nw tiiiii.i iimMMjtKMi'mmmmmmm StisccIIiincons. cpjtaU-Ijcs ctoclri. jll:,r,,tt,. .unices, Pot" Ph.- A p;ood Soup contains the 1111 ' tr'.nttit most neeiled, lora tritlinirexpeiiNc, anrtftUoultl I luninl w every table, nt lcist ! 'wife vork, c?ce a tiny would be Indler. 1 f" A few .points nm essential in iiifikiti"; n ' j3iioJ Bviii. Iteol'is the beat incut fur tlio mrrHwc, U8 it entit.-iiufi ttiu most uouiish iiient A Bhank bone well cracked, Mint r tho marrow may bo extracted, which you can purchase for the trilling sum of fifteen f cents, will make an abuuduut soup for I half at doacn persons., twice. The bone i .iiotiklbc put to soak in cold water, allow 1 Uift a full cjuart for every pound of meat, vnd a .Very gradual heat, come to a Blow kmuinior, which should bo kept up for five vtcii fiours. Boup should on no account Allowed to boil, except for the last fifteen "'Elites, to cook the vegetables in fiiiiahin!;. in.r the tl..t hour of InimcriiiR it should be fluently skimmed. Salt and pepper and IjAory shmild be cooked in it from the iy(-st, and rice added for thickening. If -feuetables are desired they should be nicely ( sliced, and the soup should bo strained ' through a sieve, (.treat care shold be used I sknn oil the lat as H rises, winch will be I Vestiary fur some hours. If soup is allowed rAooi and used the second day after ma Y it will bo all the better, as then all 'Xq can bo entirely removed. Yv delicious soun can be made in the , ... yrmnner, Irom game, towls, mutton , V IIIC.I I II Ibltt lllll lltl.ll. It till lb litllU V' Vt or corn starch. t, for tho delicate individual, and rich rind nourishing for the children, -v, nilf ednll the household, if you would i litem strong, ruddy and frae from w'' tain. Ct unirn (kn'lkman. ill", L. 1 I 1 yrw Tva '.UeV JlUsfcIIanccns. Gkary's Veto Sustained. i placed by Gov. Oenry upon the U would have abstracted nine c hundred tlmi'Mml dtllnr from grund, had it become a law, for t'.eV of 1 in i !i I i unr vnilrnuld anil OV- v$ auvauy mint, is very generally , tt the press ofboth political par if r' Uhe people of tho folate judging !ca5 Vf the press, which, as a geii vi JV '''l" their sentiments. It is Liiciit lawyers and 03- intelligent lnal crentlemnn to be one of the lundest veto messages ever sent stature of this State. The con- views of the Governor are too reet to be disputed by any one to intelligence and candor, and s upon the. danger of adopting tie a policy such as the vetoed have inaugurated, will meet with unanimous concurrence ol ttic l'.trrixbiirj Tdcjnqili. KKPRKSKNTATION'' IX Till! ifi)lsT Cncitcil. Tlio question of elegation" in the Methodist Church 1,..1,,W Itu till ;.. 1.1 L'lll I l.l,li,.,l Til 111.. ,,-y II'. III01L3 IlilklllllVI. SC I 111.11 II. II I. .LI1 IIIVJ 'flaee the people., in a total vote mut 3sl,7oii, approved, more than two me of the change. It remained only to 1 some technical impediments in the r'l discipline, for which the sanction I e fourths ol Conlcivticcs is required. l-bnir Conferences have now voted l77o, (, 1,1U1 US mure than the id thrcc-lourlhs. H is not believed result can be reversed or defeated (thirteen Conferences vet to vote. "braska, iXurth Indiana, Ulack l'ast iierman, Maine, lOast Maine, I tanipnhiie, Sew York, iew Vork Iroy, ermont, n yining and lcr- 1 i 1 1 ic funeral of Major General George IT. nas. took place at Troy, X. Y., 011 in nth. The funeral exercises took place a. ?t. Tanl's (Kpiscopa!) Church, and the services were conducted by liislmp Doane, ' d.Mi d by several eli rgyiucii of lie Church. 1 'I'iie l'residenl. Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of U'ar, Attoi uey General, l'ost . ' iasli t (icin ral Slu riiiuii, Congressional 1!. 'legation, representatives of the Army, iUc Govern or n ml I'gi.-laliuv ol'Xcw York, ; aid other distinguished oll'icers and citizens, ' .1 nd a large body of military attended the ! funeral. The funeral procession was quite .inposing, and was about two mill s in ngih. It n estimated thatci'ditv thou- auil people wiln'i s-ed (he procession. i'i) Advii r. Never wbiii vour horse for becoming frightened at any object by ' the roadxide; for if he sees a stump, a l.iy or a heap of (an-baik in the road, and 1 w liile he is eyeing it carefully and about to pass it, you strike him with the whip, it i the log, or the slump, or the tan-hark that is hin ting hint, in his way of reasoning, and the next time he will act more fright ened. Give hi in lime to examine and sua II of these ohjcct.s,and use the near bridle iviu to assist you in bringing him can-fully to tlies,' objects, of fear, llring all objects, if pos-ible, to hi uos;', and let him smell of t!.'-ai, and lh -u you can commence to gentle him with iheui. The wine trade of California promises to l.emio of its eivali si soiireis of wialtli. I'iie entire state .i'iIiii miles iiig and l:;u broad 1 is suiiable for eiih;vatiug the vine, 1 eept ill those sectioni when'ilic laud is 1. vi-. :i 1011 :! c the U i-l of the s a. i r-'in l iiv:'p!i to San iJie-zo the ;jr.iie is gro-.Mi. 'I In re are lit least IIii.ikmI.ihmj Vllli-s, co-i lillg ;ib Hit IJ.OOil ai li s. The amount of m ii;e u hieh coiopi -lent auihoi i li's tl.ii.!. mi-.l.i b made if all lb'' t'rapis WMVii-. d lor the in. age, UoiiM be ;i. o 10. wi ..all'Mis. I In.' v. iueiu.iUi-r aloli'-pi-odiii ' l'ny 'lli .:!!. ,;s, -- -:.! of ll.e tpiieki l vas of mal.ilig a f itiiiM is to marry a fashionable young ..el-. an l .1 1. r el oih, s. 'J hi- 1 11 .'iien al ' .-li-;i in ibis pim-e. dieg is, thai ilie si Hi r im -. bi a!o "1 t sold in . tia!i.teliou. We llillk, I. oe. r, lb:.l lb. .e i liille in -!:o , t,,. inliil. s of s emlllig .1 I 'i-inne "',11 l- to in n i v a f.ilaou:il'!i o'ii.g la !-, and buy In r eloll.it. ' lie -v I -1 i 1 1 . nt b i. Urn ll ii d fuipii ntly, w it U "111 . .14111 fi "lilt ;, ltll.TI'IOUC LOCK IIOM'ITAI,. K8T AH1.lt! 1K1 AM A UI-.KttiE FKOM yl'ACKKUV. THE OXLY PLACE WIIJMU A CURE CWEE OliTAiyh-n. On. Joiintsii lias illsfovi'rcd t lie most (Vrtaln, ft'Only nnil most bllu-luul Ri'im-ily in the World for nil Private DIschhi's, Weakness of ( lie Biu-k or Limbs, Stiii'tiircft, Afli'i'tlnns of Kltlneys niul Hlmliler, InvoliUitnry Dliclinrgrs, Iiniotcncy, Ueneral Dehillly, Nervounness, I)ysicpy, Lnn gnor, Low Mplrits, IVnfnslon of lili iis, i'aliitu tiun or tlie ili' irt, TiuiiUitv, TrembliiigH, Dlinnoi'9 of 8ight or (iiililinetn, bmi-AKO of tlio llenil, Throat. Noho or Bkin, Alftctlonsol'blvcr, Liint?a, Stonmeh or Huwels tliene terriMff Disorders nileing from the Bolitary llubltsof Youth thoe pecret nnil solitary practices more filial t tlu ir vic tims tfinn the song ol Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blifjtilinif their most brilliant hopes of niitU'ipntious, rendering marriage, &c, Impos sible. lOl'Sa MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful nud destructive habit wliii-h niiiiually sweeps to nn untimely grave thousands of yoiine men of the limst exalted talents and brilliant intellec t, who mlirlit other wise hnvc entranced listenlnir Senates with the thiindt-i'S of cloinience or waked to cestacy the living lvre, may cull with full conlldciicc. MAURIAtiE. Married Persons or Yoiiblc Men rontomplnting niarriiiirc, bi inir aware of physical weakness, or ganic debility, deformities, tVc, speedily cured. He who places himself under the care ol'lr. J. may religiously conlide in his honor as a gentle man, mid confidently rely uouu liis6klll tie n Phy sician. OniiANIC WKAKXESS Inimediutely t'nred, and full Viiror Kestored. 'i bis Kistiessiiig Alfcetinn bleb reniU-rs Life liiiscnihtennil nian iage linpossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indnlcenccs. Vomif; iicrsonsare too apt to commit excesses from not beingnwnre of the dreadful consciences tlmt may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation Is lost sooner by those fiillliiir into improper habits than by the prudent 7 Itesides beiim deprived the pleasures of healthy offspriiisr, tin' most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind 11 rise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical nud Mental Functions Weakened, boss of Pi-ocicntlve l'owcr. Nervous Irritability, Pyspcpsin, Palpitation of the Heart, lnd'arcst'ion, Constiluilnual Pehility, u Wasting of 1 he Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decav and Denth. OFFICE, NO. 7, SOUTH FltF.DF.RK'K STREET belt hand side going from Haltimoresticet. H few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must lie paid and contain ix stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hung In his nfUce. A CLUE WAKUASTl'.D IN TWO DAYS. No Mureiii v er Nauseous Drugs. UKJOHNSTON, Member of MieHoyu Collcgi; of (surgeons, Lon don, tirndiinled from one of tlie most eminent. Colleges in tlie United States, and tho jrrentcr part of w hose lie has been spent in the hospitals of London, I'lis, Philadelphia and elsewhere, lias elli eted some of the most astonishing cures tlist were ever known ; many troubled with ring ing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sonnds biishfiilness, with frequent blushing, ntteinlcil sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured linmeilintclv. TAKE PARTRUI.AU NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves by Improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruiu both body and mind, untitling t hem for t-il her business, study, society or mar riage. Thesis nre some of the snd and melancholy efli'ets produced by early habits of youth, viz': Weakness of ilie Hack and Limbs. Pain" in the Hio k and Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of M 11s cilnr Power. Palpitation of the Hi .ti t. Dvspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement ol Di'e-live l'liiH-lioiis, tleueial Debility, Syiiijitoms of Cnn htllliptinll, Vc. MrNTAl.l.V The fearful cll'ects on the mliid lire intieli t' be dieaded Loss ol' Memory, 011 fnsion of Ideas, Depression of spirits, F.vil Foitbodings, Aversion to boi iety, Sc!f-Distrut, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are some of the evils produced. TuorsANOs of persons of nil Hires can now judge w hat is the cause of tlu ir declining health, lesing their vigor, h '.-coming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eves, cough and symptoms of consump tion. YOUNli MEN Who havs injured theiiiclvcs hy a certain r.-ic-I ice indulged in when iilone, n habit frupnntly leaned from evil coiupanions, or nt school, the cllicls of which are nightly felt, even wlien ii.-lccp, 11 n l it not cure. I, renders marriage impos siMc. ami d i roys Lot h mind and body, should apply imiiiciliaiciy. i What a pily that a young man, the hope of his 'country, lie- dur!hi of ids jiirciits, t-lioulil fi ! Mialcli.-d liotn all piii-pcts au i cnjoyiiti nl s 01 life, hy the eoiisc.Uci of ili vi.itlcg from lie- pal li of nature .rut indulging in a certain seen t habit, tueli pcisfms mi st, felon coiiteiiiplallng MAKKIAlii:, rcllcel Ibat a smual 11. hid and body are the ino.-t ii . es.o y 1 . (Uisil e lo piiiiimte i nin:ita:il bappi ncs. laih-ed wiiimul I licsc. the j uirni v throiigli i'le 1, e.,ans a ii;iry i-iiiiriniaue ; liie t'lospect l.o'.iriy d. ilk. as to tin- ie ; the mind licciuilca sliadou 1 d m il il di -pair uiil lillcd " il It the lueliin iho.v reilei 1 inn, t liai I lie lui ppincss of am il her I- eOlile- l.lietileil W il 11 Oil I' O W 1 1 . pisi'am; or imphl dence. When the nibguld.,1 mid tinprudciit votary of )ileasiiri' lin l tli.it he has iuibihcd the seeds of thi- p.iinliil di.-ca- '. il I 'o "Hi :i happens Ilial an i'.l-l imeil s.-n-.- o .-li.iinc, or dread of di-covi rv, ihtii-s l iiii fi'niii u piling to lli.i-c who, fi-niii e.laeniiun an-l i . -pe. t aldiii y, can iilone befriend hi ni. if la ing I ill I lie c .list il ill I'.nal sj mploli ol Ibis h"iiid lii-i-asc make llicir np)eaianec, Mich Its llceral.'d si it f tllln.il. ilircaSI-d ICi.-C, lliM'tlll'al I ..in-in Hie ilea l and liuil.s, damn -a ol sight, iiiatic-ss, nodes oa ilie shin hones and alius, 111,.! "!:, on !e- Ileal, l.ice and eMiell.ities, plil- f-e--!iiu wtlli tii-l.tl'nl r.j idiiy, till at last the Ic ol I'n in. lull or ll.e l...,i Of the iiom fall 1 ':, ill I I !:e Li illl Of I III- 1IU fill disease l.ecillli S .1 li' i'i I i; el .,r I'.nitniisci'atiiiii, till dentil puts a pc.ii. I lii his dli.nllal Mitleling, l-v seicliln; lain In " 1 i. at 1' inb-i-" en d ( oiintrj IV jiu w hencs no n n- '! r 1 1 turns.'' Ii i- :i iiii-:K.-h..y fact Hi..) llioiis.ui.U fall h'- I iln- I n llii r 11 ili,,: i. case, nil on; i IliC llllskili I : :!'- el i J , ::ill pi i li lt il l s, to hn, I the Use Hi If 'I " III id.y I'.-i nil. Ml n un," ruin III eni -1.1 hi., i, ..a. I make the residue of life uiineia lili . M il A S i . I I; fin I id v,.i,r lin n, . r Ic- .lib, in lb- ire nf lb 1 1 ii v lii . m l and Woilldc.i. I'i-iemlei, T. fi. SIS lXO, fATClIMAKEU AND JEWELER, Corner of Third Street and Market Square, In Miller's Stout llulldiiig; SliNPUHY, PA. WATCH KS, fTHfi7? of the most celebrated makers, VV."&s consiiting of the Howiird, Ap-fiAassSh's-l'leton, Tracy A Co., Wallheni, ltartlet, W. Ellery, and all grades of the Elgin Ill's make. Also, sole Agcut for the celebrated PAUL BRI TON Watch, in Gold or Silver Case, at low prices. SILVER-WARE FOR WEDDING PRESENTS, of entirely new designs. Solid Silver Table nud Tea Spoons, Mutter Knives, Forks, Castors, Ice. Pitchers, Fruit and Cako liiifikets, Syrnp Mugs, Butter Pishes, and everything In the Silverware ' line at low prices. JKWELItV. A fine lot of 1k Rings. Also n flue selection of tiold and .tut Jewelry of all descriptions, flold and Silver Chains, at low prices. GOLD PENS. Fine. Gold Pens, in Gold, Silver nnd Rubber Cases, of the celebrated make by Hullinan and Stewart. CLOCKS. A full assortment of 8 day nnd 30 hour Clocks, nt low prices. Also. Sole Agent for the celebrated Perfected Ppectielcs,-warranted to give entire satisfaction. Watches, Clocks nnd Jewelry repaired nnd wit ri ant ed. All orders promptly attended to at the shortest notice. Siinbury, Sept. S, IMS. ISAAC K 11 IH I K, WATCniiN A X 1 J E XX E LRY, No. 148 North Second St., cor of Quarry, riHLADE.PHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, BlWersnd Plated Ware constantly on hand. jfRcpairiiigol' Watches and Jewelry prompt ly attended to. August, 14, 1801). ly. JIH.MMRV AM I- AXCY UOODX KOW OI'EX. Di 'l 11, l.i e!M I I , -.1 1 lit II 111,-. .- 1 . I- ."' I. e I.c v all 11. a.. ! kl ,f i: illlcd.'. -I id's C III II t '1 . ... Ill .1 II i', ii.iii.c or char. n t. r, w h" nd .1 1 ti-eiii' nl, or st Ic 1..11 .1 , 1, li-.il.irlv 1' be i.ti 'l i. '' ..I t III III., Ill, ) kl i )." , 1 1. 1 111 ii 1 h I il. in- t li- ,r li.i ft in. I ...li 1 , or as line; lis lln- I'll. a'.l' ! nnil, and in di -p.iii, b in- )'ii ah 1.1 . li otn ).nir Kulliiiii d- in. Ut ile . J, li I 1 1 Pliwh I.1I1 ltdelli'big- 1 11 or si 1 1 I- in.,. uU.i !..ue in II. I III ' I I I ' I V 1 l US Mate I . I.I A I. It 0 .,- 1 otlli ; luall I'lM I'lM l kept I' lir aiel a l...!f III ll.e Ma-s.ieliiiM tt 1 -. il 1. r a ei iine i.' t l.a li In- ,al '' i"'u' , i I lie Vka fi iniet. , llpoll 11 i 1 "' I I ' Is llu- 1 1, .in .1 1 .i in e. 1 1 1 1...1 . 1., u , as ii.s. rei l.y ll.e f I. "II el tl.e I, ,,1 , u, lit, M liu , Hill, I ,i, 'V In i,e 1, 1r tollus ilr Ic 'I' c. ouii4liA r ain, .1 suit lorn pr. Ity -..I In t I- i r 1 .1 It Ii , i in n, II,. i,t m u I" l " 'i. I ii.- i xt -I iv lln. I., ly i-a.l- 1 I. .11.. ..1.1 .1, ,!,, i, 1 , IC v,, , i.i -1 11, I , 1 1 p, ,,. 1,, r, l''"i ' 1 ' " 1 . ' I mi ! I il.ni'l 1 r. I ' I ' J""," I' i Ibe I... II. .1.. i kili.f 1 111. 1,1 an1 in. In. .i a I" a'! an .1 .11. p. i.i in Ibc ii. ,1 II: 1,1 t III llii" Cnllllir Jl.d l-lll lie fl.UlliC" Ill-Hi ' nl I , I I h 11 1 , 11 In I tie I 11 1 t. IMM'Kcl.Ml ST Ol' 'IIIK PKim. 'Iln ii .im II, -a I. ui. d i.i lhl bi.iilul a . ir ji. 1 , 41, um I IU i.i.u.i 1. b"!"' 1 i. ,.l Hi i 1 .lii.i . s 1 ,11.. .1 ! Hi. J; '" .. M.lll- .-A I l-l 111." I l-.,,e, of UlU " l"'U. " I.I,' U.I I.I..I.) isl.i 1 I If k i... 1, iO.ii, I ..n 1,1 MU.I ladll' I" "' I I" al.l, - illl. Mll'l I .1 ..l,.l'iill , U I I.i- U I'll. 1, I, KI lils.J-1 titrt rl-IHHI-V t ' I-. 1 nl.. 1 mini ill Mil l I l-ilc " ill- I... .1 UlLL-ifcl. iM I' 1. .. . s .1 I. .11 . I 41 l I . 1 U... I. Ji ll ' ! , " - .- I lt.4l el I ,ulll kul liw-l ' a u -I "I a.k. I . , , , , I 1 hi. 1 1.. t. ... t , t ,L. 1 .'ni l i-l, .nui) '". e. 1 tt JlillNl in 11., "..Ilaieii. I k M -i-a-i'i l" lii.iu..,) I I11O. lurUMllMrisI m'l"M"'l'i Ml.t 1,1 U-' "' ' 1 ' ...! w -.-J "' .., J i i Ii t iw, 111 . ' ' ' ' I I. V I i.i i,ii 1 ... - pi-1 ' M 111, 4 IU. II, ,. I.ii .11 I i ii.,i I..,,, i ' ' " - - In .. I.i ; ',, " .iii.. in..., 1 . ' !' ..(-, .1 I . I. ti .1. 1 , . , ,, .- " 11 ' ' ) ! i- 1 i " ' ' ' ..... .... I i... 1 ' -i : . 1 . . . 1. ... 1.1 . r .... . ..1 1 . ...... ; I kill, l k 1.1. I I I ' ' J .. .. ... I -1 1 I'hII and Vinler IIulHiiud Iloimoti. A fine selection of Plush, Velvet and Satin Hats. A large and elegant assortment of nil the novelties In ready trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Also, uu nssorainent of DRY GOODS. KIBBOXS, FLOWEKS & FE ATHENS OF THK I.ATKST TAKIS FASHIONS. Every article In the Millinery line as well s NOTIONS. EMliKOIDEKIES, EDGINGS. LACES. 11ANDKKW H1EFS, PERFUMERIES, STATIONERY, AC, of the best quality can be procured nt reasonable rates. Desirous ot pleasing the pulillc, I liavo selected ,tn ususual Inrice assortnicnt of the best goods in the citv nmrkct, to which I invite the ill tent ion of mv custoniers and others. Cull nnd see them, ns il is no trouble to show goods. M. L. GOSSLF.R. Oct.Sd-tiO 4th St., In-low S. V. ec P. R. R. I'ALr. AXI) WIXTKK ;MItN AT PRICKS LOWER THAN EVER. MISS M. L. LA.ARl'S bus ju?t returned from Philadelphia with n large 11 11 d choice w'.cctioii of Fall and Winter goods, including, CALICOES, Ml'SLlNS, DIULUXOS, FIXE KI.AXXKT.S, CH1XOI.1NK, WIGAX , TTaimi MiiH. of nil T-ii.ticn nnd licnl li'llicil's Silk, Kid nud l.ile Thread Gloves, Hosiery, Dress Trimmings in variety, Real Laces, BLACK GROSCHAIX AXi) CEAC1L ; MLKS, , Velvets cat bias, VcWcl Rihbons, Satins, black e,,!, ,re,l et.hvis nnd Yarns mid Kclihvr knit goods. Toweling. Napkins, Table-linen, Gents' Ladies Ilandkcrclncts, Scan. I nney ii- nnd Toilet Artirlrn, I'l.K- r':iiiv,i4 nui Ciinvus t:ittcins. Fiirured I. incur-, Tarlalaiis white and colored. Also, uu ll.-MII 1 niciii 01 ia-nniii.iiMi: HATS, FEATIIEliS AM) IllBHOXS, si.-.vli nil, lions. Ac. She Is iii'i-nl for Switches nnd Hair brail-. Perfumery and a large variety of Notions and Fum v articles. M. L. LAZARUS. Nov. , 'li'.i. The In text In 11 nnd Inter Milll itory XoToltlsi. MISS L. S1IISSLEII, Market Street, SUNHl'RY, Penn'a., n.WING just returned from Philadcliihla with a large and varied stock of MILLI NERY GOODS, of the latest style:.. BONNETS, HATS, 1U15I10NS, I'J.OWEIiS, EE ATHENS, &(,'. Also, n preil variety of Fashionable Dress Triniinlni; Di i and Coat Pultons, Laces, Col-Ian-, Embroideries, Edgings, and all kinds of l aiiev No'ioii:,. Fl its AXI) ITU TUIMMIXCS, Woolen Good-, Zephyrs, Ac old Lady's Dress Caps, Hosiery, Glows, Lim n Cull-and Collars. .Millinery in all it- bi'aiichcs promptly ulteudcil to. Thankful for pi-t patronage, she hoic to so ld il h eoiili'i'i inc n the sainc. The public U , liiiilcd to call. oic.UI-f.'.l LOUISA SIUSSLER. NEW lillKss (iooiw l'OU FALL AND WINTEU. Ill 1 II K I.ATB-T STI.KS, MISS UVTI1 III.A4K, M ok I Spiare, H'SIll RV, IViiii'4., H .S j 1-1 i.peiud n fresh in-mrl nl of the iic.-l l.i-iiioii.iiilu fumv Dre-s 1 ioodi fro,,, the l o., -1 1 -I -Miichl. In I'hiladi Iphla. M I tlM. I. p ( ' Ai. pull. IV. t Al.l I us, Mil ss Ml k, sil k piipMNn, Mill HMMi GOODS, el' 'ii..-, Mu-llns, l.adic.' and I'lilldreiig' H I s, 1 III In I -, .ll,ioll, Dei '1 1 liuiiiiitio, l'-iubrldrrlir I. n i- Vilb, I . .i.c!.. Ifiii. Ik, 11 hi. I'., lib in., II is., it, ll,,i p r-kut-, ll.., kli.-' Kllptic M. Ill , and I ..el 11 .' leJiKl. ut 1 1 1 1 1 ,1, r.piinii. I ... !, I '. S, 1, I ... 1 lT . . . 1 1 . p'.:.i. W.aliu CI. . ., Ill, ..kl.i.i Me il.ls, W .Milcu r -ufh and I up lor V uiii. u Hil l I lill.llell. G 11.' I iill ii., Nn k lie., IL.il lew, ll.iu.iktr i 1. in 1 I . 1 1 11. 1, Il , I il.. l fe.ml-., Il ll III 11 lie, C.lllll,, 1 K 1 1 r. ItL Vl h. II i. m .1, IIIKMIIMi t.UIIIIH M OHO. n I A u u m r m I u I r 1 e ll, , I ,, M ul. I ft ,,i.,l, , do.il, il of lb Itill-sij, t'MIUtV, VA , 1 . I I I I I 1 I I f 11. li . ,11. I , 1 III' ltd, snd lb. I I. ... II. ll ,1.1 I. .. l-ll ! l l'' "I I ui vi ii t, 1, 1 . m v mi no I ion a, ... ., I . . ., In 1 I' ll t I I., bli I VV 1, .'I t 1 nl i-M I iuii'il, r 1, I . , I I.I 1. kl. I i.i J wi .. I I. kl I lUlklMIS'., I.i I e. . I, ,, y. I , I ... ..- el i I . I" ' I "I ' ' . ,... ..1 1, ., t'l I--' I . u 1 1 .- I .1 ! 1 .. I I , . J. ! li 1 t .' l- ' I I I I.J It I II M t'- Nl I I I if . t . 1 ' I'"' 1 1 1, . V 11. e, ..'.-., I ' - I. .1 p OIR NEW Fumlly ScwIiik Slnrhinc. The 8uierlor Merits of THE "SINGEIt" if AC JUNES Over all others, for either Family or Manufac turing purposes, nre so well established nnd so eenurally admitted, that un ennmenitlou of their relative excellences Is no longer considered neces- OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINE, Which has been brought to perfection, regardless of time, labor or expense. Is now confidently pre sented to tlie public as Incompatibly tin Ittt titif iny .um-rtpn in ccttirewe. 1 tic mnchuie lu questlou Is Simple. Compact, Durable ami Bcavtiful It Is nuler, light running and ranablt of rf- forming a ranfle and rarU ly wrer bffort uttemptod 171011 a Mmw mnenirM, using cither Silk, 1 wist. Linen or Cotton Thread, and sewing with equal facility the very flnc4t nnd coarsest materials, nud uiiything between the two extremes, in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Its at tachments for yei mint, JlraMinij, Cordinfl, Tucking, Quilting, J elling., T rimming, Jtimling, etc., nre novel and practical, mid have been in vented uud udjusted especiully for this machine. New design!! of the Unique, Useful, andl'oou lur Folding Tops nnd Cabinet Cases, peculiar to the machines manufactured by tkls Company, have been prepared for enclosing the new Mu chine. A fain Idea, however, can nt best be conveyed through the medium of n necessarily limited ad vertisement t nnd we therefore urge every person lu quest of u Sewing Machine by ull meons to examine and test, If they cun possibly do so, ull the lending rival machines nelore miming a pur chase. A selectlou can then be made understand iugly. Hranches or agencies for supplying tlio ' Singer"' machines w ill be found In nearly every city or town throughout tho civilized world, where Machines will be cheerfully exhibited, nnd any Information promptly furnished. Or com niunieiitications mnv be addressed to THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO 4iS R110ADW.tr, New York. PIIILAD'A OFFICE S10 Chestnut St. JIUS.KF.XJ. I, A KI'. NIIAMOKIX, SOLE AGENT FOR NORTII'D. CO, l".?" Persons who desire the above Muchlncs, nt Sunburv and vicinity, can obtain them from Miss CAROLINA DAI.IUS, Market St., Sun bury, Pa., who Is authorized to make sale for them. April 10, lj9, ly. Ll'ittUEIt AND ri.ANINO MIM,, Third Street, nd)olnlug Phlln. & Eric U. R., tw Sipmros North of the Central Hotel, BUN BURY, PA. IRA T. CLEMEXT, 19 prepared to furnish every description of lun ber required by the demands of the public. i laving all the latest Improved mnchlnory ft manufacturing Ltinber, be Is now ready to ull 01 ders f all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, POORS, BlfUTTERS BASn, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nn.'i all kinds of Ornamental Bcrowl Work. Turn Ing of every description promptly executed. Also A I.AROK ASSORTMENT OP BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets. Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly Illlcd, nnd shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dccl9-0S:ly NEW CAKKIAVF. AND BlCiU MANUFACTORY. THE subscriber respectfully Informs the cltl r.ens of Siinbury and vicinity, that helm: openca a shop in (Sol. Stroll's Biacksmithsho Building on Ccstnut street, Sunhury, Pa., when he keeps constantly on hand, and manufacture to order, CARRIAGES, BUGOYS, SULKYS, Ac., of the latest Btvle and the best mnterinl. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages, &c., done a the shortest notice. Persons in want of One Baggies and Carriages ore requested to call before purchasing elsewhere U. U. ROUS1I. Sunhury, July 11, 18CS. ly. o 'ALL APT!lVns,. I V A vt 3-20 A. M t , UKTRD. M-t U11 lv for tftui . r. IT?-, Da" ;,"". Snsiicnslon f," .'"' "'"ffnrn 3P.M Dal'l' 8 "nd "10 f-WSW-y-.) for Etah, 6-40PM D.!lrft; tr' Ktt"y from' LA VF. illAT-Sirr . u, iiatly (except Snnrtn,. . a. B.'rr. "$ ' rwi Unrrl,,; r Pnssen'r Ag 't., u nud nftns r . 11 1 US foll. , souTn ward. j. M. P. m 4. (JO 4. S3 6.00 8.10. 7.4'J 8.10 8.45 A- M. P. ir. 7.15 9.53 7.4.:. 10.80 8.lf ItOOT AND NIIOE MANUFACTURER. THE undersigned lufornis the citizens of Bun bury and vicinity, that he has opened 11 shop at his residence, ou Arch street, near the public school house, where he w ill iiiiiuuruclure lo order, nil kinds of BOOTS AND HIOES of the best ma terial. Repairing done at short Notice Orders art respectfully solicited. J A RED BROSIOt'S. September, 11, 100 v. 4.80 8.05 5.35 7.i.'5 8.25 P.i; NEW MACHINE SHOP AKD IKON FOINURY, Uc4. Kobrbneh A- Ku, SUNHURY, PA., INFORM the public t hat thev have cs tubllshrd 1 MACHINE SHOP, lu connection with tlie'n FOUNDRY. They have supplied thennelvei w ith New Lathes, Pinning und Boriug .Wacliiues with the latest improvements. With the aid o skillful mcehauieii, .they are enabled to eiecuti all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, in a satisfactory man tier. Having enlarged nnd rebuilt their Foundry, the; are rdy to execute nil kinds of CASTINGS. 4j!r(4f lo suit uuy .Hlovc. BRASS CASTINGS, ic. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their supe riority, have hecu uiil further improved, um will ulwuys be kept ou hand. ALSO THRESHING MACHINES. Sunhury, Sept. 18, 1S01I. NEW BOOT ANI MIIOE MO It JMARKET square, .YicW JJovr t Jlycrly'i I'Uviograph GulUry Boots und Shoes constantly krpt ou baud, up of the best material." Beluga practical mechanic, be will MAK TO ORDER uuy kind of Bouts or Shoes d out ol the best Slock 111 the markets. Kcpurine done ueiitlv und at khort uotb 1 b or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, at tho cheap cash Store of JOHN ECKMAN A. CO., S. W. corner 4th and Market St., Siinbury, Pa. WHERE will be found one of the largest cheapest ntul best selected apartment of Dry Goods, ever brought to this place. A large selection of IHll'.SK GOODS, comprising everything In ALAPACAH, ALAPAC1 POPLINS. All Wool Reps, English and Freuch Merinos, rhangeuble Lustres. A large Invoice of SHAWLS AND CLOAKINGS, Just opened which for quality, style and price und unequalled, also all the latest styles of water-proof for Ladles' suits, Hoopskirts lu great variety. A full line of llosery, Gloves ami No tions. A full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS comprising everything In French Beaver, Freuch Cassiiuercs, Doeskin and ull choice mukes of Cassiniers to the lowest grades. Also, Blankets, Satchels, Looking Glasses, Wood and Willow-ware, Hardware, Nails, Glass, Oils, Putty, Drugs, Salt, Fisli.elc. IlatM mill Cups, Boot autl Shot's). Our slock of Shoes are made esrrcasly for our own sales nnd are guaranteed. We would call the particular att.-i'.'on of those needing CARPETS, to our large and excellent apartment, which have been selected with care both s retards quality and stylo and ure olfered at prii cs which w e guarantee to give satisfaction. Pnrtlculiir utleiil iun paid to the selection 01 our Groceries and Spices, and we keep none b... the best. We have determined that quality und price wll be un object for cvervbodT to cull ut the Store o ' JOHN ECKMAN A CO. Siinbury, Nov. 13, psC'J. go Li) en (7i rfs7 PARENTS TO FAMILIES. FATHER TO DAUGHTER MOTHER TO SON. GENTLEMAN TO LADIES "II THEN the light has left the house, memo y rials, such as these compouud their inter est. BF.Rti STRESS EU'S SUPERB PHOTO. Miniature or oval Pictures, admitted to be tie best in thi section of country and no superior it the State. Constantly Increasing demand am great experience in this l h- of miniature give 11 facilities und better than uuy estaldislimeul out side of large cities. PAINTINGS, CHROMOS, PICTURES ANI ALBUMS, Home views taken. oval frames. Gilt and othei Flumes for sale, Framing of Pictures done ti order. J. B- RF.RGSTRKSSER'S Gallery, 3d st., doors above the Keystone House Sunhury Sept. lKth, KSii'J. ly. ( liunge ol' I'roprlelornhip. riMIEetock mid llxtures of the Livery Stable X formerly owned by T. Melliiw, has been pur chased by J. . M. Bartholomew, who bus udded new horse:., and is adding other comfortable con venience. He intends to make it n stable that raunot be excelled uiiywhcre outside the city. The best of riding und driving horses oil hand ready to serve customers. The patronage of the public i respeetfullv solicited. J. M. BARTHOLOMEW. Jiiiihury, Aug. II, lsi.'.i. ly. " ;KOVrit A IIAUEU'N yillST J'llMll'M Kl.ASTIO STITCH F A M 1 L V S i: 1 N U .MAC1II X K S . IMINT1 UK BXl K-I.I.KM'K. BEAUTY und elasticity .il Stlteli. Using both, m- w t threads directly from Hie spools. - t ting and diiiiipin: iclilllgol sea ii.iuii 111111 no -i.-.i.i; - ji utheolllv r llelilace Heater Will, the deco It. la... .I.iin.r iill tin, I. .if work done W l,UT... ..I.: i . . . . ... ... .......... " " . , " Y.c t, " ''B "uiiu.uii liailll lor u.ln., and Willi- 111.1.1 l.eaiillliil and permanent tlnln. Les yo c-.. . " 1. .' utcn' 7-00 ?' 'shinny, 8.55 , D'WVlllc, 10 4.1 A". .N'ortu'd., IVJL NORTHWARD. Lcav VnrthM A.'.?f P-lf. i ,7. - U-B0 ' in 1 b 1' 1 7'S5 Mileksulnny, 8.65 Kingston. u Kn , " Piltston,' 10. S.00 Arr. Scrnntou, jM ' .am, leaving Scmn.on 7 00 A" in., , connect at No. n,i.. ., 7' . . it K. n T 4-.- "wiianu w 111 ...! '.ibulelpLi at 4:"o 'amt,Wlorkat S'I'. nd West. iruius r01- oltut j,lHiJ &Cutli" -iroudfor Ta- S.13 U-45 uud 4 Kingston, Pa., DAVID T. BOUND, Sup't. Heading KiUIi-oikI. WINTIR T Monday, December 27th lito bsuon, lleut.wn ,,K.'.ton r,,d,' """"""kin, ucister, Columbia Ac Ac l l,urut". 1 rains leave Il, .i. 1...- ' .' : At lLr, V:u"'K 'w York, u 6 I'- lu., councct W l'i i. -r'0 ""ou, iH.WlY.nl. H , 'C "h "!u'1" Tmlu. o: "k ut IZ.15 no,,,, :.,."" .rnv "If nt New -..1.. . . o.W UUtl III til fol- and ou I ho "Pi-ctivi-lv. Slecpi 5a. i. nj i.i ..'. Kan "CCOIUPUUV RctnrulnKr IvJ ."Jn,v,,,,UI,ou "tK-" 00 noon nd .p0 m. and S.yo j,. m. ; s LVi.i , " '" If 'be U.00 a. 5 00 "f, "coiupuuy. rk without change P" -Ni' a Ta- 'VrZltr "..felu.ao.uua tbu UbE SPEKRS POUT GRAPE USE M'KEttS l'OUT GRAPE INVALIDS WINE. FEMALES WINE. WEAKLV PERSON VIND ITS USE. lu uueetiur for 1-1. 1 1 . . 7,lu.f.'- tu i tralu "ibiH otilv. IVr Potts, Tc' sT, " ;' UUJ -'"-'I Aubufn. via Sc , k ' ullkUl ,'n Ui.ad leav. H.r, ishiVrg 'ut ' 'uu. Kallruad. ntiirni ,V tr lralu l Ku--'-'. ""l-Pliig il nil Zl."Vm " lSl:K,;!"a;D1'-'1 .p. ! Taina.iuis at s i': ,' ' W.S0 . ''MlailCphi!, and Ncir Voik tt"J '' dVoVe Ld 'U' iviotrLHf u: "'!. I'hiladelphia it 4..l0 ,,,"'' .'"'"S : "l "P.iu. urrivi. ,. i'.:, "I" "id- 'II 111 C J JI 111 r..i t 1 Ollb -I'O p. m. ' rclun"nS l'liiludelpki. leave Ib-iulliw ut A UENF1T BV Speer's Wines other Wines. Sold ,y Druggists generally, Spec's Sluudurd Wiue Ititu-rs. o ull wholesale Dealers, Hospitals ure prvfurrej tu who also sull hee that ILe SiigiiHisre n l'oltk- nt i-l'O p. m. uiiudelpkia - iV." o,W" R."i"V:'J Twin. i:aieae,;;:cu.uu;ulu,cw' tvr i' .siooi.nu, Kud ...Tuiot Ni( Rel III I Ir , :' " 5w ""J I--15 noi'll conni-ei ii,i.- ,. i,i. . 0U av Pcrkioui.... Vl Set.wtnkaMlit 0 sink ... ' conn..,. 1 ini.- ..01. . . . ' w' Kea.linir K..II L.. ",""fc ''"" """'Ur trains full l,r..,,L,1 u..:i. , -,. . Tliuie suLHied i at .'.U a. ,,. . " . "V ou-lowi, Si. . . - . . . .... j s, ... Mr " Jit. V ffeftlI of Alfred Speer, Passaic N. J , i. over the eoik ! tniius on I(i-Miiii,.r iJIJil..1"!'.1'111 'u' .liullur s IIIIIU. . ..-t a'.Tvn "Ut'y Ku"luu1 Trains 10 Br,iKe. ..it ut !..sy . iu i'.o.'iaud ii.uL ., ...... ',t,e 1 u-avc DowuiiiLtou ni i-. no . ... ':.r;. u,u,u" .t"l ... .. . T, l.-t I r- cunni-ciiu" witu na 1 1 11 .ml. of cucli Untile . A SPEElfS Vlueynrd. New No. Broadway New Vork. Oct. ltitli lsiUi.iy. Jyrsi-y. Olllvu, 0ru.1111c11t.il work. The Highest Premium nt ull the dilutions ol the l ulled Males and been awarded tin' lirmer Hike chines, uud Ibe w.-ik di ne by II ethibllcd ill eollislllluli V, . grale JIH rendu ing the grate iiablu lu buru out. In lin t II i the great original Baltimore Fire. .vm Caroline Hallu .V ni Men., iituf tlr Jl'iU V'iii n'li., has lual received a large lid of Link Slltih Maihliifa, which n uu r.UBou.ihu- li-riul. r. nnoa ii,ii..i.i.l ..-ulii-' 11 I mi rke.-i . 1 ... .,.,,1. .,1 1 7'1 II.. y uiil ,atv linn, and nc'iic' f I'l-IMills residing ill lb" lllil.llll llll. l.-.llell UU' Lake, aii.u.i Wiu, Pa., sua ' ale lor lli. lu. iHiiti. iiiti.Aiiyi v 1. I. r llvwrll 4" PAI'HtllSl.lMii l ..lt Uuius, I 01. "' lHI I. l ti' ini 1 , 1 '' I ' y ,V, m uuy I Hit. iiv. 1 1"". toll' Iflllcl. Illi. I' I .n.., IV. ft iv I al. l !.- k .1 ,. I H..I. I, si'"-y, w ft' ll tlir a, Urkil ktk. . ., Ilubk, kpliukk, lii.. A, ., ,,, . K 1 t u Iplaec Hi ater, luiprovvd and m-luiprovcj and a miuiiiii 111 pel ici-iioii. juuu i o., ;w aud 41 LIGHT STREET, llulliiiiorv, Vd. iorwleby CUAS. B. (JENTIIEK, SunLury, I'rnu a. Jan. i-J, i;o. If. BYERL"Y'3. MAHKF.T Stil'AHi:, SI XJU UV, l'A. All who al.h a t;oo. picture ut Itictii.i-hi- or I'rii-nds, Unl.lied in uuv stile. Icitl.l i,i e.il ,.. I l'u" "I ItVHll.V'S, us 11 I., ailhoui a Unubl, uu , ul lln lir.l plana lu l l.lk kc. lion o eomaiy I lir.K-ui (u. pi. mu. of uuy kiud. I'll.-,-, taukt , lug IVoni -j t, iu puiuii-. for tl in putum w 1111 u V.H1. Hiiiiu lour little child,, , n, If IU (imii Kcl piiluiv ol lli.'iii, I U. l mil ! uu kku III. In U elkt a I1.1v. Hiiiigold pi, mi.k lf)uu ai.li u Lai (Ittiu l lll.Hge.l uud li.lVv I 111 m Uulkhcd lu Um be. I .uj ' lulcsl lluproled styl KUAMKS ANIi AI.IH' MS (on.laiilly uu I14111I, 1 ki aivr Ui iU Ilia 1 l.,a i-. loll, Risk. i.il ul J Muluiil Muuldlnga, wub U III b put up In Uldi l, ( kuid tu Ibu .ink. Aunliin tu tbu -. of pi.ian., Iiu,,., or Ml, k 1 l.lle. II. .... ll.,u ..I i.u.l...... Kill lu. 1 1. 1.. .1 Will" ut full a iw the lliltl.kl ul llu, ,i Ilial uiujl 1 tail, uuJ kali. I... Ik-u nuuiuuU.d lu all rim. -- I I all ll ,l ka.llis- p'UI '! 4nn . I.i I.UI c. ilia.ikliil Inr l-i. t I.i Tla. I di.lit.bt bniiial kullil.k U4 I I lll...l ak IM Ob.io.tk, In l.iUllllw Ilia suiu. Aa lu.U...iM4 l kkiiiel ! la all I yllS lit. 4 ll'.il. a ttit ll-nH'l tt l-l 1 li i.i-. h i in, is'j 11 mi r. Ut ill II III II il' l'l. lUli. I,ll. k .tkilii.!,, Uuiktl 'I liOOU UIMU lit 1 111 I 11.1,1 .1 It. 1,-1 II nl ...em . II. it It, 1W It nt, ' A . , lu 1 1 1 II I t4 . ' 4 1 "In 4 Li I lollt l-s, I..I , In. II.. .Il.ul'l a Ik I 1, I 41. 4 I . I It, i II V. l,.,..k ll I., II P..r ,. 1, .1, 1. ,1. .11. I 4l II. 11, .. J.E.Caldweli-&C0' JllUI t t us. A N 11 IVl'ORTL'RS, 0! tkealuut Wreel, riillndulpliiu, Kt'ap oNi.r l'l U-ST-C'l.ASS (iCX)DS. AN IllrSSK VARIETY UF GOLD WATCHES, DIAMONDS. JF.W ri.RV. bll.Vk g WARK, Vk F.DD1NU blLVllt. I'L.VTl'D WARK, t LOCKS, BRONZF.S, ruKFIGN F.WCV GO! IDS, FINK PAINTING!,, ,Ve. All persons, dualriiit; really liiie ui tielik tclta. b! lu tiiulily and IiiimIiiuIi- lu price, ure ceriniii lo b pltukt-.l by our McvcdniK-iy Inrire uud lurird eollnlioit. Our ttm k U kept aUajtfrikti b) addiliiius lioiu tint suuret-k. Our store is pronounced ouu wf Ilia 1110.I eliaiuiit lu Ilie World I and any parlies vUiHiik the eily iirec.iidiiilly luiitcj lu call and luapt-ci It ut their It-1 a 11 re. J in. i'J, 1170 ly. JI. V. ialMKII til l" ttulVrliuur), Tt) A t rull Mlure, MAIIKLT Hi.. fcl'NUL'll V, PA. VUXfAX Tlo WHY or M I. Klt1. Jul vf KVXH f UkWHirriox. CIONH f A VI I. Y oil h md uii J f,,r kulu ul tho uluot i-.i.ii.il,in. in ul wlinlkkuls and riiuil, ul li akiiiiuldii 11 li ca. Ill' Ik UialiUIUiiUllUR ull kludk ut I nilbi li .ui li. k Ic an p up a lull aaauiluuut wltliu aiu mid ul I.. ul,.. l.d.uct.i, a. iiaia, aeilii.iiciy, Nuu of all kind and a luiui, i. .ah, r un 1. u,, ull ul wLl, Uait uilin.1 w li di tain and 1.1.111. t" lliiuiiuUl II,. uuiiie and pU.e. I ti t .. . . "'H'liuui. .iiiilV "1 1,1 Iu'- ntkihrtioii. iuu. I'M K A WVHmt, lu t 1 11 UkUklu a ljuiulu a m. , l iui kili.a, ul la. isutiu, ui ii,w auuai.ikiu V.i.., U..n,.w. ' "l, U'fk.u, l uuip, l .u, au4 l I M K II I It : ltn IDA I. al.l It aid L. j,..u.i,i, ii.iii,,,J u puit ut lk I. Ul l.uUl), .M tUlt.il I l ,.l I. 11 4 b tuk . . Ivud, ,-. lui 11 . Ut 111 ua .11 i I DOOU Ulul Iruius ou RaudiLM in ," "tV ' ,'fBve Ntw Vork , 5.00 p ui I'll udelpbia ni S.00 u. ua 3.15 p..' fc-uo a. m. iniin ruuuiut only to hVudiutr:) i.T7,k . ' M; .. ,len,JI"S ut 7.15a. .--. k-. ni. lor uurrikuiiiK, nt 7.3 ... .. I..,., nun ai v.-iu a. ui J'hiladei'11. and for for ui. a. in. , uud .5 p. n, Commutation, ililea-e, Sea.ni, SeUoul and Z uudsRuK- O. A. NICOLLS, tuiieral Bupcritnuduiit. V nnul.ouUi How I oil. How KrVlorkj. JI ST publlshi-d. a new i..iiii.i ..r DR. I I I.VtRW Kl.L'S t LI.KbU V- (without inedkini) of Si'tsaiMssirt, er P-iuiiial Wtakiit-.s, liiioliiuurt tViuiiml 1 oa. ', lueorrsi x, Mentaiuiid Phtauul lu.upaciiv liiii-diiiieutk to Man lace, l ie., uUn, (.. si Mi'TioN, i:e,iti-,r, ,,d Fits, indue, j ,y ki-ll iiiiliilycuia oraekliul i lIl.il.iKanc.-. tt"Piict., Inuaciileil euti-liiie, only d rcnik The cclcliiuUd author, iu lliiaudiiiliiiblr ra-.tv eliaily di iii.,ii.liul. a Iiom a lliinv y.-iii,' ct-.aliil pianiice, thai lb iilari,il,,-'i-u',11,1.,.1.,1e,u . kt ll-ul.Uktt uiu ku radically suu j wiihniu Ihu dunyi-aoUk u ul iiituru.il liic.lu o,.- r 11.. ,. euliou of the kuiiei NUi,ii,,,rur a uuale ..t cn'ru al uuee kluiplu. i-t-ria 11. iu,,l . u... ... .1 . . .. of which eutry sulleit-r. uu lnuii. r Ji,'.. i., ..' ' Ull iuu u.a, U. u,a, tu,u Uiu.H-1 1 he-ply, islelv, nnd luiiiWI. ' ' kt'.v . "'.'l Ll,'"" ,I,UUM U '""' bund, of itiy ...uiU and cur) luau lu Uu lu,,J. k.1.1 uud.r s.ul, la lulu i-uirloi. 1,1 u,, ad.ii..., ol, 4I t u( tU n uf I .lamp.. AI.U, Dr. 1 uiv.,w.ll'. ,,,... uuide, pitv i'4 nuu. Aili'i... 11,, Pui.u.litik, I Ik ( J- C. lal.INi: A I II . I.T U.,.iy, N.w Voik, P0.1 mu., lint l.'.d .Nn. 11, t, -ly. 1UIII HiUlll i: HI. fpillC iu..rki,n,4 k,,i,.4 buULl ll.o nn, I al. k nl l...n,.l a. .i)l.i,, auul.l Ini. 1111 lli pubik- lltul k I unw ivuJi lu Uu i kibta i-l M lltlll H HUllli, ll 1 U U.m I, aud luukw i atdkk st Mm I kill it ai- NaaawsuU A llfisa-)lkr, or tnkt kins. IK Mill A Ml tMKIl Ml 1 t ., I .U..I. 1, P,,.l, Ull ll ,,I4U 1. 1 I 1. . in' t' 't' . ' k- 4 uu liimU.Ut I-- ' I I -1.1 1 l. Ik It Ibk SiW, i'-ll'.. sk. b I uu M-ia.t , a..i . ,. 1 1 ! . ; 4 11 t III. I It J- Lu 4 I-. 1 SI lit. i-.J kl I . , , , , . I"" II a, ...1.4 I li,i.iu.i,i t...u I a,l kiuU l.sau us kS.tia..,. .. - I fcJ"4 .IS .,,.1.11-.! ,l,l,l ,i.a , . Li Ixa 1- It it,. I, w, st iu. ,, , I I'kllMlw, UlU, A. i:. 1 .' ' .II...1 lb t. . a., ) a 1. s in 1, 1 i' I I' k It uu -...i ai.k.i, ...i.b,,, I It I I . 1, a. -.i.i, I ... , tu, .. f .1 I " l!" a lul I -. I l.'l ill. , fc,n, ufcl I 1 1 l.-s '( I V . . 11 k- , , I lw..( I (.llkul- ... i l'l ,!. III. in a I I . .. 4i. I- t ' ' u.ns, Ii . , . , it. t-.i , 1 ., ,t ..,,bi i . . b I in.. ( i ti 1 'll 1 1 kl 1 k, " I- 1 t . -k .1 I U.. 1 ... .b . i. ... ', . i . . . ' 1, k . , , , . , I" I in I il a I-l .- . I tl i ,t .a it ... L.,.4, .1 na, , I - J I i ' I A I 1 , II t . -. . 4 I 1 I 1 . .. 1 ' tf et, . '14 w ll a . " I I I I kl I f ,1 11 kt.-I, kl.. .... '
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