V -V-V. MWrnilSIIBD BVERX'BA'nniDAT BY EM?!L WILVERT, Proprietor , 4 At 91.50 In AavhnW It not paid within O Jlonllist Hui)tcriptunii tnktrt fur lent lran te JunlJ. ' . ... OflrtTnn with tktf estnb'iisjjltfjnt is tin cKtcn WeNEW JOB PFF JCK.cor'uir!" variety of plain nud fntu-y.tjw eiu'11 to nny establishment tn the Interior oflhe-Sute, for which the patron age of the public is respectfully solicited. ft-.:. .'" -- -m rofcsalonal. JUItUMI III .ilIKKi Altomoy nt Law, Sunli'irv, Pa. All professional bnsl uecs Intrusted to his euro will receive prompt nt Wntioii In thl and unjoining counties. Ciin be tonMilletl until In Engllnh and (iennnn. AUo, District Attorney of Northumberland county. Aug. 20,1 s;o.-iy. J XO. A. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 1'OCHTU AVaxua, Kot.n-y Public, rlttebnsf. Fa. Jan. l.r, 1S70. ly. JU. Jl.VlilSI.I' V CO, Market Street, SUSniTRT, PA. Deitlers In Praps Mcdicinss, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Hooks, Iairk-s, icc. SI. HOLVI!ITO, Attorney at Law. Market S.pu.ir.;, KL'SHLUY.PA. Profession al business in this and adjoining counties prouipt .y attended to. DR. A. It. NA VIIXK. respectfully an nou'iccs hllnelf as Physician and Surireon iolVie eiticn of buubury and vicinity, haviutr lo cated himself permanently on Market hi reel, near ly opposite the Fnirmoiuit Hotel, where he can ' be consultod at all hours wuau uut professionally tns.ipid. apliU-ly GW. ZIF.Cal.ER, Attorney nt Law.nortu sidii of Public Snimrr, one door east of the old Hank building, tiUSBl'UY, PA. Collec tions nud nil professional business promptly at tended to in the courts of Northumberland and adjoining counties, sept 1 5-Ctt AS. KSllt'El, Attorney at Law, Suubury, Pa. (Mllce 1u corner room Hp sUirs, of Haupt's New Uuil-liir.;. formerly occupied by 0. W. Haupt, K.i. (.'oiiectious of "claims, writings, end all kind of leal business attended to care fully and with dispatch. April 2,'70-ly. C A. i.F.SmiliVWWWEK, Attorney nt J Law, SL'Nlil'RY, PA. All business eu trislei to liia care attended to promptly nud with diligence. aplT-C7 J NO. HAY CLE Hi EXT, Atturuer at Law, t-UNBUKY, PA. Collections an all wro VRionai bn'.ineHS rrouiptly aueu:l?J to. mehlil-tjli C. J. IlliOKR. L. o. like. IlEtrXS::? A- UAKF,, Att.rrners and Coan- sellois at Law, K C S li I' 15 Y, PA. Olllce on t'bcstuut htroet, wet of the N. C. and P. A K. Kailro.id Depot, in the building lately occupied ty Y. Lazarus, Collections and all profess ional bunineej promptly nttcuJed to ia Norlhuin l erlaini and adjoiniiii; eoJiitin.. apllil-UW B. B. I'.OYCK. W. 3. WOLVRKTON nfrYK:i k WOM'KRTOS, Attorneys AJ at Li.w, on second floor in fcrUihi's new b'.iii.!inr. fll NliCRY, PA. S. B. Buyer and W. J. W'olvrrtrn rospec faMy nunaiince that they have entered lnioco-paituirsUip in tbe practice ol their pior."n'ion in 3ort'juia'jerliiud and adjuin ui: crm:)!i. Coneulla'.tous can be had in the 0rrn:n !auc;i:ae. ap!4-C nK. P! A MS Kit, Attorney nt Law, BUN- BL'KY, PA. Collections attcuded to iu the ecunties of Northuiuberlaod, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia aud Lyeonrup. apUU-OS) WM. M. l;Ortj:rKJ.LK. LLOVU T. UOUttBACH. i:sii:FKM,i:R & itcstsu.icii, t Altonivys at Law, &UNBLT.Y, PA. Of lice iu Haupt'a nuw baiuliup, eecoud floor. En trance oa Market Square. J:iu tii ANTliriAClTE COAL! "TTALEKTIXi: I:KT2. Wholesale and V l.etail dealer lu cvei-y varlKy of ANTHRACITE COAL, U?fER WHARF, tVNBUr.Y, TKNN'A. All kinds of Grain taken in xchntige for Coal. Ordtr solicited ULd tilled prumpliy. fbli-71. W. S. liHOATS. I. t ACiniUt. WS. KIIOADS A- C O., UCT.VII. IIEAI.FKJ Of ANTHRACITE COAL, KCNSL'RT, PKNK'A. Orri wtTn Dili, Faoelt & Co., Ordera left at H.;asho i A Bro's., olUee Market Street, will ricjlyo prompt attention. Country c. "loui re'peetfullv solicited. Feb. 4, If. CO A 5.! COAL! OA I,! GRANT BHCP., t-hi)iperti nn I Whole? ale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND 11LD Abll COAL, fsUKBLUY, PA. (LUW2R WBARr.) t'ir"So!t! AgftitK, vrlward, at the ceUibrate.l ne;u Clay Coal. jail9 8u K Xi IIAXWI-T M Villi Y. J. f. liAUTIlOLOMHW, rKOJ'RiKTOB. IOTIiTH &T11EF.T, ABOVE MARKET, riiiJt1iir- Pa. TTin best tit rid'nv" an I diiviug horses always on hand to serve cu-totner. Order irl't ut the Central ilutc'., for voble.es, will receive prompt attention. N. v. l, n-ro. Ir..TI!HTKY. GEOllUK M. RF.XN, In &'u -.sun's Uni'iUny, Mirkit 8-pture, E l-N HI-UK, r., Iprepivel to do all kinds of work pertalulni; I Dentitry. l!e keeps constantly ou h ind a lai;e iiMmrtmeut tf 1'i.et.h, and oilier Dental wat.-ii.il, fnmi wlii,;h he v. ill lie able to select, uliu meet t ti i w.ints of his c4toiners. . All wo;k w u ia-.'. -d to uive a'.ii.l'acliou, or else the u-.oi.v ref in Id. The very befi Mouthwash and Toc.h-Powsor, kept ii l li.i'i I. II- relVreuir am the niuierons patrous fir wh' .u l,e has wmked forthelart twelve years. tJ.d. ir, Ajir.l iil, HilS. M1AV COAL YAllll. TI'IF. ua 1 iiune 1 hsvin; couueeted the Coal 1 l. 1 wil'.i his rvleindro Kl. 'Lit A till A I N tra I -, N prepare I to supply faiui.ics w ith the V111SY HUNT OF COAL, t'llllAl FOn CASH. . 'g. ("love and N'nt, contautly ou baud. Oraiii lukuu .uevehaue forCual. J. M. ( AOWAI.I.ADER. fuubury, Jin. l If. jiroa sun u.iH. thoui-sor pbUK. l irv, I.IIAt nu4 Arrlilrnl INSUrtANCS AGENCY HIIIIMI 1 A IM Itlt. mahkit .sjiii:i:r, M'Nuruv, ( UVKAMKl l;LI'l'.Ir.TIl!. V. A m -liean, Pa li Kil l. 4, Fl,7HS,r,'l t lie, ) , ' " ft':.: e M iti ,ti ui, .S, Yu.k, 1 ,:' '".'l S. iiine.u " I. ... I .! I, ., kel.AX. TolM II. II. ..I, I ii.. ii l, l.'ii4'Ol, I. i j , ml, I I ,i.k 1 . I'm : t I i l.la, ti i. . ) , II, 4,11 i I, III, l id, I'. M -i I'l I () I S V.,I'U k s.-,,i..i 4. '.n. . k .'.t .i I ;t,i. I,- .I.'MI J. ..l t.lM'.iMky I i iii.i-i, J 4 .!. . I, I S H .1.1. ,V VI.-. I i. ... ., N S .. l ii, S... " I V . Y ..k, Mi.e Ii, .i..i t ir. is . I li.o L..I 4 iu It) , () I I i.'U ll .1 -M l. ..( -t 41 l A l'M....js gh.iS.sl . t f 1 I 4a iltJutl u( 4 l.rtfl's Iwd .U -4 Isv4.y' 4 IB 3tn1111iotl In 1HIO. PRICK $1 50 IX AOYAXCE. S U"X TlO XM OT F. I C Til OSFt Tu LDS.Vr.' Proprietor, fhaniokln htrect, Truvorton, Nurtbumberlnnd county, Pa. The table is sup plied with the best the market ntlords. Hood stabllup and attentive ostlers. JJan-21,'71 nOOVFH IIOI'SF., Third Street, nt the depot. SCNBUItY, PA., Wit. Kbkhe, pro piii.tor. VVarm meals served tip nt all hours. Fish, Fowls mill Game. Fresh Oysters con stantly on hand and served lu every style. The beat of wines and liquors nt the Bar. t'Fuinilles will be supplied with oysters done up lu uuy style, by leuviuir orders nt the i Uar. i-miv.u, .u-iy. KESTACItAXT A KATIXIJ HOtSll. CHARLES ITZEL, ritoritiKTOB. Chestnut Street, a few doors from the Depot. Susut ut, Pa., HAS open a Restaurant nnd Eatlne Tlouse, for the accommodation ol'tho public. Warm mcnlt can be had all hours. All kind of Came, HnIi, iVrc, served up at short notice. His bin is supplied with the bpstllijuor in market. No pains spared to please, nml terms moderate. Sunliury, September, 4(h isi'.tl. ly. ,, XAllOXAI. LAGER It II II It SA A OOXt 0!l TUIUU STIU'ET, MM 11 TUB DIU'OT, 6CNBLRY, PA. JOSEPH BACH Ell Informs the citlrens of Sun bury and the public L'encrallv, that he has opened a LAGER BEER BALOON nt the nbove plucc. Tlie best of Lairer Beer, mid Malt Liquors w ill be kept. Also Oysters, o;e., countautly serv ed U to customers. TATIOXAL HOTEL. AUGCSTCS WALD, Proprietor, Georcetowu Nortb'd County, Pa., nt the Station of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines and cigars at the bar. The tabic is supplied with the bct the market affords . Good stabling and attentive ostlers. A1 LLIKillEXY HOI'S!:, Col. CH AS. KLKCKNKlt, 1'joprietor, Nos. bVi and HU Market Street, above cii;hth. PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $:i per day. Ue icspeelluily solicits your patronage. ry ICII'IC HOTEL", WILLIAM KNGLE MAW, Proprietor, Vront Street, between Chesluul and Walnut Slrods, buubury, Pa. Kept. 1S7D. ly. WASEIIXCiTOX IIOCrtK, C. NEPK, Propriutor, Corner of Market bceond Streets, opposite the Court lluuse, buubury, Pa. Mayu'S,'70. HOTEL A ItHSTAl RAX I, THOMAS A. II ALL, Proprietor, buubury St., wet bllAMOSvlN, I'ENN'A. Meals served a', all hours, ut short notice. The !eH of Liquors ut the Uar. The Table Is sup plied with the best and later-t iu the markets. At tentive serYauts. Terms moderate. Putrauuge solicited. ' HE JI JIEXsTtEjTr.A lit A XT, LOL IS I1U M M EL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SHAMOIilS, PES.VA. Iluviug Jut retllted the abuvu baloou for the accomodation of the public, is now prepared t serve '.lis friends with the best uTreshmcute, and Irish L:if,:r Beer, Ale, Poller, nud all otlitrmalt quors. LACU AlV "A X X A V AL EE V'tflO I'S V. K. ti. BURNI1A.M, Proprietor, Corner Lacka wanna and Franklin Avenues, Scrantou, f a., op posite Delaware, Lackawanna V Wesleru Depot. Free earruisre to cuuvey J Jests to and from Depot. Mar. SO. '70.-iy. J. VALKR'S WIKTEK GAHDAX Wti HOTEL TiO, TiU, 14 Jt 727 St., PIlILADELPliU. WINTER OAlTl)KK II OT XL, (0! th Ei'noreii rus) Centrally located, connoetlng with all the Ckty Passenger Ksilway Cars, from all the Depots in tho City. CxcIlemt AccommodsitlonJS for Tra toller. Grand Vocal and Inst ru mental Concorts every evening- in the Summer and Winter Garden. SfT Orrhrrtrion Concert Evtry Aflernoon. T1F LADIlV E:13TAL-U1ST THE EST OF RKrUF.SHMItNTS hgnVKtl. Cff.ee of J. Valer's Fountain Park Brewery. Juue 4, l70.-ly. L I l V O It STORK! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court Mouse, SUN Hl'IiY, PA Kei-pectl'ully invites the attention of Retailers nml otherr, that he has on hand, and will con slant lv keep all kinds of For.IllGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, CtmsiMini; of Pure Brandies: Cogniac, Cherry, Glutei-, Koi helleainl Otaid. Wbiskics: Pure Ilyo laper-risti!led, Mo""- ' gabela, Apple nud Nectar l'L'HE liOLLAXD filN ! TVdnee.: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Fort und CIsret. Crab CI4er, Champr.f;ne Cider, N. E. Ram, Blown ft out snd (eoieh Air. STOMACH AND BAR HITTERS, And nil others Liquors wliiih can be found la tlie city inio ki, wliich will be ssld at Whole sale nnd Ilclnll. Kvery article pu.irantef d ns rei.rekeiitd. Also, a lTi lot nf UtMUUHNS ; and HOTTI.F.6, always ou hand. ! I tfT Orders proniptlj attcudej lo, and ftblic ; pulrouatre resiectfuily solieiieJ f! NfFF. eanbury, July S, lSttd. ly llAKDtV.lRK STOUT, , 04.m V 'o. I in, ail.l .1..- .ii-i nil ui una umill lliii.'.lne ih ,.;.,s MARKET STUECT, M NUL tt , V., I u bmrid oliji. t of coinuiier..li.iii, mi d..tiu p .u nA8 receiyed new usmiliiieiH ofalllin.Uof I pcriinl to bis dreadful Miiierlue;, ,v seiniin Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools, .Ve., ' '''" 'o " that I udiMOVciedCouuli) fiom wlieuee of ull ilent-Iptlous. Also Wnpoii Maker Mate rial. . Ho,., "lirs, 6n .lies. Also, ull kinds of l.ruiii.-r f..r Hiocinaki i ami tfaddlir's. livery. Iliing iu Hie lluii,ar line rati Lo tumid wbieh will be sold us lu as i an I 4 tiii;lit ol uny eilur i-t iblishuienl ia thecouutry. tJl ud see tUeir lo. k. buubury, Dec. 11, 1V,9. UOUT AMI AIIOE M AMT'At'l I III: It. rpiIK iiuderslgued having erected a shop nn J. 'I hod .tie. I, nearly .. MMe Ilia t riur il Il'.le!, i pr. p.irr I to lu oiiiI.k I urs all kind of In . lb AM) Mliir's iu thu l.iicl siyle, lli l.at is . f llui vet) In., .pialily in .he mallet, llal l.it: .,sl the l.s J .'. at p., tin, u ..(' l.i l.ady lli.i.le .l.WI.) ll.v I its .It", lie will In natter Cullbltv blltiKC . el. lit.; .e i (o In. oiltt.ieliii 11.4;. I l.c pul. lie me lnia.,1 I ie..:i ami viuuilue his i.ek, Ull I l it. II I lb.il p.ltliillll),'.'. I' .ins rva. .liable. I,. .e.u, .I..11 at '... t lion. Itu W lUHiUM-ll. nil toy, Jt:ite 11, 1:o. JUt KM l S IIIAItlK, utM r a u iti i;s nir IMMfl ! H UU Id, U lrw..ii's Hilldiii., M.oke. H'Uaie aai bury. VI I. kin I. ul lt.H.ls an I wl.... lua.l. to l.l l.l tent II. u u l lii.tlei l.,t lb.it 144 b pl.MUr. t I. It". i.iti .1. ...r ol ibuit b i. U'iiK I't I, M .. l,..l ilul. J 1.1.4 Mot. 1 inotiin Di n , ; liT Bc.nl li fc.. .... I rlr l, i.l..,is I bnluul, X lint. tii i.i'iiu. r, 'J II l.. ) ... ..uu, I, aub Inn 14 I a.! r '-. '' l . k ..I J..I...U au l.,ii.lu - J I Hpl'i.ll., .. , I. ,1. v , , , , I 4,i...l;i,, J I ........ I 1 1 . II .111.... . 1 ia ..... i . II ... 7 M .K, ... U . A. , s.l M. wl.k ,14. I I. IV 1 I .., , a - J siintki bin v. ii m it ui fcj. ll. llll I 1 U.sr . eW la Me BY SUNBUHY, PA., 1IAL.TI JIOKK LOCK IIOMI'ITAL. I Tn- JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, has discovered tho most certain, speedy, pleasant and etlcelual remedy In the world for nil DISEASES OF IMPRVDENCE. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strict nrca, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun liry Discharires, luipoteucy, General Debiil y. Nervousness, Dysj'cpsy, l.aniruor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Idea's, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trctnbllmr, Dimness of S'urht or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, A flection of Liver. Limits, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders iirisinif from the Solitary Habits of Yonth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song ol Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses. blii;btinit their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, Impos sible. 10VNG MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive uaHl which annually sweeps to uu untimely grnvii thousands of younil men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, ho mliiht other wise have entranced linteiilni; Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecrtacy the living lyre, may call with full coulldaHce. MAttlUAGE. Married Persons or Young; Men contemplatlnst marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procrcative Power linpoteiicy). Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Oi!unic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or auy oilier DisquuliUcation, Bpeedily relieved. lie who places hiim-oll under tho care of Dr. J. may religiously coutlue in Ins Honor as a gentle man, uud conlidcutly rely unou his skill m Pli eieiiiu. OUGANIC WEAKNESS, Iuipotency, Los of Power, immediately Cured nuil full Yior Uestoie I. This Disiressiug Allection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the vielims of improper Indulgences. Younn persons are too apt to commit excesses from not belnaware of the dreadful conseqenees that may ensile. Now, "ho that undcitaiids the subject will pretend o deny that the power of procreation is Inst sooner by those milium into Improper habits than by the prudent: Beside being deprived the pleasures of healthy otl'spriiu'. the most serious and ilestructive symptoms to boili body and miud arise. The system bej ouiBS de ranged, the l'liiical und Mental Function Weakened, Lost of Procrcative Power, Nervous Iri'tat ilf'y, Diepii'Ma. Palpitation of lb" Heart. Indigestion, Coiirt.tutioiial D'.l.ility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Cousumptiou, Decay and Death. A (.'CUE WAK11ANTTD IN TWO DAYS. I'ersiuis ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilliui; mouth utter month, taking poisonous mid Injurious couipuuujs, should upply immediately. Mi. JOHNSTON, Member of the ltoyul College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of the ino.-t eiuiuem Colleges in the Uuhed Stut.-s, und the greater j-art of w hose ife has been spent in the hospitals I of Loudon, Pris, Pliiliidc'.phia und elsewhere, j bus etlceted some of the most astouishing cures that were ever knowu i ninny troubii-d with ring- iug lu the head nud can when asleep, great ; nervousiitss. being alarmed ut sudJcu soaao-. ' l.ashluhuss, with fi'cqueut blushing, alien, led somctiaics with iltrauije.uent of miud, were cured lmuicdiatelv. TAKE PAr.TICULAn NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses ull those who buve Injured themselves by Improper Indulgence nud solitary luibits, which ruiu both body and mind, unultiug them for either business, study, society or mar riage. ' These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced ly early habits nf youth, vi: WeaUuets of the Back ulid Lttubs. Pains iu Hie Back and Head, Dilui'.ess of Sight, Lots of culur Power, Palpitation ol t:ie lleait. Djspep-i, Nervous Irritability, Deraiigemeiil of Diifesti.'c Kuni-'.ioiis, General Debili'.y, b.vmptomsof Ccu suiuption, ie. Memaij.t The fearful fleet on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, l oa fus'nin of Idea, Depreisiou of ti ll its, Evil- FoieVodings, Aversion to Society, beil'-Distriiot, I 1 r w..i;....i - .. f... .. evil produced. I Thoi sNi8 of psrsHiis of ull ages cau now judge wiiat Is tue raise ol their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nei ,ms and emaciated, Laving a singular uppeaiauee about the eyes, tough aud svu.ptomsofcousump tieu. YOUNtJ MEN Who bare Injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged iu when aloue, a habit frequently learned from evil coiuanious, oral school, the ei'.rets of which an nightly felt, trcu wii'-u asleep, and if uot cured, render marriage impos sible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Vi hat a pity that a young mau.the hep? of his country, the darling of his parents, thou! I I e snatched from all prospect and enjoyments ol life, by the cousequeure of drviatlug" from the path of nature and indulging in u certain sceivl habit. Such persons mi st, before couleuiplaliug MAKKIAGE, reflect that a found mini aud body are the most uccosary requisites l. promote connubial liapi i- : ucss. Indeed wiihmit these, tlie Journey ttiroiigl. I llle beconim a weary piirunae ; tl;r ) rospeel u,.u u.n. ... t. ..n , ..I., in .. ...I.. ...... blindowrd with despair ami tilled it U the me .in- , choly rcne.tio,., lllal ll-e happiuo.j cf auoih.r becomes li.it: 1 1 1 1 I wall eiirixn. A ( Tin AIN l.lbKASE. When the miKUi led and iinpru.tent votary of ' pleasure toi ls tli.it be lias luil.ilied the sc. .is of . this painful diseiise, it too often happen- that an i ill-timed sense ul stiainc, or dnad of iliscoveiy, ! detri l.i, n l i oiii uppU ini; lo Ui.imj vt li.., it out i .luentiou and ve.ei laliilitv. can iilinic l.el'ri. n,; Uiin, deluvinK till tlie eoniiiutioiml svnn tniii. id this horrid disease make tlieir iipiicaranec, mh li us ulcerated sore llil.'al, di-faned ni,e, imetaral pains iu the heud and liiill.n, diiunes ol sir.!. I, ilcafitcs, .miles on the shin bolus ih nun.-, blotches on the hi ad, face mid cxtreiniii. s. p-u- errenuK with limlulul rapiditv, till ai Ijst iiie p.iiaie in me uiiiuiu i.r tue u.iues o. uic ih.m l.o. i 110 I ru eli. r re.uni." ll Is a luelauelii.ly fart that ttiousaula I'll! I yu lima In this lernl.'.e ill.e.ise, tlin.ii.i billing itilo the bands of liinriiit or uiiakilllai I'l.ll , TKNIiliK, uli 1, by I lie ue of Hint ik.i.l.y 1'i.i. 1 sun, Mm urv, Ac, uiatK.y (be cm si il hi n ,,1, an I J Iiuapable of cm Imr, k . . Iiie linliappv si.iler. r lamiili ul. rr 111..111U t.ikii.i; iliult ii..i,m. m ei. I Jiirii.ua, coiiip.iuuds, and Instead of b. iui; re,;.,u.i I In a rem w ai ul I. lie Vii.r uud I. ippine.p., in J. .. Kur leave bin. null runted UeailU to lih ilcr Lis triillli.K ill.lp'i,llitlliellt. 'In such, tlu. 1. tie, 1 1 . J..II ssti.s pii.. . biiu. Sa'II lit pieact ve .be linel lu. ...l.ib.e tH-eie. y, 10. I 1 1. uu his e-.eii4ie pr.teliiv uu I uberv ..i ...h 1,1 .be to ul lliopiluL ..! Vun.-, und (mi net I: ll,i. ...iii.tr , i 1 ta.l.nel, t r.iitee, l'ln,.i ! le., mi l vi.i In ie, I. r ,i.il ; I to nll -r lbs 11.0,1 n r. I.lllt, p. 1 .1) uud ell . til il L ined) 1U 11.4 Hul.d I jI ull Ula.uies 1. 1 linpf 11 b in . lilt. JOIIMli, dsKKE, So. 7, b. rlirlH lit K K1 It KIT, lit. .iviui.i, M. li, fell hand side "iiiu from Hal.iiu..ic 4.1. i.jM d .I4 llolil .lis t..luf. lull Uut .J ul.. I It .1.11110 and i.iiniii . I 1;" No l.lt. is il.Ii.J un'r.4 p.u.p.ii l un I em.. Hull, if a aljn.p ..1 b u.l iu I In 1. p.y. I', 1. si.us i.iu, sU.iuid tUla u.4, ait.. 44 11 . 4 pij.t.ou Ul U'll 11.14. IU. I.t U4M ll,.. ) li.plti.U4. lh.it a.u iu ui.u.) I'.iiii, i Ii,,. ui,. llul.tl.-44 tllpll..,l4 Udl.l.l.l..4t . I.. ..i.e. I. 4 U4 I'll 4. iaus, .. .ill..k' ail a and Iui..ii,.. 11.. Ii.i.ii II ui. k; . S...,.IU....U ) (all lulu .1.. II p, . I, IUjI 11 . J.b..l ii lin U4 1. in... al l.i tn .u iu-.) .u ii.imis ui.u. iaaii.U4 aaa l.u s. . ..(-, 14 t 4. k.4 II..U.. !. ul 1.I ...... .4 u a)t ka..- l.i I I. tMit.ilel VlkM ki 'llik I 111 'lbs U.J..) tl,.,u4ab.U lll.J a) II I 1..I..I1I1 lure., ) v.l all.r vai, . II. 4 ,. . ,. ...... tat.t aaii.ul ti,i4ili..4ts .h l.,i 1... 1. .i. M4I..U, U tlU.444 4 I. Utf I.I .44. .l .!.. .l ll.ii l l. 4 Lal4 , 4 bj Ul ...) .41.11 (,.., t l. 4 . I li k tlul.4aiub44ilall..iL I.. I. ... l.4..t. 1..4 4.41. ..I'lj 4S 4) ,...l.lUla4 wl ..... I I 1.4 ..., 1.441 ...I), It S4.U.V4M.I kw-,...i,4 .4 US sOlal.. akIN i'laf Aalti afKfPlLT I't'l.UO h'4s la, its) 4. C' . -,-.1 V- -it u .Ii --..'' SATURDAY )l()i!NIXG, MAltCII 11,1871. A I'tiill!. tv liiii.r. n.iiiT. "1 wa with (iianl"' b- 'trainrrr fald Sai'l the farmer: "Say no uu li lt re-t thee h ie lit my colluue porch, l or thy feci arc weary and sore," "I wis villi Grant" the r-lrnng.'r said ( fiaiil the f.uin.-r s "Nay no more I prillic sit nt my l'nr.-.a, board, And eat my humble sloie." "How- fares my boy my soldier hoy, Of the oi.l Niiilli" Aim'y Corps I 1 warrant le- bore iiini gallai.l y In 11. e tiaol.e ami the battle's roar." ''I know him not," sail tie- ngcj man, "And. us I lent. ukt I bi-loie. 1 .-.. v'th t.renl' "N. y. nay, 1 know," bald the l iii'ier, ,-ba) iai more ; "lie fell la battle I sec, u ! Thou li. I'si smooth these ti dings o'er JJny ; speak the truth, whatever it lie, Though it u nd my bosom's core. "How fell he; with his face to the foe, Upholding the HIT:- be !.,.! I O ! say imt tli.,t my b, y ili graced The uniform thai he wore !'' "I cannot tell,'' said the aged man, "And should In.ve liiiiaik'-d before, That 1 was Willi Grant in Illinois &..mr Cvee jeoi n 'vl.rf tin u."." Then the f.ii-i i- 1; al.c Mil' never a word, L'll be.. I'll I'.is list I'u 1 1 t Tiiat aged man vtl o had worked for Grant boine lliiie yc.ir bufine the war. A Thoi:M:i:t(l I'otmiN t:ml 1; Vt ife. ilr. Horatio) Holt was a bacholor, njri-t! tlii it v years ur ihori-ttboiUM, ntiil iju.s.si.ssul ol a lurttiiio w!.;l!i ic!kil i:u auiount. at! j interest nut only Milhcn.iiiiy Intc lotnablo ' ii o hit lu iiiaiin.-un lutiui ll i:- coiiifiir-j ! tabic circuiutiUuiia-ti wiihuut work, but ui& j :illov.i.U l.iui t i ail.l )i:ii iy tn the litniijiiNil 1 j tho tain ol a liUii.iiX'4 and tivont i.oiinus. I j 'i lnis lie was c ui.siili n d lobe iiidopciiilciilly I ; wealthy, and u.s looked ujiou us a very ! j hatulsnii.'c utid iXL-iiiciii. yoiin 111:111 by j I vai ion j diiiliiUTi sU -i' pas ami niaiuuia.s, I wii.ibJ ilati;:liiiis woi-u ol about 1 1 10 liLtlit 1 ago to la-gut to unto; 01 wciiiicii buss.' Antony ulluT iH-cuiiai-ilkb to wliii h Jr. I lloit wasattiie-licd or w li'ch were allac-licd ! , to linn wtiji '.Iiu viqy .sk'iiliial idea thai. I j tliL-iu was uot, or cvl-1- had bci 11, .such an ' j ini lobabiu tliiu in txi; tctiio as love, lie I ueiteteu taai 111 in.iiniuony, as well as utlu-r liiallels, all a-ni':.' Were ueluateti I V I motive ol 'sell-iii'eii'st ; lu m-olio reardi il ' Willi eusi.ieioiis all letnali s wltoai .ii..ielKd tutu, i-uiy t-;iia lie, liiev arc utter tnv '- 1 el 1 tuuiie)-, iinit don't uiui-h eate how l!i. v ll. liiev Would iiiie io tuaii'y t:ie eoiiiouid edly well.' Ui.u day ho was consiili-rabjy slarllotl by the sudden opLiiiiio ol' i!ie door aiul the niifi.Ti'tnotiioiM cull jo-jo ol' the tna.-i ol' ail work, who biu-e in hu- hand a lelter which s'le sialed ll.u li jsluiau ii.ul jiu.t liiut 111 1 llieiil left. 'Ci.ii.oaiul llio .-it!,' i!U Mr. Hi'.!!, w!.. u al .tie, as !. br..i,e th-j real, '.-ho tnl-lit 1 have Iveli a lit tic v. iiiiin,: bel'ore she m ; l r tided ujiou toe i-nj. .3 iiu-t.i. ,( my wine and ; btnalM. 1 b:.i! i-a" k..-i v-i.H-'.. it;t el. ;.U d ; ii.to liie tii;ii r r.'ge.us, aud I'm a siiiii. f it ! lle don't n jiori tne nmio lo t!iu i..nd.ady. , iiouevet, oiu.-u Mii.e.' attu I he coiiijik lien of this speech was ! st t,.. u 11 asm. of Mr. Unit ut tii.s instant be- c'.u.iug dei ply absirbed in the coitteiils of I. is ep.atic, a vcrbiitipi copy of wl.ielt we ti.1.0 the liberty lo u:..!:e jiublic. 'Dec. !-'th, 1S 'Cocsi HoitATio. Christinas will soon here, and we want vou to come iiiui spend tin! holidays vii'Ji us. We have iu-j viied Several hi, n.ls wiion. you know iu ; days gone by, aud we sliaii have at. excel- : lent lone. There ia a very beautiful and accomplished young lady "friend if outs, , who hvt5 in the seeoo 1 or third Village be- ! youd you, wloj will he sure to lie here.; Wt. ate Ml..: you will be pleased lo tiU'ke j her ac.pi;riilalice. l'el'haes Vd will fill I in love with her. .lust thiukol it, actusty old bath, like you lulling in love! e inosl Itlllilblv lit" Villi I :t ill ( .it 1 1' t In li i olli ud you, but oti must buivly come. ! Willi sil iiv viuie eiei.i.w .Iiavv .tvi,! I'HV fTi:H Altl'.' " )'. S.-1'ather scii'li iv-atds and suys that bankets here are nav-ug ..tie lfc.nl. nigncr tutiivst thaii tin; hunker with .. .7 ,,, ... ., . ,. . , , . , , ot' ,kT. He s. )s)uU had bet- I -sin OIIH, lll'llJ UI.U lllV.-fc It H IV. . Vimroiic.1 liion. Jlnny and m"A v. ' I Mr. lioll (.isiil'llilv lvilthid llii.s lulli T lottr ili.-linct limes, and then, loidini; it with ;tvat precision, tlioiihtl'illly and de lihi ialely itis. itid ii in the envelope and put botii in his pocket. 'The iui'.iorial JI.mit.-r bath ns'-erled in his lieve. 1!. . invj Iliad tliat the best part of a wouiau's teller is in tlu postscri.t, said Mr. lioll, h.lif uloud, l.s he- t'eseineil his ci-.ir und scii nlilicilly blew tt ciou.l of siiiuLc into the air. 'l ie- lainelis old 1. iloW is ipiiltf ri;:bt. ll is ct llaillly Very line il. liusiase. Let luc sec, II 1 1 .-it my 1 M'i i lilil e.iie.ins an.) lake uitii 11, e it tie, lipoid, ouiuta, 1 siiall I one pi r cent, in .re in l. r. st, which i-Mi'st ten piiiiiuls ! inite a j:aiii I 1 soail surely have lo pass lii. lio.i ila s w ilh my ikany U lio ed .tisius, lor M..0..I, id' c'lill'se, I enlel lain lie! t'lni.l ltd and al'.cliou. On, 1 love I111111 d. a. iV and Iiie It 1. pounds loo! . 1 the y I'tui la.ly they are u'in liavo Uu te, I'll li acli hi r tliat she t au t 'et 111", ill spile ol ail Un- I,, a'll) hiie call L11I14 l l Uar! Wi.l, I wiiliM. 1 vill lal.e n,y ile, .u lui e iitniii d.aU i . 1 Mil pat U Iny la. is. , lake up li.y I . d, ili.iiv u .'i.a.-.in.i, un. I Hit 1. lake tlie Irani, whit ll,' s .nl ., i lio, ciisiiiiiiie. o w,it.i, 'lull l.,te lit l letlv two li.n.14 troll, thin t.lne. .ii 11 b.ip(s in .I, u. a ti rv it iiii.i Ua'.li' C .Uu 1. 1. Ill e, toil it Uli.; la ly' M..4 aim to lite ell) I" apt lid loo hull I its, to. .11 li null lli.s 1 lilt nine, 1 1 1 1 1 ll was Ii I. nils an I tint ivl.iutt a w li uu she nili tisl ld I 1 V.4.I. ll II 1,1 thus 1 bl'..b.ih. t it s.. I of nml 11:. I inllllili Iiie, ll. ill ll ll l oil l i ly 1 li iisive . .lie, ll.t )' K"t lll'ili-,' l.llii.l, ilinl I.)' III.' lone li. y uliiv.il Milhn. .Htt.iy In. 11 a ..I Un ir d. kl:li.iti.'l. Mt ro !..!' 1 4 ' 'ill U , 1 . stluli' k' '111. .s my s ail !' uu I Mr. II. .11, sinl.l. ... I) , 11 Uu: .1.1111 4I..I s . ul 4 kin. ill ki.i.. ,., .1 lh.4 ! In I II e pl.l.e it. ft l.i. J'tc .: I I I p. I I'lll ll.nl slay I f . It 1. 1 1 I n. .4 Ul ..ic 1 1. oil In Ihe, ill ' tt I. tt V V ...ll d lb. I.. I .11 II I' .ll. .- . 1 ll..: Illy t.nl '( y .. Ho i ' S ., ii .,' ml II .1 iii 1 bill !.!', . .' It I .11 I. 4 ... 1 ! .' II) lull, ll M I I. I , I ' u I I l 11 H 'V, 4 ' I I in . I . I ! . t In. 1 4.1 1.1 , 11. i 1 , 1 In. ll.. ai. I I a I IV s .1 I 1 I I I. t . .1 in 11.. . 1 1. .... I .. 1 a . ll, l I . II ll.l . III.. 1 I i.i.l li.. .1 t 1 u. I U..I it.i. nil.. ... u Ui li-.ls fclkl l W S44j AMEBJCAJ rusliitil witli ptvriptous haste out of the iuiTia!'e- just us the iriiiii iimvotl away. It was about half nil hnui hclbru ilinncr limit that lloi-alin, cairj in- liix valiso in hi, han.l, walked t.,. the; Mreet of the little ynl.tuM., and (.loiipinir before hi rrieiid'9 boUM., ,au;T the door-bell nud v.us admit- i''- lie wa, shown into tho fcitlic.ro,u and left alone n few minute, until his friend eatue down from ttn Mair. which lin v, s -.t. did, and they had u v'ery sociable tunc loe. t,,,.,-, hlloi.,n ciwu, Bippins wine, and bi liavino like the ntletm n of wealth iiv tear inv- Sell aivnv, ati'.b hotild not haved.dieso, only 1 waa 11 Irani my heart would have -;ime utr.iy if I had htRve.l any longer, which is a toil ol rhyme. J!y the way, 1 wi.di you would k- ;;i :m eve 011 tnv valise, for 1 dnnl know much .about vottr Servants. There i a tliDiitan-l pounds iu it that 1 iimjoinj; to take to 1 he eity. 'A thotf and noumls !' rxelaimed bis friend, starling up. Why did you uot toil me ol this belbro 'f Where is the valise V 'In the ball. 1 supiio.se. Anvwat. 1 cave 1 it to 1 he servant when 1 eatue in.' j V..i, It,.. 1 .... ,...1... .. -..n t . . ........... , .......v t , icimn i 1-111 tm.u. l.. l , . I', ;... ..1 .... 1. .. hurried out of the room. llu soon returned, bearitic tho a!iao iu .!.. 1 " Ills 11.11111. 'Is this it ?' Vcs.. 'You hnil butler unlotk it and e if your tnorn'V is sale.' Accordingly Horatio took the key out of I bis poeket, and optnina' tho valise, thrust I his hand thefeit). I Miie.-s tuy sou! !' aid Horii'.io, sudJeuly ' withdrawi.ii: bin arnts. " j MS hat is the matter ? 'Why. look heie valise is mine ' 1 don't believe this And Jloratio drew forth a half-completed ! 1 ice collar, some embroidery, a pair ol 1 white cotton hose, aud other i Hriiients bp j loiiL'iiijj to the female wardrobe. 1 'Mm thousand pounds are gone !' grasp j ed Horatio, tlii'iiin' pule. ' ' 'o!d !' cried his liieud, spriuiug to his J li ct, j 'Outwitted by the divine augel you met : in the train !' I In the meantime, the train containing j the lady for w hom Horatio had experien ced so violent n f.un-v, whirled onward towards toe city, ut which in less than pave her valise iu charuc to a cabman, and ; 1 1 ;.. ..... '.. , .. : ci. ,..- 11um.11 111 liic ci.ieie, w unveu I .0 the most wealthy portion of the metro I poiis, und liirally drew up before a "stone i front,' 011 the diver door-plale lo which j was inscribed the name of '.Stewart.' j Two y otin-f ladies rushed out of the hall, ! ttifl i'.ili-eiionately ttnbiaced Iho youtii; ! lady. Oh, K :ise Mellinrjtou, you cau't thiuk illlil lliilrllellili lli'i tbnl I lit.e wi.ei. 'J)o vou know, inv d. ai-viLoiiiiii.,!.' i,l.l ,..1 l,k i;,i,. , ,,,ul ' .i- ., si.t., i . :".u,c euuiae w ao williout that i!oiali,.. l,no,.kiuv the ashes iVoin hi, eipir, i Uut surely you are not roiu"u Ky '" I 31! . boWt:Ver mUt'U "lliat 1 have a tverd to pour into your ear ! 'Yes, f urn,' mid lLnii. inovina to- J "n ct",""v-v covct ll' - l . hopim: it will no. go out of your tnot.lh i wards Lo doo'r, l',is" Z tiuTtht f I wh , it i, """"' l Yf? ",in1 ! I sat ... the irain to day by the side of the : ufpolioe,und see if I can teTuiy mnuryS-! Tn Z)ilr ?TV' J",U -dlJ do(' aud 1 i,v. .st i.L.t .livii... r..?.-...f ...,... .1..,.: !w :..,....:.i r f ... . . ln J"tir toni'uu when it is vrudent vou ....... ....i .i.v i.iy , eiuisiii, ei ieu ueunv. "i ou OU 'til ; M lnnlil ... , tli eef h.i.1 WUIL's. I eou . nil-die tear lov. I to ..I'..;-r..,,e.l I'., e ,i. , ... " 1 ".l,u '' '' ' nv glad w e are to sec you !' exclaimed 1 i ul 01 1Uit lm'will ,,llJ 1-,u bll!';J ! vto " The ncws ?.pt-r bu';nc?s is very exact e, rapturously. 1 '"?" """""" "t love, Hlter all.' j ing 0.1 ad cuuue-.-io-l v.itii it, and thcjiny is 'H'e tii.itoM It.ongU you were not otn- ' " ' r-r'.Ljj. ; coniLHralively binnl! : tho oi-om ietop risk IOW otu. in,', tii-.-.i tne ottier. 'Did you biinv; that cmbroidrry work you wrote about V asked the lirst, whose j nine w: Jenny. 'Oh. I hone Volt did 1 1 !.! almost dying to see it !' ' i ll, Lieu you must uertaiuly see it,' f.iid Miss Aieliiiif.ton. 'It's in too valise, ii'i'i 1 v. id u." und get it now.' , I he a,ise was placed upon a chair, and lee "liivitie ami l,' producing a key, pro c, eded to open it. I I . V.'1' K'-u'iiUS te !' exclaimed Miss ...ei.iiigi.i.i, as sue tven U iul li.e vui.-. ttliat's ibu matter '.' asked her two I'eiu-ile li iends. by, this valise is not mine at least, the contents are not. Just look hireV And Mi Kose brought to the sutl'aee two mainui'ilh silk poekel-hsndkercbiels, ll pair i' men's eoaie sioekills, a necktie, lie collars, and Iwo shirls. Why, tiris. I dmi'l understand it at all.' said K.iSf. 'lmust have lukei. some iniu .si s valise Uli, I know Xt belongs J '"'f L-oitstn Ilointio.' io.' Hit US t til' l I'UO Mate ol tllO CISC And as the true Mate of tin bur? I j ui". n h"r,Mis Melliglou threw heieeif Upon i il c!',,i,t u'1 'wst- I"ii,and lu-ariiiy. 1 . . l"'"'isin Hoiatio!Veli.M:d J. un 'Why, Hose, wliat do vou iiutiii 'Vmir cousin Jloratiu caniu into the liaiu, and look 11 .seat by tne,' atiid Koae, repressing hu- n.iiili. "I knew him in st.tnlly from the tl. seriplio.i you wr-'le, and such a liirlaiion as we carried on it feeds U'li.-f. 1 hi.ppohc he took my valise, aiul I look his. '1 he mistake wak 11at11r.ll, I n-they at.-j . 1st alike, the key to t ne lil lilltf the oilier. Hut where ii Horatio now ?' asked Sophie. 1 'insure 1 don't know V said lio.so.lauh il! a.tui. 'Up p it out at the Second sla te. 11 If an the eily .' Wt ll, yte c ;u soot, tell if this belong to lloi.ttio, for it'll d.KK, his 11. tine will bo on s. Hue of .he i l.i.htH,' said N.phy . 1 xaiiiitt 111 tlie sinrl b,.! . 111. ' 4 1 a. In 1c ll l Ilna .10 II. ill. Uh, my !' ami the lone c.ir!s bins, iulo a chiii'iia of laughter that . a ii;; in. 1 : liy !ir..i.L h the hoiisi-. 'I woii.lt r if he iTotiht any money alone; w ilh him lo pi.t in 1 hn Imnk,' a.tiil Sophy, aw s.i .ii us tin ir ui. 11 im. ut h i I a ibsnii tl, 'I dmi'l k.i"W , I ui, an t i s i ,' sini Jc.i 1 y, "tupiiie; up, and phuifiu In r baud iti. i I...- t.uisc, 'Why, h. fo .a yi.iclhni. Ju.-l lo.'k In !e efifla ,' M.e I t. .'' 'lit I'.l'lhil (l it Very lit r'e full., pro I phi l.ar .-"..it , 1 ivl.i.li 11, loutid tl lo 1,. ill;. ,11 lAil.lv l.ll v polllitl (lot. a. 'A Ih . lsi.i.l pi.illnla I' 1 s.cl.illlie.1 Jenny, W In t i I s 1 le ojit II. 'W by , bat A lliolik irm.k aiiiii, and liouj car. Ii - lie is. .Nina-, t-ir.s. it oi. v ill only do 11 I say, HeM have I..I10 1 lui.. lid he kic.w who you wire H. -e ; I tl .li t ll.il k he did, 1 did .ml led hill.,' t.ii.l it .ke, 'llii.nli Im tnilil hitvi'i:!.. ssi . I. l 1 !l, ll...l Ik i.o ..I Ixt us pill ll.liii, fa, k jusl as e I..1111.I ll.t ui, and a b. 1. ! 1 ..111. s. Hoc, 1 I. 1 1 1 110 1 ki I p ...It id Si-III li r tin lost Ii intiiiiti a. I le ill U In re Jn.t a s .. .11 as I., tan a.n r d. c. i-uu,' Im 14.' l.v, li. re iu f nun a ti,.t !' ttilaliu 1 I Sw.i,!., alt 1 ail by Urn symdo andbil Ut 1 I ", ..in.; ..ul. A t l.i. I.' ill. H Up I" d'to the t'llJ US she 4;.. ke, i.i.d uii 1 i.-.u, I. ot.t e'"t Mr U na I. 1 II . il, V l. 4. Ii. bin. I, add, luliloHil I . . 1 1 ...-- up ll.t. tUps, l.e M,j 1 t..U.i p, ai ui .l.e ir 1 . tt u.i I II. S'.a, ll se 1 11.10 ii.i. ...tl r.u.in, i., Ilk. .1 41 I 4,144 4jll.ll aiill ) .,' S.i J' Ilil) i t I . 'I .i.'t i' .i.u uniil vu 1 a. I )..... I y , i i.i4iii II 1 .111, l...s ii )"U 4 1 f al. I I I I, 1 I . I..I J 1 1, i . Ul.. i It, I, lien .i r I. 1 I h'li .1 i t a itlt uu uj ,ai4ii. tf k,... . . ... ii I ... 1 ....! 1 1 ... In , a I ' Ii iU... 1 1 1.1 It koto tUis ball '1 1I..U I ti l I iii .l o. a. I ruM Mi aMttt,' asavt44 14 r llutj, 3 t Xcw Srrlin, Vol. 3, Xo. 51 ) Old Srrirn, Vol. SI, X. 15- eU'valitig liis nrm. 'I o!i tnnly tironiisc ami j Hillnii Unit 1 will Imvi- luitliii'i to lo with i L'lirisdiua-) holiil.iv s tliat 1 Will Ili.Vi.r mnn i n j look at a luctty tirl that love and tlLc- lion are I.uini.ug,, and tho world a ! u sellish as a lio ! " 'Why, fou.iu Umalio, vou mr to be U'xeited ' fcuid Jumv '' i,.t ik., I uia l e ' 1 " lh 'Aiutter !' cried Mr. Holt, deposit;.,, big ' vnli.,. in tl.n hull. ! h.. 1.' . . .1 , ! pottuti. iust by takiu, a fatic v to . I 'cxelmnn.d vulSso. with somebody, thnfb w hat's the mailer.' )Vhy.couMU,howyouJota!k!'cxcbim.! ed ins lair toiupauions. 10 otter a rewni.i lor ltn n-emw I "I'll five a. hundred pound,' aid Mr. Holt, with his hand ou the door Ull. I 'Willies., that, .bopliy.'aaid Jenuy. 'Come I buck Jloratio. aud kitdowu. t aminod 1 detectives, ami will im uhai .. ... for you.' Ato.,in..!yMr. Holt, with much won- '-Now. Ito,' cried J. nnv. In Vou need tint brina nnvthm- with v,u ... . 1. ... ';. . . . 'Mr. irm, &im .uell.t.8l..,' a.a i...l.y. 'isle? tonishment, Ks his 'divine urf oft h tri,. - , c..,,i, liik, iiumi .1. 111 mh iiii-iiiuiui, : nm u.vitie aiief 01 Hit; Irani .. .... 1 1 ...... ... 1 . : . 0 ( )h, dear .r.e !' exelaimed lio.o. in w-11 cotinlerli ilrd .m-i rls... l riJsl', What is Hie .natter V- asked Mr. Ilolfe cousin., apparently amazed, aud looking i:mii one 10 me oiin r. 'Thin this is the lady whom I suppose j took my valise,' said Horatio, aghast. 'And Ibis is the (.enlletuau w hom I saw in the trail).' cried jiose. Hero i your linkage Horatio,' said; Jenny, brinitiy in the vaiiae. "fcce if your ' inoliev ii sale !' t It's,' cried Mr. Hi U, 'oyouslv, as fee! exannueu it Hire is your hundred. ' -il. til) We don't want iinvililnn !' exclaimed the two girls, both together. I 't.ive it to Hose !' 'Give it lo Hose V'said Horatio. looking at her thoughtfully. 'Well, 1 wiil and I'll speak In her also, if you two tills will leave the room.' They It ft aetnrdltmlv. ... - . , ., '- . . . -Now, iUss Me 111 't.in.' g.vnl Hnrntin. I ,, , ' ,, 1 ywien they were alone, 'I did you the in- justice to suppose that you captured my property! til you li.rive me V Xvn jt-o, Mr. -loll .' And that the mistake may never occur atznin I hereby very nspeelluily invite ou to clmngo your name to Holt,' said lioru- Ho, W illi an air of great iinp.n Uneu. So vt.,y suddeu, Mr. Holt, that rtally 1 he hesitaled, blushed very bewitcliingly looked more lovch 1 hati ever. and S is this very sud.ku,' aaid Horatio, clasping her iu his aru.s, uud sti-aliug a kiss. 'A'ow reply iu the urtiruialivo.' ' Vl'"-'l-R :' tiood. ihe thousand pounds shall b oi'iii..;;utii3. Uefllrilllillej t;i;e, ffOI-11. When John Wesley v-.ts a young man in daui'i.r of liillinjj iiito'tho nare of evil asso ciales, he did not watch him sharply ul a distance, and speak of his h"iL coinings to utiles, predicting that he was "ou li.e high road to ruin." lie invited him to h;s table, and by a pe liiai, all'.ihii! nianuir, n'ought to give biiu good nib,,, i ts Ibr lluiuhti or hiii'. trn- con duet. Advice thus hospitably enforced wa very iuiprcs.sue. He would draw out a young man iu converation, and learn what studies he was most proficient iu, which were essential to bis sm-eiss, and then assist him to aeiitiire the tuasti ty of thet'i. Another most valuable way of aiding a young man whom social danger thteat- t'liwl, was to make him acquainted with well dirpo'eil, who I .ni.i'.UB v.'u.i-; iti.-ii, v. 110 1 u .......... ....... ui. 1.1,1 1. ..I fi,n... 1 mm 1 he walched over their future carer with a lather's intenat and U'ti.ierness. Then in a very siuipb; manner be accomplished a doinemic h- aven ; -he whti is e, btuied, so vast itiiioui.t of good, besides provetilic a tiuwiatn d , bitter is the tear that talis up World of evil. ' ou her tiny. ou Hand beside her j:iavo Tin Christian duty of hosiiitalii v is too tnuch inflected by t hristianh. Tin y lose ly hospiial iy jimny precious opporluiii- lll'H Ol' doill e.,,,,,1 ulllJ ,,f jetliner (i.,0.1. 'i'iicre is nothiiitf that tnie im the heart of the jou.ifi and of the alraner more than a warm home welcome In. n. Ihose 0.1 a hi. in tiny have no claim, it opens the heart's door w ide to receive itnpr. ssions uf'good tills tho memory wilh' plateful mucin branees. ''lh.it woman is a Christian if tve-r tl.r-rc was one," s.ti.t tt poor aiiiler boy t.i in' about a kiad ti.d lady w ho had befriended hint in his leiieliiu . and poverty, Mie bad (.iveii l,i:.i many a in. al a In n iiiincry, or 1 a. led iiiu. in In r pliasant d airway lo rcci tve a pock. Ilt'.'.l of take, and unci' when m. h, bail l.iketi I , i 1 n 1... me an. I ntirsid him i tit a m.itl.i r s irud . rness. 'i ho boy is a man u nr, but tlie ui. iii..r of this l.t lie kindnesses will utter lade front his lesi l. ll ynii v. is), to ha roo.1 lo tho yiMitij;, provu . ..li Self, ilnlied, a yvl.f roliS 'lovitit in. ud lo tin 111, lUil'Nul.NM. a. - A iievy phil.iSi.ihr ff un in it ty , iiini the a uy t i l ine il, , is'l'ilt is. 'ihe U lue Ihe I 11 Ui at sin. it int. . V h k l'.i el, in .e ol ll.o .11. a, ry and t rnne pioiinetd I ait le.l.sfii, loaf Mill mine Uii.ticlitntl an. mil n. Jim iii ail tha tl t I ik. 11 ..I li.e il.n is , and Ihe t..r a i. s ar I 1 cure 11, I in inn, h sir. as appr.si I ti- lo U' laid up..n l l.e- amiin. .1 l.ripit ssm sa il Ua ilr un k 1 r, I . I he aiioi f 1 11 is 1 n 1 1 (li ii. ial H.at tl'e t ni.:.ril rei A 1 n .iiu.iu II help India. If, bio. Iltt l I v is ..Str4 lrom ., inpta liot.e. ai.4 Is si, I ji ti I in a to lira.- i f artik, in i,iU. r 1 1 ot . in. rtl .f fr .in the Ihta d n. .at t:.r a. litr. It il hot) in.tiif h4ti U 1 11 1 4 ru i. ia j r r a nir.l I ? s 1. fi in, ana r V. I on m ira lb. u.tud. I ht t un ol iliuiiki an. a fiats a. a n y, ri.ay siy sli ii), till, li.e ii. 11, a t ilia ?,,, Ii .a l"Ui aba in. i. al oai a an I f rur. I be ii.ait ai.i t dtial.r.ii l.i. i.i t ut i 1.1a sVs.aiu t 1 l im, ki I'Hiis tf In-hk. a. Iliauya. e4 a o. runa 11,110.4 Ut. siin. a, un urs a. ik. I i m iii to f nuiii . .11.1.1 .11 , am ii.r .l.t S)iiu s.,.,, .e l ! 1 kt . k a.. u iaik the lilo li ol I-1 k I il . iu u iu H al suit). Ai.dsiijf ... i , ..i4i. iu 1 tv.. iv . l.ak di ai.ilt 4. it, if I.. 1 It . llur t-ll. ln s l l d'uiiPk.iUts .Ual li.u.it. t't ou. 1.4 ai w ist .1 li.e t.L.i.a 4.1 if.,i Ji.uk st.uiij ih.t lu I ka. It lb tl vu asT Ik. liiuk Ii a I bail. kill,, 1, li.nd 1'm.iu, .. I II 41 ll.l dU U.ak U.a tJ'il tkuuYakil sik ttt) Uk kUU) J Is) J advi:rtisinq schedule 10 Muck, or about 100 Words, make Sqnar i sq Sq sq sqV4e,7iy 'ci iJt One week 1.00 U.uo S.M a.On 6.W tt.W16.W Two Weuksl.f,'J i.OO 8.v 4. Oil H.00 1 1.00T8.1HI Three 2.00 8.5J 4.fvr 6.11 .(K) IS.WUlO.og Four " 2,.Vj 4.5J i.r.j rt t.i 10.0.) I5.00fcii.60 Five " i.76 S.S) B.5 7.0:M2.tiOI7.OtW.W) Sli UiM); 0.7;, 7.M) 3.00 la.mi tH.Utt'VT.BO Iwoino's -8.8A 7.50 8..WD.(i(i lS.ooyo.tH' (t.og Ihree" Si.io 8.00 U.oti 10.00 'JO.OO Jfi.tK) 40.04 Six " 6.00 .0J1 1.00. 2.011 i.S.00 of..Ui:.M.0i Mne " a.Oi' lO.oti IH.00 lo.0n-S5.0ll 4.ri.( 1 76.10 One Year 8.00 I'J.liy 15.00 10.00 10. OOOO.t tl.vO Courage In Daily ,.-'1!,0 0I1U l,,i,,S tiuudlul for true aucevss ia hfi! is c-ouragt. f, tC'r iu lb,!' l.Sm0!! j "7, ir-1. ",. butt le-In-kl, w ucli X. t ,V T.hvSie v w,' ,k 1 0r.,Wl,icU ,"'lhtB 1 " I'liisttnlij weak more than 1 !"lUc ' Klwautio bully, but the mor "T" u, in 1 eh colll";, ..An u.,lk'"' Wilor ban uiven noiiw aru- , Z"T"U uu ",IBubJ 'Jlavo the courtx to d..he,.n . 1 ! w.i,ii. C. 0UW t" d.scharKo debt "na rt .. " ' 7 ' iiavc the cournce to apca't to a friend in a 'needy' coat, even though vou are ia compnny with a rich one, und rk-hly attir ed. 'Have the courage to make a will and a juht one. .fin.... 11. . . ,, 'V . . c",u8 .w ten a ruan trby "1 ll .ne.p, t.ntanee you liave, ws!,,.,, you ar. I r.. . i'V - 'ck' Vr"lr'P1- A , 11 leuu MiuuM. ornt whii n irutula n rm . 1 fcutn. -uu hi. ' ti... .1 .. . ' ""A" mat you ro- n,...i Ii.,i,l.,. ..k,,.. . : ' " speel Honest v in whatever i!tsi! it atmonri ' d..Vm r.to"U',nI' ""-st duj.Ucity I ii 41 , ... . . ' ' o, ' .""! IU l0lhM 11 1 J J i'iie.-3. lii'.ve the eoutap: to obey your Maker at the risk of beiti ridiculed by men. Have the course t0 prefer comfort anfl prosperity to fnslnon in nil things." And we may add : ilnve the count" to fureejo utitu ceesary or injurious j:rtitiu caliotiH, to innure those, dependent ou you lrom watit in citp-juf yorr lys. Ki.-nxi.vo a twsrAri n. One of our exchanges is excited over being asked to do firwiuitoua puflery, and relieves itself iu this vij;oiotiii fashion : ".Some men who Imv2 paid two dollars at un early period in life for an advertine tueutwortu four or five, appear to think they a-e stockholder in the. establishment fov eternity. They demand the publica tioti of all marriage aud IuikiiiI notices, ....... ...u lUMili IIVIIVI.I3, idiitnurl. Q on.l r.-.';i c..i : .w,.,iT 1 1'lou-jva uu me ueAi , forty years Al alia, sipeak of pay and they ! jtrow mdiguunt. ''liou't I paironize your paper r" "Vi, bul you received the 1 worth of your luoucy lor Thnl you paid." ; "But," mn iha lalron, "it will uot cost you anything lo put lb,s in," wliich is just ui iid.eu!oug i Vj ask a man to grind your ' ane 011 hit grindstone, uud graciously tell him that it wou t cost him a cent. It takes UlOUeV to l'lIU R llCWiOiniler U4 w-11 na r.nir other busiuess. aud tio paper w ill succeed j linauciully that tank s a dead-head sya- tein. A.iy n;e:itiou of the pi ojile's afi'aiis '. that they are anxious to worth paying tor, and win j trally any other iuveslui amount. see in punt i en printed is geu- meiit of the bim: more iiiiiiu v li.r KiTisitl tiriibtn. fin. I llui i iO tors and rcporle.B and priuters work hard er and the hi'! tiutnbcr of men in any other profession rccpuinngthe given amount of intelligcuee and training uud drudgery. The; lile has its charms mid its pleasant as sociation, scarcely Known by the outsid world; but. it bus iis tamest woik it'id auxii lies mid hours of exhaustion, w hie'i likewise, are not known to those who thiuk the busnirsi all fun. The idea that uews paperjoin is this charmed circle where tho l.tvot'ed ua mix is live a life if ease aud frca from cure, and go to the circus at night oil a lire ticket aud lo tlie springs on a free pass iu the limine", is an idea which wo desire lo explode pra-tically and theoreti cally, lousiness is Linl'ies", nud the jour nal that succeeds . t' coo that is run on a sipiare bu.ihues f.oUi.g, '.he?aiueas b;mk ing or huildit.g badges, keepiug u hotel or ruuuiug a livery stable, The lt'tttl Uife. In comparison with the death of a wifa ftl1 ollu r bcreavemeuia are triilea. Tha Wlfl- ' wll ''"" W ft N''-e in th-i a,ut ", tIu! l1'11 11 "''' " umber colored pathway w hi re the sun shone upon beautiful llowcib, or the slats hun frliitcr iiit ovelbi ad. fain would the soul linye: there. No iho.ne are lTint nilKred abovo Ihe sweet clay, save thoo your own bainU have tiuwitti'tily plimteil. Her nobly, lender heart In "j oh'W to your inmost ail.t. You think of her 11s all beauty and purity, lint she is dead. The hands that adminis ter, d so unlit iiifi'.v are faded, while and cold It i.eHlt. the tootny portals. A heart, ahoii' every loai nn iisured an rtt-rnily of love, lit undiryottr bit. And tone is 110 white arm over your shoulder iioiv 1.0 SjHakiiiu face to look up in the tyo d' bjea no ti. niblint; lips to untrue r, "Oh, il U too sud !" A eushce liiish is in . very room! No Fin. ie to lnef-l yi.u al liiuhl ! and t!ic el, i k ticks, and licks! It wai suet t niiisie w bin she could ht ar it. Novr lis. mm lo kialt only Ihe hour through w hii h ymi aatcl. the slutdow if death kiaihi rmir up "ti the tweet younk' fi.ee. imt many a t.i'.e it t IU"t' of (ya nasi, s..rrnw si. an d and W aiitiful w'o.ils retri " ."t lil.ote. in fi 4-1 Hint li.e ravc ratio.. kiepher. , U kh.iWlliatkliCISi.fl.il by ..tir s.t!., mi aii-f I iriar.ice. I'heiish lb t uii.ti. is, (ley aiil nuke you happier. I .. I In r In.ly ns. in-e bo as a chain. i kit p y.,11 In 1.1 ev,l. . all in-vr and t.!ia' ssnl t i.iiii. . none kt re I r it placs in ', Li hi si l. Nt . r f"i el a bat she has Is-. .1 in y. 11 - tl si bat h v 1 il you. Iw lebiler i j i.rr in. iiimy. !!! a S11 14 v. - W li it is il that inak. t all tln'ta i.n i. vei n n.o.'is'.t l ibi 111 I It H .ill W .11.11 II tl I i.lf to oil.. . t 10 do u d TV i.ttii.sk lint ""in in w ho ie , 1 tittoiii.l snd at 11. lb s, Hieiy of nt. 11 ii4 ri,ir t h. f a. s 11. fi neril f KiU ly Im. snse Un y aie lu lb h.lUl of li.', urnut fid, 1 ni.tiiiiii 4 i'1'litefnS.i...it ill. tii her .. Union, in link a.iy l.sM tn.ir 4 utt and ' Split. llli't it Hi tj i.l'. i f lit. rlii . 1. 1.1I ut tlrf. And ll .mi. l.'t-t li. ir I s iiv ai. i ia l: v. ilinl. .i lh spit. I i f nib I 1 1 l l . I I, V ill ) . An I tl tin'U b SsI Un ,r 1 1 1. 1 . 1. , ro le, di 1 l uii.iti 1 , ... nb li I. Ill Hi I rf 'I'l.v t 11. II i f . !. iili.l lUtl.l i'. and U. loan il in.n ...ininiialiy 'I be ir ai r-u t 4i rui.i I id Uu ir U u 1 tnatriii. p,.li4i.d slid l i 1 ,1.1. ... d, ai.J ll,.i rit I n. . I kj I'. t I k j i s l. I' i kii.4..sliil l.y Ilia I. silo. lu- 11 li. 11. .1 vi-1 1 1 ..! I In hi U 1. ( I. 1 11 4.1I su . I nf t h. ,1 l b 1 . .' I't aisln I liu, ! lb ll l4, ll B'. I 'I if f JSl, u till t III I U 'I I I j i 1 el I s !" t . tt ,tl laitf aa 1st) t'4 U . list
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers