THE SUNBURY AMERICAN. 18 rUBLISIlKD KVKRT SATURDAY BT EM'L WILVERT, Proprietor, NASSER'S Bril.Dl!0, MARKET SQUARE, At 91.BO In Alincc. II not paid within 6 JUontbM 1. SnbteripHoni taken for teu titan tiz Montht. t rmrsFrrrn wllli till" estnbllslimcnt Is nn extcn- SrveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of ;plaln nnd fancy type equal to any ealaiillnlinieni In IBB inninor 01 me puue, ior iiieiiineiinuii HS of the public Is respectfully solicited. irofcssiomil. rM. J. WULVKUTOJI, Attorney a il.nw. nfHeo. door No. fl. 2nd floor, llimpt s Block, tiunr Miller's Shoo Store, Sunbury, Pit. March 25th, 1871. ly. SB. nOVEIl, Attorney nt I.tiw. Nos. 3 and 3, Second Floor Brljrht's Building-, Bunbnry, Pit.4 -'Professional business attended to,tn tbeconrts of Northumberland and adjoining rouctles. Claims promptly collected. Consulta tion can be had In the German language Mnrctl 25thQ87l. 1 J. JEREMIAH KXYDKK, Attorney at Lair, Bunbnry, Pa. Afl 'professional busi ness Intrusted to his euro will receive prompt at ieutlon In this and nd.olutng counties. Can be consulted both In English and German. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland couuty. Aun.20,1870.-ly. J SO. A. WII.MOW, ATTOHNF.Y AT LAW, No. 14 1 FouilTn Avenlb, Notary Public, Pittsburg, Ta. Jan. 15, 1870. ly. T . HAKKI.G V CO. Market Street J . 8UNBURY. PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Dairies, Ac. O r. WOLVERTON. Attorney at Law, 3 Market Square, 8UNBURY.PA. ProR-selon- al business In this ana adjoining counties pruuipi- .y attended to. r.n. A. It. NAVIDGE. respectfully an J nounces himself as Physician and Snrercon to tile elt'usens of Snnbnry nnd vicinity, having lo cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly opposite the fairmount Hotel, wucrc no can be consulted at all hours wlicu not professionally emrag;d. opi-iy -- IV. ZIEiI.ER. Attorney at Law.nortli JC side of Public Siunre, one door cast of the old Bank lmilillnir, SUNBURY, PA. Collec tions nnd nil professional uusluess promptly at tended to In the courts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. septlfMlO CA. REIMENSXYRER, Attorney nt Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business en trusted to his care attended to promptly and with diligence. uplZi-li7 f NO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, fj SI NBL KY, PA. Collect ious and nil pro. business promptly attended to. iuch81-t!l) C. 1. l'.lil NFR. 1.. H. KASE. BUl'XER A KANE. Attorneys and Coun sellors nt Law, SUNBURY, PA. Oulce oy Chestnut -street, west of the N. C. and P. & K. Depot, In the building lately occupied by F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections and ulJ profess ional business promptly attended to in Northum berland and udjiiiiiini; counties. npllO-li'J Hit. MASSER, Attorney at Law, SUN- BUltY, PA. Collections attended to In the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia unci Lycoiuiui;. iipUO-0'.l MM. II. ItOCKKFEl.tElt. LLOYD T. KOntOJACll. TlUCUKFELLKR ItOHRRACH, iLV Attorneys at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Of fice iu llnnpt's new building, second Door. En trance on Market Square. j.iu4-0S AN. ItRICE, Attorney at Law, Bunbnry, Pa. OlUco In Musouic Hall Buildiug. Collections of claims, writiujfs, and all kinds of leainl business attended to carefully and with dispatch. April 8, 1871 ly. R. J. F. CAKL.OW, OlBce and Residence, Walnut Street, between Third and Fourth streets, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All forms 6f Diseases of the Eyes will be treat ed or operated upon, such as Strabismus, (Cross Kye,) Cataract, (Ulludiiess,) aud all other di seasos reliitint; to Surgery, as Talipes, (Club or Reel Feet.) lluir-Lip, Excision of Tumors, Ac. Also the cure of F.pllepsy (or Palling Fits.) Sunbury, May 13, 171. business &arfco. AXTURAIITE COAL! 7 A I.EN TI X E lIETZ, Wholesale V Ri'tail dealer in every variety of and ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. ' All kimlri of Grain taken iu eiolunu'c" for Coal. Orders solicited and tiller promptly. feblS-71. . B. 11ROADS. J. HAAS. T S. KlIOAIrK A- CO., V KETA1L rtCAl.rTRS OK ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, TKNN'A. Offh e witu Haas, Faoki.t ei Co., Orders left at Seasholtz A Bro's., office Market Street, will receive prompt ottention. Country custiiui respeelfuilv solieiied. Fel1 4,1 871 . t f. COACIIMAUEKW. "ITTE nre'selllm: Rims, Pkes, Hubs. Sprint's, Canvass, Holts, Clips, AWa. r., very Liirce Stixk at CONty & CO. Sunbury, March 30, 18ti. ClOAI.l ( OA I.! COAI.I-GRANTBROS., J Shippi'ra aud Wholeoale anil Retail IValers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (miwfh wuAiir.) t-T"Pole Aijents, westward, at the eelebmte.1 Henry Clay Coul. jHnl9-tiil EXCHANGE I.IVERY. J. M. HAHTIIOI.OMEW, ntoritiKTon. POTRTH STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Kuubury I. fllllE best of rldiuii aud driving horses always A. on hand to serve customers. Orders left at the Central Hotel, for Tihlclis, Will receive prompt ulteutiou. Nov. 5, 1870. liENTlMTRY. (i KOKli K M. U KXX, Jn .S'niijwon's liuiUlimj, Mirlit Sipinrt, SiMUar, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kiuds of work pcrtiiliilnt; to K'lilUtry. He keeps ronsi.uilly on liuinl u lame HMorluirut of Teelb, and oilier Denial material, from which he will ho able to select, and meet the wuuls uf lii. i ulnisrs. All work wair.uiled lo (lvualif4etlBn,or el.o the in. mi) rel'uuiled. Tliu i Imi Mouih Wtah and Toith-Povdis kept on hand. Ilu rvlert-iH'c are the nuiiu-rou patrons fur Moiked lor lh lat t vt c 1 w jreai.. Minimi-), April HI, . i:v coi. v rii. f lHE uii.b rliii'4 liavliitf von in ile.l the Coal 1 Im.iu. uu W.cuiii.n HtkiiH VIS 'j.i.t. , U prewired lo supply f.iiulllis with llio .u ui.vr or ton.. nt: i oh t ami. K-lii M" n. I Sill, iiili'luhll) ou Lund. tiralH i.ik' ii lui Iiaut lui I J. M. CltV.U.l.VDKIl. kmibiiry, Jjii. 1 Imo. -ii. 1IAKKUV ! n.VKKUY IUVkKUY I! ! I :oN AUH lMiYk.Ul H, II V ) ! ohjiii. 4 U tttk- i) mi riut lfe.- ui ir luu H iliiuid di K4 at S .illiumUi. i.iu.l, au l U pit paud I 'i litmi.b lha i iuu uf S..iiliMnil.. il.iu.l mil Miukmji w It U all ul U114 I u I I tuilt UiHtH S Hits. It, Ull.ln UK t tH, bllr kit HAH H.. a lb UK till II, ,1,1 a full ul HXSi i I K Hum, U.iiis ml I Unail 4u4 tuW. 4-lln4 Ik tu.luwis nnj lift itiu j t wk. lit H..IU, f4iiU4, M vJ lui., r 4iis, .- , Uluulii I t . It'Ht I U.g 4 ll4ill'4l l.4k' L41I114 ulkl.J .1 Ik li4llliM IM UubUl I 'I Kl -. 4 k. bu Ij i Mtlai.liiMi li h hi4uuhh L.i.l .l n. I .! liMllUil i'l U- I. ntkwUill-U-l, Jw-S I'l, ll I ll IB TCatn.'hitaahfMl In IHIO, PRICE 91 SO IN ADVANCE. ) loicls uub iicstanntnts. T . A I'IKKRH IIOI'KE,llrodnndCbesl- AU nnt sts., Philadelphia, J. B. BUTTER- Iphla, J. n. hut J Terms per day, f 3.50. WORTH, Proprietor. April 15, 1871. ly TTNION HOTEL,, THOvS. FOULDS, Sr., U Proprietor, Shamokln Street, Trevorton, Northumberland county, Pa. The table Is sup plied with tho best the market tiH'oiils. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. Juu.21,'7l r. nvnnLT. v.. o. uowmt. 17NION IIOI NE," LYKF.NS, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENN'A., BYERLY & BOWER, Proprietor. The table Is supplied with the best the market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. Mny 20, 1871. NATIONAL. LAGER ItEER NAI.OON, ON TU1IID RTIIRET, NEAR THE PEPOT, SUNBURY, PA. TOSEPTI BACIIER Informs the cltlcens of Bun- t3 bury nnd the public irenerallv, that be has opened n LAGER BEER SALOON at the above place. The best of Lnirer Beer, and Mall Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, &c., constantly serv ed up to customers. ATIONAI, lioTElT AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown NorlhM County, Pa., nt the Station of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines and clears at the bar. The table is supplied with the best tho market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. ALLEGHENY IIOISE, Col. CHA8. KLECKNER, l'joprletor, Nos. Mi and H14 Market Street, above ehjhtb, PHJLADP.LPHIA. Terms, t3 per duy. Ho respectfully solicits your pai routine. XirASIIINGTON' IIOINE C. NEFF & Second T t Projirletor, Comer of Murket Streets, opposite the Court House, Sunbury, l'a. .MUJSB,'7U. ir OTKIi A R EST A IRAN T, THOMAS A. HALL. Proprietor. euiiDury t., west tMiA.Yium.-s risss'A. McuIb served at all hours, ut 811011 notice. The best of Liquors at the Bur. The Table is sup plied with the best and latest Iu the markets. At tentive servants. Terms moderate. Putrunuge soticitcu. HUJIJIEIH RENT.AI'RANT, LOU1B HUM M EL. Proprietor, Commereo St.. SHAMOKIN. PENN'A. Havini; Just refitted the above Saloon for the accomodation of the public, is now prepared to serve jiii friends with the best K-fresbineuls, and fresh Luger Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other mult quors. J. V A LEU'S WINTER GARDEN ANB MOTEL. A-i. 70, 722, TH & 727 ,S., PHILADELPHIA. WIXTEK GARDEN HOTEL. (ON TirC EVROPEAN I'l.AS) Centrally located, conncctlm; with all the City rasseiiger nauway uars, irom all the X'iots In tho City. Excellent AccoitttuoilntiOHM for Tr- vrllers. Gmnd Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every evening In the Siuhmer and' Winter Garden. t&Orchcxlrion Concirl Ev3ry Aternootut riNS LATHES' RESTAURANT TUB BEST OF REFRESHMENTS SEUVEll. Office of J. Yaler's Fountain Park Brewery. June 4, 1S70.-ly. I, I U I' OR NT OR EI CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second ftrcct, opposlto the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Kespeetrullv invites the attention or Retailers and others, that he. has on hand, aud will con stantly Keep all kinds or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LI y I ORB, Consisting of Pure Brandies: C'ojnilac, Cherry, Giugrcr, Rochelleand Otard. hiskies: Pure Rve Cuppcr-nistillcd, Monou- gahe'a, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Chnmpaimo Wine, Sherry, Port nnd Claret. Crab Cider, Champnirno Cider, N. F.. Rnm, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can he found In the city markets, which will be sold nt Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTT4.ES, always 011 hand. Z-v Orders promptly attended to, and public patronage respectfully solicited r. NEFF. Pniibury. .Inly S, 1WV.I. ly. jaCou FnirMAN. Thompson prk. Eire, 1,11V nnil Aerldeut INSURANCE AGENCY op Kill F.HAN A DKKII, MAUKET ST11EKT, Sl'MJUUV, l'A. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. N. American, Philadelphia, Assets, f2,7S3,.s0 Enterprise, " b2H,3H. Maahiittrtn, New York, l.Sns.tmt N. American " RtrJ.570 Lorillnrd, " l,rt.'iH,i;t.l Yonkers .V N. York " shJ.INO Hanover, " TVl.OOO IinH'rinl, London, K,00il.(Hi2 Lycoming, Money, 6,.'i()l,(Ksl Franklin' Phlladelplila, 'J.s.'.731 Home, New York, 4,!iW,;;r.1, Hartford, 9.M4.2IU Phienix, " 1,HJ7,UI0 Travelers, " l,:.M,tHl7 Fanners Ins. Co., York, 0211, loo N. British Mercantile 14,1-V"I Noinuu rce, New York, 2 .VI, loo Corwieh, Nomli-h, ili,20l New Eiigluiui M 1.11V, T,.1(RI,HlO 1 AW 1 1 ATI It IS. T1IACKAUA, mit'K & t o. hi t KsmiKH Til MISKEV, MKUUII.L THACKAUA, M AM t At U IU IIH OK liAS l lXTl UlvS UI;ONZI: Vf C., t ltituilrllrr, I'ruiUuU, UritrUrU, Ar Ar., Mould ri ptetfllMy tlllile llli) llllrlllloll of pur 1 li. i.i is u aur tUi, ml auuiiiiiLiil. Wlti'l l.- MX AMI l( El VII. l.lltlMi!S, 7I" t brslMHl Klrvrt. U M VM ltKY, l"J. HI l m AMI imt It V. ItaiKI. Anj '111. liJI. YOU HALE. T IVVlt VW.l tulK lui us I . n.iu.r ut v.iiu.l aul tlii.luut ilniii, Iu I Us llu. tuuali o auuliui jf, 1114 4 Uk a lUiia Mia vit.lnla iiauliuf Iiiiiih, tlaliln 4U. iiulbull Jlu,. lb lUHll4.1, Ul ill lltlfb . i44, Ot ll. 4lMi, I..4 UU Vl nk.t, lit Iko lulul !! ui.t,u, 1 ku lki.1, 11, 4 Ui, 111,4, .ul .i. 4u. um'-uii iii..., la-mii ! iliv 1 ili. u . r Mll. lUluS, rib II I'll If. A lj J II M mii 4 ii..iu., , ,,, Uuilul I l,.-.l. Vl.ll.UJII Ub4 t.ll., 4 ibilal BY SUNBURY, PA., BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL j-n. J0UN8T0N, Physician of this celebrated Institution, lias discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant nnd cncciuai rcmcuv 111 the world lor all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE Wcoknoss of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Aiiecuons 01 iviunoys and Ulndder, Involun tary Discharges, Jmpoteney, General Dcblll ly, Nervousness, Dvspcnsv. Lnncuor. Low Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Tlinldltv, Tremblings, Dimness of Bight or Giddiness. Disease, of the Head Throat, Noso or Skin, All'cctlonsof Liver, Lunirsi Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret nnd solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to tho Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes 01 anticipations, rendering marriage, &C., impos sible. 10UNG MEN especially, who have become tho victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful nnd destructive habit which annually sweeps to nn untimely grave thousands of younir men of tho most cxnlted talents und brilliant Intellect, who might other wise navo entranced listening eenutes Willi tho thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstucy the living lyre, may call with full conliilciico. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware 01 I'liysical weakness, (Loss or 1 roercuiive rower jinpoieucyj, wervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, snecuuy relieved. lie w ho places himself under the care of Dr. J, may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle- wuu, and conlldcntly rely uon his skill usu Phy sician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotcucy, Loss of Power, immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible Is the penalty paia uy tuo victims 01 improper indulgences. Youug persons are too apt to commit excesses from not beiugawnrc of the dreadful conseqenccs that may cusue. Now, who that understands the subject will prcteud to deuy that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those lulling Into improper habits thuu by the prudent t Besides beiug deprived the plcusuresof heiillhy ofl'spring, tue most bci'ioub aim destructive symptoms lo hoth Uody and mind urise. 1 he system becomes de ranged, the Physleal and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Proereatlvo Power, Nervous irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wusling 01 me name, vougu, Lonsnnipuon, ueeuy und Lieaiu. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persous ruined iu health by unlearned ureten ders who keep them trilling month after mouth, taKuig poisonous ana injurious compounds, should upply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lou don, Graduated from one of the most eminent Colleges In the United Slates, und the greater part 01 wnose lie has liceu snnt In the hospitals of Loudon, Pris, Philadelphia aud elsewhere, has ettccted some of the most ustonishing cures that were ever kuowu ; many troubled with ring ing In the bead and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes withderungemeutof mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have in lured themselves by Improper indulgence und solitary habits, which ruin both body und lulnd.iinlittlng them for either bualicss, study, tocluty or mar riage. These are somo of the sad und melancholy efl'eets produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains In the Back and Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heurt, Dyspepsy, ervous immunity, ueruugemeut ot jJitesiive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, &c. Mentally The fearful ctlects on the mind arc much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con tusion 01 Ideas, Depression or spirits, tvu Forebodlngs, Avoraiuo to feoclcty, Hull-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., lire some of l lie evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages can now Judge w hat is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pule, nervous aud emaciated, huvlug a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consump tion YOUNG MEN Who have lnjnred themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged In when alone, a hubit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the etleets of which aro nightly felt, even wheu asleep, and If not cured, renders marriage impos sible, aud destroys both mind and body, bhould apply immediately. VY A but a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the durllng of his parents, should be snatched from nil prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of uuture uud indulging in a certain secret Daoit. turn lxireons mi st, Im lore contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind nnd body are the most necessary requisites to promote ronuubiul happi ness. Indeed without these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage the prospi-it hourly darkens to the view: the iiiiud becomes shadowed wilh despair and HUod with the melan choly rcacctlou, that tho happiness of uuother become blighted w ith our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided nnd imprudent votary of pleasure rinds that he has Imbibed the seeds of this pain till disease, it too ol'leu happens that au Ill-timed sense of sluime, or dreud of discovery, deters him from applying to Ihone who, from education and n -spivtabililv, can alone la-friend him, delaying till the coiistflutlonal symptoms o this horrid iliM'asc make their appearance, such us ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, maiiiral pains In the head uud limbs, Uliniiea of sight. ilral'm-ss, nodes ou the shin bones uud uriua, blotches on Hie head, lace and rxl remit lea, pro gresoiug wilh frightful rapidity, till al last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the muefull in, und the victim of this awful ttiaeaae becomes a horrid object of roiiimlM'rutiou, till iliulll puts ihti.uI Ik lila dreadlul sulleriiig, liy tending him lo ' Ihut l uilLcuvcrcd Country from whence uo traveller returns." ll U a melancholy fact thai thousand. DIE victims to till, lei 1 disease. throiiL'h f.illliiL' Into the hauda of Iguoruiit or uiiakllllul I'llt- ll.Mil.IIM, oho, by the use of that deadly Pul ton, .Mercury, ike., destroy the cousin 111 Ion. and iueapublu of curing, keep the uuliuppv .nil. n r luiinlli ullir uioiuU taking lln'ti uukiuus ur lu- juiiiius cuiiiiHiuiiita, ami lualeu I of Ih Ihk n .lnud 10 a reueul 01 l.lle l'nr and ll.ippiueaa, lu Ji. air lemu iiiiu llli ruliirtl Health to slu imr la galling dl.appuililuiciil. To siii-Ii, lliert'fiira, l'r. Jiill)aTiiM pli.lura him self Ui prv.i rve lha luoat lutlnlalils ki-rcev, ami frulil hla tkleuaiio pruilu aud obacrvalloiis in I liu ( llnapilaia of Kuriq., uud I lie Utl In I In. euiiiiliy, 11.1 ElUlultd, I ruuee, l'MUd Iphia and i lai a hurt', la uuitblctl lu ulti r lha Hnwt err lulu, nly aud i rliiluiil remedy lu itm aurld lor all uiaeaaoa of uiipruiu uif. DK. JullNBluS, OKCP E, NO. 1, . nil liHtlt K b'I'HIT T, lUniviuas. M. I). I.i ll hand idu uuliij from HuIiiiiukv aliu.1, a It diaiia hum lUu tuiuor, Kail u.4 lu ubactts uauiu ami uuiuU-r. It) So li'llrrs rai'U4 Uulua liualpaUl aud vuulaluliig a .1 iuiu to lw iimm! um Iku ipi. Pvi- aia uliutf liuul4 .iala a.n, auJ aud a Mlmu adIIU.Uli.Ut K .) Ikiiu ala m iuau I'alliv, Ikial.'iilii aul IHullllUaa luipliatVIS ailtt'llllli tlM'Uialli-a , I'll) an urn, lulling allltaul lulnlu llui Itulllt . ol ad Uo kuliMlunaUly lull lulu IU. l ua.i, 1 that Dl. JuhaaliiAl 4va-u 14 uaa. tu aajr a. I -.ull Ui Ibuau au..UuluU4 aUto hi . uU- IliuM tbKt bla tlc4iulU.. hi li luui4 : Italic 111 III UlUi.41, KSlMiHafcUrs r oKlllli r-Mla. ' IImiuumi IkuuaauJa tunlal Ikla 1..1 :ial. Iu.wl, )l afli-r fiaai, au4 lu Mwia..iwu lu. Itkrfl lllull.H. (i.wu.4 f In, Jwku.kut, m 4ws4 L IU l laaalallf.a wf Ika t.444) SI.4 aU. iallw v)l., U.4..a. u lU 4a a al4 .S t4i4 aaiakali.l. I kil puliik , Uvl4a Jtia al4adln4 a. g ul,i UmU ii Wal4. Ul t4 i-M.uuiy, u a u.. i.,ii d4i.wu t Ik'ttlMill klw 4a,aa4 4atll l,ui lckai !, li. I. I XmTUt im Sty-u m5pc:Cf' SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23; 1871. EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL EAIIIttl. TION OF THE NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY-AO-RICULTURAL SOCIETY, TO BE HELD IN SlSIIIIItY, On Ti esdav, Wednesoay nnd TnunsnAy, Sei'. TK.MtiitR 2Uth, S7th and 28th, 1871. OFFICERS 1 JOSEPH BIRD, PnnsioENT t Jons McFaiu.and, l I'rerithHt t G. W. Armstrong, Secretary J. 11. Mccormick, Treasurer 1 Lemuel Shipmau, Corresiwndlng Secretary 1 John H. Vincent. As- slstant Secretary George B. Calctwullader, As- Bistaut Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1 Edward Grady, J. M. Follmer, Win. Wnldron, J. M. Bartholomew, Dr. Joseph Eyster, Solomon Martz, George Gaul, Samuel Jehn,Thomas Johns ton, Peter Burrel, Joseph Nicely, Lewis Slicker. Gen'l D. 0. WATSON, VMtf Marthal t dipt. A. Caldwell, Ellas Wclst, Cuptain 8. Bryson, J. E. Mticnrh, Peter Oberdorf, Joseph Haugha wout, A. N. Brlco, Phir.p Forrester, and J. K. Da vis, Auxinnut .Varthidi, The Books of Entries will be open on nnd after the First day of September, nt the Olllco of tho Assistant Secretary, at Northumberland, and con tinue open until the morning previous to the Fair, when the Ofllcers will be on the ground. Exhibitors can enter goods without extra charge upon the purchaso of tickets to amount of one dollar, which will admit the, exhibitor and the stock, or articles to be exhibited during the continuance of tho Fair, and all persons purchas ing a family ticket, will have the privilege to en ter all goods free of charge. Theso regulations upply to all entries except where test of spce 1 is required, 111 wnicn ten per com of the whole premium will be charged. All persous who Intend to exhibit horses, cat tle, sheep or swlno, shall have them entered upon the Secretary's books as far as possible, tho week before the I' air. Exhibitors will receive a check for each article entered, designating tho class and number of the entry, which must be attached to the article. - Aitle'cs or animals removed from tho grounds before the close of the exhibition, (except by per mission of the President,) cannot receive a pre mium, though awarded. A general invitation is"liereby extended to the runners and Mechanics of Northumberland nnd the surrounding counties, to nltend this Exhibi tion, und bring with them such articles of their own growth or manufacture, as will interest the public, und illustrate the improvements that are golngou lu those branches or American Industry. To Agricultural Societies, wo beg leavo to say, that any ollleers or delegates whom they may commission to visit us win meet with a cordial reception. All agricultural friends honoring us with their presence, as representatives of other similar societies, or lu ollielal capacity, will bo considered as guests of the Society, aud froo to our grounds. Judges are requested to report themselves at the President's olliec, ou the grounds, first dnTor neiore ten o'ciock, p. in., second duy of air, wiicu mey win do furnished Willi books or entry, which they nre desired to lilt up with the uwards and return to tho Secretary durlug the second duy of Fuir. Those who cannot attend will please notifv the President. We invite, therefore, all. both at home aud abroad, to attend nnd participate In it. either as exhibitors or spectators, feeling sure iiini. none w ui ue disappointed. o premium will be awarded on auy article or animal In the absence of competition, unless tho Judges deem it meritorious. Cuke, melon, confectionery or other stands, or wagons, uud shows or exhibitions, may be ad mitted to the Fair Ground by application lo tho IVoaMaut, atld linyttiar iaa0.'ii..Oli. ciiuiiclia..ilOII for the same. None ofAhd above will be allowed outside the enclosure nearthe grounds. No species of liquor slum oe sold or drank oil the grounds, nor shall gambling bo allowed on the grounds during the days of the Fair. A strong uud clllciciit police force will be on the grounds day uud night, during tho Fair. The Society will preserve ull articles while on exhibition, hut they will not be responsible for any losses or accidents that may occur. (iood stalls, bedding, and abundance of good feed for animals on exhibition, will bo furnished y the Society ut lair prices. . All premiums not culled for by the first of Jan uary next, will be forfeited to the Society. C-Lxcnrslou Tickets ou all rallrouds to and from Sunbury. Exhibitors.upou receiving their checks from the Secretary, will report lo tho Committee of tho Department to which the entry belongs, by whom the places for exhibition will bo assigned. 1 he Bridge ut Northumberland will pass ull to the Fair at half price, and goods or stock to pass free, by order of the Directors. AduiiMNlou. SINGLE TICKETS, S.t " Single Tickets during the Fair SO ' " Family Tickets, Including ull " under 21 years, good during " the Fair, jU 00 A Grand Parade of the Order of Red Men, BOO or more, will take place on Tuesday, the First ay of I lie rair, on the fair i,round. JMrnl, Ihut ull members of the Press bo tullllilted Iree. No winning horses can cuter for a second pre mium. LIST OF PREMIUMS TO BE AWARDED. CLASS L or f ho best bushel of While Wheat, 1 5 00 " Red Wheat, S 00 Second best ' bushel While Wheal, J BO Ktxl Wheat, 4 00 Best 'i bushel Rye, 4 00 Second best " a 00 Best ) bushel Corn In Ears, 4 00 conci nest a tJ it i bushel Outs, 4 00 erond beat y no Bet )i hushel Cloversecd 4 00 Best ' liniothvherd 4 00 est bushel Buckwheat 2 00 J mors. Solomon Malick, John Klupp, Johu adwitlluder, Amos Vuliue, Uuao Campbell, enry Morgan, J. G. Smith. Wiu. P. Hull, Johu weed, Joseph Nletily, P. D. Ifliultor. CLASS H. Hi uiuv Cattlb. est Bull 8 year old, and tipwurda, 10 00 ft 110 8 UO 4 00 a uo H 00 4 00 & IW t ll 21 Ileal I Hull Diutcr I yrurs old ai.U upwards I...4I " I b. 41 cat Calf, Ural Cow over 4 years, J.I beal .1 Cow or Heifer under 4 Tears 2d heal " -l Ib lferCalf. 2 00 No premium allowed 011 this 11. t ncepl fur thoruiU'li breda. 'rlii;i-l lu be left ultti Ilia Kt en l.iry. JriMik.. W in. ll.-lii. 11, Joliti Moure, Iboiuus McWllli.iiiia, Win. I.'liilmw, .liiliii Kuuah, ll. 11. M.inla'H'iiT) , D- E. ki lire., Johu Campbell, Juu, Kluai', Wm. I., eltaibr. I 'LAW III. imtou Ao i nrasr ( Atria. Hume Premium and lit tfulalluits, as lu Class K. Ji luiia. (aiiax luii ul luUli Jiihuatia, l abt- vll Kui kuma, lin. t o. r id, ll. t aa, liauk l.., Juhu l oopi-r, Juewti K4.hult ul (laud aailA. I I. A Ha IV. umau ai ii'SS'K rinu, H.-al Kr4u Cow ulti i )uis i 'id Uual " It. .1 urads i!u uadrr t )ar ! 34 UN " I Ikral ara4 hslfif falf llial iii,lu. ti la.if I Jfral AJ Us.1 H at KOUIUIirtl C4I It I .! '44 kMt " Vl MllUUtuH III lit! I ulf " a u Uut I4llla k. lou l;K (a US p4.M( Id J 1 w.a, Akiakaw aki'iu4i, IKuif M1411 awiu lul HiuaUius, l..tuu H- us, I la ulJ k4, tui,ia4 I ana, U"UH I . Mih.4., ul itUas, si. A. Iiull), Ul Diuiuk.lUI, k4 A4lu Vakdou. I l.l V. H.44 flva.h w UailltW HlW i .4.4414 V.Mk4 Of au i4k4f klaj 4 I tkt k I' is -at I uii, ui vlii .4 la at 4 4 I La.l Sv 4 4 l'lg AMEBICAfl Best Boar and So nndcr 0 mouths 0 2d best " 2 6.1 Rest litter of Pigs from 6 to 10 weeks old S 2d best ". . 3 50 Best, fat Hogs, S or mora ft Sd Best " 9 50 AiifVft. -Joel Bllterman, John B. Lnlnhuch, John A. Summers, Dr. Jos. Haas, ('has. Kasc, J. Hunslckcr, Geo. T. Sclhcrt, P. S. Blckle, P. M. Shludel, C. A ltclmCnsnyder. ; CLASS VI. l.vrroRTEn and TnonouounREn itorsct. Best blooded Stallion, 4 years and upwards 920 2d best ' - 10 Best blooded Stallion under 4 years SO 2d best " lu Best blooded Stallion Colt under 3 years 10 2d Best 5 JudifD. Amos E. Knpp, Dr. J. P. MeClccry, John Nicely, J. M. Bartholomew, J. Basset, ll. II. Drlcsbach, l'ainsworth Reed, H. 8. Robblns. CLASS VII. HORSES FOU ALL WORK. Best. Stallion, 4 years and upwards, f 20 'M best " 10 Best Mare or Horse, 4 years and upwards, 10 2d best s Best Stallion under 4 years, lo Best Mare, aud Colt at sldo 10 Jtuiuet. Dr. Thos. Hull, Wm. 11. Kemcrcr, W. W. Horning. Valentino Diets, Wm. Furseman, Bcnjamiu Uartn, Hiram Young, David Seller, Elijah Bycrly, Frank Lelseuriujj. CLASS VIII. noKSB roH unvr UKArr. Best team or pair 10 2d best 5 Best single horse or 5 2d best 9 00 Best Colt 3 years old 6 Jtuliit John Sheep, Ellns F.iucrlch. Dr. II. M. Kaker, lr.i Forrester, John llotbi, Peter F. Bal llot, Duuiul Kutz. CLASS IX. MATCHED Ann SINOLS HORSEi. Best matched team In color $10 " Irrespective of color 5 " a year old Colts fl Best single driving horse or mare 5 " Horse or Mare for saddle S Best Cit upon the ground, (sweepstake) 4 3d best " a Best 2 year old ft 2d best " SO best 1 year old S 2d best " t 50 Jiulgtt Wm. Cooner, Gilbert 'Vorls. M. L. Savldge, Geo. W. Kiefor, Cyrus Brown, James It. Culhcart, V. S. Truekctulller and Kmaiulus Miller. CLASS X. JACKS AID Ml'US. Best pair of Mules, t-1 " single Mule, 2 SO ' Mule Colt, 9 SO " Jack, 5 Jwlflet John Porter, Esq., (Milton,) H. D. Mouror, Samuel Btirkcnblne, Johu Biugatuau, Hiram Young and John S. Snyder. CLASS XI. BPRHD of nonsEj. Division 1 Second Day, 3 o'clock, P. M. For horso entered In tho 4 minute, nnd 8' minute trotting race, nnd the l-i milo running race, best 8 5, five horses to enter for the trot ting, nnd must trot Inside of four minutes, and those horses entering for SJ, minuto trot, must trot inside of 3 minutes nnd 30 seconds, or no premiums will bo awarded. All horses to be owned In Northnmhurlnn'i nuity three mouths previous to the lair. All trotting 10 uarnoss. Tho losing Horses In the 8 minute, ruco ean euter Into the $t minute. Losing Horses In the b) uiluulo ruco cull outer Into tho 1 mluitau iaw. Division 1. First Day, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Three minute Horses, best 3 lu 5flvo or tnoro to cuter. Premium, - - . 125.0O. Best Horse ?l!0 Second best Horse 40 Third best HorBo 25 Jiuhiet. James Vandyke, Augustas Wald, H. C. Sticker, W. C. Kapp, J. M. Follmer, Win. Mc- Ninch, Robert Montgomery, Albert Weaver and J. McFnrland, (Northumberland). Divlslou 2. Second Duy, ut 2 o'clock, P. M. 8 minuto Horses, best 3 In 5flvo or nioro to cuter. Premium, ... $100.00. Best Horse 1 50 Second best Horse 110 Third best Horse 20 Jubie.C. Neff, John Stitzcl. U. M. Slack. J. E. Bartholomew, Win. H. Douty, John Heekel, K. Slater, John L. Hopewell uud J. E. Kalhbuu. Divlsou 3. Third Day, ut 2 o'clock, P. M. Four uiluule Horses, best 8 lu 5 live or more to enter. Premium, ... $75.00. Best Horse tiO Second bt Horse 20 Third best Horse 15 JuJaei. P. L. Huckeuburg. Geo. B. Culdwal- luder, Johu R. Conner, V. M. Smith, Thomas Neaull, Dr. A. V. I lark and George Burr. CLASS XII. rXU'LTHY. Best two Turkeys, or more 13 1 50 1 50 Hest iter. 2d Best 2d Durks 11 Chickens 11 11 Best I Beat Game Fowls, or more 2.1 Beat lot of fowls of one kind, lint less than A, 4 I niauuel ilvert, WfUcr H.iaaler, A. Voris, Win. II. Lamb, Jmeph K. Hnusxl, U'm. rady, W. II. Uoglu, M. J. D. Wlthlugton, John Best uud William Heed. CI.ASd XIII. VrilSTAHIJtS. Best i' bushel Potulo.s ti , " nwrcl rolilliMtS U i ' Turnips 9 Best peck Tollluloes 2 " " I mums a ' 6 Ilea la CubtuiKJ 9 " A Hlalka Celery 2 It Ki d lb . is J 3 Hoi-i l Puinpkiiis 2 a Field Pumpkin 9 " 0 Maiig.KS 9 J. ti, -i. C. Il.irl.iii, II. J. 11 al. r. J. t. Fli'liliolls, M 11U, Mk liael Kail, v, II, 11. U.lrundtir, J. H. Ilurnln and A. blantr. I LAfa XIV. rut it. Ile.l ai.'liiieN of Apples " ami uinai Hiiiiierou Varltly I Sprclllii-lt of l'l'la vanity " It-t-k tj llui-r. " of Iirai4 41 .L elliivu ul' Pi-4elir a I Ml Ful ari iili4 l.t of oa'b, ous half uf III above pri llllllllta, yu.l.j.a.-Juliu V- ikrr, Hull, II. H. " inn, f II. Puld, IU1.I4U.IU llnllUwl, M. U, 1'llvally SU4 Jai nil aualluitS. tLA KV. i.iai. iiti aAL isruisiiti llial I' lluimw t UI1IV1. IHl4llH lima 14.. W " Hay u.k " tauulU4 Will IUli4l I au4 Uu I' 1 o J..a W4aiit M lilalu I kl..U4f " I l.vl,. J W. ruiiaiik, K 11 Id III J4.-I1 II4HU14U, W kl4U4 klllill, ti Sn.lll.1, it. SHluk, Slal-tlti I.4.S Su4 Ml-. u,l,,. fumtvi tit it 11. 4W.U4.4 sa, at W w'vUs, A. H It. at I't i 414 II k.. 14 4 w II 1. JaM-4 Jl fcua, tj.t Jk tlaaa, litu.4 SVIi.l, Now Ncrlea, Vol. 3, No. 27 Old Nerlen, Vol.31, No. 41. . CLASS XVI. MANUFACTURERS fN GENERAL IN THE COLNtr. Best Carrlnge, 1 or 8 horses " Bugiiv, open or top " Blciglt " Douhlo Harness " Single " Sldo Upper Leather 50 lbs. Flour sr. 0 n 4 5 6 Sd best " , 4 Best Boots a " Shoes 1 r0 " Calf Skin 4 " .i das. Brooms 3 Spring Wagon g " Sewing Machine Diploma. 2d best Sew ing Machlno Judge. 3. F. l.creh, In, T. Clemnnt. Wm. Hood, H. D. Bnrr Bitter, (Tiubutville), Joseph Cnrr, John Buyers and Johu Yoiiugtiiau. CLASS XVII. r0UESTI0 MANlfACTVRES. Best Home-made Woolen Cloth 10 yds f 4 " Flannel, 3 yards a ' Linen, 5 yards 3 " Woolen Carpet " Rag Cirpetw U (Milt or Bed Bpread 2 " rarmer s reuth 9 " voolen Yarn, 1 lb 150 " Fancy Patch Work Quilt ' 9 00 ' Knit Hoso 1 i it 1 11 j " Hund Mndo Shirt 9 Jubje.Wm. T. Forsythc, TI. Y. Filling, W. R. Crotzcr, Wm. Savldge, F. l'iier. Jnlin 11. Goodmun, B. Bulllot, Mrs. Henry Billlngton, Mrs. Mailiii Guss, Mrs. Geo. Gaul. Mrs. G. V. Stroh, Mrs. A. Wald, Mrs. John Nicely, Mrs. W. H. Lniiib, Mrs. v.. ilvert. Mis. Adam Vaudllni? uud Mrs. Elius Eiuerieh. CLASS XVIII, 8I!(.'OMI 11 IHION. Best Loaf Bread f 1 Pound Cako Light Cake 1 51b Butter 1 on 61b Honey 1 010 nur.t tioap 1 Apple Butter 1 1 quart Peach Butter 1 Fruit IVc.-orvcs 1 Spice " . 1 1 omato Figs 1 Canned Fruit, gloss Jars 9 50 Grape ino Cnrrunt " Blnckhorry Wine 2 1 Catsup Jel'y Fruit ' 1 .u.'fn.-Mrs. Wm. M. Rockefeller, Mis. A. Jor dan, Mrs. Wm. Hoinen, Mrs. J. 11. Davis. Mrs. Wm. T. Forsythc, Mr.l. (teo. 11. Cadwulluder, Mrs. P. M. Shindul. Mrs. John MeFarlan.l, Mrs. Fuber, Miss Be'lu Marlz, Mrs. C. J. Brunei', Ml. Clara Miller, Miss Mary Weaver, Miss Ilaunali Priestley. CLASS IX. BOTS AND GIRLS DBPARTVKNT. Best Plain Neeille Work 2 Ornamental Needle Work 1 50 Home-mnde Dross 2 50 Chemlsn Yoko 1 Worsted Collar Cuff 1 h Pair Knit Mitteus 1 Fancy Slippers 1 Tidy 1 Hearth Rug 1 Lamp Mat 1 Crotchet Work Tettlng . 1 Worsted Work ' 1 Ornaments! Shell Work 1 Wax. Flowers 2 Bead Work 1 01., ri..,.i.i , Sofa " 1 Puir of Ottoman Cushions 1 50 Judiies. Mrs. J. Bird, Mrs. narman J. Kline, Miss llaughawoiit, Miss Anna Robblns, Miss Knte Str'uie, Mi Jenny Klnpp, Miss Eintnu Fil ling, Mrs. John U. Hopewell, Miss Mary Reader, Mrs. John Nicely, Mrs. Jo. Haas, Mips Irene Miller, Miss Mary M.nscr, Mis. A. N. Jiriee, Miss Llnnie Vcisur CLASS XX. FINE ARTS. Best Photograph 2 " Oil Painting . 8 2nd best do 1 " Landscape Painting 8 " Painting of any kind 2 2nd best do 1 Best Marble Sculpture 3 JuJfiti.-J. U.Jenkins, II. Billlngton, Mrs. Jos. Priestly, Mrs. James Boyd, Mrs. J. JI. Vincent, Mrs. Marion McNlnch, Mrs. Win. B. Douty, Mis Biiighiiui, Mrs Peter Vori, Miss Carrie Ilor tou, Mrs. Dr. McCloery, Mrs. W. T. Grunt, Miss Llazlo Donuel, Miss Sallie Fry. CLASS XXI. MlSC'ELLAXEOl'S. Best Medlevof Engraviiigs t 2 " Lampshade 1 " Infant's Dress 1 " Fancy Trimmed Basket 1 House Who " 1 " Set Toilet Mats 1 ' Fancy Picture Frame 1 " Arranged Roquet of Flowers 1 " " Vases of Dry Grass, 4.o. 1 ' Moss Work and Zyphers 1 " Display of Feather Flowers 1 " Shell Work 1 Juiliif. Mis. Johu B. Packer, Mrs Jslui I!us sel. Miss Boll Montgomery, Mrs. Wm. 1. Gree noilgh, Mrs. R. Mailt-. illiri v, Mrs. Geo, J. Piper, Mrs. P. Clark, Mr. Dr. Awl, Mrs. Dr., Mlas lluunah btiticl, Mrs. Wm. Marrhall, Mrs. Sol. Marlz. CLASS XXII. Articles not mentioned, but worthy of Pre miums or kk t-Ul imt ice. w iih. Cnl. Wiigon.eller, J. C. Hnrton, John M. Hu If, A. hhlpuiaii, Wm. Montgomery, Ml Miutt'ir, (Jordan,) Win. L. Dauart, John Tag irurl, t'liriailaii Nell, Henry R.- oler, Jnhu B. Hel ler, IVlu. KcifC uud Samuel 11. Kiinwlua, BASE 11 ALL 3 o'elik'k, P. M., 1.1 day. 4o'el.ak k, p.V., id ilav. 4 oYliak. P. M.. 31 day. Ile.t U.isa Hull l iub la Ihu county. f'." (euiid " " " l-i Third " " 10 l.aeh Club o aeleel their o 11 umpire, 10 per cent, charged for rntraucs fees, l Ull KKT VtTl'll IN TIISlOl UTT. Heat (iw.i lo riiti r) f .'0 Jh.Ii.,. J. II. N'liieei.l, Dr. A. C. Claik, J. M. i ulliuer, 11. J. lb im a, Win, II. Ibid, J. K. W ig In r, I.i-Ula Ikl.illl, Will. Kttlle, Will. MiHllic, .Niik Willi k, t'apl. I h.tihs J. 1 IRE ENl.lV.'.l. talAk Or Akulkl.4 34 lA( AT 10 4. u. A lireinluiii ul "J t All lw paid fur the beat Ht. ulll run laitfiur, piou.Kd lau ur u..uu l u.lun aru ruli r. I. Jmlh Dr. It. U. Mi t'ay, Jnhu U is, iionm" Hiiinu, titepiiiu liilliuiUudi r, W. P. Duu il, Juat-pb HvilUii-r, uud Dr. lUib y. WIII.H.ING M ATCH OS) fUS tlllUU liAl, Al I r H U4.1 n j..i).,.-j. 11. w t'iMiiiui, v. x. tiuk, liiiu. U. 14 lU4ir, A. I'.H), It. li I. iuU li..lui, A. I 414 41-11, Win. r 4111.1 and bin, liiiUi.u. Fiinf U ll K v 1UM tsa-tiau l4l, 41 I IT Is ItiM la fetal ,4i4 4 1 4u4 Ual " " i"J a.'l.. - 4i. W.tiuUllul, I,. W. Mmlnu, J)ni Aul.u.ll. W. I'l.iu, J. Lu luJii.ii.4U, J. V. f-kkU-IU, t-ui'l H Lint 4u4 I'. ll namiiip 4-1. 11 1I I II lluM ny uiumig AMI 1 rmi'i ut. fuuiluui 4 J Jut,., !Uu J. H Pais. i, D. Il.uir H, I II. D.0.,1. Di J a k, 4 J. Iiull), li. lull,, 11,. I H. IW4U.44 k4 Dl. J4. It. I'l .!.). 1 1 I'll mi'inii vi in 11 - I ssmii m, iv 4WIM !. II, 4 s. 1 Ll.4 14 ll'l 4-4 k.4 IV k ..-'k. 4kla4 l 4 4' ul..u4 1 11 14 1'liu.iuiai I IU sw.ul i aalnu-M lOLInoo.or itbnut 100 Wortlx, liiakn n Kqunro 1 P'l 2 B.,-,T p,r: 4 fCf Vfclii tjrol l Vol One week 1.0(1 2. no y.r,a .o,i r,.m H.(Ki1.r.00 Two weeks 1.50 S.fio. 11.50 4. mo .0011.00 14.00 Threo " 2.00. 3.50 4.50 fi.oo ' (.(N) 111,00 20 ou Four " 2.5IM 4.50 5.50, 0.00 I0.IH) 1 5.00 29.5(1 Five ;2.7."); S.tKl- 0.50: 7.00 1S.OO17.OO25.O0 Six " :1I.(NI 0.7.1- 7.5(1 .8.00 13.00 I n.iki 27.50 T sr.) Din's :8.25: 7.50 S.50 IUM 1 6.00 140.00 !!U.0tl Three" -;i.5o! II.5H IO.lW'2i).OIl'2ft.tHI 40.IH' Six " ft.ot: H.lHi II.Oil'i2.(Ki2S.(i()H-,.(,(),M).i,o Nine ' ili.OO 10.00 13.00 15.00 3.00 ).".( 0 15. ( 0 One Year :8.00 12.00 15.00 .JO.OU 10.0!' 00.HO J1W lence, Mrs Robert Montgomerv, Mrs. p. L. Hnck ciiburg, Miss C. Kapp, Mi B. HorRni, Mrs. Jacob M. Follmer, Mrs. J. P. Montgotnei v, Miss J'.mnui linns, Mrs. A. G. Marr. Mrs. Charles NelUcl, Mrs. Dr. Eyster, Mrs. Jainea Vaudjku, nnd .Mrs. Henrietta Cooa'r. PREMIUM FOR BAND AND STRING BAND. A purse or ?50, and IVee neee-s to the fair giounds nt all times. Best Band aj.nj 2d" " 8d " ;j Jiuhjet Hon. F. Hound, Tho. D. Grant, John W. Buelier., Judge Pntlon, J. 11. New baker, J. P. Marr, N. F. I!ro.vnc, Geo. Dili and John Adnnis. SHOOTING ON THE WINO. Pt itPt, $10. . Each contestant sli'tll have live hli.u fY., spring trap to slioot nt, lo ho favnl-he.l by tho Hooloty. Uiiiiire3 nnd referees to bo selected by i-Jr.LRi Hill . The Packer Guard have been engnt'ed to guard the Fair grounds during the Fair. Arranuenieiils have been innde with Ira T. Clement lo have Hie Steamboat chartered during the Fair, so that freo pnssatre mav be hud to those crossing over from Snyder county. itnccity. 'l Till. A1.MK.IITV ACtJ. William of llniliinJ, tho gtvut Dutch Kin, the greatest King that ever sat on tho I'uslirili thrnno waa, manifoslly tv.isnj til, and lid hy tlio Alinighly, who never deserted his own great rauso of truth nnd freedom. How wonderfully the. Almighty ' has sustained tho cause of his people 1 r IVear tho e'.ose of tho ISth century, when Spain liad upcd all tho horrible cruelties of her Pupal inquisitions ; nnd l-'ranro waa i spreading heartless liavoo ninong ull her Protestant churches, by wholesale. Massa cres, which to-day arc tho Btill startling horrors of the world, nnd Ireland had fill ed her dungeons, and forged all her iron into chains, nnd lit up nil the fires nt her stakes, and glutted her gibhots and gallows with the best and noblest men nnd women that Gud ever tnado, nnd spared neither reverend, n::o, nor innocent infancy, nnd when the Popish King, James, of h'ngland. had given himself up soul and body to tho l'ope and his wicked and ruthless emissa ries tho Jesuits, and English lleligious freedom seemed approaching its death struggle, and all the Protestant world stood appalled and ready to surrender, William, of Holland, still true and linn in his bravo little Protestant Holland, saw thai, in his sword and courage was tho Just hope of the expiring freedom of the world, and de termined to risk all aud strike for freedom. He summoned his army, and set fail for Kngland, after storms and vicissitudes and discouragement, he nuaiti reached tho lJrilish Channel under bio auspicious cast wind, called tho Protestant wiud, splendid was the grand sight ns hia mighty tleet of COO sails followed his frigate, with her three lanterns beaming in tho night, aud at her mast waved the standard of Kngland and Holland. Immense throngs of people pageant lilled with the destiny of nges, moved onward as if already a harbinger ol peace." A wind rising into a gale, drove, the licet onward nnd beat back the hostile navy- into harbor. William intended to land at Torbaz, but the almost fatal error of a pilot, led him to the hostile harbor of Plymouth, nlready a powerful English tleet was following in his rear, "go to your prayers," said au olliccr to tho chaplain, "for nil is lost." Human freedom trem bled in the scale. The eyes of tho world were ready to weep tears of blood, thou Biiuds, millions, looked out from their dun geons, and from their hiding places nnd from their exile in nil tho distant corners o' tho earth to that moment of deep unutter able suspense and agony, and it would seem tho bleeding agonized heart of tho downtrodden nnil oppressed world uttered one universal prayer to tho Almighty for hell'. "Theti that Protestant wind which hud borne AVilli.un so swiftly to his aim, but which was now no longer useful, sud denly paused, a stillness followed, and tho sun broke out, tho south wind sprung up, as if by a miracle aud carried the tleet gen tly to the safe harbor of Torbaz, but rising into a g.ilu broke fiercely upon tho hostile navy that was pursuing aud again drove it back into port." The moment being with the destiny ofem pircs and of our race is past, and the fu ture full of light and freedom lorcver ia sealed ! Theti came tho great victory of t!m Hoy ue. The Almighty arm was there und con trolled those winds. Tho same arm led the littlo colony of pilgrim fathers to their rock-hound iicw-ihiglund home nnd pro tected Iheiii. The same hand led the cause of lleligious nnd civil freedom than nil tho struggles of the KevoluUon. Tho same liuud led our uatiou through the war with (rent llritaiu, and through the lale dieud ful IteU'lhou mid now wiien Irish Cilho he Holers iu New York begin the bailie against ltolinlous freedom iu this country, and unveil the design of tlu-is friends ut homo aud ubroud to crush out freedom ol ltidigiou, nnd establish a givat power, llial citniioi live aud ivign, oy the sido of Ueligious freedom, uud must there-'O ill Ihisilrapel'iltoconilicttil'rilleorruiu, neck to Idol out frulil Ihu liicu of the earth nil human IVeid.mi. lu ll o givut ball!. I lie aaine Almighty arm will carry tho u.i llnll thioiigh her great eonllu t. lu tbik putt coining biiMle, li t every fritliiiiu bu like the luuu Hull li Klu Wil liam und do In duly, und Id ligl.nn and ' l IVll ll.Cii'.lll will lo tig i;u saved lo tho woild. 1 till 1. u I 1 A I I 1.1. Il l V ' U'ollli. - Mr. M -,of iKIoi'd, .burl ubji-cl li bav- lug U llllid III.UI doit lull il l) Wulk, Ir.l-l, 4i Ho khollld Ju.lo fi'uiii the luliuvuiig Inly : A slim i Hum ngii it man wi-nl in hi pl.teu lui' woik. Mi. M . 1. 1 hi ui I'liiuuiuj roiin i it I nly urio IKl.l. Atli i hu lad pluMii.t liillil'uliy ull day, until the tun MU4 Itbolll I14U UU hnlll' III jll, I. I I A li III lipllllull ihu ll l i ubolll lllllU 111 ipiil Will ll. (li, un," aul Mi. M , "you t'itu J.l.iW ui.iuii.l aiA ii illi I lilius lie 1 u Jul a Hill It 11. il," rvj llm hiii, I loan pluwul ar-.n . I i or tilhl Inm s, tin 11 an 1,1 In llm him., ( 1414 ul Ills L'4111, Llllkl I IlllaU hum a hi llj.j f. mi. .nll. la. II o lijik sUliUJ lilill III I Lu (4.0 1 1. 1114 ll.u ol.l liu jn-4. b4li Ihu I.Ul.l I4I4II lu ill. M - ," h lii iu i Mi. M r ' I bu a ". Mi'iuaM u4i 1 1 il, ''liu I4A4 iw III.. I : J I ) .14 Itiall I I KU llllllf' lit, it Ida J thai liu did. .11 It. 1 Uiiu iuiu. ilikU'l l (bu U.ll Kii.i, M ,lan I lU t f 1 "W b," uil Mi. M mai.l I 1 4-1 a 11U llm aktl" 1,4 MO!, "III. ,"wl.ul d 1 )ul ' Villi " 4l 41.4 llllid U14II " I III. O. I.I 1.14 M41 ,1.1 ,ltt n lw aiah lui ti.4 L.l I luJt : U..u at Uwu A Il.li4. S. Wit 4. I4'l. M H I . V 4 I u.Uk, 4 laut aa ai4 'aA.a aak4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers