njn. in " .-.. n its uf...- 1 Tna'rAtawTfiA Vfe'the tkbi 'hf Ml&itxj? ii In CSK 1XLLAB..AXD WITTY CKNM um. 12 00 tf iot paid within th ye I Amfricak.-. These bavrne; xtTvilauig t do will hril it cnventont fur reference jy m i ' r msoonrinue,oi irutu all arrearaicei aro Mid. larmi will bt striotly adhered to hereafter, i lit. I t. M- fn'l 'iberi neglect or refnea to take their Dews-- II l)0!2p;f2 60:') 0!f7 nr,T12 00 1M, H 1 wPtt M.12 Oft ?0 4 CO1 1 dill SOollrf Of 1(1 IK tJ f" ! to Whiek they are directed, they 'nsibleiinulthey havs settlod Jhs bill! and Ofliio nuMj6tU?ftli82 no' ;tn on mein awonottnuM.'"' - -i i asteri will ploMo not III our Agent,' and vers containing subscription maney. Thoy uthsd to do (tail ander tha Poet Offioi Law. ;0,pO .. , M ,M . , ii mm mmmt i i. si i i ' ""I "' i Milin I 'ilirr mmmmmmmmmm. rt .i.fw .---- - m in w earn iii'miA JllftiaWi!Sii i i i. n .. i. wmO n i i i .i ?.in. , t ,. , 77,,,. .... .w1t.i , . ,.. . . .. . -- . . '..z-zvzy? i r-.r .r? : ; .''' rat ;.r?t---' 1 -3 n -.' r . TW.m . T ."T t Jf.'.ra U, r.-weitw-t' t a !.: V..tJ.-rs ! .?"' f .it " , - - t -'! 4 I W I U I J VI I II MAT U I Kl Br .. S J . .SKF yi.. . . . . J U , . I I n . H I H II V. ,B -1. I tl ' J I a I ' ..... . . . nmi...w. -; ,,!,! ,:ie LULiXiUTiTat..., i .? T ,fyryj: r.t ..cl 1 . . '... r ' ' " I Culumn. ,20 0,1, SO Oil op.?0 U . . rr:... . ' ,,--tu'-.- r ' ::rf"'-- .T' - Taif-TigaaTaa-gr rxaiitfrxr - - - -.r-r.-- Tt linen of ilU hti Ijf o (m.uiou)' 'mAi cl .t -i Audi! rrj ' conncctea wits our s job oFncb whivh 1b (he neatest tl ... .- BttSIllESS,! .cxan. rifjn andt'ODnaelton Street, west of the H. Depot, in the building UUly oVeii F. Laiarua. n i ns and all 1'rofc.flonal butinens promptly 1 to in Northumberland and aJjoiukig Cuuu- . , ..a.a . 30YER & WOLVERTOIf. : A'lTltKY!' AT WW r S Second Floor lb Bilghl'aCow JJuilaing, 3 UKBuilYi'PElfNi,A; ' iter !to W. J. WoLVKnToji, retpest fully thnt the; hnvo enterod Into eo-purtnarihip rHOlieo of their profonsioa in Korthunibcr ad.ioining eountiee. t'uusultutiona an be .10 (ifRMAH. ,lBi).-ly ft. . I. .tSASSi:!!, .. T 1 : 'l nicy nt H;ULRY, PA lloeliont attended to m tUo oeaiitlei of h'nrJ rlucd, luira, Suyder, Muutur1 Columbia .ciuing.. , , rrrrnrNTRi. ' John M. Hod, I1hiUdV.ihta, . v(t-tull A Co., V'ni. A. TurtiT, " in MoMlthaoI.Efi., ' ' ' , :t.chain A Co., SrB Pearl .Street,' Kew York. W. AehmcaU, Attorney at Law, " lews A Cox, Attornin-j'a't Law. " f, Mwch 19, 18tf. i . RCKrnLLER. iLi-ofD T f.euiiiiiiu ICKEFELIER & EOHRBACH. I ICE in Hmipt's new Building, teeosd Doer, ltranco on Market Pquare, ury, January , IRliti. I'eelh.I Teeth! .v. ti. cni:ssi.i,:t:, UHQEON DENTIST, . rty of A.TILAND, 0., onnoauaae to the eitf. H .or I bum Borland aountv. tliHt bu ltn. lfK.ati.il ),..! 1. .. 1. - . I . ,. . 1 .. 1 . UliRY, for the practiee of Dentistry, and fully soliaits your patronage. t'pe)iat attcn ld to fi'lmg and ditismg teeth. Teetb ex i without (7i;i, by using Aaroetio spray I have UEod for three years with pereel tut ,! no injuria) results. e in Hooius formerly occupied by Tr. 8. in Pleasaut'a Building Jlnrket Square Ojl'; . mar. 7, 6t. l lllLL, SIMON P. M oLTKKtea. HILL Sz WOLVERTON. rucys nml ConnKcIors at I.n-vr. strrcuTjiiTr, pa. f L attend to tbo collovHcn of all kinds of iMainu, inoluding Back Pay, Bounty aud Pen- apl. 1, 'oo. T-3 . TTORNEY -A-T LAW .'-'idu of Pulilie Sqnare, ono door eturt vf the - Old Bank Building. SUHBUBT, PUSS'A, loctions and all Profosnonnl bnnlncss promptly led to In the Court! of jNorlbuiuberlaed ana ( Coun'ius. iVuMj.Scjit. 15, lSjia. . PrRrv, J. D. Jiuta. PUilD7 aTAMES, 'OKXEVS AT LAW. BUKBUltr, PA. iu the second story of Oewart'i bnildiiig, ad ling the Dtmterat olfine, on Ihu north side of rket Square. H uttuixl promptly to tbo eolleetlon ef elnimi iher profeKsional business intrusted to hi! care, irihumheilnnd and adjoining eoanlics. piiibar 9, 1807. . . ADDISON G. MARE. A TTonXEl' A T L A W, 'lOKIN, Woi thumbsrland Couuty, Pn. l.'ij businon attended to with prempfnecs and diligonee. ntiiiixin, Aug. 10, 187 j J. R. KILBUSH, 3UKVEY0R AND CttSVEYAIfCa AND justice ofjiin rpA cp. .omj, yrtltyni)crViit3, (bounty, tni Mice in Jiwkdou tovrn.hlp. 'lLgai;oments ean 'oo mado by letter, directed to the above address. hti!nc8 entiurtcd to his euro, will bo promptly ncled lo. pril 22. 1803. ly A. O O B O. BEO TZ, MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer In OTIIS, CASSIMEnES, VESTING, Ac. 'uivu tilrcet. ouila of Weaver's flotcl, t-.-v.-h .11 laCd tvney and Coiiuslloi at Inw, tki.CE in Houpt'iacw lluilting.ooioeond floor Enlriujoe on Market f-'q-inre, STJJTI3TJii,-5r, I A.. j ' attend promptly to all profusnional bu.inesa rusted to bis eare, the eolleeting of olaiuii in . mbuilnnd and the a ljoining oountlea. Tdiiliary, January 4, 1bC3. C. A. KEIMENSNYDER, rTOUXEY AT LAW, SUNELHY, PA. I luisiners entrusted tu' his tare kttLCileil to imp'Jy and with dilierice. - ' ii:;bury, Aptli 27, 1687. JNO. KAY QLEM2BT, TT, l'ui-sin this and ajtimjifeountiet carefully J pioinptly atttonded to. Boa in .Murket Street, Third door wast of Smith A Gonlher's Stove and Xinwara btore, Misiu nv pnTrii " 1 Euiibury, Maiob 31, let'.B. ." T ...- , TV IiOLESALB AND RETAIL DEALKB Iu every variety ot : ANTHRACITE GOAL, Upper Wharf", BT71TBTJBY. Penn'n. E$r 'rdoriiulioited and filled with promptness and wpacob. SunhurT, May 13, 1868. y -' ;0AL! COAL!! COAL if! OHANT 5c BBOTHpR, . liltlpir t Vhole-vnle efc Itetull ltonlcrtj Iu vniir. & iti:u ash coal, in avery Varierr 1 ' rvie A&nu, wettwara, at It. velaorated rBfy inj Cval as. 'w - Lowf Wbiw, lortvwrytx. f iinlmey, Jaa ia im. JOHJSr:J.,?AA, Dealer in a:ikida of ial ANTHRACITE t COAL; " MIDDLE WHARF, fCKBtRY, PA , IS fmpored to eupply all kinds of Anrafto Coal . fion the f? base-in Cool llegiaa u4kvap fates. All orduis preiaptly fil!e-i. Caaotrt -austnai ra 'pooiully aoliaUad. 4VUH frMAAr flhabury, July 13, Ifiilt- w f t'HOI O QE AP,2LABUS-t BOOKS AMD TAfl6irBBr I 1 ' .MuniMy lift noeki. Dra.i osuia Wit- jnnju. nynin jsvoks UUult i' . 1,. . A 1 Paaca'a. a talk aasdrunaiit ot Punr. fnk. An. tit sale by ASK A TAJSVii. labiiMmrat cl)t - " - 7' .W MW.i- - ' Vt"I ' " t - - fiau- " . .1 . . nT ly.J..,! n. ,'1 ' - ! - ' ' " l.o't,.! NoiiJw, aoyV ICviooa, i tile, varWVaHctJ f 1 I-" VVi I . ' ' ir.,, . t ;, I ; . v .. f, ,., I . . . ' ; .tf-rt .f I vtr.rm:.nl. W n. .oda. tbTillnn taa- A.f? J?WPi.V0gX OLD. SERIES, VOL. 29, 0.21. 'ISSsHSSS CARD.''-: f - iJIIUOiV' I VPOKTICAl;. ' Ik-WMfMi' ; t Jim bean licr. flit. iw9 I X 4cck ftVftr.1. jfr. JwrpU", V.rlo- I Ho tMMn 'AR.I'Ha'VcI? UP Fnivoi.1 . -in..-A fruJ , ' .' -L-. WATCHJttAKJEa .JaMB.: iEWlilU, -r )"HU1 "".uear UMM( j ... ... .a.etp mk U.ttia.W rotura, lU 1.1s Wl,-: gnrt' nect.-d W5tU tnftffictTorce .iuca Hi of gnu. h Dufrl. t.iU.r LiJ tU Veltor. tik. . : ft. , Kail, ft--- lafTMra mrattaa Mnkal Bniiarc. in Mil. i- .i;t?hw' . . I . .' ' A ' - -i' N 4 ! J l'-,ciilJ'. i"lJ'lt it,r);iil'e4 ql.' .VhcIi Hzalion. -' . I lor tmif of nantnl.frtni 11 r,...iTi Cass; . - Bi.o.?HTi?A,; ":o:rH:riM ,,0.ndI.lC. Kail. Tf ii,. oU Mlchr.ttd ma kar. eonaiattnc of th .pioo.o. MMer ftar-KAW. ha. father Wff here ; nliat nnrtefcrodlo Ll- a C(mmni.t liumllr. with VI I CTMITT 1 A f IrVt Trt -1.7.-.. :Lj.i. "i" i. :V",.VJ' wi iun.n mi. uifyatoCK rif.Hk ' MkS A Wallham. Barllatt. . UTa.t Wfi mi horn for thadt-T ( I 1 I - -V' rTTZr-ZZr Zr ' I . ..r 1' Ti i A U ........ uugier. nnu, nsiram me oi t ru:r. I.) ii.i i( wlu.rc.it lie.Uiua I. luonstra- W. tllof v, nnd all gradei of the Kltfln lll'l thntto Alw. nole'Agent for the ael.;brtod, PAt;f imi TON Watok,in Uold and iWr Cose, at luw priced of tntiroly.naw.dolignt. Solid Jtilvor Tulle and ., let Fiooni, llull.r Jvntres, d'irkl, Cnstori, ler , ji'iu-hcri, Kruitaiid Cake Euketf. ruj ' Tftusrsf T!nttct iMshes; and everything . I til;, i trf.'!lrwn. I in. al law' I Zl UtfL Sillerwitf Una at law ;! I.ii J 1 'I 'Piiool. ..- '! A fine aterk of 18 k Kings. .Alio a. fine icleclion of Oold and .'ut JaWelry f all dcinriptium. Uold and Silver Vhaimj at low prlcty. . .-, 'gold rENs.;.., Fine Gold Tcni infleld, Sifrer and HbberCnc, of theaolvbrated luaka by IluS'man aud Stowarl. CLOCKS. .. , . '. - A full afMrtment af ii da; and SO bear Clocki, at , .,ET 0!?: . r-. ,v. P-.r-..j a. law mieeil. talM.-awarranted U alve eotir. latwhotian, u W-.-k. i.'l L. ..rf .r...lr. rUnlr.rl M,ml ..r. T ranted. ...- ' All order! pioarr tly attended to at the stiortctt no tioe". - - . ' '.'' Sunbuty, Sept. , GUANDOPKNING : af tf- 'i i ; F A T, T, AN X) W T N T E 1 - .M MM A - . 1 I A . 1 . V iieHt-Ieiuua l'll'Elllilg- jiO!, : I - ... at I THOVAS O. HOTT'3 j HtllU ll A.'M' TAII.OIS M ORI:,' MHKEi E;UAttg1iXKBi;'ft'Y,t,A.,' ' ' - , . Consisting of -... I iKUbfall Aifti 1-REXHSH C1.0TU.?, ' E.NULI.SII ANlJi'KKKHCAHSfMEI'K3, NtiiiiSU illiLTOKS OF ALL COLORS, j which have been releoted from the largest and best vutt.i!.),nniM'j.. V... v,v n,i lMiiUrlHh.l.i. 1 A ecnoral as3ortment of GENTLBIIEN'S PUENI8HING GOOI33. embracing, Keelctiea, Collari.'CraVats, of the latest stylos. Fiua Lamb'a Wool Poller Jackets. S1HRTS and DKAWJiRS, a large assortmeut of the best quality. A larj;e variety if OI.OYES of every stvla and qualtity, from tha Bnll ltroein down to the laboring man'i, and many other articles for Uentleuien's Vear. B-'iuo I-Venrlt Vol.o Klilrtn tnntlc la Order. Hnvinir'rroeurci the service! of tao best workmen Tn the eities. garments will be made up to order wnicn ctffnol beexeelleu lu any city in Uts, or Quality of goods. Gentlemen are rarticularlv reauesteJ to call and -see the goads aud work before purchusinit eluewfiero. Ptrnnifty, Oct. 3, '(iH. 1 MUM AS -. AOTX. T 33 AtT GITS"'" R. A. W, BON El', SUPEK-rilOSrilATE OF LIME, ex Evcnr V. - B'Afdn & SONS, ' " A PROPRIETORS, SOLE MANUFACTURERS Oittca-, No. 20 South Delaware Avenue, . ' PHILADELPHIA..' " Tie above Mr nore has been before the Agricul tural publie for fifteen years past, under one Mure and proprietorship, and now bus an established and large annaul sale turoogtiout the country. Ana as ferteet subslrtuta tor 1'crnvian eluano fanorded at one bait the cot) it has been adoptoa by agricul turalist af known iutclligenea and diKcriininaliun It ta warranted nut to exhaust the soivsut on the contrary to permanently improve it. The sales now amount to many thousand tons annually, and the facilities for its luanul'aolura are extensive and com plete. . "The' above manures aro furnished In both bags and barrels, whichever customers prefer. The bags aro unltorui in weight 169 prfuinls. , lH- The attention of Farmers is especially direated I tho tact thiit tbu suuroes of thu Raw Material of which tht above manures are composed, me so well under utiol4hftt waxan. -furnish, them uf striotly uniform quality and eoudition, and that- thoy oou. Uiu a larger paionntago of ammonia thaBSuy iUci eluis of luanUittCturod luanures in the laarkeatt J..- BAlKJItaSOrSfl,4 t jj : 20 South Delaware avenue, Pliiladulphts. 11 ' C7The highest cash prfce paid for nil linds of bolus. JgNovemlcr !3, 1S63. i FALL & WINTER GO Miss Louisa Shisslo 's. at. Afc AV AJ ky V il U 4 1 tadiet' and Mirset' j)AT3 ar,d UPXXEI3, f' in ishtaensa variety.' -it e-sa ailllnery- UoAds aud TrtmmlAgt.' Freneh and American 1'ibbonj, Lwe, t Uandker , ablet's, Ulovea, Hosiery, and a general aaruncn, ol Ladies' Millinery Goods, which havo blot 'selected with, great cure. . ti'V.-o, 'WOOLEN GOODSf FUKS, tienfai CdUuiai, Mock lie. Calotvaj, sVf. Kvary yarietj will be found to aaloak, kcou,-at MOUtllATti mCK3.. .; .. a ;!jt 4 . Kunbury, Oat. 17, Irioa. ,t . ,-" . itU LOOK' TO YOUR INTEREST I ' Call and see the well selected Stock ot CMTIip, . r 4 it t -. CASSIMERtrf, J TJ i S, to' ' OVLKCOATIKOS. VLSTI.N0I5, rJoaWraefiyed atj MERCHANT TAILOBIXO EBTABLISI1- - ' ME NT. . -i Feanh'Streot, below Eyster's teri, 5F 3 3 '"WINTER CLOTHINOvr f the most approved style is madS i to'frdoa reas4Babtej raU.eS. . ai Hia fcee also a las asaertmewt af OamiAara Rhtrka, Drwers,')nderliirt,- Orerhaal,' HIust-,-No.k tiaa, Cotton and Woolen Hose, iiuepender, Jlaud karobiefa, Ulovel, and a general variety of ' - OENTLEMESU FUItNISIIIHd 900D8, - Give him a call, which jou will Cud it Is bs te your advantage. . . . , . - . tiinbary.yct 2i.Wty. , , .' Kotioi to Merchants and Shippers.. rrUlE uniUniigned, proprletov of Wauar i Triek's J. Line, give notices to werohaaU and shippers that ihe Depot ii still at 111 Mvkal ateewt, l'hiiv delpbi, and ail Goods diroouid to Sudbury, jMnviUa rfi r'oaTSil ZZ7Z" 1 JJar le ml Maxketsu-oat, i'hiladelnhia trixvuklj-rX.skli,ys Thursdays aud SaUudaw,,,, ', . 1 aavun . '1 t-f foeytiberTmr si'- V-s; a 4 7I ALL and us tiioea beautiful J3ttd -Caret Vt the new BardwtursatgNor , V f It mm MI m)lUl at-. TTtdrtEfrt market prlee'iri" 'CAlit , paT 1 Jjpt' sj! uunsna. lmi. si.nn.- iitwi.- m riT j , sa, mnsr iron',' m :oy r w. 0. - ' XagU YYor ki, Uarriakarg, fa. auBarJ 9, 160?. la Ti now nlinnn. miduijibt. motbor a Wtmrtr.m Borne nroident kri. him awny." , " 'Mofno, lltlloUtranger-r, yee, ba'i been bore, 1 CMiaeineanooK nam awnj;, 1 oi ii. Ho e done toUiotbin thi-y fay. , - t ..... minus. . VII. , n US MV 111 Jl III , II Ul in, 111. I .1, u uwu, i 'Twaa drinking that maddened-hi brnin, i r r l; . r nr ." , . . - . iUi nu..... ...... p:'r-a '(Tlense,; JlUtar raliccrann, my Either is lout, -l A man rnyn you took him awny, . Ob ! oan't ho go home, alrrand what Wilt tt c3t If iaother..will sen you the payl.'i.TiWii if Oh ! uo. little pleader, your fattier eaalt , - V'o put him in prison to day Wn nut liim in prison to-d&v. Gfo home to your mother and milka W1ir Know Wbal'ileopin your father bway.' L . , T . . t iT r"en!o. eir, mister .Jailor. plw.K Jerrhe go lit, . Thny av that my fntheniiulaKirjal'. T-N' ' J !'l'? tJW.w''"b,tl1 vXIOb I (I mum un nRH lie uiril Dense, nir, it wns drinkint that made him do wrong . '.V- -1 m euro. sir. he will drink no more. Oh ! junt a fow minutes, a minute's not long. , -Eut no one would open the door. "' ' V. .,-... . .---:... a- 1 WMWn L ' ArT3iiy the yownyTatcuor stood last ny the door, fn vain With hi-f:ither to pesk'. Jlrereaknd on itiriiibge. Iwleo ten limoser mora As pri.-oa doors only ea araaR , ---j- j t 'J Then speeding thro', darkne.-'S tq,home, saJ,as.4ealh -avprODii.. uiwi NiLmn uv .urv, " . - Dour mother, I'll shun it as long as 1'va breath, j , I'll taste. j(, an-Jtouch it no nioro. WHY HU JUHBUf:!).. i ynti Vcnnw tvlien you .will pws through this part of the couutry ligaiu, .Sfrj Vertcr ' ' !, '. ' ' 'Hn, I dnti't laid the od bachelor, de 'cblrly. ' i - Hu wak sometliinff of a bear to ititiwer s.i r:iil.ilw. wlinn l!,irlar.l Hmilli atnnd in tlm doorv. fcy, vith the shadowy lashes drooping over her soft brown evts, and the roses' niel- j liiifr into deep caTmir.e on her rosy cheeks, i until her muslin tlress was pule in conipari j.soa.' Such a pretty, big-eyed, loving little j Hnrbarft its slic was, T.i fea Vib blooming Iresliness ol her eighteen summers, ana. the soft 6iph that fluttered up from fc'cr Hps as the one-hore carriage drove away-, T.nrt wns checked instantly. lSarbara had no-Idea of becoming a victim to ti'nreqfiited love-, through she bail rather fancied Mr. Verify during hisLricf sojourn at her father's bouse. Mr. Verlcy drove awny through tho rust ling preen draperies of the summer lanes, wdtliug softly as he drovo. . 'I ihftl! be iu very good -time for the 12 train,' bo meditated to himself. 'Purni tuality is the son) of businesa, and I never was one of the bahiud-hnud tribe, thank Provideuce. liesides, I think it was becom ing rutber dangerous to remaiu at that place n'n IrtneTpr.' I'm thirl v-nine to morrow, nnd Ftltnt'siiisttvTcnty years too old for me to go making a fool of myself. Fancy me getting married ! .'o you don't, Joseph Yerley, mi friend.' - ' ' ' ' : As be settled himself comfoVtabty in the crowded railroad-car, and openetl a letter, the Bu!ect again recurred to his mind with curious peraibtence. '"V"1- ' . 1'"'" f 'I',' , T 71 ! ca.mo.aut iu time, cr I sl.oud certainly 'I lie letTer ol my poor bro. tiers executor Ti.ive lounged away more timo than would have been cither sensible or niO-ituhV. Poor, Tlear IlnroLf ; I 'don't sue w.bat on earth j possessed him to fall sick nne die' hn his ay home from Veiiice.nnd leave his datigh terOa ny hands, too,. Why couldn't be have I left a son instead of a daughter! I tlcre'r did uuderstand a woman's Ways, and, what's j more, I don't want to. I am to meet her at j Speedville, and take her home with ma, oh! groaned Mr. Yerley, referring Uepariiigly to ins letter. 'And what ami going to do vyT'hec when I get her there, I'd like to kilow : I 'suppose she's a great) (.all creature, with ringlets and ribbons and, and jus, , as likely us not, an Italian lover clttrttiuft sen,; timent to her a creature that reads' Byron, and Keens an album, and eats -stute-pencils aud chalk. I'll scud her to a boarding school that's what I'll do with & niece and peihups, when she has gradojUd. there, the schoolmaster can suggest s0U)e means, of ghMiA" rjd of her. Of course she'll have Ralf atlozao huge trunks, nnd a" bonnet box and a parrot-cage that's tho Way women generally trsfvel, 1 believe.'' l am , glad I sin ! out of, the way : of Uarabara's fascinations now. t-'uv .tuiiaii ia : uuii cuuuu to;, it . ... 1 -i.i.i. Si 1.. ... 1 1 1 ketn me dlstractetl with ler Ircak aud 1m-r ; ......1 . ... ; fitnciesf Wfof: them , would, drive me .to j suicide. x ATr nrlpr 'lnnlcei: ontnr the rar window" fNnfiPR in.) 111 iiii'iu . wtiiiiii (liitu 11m in. Mr. Yerley looked out of the car window" ist A sort of tuMi idespefutfofl at tho rrIt ! that lay bel'ortf hurt. - ': . ' ' 'I suppose she 11 want a piano, and may be a. pootiiu -yog aua (acres no knowing what else. . 1 don't s why Harold isvauted to die aud leave his daughter to my i;are iust now. boeeilvi 0 station twenty Sevan mil farther on. 1 wisli it was tweuty-sevtp i .. .. :. . ... r lrautlied that s what I wj4.h. 1 And Vrlththis vindictive sentiment in his in hid tonr lit iu Vied a red silk "handkerchief over his bead,'aa4 trts'd to lose himself in a series of brief troubled dreams, wherein tka vision of a toll, nice yoangdtnlj fjajrn-eU bu fpiciiojwly, : ". - " 1 'Are we here already V ho stammered, tttrlicjj to his feet, as the conductor bawled out 'Syrelville stittioul' tuid seized umbrella, valise and tuytl)ui sliaw), wUUjUikbuetlipg J bewildermeirt peculiar to peopli , iudep,l arouseajroui sieep. Speedville was father yi large sized village, ) Situ.w-t at tne.iunction ot several railways Uwttj'siHng thriving liltlo placed with an Imposing-American Gothic structure us a depotInto tins building Mr. Verley walked, looking right' and left for the young lady whose guardianship he was to Assume. 'Of course,' be reasoned rattrftmRy, 'she'll b a tho lookout for me; wontsa'. ura: prcl- Tc.iiiJiwUtiiijs.1 v . , Jjul Uaruitx. iiotley's (laughter was not oa tha 'lookout' for her imkeiawixtsuoia. Wbea the crojvd jnculent to th,eyeiiiug train had airbMvtK;tirid people had gone their several 1 .... 1 ; a , , .. .. ways, yie onry remaining occupants 01 tu! wer6 Mr.' Verley, aTUma old man who' Isold fcariutff ' and orange', and a .decent ..Alrlrii. ..rflnfnrl w ... . , " . I . M . , r..v lonklrfir Tdlnfcd ' womnrlf 'with a '"lirllirnnf' Madras hfrbajj on bar heaJ, who tpolt care I rcr "Tr Hf ' tfcUBefor thesl Could lie his MrjYerfe'yV'after a little ' perpleied tloo, addreesed himself. to the Colored vrointtir wno was busily paiuuing tne win dorr Jritl)- jdece of crumpled ;fiBwBpsr)er.' - f.Wrn T"t?&s to meet mj niece here to day, and I dou'i sea ber. . " ,-'.''.'.,! .' Your niece, sir?' what is btf Damot' 'Vi!er.' ' ' 1 I -.. . .1 - - TALES AND 'SKETCHES.! , ' ,r .,.ii:'h.i:i.i.i..i... v.... V,.,. V. A i xr 1 i, ii fV I , H4Ms(lllf Vh ley J efcollcfl TlSTar M the iPi't "ynr me wan wouiu pennu ,111111 id. ) 1 r. I IT- l.h. -iV- a --1 V.'! 1 t. B i.rrnii.c 'WL, 1 r, " l llld wrininn, miKi firm (f'Mttlfr tm r fts 1 ever sstw r 1.1, .ca -- . i -i I 'Btlt isnt there n nnrsj'or snhlfSfYttl l)er- aim noru w ho cuiu inicc ciinrce ni ner ( ' Pi'ncrt wkfiTi'rmilnrfti-rtnftiitlier on, Sir : a queer, iorpin iooKitfj ning, witn n yeiimv lUin unci limr nB Mm' as oiuuL nnil Liii 4 trold lioops id lirrenfi ;ut'afi tillrcT(riu- tftinff hlfoilt thu next s'eamer -f "fjotiidirt tiAdcrstnnd her lingo, if and went right bock to New YoVk- nii'tTid two rfe'IrkS k train.' Jos;T)ll A'er?!y"g?T!ti1Taj;liait, staring at the i roy babt, as it Iny crowinjfin " tM omnn's arms, and .wondenfiyj v,'bieli t.f Ins lucky, i i.--i...i.i -ii i .. i.:.H i.. i di iii. ii. pin. uivi iuii mi .if in. i nun in in is , U"? ur.iciTruiioy.wrt.iuii prow young laily niece would have Ucbu Jtid .eoongh 1 I . -.!. . ' i i i i- . t AV.Il . " 'So this is inv m-icn.s Jio hluUerail, uui a nniiT I . ..i 'Ald whatthed 1 um lgoing to uo with BiTf" ' 1 Ffrfpdsnfflen1ttrf-fiiccnloVc'(1 woman, " 'What, time d6cs' tlife'tfckt train for Win- vhen the State Yrrth.11, cSme inTo Ciinen fiold leave? -('-- , t - ? deh 'cfirint the Knlatft, being jiromfscd -'Irf'riti hour, sf'"' .V Z,1' J' ' fiSsltttartec fVnrn associates on this side of the -WijttM ton he 'kihn?l"rfrW5i? i'b fftftocare 1 river, resolved to attack them. Cub fetnninoa if rtiethild until then ? ' I- suppose I must ' tskelt home with mrj Jtfof I can't very well drown ir. or throw it uniWr the car-VnBuls." 1 ri '8Tr V ejaculated th ftstori!he'AuVte!'Jvr(l. less. -v -:" ; ' ,-i'i - - . 1 "Hut Mr. 'Yerley trrtnM.Tiri Ins heel nnd Bfnido out of the detiot. ahar'eelv able at first 1 to, ooin prebend the fullneSs"pF tho disaster ' that had befallen him. " ,; ' The train was at the -depot when ho re- 1 turned and the woman awaited him with ' the sleeiing infant itt her arms.' 4 ' . i L,.A,, j ' iL. ' eh !' commented Mr. Yerley, Well? thut'o luckt. ....law.r . - fl'Where'aithe'nirrse, sir,' 'infiviired tW b6-. man. 'Nurse ! AVhnt nurse V 'Why, Isnppo'ed yon vent f get ft nurfe.' ..'Aevur.oiwe lliougtit ot it !' elaculntetl Joieph, madly smiting his forehead. 'ITer'o -give tbeith'ing to mo quicjt,' tha tralu is moving.' : ;. 1,1;, in.'. " lie had hardly time to spring on board as the locomotive, cave an unearthly shriek, iWfcib titer baby 'followed suit in both re- fpects. ile staggerrS to a seat, holdintr the urn- brella and child in one hand : while in the other his valise Swnni; backward and for- i ward. ;, .an.J t 'There 1 there! biess Its Uttre tieart 1 lie coaxed, imitatinc at neailv as O'ossiblo the t j colored vVortian's formula. ' We wOn't cry I uo we won't.' lSut the baby cvidetitly "had an opinloa Of ;iita own on the subject, and would cry in spite of the various blandishments practiced j iiy the bewildertd tdo sncli As shaking I the umbrella handle, swinging his watch, and trottitg both knees. People began to ; look around reproachfully ; young men shrugged their shoulders, and young ladies smiled. . I 'flush I hush ! there's a darling !' wliispcr- d .Mr J Vtrlev. ' What does it want to settle down icto such a heap for i a body cannot . , V There ! there I tell its spine flow its leg. There! there 1 jt hall luok out of tho window, rli ijcould only remeiaber a nurseiy rhyme or so.- niess my heart 1 what lungs it has ! You little beast, will you keep still 1' But still thu baby wept, and wailed, nnd gnashed its gums, for teeth it had but two. Mr. Yerley began to look round iu the car iu jseureh of same matronly ciamo, of Whom Jtp'could seek counsel, biU ia vain. There were only three ladies in vbu car, aud they were young, with round bats, aud dimpled cheeks. 'v- ' ' V . 'Tiie.y won't kflow hny' Ihiug about it, groaned Mr. Yerley, in angiiuh of spirit, Oh, why didn't 1 nave . common senso ehnugh to go and get a nurse.'".! '.suppose thero is no danger of a baby bursting its lungs f but I should think, if there was such a contingency, this baby was in a fair way of meeting it. - Well, roar away my young friend ; I can stand it lis longis you dan.- am boast, and futile vas talrr, as Mr. Yerley very Boon discovered. riie baby no vniiy , not only Qlitd, but it screamed, It kicked, it doubled itself over in more ways thaA n-contortionist's wildest-dreams could imagine, onAeVeSu'.e ftppanailvlatierith' passion. M. .: 1 :.. 1 i , 1 no iJieaiiiinuou uroito out. ill llil"U leetia , 1 r .1 i-j j rt Jpscpk'S bow: his face fiushed.'nd still ZwX.IZm WUaf.t.liesM i.n: .i . . - . . . . . 1 . liAdnma 'Ar1 . nrirt V lajsj mrmlnt-ar? il0.jin,, desperatelt n te)t the'strutrLdinsr inlitiiti by tho sash that encircled its little wft,'and vratehinp; .it porple fsoe Wi'll' s,: 8pecie8 of detestutionr-i VI don't tnder' that Harold died! - I shall die in t week, if this tbiug goes on. And Jii aeems so easy, for. Barbara Smith to take fear of her little brothers and sisters. ' If Barbara was duly here IVi, , n , . , i ... And Mr. Yerley jerked tho liahy up into a sitting posture, with asnddert jeik. ,TU do it,'; quoth Mr. Verleyr 'I'll take tha back e press at -four In its mornlng aud go straight there. Ah, you way atop cryipx, you little hypocrite, but it on't do nay good ; Via not, . ta-ba4augb.t, Ivfita; tn the sdnia.irsp.J . -a.i: i Uni tn: liaibar buiitil as watering her tube roses, in tho bright morning suushine, as Mr. Verlcy droye.HU Ujjluugate, with the valise and baby in tCejsrriaja.., 4 , 'Dear me, . Mr. Ycrluy !' - she ejaculated, brushing 'celestial rotv "red.! 'WUyt what a brush s.'ppt litrln hfthr . . .- 'Yes'-vety Sweety he responded ilrily.'. If' is my oiece mat 1 was to nict, -at ppeey, Ville -, '" .', j.." Why, I tlionjjjit she was a younIady.' ,'So did Ir' but f scenjs she's not.' Bar bara," what do Jon, lujyjpjiejroMtlUt ma back,' be added, speiiKUiJi ery Tt for ear tUie b uiioy wouui ury, . . . - .-. . know,'faUereft,1laar,ri:l'l,iri.sn . 'Papsjiiguitthmgf' 1 eajnoni still more. .mmilJ . 1.' MB1 5. . -wi 1 'What vyus it' said Bafbaxf i'lJath? W pointed. ' "" 'c' s ' '.. ahpolntcd. 'I forgot to ask you if you would, . ? - ' 1 beat- hie!j;wli!i that all ?' safrj tU jbuoa ,,. o Tttnu'Wrir s, .ttfefee, sabpn t-v. - 'J ed'"heeita. f. i14ftfliink of H;-,'a'uswcrtfd Parbara! 'evi-, U m"VJ' . . : .. . . . 1 ...al.-.. t 'Ha but tail ma now. quick 1 Hid uaoy s waking up ' ' ' , Well', then-ves.' ' ' . .'' ' ' Barbara bad taLeo the Vftle thiug iu hot; arms, and disappeared belore it btru UOia to utter its wakiug wail. i- . " rol1 "' aIciMiis ru4, Mrch 8. . . bcsnaiAia :t)oi 1 t:u. An Attkmtt Y.Aw JliiiJof'xiV'l Tim Must (lefpcrnte ifnrl fcn'rTc(l Vic?iiijTtcr wliicli We have ever ltnJ ohciifili fc iVlin'mi. occufoJyiJctwct-ii ).?nti 1Vil:tick J-cptertlsy JWltfV lit S S'ftl'a.lr bllTirillMP fiollHi! nr rnllntri- !taVerli' kept by n man nntmjil iifcinti ,fieur n place twelve miles sotllll of the city.kiwwn n. Hnrn T.ako. . . - " pith IT:irran.lwi r-rkVt bfeea Tiutir'fof ,r.b"init'tt4rtj1f?iVr f trgOvli'o U tlerillVd as'uiiiost In w 1 pis "Kii'd L(on IT t,ti1 1 fdi .vritTp r, nijnnfloncrt ins native riomu among liTs r rdoe in t lie Indian TeriitofJ in tin? sunniiir I icp.( i4t,(' A...,. riif..i,i.,f 1SC(J, a3d,eitif!e to Grit,ferjdetf rmipty,'Ar kansas. .lletVlte ' foni'' hit fntitnate ac- on-diiTanec nnd friendship with the Trt'iigh and v1elmf$ Hiaiacters Wlto lived there, and wo have figtirett, Tiromfnently in all the niitrares and runinnfant tTint have trausnircd in that county siriceJaat Adgust. iittKe lieigliliorhoodfie'veral thtys'to' os-siyt In 'the ftftileatakTn!;.' For some reason toe ftt'tnek Was abandoned, and Cub with all bis fUw Outlaws, except tho eight or ten tvho werftPapturcd hy the tnilUia vthen thoy first tintven, ueti tno.statt.' it tn suppose tot n while that lie had rctrtrned'JtO tho Indian Territory, but ft ai'tenVariis cCKtne known to the olficers of the miHtia that he was lurking around Horn Lake. "A requisition hnving been procnred from Governor Clay- tn for. hla arrest, Captain Ilaynes, of the " Arkansas btate Uuurus, came over tne rivpr last MnMinlnT iiirrtifc nno trnttinre tlm assistance of Sergeant Ilrown and I inch, ! of tho Metropolitan Police, left yesterday j ! forenoon for Horn Lake, the stopping place of Cob. . i , 1: . r 'The party were mounted, and" all a'lrficd f with revolvers. On reittUIng .lonkins' houso ' the only one Bt IfbrO Lake the men I disraoun ted, and, hitching their horses at the ' roadside, proceeded to the house, around (which u6 one could be seer.. After-rapping, as no one answered, two of the olliccrs Havnos aud Brown entered the house and stepped into a side room, while Finch walk- ed around tn the rear of tho lioUso to intercept Cub in case ofttn altompi lo es- I'uMiav.... - ""iti -r' 1 ! u '''- ' I : As-ILvynes and Prown entered thd room 1 they heard tho to1cb of rtisn convorsing in 'aud adjoining room, and at on'ce advanced to the door leading into tho same. Sergeant llrown openud the door and" stepped acrass tha threshold, with Capt. llnynes close' at ibis back. The contorsation of -the half ; dozcrl men who' were beutod around the lire was bushed as the door opened, and all turned their beads. ' The Indian, as soon as ho saw Cuptain Ilaynes, jumped to bis i'eet and drew a navy -revolver, and avm'yiff It'll Brown, scarcely five feet distant, tired 1t and darted out of doors through a side fusing, followed by a comrade, Charlie Smith, who hail also fled from Crittendeti-county.- Tho Indian's allot missed its mark aud passed through the door, l'tai ing lest the hole company 10 tho room -, would attempt to defend the Indian and his comrade. Smith, and that they would overpower thorn, the officers backed out ct the door and sprang outaido of the house with their revolvers iu their ..anna anu rea .y .or use. uiej reaeneu me po.cu, ou.eer sriiieu, who was promptly on hand, was lust firing birf revolver at the Indian, who also imme- fliarejy retired the shot.' Sergeants Brown and f nch thenaet upon Smith, ho, wstfi two revolvers '7?nlrtr a;'T!L of-the Indian, As" Seean-t inch the rescue And tho Indian cxchaiigod shots r at lithe closest- proxiuiityV flie t latter drantically -- -- bounded, forwarct in -the aeo of. .Captain Llaynei,, wlu).twss?aJio rushing or Ibo lu, d,B 4, . ' 8 . ' '.T' ,.A9ihe two armed adversaries mefl twHk- Out h'w-ord being utteiedjbhej Iu(listt.aeed. the Cajltain by the loft showMtr and raised 1- j. - ins revolver to n;s nreast, wup.jvun puned control of himself, in return instantly clulch- ed with his left hand th? right aria of, the.' ludian near tho'shoulder and prevcutctf tho fr.n.r.r 11;. i,-i,r Tiia in.ii iM .lia. diarircd his revolvei three limeS with tha muzzlo eUseai 1U k'ule, pf ;bs Captain, who, by crowding his arm away, preventeu himself frorU, being shot through the' mid dle. At tho same tints he was sending the bullets into the upper'paYt rtf tho Indian's basalt "vf itti his tight hand', 'which ws- un restraine.r.ii '.;., As the Indian fired the third shnt, two of- which bad stiuok tW Captain in the left biprJie broke away and ru .-towards T fa vine, sttral yards distant, boynid which was a thicket' of 1 wild canst .'Just a ha turned the Captain" gave him another hot iu tho back, wuleh he tblnkaferiuld ao pat' tdjly bve missed its mark. N'otwithstancl Ing this siiot, and tro sOthej;s which aera fired into bia. breast, and' also ona which Scrgpant Pinch is believadi t have given bwu, tliq !ndiiMV.anudo bis way off pi if itj, harmed . -; - r-i.'i'J . -. t iu At,i,kkf lose of ilrie acotjnter, the Cap laio's woaailtf bimn to bleed reely, and it was with much diflieulty that hfTico,uld walk. Ue. however, limpel arouml to the side 6f the Tiotise'Were Sergeant Finoh and Brrfwft bar! ke.:t ur a Jivelv fire Vn Smith. WrrVhSd'cfurptifitt Ids revolvers and fled for his life about theJenriie time that tb Indian had. ' '"' jnsiSiere; ai tue cioseoitne rionuy worie, all cf which was dpp in the briefest space of time, Sergeant I'inch'Mclainied that he was shot, and that be felt fuiut. He ac cordingly walked tuto tkd hoasa ' and . his puosripiwas yxamioed, w hoa a ballet boss was found iatlus went re of tba right breast; Muu the ariyl uf the daator, wiipTs nounced tba Bergeant'a W0unoW4 4k--erKioal charactec but not sufficient to cause, death) immailiatolt. and after all. was. daue . fort the Hergeant's comfort that euuld t'. Kesjulitravn and tsa CaptainiareturncoL.to the city. The'rlde .lot XkD CapSdu-.jaai Tatber painful, Villi tut annnaadiiil -ocom- plishinu iit aud after iuviog hi wounds "vvaalisdand cared for. took the fuiry for Mound, CJtJV auuV- returned to bis, homa asarioB, ,-.u- . tjsrJ!.M: tii.a This luomTngDr. Lynch End an. TVi!fs with a carriage, were sent to Horn Luka tu visit fiergeant Finch? and ta'briej him bacr. to tba city if hfs condition will permit. . tfrrgeanl Finch is a natite of Ohio ; aerr- yoatcrrty..lo.lm fortunately iScripId with- Out receivlni anv ainiiiiii. Imrm .' ) out reci'iriiany S(!i i(iue liarm Ca;.tuln4Iajiie Itn'iUrMtilptio man, w.itii dtuSnf.tilmrllatiijh'. and eyes that tcveal rOivrtwti1nh is of theflrft qualify, , and which ban focM bU onlv safctvinc fivW ...mi mj iuoi.n..iii..' nr ...i iTicrinn f btititv itoi imaMvt rif fvUfie iWftitr. Illinoin. an.l I orvod Ihrnufrli tlirf war us captain in thu (Kl LnittJtl Stntca Cavalry. n rl fiid Now iind 'I'Ueii".' ' .') AWBlfin't'rfW' dbrrctionden't deta'ila tbis 'hhVactcristic incident'; -T - " ' Ir Scetiis os but yesti rdaimben.in 'the first y?lir i f the rebellion, tic-natal (Juniaroii. wln.t wna tberi ftjLtafy of AtUrf, tefictio depart-f. iiiuul i,n iimi-,ni!iico n Tjia rer.ouimeuiiaiiiin ' in ,moy colored troops. Hu waa ftlinnst ofj'ldoiic iii iiisesiiniHte of the magnitude of tlie coiiitst upon wincii we were iiist eutrring, griping tlu-.tubject in it iiilteet fropt,r- tions, ' Thu moi-t-advauciiil of. all tlm atntpa men who were' his compeer wre fur behind ii v lv' . , . ( ii i ni the it,, it t,.b . V "H"' " i-i'iiipuj, lie it took tenrs ti 'Cimrluco Ina t'oniitrv. wone it took years to 'Cimviuco hia ermnti v men cf the necessity.. It was a proud feeo'l tion to him, doubUtss, u,iiayi when stated ifi t li c Senate ChnCibertiloiigsido of the great Chieftain who led the armies, including the Colored ' troop's, to our Himl tiiumph, and who w as uble to muke these people so avail able in securing our success, that h bud ta ,ken' Ids couibe so tartly and earnestly in fhs right direction. ' After tho iuuiigunition . ceremonies,'! sat oy ueueral Utmeron's side. Ae we wntehed l the procession tliat escorted General Grant the While House to e'r.ter upon the duties. the performance of which will doubtless lead to the final pacification of our country, and listened with the deepest interest to bis utterances in relation lo li is early efforts to give such a direction to the war as would certainly lead to the abolition and overthrow of slavery, is it auy wonder that Jio was flra tinud with such a scene as tbis ? You would i have been interested, fcs I was, if you could Iavc- heard hiri'i exclaim: "This is a most in tcres'ting sight to me. Only seven years since I recommended the emancipation and employment of negroes as soldiers, and iu conserjueuco of which I left the Cabiuet, neinr' too !ur in ndvur.ee of my associates. i Now, to sec a body of those aoldiers joining in tho iCangnra'.ion ceremonies, and escort ing the President to the White House, is a gratification beyond tha power of expres sion; nnd as I stood betide the President pn the platform, and heurd him announce in bold, linrtiistalisblo tettjis that these people should all havo tho ballot, the change seem ed almost too marvelous for belief. It is the most gratifying sccuo of my life, and it is enough to have lived to witness it." I i niik uuom ueu uugs r sain I5iii jnne?, 11-T..IT. ..I . I .1 , - who Uad been across the Plums. "You should have seen Borne of the critters I met iii Idaho last spring. I stopped one night with sumo settlers wbu lived in a log cabin, containing only one room and a lolt. When it came time to bo to bed theV Struncr a lilnnkPt aenin. mi.i.n. .1 " the settfTr'a family sletit on onn 'of it. and gave me the other. I laid down to tro to sleep, and tlio bed buns beiian to patlicr like lunch caters around a frea 'Uv-ont I t tried to kiver up and keep away "from 'era, but the pesky varmints would catch hold of the bed clothes nnd pull them from me. They didn't third; uothiu' of dracgin' me round the room if I held on. I lit 'em till about midnight, and then I looked around for some way of escape, There was ladder reachin' Up into the loft, aud I thought tho : 1,.,. ...... , , . ,, ...J.,,. j was to t Jg(, j Th fl , bu ; fi.0 ,i , . ... tulatin, mvselt-0 mv edC... Prctt- ni?i(.L. 1 Vc"d U".lllr 'peakin. as if somebody : was C(,m!, jJimeby I 8aw a bedbug ! raiau inmseii u j turoUL' 1 t ie w noie niftJe 111 j ,tl t1nnr ,' ,.,, , ; , rti Soon he gaw me , rationcd t0 ,)is qUullia l)t.iowt!le bloodthirsty cuss-and clud exultiu'lyi "Cn up, boy ; he's here!" j J mm m ' , 'j'' r n . , w-ikwi.-juiciiora t.sua. y kiu their vietima before dreasnio- thpui ltl,iliMr . ., , . V . .... , -3 dress them baton, killing tbera. kbPQtial an innocent little girl, ol about ." tlj0. yesterday drrfsed ,uld ptochod wtthin.and Inch ot her iifo. '1- bealth and corr.f.rt, she inight ns well j have been in the embraces f an uuaconda. But though the pattern was scant, it was a Jove ot a pattern, and Abe littlo creature iv ore a butterfly on her bead, and of course it wnaall right, aud aha was a darling. How one would manage to have game of romps, do you thiuk, with such au anatomy of silks, lace and ribbons t One might As well atteinpt to forup with a fancy show case. We bvu a law-, jid a very good one it is, to prttlact quails.. .We want another a law tt protect children. If they are) afraid the race of quails will bo destroyed, what are tvofctoiaay of childjen 1 Why, theij reo1ill dren in this land of ours, where one can see fire hundred cpitoiita ok. humanity; without seeing a single speciniua) of an old fashioned, red check, (becked apton child. : ..-J Wi ' mm -i i A Toroit CaJt. ill Arkansas, Eh.e ivuapp, wime "Tjaptisifi!; "Ton verts at arg vival meeting, advanced with a wirn sharp tyed old chap into the water, lie asked the nsuat question, whether there was any reason wfcy ttte ordinance of baptism should not be administers!. ".Alter a pause a tall, powerful looking clini, ' with an eye like a blaze, who was leaning on a long riflo aud -fnuiBtly Uioklng on, remarked: "Elder, I "Tdoa t ant t interterein tbis yere business ant bat Twant t sdy that it an old sinner you have got hold of, add I know that one dip widt ilJ him any good, tf yoa want to get Ue sin ouCnf him you'll' hate 4 1 Sn chtii hUa oat in deep water over afght." ' -' a' " " , -mi'l l"1 i a -1. e i. 1 t s moi tenderly, and th dead beewssa tuorji - Jtlearoru.tad justas lhaitari shina oat 1 , M- - a - ' c 1. ; 1 - 1 ? -r, , 1. --- m ' g.irrow' sobtrsj.us-a'uii makes ,the -iodlisfyeU eftthe legs wings, put tbent g'euiuW . Aad lu Kirrow we love our iotaads I all ina saucepan, with totu salt and water;. -iii LhiiijhTotliero are blessed faces IhAlJ.frruw the wafrkpu it in a tUtep disb Jout, t ija.iu.ourgrit!!' though Ufore, theu I the Uuef-yjvff . tt . feud ai.es .Vibita leatMafwru iuliug Jroin our .iticoyeclion. 1 SufcritiujJ Il-et ao man dread il if muuh.J 1 . : r ' . f 1. : .m. i 1. . :il uecau.e n 11 guou tor utuij a iiwi aimn him to makesuta of his beiog injuiojtal. it is uot in the sulqmp uighMhat otbar worlds ara4i) sue a shtaiu their loog, long di "trfuces. , Aad it is sorrow ttia Atjht -o the soul, that we sea Tarthsit ..Aud .kow Ourselves bativos of infinity and sons and daughters of tha Most High. U'l : "! fold roil tfi tnako tlu'-ie'iiunta lull." i iin. '..i.i.,...i.j l;..(i . . i... s.'miv. lilililrilirij rAJIM K?iVlll II. It JM uric naliur, tlie tailor ended tlififtrtnrrovrt-Jr by .declaring t '1 uink tr rpnnta is full ikmi),'U; ii.lbey was any fullcr'tliey -x'ii ouid , vuliL? ' , . . . . ... . Mil. Jotissox'a Last IIiitmk. tt is tele prnpheil'frotn WashingtSn tft Vic Jfcw York Sun aS'ftillows: . ionretiiaes I tried to gfva thfltu'fiit,' ' I mado thorn speeohes uay and night. K . , '" And they'd insult mo. left nnd right, Ann can mo '-An-iy ; ' They said I was on whitky linhta Thy Hud trs brandy. My plttiber' fit the fii-'litalVi broke, '' Let .10 ana knotv in vthuiily Aank T My .Inn ii piiit'ii, Lest Be thimld cme and for the joke, .ay Jler.li. Moses. lf r. Pot! latton ot Cities. Philad'elnbis.. PitUliurg nnd Alhghany are (he three, larg est cities in' the Stitte. .Th folloivinf is a I list of 11)9 'Cities-, with thelri- October, nnd u low ng six and .-w- . .. a, half-.jjiT- oii to ffeli voter: readine. CO.lIT: bcranton, 29,601 .Mlafrisbtirg, 25,133 ; Lan caster, 2 t,651t Wilijaiflsport, 19,7(12; Wilkes bnrre, 16J00 ; Allentowny 10,085 ; YntV, 14.'037; Erie, 14,271; l'otlaville, 13,502, Norrisfown, 18,410. , . .. Iew.. York - city h.s ever ,500! intjfc'io , The Montreal streets 'ara nine feet of snow.. , ; buried under The sale of hoiiullosU its- food slowly in creases in France.. r. , - i.,xt i Horses ais so oumsroas in-New South Wales, that they can be bougtt futwo centj apiece. . - Two brother's; reading In t.onisville, Ky., went out hunting the oilier day, and in de fault of other game; shot eneb other. v Ashland. Ky., formerly the home of Henry Clay, is now the seat of a flourishing uni Varsity. ' ... .,: "I i.npe this hani is not connleriit," said a lover as he was toying with his sweet heart's fingers "The. best way to Hud- dt is to rliiy it," was the ucat re'plyv- . Clevelaud has set np n free library under one of tho beet laws of Ohio, .which author l7:esa tak of ci'ie teuiii of a mill to l.e levied for free libraries, in even-city with a popu lation exceeding 20,OQO"in?i.1ttsntg.' The young library is uufiei .6,000 toluene, 'but, the Bcliieyemsiit ii of ir.linite .fa'.ue in tins example thus offered to the peop'tj of )tb,ot States uuu cities. wLaassia ItaiCIPlCS. Ac. , , ... .1 From Arthur's Horaej MagasinS. Iifl"ei-CHt lTuya of laklnjf Soupw4 Ac". -..... Dried Pka foui. Take one quart of split peas or lima beans, put them into three quarts of soft water, with three onions chop. r.-iit'O" up, pepper ana salt: boil tnem two houla" "'usl- we". P thern through a sieve. Itelurn the liquor to tbo pot, thicken it with a large piece ot butter and flour, pat iu some slices of. nice snip pork, fVud a btru tenspoonful of celery sved pounded. Pjoil till the pork is done; have somn toasted bread cat into dice, aud fried In butter; lay them iu a turttn, and pour the soup over, -f OsiUs Boci'. Chop tip mm dozen lurgs I TL .?.' , "IT.'" ?",k ,Bn' .IHCI C'piftll IlilAlU, 7Ul .U II IllbOl VCi.I VI fowl, ond a piece Of bation'; add pepper and suit. When the onions are boiled to a pulpt thicken with a largo spoonful cf butter, mix ed wilh one of dour. Take out the meat, cut in small pieces, aud serve it in the soup with toasted bread. . . n Chicken Sat.ai. Boil a chicken that weighs ttot more thun a pound und a half. When very teuder take it up, cut it in small strips; theu tuke six or seven fine whito beads of celery, scrape and wash it ; cut tho white part, mall, in pieces about threap, quarters of an iuch long, mix it with the meat of the fowl, au 1 just before the salad, is sent iu, pour over it a dressing iuade in the following way: Boil four eggs, hard, rub their yolks to a smooth paste with two tablcspoousl'ul of olive oil, two teaspoopslul, ofmudo mustard, one teaspoouful of sal!, and oue teacupfol of stroeg vinegar. Place the delicate leaves of the celeiy aroiind tha edges of dish. White heart lettuco may be used instead of celery. Any other salad dressing may bo used, if prcfered. , , -.- Iliuishns. Radishes should always' het freshly gathered. Let them be ju cold wa ter one hour before serving, lheu cut (iff all thyir leaves and almost alt their btulk. Serve them in glasses half filled n ith water, or ea a plate. , Coi.DSi.Avf. ShAve as fine as possible a ' hard head of white cabbage, put it in u sa-. lad bowl, und 'pour over it the li'blial ualad dressing. " . ' ; "' " . Yii.vi. Cuoqettes. round cold veul and fowl, with a little suet, sohiectiojip'cd lemon-. , peel, lemon thyme, chives, "and parsley. 7 Season with nutriieg, periper aud salt; mix ' all well together, and add the yoltc of an. '. egg well beaten ; roll it into balls, aud ' dip therri lntoan eng heiteU up; 1heu sift" bsrad-crtnrbs ever them ajid fry ttera id bnttcr. ." - ' , ' Com vos PATTIK3. Take some Vtal, fal aud lean, and some, slices of boiled 'bam f chop them very tiue, and season with salt, pepper, grated nutmeg, and a small quanti ty uf parsley and thymu ra-incad very . fine ; with a little cruvy mako some paste, cover. thq bottoms of smull moulds, &l IsUeia with tli piat, put this lids, on, and Ukke, lheu , crisp. ' ..!';' Chicken PupEiso. Beat ten eg'gC very liffht.add to them a quart of rich milk, with a Uriuitrter of a pound of butter Tftcltod, and , aottu pepper uno suit.- Ptir irras inncn namr ; its will muke a thin, good batter, take four : yoang xbitkens-, and after -oteatilug theoa pina Jubuiulla xil lay me. ana prsisy r boll them till nearly done, then take tha chicken tUtep-disbrouC gravy . lnakqat.4 . . ;' i'l.r - . , yAit.e-Auerwasuing tu.o.toutwi.put thcjg.bVMs iata bjjili addsaU, bepper, aad-, hopped onios vVben quite tender, sat shew by toeool. rut, soma pica' djipping. or trutter In apan ; trhn"hot,'fr lis glb!ts , a nice brown, aaamg salt. When nearly . doile, break "tlx eggs-in a bowl," teat them a little, pour them over tha giblets, st,ir' them for a few minutes and sens tba.n up. "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers