THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, 18 PUBLISHED BTERT HATT7B0AT BY EM'L WILVEBT, IroprIetor, ' MASSEn's BlTtLDWaS, MARKET ICjUAMI, At fjl.50 In Advance. It not paid within OMoulh 93. Subta iptionii taken for leu than tit. Monlht. CowvrciFT) with this establishment is an extcrf sIveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a vnrlety of nlnln Anil FnnoV trtM On 11 11 1 t C flTIV t fl til ITIfifl t Jn the interior of the Bute, for which the patron- professional. WM. J. WOLVF.RTOS, Attorn cy a Law, ofllcc, iloor No. 5, 2nd floor, Hnnpt's Block, near Miller's Slioo 8toro, Bunbury, Ta. March 25th, 1871. ly. SB, HOYEIt, Attorney nt Law. Not. 3 niul 8, Second Floor Brlfiht's liiillding, Sunliury, Pa. Professional business attended to,ln thcconrls of Northumberland nud adjoining counties. Claims promptly collected. Consulta tion can bo had In the German language. March 85th, 18T1. ly. JERK It I A II NWOER, Attorney at Law, Bunbury, Pa. All professional busi ness intrusted to Uls caro will reccivo prompt at tention in this and adjoining counties. Can bo consulted both in English and German. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland county. Ang.20,1870.-ly. J NO. A. WILNOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . .No. 144 Fourth Avenue, Notary Public, rittsburg. Pa. dim, lo, itu. ly. . JCi. JIAIIKLK CO, Market Street, BUNBURY, PA. . Dealers In Drnirs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, 31nss, Varnishes, ' Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Dairies, &c. BP. U(ILVEItTM, Attorney at Law. Market Square, BUNBURY.PA. Profession al business in this and adjolulug counties prompt ly attended to. DR, A. It. N A VI DUE. respectfully an nounces himself as Physician and Burgeon ' to tTic citizens of Snnbury and vicinity, having lo ; cated hlmsclfpcrmancntly on Market Btrcct, near ly opjiosite the Fairmount Ilotcl, where ho can be consulted at oil hours when not professionally .cngugjd. npl-24-ly W. ZIEUEEIl, Attorucy at Law, north JT side of Public Bqnnre, one door east of the old Bank building, BUNBUKi , PA.-Collcc-,tions and all professional business promptly at tended to in the courts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. sept 15-60 CA. KEIMEXS'YIER, Attorney nt Law, BUNBURY, PA. All business en trusted to Ms caro uttended to promptly and with diligence. upl:i7-G7 JX. HAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, BUX11UKY, PA. Collections and all pro i'csslornl lmsincss prompt ly attended to. nieliHl-00 O. J Ulll'KEll. I II. KASE. "T" IttTEtt KASE. Attorneys and Coun J J sellors nt Law, BUNUUKY, PA. Olllce on Chestnut street, west of the N; C. and P. & E. Railroad Depot, in the building lately occupied i"iv F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections and all profess ional business promptly uttended to iu Northum berland and ndjoinlutr counties. apllO-ti'J nn. m ASSElt, Attorney nX Law, SUN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. tipllU-ti'J WM. M. ROt'KEI'EI.I.Ell. 1XOY1) T. UOUUIIAC1I. TOt UE1 EM.ER A ItOIIKRAC II, AX Attorneys at Law, SUNBUKY, PA Of fice iu llaupt's new building, second iloor. En trance on Market Square. Jan4-C3 AN. 1CRICE, Attorney nt Law, Sunhury, Pa. Olllce. in Masonic Hall liiillding. Collections of claims, w ritings, and nil kinds of legal business attended to carefully and with dispatch. April 8, 1871. ly. ANTii uauTte coal i VAEENTIXE DIETZ, Wholesale and Retail dealer in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, BUNBVRY, PEN.VA. All kinds of Grain taken In exchange for Coal. Orders- solicited and MM promptly. feb!8-71. W. S. 1CI10ADS. 1- PACKEIt HAAS. WM. RIIOAOH tV CO., U1ITAII, I)EA!.t:i:8 OK ANTHRACITE COAL, BUNBURY, PENN'A. Omen with Haas, Factly Co., i ders If ft at Sensholtz & Urn'., oUlee Market Ft red, will receive prompt nltcution. Country eiiMnin re: peel full V solicited. l'ob. 4, 1s71. tf. COACII.MAKEICS. WE are selling Rims, FTX;ke.s. Hubs. Springs, Canvass, Bolls, Clip.-, As'cs. Vc, very l.-iruv PtM-k tit CO.NlElT & CO. Sutilmi y, Ma n il BO, lsfiil. C" vOAL! COAL! t'OAM-GRANTHROS., bhippers nud Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, BUNBURY, PA. (LOWER WHAUF.J If" rAole Agents, westward, at the celebrated ' Henry Clay Coal. u Ji!"!U:!Ltf EXCHANGE LIVEUY. J. M. ;AUTJIOLOMKV, ruoi-mETOU. FOTRTH STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Kunbur) lu. rpilE best of riding ami driving horses always I ou hand to servo customers. Orders left nt the Central Hotel, for vehicles, will receive prompt nttcutlou. Nijy. oljU- . UEXT1KTRY. GEORGE M. ItENN, Ju Stunjsun'a liiUliiij, Mirkit &iure, Sunbviiv, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentist ry. llx keeps constantly on hand u large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental liijteriul, from which lie will bo able to select, nnd meet the wauts of his customers. All work w arranted to give satisfaction, or else lb" money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash uud Tooth-Powder kept ou hand. His 1-el. iences are the numerous patrons for v hum hu iuts worked for the last twelve years. tiuiihury, AprllJil,lK7 1. i NEW 4'OAL YAIII. fllllE undersigned having coniieelej thu Coal l.buiiies with his extcusive FLOUR iV GRAIN trade, is prepared to supply lamillt with Hie VERY 1IEMTOF tOAI.. II Kit I'UII C'AMII. Ft'g, Hove und Nut, constantly ou bund. Grain lakiu ueneliauge lor out. J. M. C.1WA1.LADEU. Bunbury, Jun. 15, 1H70.-U. moll bllll'MAN. TllllMt'S'lIt UKiia Avt'Mfut AGENCY ilr, l.lfte uU INSURANCE or XlllfntN A- IIEItll. M AUK tl' M'UKET, 5L'.NUUHV, l'A loMJ'.VSlt "MiPUEbESTKU. . Ai.i. ih au, 1'UIU.IelpUU, Awet, t r.Ni.M.iui, " " Ubbullull, new luie, J,SO"l,OUl N. Aun (Halt l.uiillaid, " VkutAN YoiW l.uduU, I yeolioiij, Muuif, klutiw' l'LU4cli-UU, lliiiut, S- uiW, IUiiioi.1, lUulmJ, l'i.i.i.., " 'll.,Clll.. r- ( u., Vut k, Is. U'lt'.U A Ni'ulilii I uuiuiii, St Vuie, l ,i i. U, iiui l ft, f.y t,-Ui .1 Uk-l Hi', Mi:f,MU l.ti.'Mt.lU'J hJ,lnl I'SJ.UUU H.iu.ooJ ,'SI,oJ J,i,Jlli l,ltJ7,OlU l.Ulil.UuI irniki't V'l-i.loO 1,ioJ,ouO (, ' i-4 W k UU.fji t Iwf H U4 t-i fRICE tl 50 IN ADVANCE. V T A PIERRE 1IOCNE. Broad nnf Chest JU nut sts., Philadelphia, J. B. BUTTER- WORTIT, Proprietor. Terms per day, 13.50. April 15, 1871i ly TTNION HOT EE, TITOS. FOULDS, Sr J Proprietor, ebamoklu Street, Trcvorton Northumberland comity. Pa. The table is sup piled with the best tbo market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. Jan. 21, '71 HOOVER 1IOI SE, Third Street, at toe depot, SUNBURY, PA., Wm. Reese, pro prietor. Warm meals Served tin at all hours. Fish, Fowls and Game. Fresh Oysters con stantly on hand and served In every style. The best of wines and liquors at the Bar. -?"Famllles will be supplied with oystem done up in any stylo, by leaving orders at the Bar. lJ(OV.6,'7U-ly, NATIONAL LAGER BEER SALOON, OK TniBD STREET, HEAR TUB DEPOT, SUNBURY, PA. TOSEPH BACHER informs the citizens of Sun- tf bury nnd the public generally, that he has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON at the above place. The best of Lager Boer, and Malt Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, sc., constantly scrv cd np to customers. NATIONAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd county, -a., at tbo station ot tneJN. c. k. yv. Choice wines nnd clears at the bar. The table is supplied with the best the market allords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. A LLEUIIENY MOUSE, Coi CTIAS XX. KLECKNER, Pioprietor, Nos. H13 nnd 814 Market street, above eighth, 1'lULADKl.rillA Terms, fi per day. He respectfully solicits your patronage. WASHINGTON IIOI.NE, C. NEFF. Proprietor, Comer of Market & Second Streets, opposite tlio Court House, Suubury, Pa. MayiWj'TO. HOTEL A RESTAURANT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Bunbury St., west 8IIAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served at all hours, nt short notice. Tbo best of Liquors n't the Bar. The Tablo is sup plied with the best and latest in the markets. At tentive scrvauts. Terms moderate. Putranago solicited. HUMMEL'N RESTAURANT, LOUIS HUMMEL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SHAMOKlN, PENN'A. Having just retlttcd the nbovo Saloou for the accomodation of the public, is now prepared to serve jis friends Willi tlio best icfrcalimeuts, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other umlt quors. J. VALE It S WINTER GARDEN AND HOTEL A'o. 720, 722, 724 & 727 Vint St., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GaITdEN HOTEL, (ON TBI EUROPEAN PLAK) Centrally located, connecting with all tlio City Passenger Railway Cnrs, from all the Depots In the City. Excellent Accommodation)! Tor Tra vellers. G rand Vocal nnd Instrumental Concerts every evening in the Summer and Winter Garden. UtiyOrchcMrion Concert Enry Aflcmoon.A FINE LADlliS' HKSTAfUANT TUE ULST OF HEFKESilMCNTS SEKVEIl. Olllce of J. Vuler's Fountain Park Brewery. Juno 4, 1870.-ly. Boots and Shoes! RONV DROFFNER, Third Street, nbovo Market Street, Sunhury, Pa., Is prepared to manufacture HOOTS AND SHOES of every description nt tlio shortest notice. All his stock is of the very best, which is uiudu up in the latest city style at the moM reasonable terms. Repairing dono neatly and promptly. The public are invited to call and examine Ids stock nud workmanship before purchasing else where. RONY DROFFNER. April 22, 1871. L Til U O It NTOUEI CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite t ho Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Resjieetfully invites the attention of Rctnllcrs and others, that lie lias on hand, and w ill con stant lv keep all kinds of ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Coguiuc, Cherry, Giimcr, Rochclle nnd Otnrd. Whiskies: Pure Kyo Copper-Distilled, Moi"u gahela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagno Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider. ChnTnpugno Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout nnd Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And nil others Liquors which cun be found in the city markets, which will bo sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always ou hand. tT Orders promptly atlenueu i, anu puuiie patronage respectfully solkitcd , rtr.r r. Bunbury, July 8, 1809. ly. HARDWARE STORE, J. II. t'onley, A Co. MARKET STltEET, UN'BURr, l'A., HAS received a new assortment of all kinds of Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools, Ac, ul all deseriiitions. Also Wul'oii Muker s Mate rials. llllllS. HUUS. PlMiKCS. Also, all fclima ui Leather lor Shoemaker's uud Saddler's. Every, thing In the Haruwure iluecuu be foiiud which will lie sold as low as cau bo bonglil of any other establishment tu the country. Ctll aud see their lock. Biiubury.Dic. 11, 110. FOR SALE. rpWO VALUABLE LOTS ou the torucr of X beeoud aud lluMiiiil striili, Iu the Ho-rou-U ul bunbury, on ntlili h there ure trm ted a laritu delliii house, stublu and ouibuildluc;. The bviuestcau, late oi itugu iieuai, u u. . i I .m KI...L..I ....... I I. (hi Hiirikili'h niai, . . " . -..v.., t.r aiii.l.iirv. mi wlileh lluns ura advcllliiK house. stable and oulbulldiut;. Imiulre t the olIUs of D, I , II Ul, J.RI ".'i Fib. II, l71.-tf. Adtululstrutu 5 to10iK'rUay.,Slv,;:!l .uu.ia II UUr liUW liUslllUsS IIUS.O Hum J i.. siu iiki duv Iu l lie i r umia liH-alitc. Full ittr- livuUi sud lusii uulious s. ul lite by tuull. IboMilu bum! hi iHiruutiteUl, puumutg om, Uuuld tldrc.s at om '. UtuUliE UNION A i-ii., ('utlaiid, Malus. AprU 1 5, 7l.3iu. TIIOHIW ItM'IV. ' iff kuulU IUcou4 Miwt, abuvs I tiuluut, t I'lllLAUKLPIU tUUiiU Ju.t Of-rutd, ith !' C Mlwlt stutk of roioiiiU uJ DulUtl.lU. t I io.lll.(., of i bull ljlt uJ qua.IlK. r tu,iu( lutb., Miuui.. Dmi'ts, Mai,'., VmiI., Ilwill, ...,, . v. w mil It vn i Lcjc (or i j.U P. i -J. IVWkHt If. PI V, B'4 at MuulU kwcutid kutxt lyul, Ult liutua Ivb. lll - Jiu. LAI it AlfAl Attorn.. U4 i.Mlll,iUt., at H'i l)i.u.4vi'. n-ii. ( t) O Ui Uuuis 4 l'U.Un.i' o batultiul lre SUNBURY, PA., ch) bbtrtiscmcnte. LIFE and FIRE AND Marine Insurance Agency OF Xj. lL. TODER, Near tub Court House, SuNBuf.Y, l'A. companies Represented. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE . COMPANY or NEW YORK. Office 819 Broadway. Assctts In proportion to .Mammies larger tiiim any other Company, famine the merits of this storllmr Company Its Registry System, and Division of Prollts. L. M. YODER, SiHjcial Agent, SUNBURY, l'A. ANDES Insurance Company, CTNCINNATTI, OHIO, 118 West Fourth Street. EIRE AND MARINE. Cnsli Capitol, 1,000,000 00. J. B. BENNETT, President. J. II. BEATTIE, Secretary. J. J. BERNE, Supt. of Agencies. Applications for Insurance promptly attended to. L. M. YODER, Agent, Bunbury, Ia. Pottsville Fire Insurance COMPANY. LOSSES VliOMPTLY PAID. F. AT.RTADT, President. FRERICK 1IAESELEY, Secretary. Jj. M. YODER, Agent. Sunhury, Pa. ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY, OP ERIE, PENN'A. t'nisb CnpitHl, 250,000 OO. HON. O. NOBLE, President. JOHN P. VINCENT, Vice President. M. RUSH WARNER, Secretary, 11. W. NOBLE, Treasurer. B. S. SMITH, Special Agent. UIKKCTOK3. nou. O. Noble, Hon. J. P. Vincent, M. Huitler, dipt. J. S. Richards, James II. Ncill, F. H. Gibbi, 11. W. Noble, Hiram Dairgett, Richurd O'Brien, Hon. G. B. Delamatcr, II. S. Southard. John W. Hammond, Johu Fertlg, Hon. S. Marvin, Wm. B. Stcrrett. Henry Rawlc, G. T. Churchill, C. Englchart, C. M. Heed, Jr., C'apt. D. P. Dobbins, L. M. YODEIt, Agcnl, SUNBURY, Pa. "WYOMING INSURANCE COMi PANY, WILKE8-BAKRE, PENN'A. ANNeti, Jan. lnt, 171, 210,09 42. CIIAB. DORRANCE, President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice President. R. C. SMITH, Secretary. L. M. YODER, Agent, Sunhury, Ta. -ETNA Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN. 13,7M3,SS 00. Amnetsj, L. J. Ileudec, President. J. flooilmow, Bec'y. Wm. B. Clark, Ass't Sec'y. I M. YODER, Ageut, Sl'NHl'ltY, l'A. WIIXIAMSPORT FlltK l.NSUUANt'E (OMPANY, WlLLIAMSPtUtT, PENN'A. Iiieoipuruled Ci.U Capital, I100.UX). JOHN WHITE, Prddti.1. U. W. TlloMPtioS, btei'y. Tbo Orltlul I.IkIiImIuk t'ouiiMU)' ui IVuus) It tsuits. Ktvry Pulley UaueJ t this Couii'suy I mures ugaiu.l Ujuiuo by Llk'Uluiug as well a ti. ST41KUKST i't S MlllS, tfalL 1st, l7l. ( a.UluUaiik, Ul.&ao ao tli.U lit l4ud of Aii'bts, bO IamuSvh Ui MixtgdKV. IM.kwl Sj Uut uu Hu;W Culu.(fU, il.ltfU 00 H U. Uutols, l.usj iu hill lUxibI, Is.JjO ui ftlsuual I'lojiity, MU 00 liiu,twe I J V(uUatl polUU., r-lr UtaUus. C.kIuI Wilt U4, u4 Piuuifyi Psfib, aie wul luttais. L. M. Vol tlt, Agtut, nUMItlkV. l'A. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1871. UALT1MORE LOCK1IOMP1TAL J-R. JOHNSTON, Physician of this -celebrated Institution, has aiscovorca ino moei certain, specay, pleasant and oucctual remcuy in mo worm lor nit DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Wcnkncss of tlio Back or Limbs, Strictnrcn, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, lmpotcncy, General Dcblll ty, Nervousness, Dyspcpsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of tho Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Noso or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lnngs, Stomnch or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising from tlio Solitary Habits of Youth thoso secret and solitary practices more fatal tu their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, Impos- 81010. IOUNG MEN especially, who have become the'vlctims of Boll. tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave tnousnnas oi youne; men oi me most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who mlirht other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MAKH1AU. Marrlod Persons or Young Men eontomiilntlnir marriage, aware of Physical Weakness. fLoss of Procreatlve Power lmpotcncy?, Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Orgnnio Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or ouy other DlsquuliDcitlon. speedily relieved. He who places himself under tho care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor ns a gcntlo lmin, and couUdcully rely unon his skill as a l'bv siclan. . ' ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Iinpotency, Lofs of Power?" immediately Cured and full Yicor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriago impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper Indulgences. Young pcrsonsnro too n-pt to commit excesses from not being awnre of the dreadful conscqenccs that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that tho power of procreation is lost sooner by those fulling into improper habits than by the prudent .-Besides being deprived tho pleasures of healthy Offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoinsto both body and mind arise. The svstcm becomes de- ! ranged, tho Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Proereativo Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of tho Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilliug month after mouth, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply immediately. UK, JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of tho most cmiuent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose ifc has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia nud elsewhere, Iiiib cllectcd some of the mo t astonishing cures that were ever kuown j mauy troubled with ring ing iu tlio head nnd cars when asleep, great nervousness, being nlnrmcd at sndilcu sounds, bnshl'iilness, with frequent blushing, attended i sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all thoso who have injured themselves by Improper indulgence nnd solitary habits, which ruiu both body and mlnd,uulittiug them for cither business, study, society or mar- lagc. 1 uksb are somo of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vizi Weakness of tho Buck nud Limbs, Pains in tho Buck and Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus cular Power, Pnlpitatlonof tho Heart, Dyspcpsy, Nervous Irritability, Dcrnugemcut of Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, IV.C. - Mkst.uay The fearful effects on the miud are much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil- Forebodiii";s, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, tc, are somo of tho evils produced. ! 1 uotSiXDS of persons of all ages can now mice what is the cause of their declining health, osiuir their vigor, becoming, w cak, pule, nervous and emaciated, having a singular apjicaraucc about the eyes, cough uud symptoms of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged iu wh'cu alone, a liubit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, tho effects of which aro nightly felt, even when uslecp, and if not cured, renders marriage Impos sible, und destroys both miud and body, should apply Immediately. wnat a pity tnai a young man, mo uopcoi jus country, the darling of his parents, should bo snatched from all prospects and cnjoyiuculs of lite, by tho consequence of deviating from the atn of nature and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons mi st, befoce contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body aro tho most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, the Journey through life become a weary pilgrimage j the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed w ith despair nnd tilled with the melan choly reflection, thut tho happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and iinprudeut votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed tho seeds of this painful disease, it too often hapens that au ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters hlut from applying to those who, from cducutiou aud rcsjiectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the const itullouul symptoms of this horrid disease make their appcarauce, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased uoso, uoctural pains in the head aud limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes ou tho shlu bone and arms, blotches on the head, face und extremities, pro gressing wllu frightful mpldlty, tut at last the iialato of thu mouth or the bom s of tbo nose fall in. aud tbo victim of this awful disease become a horrid object of commiseration till death puts a period to Ins dreadful suueriug, by sending him to 41 thut Undiscovered Country from whence uo traveller returus." It is a melancholy fact tbnt thousands DIE victims to this terrible disease, through fulling Into t lie bauds of Iguoraut or unskillful ritt TENDERS, who, by tho use of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, iv.c., destroy the constitution, and Incapable, of cuilug, keep tho uuhupiysullercr month ufler mouth taking their noxious or in jurious compounds, und luslead of being restored to a renewal oi Llic igor aim jiappiuess, iu uc I, air leave him with ruiued llcullu to sigh over lis galling disapuiuliucul. To such, therefore, Dr. Juiikston pledges him self to preserve Ihu most luvloluble Secrecy, and from bis extensive practice aud observations iu the great Hospitals of Euroiv, aud tho first iu this couulry, is i England, Frauuc, Philadelphia uud elsewhere, U cuubled to oiler the most cer lulu, ccdy uud ctlcclual ruiuudy iu tho world lor uli discuses, of luiprudcuiv. DR. JOHN TON, OFFICE, NO. 7, . FREUEKICK STREET, Baliiuokk, M. D. Lett hand Ma going from li.tltiuioresuwt, a few doors lr mi i be comer. Fall uut to observe iuuiu and nuii.bcr. tSo letters rcvcWcJ unless postpaid and Containing a slump to U) used uu I be reply. Per us ttiiiini; should slate and suj a portluu ol adVilllsellielil ile.elllilllll ) Ulptollls. There are so luituy Pultiy, Uusigulug aud WoilbteM lluj.iiUcl. ,lvi-tlitMig themselves as 'h)l. Uus, luuluu UU and ruliiliis; the tculib of all bo uuloHuuaUly UU lulu lumr puat-r, that III. Jubu.lou deetua it ma.eury Ul say w- IcUHy to IUue uiiuualbUd with lit rvpula !uu ilut bis t ileuiul VI IHploui always aug Iu lit ulliee. rsnuKn!!4T or iiik pufb. The many iLuUMtude HII t IbU lUUl'llsk uuiul. ter aiur '' aut the aumeious Wa i.,a.iii mciel lniiua iifuitu4 by lr. t: - - w- llUstU, ISUUvMMl f I US RW UltllM Wl l. auil llulli KUe MIIS, HUM ul WbU.ll Lt iie4 aifsiM att4 siu Ulois tUs paWie, Im.lJ. Lu stsuJiatf as a tet.lUauti ul iLiattl u4, al!4 UlaKAilri fltl'ILt IVKIU rbir !, laf l If ! f Ileitis. AN OLD UA3IE. 'Btitton ! button ! who's cot tho button? Iheso words fell in hurried accents of vexation irom tho clieny-lins of Miss Lucy Ware, aud were accompanied by a fairy like avalanche of fascinating screams. Sho was just auout to step aboard tho cars wucu eno (Uscoverea ucr loss. OU dear I It was on when I started. What can hrtvo becomo of it ? I can never matcn it in una woria I Ana siio cast a loot: of consternation at tho vacant place on her sacaue. where ihnm snoutu uavo Decn a largo agato button. 'Whv don't vou look around for it V tin ftenianucu oi iier Handsome cousin. Gerald entwortli. who was to soohersaJblvuLar. ted ou her journey. He elevated his eyebrows at her lmneri ous tone, and scanned tho ground at their ICCl. 'What aro you looking at, Tom Shelly ? i ou'u Dciier no nacK to vour erensv nm- unuiu-suop, unless you can una my but ton i' Tom Shelly lifted his hat. bowed low to conceal a simao ot patn that passed across his face, and walked away. Ho had como to tako a last look at tho despotic littlo beauty before sho passed from his vision, perhaps forovcr. Sho was the incarnation to hiin of all that was bright, winninc. sprightly aud lovablo ; and after 6ho was cono ho would inuso and dream about her. when she, perhaps, would bestow only an occasional, transient thought on him as an atom among her homo reminiscences. Just thcu tho warning whistle sounded. and Miss Waro was compelled, corrilv against her will, to submit to her loss, and procccucu on ner paurncy. She waved her handkerchief, Ceroid WeutWorth waved his hat. and then the latter overtook Tom Shelly. 'She's a high-toned littlo picco, Shelly,' ho said. 'Who ? Oh ves ! Miss Waro. Sho la to bo gone for a long lime, I bclicvo ?' 'All winter.' Tom sighed. IIo looked nt his rusty clothes, and contrasted thcui with tlio ele gant suit of his companion. 'She's pretty proud isn't nho !' 'l'roud as Lucifer's sister if ho hud one' laughed Weutworth. 'Though I don't know as I ought to say that, I think a good deal of her myself.' You dor 'Yes she's my couein, you know.' 'She is very beautiful.' 'And sho knows it too.' , Tom was silent. Uo did not feel calla ble of maintaining his caroles tone : eo ho jookcu su-aignc ancau, ana pianica Lis heels on tho pavement with vigor aa ho 6teppcd. "ihey eay you'ro tho bcBt man ia Duu ning's machine-shop, Shelly. How's that?' 'Curse tho machine-shop and its grease and dirt !' exclaimed Shelly. 'I wish I'd chosen boiiio more genteel business.' 'Well, it isn't as ueat as it might bo, to bo sure. But still, when you get up to tho -i ti i 1 a. I top us an rignt. i.ooK at Lmnuing now ho stands in tho commuuity. IIo 'began by kindling tho fies, you kuow.' Hero tho two turned off iu different directions. Their brief conversation passed from Weutworth's miud immedi ately ; but Tom remembered it, dwelling aud lingering on each word, and turning it over and over in his miud. There was no torture so delightful to him as to hear Lucy nuie iiuscu uuouc, anu to mcatiate, on Whatever concerned her in near or remntn degree, lie watched by stealth her smiles, and was angry with all tho world because no couia not resist tho infatuation. For ho ought to have dismissed her from his thought with contempt after sho refused one night to rro to a concert with him be- causo he did not dress well enough. Ho was wounucu ana cut ; nut tho circum stance did not bring common-sense to his head. He sulked, and toiled, aud hoped with a miserable, doubting hope, and pocketed his fifteen dollars a week, aud was still an abject slave. - . . , Miss Waro was going to New York to 6pcnd tho winter with a wealthy auut, and now he had her last words to think of a command to go back to his greasy machine shop. When ho left tho shop that night it was to walk homo with slew steps aud a thought ful face. Luminations in which there wcro glcarus of senso, energy, and- purposo ran through his head. Ho tound supper waiting, and sat down opposite his mother with an absent, pre occupied look. Are you urea, Tom r 4Xo, uot particularly.' 'I thought you looked bo.' 'Dunning began at tho bottom, didn't ho, mother V And why can't I work up to whero ho stands now ? Yes, Weutworth was right. I'll do it !' 'Do what, Tom V 'Oh, nothing-only I'm not going to stand at the lutho all my Iifu-1 can tell you that.' 'Why, what's tho matter, Tom 1 Aren't you doing very well now V 'No. I'm nothing but a greasy, begrhn mcd laborer. But I'll mako my mark yet, or givo up tho gliost.' 'Mercy I don't talk so. 1 thought you were Very wcU satisfied.' 'Satisfied !' coutumptuously. 'It is wrong to murmur against one's lot. Wo ought to bo thaukful ' 'I Knit mention tho word 'thaukful' to mo ! l'ardon me, mother, 1 don't mean to speak uukiudly ; but well, there's going to bo a chuugu ; that's all.' 'Vou don't mean thut you aro goiug to leave Mr. Duuuiug V 'No, uo' 'What was it about, Mr. Weutworth ? 'Oil. 1 met him to iluy'Toiu bluahed 'uud ho reminded mo of how Dunning began a a choro-boy, aud of thu way ho Uud now, Aud 1 thought, why can't one do it us well a ouotlicr f Why cuu't 1 doltW Tom looked at liU mother lu a defluut, uiuuiciiUlivo way. 'I'm kuru I duu't know,' tho replied slightly uuiiplusscd. 'Hut you slioiddu'l ducuivu youiscll' by buildiug uir Cttlctujr.' I'll tuWu euro oi that. But I've got uu Idea that 1 lueuu to work uut. it may amount to nothing.' What U U, Tutu '1 cau". Wll you uow. Vou kuow that Uaiu aoiuoUuvi . maku tuoro uioucy Hutu haiiels. if 1 could only invent eomtihiug.' Air hWl kuuok Uut Ulis4 doubllUUy. 'luvtuUiu uvtfuuurtUljf luuo-Uiuu4krva' lufva. ' M . .t l,w a uuud dual 1 YOU OUuUt 10 Ul asUautcd to eUuuVr Uut, 'i'hiut 4 hat II.. m I. uu diuia lu thu MforLL' Tutu MV tu UbW uu Ui wutl but half thiislMMj, aud tutu itiutasjij uowu uu urn . ,-u h. l'uttuui Ul lutud tu lit la UL It CftUMi tU temlail UU acUMilbinj that tit UUuaS4twu4Ublnui Ufeiiustij ( New Rrl, Vol. aNo. IS l.OW NcrlCN, Vol. 31, No. SO. and went up to his room. Ha lit a lamp, and smiled in exultation as ha laid a small object on tho table. It was Miss Lucy Ware's missing button. Yes, Tom had Been it when it dropped, picked it up, nnd resolved to keep It as ft remembrauce of the tantalizing siren who had so bewitched him. Sometime, perhaps, ho would re turn it Ho chuckled ns ha thour-hf. nf discomfiture, and horWissftil Ignorance of wno was ino pospessoi oi i,he lost trinket. Then tho foolish fellow irttzod at it Inn earnestly, finally placing it in an inside pocket of his vest. He went to a shelf orx which wna raAnl a choice collection of ecicMiflo works, took ono down, and commenced reading. Uut his thoughts refusing to corcetitTPtfl thorn. selves on the subject of thobooks, he finally flung it asido and went down stairs. Ii0 astonished his mother for tho rest of Lhn i evening by being unusually gnj and vivacious, no perpctratcu tearful loiea, nud both laughed until ths tcare ran down their cheeks, thus ius'irinz a irood nlfrht's rest. . - Uut a chancre was eorrnW. Thn nnt (lay Tom bought pencils, compasses nnd drafting papers, nod ia tho evening ehnl himself up In hii room. This was repented tho next eveuinff. nnd tho next, nnd ui thn end of n weekrhis mother learned to" look no inoro for tho plcosant hours llioy ad been wont to spend toget her after tea. Ton fTY1 W tn tn ntifl Ilia fnnn ncointiorl n Hirttirrlif. Xl J"-"- I -e . J IllVV U J'JMIllVU lr IliUlli ful rceoluto look. And soon ho drew half Of his two hundred dollars from tho hank and fitted up a littlo workshop in a back chamber. Hero tho souud of filling and hammering was heard lato into tho noura of almost every evening. Tom was work ing out his idea, whatever it was ; and it was plainly no child's tilav with. him. but a gnmo in which ho had staked his all u battlo for lifo or death. His earnest faco told tins, always soberly meditative now, and scarcely ever relaxing into ti amilo. Hi3 mother noticed this : Mr. Dunnim? noticed it : his friends noticed it ; but ho discharged all his daily duties with rigid fidelity, and gavo short answers to expres sions of concern. Aud thus tho winter passed. Ono August day Mr. Dunning said : 'Shelley, vou oro entitled ton vacation. and you look as though you needed it. Go oil' for a couplo of weeks. Your pay shall goon tho same 1 don't want it now, sir. I'm all tight.' 'Ah. but I am afraid vonr not all rirrht. You aro palo and thin.' 'I would prefer to word ou for tho pres ent,' prcsistcd Tom. I may want a vaca tion Deloro long. I'll nsk for it when i do.' 'All right. Don't bo afraid to mention Onlv don't wait till tho busv season.' it. For tho next thrco months Tom Bluck later than ever to his littlo workshop oven ings, and ofttn toiled thcro until tho woo, Binall hours were toiled out by tho lonely, solemn town clock. At the end of that time ho went to Mi . Dunning with bright, almost Lappy looking eyes. Yet ho had a jaded, exhausted ok. &fow, sir, I want my vacation. 'Whew I' said Mr. Dunninr?. 'Wnn just got in somo big orders, you kuow.' x can't ncip it, sir. i must uavo a wook.' 'You must f 'I'm sorry, sir : but rather than not it I'd throw up my place.' 'Why, what'8 tho row, Shelley? Any thing going wrong?' 'JNo, sir. I hope you will pardon my persisteuco, but cau 1 go for a week?' 'Well, yes,' said Mr. Dunning, reflec tively, 'I suppose eo. You ought to have taken it in tho week, you shall have it?' That night Tom packed something very carefully in a small box. limlo his mother good-by, and started for Washington. 'Upon HIV word. Shnllr. I tYu not there was so much in you I' jLoki bheilcy and Mr. Dunning wcro closeted together in tho latter's privato ofilco with somo papers spread out before them, and a small brass model of a machine standing on tho desk. 'Well, sir. since you approve of It, and think it likely to answer its rurnoso. sup pose we talk business.' iiusincss.' 'Yes. You havo capital and I havo tho Eatcnt. There's money in tho fciacliinu, ut it will tako money to bring it out.' very truo.' 'Well, your canital in thoso works la ono hundred thousand dollars. I'll put in my invention at filly thousand, nnd owu ono third of tlio establishment.' 'An I I should think you might I' 'Or, if vou like. I will travel two months. and seo how tho thing is likely to tako be- loro we niaso any ngrccment.' 'Don't you think you'vo got your ldo&s up rather high on the matter ?' I'ernaps l nave,' answered Tom, coolly, 'but I don't rronoso to ro beircinc. and let others grow rich out of what I ought to have.' 'Such thin lis aro all experiments croat risks.' 1 know it ia. sir : but vou boo what it Is. and tho need it supplies, und it is for you to eay whether you will run tho risk oi tak ing hold of it.' Mr, Dunning pausod aud reflected. 'I will look tho matter over, hoeaidatleugth, 'and you may como hero to-inorrow evca iug. This wan aa satisfactory as Tom could have expected, aud so bo withdrew. Whou he went homo hu ankcd hi moth er (to who ho hud coutldvd naught of his plans) how sho would hko to livo in Juugo Graham's houao on Mulu struct. 'Tho Judgo ia going to Luropo, aud wauts to sell.' What is that to ub, Tom? Wo cuu't buy his bouse.' 'Well, wo may bo able to aotno tituo.' 'Somotimo What a way you huvy of looking, rum r 'll'e butter to look uhtad tluui buhlud, I Ihiuk.' Tom wcut up stain, threw hiinHolf buck lu u chair, uud took Lucy Wuro'a buttou out. llo Utigcrvd tho intiiiLiito over uud over, gazed uu it, aud Uculty passed it to his lip stealthily, a U Uo (cured ttouto ouo might bo lookiuu. Thtu uo woiulcrud what Mr. Dunning' Uecisluu uiiht U, aud ro olvcd lu his lulnd ult tho coitlingeuiU of ucotM or iuiluro. IIo but littlo thut ulght, for hut wholo luturu hung ou tho iu Itrvicw of twuuty-four hour luiuou. Kow Yvar'a ulght I A tdlvtr wodJinj I Mr. Dunniiig'e umrutou m tluowu oku aud thtuiii;c4 with Irlotula. It u no UUly aibur. Tho tuildrvu who lUro aa tvU a IU o!4 folk, aun tin luuo wst ttlow witU auu good tluxr. 'l'luir.. wiiu Uuulilul IKvecUU. miliUU Cotigratuiatwtie, aud liaukiuj ul lutude j bntul cid ijule uU dalug di aud ahiuuitf MttiUifrUouieUrt iditfiuutd tuulruti lu auuly ailk aud diamuod I ucuitutnt ilmiut vuuiij iMMt lit awalloiV UlU) and While tte i 4blwU cLi!Ju-, wl-L 1U ADVEIlTISiyq SCHEDULE lLlfits, or abouUjH) Word, tnnke a S((nr ro (Ine -week .1.00 .no fi.6o R.oo' 5.0O W.00 15.00 Tiro vreoks Three " Four " Five " CU . " T ira mo's Three" fix ' Nine One Year kTiI i'S 2 .wia.uf) -.. ,i,uu. I.OU 15S.O0 7 (HI ')-, nil t.w, W lil.WJ Ihl 'lil IMI 8.cth 9.5oio.w.30.w-TC t 'oe iti.oo io.oo is.oair..iti:ta.()iis.wo: ,'(, i8.Wi;lH.O0,t5.(W 20.00 -W.0O:CO.I0l muiikhlvu eiiuuienances ; ana the buziwul rustle nnd din aud clntti.r i.f had dismissed dull care for tho nouec, ail was licnt on makinir a nii'hi nf if . Tom Slmlley was there, BDd so'wasLuc aro. The former was urrnmwbi k friends nnd nrw ncouaintuticea pni-nr congratulato him on n recent imnnrfnnf event namely, his admission as partno' 'MiU JJAi. J.lllllllllr. 'Dunning & Shelley has n very respec table sound,' said one. 'Accept my congratulations on your good fortune,' aid nnother. 'Well, Tom, your lack has content Inst.' You deserve your luck every bit of it ' were the words of an old friend. Tom received all this with il nn arrnnrt an.T modesty. A few ventured to sound hini, tO LOftt. Ilia tntnllirwinoa. Mnu ln ,. V v ' uv " upuuuuy BntlSlll'd On that swm. llo wna a thnrtk.. ful reader, Hnd nosBCB8el a stock of lxxs that many of thoeo n round him wonld havo done well to eubstituta for tlie unwhole eomo ewectmears with which they wero wont to regalo thoir minde. In tho nitar.timo Tom Is solilqulzinT rnentally. He Is growing restive, an3 lorlgs Is psk to i-twy AlVre. Jiut hn wonders how Blie will rccoivo him whether his good fortuno will make him more at tractive to her. And if it dues, nnd if cer- tain hopes ho has chcrimhtd aro fulfilled will it bo he that wins her. or somethini? else? Will it be a cash match or a lovo natch? Or won't it bo any mntch nt all. ittd Is Btich Ppcculation idle? These wero PCt)lpxing questions, and Tom found him selt mablo to consider thein with that cool ness f judgement ho hnd resolved with himEcr. to bring to bear on the matter. At lnt. Tom approached her, nnd ns ho drew neni felt n choking thrill. Klio was Just ns beauiful as over, nnd give him a glancoout ov her liquid black eyes that rippled up froai under tho lone lashes like n Hood of sunlitjit. But in spito ot tho will center into which his blood was firel, he bade liBr good even ing, touched her ployed palm, und uttered some common-pl.tcn remark with very praiseworthy nonclialanco. Just then u set was forming to dance, aud ono couplo was watting. Of course Tom asked Miss Ware for the honor, etc., and tho two marched on tho floor. ' You will nllow mo to express my pleas ure ut your new advancement, will you not?' she asked in a tono in which there was iust n shado tf frcmulousncss. 'Oh, certainly, if yon tako enough Inter est in mo to feel any pleasure nt it.' 'Why, ofcoursoldo. I always feel In tcrcstcd in thoso deserving of success.' Her tone was charmingly frank now. 'Oh, that's it, is it?' said Tom, n littlo disappointed. The eparklo in Mies Ware's eyes dilated a littlo. 'Well, I got it by hard work,' ho said. 'I went back to my greasy mncliine-Ehop that time, ns yon bid mo.' 4 What do you mean?' ' Uavo you forgotton about it? It was when you went to Kcw York viBit you aunt. Ecu lost your button at the depot, you know, and told mo to go back to my greasy machine-chop if I couldn't find it.' Miss Ware blushed scarlet. 'Oh, do not epcak of that. It wa vory rude in me. Isuppoecdyou had forgotten it. I was only in fun.' 'But I wasn't.' Tom'a tono was rather etcrn, and Lucy looked up quickly. 'I made a vow then.' 'Oh dear! 1 bopo I wasn't the means of yonr making a vow.' 'Do you? And suppose you wero what then? If there anything so very alarming about mokiug vows?' 'I don't knew. They're so very ecldon kcit.' 'Ah, but this one is partially fulfilled already, and will bo entirely eomo time. That is, only ono thing can prevent it.' Miss Lucy did not ask what that ono tiling was, but grew reserved, nnd during tho rest of tho quadrill did not look into Tom'a faco with her previous unembarrass ed freedom. Tho conversation had been carried on disjointcdly during tho pauses in tho dancing. When the last tigure was finishing Mies Waro eaid: 'Oh dear, I am eo tired of dancing! Let us walk in tho other room, and sec what the children aro doing.' Her hand still rested on Tom's arm, and they went their way into another apartment, whero a merry throng of boya and girls were partaking of tho pleasures of that old and exci ting gano, 'Button I buttonl who's got tho button?' 'That's a good old game,1 said Lucy, glancing at tho chidrcn. Buttonl buttonl who's got the button ' came in ringing tones from one of the play ers. 'I've got it!' exclaimed Tom. 'No, sir; i'vo got it myself I'ehouted a merry, blue-eyed girl, betrayed in to lilting out her BocreU A littlo sceuo of confusion followed, and then tho gumo wcut ou. Lucy Wore hud looked up at Tom lu surprise. 'What made you say thst ?'sho asked. KJucauBO It is true.' ho ausward. looking at her with mischievous twitch of the eye. Ansa l.ucy lookca puzzieu. 'IK) you waut to Bee it?' 'Yea sho answerd with n doubtful look. Ho reached iu his pocket, and help some thing out iu bis hand. 'Why,' sho cxcluitntd in amazciucn,' that's jnlntl Whero did yon gu it? lt'u tho ono 1 los. '1 kuow it.' Sho blubbed vividlu, and was utterly myhtCud. 'l'kusu txpluin,' sho said. 'Oh, thcru'B uot much tocxpluu. I pick ed it up when you lott It tlint time. 'And why did you nt givo it to inoJ '1 preferred to keep it. I took it to my gruusy muchitiu-bhop. Tlcauo dou'lt Tom laughed titnl grew immediately scsloutt ogaiu. Uo had tu screw his: tour ago up to tho staking point to utter tho lie I VVOtd. '1 kept it Uxuuso I loved you!' ho whUp crud. Oh! Aud Miss Lui-y hid bur face lu Ucr bands, tvliilo lw.r heart Uut violently. And 1 huviu't b'H over il yet!' Uo nftlJ, buldly. This us a very uudui lou remark' aud Tout hud lo lake bnitlh a'i r il. Mnw Waio also Uoulhod audibly. Uut t-liu did uol spurn hiiu wuh inJuuuliuu bo, tar fiutu It. Tom finally taid, tu a volcw a tmlu uu Uady. '1 iimdo u vow llotl iimmlng, pa it of whiiii woal i woik iuy way out of that errtusy aiacliinc ehop. l'a dmut tlial. Tlut tu.At i-ull tak tu kup thu bultou UU Ul tl wwuti taixJ mouiih lir it lolo lopay to IhulU, lojjiy larkclf to uw iu Coudllb'U ff IU UkUiiUliuU.1 li Watt) Uku4 Hi to hu futd strvamlii 1 jel out Olllsf tliltUk of wlutlt kUJ l wtiiUia! da T vul i
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