m stock Of ) m - --- . BUiM Time Tablen. H. o. n. W. E.JT. P. A K. R. R. Wkst. Erie Mall, l'?e 4 55 a tn Klmlrs " 4:5 p ra ErloEx. " 0:60 " Bis lOiW " Ctts " 14:05 Accommodation Train leaves 8unbnrj for Bl ikaore at 5:00 ft. tn. The Sanbury Accommodation leave Harrl. fcnnt at B:QQ a. in., and arrlvoe nt Sunbury at HkM a. m. SnAktOKIK DIVISION W. C. . W. Uttn i ABBtVB flunbory at 11:53 n At Bunbury 0:65 a m 4:40 pm ' 4:00 pm D. n. A W. R. R. Leare Snnbnry 6:55 a. tn., 4:35 and 0:50 p. m. Arr. at Bunbury 10:00 a m, 8:30 aud 11:05 p tn. 9kocnl Affairs. Foil Rent. A house and lot. office. Apply at this Wi hear considerable complaint that the Do-' rough Council do not pass an ordinance, to pro hibit the running at large of goats and geese in our town. Jacob K. Kibfer, Esq., will take charge of the Wateontown Record, this week. We wish him success Sit s new field of labor. - 8nsquehatiia shad, caught at Columbia, have ur.sn selling free'? at this place at prices ranging from 40 to 60 cts. each. Baltimore shad, 30 to 40 ccs. Norfolk strawberries hare been selling here at 40 cts. per box during tho week. A florlsh from Harrlsburg, exhibited and told a large lot of flowers, &c, In Market Square, on Thursday morning. A choice brand of family flour at Klrby's. Tub worms hare already commenced their ravages on the leaves of the gooseberries and currants. They commence on the lower limbs, and are found on the underside of tho leaf. The only effectual remedy we hare tried, is tho use of white hellebore. Dust the white powder over the leaves in the morning, or when they are wet and moUt. We saved our currant bushes last year by this remedy after one-third the foliago had been consumed. The hellebore is poisonous, bat there Is no dagger whatever in using as above described. J. W. Cake, Jr. Esq., of this place has been appointed clerk by Col. J. W Foruey, collector of the Fort of Philadelphia. Bather a fishy ap pointment that. The first hop of the Sunbury Fire Company, eaine off in their Hall, on Thursday evening last. There was a large attendance, aud a happier looking party we have not seen for a long time. Lecture. 'A trip to California," by W. D, Todd, Esq., of Washington. This lecture will bo delivered lu the Court House, Friday evening, May 5th, and all who wleh to obtain Information in respect to this beautiful country, now brought so near us, will do well to no and hear the im pressions left upon the mind of Mr. Todd, who has but recently returned from this golden laud. Admission S5 ccuta. On Wednesday of last week, Geo. Neuer, son of .Mr. Knurr Neuer, tho well-known butcher of this place, dressed a beef weighing some 600 lbs. inside of 10 minutes, in the presence of u number of spectators who timed him. Wc doubt whether any of the butchers in this vicinity are ablo to beat It. Mr. Henry Neuer, tho father, is on gajwd In the butchering business nt this place, and serves somo excellent beef to our citizens. Sale of Lots. Dr. J. B. Masser has purchas ed from Messrs. Wciser A Frlek, three lots front ing ou Third street, known as the Basin lots, for (1,150. The Doctor told jlnring the past week five lots out of eight en Spruce street, to Geo. Diehl, Val. Diets, 8. Novin and Mr. Krohn, the price ranging from $475 to $500 each. 5,000 Rolls Wall Paper Just received at Light tier's, cheap for cash. Tue concert given In the court house on last Saturday evening for the benefit of the Sundiiy School of the Reformed Church at this place, was quite a musical treat to the citizens. The Mend clsohn Trio, the Bunbury Orchestra, and the Mozart Society of Northumberland furnished the music, bringing together some of tbe best musical talrut of tbe two rival towns. As on former oc casion, tbe music, both vocal aud Instrumental, wus well executed. Tho Mozart Society of Nor thuinbcrliind, under the direction of Professor D. Keliuer, is Improving rapidly and compares favor ably with uny of its neighboring towns. The school realized some (85 clear of expenses, which Is to be applied to the purchase of books. We neglected to notice last week the fresh ar rival of Spring aud Summer goods at T. G. Nott's Merchant Tailoring establishment on Fourth street. As Mr. Nott Is well known to make splendid selections. It is scarce necessary to men tion thut his prusout slock excels all bis former cubits in beauty, durability and prices. All bis goods will be mude up to order, and he guarao tees to give everybody fits that may favor bint with ttutr order. Having secured more rooms, aud employed extra hands, he Is prepared to get up suits at the very shortest uollce. V learn thut an attempt was made to break lulo the lios.o of John Kaufman, Esq., of Lower Augusta township, on Monday ulght of latt week. About 10 o'clock Mr. Kaufman bearing a noise at tbe door opened au upper window, and looklug out discovered three meu attempting to force upeu the door. lie asked them what they wauiud.wucu two shot were llred ul blm by tut scoundrels, uue passing close by hi had. The pa i tics then tied, and went to Mr. Oast' in the tains uulhboihood, wliar lliry stole a horse aud took liiui as fur as I. lint Btoue Valley where ht was 1,: run. Tbe burst being lillud, Is supposed Ilia reiisoit fr ubaudoiiiug liliu. Km mm should .- u (ti.'iu.chet well prcj-artj to iccsdvt all such st'ouiuliels lu lbs niauimr they dusurv. Tun ftia Gam au.-lli truuud sclsetcd for Ilia Itxi.lin of tba KurlbuuiborUud louuty Ag ikuiiuial (air lu 114 bulough, Is probably luui taiuMs lr tb a pmpuMi luau auy a baV ysl eeu auyaliao. Many Uo are acqualuWil with It bate suggested Ma of niliu,' It up for the buUliug ol ills ktata loir lu l7J. Wt bavt UO Jout.t If tUu giouudt aipipartl lu a proper IU4nuer, and H.a r tetullVt I'ouiiulU) vt lbs buu AiUu.iuial DutUiy ar lnUed to esamlut II, Usl lbs m! butt Pull till b L.1J at this .Ue. ibtio la i4 Kjti iu tut Ii4t Uioit 'si '''' lot' Hm! puipoM tUsu auubuiy, B.li.g lo.l4 lit the iu.lul jmi of u atiulu, kbd lu 141 tiulie of oi.v of lit best atlileuUuul d -l(. I., uiiobkdol by l)t lUbsst bilutlal lo-l--4, Uw tutUJILUS of t dill libt llllutfds U4 1-4 wi lib, s.,..li, tal aud tl, alt sll cUli.it lb.. ni.'t 4 Un to lasss IHU trail suk4slul. I ku I vi -s of ti. vwoaly sboiii4 gut Ikt utallsf t-l' (-1 t-.liM.lv Hi I t htfolt Ul (U4'M4 lu up IUu tl l.i.s, m4 l t4vkMlul, ' t i. It bi.ll IU.(, s Owl bt tklsablt o lIW mui l ui) .,.it. aww it I it i. riur iiiu lo lbs tit .1 tt tbla l tit last loaf UmI U tin b t-tl4 at iKIbtot), M-4l Mit b ls t b. ..a4. tiN il luk b lb w bwbiuwi l..uii.4 (iiat ta) tbt Wi, tu. ttaLtii tMt stiwf (ialMtt, a4 tstbt- tts atsawti 't kbt ttstsl l ai utatf Ua la Ocm Coohtt Fit. II will ba seen by th pro ceedings of 'the Executive Committee of the Northnniberland County Agricultural Boclety, published In another part of this paper, that the next County Fair will he held at this place, on tba 20th, 87lh and 88th of Scptembes next. At tbere hat bcea no fair held on thlt tide of the river for tume fifteen years, It will, bo doubt, be the most successful of any jret held In this coun ty. , Onr farmer friends of the lower and eastern ends of the county, who have of late years Im proved their stock.wlll now have a opportunity or exhibiting their successful efforts to the public, and ehow that they have not boen idle In Im proving their farms and stock. Wi ara fully aware that Northumberland county Is capable of producing agricultural products equal to any other county, and at the Fair will be held at a point easy of access from all parts of the eounty, we desire to see our farmor friends come forward and show the public the success of their labors, and make it a fair that will be an honor to the county at well at to themselves. We know the products are all of a flrst-elasa and all that is necessary Is to make, the effort, and wo guarantee as good a fair as will be holdny'whcro In the Stiito. The upper end of the county has, of late years, been paying much attention to Chit matter, and hat been successful lu their efforts. Let the farmers of this end of the county' make the effort to compete with them. The upper end will do Its sharo to excel at this fair, and we shall see whether the farmers nt the lower end will show their spirit in an honorablo rivalry for tba honors to bo awarded. If the good peoplo of Sunbury would make haste to avail themselves of the advantages for business which fire railroads give them, thero would be no necessity for dispute about cow pastnrnge. There Is too much grass growlug In the streets of Sunbury, nnd upon its vacaut com mons, for this age of rapid improvemcut. -Villoma. This Is decidedly cool on the part of the .Wilton ian editor. The tlmo was when onr neighbor might, perhaps, with some llttlo degree of pro priety have read us a lecture On "business" and "improvements," but that time Is past. The "vacant commons" referred o belong to the Phll'a & Erie, and the Northern Central Rail road Companies, and wo cannot tee any impro priety in letting the "grass grow" on the proper ty until used for other purposes, as Intended. The advice of our neighbors would have been lu better season If it bad been given wbeu they suf fered theCuttawissa folks to take from them the location of tho work uo;l machine shops for that road. In regard to our neighbors of the OazetU, we have only to sny, that we are not la the habit of suppressing our opinions when our rights arc in vaded, or wrong is to be ccuBurcd. List of letters rnmuiniDg la tho Sunbury Tost Office, April 30, 1871 1 Boyle, Rev. A. II. Brower, Mary Bloom, Stephcu M. Bailey, M. If. C'onrud, H. M. ('rick, Andrew Carlun, John Caldwell, G. B. Morrn, J. B. Moore, Mist Ida Miller, Miss Rosa Miller, David Metz, Robert P. Martz, Albert Martin, Miss Kate Maurice, Dr. C. II. Mclick, Mrs. TiUle Vost, E. Percy, W. F. Ult, Miss Kate Purker. O. V. unnonuc, Ueinurd Eckmau, Wio. II. Kannubauch, Win. Flnerty, John Gulcr, Hc.ury r un, Mrs. bailie E. McKoyd, Mrs. Mary C. Haughawout.Mrs.S.M. Kubblus, Dr. O. M llilc, Miss Lizzie Scott. C. llaupt, John D. Rosier, John Smith Charles, M. fehlpe, Miss Mary A. Slcigbter, Silas l 3 Shelly, P. Search, Mrs. Eliza ' .Starlit, Win. K. Sluek, Miss Margaret Wolf, Martin Wicker, M. C. Wamir. If. D. J. M. Uostias, P. M. lluwle.v, Wm. II. llutt uorne, Rev. J. Jordan, MUs Jaua Kline, Isuuo A. Krk'baum, Win. J. Kelly, Samuul Koran, rreiimn Lcus, John i Montgomery, John Moore, II. A. For dried and smoked meats, go to Kirby's. That (94,000 and tue Riso. Sluce It Is kuowu that there will be about $1)4,000 for next years' county fund, thero is quite an army of Democratic office seekers willing to serve lu the different offices. No less than about 20 are al ready nunounced. Wo would suggest that the King, instead of planulng how to lucrcase the taxes, that they now nbaudon It for awhile and plnn to cieute new offices. As there will be quite a number disappointed after the primary cite tlon, tt will be becossury to apply a healing salve to heal up the wounds. Buice It Is decided on thut tbe Ring Is lo have a majority of their can didates nominated, there may u tome trouble to convince some of the honest Deuiocrutt that the thing was done fairly. The Comiso Fourth. V .we are fast ap proaching Fourth of July 't :s ,bout time that some efforts aro made t K prate the day lu a becoming manner. For tetow I -years past our town was exceedingly dull on tbat day, aud many of the citizens bud gone to our neighboring towns to spend tbe duy. We hope that this year, one of tbe good old celebrations will be hud here, aud thut the citizens will move early la the matter to make It a success. Disbanded. Tho Ml. Curmel Guards, Cupt. Morton's company', was disbuuded lust week, aud tbe arms turnod over to tbe Packer Guards or Bunbury. This leaves Mt. Carmel with but one military company, the ''Hides, " commanded t Cupt. J. M. Johu. . Vans Dividend. A semi-annual dividend of 4 per ceut. ou the capital stock of the Northum berland County National Bunk of Shamokin, wat declared ou the 1st Inst. Editor! who art to uufortunuta that thry are lablt to discriminate tbe difference between treason and patriotism, would hardly be deemed competent allies b grammar. It la therefore aniaatng to eea tht editor of tbt .VuriuJ)r(uid County. litiHvtrat, quitting bit "Brother" of tbt Sthiuijrum Timn, at bt call, blui, lu regard to , Mem llM.OOO" aud "I'M tt,UO0," at Used by the AMCMIC4M, Tbeaa wist acres, of course. 1 cauuol couiuruhtut that both cxprvatkma way i proper aud Correi t. Preib tsb at Kliby'a. Coal tn Mi'mct lliut. A tioriuaa by tba tiuiut of Uutl.lttuger, about a year ago, bought a luiiu U'- tbt Muuey Uilla, about tbrva uilitt liouUol 'i'uibotvlllu. bJl,0OO, aui tk pi lit of tba farm wot li.UoO. Hut ka thought by Industry aud frugality k. would tarn aud pay tba whole auiouul la lb ntulitd time. To-day, wt art credibly lulonuid, bt ka att otlui of W,(AW..r bl Uiui, wbUU ka tan k at auy liuia u tuuusit iu aeopi ilia oirer. IU rsasou uf Ibis lueia of IL w.ua uf lb furitl, 1it4 lb dl.loli.iy l.f toul uu 111 laud. At Ul.l lal h l'ka about coal aud b.gau Id dig tb paupla Uukbcd at blm, tul tiui hv bs opvuid a good Ivlu ul uuul lb tun Is luiukd aud bl bilbUui Ukt lu otidv Wlbo tUvll laud dl not alto t'oulalii nwl. A jiKat KMuy j.'pl i iisltiug tua dc, aad u..a Ib4t bat . II, m lu bu any duubt at to lb uiuttu.1lus of tb luib. f. S -flis lulusis at Ibis Uvt ai u4 uu III sins., s. IL. J., uut U.ui.4 U lb W. II. A. H isii.iwi Ualla, Fiouu' v. kuiii.1 tvuit latsit tMibci iM siiui i 'ti att uf iu,d. a tioila ivvlus lb uUr.l .i.sj iWt, aud U b-xst s ul sm ail lu U kawa wi4 " t a sLUl, au ttl4.il uuiiuai,it i "lasaiiwf Subiisfcii- a Ss'a li, and uwbr U J, a4. tt bt sau. ilws, u It 4ms4 tti)W4, isarit aU4 fciglsW Patbkt Riant 8wmDbs. In our last Issue we caut'oned farmers lobe awart of patent rUht agent! t ravelins; and obtalntng aotet to floet L the public- i The PUUburg Rial $tat4 Rtgiiln thut exposot ona of tht sharpest patent right swindles of the day, against which we caution onr renders. It ta tad to tec to much lugouulty perverted I : I . "We can beat anything In the way of patent right swindle factt yet published In this locality. We hare neither teen, heard, read or imagined anything superior In the thoughtful gctnp to the swindle we ara about to disclose. It has boen vory successful In the nojthcrn and central parts of Indiana nnd It Is In order to prevent the tame sueooss here that wa advertise It. Readers will pleaso notice nnd circulate i A man, whom wo will call A. Brown, comes to an honest fanner, whom we may call John Smith, and Introduces himself as tht general agent for the tale of a seeding or other machine, and tries to iuduco John Smith to become his tub-agent, telling blm that he can make, a hand tome profit by the tale of these machines, ah'd that he (Browne) only asks (10, to be paid after he (John Bmlth) has sold 275 worth of seeding machines. John Smith hot no hesitancy In en tering Into a contract with A. Brown, which the latter hat lu reacjlnoss, In printed form, as fol lows : 8-9 Z.3 S o a e ' a flj'5 S -5 jfr V' ka H a - S . " e c a t"-o - a" o 2 a. This note la apparently all right and fair upon Its face, but the readorwill observe tbat by tear ing tbe paper in two, Just alter the date above nnd the signature, "Smith, " below, the reading Is entirely changed, and the left hand piece of paper becomes a promissory note for f 275, which tbe sharper Immediately sells at a geed dlscouut, and then strikes out for some other section of the couutry.. . ; i v- N. F. Llghtner't Regulator. Boots, Shoot, Trunks, Leather and Shoe Fiudlngs. Dedication. Ou Wednesday evening, nt tho Invitation of tome of the brethren, we repaired to tba new hull of Mutual Lodge, No. 84, I. O. of O. F., to witness its dedication to the purpo ses of Odd Fellowship. We fouud quite an as semblage of ladles and gentlemen prcscut quietly awaiting the arrival of tbe grand officers. J. M. Huff, D. D. G. M. i Past Grand W. D. Snyder acting G. II. - G. T. Gauby, H. of N. Past Gruud E. Wllvert, II. of E. Pust Grand C. J. Bruner, II. of S. Past Grand A. Batdorf, II. of W. About half past seven they made, tbolr ap pearance and by a brief yet Impressive and ap pronrluta ritual dedicated tho hall to Friendship, Love and Truth. Tbe choir of the German Re formed Church Interspersed tho ceremonies with mimic adapted to tho occasion, rendering It In a neat and tasteful nianuor. Aftor the dedication waa ooncluded, Rev. A. II. Irvine delivered nn address, setting forth the history, principles and objects of the Order, from which we learn that the first lodge wat organized In Baltimore, by David Wlldey, In 1810. Mutual Lodge wat or ganized In Milton In 1843, and Is the oldest lu the State north of Ilarrlsburg, and twelve adjacent lodges all of which are now in a flourishing con dition, have sprung from it. The address con tained just what the peoplo desired to hear, and wus In our judgmeut very appropriate to the oc casion. .ViKofium oflaM tctik. Mackerel. Of those who buy mackerel there are probably not more than one In tcu who know the tueauing of the different numbers. Peoplo who buy "No. 1" mackerel get those which when caught were thirteen Inches long from tbe tip of the snout to tbo notch of the caudel fin, and fat No. 2 are fat fish less than thirteen lacbot iu length No. 3 comprises those which are thirteen Inches long and poor ; while No. 4 are under thirteen Inches and poor. Beef tongue at Klrby't. Agricultural Meeting. Sukbuht, April SUtb, 1871. Tbe Executive Committee of the Northumber land county Agricultural Boclety met In tho Ar bitration rooma purauaut to call of the President, duted on March 30th, 1871. Joseph Uird, Eq., President, In tht chair. Roll called and I'd meui'xrt anawerod to tbelr namoi. MInulet of last meeting were road aud appioved. The Prcsldcut Muted, tht ant busluaaa wat the rcoelviin; of proposals to tlx a place for UuldlnK of tbe uext county fair. Propotule were presented from Wuttontowu, M'.lton, Riverside aud Sunbury, A vote waa then taken, w bleh resulted lu favor of holding the fair at Sunbury. Tbe cllUuut ! '""'"K pniosed to give tbo ground free, and 7o3 lu luoiiry towardl defraying tht expense of flxlug It up aullttbla fur a fair grouud. Ou motion, It wat Xualtml, Thut wa hold the aext County Pair on Tuesday, Wednesday' and Thursday, thaVOtb, 87tb aud 2ih of September uext. ItnuifJ, Thai tht ollieert aud uiembart of tht Lowct Augusta Township Horticultural Society b luvlled lo rllalpaie with Ih Nortbumber laud Cuuuiy Agrlcullural Om itly. JifulnU, That lb Pra.ldeul appoint aeouiiull tua ol B lo pre para a list of prtmluiua. Tht chair appolutad Juo. MeTarUnd, sf Waltoutowu, J. M. I'olliuor, of Wulsuulowu, L. G. Ukkar, of i alillou, Go. Gaul, of I'ppcr AugsMis, and IUI I waid Grady, ol Hush. Tb outuiiilra lo xn.t at NoilhUiiiUrUuJ, on aUluiduy, lb 171k o( , Juut aext. I H,tUwJ, That Ih Piosldoul b directsd to da- maud lb buuk, paper, Uuw lit tht baud , ut Tboiua burr, K-H., uf Taibutllla, foiuwl aWei ury uf Ih NurthuuilHilaud t'ouuly Aa'Wub tuial aWtcty, and If b rlus lit d.llir Ibt tauiu, I bat be ta bciaby aalboilsvd l bilng tuit Sltalust blm for tlulr raeuvviy. i..U.sd, Uat Ibt Pia.id.ut U dliautml tt d. luaud IU luwuty Ulouglug lu list M.irbuuib.i. laud t'uuuly AgiU-ulluiel aWUly, ao la lb Bab'! if WlliUm tUiula-, (uiuisi T'iMsuisr, Slid ft lb hum uv lulis lb haada uf ta kiuMUt lita.aitl ll. A.sWxti, 1 ua tb pi.Uut ts tikt4 U a poiul a tuuiuilltus Im dialt tp ISoalwa M lb ui(ilu; u4 lb liaits, aad (vliug la aa twasai) kuildluts lu boUlka Ikt fU. pil d.ul si polulwj J. al, ttilU"Jous, IM. Jusak i )slii, LUiul St,i iua u4 'bua Jubuatut). V4af, 'I bat Ibl luMtlu aJjoaia U as al Ik twuil lluissa, ua Ut Ul lMUid Ut J uu a-l, W bal Ibt Isuwilt uf lb also I twsikMlt' AdiMiaaUi JO Hitlt, r ! at I rsjiss (, it'. : CMnmnnlcatcd. l ' ;". For tn America. There It nothing tt refreshing during the sum mer season "us a t(xxl. wholeonia drink. Id very country we Dud a favorite bevemgt tit queuca tuirst, out ss iur noiniug nas ooeu am covered to answer the purins'a so' well fi Va national bettmirt of tba GeVninhs, WliHt It con sidered the most pun and healthy. Wo find all hailing frmn "Miue taderlnnd" vo.be robust and hearty, which fact Is accounted rof by their ab staining from strong drinks, sach as whiskey, brandy, etc., and the (reo: line- ofMnCar beer aud wine. It it well .kiv abirt 'tV Germ.-int are taught fnn infsney . driuk bear, which they nse as freely at tne-Awortf ins their tea and cof fee yet 'We flBd-"!'' healthier and less uflilctedMrltlii omi4Mattlannil lUlseasoa than any other Mtiont J Sis t) into1le fact, that a German la as natural to take U hit lager and wine, as it Is for a duck to take t the water. Borne nttrl but It to thelreaT-ly bvbH tdf making use of It, but wbeu we look arumd those whouxe stronger drinks In the sums miunur, we find they will not comparo with the Gcman. Drinking lugor beer Is also beginning to hi rccommeuded by our phy sicians as a mitrltioit toule, and many why have adopted drinking It In prot'erune stronger liquors, state that tttlr system has undergone a change, and that tbe are less ailllrtcri with di sease. This la aeoouitcd for from the fact I hut lager la manufactured out of barley and Imp, aud not adiiltmatedto give It aire like aplritous .liquors. When soldln the vicinity where niauu ractured, It It aiwayi given out puro, out wneu tent to any dittauee.muoh of It la adulterated In order to make It keep. To manufacture lager, pure water is requrod, which fact lias been realised elnce It is nanufiicturcd at thlt place. Tho beer raunufactired .by Mr. Joseph llacher contains tbe purest water prubub'y not excelled In tho State, which ivcounts lu a great measure of his success in mating a good article, aud beer drinkers prefer It to any other. Mr. Baoher hav ing employed oue of the beet Brewurs In the old country, has his vaults flllud with beer that can not be excelled in this or any other country, which w ill be on lap on Monday next and con tinue during the scussn. Mupy will also bo con vinced tbat it is unnecessary to procure nn arti cle from abroad when we have a better at home. Dcalert and drinkers should recollect that all the money teul ahrotd In Cdscs of this kiud is encouraging other towns in preference to our own. The thousands of dollars tent away an uually for beer, would, If kept tn our midst, help considerably in relieving us from the present scarcity of money. Other towns look to their own Interests first, and we should also look after our own. Teiton. Sunbury, May 8,1871. IMilor's Tabic. Atlantic MosiTiaT fob Mat. Tho "Descnnt of Fire" by Flsk is an article on tbo divining rod. Of tbe Lome marrl:gc,tb(-re ts an account of thefamily of tho bridegroom. F.A.Durlvnge gives an account of Francois Delsarte. of Paris, still living, who was a great singer lu bis prime. There Is a fourth part of "Cnstillan Days, Mr. Hay. Mr DcForest's serial story, "Kate Benu inout," is continued. Clnreuco King tells of "Mountaineering (new coinage) in tho Sierra Novnda," which shows what u wonderful coun try we hnvo in tho far West. II. C. Lockwood repeats, the thrice-told "Capture of Fort Fisher." There ure papers upon the Organization of Labor and the care of our Eyes, and Mr. Fields winds up his notice of llawthorue with a narrative, affecting in its simplicity, of his lust days. Pnet r;', by Mrs. Moultou, Cells Thuxter, aud It. W. Loni'cllow. Business NoUcck. SuLitCT Scucou-rMUt Maggie J. Martin will open a acted tcbool for young ludlet at the resi dence of her father, ou Broadway, comuionc'.iiK on Monday, tbe 5th of Juhe. Terms moderate. The fine spring suit from tbe Merchant Tailor hop of J. E. Schaeffi.T, oppoaite the Central Ho tel, are constantly keeping up an excitement among men, and Is giving him a lnrge amount of custom, nit ttock of goods It admired by all who call to ace lilm. A fine asvortmcnl of canned good, English American Pickles aud sauced. Forclgu aud domestic dried and grceu fruit, at Klrby't. No. I and 3 thora packeral, pickled talmon aud white fish at Klrby't, all fish warranted. Ir you want a fine assortment of plain nnd fancy groceries to select from, go to Kirby'n, Brlght'i new building, on Market square, nil good delivered within tbe borough free of charge. Tai Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store still takes the lead In getliug up a splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. The Excelsior has become tbe great boot and shoe Emporium In thlt section of couutry. We notice many of tho country mer chants buying thero In preference of city houses, knowing tbat the stock cauuot bo excelled any where. New tuppliet are constantly arriving, and tbt latest ttyles are always kept on hand. Ali. Rubber Wear, at Ir1a!iufuetulcr, prices, at the Regulator. Boots and Shoes for the community, at popu lar prices, at the Regulator. Jcst received, a number of popular fronts nod French calf skins, at the Regulator. Gists' fine Fiench Calf, Box-toe Boots, stitch td bottom, at the Regulator. 8 pounds ISc white sugar for (1.00, at Wellxal, Gasklut Si Co't., Regulator Boot, Shoe, Trunk and Laalhrr Store consolidated with the Book Store. Cull out aud all. New goods at low rate. N. FSHKLC LlGHTMXa. Shoemakers' materials for muuufoctuilng, at tbt Regulator. Tub Croquet Shot, a novelty, elegant aud com fortable, at tht Regulator. Tub (1ROVER fe BAKER and the SINGER SEWlNd MACHINES aro acknowledged su perior to uny other now manufactured. Miss C. Dallus, Market street, this plane, 1 the agent ft.. Ili. ...I. II l. .1. I 1 II. !.. I... ' iur tuv suiv ui suciu u mis shii .jviuiuk ruuu Ilea. Instructions In tewing glvou fio of charge lo all purchasers. A lot always on hand. Call aud exuiulue them. CloiNij Phics or ifcllvN x liuo., 4(1 S. Tuiku 8tmkst, PuiLttiat ruia. 3 o'oloca, r. m. May 8, WI. V. 8. 6'sof ' " 'iu. " " '61 'M u.w " '7, " " '0 b'. lo-to's lie's' in1,' nut. uu, 1 10 , in ;IU)1, 111 IU 1U' I lu't IU', lls'i iou, luut. ua. 1 152 V. S. au Yr iwr vtui. Cy tiold , Hllv.l , t'ulou Paeiau R. K. lu iX. lluudt.. SW'a W (V-utial Puclllt U. M IUi4 ov, L'uUim PaciUo Laud tiiaul Hoiul. no', UUWAItiJa lM I AhY AlUAaatN IATH-N kur lb H'i.f aud Car ul tb Pittu aud I uloriuusl. ua Piumpae uf t hu.l pbli iu. lumpy. Ssaaya uu Iba kriuis uf Vumr., aadtbt r'u'.iua uf Asa, la ivWlum lu klsaauoa aud mt asaa, ua aaaiuil aid l" Ua ailin , SWiil flea, lit siMlml auxlupv. Adds., IlitW. AUU AaaixUIKtX, aw p, pail.a.lpbia. Pa. aaaiT.'lu ly, ApiU Sui, tall, al lua lkuu.ol lb biuUa H'suis, by the U. H WM, Ua. A II. Pt.a lu all sa ksasa As Wwt, W4 ul kbautokla, Pa. 9. -1. U tiataitua. wa Ike l o'i Maivk, lll, uf k- S..iul f.s a. khi VkM'.A l'M,ti, 4aa Ul 4 t kiuauia aud k4ik Aua tiiiiva,s4 l )oaia, S kauulb a ,4 I l At Uau.k t kauk. ua Ikt k bit , fl fatw, 4 a kl. toiiiM uf ta. Uit l-sta t. olUI ai u. tsit, t-i , i4 a .1 lit sis. i tk.a.-.i. tka lk tut, t'41 tt4 kllils, lui 1.I4 Ua, t44 M Mt ft. ftunbtirj 4irlu V 1'rvUucc Jlarltet. COnnCTEl WEEKI.T III HtliaOFHWOKR. Grain Choice W4ill Wheat ..Jt 00 Best Amber, Winter 1 60 ... ,(Hrn 0 Rye 100 Oats, (S'J lbs.) 50 Bitt Amber, Winter, per sack 9 00 . " " barrel 8 i0 Corn Meal, per cwt., IS 50 BtiTtKB New York 55 Pennsylvania Roll 40 Fons Per 1oseu 18 Meats Dried Beef, per lb 1S8QS0 -i. Smoked Muttou 10'al3 " Votilou 40(Tvt8 l.AHn p-r lb '15 Kihu Salt While Fish, per lb 15 " Trout " 15 Cod " 8 Fresh Shad VsoKTAm.xs Turnips, per buhcl 50 Potatoes " " 1 00 Onions " " 1 IK) Hcans, " qnnrt l."t(0i8 lloinlnv, " r..VJ Dhiid FntiTS Dried Apples, per fb I'JfaW ' Pooches, " 2ort.S0 " .'horrti-i, " 10( H5 " BlnckborVtca 12 " Raspberries '-'(I Gbfei A iTl-ns pet barrel H fiuti.o 0U jitluti ,bbi;rtiocmcnt9 1071. 1071. LUMBER ! IRYLIKG, EOWEN & ESGEL, Sncec'sors to the Sunbury Liynbcr Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE Steam Saw & Planinc Mill, and Just lilted it up with the latest Improved Mi- cIiiiktv, lire now rnpareu in nn uu omers lor all kinds or BILL TIMBER. PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK. ic BOARDS. ROl'GII AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL KIND8. HEMLOCK, WHITE AND YELLOW PINE FLOORING. SHINGLES, PLASTERING AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, DOORS. MOULDINGS. ItMNftS, MU lTbUli fc HU.lCItr.TH nt the very lowest prices. A large stock ulwajs on band. -Send fur print. Ample facilities for shipping by RuRroad or Canal, 1'RYI.INH. BOWF.N A. ENGCL. Sunliury, Pa.. February lsih. 1871. Dm. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Onr Jb9 Laraost Stock Custom the Finest Goods; Work is A The Nrwrst Styles; of the very tno uest best character, Workman- Easy rules for ship ; the measurement, TT Creatcst prices, &o., sent vYorlr E freo to any part of America, and good fit3. rnishing Wrappers & -Wear of all for all sea- Children' White n i r t 8 a astonishing Speoialty. low prices OAK HALL, Sisth & Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. $3 to10icpIay.5J'2,J.ffi aim engage in our new business uinke lioiu j to (IU fier day In their own localities.. Full par ticular "-ud Instructloiia aent fiee l.v ma!!. Tlioxc lu ueed of 'riiiaueut, I'lolilubie work, should eddrcs ut once. UEORCiE 8TINSON CO.. Porllau l, Mulnc. April 15. 1871. Sin. THO.MAN Y, South Si eou.1 ftn'et, above Chestnut, S. 2 1 PlllLADLLPllIA ?T h Usvina Jnt oi 'nrd. with a Inne and wvll 6. 'i-eleelcd slin k of Poreujii mid UoineMic M Cirpellnci, of choice style aud ilulltlcs. S 2 Alto,t)li'litbs, Malt!u,', Uruijtti, Ituits, ' .Miita.Slalr Rods A., Ac, all of lilcb h vtt'.l tell, verv cbeap lor c.i-h. 1. 8. J. fcl K W ART DLI'i r. U Hot nt 8oiith tfrcond MuhI i but, with 'I houint lcpuy Jcu. jSil. am. A X AN lll)OI i l!t)V LOST. HOW lU'STOU- 1L KM. Jn-t publl.bcl by lr. i.kxvis. t;.'.ii pacs. Thud r.ilition. Hit: Mr.tu .u tun PASION AMI lillDR TO lltAUll, ou Hie radical cure ol t)priii'it!oiTbr:t,or!"".ii!iul Weak iifsa, Involuntai y S.niiiul l.osnis, Impnit'iiey, Menial and I'hJ -i '.il liicipit. iiy, litipe Ctueuts to Midil.iiia, ate., aud I be Venereal and limine MaUdica wiib plain ami clear itirecllous (or lb spotily cm of brcuudaiy 8) iii4niiit, (iiiiiorrhir.t, tile, I., hirlcluus, uud ull ili-.ics of iliu skill, tueb as hcuivy, bsiolulu, tlcels, Uiti'.t, lllolcli t and I'liujiles oil Iba luce and body. I'.iti. ism -liou. Pi llep.y, and Pits, luduc. l t y .1 ' lu lul-yrlu-a or sftliul vtlruvaaueu. Tbv ctU'inuUd auibor In t li av adiuiiut! Tir.i llsa, ile.li! Jcmoiulr.itis, lioiu a loilv )rai'a aucerslul 1M act lev, la. it Ilia al.iiiiiin; emi.i uiieiiea of ault-abusa luav b radically eu.vl i ...iuwnj out a iihkIu of cm al unco simple, n'll iln, and K Gehts F T?V00llV BoyX-tLUnder 4 U Wndi iiuuuiTusx Ty. sons Wear at W V KT . lvi III .III1 ' """i ''J ""ana of wbUb i-yciy siittour, U'i lost tua j luli" wbil b.s eoiiJilii.u may be, cm la v-'ln1-au uui ' luallv ruml, ihe.iplv, iirl.iiii, an I i.idically. I 'I bis luuik .lun.i l lu In tlio b.iu I ol Nvry ymiib, aud rv lo t In luu l.iu.l. ul uu.l-i ul, lu a pi.iiii vuvul.'pe. Pil.v, euls. Ad lrv, I'll LMMs, No. T Hcli.iu. N Xoik. KilTlltn MtiMIIIM. J3.A10WEU JEWKLERS, No. k4 CUeatiiul ttirutil. HuUawlfLiaj, ara sua ri.a. I In S I Hid ' ! ' tb UKMlSi WAUIIAH V A'U'IIK", Uu Ul Ik.U uau U4iui.iia, lu tllksr ! Mrl (t4 wist . ( .Vw wAar ysslsi. sUU Su ti ) Tkw 4.kv. iu-i" t la Sua auUk, tailsli uf .1, , aud s. uiU lllua kn'!U. .,.1 ul VI t lul'la kuil uUl ailsuiiusi l i lus luu tn. tt akub a i.ai'i aus4 a - u- .4. taat ! It) tV rlv I tal IH4 l..li.4 (l "4 sll J--i 1. 1 . I, ...j. wut I . ti U lo auy a I livs IlkSII Pslll St. ss.miu. I Us aUsUl bui all 4aul1a Uus.v4 k k hi,ul a,. tav) I kwalaal it, riuy Asia , t l- WEIT2EL, lift vc Just received an Imincu mid are Fpprerl to got up suits at efiort notice arid guaranteed to Dtor no sale. BLACK, BROWN AND BLUE CLOTHS, Double width, 3 aud upwards. FANCY CASSIMERES, all wool "Sc., aud upwards. TESTINGS at all prices. KENTUCKY JEANS 20c, and upwnrds. TWEEDS C2o, and upwards COTTON ADES 18c, and upwards. They have also uinJo arrangements with tlia Celebrated GloftMng House OF Wanamaker & Brown, PM'a, nnd are prepared to furnish suits at their prices, only adding tho cost of cxpressago. If the goods do not give satisfaction upon arrival wo will return them free of charge. A full liuo of samples for customers to select from. ALL WOOL SUITS $13 AMD UPWARDS. Special attention atrcution paid to Ul S, AnJ tholiigliest GOUHSTR7 1871. 1 S. EBEZFEIaBEI., liif HUH has now ou hand and ia daily rcceiviug tho larbt and best eol.-cted STOCK OF" SFRIBTGr ever offered Tor Sale iu tbis town, consisting of enormous assortment uf READY - MA.D3H CLOTIIHSTGr, FOE MEN, BOYS & CHILDREN, which he had made to his own order, in tho workmanship, Stock of Hats or, INer.UlIIS'C4 Al-I, TlirVKHV LATIMT 8TVLK8. and a luagnidcctit tissortiiicnt of Gent's Furnishing Goods, coiuprishig all tlio White and licit) roiuu'ctid willi siniiu of tliu luruckt for cnsii, ho Is cuablcd to olUr GHEATEK INDUCEMENTS than auy of his coinjKlitora hi-ro dr list , here, (ilve him a cnll, aaruinu his Goods and hear hit aaoiiUhiu ' low irLva. 0. HERZFCLDER; Under ihe new Hotel, on Third Mreet, SUNBURY, PA. istu li.KTtirnii, . WATClli:S, JKWKMIY.I lla Xwrtlt krraud klH I or. f Qurrs l'lllblkl.l'lll V. An asuiil iifiil uf Wstrhcs, Joutlry, k,iet aud I'lil. I War. con-Ulil'y ou baud. Krpalilug ol V4lcl1ta au I Jcwcltf prompt'.) lliudidlo. I Vp ll I. I' l-l. Oakery and Confectlonory In His in' bull lii. a alouin IU. )'! tilHc, opt ixka Ilia lu.pol, NIMH It V . I N ' A . Jki.l i-iiii I a l.u assoinucul uf a. I kinds i f OONrCOTIO N ARICU Ut V til V ti., I H'lU'U. msii iiiiKAD & 0Aicr.i JI lU 'l.lll.. 4Ulii- S'l u Slpo.4 Jjiiy ( . is it )s 1 1 l 4) a' I ii.4a uf Itllf Vl. I if, ill Ut KV Ss, Ai' , au4 alio k l uu IU I a4 ll'4Uula lilisd uulul tlm lsl bl4U i ul I All LlutU uf Visntiy Ckko U.4 tuipa.4 bl aui ill) b.nu luuium. I) ou k.ud au4 U44iiul4.ini. I 1 1 oi4if ui 1 1 . k- v'iii 4 piiii., l.uiiiut ak4 '4U. 1. at lbs ikwu.1 u l. Al oi.Uis kit at Ikj SI M bu-wil llivlfc. l.ulat II I U.k-I, "U S,.4i. kli.l kil'U l'Ul U4 u4, VIII is...! ! ".i uiuuiu a. U4. klul l"i r i""-a. ' l l sit, i.iu.ii 1 1 ua.iu.sa, u4 luiuUkiin ika ksl, lu U UAViumr U.I k lb. I'l . llt (JlMa HlWlWi kkuliua i..t..l-t vi. .!... U S.I al s-s I, t asi-i". U Vikvuua i . It D kil ,wt W sH M4, k-iutml, I SLMfi cash tiriccs paid for PB.UCES, E! latest styles of fushton and best manuor of uu muiience and Caps for ' -Jaj novelties of tlio season. JTaixcy Shirts, houses In tlio cities, aud buying all his coodi I'HKIS II I. It It tl at mi Mammoth ltout Shuo Store 1 1 1 Mil l l ll. in C. H. Siuiili's U kiui, iurii hucat, oua d I 4.1 ut ll.g I .1 IMll.c, Mill! II I MUtRl ASH, ri NN'A. ur l lmlia llwol., : lii V I ViiU r's an t aim. M.ils, I Ui I ai sui t, lit si t alt al SO. iui I i.'ii. u 1 ..ii t-uuis, .i ia til lUlr's, ouly I J 1 1 111 pci (!.. ii. '. r H " I., lu and l.aiUr., p.ar.l p.. bU lU..i . Il I l Mill. 1 s, i'. V "u klal, 1 .11 .ul kin is ul t.a.u UHis a4 flLjts, tall al t i Mil', r'.. t'.ir I tliis' I), 1 ui Hi. uli sa Sua atsuii- HID' I al k.l tll.uiis. 1 1,1 -'I kin 1. ul t lit .li.u's aim. , i aud vs. aui nu I I Mil. m s Ui. uiiiu.ul. t.i ui.nli. in 1U1 lkn4 au4 au.as liua, -'l u I v. tUiiuv 111 Vli.ui s si j. a Ul.. i puivkasin ili.' s II ..a a l l Uisl-s.asa, al U pii.... '4U 7. 11 p I, 'JO.-ljf. V.aw st '.k f 41 i..ii.ji a II -aiaty a km' 1,1 alM.Mia ap-i (l I M,- AH UaJ ,.ii w .u. uk. I.. i. a s ln us .is 1 1 1. 1 k'4.Ui 4 Ui4 14 -! ih a-4 lu lni.unua ss li.l4 Ui.'t u , us pit J I.. It kl.Ull 'J IMW b) lUlbU,! kill I...IS, uf I " 1 1 ' 1 k.ulHHIuU-llsad loubll 14 t I icii.1.1 l"...4 . l'u IU". ..4I. aLl lt 4.- 1 Uu 14 lu. I4.1i... 1 .i.ui .. 1 1.V I t'l Is I UU ,ttll t-u).i Usk.uu) lp , 4p, 11 'il i Hi. a ..ipil .1 it. .1.1 1) u Mali I'-l.t awl il-1 Ui i Ju-4 . 1 aud I .'4 , u,, fk W U4-4k SVl -i. u II I. It.ll Wu). 1 I VI . K I s.ius).i t ar 1 187 SfM. ki title. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers