II 111 XK'UMB-ONS DOLlar. IXD MFTY OESIS f nunum. $2 00 If Dot paid within th. year. paper dlioonttnaed antil all arraragl ar paid. Thee, tormi will bi itrlctly adtxrtd to bwtufltr, If abscrneii negleot oV refu. to take their Daw, pots from the ofboe to which they aj-e directed, they reorwiulble nntil they hare lettlod th bllli ud 1rd-thera dhjooutlnood. - lVwtiniajtori will pl.aio lot a our &foata, ud ink lettor eontaining subscription money. Thar permitted to delhli under the Peit 0ms Law. ' ' t ' ' ' ' . , .' I -1 r... o4 n-t 1 " i 1 l! 4 Ill ' h . . , l .uLj.uas:?a' 1 rV..!!,-.:? I , 1 W hare eonneetcd with our aataMfeW Al ansa-l jcuiuxpiwt.-wwito Mr OtiKl Ttm&. Rail. ro vipon tniiiHriKm(iy rtople4 . ., I. ,..,r . unmnm, mj,, , - . i lWlenl Ksil ' all' Profbsildfiaf bufinnaa nromritl loaded to to Nortbuwberlaqi 'and adjuiuios Oaun Ob eeeoad tupr In KriUA'a XaWBilii ng. Ti. TlnVRR tKD Vat.TUMI AanAlftillw jooiincs that tbaj feerl Miterof luti fn-partnenhip I 1 h -iifacticenTtliclr Vrol'eoAAn rn Kurthuiuber rid ni adjiuning'ioattiei.;. Conilltationi ItH t 11 . u UU III IUII HI,R4B, All4,l!rt8'..iy M ,M' 0 A llorny.at -M.miTii dVVhVUY' PA DTTOV PA.- . loiidouuiui atMiiant to m e annoDf It'ur amhorUnd Laion, Sirjlcrr "MwDtour, Columbia id Lj'ooaiiag. 1 i i. ,:.u r r aKFaaBiirao- :' IIn. John M. r.dud PhMttdflphUf. ' ... A. U. Cattull A Co.', " " : -y r- Hon. Wn. A. Hortrr? " '" ' ' ' V'1" Morton MoMiehal,Et., ".'", K. Kctrham & Co., Pearl Street, ' New York. J'mn W. Ashmcod, Attorney Law, " -Madhoni A Cua,' AttoriiA At Law, " Sanbnrj, March 59, 1861 r ,: . ; rV. I 51 " irtlOK EFEI.L1R. IjKr o T Jn R i Ac . T. JfeOCtlFILLEariCaijHRB ACH. , OFFICE in 'Hnupfa new Building, teeuad floor. Entrance on Markut Pqnare, ,. C;..nk..K.. 1 i lunJ - - uuwuyWHll)llllj , yuo. -. TeelhrN.TeelhI - .i. it. :jsrsi..i:it, ETJROEON. DENTIST, 1 rorraerly of ASIILANI), 0., annonneej to tho oitt I wot Northuoiherlnad t!tiunfyllt,iifc hki tcoated ii bCXULUV, foV tba pfaetioj otUJaatJalry, and respectfully colioitD j our patromge. Speemt atten? tiati pnid to- titling and Irttimg teeth, vjuftu ex traeit'd without pain, by uaiug Nnrootia apray which 1 have uaed for three year with jrereci n rru nml injurious results. I r Odisc ia Kooois formerly feeupied by Ir. J. 8. Arle, in Plcodant'a li jilJiug,r AJarket Souare t'.r.bury, Pa. , . . i. ; aw. T,i W... ieoRoe Hill, ' Siaoii .''oLVa-RToa'. 1 HILL & WOLVEBTONh altoruryai and 4'onnelor ntXnn. 6TJNBTJRY, , W1 ILL attend to tho eolioeUon of all "Viodi of climt, including Back Pay, Bounty and Pea pl. 1, oo. ATTOBNBV'AT'LAW North i-ijo of Public Square one door east of tori RPMll IT TJ V f V . m l ""i Dunn. auiiainK. ( I'UT', PENN'A ijoitcinmB Tinrr an iToieaeionni ouftine?E prompuv iiten.lod to in th CourUof 'SOrtLumbariaiid and, prbm'pO ..Ijoiuinir CounticF. JSuubuiy.Kept. 15, 1W1H. 1. ll.Pcnnv, fc ' "J. D.' Jam si. ATTOHNEVS AT LAW, SUNBURY", PA. Office in the second story of Dewart' building, art- joining the Democrat olSoe, on the north aido nf Market .Squnre. t , . Will nttend promptly to the e'olloetlon of alaimt, nnd ittiicr (.relscs(nua) buainarriMtnuited touitoare, in Niii tliuuiberliincl and adjoining couuUef. Ncreuiber 9, 18(17. " . ADDISON Q. MARR, T ATTORNEY -AT.LAW; . :' fiHAMOKIIJ, Northumborland County, P. t 1.1. 1.ntinets attended to with proniptnOa and, iV diliKcnco. :-.. i hjunoliin, Aug. 1ft. 1S67 ly r ' J. K. HItiBUSH,. ' SURVEYOR AND . CONVEYANCE AND justice of tite rr.ti cr.. .Wi.Winy, X-irt'irtmherlind County, Penn'tt' Onico iu J iekeoii townahip. I-ngagement oati be umdc by lotter, directod to the above addreail All businvsa ouuiutcd lo hit are. wiM BrenpUy uiteuacii to.; i April 22. IHJ8. -ly ii!iaUMwA I JA O S O. B E C K, MEIlCIIAiNT1 TAILOR, ? i ;And PoaUrin : i CLOTHS, CASS1MEUES, VKSTIXG, 4C. I'iin u alr-ei.-.Atitli ol" WraTer'' lloti'l, . -j .ijarcn i tooo ... -r"' r illiinu'j nuil 'oniiaellr nfE.ffiv, OFFlCKin ntipt's new Building, on icoonl floor . .Entrance on Mnrkot StjuajOj , STjrTOBTJK. Y. ,!e A.-".'.' ' Will nttend promptly to aU proiMonal haainea cntrnrted to hi care, tlu oulloturta al alaiai In Aortuumberlaiid and th adjoining oauntiei. i . I hanbury, January 4, lKtii. . C. A. 11EIMENSNYDEK; ATTORNEY AT., TAX SUIO.CKY, PA All busincis entrusted' to LU air attonded ti rrouiptly and wiji diligenoOi . i- ' .-unbory. A)ril 27, la7. , .u , JNO. KAY PIGMENT, l)uinci in II. if and adjoining countie carefully nd promptly ntttended to. Office in Market tjtreet, Third door west of Smith & Ooutuor stove and Tinware Store, mi ami s:y m:.a.a., , i Sunlmry, Alarob Kl, ltSfil ;y 4 - I WHOLESALE AMD RETArL BBALERy ANTHRACITE C O A I, Vpper Wharf, SUlVBTjrtY, Penn'a. r.5rOniorolieiUdiiil UlcJ a-Uh proiuptnau and Bunbury.MayH. ISn. -y., - J J COAL! COAL!! GRANT & OXliErir fililpi-ra Ac M lioIvul jf,. U-ltulf TTHira 4t Wl3r COAL, '.RolelganLr; weatwanK or-rhe Cet3b(ataj- Uaury Cly Cl,r-li I i: .,il-in)ai ,, Lower Wnutj, EctiBynrtPx r , Bnnlauryj Jiip. jj, 18 t. 'TIS 1 JOHN P . ' H A A S, ux w - 'l "Cea!rlnlUjn4r.'T"fl' ,ATaM'CITE.TOAL- UlbBLa MAKF, alfTIBVFri PA . I rurXn7' All order proioutly all oil ..CouDaMkiaj) 1 All - T . ..,,,ll I l Ai I'AlinlaU am a .pectfuUyaoliciUd: , ' 1, ,,J0UK.rMA. IWIIUUT eVJIIajlVCU . gmibnry: 'ul ,lSg8. 1 C '.n 14 FU010O n a v A- Trgtr-M W BOOKS Jk.VT) aTATION iilt r. Monthly Time Bookl Trawicit Book and Slate. . (iorki. livrr.n Book Eioik Book, Moinomnduia Itiaki ftiarin. Porke: Uook. Ink Stand, l'ao, FoAi!j. a &MHMQii3i(Uili( Papaf. Ink. A, rwwl.by JiJA PAlXTEa. 'ClCIl J(J li TrrL'fi. Gh Will ' ". . i i -. . : 1 mrwr r '""m 1 -u-v8 ril nil" fc,;VIEW:jW N04: ItwhjWTWoi-KiO ISA -Ttr iTTi.u.. ..,faaaifc" VATdfiJt XKEk" 'Ifl,,vVmii o . f iW.K 1 jA L . ; 'i.iJLi ill lJLJrr-v J 1 1 i ij , vi '") ' 'a h- .lini ill T in. x I ''') n JitTfiCTSHlEtf-EVEfiY ofithe MeefeferMed'mktrt,cmhtir f the llowardApplotpn, XraojrXJa-AVUblmrJJirtlctt w. lillory, Uoi ill grade pf ,h Elgin ill Bikko. Ta PiwVl,.BtrttiT Kntrt,1 Firts.'CailoriiJ lea rginTiiiii vaiKe misitetf, syrupy '."rian iiaowojimniinf : n ih. n. 1 I a ; aS Opl'tq." s V 't t:r ' ' JT3 WfeljJ5ri " 1,0,1 i A laeitoek of lknUlfii.'i iHlpa fin acl'roliie oftlold and Jut (awilrr rt all dkscriptiont. i WuldJ nd pilvCUain, atlowjricci. , ,.;,,,,( ! '1 Fin Gold renaBoia1fVrn'd RoMrtr riaat, f Uilbtate4 Uk,kyalwffiuaia J Stewart. 'A Mill atMrtioent of M&kuiWhiui tCoculit low aricea. . T I'l-' ' i1 . Ainu iole Agent for thaatearated Perfeoted Spec tacleswarranted to give autironitlafactiona ia j-.y'i! h"i S)t? iff a ml war- All rde Wiatlrt t a1alal ikl tke ihortonlto tree ln'I I. I 1 -aJii I ' Sunbury, Bopt. 4, 1808. I i A? FiLJL AN1) 'WINTER iiScatlerucu'a I'm-niehlnff CaoodK, "T.. IfllliRCIIAX, T taim)u isrour. MARKET KOUARK. SL'NBURV.'TA I . , Coniiiticg of i i i- .ft" . PNGLI?U AND FRENCH CLOtHfl, a'. bNLIH AM FKBNCU t'AsloLMEHKS, , KNGHSU JIEiaoilrf ALL COLORS. wLich kav been (elected from the I argent and best estoblinbuiepts in New i'ork aud Philudylhiu. A general assortment of GKEN'TLEMElf'S FUKNISHINQ QOODS, 1 ' ' ' ' ' embracing, . 1 , ' Ncckt!cl,'Collar;'Cravats, oUhc latest (ylc. . Firte Eamb'a Vo61 roller Jackets. BHIHT3 and DtVAWtKS, ii Urge BJSortincnt of the beslipmrltJiA' aiiao i.i... , t A large rkricty.of GLOVES of erorr itylo and qusOtily, froui Ui alnlltroom down to Ui laboring rsun't, and luunv otheaarliclei l'or Uentlcuien'i a. J l-'ine French VoKc Sliirts Jribilc to IIiiTingrooared thtaetrieel of the best workmen in the cine?, garment will be made up to order which ctunot bocjtcellcd inaujeity inliu, orquulltr of eoodi. r ' i ' Gentlemen are partlcMafly reqnented to nll and aea th Dndi and wprk tforo purchasing eluewhere. fuabury, Octil,.'0S; . '1 li.Vl ASU. MO'i i . ,. Hi- 'muBiAJiW B O JSTB SUFER-PIlO.snjATE 'OF lJ,MEtV s-tCainB' MARK T OK BVIRY jq B A U Q Un&.j S O N 8 , - 60LE MANUFACTOHERS A PROPRTHTOKS, Olfioa, JNo. iiO, South Delaware Avnue, : ' ' PHILADELPHIA..1 Tke ibor Manure hai been before thb Aricul- 1 1 , hiral pukl.ofor nfteen year. ra,t, under one nainai .ft V)-f "or ".c and aroprieturship, nd- now ba an.wtabliiiked am-jlTt Uerrst l.oro.i woft" Outrwith 'play, her largo aunual ule throughout t.uo,oouulry. -'Jiiid , etirly hutri ifiitivvcri tm fjraut fchaggy New 1 perfect aubatitute lor Peruvian tiuanc. (abided foMnUilli,-anJ Jmtll tiitt uslicp. -it one half th. et) .it has keen rv ngric.1. j Kichurd Su.uUsb. tlibu8lu.ild ttntlfiitheV. riCIll- irau oi laiiwfl luivuigciicv hiiu u.auciuniiniiiii It i warranted act tojeahoust thoH, buu.nitUe,l;Syy'J.""'":?'Jt ,'r.lu;4 ooalnry to permaueatly iinnrov i- The aaWauw ; faeilitioi for it uianufaotur ore extcuaiv and com. pl.t..-. . 4t i .. w! " The above faahufei art furnnhed In both bag! tad barrel, whlobeer ouitnmeri profor.' I j , llibfe.iuiiloriiB.weiotlU.puid. i " Tbi attention ofFilfureri it cspeciallstdireoted lo fhe fact that 'the' obt 'of the' Raw 'MnUrfal of which th above manure nr. eompdr o well under oonlrol thau- cuoMuruiab Hieid of- atxSatly unlfurnt quality and condition, md Ilia (hay eint. tain a larger percentage dt'nminunj iac Any Otter olas of Bianuiiujtnrcd ufanarc ia ttio market. . ' .' . i.'i ..41 ' gAroir ft'MNS, ,T M South Delaware avenue, ThilaMphiiv TVTte hhiheM tnhlrio.' paid roflll:Srndi of -botil-l. I '' tl "I S ''" I Jiovepiber J,l9a.ua ola!i2 to i 31iUIiii'y lla lt 'Ji-inusriiiif;" French aud A merioan .iUbbona, Lace.- MsUicr ' chicla.tilYcj..JUniuxy, aud a aoiicral luOTrtuent ol' Ladies MilIiuerY Good,' which .liu.TO bocu selected itb gteat car '.' i" 3 ' , , in'nirviWA9Sa'' "tfi-'ha'-' t i Ueuai.tV.lAA'ai Wct'Mlie.iaJoTe!, Au, i tvory vaiiatf frill. found . to elwt ft or, at PfsJfe.!i.i' ! t-:-.- ' Bapburyct.7, ty.. , , , ; ,(, LOOKTO "YOUIt INTEREST ! ' . CJ1 aid ia Oi wy e44iiiock of j .0yRC0AXXCIB, .... f VLSTUiUA. 1... ii vi . J uit reom red at ' -.r ff ' -"1 MiliCUANT.TAlLORIiiO- LSTAllLUSH. i r .i. 1j4. 1 1 i tlKKT, ' rn - ti Iorth Street, below Eyitef'i 6tor, gCNBURY ;.wiiVTER-;cLOTiiiii; of the ot approved '.tylo h made up' to order rHlU -M.a 1 1- i . 111! ?: tt ' He bit ulao boe asiortrneBt of Cj.iuier, Shjrts, J imivers, iuueramn, uveniuu.a, 4iuuae.--,. oea tie. Cotton and Woolen liuse, iju.-. nctcrr.'l! Aid 1 lrL..-4...l'. 141am -mm1 lu U.r..Uv ir I . 1 I., n litniLfiibiius ruaxiEHiiu uoirvjy. i.. ..... i.i. . -.u k-.i! wiil'fi,.irLi.k.' in gar adirwtag. i -. I tar ru( uauufjf. yt-r4. 't"'l rM A .tW Lrnrt) Htffck to Merchirtsnrr' SHfrTnek Iffind.red,troYiaof 'Vyklier'rick' tL'LblA'gk.Btici. mer.btat.'aJid j"Carlaair. Utl-Markit atrat, Phtlad.innia M-Wkl-aialay(,lharaday and Saturday. I I'Ull IA j M- L I I I ' I. V L' ll m7V'Tf A I T Z - A ... . -a ka 1 1 .. I Q.fc 1,4 ajdHt4yftaViif)iiiiai Cat- est lb Ulllri- it- L.:ix. Li4i J. LZ-r -5 z , 7 wrr- "ritfaitllZs .w! 1 U a- . .li HlfJBEST arka; prio ia CAB1L paid foaall Vojinw, ikaaa, l;ib7i;iB. Iroa. A.akt...i . itV !J'wita7ilL?tV "January 9," . . i i w rn r..t'fii wj a ....... viv v-i.iv VTiee Tsllisn RhlJSl AT1 Tk Is 'nQT1l.,'i7 yearj-anu uow ie wiwtftjinKr 1H-1SS JjDUlSa DllSne,u Sairt TRe'ombrofdAv fel) ff1i1J.liH,liJ . .,,..JV All44-.-fahAa.V4- 4i.-M.b . "Tgert,'niiffl.Bne-aat .gazing int.o tne red .tjivain,. ..Ladies', aiul sHfNllitf W Mb b,enifBiiaT)rts tlepl at Ii4 r. loatt, tli,uKio Td el pa la, and all Uoodidirunled uury , JJajjjll I 1 and Lewiiburgubd, all tpvetMiediJle jilatiua along I 4 thaMilnsad.'win V DrOmtittv AeftVlred.' rr ;M ill"? r.i jt'tiiviii t; 1 lao'i in JflifM ,ll:olf ill '' 1 f 1 l. i . vnt' ALU v-ssjul;' , i I - .1 l I t js'it : Mut 1 SATURDAY,: .MORHlWrBYU: ( i n t;vi ilfot ooittli II IM. vtabiroMwalahyi an j v J vet d.-t.ilfiMORiTil T"J '"? JUTII U t.rMMtau Mr 1:' tVpBlV J.,J. CntSSIHOlR. ' ,lt9.-S A strUra;lfon4frltrho look, i, little mook,, Blg4(f a momy ptontf , . , .... axiuii : llfrog all alnt.T',,J!"' n Yi fd,li. frwin.'e.o M leernldtirlook1 tiiii l pon a pretty little nook ; nt "j a pretty little nook ; mt 'l U'""' 0 niiortingoii Miataunay. dayi . a, otbofiTrorflMn'friiinJly piny. . bulupon the giouoto look,!., ,'n a 1 !... 11. .'..t.rnu 11 huro siiortingoi 'Werdot ' tot it, a, i i Ilia mnlivp' I 111111.111111 m iel'i-ink nTiraryiigt b.eaeit.niyi' i T 1Juli;iuHo,i.a4)r1 ttan't play.-. ;.J i- For I prefer th runnlfl J bro6k'"' " , Where cjciir n objucu JL cuu look Ii v I ABdhooirfniv-coiupaiiv for a olav. . .. UMMTtnftol rJulltro any day. ' yl" I with dis.Vnin ilS love to look ' ' Ul OaAjoWlairotty elyntal b-ook ;( f "T' 1 Ua oonuioa MuUlrojrsJby the way, . Whojfiom1 their niu'vhalc change toctraji For nhen I am littiiiujby Oii. brook t T ' They lecm to covc( u.1 goad lyok. ,.,! Itecuune I am tbd greatest frorf, . That ever boiipeil on itono-o lot. V rtA i 1 Why, my dear ir, IMptct look', " lf! Ai Mated by my little brook, ,yoO t'l And ay ifevor you did o, . ', ' A bettor looking3frog than m. ' " ' While tennning him. I MoseJiJ loekf cf.f Across the pretty little brook;' v w- Just then I beard a pulltraa ery a-TI ! A eoming fruui tne noek cloje by(1 , X Which laid, this way, lir, pTbam te loolri9 j While 1 addroffiyou frojn this noolt)...r ' And tiiton to tbm 'frog ne more; . -. Forha ia faahiua'. greatest kr. - f ( When U Wyouti nndVrfooK) r ,b" '" ! II tf, -. n'lll ll' Ii l- ii htlo living wth us in thiaoi 4T To rale tho roust, iut noon dil) fail ''!., '.Over n frogeas to prevail. - ' ; 1 "'" W. drove htrh'frohi this cosy nbokV" To lock ioiuo eiliai poud,..r brauei! '-.'A Away frum mother Bullirosha, ; ci -An exile,' evermore U be. J ,,(q When he v.is born within this cook. c f a :V ,9t ! ul: lo , T' at And when a tadpl with fail,''-' iu ware lor nun ne nnuoTioon . e tried to.ilvii Uia without XaiL' ,''(. i Bui while t ipertiripin thla riooV,'' r' In a lew liaytt bie tail foxseak, 'i r "" With leg Lu.juui, "d eyes to,eetr, - , i ' A little liujirtrvjr cu'waiie, , ..--.it IioppiDgiaboittiaiiatiy. aook.'. '. i " lie hud u proud. ana hauehty look. r "iAuai triedTl Heat swell Wbe ' lat-t , , 1 f Among bisWathor'i ftniily."" ' " Tborerohe'JoSrts 8ltn b fji'li Brook,' An oxilo ftoni"l native kooK " fta'lt 5 ' I at.il k,.l ,, Irijiing, on ogi ontanip-.t ilne, , 1 ., A.'buuiJheAluHog qtltftoiiti : ,: ia Sulliv an, 6eHq,vVa(i , ,,a'.r.i' a v.i fU TS, , , i . i i xiMKtV'A'Atuik- nirttK.i. I p. 1 III 1 n-ll' a ' Ji ! ! , .lil'iiMMA (jAUUIUOiS JOKES. : 1 1 -n aw i ; a a'e )Ylit a pliA" little Boinpt was i.tThc i :i.. . :.' l:.-.l - l. i-l. .1.1 i1 lierlnvt, vo1tiliairat the young wifiCj aaiaiifty bittiF elBrlidlryorf, her lap, nr' li.1. ' i. I i. "... t. &i ti 1 ' wniun sue worsen avny wnu ierb iineia, Iiiirpmftg'n(i4he while a gelitlg Fbllaby to the little sleeper in the wicker cradle by her I. 1. 1 L... -J Kill,. ; , . e. ., . i . i , i WutlVg litis pi'uttv.. l)Otjt uicturti.JUl a, luu, ihqaft': , Art;jAiew, niqmeJitshit uid. a ftepl jitito the toi'lji, J (.ife loolied up quiokly, tier ryes in igiiieiiine; iui iiieiibitie. T3.i0l',1iUiband Milt yThii ? sh-Vid 'how lad ianW.-I va ko klvaiif'j.tHi'd be'eTetttiu- A l,w .1 lM.au A r - dlA Hill lib i o u 1 1. . u i . u in, . . a? r L-ltai l.naul hini .iiia'"llt r .o k!1.rh, ...I Iiir 'nil I laumy ph. .u-. ....... ...... .,,..Uo yi'Wll-.wti kisses. Khe tlieu bur- S'J.'WJr'lt "JptLaJUaclive 4 V-V.utiidlr4,lif(-k;iad fljll tt m k. Sbc clemieil sl.e unyiinr,., chtilul ro,; Wal.u. tftn.'JJmg, tU,fc awJof ttirt could tmwhere hiuitUiitotrts; .tU S!H' u'!U, vl'S jlrcv"irl.4JUtlfoal lineD the beds, and clftVely tifH'f, lilUiig this room wtrj Trtfi h; ,a AhaJwindows and then she roseate lit;Tit. nnd in the imdst ol tin. In 1 ,,Mat ukw, tiAUtturaat looking up armrw ttu leniiur, euiieaiiit uvea.- i a equine m. llt h yoiveibprse ttuij..un8teaely..,4...!n ' v.!11A.1W''1','.V Jl'isi .iiiJ'row,uYi'.njti5, a alienee iuii uiitvyern j.tieui.nfOKen a last by her pasnidhiite inquiry. T" ! .'ilut.inick.-lstUe're nd hel5n3Inst you mttxt yotf gii t' v4 ; J . i " ' i I .'lut,Violotl, ' jU '.'i i' i p fci'Sh taii jimofi-, knawing that Tijtf 'decy .ion vu inexorabt5 -Once beXurW.' itfnce itiii. leaviua Ver lor fib em ie'n.',vUirJnflsiTf' watched ,Ler iMliiiiMi..llrt' AtYi.rauilirillpiifibiTi'iiuJiek rn rue uesoiuie uoursui suite tor iter .iu he?J and rtlildg'lier 'WulirVV'biUpiUair3o iarnVletftttrry'1-' "'-. 'Poor Violet, por, llfflfb Hifeyolfnlulniln tk.n.ti;( hWJ.Vf r-t ' in tmA t JT ,LfaHov.-ed!, with dreary rights of' storm and . b. J01 MO ,kDivjer,Wut- tlirciwkng4jer1 larjm.Mj, at Violet Standish ' Kved aud arm amwiid bis neek, ffjbed ior adeiwillio,. l,.ricm4 t'r tl.a mtli..lnvi in l.nr h.wi.m uwiW uu hi bunoturirud'tbe be'waijtidy lor her work, audi hew wiUtpt.nWT.IoAlo. ftnU promise, the poiiioand iiageantry of Ci.lhiil o)verl.))kiektual'4rn ; beide, Bauthw nmmer, and autumn agalH.' Thu aiHUn packing.-.Tilbirwhote'nilht.l0gifchtt,lKojUel4iptppini ripenii-f.-nnd Annie and her H sii(,tii, u.dM1tb cblll dnallwo, paid ,ui btudier catbered tbem itf with k'name- and vjr;. but - wtu ,wi4r.lee)toiitiiif es,. Atb-i'oUtiriMi iiim.iJown to tu Wharfc,.! be, Wat,44V Wtlili ut uoue, ni-rcitttrJor lu. lu, ittt ebttage; the ir keen .MfktrB.-t iji.' '" titivribiuag; the out in counties! thrxisands. t HtW k" ,,M,UWw Ae'1,aS.TTliettMr and her little ones gathered in rksei lOAPP't kill cot-bed, aud, wttfirntjijairg anci ti,rew leavy log npon' ad to JiiSrWjUie.l n r.i..M . IS..! .the,tiraj mnd Lo stretched bis hfige length r'Good,lY,' VHkl,( bJs..LtrtiM8tl atfeaViiesJji thc blaie. Then they sat down to working with the emotion be bttntfsltei to for wiirk wa becomine? a necei- J keP du.wnff J tuaj a.welajj if 2nce, Lity in tiiMa tttter days; arfd even little ,t U1' &(f Uaonet VSaATUM'lnitAVaiirf linger did" their phrt. The iuii4 mt? m.u muii "i'ys"'4B,tf HfTiitA aie ooy, growing more untrmtiro a ycal'lJiSootlnliu by,,Hiialu.rir Jau, Lack Jj.im, -.',,, lost falliir. Cracked nuts, and shot i y, fr gain! yttL'iV"aJ.jKji W..M"1 ltiwue ke' a . good .hH.g.wifui- iO.iTw, i'4iiing triui till) COlLtJllW.- . ..I i ..-i:-u - . a m . 1 feu- kiiatia liMMiini!lilll.PAi40aNoriliMK41s li'l'l""!? " iiiacurry ueaii.' - ,1 puiiteutctia Wiaii;li.Uiia!li.d f. iuiljuier giancea across ar. nis enuooy Jon XjUiH yUinaM'V"' lbieVii.ll',,K tV"'.4 - '. MjP Um4i MfiMIW VtiiiieWHu;' f eurjisjviiiw4tiSa7 pn'i', ..miibBi .. (lie oiiieak.pvWlllll MtAMtf 'My JTU" "U:tJ) lll'B K"J !vJ'-" ' ehean Mil -aib4tvaid dmlil'IC atVOiVAhilA lAbuo orkml until hr- blue eyel grew aVVW1 llte.a,4(,r )Wyu,;,erUi,ear-t ' inuw . nor . .Br me ',l hi&lM Jia iwlieyj 1 . t - tl MmMumliMliXM .ad windy, and the dis 1 u' fM 1 1 L Las IIKilfrtYir A J tb44l JiaaWuU . ,.Klltf IIiLal4ikiiiiDiikijlwklli 4rfiari-5iriad4imla l..criniU4ed the lamp, afid continued 1-.tCI)"J1 4W1 tHUimmmmri v r-Air; WA4tvr, Jri4liU4A wnrV ary SrurWaWnl iibageiU. TbeTreiiwlavn I Ciea, ju.t kiuiMiiif ia tb it tiisL'.Mire a J ttrib.iQkU Midil t. Ah. .ally joatia ttftbe iMt to-H t4 iaiurilJidhmB ta hU BMd o. Monday ; ' ltr home, bnhrto to pretty iMtr tlbrMOr :il ji - mK t'wiM.WBT tggry -' I.arv'f ''l ni'1;iiii. fl Mn'I 1 tir'i'l i i n"w - ini .HI line M . KW...1U..U 1 i. r- -fls .ft itflitn l 1 s r rrjf nn 1 UauU; LijiaTJlii JU-ir.-t--r?, SAJTJltiJAY'iiC IUn to ' . 1 i.. .1 I'.IJICI i,mikiir.ljr'y4if. fookecklblliffhrJafNittiilktc .1 liBut.Vitalut. tin 'm!lirJlltit nimhH . I inniuo an Ulliaillll liti naawppnag I4n,rj T !nd iU 1 I IT t .,!...,.: u... 1 1 .1 I c . -w ' 1. Ilh. rt aKllidrJWre UtiSetSnil. VtVJiI o l?ir?rrihrfrJiry.,,l-t-a I aHairadna oayMiiii.i.'t 4 Ui Avuitkwan&aftcr a a liiutebrwrjhtexl Tier- ir9.iuti. iv ctnial,' Uortsart ; i 'Pr" kt - W1 WnMIHllnlltlsliaaWarnHrn"tfiKe'til -piinai'enTiDir -oi,m Jtv ')! tbia saa'4eMilofcf.,afrTMt which St''1?' aAHiww.AliwBOW'.iiglil'Tiiiiiucea rvf i. ..... H : t , .. i ... . . - M .. m lUi nliiiPnSl'irjUif' i ...,liiitiwl tua,ailur W'U'i'fy.'tainnnUaRtaMarHtltihltliotTirt' I iiimkfuL..uml &irainhjtcl.Al.ora.aKMf-aT iff.i i isvUAiiitt. Uie Ul;t beT,7rold' Tiiinber aer1? i , juiuer, na ovx;r aoUcavar igat alt nviRilii, .?f 'iiHMlier, i-ba ilJ nfathon!coaneli6rrie r:Ti,ifrioiH,o'v,cr tka.lrigamlV'a nm ,tv ..-! ; o .T 'ivMt' M. mtHLnf oQld asifcei, htr MtA .,.,-1 ojiea U:igiit)t;i4VU't tho tllourrlit, n V i;,fv".,aw'i"iprnu; 'tiiuac. nitninrr, anir U Ri'Wtarpiiasigot ripa.Abcn litbor will come upmc.'H '; - .,.L,' ...ii ixia . 1 And t he winter went tryi KW lat, tin i.ti.l,riigui9 ioi:UifJ lUoAiKwnl lit prtlt rwaii4U-T,na piKifrlrt Tioitt,atitt Ilie (jnUI- u jiijJdJHt t.' ivtt3frxaiia'of y a grn lit pioaavuiiiv, Jtve AupKitrgtCUefl tUoin, nticr Jetj iitirtaliy brtthnr lieaatb their -rustlltig abaaoM-f. .tw I i i njjj .UHo j,itle coming tlay ivhuii rVliT'Ull wme home, i Aluitist ' a U'eiu' L.iVimq jj.inpd in all litis lonr, lung t,iii.oply,.opaviuttiKUaU-r-Coaia.-v Mulslit)- iaUjjCxaiMiieiDa jpumt tiiibjftjw. opfiorttimru-s tjiri Wtr;,, but.thi. tin surficctL Ho wa'g-cfl,! Ui:'AHtroiB' wrmlil soon' M liorjiewara, touti(4--V).tWuuldi.ba borne in '.-1 li'i ' -d' ' . A.ijtmji;un ,c,ruq, IL. 'trpp pnt on the Tttirjjo royal purl, tba bills tlicirr.ru9(et gold.,, Violet Staaai'stj want about her work; ttfua uty.to ith.v,.wit,b.. aa ioclescri'ouhl ;Wml',in her aCQ..r PUe seemed to Iihvc tirij.u.ii youag an"'H ft. allAhe care nnil troii iujArtrhfr, jife .(inoppciUori' likoi Tnanrle,1 'Icuviujj lw-wiVcil.ijijlhelkVatliarit gnrtntrtl luiue unri lova-tha iajr, fresh, winBnmev iilliHt Ljitk.Stiui'jisbt bail won araitt tfta ulyxt'j Uioa) (it lif borne, hve yearn befofe.' THe littlu chiltlrvti warulertd about in the jlljltiVi- alliiliuhUWaiiog tlit-ir fingprs with h(rtMailCtvali.iecftiia1rlh tThy homes of M'1er'l"IJalJll"Mie BBDtiy niormno; liotn - ujup rflKiog ia all orkiar with excitement. . .ill.l : . a : . i:... ff TiliTiiiPiiiiar.i i.riwi audio, uer nine i)inlciiu-cnei tiaUvgoKlen fruit, "see herd ! ji tt,n(tif'q,spippiea-. are npu will latlier ri"in'B Way I 1 r,Y'j')f'j,lieJarl (faro a, great .leap of gi IWt - SatWia Vipktuiciut at tit blue sky, the nvmnjtiuwiw, and mist crowned liUii4iUi uiuetl)ing like a propliody at her uaaui t .i. i ' . 1 -iilAl'iak Jie will, darling I" lie replied : ; ie tfci,1.iakjiyeHlyior bim, any way.. Oft Aod itie cUUdroB -toddled off -again, the 4'lHivrUl buy iooking 'an. like hi f ulie?, llaaii ti(.lir j-i. alter him- and 'eovvred- 8ad tjvqr xpiMed a fancy, was prepar- di j1fl aai the sun wns going down, dressed libber prettiest gown, the sat down to wait. 'Will 'father to niirht, mother ?' asfti cd Ar.ajc ftftujrtiQR p ta' tfc vkll'ight. 'If not to night, -he will come to morrow. h'irtP- st t"il -iii. : i S To mocrcvf DarU, Ure gvflflcn pippins hung ripening on tlietn-e; the gram wuveil in yel Irdv'abeniou's nrimnd the cottage door. The year hut rrtunileii why did not the1 wan-i tlcyer eolnfr? ' The Children wandered about ' reUltisly.tfollowod bylaitliftil old Leo; nntV' kftAi-Jiooa. rr-mwin.r imiintinnr Hnil nnvliiiu I hftet Jtofia, crowing impatient and anxious, v.iiiiul weni crown i me post oince. - rer-t chance there might 'be-a1-letter, or some tiilingslifcnl tile 'Albatross.' IAcrwwd of men mirronuded the door, evidently id e'iger discussion, but they made tvaV : fnr.lin' llnfprcntiullv Tlmro m-na rn 41itoK fcniimrwfi.-lin.Ta fnim ll.o ' A ll,lr,.c. ' TlidVoibrnttster hesituted'and1 looked ut her -itli;pityitif eyes o did the by-tttinders-. ii f 'Hlill U Itf lieltionefJ. looking trom ona tb another. ' w . .;'. t The, n awful fear thrilling through bet, hapatitolred a paper Miey had been reading. .TAiere'itawas in flaming diameters ! . . .. . . . ly 'i-naaes ateal' The Alliatross, due at tins ;pjit atsa!trlel'Jth hishint, took fire, on the Indian Ocean, and every soul on board W as lost !' -a ' , , , tsWih.-t)1terod home wand through tile glory f the awtumn evening, clutching the paper jin.lier. uand. lueeuildten met her at the SfAtL t i i - ..- l tVrbat w It, mother ? --questioned Annie, 1ookig up. anrignted at her white lace.-t- "fyV fHi' It fat uf come home V i:W a(hi.. -nU mlia ttif.il nt 'in o na nji4 if J tT4 a-ilt cm botae any morel never ant morel Utaaa . i u M fk nft l n uuoH anain nnrlll !t n tnr TTaa 8triI,jj Spring caW with Hs U-auty Iuw ae u tueil. yoan f,ceg. Winter again, .ndtobritunm, eve. Thu buow jiled ib great i ,,--., t Leo. and finally nrew weaCv. and i,m.,.,.l ,tnulf PThi tltindle bed. ' J kU,'i.U K rma K rirU-lu lirlni? Hii arnntlivri' 1-- tocKingruspennenBi;aiiiii ins wair.anu ner iti tears. - Uer-Moto of Christ- I .a. K"MT" "ul- " -' .. , 4Utl)iidbut n.it to lleep she Uy i il... aa.1 k V .i..il i 1 ..- MiiaAilsMi of. the tea was iiiert,ant. He any more, mnthef,'. tale) the - ! child.-' tCome to bed, pleat I'm so-loue- I to We- -a ' r- ' ' " - -' L 'MuA Jfrnua finish thl garment to night, ad thr'i n moBtf UU tin it paid for. It tvMirxrl .fnr)l lVi f0 rr ..t - '-'i-T ' . .1. ltsiT.-v:. 1? sry-ltKM;- 10 o,nmTnn th rei wi ;( ti jleLrtf A fnVUZTXJ " -? 1 ii ot .wiiiiv .-)fntriif 5o)'J rrwl T,rtr'r am.T n-.'.T.IfirTW Aaj-r ..-..4 . . - t jh I'M - oi .i.:.i. v tiA.-.-..4AW-.t 'r 4- .,i,.v. 'I l4Bow mi ft H '1ui'ITallle4.; OffcVn UV.n...!ii'nTi..iaiV rsr.iiil -five. 4.l ivL.SM-a',. rWJhm 'tin n,m",;i'n"atii,vuc-L uuRa.1 witn niy ItltntT Uail Tifetl.T 1'" TOir-ltilBK, niothiu-, hi; knows bmitTjf"rjfl'm; BtavcUt . fc iA-WJfci,tAI,. V TlStTf- U' rifJR.Pf ul"!rTt :W tu"iecp!lrfbr t)le't;';rWr)wdcf1 iiti'yotti UlothefyfcWt5re;TtotKfI'.,-, " iTtclty fofuiliif'!! ' tYes.,in5lheri' onlv let'TfTa' t'ell'vrSn wtatiiliifuraulfMii'Ati THrHHlHlKI. inlrui'"Wiriif it !, 1 nA VaiiJ.I lel'iaiiAjptihftlclriiSlixthcT'librne W-n'ulIt -wollld'nt It! Inriin, mollief f'V4'1 ' " Y-s, 'love HtH Jhr ctltlhot ti."- FntJlWi w iftrls m(ra'ned,,rand the great' sKa ihtindefetlr- miet worked on steadily. Khc Mrns a Lraye, strong Vbnrfn, nttdltepl fler s'r)rfiw' bieneitli hor Itet ; hut If iotWn itrpW gnil tierce to niL'lit. Old memorfes 'oT her llhripv girlhood 'cairte -tfoopin- bafck ; fonfl' vynrdV, toving smiles; tender' ettrcsses. ;lcf tnrrd snrti was full:to oveflhiwinsr. 'lfbw sVWild sU3 evej rbeaftlle burden of Pffe thTo'ug1inpfifvf year! It was sn liar"slie-whl(rTaint rn the en deavof,"jut r.ir-hfV'fcnlUlt-tfn'islike. Glutrc' fug over at theNHM:c'oiicli, an'dlhc'pair of eury HeaHs; she" rtittrfled- her nt!titfle whli fresb i'or.'',The'hntn's4wore o"n . dttisttitas with its pesr on iiirth'.'and its prriinisa ,of J gladness to aH men to her I . i Wittfwoul'cl it bring ii. 'The' wlnrl 'ne driving the light fsnow n'-in tlia "wriifMwa. Leo' rot tin lifs eau bnd fistetieH, th -tr hr arose ahd tAdfctl olf loj ilie xioor." l'rese.iTiy neTegtip to -wine piuta rvt.i ' ' i .iuui - j Whftf fs it, Leri asK-eTirSr'itiisttxvsi " ' Th6 dmr6atne to. fief sid. lootrMfg'lup in her I'ui with an intofligcape 'that 'Bceinexl hlmost'hhrnarl ; 'then lie went 'Back4 to the doorhawing atid whining! Violitpift down htfw'ork arid1 went to1 the wittcfriw;-1-As the wind lulled, she 6ogrlt thcound of a step, a 6rm, fiulckBtcp, crunching the4 fro.ou inow:- 'The .dog -leaped "lit the wiatlow, HKVkihg niid"wfiififng, nnd showing every ntanllesfatiitn of joy. Tlie step came nearer and nearer. ' A wild tnrror tilK-a titc roneiy wonfan'slieaft:' WTifft Vlnngerthrentcncll h'r t .t.ll.1r.n HHei D1Unn.il Vn'tvirrif rhaTittla heil.J and there' atAnuie,"iu hef ivtiite nigrft-robc, her bunds7 clasped, her sweet,' spiritual face fairly radiant witlS joy." " . ' ' ' " cfrf I 'nirtthi-T; mother V slif crSefr.' Vion.l Vtm' know, doti't' you-' feel ftit' is father ,J...il,l.lL..i-. tJjni.m I A wTld fTfriu Mi fit trtroiigli tWijonr wife's heart ; tcf rrtr, unpe, ilnitlit;ijilf cnrntrilitgicil ; her limb tremffle.ir. and she "re w fidnt: but f'nslife'stefl'ca'nie nerlrcr find 'nearer, 'obeying tm' fmpiH sTrnni;er tbiitt her will, or her fear, sho opehed the door. A brawny; broad- shouldered rTtaTiriTrft SSTTor s gait), tine iu- srnut she Knxed on liim,imd then sue clasped hint iu liar arms with a wild cry,. 'Oh ! it is it is uty.husl.and! .Oh, Dick! I you arc not dead! God has sent you back to me agidfi '.' u " 'Yes. Violet his hot tears mining on licr checks: 'from tho very jaws' of death He has sent me bncU'to yon.' ' ' r ' She held him close for a'moment, and then tlie mother love began to stir in her heart. She turned and pointed to the little '.bed. The sturdy little 1ny waeotrnd asleep ;bttt Annie was awaUina bim' with 'wide, bright ! eyer. IJ ' 4 ' ' ' 'I knew it. father, and Hold mother so,' she whispered, afslie cla.pcd his neck. 1 1 j iaicw thuf O'od would let Krisii Krltigle bring ...... I, ...An t.. nt.rl.f ' ' t I j - Vou hoinc to nltrht. . An.l Vuristmas morning nawnen,oringin!j I a renewal of the promise of peace'c.n'oaith I to all the world, and to the sailor's home, a 'yij unspi'Hkitble nnd full of glory, I . . . i ' I 1 T rfllTIT'T' 1 ATT1 V TT Ci I 1 L Lk5l llilj Liii luKJ U tO. LrafA. Lcpto CHAitotir-ThinU tf .twejve in. i noueui,-ioojviiig geaucuiei iu b uu.V4ii uuiiiii coupy, Ieas,jjiiteuing with wide-open j eye, to, the following charge j- , "If tho jurybulieve ou the eideu(, that tUo pluintiU !ind lcleuden!.weip paitaker i . , i . i .. . . i. . i. -. .. .: .v I.......1. ; i" " grwcorj, mu mat. m piammv uu.Ki.. nut tlia ili'lumipnt. and rava Ilia note for tlia interest, aid the detcuUaut paid lor tue note, by doHveciog tu- lhu plHiutiff cow, which lie wuirantud not brcuchy, and itlie wunuutr.,liiu. .broken , by , u-uson oL tho bieucliintis f the cpw, and ha drone her. back, and tendered lusr Ut the di-tendant, but hor id'u4d to, receive her, and lUa plain tip' took hvr.(buiue ijjaiu . and -jiuta it-nvy yoke on .her ti i pruviau Ur . Itm - jumping I'ctjfeii, tyi'd by Uteuns of the yoke ike broke tpr neck4M Uedi and if. Ih j' i farther Lei 14J veil tUut yiu diilewliti'.tV iuUitest itv.llie grotjuy waa.wurtb.iiiiytliiug, Uio plaintiff4 itolu wu. ,vni,l;less, and lbu oow gi'Hil for nothing,' uithaB d'or beef or qiilk, tb, th jury must Und out for thepisplves biw they will d'iciile tue case, tor mecou'i, v ue uudertaad, herself and tli lliiuk she i does dou,'t know bow such a case -should ) l.u ,l..oi,li.rl." . m . i ,4'be verdict wa "yes and) both parties appealed. -v ' A BeaXTiFt" bmibNi'. Life bears us on like the stream of a miahty river. Our boat fii st glides down the nifuhty channel throagh the playful ' mur millings of the liUlH'ivok.4iud the windiuga el it grassy burderji. Tho fraes slieit their blossuan over pur ygung Ueiid ; the Haters reu. to offer themselves to tbuwyouun liandt t w ' lire happy, iu , hope, and graap eagerly ut. the btaUlii4aiouii4 Uit me get ttruiu brriu0P,.andKtill oiM 'bauds nr.- empty, yur curne'io y.utli aud tuhuliod ia aloue keeiicr and cvider ttow uAiioig objects 4.uiorj alining ant iugninaei.-v are auiiruited at tti moving picture aim enjoy ineut pMij i)dutry all aroutulus ; i xciwd t oinhurt-livea disappoirrtments. Tb stream bear us on, and oirjoya and our griqfe aru.alike behind us. We tuiaf be shipa'reckedUsUtMt-luuuiot be delated ; whether rough, ainootb, the yv(jr hanUrn. on lift tle roar of tTiu oceau is in oijr euis, and the tossing of the wave's i bi'tieath our-feot, and lb rVnod are lifted np around and w lukour -leav td tbwarartii and it in habitants, until of our futuit voyage tbert is no witueis save the Iuliuite nd internal. Utter. ' " Grecian nuhlfeTtwie tho ladiM uaa at present. ' 1 1 ttoopt that Mrrthan fifteen hnndrerT'larliel of Cen Ire countv have ciirned tn-titlon pruylnu lha Court to jjrant 0' vnor liquor fMio UC(BI. cennotwinie to7us .Dative 6liTl crio bim JAnftio'reH Th( iilerlcei'artu rhe night waneB tw:-r1i't stsrs" l.rirrreiT. nM the 4 ... 1 m I 1 i !", r w ty-m.-nco T rV . I! ia"i. -J f - 1- ...r- .f- TtryiT" ,- f n i 171 TCJ y AT . OO ...V A.tf) A ' rn int.. .na jr.i7LM.: . x - . ' " i-V(it yil f-rtl-Vii 'Il'adi'. iamlon'ifrlfrtp()wded 'in .oup 1.-, M.ljlArUAt A.i V tJ 1.1 A 1 'l'UIT 11 ayAa I 9" T"y ' I arm. irfh'Ti'ip.atfewr affyiiitr, tt jfifng una M4 who, bad beep lorjeraijuvntbs unmiecuis. mn futryacckMii ehmlojniaut Vclctk.Qr nlv$-. r..rr.." i.t..'..:. . t....... .... .. . ......i. i... i'fnanHn srrme nf i.iir 1edlnrr hiSieI Gout. 1 i,i;.; i.i,t jnviT,i,li...,a.'aritJr i. I .. 1. im.. i... ..uv:.i l. i..,. u'Ua . kripw tw i liri mAHt7vi.Mi iinlt .link! l diwibLluL tvUeflxif, ti w 11,4 mk 4itiietJ I llSffuT. eitlii'l .ia n fTi'i-Wir aL.'in. nn jkilt Vm J 4fofl'chl. M'l.nt riiehVt.Wvlaj,laued Ah 'tJBfiflbn r-rfliT1 iffrti"?,trhrf rei!y.isSi-I lenity ol tt. coppi r, or iron to was,3Uitt a Jefchinieai:TsrlrrSvTt not so i. U'et cld; hut if not .o,befued at one., run-it ljT!)eolabla as a murooijtile io.ipiim. . f ' f.i... .i :i . ..n fciiuei una uuiusivu iuea our.Bion-s arew -.P..L j-. r . . IJii lllt'll HI U II.VS HO CU- I -hniLwfirr, -beenbse of p"rJtabllitfVf fiitg iir!hiii'g, wasjia .jkAtmy btir .ovinoritfi ur.m Holerii.'i T wLt'cli cannot unssible liouidalo their ex wnni hflltures'" Lute, tnliiafe lu lilc, thev clisciaver t'nrirfrrf; Vid '"befotelicv rftteh tho ana -tiptbirtT'.niana of them look'with erTV upon the Jltryty DTfClityiiQ, WDijni, in-t li ,lay or their boyhood, tjtej accuslpniod tg deride, ' a ' e Prtrfo CWftfTNo. Efcr'y-rfridy ha notioed tt ttfciieattf -wtiiw iiNiiei wflrftrreHevoid ..... e . tC.tkuvcolred.cnatiod trowern, stretcnod out on ice in, the .window of restaurants, and looking like vcry'diuiitifitive babies "in primitive costume. 1 The 'fiurhbef' nT these succulent little fellows that are dsilt ctm- suin.d ia this city is tint small, and a luise part ol ilicuj pome liotu the roiuautio bunks of the 'Calumet, south of the city, tmploviog thc'setTlct-l of S-tite a number of fUhnniuui. It is said that som rI tlr experts become . ..... . . . . . .. '. . .... 4 . I so-skillful thntTTrpy can tell, in a bed' oh mud. xactlt vPltero a frrtt? fins'-Lnried him. gelf. -As high ns-flv tiollars cachlin' been paid by our medical ao) leges in wjuter time lor living trogs, The reptiles are UicJ lot;,! Ivnnism? As nntliin.r pl.'- cxpciliuf tits in galvanism. 1 AJIUI . IU:.1 1 1 Ii l V II 1 5 11 1, 4.311lllllllUeiBC; V will r.nawW tbn nrof.-ssor mint Imve a a.m. ItrimminL'tt nud Iwjiics of tlr&ssed and tindn-ss- nl'aeh H tliR ina li a font tli!-lr - Tha ! Lsaiue poople who ia autumn bring, frngs tojis t and proper to l.e eaten, lit tLa lorm ot f French retaurun.ts, procure them . in tb,e j animal food, nnd is in any degree resolvable T dead'or winter. When first taken from the illt0 jolly, will asslAt in making stock. v.fr4o7eh rriiid tlfry art; as still' as the imitation ft tlidm in cMt Iron that wc see to-ornrftnen-tal fountains."' In a bath of tejiiii milk, they not only become. r active but hungry. , The price is sometimes as high as a dollar each. Exfhfifige. a To Day and To-Moititow.-To-dav we we giUhef bright and beautiful flower to-J morrow they ar. faded and dead.' .'To-dav A wrenth of leaves ' shade us to- morrow, lear fallen, our tread. i they crumble beneath lu-uay iiiL-rurui iscuvL-icu -oilu (.uii.uk of green to-morrqv it is brown with the withered sriis. ' . ?' i To-day the aigoroui stalks only bend be ' tori; tlie grain to-morrow "the land is tuk ing its Sabbuthafter .tho toil. '.' To daif.w'e hcar'sweet songsters of meadow and forest, the buzz and hum of' myriad in- sects; to. morrow breathe softly alluature is bushed and silent. To-day a stutely edifice, complete in finish and surroundings, attracts the passer by to morrow a luiad of ruins mark tte site. To day there are cattle on a thousand hills to-morrow they fall in slaughter. The fashion of the world passeth away. But let Christ dwell within us, and though we may pass away like the faded leaf aud the snpless stalks, we shall "arise to newness of life."' -. , Whcr.everluting spring lide, And never wintering flowers. , ' "Fat I.niri.: Fn;n."A rem tie .nan who had carefully trained up his servant iu the ... -i... .:. i ... -Vi. .. i - wayuu etiouia go, mi mm tvu(n in wiiu was present he mioht not depart ' from sent bun with a box ticket for a thrcatro to a young lady. The Sfii vantnernined when the gentleman aud his wife were at diuner. lie hud, of course been told in giving au swers to certain kind of .questiona,.'tp sub- ; stltute tlie masculine lor tue ionyuino i pronotr4!) in speaking of the lady. Did ynu sceiiw T said me gentleman, giving hitn tfie'ctio. "Yes, sir,4 replied the servant. , "i7irsaid htfd go with great dcnl'lif j!eusuro) ; autl that itfd Wit for you, sir." . "What was l)ocloiuj;?",carelcssly aUcd his wifn. " . ( , . "Ifc was putting oo Lis Zyruttt," was the reply. ,h 'herri'Vi-as "fat fa tlie fire" Tmmcdiately. .'Show u, the .rhEn wlogo waist Iisieen enconipassctl'by an arm of.the sea. ( There is young, lady in 2vew York so refiued, in her Language that, she never uses tlie word blackguard, uu;uu4pt;',aii i; can sentinel." AGRICULTURAL; ; Tr yikuf :-nlc'iliii?r 'A wrlwrfwhri'iity Ws Vow" gives all the i mi lit that is wanted it a family of eight peronsa..,ppd. from which i ntad two Tjiui'drtd and sixty jio)ud of butter this year, gives the gollowiug as hii treutment. lie says: 41 ! "If Vou tlasir to get a large vield of rich milk, give your cow, three time a day, water iligtitly warm, slightly salted, In which bran has been stirred at klio rate of Btie quart to two gallons of v?aterT"You- will hull, if you have not tried this daily prac tice, that yourteow wilt gie twenly live per cent, more milk immediately undertheuVct of it, and she will becotn so attach. d to the diet a to refuse to -drink clear 'Water, unless very thirsty ; but this mess the will drink almost any tioncVand 'nak for more.' The amount nf -Jtliis drink necessary is' an ordinary Water pail full ucb "tine, morn ing, noon, and night 'Four hundred pounds of butter are oflen tjstaine4 trom-fcond stock, and instances -are mentioned whcio thc yiel waa even k liisjrbes b'gnr. a- Do FiwilS i Mix."--We notice tlvat the belief is entertained by oin leading ponio- logi.tl that not only ,itrwuiries wjll mix by having different varieties in jutpoiv tion. but that i'tn will do the lain thing ! We have our doubts of this at least Mb' have never observed anything ot the Kind among our own fruit, though growing ailo by sii'e. . We all . know . thai pbaillate strawberry must be fertilized by a itaulinate variety, and thisstatuioate may be iianjjed yar utter year without modifying in auy U-giee tb piiginaj berry. We all kjiow tvoo that, containing thi practice, the Alleu raspberry byiUulLi A poor bearer of small fruit but U (ruovitied by another raspberry whoso inflorescence occurs al the same time, it will produce larger.better tid three or four times as' much '-fruit, but they are trictly th Alln UII. W reuet hav eery trong proof befar we can believe that thai poll.n on fruit jj-ansjmits to another fruit belong ing to In. lame family anything more than, when heceuary, an atatstance in st produe tiv cpcitv. ffrmau'wa Tiyri h. ft 1 1 1 1' ! '. 1 : "t-r ' Th MliTWlri r th rratet fWidVTiliao; In lb AtinBii a.,..,Tuo (e.hajiiig adaurliauiaV X do will flnd"tt cnt! vt'iitrtrfTtiT TeforeTifo T ' I It. I t I 3ia.inm. 1 y. III I 4 "i f i-t 1 In I ' 2 I" j 20 I'tl ni tin anil ai'Ii i 111 mil xn tfl h2aOUaut:UleiOtilo! (to Ofi J,ColUmfir 20 OOS OS ;S6 OOjiO QO,0U (111 100 CO , TuiVhei C tlii' aUod type (niinioo) Hi one one 'aflaar. ' 1- v -r ,,,. . : U 'tiijtitor?, Adrainttrotor d BtrrautoW Notice I f;:,ra. ,,liiulu(irii-s.li'icpv ilie uauni nnnonncvineni wViA lfri,i lo hi y.aifl for r-iw1riijirii ratr tt Joelsii!Vi atio3riipliiefi. ; , 10 cent 1' Idveriw-mrtitlff Religion' TniWnMotnd Edu. eatwaal iibjeu.li. .ne-balf the alovaratr- Triui'iont nilverlii-emontF Will bamMii-urn until .tdered totdwcoutin(l,rridliarol tvrcilrdlngly. at:'Ui:n a-: V rrhw-A'ruiarTiIoiinsTlIrgsxIiio. J.jlr,YiiVanori-il.lii M r,UT' f R aU. .- -a rfjO. - - 1 T'":nR J no 'J 11"rhW com l. . itKItK w. no tljaji), perlinps, that conn the. rlU VH' ii16 jiiclvgineiil tati tiuif us' wkII nrKuarinl.sauii. .There ! IheJaliUs witicu Jiwea nclwKineial satish.c- lipjT us Wtill . Jjrf utirtK.1 .flQUii nlhcru lituli.l ulwny'lai )JuptV..oC (IrJed liettif in thf- tLne flwV:'Tbeylji4t)5 Jj(t Jit-pt iajabeji'il pa 8WP Wl .M be-.ttUerOd to Jonrvn i,n, while pot, into a iiiuiiuw, wc.i fluzi'd. rarilien nan. .".-:' rr-- r,"- p a . t i..: i- i. i.:iin.i i u.i fi. 1.1.11 11, llliuy, 1 1 VP 11 a 1 1 li-ll II. fill, in ir.-.-i, n-i soupi fntjiieftt ia wasteful. To exjrnct the sfrtTigtit front the ment. itslionld Gist lie put lrcolil'vuter;-'gfSfliiilly -lientt-d, and finally tutbitotedArt lone anil" alow boiling. All i.suji BMubatler Jorjbein, niarde -tbe tiny be- Uorelhcy are to be ued.. ,. . . . - , MiitowN Stock. Take tine pound of lean ! ''ear, stun. leg. ox ciirrii.-or rrom ins cum; f cutrio slics, aml phtee at tlia tinttftm of a I arctiaoil.t tiutr-i)ni, iMUrina n little wiiter, to prevent its, burning.' Add a utuce-.ol leiin Imcdh, cut in slices a more or less quantity is immaterial; from one rt'riiirter to nearly the same iiinoimt ofMicef: Covet cloStlo draw 4-ut t(i gravy, gently, and then.iallow it ne.iily Jo dry until it becotnus brovft. then pour iu suflicit-nt boiling water to entirely coVcr tile ineut, skimming it liequently, nnd puttinz-in SHlt'"whrtle peVpcrs. tiot-hetbs, ! - n9' vegetables ofsany kind After boiling Lctutiy for five 4nrix hours, pour the broth nqd vegetables of 5any kinW After boiling 'vlr tlle 'e,lli ,Ml uumin ma I:. i. , . . l . T .. .v.. : . A i,l... ..A l... . . i i... i.' i ,i i. n'Snt c""'-' I" 'tic iflorning fake off the scttm and fiit, heat it, and1 put it nway in a stone jar for future use. This will form a io,undtiti.m for all the bctt brown soups. lirJf 1" Wntch IJrown stock may be made trom tlie liquor meat bus been boiled ; lrom the ed meat and rmmo Indeed, nuytiiing w hich Wiiri'V! Stuck. -Cut two pounds of knucklo or.icrag.ot veal, into small pieces, placs them in the stewpan, witlt two ounces, ot salt butte or dtippiug two ounces of lenn bacon tut suiffll," a gill oT water, three mid dle sized or six ounces of onions slicod. Wlietr boilinir; tir with spoon for about . ten minutes, or nntil it forma . a whiteUh thick gravy at the bottom, , or gets .rather j dry, then add live pints of hot or cold w ater. Let it simmer gently fortlirep quarters of nn I himrskim"tt welt, pass it through sieve, wheu jt wnl be found clear and ready lor use. In case, bacou or hum cannot be ob- tained. use half a pound more meat. To add more zest to the flavor, thyme, a bay leaf, or winter aory, may be added. ' Kiuhvof BjtKK -SoiT. Take the bind shin of beir, cut off till tba JlcrU frtitn tho le boiie, which must bo tal.in'away entirely, or the soup will bn 'irreasv. Wash the meat j clean, and lay it! In pot, spvinkle 'over it a- i one suiull htulespuontul-or black pepper nnd two ot salt, three onions the tizeoi a ben a egg, cut small, six small carrots scraped and cut np.'two srrhill turnips pared and cut into dice, two or1 three potatoes, a liMIe'cabbage out iiniJ, uiid twu. ot. thaue tomatoes, if iu season. These vegetable! can be varied in quantity, nr one or more omitted entirely, according to tasfb. Pour on thrc quarts of witter, cover the pot close, and boil gently and steadily for live hours, which will leave aliijuL three pints of clear autip. V" not let the pot boil over, and take oil' the scum as it rlsl- "f . a,, ui ue, ua..,, mm;l, -1 ll'l . .1 n.t.t. .1...... Pa"lcy a"rt 5 '" y,-,. Mot-K Ti'rtle. or UAir s TTiiAD Sorr. .. .... .... fl.nH. 1 thn Iktn jt.nri alraln th Manor aiwl sat It away until UH nXt day. Then skim oil' the fat, cut uj? th,o meat, after carefully removing alf the bones, and put it into the liquor, and stew the vj-hole gently for half an hour.' Sea on the 10 up wttli' aalt, pejjer, and sweet herbs ; nii tiUtVts. or curry puwder, if you want it 8casoied higldy, 0pd -..just a you take it up stir in some lemon juice, or half a pint of white wiuo. If 'yon w ish forcemeat balls in the soup, they should be added when put on to lanii, a " J To make forcemeat balls, boil tlio.brnins for ten minutes, then putjlhem in cold water. vVhen cool, cTiop and mix" 'them with live spoonsful of grated bread, a little grated nut uieg, pepper! sart. and thyme, nnd two egg9. Holl the UaU as lurge as the yolk of an egg, and fry a light brown in butter or dripping. . fcunitniil. Soup Cat up twoyoungsqttir. reli, and put them in a pot with five quarts of cohMviilcr; season with "salt and pepper. 'Buil until the meat is-ver"! well irno, and ruiiiovu, it from tba liquor, aud out it up into small pieces. Tut it iu the soup a quarter of a jiAnud of butter mixed with'a little Hour, and a pint'of cream; milk will do, but not o well. Throw in the cut meat, nnd just before yon serve it add the Jmaten yolkn of two, tggg, and a little pareley., Jttfbbitf way be cooked tl?o saiuo w;ay, , Chicken soup is nice made l lie samo way, with the addition of a plot of green corn cut from tlap cet and put lu w beu it i balf done. ,i . . - ... OcnnA Sorr. Coil a leg of veal with about four dozen nchra, an hour ; add six tomatoes, ixtmall onions, one green pep per, a bunch of thyme, and -parsley, season witii sa.t .aau red pepper to your taste, ann, if agreeable, add a puce of $aH purk w hich has been previously boiled. Hoil seven or eight honr. ' t - - ; Airaauai.L's Sorr. Tak four large bunch es of asparagus, scrape it nicely, cut oil one inch of the tops and luy them iu water; chop the stalfts and put them on the fjre'with a piece of bacon, ffiarga orrton rut trp.'anit pepper and salt ( dil tN qtiarti nf water; boil them till the stalki ur xuilit.ofbi then pulp theiu through a sieve,. and Mruiu the water to it, wliich' uTtist he piit back In the pot. I'utnto it a chickeq cut up, witlr'tba top of dbpartgu Vrhfcb had been latd by. . Boil it until lbe. last articre are aiiflicient ly done, thicken with flour, butter. ud milk, and serwit up. -x V(..tTlini.t Borr. Tu"t In a flint ofjhna bearis, Abarf drreril lafje"tutriatoTs, two tea capful of cortrcnt from tie cob'a few sqnp beans, two or three onions', ind liulf a dojen nohra, into five rtndrt of water, with -three sUoeawcli kn bam. Add flt and pepper, and a few sweii.hib. . Uoil fgj twbvi. Hamwi th 'ttT ''' table. Tbiokfn witU yolk of egg and avkHie"Tlour. A winUrsoup may btuad by uicgditd lima bean, and tucb otbef vegetable as ar to B obtaind. - . Greek 1'ka 8ou. X"ut up a small cWck en, or taka a fw lic of bain; And boil until the meat i wnttrety done, ltemove th chicken or "meat, and throw into the liquor uirt of helled'peai,iome pepper and salt. Boil nntil entirely done, and then thicken tb oupf when-you my dd ahother pint of peal, boiled in a different vessel, and llmo of butter Ui i:t of gecrt g,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers