ma) X. S. UiSRXB, I 4ttor, :M'I, WILVBHT, J ( AMI JHV, 1A. SATURDAY, ItARCH SO, 158P. MODSItff TUMCBOACT r. JPKOQBBB8. Our nrigbWsaf tbt Dmoeitt last week, take ut tetatlt rTr?;nt: rnrmTaalatatory, tbat eje IntsnrTect to maintain ns principle of oar preUscestor la Bdvacstio; progr and Improvement, and ire rnStr by tb fol lowing atragrtpta, last tb editor af that paperaresemswhat exereistl,tliat It would ba iajtrriau te th interest and In opposi- tioa to tnnr Dsniecraov. Ilcar thorn : "Tun inmt crapnatar of tha Amtrka aoaouaced io hit talmarerv, two weeks ago, tbat ba would conduct tha paper aa it al wava bad keen, since ita commencement ia 1840,1a tba interest of tba opposition to Democracy. Tba memory cr the gentleman ia certsinlj vsry detective, aa ha aeema to forget tbat tba papar waa atartad by nr Demecretic tewasmaa Joa. Eitely and II. B. Matter, and waa conducted ai a Dame' critic paper for quite a atimber of year. How Mr. Wilrert could forget tbia fact when be wa an apprentice in the offiae ia tboia day, and a Democrat fclmaelf, we fail to conjecture." Our memory, perhaps, (nay bare failed 10 me, but wa do remember very diattoctly, tbat tba principles advocated by tha Demo cra'le party at tba time wben entering tbia office at an apprentice, were quite AHTvrsflt from tltoie the editor of ihDmotrat aow advocate. Then, tba Democratic party car tied out the principle! aa laid dawn by Jefferson anrl -Jackson ; but time bai work ad many changes, aud none to great aa tboia io tba Democratic parly. While the corrupt portion managed to gat tba away, lie honest and tme member ware com' pelted to asiume another nam to carry out the true principle! of Democracy. Although a boy, we were Barer wore strongly im pressed witb the corrupt courte of many of tbe Democratic leader, than wben tbt gen: tleman referred to in tbe above paragraph, at "our Democratic tountman" left tbe office on account of hoMing different viewa from bit partner, aa to what constituted Demo cracy, to find mare genial companion in tba South. And, aa we examined -clflacr iato tbe working of thote wbo professed to be tbe genuine Democratic leader, we be came more convinced than -ever, tbat tba right cnurie for ui toatart out in the world, would be to keep clear fram that kind of Eemocrecy ibat finally oulmioated ia die union and rebellion. When wa were) allowed to exercise the Tight of tuflrage, we did sot beiitate to cast our first ballot for Gen. Scott for PreiJ. nt Jo 1852. Since then wa bare no recollec tion of catting our vote for a tingle Demo cratic candidate lor tbe Presidency. Our contcience will never check u for voting, or in any way aiding to elect Jamea Ba eli an m to the Presidency, or even Iloratio Seymour, tbe last representative of tbat kind of Democracy that lead to and ended with tba lata rebellion. But a our neighbor ia io a critical mood, it may be proper to aay tba America waa not started by "Jo. Eitely & II. 13. Jlueai !-," but tbat U. B. alasaer wa editor and tula proprietor from ita atart, Mr. Eiscly being a partner in ita publication and receiriug half tbe profile. leidaa wa never said tbe American would be conducted "in the interests of tbe eppobitiou to Democracy." Our count alwaya ha been, and now is, in accordance with the true principle of tba Democracy af tba Jefferson ntid J action school. Tntt FirTKEKTH Amksdmbht to tbe Con ttitulion having patted tba Senate wat op before tba Houee on Wodaeaday. Tbia amendment, it ia now certain will be adopted by a majority of tba State. Tba tnoat potent argument tha Democratic jour nal make ia, tbat the issue on the right of negro tnffragt, was not before the people at tbe last election. We should like to aea a Democratic paper that did not, before tbe islection. urea tha fact that tl ilrw,n nf Republican would be equivalent to a vote ..fs .v i - waking the right of suffrage universal. Were they guilty of misrepresentation tlien, or are they bow. One born of the dilemma they mutt take, and neither will help them out of the difficulty. Tnocni.E ju Tarts Ltcomiso Jcpiciai, District. Mr. P. Ilerdic, it ia aaid, on Tuesday last.paaiied through the Legislator a bill abolishing Judge Gamble district, which wat signed by the Governor the tame evening. Mr. Beck, the Senator from Ly coming, waa, it seems, absent at tbe time. In Mr. Beck's persenal explanation be stated tbat in hit absence, on Tuesday evening last, the bill repealing tba act creating tbe Twenty ninth Judicial district, passed the' tha Senate and House. He denounced it at an iufautoue proceeding, done without bit approval, Le being tbe repraaentative from tbat district. Ue therefore asked and ob tained leavo to read la place a bill entitled An act to repeal an act, approved the 18th day of March, a. D. 1861, entitled An act to repeal an act creating an additional judicial district to be called tuo Tweuty-eiith judi dittrict, approved Febuary 23th, 186(3, aud tbe teveral supplements thereto; aJto, traua fkrring Lycoming couety to the Fourth judicial district, aad transferring Elk coun ty to the Sixth judicial district, aad regula tiog the term of tbo court of Lycoming couaty. The above bill repealing Mr. Hardic'a bill waa paaaed through both Houaea tba amo day. Graot'a inaugural aUilresa remiada aa of Pope 'a fatooua order, aaoouociog that Ida 'headquarters would bo la tha aaddla." &LniroTt Timm. One would auppoo tbat the Iaaugural of Grant, would rcmiud unrepentant rebel of a aoaalderably afgW object. Tbe caucus of tbo Republlaaa tneabcra of Congrats from Penntylvtnia, In regard to tbe appointments in tbe State, bss resulted in an understanding to let each applicant for office atand oa bla own bottom. Ex PriJeut Johnson arrived in Balti more on Thursday, and waa received by tba city and State officiate, and escorted by a prooeatloa of military, -fireman nd fdllio to the Ext-Ktngi, v.V.tnslin b.i t iijLiic I lTovta Oovxrm. 8ptkr Ditto tba new Speaker of lb Bona of ltepttaf. totivei at Washington, announced bbrcora nilttee tm Headsy latt. "Mr. Blaia baa taken groat pain to -place tn member wo ootnmittee tcord.irto their wlsbea,hlk cannot fail to bo satisfactory to fbo Eooao. A largo number of change bar beamnoda. Tbt place of Sir. Slihu B. Wstbbarae, f Ciraoia, wbo waa formerly at tbo bead Of tba Cetnmitte on Appropriation, kat feu applies! by Mr. Da wee tk place of George "8. Boat well, of Masss cbsaeta, now Secretary f tbo Treaanry, wbo waa formerly bead -ef the Committee oa Reconstruction, baa been supplied by Mt. Butler. Mr. -Bcbenk a till remaiot at tbe bead of tbo Way t and Meant Oonttnitt; Hr. Oarlleld becomes Cfentrman of the Bank ing and Currency 'Committee; Mr. WaeV burn, of Massachusetts, of the Claim Com mittee ; Mr. 'Drsen of the Committee on Comtneree; ITr.Fensworth retain lite ero- tition aa Cuarrman of fb 'Committee on Poat Office and Pott Koadt ; io doe Mr. Banka of tbo Committee on Foreign Affaire; Mr. Bingham become Chairman of tbo Ju diciary Committee, and Mr. Soofield of tba Committee on Naval Affairs; Mr. Jenckra hold tba aeeond place on tk Committee en the Reorganization f tha Civil Service, Mr.Hotdtfciee being tbo Chairman wbile Mr. Worrell reoieiut at Chairman of tbe Committe on Manufacture; Mr. Logan ia Cbaktcan of tha Committee on Military Affair ; Judge Ktlley ia on tbo Committee on Appropriation, and Mr. O'Neil on tbo Committee on Commerce. The remainder of tba committee have all been re constructed, tbe new member placed, and tba vacanciea of tba retiring ene filled. Tbe Hon. J. B. Packer, our member of Congreta ba been placed upon the Commit tee! of Booking and Currency, and Expen diture in tbe Interior Department. Tbeae are important commlltrea.and are of a char acter in which Mr. Packar'a axperieace may b profitably employed. Tut CabUn-et CoMJfi.BTC Tbe alight dlf! ficulty which prevented tbe new admiciatra. tion from entering upon it career of business smoothly, are cow removed. The Cabinet it complete, and while all will honor the feeKag wbieb induced President Grant to sacrifice something to personal friendship, there will be general attiafactiea at the final settlement of all mature of temporary ob. traction. Tba retirement of Mr. Stewart rendered a conatruction of the Cabinet pos. sible. Mr. Wasbburna was no candidate for the position of Secretary of State, and bis nomination was a surprise to hira. lie has relieved himself of the charge, and tbe President has nominated lain as Minister to France. General J. M. Schofielil hat retired from tbo War Department, and will resume hie position in the army. There were, there fore, three vacanciea, and they were tbua filled : Secretary of State, Hon. Hamilton Fitb, of New York ; Secretary of the Treas ury, Hon. George S. Boutwell, of Mastacbu tettt; Secretary of War, General John A. Bawliut, of Illinois. Tbess ' nominations were at once confirmed by tbe Senate, and they will give very general autiafuction to the cauutry. A difficulty occurred last week from some unknown cause between the N. Y. & Erie and tba Northern Central lUilrosd which resulted in tbe exclusion of tbe cars of the latter from that section of the Erie road which tba Northern Central baa been using. Considerable inconvenience waa occasioned to passengers on tbe Northern Central, by the atoppag thus enforced upon them. But we re glad to tee by tha following item wbich we clip from tbe Elmira Adcertiter, tbat tha difficulty bat bean adjusted and tha trains ran at usual without interruption at at tbat place. . "Tbo differences, difficulties, disagree ments and disarrangements between the Erie and Northern Central Kail way companies, which created tnme little excitement in our city, and caused considerable inconvenience to the traveling public towards tha close of latt week, seem to have baan amicably, set- neu, nua itortiiem i entrat trains are now l00,?1?8 " u,f cnl0a and going out both from and towardt the north and the looth, on time. The csuaet of tbe disturbance, and tbe terms of the adjustment, are alike unknown to the general public, but that tbe irritating cause baa been removed or allayed, is a just subject of congratulation on the part of all those who have been or were likely to be inconvenienced by their continuance. We trust the difficulties, whatever they were, have been permanently adjusted ; or tbat they may be by the courta of law, and with out further interruption to travel er incon venience to the public. "Let nt have pence.' ftomlssatlosaai by the Prealdcat. The President sent to tbe Senate on tbe 11th int , by hit private eecretary, General Porter, tba following nominationa. AH tha Cabinet nominationa and Mr. Wasbburoa'a were confirmed, the rest referred ; For SrereWry f State, Hon. Hamilton Fish, of New York. For Secretary of the Treasury, Hon. Geo. S. Boutwell, ot Massachusetts. For Secretary of War, Gen. John A. Raw linen, nf Illinois. Tbo President alao aent in tbe following nominationa : Hon. Elihu B. Wasbburne, to be Miniattr Pleaipoteutiary and Eovoy Extraordinary to France. Frank Moor, (a rebellion record.) to be Assistant Secretary of Legation at Paris. Dr. Alexander Sharp, to be United States Marshal fur I be District of Colombia. Cannon A. Newoouib, to be United States Marshal at St. Louis. Ueoeral Jamea Loagttreei, (late of the Confederate Army,) to be Surveyor of Cue tome at tha Port of New Orlaana. Sidney A. Stuckdale. to be Collector of Intvraal Revenue for the First District of Louisiana, vice Stedman. Ec'.ward V. blingsley, to be Secretary of Legation at Madrid. Chief Engineer Jamc W. King, to be Chief of tbe Bureau of Steam Engineering in tbe Navy Department, vice Iidierwnod. J a -net Catey, to be Collector of Cuttomt at New Orleans. Manuel J. Gonrales, to be Chaplain of tbe 9;h regiment Uuited States cavalry, vie J'a coby, retired. A bill for th preveotation of cruelty to' animal hat paaaed tba Legislature of tbia Slate. Th penalty fur waatonly or cruelly illtreating an animal, it a fie of not lea than ten nor mora than twenty dollars for the fiut offence, and not lata than twenty cor mora than fifty dclltrt for tbt teond vXsooe. ... A Sorrotn Mcudkbkd Max Torju t. Oa Friday taoratiMt, Moveaaiw 1. 1M7, Gap. R Godfrey Hearer, roatnVot of Tro mont, tbio OoMtr, on engaged ia tbo mining of ooal at Dewalthma, with Manor. Tbomaa Smith and iohn Albrightoo, Br., left hit homo at aa, early bour, to keep a tratiaeM appointment at tbo colliery. Ho 414 aot roach tbo colliery, end after eeveral 4aye bod olepeed Without aaytbiog being board of bim, It waa eutpected that b bad been mortlered oa tha road. Largo reword were offered for any information ef the fat f Oapt, Rehror ? tba pollc were set to work, ad hta partner were arretted aa auiploien of boina- concerned ia 111 disappearance. Tbey wore nbneqoently diacbarged from eaotody, there being lotntBcient evidence to hold them. Time went on and Mill nothing araa discovered in reference to the fata of Copt. Kebarar. Tha community will re member tbo operation of tbo "detectivo" Carpenter, in connection with tbia case, and and tba arrest of Mr. David Lomiaoa, of Donaldson, oa a charge of bein? concerned in tha auppoaed ea ardor. -Dapt Itebrer's immediate faanily area rnatjad iinto tba e)eaat tHetrear; Vr. Tnfison waa drive "iifto bamkroptoy, and Messrs. Smith and Albrightoo were forced by public opinion to leave tha County. . Tha affair waa buried in the deepeat mys tery until inauguration day of laat week, March 4, when all tba facta connected with vpi. eiirer a uiaeppaaranDe, were reveaieq to Mr. George W. Cole of Tamaqua, by tha --. rt-i j: j Captain himself. Mr. Cola we might state, ia wall acquainted with Capt Behner. WelL, be waa ataodiojr on a aide-walk in Washing ton, looking at tbe line forming for tbe procession, when he observed a loldier In a detachment of the Marin Corpt, wearing tbe chevron of a aereeant. He recognized bim nt once aa Beurer. Impulsively Mr. Cole rutbed to Reurer, and much to tha astonishment of the commissioned officer iu command, and to Rebrer'a own aurprise, who denied that be wat bimtelf, be aeized him by tbe collar for the purpose of drag giag bim to' a private room ia a hotel close by aad having an explanation of his actions. Tba officer in command of the detachment (oon understood from Mr. Cola the state of tbe caae, and contented that Rehrer aliould accompany Mr. Cole to a private room. That having been done, Itehrer confested to Mr. Cola tbat the motive for bit decamping in the mysterious manner he bad done, waa the fact that he waa heavily indebted to hi father, father-in-law, and othera, and tbat he aaw ao prospect of extricating hlmeelf from hie penenniary liabilitiea. He laid tbat be first went to Trevorton, where be worked aa a laborer. From there be went to Baltimore, where ho waa employed at a aimilar occupation. One day teeing in tbe atreeta of tbat city a citizen of Schuylkill County, ho because fearful of being recog nized and left suddenly without even wait ing to receive bia wage. From Baltimore be went to Philadelphia, andeniiated in the Marina Corps, anticipating tbat be would soon I sent on hipbnaret to aome foreign atation. Ia this be wat mistaken, for bit commaad was scot to Washington, where it has aiore been atationed. These are briefly, the facta it told by Rehrer himself. If aware of the annoyance, distress and expense which have reeulted from bis conduct, which wa presume he ia, and appreciating tlx-m, his feelings of re morse and eorrow ate oot to be eovie I. We might state in connection with this matter, tbat when Gov. Geary was applied to offer a reward for Information which would lead to tbe diacoverv of the fate of Capt. Rehrer, be aaid that be would do an, but it waa bia opinion from all of tha cir cumstancea aa far aa they bad come to bis knowledge, that ha waa alive. Tha aequel proves hia opinion to have been correct. Meters, baaitk and Alurighton, Sr., are now engaged in mining operationa at Ply mouth Luzerne County, and are doiog well. Mlntrt Journal, of hitt trlik; Toe Governor of Georgia in bis message to the Legislature, transmitting the fifteenth amendment, on the 10th iost. says: "It is a source of great gratification to the lovers of liberty and republiciin principles throughout tbe country that Con gress has given us ibis further pledge that the declaration of our fathera that "all men lire created equal," ahall be recognized as a reality, and no longer a mere empty sound. The equal right of every man. either by himself or others, to participate in framing laws by which to be governed, and thu selection of persona to execute them, is the very foundation of a republican government; and that one race or coler aball undortako to exclude from political privileges any other race or color, ia not only a practical denial of the principle on which our inde pendence was originally declared, and our Government subsequently founded, but dis plays a thirst for power, natural, it is true, to humau nature, but by no meana creditable to ita sena of justice." Wa Wajit a Fisa Law. Judge Pearson having declared the Act of Assembly com pelling certain corporations to make fish ways in their dams ou the Susquehanna river to be unconstitutional, it ia now pro posed that tha Legislature shall hsv tbe work done, not only for tba admission of shad which co towards tbe bead of our stresma to spawn, but tbat tha black bate should be introduced, wbicb would remain in the S uequebsuna and its principal tribu taries, noil soon become very numerous. To effect this it would coat a few hundred dollara. It does seem unreasonable that the hundreds of thousands of citizens residing in Ike valleys of the Susquehanna, Juniata and their tributaries should be deprived of the luxury i.f fith of the tlneat quality, en ac count of tbe eeltisbaeea or perveraity, of one or two incorporated coinpacies whose damt obttruct the passage, and some legal remedy ought to le provided. Freeh shad at Lan caster, Columbia, Harrisborx, Sunbury, Wil- iiauieporr, wuicetbarre, up the Juniata, Ac, would be a great source of luxury and sup port to tha people there and all along the river and for twenty miles on either aide. We tru&t the Legislature will seethe im portance of- passing such a law. German toicn Tt'.fgrai'h. We observe it stated from Waabington tbat Gen. Grant desires the following rulti to govern all whom it may concern : Applications for office must lie made to th Cabinet officer in charge ef tbe depart ment in which tbe office ia solicited. Tbe President will not consider any such appli cationa nntil they have patatd through the bead of tbe department to which thev pertain. The President will receive official caila at hit office each day between 10 and 12 A. M. After 13 no one will be admitted except Cabinet office rt and thoae with wham be lit made special engagements. Cabinet meetings will he held at 13 M.on Tuesdays and Fridays. On these two day bia office will be thrnwu ope a to general visitors be tween tbe boors of 10 and 12 A. M. Tha report tbat John Ericsson, the great machinist, and inventor of the Mouitor, recently died of hydrophobia, wa a great mistake. It waa aot Sir. Erioaaoa, but a gentleman aamad Eckerton, that waa ao unfortunate at to be takea off with the terrible diaeaae. One J. G. Fetter, of Lancaster county, own a "00 pounder porker, two phaatant so tame tbat they will eat out of hia band, a bog with five lege, in J a calf with rro ttllt. TF.UU1I1L.V CALAVtlTT ATm letaa of tbo A watt-lam Vrtarato Itaul4ty ovor Ihre IIundreel Mea IVi-inti. T1eooa CttissttaKtat af Leaden Mtrelag Tatt. J The Rret newa of tbia cataatroobe waa re calved bare by aha aaraltectloa of tha War Ministry by a telegram from tba commaadar or the taland and fortrft of Lieee, la Which itwaaitatrd that the ontic taleirranli ata- tlonad at Fort Wellington bad alga? fled the information mat, at a dlatance of about ten Bailee to the aortheatt of the iarand, an Aoatrlaa ftlgat wa ttowa op. The commander of tba Island Instantly telegraphed' to tha vessels stationed af Trieate and are, and to the commander Of to aqnadrea at Qravoea, and to proceed at once to the eceoe of accident J and the Iron clad frigate Ferdinand Mai, aa wall a tbo attain er Andreas Uofor, wore Immediately dispatched to Uaaa with order to render any aetlttaooo that wat necessary and pos sible aador tbo circamatances. A deputation of tha corporation of Lieea aha aei oat to the place where tbo accident hod oaonared, avod on iheir rat era yaataraay they toktgroaaed that of the Whole crew and mariaea ea beard, aambering in all G4 men, bealdea the Oaptio, only twenty-three bad been able to aavo themeelve by twimming. Tbo Rodetakey waa ander aall, on a cruiae for gun practice, and had no steam up, to that the uvlilant nu11 nn ! . . . . i by tbo Oiploaion or tbo boiler or B Cylinder, f According to tbo meaore authentic ronorti According: to tba meaora authentic rennrta which have reached tbo War Office and tbe newspaper room. The ammunition had been aotaoked, aad a.uantitiet of powder were lying about w tbo floor, and the workmen were consequently ootamaadod to enter tbe room only io felt slippers. They, however, came ia witb their boota oa, with out putting felt alippers over them. The powder coming ia oentact with tbe ard toles of the Wrsgwrterl from th friction cauaed thereby, and a terriHo iplosion aent roiei ana uiree uunareu ana forty men to destruction. A telegram from the commander of List to the naval section of the War Office, dated yesterday evening, gives tha following additional detail: The explosion took place in tbe powder room abaft while tbe metal waa being cleaned. Cadet Barth waa near the foremast when the explosion took place, by wbicb he was hurled iato the aea. iiortermaeter Krane reported tbat he waa in tbe corridor superintending th process of cleaning. After 10 o'clock he laid bim telf down in tha corridor near the foremast. Ue was roused from bis tleep by a violent tbock, and the of "Fir I" lis rushed to the hatchway, bat the steps ware blown away, and he bad to creep into tbo battery, when be caw the destruction of tbe hind part of the ship, which waa on tbe point of sinking. The water waa mailing in from all tidea, and ba bad juat time to throw himself into the sea through tbe porthole. Kraus is of opinion thft Quartermaster Dogek, by incautiously striking a light, had caused tba explosion in too powder-room, where tha ammunition had been unpacked and cartridgea spread out to dry. Kamered OecUataUIoau It is rumored thst Gcnersl Longatreet will decline the appointment of Surveyor of Customs at New Orleana, to which be has been nominated by the President, Tha rea eon usbiiied is that be doea net wiah his motives for joining tbe Republican party to be questioned, particularly in tbe South When be attached himself to that party ba wat influenced by higher motives than ex pectation ot favor or reward ; and aa bia cir cumstances are not necessitous lis thinks tbo appointment can be more appropriately fciven to some other gentleman equally quallified whose acceptance conld not com piomiae himself or othera. Wo know not what degree or reliance Can safely be placed in ibis rumor, which rest on tbe authority of a Waabington letter print td ia the N. T. V'oilJ. But whether General Longatreet accepts or tieclines, hi motives will hardly be micMioneu, norm or eouiu, uy tuose who kuow bim. Ue waa a brave enemv during the war since ita close he hat faith fully striven, in conjunction with tbe Re publican party, to restore petce, protperitv and fraternal feeling. Uarrutmrg JVtfraph. I 'It O 31 WASIIIXOTO. sVailtvtt tat. tra Uar saels Tar Cwbaua Water. Wasuinuton, March 16. Admiral Porter is about to order a litfce fleet of war veasela to the Cuban waters to protect tba rigblaof American citizett. Several iron dads will ba at once sent to Key West, to be hold ia reserve, in order tbat tbe Spaniards may ses that we mean business. I'hkhiubnt Grant, io. The President has greatly simplified tbe routine of bis duties, but ia neverthcleaa constantly besieged by throng of office seekerfc, and undoubtedly ia one of th hard est worked men in Washington. He con tinues to distribute all offices of importance himself. Tbe Louisiana appointment wer determined by bim without consulting tbe wishes of toy of the politicians from tbat State, and 1 believe tbat none of theperaon appointed wer endorsed by tbe Louisiana congressmen, it, inneed they were even applicants lor tbe placea to which ha ha nominated them. Hon. CoLCMBCt D bla no. . Tbe Hon. Columbus Delano, Commission er of Internal Revenue, baa determined at a geneiul rule to adopt tbo rccommendationt of apseaiora in the appvintment of astittsnt usttssors and ganger, and if collector for the appointment of storekeeper in tbe internal revenue service. A knowledge of tbia fuct may bo of use to tba army of seek ers after the minor offices, st it will enable them to come to the front witb proper am munition. He will recommend th removal of ul! the Democratic collectors ami assessor iu Ohio this week, and will probably turn uia attention to rennsyivania next. Civil Tasrai IIii.l. The debate on'tbe civil tenure act ia the Senate to-day attracted more tbaa ordinary attention among the poliiiciune, and tbey thronged the gallieriea during tbe entire session, j nere ia an evident inclination on the part of such Seoatort to retain aa much power at possible over the office of tbe Uoverntnent, and they argue tbat heretofore t ne eenate uat not exerted all Ita power over tnem. it is pronauie tual me propo aition to suHpenii tnu act until th aext aession or Congress will be adopted, Skchetart Boctwsxi. Has accepted the resignations ef Mr. Jef frie as register, and Mr. Wilaoa a Third Auditor. Their tuecettora will ba nomina ted at once. no. Hamilton Flaw Arrive 1, and took tbe oath of office today, and will aaauma hia dutiea to morrow at noon. He wat present at the Cabinet meat ing, which huted over two boor. Collkctob or tub Pobt of PaUbADU. mia. Tbe four Philadelnhia nam- here have given the President the aamaeef iiou. u. aioore, John E. Addict;, H. C. uowvll and Lambert Tbomaa, either af waomwiii 1 satisfactory a Col Wot or of the Port of Philadelphia. It it moat likely tbat Moore or Addicka will be aomUatad. Othkb PniLADKLruiA ArrotsTauurTB. Hon. John Heistand, of Laaoaater, erffl probably bo Uuited Stales Marshal for the Eaatern District of Pennsylvania; tT.WartaV ington. Surveyor ; W. J. i. White. Aaststaat Treasurer; Governor Pollock, Director of tha Mint, and the Poatmaater and Naval Officer will remain unchanged. There will not ba oy aaniiaati'joi ttut la (or rmnl dtys, . 1 MPOKTA!r t'BftH m-xMo. 'Galvkstox, March lO.Frtm theBroWht ville UmrMr of - Maroh 7, we g6t advices ftotn Matamorat to March . A courier had lost arrived, bringing newt Iftf the deTeat of yargaa, wbo, la itla blunders and conrsce. " " uavK nsninez s pnaitioa ateaUez After a tffht of two heura Vartraa at.AM.rr ly retreated late tba woods, leaving th Held covered with bit dead, n.-mi pursued him vigorously, and wben the courier leu Vargas had been completely defeated.. Tha State of Tamatillpas will aow enjoy peace, lecurity and order, which fcavt been so long interrupted. Govtrnor Basta m-ente entered Baa Lois Potoai oa th Mta ultimo, amid great rejoicing. aaisasj i f ortfenernl Cauter. 8ToitMarcliia.-ArtnTtr diapstoh ays Mr. Craig, just from Tort Lyons, re- pons on e authority of Major Ames, at j ....i weaerai muster was CtP tnr? alt,t .:-. j .... ja age, wnue on a cuut.UK eapenmon. no particular aro gives, nor doe th tlltpatch tay by whom Custer waa captured. ' IBlirinEB, iTfTf. t, lwrtJ wooes U Philadelphia. Rsligiout tervicet are held ia th HaTi'is burg prisons. A philanthropist hat Just patented aa umhrslla that will not turn inaide out during a gale of wind. Tba farmers in th central part of this Slate predict a good crop of winter grain aad an early harvest. Every fircwiaa ia Chicago baa hia life insured for $2000 by the merchant and property owner of that city. Texat hat agreed ta pay 100. and to give forty acne of land to a company for every immigraut it bring into the State. Th Siona Indians call General Sherman "General Walk a heap.' Andy i 'winging 'round th circle" on hi road to Tennessee. Ex Govenor Pollock, it is aaid, bat been tendered tbe Direeturahip of tbe Mint. Th t,r1toa of the national banka is 1320,003,063. Hoa. Jamet Guthrie, Beeretarv of the Treasury under President l ierce" died on Saturday, at Louiiville. Tbe Feniam of Chioaco ara tain tl,.m. alves 1 esch for ths purchase of breech loaders for ths "Boyt in Oreen." Brigham Teung is ths president of a com pany formed to build a railroad from Salt Lake City to the Pacific Railroad. Mrt. Nancy Bowman, an earnest advocate of woman's rights, is an applicant for tbe pott office at Lock Uaveo. Ths estimated nnmher of farms in Vir ginia, exclusive of unimproved and wild lands, ia ninety three thousand. - In Texaa the wheat crop promises well, and in some parts of ths 8tate corn it raising in price, and is now worth fifty cents in tpecie per bushel. A thort time aince it could hardly be ditpnsed of at sny price. Rapid Growt or a Town. A, gentle man who recently visited Lanetboro, Min netota, taya tbers wss not a single bouse in the place latt July. Now a $a5,000 hotel is being built, the public school numbers ninety five scholars, aad the lowest figure for a boslnett lot is $1,000. Twenty one murder have been committed in Indiana within tha past three weeks. In ten of tbeaa caaea only were tbe murderers arrested; in five others tbey were well known to the authorities, but succeeded in making food their escape ; and in aia eatea tba aa aasains are not ovea kaown, and all efforta to detect and apprehend them have been fruitiest. Tbe Senate Republican cancnt ha nomin ated John R. Fineh for Sergeant at Arms ; John M. Morris for Executive Clerk, and A. T. Clspp for Public Printer. General Stonemaa will carry into active and immediate effect in Virginia the act of Congresa providing that the test oath must be taken fy aU desirous of holding State o uicers. Immediate trouble it aaticipated between the Utea aud Navajoes, in New Mexico, oiiui 01 Dante re. A aevere fight will very imeiy soon to taice place lu that aection. a &.unaae paper atatet that a woman out that way 1 tottronelv in favor of harrirhta that ah close her prayer, "Awoman," and not Amen, do alao praya, "May Thy iuceunoiu ana KIDgaoU) come. rrcsideat John Adam retained four of th Cabinet officer of bia Dredeeaaaor. John Quuacy Adams retained tbo Secretary of tbe "vy, rvatniaaier uenerai, ana Attorney Ueoeral be bad aerred with ia the Cabinet ot president Monroe. Secretary Boric haa ordered that all mid shipmen, before being promoted to ensigns, shall be examined at tbe Naval Academy, by tli Academic Board. The Prussian executioner, Ruindcl, haa applied to the Miuister ef Justice for permis aion to transfer hia terrible office to aome other peraou. Ha baa beheaded fifty persons during his official career. Ths ioaugeration of President Grant haa been looked forward to in every European country witb an interest mnch greater than haa ever before been taken in American affaire. Th Inaugural Addreee, therefore, wa read by million af attentive readera. It ia warmly eu Ionized by the English and French pros. Ths paragraph on foreign policy la regarded aa indicative of tbe pre servation of peace. Th female prisoners in Warsaw, wbn ara sentenced to be flogged, receive tboir atripes at the bands of a tall, herculean woman, who belabor her poor tiatere more merci lessly than the Cossacks do the male priso ner. The Russian code exempt women from corporeal punishment, bat th courts alwaya bave it inflicted apon female priso aer as a means to wrest confessions from them. Nearly all the ladiea of the aristoc eracy, who wars arrested in ths last fonr or Are yeere oa cbargea of complicity in the Insurrectionary atovementa against the Jtaeaiaa government, ware flogged, and they pretend to be rather proud tbaa otherwise 0 tha treatment they bad to undergo wbil ia prlton. I Kueua xit Wirr. winu Dnw or Ht- DaorHoatA. -Mr. Eckerton, who died of hydrophobia at Saddle river, had to be held by Ave or til men, and during bis lucid in terval begged to kite hia wife, wbo waa eery ill in aaother part of th bout. Just before his laat dreadful flt he pleaded n ptteonaly to kies her once more before be died that, risking tbo eoneeqaeocee, they took bar to hia bed. Tha dying man aare folly wiped tbe froth from aia face, aad eempreatiag bla teeth tightly to prevent aay of the pobeaoaa saliva etnding from hit moatb. kissed tha Hp which b bad ao often pressed ia leva and afftetiaa, and than resolatel turning away, after bidding her adiaa forever, relapsed into a dreadful potoxyam aad died. Tha aaa vha kept tea dog arnica bit Mr. Xckeraoa, afUr kao w iac that it bad beea blues by aaother mad dog t week afore Mr. Zokaeaan'a death, Cava him fifty dollara aa eampaaaarUa far d arias enetaiaed, and fayaaadod IO. Zckar- soa ta (tdga a paper of release from farther tilalma Tue neighbor are vary Indignant, and talk eboat clobbine together to carry oa a eeis against the owner of tha dog o oenaii or tne wiaow tsa orpnjaa JVeweew ! atariran. TAKirrxa.i-iTt ha t- n ' dlncnvprcd recent-1 tt if) France that oak ood is alinntt as well j adapted for tbuTtninrfu of hid- a the bark,' and tbat amioiv auy iind will enaaer the purpose. .Theipiincipu paint Io i attend ed to is to imiko tiso'of Wood cut wtan it i full of sap, as ttiereby 'ihe greatest amount of taheing Is secured. The wood may h ground p together aad applied in tbeutual method. "Sitka ia the place where the traveller either gaint or lose one day ia the week. A person going outwardly arnd tbe world, gaina the day which ia loat by one who goo to tbe west, aad Bitka la the point at wbioh thttwo reckoning meet. The Russians who have Journeyed toward it eastward through Siberia oolebraf their accustomed Sabbath, while the Califoroian,whe ha reached it by a wetttvard Journey across America, Unas the ebopi shut and buaiaeaa impended oa hia Saturday. Luxemburg!), it waa decided toy the Lon don Conference of 1867, thnnld belong nei ther to France nor Prussia, tat 00 provision waa mad to enforce the decree. The forti fication also were to be deroolislred by the inbabitanti, but tbe rate of progress at tbe work waa not prescribed. The TntiiW teats, however, it ia atated, have appropriated th turn of t)7,n0 per week to carry a two de molition of the fortresses, snd it is calcula ted that it will take about twe Utoutand year o complete tbe leveling of the wall. The Wasliingtoa Star ssys,- Secretary Boutwell take charge of tba Treasury De partment with about $102.0O0,0'0t iu the vaulta ($30,000,000 of wbicb ia In gold bearing certificates), aad 13,000.000 in currency. Tbe public debt on the 1st of March was $2,540,836,901 88, but since that time has decreased about $3,000,000. No payment of interest will be due until ths first of May, when $30,000,000 ia coin will be required to pay tbo reoii aooual instal ment or interests n the fve twenty bonds which fulls due on that date." CORRESPONDENCE. f BOM OUR COBBE8FOND1GNT. ' Wasih.xctox, March 15, I860. Friend Wiltbiit. Ou Thursday night, March 11th, the "Pennsylvania Republican Association," composed of Pennsylvauians temporarily residing in tbia city, tendered to the Hon. John rtcott, our new United States Senator elect, a reception and supper, at tba "Kirkwoud Houe," wbicb was ac knowledged to be one of the finest affairs of thu season. The association proceeded in a body, headed by a fine band of music, from their room in Union Lengue Half, and re ceived the Senator in the parlor of the "Kirkwood House," where Col. A. S. Fuller, on behalf of tbe association, aaid : "SENAToit Soott We congratulate you upon your election to the office of United State Senator from Pennsylvania. Wo be lieve that tbe State ol Pennsylvania it more honored by your acceptance of the ofiicu of United States Senator than you are kooored by the election to that olfiee. Again we tender you our congratulations, together with asaurancea of our fullest confidence and esteem." Senator Scott, in response, said: "I thank you most heartily for this evi dence of your conHdrnce and esteem. I ap preciate tbe high honor that has beeu con ferred upon me io tbia election to represent in part in the United States Seaatu a con stituency of nearly fonr millions nf people, with diverse interests commercial, manu facturing and agricultural. "In view of the great responsibilities in volved, I almoet tbfink front the duties im posed. But, at Pennsylvania during tbt war waa true to the Government of our fathers, so I, in the discharge of these new duties, will endeavor to bo true to tha inter ests af Pennsylvania and the nation.'' The membera of the association were then individually presented to Mr. Scott, wben, they proceeded to the dining room, where a splendid supper whs in waiting. Besides a number of Congressmen and other persons of note, about two hundred were seated at tbe tablca. After "filling tbe inner man" till all ware satiated, end still remaining at the tables, Col. Fuller, president, proposed as a first toast, "Our Ruest," to which Mr. Scott replied in a glowing tribute of Peanaylrania, her representatives, and her course during tbe rebellion. He referred to the leniency the government had extended to those wbo had desired ita overthrow, and expressed it aa bia opioion that the power of the govern ment to aduiiuister justice should have been made manifest He felt it waa tbe duty of legislators, nowrfo have written all over tbeir legialation, that wherever tbe spirit of trea aon reveale itaalf, it is to be crushed by na tional power. They ahoold see, that justice ahould be executed at home and abroad. Whatever might bo the feeling of John Bright ia England, the American people abould not forget, tbat wbile tbia govern ment waa ia peril, he was against us; and they will not agree to have tbe memory of the past washed out by mountains nf roast beef and puncheona of wine. Thia waa a very fine bit at Miniater Jobnasn. The re marks of Senator Scott were repeatedly in terrupted by loud applause, and at bia con clusion, clapping of hands sod er iee of "go on," were continued for teveral minute. After music by tbe band. A. A. Shiasler. ! &q., arose, snd in bis usual graceful aud dignified manner, asked permission to intro duce the name of Pii.y'.voHia'tftrite tun, tha Hon. Simon Cameron, wbo, though not present in person, be felt aarc, waa in ths heart of every ons. This, too, wss received with loud applause, Mufly other speakers addressed tbe party, but I will not take np the apace ia your valuable paper by enumerating them, only mentioning two, tha Hon. Andrew Stewart, (Tariff Andy.) ths eldest member of Con gress now living, having been .elected in 1613, and the Hon. John Cessna. Tha re marks of tbe latter wers a perfect bit, and brought forth loud fit of lauithter and tre- mendoua applauae. the party brcka np at Um. all well pleased at the entertainment Mr. Kioz bad given them. I may here add, that tbe tables were free from liquors of any hind. Washington ia thronged yet with people. moelnf whom it ia aaid are after office. 1 was told by a gentleman yeaterdav. tbat every ten oot of twelve stranger one meets, are office eeekare. 1 met two old friend. J. h. Alcuarty, or Philadelphia, formerly of Sunbury, and Col. Great Taggart, formerly of Northumberland. I cannot aay if they wiah an appointment, but abould I he v. aoo honld have the preference of two tuou good Soldier: The hey from Sunbury are getting along swimmingly, your eorreapondeat among them, aad tbe good people, at bom I am aare will he pleased to ieara tbat one of them, Mr. Ariatbie Rod rig ue, wbo, a ben our martyred President made bia f rt call for troops, manfully shouldered bia musket snd went forth to uteet tba enemy, ia now a studeat at the Georgetown Medical College and atands A. No. X, in hie ela-e. ' Witb respect to friend, sod wishing you maoh uccuas, I u, yotua iratatnallv, - -- - - - H. D. W. . Sr Catarrh aUaaad is wameieO , t!Weti ia ita went thtmu and augaa. ths most r aa are eaeeauy aanavee v It, aai ataa MM. aaTe dJeoaavjea, a4 iWaad araai. Si ftoid to It w order ful euraOaa- earata. '-Cold am Ike baad," dhalweaa aad tbia watery daehatsee are vsmavad, tk kaad tleared. lb air passage opened aad rajiaf and aaasfwt aaprda4 b, ji. u.1 rt aoni tatas ae tireag trntaunt, iaoMS taasiia arazt. fatJt by aaait ae raeaipi of tin, eaou. Andreas E "-- vf; ' ' 1 yTnM ont trtm UttJ? ut crcr, tWae ftreanw fiom trtio J i.i iin, - Harm yearfl sto l'io Pi.amaik x i,r. but bill arifltrn. 'l-v-tny llr io If ttai oorner af our t-mel whr ihnv aro iot ntfii. Tba tula dm reucl.iii tha eneiia ef Flrtalillivntef Hottlm antually, am Slantly luoreaaina;. Ii only lnmi nloit Willi a really good nedialn, and tynt,: afa-iiklnf It kaown l'orliai n -tocrti world waa avar so deterred I? popular as tanoa Biviaas. Be whera jou will, Tioa er oor, and Jm will alwajri Cn I II in eat. Their Merit hat aaaoma an aad we eardtally rsmnaa4 tbtm la ea gaarla, laMef appaHta, ekllle wad rvt ttaeaout Wat. eaparlor to 11 ported wanaaa CaWgsa, and told at hull lie. jAces aaava aUr: r eaaaAt arpraaaio mj entire eeatdaaae io it swen mr ' OaUfcrated KiMor (Jordr saiameM ts to aiy ahUd eiraiMa mo ttowai vemplalot; to wy eeieVkeri' ob Cum ia ui imMt aaa eUiarailaiwit: t. eadj far Dkwrbtsa, with astontshint: aur draadfaHy perelrsee, oa tor two year aaywaty wlifc RbauvatUai. Artor utin toikadVearaswtHreat vaWef, end fcoootc: d that ths fcidatytwOie eantra from wh nalino aaanaiet. f caade a Irm stand -Itquore, rarhanlarty malt, aad unti your Barb or Bitter Cardial axalnaiTcly; tho rr have had ra Kkeumatitm during the tV st, otwiihttandiog lu terarlty nnd man laar traly, P. 11 INK BTtUad SUKKTZ'8 tttadiag adrarti anothar eelaem. NEW ADVERTISEME NEW MUSIC ST0H MASSBR & HILL Bl mDI RY, lK.'A., HAVE jort openad for tale Cl.ickeri, fitrna'a Catabrated Pianos. Tha CI. Piaoa ii wall knows at bavin: receircd ihi tattimontal at tba Paris Exposiiinn. Also, Haass A Uamlin'a oalebrared Organ Stoolt, with plaih and hair cloth urat Uuitart, ilanjot, Acaordaons. Ao. t'iane aovara, atani awd ffuirt ombroiJerec Mafia. fttM Cbromo I'aintinrJ " Kntfravir. and colored. Pictara frauea. Mouldin andRuilt. Alao, (lajst fur uictura frames Nanh SO, 1BSD. FOR SALE. tije valuable House and Io Carnar of Fourth A Pane, 8te , 8UXBCRY . Will be sold oa rraaunablo termt and ai favaeia tiu given. Apply t fSM t WILV1 Banbury, Maroh iO, 1869. TOR SALE! JM. BARTHOLOMEW olTort'ror sale Lis , bteoa of Uoode at ooet, on reosonahk- ir Tbe Urodt ara all new and in uew condition. Maroh . IWy.llt ORPHANS' COURT SA Pl'KSUAST to aa order of Hie Orplinni' Co Northumberland cauaty, will be w.1,1 at ia. at ui publio bouse of Aurunus VV wcorfeiawa.onBA llltKAY.Ihf lUibdsyofAi loM, ivunwiog rcai esime, io wit : mi ma, oeriais piece or tract oflnoJ. tilu MwarMaliaaar townthlp. ix.untv of Nurihu lurid, acid Slate of Pennvrlrnnia.' bounded an aenbed at folluwa : On the norlh by lanls of itmer ; on tha cast by Inrnls of Mrs S4r.1l, K, aa tha louth by lands of Jso Leukir. ami o weet by laada at Kiaten Lenkur, conlainins; . Twenty Acres, mere or whereon is crcc Loe llouse and other outbuildingt. Late the t of Jo'uu llauuy.decotserl. Sale to commence at II o'clock. A. M . of s.iid whtn th conditions will bo inndo known by llBNatY KKKMXTIKR Adu By order af tha Cojrt, J. 1,ehshi!o, Ci'k, O gnnbary, Maroh 2i, lutj. 84,500,000' Tm Per Cent. UOM IIOAl THIRTR YEAKS TO RU. larcEn Mr The I.nUo Knci-Iur A .-"Iissisii Rlvt-r (.iili-oal 4 ,iiiiiiii . THEY ARB A FOIST 1:0!,T(. A ; i SI.VKI tlSD lKJUU, PKEK OF LM1KI) STATto T. Eeonred by 1.H32.000 acre? of choice Lands aril tha Kallrv-ad, its RollinrStock and Ihe Fraks', of lha Coaipaay, for tale At t5 and It( TKIti:?. r. Yielding in Curroney, NEAULY TEN P CENT. ISTEllIIST. Wa will take Oovernmcnts or other ftecuritiu ftitl market price, in c-xebango fur tbo Bond. Pacaphlataand full informnlion. and Honda furm. d on applkatieu by mail, or in perenn. E fJAVEN 4 CUOTIlCrt. Bunlcrrt A Dfalert in Oarerntiunt Snuri' Ho. 40 South Third Stre-it. PHILADtl. PI1IA llarah JO, 18n. THE GKKAT ZINGARI BITTERS. A SAFE BLOOD ITRIFIER., A SPLENDID TOXIC, A PLEASANT BEVERAGE A CERTAIN CURE AX PREVENTIVE OF DLSEASLS. ThaZtKSAKT BrTTEUSara aompouodi-d from a aveaanptiae af tba eel. brat ed Egyptiau phvstrt.o lr. Chaopsua, who, after year of tnnl and cant, diseovered lha ZixmriM, ii.. reiaarkabla ve.Cnblo produution.ho earth, perhau, haa aver yielded certainly the most efleeiie iu tho aaraaf duwaaa. It, in conibinalion with the other valuable propertiee of wbicb tha Z1N JAUI HIT TERS iaeotapoted, will euro, Dyipepwa, Paver and Ague, Blliona Fever, Cholic, Cold, Bronohiiu, Couauuipiion ia its first alu. t'iatialeacy. .Nervous fcebililv, PemaJa Couiplainia, Kheuuis- tttus, Dysentery, Aeute, and Ohronio tliarrha-a, Cholera Morbus.Chol-ara.TypboidandTy-phu Peter. al low Perar, Soor fula.bisoaaet.of the Kidnayt, ,4 Habitual, Cajiir. neas, Ao-, A. Ia tbt Prajrestio. aad Cure of tha above dis-asts, it baa .ever haw knowa l fail, a, thoan j. 0f ur tBt pramirjent eniioot Ibroughoul all parts t,f , ssaaatr,. wtll toatif,. Let ihl afflic.Xnd for. -k'?Ul,"Ef eartificatrs of those whe hate boea cured after their coses h.ira ban proaoaacad hop.lw. by bM pWiaiY Prinoipul Depot, w a I' AT"!:R CO. Ho. ( N. I root St., Philadelphia. RECOMMENCED BY V GZ"m? ty.M 5-J,rtcr nf Ptm.ayUai.ia. Haa. HobartJ Piahor, .1 Hoa. Ldward afoPberton, ' li-a. Jo) Is. D.aaer, Uon. Wst.Mebberry, ., ,ni olttr,. AT KASOITIC HALL. SUNBUBY- 1taOrls;isaal and Hepnlur SIGNOlt BLITZ, TROM PHILADELPHIA. raat Uagiaiaa and Yenlnioqui.i, with hit LEARSED CANAKT BIKDH. Waaassaay Aftarneaa and Ereaing. MABCII UOt, Sssinaastag at I and Tf a'alaah. Mvstotiaaartka Mxgia World. he learned Canaries. .. abd the H ottdere of Venrrilruiam Adtaheiea in tha Beaeing. J tt without distirs. tlna adage- Heaerral aaata a el. Ticketa in the alaraaoa tt ci Cfaildrta 11 ta. uaa u, mt. TO 2ITIX. WTVPOW niuas aud nuildiog liuidai, ft lija rxwesV Cash Price at ,. , tie Jlsa:iatt Ft'1rf a r yjnrrj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers