Wmr jj fimcritan R. MASSER, WILVERT. Editors. SUN BURY, I AY 6, 1871. The Count Finances. A communi cation nppoared In the Dt mocrat and Demo cratic Guard Inst week, over Ihef signntuie of "Tax Payer," who. is endeavoring to iiain I ho i nir out 01 ini'ip tn rmmrt in me ounty Finances. "Tax Payer" is evidently Tin apt scholar, for ho lias succeeded iu bearing the matter up ns clear as mud. Having taken figures to suit his own case, he has brought tho expenditures of the county down to $29,700 2, which will, no doubt, raise a question of veracity between lihu and the county Auditors. But ns tho Auditors are men of honor .and veracity, the people will tako their figures as being correct in preference to those of 'Tax Payer.' Nor is it probable that they will reverse the credit and debtor accounts like "Tax Payer," and jumble it up so no one is able to comprehend which is right or which is wrong. "Tax Payer" is evidently well "booked," having, no doubt, received in structions from the editorsof tho Democrat, and probably a few lessons from 'the learn ed President of tho King. IIo -says that there is "no janitor of the Jail incxistence." If such is the case, will he explain why a Out was. presented for bis services and what 'was done with it. "Tax Payer" is beyond a doubt a tax collector or a menial of tho Iting.and is desirous of preparing the minds ol the people, that from 40,000 to $50,000 should necessarily always remain in the bands of collectors aunuully. If the Ring can biro another "Tax Pay er," to cipher up their case, they'may suc ceed in throwing dust in the eyes of a few aud their chances of being retained in office may be somewhat better than now. A Free Tiiade Dodge. One of those stupid inventions, frequently found in Democratic Journals, sometimes published through iguoranco, but more frequently through design, we observed Inst week in tho Guard. It is a list of articles with the amount of duty imposed by tlie tariff, which amount the writer assumes that every far mer or consumer has to pay as an addition al tax on the article. Now, we have only to say, that an editor who is not a knave, and does not know any better, should be employed in somo other vocation. Every intelligent Journalist knows, if he knows anything about the operations of the tariff, that mauy protected articles, manufactured .in -this country,bave been reduced in prici by competition and superior skill, so as to sell below even the rales of the tariff. Our manufacturers have undersold the British in the article of muslin in their own posses ion, by furnishing a heavier and better article for the same money, and havo sold muslins to our home consumers at six cents when the tariff amounted to that sum. "Wo have bought .nai!a-f- 3 cts ner lb. and vet the tariff that set us to making nails amoun ted to 3f cts per lb. Tho English people themselves were obliged to adopt our iu ventione to save their manufacturers, and prevent our nails going into their own markets. This was ulbo the case in the manufactures of wood screws, and other articles. They can only -undersell us by employing cheap labor,and our Democratic iaiei'8 are saying in cil'ect that our labor ers and mechanics must work at reduced wages in order to compete with foreign manufacturers. Such are tho arguments of modern Dcmoeracts backed up by fraud ignorance and stupidity. AVE notice that sine the publication of tho Auditors Report, the delinquent collec tors are brought up to the mark by tho managers of the King. Many oT these col lectors will no doubt fuel a littlo chagrined at this sudden movo by the Kiug, when they reflect hov they procured their dupli cates, and the promisee that wore tnado to them. This move is highly necessary on tlie part of tho Ring nttl.is timr, us it is supposed ninny votes may yet bu made bu tweeu this and the Democratic primary lection by bhowing some activity. No itoubt if the tax collectors can (shove them pff until after the election, an extension of lime will be grouted to them. We think that the taxpayer would prefer tho paying over us it would save the paying of the interval ou some r.27,OuO of tlie founty indebted uess. The 7 mill lax levied vill probubly reach to pay the expenses nextyeur, unless there mould beextru irou bridge built, aud an ejtra quantity offuel cousumed, uud a few articles of merchan dise required. Tim Border JtnU :iuiui btll paused the fcimte on Thursday, by a vote o'l7 to 13, nfVr Ulim uuuulul mo u lu strike out uli lu regard to the puMiicul ofliitunst, to to- ilutw Jtto ivriutiul amount to 1 puld from 1170,000 lo 13,0J0, nml to liu.ll llij thus of tie annual pay menu to live yi m. Tli vot tt ut us follows : Yens. Messrs. llrwJhc u'l, Jhkkulew Council, lrtl.d, JinvU, Jiucln-ri, ltill Duiietiu, Jullry, llinsi.y, Milkr, Mum U4, NjU, OnUiltout, I'liUi-im, Randall uu Wiillmv. iil!iny(tli IWk.fktu.iiiUr, hvans, IthIihui, luii.'lit, )liiisi. ud, I'uiumu, llu tiu.Tiinar, WmdUi.d Wlm. 1 UK act i f l oniLM npcitUiig 1 spvcUl takes, likcust.', ilf., i'Sivpt oil UlslilM pull, luull liijiU'is, uud IoImk'ui, took tf frilomlt l.i Kut. j-b .vJuiiUj ill n.om.tu Uimtu ilildyuu.) j.,riy mil. lid t.r J.JUis. l l.c U ouMn tu puily, iu JHiUey l.r MTonoiuy, i, t),,,, tblu In .fl lh buidii.scf utt(iu f.w ,t(4. j t))t. tt(ilJ ma amy iimiu gi. j,ul,Ji0 ItfUtiy 10,UI,IM( .4 M.ut.U(. " At OHMkU U Uil on Uii.g tU fU. I'riMi l'.,wii uf I'il4l.slai.u. la. lillblaUug UJ (iiUe ti l bsw bu,Ut4.4 imw 4 lsiUI inw-.lt Of cbu 4ft luuosi IU twiiJlii ni.Ua UAisl l.sis) u,iiM4 bit tisiiU.i.ti Mi'U U. aut usisr 4 U.W ( U.ls. I'.UltSSMl L4 lll,l,.4 M-I- Utl nut v til U i wL , s, Us n.-y lunUtk 94 tt irwt.i Thank Your Enemies. A contempo rary shrewdly remarks that whenever (Tie Republican patty commits n blunder the Democratic party straightway marches off and commits half a dozen. Never was this so curiously Illustrated ns oil a recent oc casion. The Republicans had made a mis step. At ones tho Democrats saw tueir opportunity and fell to work. Jefferson Davis comes out of his obscurity and de livers a public speech in view of a hoped for Democratic national triumph, declaring that he Iirb abandoned none of his views or opinions, that he will still continue to labor for them, and has a full belief in their suc cess. Frank Blair revives his declarations acainst tho validity of the Fourteenth nnd Fifteenth amendments 6f tho national Con stitution, and we have a Democratic paper beforo us from Lexington, Kentucky, argu ing at length In support of his position, and rejoicing that this bids fair to bo the Dem ocratic national platform in 1872. In South Carolina the rebels have held a meeting in Charleston, repudiated the payment of the State taxes, and refused to recognlzo tho State bonds as valid. In Pennsylvania a Democratic Senate refuses to agree to a convention to revise the State Constitution because it would recognize the Fifteenth amendment as binding aud abolish race distinctions accordingly. Undisguised free trado is trotted out now under Democratic auspices, at the bare prospect of a chnucc of the success of the party next year. In fact that party has learned nothing by adversity. During all the time it has been in a'hopuless minority it has cherished the same evil purposes, the same perverse and reactionary propensities, the same' hostility to tho march of free institutions, the same undying negro-phobia, the samo proclivity to disintegration. It is fortunate, there fore, that a few Democratic successes should have stimulated the party to exhibit its1 real character. There havo been Republi cans who ikucied that, as nil the old exist ing questions were settled, the Democratic party might possibly be used as an agency for good in new directions. But it will be seen by the declarations of men like Blair, formally indorsed by respectable party journals, that the party does not recognize the old questions as settled at all, and is fully boat on reopening them. The strug gle to build up anew the power of the sep arate States, and weaken tho national au thority, goes on steadily in Congress and in the columns of the Democratic press ull over the country. This bold declaration of sentiment has exercised a very wholesomo effect upon tbe Republicans generally. It has closed' up the ranks everywhere. . Dissensions are dying away. The St. Louis Democrat, so recently absorbed in dividing and distract ing the party, sinks all local aud personal considerations, and has become a .most ear nest and cQlcieut Republican organ, coun selling unity aud harmony. In Congress the party has become solidly reunited, aud votes together iu a style Hint is exhilarat ing. Upon Judge Kelley's resolution rela tive to taxation, and tho passage of the Kuklux or force hill, the demonstration was important aud significant. Tho party baa recognized that the old battle is to be fought over again. Ve "have scotched the snake, not killed it." All we could wish Is likely to come to pass. The rebel declarations of Jefferson Davis, supplemented by tlie more ingenious and plausible pocches of Alex audcr II. Stephens to the same end, and the outspoken -candor of Frank Blair, have already fixed the nationr.l policy of the Democratic party for 1872, and those amus ing dreamers of Democratic nud licpubli cau fuitb, who have been imagining a sort of hybrid ticket for President aud Vice President "a slico ojf pef cut with a hamray knife to gittv la44llavox'' -a Re publican head on f i,' Vtlc body a live and patriotic braSjf.jW skull of a dead rebel will have a i happy time of it, "letting I tlnre noi wait upon 1 would." Those who insisted on forcing discussions of an exciting character hi Congress, iu hoics of making capital against the admin istration and its party, have done us emi nent service without intending it. They have afforded to the groat national patri otic party the lesson that was required, and increasing harmony iu tho ranks U everywhere visible ns the grand result. Tkmpkuanck Legislation. Tlus fol lowing bill, which passed tho Iegilaturj at the present sesbiiui, has been approved by the Governor, aud is therefore a law of the State. It U "an net to prohibit llu) sale of liquor on election days :" Kkcthjn 1. ISt it tuwtulitv.. That from and jtflej-the passage of this net it shall not be UiM t'ul for uuy Jtlson in this t'oiu moiiweulth to sell liquors or jjivo a way, to be used us a li Ink, any spiritou or mult liquors, wine or cider, or tiny oiIin sub stance conUiuiu alcohol, ou any purl of uny duy sot p4it or lo bu set upuii for any ueuuiul or social election by I lie eiii Keu lu or will, in ii uy ii I' hu (iiikIiiiU, wuruH, loiYUMiipr, oouiiiu or oilier c lec tin! ilivlMniib or districts In I ho Cnmiuou wealth : J'luvUI'it, Tlml ih provisions of this bill shall not bu ctilorixd alter the v lec tion olls Ul'u closed iu I Lu; evening, or llio u'.u of liquor ni ulnUiu .1 ulW thai liiuu, Mx. -J. Auy per-oii violating tho piuvi i.inlis of tlie lit si seetiou ol this ucl shall be deemed guilty o luisduiueauor, ituj slut) I be sul jeel to Imprisonment iu Umi pior jail ol thu ptojM county or u lorm of uol U s limn Uu dais uor mot iluu ouu tun. ill id (l.ijs, lu thu ilistit liou of ll.n touit, uud sli4ll uls, In udtliliou lo tlui sU.vo, bo sucji el lo iu of uol less loan JO uud uol moiu ihuu fjtiu, lit tliuilisctelloiiul llio cow I. - TiiK uuiouut i f uuthmeitu coal in lU I'uiuhI b'jiits bus Uvu tviy at-curwtuly iliUlHUIitd. thu UttUkl.il tint tl.b klu.a ol tl.u iUis UUi stoiitu. Thu I Viiuul uo.il Mds, vompusiiig Jjd si,.uu buU, Iiuvu U'c-u 111kul4U.1l to i-oiiuiu o,P-.i V01,.'iij tout; l'bii Hon lb, 1 u coal Hi his. Ii) squrfiu loiUs, 1 1 .1uh.h( j.mui .,os, slid Ilia Noiib - 1111 -ul !iil !. 1l t ituii. uo.is. Wrt.hi . li.lV HI. I Jl.:ili,ii7.lilaJ I us, l.,IU wlt .lt li.lu l.l.j oiii- Imll tsittlo in imiuiujj, t l BldlU 14 I lUUll lulls I'l UI4IS- 1 i'UUii Val, M 1,1- l vil bl, Us au tuuusl i ,i) Ki J'iJ.SIOi t.HM I. ,4 USt . ,,r I I. of i-ti.iuiu sitr llt i.l' ft, ,, j k 'U'aivl sImiH Lats Us ii inilisly tttsusi- --"---- '(!- I'ftis.MW J, uti.lt 4 ) l,4 tl.8 Juni.. t i. s u il, imibie ai I slug uit I'l". I14 S4u.. ll..t fc-i Xi4 lit f-k,tt.i, , IU i,,!,,,!,' tinta j l-.'aj (st 1 . ! tut, 1 TOE WAR IN rRAKCE. The Mort Terrifib Firing of tub Conflict. Paris, May If The firing, Inst night, was fearful, and apparently utterly reckless as to tho damage it inflicted on the city. Nothing to compare with it lias occurred since the commencement of the civil war. The city is greatly excited and alarmed. Groups of frightened pcoplo are collected In almost every street and avenuo discuss ing the alarming state of aflhirs. General Okolowita' wound is very severo, nnd his recovcryjis believed to be doubtful. The delegates from the Masonic lodges of Paris have returned from Versailles, having been unable tonccomplish anything. Thry report that M. Thiers expresses the opihion that a peaceable arrangement with the Paris Communo is itnpossble. Reinforcements to tiie Army of Investment. Versailes, May 1. A large number of troops moved toward Paris to-day, as re inforcements lo the armv of investment. Tho editors of all the modernto journals in Paris havo been ordered to be prosecut ed, and they aro leaving tho city as rapidly as possible. Private telegraphing In Paris is again entirely susnendca. M. Ropcll, in accepting the Ministry of War from tbe insui-ccnts. savs that he shall have the need of absolute co-operation of the Commune, tho troops and the pcoplo of Paris. The Provincial elections in all parts of the provinces have resulted in the -choice of Conservative Republicans. . London, May 3. Advices from Paris of yesterday's date have been received. The alleged capture of General Dombrowskl by the Versailles troops is contradicted, tho General being safe within the Communists lines. The Federals claim to have driven the Tersaill Istsfrom tho tronches at Fort D'lssy and have retaken tho cemetery at the Fort af ter a bard lought battle. The fort is now occupied by the Govern ment troops, aud is being repaired aud strengthened for, use against the enemy. The Communists claim that action at the Railway station at Clamart, on Mon day, won by the Versaillists, was a ruth less massacre. Threo hundred Federalists were surrounded nnd slain by an immen sely superior force after they had been taken prisoners and rendered utterly inca pable of defence. Advices from Zanzibar, report that Dr. Livingstone has been heard from. The explorer when last seen was iu excellent health and spirits, and was still pursuiug his investigations in the interior. Bkrt.in, May 3. In the German Parliament, yesterday, Bismarck, in a speech ou the bill incor porating the Provinces of Alsace aud Lor raine in tne uarman Empire, saiu: "in the month of .August, 180B, the French Ambassador at Jkrlin handed me the ultimatum of tho French Government de manding the cession of Mavcncc, Tho illness of Napoleon at tho time alone pre- vcutcu an immediate war. Versailles, May 3. The fizhtiug before Paris continues, Cannonading is beirir carried on alone the whole line without resulting in advautago to eituer siuo, There are indications of a general etlv among the Communists, and Borne decided otlensive movement is apprehended. . u merous batteries of artillery have been massed, evidently iu preparation for a gene ral sortie. I The Government troops are also con centrating, and an engagement is hourly expected. The Versaillists are meanwhile ' preparing for an attack. The advanced positions havo been ma terially strengthened, by tho nddition of several heavy battalions of artillery, and fresh battalions are moving to the fort. Paris, ia Boulogue, May 3. It is currently reported that General Cluseret has been rearrested by order of the Commune, charged with complicity in an Orlcanist intrigue. The charges prefer red against the Genera! aro of a serious nature, and the Communo has ordered an iuvestigatior ..' Pcnuwjlvaniu. Pittsburg, May 2. Lewis M. Roberts, alias Altic, a notorious counterfeiter, nud reputed leader of a large gaug throughout the West, aud thirteen of his parly, were arrested to-day ana neia tor triui. A VERY DISASTROUS CONFLAOItATlOV. Reading, May 2. The extensive ma chine shop nud a portion of the tube works of Syl'ert, M'Manus & Co., in tliwcity, was burned to-uight. Tho tiie originated from one of tlie lap welding furnaces. Beside the machinery a large quantity of lulies and llues in process of linUb'ng were de stroyed. About one hundred feet of the side walls of the muchino shop fell iu. The loss will probably reach tluo,iKJO, bulla to a great extent covered by insurance. WlLKEMiAUKE, May t!. At atnecting of miuers employed by the Wilkcsbarre coal aud iro . company, this afternoon, it was decided to accept the terms oUcrcd them on Mouday. They resolved to go lo work on Thursday morning, .. e meu in the Hurt ford mines conceding what is equiva lent to a reduction of live ceotn per ton. This company have eight breakers, and ship from sixty lo seventy-live thousand tons per mouth, uud employ about two thousand men. This ends the sunpeiiHioii iu llio Wyoming regiou and mukei u break iu the dead-lock. General resumption may bo coutiduully expected iusidii of thirty diys. NoitnuMutiiLAsu County Coal Tiialk. The coal shipment over the hlmiiiukin Division of the N. C. It. W, for April exceeds 78, CHx) tons, Including toll coh! delivered lo Hie K V. K. It. Over 7d,u)0 tons of antlirucile was sent west, making i1m heaviest tonnage ever curried over ilus roud lor one moinli. The coiuiuitiou u iniui rs nud operators met ul Mmiiiokiit ou Nttuil iy Inst, uiui no compuriiiK rvoi(s found Ihftl the uvi ruu pi icu of oual or April was tfJ.H-V ly 4 couipromisu previously iinulu llio basis pi leg will Ihj (Mil J lor April. Oil luolioii the ololii resolution wn uiiuniiiuuisly udopud : iiVaofeni, Thai U ihu dead lock, now ex IsllMlf U IwiM it thu o istoM and 01 WinC im n lit Khuylkill uud oilur tuuiiilis, bu not bioktu or ojhiilcI before Ihu '.'Jib ol Vlsv ncsi, urv lo pay llio l.iU prio lor latMir, but i urruiieiiteut uiu milu uud work ivsuiuwl iu uuy ol thu other eouu Iks during thu uiontli of May, wuuru lo Ul ttoveritiil bv I liu s jrvLiiu iil oli 1. J lol.i J hy us 011 tlut I I1I1 of t'eUuuruiy Ltsl. l lossrrsiiuiiiii ui i4f l i hive kh 1 eisl sulii(4i lion, bul l lliu surpiuv 1 1 itot ! uplu thu nu 14 of lliu coilu iu tompusoij ! disliiil N'fc 4, turned out uit iul4 : iio'lioii . ll.u hlil.i iliitliulius wwu il. iuti m uiui, nu. I tl ) aival suit, uf-aiii, U.is. l,.isvAl. "ill suit Uu i J r t4iikluil' Huiy lit-iliy, '(l) U. .114 1 1 till lit lnki.r kil l llu u l 1 uu 1 .1 ll.u I li aiw K, iv. uu . , A. K, t. t . i,ti niilUi lit) iat, '..4k,iX4 iiMt'-l, 4 'ul , 1 llta , Hi u f, 1,4 1 )U 4l,n, SS It 4.ltll, Ul Ul I'lM.UtMl 'l lU- 'ML 14- i.J il It, 1 1,4 I, '4I14 it. biiul tl t'i isUb is Iikiu lsl.i lint, ti hiU.4ti Wuim, sl.st4it4i .4 unit, , t Iuli4s au imi'i uul l.uh t-l Its k"-l "4i' smi ll liuiii f-ttila-s1, Ua ml ! ut 1 1 C.:sb IttlCTITIES. ; ; One bund red and forty-five employe ol the Bureau of EBgraving. at Washington, were, on "Saturday, discharged. ? TnEScranton Republican slates that the now breaker erected at Glenwood, near Carbondale, by the Erie Company, is com pleted at a cost of S3ffi,000. Moaita la bocoralng an Important mar ket for importations from the West Indies. Of coffee alone Ue imports this year will probaUjr reach some 70,000 bags. Tira Soatoa and Providence Railroad hat been supplied with tbe Treasury locks required toy law, wad will be able to trans port merchandise in bond after toe tlrst of May. Almond trees nourish in California, and ono near Sautn Barbara yielded 40 worth of nuts last yeai. This spring a farmer has set out 60.000 tree. Thu oliru crop will be largo this season. Growing crops in all pnrts of the Stato are In splendid condition. Notwithstand ing the reports of injury to fruit by the frost, tho yield, from all appearance, prom ises to be au nvcrngo one. Tho Lowisbun. Ceutro and Snruco Creek Railroad bill, authorizing the issuing 01 two minions ot bonds, nas passed tlnally, and been approved by tho Governor. James M. Mason, tho rebel commission er of Trent fumo, died at his homo in Vir ginia oaiuruny. Lt us toucu iigtuiy upon the mcnorv of a man!who.wlth talents ol the highest order and a position in his country's councils of the highest responsibility, saw lit to U80 neither tor uls country's lasting uouur or security. .ItUUtllFILIIIU W Ml V W I UIIUUU UIUIVB, r...,.i.,., .1.. ;.!. 1 !.:.. ri 1 .UUIIUUJ, ULViiiVU, V.IUVI uuniiuu OIIU9U UI1U Jusucns jNeison, uiitiord ana 1' ield dissen ting, that the legal-tender net is constiliou- nl in it8ellect ou anterior contracts, and valid in its operation on subsequent trans actions. The decision has instant opera tion on a number of contracts involving f;rent amounts, that havo awaited its pub ication. The Court also held that a con tract for tho delivery of a specillc weight 01 goiu euiicu lur coincu goui. The Montmir Paint Works, nt Runcrt. Pa. , were burned on Monday morning, in- , .. r o.iii mo voi vi iij a loss 01 s--u,wy. . Pittsburg is to be deprived of ite smoKo. A Mr. M'Acnzie has been mak ing an experiment, by means of which tho gas generated from coal is instantly con- Bumea and no smoKo results. 11ns pro cess is carried ou by means of two llues and a furnace, and Mr. M'Kenzio thinks Hint its application on an extended scalo will reuder Pittsburg a smokeless mart. Tho Southern Republicans say that tho Ku Klux game now is to keep very quiet till a month before the Presidential election, and then to scare tho colored voters from the polls by a short but effectivo reign of terror. It is probable, however, that thore will be somo hindrance to tho working of this plan iu tho way of an exteusiou ot tho provisions ui me rvu jtv:ux Dill. The latest stylo at a dinner party Is to liave a fan placed at each lady's plate, on which is printed tho bill of fare, and on tho side of which is a small looking glims, so hat she is able to survey herself anil keep cool. Owixa to a high flood in th Mississip pi, a crovasse occurred above New Or cans. week beforo last which bus caused consider able damage to property, It was a thou sand leet wide on Sunday week, nnd twelve or fourteen miles of tho Jacksou Railroad had been swept away. New Orleans was considered to be iu great danger from tho Hood, but tho water in the Mifcsieelppi commenced falliug and dissipated all fears iu that direction. Return ok the Jews to Palestine. The Philadelphia Press states that the Sultan of Turkey oilers strong inducements to the Jews to emigrate to Palestine, and ha even expressed his willingness to tell them the Mosque of Omar, which, it will bo recollected, occupies the sito ou Mount Mnnah ol the ancient temple. It adds: "Somo of the hills around Jerusalem have already become Jewish property." Politic al. Tho democratic Stato con vention of Pennsylvania is to assemble at liarnsburg on thu J4tli ol May, to nouii uaie candidates fur auditor general uud surveyor general. Ixterestixo to Mechanics and In vestors. Preparations nio now being niadu to carry into ellect the law concern ing tlie issue of pateut ollleo reports. Pamphlets will bo issuvd descriptive of each patent, and these, besides being sent ! to applicants for patents, may be subscrl-! bed for by others. The ollico will tlx a price near the cost price for each specillca lion, aud manufacturers and others inter ested in a cciiil cIiihs of inventions cau make a ilepoi.it of ft-om 31 o 3 with tho oco, uud all the patent 4 any cluse de sired will be sent, aud , price churned apiiliHt thu deposit till V. U exhausted. '1 hu price will uol be r one cent per copy on thu uverage, and thu whole con' to llio Patent Ollke uuder ibis system will not exceed tfpJO.UOO, which is le thau half the cost of thu old reports. Tlie pluu will bu put into immediate ocrution lu Xhut extent. The recent lxmmcrutle "victory" lu New Hampshire, over which llio Opposi tion Imvu since U-cu shouting lliemselves hoarse wiih joy, duseii'l turn out to bu a very decided vicluty alter all. All tho re turns iuu uow, uud It uppeuis that thu House of lu-prwM.nUtives will stand, Ho publicuus lotl, "lieiimcruU" and Lthor lUJoruiers t J. In the S'liatu uru S Re publicans uud 5 "Ikuiocruls," willi two VHCillieiis. The stilts of 4 l,lelUicHlts" ill tlui House wi!( piuliubly Imi colils4ed. Ouery : Is litis u s.tuilo of thu vietorieu lit tho Uoubtl'iil Mau-a, out of which thu lVn erals build llu-ir hopt-s of eurriu.; Ihu I'risideiaml tlectlou iu h7Jf Tho I'liilnilfli-lilit 'mjsays lliu luiiuUr uf fk-n-Uls In t'oiiri'ss liir ixcicUs llio uvui-U-r of "(inii t biijj r I'lvst'iiuiiwa ui tiiu StiUllt." 1I Ills) UvlliY Iwu Koullitill Ntuit- tors, i.uly iiino am ul Nuiilicru buili, ami wiiu ur llu 111 is ik ium rut. Of ilm (illy liiuu Niulluiru ttit m uuilvi. Im ty uuo aia liHtlVi-snf lli.il st t lixu, m,4 tmly iiiim .Suit lur iu is ; hii.I ul liiisuniiiU-ruiK.iul. nu rc-nst-iitiiiH,s, iHiuiy uiulil arw a. iiilUUlsof llio l ouhiliiaty. 1 liia sditu liuui tlUvlually j,,hJ, s ll.u try of "tar L.iiiis," au. slma Umi llu Kuuili luvs luntti i44tivvs lut micros In r'ioi iiu llmil many ul lU vVisUiu M4U. TtIK (iH4l h oy mi I.I.4S in tut hoi It Ion i'i riuiiuliu 1'iiii.i.Uli.iiiu y'i,M ssUmul su aiiuu.iiHt uu 1.1 m u.w 1 i,i. UU ' I 411 "lltal It's I.I4I uf Ikniiu III mil my is in ot S-.IU I u U4V4). hi ai lu i'iiliiiiili.'4ii u t am lliu i lly c. .Ili.tl.i in 11 4 1 num.! s II. 4t au ''in ul 1 1 1 1,. J-'il l" liiii.rovt tut uls l I U u 1.14 lw i-il I ll.s lil-Mlli.l Hilt Ull, tl.4val Hull M4S , IIHU till K llltl I lllu llnlil, Mllll Ill4l ll.J 1 1 .il'U 1.4. KM I s II I ,.1,'u.t ill. I.u slisll Ui i .ll..l. 4 l l (.-4t.. AihU SI li MS III. I Ml 41S 1 4. tw.lti.U., I'llt It Is, Uuivllli. U3 ilwt It Hl'l. I l,U 14' aitllili I- HI4II1S Ul ll"ll US, Uttf m 1. 1. I I4 ItillliUllH I'l I.4S till U. ll ssattti, Milt t-i U itf.My tJllUk.i au j ts.i kiuyi.4 lu wl.uil i'lt) i4 lv.s - 4 U i-4 Ul kall4-4v4 iy IUW iMWUlklfsUi lt.1 U. ail4 U) U l44t-Ww4f 111 Mltl' tt"l4 'i4l.J ifla I Commissioner Plcasonton hai lust writ ten a letter to Supervisor Dulcher, of New York, saying that persons whose income aro less than $2000 per year are not requir ed to tnnko returns, nor is there any au thority of law for assessors or assistant as sessors to call for such returns. A determined warfare lias commenced agalnBl the hostile Indians of Arizona, who navo recently committed many gross dep redations. Tho Indians in the West, ecnerallv. cive indications of causing trouble shortly, thev complaniug that their annuities are with held from them. A Washington despatch savs that the Spanish Government is very anxious to dispose of Cuba to tho United Slates. We should not hesitate to roconimeiAl to any iriena 01 ours, farsous' Purgauve mis; they are scicull ucnllv prepared, and are adapted to all tho purposes of a good purgauve moaicino. Decidedly the best remedy that has ever been discovered for rheumatism, swollen or stiff loiuts. flesh wounds, sprains, bru ises, cuts, aud burns, is Johnson's Ano dyne Liniment. We use it, and always rccomincuu it to our iriouas. Scto bbcrllsfmcnts. f 5g lOSITIVtl.V THE LAST NOTICE, "VTOTICE Is hereby clrcn to all ppriooi In JlI delited to tbe imderslsiied on Book account. to come forward and maka tottlemsnt on or before tbe 2uth Any of May, 1871, ns alter that date all accounts will be speedily collected by law. STEELE & BRO Buntury, May 0, 1 871.-21. .Pay Up! Pay Up! ALL persons ludebted to tbo undersigned on book account, are requested to ranks uay- uieut ou or before the first day of June uuxl, after tliat data all accounts will be loll In the hands of a Justice of tho l'enco for Immediate collection, nnd no discrimination uinde at to pcrsou. May 0, 1871. JOHN WILVF.lt, 1'XADl'l.TEU.lTED. I'i nE VINEOAK ATSCEXTI PER Ql'ART, Is now oflered for sale by the undersigned at his lirewsry or Hvstaurunt. This Tiucjrur is wnrrantnd not to contain any acids evuerally aro utcd tn make It strong, and which is injurious. Warranted 1'tire, It Is the best artlclo lur domestic use 111 niui-Kct. Sold at wUoIcbiiIo nud retail. Apply to JOSEPlt UAClir.lt. Sunkury, May 0, 1ST1. SPUING AND SUMMER. CLOTHS AXU CASSl.MF.llEXU FRENCH AND DOMESTIC GOODS of every grndc, Just opened at the MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP . or TIION. CI. XOTT, Successor to J. O. Beck, Fourth (Street, below .Mnrki-l, 8UNDVRY, TENN'A. Gnutlemen who daslro fashionable clothing made to order, will cull at the above place and I'Xiimlne the well selected stock, and nave tbei ttulu mnde up In the latest style. Call and be convinced. TllOS. O. NOTT. May 6, 1371. ItAItGAINS! Messrs. LES1IKR UARG.lIXStt k MILLEH, In Bcott's Building ou QL'EEN STREET, NORTIIUMBEELuVND, PENN'A, lit now offering A LARGE ASSORTMENT 01' DRY GOODS, Comprli'lng all the Spring and Summer Styles of Ladies' Dress Goods, While Goods Ac, Cloths, t'asMtuercs and Goutlemeus' Goods gsuerally. which will all be sold at great bargalus. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, of ull kinds and of every description. ltic cuawarc, GlisNiswnre aud 1V11-low-Hare. ROOTS AND SHOES for Men, Women and Children. FLOUR ANll Kl-.ni of all kinds, is constantly kept ou baud. Ttioy will nlso purchase GRAIN OF ALL KlSVtf, at tho tilghett imtrket price, and will exchange gots for iiralu. The public are luvltuj to call and examine our exteurive as.oituieut ul'Uooits bulure purchasing eli-ewheie, uud tiecniitc couriurcd Hut Goods can tie bought lorertu.ia clsewtK-ro at our establish Uieut. LLS1IUR JL MILLER. North'd, Apil'. 50, 1471. DRES.S GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES, now open ut MIS KATE HEATH'S STORE. Market 6juure, SUSBl'KV, I'snu'a., LA Ul Lb' DKEhS GOOD A 81'ECULTT. IMvss TrUuiLingn, EiuuroUtrls. Notlout, A-.'. Gouts' Collars, Neck-tics, Half-boss, Haudkcr-i-l.Kii ur-i Gloves, I'erlumeiy, Toilet 8uaps, Hair I3rushes,CouiU, etc. An liiTllsllou Is tttsadej to all lo call and se cure buialus. April U, 171. UOI TY A OI T OF LU11 t'.K .n.llIA.OY TOU.NS1III. DR. To Wl.l iw II. ckcrt's estate, S7 H Auilrcw Dulv's accotiut, 11 lij " T Willow lUlis's account, l.ij 'M " luluict ou sbovs lo Aiutl Ut, 1JH, it I J " Arm. liiii.tui m's luituuul, '4') ti " Internal uu sbovs lo April I, 1471, 10 Im lUiu.au lian.nuus's accouut, au'l April I, 1371, rS4 1X1 " If sue Uubb's aci'uunt, T ii " Lxuu lutlou ol Win. lluckcrl from tut, tia " " liun. l.ng, wo " " llomry Kcuibir, b " " llcury Kuk'l, 0 " " b.uj. ririMtiuus, Id " " Au.uiu Duitcy, I T " " Jliu Muuw, M " " 1 pbraliu t our.id, V0 " Ja,b Klbruil, " " t ,Mr Twliupp, t bl " Hil WsdVtr, bi " I'ullci'kloa au4 Aulillug r'sss, l St U Is I. of Is4a Lseksi' accosul frum ll, ' Tss I't be ei,ii,-u4 by Augustu t4jlUSUl liil, " T4 In 1 toiltiUj by Jacob Wll Uiwl, l't, I IUI 7 l'4ti U 74 H It.UU (IT Vti'J 4 HjltlshfS, IIUUl Ws, I Us uudms.4us4 Audiluis, 4 tsfti'I Ul US) llMII 1 tullt. I. J At oh ukHMiS, V. kl II It.iHl'Stil, I Aajloi. J A 1 I'M liltl U M, ) A lull U, IS1I-44. Mil 1-11-UY. hl'lllMi fctVl.rirAP, IMINNKTN VIOWtllH, rilAMfcii, tiV, Mssistui ssl kil44l H-.ll tut HuMutU H4n lli.iu.iAs, t XilMkHa, Y in tut, Isits u t Huii44lU4 v vty Vaiivly. I 4 I tlus l iU'tlMN.i LU4 SU CiiXl'H I mihii Mt,Hww 9 m 1. .... - li...ik...i 1. 1. a. m""'i tjsstsj( m - Mill 1 k 1 n 111 1 tiit rn Ulll. Minn 1. ftllUkl tU, u Auitr ji'iur., v i' a .il N. IUI (HHINU orENINUI EarseNlockt Better Ftselllllest Just opened a large, fine and substantial assort- . .. mem or SPRING DRESS GOODS, Domestics, White Goods, Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Cloths, Cnssimorcs, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTIIS. nousekesplng goods In great variety. FRESH GROCERIES, Quoeniwarc, Willow-Ware, Glassware, Ac, oVe. A One stock of substantial Ready-IIIade Clothing, for Men and Boys. Euoh line fu'.l and oomplete. tST Substantial Goods a Specialty. J PrletMS to stilt tli llrar. Call and ca our Mock. AU kinds of country produce taken In ex change for goods. IIUUKK WltBl.Mih.ll, Haupt's Iron Building, Market Street, Sunbury. April 83, 1871. Nplendid Annorlment ' or GEXT'S Fl'RMSIII.NU GOODS AT TBS MERCHANT TAILORING II0US3, Third St., Oe Door Below Market oT.i Sunbury, pa., J. 91. ZIEGEER, Proprietor. Every variety of FRENCH & ENGLISH CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, VESTIN03, Ac. of tho finest erades, embracing every quality and styles that the New York and Philadelphia Markets anord, which will be niadc up to order by the best of workmen, warranted to fit and render entire satisfaction. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, embracing everything of Gentlemen's wear, all new and of the iut u styles. A lares stock has Just been opened, & which the citizens are in vited to cmll and cxt t-.lne. 1 J. M. ZIEGLER, Third Street, one door below Market Square. Suubury, April 23, m. SFRIXU AXD SIMMER MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS, la Dewarl's Bulldlug, Market Sqaarr, SIJNBL'RT, PA., where will be found a new supply of goods, con sisting of Millinery and 1 ancy Goods, HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED. Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for gills aud boys.' Flowers of the latent and handsomest styles. Sash Ribbons, plain himI floured. Lnditt's Spencers, Lace Colars, Llnrn Colars and Cuffs for Ladies and Children, Crochet collars. Neckties for Ladies and Gent's latest styles. Silk Sack Loops, a superior article. Gloves including KHs, and Ladies' Buckskin gloves. Handkerchisfs. All kinds of Trimming. Embroider l'utterns. Hosiery for Ladies, Gent's nnd Children. Nats, l'i.jue and plqaa trimmings. TRIMMING SILKS. Chignons, Zephyrs and Yurns, und a general variety of Notions. 'X'haukful for past pRtro.nnirs, .she hopes that the iiuallty of her god will inn it a continunnc of the same. EI.1ZA11KT1I LAZARUS. April28, 187L , - MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY. NEW 8tFlE3 OF BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS. FRAMES, S.o. Monrulng and Urldal Until ul RonurtM. Full line of MouruLig Veils and Crape. MILLINERY 13 THE SPECIALTY. Sash liibbons, Ornaments, Feather., Gloves, Handkerchiefs, An., &c. TANCV GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. 1.. GOSSLEIt. Bnuth Fourth St., below the Iiullroud, hurturr. April 1871. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE Is hereby Klrentoall persons indebt ed to tbo nnduri-lnul, on Note or Book ac count, to pay up oil or before the 11 rot day of May uext if they desire lo save nw.tH, as after that date the accounts will be left lu the bauds of a Justice for speedy collection. DAVID FRY. Buubury, April S3, 1571-St. Mechanics Drawing School. All rurnwi wishing to take lessons In Nt rtuiuirul lr lug. please apply at ouee to lue tiiitleratKiie.l. All UDVconry luriruuieuts and niiiti-riul fuiuinhed gratis. Tcrini kf fur twenty lesson, of one hour fcr each leatmi, payable In variably iu udvuuce. N'a deduetlun u.utie for tiuie loM by scholars. R. A. ALEXANDER. 8unliuiy, Al-rlHr?, ISTl.-yt. I'hlUdriiiHU sV Rradlno; Rull Roud Coinpau-. Ojflc$ 3S7 Suuth I out III Strttt. r'niLamifuu, April 15, 1S7I. A special iiisrlliig of ttie titocklioldore of the Vhiludelpbl4 Ji Ueudlug luilrnail t'ompuny will bs bold si ulllcs uf tli 4id Coinpuiiy, in lite city of I'likUdulpbU, oa Ihu Kluhlh day of Uy,l71, at !', o'cliH-k, V. M , ahcu und wheie Iks Jciul ucreeiiirnt enure. 1 lulu l.y lite U.iurd of Mau.i:n of lbs I'liiUdclpliin Uc4ititif Kailitisd t 0111- f.my, and the board ol lirce.n of lit Noi. I.em .Iberllos . fvmi Tuwiuhlp 1( ulro.i.1 Culli .my, lur lliu riiiisolidutiim ot tin ai I t'oiiif.iun, aud l lie lucitfor uf I Us Sorliiera Llbutlics A IVuu Towiiihip K.illiiuiJ I uiuniuy, into lb I'liila U-l-I'liU ik lleadiiiK It illr.i I Company alii lis sub mitted lo I he Moekholders, and a vote bv ballot III psrsua ur by prusy, taksu .r lbs adopiluu 04 rovtiuM uf I lie suuie. J. W. JONES, Sscretary. April t'3, U71?-U!. l'bllMdlbl V RrUlu HttU Roud t VUlltliMI, Ojflu 1,'WT k r i-siiA Si, mi. I'uasusLi-tiu, April IS, lT. A spscUl uiveliiiii uf llts bloikbuMuis of Ih I'til I a Jul4'Ui A K'sJiug Hailtuud luiiipany ul t lilU si lbs oiiiis ut s.114 I omiMtu), 111 lb t-iiy uf I'll. l4.ll bis, ou lb Ligbiu iiay uf W. IU, at 1'4 o'tlotk, M , ahcii and tthciu Ihu Julul -ieliiiil suli'isd lulu by lbs b-wld ul Mauu uie uf Iks rbiladslplila Hi-adiug K.illt.wd t uiufsny aud Iks liii4 uf liusrtuis ul tb ll.4 uuu A lulu. ul lUilriutil t'uMiuaky, f.r lbs euii. Sull.lalliiU ul I Ull 4ld I'lilupHi-kJ, aud lbs I4iclgr uf lb LruouuM A Tisuu'Ul Ksilruud I uiniauy Into bs I'll. I4.i1 1 'bu A Ki-sdiug Hallutud I tu (uuy, will u subiulllsd a lh said li kbuluVis u4 a ni by biiu4 iu inisuu m piu), Usu ui ib alupiuia ur ij..u..u ut ik taws. t, W. J 11. Ska, si.il4y. April S., ITI -!M. 4dsstlisialra)ltr'a) ll-. 1W4' iW.H M , J.4 I. Nl1 ll kl U bctdb) tliui, 1 1.4 1 Ullsis ui A4-Ull.Udl14U.-U katln4 bint '4tU4 i" lus Uu4tua4 lbs I tuts ul A.. .iui U4i. Ul ul sit- l'su. iiuuh, fc.Akufcilau4 i.-ui.t), 14-, 4-i44- All iis..ns luU.sisl lu ui4 witli sis i,ui.t4 14i4.ks leiu.4.4lu lo lusul k4 I'.-S bating lUlittt It lum tkota 4u SWlllK4ls4 lul MlilS 4. Ul ' lusMriuir, 44iiii.iiiIui. all. (siuitl B-n.tkk, Auili k ls. Uoott onil flhoegj UUU UHOIM, lll4 ISt.S, tlull W-lk kls. 41.b4l, '4., Is i. i w 4ilt)fH AM) ft HO 4 l soil l k i.-.V tlt4ll4lHI sl lllS tfc.ilWO) fe.4.- A ! I Ul ll l' bH-l. It IS U.44S Kl I Ik i-u-l iui i;.s sl lus u.'4l ii. .i- t U-u. U I 4IHS4 4 w Uul . I li"l I I us p-a-to .' lu4.4 lu i l su4 .i..i kit sia k4 MtMil'i I "' i.i k'i l'ls"fkiN 1. M AT TIIE MAMMOTH STORE, has Just received and opened A MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS, which ka Uas SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE aud offers to the Public at the very LOWEST CASH PRICES. Having established a reputation for low prices aud FAIR DEAINa to all, will endeavor to mulntaln that posltlou. COME ONE Si ALL & EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK, KEST ASSORTMENT & LOWEST PRICES IN THE COUNTRY. Tli h 11 V fill for the lnige amount of putron.iirn hurctol'ore tiestnHed upuu lue, I will t-ndouter by furuithinic the licit koikIs ul the lowest prices to ini'ilt a continuauce of the same. 11. T. KRILING. April 15, 1371. FOR SALE ! TTMGIITT acres of iinprored lund In the 14 Kf 1.11011 uf S iullii-i u Mii-hii;uu, within 11 vo mile of the lown of "Three Kivcrs," In tit. Jn- si-ph viiunty, within twoniilrs of the Railroad 1 Main. 11, iin.nl mlldlligs, out bouses, luiC OS i liai J, suil, rich suuily luuin, scbniil lunucs und chlirrhs willilu sltihl title indUputable, Uu acres ure iu wkrut, thu remaindrr In cluvrr s.hI. A spsu uf horses, eultle, Ihiks, sruin a,. J fariiiini; Uli-u.il", Xc, will bt sold with Ibis 4irnpiil y. Vrice 7U per acre, IJ.OOO in cash, tbe buluuce in I. ins pa via. nt" jf V50U. Apply to 'VM. A. MASSliR, Three Rivers, Mich. "I. B Puuli-ny, Mrc.'x tl, c , .t Sunbury, Va. S. SUl.tT. I. SXiTVSKIM. WM. I!. SI 41 t. MURRAY & CO.. Wkolesal Dealers in MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Oulc an t ficbotil builouery, TrlsjItaiKs triplii aud JIsiullU PAPEHS, l'l-iutur' Curda, Tujicr Uag, Ai., Ao. Tbe l'vlctraU-4 Cony, Kerosene llurulus OH alosys um It4u4. COAL! COAL!! COAL! It IIuIuk also ous4 a COAL YAliD a si Mow piirs4 I'l uPPy tb cUii.ut ui kuubuii aud ".iniiy auk lb ' ut tU4.ilf ul I imI. wilfully iirwi4 f"i laiui.y u-c, .1 l4fiUab!s piuvs. VslllKIS sad all Ullll'IS .. Uiul ll lu IUJI s4uujs lu nit u uU. r.iiu, bTOVl-; n:., Al4)i uu k-u4 lii4.it l-'l sl uui udus lu llooiu No. J, CLKMUNTIIOUMLl 1ILOCK, It 111 u I !"!., I llt.44 I", kttulU third , HMWwr, I'm. Ml UIIAV A in. Aunt l, fe4. Mm. II. Ml fl.AlX A KUS IWtM .U. I AIM HI, Ilu4)si, lb'4 ls)Ml, . Hill tk. tll4 su4 l'.uu.i.l f-''l', l4i4i.Ua s.4 Kisi k't-k.'l -l-u 14 in lul Mttk" uu..i, -4 sMl SUmiI. MM t'l.l Stkil4 J uui II Slltuit t l-t ll t ss ,1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers