. H VU. .. iTV , Hmtlmvg American, SUNBUKY, SEPT. 23, 1871. Itallroail Time Tobies. N. C. R. W. .East. P. E. R. R.Wbst. Buffalo Ex I've 4:10 o miKrle Mail, I've P-ns it m Erie " " R:55 " ElmlraMull " 11:45 " Erie ' " 1:05 " Sunbury Ac." 0:45ft m Biiffitlo Ex. " 4:15 ElminiMftU " 12:45 pin Lock II. Ac." 4:35 " Erin Ex. " 0:60 " SIIAMOKIS DIVISION N , o. n. v. I.BAVB i ARRIVS Bunbnry at 11:50 a ra'At Sunbury 8:45 am " 4:40 pm ". 4:00 pm D. IT. & W. R. R. Leave Sniibnry 5:"5 a. in,, 4:115 i'nd 0:50 p. tn. ' Arr. at Bunbury 10:00 a m, !:20 nud 8:40 p in. Accident Insurance. rickclB can be had of J. Phlpm.m, Ticket Agent at the Depot, focal Iffuirs. -A Sewino Machines. Miss Carollno Dallus la the ugcul for the sale of tho tli'rce bcBt Bowing Machines In existence, viz i "Tho Improved Singer," "Grover A Baker" and "Domestic," which nro constantly on hand and sold nt rca eonablo prices. Call nnd too them. Cllko cn Market street, cast of the nillroid. Go to A. N. Brioo, Esq., to get rebate. el for tho West Ward. . Go to James Beard, Esq., to get registers i for the East Ward. Fall Goons. J. 8. Marsh has Just opened tho largest lot of Ready made Clothing ever brought to Bunbury. Cull and see them. Nondvnnco In Trices. Anothkii largo lot of Furniture just received lit B. L. Rnudoubush's Store, In Masonic Build ings. Everything in the furniture lino may bo had nt that establishment. -o , Thoso coming next week arc Invited to cnll at L. M. Yodeu'b Insurance Olllce. Killed. On las Friday a miner, named Syl. Tester lictlyoii, cf Dry Valley was killed nt Tre vorton, by a fall of slate and fire clay. Stoves. Three second hand heaters and 6toves, nearly no good as new for sale nt hulf price. Enquire at this office. Gents' Hue Ficuch Calf, Box-toe Boots, stitch cd bottom, at tho Regulator. The Peoi'i.e's Headquarters. Tho rngnlll ccut Hall in the Third story of tho Mooro & Disslngcr building, ou tho corner of Third nud Market sts., Bunbury, have been lltted tip and will be open every evening, from now until after the October election. All who nro opposed to fraud and corruption In public olllccg are earnest ly invited to conic nnd reason together on. the political questions of the day. New Hot's,:;. Wo notice that Dr. J. G. Markle is erecting two double brick dwelling houses, ou cant Chestnut s-trt-tt. The foundations arc being put up and the brick on tho ground. -Mr. George linn iron has the contract for doing tho brick work and Mr. Fiihncstook tho carpenter work. Ann you Registered ? if not don't delay In attending to it at once, hs it run onTy be done until the 3UtU of September next, after which the Krgittery will be closed. IlE.iSOV.lIi OV TIIK AJIEIUCAX" OFFIl.'K. The "Nl'KKl'KY ASIEUIUA V Of i!co 1:h keen rcMiovvOl it the Moore & Ei:'!-i5;s",vr Stiiil'.UiiKN, on the Vomer ol' Third ami .Market, ou N?coi:3 E'ioov. full anil hco us la our jjtnv iuiiri'rn. Just Oit.ned. Miss L. Bhissler having ro I'.iodelod and enlarged her store room on Market street, has just opened tho largest assortment of MillhKiy Gooi'.s ever exhibited in Bunbury. Having spent u week in 1'hlhidelphi.i, she select ed from the verybe.it cs'iiili'.ishinoi.ts, and is now ready to sell to her many friends much superior ui tides than heretofore. Ilcr stock embraces every thing In the Millinery line nnd Is sold ut tho most reasonable, prices. n.OOO Rolls Wall Paper Just received ttt Llglit lierV, cheap for cash. Parads and Di:i;cation up a Red Men's Ham.. A parade and the dedication of tho new Hall of tho I. O. of It. M. of this place, will come oil on Tuesday next, when a number of Tribes from abroad are expected to participate. Tho parade will take place at 10 o'clock, A. M., and ill u P. M., t heir hull on Market street will be ded icated. The dedication will be public and nil who nre desirous of wit jessing the ceremonies are In vited to attend. M.i.MVOTii Peachf..'. The finest lot of peaches that we have s en this eeuson, wero brought to our (, lllce on Tuesday hut by Robert Campbell, Etq., of I'pptr Augusta township. They were nearly all of a size, measuring fi1., and T incurs in circumference. They were the product of Mr. Campbell's farm, au.l were probably tho ilucst lot yet bronchi to town. O wisa to tho removul of our olllce this week In tho new brick building of Messrs. Moore nnd DUslng cr, ou the Corner of Third uud Market streets, tho "American" Is issueuono day ahead of time. Although we nre not quite n comfortably fixed ns we expect to he In a week or two, wo cxteud a hearty Invitation to all tu give us n call and see us hi our new quarters. We would further ttuto that our Jobbing department Is in full operation, nud that our books uro ktlll opeu for new subscri bers at f 1.50 per ai'iium In advance. Have yourself Registered, attend to It iu per son, don't delay, reriember the bWth Is 'ho lust day. A I.imiii sai ply of ready-niado clothing hut lust been miclio:! at fi. Hot .folder' slnru. nn Third street, nu n's and boy's full .ull tuudo up In tin Lite: i style, can bo had ut I Ho most reu tollable prices. Kmoiit TtMI-l.tu. I. argo iiiind.ori of tills branch of tho Mu-,uiiiu ti.itcrult v iiu.t,,i.il ilironirl, J I - - this place during the early part of Ibo week, over inu r, iv r.. u. and . c. k. w., eu loulo to Ual tiiuore, lo participate in the IrU uului parade. Ou 1 uc4.iy morning ill legations fioiu Port Jorvls llhigliainliiii. Ovtci:o. WuVtilv mnt Kliiilni. N V., went down on ibu lu ., ,, ti.tln, uud while Here inu ex client band of Ihu EI111I14 Cumiuau ih ry laV'ind uur cliUciu with some lino iiuiole. 11.0 Hmotiiot (im.vim la oh roiii iii a it ii. 1 iii-r.uu h ( 'oNi..r'uJ u,,- n that W ilhlll u Wi ck f l.t It UUIIlln r ut rlml ln.;ly d i:; ruus cuni. r fell. )iau iinid tliclr l l" ai.iiico. How 1, 11 -j tbis number may bu cau li 4 be I.iiuwii, ful Uiu eouiil. i ! il U til liturl l uiltlcs that il I only m nit Hi ului.t ditltcully lb.it U t ail be illliiului 4 tlum Ilia ((eiiulue Ihu .paliou bid U tt lilily dollur llVtblj4lk t Im mil V V cuk lo.l. I In ll.u UKtcutijU tulua lu l.o lilts H llll.ll ,UI ', nl.li It it lllllc i.ki ul. I) iK.l.t, 1,. u I LI. 1.1... Iu It p4.kJie, ttu ltr, II.'. ftjIlK.l 1. Iil k..4 ( l,0 lul l I cuitul II..', It I;. U. I,,. I UU II) Ilia) U41.4 "I tbil Utll)IUg 1.. i.i. U) ml.ir oii.l. 1 1 ll.ii bill ur m tied I.. I u 11 1U1.I IU l.t u I'.u .11., nt,. I II..Lt ll w mv I... I ll.jl igul lum bkki (. bi.cu K.i.ivl I) i,u I.I.U. 1 ). t a li.( I.,, 1 u.t n H. . 'ijl..i..U e .,,.Ull..l kH Ml. Hu.ll. ll uii.ii, .; , 1-1,1 ( (..kit svul. ..1,. 1 .i.i., ,.u 4 iii.v:iu k.-y 4 ,...,, i.kki I I U,tl, t. ,. Tim Markbt iw Schbuht. Tho long wished for Ordinance to establish a market In Bunbnry, has lately been passed by our borongh Council, and will bo found in anothor column. This movement is one of great Importance to every citizen, nnd should meet with tho co-operation of all tho farmers of tills vicinity to render It a suc cess. It Is not only nn advantage to the citizens in tho town while tho peoplo of which will bo en abled to buy a hotter artlclo, they will also savo at least from SO to 60 per cent, on every artlclo they purchase, and the fanner will be benefitted, because he will get tho same prices ho does now from thoso who buy so resell nt nn cxhorbltant proOt, and will readily sell produce In a few hours Instead of hawking through the town for a whole day, without perhaps making sale. The purcha sers will have the advantage of buying directly from tho producer, nnd will snvo tho largo per ccntago usually put on all products besides all will stand onnn equality In procuring choice arti cles. As tho peoplo of Bunbury generally hnvo been paying higher prices tlinn our neighboring towns, our farmer lricnds will no doubt nlwayB find a ready snlo for their marketing, and tho better the market Is supplied, tho sooner a mar ket house will be erected to make it a permanent a Hair. Wo hopo to sec on the morning of the 4th of October, a lnrgo turn out of our fi lends In tho country, to show their appreciation of this new movement, and that the citizens will glvo them encouragement to continue to bring In on every murkiit day, a variety to select from. Chonk's Steam Cooking Ari'AiiATi s. This Is a new cooking utensil, which, by Its simplicity, nud the cfllcicnt manner In which it performs Its' work, will make it fcpulnr, If not an almost no ccssary article In tho culinary art. Meats, Vego. tables, Puddings, Hominy, Crocked Wheat, und all other articles, nro thoroughly and rapidly cooked, without burning, ns the whole process is dono by steam. It is well known that potatoes, nnd ninny other articles cooked by stenm, nro much better thnn when cooked In water, whlto manynrtlcies cannot be cooked. hi nny oilier way. The apparatus consists of a series of four tin boilers, lltted Into each other, tho lower one con taining three or four quarts, furnishes the steuni. which docs all tho work. It Is therefore econom ical In the saving of luet, and ns six or eight kinds of food can bo cooked over cno hole ou the stove or range, It also economises room or spaco on tho snme. In recommending It to our read ers we do so from experience, having been Induc ed to try one nt tho instance of n friend. Tho apparatus Is for sulo by Jacob Eckcrt, of North umberland, who is tha authorized ugent of tho patentee. Don't forget to seo that you nro registered. Don't depend on others attending to seo to it yourself. Tho 30th Is tho last day tho Registry Is open. The Aanicui.Ti'iur. Fair. The managers of tho Agricultural Fair at this place, are actively cngiigcd in pushing the work forward ou tho groin ds so ns to have It completed by tho llr. t day of opening. One of the main sheds for the exhibition of iirtlcles has becu erected, together with the Judges' stand, and other buildings ne cessary. The expenses attending tho preparing of tho grounds for the Fair have been very heavy ou account of having to prcparo a new raco course, and erecting new buildings. We hopo that In view of tho spirited efforts that havo been inado by tho managers that tho citizens of the county generally will tako measures to make tho Fair a success. Let our rural friends ut only preparo to visit tho Fair, but exert themselves to mnko it attractive by preparing to exhibit srock, vegeta bles, or whatev.-r product they may havo of su perior quality. The ladles should manifest nn interest by preparing some of their handiwork for exhibition, und our mechanics nud manufac turers by placing on exhibition eucli nrlicles ns iisphiy their Ingenuity and skill. The grouud Is beautifully located, surrounded by the most mag nlllcent scenery in Pennsylvania. So nil who will pay It ii visit will bo doubly paid In viewing natuie's handiwork ns well ns the best t-kill ami ingenuity of our noble meehank'S. Notice. Tho Members of tho Executive Com mittee of tho Northumberland County Agricul tural Society uro requested to meet at President's Head Quarters, 011 the Fair Grounds, iu Sunbury, on Monday the B'.th hist., at 10 o'clock. Punc tual ut tendance is requested us business of impor tance will bo truusaeted. By order of JOS. BIRD, l'muhut. G. V. Ai:;STUOsa, Secretary. Busdav Si:iiooi.. A meeting of tho friends of tho Bunbury School Interest iu this place, nnd vi cinity was held lu tho upper room of tho Public School House on Sunday last, ut 2 P. M. Tho attendance ou this occasion was qulto large, nnd the order excellent. Tho followiug named per sons were elected officers for tho ensuing year. B. G. Welch, Supt.; Orleans Longucre, Asst. Bupt.j Saul K. llilc, See'y.t BcnJ. Welch, Treas urer! O. II. Ostrander, I.lbrariaui J. M. John, Asst. Librarian uud David Clllle, Janitor. After an organization was effected tho meeting was addressed by Rev. N. Crelghtou, of I'anville, lu 11 few earnest and appropriate remarks. Tho Supt. then announced that until further notice, class meetings would bo held iu that room, 011 every Tuesday evening, tit 8, P. M. Prayer meetings on Friday evenings ut tho same hour and Sunday School every SubbatU ufteruoou ut 3 P. M. JiiMrtiJe. Pennsylvania Silt Kmuuts. Some live huu- dred Kulght Templars of Pennsylvania, were oil a visit to Washington, P. C, ou Tuesday lust, where they wero cutcrtulned by their Masonic brethren. Tho following extract we copy from the A'uiiunui JtejnMkaii 1 "After tho reception was over uud supper had been disposed or, tho bir Knlghls of St. John Cointiinudery, headed by the fuuous Beck's bund, started out lo pay their respects to the several newspapers, t lie vhrunU le, VutHvt, uud Kerr it l.ltAS wero honored lu succession, ul I'lteh olllce the band pel I'm nilng hi lulu. liable stylo iupuliir ulrs. Iu the ItKI'l m.K'AN ollieu Uiu suiutuiu was luvuded, I lie uiamiglinr editor euptured, uud hd a willing victim to (he balcony window, where ho relumed thanks lor I lie compliment. This over, a general personal liilereliuiigo of compliments followed. I'be vUilors were uieoinpunltd by the Kuulal problem ol tlio Peuii.ylvuiliu uociuliou, Blr Kultjht A. A. MilMhir. Ol'H voluiupoiury of IhoLcwUbuitf t'aiVMiW acknowledges the reelpl ofulol of g'upes, up plt uud pears hum uit 0I4 ulcrlbcr. AUo, a lot ol Duluwure polulots from Duvld Bihoih, of Ku.l lluir.ilo, which bu ..jook like a ntl of I'Uutlvr while pigs." llu iuj 1-David Schruck (uiiia 4b.lrh.-l) product u upplg jhul wui grown hut year, und U 11111 lu beullliy coiidl llou, You ,ot), there Ii uu discount 011 Kail Muf. fulo piodutls, uu uiutwr wheilur lu the ihape of hulls, rooii, or KtpuWictu nmJoiUW. t.i.i Uull ilo U a true ui ilnj U pruJuulvu. Ouk bull ClothliiK J 'hum Ii Ju.l uuw tbu lm. Iiwl p'uts lu AiuutU, Wu uuhI lit iay "bu.y ui ow for 4 strougir eumpaiUuii, wo .iy, buy a W. A UU. - Urmn name.-John Vlowi, t..,., of lln.U ' uuihlp, lui Imwu rIMlellu bis tti4i IK, uu U huubury load Uiu llltoiiMo. Il.g lut. IW. w4 lists k iMily luu,lJv4 a l.uiul,4 ai4 4 4 ,,uiw Utm UmUW( Um 'Mkt rfO, k lluw, IU4 Itf htlU, ll4t as svu.Uir w m.ilu,! l ouuliy MiMluit. ktiiiy lm l luuwml U IU . o Uiuur)iu ,4 iu-iW I .Ul u.U. oui.vin. su4 uui Umi.uiU tlwui, u4 wiIiji. iuju.. t... ... Ibibk .Uiul UwkUl lUl k lU.., .1.4 UMlll ll.li Second Growth. h T wng thought that the terrible hall storm whlcli n-nent over Lewis and Delaware townships In July Inst, Wntso eomplcto In Its destruction that nothing was lrft to reward tho farmers and others In thnt section for their lnbors. In a great mensuro this is the case but In many Instances a partial crop will bo gather ed. Many fields of corn havo taken a new start, and a half yield will bo tho consequence. Wo nro told Hint a second growth of apples, grapes, peaches, Ac, hang on tho trees and vines, nnd other hull nro In full bloom. ll'aKonfoim Jit-cord. Bynaooous Dedication'. Tho ceremonies at tending tho dedication of U10 Jewish Synngoguo, took phico on Friday, Bept. 8th. The procession formed In front of tho residonco of Mr. Jacob Lcob, In tho following order 1 Stoe's Sllvor Cor net Band Color Bearers David Moyer and Nathan Block ( Bearers of Keys Misses Mnlor, Egcr and Goldsmith Little girls with lights Misses Cohen nnd Wiener The Rabbis Tho Committee The choir ( Twclvo boys represent ing tho twclvo tribes ol Israel The invited guests generally. Tho attendance of citizens was quite large, nud tho character of the service Was beau tiful. Iu order to prevent tho crowding nud con fusion generally attendant upon such occasions tho precaution had l'ecl'i taken, to Issuo tickets for only such n number ns could be accommoda ted w ithin tho building. The Synagogue is sinnll but a very handsome cdlllee. The indicatory sermon. Wi... dcllvcrd by Rev. Dr. Jastrow, of Phlimlu., nd although ho experienced some 0111 bnrrnssn nt In making himself understood In tho Eiu s'h language, yet tho sermon was a re murknl.o production, and tho liberal sentiment expressed was praiseworthy. To their credit It may bo enld that the Jews havo built this neat und pretty honso of worship, without soliciting a single contribution from members of other do lt miiuatlons. Dai.v.lle American. Buhoi.art. Tho Cattuwlssa freight Depot nt this place was broken Into on Tuesday night last nnd a box of tobacco taken therefrom. Entrance wub effected by tho breaking in of a 'window on tho west side of the building. The tobacco taken belong to Mr. Jo9. S. Denning, of Buffalo X. RoudT, who hud been to tho depot ou Monday, but concluded to leave tho tobacco until ho ciimo agalu. Another proof that there Is "many a slip between tho cup nnd tho lip." Jliltuniun. We notico that Z. B. Gllucs, an old conductor, who has been Invisible to the naked eye on tho P. & E. trains for u season has again resumed tho punch. Ci.otiiiso. Our readers who uro nbout pur chasing Fall Clothing, should not forget that el egant establishment of Tlios. G. Noti, on Third Street. Here you can get clothing made to order that will compare with any Philadelphia estab lishment at prices much less. Our friend Nott Is a "Prince of good fellows," nud as to Ut und quality, can suit tho most festulious. Out cotcmporarics of the tUtonlim hnvo In troduced stenm into their office, and nre runiiln!' their press by steam pow er. We are happy to note this prosperity of our neighbors, as it show s that tho community in whieli they are located appreciate a live newspaper. The ATtlbnlan Is uu excellent paper, and deserves to succeed. Tho business men lu that plaeo know the worth of printers. Sdniiury, Pa., Sept. 10, 1871. Pursunnt to a call, tho teachers of Sunbury met to-day for the purpose of organizing a teach er's District Institute. On motion, Mr. (i. G. Miller was elected Presi dent, and .Mr. J. M. Cooper, Secretarv, for 11 term of four months. The roll being called, tho fol lowing teachers responded to t heir iinincs : M Isses Jennie Christy, Annie Alexander, Bcckio Briee, Kato Bryuilro, Messrs. W. W. Duhllng, W. E. Wolfe, (i. G. Miller, J. M. Cooper and Sharon Stephens. On motion, the following branches wero ordered to be tauirht, nnd teachers appointed, viz: Gram mar, W. H. Duhllng i Geography, W. E. Wolfe; U. S. History, Ueckle Briee ; Reading, Annie Al exanders Theory of Teaching, G. G. Miller; Or thography, J. M. Cooper; Penmanship, Sharon Stephens 1 Written Arilhmutie, Kate llrymire Mental Arilhmulie, Jennie Christy, Algebra, 1). W. Harnhait. On motion, It was agreed that tho President nnd Secretary Should arrange programme. Tho following was agreed upon for tbu day: Gram mar, Geography, Reading, U. S. History, and Mental Arithmatlc ; and for tho next meeting of the Institute, Orthography, Theory of Teaching, Penmanship, Written Arithmatlc and Algebra. Grammar being the lirst exorcise on tho Pro gramme, was then taken up by Win. II. Duhllng who gave quite a long lecture on the practice of tho subject, ndvocating tho teaching of elementa ry grammar, without the use of text books, and concluded by giving un entertaining and instruc tive class drill. He was followed by W. E. Wolfe, who gave quite 1111 animated lecture on Geography, In w hich ho advocated the teaching of it by map drawing. This led to a spirited discussion in which a num ber of teachers participated. The hour of twelve Having arrived, ttie Institute iidjourued to meet at 1 o'clock, p. 111. Ai-TiniNooN Session. In.-lituto met pursuant to adjournment, with President In the Chair. After roil call, tho Institute proceeded to regular business. On account of the absence of the nn- pohitcd teacher of elocution, G. G. Miller took charge of tho reading class, and concluded tho exercises in a Very ublo manner, being followed by Jennie Christy who gave 1111 instructive cluss drill iu Mental Aritlimatie. Heckle Briee closed the regular exercises by giving some very valua ble Instruction 011 U. S. History. Miscellaneous business followed, and among the variety transacted, tho following retolullou was offered nnd unanimously adopted. Vi'i'suim, That the patrons of schools, nnd peo ple ol' Sunbury generully, be und are hereby In vited to attend our Instiiutes, which meets outho Jd and -Ith Saturdays of euch mouth. Not having any more business to at lend to, tho Im-titute udjourued ut 4 o'clock, to meet lu two weeks. Reporting Committee, KATE BRYMIKE. J. 11. COOl'KK. fell A RON STIU'IIEV Tun Faiimi-ii's and Houtili i.ti hist's As-o-ciation, met nt Augnstarllle, Sept. 2, 1871, E. Dineiieh, C huii'inan. The following uniendincnt to our Constitution, having been belure our Association for sevorul sessions, was agalu tukeu up, uud unanimously ado), led. The ussessineiits uuthorhse.l to bo lulled lu articles of our Constitution, shall not exceed (hu A'duc per capita, jier annum, unlets unani mously eoneiirri'd In." The mouth of August was remarkably dry up lo tho -'ad, when I lie drought Was teriuliiuU-d by copious .bower 011 luVcrul days. A rain full of nearly 4 Inches, giving the soil su'tlcleiil inula, tuiu for Us tuny picuirulloii for seeding, uud luiparliug Its reviling lutlueiiee to the buck beat Mid luiiiip crops, i lie ineuiUis in a inodiica cutibugut, Hitiilocs uu4 sumo other product ol owu not eually to be excelled ul tbu coming fairs, either ul bunbury or Turboti ille. Mean loin n nil uro of Auija.l, In our section, uboul 17 devices, .vi mooting, October 7th, ul 1 l. M., at Au. gu.tuilllo. li.lVH km mini, IWi, J. II. titiiu, Ami. bee y. vy 1 auijrn.inrs, On tbu lllili liul., ul the 'miV Hold, Hun. limy, Pa., by lb v. C, B. lkilii,, Mr. J. W. ln'imit .iMi. MtvriaA. Man an, both ut llioumudil, IViiy touuiy, fit. n Al liu.iiK. iu.ii, I,U irtuiily, uu H..lui44y Iml, K 1 1 lr., UrfUiilit.f o AuiiU.lm u4 l blUtlu Auu IV 414, iie. .luiul )i4ii. 4 1. .uu, giuiu, our loi-4 uu, tlilUD IliUU LUl ItotUB, li 4 ImIIi u.iu, II... In IU )uul!ilul liliaiUt, lu ,n.Lui,, ., 11,. Ilt,, 1,,,, ( u( I ut,,M,.,.,. lu, Ui. jnolill llfcvkl. .,...: x bioullti uu4 il 4). I I'f 4ni'Ui, .1 lilt i-iiJiirii, Ii, l.,..ir Aw. j-"i I mil., J. ill V I I IM4U, .4,4 ( I If.iUltll .1.1 ' ,U)t. j uu it- hi. i,iunii,tn, bUI JS. tttrr ll ... 1 j UM.,1,, 44 1 j For AnMorlnto JuiJr. To Tne Voters of NoiiTiiUMiiERt.Am County 1 Fellow Citizens i At tho solicitation of numerous friends, I hnve co.isonted lo be a candl date for tho olllce of ASSOCIATE JUDGE, nnd therefore appeal to all opposed to fraud and cor ruption for their support. GEORGE C. WELKER. Sunbury, Sept. IB, 171. To tho Voter! of Northnmbfrliiix! (ouiify; Tho undersigned would Respectfully announce himself ns an INDEPENDENT .CANDIDA!!! for LEGISLATURE. Ho appeals to nil the voters who are opposed to bribery, fraud and corrnptlon, nnd Jn fuvor of tho purity of the bal lot box. JOHN B. NEWBAKF.lt. Trcvorton, Sept.. 3. 1STt.-tn. IF YOU WANT TO SEE tho largest assortment of Millinery Goods ever brought to this place, go to L. 11 iixutaut tvij MliMJUKY, IM., Where nro arrayed in nil their different varieties, Fall Millinery Goo;la of every description Just brought from Philadel phia and arc now open. , Tho now Room Just completed Is filled with nn endless Vuriety.. .A most magnificent display of Goods on exhibition, und cold ut tho lowest prices. , i: tnv i(IM OF GOODS usually kept In a Millinery establishment can bo had at her store. The best In tho Phllldolplil.i markets were solicited. Give me n call nud bo convinced. MISSL. SHISSLL'U. Sunbury, September 23, DJ71. Al OITOirS NOTICK. . In the Court of Common Pleas of Northumber land county. H. Gibson, ) FI Fa No. v. Term, 1371. M, II. Gibson, ) FI Fa No. 103, August Same, ) Fl Fa No. 109, August Term, 1371, hump, J Tho Auditor appointed by tho Court to make distribution of tho funds now in Court arising on the above writs, will meet tho parties intcrcslc.1 for tho purpose of his appoint incut, on Tuesday, the 17lh day of October, 1871, nt his office In the borough of Bunburv, Pa. yJ. K. DAVIS, Auditor. Sunbury, September BT, 1871. It. Notice to TrcnsBKer. NOTICE is hereby given to nil persons not to tresspass upon the premises in Dauphin and Northumberland counties, of the undersigned for the purpose of hunting or fishing unless by permission from tho owners. 1 SAMUEL KF.TTEROLF. DAVID LENKER. Milllintown, Dauphin county, Pa. lit. Tho Clothiers, 1 1 fe. i mm m, PniLALELPHIA, 3Tow have the most Com plste and Handsomest Stockcf Fine Ready-Mads Clotting for Gentlemen's, : Youths,f Boys', and Chil- " dren's Fall and Winter W ear ever maniifactured "by any cstaHisliment in this country. The Styles are the Very Latest. The Fairies are cf tho Best Quality. The Mafeo is Superior, and the Prices are the Low est ever charged for the same class Goods. Mr You arc cordially in vited to visit Oak Hall this Season, and inspect the various Designs 'and Qualities, -inquire Frees, and, if you see any article you like, to xaalrs a Pur chase. fes-Fclite Attention ahvay 3 given. Children's Department on tha First Ticcr. iGenUemenF-uxulshlji Goods of Every "Qczcm tion. KTho Largest and most Thoroughly Organised Custom Department in Philadelphia, with a Magnificent Stock of Fioco Goods to Hake to Order. 2To Cotton-Wrcd Goods used. wr Samples, with Easy HuIos for Sclf-Iileas-JTQ-ment, sent "by mail to any address cn appli uon. OAE HAU, 8. 2. Csr, Cth A JUCES? DTO. ... riULADELrHIA. Tim 4 wfvalMti mI'mw laltl. 1)1 Hl.lBllt lt Hjllill, uM I II. j I.. ... 1 ol o iim 4i.4 u,..t, l..i i4il.i li .i Si Mull. Ihl.1111), At, .!!,( ,,l!.J (liu i.,4l., I II II l 4IH. IVliH 4 b, KU4 MtlM 141. l !.... I 11.1 ... .1 III I'M lllili lU 4 --l I .1 I I I.. I I , Ml...., Htnt IHIH. ti II t H '11 H. I?l 1' ,. k ,, N V r. rviiiiMOX or mvi;n navi:i ! tt h nnc of tho rcnarltnblo fact of thU ro maihablc ntrc, not nieivly that m ninny pi-raonn nre tb.i victliui" of (lycp(-"la or lul'mcstlon, but tin willing victim. Now, wo wonbl nnt be 1111-(h-rstnoil to ay that any olio rcg!iriU ilyupt psln with favor, or fci-Is dlnpopnl tu iniiU It nnioiiit the luxuries of life. Far from it. Tlnifo who have cxpcrlnccil it torincutR wonbl ncoiit bik Ii nn biea. All tlretul It, 11ml wonbl plnilly dispense with Its uiipleaoiint fhtnillavticit. Mail; Taplcy, who wan .(-illy uiuler nil tho ti'yinKcli-ciiiii?tam-cR in which be was placed, never hail nil cllncl; of ly.p--i"1a, or bin jollity would havo pjn-o.l i !y for di'ilun lit 111. Men nml women noini-t lines Kiilli r Its tnrtiircs uncnmnlnliiintrly, but whoever hcaril of 11 pcrumi who cnnyeil Ihi-iii? Of nil tiie lnuliirarlDiis ilisensen to which live human system 1st liable, there Is perhaps no 0110 an generally prevalent ns dyspepsia. Thero nre diseases more ncuto nml painful, nnd which morn fiTipienlly prove fatal but none, the cllbcts of which iircHi) ileprtwHliitf to tho iniuil und so positively ilhtrossiin; to the body. If there la 11 wretched b.'hi; In the world It is A CONFIRMED DYSPEl'TK'''. Nearly every other person you meet Is a vie tim, nn'nppareiitly wlllina one 1 fop wero thin not the ense, why so v.iany sull'eier.i, when a cer tain, speedy and sale remedy is within the easy reach of alt who decn-o lo avail tlu'iniu'lics ol a ( l'.ul the iiiajoiity will not. Winded by prejudice, or d'.-'eiTCil by some oilier unexplained liillnenee, they refa-e to accept tho relief protferi-J them. They turn n deaf ear to tin lei'llinony of I'm t In nn 1111,1 h whoso siili'erl-.i'r' have been ailevialed, and with straiiKO iiit'.ilual ion, appear to clltu; with ih-spei-nte deti riiiination to tlieir rutbicss toniieuti'i'. lint av. a dyspeptic i hat is this leiiu-dy ( to which we reply i This irrcal alh.-via-tor of liiiinan pullerin Is almoct ns widely Unown ns tl:e F.nirlish lauirun-i-.. It, lias allaed the agonies of thousands, an I Is to-day carrying coiiilort mid cncouraireincut tii thousand of others. This aehnowleiled panacea iu none other than Hit. I!00rjiAM)'S(ii:UM.N 15ITTi:KS. Would yon know morn of the turrits of this wonderful nielielne than can bo learned from the experience of others I Try it yourself, and when it has failed to fiiill! the assurance of it ! elllc.icy irivcu by the pii jnictoi-, then uliamlou failli iu il. l.F.T IT UK KK.MUMIJF.UEI), llrst or nil, that HOOFI.AND'S (iEKMAN PilT TliUtl Is not a nun beveraire. They are no alehoiie In any sense of the term. They are composed wholly of the pare juice or vital principal of roots. This Is not a mere nn sertiou. T!ie extracts from which they arc com pounded are prepared by one of t he ablest of German rhomb Is. Unlike any other Uittrni in the m.iiket, tiiey are wholly free from spirituous imrredieiits. The object ions which hold with so much i'oiTO n;;ain--t preparations of tl is eho .-', liamely that a ik-ira for lntoxleatiii!; drinks li. slimahited by I !i-:r 11,-e, me not valid in the cafe of the Uermiin Hitters. !?o far from eiicoiiiM.'.tli..; or Ineuh-nthiLT a ti-to or de-Ire fur inela-iatiiiLr lieveracrs, It may be coaiideutially nsscrtej th:it llielrtendciii-y Ij in a dhliiictriciiiiv oppnsili di rection. 'I heir li'.'ei-:-. can In lii'.NKI-'i l.l. ON LY in all rases of Hie biliarv oysteni. Iloof huid's(!i'i".i.'.u liillers stand without nn cipi.il, nclliift pi'omiitly and v!::oroiisly upon the l.iver; they remove its 1 irj-i .lily an 1 ciiise heaithfiil sc cielion of blie tln-rcby snpply'iui; the stomach with the ino.-t hii'.Wpen-'iilibi eleinentii of souiid dlirei-tloll in I I'op.'i' I I'o-i'.iilion-'. 'liny i.ivu tone to the . t'ltiiaeh Mtiiuuhitiii;; it ', functions, uud enahlin it to vc-i'i 11:1 lis ilutiei', in nature de- i-!e;iel it should do. They impart vi-or and sn eiiel ii to t b. eul ire sj stem, ratisl.: the pat lent to feel lihe ani.'lia r hi im; iu fact, "jiviip,- id:a a new le:i-e of life. ti:ky n i::i-y Tiir, ni.oon, deaie in;.' the vital llui.l of all hurtful i;i;mn;iei'. ami snpphiiit 1'it; them v.i'.'a tl.j elements of i;enuiuc In .1 l 'il'iil -lies. In a word, thi're is scarcely a dKcasc in wh'n ii they caniint be safely uud b'eiirHiclally em ployed s but in that mo d L'cner,il!y prevalent dir,-tres-'iiv.t nnd drende-l ill-ease, I'y'popsia, T11KY til'AM) I'NUIVAIJCI). Now, there ale certain classes of persons to whom exti'eine Hitlers nro not oniv unpalatable. i but who find it Impossible to tako them without i posi'.ive di. .00:11 fort. For such Dit. l!OOI-'LAND'S (IW.MAN TOXIC bus been - peelally prepared. U is Intended for use, where a flight ali-holl.c stimulant. ! iciuirel ill connection with the w ell-l;nowu Toiiie pro pel lies of the pure (h-rmau Hitlers. Tbis Tonic contains ail tin,- ln-;i e lients of the liillers, but i;j il ivotc I a, to r-ei.iuve the extreme bitterness. Tills preparation is net only palatable, un t com bines, ill inodiiii-.l form, nil the virtues of tho (tcrniiiu Hitters. Tho eoltd extract of eonm of Nature's choicest rcslorn: Ivpi are !. eld la .-olu-tion by u spirituous rnreut of the pill- fl ipialiiy. lu cases ol huiuuor or excessive dcbllhy, wln-i-e tho svstcm iijipears to have become exhausted of its riu-ru'ies, 1 H 'Ul-l.A N 1 '. TONIC aits with n!iiio.-t inarveloiu, cll'ect. It not only 1 touulates the IlaL'udm; uti.l wnstim; enen-les, but inviu'or- j atcs and permnnrutly sti-enirthens its net Ions up j oil the l.iver an. I Stomach thoroii::'!, perhaps.- I prompt than the Hitters, when the i-atne 'pi int': I ty Is lal.eii i.i none the less certain. Indigestion, I llil'iioiisness, Physical cr Nervous l'io-u-at:oii, ; yield readily to lis potent inilacnee. It encs the j invalid a new nud stronger bold upon life, re- liioves oej i-ession ol spirlis, ami Insplrvs ciieer fiilne.,". It si.pplanla the piilu of disease with the ease uud comfort of pel toot health. It irlves strencth to weakness, throws despondency to the winds, and starts tho re.-toieJ invalid upon a new and giudsnino career. Hat Dr. Iloolland's bene.r.ictioiia to the human 'ace are not routined H hi celebrated lll'.KM AN PI I TKllS, or his I Invaluable Tumi'. He has prepared another iiieiiioiue, which is rapidly wtuutiii; 1U way to poiular l'aoi- because of ltj lutriuaie meiits. Tliin Is. HOOFI.AND'3 rODOI'lIVLUN PM.t.S, 11 perfict subitltute, for mercury, without nny of fict'ouryV. evil iiue'it'.es. These Wolldel'fUl Pills. W'll'.ell lll'O lliteilded to net Upon the l.ivi i', 11 :'e m iirilv eoripo- ed of I'o- ! iiopbvin.i, o,- the viTAU I'luxt li'i.i: ot Tut: 1 M AN lit A K I'. Un. )f. j Xowwedei'ne 11: 1 r" 1 lor to distinctly U-.id- r j Bte.uil that this cXIi-aei of the M.uuli'.iko' is many I times mora powerful than the Mandrake it: v!f. It Is tlie lucd'einal iitues of this health l i'.iiu: plant in n per!', etly pare and l.Lhly concent in : I lol'iii. llcn-o It Is that two of the Podopliylllu I'ills eon ilitule 11 full dose, whilo aiivwln re six to ehtbt or it handful of other preparations of ttie Mandrake 1111 n 1 1 1 s-. t . 'I he I'odophvlli'i At l.s IMUIli '1 ,y ON TIIK 1. lVl.lt, itimuli t iii'C Its lam tioiih and eaiishn; It to 111:1 1. o Its bil iary secretion, lu regular and proper iUaulitlei. The Injurious re.ulln wbieh Invariably follow ilu ue of mercury I entirely nvoi led by the. r Use. Hut II li. iml upon the I. her only lh.it their pou. em lire eei led. The extract of Mamlial-n eon. I. ilmd 111 ibeiii Is rl.illl.illy combined with four other extracts, one of which 11 -is upon the do lii.ich, one in, on Ibe upper bowel-, uiu-upon tl.u biwir t.iwel, iiiul one puvenls titiv utiplu.; ill -et, ll. is 1 in, I -iclin; 11 pill tli.il Inlluei. u,e entile ili-itive in;. I iiluuentaiy i.yreiii, lu ua eU.'it and b.iritiounlia-.s 111 inner, and i'4 action rutin ly live fueu n.iu -i i, .euitin,' or fciil.l'K p.ilun eoiiiiiion to all olln r piii';;aiie , No linll-ebold nl.'iuld bo wille ui'. Ih-.u. 'i le nro pi rii i ily s.iie, 11 uiiiic l,ntlii,i tor ..11 01 I', u 11 ilo.c, al - pioit.pt a ul 1. 1: iu act : 11, 111 d when II - I il 1 ellin el j ui Mill, b.. d., 11. 1 11 in I ill. Ul I'.lllin, or 1 ouie, ii .y be to. I, hi u i. ll.illl i.pt'i III, - In nil i.l.i 1 i t I. Hi r I n., ph. it. I, -pet ia, or au id the ;,ui I- 1 I vh;t '1 li e r i l 1 1 1, 01 Hl1.11 . .l.l-i.il. Iti.l I'll .. III I'll Is a. I up. 111 I he : toi a. .1 ti uti.l b..wi I.., 1 .11 r in 4 I'll ill. pi ip. I' lll.lllll. tiirlll, wlilie III.' Hit I. ol 'I mill pui it 1 ll.it Li. i.i I. ili. 11 -t le 11 it nd lm I :-'i ate Hi., 11, nnc, . lie .,u.t ai.,1 . p . I t. lo I .-1 . -lll,li it, .111 1 t l.l. 11 bu.: I Up tic in 1.1:1 I .111 1-4 , lh II . .ll 11.J, b.ille: ... ii.l.,l Lo . 1 o 1 1 li, dl, ., ., ill.. .... li.i. mil Ui,, ni,i:,l iiie 11.. .in ly lol 1 P 1 1. 1 1 .ipp.i, II loll, lu I in 11 .a, I, 1 1 n I j 1 j. pa 1 ..lion Li, i,i it ,1 . lh , Itooil.t-i f liti k 1 ;l. 'I hi nd ii ,i. i,i 1 a iimi 1) ..r.ii. un I ,.:!. . . I ,.11 kli, liln a:. 1 ill-til, '. II..' I', .llilh , I ill. i.i. .in.., i-j'i...,,., bin.., p.iiii iii iii. 1. 1 k 111. 1 I., li... It., iiiilin, .V '., ..,'., all ).,!. I , U , . li 1 11 .1 i. I 1 .1. .Ill 111. I lie. 1. 10. . .. r 0 , ill. . , l it l I j .1 11 .l. l' 1..1..0,, , .111 I I'.i , t, j .1, ,.l.i ci, n d , , . I A. ', liii.ii..,!!,, 11 I , .1 -i,... I.r !!..,it 1 ... 1. ., Ki.liei li . j.i ,, n, ,. il , 1 .. Ii, ., i ii .1 , i, . 1, lm , l !. . . M-i 1 t j p.. in. 1.1 tt.M .... in 1. I., I i.i, I V , I, in 1, .1, , ..l III . i. I ' I I. ,..i,i I . .. , l l, I II, 1) .if li.Mllllrf i ilii ..I I 1. 11I1 it 1 1. ,. 1 1 j I i.i,. :p e i..;i. ij.i i t ti ..11 .. t 11. , ( i.., ..I. 1 11, :.. 1, .111 nil ptii,, I 1,1... ll.,:, I 1 ,! .11.,). 1 ul I 4 in 1. 1 1 ,1 1, tn 1- 1- 1 1. .1. ; t I.. 1 u I , i, I' - I-, itll' .) I) II , ...I .1 I...I, lv-.li l. 1 km (ii ll,ii 1.1.111. Iim.l. I ,..i.ii, l,,il , f ,t in. .t.l....l'.i. 11 1, II. . I, 11.. .iu Ol I 1 M..I I j Ip, ,. I 1 4 ) b l.ii . , M ,1 .1 s I 1 1, il .1 I - 1 1.. I . ,w. , j lot. , o , I IU. HHIlliH M HI H I. I .,-,'. U', t ' ' 11 Ml. .1, l I .'.. I- I, ! 1 .. t II 11 'I I V VS.!. I'l .ji...,. ii III i t VI I d ' I S .! I II I U . . I 1 . . I . 1 . f I'l ... ,1,, II 1 I I " 11 . i H . ...... Ju., ; 1. r ' I 1 A M ItlINAN('K, lt.-i-iihitinir !Ua iVhr- kets in tho Uoro-,ii;li of aunbury Bixtion 1 Ho It ordained by tlm Bui-crosses ntttl Town Council of tho Horoumi of ibinbury, and it U hereby ovdiilnert bynnthoi'tv of the saniej 1 hut from nnd lifter the pansatreof this ordnance tlicro Bhnll bo held two fu) markets in each week itnr I11H the year, to wit On Wednesday and Satur day. Tho market hours chall bo between the hours of four and nine a. in., durii,!; tbu months of May Juno, July Ati);usl and b eptcinher, nud botween tho bonis of ll vo and tea 11. in , (Inline; tho remainder ol tho year. And ench nnd every person who shall buy orsel', nnythlngr In the mar ket, before the boms nppobited for opening tho market, 11 foresaid, shall pay 11 lino of 0110 (Jl) dollar for each nud every oll'e.nce, nnd the Costs. 1'rovUlcil liummr, Hint occupants of shops or store bouses or Haiidson sidewalks within tho l.ornutrit miiy soil nt nil hours (lniiii(r secular il.iys, except on market days they shall not sell before regular market hours. Sixtion 'J. No person or persons, shall bo permitted to peddle or vend nn the streets of this Horontjh, nny circs, ment, butter, poultry fruit or vegetables, I loin wairons cults or other con veyances, on any day ol the week except on r-i."i-lar innrliet days, and on such tlajs only alio tlm ItotinJUal iiiiixv hi- ri.wiiij the said nsi'frWit, un der n penalty of live dollars for each iinil every oll'ence. Skction I). That market street, from Second to Fifth Mrcit.bo designated ua tin; market idace, extending nloiiLf tho line'of the curb front Seeieul t tieol alon. the south td:'. of Market to Filth street, t'.uiieo nloae; tho r.ot Hi ride of M.-irkit street to second etreel, be iiesi:;iett"d 11.' tlm only limits within which inaiki t watroes bo alloive',1 to stand within the I'oroU';li on said elaikel day,,. Tho clerk of tho market shell tei oil stations 10 those tleslrimr tn ooeupy the sam,; ii'uhii'ly, and shall have general supervision over tlio market place, so as not to nllo'.v ui;y lnterforcnco wili; the stations selected. ttetiTlON 4. That no 0110 shall bo tillowoii to occupy tiny statiou.iiolocted on said market days unless by permit from the riituiar occupant or the clerk of tho market, mid any person or per sons violation! this eee.tioti shu'll bo lined one dollar for each and every oll'ence. KwTiiiN 5. It, shall bo the duly of the clerk of the market to keep tho streets cleaned of all rub bish, refuse or any dirt left on them by the nmrki t wagons, und lu the winter to havo the. snow leveled so that waironi nnd other vehicles can convonently back up to the curb, and Fee thnt meat, butter and other markctim; sold by the pound b weighed upon scales j the use of sprit, t; balances in said market bein hereby prohibited ; nud it shall be lib; duty to prosieiiti) for nil breaches thereof. He rha'l Mi i'-li, try und ex amine all l.rc td, butter, lard und other provisions ! purporlini; to be. of 11 tiiven weight, or nica-mre, ' wbieh are found iu the market, and if found do- I licieiit in wclirht t'diall seize the same, uud con demn It for the use of the said lioroui;h. ti:i'rios (1. That no peivon shall, din inir raar- ' kit Hours, nny or came to he buuirkt, any nrlicles of provisions, fruit, or other commodity whatever IV r the purpose of retailing or reselling the tame. I i.i'Tiox 7. That. If any person or persons shall sell or brin 1; to mark -t for sale, any bread, butter. lard, trust or other pro isioiis, inli'inps, louves ; tttlw vessels or parcels, as or for a irrcul cr iveinlit or lneasitro than tbu true welu lit or measure t here of, or tliull supply any device for impo-dtion 1 r j fraud In the sale of any pro i-iot!, t ho said arlleles so oU'eiVilfor rale, tth.iil bo fol i'o.ted to tin' li.-.e of t be Moroni-'b. j Isni.-i-ioN . That uil beef, iork, niutton, land) vcnl, and nil kinds ol poultry and lisli, and nil oilier articles of food whaievcr, that shall be hronijht lo the mai kel or publicly expose ! to sale iu the Hoioii!;h, and r.liall be fo-.tiid diseased, tainted, or in any manner rendered unwholesome. or unlit for use, un 1 all veal which wlcn killed thai tint have bc-n of the ave of four (I ) weeks, bo fi.ifcitud, und the pet jo;i or persons ex posing the same for sale shall moreover. In con nection thereof, forfeit and pay a tine of live -dollar.! for the Uiie of tltu lioi'otii'h. tSncTioN y. -J hut for any and every Infraction or violation of nnv of the provision. of this onli- Lnanee, (not otherwise, provided for,) lUe oli'euder or ollcndcrs shall lie lined in any sain not less than three, nor more than tea dollars, at the descretion of tho Hurt-ess, or any .T'.t.-tice of tho Peace of the said l)orouu;b, be I'm 0 whom the ollcn dcrs may bo prosecuted to convict ion. All I'ncs imposed by this ordinance shall bo recovered tis lietelii pnnl led for, and shall bo paid into the Horout;h TiYfisury. tix-TioN ll). That all market ordinances here tofore passed, ttud uuooiisUtcnt herewith, are hereby repealed. Aifi Jic .t further nrJa'..ttl by tin 1!uii,:iiix3 il.i' Tufn Cin'ijiri,', That one suitable person, 11 eitir.en of the said Horoueli of tf.inhiuy, shall be appointed by the Hurj'ei is and Tow 11 Council, in eleii; of the market, lor sai I liorouu'li. Who shall attend all market days, and cause and rcnulate the market fully as stipulated in the ordinances reu'ulutiui: the inaikets. To cause a record to be kept of each day's pi'oct'cdhic.'s.nl the cud of every three months, and at the expiration of Ills term of olliee, his accounts shall he audited by the Auditim,' eotiimllteo of tlio lljro'.ie'li. t'la thin P.'.' That the said clerk of the market shall receive the sum of s-'..VI for every day in uttciiihineu on tiai.l market days. l!y order of the Council. Attest , 1'ANIF.L 1IFIM, I!'.!r(;ess. Jai'iiu Kt-nriiii, Cietk. Pept. r,th 1S-.1. WM. Mt ltltW. I. bl.WMAHUIt. W'M. II. 11I..VCK. MURRAY 1 CO., Wholesale Dea'crs lu MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, OlV.ee and ikbool Mt liiniiere, lt'i-iuUiii;, Wfiiij.iiig Mtin!i::'. l'.irKK H.l?;, Ac, Ac. Tho Ciik'liniteil Cony Kerosene liuruiugOU uhv.-.y.i en li ui.l. Ifav'.ni; also opened u COAL YA1TL), wo uro prepared to supply at In i t notice, and at the lowest rate ;, tiTOV i:, CllKSTNL'T iiiul v i'J'A COAT, Id nil who may be ph-astcd lo the lm a 1 .1'!. Orders left at our olllce No. Ill f'ottih 'liiii.l M., will be promptly till il. Ml ltltAV ic CO. No. S.niti, Third Siuit, .".n.li.irv, I'.i. Am;. '-.' ' 1 , I s.l. Al l iOK'Ji Mil 14 I'. 1IIK liii lei-leni'd liiilliii; "il ill i'l VII il , I .out, 1. 1 I I let, ! 1 I Auditor hi Hie liiph..u I lie i eanty 1 I' Vi! I hlt'l.l 01 1 Innl. in ol the b,tl.ltnii o liii.ii, l in III - 1 lieu trick I'd'ini, Adiuiiii 1 t r .: ol Iii ol ; .- .- .,1 hi,, di 1 . ,!ii t, ti ,1 I t. 1 Inn le le I tor l!:..l pillpiiKo ill li.i Hi, o, I in , 1.. 1 I . i.i.i), in - l.aa t.. y i t t , : .1 . id 1 lie i :i, i.i u . M. li. , I I r 1 1. '.1. I.I .1. K. ti );. i. , V. H' IVnn-jHl ii'. I'iri '. An. 1. 1 . , 1 In i.U t. Mi I . I : 'i ., it , , ..I .'...,....1, .',.!.. , . I,., Vt i , '.1. ti-. I.I , ll kl ,l I .),, hi p. I'm N.11 ti.i.i.il'. i i, ;. 1 1. 1 . 1,. . I 1 u . ... 1 11. 1 ... 1 ,u. d . ii,..,i in, 1 . ' . 11, 1, 1 ' .1.1,, il 1, I 1 I'm l , 1 1.1 1, 111. I .11 ,1 1 I t , ci 1 a l i !;. I 11. 11. 1.. 1, p., .... I . ..t II. ) I' .,1,1, I) b l.l 1 1 1 1 ' I... 1 1 1 1 I , ll i . I. Ill 1,111 I I lo .1 II,- I lu il.. .1 I', I 1 . . 1 I -i -lit - 1 . I I I" I I., I. (.- .1 - 1 . II ,1 1,1 I." .....I; Ol N . Ill i, i'l . 11 lliitn.t.. i ...I It ...I. 1 , 1 I . I il . t w I'., I l.l, 111 Iii .1 1 . di I . p. .;..!.: .., ... I'.I ... , t 4 Ml till. Nil I II I M.. II 1 tit J t ..1 . .1, I 1. 1 1 1 t: 1 ui. , I .1. 1 ,p. 1 ii.i a 1 t ( . i.., .. Hi. ! I....... U. I I, 1.1 . . l J-. O I. . -,U tt. I t . 1 1 ,1 1., . ' ., ,.. .11. ! ... , 1 ., 1,1 i,. , , : 1,, ( rt j I-,,,. 1 i ,1 . 1 1. . fl SALJi. rjjHK undnrstLiucd havb.uti h-.rer tract of htt.d JL (over S.itl acres) 1 ban can bo tuopcriv cult I -Vatcd in 0110 f irai, Inrj ely il 'VolPd lo tltu -kbif, oTors for sale about one liii) ncn-s, eribriieliiu Hi 1 whe'lo of tho old I'c'rsltijr larm, totjollii i" with a part of tbu (iiihlln fiiriu,' Tho natural iidvanlnije.s of the part fitl'eretl for sale, uro In ud respects r Mtal for taudi iilmr ur poses, to tho .0 of tho pint iise-vcd. My own irar deniin; for the past two seasons bus been t 'uii lly dono upon It. There 1110 iimnv ttooil farmers In this county barely nntklmr nlivihlnt m dlniiry jji ain farinl-ie , who inlubt it really ndvaneu their liiten sts h ttivlii): some attention to truckinif upon 11 farm n wcil adapted to tlio busl'ie.-s n thoonc now od'ei cd, nnd so convenient to one of tho very bi"l mar ket In tho SUnto. Terms reasonable. For par tlcuhirs Inquire of, or nddrcFs WILLIAM I,. NI-.SB1T, .July 8-tf. Paxlnoi, Noith'd Cn.JM. Ji.it'sasxs: Niioi' as rno.v , I'MT.IY. CEO. llOllJilJACII & SONS, Ku;sMiir,v, Hiisi'n. INTCHM tho public Hint they nro prcpare-l in do nil kinds of C.5TlN(jS, 'and bavlnu' nd h d 11 new Machine riho'i lit entiiitcilnn with their Fonntlry. nnd have supplied themselves with New Lai lies, I; mi i nvc a'll licri-.r; Machines, with I ho latest Improvements. With the. did of skillful tiieeliaiiii s, they are enabled to execute nil ordeis of NRiV wci::; on iiKPAiitixts, that may be j;lveu them, la a satl: i'aetory man ner. snit'M o nuil n:iy f-'fovt . lUO; COLCMNi-;, for el 1 niches or other hulld Imrs, of nil i.I.c.i. 1!1'A.-L CASTINGS, Ac. Oraar-ac-ntal Xxori Sfciiciajt FO'.t (ill A VP. V Altl) LOTS ) T'lll YAi:t)3 AT ItLSIDKN'CE:!, AC, &(.'. Til- PLOWt. already n'lebrntad for their su lieiiorlly, have, been still further improved, und will nlwaVB be kept on h ind. Also, THUK.-UIINU MACHINES. Sunbury, May UO, W. to run Cimytiliilfon of 'ai)iFh:ania. jo 1. nt iii:..oi.rnoN l'rojioHino; an Aiiicinliiuiiil, to IhoCuiialiiu- ttuti ol I'ciiiisj'lvittiin. IU: it AV'.iiib'i-, hy tlm Friuite unit flume of I'tpru I i:iiVii.''i s r7ii Vuiiiiiu.iirciiU.H of I'auitylriutiu, to f.'f .'if'i-i-i .ixt.Chth'.j ii.-r, That tiie foilowimi t'.tnciid ! ment of tbu l onstiii.tlim of the Cointinuiwealth j be proptised lo tiie people for tin ir adoption nv rejeelioii to the piovisions ci the to.hl'u arli-.'l-j tlicreuf, to wit 1 AMi:X!)MKXT. ft like out, the eixth Section of 'he Pixlli Aiti cle of the ( 'onst'.l ul'toti, a.td hi.-ei t in lieu tliereoi' the liiliowine; : "A :;t:;to 'lYenrurer shall bo chosen by Hie (jualilied electors of the i?tnte, at such times and for a.'.ch terms of serv ice as sii.tii he pieseiihed by law." jam in ii. wr.:'.;s, tspo.'.ker of the Ho-.tse of liepre-entativcs. Yi'Il.l.lAM A WALLACK, speaker ol the ,ven:ite. Ai pKived the lifieenlli d.-.y of June, Anno Do mini one. thou .and ci.r.h! hundred uud toventy- I om' JOi'e lied for put V. OF.AUV. Pivpnrcd nnd eci to the Tenth Artiel cation puraunW, ol tile I oti-iitui ion. F. .'.liil.'AX, tieeretary of the f nmuiouwruith ereiary of the Cotntnoiiweiiltli. ( Mliee Ant:. r, 1 liar, I. isln; ; J.t'y 5t!i, Is; I. P. Al.' AT THE TT t llltr 11 m ST0IIE OF J. H. GQNU;iLLY CO. i'a. l'U 33:5rJto4 Sti'ooJ, .Sni::i:trj It Is useless lo eniimcr.ite every kind of aiticlu In hij It tore, but aiemrj; tho leaiiiue items may be ret down the fo'.'iou iue i Iron, tlecl. Lead, Scales, Steelyards, tiiiiidstoae'-, Nulla of all hinds and sixes, tans, Planes, Viei t).eve, t Imiiis, Axee, Prase, and Iron Kettles, ! Shov Is. Hoes, polks. pa-le-i, lie.!.-:',, llutcbcte, Carpuiler and liiack.-i.i'; li lSorim; Machines, Cellar (1 rales, Dvawliv; Knives, otoue Isle.lire.', Phisl en la' Trowel.', Miimiih' lliimni"-.':'. and Trowels, Hand Pinner Hells, and lai-e.o east Iron Hellii for L'chuol Hoti-es it'l l Faiuievi,' iJinuur Uelie, r' :rv.i-:,'. m' Il. i.eli ! ..,.., rot:i!i) l'o'. l.s for di-Cliie; potatoes, Lookl.rr CI i.-sc Twine, t.opc.,' 'i'a Knives and Forks Male nii'l ilon ll.tinmeis. An l.-mtei a , Sl'OOllS, e t lnii j uud '. ".ui'S. li.l I i.il'.is Chisels. Ilrootiis Mills, 1 of all deseiipti, , Col., I Hu.a.eir. I Cuvrlaire P.olt 1 of nil kinds, i,i.,t a':d Wall j lh 'tslics, l'.iiek ts, I illl, X'tiruiNht'si. J-u;:::-., I Lye, t-,.,U A-'.., tV.ishl'i :od 1, ; I'.'.iN'i';; Ol . S.I. KlesUM In Oil or Dry, i Pnrll Colors of all kin !.;, ! ti:i)Ai:-VAi:!; und otla Piel. w..,,,:, ehe:ip, Mill P: all IM'. ', Lv kinds and c-y i-Fotl I.e.'. Fi Hi ua; Oil, L'clewe Hems c , tiid th.11 Sad.lliiv Find slur li i'-S ..u s t allots, SU.11 He y l i'i:..:.!!!!.;. , i.xcel I'ochet Knives, H.;.,. MJitt, 'n;'; r.u ! rim.let-, a. 1 1 a i-i-e.it Vitl, ty of ol her 111 l'.clc. Any lhl.i w.tntc I uud lu.t on h ni l, w ill be nidi red al 0111 e. tMiiluii j, , An. 1 .1, I ; I . Hurv 'i:rt i'i 'I't-iu-r. rp'll' f-u'j.-i-i tbi r, tesiliiit of ful on l',.int 1, An 1 tl il 1 lown-liip, N.u Ibliuibel '.in I lolllllV, I'a., basii - a re film i,,t Teller, i.hiili In- 1 il, 1 lo I'.io-e ni":.i le t w ah Oils ,,aii,. he: ili-e ,., . 1 I 1 .'.ill I ll .1 ll ',::.' ll 1,1. Id .1 tli, d in a Per 1 .U t, ui , 111. I ti, il.;:,.; 1 obi tli. .1 t'.ll 1, , edy. l ind'. r id e i -, -i, t i i. knoii- 1 ) .-if. -I n.dlee. I li ,1 ! el tii h. (,' I I' I I I Ul', le fiel a ll, '11 li I'l lie In .1 ' . 1,1 1 I I 1. ll i t ,i.-i.i"f ii.i 1. ,1. 1 1 1'. u. A .1 li M.l , N, ills'. I t , 1 1 ; 1 ,;t V;:!c; 1 if ,.,4 j. -J. MO . d.. mt, r. e II., I 'I lil'l I ' I. ..I 1 , 1 V. I I NN' A ".I the 1 ,1. : 1 .1 ; . u 1 t le i li.ll.x, i .1 .1 Hi , . I.- 1, 1 , . t'-l . la.. I I. ti . o I .nt , I I 1 11 1 , 1 -1 1 PARIX FOR 1 I 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers