T UU SUiNIiUM AMISlUUAiN, , 18 PUBLISHED .BTBJIT SATURDAY BT . EM'L WILVURT, Proprietor, ' Miim,l BVH.DITOS, MASKS SUCMUt, "At &1.50 In Advance It not paid . within 6 Months $3. SubMrtptlonf tH far Uu ttuin rix JfotifJis. Comniefii Vtfi MMtnbl!8htiirnt Is on eaten- WoNKW JOB OFFICE, qontalhlng a variety of plain unci fancy tvpe equal fo.cr y establishment hi the InUrlor of the 8tute'Tir which the pntrou Ke of the public Is yesrioclf ully solicited. lofrssional. JEltCNIAIt J.1'IER, Attorney itt Law, Siinlinrr, Ta. All professional bnsl ust Irtrusteil to his care will receive prompt at tention in this and ndjoluinif counties. Can be onsnlteil both In English and (Jsnnan. Also, District Altornev of KortbawbcrUtud county, Anit-20,lS70.4y. JXO, Xm WlXfcOSf, ATTORNKT AT tAW, KO. 144 r OCKTQ AVK5CI, Kotarr Public Piltsbusg, Fa. Jan. 15, 1S70. IT. J' SuTsi.VHHI.K CO, Market Street, 6UXBCRT, PA. ' Dealers In Progs, Medicines, Paluts. Oils, 01ms, Varnishes, Liquors, -Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Dairies, Ac. Sl. WOLVKKTO, Attorney at Law. Market Square, SL'NBURT.PA. Profession al business In this and adjolu'uig counties pronipt .y Attended to. DR. A. K. N.1VIIMJK, respectfully nn nnnnces himself as Physician and Sunreon to file citizen" of Sunbury and vicinity, having lo eated himself pennauciitly on Murket street, near ly opposite tho Fnirmount Hotel, where he can be consulted at all hours when nut professionally ag.e;d. apl24-ly rpEKTItl TlXTHJ-pl. n. cklssinukK, JL. Surgeon Dentist, olulki, r.1. au worn carefnllv attended to and warranted. Am thank ful to all for tha kindness extended toward me by plying me their patronapo in tho past, ami hope a continuance and Increase of the same. 1-3?" Office, first door east of Adams' Express Oliice. npllO-OU GW. ZIECaEER, Attorney at Law, north side of Public Square, one door east of the old Bank building, SUNBCRY, PA. Collec tions and all professional business promptly at tended to In the courts of Northumberland aud unjoining counties. sept 1 5-611 A. BltlCE, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. OtHce In corner room tip stairs, of Tlaupt"s New Bttlldin'j:, formerly occupied by O. W. Hutipt, Esq. Collecllons of claims, writings, and all kiiels of lesal busluess attendrd to care fully and with dispatch. April 2,'70-ly. A. ElHEXiXVIEK, Attorney ut . Law, BL'NBCRY, PA. All business en trusted to his care attended to promptly and with diligence. ap!27-C7 JXO. KAY CI.E.IIKXT, Attorney at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Collections and all v.ro fesfional business promptly attended to. mchXl-tjfi C. 3. BIlfSRR. t. n. KASE. BRCXEK A KASE, Attornevs and Coun sellors at Law, SUNBUny, PA. Olllee on Chestnut street, west of the N. C and P. E. Railroad Depot, in the buil I'm; lately occupied by F. Laztrus, F.sq. Collections and all profess ional business promptly attended to iu Northum berland and adjoining counties. npllO-l'.'j i. B. POT BR. W. 3. WOLVnBTON BOVEU WOI.VF.RTO.V, Attorneys at Law, on socond floor in F'.right's new buildiufc, SUNBURY, PA. . B. Boyer and W. J. Woivcrton rospectfully announce that thny have entered Into co-partnership In the practice of .their profession In Norlliumtiorland and adjuln lnt; cuMntics. Concultaltous can be bad in the German language. ap!4-S HB. HASISUR, Attorney at Law, SUN- BURY, PA Collections attended t,i in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snydrr, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. apU'J-O'.l H. M. ROCKCTRIXKR. I.LOTO T. KO-iltcnACtt. 1 ROCKEFELLER Jb KOIIRRACH. .V Attorui-ys at Law, SL'NBUUY, PA. Of lice in liaupt's uew buildiuj, second Uoor. Kn trance ou Market Square, " janl-CS business :trbs. AXTIIUACITE COAL! TTALK.VriXE I1IETZ, Wholesale and V Kctail dealer in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPIER WnAIIF, SUNBURY, TENN'A. , Alt kinds of Grain taken lu exchange for Coal. Orders solicited and HlleH promptly, febll-71. RIIOADR. 1. riCKKK UJU -t-ir H. UHOADS t CO., Its IIKT.UI. DBiLKKS OF ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. i Orrtc-e wun Haas, Fahf.lt & Co., Orders left nt Snaslioltz A Brr.'s., office Market j Street, will reeeUn prompt ntteutiou. Country enti)in ru.-.pci'tfullv solicited. I Feb. 4, Jl. tf. i CtOAL! COAL! COAL! GRANT UROP., Miipprs and Wholesale and R. tail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (LOWER V. TIAltr.) l iTSole Ausuts, wMwnrJ, ct the eelebrMc H-'-ny t my I n.il. jaulv-iiV E.llAXG"iri;iVEUV. J. 51. nAKTHOLOMEW, PitorniuTOR. FOTRTII 6TKEF.T, ABOVE M AR'vET, Sunbury la. rriHE bfst t rl linu an I dilTing horses n'.ways 1 on hand to ei vo ru'tomers. Orders left at t!i Central Hotel, for Vl:le!e, w til receive I rouij t utt tuon. Nov. &. 1 ;o. . 1U.XTISTRV. or.oiu e m. hexx. In m.p.tfm,$ IluiLUivj, Market Syvtrt, ' KvsnL-itv, Pa., Ipiersrc t to do all l.u.t.e of work pevtalnlne to Denti'try. He keeps erKanily ou Imnd ! a luiir hfcH.iilii..'-it of Tc. Ill, and oilier Deul.il 1 Riuteii.il, f r. .in which h will be aM to i:ol, au I runt lli.i wauts of his customers. , All in k w.. i r.inled to (jivesulislucllen, r else 1 III.' in IV i if III lid. I ! The very Iwsl Mouthwash and Tcc4h-i"oVle"1 : Lc I ou h hi I. 1 ilii ineitucrs ara the bumerons patrons t( wiiuui he ha. wnik1 fr t ii last twelve jears. ! t- Hilary, April 21, ISO. i XE1V COtl. V Itl. ! f!IF. uud ii'H'iied b:i vm.' foiihei'lpd the Coal i I b.iui. e Willi Ins tsimi.ii's 1 1. III. It A tlt A I S' lu lr, I. r.'iaic l i.i supply families Willi the ' VERY llLVr OF OIL, J ciii'.ai ion ciHii.; fi if, run's and Nut, roii.t tully on band. Unlit l.k' u iu teUiiiae frt n.il. , J. M. f'AO A'iLLADEU. ! f uii,Ufy, Jau. 1 5, lSiJ.--lf. : lAiua suirw.s. isimrKia icmm. Fire, 1.1 In u4 Avrlilrul INSURAMCE AGENCY tsllllnX A 111 llll, MAUKLT MHLTT, siMtfltV, 1A. oMf ivir. nn Kistsrcn. aU, fl .U Ij . UU, A..l, i t H t1 4l fc-;i n.'.tiiH !,-. vj l.lao 1.' ij ! 1X1 '.''J q i. ii 4 l7S t. llli.il. I. kit .'IU ' l.-,'iU 1 , l.t"? I l I l ' U," t I , f ijoj V .i.1. .ll .u, V. a.iiinea I j. v. r ll. " I ii, i i ii, I "a !, I . . . . , 'I m . I , .... i 'ii . 1. 1, ,:, II ..ii , i. a 1 . .1 ..I. I I, Ii..'! I'u a s. " .4.S. .1 . . . f t Ii il .1, 4, Mi i, '.I.S I i. It '. e Iw t kl.i I'M ' Nl f l Ii, r , -si 'i.i.'. I IVT TTfe T w n JL 1 JLS PRICE 91 80 1ST ADVANCE. ofcls. nub Jcst;tnrnts. UMOX HOTEL, THOS. rol'LDS, Sr., Proprietor, Phamokin Street, Trevorton, Northumberland county, Pa. The tnblo Is sup plied with the best the market affords, (iood tt'.iblhip and attentive oatlnrs. Jan. 81, '71 HOOVER IIOI'KE, Third Street, at the depot. SL'NBUUY, PA., AVm. Reesis. pro prietor. Warm meals served up nt nil hours. Fish, Fowls and Uume. Fresh Oysters con stantly on band and served In every style. The best of wines and liquors at the Bar. CiTTamllies will be supplied with oysters done up In any style, by ltsavlnjr orders nt the Bur. Nov.5,'70-ly. KESTAl'RAMT lfc EATIXU HOVWE. CHARLES ITZEL, Phopkiutob. Chestnut Street, a few doors from tha Dspol. BCNUCUT, T., HAS open a Restaurant sud Inline House, for the nccoiumoilntkm oflhe public. Warm meals cim ha had nil ho ui s. All kludt of panio, tlsh, Ac, served up at short notice. Ills bai is suppllxd w ith the bestllquor in market. No palna spared to plnse, and terms moderate. Sunbury, September, 4th 1SGH. ly. XATIOXAI. IiACiER 11 El". II SALOO, OI TIIIKD STRL'KT, NEAR THE DiroT, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH. B ACTIF.R Informs the clthvne orSun burv and the public generally, that he has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON at the above place. The best of Laer Beer, and Malt Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, Jtc, constantly serv ed up to customers. NAT I OX A L, HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Coorpetown North'd County, Pa., ut the Station ofthe N. C. R. W. Choice wines and eiirars at the bar. The table Is supplied with tho best tlja market nflords. Good etnbllug and attentive ostlers. Al.LEt7llF.XV HOISE, Col.. CHAS. KLECKNEU, PJoprletor, Nos. S13 and 814 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, 22 per day. Ua respectfully solicits your patromijje. 13ACIFIC HOTEL, WILLIAM ENGLE MAN, Proprietor, Front Street, between Chestnut and Walnut Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sept. itt, 187H. 1 v. wv SlllYGTOX IKH'fSE. C. NEFF, ii Second ropiietor. Corner of Markit tt reels, Pa. opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Mayi!S,'70. HOTEL t RESTALRAXT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbury St., west 8IIAM0KIN, PENN'A. Meals served at all hours, at slxjt notice. The best of Liquors nt the Bar. The Table is sup plied with the best and latest In the markets. At tentive servants. Terms uwdtrute. Palrunuge solicited. HEM MEL'S ISENTAIRAXT, LOtTIS HUM M EL, Proprietor, Commerc St., SHAM0K1N. PENN'A. HavinK Jus relltted tho above Saloon for the accoiHO'lut'.on of the public, Is now prepared t serve friends with the best lefreshments, and fresh Luer Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quors. L ACiSXiVAXXAViLO E. B. BURN II AM, Propi ittor, Corner Lacka wanna aud Franklin Avenues, Scranton, Pa., op posite Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Depot. Free carriages to convey guests to and from Depot. " Mar. 20, 'TO.-ly. J. VALEIi'S WIXTER CAR I) EX AXD HOTEL Xot. 720, 722, 724 & 727 Tins SI., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GAiTdEN HOTEL, (OS THE nUHOPBAM 1'LAK) Centrally located, connecting whh all the City Passenger Railway t ars, from all tho Depots in the City. Excellent Accommodation Tor Tra vellers. Grand Vocal and Trstrumnntal Concerts every evening in the Summer and S inter Gardou. Gtf-Orrhtfitrion Concert Evtry Afternoon. JS FINK LAniKR Itr.STAVKiNT TUB DUST OT l:PKP.ElUMtJNT8 SKHVF.n. Office of I. Valer's Fountain Park Brewery. June 4,187U.-ly. LMH'Oi: STORE! CHRISTIAN NEFF. Second Street, opposite the Court ITouse, SUN Bl'RY, PA., Respectfully Invites the attention of Retailers . and others, thai he has ou hand, and will con I it.'tntlr ke ep all kinds of i FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consist inu of Pure Brandus: Couiiic, Cherry, i Glni'er, Hucliellc and Otard. I Whiskies; Pure Kye Copptr-f'inlllcd, Monon- 1 gahc'u, Arplo and Nectar j PURE HOLLAND-GIN! I Wlns: Chainp.-.gno Wine, Sherry, Port and j Claret. ' Crab Cider, Chnmp.icns Cider, N. F. Rum, I Brown (-tout and f-ci.tch Ale. STOM.'.UI AND BAR CITTLRS, ! And all oile rs Liquors w'lioh can be found In the city markets, lili h will lie sold at Whole- , talc nn I Rvtail. Every article RUiiraiiteed ns repri'sent-l. Also, a lameM of DEMIJOHNS uu I BOTTLES, always on hand. I t if Orders promptly alteuded o, tnd rublic I p.itionaue respeeiluliv K'liclteJ J ' ' r. XFFF. ! Puiibnry, July 3, 19. ly. IIARI1UARE STOKE, J. II. Conley, A Co. MARKET STREET, SUNIH'ItV, PA. nAK received a new n.snrlnieiii of all kinds of ll.ir.lw.ue, Cutlery, Mci liuuics' Tools, c., of all decri tiou. Al.o Wutou Maker's Mute tUls, Hubs, l!mi, Ss kis. Al.o, all kinds of leather fir Shutiiiitkti 's ai d bad lltr's. Every .1 in jj in the ll.iiuw.ire line can be fuuud lmh .II e sold as loir as run he bought of any oilier e.latillshmeul '.a tbe eouutry. Call aud sue lUoir sto. k. buubary.Det. j:, HOOT A.l MIIOE J MANUFACTURER, i rpilE un li r.luii.d having siectsd shep an i I. 'lliir l .tre.l, ni'urly oiqx.siis ths I mlral llnl' l, Is lireimreil In uiauulaiiura all kind, of i Imolb ASD bllols in Hie lalealsl)la. His I stock Is of lbs Vciy bet quality III the uuikel. ; HaVliiK b'SI Ills luii;.:l p.ii umi uf bis ready made I tliM k by the luis bis, La will hirealtu aoulliia ' blin...f l ll'lll.ivrlr l ) U.liil..cttlli.1'. t he aililir aie luviirt. In call and ttaiulns bis ; slu'k, and rtund llir l I '.ttroiiegv. I 'I .fins reasiiuabls. (i ( I ' duns si Short I anno-. UiS DKOtFNEK- i auuhurr, Ji.ns ll, IsM, IJHiMot S IIENHIE, MIM i A. II l.fcK OT IIOOTto X II hllOFM, ki (i.oait's Bu i. in..', Ila atl equals laubury. VI I. kuds Of BiS Sl'4 fell'HTS u. l lu uidsf Iiiiu. lit U.l u,l.ii..l tut fa La j...ki- I. i. p.uiu ilu.ia l tuuit hut it. Oidsisaia ..l-.l.iw) UJ. J.U. IS, ll'l. aN A S 11. riCACIH'AI. IIA'ITKU, K utuuimui Is AU Oirdr thankfully rctivJ &oJ jVI4.i- Jul. 4SIU W.l RUslaS WIS JUL I SUNBURY, PA., I ll l l.Tl liM s. i ir iiikvprrii.. JR. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution,' fans discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant und ell'ectual remedy In the world fur all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of the Back or Limbs. Strictures. Aflectlons of Kidneys and Bunldcr, lnvoluu- tary Discharges, luipi.iteucy, Generul Dubili- : ly. Nervousness. Dvspep-y, Liincuor, Low j Spirits, Confiision of Id -aV, l'ulpiiatbui of I the Heart. Timidity, TivinbliiiLs, Dimness j of Stifht or Gidilhiesi. Di-n-aye r,r tho Ibiid, Throat, Nose or Skin, Allectkmsof I.lvtr, Luutrs, ' Stoinaeh or BinveU these terrible Disorders nrisini; from the Solitary Habilsof Voutli those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the sun,: 1. 1 Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blichtimr their uiu-t brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering mairhic, &c, Impos sible. 10UNG MEN especially, who h ive become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful und diwd-'tletive habit which mmnnlly sweeps to nn untimely grave thousand of younit men of the most exulted luli'ius mid brilliant iitUc;1, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstuey tho living lyre, mav call with full eoutideuce. MAPHIAGE. Married Persons or Youni; M. u contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Proeiealive l ower Impiteney), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, O.u.mie Wuaknois, Ner vous Debility, or auy other Disquulitlcation, specdlW relieved. lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously coul'du In his honor as a gentle man, aud contident'.y rely unou his skill us a Phv sicluu. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotcney, Lo.s of Power, Immediately Cured und full Vlior Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage In; possible Is the penalty paid by the victims of improper Indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from uot bciugnwaro of tha dreadful cons'.-qences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lot sooner by "those falling into Improper habits than by L.o prudent J Besides being deprived Hie plcasuicb of healthy ompring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, tho Physical and ".Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Ncivous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Waiting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay aud Death. , A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAY3. Persons ruined In health by unlearned protuu ders who keep them trilling uiotnh after month, taking poisonous aid injurious compounds, should apply immeJhu-iY. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of the mast eminent Colleges Iu tho United btato, and the greater part of whose Ife bus been apeut In the hospitals of l.ondou, Prls, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has etleeted some of the most astonishing cures Hint were ever known ; many troubled with ring ing in the heud and cars when usluep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden soauds, bashtuluess, with frequent blushing, utL:li.!e.l sometimes with derangement uf luiud, were cured Immudiatelv. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses ull those who have Injured themselves by improper Indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, untitling them for vkher business, study, society or mar riage. '1 HESK are some of th? sad and melancholy effect produced I y early habits of youth, viz."; Weakuesp of the Back and Limbs. Pains in the Back a-Kd Head. Dimness of Silit, Loss of Mus cular Povxr, Palpitation of the liem t, Dysoersy, Nervous Irritubbity, Dyi-uugeinnnl of Diji'siive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Ct n sumitlou, itc. Mkstalvt The fearful t-Tects on the mind are much to be dreaded Leas of Mutuory, Con fusinii of Ideas, Depression of Stiirin, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Seif-Dirtrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Vc, uro some of the evils produced. Tuoi sanps of persors of all ages can now Jude'e what is the cause of their decl.nin:; health, losing their vigor, Leccinirt, :ik, ple, nervous and imaciatad, havii.g a f'mga'nr apie.uauce about the eyes, eon;; hit id symplouis at consump tion. vovn-.3 ?!r.:-: Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged In Whmi ii'miie, a 'habit Ireqiiuntly learned from evil companions, or ut school, the erbjcts of which urc nitlitiy If'.t, even w'aau asleep, and if not enred, renders niarriage impos sible, and destroys both uu.id and body, should apply immediately. What n pity that a yourg man, the hope of hie country, the durliiiir of his l uinits. should be snatched from all pro.-pocts mid cnjiiyiin nts ol ! uot buy the M.-utuucu was teiuiiiiatfU by a life, by the vousequuce of devialiug" from ihe J latlll litat Set tlio tiilitliks rollliil luq- luouth path of nature ami indulging i:i a tenia s.ciei i j taoti ll, JUnl as a beam of Jutlu hUt'sli.iiu habit, fcucb lMte.,r eouumi tat.ug !Ul.vait a cluster of retl-rii clterrica. r fleet that a fmi:iimh.d'ui'crbf.dT are the most ' J1,'lli' Morritl was just se-veltleeu :i necessary reqiii.it.-s to promote cn'nniibial lm pi- I'111"1!1, y 'in Willi jcl-blilck hair lil llhh ues. Indeed w ill ful these, tiie Join ucy tln.vigh e-il back tVuni 11 low totvliL'All, mill in-rH'Clly uie oecoiues n we.iry pilgrimage ; lue prospect , iioui iji iiiiiav ns iiii.il ,itit ; uu: iiiiini eecoilli'S shadowed with dt;v.ir and liiicl ltu thauielan ciioly retlc.ciiou, ih.it tli..'. buppiiiMi of another becomes blighted iili t urouti. a ( EU I AIN UREASE. Wbrn the liiiL"iiu. I uu l iinpiiident votary of pleasure litids th.it. ha has imbibt l the seeds of ibis painful disease, it th olteii happens that au ill-timed sens ot chamc, or Ilea I of discovery, deteia him Hern applying Jo luosii who, fnmi ediif.iliou and respcciitbiiuy, can alone befriend him, dclavlng till the Ciiiintiiiitioinil ..yiiipiom ol Ibis horrid ilioiaso make their aiq eaiaueu, such as ulcerated sore tliio.it, ii-rasn. in.se, uoctiiial pains iu Hie be.id and laiH., diinuen of sight, ill .i I lli-t.l , uod-s ou the sni.i bone an I linns, blotches ou I l,e l id, fue iu.,1 txtu-miiics, j,ro-griM-sing with friiilitt.il rpi.lity, till ai lust I he palule ol th- m'j.ita or ll.e Im iu s ot tbui.sc I'.i'.I in, uu I ihe tirthn of U,i i.n,;,l disease bec.iiuus ! u hurrid olijecl of ciiiimiMi.it i. m, nil ilcath pul 'I'lolui.iU whill, John 'f Mild Hetty lleui A peril lu his dreadful fCllcini , by seiidiuic I Univ. tlllili'' asouai'o uf Turk.-f-i-. i! utii.di. him to "that finbs i iilo.lL iniiyil ml whence no traveller ri-turn'." It Is S llieluliehi.ly f.ief t'iHt thuiisaiids DIE I victims to thl lnil, ilia.ire, llir'ii,,h t.illini; lulu Hie li.m 1. of i,iii.iui .,r (u..l.iliil PKt II.NhLUS, who, by the u.c of lli.il ih.id y 1't.i- on, .Mercury, Ale., d.-.-tn.y Ibu einui.iuiiuii, un I j iucuiMbl uf cu l in , k i p (be linbappy sulti'ier '. month afler luunlli i ikmi; thsir in.vlous or in jurious euiiipomi.la, an ii.tiu.id of li.'lim re.tio. J lo i renewal uf l.iie V i'ii uiid II ippim... In Ue. . pair leave lain ttilli ri.tued IK-uilU lu .ili titer 1 his gallium tlisappoliii mi ni. i To suh, tin r lure, lr. J.iiin.tiiI pled ;s hhu self lo preterm 'be m ot lut H.lali e Kt'lrcy, u li t ' Iruiu bl eltei v pi ii licit in, i,l,., i ..i i, ,n iu I ho f reul llipi' ' "I 1 hii tin t (In, lli-l 111 till, cnuulry, nil f iii''.int', i r.i in , I'liiladeljihl.t 1 aud else beie, Is ri'iiiii d lo nib r I'm innsl ta r uin, ody auj n uu . ru: s ly le lb irtir.d for ail dist-dses of iiupi n It 1.1-3. .t. Jn.lNM ''.', j OiriCK, NO. 1, 6. Ihl.Ul.ltli'K MRVKT, ! Uu 11 11., ne. M. II. l-ttl b unt si 4 lining f.i.iii li i.l u,.,. .1. . 1. a I. d.Mirs li.au tl.s trOiusi. I ... k "I I ib.t it lid ins 1 ul nn in W 1. 1 lf n Ullrrs res.1., I urifs . - 1 1 .., 1 1 mil ; (uuUlllllig 4 slump lo I.i- IK.! i.n lliu 11 1 ,y. i'rt tV-US VIMlUil SbollIU Si. Mo HKi , all ., ud 4 p illl.'U ! Ut Sd I IIIIMUiklil llv. i I II 4 ) ll ) I :i. j linn ui SJ U...I.) I'..,u, li..i,nlii Bui' U'uflflv luipU.ltlft .lbll..tlj( lllUl...,tS I'll) Iii Ul.., tliumk I ( mu I ,.,..li, Hit ,4 il o( ail ti.u ti l.il.n I jM I,. i ii, lu II.. if .,n,' lb .1 l. uhtlSluU tl- II I ....I j . ,tf ... pS. lj '1) tii ILuS UII4. , . tl It It If 1.1. .Jiul4' lUiti In. I fet I iii.... ul l. t4 lu bis i-lli u. ; smmiuii urn-r tut ruikn. lb 4ii) luuttt. 1. 1 sui.J i 1 1. .t l.i.b.uu- ' Saul, )-! Sll.l )tl, kbllUs bi.iliii, llu. nl'iil Suituul Iti .,... i- In, ,. l ,i. iutl .ti, tJmii. ht in i.i nt i. wun. ut IUt i tf.t Atil iwu 44 14 I 4 luu usi.il ititu, fc s. ..,,l i.. b wul) Si. 1 , .1,1 '! .it Ik. I.i,!,. I Ml it U. Sl.l. I I l ,i I I Ml , U- I .14.1 uj l' ...I;, it tuiU ...it.l u Us ' t km l'iiti tret mi v i rbrtjt r. '! i i'i -is SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 187J. "31 Y LIFE IU Lilt E THE M II 11 EH itow: The antbor of Ihe benutirnl lyric, "My Life Is Like Ihe Summer Rose,'' which hi so universally admired, like Wolfe iwilbtty, immortnlb.ed his name by a single production. The pli eels usu ally mtiibukd lot he hr : lion. Richard 11. Wilde, a native of fhikluiore, hut for many years a resi dent of Ccorirln, which he represented lu t'ou gress. V. was wrhleu about Ihe year liilli. and first p'lu'.ed iu lblS. V.'e subjoin the oilgiiiul of Wilde, (in large type,) with a resjioiisc (in smaller type) nf almost equal force und beauty, said to have beeu written by a lady of Bultimore, Maryland : ily lifo is like the summer roso That tien8 to the morning sky, Hut cro tlio similes of evening clone, Is Bcutlcl'ud ou the ground to elie. Yet ou that rose's humble bed, - The sweetest elewa ol'nighl Hie she J. As il'ulic wept gucli waste to uu ; But uone shall weep a tear for tue. The dews of night may fall from Heaven Upon the withered rose's bed And tears of fond regret be given, ' To mourn the virtues of the dead. Yet morning's sun the dews will dry, .Mil tears will lade Irom sorrow s eye, Affection's pangs be lulled to sleep Aud even love lorgbt to Kfu;). My life is like the aulutmi leaf That trembles in the moon's pale ray Its ImlU is frail, its date is brief, lU'slless, and soon to puss away. Yet tre that leaf chall fall and liide, . The parent tree shall mourn its shade. The winds bewail the lealless tive, Hut uone shall bhkatjie a sigij for rue. The tree may mourn its fullen leaf, And autumn winds bewail its bloom, And friends may heave a sigh of grief O'er Uinfe who sleep withiu the tomb; Yet oou will sprinc; renew the- Uuwrrs j Aud time will tnng more s'Milliim hours; lu liieuiUliip's heart ail grief will die, And eveu love forgot to ijh. My life is Hke the prints which feet JIaye left uu Tampa's desert sand Suou us the rising lielo thall beat, Alt trace shall Uuit;li from thesirand. Yet, us if itrieviiitj lo tliaee All ves'.it;e of tiie uuiuan race Ou that lone shore, loud moans the sen; JJut uone, ulas ; shall niouru for me. Tho sea may on the desert shore lament cucli irate it bears away ; The loneiy heart iu jiiitf may pour O'er cherished Ii ieu.liihip iat decay; Yet, when ull track is lost aud gone, The waves dance blight und gayiy on; Tims soon itU'uvli'ju'a ionds ie torn, Aud even love loigels lo uiouiii. SS-' Till; LOVtlt'JJ CMUTIVITY. The old clock in the kitchen had just struck nine. It wan no uihleit toy, no trille of bronze, or alabaster, but a tail, square, solid relic ol the olden tune, looking; uot I unlike n coPiu case n t on end, iu ll.e tor ucr a clock that had hihted througii one t'eL'eralton, and, lo ji.id-e from all appear ances, was (juiio likely to Inset thriuioh anollier. J)eae-o:i Mcrritt cherished that old time-piecu with a sort of jiride which ho himself woiud scarcely have CDi!!eSM.d lo. There was unreal, ruddy lire of cliest uut logs iu the wide rod brick-paved fire place, aud the candies in the polished brass tlicus wire winking merrily trom the high wooden mantle, wlie-re they shared the pus l of honor with it broken hea-shell and a. piaster basket of improbably colored fruit. At the v. indows a curtain of gaudy cliiutz tliut out the luiiiion tlaw of tho frosty auiutnnal mg,lit, aud on the cozy rug of paily-eolurcd rags a hit tortoise-shell cat purred away the Mowly lapsing minutes. Jiut the lorloisc-shell cat was not tho only iuhabitaut of the suug fariu-houso kitchen. 'John !' .said Mehitalicl Meiritt, decided ly, 'If you duti'l behave yourself, I'll' W'ImI bhu would do, "Hetty Meritt did ate'Ueu ey CUtiUVfi Hull g'.IVu il OCWlle-lllUg t'V presMou ol surprise to a pair ol melting hazel cyts. Miu whs rather dark, but the severest clitic would hardly have fuuud fault wilh the peach-like bloom upon her checks, aud the dewy red of her full, d.tiut i!v ti i i litiki - .7 . . . I . . . . .. hvideuiiy .Mr. John Alymer was quite ! , ."u "",,u iuroiogoto sleep in satinlied with Hetty's pcculiur stylo of , 1'";"r- ultl just steal in and releasu beauty. bun, as easy as possible 1' 'Come, Hetty, ' said John, moving his She sat' there, her plump fingers inter chuir where ho could best watch tho Hush j Ineeil and her eyes fixed divamly on the oflhe tireliglit upon her face, aud picking j lloor, while all tne timo her cars were stain- up tue inieitu 01 eoiiversattou wncre iiemui 1 dropped it, wheu u it bet aiiiu ueccsxary for j Jlelty lo bid Hull 'behave lumsell,' 'you might promise. It's nine o'clock, und Jour latlit'l' Will soon bo home. Woik louwiltto ilUilie, UUd iulcUllv OU- serving the ciu ft. '.Noiiwlite, Jlelty You know what' very well. I'llllnllll.tB I'romiiH) lo marry 1110 bt lore ! ! 1 tell you what, lielty, it's all Very well U.r you lo keep putting it fe'low j on, oui i cauiiot vi.iuu a, what tutli your l.ilhci s I n bidding I ho house, aud Caleb Truman's turning hero ecry Sunday ul.l Hilly gave her prclty head a loss. '.V ll Caleb I'lUiii.iu comme lu lu m.ldo any liiiitieiice iu in y ii cliu ,, Joint ! : ' No. but, lletiy, il ion ( iikut.uit. vou , i know I'm a gixai u iiiiiii u C.tlib '4 4 it ,111111,11 1 dun l own lailroad kliai't und Ui p au itn i.iiiit.il the in iv;h.uu Ikitik, und I l l "VO )ou, Hill), liolll the ciy bolloiiioi i my In .ii l ! lb tty , litis ni.itu r in in ittet u ; u". n.i luo oul no nil.ti iH ikiiii iu t In: wi; i iius lliil l i luu lielo Lulvtiiii Us. , I 'unit: pl uliliM ino , Ho hud boltl her I. .Unit lt us, klij luuk , td i.iiiRtll) lulu Uio li.jui't b tittu t tit. . 'lii )iu luvo ii.t, lleiiy r' j 't-a Luuw 1 l.itt- you, Juhii. t ' I In u kv lu.iy just a will lult' wi(..t s llai r' 'i In lo Mas it puiUliluu S'jiiii.l of di4H ' il. bulls uud latlliu UlUlii lu llui ii If , loi'lil Uyulld i kl llllo . ll ilii'i Und ti.ukiu oil tl.o du l id ti'iii.liy lu.iil. ; ll lly o4j l i In r i i t militinUiu iaia.l 1 sull.i.uij biiii uu I i be t. i 'tii, John, ii i.,uu I UpKI4l ll in )' i 'llui till lnuitu l I'm )uU Lf, Julia t i III 'o )i 1.1 II smut. Mlit iv, di( V 'll.4l SWUM ll.,, Hill) '' Sill lh )"UIIJ IU4ii, iifiul. ly i4U.n.j In ii.uits, t i.utiii l inititi .i sltai Ins tjeiii - (thy I SU Jii.J I Slisl S 4Jf i.AI 11 JtUiti.) luij- fot nv h'h JkI, Ca. J ttt. If JMI AMBBICAS J have over loved inc. do as I any I Not in that closnt it h tlo to his bedroom ; not through tnnt window it is nailed down tight, lie's cmuiug! he's coming 1 Hern John, quirk !' And, in tho drawing of a brcalli, sho lmd pitilii'(l Jnhii Alymer in tho square pendulum case of the tall old clock, and lmd turned the key npm hitn. It was not a very plrnsnnt place cfrcfugo inasmuch us his shoulders wcro rquoued on either side, and his head tlattened ngainst fpriugs end wheels above, a'ld lha nir was uupleiistiiitly clone ; but honest Jo! iu made) the best of mutters, nnil shook with suppressed laughter in his solitary prison-cell. 'Hew ! h jolly scrapo to be in.' thought John, 'and no knowing when I'll be out f it 1 Hetty's a shrewd little puss, however, nnd I tnn't do better than to leave matter iu her hands. 'So you hnvo.n't gone to bed, Hetty?1 said Driieon Mcrritt, slowly unwinding thu two yunl8 ol woolen corulortcr m which he generally encased his thronl of an evening. Not yet, fullier,' (.aid Hetty, picking up her scattered bits of patchwork with a glow ing cheek. 'Did you have a plcasaut meeting w 'Well yes,' quoth the Deacon reflectively, silting down before the lire, treat lv to Hetty's consternation, (she bad Hoped he would have pone peaceably to bed accord ing to his usual custom,) 'it was tol'bly pleasant. Klder Jones was there, and Elder Jtixkstretcher, and well all the church folks piotty much. 'Why, how red your checks arc, iletty I Tired, uiu't vou ? Well, ynu needn't kit up for me, my duir , it must bo petting late.' The Dencou glanced mechanically round at the clock. Hetty felt tho blood grow cold in her veins. 'Twenty minutes past nine why, it must be later than that ! Why, land e' (i of hen I the old clock's stopped !' The old clock had stopped ; nor was it wonderful, considering all the circum stances. 'I wound it up thi mornin', I'm snrtain,' said the Deacon perttirbedly. 'It never sarved mc such a trick before, all the years it's stood there. Your aunt Keziah used to say that whenever that clock stopped it was a sign of a death or a maniage in the family before the year was out.' There was a surppressed sound like a ebu:kl(! behind the cloek-caso as Deacon Mei ritt fumbled oa the shelf for tho clock key. 'These springs must be out of order some how,' said the Deacon decisively. How seared you look, child ! There ain't no cause for bein' w-an d. 1 don't put no fiutU iu your aunt Keziah's old-time supersti tion. Where, in the name of ull possessed, is that key t I could ha' declared I left it in the case.' 'Isn't it, on the shelf, father ?' asked Hetty, guiKily conscious that it was snugly reposing in the pocket of her checked ging ham driys, 'No, nor 'taint on the si t-o.T neither.' And down went the Deacon stiflly enouf h on his knees to examine the lloor, li'Rt per chance the. misting krv might havis s'.inned oll'and fallen there. ' Well, I never knew anything so strange,' said the 1 leaeon. 'It is strange,' faltered hypocritical Het- Tll have a regular search to-morrow, said Deacon Merrill. 'It must be some where round.' 'Ys, it must,' said Hetty tremulously. 'Only,' went on the Deacon, slowly re suming his place before the cheery blaze. '1 kind n' dou't Ii! :o to have the old clock stand -till a single night. When I wake up. you know, it seems liko it was o' talkiu' to me in the sti'ltievs.' 'Ihe Deacon looked thoughtfully nt the fiery blacl.-V.. Hejty fidgeted uneasily about ihe room, straightening table-cover's anil setting back chairs oh, if he would only go to bed I As he t-at there, his eyelids began to , (imp, ami his head to nod somnolently, j Hetty's eyes lit up with a (sparkle of some j thing like hope. 'Child,' he suddenly said, straightening i himself up in the still-backed chair, 'you'd bt tt.n- go to bed. I'll sit up a while longer, tin i ne logs ourn out. t Mlut, lather, I'm not sleepy ' '(Jo to bed, mv child,' reiterated the Deacon, with good humored authority that brooked no opposition, and Hetty crept out ofthe room, ready to cry with anxiety and mortification. 'If Johu will only keep quiet a little while longer,' she thought, sitting on the stairs where the autumu moonlight steamed ! .t.MI.- i . ..... iii iniiiy mueil'ior. l-atlier sirens so II..' 1 - i " - 1 i iiicir uituosi capacity to eaten every sound iu the kitchen beyond. ij.u'k, was mat uio wail nt the wind, or was it something, to, her, literally 'nearer und dearer 1" Yes she could not by mis taken now it wi.i actually a snore 1 Hetty rose softly to hcr'foct with renew id hope. Surely now wus the accepted lime. Xoim bssK- n,.i;n(, .i..1au .i,.. t rossed the hall, opt ned the kitchen door, and htole nrn.su ilu. rloor. The shifting lustro of tha lln light i revealed to In-r Ivacon Mcrritt iiodding la line the llro with closed vycs, and hands hanging at his sidis. 'Me l tyriaiuly asltep,' thought Hetty. Wit!) a luart that Ik at qua k aud last, like tin) btrokisofa miniature haiiiinc ', sho drew tho key ft'olil her tires a kel and pi'iK'.fil.'il, spitu of tho in rvoiu trem. bluig n her llngi is, to 111 it into the lot k. Ho iilisu-bid tv its she In her task, Unit she III Ver limed I ho SU.IdfU fiss.llloU of the Inavy britiilhiii never saw thu lkaeon slai I siiilil. iily lulu Uttki'luliits mid ionk ai. Hind l itt hi. I her. Ah, llclty luvo is ' bliml. i hey .', unit U Is equally truo Unit lovu is k.Ulli lllilik lb .if t '. I me In !p .nl,' iid lKitcull M. rillt. 'I iifur, I -I louud Iho key,' taltiitil Hitty, 'uii.l I 'i oiin I ll.o ki ), thf' rvllirue.l Iho k. fu.. ''v;, l!i.if III, ky and nuw )uU t'.ni lind in, wlai lUij iii.ilUT with the old tliH.lt, hi" llilly's In Hit, ihiubiiil s i Kl t w uiu. in. i t i r lit. i u M, ktniinl lu staii'l khkif luii ly kiill.u U acmi Mi 1 1 in lunwd iht ki y UU I "pilM.l Ihe ltd tliMir o Iho link tit-C 'iltllut' i i-nuuud U iniii Mill. U, Mr. J.ilm Alyiuic lu.nblid Uuh.oly ibiu lilt I'Ollll. M , . a Hat lbs mu'UI Wilh lbs blJiiutk . 1. 1. 1 ., ' is, klr.' ni l Mr, Aliiur uoiuiHAkkdl; 1 'I b qiy I lutni'i miniitlx iiiUiait.4 nub I ll.tl H.k Ol tU ll.k I j 'ooe MiiuOk's liiWiiitit uii rue' ; ,ul it iti, irii'ij lu'l'un 3 I Tovi Nerlrtj, Vol. 9, o. CO. 1 Old Kcr.'tN, Vol. 31, So. II. 'What do you mean, tir, by hiding in my house liken thiol'!' J 'Indeed, indeed, fuhe? ! fried Hetty, bursting into t.nrs, 'it wasn't his fanli 1 Ho fiidn't want to hide, but 1 pat him there I' ' 'You did, eh! And rosy I ts what for v 'Father,' fultered ITeMy, ralhrr irrele vantly. '1 love him and h- loves mt I' 'Is thr.t any reiisoM he should hide id Jl clack-case, Mi-js 1" . .o but !a:hrr t C!i, father ! I "r?'r can marry Caleb Trunmn. He is old, and crown, and w iihen d, and Hetty's teas finished ll nrr.ifnc f.r her. The ih-jicon lot kid down, not wn ki'idly, o.' her bouej !iead Olid t'.ie U nder nrms that supprjit.'.l it. Appun.ntly the 'ecr.rso of true love.' j oughly tliutth il ran, was overwhelming all hu owa world- ise arrangeinenta iu jtj tr-!. ' 'And so you two yo'irg f,,!ks rrally '.hin you love er.cli other I' said tho beacon ined ita lively. 'I lov her with til my heart nrd soul, sir,' a.'i'.l John Alymer t.tnieUly. 'I'm uot rich, 1 !:uov, but I can work for her.' 'And 1 can v.-ork for myself tea. father,' intcru)ed Hetty, with eyes that shono liko hoi teni a start. And o'i sov yourself, nir.' went on Alymer, 'that thu slopning of ."the clock meant either a death or a mnriiaga. Of foi'r.ie we don't want any deaths ; so don't iniiiiv nit: uiimi, seiiMiuie iniug we can do is to help on a marriage :.s aoou as pos- The Deacon laughed in spite of himeelf. 'It's late,' said the Dcaeoj. 'Come n,n,..l to-morrow mornimr, and we'll ulk about it. No, liet'.y, I'm u..t an-ry with you child. I s'poo youug fi lLs will be yifum'' folks, aud there' no u e trviu' to slot) 'em r- Aud. as 1)13 Deacon lv-iniMcr fl .. lum and set the iron tongue cP ha old clock talking again, John Alvine.' lat'ce l on the lront dooifitcp to whimper to Hetty 'ily darling ! it's worth pas.siug a life !ime behind the clock-case, to feel as hap py as 1 do now !' Jtlisfflhucoits. "itt.iftr liniKn." luhuiuttii jir1not Toward Southern Luii-f. Ill It is, perhaps, unnecessary to remark that Oeu. JUttler was once iu cotjmr.nd at .New Orleans. Eiiuiilly useless is it to say that little good of him wa3 written or thought during his administration, and that his ''treatment" of southern ladies was described by adjectives of u very se- St. Michael's is the name of a pretty Pt- tie village not hundreds of mil, s unrthnrj Xcw Oncuns, on the Missisopni, wnH 1 .;. . . . . ''I 1 "i'l'ii I tl-IU HUJIUl I, in war was itmited lo a ('niitiuii of iim tiered Heart, that formed a f.i voriie school l.r ihe daughters of the rebels of that oec-! liou. l'erluips a dozen of dwellin-rs sur- ' roiiiid this main feature of the vh.-x', hiv.1 t. Michael's :n rebel from riiii to core. 1 Mother Miannon was t!ic nbbes ofthe con- f vent aud superior of i!:e school. She ".nd 1 her "daughter iu reunion" eei'.aiuly e'uer-: ed Ihe anli-l'itiikce Sentiment; but, hold-: jug old-time notions sphere iu political i broils, they were not loud iu the utterance : ol their thoughts, 1 his did uot keep fatu- j lue. noiii tue convent uoor, tio'.vever; theru came a day when the sture hotiju war bar ren as a Southern tic Id trodden by Mor gan's Cavdry. If the nuns uttered a bi mot ihui night, it must Lave been exqui sitely spiritual. A loud knocking resour .led at the f,ate, and u messenger appeared, sUri'.cd aud breathless. A deputation from Douald sonville, a doen miles northward on the river, from the house of the .filters of Char ity, waited lo know if Ju c Shanuoa would leceivo tne sisters and their thirty orphau girls, whose asylum had succumbed to the lortuncs ot war, and who vcro houseless and hungry at Dnualdsouville. Mother shannon is a brave woman, but aha blanch- cd r. little. "Afoa Dxu, is it impossible. We have no lood ; cw Orleans is uu!er G.ueral butler, and communication with the city, so far as the supplies are coucerned, is be- juuu ujj iiunvr. -uucu as i may regret it Hut slic could not send tho refusal. Tho .Sisters nnd their whole lloclc of orphaus were soou within bt. Michael's walk). Mother Shanuou at at her desk and wrote something like this : "Sir : We have 1:0 food, but havo or phaus. Inclosed is a draft fur tfj.oijo and an order wo desire to have tilled, with your iH iiiusMuii, .tew vi leans. " A taithful colored man was the deimta- ' lion who bore this docuiin.nl to Boast Hut- ler. The licueral asked a f-jw quielnuis thu contraband proved intelligent, aud tho I Jk-ast learned the situation. A day or ! two later a supply tniiu reached St. Mi- chad's aud the messenger was iuirusUd ! wilh a note Irom the IVnst whi, Ii ..l ! someil.itiL' liko ibis: I "Madam : I am sincerely sorrv vou and your charge bhould kuilci iuuocenily by 1 this cruel war. Mioutd other misfortunes I reach you, pli ase inform mo ul once." I Tho supplies sent wcro louud to bo just double tho quantity of each atliclo order ed ; and ahhough thu draii ta nut re I mil- : eil, f.'.OOU in cash taiuo ill its l lace. and ' ! kUiiporled tho thirty orphans ihruh later aud 111010 bitter l ine. lYw knew of this action of lieu. JU tK r, and be lu vtr told it. Uu in."i!y bucect ding ix c.iioii lu was 1 called 1 nti Ul the saiuo kiraighllui ttard, , wuuiauly May for 11 id and lu'iUii turn, and ill every ilislalico Vtcio bmh givi u, ju.lly I and wilh Iho coutlisy of iho gciillcitiaii. j Tho childivii of uUI Suldiiu. I.illui oil Iho wrong kido of m rial war, int.! nukim to know vthal a siriiiie kind ol a "lit usi" Uuilir Ha ul New iii it an, ui.. tho uiuu' iinliiiiik of "Vaiikom" Mtiu iiii'.niiilly niiKiiiioil. M'iilu r Miiiiiiinu's lib a bvc.uus gi.iliwliy, "Wlicti liuiciul Hull, r Hud ."xiuiltt 111 la. lit t Ins do nut l.ic.tt th.it lin y urc iK Ii, iht-y mid l.ini.-;il lluur a gllillt lll.lll."-- I Mi l u i.' iiiln.y i'mt. A (H tvr ilern'iiwii Hue oiiiu tiiiub'St 1 1 10 huUku ol HII I'stit. iim.l Ii:. 11.1 uii. iii. i.i it . bllglil hllllo fclll. l illlo AliH4 HttliUJ ; bun ilu. I) , uu. I fliiul'y mi U'ltt ii Us .lo j bun an. I U -.111 to di4t ou hi f (Ule. "S bill arv; )iu di4Hiiig, Ainnr' Wc ; ilu il. itiii.ui, I j iii.ikiu yuttr piiluf'," t smi nil. 4 l,c thud, isu tho t' nUiliiuu ul il) Hill, Slid llO Hllk'-'t 4 l.tlUltl') tr Mliils. iii. U thu klii'd. f"iiquii.. lu r Hiu k H ill Iho 111 ii; iilt ttu4 klioi.t, hi I I In 1 ii h. .i. 'I tl m'l In. il Ii. nib," kits j SUlJ, ' 1HI t L'lllll UiulllSu toll, I .III' J il !'i4 . I kil l'iil i J tll ll 4 J. i 1 i 1,.. . i, r . 4Ul . . IttikS't f.4 tl.ur lifltlU klU. " s.4 lU Uuul, " uin 4i )vui (wAti friii t)( it U " ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 1 0 Lines, or about 1 00 Words, make a Sfnwt IS! Stq 0n Wffk 1.00 U.uo Two weeks .S S.uu 3 ftip i Bq 1.4 col Ven tot 2.l, 5.01) b.isi 8.00,1B.IM) ll." r. 4.00 B..1) lt.00il8.00 iiiifo 3.o. 4.o..' 5.'jc n.ioi:i.iss-'n.ort Four " 3 SO 4.i fi.iV, o.trTi M.0ol.ri.y'23.5') Five 3.75 S.OO. 6.311 T.0tUS.W17.wVL6.OO J' " .7.v 7.fio ... i;i.iii8.(Ki'a7.60 Iwotno's 3,'JV 7.50 M.rej H on ir,.ooyo.oon.o.ot) Throe" ,8,5(1 Ij.OH O.&il I'i.ou IHMxriA.M.lo.OC fiix .j.iiu 0.00 n .00 t.t'i's.tKi itr,.w-M.m M110 " ;fi.tH10.IHI 18.0.1 n.t'O :5.i;,,:..-,.tilS7G.C0 Ono Veitr .K.i.'OU.tX).6.ou!U.0U lJ.0i)iW.(,ti;tl.t0 X Ba4 t'axo Wanilcror'.-s Ilvpcr Ifnee la sw Vork. Tour years ago Jonephini Young, a handsome, rollicking, aud ambitious eouu try girl, tiill in her t-ens. growiug tired of tha monotonous scenes of a country vil lage in Connecticut, wheto she had been born and brought up, dcltruiiued to seek her torturo la tl.s great city of New York, and left the parental roof without auy leave-taking. Shortly-after her arrival in that city she succeeded in getting employ, ment, by whhh jhe earned enough to sun port heiself lespectably. Her tm rgy and pie.i.,ing manneii won lor her tho conti oenco and caleem of her employers, and she wus floon on the fair rond to tha reali zation or her grand anticipations. After about a year's residence In tint city r.hu unfortunately gol acquainted with a dandy gentleman, who pretended to b mitteu with her rustic beauty, and after a brief courtship ahe consented to be his wife, and they were duly made one. After a very abort honeymoon ho informed her that it would be necessary for her to go back to her former employment, as bu ws not able to support her, and even hinted that hu c::pec.ed that she would cam enough to support them both. This sho did. and continued to do without murmur, until tbe advent of a little stranger render ed it necessary for her to remain at home. While her savings lasted tho lortr vin. j bond basbami con I'm ned to live with her, edhcr tVnJ uuiv ncn ttiev ueeuuie ex inusteil in il... her child, and left them in ! a.1,,,0l t(,l:'1 w"!,t- SI' struggled on until i k."u reuum! to but a single cracker a ' ! r "el'!'1 uni1 htmishiug mf.iut. Tho ! Is,lUe 0I.,U at ''W'tsuccnr.iriied to tho pangs of 3tarv!llll,;. now lies in a pauper's r,ravo- , Aft.cr Uin. ' eilUl. r 1,ur t-,,il1' in V"1 stremity ot oeaa;r, she sought to ?rHT lm' ,?row.!.. , S of. cheai' LJOU1'br'n' A,'fl- Uih! u"'k!l" 'ts it'll uencti, was arrested for drunkenness and disorder ly conduct, and committed to tho Island in default of hail. After her arrest h; wrote to her sister in CouneCicut, explaining her circum stances. The sinter immediately came to her nssictance, and employed Mr. John O. Uoyd as her legal .adviser, who took out a writ of haUi's corpus for the prisoner's discharge. The parties were then takeu before Judge C'ardozo, who, after hearing the circumstances, ordered the prisoner's discharge, Ou Friday she started, in com pany wilh her sister, for tho home of her childhood. -4 As to Low DunssE. Most fashons owe their origin to an attempt to give pro minence to the strong poitrt or bide the weak point ofa king or queen. Thus pow der came into voguu to conceal a qneen's gray hair, and large perukes because a king u? .,',l''u'., 1,0,VL'vrr' 'T: lmt, .t'", c""1" t'ir bust m nil the be; ,in;ifp t'-iq ... f:ir niA!.. ri-n- Tl I ! rtlin irom a of thu eaulv of nature lias a far more romaniic origin. In a battle i:i which the French wore engaged, (alldatest we may nrentiou are iu reservo.) their rauka were broken, nnd they wcro routed. Whenllhey rettca'.ed, their women bared their breast and entreated them ti fall in the hands ofthe enemy. This wa? too much for the g;i!!ent Gi'iu's. Nerved with fresh courage they turned, renewed the corte-.t, ard were victorious. From that day French women hnve on festal occasions always been accustomed to wear their dresses low. In fact when you see ono who appears to have forgotten tlio miner ; part c.f i:rr dre.,it is nc proof of indelicacy, ! but simply an indication of the power of ! ualioual sentiment. This sati.l'actorily i explains what many ignorant people havs laum tor impropriety. e live and leara IICMAJf IlAnrrs. Habits are forming I 111:0 masonry. J-.very tliouglit seems small, 1 as every brick small." And yet, I notice iu j tho building that, small as bricks are, onu I being set iu mortar day by day, by skilful I hands, till! Willi tlnrkrui mwl ri'uon niul II... huge structure is piled up r.t last. Taken ' singly, these bits of burnt clay are of no siguilicauce, but all of them together are of j tremendous significance, Xow, a man's , life is made up of little thoughts, 'any ono , of which is not much, but the nmltitutde of which are like bricks in the bauds of th i builder. The Walls of vour character am j going up day by, day and you are building j , not alone for time, but for eternity. Bnciovca luffbi. Hor n Fttsr Uiii.yty. A party of Irish men, once upon a time, coutracto'd to clean a deep well. Having uone of tho conve niences employed for such purposes, they wen: at a loss to r;ct oue of the party ou a li tt la ledge near thu bottom to assist iu tha process 0! gelling out water, mud, etc. VI "ut ,l"""' I hewn, a herculean tellow, r''0!""1" 1 P' wiaoii was considered just ! the lluii '. u Wft : J'ny was to clatp l:ia bi Asts around tho windlass ; then auotlier of t,,c l,;irl' wast to cI.uuUt down r.nd hoU ou l,' '"s ,0s' a,ul u on unUI lho ,1,t nillQ should be able to Ivf.n upott Ihe ledu'C I'eiug slightly cu'-iiec" wilh liqunr. the parly prtqsueil lor the dt scent without tioppii g ivt cor.iu:p!att the Uitllculties in volve -i in the adventure. M 'th bared biva.t, and sleeves ti"keil up, big Jimmy seized the round portion c' llm wiudl.tss dinetly over tho will ami swung liiin.. If over. Another ofthe narty crept il.iuti Jiiuiiiv's body and grupcJ hii.. by iho luHits. AfUr kcvciitl more !...d fol lutvi d suit, aud the huunin clu'.i began to stretch I'.ir into ihe Well Jimmy In-camo alive to onu tie.it diiUeiillv ; tho windlass did nut nil'iid bun a u'ood hold iu the lirst p!.n'c,aii4 iho weight ttas cutting iutolcr able. At lust human sinew coiiM staud it no liiuycr, and Jiuiiiiy baited tho lomr link in the 1 h.iiu t 11U : "llejalit rs, i'at, hold fust below till X shpit mi lm! h.tiis." StliliiU tbe action to tho words, he ni lt ii-il In 1 it ti I , wlicll, i.'cui v. Iho slt.i't p.til) sill pit 'cipiiaiiol to the bolt ni) ot 1 In Hill. A K.' k h in. Kl hut o it.lluro hns III. 10 1,11,1 H. .Ill Vt4lr wl.uo iho Hi- Uiuiniit lit, uu-1 they I vly uHitiiliicd tin iiiki lvt s ikiiiii itlsr'y f iiiiii ttti in is sit- i'U HHUmii aansl li i (il.er lit) Iltiih. j 1MB .)Afjr. ii tikiuinitU man It ft , Hcik (Miii ti, e. lo is cr Ui.o root Ucrabd ,iii;i f p"p, milt tluieurk U lloul, llc.ll .i fl l.iiliual.i luUlid iu CuW p . tut u) mih tiitu.l nil. 4 Willi ii tndi lion ' llo I U-iti Ui lull ol t llabub; kill'U lit J uuU!" IU, H k.iil luultkiy t lit ft bloildft tlltisl.iklul, ill! Ik It till H.lllUiil suy Undid , lly ii,oHUi.4 IU I'll i ft 1 l kilt) in ft ili l tuUu. llo hu s lAu buliv'l 1) Ut'tivHiy tun It il l.). Us t lot 1 u.l. aft is t. tit's w.'iili ul 1 1 um ijin i, uu4 k it tl.il t . 1 tJlti jfttiliwvii l l. IU listUi) sift 1 liiiHil .1 , t-n4 liuti.1 infill ln'iti 1 1. a US )ll'l '.l' I 4( H M tlilU44 b ou I.J I Vft, ftn I I t I i t l yn H4ls , ' kv Its Wbk)4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers