ffiebfctt!. ! bctllitntons. 'V ttnnfadnrerB. is ' ' fsttUiUttOits. :..x.... Tlnttrit itn T T . . fTM... . . ! ..r man's, life is comiug on npnco. Tlio day of lifts will bo spout. The svm, nltliongli it may be up lu niid-lieaveu, will pass swiftly down Hie western sky, and disappear. What Bhnll light up man's path wheu the Bun of lilb lini one down ? lie luust travel ou to the next world ; but what fclmll ill u mino his footsteps after tho nightfall of death, aimed the darkness of his jouruey J "Vhat question more important, more prac tical, more solemn lor each reader ot our journal to nsk himself? That is a long journey to travel without light, without a guide, nud without a friend. Yet every man must perforin it. Tho time is not far distant, when all men will begin the jour ney. There is an cvculng star iu the natural world. Its radiance is bright and beauti ful, and cheering to tho benighted traveler. )ul life's evening star is in a pood hope of Heaven. Its beauty and brilliancy are re fected from the sun of righteousness, whoso bright rays light up the eveuin of life, and throw their radiance quito across the dark ness of the grave lulu lmuiiuniel's lr,d. It has illuminated the footsteps of many a truveler iuto eternity. It is of priceless value. A thousand worlds cannot purchaso It ; yet it is ollercd -Without price to him who will penitently and thankfully receive Why Itd the 1'utrlurvH 1.1 vo no Long ? 1 have always been greatly interested in tho narratives given in tho liiblc, of the lives and denthsof tho Patriarchs. Ix;t me enumerate some of their characteristics : 1. Their habits in all respects were sim ple. 2. They lived dwelt iu tents in tho 11 pun air. 3. They ate food simply cooked. 1. They were tillers of the soil and herds men. o. They retired early to rest. 0. Tliey slept sweetly all night. 7. They lose early in tho morning. 8. Their medicines, at most, were s.'m- 9. They instinctively knew tho value of abstaining from food on occasions, and they enjoined it from generation to gener ation till at last it came to be a religious ceremony. 10. Tlieir children were scarcely ever sick, and when they were they did not dio. Begin at Genesis and soo how far into tho world's life one has to penetrato before the death of children is a given fact, stated Without surprise. Prom such causes as these, men. lived to old age, not our limit of human life, but a greatly advanced life over ours. Dr. Jack eon. A Hundred Yn-vrss to Come. No man ever appears to think how soon ho must sink into oblivion that wo are one generation of millions. Yet such is the tact. Time and progress have, through countless ages, come marching hand iu Laud the one destroying, the other build ing up. They sewn to create little or no commotion, -and tho work of destruction is as easily accomplished as a child will pull to pieces a roso. Yet such is the fact. A hundred years hence, and much (hat wo now see around us will have passed away. It is but a reputation of lifu's story ; wo are born, we die ; and, hence, wc will grieve over these venerable piles, finding the com mon level of their prototypes iu Xature, ultimate death. We nil williln onr proves shall sleep, A hundred years to come ; No living coul funis shall weep, A hundred years to conic ; But oilier men our laud will till. And other ni. n our strei-ls will till, , And other birds khull sin? as gay, As bright the Funshlnb uit to-day, A hundred years to come. Ono who knows defines clmmpnigne as iollowa : "Champagne is a Rparklingwlnc made of crab cider and marble dust, with a dash of sulphuric acid to make it 'bile.' It is exteusively used in hospital practice, and is a sovereign remedy for inquisitive uetss. It is not given to patients, but to prying members of tho city council, who go about wanting to know things. Put two bottles of ehampaigno under a council man's belt, and ho quits poking his noso into other people's business, and goes about his own. If he has a relapso in the course of three months follow the old treatment." Clutches. Anucdotk ok AVKusTKit. A corres pondent of Htti'i Ct-'s MuutUh says: In looking over an old note-book of my father's, written many years ago, 1 came across Hti nurtlote which, if it has never appeared in print before, is too good to bo lost. While John Branch, of Xortli Car olina, was tJent ral Jackson's Secretary of the Navy, he, Tazewell, and U.iniel Web ster were walking on the north bunk of the Potomac, at Washington. Tazewell, will ing lo amuse himself it ft Branch's sim pli' ity, said: Branch, I'll bet you a ten dollar hat that I can prove that you are on the other side of the river!' Iune, taiil Branch. 'Well,' fcaid TjyeWell, pointing to the opposite shore,' isn't that one bkU of tho iiv r'f 'Yes.' 'Well, ins'l thW the olhtr .Vi.'' 'Via. 'Then, ns you aro here, are you not out.c l t!' t ideV 'Why, 1 iVilniv,' said poor Branch,' ho it in! Dill belt) ci, iocs Webster. I'll win lick the h it lr.nn him.' Webil.r lm.l lngg..l behind, but now ruiuo up, nud Blanch iii-iustiil him: W. lifter, I II U t you ti V ll-do!!:ir hat Ih it 1 cau prove that you lire 011 ihj other .d of iho river.' 'Iiij i !' 'N ell, Isn't this Out tideV 'Ve.' 'WlII.I.h'I that Ifu e bidc!' 'Y,fcn I Hilt 111' Oil tltitf .-ll.'' Blanch hung hi head and submitted .t lltu n lliu two hat its uuiclly 11 he i'Ollld. lUllMITV WlMJiU rt.iH.IU'li it v a Wuvus..- Jiiiiinu thd iicint iiig iciiii iitui Mr. mid Mr. illiiiiint in I'liiU'Ulpliiii, s oliiuu Allhuil lnl:iiit, Hltcluli d oiicolllio ju rl iiiimlii. The Imby kept up an In. i itviv. At Urn 1 mi ff Iho pl.iy, Mr. Uluuin m cull. d L. Ii i.i 1 1,11 turuiu. Thu bly Laliiir lunlily. Mr. Wl li iiu n.,ki.'4 m. hi 11 1 i r 4 I'l'iuuiit, nud llini 4i4 ; ".UI lll. (' H lilll Ml MHIlli'd. " V ii-ir ol Uu l,ii-f uiluMil. Wlicit il.u luuihU i iil..i,. U, the won. mi will, ll.u it. hint siuhi mi'l it o id.I : "Nu liUh Unit , ply. 'IUiu n 4 U. 11.. d ii., I.ur.t i f up. jiUiuv, niuj. d ishuli il.u .1.4( a, U.4Kal ImIi),, Ii lunij I.ji.II, n i,n J, 1.U4IH,.. It It .t. )litft la 1 inii, u. iI.mJ u .iHhlll. 5'l I t'l h.lV ll!ultUl'V.U.I44t(t 'ii lu ll. iiil.ru )v4l, It !,-UMt lii mi. UU4 llllllUr puvv til. I . puu.Uiu li t-ii'Uii'l, ii.ku.j ni p, 11 jiu Ui HMU,'I I . n I .-. I ll.J .4lt I I l.o lliliil . U Ult 1414.1 .il U Is ll, 4.u j lul, lw MIDI'S I'J I'ltl J !l,.4.4., buJ H.t 4v4l( ,4,- tl l 4U'I pi . 114 .. 14.K. I .M J,.M,,. lu i il- . . pi m a 1 .j 1 Ui. 4,1. 1 ju iip aid U Ik ...I 14 iiuu Uu 1144b ' I'H H. O i 14 !. HENRY T. III'.I.MBOI.O'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GJ-Xl-A.FE PILLS- Component Parte Fluid Extinct Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Cutawbu Urape Juice. . For Liver Compliant, Jnundlco, Billons Affec tions, Slok or Nervous Headache, t'ostiveness, etc. Purely Vcpctuble, containing no Morcury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. M These Tills are the most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, snlts, magne sia, etc. There Is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, and cause neither nausea nor gripping pulus. They are composed of the .fluff 1 IngralltnU. After a few days' use of them, such an luvlgovatlon of tho cntlro sys tom tnkes place as to appear miraculous to tho weak nnd enervnted, whether arising from Im prudeneo or disease. II. T. Helnibold's Com pound Fluid Extract Cutuwba Grupo Pill aro not sugar-coated, from the fuel that niffar-coatcd Pills do nut dissolve, but pass through tho sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired ctl'cct. Tho Catawba Grnpo Pills, being pleusant In taste and odor, do not necessitate their being iugur-coutt-d. Price fifty cents pur oox. MESHY T. lIi;i.MOI.I'N nifillLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND Fluid Extract- Nuraapnrillu Will radically exterminate from tho system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Soro Eyes, Sore 1 e'gs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis, TSuln Diseases, Salt Rheum, Cankers, Runnings from the Eur, White dwellings, Tumors, Cancer ous All'eetlons, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swell ings, Nlirht Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of nil kinds, t'hronie Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that 'bore been established iu the system for years. Telng prepared expressly for the abovo Com plaints. Its blood-puifylng properties are greater than any other preparation of Snrsnparllla. It gives tho complexion a clear and healthy color p."d restores Hie Patient to a state of Health and Purity. For Purifying tho Blood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases nrising from nu Impuro state of tho Blood, and the only reliable and ftl'eetual known remedy for the cure of pains nnd swelling of tho Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Lig3, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and beautifying the complexion. Price, $1.50 per isouie. HENRY T. HELM BOLD'8 CONCENT It ATEI FI.l'II EXTKAtT KICIIL', THE GREAT DIUltETIC, has cured eve-y enso of Diabetes iu which It has been given. Irritation of the neck of the Blad der aud Inllamation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, retention of Urine, Diseases of tho prostrate Gland, Stone In the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Uiickdust Deposit, nnd Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions of both sexes, attendfd with the following symptoms : Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Me mory, Dilllculty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Diniuess of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hrt Hands, Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion 0:1 the face, pali 1 Countenance, Universal lassitude of the Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from the aires of eighteen to twenty-live, aud from thirty-live to liity-!lvo or In the decline or change of life ) after conflue mcut or labor pains j bedwettlug lu children. IIclniboH's Extract Buchu Is Diuretic and Blood-purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and exccsics nud Im denees 111 Life, Impurities of tho Blood, etc., superseding copaiba in aU'cetiitions for which It Is usod, nud syphllitio fttl'eetlons lu theso dis-c-nses used in eonuection with Helnibold's Roso WaKh. LADIES. In many atreetaiions peculiar to Ladles, tho Extract Buchu is unequaled by any olbcr reme dy as in chlorosis or retention, Irregularity, painfulness or suppression of customary evacua tions, Ulcerated or sehiius ftnte of thu Uterus, LeiKiirilhea or Whites, sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising indiscretion or habits of dUiipulion. H is pre scribed extensively by the most eminent phvsi- 1 elans and inldwives lor eufechltd and delicate coustitutious, of both sexes and nil ages (attend ed with any of thu above discuses or symptoms.) II. T. IIF.LMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CUItM DISEASES ARISING FROM IMVKU DENCE8, HABITS OK DleiSIFATION, ETC., in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no Inconvenience, and 110 expo sure. It causes a fieipient desire, and gives strength to L'riuatc, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing uud Curing S!rietures of tho Urethra, Allaihig Pain and luliaination, so fro- ; ipieut in this class of discuses, and expelling all I'oliouoii? matter. 'J housands who have been the victims of In competent persons, and who have paid heavy feci to be cured In u short time, have found they have been deceived, and that tho 'Pnison" bus, ! by tlio ie.e of '"poivcrl'ul ustrlngeuts," been dried up lu t he system, lo break out iu 11 more aggra vated fiiriii, and perhaps after Marriage. L'so Helnibold's Extract Buchu for all Affec lioin and Diseases of tlio I'nlaiy Organs, wheth er existing iu Male or fc.uiulu, from uhalcver oilgiiialing, aud no matter how long standing. Piico, one dollar and tllty cents p-r bottle. li Hi:SHy T. HKI.MBOI DM IMIT.OVED ROSE WASH cauinit he surpassed at 11 Face Wash, and will be found the only p(-lllu remedy iu r.ury ptidus id ( ul, 01. . 111. A lin l Inn. It npei'.tily tradic.ites t'liuplin, Sj .U, Hcorbiille Di in .i, Inilun.lioiia ol'lhe t ill iih oiis Meiiihi'.iue, etc., dispels Iteil. 11 -s sil l Incipient liill.iiiiiiliini, Hives, Itiudi, M1.1I1 Pali In Dryness cf fcilp or Skin, Front li;i., an t all ptii.n.. s I 1. . hi. h Salves ur illi.l-iiii-iiifc ure n- I j n "torco the hl.iu to a st.itn of piuilv and Millihx, and li.niim eouiiuucd i.i- .llhy M. llnii to ll..! Iliie ul its Vctacls, nu Mlilcl. ili . hits liio ue;rri-al,lt; rlcirue and ilva rlly of fo.iipii 4 lull 111 m il i.uli uud uilinlrcil. lint hiie4i'i viihialiie a a reiiii-dy fur t-xlMtntr d f .1 of the sklu, II. T. Hidinbiild Hone W.h h is I'ditf 411.1 lined ii pi icclpli l;i 1 111 lo ui.li.iuu.t ej intiriinutii', by ..liig (ii.lillc. Hlil. li n-li-der a a Ti-ili I ApM-iiihij(tf ol I lie 111111I buiieilii l.iuuu.t t .'.ii.jvui.il 1 haMclcr, l'Oli.l.lllillg iu UU ih i nil formula llnu. pii.iiiiu.iil riMUuiii, bale. t) uinl Kllii4.y-lliiiluv4iU.blie aecuiii4uiiuculs i l lu u.e-,.. u l'i.... i vtiiu and 11. IikIi. i of IliB t'll llplcxl.ill. It la itl) 4-4Ciliil:l LuliuU filf ill. 1,1. l i,l it si I'hliiili' N .linn, mm ui uu iuji u. u.. lot ,'Im-k... ul uui ( iluury Orttus, aruiuK llulH h,llill of Ui.4lp.illi.i4 uld III l.iUlmil.Ml (till, ll.u tUU.I. I.U till, i.,lu.UIlllU, 41.1.1(4. I..41I14 l.mpu I'ul., lu ,u,t, di....,., ua Ul.ul. iummII, i v.ili. h bit urpaM)4, i'lli'v, oil UuiUr per ImKUi, Hi Full u4 I4.l,4 iivvlua e.'oiu,.i4iiir L I.II I' III. 4. V.vi (i.im of ilu in..l l,,ll,lliU ltVl.1 ili,.li'o . li.ir..,i,ir lu.i.ui.v l 1.11 .(,i. aiiuu, HUU liuu- in .1. ..f iii.ii...,i.a, of im,1( uu.,.i, una up- 4 il l l.f JO,14l n,.,,!l. 11,4 lltH.,41,44,. I 4.1.44. I... ...I..I llll. 1, lti4(.)T ,f I.Ul4lu 11.4.4 !.U I. ..1.14 "l'l I... tilling lll.il. .1.1 '.)U 14U4, 1 i. in. ii, l..l,... u. ile. I l. plop. ivl.. l,.t u.i.l Hvi. Ilu IUcii .U0lt' uiluu 114 I 'it I 'l 'i.l I. .1 .. . ii.4 uoil.ii4a lUa 14I U-l ... H.H I, , I ,1. 4l4.i4l4 I'll p.ullol.., 4,u4 a . u ui. t w 'i pii'pp.4 wj. if 44ii.iiiu. Hi ur; T, IIImIsmI4' iMMlw 'r 44rilt4tM)t l l.il. I I 4 l . t III.,. iVll,! f,o444 Uttil. .,!., 1, 1 . 1 .till L. I .ai I 41 ln.l) 1. ait. H If i- t-4 4 4 .1.1 Uv, 4 I llwt . I Kit f.. ,( 4 -. , lb t....J4i.u.l. U U uif . K,luUu4. t"f ,.- 44.4 1 (.Ulilll ' I I' -4, I 11 I t..W,l4'i 1.41.4 ,1,4 I l'nl i4.4l.uu.t, k... ti ii.,4,,., 1 , t.ll I it,luj ,i', m vi, U 14 ,l, m,.t fc It,.... 4 I-,,.. ! 4. A.i 1.1 IKl, I, T l M, II I W., , tt . uncotts. y: Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL 8TATEMENT FOR THE YEAH ENDING 4.ANUART 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 719. Amount of Property Insured, 153,815,00 Amount of Premium Notes In force, 134,213,00 CASH A88ET8. Amount loaned at Interest, 13000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, f 1000,00 Amount due from Agents, $300,95 Amount due from other sources, ' 1726,00 Available Capital, $39,23U,U5 IiiMiiroyonr Cattle. INSURE with a responsible and perfectly ro linblo Company. Insure where your losses will bo paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, unllko other Compuulcs, you aro sure of being paid proinptly for all losses, If Insured In this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LE68 THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses are less, nnd onr Charter Is Perpetual. Wo pay losses by nil kinds of accidents by death, (excepting In cases of epidemics,) by theft, c., xc. we pny prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money in cubo of loss. Nearly 3,000 iil on Cows) alone Hinec Organization. Look at the list of Losses paid on Cows alone by this Company. M Ilcnnlngcr, Buubury, Pa.... ?33, D Hilgcrt, Northumberland 50, George Eckcrt, " 40, 8 B Dodge, " 30, Charles Uolick, Mt Curmol 30, Esubeus Slpplo, " 40, Cnthurine Wagner, Wntsontovn 411, (Jeorgo Heir, Northumberland 50, Jacob Snyder, Sunbury 33,33 J W B.isslcr, " 50, Minor Chdy, Dcwnrt CO, Catharine Murtz, Shnmokln 40, Frauds Buelier, Sunbury 30, Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh 50, Joseph Deppen, ?.H C.irmel 1 50, Matthias 8eliollv, 40, Francis MeCarty, " 50, Maria Kramer, Watsoutown 45, Jooph Nicely, Jr., Dcwnrt 40, ,J A R C Qulggle, Pino, Clinton 00 40, R Riimage, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co. 40, J 8 Tharp, Shamokin 4(1, Thomas Wnrdrops, Mt'urmol 45, N A Londcnslugcr, Hcrndon, 40, Rachel Crnmr, Fisher's Ferry 40, 0 L Ken gun, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50, Jacob Shine, " " 40, Jacob Stollz, " " 40, D H Bower, Iterndon, 30, Ceo B Lnhr, Georgetown 40, John II Ossmnn, Sunbury 40, W B Wnllaco, Northumberland 30, II 8 Graham, " 50, Rebecca Koblo, Georgetown 40, Philip Wintcrstein, Watsontowu 40, (i S Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia co 40, Lewis Osterhaut, Laurel Ruu, Luzerne co...40, Mary J Dine, Northumberland 40, B F Krohn, Snubury 40, Andrew Heuly, Girnrdsvillc, Schuylkill co.. 40, Patrick Furgeson, Mt Carmel 40, Martin Delniicy, Shcnundonh city 14, John Duue, Ashland, Behuylkill co 10, Anthony Mcl.nughliu, Girardsville 40, Llayrrnn 8 Hay, MnTmnoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Biuiclicr, Berwick 27, J D Foebt, Pottsvillo 30, Ernstus Sober, Point ,twp '....'JO, A Llppeiicolt, Watsoutown 40, Maria Kramer, WnUioii'n,2d loss pd lastsuiii,40, 1 P Llppcncott, Watsontowu 40, R S Auimerman, Snydertowiv 20, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co 27, J oi C R QuIggle.Plne Btu'n Clinton c 2d loss,40, Charles W llazzard, Kapcrt, Colombia co.,.40, John Foglcman, Wn'tsontown.... ....40, Patrick Hester, Mt Curmcl . 40, Thomas Mctz, Paxlnos 30, R McClosky, Lock Haven.. 134, HON. A. JORDAN, President. C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Sec'y, Buubury. DIRECTORS 1 Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Bruner, Solomon Stroh, Wm. Brlndle, Soloman Bhlpe, John A. Shibsler, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David Waldron. Murch 11. 1871. 1y TIME IS JIONEY ! I ALL Wall Paper and Border, sold by me wll be trimmed ready for use, "WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, dt tub YEOMAX'3 WALL PAPER TRIMMER, .'..v'--v-..v---t !; . W.4i..-r;. "' 'v which I have the exclusive right to use In Buuburr aud lciiilty. b.iv) moucy, time and labor, by buylug of X. I'EKKEU I.IUHT.NKH, Dealer In Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, .V.C., A,.., Ac, Sunday 8cho.1l bL Pl'LlKti tuadu a wclulUy. lllaukt .Meiuorauduiu fc I'ltwiliook In endless variety, Jut received. BOOK BINDING dune lo order. Persons will save epvnto by leaving their orders for b lulling Hilll inc. l'KTUtr. l it 4 M KM of all ilf'H, cul liotii lliu MouldliiKat Tery low runs. OVAL A hL'AUE FKAMkS lway ou baud. AUiUMS, UltACKKTS, GOI.l) PEX'i, Ac, Sic, tic. A la "ire and well side, ted slock of Toysalway 'oh bund. Anything uol ou huud prouiplly ul dirtj. llurgulu fur cash. Call at N. FEUKEK M'i'ITKF.R'8 lliMik blor, FI.-11 of Folly's tiold Pu, Uarksl frtuau, Mu buiy, 1'4. buubury, August thli, lain. J. W. WASHINGTON'S Ihu Villi riiiaiuiil tliup of lb lu a We dc.iiuu Ibu Ui.il, but at I us Mius lliu ii.u.i.k-4 Uat llm lululiiy liulh maiiti cauii. Id) tpwkiu lili..ul luaililulluK ail uucuiuloiu. blu nn.iiuiil ut Vauliy aud auabillou. u.l la.niy ui 4!'i I Uku my tutliit iuirf iu mi pie Uitlf wi liltiiuta Ibu lur ).. ul, Ii4v I iiH4. iii.h. liis Buur 4( our tliup iIj) uliur Uk,u4 uui.l slur a In hi, aal apdk4 lb liip biu Dlui.ilim 41041, au4 nUi4j lhl il .! of I lit. 4iuUiivtl by lb luit;l.l told ut li.. 1 i wiiimi ..rul h tiiaiwl urnily niciy U.Jj In l cuuuiry 1 114 luiuiuuti p41.11u.4j u4 lu i.l.ll.'U public iull4t HllrlU publicly al.unUII.O IU OUt I IIUU4 4)14 U4 4.4IS ILul II l I4J) Ul tli44 lt.4444 111 I H4ilt Ib4 Uudl4 II...I.MI.4 I1U444 141 Itlul. t UI41 UttlU )UU I'lvJtc, l U tl4 U ill Ml' liu aiv i.4l) lu Hulk, Iuiiuk'41 ui iuii4ii4, lu !. .!i, iilr tui luu, i.ii.p. 1'1I4, MlHtt..! (I) )U4I, 4lf ptllllU!, 4u44.ll u4 lui a l4 tn. 4 UU allUlu 4111,141 lb I.H ' 4.4 Vvllt lU mill U4W4 l 4UUl44t4. VI Dwlk tv kUMI, liut I HM lu 4ju4k, SHi.p, 4 IU j 4J (.Mel UU1 4)U lU git it 144 iHt lb L.l ui il.iil; Iwuii4li4l w1m U 144) U 4i'4 11 till 4V..4 U. A l.dt4i U ll Iba 4nai4 'iu b lvuj ) U4 141 k4t4)4i 4 hm 4 'I but! 4lMt. tm.!- Mwtl4 44 'Ml. ti I, iiii. OUHIOIU 4 4tt4l 4HMtt PRICES REDUCED. BOOTS MIIOES ; Manufactured to order at" : ' ' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOHN Wfl.YEIt, Spruce Street, Sunbary, Pcnn'At Is constnitly mnnu fa enuring Boots, Shoes & Gaiters. at surprisingly Ion prices. Ills (took comprise the Tery best 11 market. His long exper ience In Mb bnslnesa has won for him 1 reputation for '- baking rirst 1 - das. work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TEUMS ITRICTLY CASH. The prlcct of reptlrlng are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, March 1, 1871. j i 5j 5j 5j TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now prepared to furnish ill classes with constant em ployment at home, lie whole or -the time or for the spare moments. Business now light and pro fitable. Persons of lther sex easily earn from 60c. to $5 per evonlig, and a proportional sum by devoting their wlole time to the business. Boys and glrla earn icarly as much as men. That all who see tht notice may send their nd dress, and test the hisluess, we make this un paralleled offer 1 Tc such as aro not well sntis Ucd, wo will send H to pay for tho trouble, of writing. Fall pnrtculnra, a valuable samplo which will do to conmenee Work on, and a copy of TTktt PeopWi Litcnry Companion one of tho largest nnd best family newspapers published all sent frco by mall. Reader, If you want per manent, profltaols work, address E. C. ALLEN A CO., Augusta, Maine. April 15, 1871. 8m. STER EOKCOI'ES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROM08, FRAME8. E. ft II. T. ANTHONY 4& CO., , 591 Broadway, New York, Invite the attention of tlio Trade te their exten sive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture nnd importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GRAPHOSCOPE9. NEW VIEWS OF T03EMITE. E. II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, New Tork, Oppoilte Metropolitan Motel, IMPORTERS AMD MANUFACTURERS OF Photographic Material. March 4th, 1871. ly. SI'IUNd FASHIONS XOW READV. MRS. M. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT 6T3., PHILADELPHIA. Importer nnd DeNlgiier of Fnslilous. Tho old established and only reliable Dress Trimming, Paper Pattern, Dress aud Cloak mak ing Emporium. Elegantly trimmed Paper Patterns, Wholesale and Kciuii. Fans, Gloves, Ribbons and 8ashes, Laces, Em. broldories, Jet, Gilt, and Pearl Jewelry. Eveniug dresses and suits, made In the most lasiiionuiile style nt snort notice. Perfect system of DressCutting taught. N. B. Orders bv mail, promptly attended to. Feb. 20. 1871. 3m. FUKNITU11E 1 FURNITURE 1 1 A ETV STORE AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAHANOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM NEGELY XTAVING opened a new Furniture Store at the .A. -A. above place, will constantly keep on Band, a largo ami select assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising of Tailor aim Chamber Suits, Couch es, Lounges 1 aoics, ourenus, ane-eiiieu CtmlYs of all grades. Hocking and Kitchen Chiitrs, Washstauds, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottngo and Half Cottage, Looklng-Glasses, Window Shades, and in short, everything usually to be found In any well-kept Furniture Store, may be had at this estuMishmcnt. noplng, by fair doallug and strict attention to business, to merit the patronage of tho public An Invitation Is extended to nil desiring anything iu vuu nu ui c uruiturc 10 can aua cxuiniue inr slock. I'mlertaklng done In all lu branches. Rcpalrln doue at short notice. i-J WM. NEC. ELY. Georgetown, June 11, '70.-lyj A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALZXK'S CJ.ZJPOBNIA 7INEGAE BITTERS 44 e 2 Hundreds of Thousands ? 5 H Bear tMttmony lo their Wonder- & e, r e lul Ciuslivo KUicis. E 2 jf f3 WHAT ARE THEV?W 1 V m a I; THET ABB 0T A TILX FANCY DRINK iUUouf rm Man. WkUkar, l'r.vi Hwlriia 1 Ilcfus l.liiaari dosiorod. silci niltci4. cac4 la iilntsalha lult, culled "linnet,1" ApiHitli r," " Kctuircn," ILkt Icfl IU llpiilir on la tUuulisniuM and rula, but sro s trail U4.ciuu, awla trorn llm K silt Uwlssod Ileitis cf Callfurcla, trie train all Aloahvlla kiilwalaaia. Vker ar lb (111 f. AT 1U.UUI1 flliiriKlt and A LIVE C1V1NU i'UIStll'l.atsixrkml lioaavsior an liif lauratur ol Ilia Sfttuni, earrxma off til 140 bo us aitiur and riortnjr tba Iijo 40 a luialitiy t iiiOiiioa. If aorsoa 4a Uks IUm nuvars 4w.onlu.j lu aiKS lieu 4W4 nmisia loug aawU. klUM UIU (Ivtalursa larartllsrso, proildcd tk bo4M at kol 44rji(l ki aiwaral auuua or U4W II44U, awl lit 4 IU! utftl 4.4. 4 tvj 01 U l'. polal of Mialr, 4Vi4 lulatuMiblmr aail ( kri.U I: lit n.it lisat a4 lloul, litsyciisln, ur t4:yi.lU, alllliiaa, W4uiiia4it ta4tai4i4tiliiut i'vtvia lltMitava l lb lllaad, l.lr, Uldvt , uu4 M!4t4tla I1" lVlll4 4 oa 4UO.I 4UOC4. ll. kiistli tilM ui M4i4 ty Vlilaii'tl lllt4. Ma-murllr oi4U4 J4Ji oliltosw-ol vim uluo.4l Ursau. Ulk.ft4 VU IslHUrMTION, l'c4 CU. l ull. I . Ill I.UU1J44, lV0fcU, 11.10414 Of 111 CImv-I, tlUt 1.1.44. tott( 1 f4Muo ( Ui kw adv, i-4 4aU I44 Ui Momli. MiUuk A list 4 1, IVI..U.U.4 4f UwUhimI, l4Butia.kluil.4l iu l o4. l-tiulall. lio4M il WMt , kliH, u4 a k44 Uu .aiul ft4o4.l tit WtltrfUtol lll'twp!. lit 44.4 WVtMr 40 SU.O.4.4 k-4 4444u4ll la to. iU l.i4 o4 avail, slait i4 ifcowufiiuwlt.J ol4y 14 lk4U.t Uu,4lwo4( U I444.44I4II, 44 WHUIItwi 44 l.la bl lo 140 koltttH4. I'UitMaVtlt tM!akt.l4. t.o.!wot.1uiiw,ttlt UwWfc, i.loU4lt. 4. 1 444N4. 1 lUUtlt, lioll. 1 S Imum.Ii, t .4a ttMitot, I4 lu.4. 4 1, tij.li" l4. lit, av444, ll444.1ol. IwU 44 14.4 4UI. UuM.41 k-4 tlOUM vl U 44w, ol k4tlo,o4 k4u ol 4440IJ, k4 HUikl'l 444 4Hkot4ill4oo4 44 jiw la t tbMit Mm OJ 10 i UiMt 41.4.1. lM kotkl kl k k4 4.1 0O.Q4 4k 444MW4MI M ol 44l4 kitl44t 4o4, 144S-M Ik VU,,4 1oo4 '4Mll )0 . 4 t. U,Miiuot 4iIii 4ktot,k ioa m 1 t M'14.1 . t ijo U-M 04 W4 I 4l.iv 41 a o S..1 4 o4uu4 k4 to.44t U lo luo, 4 ..oi H IHtSUlHl, 4 4 1 i4.ilo4 kill fck.1 o4)o. fc... l-o llwo4 44I M4 tk l4.4k Ol 4i. t.44.1 l4lol.4, flk. T4f -4i trut4M4. l4o I IM Mt44 ! 44004 V-oM. 4 okikoiif 4o .4. 4 k-4 .kOMi.W M t41 4m.44o, 44 will. I Ik 4444 .ml 1..S It. 4. II. Jt. 14. lo 1 ..4 4t. I4 k-at-n.4.,40.-, I ,lflW.. f 41144, 1V44,,4. 4 4k lH444U Ilk, If1) 4 It., kctow. 4u (malm, t ol, 4o4 k4 4w4 St V . I Oo-l, .l lot 4 rvl HI 441, tklmjlkf 4kB VSkHlft 121 ! SI3 p: Off THET ABB SOT A TILX J ""SI FANCY DRINK. Iff NAC11INK 81IOP AND MOX 'Ol;Sl'DBT.,,' GEO. KOIIRBACH & 80N3, ' Mnnbury, fteaan'a, rrFORM the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new macnino onop in connection with their Foundry, nnd have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to eiecute all order of , , NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. Grates to unit uny Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, 4c. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their n perlorlty, havo been still further improved, and will always be kept on hand. ' Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, June 18, 1870. M.OREXCESEWIXC1 MACHINE. THIS celebrated Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Krause's Tin and Stove Store, Market Street. Sunbnrj-, Pa. Tho Florence Sewing Machine stands nncqual led for beauty and durability being tho best Family Sewing Machine now offered to the pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has self-adjusting tcntlnn In the Shuttle changes for tho various Stitches made while the machine Is In motion. Its Stitches are tho wonder of nil for beauty and finish, being alike on both sides of tlio fabric. It sews light and heavy fabrics with vqnal fa cility. The work will feed cither right or left. Ruus quietly and rapidly. No difficulty exper ienced In sewing ncross heavy scams. Its mo tions are all positive ( no springs or cog wheels to get out of order. Tlio Hcmmcr turns wide and narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It is thoroughly practical and will last a life time. Every Family ahotiltl Have One. Every Machine warranted to substantiate all we claim for It. It Is the only Machine In the world that li ca pable ol making more than one stitch and having tnc reverse icea motion. Call nnd examine them, and tho samples oi work. XO CIIAUGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tueks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, &c, without basting. It makes a gather nnd sews it on a band at ono operation perfectlv. Each Mnchiuo is furnished with a complete set oi tools, wiiiioui extra charge. Every purchaser fnlly instructed aud every Machine warranted nnd kept in order. Machiuo Oil nnd Thread kept on hand at nil times. GEO. W. SMITH & BRO., Agents, ForNorth'd, Snvder, Union and Montour Couu's. October 15, 187a New Flour and Feed Store ! It. W. TIIi nSTOX, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A, Ha Just opened a Flour and Feed Store, where be will keep con tantiy on band, a general assortment ot t iu best brands of PLOUR, FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOES, FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, aud VEGETABLES of all kinds, at the very lowest market prices. Suubury, Feb. 11, 1871.-tf. LIMBER AXD PLAM.VG MILLS. Third Street, adjoining Pblla. & Erie R. R., two Squurea North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every descrljitlon of lum ber required by the demands of. the public Having all tho latest improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, he is now rvudy to till or ders of all kinds of FLOORING, 8IDINC1, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RAND.Vfi, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental SorowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly axcouted. Also, A LA HOE ASSOUTMEXT OF BILL LUMUER. HEMLOCK aud PINE. Also, Shiugles, Pickets, Lathe. kc. Orders promptly tilled, and i.hlpped by Railroad or otiierwiso. in A T. ilk.me.vi. dee HI -1)8: ly STOVE fc 'I'lX ENTAULISIl.TlK.Vr. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SCCCESSOH TO 4U1TU eKMTUKH.J HAVING pitrcliio-cd the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kransn would respectful ly iutoriu the public that hu now hat ou baud a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Bieer'a Cook Auli-Dust, Regulutor or Rovolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged a to be used for Coal or Wood, and are. i an allied to x;rfrm satisfactori ly or no sale, ll EATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more room. HEATING STOVES of dlllerent kinds at very low prices. Till war of Every Ueiserlittloii kept constantly ou huud. Rooting nnd Spouting nun in next iiiaierui, uon at 4ii.it I n. it lee. REPAIRING, alteudml to with Uitpaleh. t'tia! Oil ui d Lamp constantly on huud. Japan warn of a I U. lids. Hloio opposite Coiilcy's hardware store. Give bio a call. A. KHAl'bE. ttpli4-ly NIXUI KY .UUtHX.; VAItU. rrMIE uiiderolgued having bought tha eutlr 1 toek of Diluger .V Tuylur. tsoiild iulorm Ih public thul lie 1 uow ready to do all kiud of ?l''vii " uu ll'iuj' ""J uiakt to ordtr at ?l lu. kin. it l' worn u. .Houuuieula 4 llentl-aUmek, : Mimiiij. DOOn AND UINIHJW BU.I-S Aio,l'iunriiiry l'uu llh tialvaalaml plw aud allutlier fviiHug geiuriilly urd uu I'vuitivrin. John A.'l'iiyh.r svlll vkiiIuiu iu ttiu viupUiyiiieul, at th old tUud ou Xl.ll kel Rl., billlbui , Ul.t)"tUJ mi. olv mot k wiriiorr a 11 I.T lTHK 4tllET II11.TI mohu ruii PiK i: ui: ui: a, iilUll'S ILLUMINATED tJ A1IONU OAK Ht'UVEIt. Ut kllll'U rAkl.Olt AND t lUVim il ARC fTAKMLU bX USK IUU. "I T I lb uuly kYiiipUi llwiir lUki hut pr. 1 fml jou kH.Ur, and fri ll.nu pulllnj ui . iiwluu, ol uililluf K lulu 111 aiiuciil. ll U Ik uuly liiifl. iiuaiif auk Ik iwlcul lUit"4ntl VlkUtiu by kkkb iuM IUuiwUki. lay jkt U uUiU4j, lb aiwiluwu! Ik ki..t I Ut, Him (ItiMiaally nu4, aud Ik ttiul k. Ui4 ul Ik ial 141 kl ui tk wmI la) U im. lull. II la lb uuly ri4i.lA4 liiiii Ik! u a rt- fix I a.i if 4. r au4 Immi kuiukf, uul 4114 liliwj 4Mnwia Kstuly luul kuui. ill 14 utaiy t4it44 ltvUf all) Nilf4 UII4t 44 4u.UJI. .l. it I Ik U4il flitii.44 lUnlvH tUk U4.. u ka, ijltiii kt.uiii-.iil iU44 li.4 hum, a4 auk UtM l.4.4.4. Ik Mt4 !lkl III kUlU U4. III f-l 4 4 lb Wl'4-1 kWUIlM N I'll. pUl fi.U, l, IIJIA 44 l4U.lv4 444)4 L4W41lit tt lllH.ll..t, li ( u.t n a.4 u uk, u r 1 f 1 r. 4.l,lt4, M4i Ulkl4 CU4 at OIK I III H, ..W'l, f ! Ju , IK -il NEW FIR9I. , Bjerly 4 11empery Excelsior Gal lery of Art, third Street, Banbury, Pa. , MR. BTERLT Kan lately added to Ma already well established reputation, the services of Mr. M. R. Ilemperlv whose reputation as a'tiho- togrnphic operator, stands unrivaled in this part Of the country, and hereafter they will carry on 1 no paoiogrnpnic iraae, nt tn old stand under the Arm namo of Byerly & Hemperly'a Excelsior Gallery or Art, nt whoso establishment tho pub lic will be cheerfully accommodated throughout the whole lino of photography. For Photographs of all styles and sizes rang ing from the small Gem to the life size portrait. Go to Byerly As Hemperly. For the beautiful porcelain plctnro which for softness of flnlBh, anil durability ennuot be ex celled, go to Byerly & Hcmporly. For tho Rembrandt photograph, now so popu lar hi nil out large cities, and showing thu pecu liar effect of light and shade, and the favorite of the old German Artist Rembrandt, go to Byerly & Hemperly. , If you have an old plctnro yon wunt copied and enlarged to any size, and colored oil, water color, India luk or crayon, take It to Bcyerly & Hemperly. If you want 11 frame of any size and at any price, or any stylo go to Byerly & Hempcrly's, and take a look at tbelr Immense Btock in that line. For Albums go to Byerly & Ilcmpcrly. For square Frames made to order go to Byerly & Hemperly, In short, for anything In the photo graphic line, go to Byerly & ilempurly, and you will be suited. Feb. 85, 1871. FURNITURE, c. MATTRESS, FEATHER, AXD BEDDINd WAREK00MS, .44 NORTH TENTH ST., Irck, rU4Wfi&: CHAMBER FURNITURE. Spring Beds, Spring Cots, Spring Mnttresses, Feathers, Fcsther Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, Counterpanes, Comfortable, Blankets, Quilts. Hair do. Husk Straw do. do. CALL AND SEE TnE Woven MTre Jlnttrckn, Tho best bed ever offered for sale. N. B. Onr Intention Is to treat nil customers so that they will become permanent dealers with us, and orders will receive the same attention, nnd persons can buy Just as cheap as if present at the store. March 4th, 1971. Sin. JXO. L. SLATER A CO., HAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW TORK STORES, No. 3 South Tenth Street, below Market, Philadelphia, where they have opened a first-class Merchant Tailoring Establishment. Our Stock consists of a fine assortment of For.'igu Cloths, Cnsslmeres nnd Vestlngs, select ed from tho best Importing Houses of this City ami New York, which we are prepared to make up lu the most Fushionable Styles, at Short No tice r.nd Moderate Terms. Special Bargains In Scotch Chlrnt Oonds. JNO. L. SLATER CO. Formerly with J. M. Zeiglcr. Dec. 31th, 1870. 6m. SEW MEAT SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully informs the citi zens of Suubury and violnit y, that they have opened n MEAT SHOP, In Dewart's buildlng.on the north side of Market Square, two doors from the railroad, were they will keep a constnut supply of the beat of Beef, Pork, Mutton. . . nt wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices and of the urst quaiii; . a ii.. will be run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays. ) The host of meat will found ... ...t..r.. . nv men cuup. u.,u ..B nil. 11 nun ni.i in. v ,iui selves. REFFEW & BOVER. Oct. 10th 1809 tf. Northern Ceulral Railway. SrRINQ ARRANGEMENT. o N and after April 9, 1871, trains will run as ioiiows 1 NORTHWARD. Leave Sunbury at 4.30 a. m., nrrlve at Canan. dalgua 3.10 p. in., Syracuse 7.10 p. m., Roches. ter 4.45 p. in., Butl'ulo 9.00 p. m., Suspension onuge v.uu p. tn., Aiiignrn rails v.ao p. m. Leave Snubury nt 4.80 p. m. for Elmira and miunio via trie umlwny Irom tlnnr:i. Leave Sunbury nt 8.45 p. m. for Wllllamsport. ' SOUTHWARD. Leave Snnbury at 5.35 a. m., nrrlve at nnrrls. burg 5.15 a. mm Baltimore 9.15 a. in., Philadel phii. 9.50 a. m., Wushinmou city 1.10 p. ui. Leave Sunbury at 105 n. in., arrive at Har risburg 12.55 p. mi, Baltimore 0.15 p. m., Phila. dclvhlii 5.35 u, W.. Waskiuuton 10.00 n. in. Leave Suubury, 10.20 a. ui., arrive at Harris- ourg i.nu p. aa., Tv nsniiigton lu.oo p. m. Leave Sunbury nt 12.05 a. tn., arrive nt Harris burg i.'M a. m., Washington 7.00 a. m. .SUAMOKIN DIVISION. eastward. Leav Sunbury at 4.10 p. m., arrive at Shatt'.o- kln 5.55 p. 111., .Mt. Lariucl 0.40 p. in. Leave Suubury (Accommodation,) at 11.50 a. ui., arilvn at Suuiuokln l.oo p. in. St4TS.mil. Leave Mt. Carmel at 8.05 a. ns., arrW at Shuuioklii 8.50 a. m., Suubury 9.55 u. m. Leave Sbainokln ( Aeeoininoilutlou,) at 2.45 p. ui., arrive nt Suubnry 4.U0 p. ni. Exjircs leaves dally -Leaving on Sunday, runs North only to Williumspoit. Ail other tralu leave daily, except Sunday. A. R. Fiskk. Ed. 8. Vol' no, tieu'l. tiup't., Ceu'l i'u.M n'r Ag't., Harrisburg, Pa. Buliiuuie, Md. AUAIW AT Till. OI.I PLACE. f I'M IE aiibserltier aniiounee lo the cltiieus of JL buubury that, liauug aifaiu erected bis IIUEAU aad .4KE EiTAllLlSViKNT, on the old place, vihci it wut recently deatroyfj by Mm, be snail! preuirr4 10 upply theui V4 ub all kind of Breud aud Cak, lucti a UKOWN BKE Al, MILK Hit H AD, UltEAU BAKED on th ilEAHTII, aud fall lluo of FASCT CAKkS. Tea Hun, ILill aud l' Ul. AUo, all kiud of L'oiiliKtwa ail. al hi shop ou i htid 4livtl. Ilavlutf mplii)rd a lii.i-il. baktr from the i-lly, k 1 pniared lo give guiiurul sulUfueUuii lu bla Hu of busiusu, uj dvueall til iv btui 11 lul. bivod aud Cakt dallverw lo ulomrt t very uiorulug. UK CKKAU. An lc Cremn Hal.wii ha liru oku4 In ou neiiu44 uli lli abut busiu4, aud a I. Jim' UImmi Ullcd up, lif lb twsl lo I'roatu lil b 4ite4 Up HJ tMiU4 JuiUi lb .auu. VVU. tl. 1UAS. Huubury, Juu 11. I70. I'alal. UilTi. A M I L kI.mIi uf till ui1.p11.iu4 l.'"""4 J till, ( Odl I'll, UU tll, u4 Lubiiialluij Hit fnf fcuIU4 aud ilntbinsi , ViuuUn, t.l4, all 4)41 lv44, al iuw ..u at AtlNHV t o'l. Tutlio Co m mu 11 lt ut Lars el l lit Suit AT 1 UK "nCQULATORt" I k llil nM4l444 lb C4.11I stuck, ti alii 4 H4l4i uf lb k. s'mUI.k M..I, .', Imuk, 1.4.1 1.". u4 I iu.in ioit, u( J. a. AUlV. 4l4 Hill (I.4III44U 111 b'lU. l U Ilia. S4I.I Iu4dlu44, 4U4UV4 IO..I4I, III44 lW41 tluvi, MAUkkl a)kkfcl, ktHVHtV, I' A. VI UU kl444 UlIUl4l II.U4,4 Uk lb IwJW.- 4U4I. ufiuiu4 if IIm tuwuli), t I" IUM ui Illli4 l H4lk Ul4 .-.4 .1 Hull ul kktcbiul. I.u4l4u I'M 4u'4l4.lli k4 iuisti, l 1-14.44 IHt H444 t-"4.l4il4. A ! 4i!if ml b h,U la ik Kn.u1.k4 tat Ui4k4t 44..UII 4 li'l llvlill. I JI M4I.I4.I4 a) M4I- .1. , . . Reading .Railroad. SPRING ARRANClEMENT. , JUwlayt,44wlHl871. GREAT TRUNK LINK from th North and nrt h-Wo.l r... ll.llnAl4iV.U M V t . Inir. Potiavllla T.m. , , a -vi 1 at. ' . .nunM, nauiunu, mmilH'Ria, Jvebanon, tIlontown, Easton, Ephrata, IJtl. ..w-. ., w.u.uu.u, W.., 4417. ' ' . ... Trains lenve Harrlshur. fnr Knar Tn.b fal lows! At 8.10, 8.10. a. m. and 2.00 n. tn.. cnn. nectlng with similar trains on tho Pannsvlvanla Railroad, nnd arriving at New Tork at) io.10 a. m., 8.60, and 10.00 p m. respectively. .Bleeping Curs accompany the S.10 a. m., train without ehanoin. ' Ruturnlngi Leave New Tork at 9.00 a. m.t 1Q.OA nm.n K All n nt Plilloi4..1..KU -. ft 8 30 a. m. and 8.30 p. m. Sleeping Cars accom pany tho 6.00 p. m. train from New York with. v44i, t,iiitiii:t;, , I.cnve Hnrrlshnre for Reading, Pottsville, Ta mnqiia, Mlnersvlile, Ashland, Shnmoklu, Allcntown nnd Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m., a.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way e'sMons t the 4.05 p. ro., train connecting for Philadelphia, Potlsvlllo and Co lumbia only. For Pottsvillo, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and sluwpaehauna Rnilroad, leave Harrisburg at 8.40 p. ... East Pennsylvania KWltoad trains loave Read ing for Allentown, Enston nnd New York nt 5.00, 10.30 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, lenvo New York at 9,00 a. m., 12.00 peon nnd 5.00 p. m. nnd Allcntown at 7.20 a. in. 1U.35 noon, 8.15, 4 U0 and 8.45 p.m. , AVay Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., connecting with similar train pa East Pcnna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 0.29 p. in., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsvillo at 9.00 a. m. and 2.00 p. m. Hcrndon at 10.00 n. m., Shnmoklu at 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. 1 Ashland at 7.05 a. m., aud 13.43 noon; Mnhnnoy City nt 7.51 a. 111. nnd 1.20 p. w. Ta inn qua ut 8.85 a. m. and 4.10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, HnrrKhnrg, &c. Leave Pottsvillo via Schuvlklll aud Susquo hanna Rnilroad nt 8.15 a. m. 'for Harrisburg, and 12.05 noon, for Pino Grove and Tremont. Rending Accominoilntion Train leaves Fotts- Vlllp nt fi.lfl a. m. nnd... 17nn.lln, n . M . ... ...i,B .,...iu .lb i.uu n. 111. arriving at Philodelphiaat 10.30 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passing Read ing at 7.55 p.m. arriving nt Pottsville at 9.40 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town at O.SJO a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rending at 7.20 a. m., nud 0.15 p. m. for Ephrata, LUli, Lancaster, Columbia. &c. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Pcrklotnen Junction nt 7.15, 9.05 a. m.,nt 8.00 and 0.00 p. m. Returning,luav Schwcuksville at 6.80,8.10 a. m., 12.50 uoon and 4.30 p. m. couuecting with similar trains on Reading Rail Rond. Colcbrookdule Railroad Trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. m., 1.15 and 0.45 p. ni., returning lcavo Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 nud 11.25 a. in., and 8.00 p. m., connecting with similar trains ou Reading Rnilroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.S0 a. m., -'.05 nnd 5.S2 p. m. returning, leave Downington nt 0.40 a. m., 12.45 noon nnd 5.25 p. m. conueeting with simllur trains on Read lug Railroad. On Sundays 1 Lenve New York nt 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 3.15 p. in., (ihn 8.00 a. ui. train running only to Rendlug;) leave Pottsville at 8.00 a. in., leave Harrisburg, 8.10a. m., and 2.00 p. m.j lcavo Allcntown nt 8.45 p. in. leave Reading at 7.15 a. in. and 10.05 p. m. for Harrisburg, t 5.00 a. m. for New York, and at 9.40 a. ro. and 4.15 p. ui. for Philadcl'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to aud from all points at re duced ratcjt. Baggage checked through 1 100 Pounds Bag gaga allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. fc Eug. Mnch'ry. Philadelphia and I'.rio Railroad. SPRING TIME TABLE. On aud after Mondav, April 9th, 1871, tha Trniut on the Philadelphia & Erie Kail Road will run as follows 1 WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunburv, " " nrr nt Eric, " Erie Express leuves Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, " an at Erie, Elialra Mail leaves Philadelphia, ' " " Suubury, " " arr at Lock Hiivcn, EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Erie, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " " Sunburv, " " arr at Philadelphia, Buffalo Express leuves Wllllamsport, " " " Sunburv, " " arr at Plilladt 'lphla, Express, Mull and Accommodiitlun 9.40 p m 4.55 a ni 7.40 p m 12.20 p iu 6 .50 p m 7.40 a iu 9.30 a m 4.35 p ui 7.50 p m 9.00 a m 12.05 a in 0.50 a ui 9.00 p m 10.15 a m 6.30 p in 6.30 a m 11.00 a m 5.30 p m 12.35 a in 2.30 a m 9.40 a tn cast and west, connect at Corv and 11 tl west bound tmlns. and Mail and Accomodiiion cast at Irvinetou with Oil Creek aud Allegtaeuy River Railroad. . WM. A. BALDWIN, Cicu'l Sup't. I.at'kaTraiMia and ItluomsiburK Rail road. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, July 18th, 1970. SOUTHWARD. Leave. 1A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Kernnlou, Betlevue, Tuylorvitle, Lnekuwauiiu, Pittston, West Piitston, Wyomiug, Mallhy, Kingston, & ) st. W.-Hnrre (e'r Pljmouih June., Plymouth, Nunlicoks, llunlwk's, Sbiekshiiiuy, Hick's Kerry, Beach lluvtu, Berwick, Willow Grove, Brlurt'rctk, Lime Ridge, Espy, bluoin..burg, l(U(lt, Ciititwlssa, IWuvill. Oiulatky, 6 45 0 60. 0 5T 7 05' 7 14 7 19: T SST, s:. 9 so i 25 i 0 12 I 9 M 50 10 HI 10 5 5 30 5 85 6 43 5 63 U 03 5 08 6 15 21 6 35 6 40' 00 08 15 27 35 45 55 00 10 00 101 10 4 15 7 45 10 10 4 84 10 6 f 55 8 07 8 14 8 29' 8 43, 8 60 8 57; 02 t 05 9 15' 25 9 30 9 34, 0 43 8 45 7 00 7 07 7 25 7 40 1 50 8 00 4 S5j 5 15 6 22 6 45 5 60 6 67 6 0 'J, 10 08 10 is; 10 3 13 v auieroa, .Noiiu'd, (ariiv.)10 45. 6 65 I I I NOUTH WARD. Lav. I A.M. P.M.I Northumberland, 1 10 85 t'aliieiou. j i 6 ST 6 83j k 44l' tliuln.ky, DauUllo, CaUU4, Kuiwrl, blooiusburg, t4pjr, Luu Kiiifc. tliiarlruik, H illow llik, Ikion a. kcuvkl UliVM, IIk.'s lriy, kbUkshluuy, iluul.Hk's, Naull.i.., Pll4IUUlk, p.)m.imli Jua., ki4...iu, 4 1 i. W..bii, (,,, M4I11.11, M loUiini, M.tfi4t( m. i'lll4Utt, tkaaa, 1-)I.HIU., h.iuv4, ll 02 14 XI li Vtw 11 10' .v 80. 4'i 60 A. al 65 -- 1 1 85 1 1 40, II Ol 14 ua 14 la '14 t 1 1 4 45 11 6a 45 00 r. vi. ! 10 1 3 It uu jo ll U4 I la t I', V.lt I ki I H I 40 11 U t 41 II i u II It ii I tl I i i t M Vi I li" S4 ll Hi 11 1 1 St 10 II il II si .4 14 l l ! 14 I k'4)IW4, fIIIVl U IJ 4 II. t ha, id r pet AtrlMllra lialfautraii, Illk 1411 luk 4i u4 .u44 lui4. 4. k-i 4J i ii44.11 kiA, aitvi Ml l ll .n4. ilM U III. 1 . )I1m, Inula I i lit, t UJi f.y, 1. 1... 4SS. 4,4 4kl 4" 11.41k, li.lul.l .M. rinui4 slut a.i . ui a 1 4iw ku. i..a li 4 .iki ul Mk. 11-w.x. (.j rulll., II4I . 1, I k.ll'41 -I 1. Il l 4ll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers