SUNBUUY, JUNE 10, 1871, Kailroari Time Tablet. N. C. n. W.Ka.t. I P. A E. R. R. West. Hnll.ilo Ex I've 4:10 a m Krlp Mull, I've 2:10 a m Krio " " lOi'-'O " Buffalo Ex. " 4:fi0 ' mimirllMftll " 10:55 " j KlmirnMnll " 4:80 pm i:rlo " " 1:10 " Kilo Ex. " 0:43 " StlAMOKtlt DIVISIOll If. 0. R. W. l.tUVt! . ARItlVR B'inliury nt 11:50 ft m At Snnbiiry 0:R3 a m " 4:40 pin " 4:00 pm d. rr. & w. n. n. Loavo Snnbury 5:55 n. m.; 4:H5 nnd 0:50 p. m. Arr.nt Bimbur) IOiOO a in, 0:S0nnrt 8:40 p m. focal ff;tiro. IcgCheam FitBEZKHS. A now lot J ust received nml fur eulo by II. B. Mnsscr. Attention te dlrecton to the nrlvertlsomcnt licadcil "Lftft Notice," In nnollicr column. TUB Tost Olflco At Milton In about t) bo miulo a money order ollleo. Why Is It tlmt no effort Is .made to make the olllco nl Uils place n money or der ofilco ? Tiiof. Brown Is preparing his scholars for a public examination nnd exhibition in tho Court House sometime, during tlio month. Prof. WU Icts of Philadelphia, hits, we Icnrn, eonsciitcd to deliver n lecture on the occasion. CAir. James Blator. of Noithumbcrlai d, 1ms organized it military coinpnny In that plnco, call ed the Northnnibcrlnnd Uunrds, nnd hnsnlroaily received arms nnd accoutrements. Tlio Captain in n competent officer nnd n thorough soldier. A ncck-tlo, Ico (Jrcuni nnd Strawberry festival, was held in Milton, on Tuesday nnd Wednesday lust. Tecf tongiio nt KIrby's. The Improved Order of Red Meu nt this place, propose hftvlmr a grand parade on the 20lh of September next, nt this place, when tho dedica tion of their new Hull will take place. Tup bakery of Mr. Nelson N. Booth on Fonrth Ftrcct, U in full operation, nnd he Is serving his customers with an OKcellcnt quality of bread, cahos, etc. Having removed ills sale room to the confectionery storo of J.B. Haas, In Pleasnnt's buildings on Market Square, It will be nioro con venient to purchasers. A choice bran J of family (lour ut lCii-by's. The Sunbtirv Steam Ferry bill, it appear, did not pa.s tho legislature us was repotted. It passed the Smuts but failed in the House. Wi: learn that tlio N. C. Railway purchased tho Cameron Colliery nt Sliamokiii, hint took wses siou during the past week. Mr. W. Flutter, of this place, lips hem appointed agent nnd hiiB vstnblli'hed nnofilec In the room over Fry's con fectionery store, opposite the depot. We notice among tlio lift of graduates of the Naval Academy at Annnpnlln, Maryland, at Its examination on Tuesday last, tlio name of Win. IT. E. Masser, of this place, nephew of the ecnior editor of this paper. Mr. Masser Is a promising young man, of excellent character, and stood No. IS In the graduating class of 51 members. A hearing was had In tho Injunction case of ! Pay vs. Eiclihoitz on Filday last, nnd resulted, we understand, In his lleiinr Judge Jordan, re fusing to grant nn injunction. The case has been terminated by Mr. Etchboltz purchat-lng Mr. Day's interest in tho establishment.- Tim fine black horse ownuj by Col. Ken", of the Washington House, of this ptuce, w hich was con sidered tlio fastest pacing liarxo li this section of the country, was sold to Ex-Slierill' Fry, of Lan caster city, on Monday lat, for ? 400. On Wed nesday Col. NelT received u dispatch staling that nn uller of 7S0 had been refused for the horse. This Is a rapid rite In horse tlcali. Hoots and Shoes fur tlio community, nt popu lar prices, nt tlio Regulator. U.wii) C. Uis-iNcmt, Esq., of this place, lias received the appointment as agent for the United lSrcthrcn Aid Society of Peiiiisylvauia, which Is one of the best and cheapest Life Insurance com panies in the State. The Insurance 1b taken on the mutual plan, nt low rales, Those whodeslru to insure in a good and safe company can get all tho Information desirable by application to Mr. Disoinger, nt tlio store of Messrs. Moore & DIs .flnger, on Market street, Suubury. Theki: nro but few persons that enter upon a Journey who do not purchaso an Accidental In surance Ticket. Theso tickets cover nil accidents. For the sum of twenty-live cents, if nn accident lululs you, Hid sum of 3)5 per week L paid. It is milch better to pay t!3 cents, and get pay If injured, than to run the risk. Jacob Sliipmuu, ut the depot, tells tlu'fe tickets, un.l travellers can prucurc them before enterals; the curs. AitUE: TKt. Mr. Samuel Cherry wus brought before Esquire liiieo on Tuesday last, on com plaint of hl "better half" for desertion nud Dot maintaining his family. Kunucl wax bound over iu the sum of fiw to appear at August term. On Wednesday hut, Wm. Cehrlng was brought before F.)iilit Hi lee, on u warrant Issued on oath of lMer Smelzer for uneiult truJ battery. A' the Doiio.-rilie St.tii) Convention U.u swal lowed tlio " nigger," ul nn I ull, nur Toby wants to know whether that "111110 nlge. r" ttlll retained In lliu lKmiX)U ulllce, or wliclucr It li.i deputed nltU tlm Junior editor, ur ht'cume "dead 1-Mle." in Monday last, u eiit.irai t was removed from the ijo uf Mr. Callwilim Ki hi, of this pluee, i v Dr. eu.iljM;e, of li.mwlle, li-Uti;J by l)n. M user, II ni I un I MerUle, of tliU place. Mr. 1. Kill U all nil "iT )c.u of ue, un been ului-l band. We uie hupp) to M He lio It r.ipl 1 ly Improving un.l her eye sll.l i beiuj retured. Ill I...I.W;, Allot T.- I be I. I ll In i) of Dr. J. 11. M inn', ull ( ln uul tlleil, M.l Mlilen J ull lui ili) in-III l.ixl by lm.-,l.ii, Klin lulv tt new coat ii .i. U nud li'iiu i, li in ill is uutouiilliiK tu oiiu m.iy ilollait I'm in tlu IkHlm, ud ono ilnlkir met a hall' Iioiii the itui.l gill. 'Iho tUleie e .on 1 mi niti.i.ii's liouue.U bu k lu il iw and vi.lai4 iulei lliu tie .ply runiu of bc I iniily, .tu I ui ap. t ill. will I- inji In aid. I be boaldin ; huu.e ul Mi .. M ul l UilliiHilou njiiiliuiiiloil o.i IV i uue l,1, lit and II coat btlou, in i i J. M. I ila.tii t I l nuliii, 'I ii i. i !!i w in.; t .4 11 j j "li. nu have tu i. i t I J I.e. a U. l h l M. J .1 In in la! I . ('. M Tul lull k, in.ill .it'l l lue l. l.lU dltt i"U -V (' , I'l I'euil- )li4!iu, i f i i; j.l I i t iLj e.juli. o KuiltiuiU' dial' I, lltuu, klui.Uj! an I r )d I I l.tei.l. ( nl. ku I A . I,. - U jujur U . U nion, i,t U. uii. I.ieut, I ul. an 4 I'll iui4 1. (4.- (kauU Ulilihl, 1. 1 1 11 1. 1 ilk. M ) li J l'l...uu IJ, U Oeuia U. I jJal U l -1, 4 UK'i4i . !4 in abl'.. I viuiU4.i,. -i, U J -lu, U i.ul itUl JaJ.' A4eU'. i. U.lli I )U, lal,( M ' K .( J , h.nlUui..!.. 11,1,4 A Child Foi-kd. On Wednesday night of Inst week, the family of Daniel P. Conrnd, residing on the Plnm creek road In Lower Augusta town ship wcro awakened nbout 13 o'clock, by the cry ing of nn Infant child. They proceeded to tho yard and found ft female child nbout a week old, In a nail keg hung upon the grape arbor. They aroused iomo of their neighbors, Whoa It was taken down nnd properly eared for. Tho child appeared sttiplflcd and Is supposed to havo been drugged. On Saturday morning It died from tho effects of exposure nud drugs, and was burled on tho next day hy tho overseers of tho township. No cluo has yet been found ns to tho Inhuman mother who thus deserted her child, forsaking and exposing it at an hour when it was almost certain that the cold atmosphere of night would deprive It of Ufa. It Is hoped that tho guilty party will yet be found out nnd made to suffer for this brutish act. Fihe. 14 is said that tho loss to A. Pnrdco & Co., by tho fire In White Deer mouftnlns, last week, will not fall short of 130,000. Thousands of vnlunblo loss nnd shlnglo holts which wcro lying along tlio south brunch of White, Deer Creek, wcro so much damaged by tho liro, ns to bo utterly wot thluss. Tlio dam nt McCulls Mills, which was empty nt the tlmotoiy thcr with sever al shanties were burned. Millonlan. Regulator Boot, Shoo, Trunk nnd Leather Storo consolidated with tho Book Storo. Call ono nnd nil. New goods nt low rates. New Tor.icco and Seoab Store. Mr. J. O. Trimble Is opening n new Tobacco and Se- gar Store, In the new building, adjoining J. M. Zelglcr's Merchant Tailoring establishment on Third stroet, where a full supply of all kinds of Tobacco nnd Scgars of every brand will bo kept on hand nt wholesale, nnd retail. Merchants, Hotel Keepers and others will ho supplied with tho best qualities at city prieos. Country Mer chants will save freight, nnd get tho same article as they do In the city nt the same prices. A cnll is solicited to examine his stock. That $01,000. There is somo similarity be tween the figuring af tho County Auditor's Re port and tlio vote cast in the coal region nt the Democratic primary election on Saturday last. "Tax-Payer" who attempted to defend tho Ring a few weeks ago through the Democratic papers In this plnco, will have another Job to calculate tho number of inhabitants, and the Increaso of votes in the district whore thoro has been such nn "enormous" Inrrcnso of Democrats slneo last election, and how much additional to the ?'.14,000 tax Is probably required, to carry on tho govern ment of this county in tlio future, If this rapid In crease should continue. 5,000 Rolls Wall Paper Just received at Llght ncr's, cheap for cash. Tun Farmers.' and Horticulturist Association held their monthly session tit Augustaville, Juno 3d. President Eineriek In tho chair. All the members present were practical farmers, and expressed their thankfulness nnd encouragement. There had been u gloii,)iu rain iu the morning, sent Just nt the light moment, ns Providence always does ; nnd Us bcnetielal effect was visible on nil tho growing crops, gladdening tlio Icho rous husbandmen's heart. On motion of the President, Iho Constitution and By-Laws of the Association were read by the Secretary. On motion of W. W. Homing, nn nmcndmciit to ono of the articles was submitted for action thereon at the next regular session. On motion of fieorge f.iaul, a special meeting was called In the Court House, Friday, Juno 1(1, nt 1 o'clock, P. M. Members and tho public generally nro Invited to attend. . Next monthly session at Augustaville, July 1, prox. nt 3 o'clock, P.M. Adjourned. '. F.ij chick, Prea't. (Vi xen. Pnooi-Eiiisos. Council met on Tues day evening last, Chief Burgesa Helm In the chair. Members present : Wilvert.Boiinio, Cad w illuder, Cooper, Llghtncr, Renn, nnd Pursel. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Conimitteo to procure furniture for Council reported progress. On mollnii, the follow ing preamble and resolu tion was adopted : WuntEAM, it appears by tin rej-ort of the Au diting Committee, appointed by the Council of hist year to Investigate the account of the pre ceding year, that the Chief Burgess of that year was Indebted to the Borough for certain licenpes, rents, Ac., collected nud paid to him, for which ho failed to inajve any return whatever. There fore, bo it .YWf, That tho Finance Committee bo au thorized to Investigate tho lnattcr, n"d llnd the uctuul amount of said defalcation, and tako such action as will. If possible, protect the Borough from loss thereby. On motion, that tho Chief Burgess demand the key of the wleket, and, on refusal, compel Mr. Engelmnii by law to deliver the same i ijjso, that tho Committee on River B-iuk h authorized to compromise Hie payment for kervlens rendered by Eiigelman and (iar'.nger. On motion, resolved that the Grave Yard Com mittee ho authorized to repair the top of tho wall iu such 11 taaimcr us to prevent boys from walk lug thereon. O'l motion, resolved, that tho Committee on Grave Yard be authorized to employ snine suha- blo ptfisuii to keep tlm grave yard clean for the present year, ut 11 n expense not exceeding 15. On motion, resolved, that tho "Packer Gunrda" be allowed the use of the Council room a an ar mory and meeting room, w ithout drilling therein The said company to perform the Janitor services of said ruoiji for the privilege of sueh use. On mUlou, orders v. ere granted 11 follows t An order to Constable S. Hoitghlier for tS, for making ill Aii order in llreoiinuiiy for tOJas two month appropriation. Aii order to Sol. Weaver for t!7s ill lis Kirt payment 011 note In haul, d.ile I April U, 1T1. An order to K. Wilvurt for J7, for pi luting paper book and Auditors Itepoit. Older. o A. N. Hi lee, John llourne nud lleiiiy I'leui -ut, fir Ci cull, foraullthrj Tnu.niei Ibauil of Hunbuiy Si IhkiI )ilrli l. Au order to Wm. Snyder for fl 14 50 for !5 i t of I loalu llull ', A u 01 lei to Samuel IU Hand for ff, an I one tu KIU.iIkIIi Mi IU r lor Intercut oil bund. On to Wm. I' fur J 7) fr in.iWIns ur lel. (In. tu (', II. (u ntil, r for (IU ful but kcU, .Ve. I'nriiUhed lollie e 0111 pan). On to Val. I .il4 lof A luH J.ll. due tu lliiain lULii lor 14 6U fur kivihk u- lice, nud ruuuvkuK uuiMiiet 1 1 mil Mul. I Hiu In ('. tUI.) lor IU VI In! hauling K I UllU 4 111 lleU. lilll IV f M. 1 . 1 I. lug Ulellcd tu fcllpel HU'JH, Hill if ILuiy llaupl for ( i lor laullnit k'"U'4 In tin. I. Uu IH.'ll'M,, la I I uu lable. UilU'l J. TutitBLMi ur 1, (ortiuu ( lilts luVIU lillk. I'll bl'ilUiw, lellllitl It tUv Him nee t 'uiuuiliud. W u( tiuh lul IU4 14 ful Utp lent n lUam el. luti, (lit mulluu, Iil4 uvr uultl u l Hl.'tlli. I'U li.wr.iill, lU liellMI t'ulUIUUl'4 W Hklhof. U4 tu (Ubkl SMU p4luu Ul KleaU Out cIU wl uk'iuii hull, tkil hui.4 la. W M iiiiu' Iium. (Ill HMIiili, It-ljoUllM-l l K''l ut 1un4 lUlb4, itut li, klW Uvlh, Iu ttbttbU,. 4. It. llBrkll' SMS IusiIm) HSh4Imi ikw uillfel ul I k lwi ft I Ull 1 Narrow EsrArt:. On Tuesday evening Inst ns tho N. C. R. W. passenger train wns nenring tho Gap breaker the engineer discovered a man fylng along tho track with hls'hcad'rcslliig on tho rail, 0 short distance, up .the, road. Ho, Immediately reversed tho cnglno and whistled down breaks, hut tho train "could not be stopped beforo reach ing tho point tflierc the tnnn lay, ntKl the engine rnn several rods beyond, tho oow-cntchcr sulking lilm on tho head nnd throwing him to ono side, clear of tlio mil. All who wltuossed tho scene expected the. unfortunate man, who proved to bo John Alexander, hnd his brains knocked out, but strnngo to say, nsldcfroni n. severe but not dangerous wound on tho top of tho hend, mado by tho cow-cfttchcr, ho was not Injured. Itnp pcars ho had set out during the afternoon for Puxinos, where he resides, ohooslng the railroad for his route, and having taken on more bcnr.lnc thnn ho could nnvlgato under, either laid or fell down tipou tho track and jvent Jo sleep. The appearance of market squaro during this season has boon Bomowhat rough, on account of timber, brick, tfce., lying about looso, but to make U still more nttracllvo tho Chief Burgoss granted ft party the privilege to spread their canvas du ring this week, under which an "intelligent Pig" is exhibited. Our Toby thinks It nil excellent plnco for pig styes, if only the Borough authori ties could bo made to think so. Baiiy Caiiriaues. A largo number of baby cnrrlngcs havo been received nt B. L. Raudcu bush's furniture storo, In Masoule Hall building, and arc sold nt low prices. The furniture depart ment of tills establishment Is very nicely ar ranged. Ho keeps nn endless variety, of the best mnko and tho most approved styles, nnd sells hU goods nt reasonably low prices. Special attention Is paid to undertaking. An excursion party Is nbout being mado up for n trip to Watklns Glens, N. T., to start nbout tho 20th Inst. The excursion tickets will bo is sued nt $0.50 for tho round trip, and If thirty or will agree to go, an extra ear will be placed nt their disposal for the trip. All who detlre to Join the party nro requested to leave their names with Mr. Shipman, ticket agent. The ofllcers elect of Riverside borough, created by legislative enactment, met in tho school houso nt that plaeo on the (ilh ult., when tho follow ing ollleers were sworn Iu i Chief Curgess, Ed ward Cromplou Councllmen, O. If. Ostruiulcr, Wm. Yerger, A. Mutzcnbacher, W. A. Miller nnd Daniel Lelhyj High Constable, Daniel Lelm. A committee has been appointed to frame a scries of By-Laws, Rules, Regulations, Ac., for the proper government of the borough. They agreed upon holding their monthly meet ings on tho fourth Wednesday evening of each month. Thr advertisement of sir. Leonard Dovcitt will bo found in nnsther part of this paper, who has opcucd (i new bakery ut Northumberland. Mr. Dovertt U known to the citizens of this place ns a first class workman. Having worked In tills place for two years past, his friends will lie giad to learn that ho will supply them every morning with till kinds of bread, cakes, eic., besides sup plying tho citizens pf Northumberland. The handsome Boot nud Shoo store of Mr. Miller, of Northumberland, lifts lately been re plenished with a new stock of tho latest styles. Ills stock comprises everythiug in tho boot nud shoe line, which his customers can rely on us of the best. Being a practical mechanic himself, he (..amines all his stock beforo offering it for sale. Our neighbors of Northumberland are fortunate of having such ft rcllablo establishment in their mldsf. No. 1 nud " shore muckcrul, plekled salmon and white full nt KIrby's, all fish warranted. Husluess JioJUxs, Wm. H. Miuxh, of tho Excelsior Boot nnd Shoe B'.orc is determined to please the communi ty, not only In procuring boers nnd Shoes, but makes It a point to get up something suitable for all the seasons In tho year so us to make ail comfortable. His summer Boots mid Callers lire not only a novel, but arc just tho thing for com fort in warm weather. Call nnd soo his stock. The summer stilts made up by J. F. Sehaell'er, Merchant Tailor, opposite the Central Hotel, tiro again attracting great attention. Mr. Schucffcr is determined to keep up with the styles und suc ceeds admirably In his undertakings. The suits mado up In his establishment are admired by all. The (i ROVER & BAKER und the SINGER SEWING MACHINES nro neUnowledged su pcrior to tiny oilier now manufactured. Miss C. Dallas, Market street, this place, is tho ugcut for the sale of them In this and adjoining coun ties. Instructions hi sewing glrcti free of charge to all purchasers. A lot always on hand. Call ind exnuiliio them. The Croquet Shoe, a novelty, elegant and com fortable, ut the Regulator. Dt iiimi tlio comlii'r hot season, a hat Isn't a bad thing to have about the lioii, 8. Faust, Maikel Square, has 11 tine Hock, Is constantly enlarging, and will furnish them to order, In any style, price or quality. Sam Is 11 practical "lial IWt," and can lit uny head that he gcta a sight of. FcLEt't Bfiiooi.. Mis Mugulc J. Martin will open n select school for young ladles at the resi dence of her father, on Broadway, commencing 011 Monday, the 5th of June. Terms moderate. Ir you want a Una aortnicul of plain and fancy groceries to select from, go to Kliby's, Bright' new building, on Market square, .nil goods delivered within tlieboiough free of charge. Al l. Rubber Wear, ut in.iuuf.ietuicr' prices, at tho Regulator. Ji r received, a number of popular fronts nud Fremiti eulf skins, Ht the Regulator. Kirs' line Fieiieh Calf, II. i ton Hoots, tll. Ii ed bullion, ul tin) Regulator. Siiokvi vkKiis' innteilals for iinitiii f.i luriii-;, at the Regulator, ( 1..IM1 I'll n ks of I'lllvvtN ,V Itu.)., 40 S Tiiiiin Svuttr, 1'uil.ii.i.i.i'iii.v. UuVWk, r. M May ul, liTl. V. . a'ut 'nl 1 if; 1 it ti-J Ill1, III , " '01 Ill', III , " " 'ti.' 1 1 Hi lli 'll new Il l', III " 'Ul, IU'. III'. 'i.i III'. Ill 5'., 10 ftU'a o'. , llrtl I'. H. oO Vi.u U Isr mil. I y II V, IIV. Gold Ill", III Silv.r lul b t Ul.. 11 I'm 1. 1.' II. II. .l , IK.114. U.', U.I t Vllll.,1 '. ill. It. It lo.'i, lo t t'liloii Piteltlu liiiil G14I1I It-iii. 1. tn ht fij'tdiil tuiUtj. I l4l I MMfMluM til IBM list mIM, I Jl lll.lallM it Hari.lnK uud lor (lis l. 111UI s ul yvHM0 wti ismi viA.ii, mIiij tull. r I1.1111 S.ivuu.iii,., 1,. Mo aj, Oke , upil)lii I be liuaui ul xll lHIO. hmuu ty utrn vtUK iur4 hliuHll n. .il lt.v UU lei,l,u ""' I'1'' dllKlcl liVilopD, tn..., I. v iiitsin;. u tt r a 1 u, S4 Jo, Ull. (liu, tlnaiftl)!!, ti. V. I I OA AIGl tM Tiltlf llll 4MM m io I 1 ful lk U, II. I .1,4 I u,v lUv till. su4 I el"H4l.ulu, KM Pllu. I, :. k Vl.ll. II. 4 I',.,. Ikl.ipl. t-ul UM ll S.IK.H ul fuulti, u4 til luliUtuI .te, it, IUIInli lo II Ittkl Oil .ul uu ruts, ul i,U4i I4 .. ik Ul u..i svw-i Iimi, lit s.41.4 n. i i. .(-,, 44 ii.,, lliiW AUII 'K UlltiN, bus r, I-Liu kill,.. I n ns f , 1 1 On tho M Inst... by Rev. Mr. Menrlnilmll. Mr. JotixB. Eisft.t, of Snnlmry, and MlssS.umi E. Savukik, of Lower Augusta. j In Lower Mahanoy township, on Siindnv last, or typhoid fever, JOHV HARM AN, son of Mr. Jacob Uarnian, uged nbout 20 years. Tho deceased was worthy nnd industrious young man, nnd highly esteemed mid beloved by nil who knew him for his exemplary conduct. Hisiillllctcd parents have the sympathy ofa large clrclo of friends for their bereavement or a loving son. Ul lit 5. Nmibiiry lirnin V l'roducc tlnkt. C0Ul:ECTi:i WEEKI.V UT HII.E ClEUWlEK. GllAIN Choice White Wheat Best Amber, AMeter.. ...I 50 .... NO ..1 no 50 corn ,... Rvo Oats, (uJ lbs.) Best Amber, Winter, per sack 'J (10 ' 4 barrel S 110 Com Meal, per ewt a r,n Pennsylvania Roll l-aius Per loitcii , Meats Dried Beef, jht Hi Smoked Mutton Laud per lb Fish Salt White Fish, per lb , " Trout " Cod " Fresh Slmd Veoetmiles Turnips, per bushel..., Potatoes ' " Onions " " id .;.sM;;o .lot" i-J 25 ... .15 .... 15 M .40(.i.fi0 .... I .1 Bonus, " nnart l.MTillS HoluillV, " 1!) Dnir.l) Fm'lTS Dried Apples, per lb PJf.nU " Peaches, " '.'OOO:!!'. " Cherries, " lOtojoo " Blackbcrrk.s " Raspberries -jo sUlu bbcrttsciKcn.s i:itci.viN: r.AR(jiKt! AlEssna. LES1IEU & MILLKIi, In Scott's Biillding on QC EEN STREET, NORTH UMI5EH1. AN 1), TEN X 'A , nro uow offering A i; A lie, E ASSOUTM EXT OF drv ;oo:s, Coinprlslng nil the Spring and Summer Stvles or Ladies' Dress Goods, White Goods Ac, Clot lis, Cassiuieirs ami Geiitlitnens' Goods gene'rullv. which will nil bo sold ut great bargains. GKOCEWES AND PROVISIONS, of all kinds and of every description. tu'euwarc, lilnsMwarc r.iuJ Wil lowlVaro. 15O0TS AND SHOES for Men, Women and Children. FLOl'R AND FEED or ull kinds, In constantly kept on hand. They will also purchase GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, ut the highest market price, nnd will exchange goods for Grain. Tho public nro Inyited to cal and examine our extensive ussortineiit of Goods before purchasing elsewhere, mid become convinced that Goods can be bought lower than elsewhere at our cblablisli lucut. LESHF.R A MILLER. North'd, April 211, 1871. Kl'Itl.NXl 01K;,IXi! I.urge Mock! Itcttcr Fncllitlo! Just opened a lnrgc, Quo und Bubstantlal ussort nicut of SPUINO DRESS GOODS, Domestic, "White fiootl, Fancy (Joods, Triinmingd, ClolliH, Cnssimotvst, cAurrrs and oil cloths. Housekeeping goods In great variety. FRESH GROCERIES, liuewifewaie, Wlliow-Warc, Glassware, Ae.HAe. A line stock of substantial Kenily.tlutlc (lutliiuxt for Men nud Boys. Each line full und complete. t?r Substantial Goods a Specialty. Jfi J I'rlroN to milt the IIiiion. Cull anil see our Stork. All kinds of country produce taken In cx- uauge mr gooos. MOORF. A DIS:'. NGER. Huii t's Iron Building, Market Street, Suubury. April 2J, 1S71. iui:ss ; Sl'HIXG AXI) SUMMER STYLES, now oK'ii at BUSS K ITE IJI.At US STOItl', Market Sipiare, Sl NUl'RV, Poun'a., LADIES' DRESS GOUD3 A SPECIALTY. Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Notions, Ac. Cent' Collars, Neek-lles, lhill'-liose. Handker chiefs and Glove. Perfumery, Toilet Soups, Hair Uniskcs.Coiiibs, etc An liivltatlou U extended to all to call and be. cure bargains. April till, JS71. M1LMM-HV. si'iuxt; stvi.i:s hats, i:dn.i:ts, ri.OWKUS, FUAMKS, HTC. Mourning and Dildul llaU nud lloiinet.. .Asll KlIlllONS, l'KATUKU., ll-OWKIirt. luicw tiiul TriiuiiiliiH of every variety, full lino of MOL'UXlNli VKll.S ANI l ltAl'K. N..llon, a Tull luaoriment. Geiitl. nn u'. GiuVi., Ilauitkeiehlef., Ac, MII.I.IM.IIV Ifi Till; bPHUAUfV. MHH I.. KIIsS.:il, maukiit sot'Aiti:, M'snt'itv, A pi 11 :), s;i. Ml l.l.l 1.11 t.UUUHUl. lll..V. SKW b'lVLKi HIT MATS, ri.ovi:Ki, HIAMKS Ac. fltturultttf wh4 Mrtilnl llMlj mu4 lluiiMt l. Kull line of Mourning . 11. ui.. l'i.i', MIl.t.lNtUV H tin: M't:i I VI.TV. S i.U IIiI.Immh, tliiniiiiriii Id.ill,, i, t.luvn, Il.tll.lSelllil, l, Sfi., Ac. I'ANl. V (iOll' AMI NdlloSH. Wa M. I.. (.ii.slH(. uulh I'.tuilli M., llu ll.v lUHlewd, Smibuiy. Aplll 41, .il. M IIIMi ASH M MMI It. I I III IIH AMI IMslMI HI HI t'lUMII AMI IMIMIIII' (.iNiiS i'l -) J 4.1 wptutJ nl (uu M t ill. HAS 1' TAIMUl nlKl' IIIU. U, hill I, Ivumi4 Iw i O. kwuitk .(, Ulu Uke, fel a Ht, 'KHH'4. lieblli.UeM Ib4 4..IIS it4hl.M lb4u In ii4i, III nil IC 1 . J Ib 'v.1.4 Mk, .u4 II.. . I klU Ut Ull kit !! UU-t M. t i u4 U Ulna ti Hi' I I W. 111 JHiictl! itneons. " iiV:iv ii eat si i o iV THE undersigned respect fully Informs the citi zens of Suubury nnd vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, hi Dewa-l's htilhllng.nn the north side of Market Sipiuiv, two doors from tho railroad, were lliey w ill kc p a constant supply of tlio best of Heel', Pork, Mutton, Ac, nt w lioloale or retail, at tho lovvost priei nnd of tlio lirst quality . A wicron will be run to supply customers every morning, (except Suiiilnys.) The best of meat w ill found lit their shop. Give us n call nnd satisfy your selves. REKFEW oi BOVVER. Oi't. lf.lh 1809. IT. Si 11.M 1 : n y ax i i a x I v s i o lTiT. MISS L. WEISElt, Market Etreot, one door west or Geaihart's con fectionery store, KILNHUKY, PA., lias opened her Spring and Summer stock of flilliiicfj' iumI I'micy ooil, HATS AND HONXETS. The latest styles of Pn-n Trlui!nln.;s, French and Anieilean Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Sin k loops, Chignons, Collars, Cull's, Jouvln Gloves, un l n large variety of other article. In connection with the Millinery business, she carries on I bu DUESS MAKING AND FITTING, In all Its branches. She Is also agent for the salo of Ramsey, Seott ee Co.' Patterns. The ladles of Suiibuiy nnd vicinity nrn cor dially Invite.! to call nnd cxaa.lno her splendid stock. Mayin, 1S7I. READY-MADE CLOTHING. riistom r.vno Larflesi 5,l0CK I1 it.-, r-? a r . Worki8JL ynorinesiuooflB; oftheveryAThCNmS,S,i,Wi brstclmmrtcrX T" Workman Easy tofcjJLihIp.the moasurementX ?M prices, &c, sentX-- yn,in. .... . . A BT ireo xo any pan oi jj jy America, and good fits AW Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wrappers 4 Under-Wear of all Boys kinds for all soa- Children's Qrwrxsons. wnitc Wear at iS h 1 r t a a astonishing l! Specialty ly low prices. OAK HALL, Sisth Si Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RKSTOR l'.l). .Inst published bv Dr. 1.KAV1M. -.'.Ml pages. Third Kdiiion. TIIK M I'.UU'AL COM PANION AND Gl'IDK TO IIKAII'll, on the radical cure ol Sperinatorrlucu, or .Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal, linpoteney, Mental and Physical Incapacity, luipeillnieuts to Marriage, 1 te., and tlio Venereal nud Syphilitic Maladies with plain and clear dii'i elions l'ur the speedy cure of Secondary Syniptoius, Goni 1 rlne.i. Gleets, Mrlcl tires, and all" iliease:i of the sl.hi, Neh lis Scurvy, tSerolnla, L Iteis, l!.,l!s, l.luti'.i. es au.l Pimples 011 til" taeeand l.oilv. t i.i..iini tion, Cpllep.-y, un.l Fits, Indiienl 'by te:f iti.lul gem e or s.v:ual cMri.vMraiirf. The . vlehruti .1 a.'.Una in this adiuir.ible Trea tise, clearly ileni.insinites, from a foity ,,ir's siieeesl'ul prael lee, that the uliu rtiin--1 .111 e.iienee of sclf-iibu.-e ir.ay be ra.lieally cured ; pointing out a tno.le of cure nt unco 1 iinrle. ceil iin. ini.l ell'eetual, by means of which every 1I1II i' r. no matter what his condition in.iy be, cm !..' i'. e tua'ly cured, cheaply, piivulely, mi.l radically. I ')" This bonk should be in the hands f every youth, and every man In the land. Sent under vval. In a plain envelope, Price, TiC cents. Address, DR. 1.1. WIS, No. 7 Reach urccl, New V01U. U.I.TI1.1I W.VKIUIS. JEWELERS, No. 003 Cheatnut Street, rhi'.adclphia, lire now pr. pure.l to till Hri! r fur lliu CEM'lNi: WAETHAM VAT( MKS un.ler their i n !;ii;ir.iulce, In cither 1H liunit ;olil or Coin Kilwr C'usi's, (V Vtltff (J'tulitliU HHll h'J lt,i. ) Thctu Watched civul'y excel in hue tbiMi, variety of t le, an I ueenriiu tinie-h. . pi'i.; : n . i ! i lle.. Wo Invite ail!, nl, ir iiU. ioi. u I., lie l.. price ul M lii. li u really t;o.. Mat h 1 ...y mm be hail. Iltni He ml l.t ui for u lrli( I.lsl. Oi'.lei reeciee.l Iioiii all pi.l'ili. ti.MI.U .ent I'. II, II. o .ill) u.l.Uc . t'lXKll I'likXel, .. cuil.u to llie ul..-. lit bn).'i cveiy u.lvautage poeci-c I b) u pie;enl pill chafer, J A MM Y.. I'Al.liWrl.l. ,v. lo., IHut l hc.tiiiil Mriit, I'liilu. April ), 1ST! -Jan Illy. I lll I.TI.It ATI.I'. rim: iMiui at Hi i: is t IIT. I iinw o'l. r. I n.i'.c. by ihe un h i .'.jii. .1 .11 hi. UicMciy er It. I mi. n. l. 1 hi, tin. .,r I" waiiaitlttl 10. 1 to tui'l.ilii un uci .it'.ie itlti tttttl lit itt.tktt It .linn.-, a'l.i vtl.tilil. Iiijiiil.uit, Win ml. I 1 nu , 11 it 1.1c !( ..11 .le lur ilDliie.tic lle la leaikil. lit h. .It v tie un I lit l.l. (1 If I l Jw.-l.l'll II At ill II. bui.l'iii , May ti, I -.". I. r. 1.1 lui 1. r- i.. i.i 1 h. i'IMIIV IIOIM.." tVKKNX, lM I'll IN l nl NIK, I'tNN'A., IIVHiLV A mW I It, l'i 'l. 1 1. Tlm lable I. ni p;l. lll the b .1 It. I .tl'.tl nil, .i.i., I1....I l.tVling itii. allt nt it 0 e ll.ia. M ij '.'tl, ii I. I'onri ni.r uimih o.ui.imii IOMI'lt 'I l.l, t..ll. .." la I.04 Ii. p. 1. I It 1..III.I.I11 llU II. I t t It.. I - I , lit at. , I'll .HI t l.l ill. tu a'.' "It Hie I'.mlll t. Iliil.tUil t.l B '. i.,ii. I I..' I t tl.a.vt'l lliu J ( ,ti .11. u '1 B.'i.l...' ), "1. I ti.4J , .lltal.. i u. It. . l.l. lul l... .1 ..ii,, .1. II a li' liltiilt I I .ni.l'. 1 lul tat. I..LI.. ..'I "I t.1,.1 I nt I..,., l.l lilt.'. I ..II.. , I. .1.. ... ,. I. .1 ui.ittlAall.'l! . I III" all. It I t .. .'t. I'.all ul 1 1 lit. lo) Hi ') t" . t 1 at tl. . kiln, ul i . I Wc, . t.l I I. i'l ! li-h.U. u. I'.Uv u Int. linn 1 1 1 4 ) 1 1, .. '. ... If a I am. U4 Hill ' '! I i ' 1 I i'l li . li.'lii.ll U II. ). Mty U, lul. 11 II. HI M1. I'l. MS HltS AMl N I At. AIMHI, HfM4wM MtlU'tl I Mtfcl)t l'4. nl Ik k., .u .1.4 i.t.l '.i .1 ..... tntt.1. 4 au4 l'a I""," 4-...W 1. 1 I' v k. .1 ..k" .. A- lt.,. ... v l ul l. li It l V i I..HIt I'l 1 w.. .1 4 ' I ' t. j 1 I la. ji.t II, I'M C. B. WEITH3L, k CO liavo jti?t received an immense nlocli of nnd arc pReiinrcil tn get up suits nt ultorlnolieo nnd gun ran Iced to fit or no pale. BLACK, IMtOWX AND r.LUK CLOTHS, PouV.c wldUi, 3 nnd upward!.. FA-ISTCY OASSIMERES, nil wool 7"c, and upwards. VESTIXGSnl all prices. KENTUCKY JEANS 20c, nnd upvrar.K TWEEDSCJc, and upwards COTTOXAPES lS--,'and upwards. They have also mado arrangements with tlm GcXctosSedi GZeSEiing House 02? anamaker & Brown-, Phil'a, nud nro prepared to furnish stiila nl tlti'ir prices, only adding tlio cost of cxprcssap. Iftlie goods do not fcivo eatisfaction upon arrival wo will' return them free of charge. A full lino of samples for customers to sulect from. ALL VOOL SUITS $13 AND UPWARDS. Fpcuial atlrnlion ntvention paid to And the highest cash price? paid for QaOg Market strectji BimlHii:- lias received another choice assortment of Sps?Iiag and Summs? oils, and ha3 now on hand, tho largest stock in his lino, over offered for salo iu this place. lie ia oflcruig Jliirgains in Linen Clothing for Men and Boys. Bargains in line Dress Suits for Men & Boys. Bargains in Working and Business Suits for MEJST and 330YS. Bargains in Straw, Felt, Wool, Linen, and Cassiinere Hats, for Men and Boys. Bargains in Fancy and White Shirts and Gent's Summer Underwear. Gent's Furnishing Goods, ScC.a ScC- (iivo him si call and bio for youielves, that tlm l'tnpiio Clolliin Store i the cheapest l.AUcril asm m;tm KNT, '.kttiv.i coods, an 1 lowl'u i ku ks t1iax f-vim. Third Ttrcot. acor N ii. NT w rt till. watcuks, .ii-:wi:luy, lit VorlU Mioutl St., (ur. ul' (lurry , tiiii.viii;i.i'iUA. All lt..l lint 111 of Watt hi ., Ji Hel l , bi'.Vi r Ull I l'i..e. VSaro oii'laully uu ban. I. li I t 1. 111; ol MaleUu. ai.,1 Jcweiiy promplly ull. i..u. .i. I Apul I, 1 1. l-l. Bvikcryand ConfcctJoncry la li,. 1.1 u '.j.' Ibe l. 1 I 'lil. e, . .. t-ile in.- I....., N I N II I II V , T I. N ' A , I J,; I in... I 4 ! .(ir;e utii'iliiit nl "I ull i f C O N r E 6 T I O N a r 1 1 8 i.i 1 lei y tl. 1, 1 1( 1 .ii. riitSil llitllAi) is. OAKVSl et.ll It.. 'it.,, it. lain,:... Wlil I... I "1 I I. I ,1 , - .11 l.l t . I . 1 . 1 1 1 I' tl .1.1 1,1 Ultl Ul, I IV inl , IU k, IIV l.l Nn, tt.., ui. I a t.i t- k I uu J Ita . I a .1 l.ianat,.. Iaic4 u..k ul Hi' ( I I'fan.U 1 ul I '.'at . All Lhuli of l'uuvy Cultui j. l u. .a I l't .. I t 0 1 I ..e ,, ii, ii ) ..t ki lb I 4 i. Itlalt.iU. lalfl I ill. Ill ., 11,11., I.. ...1. .4 l-lll... 11 I .-I u. I. a I I liw .it.'ltt.l ..4.. V-l wi.l. I. b II a! I'"- I ' " i.J J ....I. l!.. Ik 1 "I, I'l al 111. II. .It' I . Ull Hi 1.1 . riittl tnl.t.u ll.a.l uJ v.'U., Hill I . . a .'i I ""1 I all. ..I- u. . I lul I., 1 l.l I -I'.'.-HX. (.l M liMl alt.t.ti. u la, -4 i..l.l.bll.. Iliti U.I, Ivl t..ulliie' III fin t. imimu. Mal. ltll, ll llurVMI felll MllliM kil ilk.. .. U. a ' k. . .1 .I II . la i.l"b'i .Ill I 01." III.- I tvl. I. I - BARGAINS ! ! 8. HcItlZFELDER. tho Depot, CUKBUHY, PA. I'Kii i s kid; ( i.i it Tin: Mamr.sotli Itoot V Shoo Store I ! Mil. mi:, In l'. II. tinllir. Iti'iini, tj i.tii Muil, o'.io tlo 1 f .1.1 e. kite I'ui-k Ulli.e, Sullliil .Mill ia.AM, I'llS'N'A. l'..r rini.ia l.. u, t o 1 . I'll Mill. r'. II l mi l M ri.ile. I lii t ale .ul'l, 11. l ( alt :tl 'i. 1 .,1 1 1. 11. it 1 ...1 ,1 ..'. i, .fa 1 1 I u ii:ii 1 ', fi.iy t'J l 1 fl I I - 1 pa... lor ll. 1. it-,, cii k . ..11 I it.iU. i-, nl I. tt.-t p..e,i I !. 1 1 i. . , .. l . I I M 1. r , mi I.1" 11 rln I. t..r all I..H1. ul liui.i II. .'I. nu I Hi call nl I .1 Mill..'.. I t,r l.t.l...' Iiiim".., ie ll.t.. am. nt III. i.k al l l V 'U. 1.. I li u 1 La. it .1 I Lii litu'. hli.n ., J al l 1 v an, a.,: I :. M-i' ! " ""'" ,.i,. '.!'.: 11 l. I' .1 a...l lt. 1) line, 1..I1 an I . 1 in la. I Ii li 1 1 ' " L la pin. I. ..l.t 1 it. 10 11 ) .a .tU l a. I li i.i ...., uk kin. l..i I" J iu. i, H -I'-:', '1'.-l. V. ii . .1 It i l ,w !' 1...,. i' l It i f ll.' .V S.'IA.U. al4l..ul fj .a. lUkhuliilluu. Nut i . 1. L.i.i 1 "i .. . .l (" pa'la".l"i L' . I I "I.. . 4 .no-. 1 I 1" I'l lial,l t,l ll v l- I. ;, La Li. . I "., I" !'. !' 1 i4lU l.t..h.t.. 111 II, . l...,ua il l l ' Lul), III. It U ill.... II.. I l l.nila..l ! '- ....xai.1., " ,ia I. II Iu Lat..l. ul i. U. Wtllfcl, .1 lb. t. al-bl, ''a "l (Ik U' t'ik " u i t run , u a tk 1 s x 1 u. I Lv 11 ii . 1 1 1 Of. . I ;ui .in hi m .it I iimH.I fc' t 'Link. I .1 I... wi4 Ii.i J, ki.4 I I k'ta .. kl I l HIM11, 4 I ) II ) I ' I 'l '. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers