u urn x SnnTmrn American. H. B. MASSER, I,,.. I. WilVERT. El ' ,or- ""' SUM HUItY, MAIvCII 11, 1871. " The MountCaiimkl Af sasoin-ation.-TVe refer our rentiers lo the U tter of our Mount Cn'nnel correspondent, for nn tx jilidt find truthful statement of H:c ivtlenipt d wliolewlo murder tit Mount" C'nrmcl, Wficrc one nwn, n "union soldier, who had Wn Tvoundrd ih the f.ervice of his country wns shot while In bed, nnd where nbout ' twenty others barely escaped n similar fate. And all this is lo be inflicted on our peacc nble citizens, by a combination of men who having escaped starvation nnd oppression in their native country, nrc hardly warmed In this until they commence the work of murder and rapino upon the natives of our .oil, who do not nulieonbenr submit to the dictation of the lenders of their unholy nnd mnrdr.roun combination. They should be knight Uythc strons nrm of the-law, that while this country affords them rights nnd n.,. ... ,-,,i,fc,.rf nf. homo, it. "".' , i V i :; , ,J is also able nnd determined T'-"1''1 crimes nnd outrages they nttempt to com-1 mit upon others. If the civil power is not I sufficient, let tho strong nrm of the military !. 1 . r ip ... i.i .,,,.,,,1 ?nnritniiiimi interfere. If wo coul spend 3000 millions to suppress the rebellion, we, should noi hesitato 'to spend ten millions to maintain the supremacy of law and order. TV lowing from the xn.!!.-!!.!. Bulhlin is in point: If the cause of the Miners' Union in the j present struggle had been entirely just,t!ns 1 infamous deed surelv would have deprive tho strikers of the sympathy of nil honor- able men ; but now it will only justify the theory entertained by a very large number of unprejudiced people, that the etlort made by the railroad companies and operators to , iimnk no this n-fnnizalion and utterly to .... w.. j. ... destroy its power, deserves cordial appro- wouhlbeasufficicntcausefordissatisfaction , that it claims the right to control the buai-! ness nnd capital of the mine owners, a right j which it does not and cannot possess, nnd j which would be repudiated with contempt , if it were demanded by laborers in any : business which is not cursed sed with the j n. But their j s, goes t urther influence of trades unionism union, like many of itslellow than this. It assumes to control not only mroinrw, oiuy the emrlover but the employed, nnd to say- to workingmen that they shall labor only nt certain times r.r.d places and for certain terms, nnd it persecutes with tcrrmie teroci .. . , . 11 n : , tinuance of the coal supply, and it actually j has the andacitv to make disohediencc to Sis commands, by any man iu the mining region, a capital crime which it punishes j cumnmrily. It is not safe to trust such cnonormous power as this to any organ- i.ntion of ignorant and brutal men, nnd it I is impossible for auy wise observer to re- j gard, wvChont feelings of great uneasiness, j ihe increasing influence which this and other labor orgai.izations nrc exercising tipon our legislation, our manfaclurcs and ty all WHO (10 1101 yieia allegiance 10 11a ; jiori iiiiii uie jieriieiraiur 01 iiiu iccu iv; .i cj10jce ()f j. jj , Sehcarer Esq. prosecutin" : :l naioi s. me nmMMOs i.i.-inim VT" authority. More than tins, it iias.tue power ; union miner, ami snot am-. iien.n.:iL;er uc- : .lttonK.v ns rCfc;,irnt in place of 11c011a ' "lates the assumption 01 iierresponsiuiuues 10 bring grent sutlei ing upon multitudes of ; cause lie was a blackleg, is true or not, and j Thc yo t' 1 j "shearer t-8 Aucona 1 It 1 f"r tnC depredations of the Alabama, until ).ersonS who nro engaged in foregin Indus- we are reliably iMformed tliat the story is , , t f . . ' h;)W(.VL.r ,1!lt A'I1Cona i it is decided by nn impaitial arbitral..r. irieo v 1 e i nre dcuendent 11 mm tho con-' mere suspicion. b'.'!i?2 a tone her without , A. ...... Tf tie cession ol territory is mooted, the commerce, and upon all the most iinporant i under such circumstances, was necessory intrests in the country. AVlicn they can 1 to tho murder ; but 19 out of every 0 dis induco men who profess to be statesmen to I interested persons could place no other tKlt-ify themselves by passing eight hour ! coiMtructioii on the above article than a laws, nnd can exert such influence that the j lull justification of the murder. Efforts first utterance of tlic Governor of this State were." made afterwards to start the colliery ypon this mining trouble is an nbsurd at- ; by men outside the union, but the opposi lemnt in lmil iiwn""" "'rlv ii..lo, j tio to it ud the Uitllcullies encountered U is quite time to adopt ccicre measures were so great, that the parlies who had to rob them of their jowcr. Imtcad o( ; takcu it were forced to give it up, and it being merely protective, as these assoeia-1 has been Mamling idle ever since. The tions should be, they are altogether ollen- i people aro suffering, and a number of rob- fcive. Jl we are to he ru c by monopolies at all there can bo no hesitation in choosing to give all the power lo llie railroad enmpa- nies who are somewhat within control, rathe. Than to these lawless mobs of brutal men. AVe 'hope the railroad companies will hold out in this struggle until they win a com - plcte vk'tory, and so make, this Mt. Curmel riot tlic lf-r t of tke long cries of crimes committed by the Miners' liiiou. Tiik editors of the ltcrnocri.it, like moi.t jioople of narrow mimk j views, never i V.'n wja nol ,VOrk with nuy mini tlmt look at a tiling iu its true and proper li'lit. j worked durincr our present suspension; "Wills them everything linn a partisan ns-!"!''", th'Jt we will nut work under the super .pect. Wc never f.iid -Chori cnn'iig wa a 1 intviioVnt " "'3 now in your oinplny, . ,, '-i i enmneer.;. t lable bov and Macks-imth ex- Democrat or Kepubhean, nor uid vc know , t.,,lltL.(1 Tu RiwVreviiluiiou we to do or care what his polities were. Nor did j tei mined to curry out, let it cost what it wc. defend him or those who Mipported him : may. Also, it was resolved that any fur- , . i , , . i... ;.... .:... t f lii.r enrieai,r.iilf.iwf iu haI 1. .i.L e.l I. ,i lie wuai v.e tiiuiKnumeiu-aan uhjum caiui. Hut when the editors of the JJuifH-rut at-: templed to make the llepublieaw re.-poiisi- j hie for it, we showed that if it vas u parly t job, it bi longed to the JJenioerais, as such j men .is Jud'e 4liiek. Janum lliielianat' r.nd Andrew Joloieot: l:;id tlidoi'so'l tho claim uul I'.ivo'.vd it. Even the 'oioyh', in it.-, d.:fcu-(, acknowledge tlmt it was defeated . hy Mr. l.ies, a leading Kepubiie.ui from ' M i;.ich.i. u. StNi'l'. ! lr kle.Ult til 11 Ills Holl U . .foiuau ha-., il liueil to Is-coiiit a candid. tie tor Pit sidelll Jllile ol' this Judieiill li 'lii t. ihert' lias is eli inilell hpe. uluti.41 an to li t is !iki ly to lie the cmditl.tic. Tin iv .it'.: a nuinbi r -p keiir.f, '!iomi we pivsiuni, ill IvCoine candidate l.'.i III : ! pi.blic.m Mile Wul. M 1 1'H.Ut-ti lti", 1"'k;., of Siiubiiry ij'peai to be oil" i t' '.he lute-t plolllillenl inJiih-U lie l popular anion.; all class 's, :.lld is uioe,;; ( ,y i ivccive the jetiuiii i'.i ili li'oiii Ins party. Mr. lonk. t. 1 lt 1, ll 1 lteled ! lii.lt ptsilio:i, Would make til l . vlli 111 ll., lUsl'.KU"ll. Ml .Mm no (io.Al, icudor Kui ki b 1'ur ia nr.LTie.il I'um.iii 111. iu, us wtil ns it ood lawyer. We all) Hot usalll'i d that he will l e a c.tndi date, but dioiild lie ,i,Min lii, nomination uilt.ivliouiioir.il i;ie 1,1 nt 1 'Mil s.itiolae- 'tin ii 1. ru it'. Y t tlii Kir till IN 1. I Ml : li. ii.it. d I o . ,il 1. 1' 1 ,i.'.oiolilr.l"'H of lie s itunlay Pit Sl'li III In o. i.il of III, ' iwi 1 liliu III. ti. l tin: In ,t 1 laa., j i. ...l. lint duiiiu lti.it I VI Out J uvi lunJiiJ ui.l tuur Jt. ;(i.-.t.i .S un llntlnl um tjjfmr 'ifcoi.iuj '..v .'.1, iJ. i !,, I,,,. Ih.'ii, 1 1' il.u N. t . .11 1 Pub: I at I , vu 1 ii.J ,, I. .1, ; b'l W r "i.e ba i l.. I ..iuii.n . .141'. Willi tl. Ul rv i.Hi l .ib-'lll tlkly inlliion, m. 1 I int. rt . . I lb.: .1. It nil. 1. . I .it 1'. u,. 4. it it,.-.-" . 1 - r. il'i Lie 1 .'j a!'.le I !.., ion Mil I I HI" ptl tltol'l,', ill 11 I.U Ml' I It'll 1.1,1 . tl , :opU 111 :;i.i lo bt kii I 'tt ii'iu.-i-i'y vll'i ot V.I hit. J - I 111'. II e ! 1 ,! .11. t 1 , I 1 I I . 11 . II .1 li it mt Lo I it o lit .' I I .1 I I1101 oil ll.ii II i. I at 1 I' 1 , I 1 1 .. in ; 1 ti uli I I .. I I II " II II ( ' It'll 114 1 1 I I I 'gy'kkk . OalrnffrftlntheCoKineglona. Tlit Miner' Jovrnnl fT'frttsvlllc) of Tues day has the following'- Yesti rday ;o sr.TC a liit-tory of one of the most hellish outrages that was ever pcrprtraled in nny country, in which an American citizen, who had dono nothing Din gone to work to support his lamiiy, T.s niont brutally murdered ; nnd the (lends also attempted to hurl no less thnn tifleen persons into rtonvty. Wo to-day give the full particulars of this cold-blooded murder of another American citizen, in n nick-room, nt Treverton, which has never been published in full before. A difficulty occurred with the men employed nt tho Tievorton Colliery nnd tho clerk on pay day. The men ceased working for nbout two weeks, nnd after that they worked so irreg ularly that tin collic.rv wns losing money. The proprietor theu engaged a number Of men cmttnuo ot lhe l nnm, nnu nicy wem to go lo work on the lollowing .Mommy. Among the persons employed to go to work wns a Air. Jierlilioiser, nn .mericnn-uoni citizen, who had resided there for nbout twenty years. On the Saturday previous he paid a visit to a near no'mhbor, an F.ng lishmnn, by tho nnmo of Tiley, who had been confined to his bed for (several years. The room in which he lay was on the iirsl tloor. with one window oixining to the street. Herkheiser was setting nt tlic loot of the bed, nnd Mrs. Tiley wa.i sitting at ,i,c si(,e of it, on a range with Berkheiser. 1 ...,,,. 7 n,i g o'clock a flush of a pistol was observed nnd a report. Berkheiser jumped up from the chair nnd said that was in the neighborhood, and helore ho ,inrf.. q mn remark )l(J WW s,)ot ju lhe nt,aJ thu baU ctt.ring his fore- ,rnd nnd grazing the face of Mrs. Tiley, who was in rango with Berkheiser, nnd VSb'JiS" 'iWlT. 'fio'VSS? Jl.'K lS wUS frequently hooted nt by members of the W. B. A. because ho would not join their organization. Of course, such a horrid assassination in n sick room created agreatexcitement, and the people were horror stricken It had been charged and is believed that Berkheiser was murdered bv or nt tlic in- stigation of members of the "N". B. A. It annears that the editor of the Monitor visi- '. I.i 1 1 n, i' -.i : ted tho place, and after contern.ig with' following heartless article relating to this terrible assassination. Wc publish it in full : "At Treverton, on Saturday evening last, Mr. Isaac Berkheiser, non-union miner, while visiting a sick man named Tiley, was twice fired a through a window, the j second , hot mortally wounding h.m. He 1 ihcd nt J o clock on Sun, ay aiteruoou, hav- ing oeen uucoi.seious an uie ni.u imcr receiving tho wound. 1 lie reports say irts say that Mrs. Tilev, wife of tlic sick mau, wafi 1 burned, which is not true. 'e have been at some pains to ascertain wlieibor the re Inundation. Our informant says there uro people in ircvei ton wlio would liang a man I w.'.hot judge or jury for being a member I of the union if they had it in their power . and we believe it." This was published after conference w'Kh, the members, lliere is not one word of condemnation of so horrible a murder, com- milted in a i was "not bi a sick room. inat. nn. -iT buriied" is an important point to be named. There are some who would think that the writer of such an article, j bcries have already been committed. The miners there seem determined the 1 j colliery shall not work, unless under their : control. To prove this we publish tlic j following document, of which wc have seen ; ! the original copy, iu the haud writing of! 1 the Secretary. The President did not sign I i it, but his name was put to it as president of the organization. j "TltEVKlt ton. Feb. 1.1, 1871. At a meeting ot tho Committee ol Management, i lu M on tlio nbovo ditto, it was resolved Unit we, tho members of Distriot No. ij of Tivy- , "':". ' . ' me iiieinuers oi our ussoeiaiion, n tneanove tesohitiun is nut eomplied Willi. All com- , . , ,' , , , . lnunieatioiis Hlioiild he addressed to ".loi.i-ii Si iifi li I'resident. "DrxNis Mi'i.ekx, Secretary." Ilciv i-i p-Kiiive proof o!' the eKititenee of nn oreanied eon'mu-y to mtwt ien lioui workup; ;t hi an uiiluwtul eoiubiiia- lion us eon-icdout according to lhe nbove writieii ii-sitiuoiiy. . ... . o - A l iiltllctow 11 0111 11 11 Si'iitcnceil Tor l'ltMiug oiiuterlVit lluucj. uc .as, inuaoy no icea u.e ain-i o, ..Us. ; .lit-, of iVid-llelottii lor pa.-.iiig eoiiuieiii iuiioin y. V.y lhe f illov:ig, taken ,. ., in 1 1 , 1 , - 1 !roui the I bilidclphia J. r I. V.i.1 l.v S ell I'r.t kill- ll:IS InVIl li, 1111(1 LMlillV ri 11.1 We have altvadv imiiced the arre-t s en i' r.1 sin-has Uvn found guihy and ti uti nre !' iiiiprisoiiineiil pvonouiued : ' Mary Snsanna iVillis, of MiiMU tuu 11 I'n., w ho plead L'uiity to pasiiigeoiuiicifeil I : 1 f... I .1 . 1.1 .11.. .. !..!!- .... i Nalur.i.iy, . nl. need by .lu'.U-o t adwala'd. r , ril I,! Pl' ta t i.ri , thu c.u.rii. in Phil lo mi impr',4 limit tit allowed by law for the I ad.lpiii.i, where the unfortunate pair reside, lb nee as t 1 biiih in lhe biilol 'ridictuuiit. I will ih,coir it more certainly than lie It was said by l.er coutil tluu :!:e was a I ...,;,aJU(, p.Mir ignorant wniiiau lio w a. lhe iii.-tru-j " ' ' ' m. - Iki lit 11! 11. ore ciliili.ii olli liden. and thai TlIK utile iu! Hntelii.iit of (lie public debt , t b bad t'uen aliiable iiioiinalioii l" detective mill ,1-. I 'pmi reading the iiiiii iifi i -i- ii.iiikiv oiuen ov l tilt. 1 states t'oiiiiiisioiu.r lliddle. the judge said ... I... . I .1. . ... ... 1... I .... I thai lhe aicu.e.l seemed lo be a il.iligi nnu Woluali, bill a tin I1W1 si term of iiupii. soiinient lie i lli.l ive wnt as luluh lis be W tillld Ui lb-Hot. d lo iilHiM' upon a lllelt: " hover" of counterfeit lOoln y, .14 lhe on wis wile rallttl, lie mtd not lake into t .in ideriLMoii the 1. 1 alter w bit h bae Iv. .1 la.U.'lil lo lV. i in. I,, e. Mis. Willi, wlio i. k.ii.l lo U: I lie Kiln .,r a. Iioaliiinri. Inta 1. 11 in on. .111 nl I Ho n..iill, her ti it oil lie I II I! in ,' U ell Utile lo proeluc ha. I l.rb.l Mie i l,e lil.k bill. Il J 1. II hopki 1 j 1 , ill I 1 .1111.11 dill IliJ lhe. tttlk lbi.1 oil 11tii1adta1.il lail' M.i Ih ing In id tin te, mid lo i, l, in f pIlWIlUll la r kill !! In ll-j o.ii t u 1 li.r ')u..iu I i'l' I .11 .'n, -an m I'.e Murnl tpuoii1 '..1 . ,' v 1... !i nl . 1 . li. j p. !. i,! i i, h mul ui, I I ih 11 di p ; 1 . .in ulna n iy il.i.s- . a.! t tp'll till .I .Ipitl if It. Hi. Hi' 111 I'M. Vt It I ! I II. O I I i.tU o li. I I. . II t .1 ill It I Uli I ' .bll' i t'U I t.1 llil) I .li I lit p.. , I ililal Ui ol ( .lit ill ilioMI b.tl I It i'M-.l 1J1I I I II ll " U l t l bill, 1 11 , I 1 1 1... 1 i.'iiuptio,i i. dm " iu i 1 1' ll" : 1.4. Ik 1. 14 l l I Hill ll-l l 4 1 1' J II 4l 1 In d . 1 . .11 I u, 4 1, , 1. mi 1 it 4 H. linkL' ! in 1 A Rw A noon if the Democrats In Rending. They bad ft high old time nmong the Democrncy of Rending on Saturday night Wo clip tho following account from tlic Times and iJiepalch : Last Snturdny night wns thelimo hSciT by the constitution for the annual election ol'oflicers of the "Democratic nssocintion of the city of Bending." Hon. S. E. Ancona hns been president of this organization for the last two years, nnd, it seems, has car ried matters with a pretty high hand by rewarding his friends nnd punishing his enemies in the distribution of oflicial hon ors. For some time there have been signs of nn oncMle against his regency, nnd quito recently it became evident that he could not be re-elected to the. chairmanship with out a desperate ctrrtggle. In ordu tosbovc off the eleetion it wns arranged to get two dis- linsuishcd Democrats from abroad here on election night lo make tipecohen in the .Keystone, nail. Lot. jueeiicri, 1110 new Democratic Senator, nnd tttioUior member of the legislature, were chosen for tliit; purpose. It was accordingly nuuovnced that t lie election for officers would be jhhI j.ojici? but late on Saturday afternoon, a counter-notice was printed, signed by tho secretary, stating that the election would be held as usual. At this hour of meeting, a large crowd was assembled at the rooms of the associa tion ii the third story of tho insurance building. Ancona took the chair as usual. I'pon a motion having been made to go into nn election for otlicers, Senator Davis opened the ball, by a dictatorial sort of speech, declaring it discorteous to keep tho distinguished speakers wailing at the meet ing nlreauy ussemnleu at tho Keystone Hall, ond moved nn adjournment. The vote was put, and though the 'noes' were in a decided majority, the president declar ed the motion carried. Then commenced a grand row, nnd the meeting nt once be came what friend Kalston called nn 'in furalcd mob.' Dozens of mcinlicrg moun ted chairs and tables, all speaking at once in their loudest tones. The president was hissed, and called upon to vacate tho chair. This he peremptorily refused to do. Loud cries of "But him out 1' "put him out!" rang through the room, to which the Bicsidetit replied that "it would take a bet- J. 1 t.'iut 11 ill jjiiu rvi 1 1 iii t 11 11 vuiu iani.a v t. t) ,imsdf to put him out! Charges of the misappropriation of the association's funds were made and denied. Balslon made a (laming speech, character izing the meeting as nn infuriated mob. Among those who "pitched in" were Evan Mishler, Sol. Close, Sheriffs Sehroedor and Ancona. Sen.itor Davis, 12,1. Shulter. Beck, f , (, j In , (. t Jc,. Ke d , t t, Finally, on Albright, Cicorge Busliong, J'rcsid.Mit ,,, , ii,i.- ,i, !. V .:.,.. ?n, ...,,.'.. ,...1 n. ! ...,,?. tj 'K'A.r. u ...... ..1. i. : calling Sheriff Schroeder to the chair, nnd ; he .1 Mil c ft inn l.v lia if. result n 11 llio -..,..,, ..,, t ' k no ' in tm, hack-room nroceC(im8 fup, 11 0f officers U "iveu ! Ju OUP il)C7i colunms " ! -ylnt ,'jle rcSUit 0f this "row" will U- remains to be seen The impression is! tl t , . K w.. , b.1(.kldowni anil ,,,t ., ..,.,,, flllw,D ., ( (7 wil ruu ,le ponst nnlonfr'ti,y U11terri- licd lH.nocracy of ol.l Berks. J t .' ' . TiiEConinnssionerofPcnsions has issued , . . . . C .1 1 r a circular giving ho text of the act of lebruary 14lh,lMl, granting pensions to soiuiers anu sailors 01 uie yi ar 01 in:, ami the widows of deceased soldiers and sailors and also the forms for applications prcscri bed for persons interested. The Conimis .1.1 - r .1. ' .Y'"11 ,uv ";r, o . . . ' : , V . ...V" . ' Tr (.uiiuein, niRULV.5 iftijii .auen nun hiouu mi fcixty days, nnd who have never been pen sioned for a disability incurred in the l.'ui ted States -service. These will be entitled lo a full pension of eiuht dollars a mouth from February 14th, 1871. Second. The claims ol'olllcers, soldiers and sailors who served for sixty days, but whoare in receipt 01 a pens on lor ..isaoin.y incurrea in uie 1 nited Mates service. 1 hese will be vn- litled to an increase of their pensions to eight doilirs a month. I bird, lhe claims .. . . 1 .... . . . I . . of widows of officers, soldiers and sailors wji. serve i s.xiy uays. iui ) were iimrrieu io u.e souiier prior to ine oeniy oi peace f I)eccinber J-lth, l.-l l, which terminated J t ho war, and who h ive not since re-married. ' These -Ail) be entitled to eiiit dollars a j mouth. If tho term of service was less than sixly days, tln.ra is no claim tor pen- , d , 1,l(i,st n inst lhe U"1 tl,u l,Vrs"" ', served has becii: l(tint u.nt ..eneral P.illadines to eom pei smully mentioned in a resolut ion !' JU;lll(l OVer them, l'aris U otherwise calm. C oiin ss lor some speeilio service in said j a w r in sue. ease e or ins ...uw ,s e- I ii it'll iu nic suiue ueiieios as wiote'ii 1 rt 1 . .... 1 c .1 1. .....1.1 . lltlil cttttu I'll ilAlt .ItlliT. W ,1 iivuui.iuii; i .lUebnve.. i ll i,',.(.lS!1rv , ,.,,;",. ii,t i,:n , iiiK '!(c J'Hti'niU says that a u; i was ei.iiMueivd for the divorce ot a gentleman j from J'liiladelphia trom his wife. Tiie j cvldwnec read iu the Somite sot forth th.it t, fa hahitut-.l drunkard. This, . . . , . , . . 'l m, in the luuidb ol certain senii- tort, sullieieiit ciumi for .'ranting a divorej to the huuhand. Now, suppose we reVcie the ca-'-e, and prove that a husband is an habitual drunkard, would il, in I bo j'it-''- ,,.,.., l(, .s,.llat(,r,, ,H; sutlie'ent -ioi:,is ..r oranliog a divorce to the wile V What v,v, justice, and cituitv for men is so for . , , vwuiitn also. 1 oes the Senate propose to : .... li,l.-, tl... .liv.,.,.n tilklit..cc 1... 11.. I", tic ,.i,,l met.t of senators, W sufficient rrocnil.-t (, go into the divorce business generally, and j grant separation to husbands and wive iu I every cae win re habitual druiikeinu s in pro. n iu the ease of t iiln r V If I hero i. J raiue at the Uiiimiig ol 1SH le.we.l a tola! if s.,r,f.i,imi.,iii. 'Hute oen I... . f .1 IT lll'ld.l I MirilKI ll.ll V. III. I. Ml, .11 1 ... .-1 , ...... apiUied, w ill unnmul to r Inn.tHiti.tiiio. I' i"' "r ei'ls'ltdrtuivB, yol to U't oM ietl by lo.ut, r Jiti,isl,tHSl. (oiioiiiiy limy de 111.111114 I,1SHHI, IHHi, V llil II if jl t ail be boi loivetl nl nil, will probably Iv mi r licit lei 111 n 11 ill make tl.o iudi niliily riii.'h cl,.'.isi,iMsi,tsKi, 'i'be SrW Vt.r't Tiiiici 1 : liiiiale lli.it il' I'l.itu e ul lhe Hid ol' '. 1 nn should U iiblti Ir-i p.tj ibis 1 ll'-lllious lid fcliu H ..I lliel la ! II III Hie l.o 1011 Mil fcliu H .il lilt-1 lit Isi 11 lu lite po t l 4 illiMial tti 1. 1 u bii II reach. liu i'l 4 I UUMial iti hi w bii II reach. liu ai I-1 ill;,' lotltl t. 1,700,1OH.IIM'. T it'H in l in K n v ..-I.i on 11 mi liald ,11 Ulld tMil.ly IIUU lute 01'b 1, d lli'lll I oil ll.IVs, K.lllnltt, in 11.11 I U', oil I'n.Ul , I 1 pu . I in the s.iee a;' un-.l .1 I Hid elrulln H bo till. -ai' In d the l.t.tll Ull liu' c'.oii d i'p!u 14 tl utuwll. Hue man was killed I lulu tbt Ir.iop hiuii.1. 'I 't. r ' it a mill li .It til. Is Ion m U'el ill .,ldi 1 mlt r Ibi in itiiii.il I .1 111 iiin.il w-te ll.ildl . t '1 e. , 1 Lit bt 11 i' 1 ill' r f. t lhe tbit- I li'l ,' I ,el l.i li '. !i ' b I'll I lo loole II" ill Hie .Ni i .li In lU i( 11 - . talii li 4 . 01I1 i t lb. Vi1 .1.. iiltr 'lb' "Vtt 11I1 I 11I..I hii , I .tail t oli iii I tli 11. mi l 1 H 11 I , ,1 I -l ilt l. lt bet a Old. ltd filitt lio li ni. "it Ijl.ii. il pia'i, s '. . .l-l I by blli H.illui 11 In kl .it ..I4 i 11 1 Sttt It ou Iwi'Ui l" tl lU ls.i.bl tl t'lb. Mli'V l tu-t'l I I ROM EUROPE BATlFrCATtOX Ot TF.XCK. BoriiEAt x. March 2. An envoy, bear ing the vole of the Assembly accepting the preliminary conditions of peace, will rench Finis nt 110011 to-day. The ratifications will be exchanged without delay so, that Abe German forces uiny withdraw from tho city ttiis evening. The employees of the Department of tho Interior will return to l'aris on Saturday, nnd it is believed tho entire government will be transferred to l'aris again ns speed ily ns the execution of the peace convention will permit. Generals Sheridan nnd Forsytbe have gone to l'aris. TUB OKHMAJt TlUrMPrtAL ETBKKf!M TEliOU Wll.MAM UKVir.WS TIIK T HOOPS. London, March a. Advices from l'aris of yesterday's date, state that the Emperor Willinni niid staff reviewed the German troops as they marched info the city. Tlic imperial group occupied a commanding position nt the Hippodrome, where they remained while the column marched Past. The splendid nppcaraneo presented by tlic German troops contrasted strangely with the 'tonery n-.id desolation which chai-aeteri.-.cd the city dnring the march. Such citizens as were on tlic streets nt the time were, to all nppearnncc, peacefully disposed, nnd evinced no inclination lo op pose the passage of the troop;. llAHlUCAUl S HETWEKN HIE VUEN'lM ANT OEn.MANSr l.oxofiv, March 2. He ports from Paris, to yesterday evening, statu Unit tne barri cades between the Germans nnd tho French were maintained. Immense crowds were in tlic streets, sad nnd silenl. No news papers were published, nnd the shops wore closed. The National Guards, at one time, threatened lo ilisolicy orders, ana throw themselves on the Germans, but they were dissuaded Irom the rali ultempt. The German force in occupied the north weutcrn part of tlip city, and numbered 000 men, and were taken from the Kith Prussian and 11 Bavarian corps. The dividing lines were guarded by French nnd German soldiers. Paims, March 7--Evening, The Prus sians to-day delivered to the French nil the forts on the left bank of the Seiuo the Emperor William nnd bi staff left Ver sailles for Ferrieres to-day. The Pi UKitiaiM nrc to completely Evacuate Yc mail left by the 1 1th. nn! th". neighborhood by the l'.Hh. It is hoped t!t,;t present difficulties in Paris "will paus over witiiont serious cisturnance. Loxjjox, March ".It is expected that a baronetcy will be conferred upon Samuel Moiley, the Liberal member of the House of C.nnmor.s from Bristol. London. March 8. The 77;iic. com- ! menting upon it Philadelphia letter, ex- lresscs nnsgiviu! 2S as 10 me result 01 ine llisih Commission, unless the American emnnnssione :! aim . ; n.m, ,, """"- "IT' - i""' ' Bn.glish commisMoners will take care it is ,,ot 1L'1)llollt'1 twice. Kngiauu win oiuy abandon her colonies upon the expressed wien of t,,u eolonists, or through war. London, March H. Certain diplomatic correspondence is publUhed .which shows the parly taken by England iu negotiations 1 for l'L'ace at Vcrwiilles. M. Broylie, who arrive in J.uuon on ue ui ur.., a- dressed a note to the 1- oreign Olhce coiu- plaining of tlic indill'erenec exhibited by V-.....,...ri , .i ..,,,1 ..ci.:,, i.',,,.i J.HUIilOll lVMilIU X l.,lt, "I'll . (. - . t, b, ,n prolong, i(m of the : ..,, a veduction of tlic indemnity j f on(.rou, amounl (,f six milliards ' of francs. Darl Granville declined to uiter ' fere as to the armistice, bot telegraph the , same (lav to Ycisailles rciucsenting that it was impossible for France to pay 1 srrat a sum as six milliards of francs. Odn Busel, British representative at Versailles, writes that be received the des patch loo lute to admit of his interposition in the uegotations, but expresses the belief that Couiit Bismarck received a duplicate ol the despatch before the indemnity was finally settled at five milliards of francs. I.onoox. .Mareu 1 lie. inuui -vv , , ,.l)r.B,M1l,i1!nt nt VcreullleH tele- t ' , t imtm.k ,ws u-trun i.islwine- , - jlJlirill.y Thl. i.;,,,,,,,,. au,i Own , ,, . J ',,, , ,lf ,;,.,., forces to the eastward of Paris, nnd will t t , v.-n-aillos. The evacuation , r , . i1i,0I.,1001t of V..rs.,iileS is rl. nblv aeeeieraied in order to enable the French N it.oiiul Assembly to meet lliere. i The National Uiiard of Paris are excited r. ,i. . ii,.,,-i. l... ,1-1, ... 1...1 , Q. Monlomerv (Ala.) Hrlt .Iuntl ot- - .v. .. .1. . - 0 ..ro... l... 1. :.. ""tunes u.ui ine reuit 01 iiiit tine etevtion in ! that Stale Is not an ivdieation of tlic end of the mission of the ltepuhlicau party in Ala ' bania. J Miring the two yeais of Kepubli : can rule the StaUs procpercd ; its railroads were csleded in every direction aud inti r- i,al iniprovements of all kiiuta wore cflecu d : on almost every hand. The lb-publicans , are now orjraui.ing atl over the State. A ' central tiepubhean tlub ha.i been formed at ! Montgomery, under the presidency of ! Judge SolVoltl, of Sehna, and auxiliary ! clnUiare ofjanized in almost every county. ; What has been the good fortune of Alaba i ma tinder r,cpublicaii rule will lie true of ; 1 vi i v other Southern State. liat llio .1lU(,1 jusl nu. ift llic ndmi,,istralion i ,.f u r puli'.ie ull'airs by the party of com- in.ni st In.ols and of five discussion. jV-i.. yi.J!A a... iho bbcrtisctnento si-atixu r.tsiiioxM now ur.Aiv MI.S. n. A V.I MH II. IM1. I N. v. r .:: 1.1.FU.N in Ai' t i:i.TM T si., fllll.AI'H.FHI V. ! liir .orti-r uud l ta"r of I wliiuu. t ,. n I 1 i:.li.i-lu il ami only it-iiuttlv I nest J 'I riiu'iiOM', I'.ijH-r pull, ru, lnv. mnl t Ui.ik in.ik- j l.: ' .M'',..lllH . t I li.'.olly liiniui.il I'-ipcr l'atut':, Wl.ol. alc , an 1 ie 1 i.l. I Loo, ti.oi ., Ililiboii a" I f'-km, I ..iff.-, rail- I iir-.id r.i-r. Jit, tiili, uml I'fiirl J t'iy. 1 I ti uiuj .li. it mnl .ulu, lau.ie 111 liu lie .1 ( f.i.l.i illtl. f -I.l 1 lit skull 111I1 f . I' .11 si -if 111 nl iil iillin.' I.ia-lil V II - m.l. r. I.) mail, pimupii) ..il.u.Ud I.-. r'1 I', '.'i. i7l. -uui. Mm Itliultlrr 'Irvlu. ! V'u'l It i: S. I.,rtil. lti ii, Ib.tl au t ..iii"ii r..i ; .11, tu. iil lui;u.U Ituiaii. .lei I. .01 ..... 1 ., 1 i ..I rm.liul), Set b. In .1 nl; l'. r 1.1 ill .11 tikliV n.iiliif, Mjl'll '.' . sil, ' I I lii tu, UiliJ 1 .1. I I"' kl-s kll- I I. It . I. -I I .1. 1 in -u.u l. 1 I lu'liiib u tl. i, .) rii .I'll i.l J It ml -Illl'V , .-. ,. .. II o. a 1 1, li'.. tn ui-om tiri-. 1 1 1 Us, VI hi Vl, l Hip 1 Una, lit ivlt a, I . A II. T. MIION AHI., tu lruli I lurk. I 0 .U' l U.,.!.. . I It. I. ois l Hi. O Ok .1 .' I. 1. .1 I ..!. Ill m 1 l.tf h'a.11 1 1 I- . I li. u.1.1. .,. 1 .1.; 4i'l He I I'llofil I 1 S I I tl N l II " 1 t it i , o ll 1 1 III. A .U Ill'M tt ' M .1 lis lit 1 I l Mil 1 I 4 II I ttllliiNtj 4 HI . lii i., j.l .), Ni I '-Ik, l' sm,U U' lo i . .I'M W I' I, Uli kllll IIV tl" In lUI.I . I I l utttft (! It NitflUU it.. ','i. ii it ileto Ijtabcrtfscmeni. foHr s alIeI IiGTtTT nrron of Iniprnvod lnml In tho bent A nertiou of Boiitlicrn Miiliiciin, vltliln flvo miles ofllm town of "Tliree Klvcrs," in H. Jo uppli coui'ty, wltliln two mile of llio Rollroiut Ptp.tlrtn, pil liulklinps, out lioiisej, lnr(;o or clmid, 'iU. rleli mmly lenm, Bolinol hnuseii nnd elinrclis wltlila slitiit title' liidicpiualjlo, ten neres nre In wlirnt, th roitiidmler in clover sod. A spun of horses, cuttle, hni;, icrnln nnd farniliig utensils, Ac, will In; sold villi tills property, l'ricn t70 per ncrf, :,000 In onsh, the UiiIhuco lu time luivmenls of iMMj. Applv to WM. A. MARSER, Thro Kivcr, MleU. or, H. B. MARRF.lt, Riiujurv, V riiu'a. Piinbury, V.ircl II, 19TV. Ikenoolulioii. fllHE pnrtncrslilp hcrrtufnre rxlf-tlng lietirccn X S. IJ. Hoyer mid W. ,1. WOlveilon. In llio pmct ice of law, lias been tills dny, (March Oth, P571.1 UiBOlvea iJ niuuuu rnnsi-ni. I P. II. HOVER, V. J. WOLVEUTOV. Hunhury, MarchJIt, TKSI I'K.ICA x c ' 1: i.ix i i K KN. REV. W. C. HEXrmiCKRO.N, State T.tvlwr for the Grand Lodge of l'cnusj lvania, will nddrcss the people of Northumberland county on tlic subject of Temperance, ns follows : At Turlmtvillc, on Tuesday evening, March 4th. nt Watson'nwn, on Wcdii'Slny evening, March )rih, nt Milton, on Thursday evenini!, March llitli, at Nortliunibcrlniul, on Friday evening. March 17tli, nt Banbury, on Ralurdnj evenini;, March ISth, nt Rbaniokin, oil Monday iSTi-nintf, Slnicli Blith, nt .Mt. Unrmel, ou lucsuay CVonlng, Marril 'JZst, at. 4 revnrton, en C(inc8 day evening, March UPni!, nt llernUon,uu Tliurs dav evening, March '.'lid. Lodges and friends ot 1 ethpefante ft tne ntime limned pbices w ill please seelhiit proper n-range-mcnt nre made for the above Lectures, r.nd 11) rt tlic nipolntnients be well circulnteJ so tliBithe cause may be more eliectually advanced. Brothers nnd Sisters we nre enlisted in n noble work nnd hbould strive lo do our part well hi or der tlikt we inay the sooner insure success. By order. 8. H. CUASU, (j. V. C. T. .1. B. BEUCSTnESSEi:, 1.. D. Mnreli 11.1ST1. Sunbury Cattle insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL RTATEM EN'T I OK THE VKA ENDING JANUARY W, JST1 NumfHT of Policies, 712. Amount of Property Insurc.t, Amount of l'iciiiluni Notes in force, CASH ASSETS. Amount loaned at interest. Amount in Treasurer's hands, Amount due from Aircnts, Amount due from other sources, Available Capital, i?W,.''l.'.IH ?li000.00 jlDOll.OO f'jrt,iw oiJ.'JUllj'.lj I iin urc jour Cuttle. T NSl'UE Willi n responsible, and perfectly re- JL liable company, iiuure where, your lossui will be paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL 1'ROTECTIVE COM l'ANV. Hence, unlike other Companies, you nre sure of biiinir nail) promptly for all losses, if insured in this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LF.fS THAN THOSE OF A N V UlllEU COM l'ANV. Helujf 1nt1lu.1l, our expenses aro less, and our Charter Is Perpetual. Wc pay losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (cxccptiiii; in eates of epi'lvmies,) by theft, Ac., Ac. We pay prompt ly. No red tape procccdinga to obtain your money in case of loss. carlj Vt.OOO pnlil 011 (oun ulono Miuee Orgauivaliou. Look nt the list of Losses paid ea C'os uline'fcy thu Coinpuuy, M Heuninircr, Suiitiury, 1'n fP.:i,oo 50, 411, , 40, I) Ililucit, Noitliuiiibeilund licorire F.ekert, " S II Dode " Charles lioliek, Mt Carinel Esubcils hippie, " Calbarine iVairner, Watsontown (icoiu'c Huir, Norlhumbtrlaud Jacob Snyder, Sunbury ...40, ...Ml, .....Ml, ...00, ...40, ,...-11, ..Ml, .....Vi, ,...40, ,.,.r.o, ....45, ....40, ....40, A W H.isslcr, " Minnr Cndy, Dcw.111 Calkaraie Maitz. Slmniokin - Francis Muchcr, Sunburv S.iiulicl it Price, Upper Leliif;b , Joseph Heppeli, Mt Curmel Matthias Scliolly, Francis Met'ariy, " Maria Kramer, Vatsontown Joseph Nicely. Jr., Hewui't J ,v R C yuinirle, I'iue, Ciintou o R RaiuiiLe, Shenandoah, ivbu'lill 'J . 40, J S 'i'barp, Sliaiaokin...,. , 4o. Tbouias Wardiops, Mt Curmel 4.1, N A Loudeusl.iL'i-r. llcrndon, 40, Uiu'licl Crann-r, Fisher's Ferry 40, G L Rm.'iin. Stienaieloab, Sehuy". kill co .VI, Jacob Sh lie, " 40, Jacob Sto'.iz, " " 4 , 11 U liower, Herndon, So, lieo II Lalir, (koi'Kftowu 4o, loli i 11 OM-uiaii, Sunbuiy 4o, F. S her, .Nortlinililcrl.ili I ',M, IV IJ Wallace, " M, II S foahain, " Mi, Iblietea b'oblc, (ieorirclotvn , -40, I'll it i p V interi.ti in, Walnontotui 40, (i a how, l.inie Kid'e, Columbia in 4o, Lewis O-tcihuut, J.auiel itiiu, Liuemc co...4il, Mary J lliuc, Nottbiimbcilauj 40, H F Krolui, Stubiuy 40, Andrew ilealy, tiijur.Uiile', cliu .kili co.. lo, I'.itricW Fiirf;eion, Mt Curmel 40, M irlill tUluuey, Sh-uainlo.ili city 14, John Dan. A-lilaud, Seliuylkiil co 10, Anthony Mcl.uuphliii, liiiard-ville 4o, l.liiyinaii b Hay, Maliunuy I'lane 4", it Julini.on, Haven l.'uu 40, I ll.tv'ul ll.iuelicr. lleiuiek '1, I J I) Foelit, I'utt-ville tin, Klarlu. Sober, Point tup ...I'll, A l.ipi eueolt, Wi.lsoiilowu iO, I Maria Kramer, Val-ou'n,V!d lov x lu". iiie..4ti, J 1' l.ipi eneett, W al.olilow 11 40, K S A iiiinn 111.01, bn .leii.oi 11 '.M, Nallian lilo. lloaieU, ColuiiiLia to '.'7, I J A C H l.'uiL'ile,l'iiMi Ma'il I 'lint. 11 c -.M l.-,4o, j Cli.irle W ILiz.o,, Kupeil, U ik'.ebi.i CU...4H, ' I'mrick Hesi.r. Ml ( a,m,l 4o, TIkmihi Metx, I'.iximn 4.1. " Ml'1 l",li.v --i" ' Ik JN. A. iOl.l'AN. Frtnlilciit. C. A. KtlMllNNV DKW. K-e'v, Miul.u.f. I .' jollll ricrieili:itl, l iitM.'inif . 11 ', niKKCTor.s I'.k-tiov J. ill. is Poliiick, H ill. I'. J. Hi 11 1 it e, S. louioii H'lolit Win. Ililmbr. Solniiinu Snipe, .loliti A. Sbin-lir, ir. I. 1. Kol., lr. I'm:. I W.iIiIihii. Miirfli II, s7l. -li. PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS V MIOl S M.iiiiil'iflaiid to in 1I1I kl (tUKATI.Y ItKIH ( 11 PKK KS, JOHN Uli.) Ill, Kiruco Ktrt-rl, Kuubur), rcuu'u. la 1 .0. - I I 1 1 III llllll uluil.i Boots. Shoco Gaiters, ill kurpi i.i-t ty hoi piiti. Jl..t.i.k c.iiiipi i.e it, - .ii lLt.i in 11..H ki I. Hit luiii; il. 1 ..i,.r in 1. 11 tut i.11 . li 1 Mf 11 1, 1 li..., a 1 ' 1 ll .1 it I jr l.i.iklei lo., k tiit.il In ill! 111. U .1..1.I.1. luir. A.l i.eik Hi. d. II ltl! WHIM ll. NII. 1 .11 I 1 . . I ,i li 1 ail tl..' H " ll 'tm rd. JnllN MI. ti "n.ii 10 1 , V O'- b t I 11 ill i NOt A HllkMOklN lllll.t ItOilt MMIftN.. to f li No '.'.J Bol I II I ol UIU Si t,l.(, I no ton 1 nt, Mts. u, lil A inti im nf ' in' kin. klini'li it t lb Vt.tlt.tui.) lllnl kli-iui iklu K ilii.i.ot l '.li. -il., kill Lu In li l II. .- ..III.. .1 liu til 1 ulu I i.. , lu Hit ,.l ul I'l.li ..li l In ., i-.l 1 1- '.'' il I t o. li, Is, 1, .1 1 1 . .. k. l . 1 1 .01 1 slum ll.u 1 m. 1 M. is i 1. ..1 t i.un I iui !. II. M' i4 i 1 ... s -1 ' I 1 l.v i... 1 I. pi.. 4 I II i t. 4 lU.li. i 1 1 i , . ,.r .. ., I 1 ., II ..1 1 1 I I -o . 0.11 ll ll.i VIA .... , ! au iui. k 11 ll .i.tu 1 4 4 ..it. it. t . i.,f iliM ,.'!.." i.t.i - 1 1 'It 'I l l ..ll , ".I'l . I.l. , 4 IUt U.I IkHI nl I I" U ll 01 I tu I kilt llil.e. I I .14,I.J ll.l J III. I I1...1 ll lilt 4'. I I.' Jill' li.. I I I I I.' I Wll , ttlli li till111, itt. lu liu kit kte.ei. Ii 41.4 4 ti.lu I, U..!.( ii, .i.si ..t It 1. tm . lli t ll , I . 4 . 1 . . .1. " llil Hi I U MM t'-ktllt II,, M I- I H tti.'t (?5fVa t(ii.trticxajifnl8. Ddbbins Vegetable A Color and Dressing that will tot Barn the Hair or Injure the Head. It mates LTairsoft and fine, restoring its natural color without dyeing, by imparting a healthy and vigorous growth. IT IS ALTOGETHER UNLIKE AM Willi mruiB ovlt bt t. B. DonaiKs, 426 North Ei&litti St, Ftaflafla. rrloe 81.00, large bottle. 60L0 EVERYWHERE. None gonuine without my signature, and ! put my namo to no goods that are not of surpassing excellence. 1871. 1871. FRYLING, BOWEN & ENGEL, Successors to the tfunbnry Lumber Co., HAVIN'O rUUCIlAPKI) THE LARGE Steam Saw & Planing Mill, and ,iut lilted it up with the latest improved Ma- chtMcrv, arc now prepared to till nil orders lor Ml Kit-ds IilLl. TIMUF'.R. l'INF., llKMl 0(.'lv,JAK. Ac. BOARDS. ROUI.H AND ril'HFACEU. SIDING OF ALL KINDS. HEMLOCK. WHITE AND YI'.LLOW PINE FLOOR I Sit. HIINC.LK!. I'LASTKRINli ASH SHIN(;i.lN(i LATH. bASH, DOORS. MOfl.DINIiS. ItI.It4. Mil TTl.KS.V KA( KKTS at the very lowest prices. A lare stock always on hand. H' lid for price;-. Ample facilities for shipping by Railroad or Canal, FRVLI.VC. r.OWF.N F.NfiEL. Kunbtiry. I'n., February lth, is"l. t'en. l'ECI('i:S K1.IH 4 I.I AT TUP. Jlnmmoili JJoot & Slioe Store op KI.I tSII.I.l.SC. In C. II. Smith's Kooui, Queen Street, one doo Kut of tlic l'o-t Oillcc, NOI'.TIIL'MHI'IM.ANO, l'KNN'A. F"or Klmir.i lioot-, kk tu l.ii Miller's lioot nnd Shoe Store. They are sold. Ib'st Calf at i. For French C'aif Hyets, go to I'.li ?.t i'.lei'n, only $3 to Sit per pair. F'or Hoots, Shoci and fialtors, nt lowest pofl ble prices, no to F.il Miller's, on (Jiiecn Street. For nil kinds of Ci mil Coots and Siiocn, mil nt Eli Miller. For Ladies' Cuui Overshoes, see due nssort- mcnt at I'll Mi'.iers. For nil kinds of Children's Shoe, jfo njjj cl nminc F.li Miller's larue ussnrimeiil. For anything In the Hoot and Shoe line, tail ' nnd Piumine I'.li Miller's slock before purehasiiiK clstpiiere if tvu ish -to gri Jiist-clasii, nt the . lowest prices. Jan. 7, 'il-Sep-jl, 70.-1y. j To tlic Community at Large! j CIIANGF. AT TIIE "REGULATOR." I have this day purchased the entire Flock," irood ill nnd liMine.i of tlic Hei;ulalor Hoot, I Shoe, Trunk. Leather and Findiiii: Slore, of. I. S. j Anirlc, un! ill conliuu ic bu-in -ss at it" pre- ' Mail loealioii, turner loom, llaiipl iron rruii:, MAisKKT iii:j-.i:J", Srxm 11Y, Pa. When havini; cstabliMitft iirraueement with the leadim; nianiifaciuri is of the tuuiiitry. I pro- ' pose siiiply'ms the maiket with a rhifc of work : of eslalilished reputation for durability sui linisli, i at prices that must claim popularity, A spe- ' dully will be mailt- in the I'm ni-liini; of Shoe-' makers materials for inaiiiifacturiin;. ' Your patronage is &uliile.. i X. F. UGHTNK1;. fiuiibiuv. Tan. 2i, IV.'I. Itycrlj A- Iloiniicrt) 'n i:ec!slor Ciul-lt-pj or Ai l, TIiJpiI Mrcct, Suiiburj, MT.. ItYFKI.V has lately ml led to his .ilrcadv well cstalili-lu j repuiatiou, the services of Mr. M. K. lleiapcriy wIium: icpul.ition as 11 pho toKraphic operalor, stands iinriv.ilej iu this par.' ol iln: country, mid heicatier tin y uillrari v 1 tlic phoioi;iaplile t,i'l,, M :uc k 1.1 s'aed ini-ler 1 lie linn iiiiiin: of Hyrlt Hi inperly V i ivul-i'tr (iallery ol Ai t, at liose establiiineut the m t--lie will be cheerfully iiccoinmoU red lluoulnHii the it hole line ef ple.l.'irrapby. For I'liiiloxrapl.t i,f all styles icid tii'es rai;:; lnir from tt- mi ill Ci 111 '.o ;1. lite sine pon rait, tm to llveilj.i. lb i;-n'h'. For li-c biamitt l toii elisi.i tietiirn v li!. h for sofini ss 1 f lei-li, and durability cumi'it I ex celled, ci llyerly v llemperly. lLrvbe IZeuiluaiiill photograph, now so pu U lar li: all 0111 larae eilics, and liuw iii Hie pecu liar tll'cet of 1 1 In and sha le, nnd Hit: taioiiic of tl Id te'llli.ili A 1 1 1 I llrll.blaililt. go to liyei'y ,V Heiupcrly. If you have nn old picture tun ivunl copied and tularucd to any siite, met culorcd oil, wal r color, India ink or cr.ivun, take it to liilerly . Ileuiily. It you want a f..iii.i- of any '.u .ni l at any price, or uiiv in!.' ru to llteilv.V lb'iiiin'i'lvV j mi. I lake a iaoL a, their iniuieiisi; ttuck in lli.it I liue. I l ur All.uritt en ! II fi r'.v Ili-nitH-rlv. Fur marc Fi.iinc-. made lo oi.t r u to rtt ill- .t lli iiipi'ilv. In sln.it, lur unvtliiie.' In tin- liliiito- irrMi'tiie lini', K'i to I'.ifiiy ,v. IKaupiily, and you 11 ill lie sillied. Feb. J l, 1 171. A.tlOS IIII.I.IIOKN A ., t'uriillurf, 1lllr-, I'enlliei-H, huJ i Hl.lJlH.Mi AKLltOliMp, j II 'li nttiM., II lint An !i, Flrlmltlplii. j i 11 wirnu i t HM i; i;r. 1 rpl nil! !f.l, I'l lU u--, I rs 1 ti. 14 I 1 e.l 1. r Hi .It, hpiiti,; M.il' i'i -i -lJ.il,i a mt.t rilletit, Huir tlo. I t-Util .-I li.iiii-., il l. nlliloll llie ., il. li l.k.l-, ll.i.k h'.ut' Ijaia.. 1 m l a n 11 m i: t in: ttoteit lft UMllrt'kk, ,t 1 1 1 1 .i i ll. 1 ..I fur .uli . II. Our 1. ili-nil at it in ir. ".1 u!l fii. 1. .1111 1. ! Tin I N to lh.lt t!i V ll 111 t'l ri'lllf pel In tin lit ,f ia-l'j t. it U U, Ulel I'I'I' - III I '.ill' liu t.il.lll Mill ll' loll, .in I pi.'.ui em I n) Ju.l a. il.. 4' it 11 pi t.i l ui 11. ti.m . M to 11 till, IS'.1. -- ,1111. KUW CiHOCKUV BTOUt Ol'tNLU! 1 I.il I Mo. I, In 11 ....if 1, 1 Junil.e.i Ikl, 1, MMH UV. PI SN A .u I'l.t .-t t ti"k . ( :: i'imi oi.f. ,..t, 1,. 1.. 1 1.,., . . h.jlt, I of. t, i It VI ...... 1 f'k.i', r.ii, HttiM, fcltkwMvr, . I.l ill. I, .4 u.nl) k' It lU 1 k..l 1.1 di kt ! . 11 it.ui 1 in .1 t 1 1 1 I. I o.... 14U Ia k. 1 Ot i 11 . 1 1 .i 1 1. . 1 .1 1 i- II.. .n I 4.1.11. 11. , II. 1 I till. U Ml li It ll.) J. ' ll, It Ul, "It I Uli.i.4 1'4 1 1 1.. .p II I 1 I 4 HI.. 11.. I J till k pii kl- Hit ; ', l.u U X'kl l lttls. M I k. kit. UK U.I llM.li. I 2cto' bbertiscuuitta. V . FALL A SDW I S TE K Now Arrival of ;ooIh, AT MIS KATK lliaciCM NTORE. Market Square, KL'NUURY, Tonu'it., JuM. openod, njlnrjte nssnrtniciit of CHOICE DRE&9 OOODB, consisting of the lntcst styles of plain nnd plaid (roods, In nil tbclr varieties. lroN TrlmmiiiK, EinUbroiderlea. NOTIONS, &c, A Or.NF.BAt. AMOHTMF.UT. 0 LADIES' AVOOLEN GOODS. flcnts' ('ollnrs, Neck-ties, Hnlf-bose, Handkf- chiefs nnd Gloves. rcrfunioiT, Tollrt Sonps, Hah-Brushes, Combs, etc. An luvltntion Is ox tended to all lo sail nnd to enro bnrirains. Sunbury, Nov. 6, 1S70. rbiTsALEy rpVO VALUABLE LOTS on the corner of X. Second nnd Chestnut streets, In the lto roii);li ol Sunbury, on w hich there nrc erected a lars.re (Dvcllint; bouse, stable nnd outbuildings. The Lenie't:ud, late of Hugh bellns, dee'd. Also, n I ol on Market street, In the Borough of Sunbury, on tvMrh lliere nrc it dwcllinif Iiousp, stnblc nnd ontbuildiiij;". Inquire nt the oflice of S. 1. WOLYF.RTON, Fob. 1 1. lTl.-tf. Adiuilii-trator. PUBLIC SALE OF Vnluablo IVrsional 1'ropcrty- Will be sold on the premises of Jidin Fry, lr.' Upi'er AiiL'ustu twp., North'd count v, Pu.. on TUESDAY. MARCH 14. Ib71, the following pro perty, to wit : TIi r co Milch Cons, one of which is fresh, n Tw o-IIorse Wairon, Sleds, Plows, Harrows, Cultivator, one Cutting Box, Hay Forks, Rakes, ,v.e. A lot of Rye Straw. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. I One Bureau, Tables, Chairs, Benches, Barrels, Butter Churn, and other articles too nuineroin to I mention. Also, Rye itnd Seed Potatoes. I Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock, n. in., of sai l , (lav, when the conditions will be made known by JOHN FRY. I A. J. Stuoii, Auctioneer. I Feb. 11, 1H71.-M. j WK OlTEIl fOU SALE, AT PA II, j THE Xew Masonic Temple Loan, ! Ilcni-iuir 7 3-10 Interest, ; Ueileemablc tiflur ii v (.1) nnd witliiu twenty-one. ! (1 ) years. 1 Intercut i'uytible Mai-cli nnd Kept. ' The Bonds are registered, nnd will be Issued lu i stiiis tu tuit. I s 8na I 8 k 10 South Third Street, Iliiluilcliliia. KIocIim nouglit nml Sol.l on Com miioii. Gold sad fiovci'iiinents boiijrlit nnd sold. Ac count received mid Interest allowed, subject lo S'urht Dral'rs. Jan. 7, '71 Feb. W, ' 70. DAMF.ii L!:sii;:i:. a. j. millku 1 i;xti:a Gtxji baucaixs JukS o;;ciieJ at the store of I Airbus. LliSHKU & MILLKIi, i In Scott's lluililin on tjL'l'F.N STUKL'l', j NOUTHUMllKliLAXJ), PKNX'A, ! A LA KG E ASSOHTM EXT )F DliY ;OODN, romprislna all the F'.il. nn.l Winter htyics of l.nilies' Ih'CSS (imids. Weuleli (ioods Ac, lletll-, I ':i-imvre ami Ci ntleiiicin (ioo ls l Ueially. .sjiieli will ail tiv sold at j;rc.it b.n s.raiii. tiHOCMIilKS AM) PROVISIONS. of ail kinds nnd of every description. t ucensoaarr, ;lnssiuurc 11 ml tVIt Iow-Wnrc. r-OOTS AN I) SHOES for Men, Women and ( liililren. Fl.Ofll AN l FKI'H of all kind-, is const;tit') kepi on hand. Tiny will also puivliase OIIAIS OF ALL KlM'ft, lit the highest markit price, and will txi hanee iii.ls l..r (iiitiii. The pubiic are it. '.'r:i i to call and 1 Maminc our extensile ass;ir men, ol tieods lielere p irehasiie; clscwlierc uid become convinced that lion,!- can be tiuiij'ki. lower tli.111 elsewln re a', our estabiis'u. n;i-ul. lf.siilu .r; yn.i.r.r.. h.V,-h'd, Si-it. 17, lSTtt.-l y. STY l.. TIiIlK nntlersl-rni'il hereby give i.otiec that tl. I. caulit lloalii.!; in tin-Su-Mie-hanna riier. ei t'n- I itli ol .latni.iry. l.i. a lot V.tlliillsly Ul.ilUed. '1 lie il.'llt 1 conic t'.a tv.ii.l, prove pri.peilt. I. .be lln lii atl.iv. 1 th.l'Hlsf tin v round ii.l'.ii'-ii 11 -eh-trr.'.. :.te' be eis. ' of 111 coriiini; to law. PF.TI.n II. sviv-:i:, PAN I i I. I. 1 ii . Lower Ai:tta, Feb. II, 1--71. P.U.l. AND W INT Kll Ml I.l. IN Y.WX I. ml lew ituiiiK'lt mnl llc.tt, AMI F.lslllOWIl.r Mtlt.IMUV tiool.s, I.IMKAMT have Just been opened at miss l. vj:ii:i: s sTuitE. .Mjikil tstreet, one door line, of lieaih.iil's r .; fect.olleiy H.ol'e, Sl.NJir jv'y, pa. Tin- lait-st stvb-t of t)r.-" Triiiitiiimrii, Fm t Kiel Aiiu-i ii .11. 4 lowers L u es, llil l oiis, V loop-, l lil.'miiis, I 'oil. u 1 nil-, Jouviii lil.i I no I 11 larve larit ly of tuta r 111 lie'.. -. lu cunift I lou with tl..: Millttiory biisine-t. .!. e in n mi t In. IHlr.ss MA KINO ANI I'lTTINo bi all It. Iiram In Vlso I'n- , 1 1 T'lixt; tu-' pat'j n:. 1 of fiery di ei iptiun. The la.i:. ii..i!:.v imiie st.' I 1.. 1 of huiibuiv ulel lie l il'il V arc 1 pl.-t. I lo 1.1. 1 .tint fk.tn.ii.i I.l No. UOJ t'Liintuut bluet, Pliiladulpli.u j iiuii. u 1 .I tK 1 Jill . V liu 11 .... I I' ' 0 I I Vll VV AI. ,i II. 1 I Kll.VLH ri.ATKl t:OOP. ,.llH 1.1 .ll I I.' -I i'l H., It Ul 1 t ul Ii It I'l I.., ,-, J ll- I ' ., ,1 I ,!. .1 .1 1 till I t I I Ii H N 1. ll I 1 I M citi i. i.j. ..1 , .... ., .. . 1 . . 1 .1 1 .... i.... 1 PL AUD sil0NS, FORKS, LAPUS, iU t'l N W T A 111 i: I I'TlIr UV. 1 1 tt I Hi iJe I' I ll 1 I .iiiin..t.-rii.tui: ...... 1 .''. I 1 It. . ...! ,1 1 i:, . 11 1 I I k'"' " 4 "' "" ' "" '"' I'll..., t. II I.l -1 te t'-'u ..Ml.. I ' ...k ail i..ioi.i i ll l-it 1 u 1.1 il VI I ll I. I I--. k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers