rfbnlnttg American, H. B. MASSER, I. WILVERT. Kdilort. SUN BLJUY, JUNE 10, 1871. HEI'IBMCAM STATE TJCKET. For Andllor donrrnt, DAVID HTAXTOX, CP UEAVEIl COUNTY. For RnrToyor Oeiicrnl, KOKEltT II. DEATH, OF BCnUYlKtLI. COUNTY. TlIE DEJIOCllAf IC CONVESTION. TlIE nma Successful. Heavy Returns from rftiE Coal Regions. Honest Democrats Sor.r. Independent Can didates in the Field. If wo wens ilfs posed to follow the cxaniplo of our political opponents thcro would bo much room for a sensation nrtiejV, reflecting upon Uio pro ceedings of lho ;mocra(ic-Couuty Con vention, hold in tlio Court Ilouscfon Mon day lust. Tho proceedings wero anything but harmonious. All tho clomenttf.of the party having becu brought together, tho honest portion of tho party soon discover ed that thero woro traitors in tho camp, who were determined to rule or ruin. There has existed In tho Democratic rarty, for several years past, an element which every reasonable man could easily discern, was fast ruining that party, nnd only rc quired tlmo for development. On Mon- day last tho veil was partially removed from tho eyes of many of tho Democrats who aro disposed to act consistently with honesty and fair t!caliE as in former years, to make nominations and then sup port tho ticket. But as tho frauds and de ceptions of tho Ring were discovered, and tho fraudulent contracts with their allies iu tho coal legions on which hang their last hope for ofHoo were developed some of the hoary heads of tho Democracy felt tho necessity ofputting acheck to their proceedings at once. As they had held tho primary elections in their own districts honorably, they presumed other districts had done tho same ; but to their utter as tonishment, when the returns wero opened it was- discovered that tho Ar districts, Mt. Carmol twp., Coal twp., Shamokin and Mt. Carmelboroughs.vhioh have ruled tho democratic party, in tho county for some six years past, had luauaged to re turn votes sufficient to overbalance the other districts iu the county. It was also discovered that an alliance had been formed between tho Ring and Pat Hester & Co., to place in nomination a candidate from each element of the party, so as to concil liutc tho farmers, and whitewash tho glar ing frauds they committed. But this old trick would not go down. The candidates who really had an honest majority woro tibt disposed to be choked off in that way, nnd they protested against it and insisted on an investigation beforo tho nominees were declared. But their protestations were not listcnod to, and tho speakers wero gagged. Tho return Judges from tho country, at this stago of the proceedings saw that they had been sold, and a general sceno of confusion ensued. Tho Picsideut having eousiderable of the smack of Mac, could not he made to understand why a preliminary investigation was necessary and felt disposed to rule all out of order, but in this he was overruled, and a com mittee of fivo were afterwards appointed to investigate tho returns of Mt. Carmel twp., Coal twp., Bhamokia and Mt. Carmel bor oughs, which committee. retired to au rul Joiniug room. As tho Democratic vole re turned from those districts was moro than there aro taxables, tho committee asked for tho list of voters at tho primary elec tion on Saturday, but tho Judges replied that they had uoglccted to bring them. The Judges were tlicn put under oath, and with the same case that they now swallow the nigger, readily sworo that their returns wero correct, which the committee report id to tho convention, when tho President declared tho nominees according to the majority of votes, as reported by tho re turn Judges. As every one was perfectly satib3cd that they wero not tho legal nomi nees, tho Court IIouso bceamo a general sceno of confusion. Thrco of tho candi dates who wore, beyond a duubt, tho lejjal nominee, but wero sold out, announced themselves as independent candidates, stating that they believed they were the nominees by tho majority of tho party, and that th'-y, as Democrats, could not conscicnllouhly submit to tho frauds com mit U-d, which had a tendency, not only to hreak ud the parly, but that tlm people wero being cheated and tho prliielples of Democracy, which thry reverenced, were Ulna trampled upon with cimlenijjt. They asked nil huiukt Democrats to proUbt ugainst such illeu. proceedings, uud aid In putting a stop to llm cnur-n pursued by a tit of di luai'ijui k and Uekiuiu men in lu-i party who caw fur iiuttiti.L but oillctn, nnd nr billing to ea.it ,ini,le principles to I'.ulll llu-lr oljjcct, Whether liuuJulent or Hot. S' Mimday morning laid, mi the u nival if l!iu tr.iiu from Ml. I'.i.i.ujI, put IKtUr, uei-oiupauUtl by kouiu ltulvu i:iiuiaK' Inadu (heir uppomaii' v, li MUiid l In: 1 v 1. 10 lUittW count y l.'oiivi-iiliuii.ull of hum were l.ihrtily Kit i led by iui'IiiUth ul llm Kin.;. A ti l parly wiu knowu I t li.i v In il ir p'xki U till llm U u.iv.xiiy lo tontiul I liu iiuiutiiuliuii, ili.y rt ro i-itilioiii il not tj Ucotnn b .Uu-toiu, tit tho IViiumiuU of llic l.inilu-.( dl.l. Kl i tl bly Would di 1'iVi i lliu l-aud piui lik. ,1 iitH,it lliviii. h..iuj ol llm wiy, liutvivir, uu iinikuilieU-iiiiy i:U.4i dul, hi wtu ul ,I(U UaaiUcl ,,tli4l their ui.j.it Wu l Mill, ;,., thill th') nt4iit to tioiiil.mU ihilr men, ku, i,ni u Uu )i.M luiim lUi y Wuiild U ub.lt; Pttkel llult uu liu.it tilth ptiiiki.l id utiy ouity." At tint l 4 I'li-IUUlliaT o luluiv l. U.n.k, oui Ik iu' Mint hu t,d tit ILut Uiiu. In.) dulili I iua)f iel iwu,ili Hutu ol i il IVy di tu tl Up (hull l, M llw U'iM.ly (.uluiil. Tlu irt' it lutiuiu v 4 lit4ll. Mi. I-IUI4 I nil, ul t,i, 1'i.nw i,. a, liiik.l, Hll I ll.u k i4l .1 I., wmIu,.! I., L U'IU4 . I it I I,, ll. . J, . I J , iut 1.4 k( iltrf UWI Uu 1 1 ol l uu U 1 IllUb tilt Tun democratic State Convention which met at Ilarrishurg, voted that nogro suf frage was a fixed fact and wns ho longer a question for discussion. M. Wallace, Chairman of their State Committee solemn lv proclaimed that it was a "dead Issue." They are right. Tho grand experiment ot popular smTragc"-ncgro suffrage-has been made and'lt has not been a failure. Jvcn tho democratic leaders como under tho Hanncr. They aro obliged to accept it. Tho only wonder is that they should have stood off so long! Tho "loth Amcndmont" Is bindinc upon all tho States ', but it was Just as binding last year as now. V hy did not tho democracy say so r w as it to got a few Republican votes that they pro fessed to bo tho "Whito Man's party ?' It was even so and too well they succeeded But what will tho honest Republicans who wero deceived by them say now "Will they notyepudinte and spurn tho men who seduced them into their ranks ? It cannot bo otherwise. Thcso men wero honest Tho leaders iu their cry of "White Man's party" were dishonest. Thoir objects nro now disclosed. Wo may expect the link nvjgcr that for the last five years adorned tho columns of tho Northumberland County UJcmocrat, to retire with tho Junior editor, and that pa per declare tho issuo "t?rart" and cannot bo revived. Viien a certain mountebank advertised that ho would crawl into an ordinary quart bottle, lie soon had a big house at 25 cts, per head. Tho spectators waited patiently Bomo timeiortuo pertormanco,wnonuio mg' lcr came forward and slated that ho had come to tho conclusion, on duo reflection, that tho thing could not bo done. Tho deluded spectators demanded to havo back their money, but tho Treasurer had (led with tho cash while they wero waiting for the performance. When Tat Hester's big l-ctui u Judge stated to tho Convention, that lie could easily show how Mt. Carmel twp. could fairly poll 400 votes when there wero only 150 voters in it, thcro was almost as much surpriso as that caused by tho bot tle jugler. But the juglcr of tho Ring had secured the nominations, and like the dupes of the bottle juglcr they were too late to get them back. Adjourned. Tho Laucastcr Express says as previously determined tho Lcgisla turo adjourned sine die nt noon on Satur day, tho 2Cth. Before tho adjournment tho Governor scut a message iu regard to the Appropriation Bill, which, iuhis opin ion, is "about half a million in excess of what it ought to bo, but in view of tho un usual length of tho session, he 6ays ho ac cepts it as the least of two evils, and with out intending to bo committed to all its details." Iu the Senaic, A. G. Brodhcad, Dcm., of tho Monroe district, was elected Shaker, receiving I" votes, to 12 cast for J. S. Rutan, Hep., of tho Beaver district. Tho usual complimentary resolutions and presents to tho Speakers aud other officers of the two HouscS wero voted aud tho final act of adjournment was not delayed. Not much good was anticipated from tho meet ing of this Legislature, and less harm has been accomplished than there was reason able cause to fear at one time : for all of which wo ought to bo duly grateful. It was stated iu Convention on Monday last, by ouo of tho return Judges, that tho increased voto in tho coal region at tho primary election on Saturday last, was caused by the Republicans of thoso dis tricts suddenly changing thitr views, aud coming over into tho Democratic ranks. If such is the caso thcro will be a poor show at the coming election for Republican votes in that quarter. Report also says that thero was n largo importation of strikers from Schuylkill county on the day pre vious, who were anxious to find whether it is correct that tho Ring will have 807, 000 taxes to expend ia this county the preseiit year. Our ueighbor of tho Vimocrttt perpe trates tho following rich joke upon his readers hi his last issuo : "A bill has passed both branches of the Legislature, preventing changes of books in tlio public schools of this btato more than unco in every three years. "Most of our fco-calleii '"histories" are nothing but Republican electioneering doc ument's and this chungo about oneu iu four years will enable them to lix them up for euch Presidential election." As tho bill is known to havo emanated from ono of tho most uueompromising Dcinocratsjiu tho State, Mr. Bruce PctrLiu, it is considered a rich joke. By nil appear-niu-e these boks aro Uing circulated now. many are perplexed, however, tokuow what kind of an Arithmetic has been Introduced in tho coal regions, whether it U tho new or old edition. Tub White Wasiiino Committix. 1'iihaps tho mohtamunlng part of tho farce Utcly cii.'i tcil in iho lemocratiu Conven tion, wni tho appointment of a committee, of investigation, (or tho purpomi of white, waolilu tliu prucicdliigs. It was appareut to every luulligeul man preeut, Ivihiki.iI or IU publican, thai ihu four towuliip of lliu coal region lw,l r, turned lliruo Him- u lu.iuy Votes u they hal Voters. Ilow to ltd our tli.ii but Mas u diiUculty thai WuuM Imve. U. .i0'cicd au oid.iury man id lair aud hoiicki iiiUntloitk., Nut so, how tvi-r, with il.o Uader Iu thl eonveiiiU u Tin V had lltcuunleled kUeltililllcUllliS U lote, tlUd M'tig l li paicd f H lb 411. It I Hie tatkit-l tiling iui.iiuuUu IW u Uiull Mho cm li'i nu I client tukwtitr that he, hud Lw u t lull. ful ui.ii iuiiet, eiei.i!!y hIiuii tltt rv i u j il.ui.vr i f puuLdm.Liit ful kMianiit(. 'li e tclum jud.i'k Mem 14IU.I Ul'iiu llm I'oiuuiilkv, mul kMurti the Mhulu It.iu tbiuult m put illy f tlr sndcorreil. Aud tluy would J tl u readily tutvw smuiu tJ Uu turn it lauuy. Thuu.lt tlm Uuiutl Unit u l Ik1 laily Mttu Uidilwul UmI kUelt tu- Ii aU'U h"ul ho cunred up and MUlllutitd, tl'U fuill.ful Sl4llullv4 II it tU MttiluMid tho I, lai U ulid u! litilw hj, M ilhofcl kUU Utakiti,J 4 Mlf III tU ttii , I. Jvl.ii4.rt4k Aui.liun liu.itttul lo4 U. j.J J4'tU(iv nut any punt Uou ( It l ( bl kbtt'lli ll.lll.l i 1.1. l U....1.. U l Uii-i uliU II) IU . kill k H.. I it.i, I, u.v The lato Bcmocratlc Stato Convention adopted tho following resolution in their platform by a voto of 70 yeas to 63 nays. "Ninth. That we recognize tho binding obligation of all tho provisions of tho Con stitution of tho United States, as thev now exist, and wo deprccato tho discussion ot issues which havo been settled in the man ner and by tlio authority constitutionally appointed. This is a most nauscons and bitter doso for many of tho party to swallow. To those whoso rallying cry for years has been a "Whito Man's Government or Fight," tlio platform is too much. Tho bitterest anguish is marked upon their faces, but thcir'sis nothing to that of tho Republicans, who went with tho Democrats last yenr, because of their opposition to negro suffrage aud the provisions of tho Fifteenth Amend ment. This year tho Democrats march to tho polls side by side with tho colored cite zen, nnd next year wo shall havo tho lead ers of tho party negotiating for a division of tho offices dividing tho spoils if color cd voters can bo fouud willing to cuter into an allianco with tho vanquished enemies of tho fifteenth amendment. Our readers will not bo surprised to learn that that en thusiastic eudorscmcnt of tho platform which is always accorded by tho Demo cratic press, no matter what is in it, is this year wanting. The Democracy Want the 5s"f.oro Vote. The democrats want votes at the coining election. Hcnco they nro courting tho sablo sons of Africa. It is true tho colored folks aro rather shy. They don't understand the ogling of thcso democrats. Notwithstanding the sweet smiles aud bows, they can't help feel suspicions of their new-born zeal. Whoever expected to 8co tho untcrrificd democracy humblo itself at tho footstool of tho colored voter 1 But necessity knows no law ; democracy is terribly frightened at tho political hori zon. This is tho only apology. They aro in a desperate situation. Tho white man has kept them out of power in Pennsyl vania. Their only hope is the negro vote. Out of tho deep they call on the colored man for help I We shall bo surprised If tho negro feels himself honored by these demon strations or is won by them. Tho Demo cracy must lose tlio respect of their own followers by this sudden conversion nnd win tho-coutcmpt of independent men. The democrats can pass their resolutions at Harriburg to "accept tho situation" nud tho 15th Amendment ; but the conversion is too sudden aud the motive too apparent to produce any result but disaster. JTcjt- Chcs'.er Record. The mcetiuc of tho French Assembly at Veisailles, oil Monday, was anticipated with great interest. Last week M. Brunet iroposed that tho decree proscribing the llolmnrif llmirhrm clinnM lm nlirn.... This was favored on tho cround tCat it would constitute a friendly precedent for other exiled royalties aspiring to the throne; that it would bring a solution of tho car diual question nearer, favor a general am nesty, and tuus pacilieation and industry. il was opposed uy llic Hepuoiieans and Bonapartists as oiicralini asainst their wishes. Tho matter camo up before a crowded and excited session, but no final action was reached. The committee to whom M. Brunei's motion was said that they favor a simultaneous decree on the ratilication of tho election of tho Orleans priuces as members of the Assembly and the abrogation of theix exilo. The mntter has apparently gouo over until Thursday. An investigation was ordered into tho acts of the several soverniucnls that have claim ed to rulo "the country recently. It is sta ted tuat au ctlort will uc mado to postpone all action on tho Orleans and Bourbon question until the war indemnity has been paid and hns removed the tiermau troops. Two prize finhtcrs. Collins and Edwards. who had n grand tisticulTon Img Islaud, a few days ago, for tho "light-weight championship," have coino to griefin New l orn city, lliey werean-ested, locked up, tried beloro Judvo Howlino. found truiltv. and sentenced to ilOUO lino nnd one year imprisonment, with the order that in de fault of paying the line lliev should both bo kept in jail a second year. Thomas McAlpine, who 'umpired" tho light, was sent to jail for six months, nnd mulcted in n00 lino. Makinx tlio sport of the I'. It. a criminal oil'eneo nnd enforcing tlio pen alty sharply will bo likely to have a damag ing cuect on tuc urutai amusement. Accident at Watsoxtowk. Euos Hilliard, employed by Wagner & Starr of W'n'soiitowu, while engaged iu placing tho belt on tho lly-wheel iu the planing mill, had the mihlortuuo to comu in cniilaet wall tliu pinjecling end of tho key which holds the wheel to tho shaft. Tho result was that l.o was drawn into the shall nnd whirl ed violently around several times ; landing on his feet minus his clothim.', excepting ono of tlio wrihtbaudi of his Miii't, and with au arm and lei; fraetured. Ix Uh ivei.iv- ing internal injuiiis id a sorioui if nut latal character. Mr. uguer, who blol cli tie. V:lil kl rili-Lc lllkntl lit., bi.il. I I ... 11... I.....!.. . ..... oi tliu uiil'ortuiiaio man und filled l the round. .Ui(.nln, i U.VJ-l.MI A IHIOVVNED lUillY The Newark IX. J.) Lum itr of Saturday savi a Hovel exiielillleut tit' Ijl'illgillg II Culc to tho kurfiu e was mieei slully iried yeslir dav, in I ho iaMt of the boy, William low limn, uho was diowiied in l'tu lluiueivk on llm privliiui day, whilu battling, 'iwo ( atiadi.tiu seehiiX tlio iiuti dia.',iiig ihu ereikfortho Uiy, up,iuuehid uud told uu in iiuy Houut try uu cx rum nt. At lordinvly, u iiuiuU ri.f boiih s .i., mi. .1 Willi nuieL-linie, lulttly c'ul., ,1. uud U.r.iu u inti llitftieik. In uIkiuI nu hour ono tt tint Loitk burl Uil'.itt Kuul iioiM-, und mMUt Ihu ImhIv rj. Tit t ii.4ai.uii could hot ekpUlu llm theory, luilli. r Ih ui by k.ijlng Ui.it win uu b iiiln r)o.il illicitly over lltoll. no It ttillv-.jdude, uild tho body "111 IIMi, llWIMI tu I ho ri dm I loll of tliu Ux by III I uf Coll;n 4 ll.ti I11U14111I reVtlilie l iilli f lion lor llm Um uI ti ur lima 1.1 r, u vm- Nlli4 H illl Ihoxi of I lm Iaa I.Miil year, khow 14 dn uiiko ul t.'a,KV1l. - I lui toll, elloii. f.r ill.! inoiilll ,,f M.,y L.i t lhei.aJ 1.1 M tut I'l l, roiujiar il Willi (Iu.mi m Uy, h70 lilllii ell of In ally ouo M . mm Tim (ullunUi khw4 ihu tuuu.Ur ul kUVia Iu Ihu IhIIIuiJ liui.Ui), miU ihu dull Kill M.lU M hit ll y , 1.1. v ol ; NtW Vuik, INK i l'tlilwU:l.. f lt J M , .oIlUMlll, I .J j I III). I, j J M4id. lt i Mu.lo,;.,ii, 7l i lu L.iin, 01, Nvi 1. 1 y, Is; ikvoiiKiu, il.iuw j , U) ,,. UkjI.I, i J Ka II illiptliiif, t)ii I t'uiilu c- in-ul. iji l4it.,u.l ; k,i.iir I); KU'Jvi UUbd, l4i Uv.i Stiu,;, Il t . Uu 1.. It j .,'uuii, I 11 1 biiknutin, vtj( li.4l'nj im kv.ii.u i l,u.il, blUI ihu UlU II. .Mkuii U i0 riileiv,.! b, I. !. I MU I .Ulll4, I. , III I ll, I 4 1 I -I 1 J lui t'.i l.i.l.'-. I rrlmnry f.lertlon Rctarnn. MKETIKO OF TUB RETUll!! JUDOES. The Keturn Jndgcs of the Domocnitlo Prhnnry election of Nortlitimbcrliind County, liclil on Sutunlny the 8d day of June, 1871, met In tlie Court llonsc, In Bunbnry, on Monday, June 5th, nnd were orgnnlsod nt 11 o'clock A. M., by tho election of tho following olllccri I President J. Hammond McCormick. Vice Presidents Ieanc D. Fviikcr, William Bavldijc. Secretaries G. VI. Armstrong, 0- J. Hnrt- llne, V. K. Kekinnn. The lift of Township, Boionghs, nnd Wnrda were called over, nnd tho Return Judges nnBwer cd to their nnmcs, hiuiduig In their set arnle re turns, whcrcupoii tho Convention adjourned until 1 o'clock P. M Tho Convention rc-.isGcinV.ed nt 1 o'clock V. M. according to adjournment, when the returns wero rend nnd tho votes of tho several candidates counted whereupon tho following gonllcmcc having tho 1 lhytt tan.Ur uf vetig were declared tho nonilnocs of tlx) Democratic rarty. For President Judge, E. fiREEXOUGH SCOTT, by innjority of 419 over tho high est. Associate Judco. ,T. J. REIMEXSXY- DER, by ma j. of 137 over tho highest. District Attorncv. -r. v. itiu:N, ry majority of 807 over the highest. bounty Treasurer. KlL m-A UAiua- GEH, by a niaj. of 10 over the highest. Uounty Commissioner, JMAllllM i. BUCiIEII, bymaj. of 180 over the highest. County Auditor, ISAAC JUAKTZ. . On motion tho nominees for President .Tudio and Assembly wero authorized to choose their own conferees to meet in con vention with tho conferees of Montour county. Whilo tho returns were being read, George W. Ziesler Esq., rose and proceed ed to mako a verbal protest against tho vole of the mining districts being received on tho ground of illegality. O1ieclions were made to his siieakiiiij without tho consent of the Convention, which objection wns. by resolution, sustained by the Con vention. A written protest against tho reception of the same, on the samo ground, was pre sented in tho name of Wm. L. Dewart, Esq. On motion it was laid on tho table. On motion of Hon. It. Montgomery a committee of fivo return judges was selec ted to ascertain whether or not thcso re turns were legal and- correct. The Chair appointed the following ns members of the committee, viz : Hon. 11. Montgomery, Chairman, and Messrs, Joseph Caldwell, John Kloek, Henry Morgan and John Wilvcr. These gentlemen retired to a sepa rate room, nnd after nu absence of about a half hour came into the Convention, and presented llic lollowmg report : We, the undersigned, being appointed a committee to investigate the election re turns made this day from Shamokiu Bo rough, Coal Township. Mt. Carmel Bc rjugh, nnd Mt. Carmel Township,l eg leave to report that wo have examined the He turn Judges from the above Townships and Boroughs, under oath, with the re turns, &c., who stated (being sworn ns aforesaid) that the return made here Hiis day from tho places above named, are truo and correct to the best of their knowledge I nor-Gencral twice memorialized tho En nnd belief. Yo,ur committee therefore ac- I pcror respecting it, who granted aid to cent these reports ns 'truo und correct. ! relievo the misery, reopen 'the roads hc- Sltrned. II. Montgomery 'I Joseph Caldwell Noah Klock, Henry Morgan, John AVilver, On motion of J. Woods Brown the above report was unanimously adopted by tho Convention. The following resolution relative to tho. changing of our present mode of holdin primary t-icctions was otllred by J. Woods Brown, and adopted. Ju.irrd, That hereafter nt nil Demo- rSlnViT1'0?" ,,!!lnV70t',V,"- tlllg Shall bo tor delegates, .iitead for the candidates as heretofore, nud that number of delegates to J whieli each borough .ward, f dlo"'' " Cd l "buU b " 'i .l IW I IV 1 T ;'T"rVV.?7 "" ."'..'""""'iV" iiwiieu ui inu i in "general cieciion, ono nun- di-ed (100) or less,CJ)eniocralic vr'tes shall be entitled to two il,.ii... r.,-i, 1Vlr. ough, Ward or Township that inilled at the last L'pnoral elrelinn mnr,. Ilm-i Hiiiii and less than two hundred (200) votes, inreo (.1) iieli'gates, and moro than two hundred (20(1) votes to four ( 1) delegates. Aim it is tirrel'y ordered that said dele tho nrNt Stato Convention. A balK-l In in. nines, n ueu iitsciuuieii Ul eoilVeUlHUl Ir ntnee DWIIZenauu IU. anil Aluuieh. 1 . tlm lmrnose fur whieli ll.v nvo i l,.rl...l ! liavaiia. r.V.t niinvtu ' ila.vs, tt lien t lie shall voto riVit rocc, and not by ballot. ' ! Cot Ion. in the I'nited States is, as everj- Banbury Pa M The Convention then proeoeded to elect ; ''no knows, an annual growing upim a hoi- -1 -' iieiiievuiiiiivu nun oi'iiaioi i il i vieirates lo i'v miiik. nun neeuiii'' to ua ren aiiii-ii vi.nr. I itkvi 4 tk had, Hon. J. Woods lirown was eheUd . beeoming a large bush and bearing its con Itepresentative uu 1 Hou. 11. Moutguinery, i slant crop Pr a long period without any Senatorial Delegate. 1 necessity of replantiini. It is ronuisito onlv I ' riM... . . . . iiiuv.onveiiiiiiii men anourneil mhic idt. i. W. ARMS! HuNu, ) (i. J. Hautlixe, ySccntariis, W. K. ECKMAN. ) TjikXews from Paris and Versail les Tho streets of 1'aris, says the N. V. 7iii(M,are renniiing their ordinary npx?ar anec, tho barrietules have all die i in mi red. hal M.teMalion. liowevir, has lut noun (This energy in liuntin:; up ami seizing all who wero connected with the workings uf .the Ciniiiiiuiie. Arrests continue, and m.ij ..I' l. ...... u l... nH.. L..l.. ..I .' ....I.. t i.,,,,,.,.) i n,., v...i i i .. . . i. , I ... ...in,. ..II.I.IIV llllll Mill. ilu iH. hveiy precaution is tiki n to mako n clean k weep of those who were engaged In tho lusuirottioii. Tho wivteli who bundled of being ill command at llm in 11. aerei uf illehbii h ip Ji.uU.y was air. tti d whilu boaMln-g df the part' ho played on Hint dreadful day when llm vein ralils prie.l and the kl.My-two otlu r 1 1 T'y nn n w, re haeiilleid t i Hie blin d y d. li.iiiuU of tho mob. Tho biiii fioiu Vili..ullik Uiki hni fid for M. Thielk leiin U injj length tiled, lllui tlio pr.wiiet'U lor lliu i liiaiu nl e.lal.li-liuient of tlio repuhlio uro Lnlghi en. 11. A youu uirl ul Willi.iiiihport, ivliu had lu ell UIU U1I1114 IkNirdlllg krlnMil ut Ikalilc linn, t loM'd with a t: mil K r uud lliil rroltl New uik I Kill iie nil Wtillnk. day 1 f at eik. Tlm lillur i f tlm eul li' lili d li l.llly ti llm limit Illl hoiii aller tin V t I li.l.l k.iiu il, Hil l Hi pt biUi 1 1 y nu Hkiel l.lliillig l!,e ,,,j, l,kUikii n ulU litpl li ktop Ihu ruii.m :i) . TI. i aiiiui il ei.tii lave uf 1 lm 4 r i4 1 1. 1 Cuiu. nioiiil.ry ol Kni. his Teinpl.ir of I'uin.jl v.iiii.i, uill l In . in ll.irilkbiit g, 101,1. lm 11. in Tu. k4.iv, J'lm l ull, mid loiiiimi,. lout d.iik '1'iUkil.iV, Wi.lui .Uv, 'l liui. il. y uud I'li.Uy. It U Mid it mil lo u KM 1 I k.Uit I14 omul ul dikpluy, mn I k li;i kUI(kM liy iU.UIoikl4lliU liter I11A1I1I ii I hl ftluut, r .... ins. ID I'twiii i.. -'tU I'm li.U lit u'Im), in n in, m u i.i lb k in... f4ti.i iioiiiimu lor Audit . r ti.mi.il: ' tol aul l.l nii.ll, ., l, Uul. IU luLul, mImii o.ii i, ,( it l p wttioti i'f 4 In ; uln r u. il, iuw.dlt nil tl.j ufouii j ,i (i. tjktl MukiUl l4u uli.i I.i 114 a k"Ulll luuow luk Uu klKttk lit llm id I tihlliull .ilul. ll4llM, if l...liUJ pi lUilol l.'U Ili'M II, nd dx I41H14 ll.4t llwlHMli f Initial 4 lil4l ll4U tiliUll, U lll.dlv llotll II. w li-1-1 t k Iiiiii H I.i 11 t. III. Ik HI I l I,.. ,1, I Terrible nentrartlAn hy an Earth- qiiRHe in t ill lift. Washington, June 5. Our Minister in China, Governor Lowe, lifts forwarded to tho iSccrctary nt btnto the following translation of a report of an curthquako in Bathang, in S.chuou, mado by the Chinese Ciovernor-Cifneral of the provinco in which it occurred "I havo ascertained that Bathang lies on a very elevated spot, beyond tho borders of tho province, about 200 miles west from Li-tang, and morcthnn thirty nost stations from the district town of Ta-tsieu, on tho high road to Tibbet. "About 11 o.clock A. M. on tho 11th of April, 18i0, the earth trembled eo violontlv that the Government offices, tomplcs, grana ries, stone and store-houses and fortifica tions, with all tho common dwellings and tho Temple of Ting-Lin, were at once over thrown and ruined. The only execution was tho lmll in this Templo grounds called Ta-Chno,. which stood unharmed in its isolation. "A few of the troops and pcoplo escaped but most of the inmates wero crushed and killed under tho falling timber ad stone. Flames also suddenly burst out in four placs, which strong winds drove about un til tho heavens were darkened with smoke. and their roaring wiw mingled with the lamentations of tho distressed people. On tho 13th tho flames w-ero beaten down, but the rumbling noise wero still herd un der ground IhVc distant thunder, and tho earth rocked aud rolled liko a ship in o storm, nt tho mercy of tho waves. Tho inullipKcd miseries of the afflicted inhabi tants wero increased by a thousand fears, but in about ten days matters began to grow quiet and the motion to ceaso. 4 "The grain collector at Bathang says that for several days beforo tho earthquake tho water had overflowed tho dyko, but after it the earth cracked iu many places, and black fetid water spurted out iu a furious mnnncr. If ono poked it the spurting instniitjy fol lowed (just as is tho caso with tfio salt wells and lire wells in tho eastern part of the province); and this cvplains how it happened Mint lire lollowcd tlio earthquake iu Bathang. "As nenrly ns is ascertained, thero woro destroyed two largo temples, tho offices of ti.A '"..n r 'p-. v. - 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; vuui;i;iui ul ITIUIII X11A, lliu IWIU lutl- istratc 'and the colonel, the Ting-Lin tem ple and nearly 700 fathoms of wall around it, and 3ol rooms in all inside; six smaller temples numbering 221 rooms, beside 1840 rooms and houses of tho common peoplo. The number of peoplo, soldiers and lamas killed by tho crash was 2298, among whom were the local magistrate and hie second in ollice. " Tho enrthqiffiko extended from Bath ang eastwarel to Pang-chah-muh, westward to Xnntun, on tli"e south to Liu-tsah-shih, and on tho north to the salt wells of A tmitsz, a cirttuit of over 400 miles. Itoc- rurred simultaneously over tho whole of this region. In some places steep hills split and sunk into deep pits; in others, hills on level spots hecamc precipitous cliffs, and tho roads and highways wore rendered impassahlo by obstruction?. . "The peoplo were scattered and beggar ed liko autumn leaves, and this calamity to the pcoplo ot liathang and vicinity was really one of tho most distressing and des- ! tructivo that hns happened. The Govcr twecn the post-iiotues, and rebuild or rc- j pair inc oniees nun dwelling as mey were needed. Many are now resuming their occupations, and the roads arc everywhere passable. I 1 1, n iiviiu urn n ni in i 'uutifui il iiiiii"tn ! ha, boSun earlier than ever beforo known, t!lu J'luhl is abundant. The wheat harvest in Southern Illinois , v EXTERN papers unito i nieiit that tho wheat i-rmi liiih Vt EXTERN papers UllltO 111 the State - ment that the wheat crop bids fair to es- ; cml any yet harvested in tho Habitual consipation ads I j,,,, rexults : Inllamniatian of vesieu in mo country. pation ads to tho tollow- Mnimntiiiii nf flip Li.lnnva ' "prv" headache biliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion, piles, loss of appet- J , jt0 lllui lViigh; all of which may bo avoid-1 i , d by being reguvai in your habits, and,' i l!lki"" 0,,U Of l'ar.S0,. I'urgativo l'ills , nightly, lor four or six weeks. NEARLY tlilrtv-four thousand r!mfl1 Nearly thirty-four thousand female . . , , ' V .lul ltt8 pay taxes ll.OcVI.d'JJ worth ot property. " property. The shipment of lumber from Ioek Haven by canal tho other week readied 1, tnliJOO tW;l. Excilaxd consumes about 120 nuarts of beer icr annum to eath hend ofherpopuht- lion; lk lgiuni C-t, Germany 4S, Austria 20. Iilaiited V ly. In Fiji, it is a ptreunial, forming wood I to cut down the bunii once in about four j years, and allow a new growth of wood I f.oni the old rov)t. Tin: fuur highest mountains in tho Stato of Vermont rank as follows, In fret above the level of ihu sea : Mansfield, 427l; C.iuiei'n Hump, ilsti ; Jay l'cak, 3073 ; Aseutney, 33.".. ISO tho year 170 the receipts of tho treasury id Switzerland wero l'M',-71 gold, and itsonlimiryi xiK iidituies t.'l.nd.l'iii.'igold, i-hiiwinga b:i!iiiiieullUJ,. C'i'l. The extraordinary expenditures of that r. puhlie in supporting its neutrality iu the t'ieni.h-(. rnian war, amounted during that iWalycar to .-'l,7"vl,S31, causing 11 de- in 11 01 c i,uo,.o. goiii. 1 Tli" lK nioeiaey nt Schuylkill county help ( 11 louui) imiveiiuoii on lomi.iy, aim pabk- . .I 1. ... 1 :. ..r ... ...Ii.i: .. . 1 ti . . . .- o- VI tr fl.lkill IU. UUL 1.L1U111 lllt'll- il urn the new depart urn of tin Stato eon vuilion nt Hun t. 'nirg. That Htiiinni isatilt is a little too Hpiiugy for tho Schuylkill IX oi'truey to utti inpi without kuo pie i'illi Jir.ulitu in Ihu illl ofijoill Uuk oil tlielns Ives. KmAXK -Tl l M. TIlU iNlllvillu . . '.'.. m i e kay s : Tlm Insiiuo iisy linn coin- iiiooioiiers, ii. 1 nrweli, Hail, Imviii u... ami Iteid, uud John M'Arlher, Arehilei I. vi.iu d our toAil 011 eiliie.lay hint for llm ptirpoAO of ex uiiiiiing mi l iukpeetiug lliu 11 oik nil the Hew liiklitulioli. Tliu I lllllt.lill I lil.-U It. 111.. I i.i M 1 .1.. ..I l'...'U' ..l " " T '".M- ii' k'Miit mi,. 1 i 1 111111 ineir f l la- ln'in. A tie 11. iiili uudi rilieulekmiiiiiaUiiii of tho wotk fcil ull d llu) eoiniiiu.lutierk that llu) Imcl'ii hud Jiiuu Iheir duty 1 11 the. pit iuIm 4, ho iv,i,li iii o nl A hieli H.ik ki 11 in ihu dm ibU' und ulU it-ul iimum r 111 hIiu li thu Muik hud Uuii doiiw. '1 Iu y ul 11 L.iiti ilini tiuiia iu ri li ri neu to Ihu nul hu.l.liii.'k v hli h urw In lii bulk ll.U kuiu lm r. 'ln u inilbuililiiik are nf n Very 1 kUn.iie 1 liar n l. r, mid will leipiiiu uui. li luiu-r uinl vi ry luiivy uttttuy Ut rmiipk tu 1 llu HI. William U111 Inl, 11 11.. . I lb,. 1 1 1... I - - - - - ..MV . W nilltiiiililliiM I I.I Hot Ul UUvtl out by toM- 1 1 1. li I. I l.ik Mlllol.4l luik Mill UlkU til- i") liuul lu InuiiV nl nur 11m Imniwe mfl I llMiflllJ llll ll lluilllll UlU yilllllH'f k'k.ill i ur )uii 1:. fM.lt. k Anuukla .ul k.4- u4 J W. i. 1 1.1.4 X !.., i.l V. fllllfMi balk L&-.14 I - I lu In t.ula ..I A S. i.. , lw ul I .I..M. 4H kU..,.. 11m U4.I4-4 k III .il at fcik .IU Iu UiMa IU.I, a awl laa a. I Hi .1,1 . 1, ul ..u-t id..UM 41tai.k1a1.1l-t lw I . I ...t i.i, l,'. Ji, 1,1, ,4 1.4 ,.t ta ui..c.i,i .1111... i W H.UI n. 4 i', II t lllN'l ., -ky, I . . I 1 )'l M $cto Sbbcrtiscmtnta. .y;. . BAKERY ! BAKERY 1 1 BAKERY 1 1! LEONARD DOVEimi, HAS lust opened n first class Bnkerv on Front itrcct "near the Hallrond depot nt Northumber land, and Is prepared to furnish the citizens of Northumberland and Bnnbury with nil kinds of is rend nna viikos, such as UllOW'N BREAD, tfTI IT tJ I I k T an un t i fj n u9 BREAD BAKED on the HEARTH. and a full line of FANCY CAKES, Ton Buns, nous anu i wimb. Bread and Cakes delivered to customers every morning. Cokes for Bulls, Parties, Weddings, Fairs, &c., furnished nt short notice. Belnir a practical baker, and lmvlnif worked at the business In Bnnbury for several years past, he hopes to give satisfaction to his customers as Heretofore. Orders aro respectfully solicited.' Northumberland, June 10, 1871. tf Entate or George Emorlch, Ncn Late of Jordan Township, deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testa mentary have been granted to the under signed, on the cstato of Oeorgo Emerleh, 8cn., Into of Jordan towiiBhlp, NOrtliumhcrluud coun ty, Pa., deceased. All persons Indebted to said cstato arc requested to make tinmcdiate payment, nna inose Having claims to present lliem auly authenticated for settlement. MICHAEL EMERICII, Executor. Jordan township, June 10, 1871. tit Merchant Tailoring. J. M. ItONTIAN, In tho Post Ofllco Bulldinp, opposite tho Depot, (up stairs,) SUNBURY, PEXX'A, Informs his friends and tho public generally, that he has Just opened a lingo und varied as sortment of C'lothH, Cu.HKliucrcN, Vesting, dc., which will be made np to order in the latest styles, nnd warranted to lit. Gentlemen in want of fasliionablo suits nro In vited to cull and cKnmlno Ids stock. shirts' scientifically nud practically cut und mndo to mciiburc. RUN NO RISK. We furnish the nbofc styles of Improrcd yoke and sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, nnd guarantee a perfect tlttins shirt. It is the best model of n shirt ever ollored to the trade. Fine nnd fancy shirts mndc to order. J. M. BOSTIAN. June 8, 1871,-rCm. TONSORIAL. ALL. who desiro to ro through nn easy process of Shaving should call nt the Barber Saloon of (Jims. Harrow.!, uiljoiniiig the Clement House. HAIR DRESSING, SHAMPOOING AND SHAVLXG Is accomplished in the best manner of the art Having procured two city ioiir, and furnished i Ills room ia tlie l:ttt'st itnnrowil ttvln nml tlm j most comfortable of any in Hie plntr, bo desires gentlemen to give. Iilnni trial to become convin ced. Hair Oils, Tonics, Bay limn, &.C., always on hand and for sale. CIIAS. BURROWS. Stinbury, June 3, 1S71. PUBLIC SALS OP VAi.r.ini.E iioti'i. ritoi'r.iiTY. Will lie xo'd nt the Augusta House, in the Ho rouitli of Siinliiny, Xnilh'd county, rcmi'a, on . ThcniIuj- mid Wrcliicsiiiiy, .Sr.iu SUIIi aistl 21st, 1S7, the following property, to wit : PARLOR FUUXITL'RE. tufas, 13 Caneseated Chairs, Roiking ('hair, Marble Top Tabic, Card Tables, Mirror, V.irlor StoAcs, 05 yards three ly Ingrain Carpet, (new.) RED ROOM FLRNITLRE. : . t1 i .. i . ttBowta iiinl' l'iu' sivc, GO yards of Dome. Room Cliaiis. Vah I'ltehers, Tables, Minora, Domesllo Carpet. A.e. I DIXIXO ROOM AND KITCHEX FLRMTL'KE J Tables, Stove. Cook Btovea nnd Fixture, Cup- boards, Shliboi.nl, blools, Laui, Clock, unj a i ifeueiul varii ty of cooking iiteusils. . Iiat? l.lvri-ti.' j Bar Classes. Botilw, Dan'tcrs, Demijohns. R:- rels, Water Cooler, liar Min, l.aim,,. fcVn ', Stools, Table, &v. .OFFICE FLRXITURK. De,k. Tables, Seltce, Mi, rot, CloeU, Stove, Evurs Watson's Kalainaiidu tal'e, (nearly new.) ami 'any oilier nit.eics. Mliit'ELLAXF.oea ARTICLES. One Pair of Counti Scales, One Pair ofllUO lb. I'latl'iirni Sialea, and many oilier iiiticles too numeroub to mention. STOCK. Also, nt tho same time nnd place, OneCi.w, Two Clic.tcr W icse, &c. r.reeciiii rows ami i no is reciters of tlie juire iv nil, i no ) ouiijj bows, i hlcki-in. tiale to comnienee t 0 o'clock, A. u., of said conditions will be inaib- known CEO. W. U1NX1X. ly tlTih, 1MT1. NI1UK 71 A 3il I'ACT l it- i:k, JOSIAH IIEXUIE, Market Snuiiri', three door west of ihe railroad, I ,.u 111111:1 ti.ie, f-i .ui 111, i. j Will utteiid t. the iiiauuf.icluri. ir Boots und ; lbix 'mail it. branehen, nnd nil work warrant, d to bo fMiUilarl.il V, I Ri'l'iilrlng done at fhorl nolke. tanbury, May S;7, IMI. maciiim; mioi ami iko. I'OtXDltV. j CEO. IiOlUtHACH t SOX:5, Ksubur), l''iu'.i, I INFORM tin) public tii.it tbev lire pn paria lo j do nil klmla ul t AtS't 1 (id, IuhI I..H1111; a.bli d 11 new Mueliine Miei la cuiinei lion Willi t h . i r I Ku'.in.liy, nml lime h n -I I.-tt 1I11 iiLi lve w iiti , , LiiUii k, I'lalilii ; nil I ll.irlng M.11 bln.-ii, Willi IHe hil.'l iiin......f,.i.l-. Will. ( I... ..I.I ..I kl.i!llnl liii.li.ilii. ibey aiu inalilwl Ul ti. uleull i.nl. n ,.f NKW Wultli OR KEl'AlliINU, that IU. 1)' b.- t;lw 11 tl.i in, in a .it W'-u'lur) 111.111 nir. ir'.ite Iu unit Hiiy Mote. WN C'liLl MNM, f..r i liun lii or 1,1 in r biilM- Uf ., of nil I4. JUtVSrl ( AhTIVliS, A.. Oruamrural Iron Fcucluc l ull lilUU: Allll 1.1 I is 1 VEUANDAII3, Hill t l!- 4 I' li E.illEM I , 41., Ai . The 1'l.tiWS, u'l.a.l) i.libt.iUd lur lln ir u a 1 liiiii, t nu Urn lilt laiiliir luiiili.l, uud kill III k.ljt b ki 4 nil li.lli.l. ' Aim, DIUllllSi, M At IUM .1. huniiui), Ji .y wo. I;i. UI. J. I'. Hkl.Olt, OUi.v il Itialduire, W.ilnul Mini, Ulmtu ! I bud ul t'ouillt U.il., I L Ji II I It V , I'fNJiM, I All luiiua cl Ibn.i.r i. lb Pl.t kill I t Irikl- ( i4 ul oiJU I Uu. 'lU M Mlal lIUU, it in I k)v, ) ( 4UI41I, ( llui.dii. , ) ui. l mi wilt 1 ill I a4M I. I. llllll luk ll.l), k I ..li-i, (I UlU ul I Ku.1 to.1,1 ll ;ll I. li., i.,.i.,n ul 'I ul.ii.la, Al'. I A ij ll.u 1 ulu ul fl;.) t"l l'Uli Ilia.) Rkkwuiy, alky 1 4, k.. FOR GALL; I 'IllH'l V 14 lf luirli.,4 Ub4 In H" lll I1..UUI raoult. iu kill, j.u, a .1 I.i .1 kta UlU, i. I U tuku ul ' I tun l 1. n, In W. Jo. a.li w4l, killou Ikviui.lia ul IU U .IIiimJ Mial.ui, ia-l l.ulltlluba, uwl buiia- , l4tu lit ikal, a.41, lukkiii., tiik, ail.u.. L..ui4 ki.4 vkunk kUUik) ailu t.t.i: 11. Ik) WUl.ll, I II Maia la HIukI. IIm lnu.lui. i In 1 u.v o. a..l A afta) ul Lia-a. 1 .li, b.a. i4lu ami lkJu.11 4 kit balla, A ., kill 4 k4U H.i -rl'). I Ik. U l il. t 'U 111 ...U, I k- Ul.au-a 'u IU. Ulwull ul akt. ( . 14 W M . , at I l II, JUl.k Utaatk, Wuk. b al laklb, wi.tj.j I. kata.bi.il, llaiili II, ll A IAtH.lt ai.ti.ij . I M. i I'.,. 1 .ul Il4l i Kai I.. ..i kkJ 4 a.i vi,. l u 1 I I AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, has Just received and opened A MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS, w hich ho has SELECTED WITH Gil EAT CAUL and offers to the TubHc at the very LOWEST CASH PRICES,' Haviii" established a reputation ftv law prices and FAIR DEALIN: to all, will cndenVor to maintain that I'y.-.ltini. COME ONE & AM. & EXAMINE TIIQ I L AUG EST STOCK, I BE-sT ASSOBT.MICXT. i.owit mhci; in the corvn:v. TliniiKful fur the lar-f- ainomit of 'itroiiai hi relufiiie bi.lowid ii in me, I will eii.K.ivir by fiiniMiiiit; tlie bcl iil at llic luweet -r:v t i uu lit a continuance ul'tlie Milne. 11. V. FKILIXC. April 15, 1SU. Nlciill(I ANNorliiieut in1 AT TIIK Ji'.KRt'lIA.VT t.ui.ukim; Ol':, Tiiiuu Sr., Dxk Door IIei.ow Market St., Slm:i iiv. 1'a., j. 11. zn:;i.i:it, i.siii ior. Kvery vari lv i f rnnxcii & i-:xtiuu" cassimi-:i:i:, ChOTIIS, VICTIM :., Ac. ol Ihe l!uel (.Tu l.i, cnibrieii.g imiv j 11:1 ! it an.l)..' t tut I tin- Nil! I oil. and l'lil!.i 1 . 'i:.i M.11 1., u nil ui, v In li u ill be m i l.' 11 1 t m ':. 1 In ilie Le.t ul wiirkiiuu, u. 111. i.ti 1 tu ia and I. It It r rlilile R.ltinl'.tt'li.ill. MEN'S l'TKNIHINt; Cool)-, nibr.ifbnf ever) thing of i;.-ut!eiii. ii'h i.i- ir I iivw und orilio lalerl lli. A bin.! iliuK a'l b:i 111- I jllt Im'i U liH'IH ,l, ,l A lili li lliu eili.. lla lil ii .11 1 1,1 l .tll und H.lllliur. J. M. ir.i.1.1 It, 'I hli. 1 .'lir. t, nut- d.K.r Ih Iiih M. iiiiii tiimbiiry, Anll -?l. MU. MIUIUV. I. Illl M .IUI.II. IV , 11, ,l W 1. rIURRAY & CO., WIi.iIimV ! i'.h l. MACHINERY AND CUNNING OILS, I'riUtlaliX, trMiiuK Mini Muullln I'i iiiti. r.- I'uiil, I 'n j 4 r IIiil'i, .U The t'i li hiu'.ej Curry, Kerosene HuriilunOil ul.iv I'll li 111 I, COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! Hjvii k al.u .1, 4 4 COAL AIM) a km lu 1 .ii.l I , au.it ,L. . .1 kui.l.ul ) uii4 11 il. I ' I" ' ' I ! o l.il, ,-.!,(, ,:j li.....l ..i lm.,,) lia..i...Lli I 1 1. . . .....iu I 411 I'll., liul II u II. .11 a4i4i'-i. - I 1 I, I . 4 Kl ill, hit IV 1:. I'll I, VIA I T Mini I I A. 4la)i uli I . I In 11,1 U I al w,i klu K00111 No. '.!, OLIIMtNT HOt'Mi: 111.0UU. M i.i Ua u...k, 1 t ,.i. ., t i ,, fcvttllt Iltlr4 aVlrl, laa.Ha)l4, I'm. ii tut v 1 11 I, 11.4 Mai l. ...k 14- li llib.u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers