Judiciaiiy. - A convention was held In Schuylkill county on tho Oth lust., composed of delegates of tho most influential men of that county, of both parties, to place in nomination a pco plcs's candidate for Judge. Tho meeting was organized by appointing Hon. F. W. Hughes President of the Convention. Mr. Hughes has been a lifo long democrat, and tho leading spirit of tho Democracy of Schuylkill county, as well as of thcJStatcs for many years, but believing as wo do that tho offico of Judge should not be a par tizan ono, and tho Democracy of that county, like in Ibis county, having placed upon their ticket a caudidato unfitted for tho position, ho docs not feel disposed to submit to tho low trickery Which has been so long resorted to iu tho nomination of candidates by tho Democracy, to fill tho of fices with men totally unqualified, cither in a moral or intellectual sense. Mr. Hughes upon taking tho Chair, ns President, made tho following remarks, which aro as applicable to this county as to Schuylkill. Gentlemen : I feel much gratified at tho unanimity with which you have called mo to preside ovrr your deliberations. Pro bably no Convention ever assembled iu Schuylkill county whose members were ac tuated by purer motives, or destined to pro mote nnd giva life to a greater public good than this one. Most conventions having in view tho uo.ninaliou of candidates for public olliec, are composed of members who are or expect to bo sustained by tho patron age of organized political parties. Mot so with this Convention. Scarcely ten days havo elapsed einco il was called, and it sprang from nnd places into form and working efficiency a sentiment wide spread yet most commendable among our citizens. It is to lift our Judiciary above the mire of party politics to make honesty anil legit learning tho qualifications and teslsofut- uess, rather than mere partisanship, espe cially when it seizes as itR champions can didates not only unfit mentally and moral ly, but who would positively degrado tho lngii oflieo ol Judge. la our ifovernineiit pavttaanship is not desirable in tho Judge, but itis a condition most to bo shunned, Tho Judge on the bench who owes his election to mero party nomination, enters upon his office only with tho obligations of gratitude to party friends resting upon him. but with the im plied pledge t(3ervo in his office those who liave placed him there. To this extent ho lias placed himself under bonds to degrade his office and to practice the most greviotis Wrongs. M either order or good morals can prevail in a community whero the, law administered by incompetent or dishonest Judges is thus made uncertain and unre liable, and tho people tluTeforo lose rerpect for the law. Happily in this County tho Judiciary has as a genera! rule been pro served free from the bias of ptulizatisliip, aud with linn and honest heads ana hearis our Judges have nieted out justice to Hie humblest citizen and the most itiiluential alike, and wilhuul fear favor or alleetion. Hie good oense ot our people, in many no table instances, has secured this result by ignoring party fealty in the selection of Judges. In tho Republican City of Philadelphia, Democratic Judges have been supported and elected irrespective of party. 'Iho re peated majorities given in that city for Judge iSharswood proves this. So also for .Judges 5iroud, JjUiIIOW nuu utUcre. tulj lost Fall tho Kepubhcan county ol Craw ford (Republican by about 1500 majority) electa -uA-Oliief Justice Lowrio, a Demo crat whoso party lenity cannot bo doubted, by about 000 majority. 1 address myself particularly to my Democratic brethren in this Convention and throughout this coun ty, and I ask them, are you willing to ad mit the Republicans to be moro patriotic than you aro V Thoy rose abovo parly and sank tho politician in tho good citizen in voting for aud helping to elect those Dem ocratic Judccs. Will mv fellow-Democrats allow themselves to be distanced by Repub licans in theso manifestations of love for country nbovo party ? I trust not. 1 don't believe they will. For one, ns n life long Democrat, faithful to my party among many who were faithless, I shull confess to no superior lovo ot country, and willing ness to;mako party sacrifices for tho public good, on tho part of Republicans to Demo crats 1 On this subject of making the ju diciary nu exception to the binding force of party nominations, I claim to bo entirely consistent. Mo Democrat in Schuylkill County can show a moro consistent sup port of party nominations thau myself. And yet, as early as tho that election for Judges under our amended Constitution, in 1851, I disclaimed allegiance to tho nomi nations of my party, nnd helped to elect a Republican Judge. 1 lielicvo this the only political dereliction of which I have been accused, and yet It is ono which I havo al ways as frankly avowed as I do now my de termination to opposo and help to defeat recent nomination of my party forjudges. 1 do thii hecauso these nominations were not tit to bo made. The people of Schuylkill as well as In this county, feel too much tho ncod of good Judges to place their property, their liber ty, aud their lives willingly at tho d'lHjHwal of ignorant nnd unfit Judges. Mr. Hughes In speaking of tho proposed new amendment of tho Constitution, says : It is approved of by litiuocr.its us well us lU"iul,lie:iii. And well it may, for under its uivratioii tho iieoplo of New York have secuiCi! iNi lH"t bench uf Judges they ever had. Wo fli"t two I'ispccloia or l.leetlons in a single dii.n.'t, too wo duct two Ju ry t'oiiiiiiishUuiiT in each County, yet in each eai tho ileclor fail Vote l't only one. It follows thai eneh paity thus cet uu ot lice. This principle, IViuocM'.s have mip ported nnd will soon hciii lo liH'oi ;iorato in i. . i l .' l ; . II .nl.l. I uu llii I ill l it'll i'l i mi, I vuill.t. . . . ... Una Statu to amend our I'oiistiliitlon. umi . m u-ii . ii u..n itiuii il I ..liu.litl.i: III 1 mutt no mm wil ho w-nl front Sc mv Lil County who dot not lavor the piim iplu of . . . . . minority rvpn M-ulatloii. myli kiuls, this principal Is riyl.t. It Is dciHucruilc in IU purt kl li.-.e, tvc4UKO it e,tve lo all ieo- pic a voire tiiui iiu-ir nur kiiato or repiwu Ulinii In thu maiiut i icut of public uii'ulra. It mill Kiuro lliu Ukl men I n pnt-l.e pom- lion uud pl'olnoto a lollO to ptihlli: npiuioli llmt will irowu uiMii iiulwt i,j ktaUkiui'ii and L'i"ii shop niiirltn', ihi fully . tun tury pll in III tln lllM iVt U t'U.idld.lli for lliu I'lllio ul Jtide, m- - - A h"V olm rtud w tti liinj inti nily lor a "ttoodi liU' V I i ei, inn nut 1. 1 I, i lt.de, ' li t ) mt siii pio mi t an t ali Ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 r " uK' .1 a p.i i by. ' I uu h bun r" cohi. iupiii..i:-ij uiishi rtd lliu boy, "I'vu (ot to t .iU li l.iin, lntiMi i , uu .11 u out u im ., I'1 'liii iu.itily Iho c4i wi'.h iht.j who 4iu w :lliu i 1 1 ippnil lliu fiuil4lt lit I k ii io ii. i'l I.i W. t lo lb. vuiit), l!.,) uu Willi- i,Ul i.k, Mint lo ktlp t'.e bli4lll if III., IiOi, bu (likh C.illeJo. Inovi ll tul lo I l,i limit li. In oill. e, 'll i yd i Itul, how t . r, kt.ii h-l wt.t u liu itilt I '.ill. .,i. n I k.iil.. tl tha i It 'ta, llolt !.J "w4 tin. Will If I At il it it it y Ir. Hi ll.ilti, A l Ittl In U i iltili, .' ( '. ) tiil) ..wl l.uiolHtl .'l It it u Uiit I iti,ll ll.u.' 1 4 lu.l ili4i-il With Kiiki...o. 1 1 J Ut II I l i WV ..U. .I..'' I i i ... . I Aa our edition run out last week, and hundreds were desirous of seeing tho arti cle Eubjoincd, wo republish it for their be nefit : Mi. Scott inn tub Catholics i Vie hnve been nfked 1v a person Interested In tlio Trepi dant Jndcnliip, tint to nay that Mr. Bcott is a inenitit-r of tho llomnn Cnthollo Cburch, unlets we linTO evidence Mint B'.ieh Is tho fuel. In Mio first place we say, Mint wo hnve a duty to per form to the public Hint far transcends nny delica cy of Tcellni; that nny enndidato may havo, nnd whllht Vie design to publish the truth, nnd noth ing tint the truth, wo must nnd wilt nt all times hold up the tide of tho rl'.;ht, no differcneo where aud whom ft may hit. Wo do not oppose Mr. Scott on account of his relii;ious proclivities. Wo do nut opposo Mm because ho Is or Is not a Ro man Catholic i but we do say, that we will op poso any mnn'B election when It Is eelf-cvldeut Mutt ft is sought to elect him ns a Hoiuiin Catho lic, or as any other dfnomlnntionnl or sectarian candidate. 'The people of Mils great Common wealth will not allow a man to sit in judgment of their rights mid libeitlcs, when it is evident to them Mint the Pope's lntluonco i to bo wielded In tho slightest degree. What was Mie verdict of tho people, but a few years ngo, when Judijo Campbell, a Homnn Catholic on tho Democratic ticket for Judge of the Supreme Court was it can--(liriutet Ami. Inter still, but two years ago, did not the people, of tho Luzerne district a district llmt n umbers Its Democratic majority by thou sands defeat Judge Woodwnril (Mr. Scott's fa-ther-ln-luw) for President Judge by an over whelming majority, simply because be was plac ed on tho ticket by tho Irish ltomnu Catholic In fluence. Andnfler having served us Chief Jus tice of Mie Supremo Court of the State, lie could not be elected, although on the- Democratic tick et, in n strong Democratic district, to tho oflieo of President judge of tho County Court. And wo do not hesitate in saying Mint wo have the strongest evidence, that Koran n Cnthollo In fluence Is brought to bear to promote the election of Mr. Scott. In tho first place, every person knows that it wub the Irish Roman Catholic votes In the Coal region that placed him on tho ticket. This the eleetiuu returns show everybody knows ft. Everybody admits that they even cheated and defrauded the honest democratic voters of other parts of the comity out of their choice for candi dates, in order to'carry their point, and elevate such men as they thought would best servo their interests every candid, sell'-tliliiklng, honest nmn will admit it. Again, w liilst we were not present, nnd did not sec Mr. Scott Join the Roman Catholic Church, there cannot be found In Slmmokiu a man who will not tell you "that they nil say out there, that liu U a member, and goes lo sue tho l'rioft whenever he comes to Slinmokln." Everybody knows Mint l'at Hester, (ieo. McEHecc and James Malone, the three leading Roman Catholic spirits of Noitliuiiibeilniul county, nre Mr. Scott's right hand men. That lie sits with them, sips with them, nnd smokes with them, as often us they meet together, everybody can sec for themselves. Was not John Murphy, the Roman Catholic Irish tipstave, appointed ntiJ kept in olllee by Judge Woodward during the whole of liUterm of office, seen hero In Mie streets with Mr. Scott last week, nnd wits he not on n political mission throughout the dlrtrict, visiting his Roman Catholic friends I Who cannot guess what his business was t And last, but not lftast, why is it that the Irish Protes tants In tho coal region nro nil going for Mr. Rockefeller, Irrespective of party, whilst tho Irish Roman Catholics nro all lor Seott to a unit f These are facts, and every person In the region will bear testimony of tho truth of .theso asser tions. These people boast that they will bring to euubiiry, on the lourtli Monday ol M ptemeer, over one hundred to be naturalized by the Court, iu order that they may help to e'.eet their candi dates lo olliec. blight not the people in the other parts of tho county to hu u unit at the ballot box I Thk following recommendation tT the count)' committees of both parties, signed ! as it is by Mr. l.rrett and Mr. allacc, deserves attention. To the end that it may have, a general circulation our contempo raries arq requested to copy it : I'l i i L A 1 I'X rn I A , Sept. 19 1871. The Legislature at its recent sessiou having submitted to the people the question of call ing a convention to revise tho constitution fiho Stoles, and thin question being ono of a nonpartisan cc tractor, upon which the sense of the pcoplo should bo fairly taken, wo miko in tho Kconiniendaton to all county committees to print nn distribute tickets both for and against a convention. Tho ticket is to bo headed 'Constitu tional Convention," or " Against a Con vention," and in counties iu which slip tickets are voted it must go upoii tho slip headed "State." ItUSSKT.I. KltltKTT, Chairman Republican Committee. William A. Wallace, Clmirman Democratic Committee No Monn Money kkom Tammany. In former years tho Democrats havo realized any amount of money from tho New York Tammany ring but we have been inform ed that the recent applications for aid have been mournfully rejected. Hall, Tweed, Sweeny and Connolly havo had so much troublo of lato that collections for Pennsyl vania Democrats could not be made. t'oimollyN CotiU-Nslon, Controller Connolly having had his vouchers stolen, the sumo thief may be in duced to try an steal "Slippery Dick's" re ports. In case this is done, and to prevent any iucouvenieiuo to that honest ofllcial, wo reproduce if summary of tho ac counts lui has confessed to nay from the County Treasury within tho last thirty -ono months: Iugersoll & Ci, 5,t'.-i4.7li 70 L,s5i,:ti;ti 7ii 1,2.11,17 70 404.2SI 72 .V.l,7.VJ 00 Cti.'.ilO lo 7,."il0 00 2-,:u7 00 :iti,rtii i.i lsj,;,oi 07 2.011,823 3U A. J. Uarwy, Kcvser & Co, J. Mclk Davidson, D. 11. Jacobuo, S. W. Smith, J. W. O'ISiien, . A. W. Jxickwuod, C. lockwood, . Ward tb Stnutcrt, Misocllaueuun, ( Printing, sutioairy and ad veriisiug for IO'J "0 Total, A'. Y. tUJ. lj'J. l io 70 Timet. I'hiiii'.NT Ji'iiiir. Wo cheerfully and coiini U iiiioiinlv rct'oiuuii-ud tho voters of Ibis Judical Diimii t tu mho fur Win. M. Uoeki feller for Prenideli'. I'ldgc. Ho is a christian eiilluniun of uiiinipeachablu cha- r.iet, r, a lawyer or more in.tit ordinary . , - . ..i ..II I I 1 1 1 1 1- u . 1 1, ..I uiiittel.'iilii I Inn net li li wi . j , ..- .-.......-- ! ". '' 1,u. I-'"!!1" !u "'l'"liy .;' uu i I . 1 1 Ik lililld W Well kloretl I I... I,.. tiiili the "liuwhrdiiii llt'Ciletl III tliu pooltloll, uud hikitUtli hiibiniiii l lug;tlc)ti4 raiioa havo wuiui'iit! ilU'd him to perform tho luitetloi.k tif Judi. la a worthy andacwpi. ublo uiaiuar. II u o, VUKtit, h. ti. Kott, wan iioiiiiiuitod by I'ruuJ, a oHitily chart; td ly mcliilmlk ol lit uu 4't V, and be. k'tlti, pniiH li t u.:ouil'i lilflltk whiih lit hunt ir Uu' o.:tii.u llui. a lawfir wuh o il prui liu-, w.HiM to, if tlet ted, it InJo ttitl.oul t kpeiieiiw, and iioiu lbt iii. nun I' id h n.ituiailoii, iiittit Ut ietxarily li Aat.d I'k 'H luditu tu I tv.ir of that d.tll tiei'iiii t'lttk lo wliiih ieoMik.i i. no. nil ,killnil l I I" Ihu pvitple. Wu do Hot li' In vu loin a k il l iii. .a on whom l i Ul iw llui ii..iilik t riki.iti k i foil 4 and to woilliily Woll liy JlldO J. I'l IU. lit Uu- iCojiUj ,o uu ii. U r that tiny him alt ik..ntly mil wially Ihu UkW-l I.i Kiyiuj Hi" .lii l'i kliip i.i tl.u u... i luikit w-iitliy Uiiiil Mm ,,u -u. i, i i.etiui win. "uy I l.ui p iltii k. And Ito nuu wlm i m .(ii.tuilitl Willi tho lo t . Hi. lid III Ii.iioi I Will I til lo ih. l lu iu 1 1 or vl Win. M It Uu lUr.wli'i i Ud d touo4ity, tMii)it l,y iio ili.pt-1 ui,. I l.jtiiw.4 by no pi ju.Jiork. - Vxifrum A 'um U iKM'ii win a .o.uil.ai in i.ily loii.i.Ait. tlx if o Mil "i , l.ii- i.M 1 4 mid ttli-l khuul I pit '!k tMglUk If.vW a pin ui'U . 'I'm. I iiuivi Iii . iil a'loiuitu lit .. 'i i.t' m it kbiuiy ktHMint a a ' ' I NTARVF.Ii TO DFAI'll. Fisiikill Lanuino, Sept. 10. But a brief despatch lias been son t relative to a horrible case of starvation In the O'Hrion Menngerio Troupe, which performed at Storinvillo, Dutchess county, ou Thursday night. Connected with tho troupo is a performer known as Atnlio, tho Man with tho Iron Jaw, and also a French woman, who is denominated tho strong Woman. Thcv tako with them also n little bov. seven years of age, whoso name I cannot ascer tain, but wno, it is stated, was purchased in Paris by the French woman for 8100. especially to aid in tho performance. It was this littlo leiiow's duty to be thrown about by tho Man with tho Iron Jaw in various ways, every one being dangerous in tho extrcnio-s-ns, for instance, in one scene ho is fastened to tho iron-jawed man by-a belt, nnd the two aro drawn from the ground to tho top of tho tent, where tho man tires n pistol and is let down ; then in somo way tho littlo fellow is hoisted up the same distance-, hanging by ingcuious contrivan ces from tho man's jaw. Ho is also requir ed to aid tho French woman in a sceno whero she places aO-pounder on her shoul der, nnd ho gels up on it and fires it off It seems, thcreforo, necessary that he shonld not become too heavy for tho business. Whilo stopping nt Storinvillo tho French woman from somo cause is alleged to havo lied tho littlo boy's hands behind hiin and shut him iu a room alone. Staggering to tho window he begged tho cook to put up a ladder and giVo him a plcca of broad and butter. She had to throw It on the floor, when ho snatched it up and . devoured it eagerly. Another boy, said to bo tho real son ot tho Frencn woman, observing tho movement, informed her of it. Stio at once flow into a rage, aud goiug to tho boy's room, it is said, beat him uumorci fully, saying "How dare you do so whan I told you if you did I would pound you?" The littlo fellow begged of her not to whip him, for ho would not do It again. Ho did not look ns if ho had a drop of blood in his body. When his condition wns ascertain ed, a Dr. La Mount was called in, but ho died the same night, and was buried tho nest morning. Tho doctor has said ho died of starvation. Parties nre already moviug fot tho orrcst of all concerned, and the inhabitants ot Storinvillo are so indign aut that if they are brought there it is fear ed they will nicet with violence. Tho Poughkecpsic Eayle of to-day says that tho cruelty practised by this woman and tho iron-jawed man on the children havo at tracted attention elsewhere, aud both have been denouueed by tho nrcss. These par lies were arrested in Philadelphia months since for cruelty to this same child, but managed to escape punishment. Meetino Against tub New Yokk TniEvnM. Ex-Mayor Havemayer, a life long Democrat, presided at tho New York Meeting. Tho bonds of tho city havo boon thrown out of tho Money Exchanges in Germany, and such men ns August Jel- mont, the Ageut for the ltothschilds iu this country, took part in tho meeting. In two years theao thiovos, who have bad chargo of the city And city affairs of New York, havo increased tho debt 803,000, 000, which was unknown to tho people. I bo debt is never upwards of 102,000,000, with largo floating claims, tho amount of which is not known. These aro tho men that chargo tho ItepubVican Administrators with extra vagance, whilo tho UnUxl States debt has been decreased in two years upwards of i'-JJO,0U0,J(J0, and taxation diminished within tho last two years not less than S 150,000.000 annually. Oswald Ottcndorter, the editor of thy great leading Democratic organ, tho fTAA-ra KuiTutfo, mndo a speoch, nnd says that tho thieves must bo made, to dis gorge tho money. Correspondence Tiievoiiton Skit. 11th, 1371. ElHTOn OK SUNHUKY AMERICAN, DUAIl Sin. Seeiug that you have a place in your columns fur correspondents, uud being tho possessor of facts of vital importance iu tho pi-pscnl political campaign, 1 ileum it a duty 1 owe to tho citizens ol Northumberland County, to make them public, and knowing of no better medium than your cstimablo paper, I havo wade bold to address this communication to you, hoping that you will ue it to the greutest advantage. An article appealed in last week's Demo crat, denying tho statement of tho Ji fi;ii'.in'3 Sunbury correspondent, that E. (1. Scott, their judicial caudidato is pledged to the Miners' aud Laborer's Union. This assertion is branded us a falsehood, and to move it such, they quote a remark trom his address to the conferees, m which he solemnly assures them that if called to tho bench ho will go tliero without having given any pledge or promise directly or indirectly to any one. This statement of his is as false as tho "Father of Lies" him self. As 1 will prove to you. Having bitbiuets that called mu to Mt. Carmel, 1 happened to bo there ou the evening when he was there electioneering for too primary election. Pussing through the bar-room of one of the principal hotels. I saw biiu treating a larco number of his friends. prominent among whom were Pat Hester unit Austin Mu ley, ana the rest ot them were as murderous and rirltlanly a set of mill as could bo picked any w lie re. line standing at the door one of the rcspoubiblo citizens of the borough, staled to mu that lie was a juror ou the inquest of the 1 toll man murder, and Iroiu loo evidence tliero obtained, ho was certain that inuit of the principal committor of that outrage were in that bar-room, as thu fiieuds and anso- eiati of Scott. Alter conversing with this citiaeu a short tunc, 1 walked about town, and ou return in;', I louud hint still theru w ith niokt of llui bitino gang of "Molly Maguires." While 1 was pukiua through the room, ono cf them said to hiin. "II wa help to elect you will you do tho fair thing by usr' ii:. ........... ...... i,. n...... I j llll IlllknUC Wll IIVI1 IU "t'llll. ' fo iiileruen if I am nominated aud eluded I iikiiuo you, that 1 will remember my liitndk aud mv enemies uuikl Uiwam Later iu lliu evening 1 henid biiu pledge hiiiiM'U'to secure Ihu following uominalioiis lo tiio Kikoiik iiainod, nest laii: tor Mieiiif. I'al lleur Ur Prolhunotary, M.txo Connelly ; uud for ihu lc,ulaiuru filliuf (ialaehar ur soiuu uihr Iruhuiaii Inmi tho (Ami Itcu'ltuis. Tlis only way 1 can rccoitt lis ihiw pledge and his address to ihu ouli rtaia, Is by lliiuking Hint, St the tunu Im insdtl thi'lll, bo was iulluelieed by lliu urdvut aud afu rward lurul nvtr hav iiiadu tbuin. As rvgurd huk v'al ipiali luaiious for ihu position, mliicu aru so highly tStoJM by Ihu tmirul, 1 thai li u'o It oditr to nu uii.ui itui llrt iai iu v l.ii It It" lia ewr plead for a client Hilar in fn liuylkill ur .NuUliuwUiluiid county. Asl.tr at I ha Uu aula lo Uaiu, In 1 urn 1 has Uuu only ihal uf low politi 1 i.i 11, and facts prnvo liu slitcn In debut iu Nt.rthuiub, lUud county, fur ItuuwdiuUx ly ului' hut tUfwit Iu lift taiuiutlu uf hut till, huu Uu watfeu puut alur l uu- L'tliltitl hollii,li Colli lui;lii.4 IlilllUlllJ 1,1 Ihu Jii.laul l.omliisllou. 'J Inn i.t 110 dtitibi 111 mf tuiud, but, ibul if tkcuil, Im Mill do all IU lit iMJtttf to s.Uou lU 111- Uittl ut U Ili'U Itoiuuu I Slhollc, Who fu slilvlMil Ui lUllodum l'oplll Il4liu)f sit.! bij..u 111U uur "litdfl l'ittl"iii " A ml if Aimiimu villous ul uatit b-ilb Mill U p"il Slid Wet it Kith lit fUdid liuinl ul this IHloUittiti -il. Iloy tan bl4IUtf ltuu but lUuiw.liv, II 111 I. th 1 1 July tM iu U Vois nim t uti 1.. I in Ht'iiliuinUiUitd ikuiiI). At .U Is li.t 1 l iuit'4 ul AsOi-uiitt Trevokton, Sept. 19th, 1871. Editor of Sunbury American. Dear Sir. I notice that the Democratic county papers are all crying against the intolerance and bigotry of the ltepublican press, in bringing religion into the Issues, that bear upon tho campaign of this fall. And to provo that Homan Catholics tnnko good olllcers, they refer to some solitary instances among tho past generations. Forgetting, or else purposely neglecting, to 6tato that theso men held offico nt tho timo, when there wore but few Catholics iu Amoricn. and that the Fopo still tyrnnized over the Italians as their temporal ruler. Now the lifo of American institutions is threatened by tho hordes of Irish Catholics, who are flocking to our sliore8, and congregating together in numbers largo enough to obtain and hold tho ofllcos in their possesion, ami to work everything towards tho downfall of tho Protestant usages of "Freo press, free speech, and free Bibles." In the cities whero they havo obtained control, they t t , J 11:1 I. i- ,i I. navo cxciuuca too jioiu iroiu mo scuoois; nnd such is the case in tho townships of this county where they have control, nnd none but Catholic teachers can get employ ment; and such will be the case everywhere, as they get tho power, it is no wonder to mo that the Democratic press aro striving to draw tho attention ot tho people from theso (acts in tho present campaign. For with tho county ticket they havo in nonu nation, it is best for them to mnko their renders believe that tho real issuo is not between Catholic aud Protestant, but lle publlcnn and Dcm6craticcaudidates. Mr. A. J. Gallagher, their candidato for ltcp rcsen'ative, was born in East Norwegian township. Schuylkill countv. After obtain ing a common school education, ho began teaching in tho schools ot tho townships, which wero controlled by Catholics. In 1807 wo lind him teaching in Mt. Carmol township, and hero he commenced his po litical career by offering himself as a candi date for, and being elected to the oflieo of Justico ot the l'cacc. JNext wo see mm as an Auditor of the county finances, and in tho summer and autumn of 1870, wo find him on a tour through tho coal regions of Pennsylvania, lecturing to tho different branches of tho W. 13. A., advising them lo contiuuo in their courso of strikes and suspensions, and on no consideration to allow any men to work independnnt of tho W. II. A. and In privato counselling tho Irish to re-elect Kcaly and all of tho old members of tho Grand Council of tho W. U. A. and to keep thonisclves organized, and to show to the Pennsylvania Dutch, and tho English capitalist, that tho Irish could anil would rule the coal regions. Being well acquainted with him, and havinc given vou Itis history so far, I would like to have tho editor of tho Northumber land County Dimwrut, or Chalfant of Montour county, to point out thoqualilica linns, which they fiud so ably fit him for the olliec. I can sec none. But I would oh jeel to-him on tho grounds of his being a Catholic, aud an Irishman. Also, his be ing nominated by fraud ; for in Mt. Car mel Borough where twenty Democratic votes were polled last full, one hundred and live wero returned at tho primary election, aud thcv had a return of two hundred nnd twenty-live votes to give in his favor if ho could not bo nominated otherwise; and it was tho same in Mt. Carmel township. So intent wero ;tho Irish on bis nomination that small boys, slate pickers from the coal breakers, wero allowed to vote. And 1 have it from good authority, that a boy of 14 years of ago, who attended tho primary election in Shamokin, ou being asked ou his return homo, how tho election was going answered, that Mr. Gallagher seemed lo be doiuj.aU of thu voting himself, for In the'hour that ho was at the polls he saw him vote live times. Think of this you honest liberty loving citizens of Northumberland county. Aro you willing to trust your liberty in tliu hands of such a man ? Do you think that ho w ould be proof against tho bribes of riiv's aud monopolies Will ho Can he repre sent you and your interests in the Legisla tive halls ol Iho Mate r And are you wil ling to choose a Catholic for a Hepresenta tive iu preference to a Protestant If you aro so wedded to party, that you will do this, you aro lacking iu the intelligence at tributed lo you by AN UllSEltVKU." The young man who takes himself lo tho West, and brings a farm from iis natural wild to a statu of fine cultivation, dot s a thousand limes moro for his country than Hie ono wno devotes lumselt lo political ollicc-scckiug. AVo would not recommend tho frequent or constant use of any medicine. It is im portant lo take even a good articlo judi ciously. Parson's Purgative Pills are safe, prompt, and reliable ns a laxatlvo or ca thartic. Paso ball is undoubtedly good exercise nnd capital amusement, but il often occa sicus bunged eyes, broken shins and blister ed hands. Wo can tell you that in all such cases if Johnson's Anodyne Liniment is resorted lo, it will reduce the swelling and stop tho pain. MKT Of r It KM 1 1. MM TO UF. AWAUDF.H AT TI1U SKVF.NTI.F.NTU AX S I' A I. F.X II I KITH N OF TI I F. NOK Tlll MHKKI.AMl t Ol'NTV" TO UK HELD AT TI'IUTV1LLK, Tm.tn.iv, WnoNr.M'VV ami Tin iibuay, Hi lol't-r lid, lilt Mini Alii. TJtoTTlXli HOUSES. Ui'H Uolll;: gtul Lent lluet puehii;, h'.i.-i; or mure, Eltllllliee fee, J.'iO 6 15 I b Ki.traiit-t fe 50 F.lltralleu fee, 50 Hi t I t .-.ititui littrtv' or ni tre In lliu e.iuuly, lU.it litu t - on uli) tr.o k In-fine, r.u! r.iUi'D fee, tfll l t e.t. Ei'lr.iiieo fi e, 5 50 HI I liu Hl.ii I, tut llet p. IO 10 Jwl) '. Itul" it MuiiU.iiilil), J Jaeuli 1.,1-iiiriiit:, Joltu Nii-ely uu.l J Ul lll II IIOK.-Kh, liri-t M in. .ml l t " Ui.l .V.. 1.' .till Cult, '.'Il I ll-.l " 11. .1 1 . ai liiiii l oll, " 'I n ). .n I'M t oll, " 'll.ue 6 5 5 11 - Win. Ilium, I' ('. Mtiuli'iiii-', J A. I .il.Ut !!, illi.iiu t .t.m. t ui , I J. iIhi 1 1. iili r. I oUMiiN llnU.-l ii. 1I..I i i.ii:!..n i ).-.! 1.1.1, ll l t.ll Iu. 1 t i II yi.tis ul.l, 'llll llt.l bil llivi I1.1J U.ii I ut morn uf In. 1 I Hill I I U IH'KII, 'Ju.! Utl, .,l.i.' inn, I. Hull, llt.l :i.ll I ,.i. i. ul Vlia, Ku I l" I U. l 4 )iil uU loll, N .1 il J I a l i 4 Ju l k t Ju.i,i - II. t'. Nttllii kiuitiii Siiiiti , IUi.j., lulu U uii'i A lnlU . liU)ltl HUH 'I ki. ti .ti. I'HIt l.lir IH'llM. II. I , I" I'linl.l lluw, " U4l l.ll " " Ii. 1 1., II i " U tin, " t4 I ' ., II'" Jti.t. i II iiuktti, J.tlm kU lUlU.e, Jt lill I tJ, U.I il.it! li-tlltl. t lllll lit kmn, 411 i. UU tllul. U.-I liMifcim I1..U, Ik twit ' M All" " liu. I I -i l I lil ui4, " II. 11- i u'l vt4, ' I 1. . Ii.4 it '' i .1 1 . an i, 1 1 (Wi, , Al, I l.fli.il I i.l. '4-lt If-".. lVlu.i.i, I - W.,a. J-ttt. 1 V 111. 1 COMMON CATTLE. B8t Bull, jqo " C'niri ycnrold, 8 Holfcr 8 years old, 3 Cow. 10 2nd best " 5 Bct Cnlf under 1 year old, 1 stock Mcnt Cuttle bolonglng to ono farm, to Jiulni. O. A. WvknflT. Prior Itnrman. Ctmrlpa Follm'cr, Wm. B. Kctmncrer nnd John Oyster. 8IIEEP AND SWINE. Best French or Morino Buck, f 3 50 juil-bw7iiu, x ml Bouth Down, 8 50 of nny other breed, 3 60 S Ewe Sheep, 0 I.nmbB, 0 Fnt Weathers, Hour, Sow, 0 or moro pigs to be shown, a 11 0159 under oue year, hrat " " 2nd bent 1 Best 0 I'Irs, 2 to 10 weeks old, 2nd beet do Jiulmt. John floof. J. Arthur. StcDlicn Olmio. Henry Reader nnd John Ktifsell. WHEAT, GRAIN AND GRASS. Best 4 bUBhel Wltito Wheat, $3 kcci a " " " Timothy Seed, 3 Clover Seed, 3 " " " Rye, 1 " " " Biiekwlicnt, 1 Barley, 1 " " " Onts, 1 ' bushel Corn In cur, 1 Juilgci. J. Fitllnian, Jacob Dentlcr, Jacob DesUlcr, Augustus Nicely nnd A. J. llnrtmnft. POULTUY. Best Pnlr Turkeys, 3 " " Gecno, 1 " " Ducks, 1 " Chickens, 1 Cook nnd 3 Hens, 1 " Pnlr Wild Geose, 3 " " Game Chickens, 1 Jmhjen. George Hbiulo, K. H. Homer, Philip McWillliuns, Wm. Sterner and Ditnlet Cures. VEGETABLES. Best bushel Potntoes, g3 " " " Sweet Potatoes, 3 " " Turnips. 1 Best yi buhel Winter Apples Full ' Collections " Peck Quinces " Vnricty of Grapes " " Full Pears Peck Peitelics Juihio. Tliomns Purr, .luenb Btnnun, Daniel Kitrcbner, Peter Slinllur, and Jesse Biuder. SIAMPACTVHKIlS IN OI'NEU.U.. Best Carriage, 1 or 8 horses " Mngiiy, open or top " Sleigh " Douhle Harness " Single " ' Side Cpwr Leather " no lbs. Flour 2d best Best Boots " Shoes " Culf Skin " do?;. Brooms " Two Horse Wagon Spring WiiKon Jmliict. David Fouler, Anion u 4 4 4 1 50 I 1 a 1 5. 4 toui, iiio'ii n. Man- tieoiiri! Conrad, anj John Kelt 111:111. AliUlCCl.TL H.VI. IMl'l.BllliNTH. (int riough $:i " Hitrrow :S " Cuitivutor "J " (Intin Drill 4 " IlorscKake 3 " llurvt-ster and Stower Ti " Thresher nnd Separator 'i " Com Slieller 3 ' " Planter 1 " Koller 3 " Clover Machine 4 " Wind Mill 3 " liny Lnihler 1 " I'n Ir Home Slices .Wets " llolf.c Shoe Nails fiOetit Jwltjtt. I.. II. (.laitrt, S.nuurl Pen-, John Unl- liet, li. C. Hiiekiiiitu and Saiiiuel KSupp. 1'INR Ain s. Best Pliotogruph $ I 2nd bett do 1 " Landseitpo Puluthu; 1 " Pululhig of :V:iy l.liiit 3 Snd hi st do I Bivt Marble Seu'ptum "J tit'. tlolm U. Folk, M!h K.itn lta'i-iel;ei'. Mis Elite Wagner, Mb M. .1. Tweed, Mrs. K. II. Horner. WIMK3TI'! MANl-KACTfllC-l. Uert Iloinc-iiiade Wnolen Cloth 10 yibi i'l " Klailiii l, 2 yards I " Linen, 5 var.ls 1 " Woolen l':iipet 1 " Uug Carjii t 1 " Quilt or Bel Spread 1 ' Farmer's Wivnth 1 " Woolen Vara. 1 II. .I'l " Fitiiev Puteli Work Uui'.t 3 " Knitllio 11 1. i ' it r , " llaiid'Made Shirt H " Slvilt W Ju,':;k. Henrv Itoap, William !:in!;V, Vis. Eliza 'tin- sell, Mr.-. It. C. .Venl-oinery, MUs Au- guttu Tallinaa. tllCOMI lll IM. iN. Best Lo.tf Iii ead $1 Pound ('uko .'..) m l.lirlit CaKo frj els Mb Butter i'l 51li Honey 7'i el , 5'.b hard Soup llinne-iiiailii Popper Suiiee 7.'i " Applu Butter, I ipi., .'iU " 1 iiiurt IVaeli Latler du .".0 Fruit I're.-ervea .in Spiee " Tomato Flj'H 75 Cunueil Fruit, glut Jars Vi (irupe Wlnu 1 I'D ( iinant 1 (i'l Ulaeklierry W'Ltio 1 oo (:i(sui 1 (M Jelly Fruit 1 00 Jwliht. Havld Knu'o, Mrs. I'hrli-tiana liar- triuii'l.Mri. J. unfit Snyder, Mrs. J. Tallman, .Mis tieorgu Spude. 1IOVS AND (lllll. IIKHAUTMCNT. Bett Plain Needle Wotk Oruinuiiil.il Nu Jle Wuil; 75 I 00 I Oil 50 1 111 7.-. llll 50 71 7.:i Si I r.o so 7.'i I tu l.o lliiine-lniiile Urens ClieinikO Yoke Wornted Collar uiui Cull XIkIiI Iiiiwii Pair Knit Mitleiii Fine) b!lpH.rj Tidy lli.irili l.itlnp Mat t rolel.i t WolK letuiii' Woritled Woik Oriiiiini'liUl Mitll Woik Wat Flowei Head Work I'itl t'Urllltllt '-'' Sofa " 7i I'.nr of Oil in Ciii.Ii1i.ii i t oo ,u..,'. limn 1.1zin li.ii r. Mi I'.i'.tu I:.i.-t,:i, M l ILillitf H.'iinlr, Ml J. in.lu li,!,.! ,!, ML.n KucuU llilmcll. Vi"i U UM il . U 1 Medh) of Fav:uUn' l 11.1 " Lump t-liinlj 1 1 llll.illt llli; 'i'1 " i aiiey l i I n, 11a 4 l.iUi 1 1 " lliiiiM! S no ti i ' Cil 'full. I M.iU " Ftiiu y l'ii imi) Fr.tiiHt ". Aiiuu-.J l;..ul ul I'luiit 1. .'.'i im ul I'l y liiu, Aj. 7't M4.I0 Suit ul l i.ttlii;. ii U K. ... 41 B.ll.iU 1.1 II 1 1 r , Mix I' u. Ill, lltli I Mm IlUijelu ta. Uiil, Mix Ma J ll.u to, an I kilo luuu Il4ill. Jl OtiLJtiU Alliilu U 4 III., 1, lit. hi: I, L11I t ti. 1 1 mil ni.illy ol hi oil.il 'iiMnl.iu. 1 I.. 1 1 I 1 im ' I'. tituii, J.1L11 lU'ip, li. K ei'i'i u 1 1 1'. tiulm. Ikolllktl Mil' u. FttruuM ttO 1 I 'l Kill In uu Tuirln) ill I p. 111 I ill lull t I4 'llt'l ol bu wu V ..ll.ti 1..) ul Ii . IU. Mtii., Lv.l ui -;) li- l lil "u Wi I11H.U ut 4 p. ui. ll.it ul l ui Tiut ttl lUi U 'lliun lajl ul 10 1 u. k'. mil Ik li l ii-iii Ull.'H mu I in ml, 11 J lt Itltl I i u't i.f W "I M-t " tu I '!, "l 11 'if 11 t lliu yiuui 4 Ut.nl ti u'i k ul Um uu iio 1 1 it Vt.il, kfi I-' ) ill I v ul I I.i, tln .in il . t lulu. 1. I tsi'o 1. iiti tU ui 11 iii 1. a. ui t.tii 1 aiH.tlli ,nli,i.ju 4 1 s-i 'i-'i ! Hi - 1 1 , Jul.it HI I-'. Ut . I, I I, I I - I fit It u. . II t IU I'lLki ,.' 1 I . t. ' I - u I I'-' uu4 . '-. I I ' I - l'l lltl I 1. .Ik U . k ol .uU), I... l a 1 .i 4 - ill li t-i u Ikw t 1 Ikk fct w I I 1 1 .in I I 1 I ol t 1 .... 1 r t r -i l. 1 Uj 4,. lv.l 1. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers