It. B. M A8UF.U, Editor Proprietor, E. WIIiVBBT, Publisher. NUUI)KV, I A. SATUUJAY, DECEMBEU 17, 18C4. B. M. PBTTENOILL CO., Ne. 87 Park Row. Nest York, and 0 Bute Street, Boston, aro our agent for the Buiucar Ammica n tho oitie, and ar authorised to tako Advertise, menu and Subscriptions for us at our lowest rate. JLoral affairs. ' - LafA few extra cople of Rev. Mr. Young's Thanksgiving sermon can b had at tbil office. Up Lost. On Monday evening, in Market St.i a lady's fur (Siberian Squirrel) cape. The finder Hill be liberally rewarded by leaving it at Gearhart's Confectionary Store. Naw Faacr Goods. Mbs Mary L. Lamrui lequests ns to say (bat ihe ha jutt returned from l'biia. with a new assortment of Fancy Good tnitnllo for (be season. Ijf Snow to 'he depth of about eight inches, fell n Saturday morning lost. The foundation wassol id ut rattier rough for sleighing. The weather was old but inodcrute on Wednesday, rendering the cads for sleighs rather indifferant, ty The reoent Cold snap closed the river at this lave. The boys were on the ice skating on Tuet ay. Li?' The Harrisburg Telegraph says that Geo. MiLLEU.Etq., Congressman eleot. of this district id his pockets picked while in the cars, a lew days o. II is loss wis siuull. llarrisburg is the banner n in the number of pick pockets. Ujr" We learn from the Miltoiiinn , at on Friday morning last, II. U. Sticker, the ntisl, while using his Vulc'inucr, a small boiler pubic of holding one quart of water, exploded with errific noise. A round piece of iron weighing iut three pounds, made its way through tbccciling ive. while the boiler was forced through the tuble which it was Handing. Mr. S., made a narrow I fortunate escape, being only severely i concussion was so urnt as lo break the window us oul.i-le of the room. V Putrta op lloAitnixa I KtruMOKD. The buioud llxamiiter couluius an advertisement at Kd'uiotit House, in that city, from which we n that Uie prices of boarding are as follows : 1'er j J-o.00 ; urouklosl and supper, each J--,OU; diu- afio.oo. jr - The Maiiklts. The price of provisions have i si iniliKvl that it U hard to s ly what u If is worth, or rather whut it will bring, aud the er the price the more exlinrtu'tant the demand, lo pork killing season is at hand, we think it have a tendency to bring down butler, which I selling at the cxhorbitant price of 4n cents per d. Eg;;s will be wanted lor the holidays, aud e are selling at the advance price of 40 cent, ioirii. Reef is aellmi;. by the side, ut Uior lubio prices, say from 'J lo 10 ceuts lor country i'.irk trow 10 to tj, thiugh soiue dciuaud . It is a great mistake to suppose that because issciuce. here, thai ibe prices sliould heevnv If lucre was not a nog in the six a l;o,u:n g its, it nou'd nut tiled the Western .Market, cat source of sopp y, to the extent of one ofu ci.t ci puuua. Pur should not sell ni.tiur ujuu jj eeLtr jar pound m bulk, or 'Ml lctuil. Laid uO cents mail. hieffi from 12 Ny cuu.inui.iiy can long suoicit to paying unified j or ceut. J rofit on meat, end th-jse 'u"i do wt il at ij j.t-r celH.Mo not nudcrslund jut.iue.NS. or their true interest aud will be u.ily superseded by more enterprising com' V. ow Yi ow. In former timesour Borough r'. broke ll.o roads on the side-walks with a dow, which wad dune in a few hours after ueepsr.uw. liiis is just as necessary as any lurk lo kep the roads or sidewalks in order, i expense is ul.T.osl nothing. Let it b al io in futsir. Sold H.e fium of the late John t'srr, of Augusta, containing 111.) aeres. was sold on y. at public tale, to David Hauck, for $3,037 iv 50 per ivr. The morning train toShumokin has been us- for a short time, until anutlier engine ean i.ed, wLach will be pciharj about lb lastu' ath. , I'll f Lr.wifDi ro "Aiici ," a paprr profces- ne lni.pcriilic, hut like its eo-Uboror and the Si'Htissrnive ''Times," intensely rebel araotT end kyinpatliies, has cea'el to exist. lor't exi-iifc fur iis sudden demise is tint be wrt. I've would suppoie that his natural "itild be Fouth. The truth is that it is just n who have destroyed Ihe high character of : em .! v, 1 y endeavoring ti subvert ; plrc of hb. rty and freedom, to suit thi views ; srn aut o -rai, vnoaeciare mai lueir oojecv bli.-h a (lovcriiiiiint founded on despotism ry Is it any wonder that inch would-b ue deserted by honest democr.v.s Tl phia ".ae," the only paper of its stamp in is only lingering out a sickly and precari cr.o,. iuu of epirit, tstcrpris and charac- 1 such papers, and hence they are left with lisine. the oi.It patronage tbal pays a pub- ! ' I .Mil ft t I ! For tie Americto. THE LITTLE HELPi3HS" nt anothur large box to the t'. S. ClirU- iiiuion, containing wires, hanokerchiefi, I t ui it of dried apples, wulk quilts, tried cherries and raspberries, ckled cabbage, and uu. J-F. W. re due lo the following persons lor a patch-work quill, prelect to "XL icrs:' sr, an, ley, ley. dig. lihart, lluuioyr, o, lius, 'sing, -y " .lip. .kirk bg, ;hton, nk. kirk, bg. J, cbllobtai b ius, aud i-i- CoexrturiiiTS.-Tbo following n,w upon lis Pennsylvania lianks, 'v j irearanco since the 1st inst., I ;bumbnburg 10s, aliared from Is. j niuu and ohild : bust of aahington . t!jii. wein none. un Township, Phila 4a. spurious ; vy. buddin,; and cart in dbuinc ; mols the end. bark Pottsvi 1 10s, alitrca iroio ' a welldon Kook, Philada 3. ipurks; l; ai35li id In grn 1 ! ul io Tft kjXsi " JURY LINT. rr JamnuTffenn A. D. 1805. OBAMU JOHOH. 1 Allen Moody, Shamokin townBljip, 8 William Ljou, Buubury. 8 Samuel Truckemiller, Hilton. i Win. D. liotluiao, WasbiDgton. 0 llcury Fasokt, Lower Aug ant a. 0 Samt'el Uilger, Sliomokiu twp. 7 James Ti miner, Ccal. 8 Bctijumia Matbins, Northumberland, tf Mietiul Hoy, Lewis. 10 SimoQ Kicliart, Chiliaqunque. 11 Joiiuh llert; Lower Mitliuuoy. 13 Ktlliun Dunkle, Turbut. l:i Peter F. Zimmerman, Sunbnry. 14 Godfrey F. Miller, Slminokin. 13 John Foglemun, Deluware. 10 lleury F. Dorusivo, Cameron. 17 Joseph U raver Delaware. 15 John SltiuskT, Bunhury. 19 Nallmuitl. Biittoti JI Kwcnavillc. 2U Jacob Crawford Delaware. 21 Frank Uuuger, Milton. 2i JoUn Kuse, tiliumokin. 2i Sumucl Uyerly, Jordan. Mi Joatpli Scaslioitz, Lower Augusta. thavkuse junons. 1 Isaac Sober, jr., Shamokin. 2 John p. llartzel, Upper Augusta. 3 Dennis Carl, Tut but. 4 Samuel W. Counrd, Lower Angusta. 5 Thomas Savidge, Lcwia. 0 James T. Armstrong, Delaware. 7 James Cnthcnrt Delaware. 8 Reuben Uarmau, Juckson. U Samuel Dunsive, Little Muhanoy. 10 George Miller, Sliamokin. 11 Tliomas Hitler, Turbut. 12 Jacob Scholl, Sliamokin. 13 Abrahnm Lerch, Mt. Curmcl. 14 John Haas, Upper Augusta. 15 James Uussul, Chillisipinque. lti Jonas Cnrdner, Lower Malinnoy. 17 Jolin Savitlge, Lower Augusta. 18 Robert I.eslier, Nortliumlerlund. 1U John Dueller, CJiillijqiiuque. 20 George Strine, Milton. 21 William S. C'lnpp, Lewis. 23 Peter Wilver, Sunbury. 24 Daniel Snyder, Upper'Mahanoy. 2j Issue .Mursli ji., Turbut. 2t5 John Arnold, Suubury. 27 John liower, Northumberland. 2d Samuel Ueuder. Utlsh. 2l lleiij iiniu Markle, Jordan. ;w iVU r Bum!, Lower Mahuooy. 31 Ca-per Selioll, Coal. 3'4 Jeae C. llorton, Point. 3.1 John Gallalu r, Alt. Carmel. 34 J. K. Cauley, Milton. 35 Charles) Geurhurt, Hush. 3d Jacob Fufjelv, Lower Augusta. 37 Wm. P. Hull, Milton. 3tJ Peltr Veayer, Lewis. 3'J John H. Geist, Upper Muhanoy. 4'J Tiutiian II. Purd, Suubury. 41 Henry Sltine, Milton. 42 George Bastiau.jr., Lower Augusta. 4.1 Philip Bressler, Delawero. 44- JoUn LI. Leitinaeli, Delaware. 45 Solomon Shunkweiler, Upper Muhunoy. 4tl Joseph Keader, Coal. 47 Gbeiliali Campbell, Shainokia. 49 Isaac Ueidlespaeli, 1'oiuU l'KTIT JlllOHM. 1 Henry A. llilbusli, Washington. 2 Amos K. Cupp, 'ortliumbi'rluniL 3 John Wvnn, Lower Augusta. 4 Philip iiile Hush. 5 John 11. Kotharmel, Coal. 0 Fred Furriau, Mt. Carmel. 7 Abimu A j tier, Mt. Curuiel. 8 Jaeoli Seller jr., Jaekson. U Gideon Won, Lower Augusta. 10 Kdwitrd Grady, Httbh. 1 1 Aruiiew Jl.iueii, Augtiata. 1 'J Ijiiams Mtirdock, Turbut. 13 Joseph Aruold, Upper Auguata. 14 Jouniiiaii Long, Lower AugUaiit. 15 Geo. ii. Keraletler, Caiiieron. lti Joint Priiiaou, l'oiut. li' Jonepli Kolile, Washington. i .bwepli "sojjley, Cliillibipiaque. Ill Joseph i'mlenck, Chlliisquaiiue. 20 J'lfuo Leiseiiiiiig. Nortiuiuil tiland. 21 Geo.; Lower Mahonoy. H Martin iisrns, Lmvif Mahauoy. ii George LveiMiil, Mortiiuiulii ruttld. 21 Andrew Overcck, Tuibut. V5 John Peeler, Milton. 2t Alexander CaiiijOed, Iiuth. . 7 I'eury t. Ilii.e, 1'urbvt twp. 21 George Keel'er, Lower Augusta. 20 Ltiiuiiuel lluiiiimn, Turbutviile. 30 Abrain U eiser, Mt L'urii.el. 31 William KuU, Turbut. 32 .muel Hoover) Shamokin. 33 Beiijaiiiiu Mengex, Lewis. 31 Samuel Long, Cameron. 35 Jofi ph llutiiiner, Uubh. s 3tt lieury Kepley, Sliamokin. Trial List for January Te:ro. 1835. Plaintiffs. Defendant. Rosefta F Dowart (Equity doe. vs Albert Worre! t al Woiscley and i-iien Lis wile vs l"' ink Toiler John Ur'ibcr. vs Ivimber Cleaver's cx'rs. i The Curlwo Run Imp. Co v Ira T Clement . The (iirard l'iio i ins Co lli-nriclta .Marr adui'r. , Hush Caul vs i'l'iiiel Caul. ' Com of I'a. for T M l'ursol vs James Vandyke same for use of Jauios right vs same ut al i,. c Welker vs Uco IJurus vs John Voung, Const, vs lleorg UMiu s Uenry Weise et al vs A M I.astnick vs Thos M Tnrsel i al vs Huibara Ann Alexander vs Bonj Gearuurt etal vs S.imo Jaoi-u II Lugel j A J tPX.'','' j I 'avid i'agely , I! 0 lhoihini n J"hn llaf'T for us ; The Uank of .Vnr'h'd I alue et al ! Wm Li 1'ewart vs Thos Ilanmgardiier, Jeremiah Ziinrierman, vs John A -enrad I Jobu Neumau Ac. vs Ma! hi in- I'rrsing ' eebastian ilaupt vs I'avid Waldroo ; Jirt.iniih Si-itik'a vs Jais.,b Vliudoru. J'eter K. 1'hbur vs Joseph Weltiel, I..TI'I....,I ..I .1 1. t J llnll X .1 t'erdiunn l Massvr, vs Jaj M Maurer An Sarah Jane Coup, vs tliiabeth Jenkens. Com. ct Ti l.u'a for D Long vs 1. Waldroo, Miehr.el (in.haia vs Jame l'ollock ev al Km A tlroiher vsBird A Llouty GUM Collum for use vs J W McCorinlek Thomas Comly vs Jobs Mover with notio John C Morgan vs Stephen JjitUnbeuder 11 nam It . Moore et al nu. B. notcoti, Henry liowman io vs J,dwarl liaum Wm il Kriechliu vs C P llelfenstein et al Martin Uoldea vs n in Montelius Wm Pcrsing vs John Newman ' l'elur tender vs Ucorge 11 Ketixtr Joseph liibsou adm'r vsC F MThersou Jooathau Hoover vs Josiab Reel Tlie following advertisement appears un der tlie lieml of it "Wife wuuled." in un Ar- kstiMia paper : 'Any gill what' got it bed. coffee pot, bkilitt, know liow to cut out britches, tun make a liutitin' shirt, ntnl knows Low to take cure ol children, can have my Service until death puru both of ut.' Ladies' Fun. Purchasers uiA" rely udon getting th best Furs at CHARLES OAKFORD SU.NS, Coutiusutul Uotal, funaaeipuia. Nov 1J, 161.-3 m NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BREAD I BREAD 1 1 BREAD!!! 3STE"W BAKERY. TPUE undersined will open a Bakery, on Market X street, Sunbury, Pa., in th course of two weeks wber b will keep constantly on band, Ir'ra-hli Iti-eiiU, 'l'vilIColU, lCuk, and TEA-BUN NS, which will b delivered, to faini lies every morning. All kinds of FANCV CARES. Common Cakes, Pretsels, tt. p(.Nie Parties, Weddings and Funerals, will bo 1 '.' .4 aiuorimenl will h kent un at all times. manufactured ft" f 'S Ust tuatorial, aud orders . will bo iimuiv'iT aiieuueu u. ii. i ,h,;i his frionds sod th Tmhlic generally ill susiuin him iu this nw enwrpiu, now greatly needed in sunoury. ..... ! H trust hi xprlnc io lb busmes will ens, I fcie Bi, uig've general atilaoliuul ll who niy , bim lr puo8it. , ruv I ; P4WWrI. Sbsjry, .. Jts, 16 THE DRAKE PETROLEUM COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITA It fi.OOO.OOO 140,000 8I1ABB3, PAR $10 00. $50,000 CASH WOHttlNU CAPITAL. SUBSCRIPTION PIUCE, 13 00. Pridit-T. UASK1S3D0 PUT, Pridot th Catlawissa Hailroad Co. Vie President THOMAS D. WATTSON, of thi Hardware Brm of Truitt A Co., Mo, fii Market St. TYeasurer aAMUtL WUHk, of Work, MeUoaeh A Co., Bankers, .14 South Third ftrt. DiRKCTOHi t T. ilaskius Da I'uy ; Thomas D. Watton ; iv. 8. Uiebards, Ot Ueruiantown ; William 1. bberrsd, Insuranea Agent; Ueuox P. Way, Of lat Dry Uooda ttru, J. T. Way A Coi ; A. W. Leixenring, Cashier Mauch Chunk Ilauk, Maucb Chunk ; Ldward Shippen, Usj. Th property of th Drake Ptrolum Company consists of two tructs of land, on of two hundred and flfiyscven acre and on of two hundred and sixty live acres, making in all, five hundred and twelv acres, in fee, on the Cadwall llrancb of Oil Creek. , , Th property baa been erittioally examined by a Commilte appointed for that purpose, aud tho terri tory pronouueed, in thoir j.nltmnit, to be fully equal to that of Oil Creek, along which the largest oil wells ever discovered have been found. The lands resemble thos on Oil Crook, in every particular, and it is believed from tbelnrgo number of oil springs in close prdxiuiity, that valuable wells will be opened on both thee tract. Tho management have already secured several Engines and engaged a competent 8uperiuteudut, with a view to immediate and an energvtiu develop ment. A larpo portion of these tracts is bottom, and admirably adapted for boring. Several Coiumnys are organised on lands im mediately adjoining this territory, among which are the Hriggs and Creseut City Oil Companies of Phila delphia. In presenting the Prnka Petroleum Company to the public, the Directors ark that their eebeuio should be examined, aue subscriptions uiado to Ibo Stock in full faith as to its prcsuut aud prospective valu. T. IIASKI.VSDU PUY, President. THOd. It. WATT&OX, Vico Proeidcnt. SAM I Kb WOltK, Treasurer. Subscriptions will be received for a limited number of shares at the Banking House of Work, McCouuh A Co.. No. 3ooutli Third btreul, Philadelphia. December 1U, lfitU. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan"' Court of Northumberland oounly, will be expnsad to pub lic sulo nt tho House of Jolin i'Uwilcr, in George town, on S'tturli, the 31( liy if flermfor, 1854. All that ci-rtain Lot or piece of ground, situate in Lower Mahonoy t"wnship, sai I county, adjoining lands of Peter Winner, Caroline Hwob, lioir; Downey and John Werti, continuing TWLNTi Acres aud Fifty-one pxrchei more or less. 2d, A certain Limestone Lot.situato in sai l town ship, adjoining lauds of John .Schreycr aud Philip lluhli's estate, containing ,4S perches moro or less, on which is erected a Lime Kiln. 3d. A certain other Tract of Land, situate as afore said being the M.intion Kami of the said decedent, adjoining lands of William Michael, William liiiiA uiuau, Christian Messner und Jacob K. Leukcr. con taining thirty-nine acres ami one hundred and three perches more or les. on which are erecred two Li,r Houies. stables uud otlior iinprovemeuls. Late the property of Charles Kcrateltcr, ile,:ciued. bale lo commence at ten o'clock A. M., of 9 lid day wben the terms and conditions of sale will be uiado known by ADAM LEXKER. Adm'r Iiy orderof the Court, J. A.J. Cuuiiuiugs.Clk, 0. C. bunbury, Dec. !, lsot. ORPHANS' COURTSAli IN pursuance of sn order of tho Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be ex)oeil to pub. be sale nt the h"Ue (if Abraham Kotheniicl, iu UEGltGKToWX. Northumberland coumy, on SaOinlay the Slut day of Votmhtr A. I). 1S14, acertain lot in said town, No. 6, adjoining an nllcy and lot of Philip llcMi. froniinROn Water street. Also an Island in the Jtiver Siisquehnnnn, ofifjs'te said town containing ft acres and mo perches. Also uu Island situate in said Itiver. called Hover's Tslaud. near said town, containing about 'i acres' nnd 27 perches Also, another Island in tho sai I Itiver ?ns-aehnn na, neur lJror;;eown. called bhatler's Island. Also, an Island situate in a short distance nbnve Flat Island in said river, containing almut one and ouc-fourih of iui acre. Also, another island, situate in said river, nearly opposite Fiddler Kun. colled Urocious' Island, con taining about one acre. Late the propeny of Sophia Lshr. deceased. Pale to commeiic at one n'olock P. M.. of said day. when the term aud conditions of sale will he made known by ULOUGi: H. LA II H. A bn r. Iiy order of the Court, J. A. J. Cummings, ClkO.C. buubury, Nor. 26, 1 st. I NioK' ol Henry fu lscr, fir., (, M. "VTOTICE is hereby given letters of JL tration having; bi-eo granted to the subscriber on the estate of Henry Leiser. frr., Into of Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to nil estate are requested lo make imiucdiato payment, nnd tlo.o having claims to present them for sct'lrment. GCORitU KF1SEK, Adm'r. Low. Aususla twp., Dec 10, lsol, Ow TO ALL INVALIDS! IRON IN TIIEBLOOD. It Is well known to the medical profession thftt IRON is tho vital Principle or Life Fleinent of the blood. This is derived chiefly from the food we eat; but if the food is not pioperiy dieted, or if, from ny cause wh-tlover, ihe necessary quantity of iron is not taken into the circulation, or b -couics reduca-l tho whole system sulTcrs. The bad bio i t wiii irri tate the heart, will e!oi! nn the lunis. will stun-'t'v the brain, will obstruct the liver, and will scud its disease producing elements to r.ll parts, of the sys tem, and every one will suffer io whatever oran may be predisposed to disease. The reut value of Iron iim it 1I-lI-!no. Is well known and acknowledged by all men. The ditSculiy has been In ob:ain such a pre paration of i as w ill auicr the circulation and a.-i-luiliilv at once with the hlood. This point, says Dr. Hays, Massachusetts State Chemist, has been at tained in the Peruvian Syrup, by combination iu a way before unkyiowu. ' '1'lte IVruvliin S)i'Ui, Is a Protected solution- of the Protoxide of Iron. A new Discovery in Medicine that strikes the ito it of Disease by supplying the blood with it vital l'rin oijjie or Life Llement Iron. 'I'he liTiiTi:ni Syrnis. Curei Dyrepsia. Liver Cuiplaint Drnpsv, Fever and Ague, Lorsot r.ncrny. i.ow plllts. THE PERUVIAN 6YRVP. Infuses strength, vigor and new life into the system and builds up an "iron constitution THK PERUVIAN SIRUP Cures Nervous Affections, Female Compluiuts, and all diseases of th Kidneys and ilia 1 ler. THE PEKUVIAN SYRUP Is a Sneoiflo for all diseases oriiriinitin'- iu a Bad Etatv of the Blood, or aocoinpai-ici by DcLility or a Low Slat of th System. Pamrhlati containing conircaloa of cures and re. eouiiueudaiiona from some of the most eminent Phy sicians Clergymen, and others, will b sent rre to any address. W select a few of tlfo nam to show th char acter of testimonials. JOUNK WILLIAMS, Esq., President of tho Metropolitan Bni.k N. Y. ' Rev. ABEL STEVEN'S, Lot Editor Christian Advocate & Journal. Rr. P.TI1URCH. Editor New York Chronicle. Rv. John Pierpont, " Warren Burton, Arthur V Fuller,. Gurdnn Robbins, ' Pylvanu Cobb, . ' 1 Starr King, " Epbraim Nui. Jr. ' Joseph II Clinch, " Henrv I pham, "PC Headley, John W 0luwtad, Lewis Johnson, M. D. ltoawull Kinney, M D b K Kendall. M D. W R Cbisbolm, M D Francis D.iaa, M D Jeremiah tome. M D J. Antonio Munches, M D A A Hayes. M D Abraham Wendell M D J RCIiiton. M D II E Kinney, M D Prepared by N. L. CLARK t CO., exclusively for J P. D1N&MOKE. No. 4VI Broadway, New York. ' . bold by all DrugkUu. Bedding's Russia Salve. FORTY YEAR'S EXPERIENCE lias fully established the superiority of REDUING'S HLSSIA SALVE. Ovr all oLher healing preparations Il cures all kinds of Sores, Cuts, Scalds, Bums, Bolls, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Lrvil. Sties. Piles. Corns, Sor Lips, Sor Eye, Ac. Ac, Reuniting th ! Pain at ooo, aud Reducing th most angry looking ( Swullinirs and lunaiauliun a if bv Mania. k .k . . b "' . w TOM lilt T J. P. DINSMOEE. No. 401 Rrondwav. New York, b. W. lOVt LE CO.. No. 16 Ireiuvat St., Doswo And by all Druggisui Pwnsiisr lo, lfWy Oao. W. Smru. Ciias. B. Oiktdiid. ZVLV2S. & OE1TTHEB., Market street, on door ast of Mrs. Boulton's Hot' STTaSTBXT 212", PA., Tlav openod A.NK W TIN -WARE, Slicot Iron nnd Mots More, and intend keeping constantly on hand, and manu facturing to order on shortest notiee, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Stovesof the following Brands: WILLIAM PENN ! and on Ihe following two Brands w defy competi tion, namely Comtsinullon (jinw Ilnrncr, Cook. ilovrritor IVitn Coo'lV. unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplioilv of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, and each store warranted to pcrtorm what they arc re presented ALSO. PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing nil tho best manufactures, and most lashionnble di'Mirns rJAIso, The celebrated fO EM for heating op and down stairs. Also the celebrated VULCAN HEATER, foisl Oil, 'nl Oil J.uiiih, Mi:il'i, Cliiniitis-H, iinsl nil JirUolon pniisually kpl In nn establishment of this kind. We aronSo picpared to do nil kinds of Spouting. Hoofing. Range and Furnace Work. Has Wiling, to. , Repair ing cheaply and neally executed. Country produco tiikcu iu exchango at market price. SMITH r.EXTIIKH, Have tho Aencv for BIIIB'S CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE STOVES, for the Comities of Northumber land. Snyder, Vnion and Montour. Ard aro al agents for the Pipher A W illower Lin. 'Transportaiion. bun. utv.Dec. .1, IW'l. CL0TJ IliNG 1 0 R AIL ! ! AT CONTINENTAL 0 L O T II 1 N G BAZAAR. Coi'iicr or.'lnrhrt !qii:u' Ar tC:iiU ltontl Sti-fel, SUN11UUY, PENX'A. JI ST OPEN'KD, WINTER STOCK OF I.KADY MADE CL0TIIINT., Of the newest style", cut by the best Artists, trimmed and made equal to custom wink, and sold nt tho lowest price' ."I-n mid llojN CJolSiiv-s-of tho best ma- terii:l consisting of Dress Coats. Frock Coats. Sate Co-its, Pants, and Yesis of various colors nasi quali ties. UENTLEMEX'S. OVERCOATS & SHAWLS. GENTLEMEN'S Fl'RNISIUNU GOODS, j such as Hhlrts, Over-shirls. Undershirts, Drawers, i Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings, Gloves, Ac. IltttM nnd 'si ot'till liiudM. I i BOOT? ANDPIIOEP, TRUNKS, A'ALInES, I'M- t Bll ELLAS, and NOTD 'NN of all kinds, and nume- rous o'her anie'es. ' ! The rub'.ic lire invited to rail and examine his ' Stock. Remember the place. '-Cont in-ritnl Clothing Store," Cornerof Market iiuarc and the X I. It. It. l.l.l l 111.1.111. Sunbnry, Dec. 10. l?fil. 'J'lio 4'wmpl-t.'. lOHll-A-iiis; MU Si-jmrat ing: CORN SHELLER ! ! PATENTED, AUGUST 2nd, 1S51. T perfeotly clean from Iho Cob when trej-n. soak ed or dry. It (jives the Earn double operation on the tShelling AVheel as it pivses through, and sepa rates ilia C'ib from the Corn complutcly. reudcrin it at once fit for market without tho use of the fanning mill. This machine shells a Half 13uhd of Kin to the Minute hj Onli- luir; Hand l'nrer. ! and can be used, also, by Horse, Steam or Water l'.uvir by uttachinit a Pulley on tho Crank Miaft. I V..w 11 1, Ml... I I li-.'j v... ...... . . ui i , vivnniiiii-K, .nturoa v lien I'm p., and Rapidity in Shollini;, tiiis Machine cuunot lo I e.i.nlled by any other. GUTS FDR SALE OX i STATE AND COUNTY UI REASONABLE TERMS. Gk.nti.kue!) : If you want your eorn Shelled clean; if you have occasion to shell green or damp corn; li you want your eorn and cob separated , if you want a durable machine ; if you want a cheap heller, buy the Complete, Double-Acting, Sell-Separating Corn Shelter. REFERENCES : II. B. Masser. Dr. J. W. Peale J-'uiilmry. Charles Haas, Miller, Samuel Leisi;. Reading. C. li. Mortrau A Co., Geo. Woiser. L. Augusta. Millers, Sunbury. Sol. M irU. Farmer, Henry Leiseiiri'ig. Bear G.ip. C. Albert, Georgetown M'Uiut:ietuicd and I'm- S.ile at tin; Fouudry of 11"HIU!AC A COOPER, Huubury, Pi. Suui'iiry, flee. 3, loci Cm I j SMITH i dr 3. ; IF von pt good Tin-Wore, go to UENTHER'6 New ,hop. 1 F von war! a pood 1 SMITH 4 GE.VlHEl! :i.'S New .Shop. dr.l. ICIOIV A (.!. i fllllE subscriber ofi'tis the alave reward for tho X. discovery of tl:a person who entered his dwcl!ini( iu Rush town-hip, liearly opjKisile Red Point Fur nace, about the luiii of Auinusi lust, and robbed him of Clothing nnd other article to the value ot ubuut one hundred dollars. Address the subscriber at'Dar.villo. P.O. CHARLES CARR. Rush township, Dec. il, 1 SO 1 . I. K. 6TAUFFEH. IVATC'lIMAKE'S A JCWEI.HY. No. 113 Norlh bECt'ND street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. All liisoriineiit ol' il ti iii'M, Jew- s-lry , Silvs'r V I'l.sK-! Wart' constantly ou hand, Suitable for HOLIDAY PREisENTS! Ijf Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attemled to. December 3, IStll ly CHRISTMAS AND BHIDAL PBtBEHTa. HENRY HAKPEU, .".. 3-iO AIK'KI M., 11aUuK-11iUi. Hue a large stock of WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY. S0LIDSILVER WARE Bupcrior plated 'TEA fcETTc?, SPOONS, FoRKcj, Ac. October 1, 1MSL 4m Ntiilo ol ll' Dank of !oilliusubt'r luud, aa., t. ad, lti . ASSETS. Loans und Rills discounted, fnoi.Olfl III Certificate of United Stales Mint . lull .mill HO United Statet 5-2U Loan, .... 2to,lUU 01) " ". Interest bearing Legal Ten ders, S t.000 OR Pennsylvania, " ... 2S.4WI (10 Hank of Norlhumberland Stock,- 6.U7D lit) Northumberland Riidge Stock, 1,600 t)0 Telegraph Slock .160 1)0 Real Estate, Ac. t.o7'J n7 Duo by other Hanks, . . . 102.111 b.1 Notes of other Hunks, and Legal Tenders bl.'ut tin Cosh Items, l.l.'O 30 Specie in Vault including tommonweallh bpeci Cvrtificatea, 81.0&8 71 fs95,7i7 01 LIABILITIES. Note in circulation, . Due to other Ranks. ... " Commonwealth. Currency for Speci Certilicaies, VU48.4llO0 44,27V -JH lo cttrt no lU,2Vb lid Dcjrtailois, il2,9d0 il I NoarnruBKRLS iti Co.. Sct I I l. ,. ..;, ,l. .1., .,..,,.l lt,. t.l unrf UU lotno bokt ol my unuwicug ana 'nei. h. J. l AChta, Cashier. sworn and subscribed befnr m. I En'!,. Wavaar, Notary 1'ubUo. txsotory, Kv. a. laoi 18C4. 1804. MAMMOTH STORE. BEQ leave to oall the attention of tho pnblie that they bar just returned from th City with very LARUE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS! Consisting of DRY GOODS, Ilardwar, Qunswar Cdrware, BOOT 3H0E S, Hosiery, Ulovcs, Notions, Trimmings, riiK nI ChrsnicnlN, OIIm, Lamps andinfaotEVERVTIIINti GENERALLY KEPT . in Country Morris. W bought our goods at th lowwt Cash Prfset and consequently we think we onn offer in ducements to purchasers lor Cash or Country Pro duce. Th highest market price paid fvr all kind ofProduc. Uiveasacnll. J. W. FRILINtl A SON. Sunbnry, Nov. 12, 1804. THE UNION FOREVER! uooda i on .nn.iio : At Ihe Store of J021T EOViTSlT Corner of Market and Fawn Streets, SUNBt'KY, PENN'A, Just opened FALL & WINTER GOODS, for everybody. This no -Blowing." but plaia truth, which everyone will he convinced that oalls and ex amines the stoek, Which consists of Dress Hoods. Cossiniercs. Cloihs. Gents' Overcoating, Jeulis, Cottenades. Muslins. Dii Goods lu great variety. LADIES' DKESri GOODS. Tlain and Figured Delaines, French and Fi,rnrcd Merinos. Fine W ool Delaines all sorts and shinies, l'rinls. Nankeens. LADIES' CLOA KING. Tiiblc-Covers, Irish Linen. Brown aud White Sheetings, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts of all kiuds, Hoop Skirls, all prices. Iland kcrchicfV. 1' launcls. Ladies' Kid. Silk and M'Tino Gloves, 1c Jowelry ol'itll klntlit. Ladies' nnd Genu' Union Skates. A large assortment of NOTIONS. :&B.x.a: llardwnre. Cedarware, Glassware, Chinaware, yueenswnre. Crockery. Groceries, Tobacco, Scirars SmilT, Tea, ColTee, Sugar, Molasses. Spices, I'ib. Salt, Ac, Ac, mid everything else usually kept in a store. Pro tlucu taken in exebangu lor goods. No trouble to show good. WILLIAM B0WEN. Sunbnrv, Nov. 5, 18dl. AlNiits ! Always ! Always ! ON HAND, AND SELLING CHEAP THE FALL ti WINTER GOODS, Just opened nt No. 1 Store of WBAVBU U PAGELY, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS! FOUEIUX AND DOMESTIC, nuoh as ClulJis. C1W1 ineri'9, Mulinf. iSIit'Oiinas, Tiekini. ChIioiics. 0c- ' In inn?, Klnniiflf. ami nil ktmN of MUt'HMNU (jooJ?, AI(KHfjis, liltick Silk, linliflins, linlmnral nnJ 1 Skeleton Skirt. Cuntoii I'luuuc'.y, Nuakcei.fc, Car i itetiu f nil kin ls. i HATS &Z CAPS. i notions & varieties, Couiprisiug. Hosiery. Gloves. Thread. lluttns, Sus- j pi'rders. Neck-ties, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hair Uruidies. TcHth IJruts. Gum Rib bon and Cord. tae. cri't -hit-braid, worked collars, lancy head dresses, titly cotton, carpet i binding, combs, fancy j s-aj. carpet bai;s Trunks, Valises, Unibrcllus, Blank Books, Paper, ! Envelopes, Ac. Of nil kind", such us Nails. Hinges nnd P?-ews. Doer Lalchesnnd Knobs. Locks, und CUTLERY ol every j description. i AUn 11,1-j . lli-uiru. P:iiiim. Vuri'Islii'S. Pi!i. 1 Yakhu niul liettziiu- Oils. (Mass. I'ultv.&i'. I tc-,'U-.vv iire siimI lnmtiurv " nil C'l'llVli' oiuvu kiiltlsi. AND EARTHENWARE. An Extensive Stnck of G R O C E R I E S, Composed of Suirar. Coffee. Teas, Rice. Corn-starch, .ilecearoiii. Lnrley. JJakiri-powiter. molasses. soa;s, randies, tobacco und scptrs, alt, Fish, Meat, Cheese, Ac., Ac. Also, n largo variety of BOOTS & DZOSS. for Men. Women and Children. All kinds of Gram and Country Produce taken in (xctiMii;e lor liomis. Give us u call y..u purchase elsewhere, wo aro bound to sell as low as an y'nna else. t-iorc-rooiu in Ira T. Cleiuent s building at tho south-west corner of Market Square, neur the Court House. riuiibury, Nov. 5, 18tU. llenlIiU' EC nil roast. WIMTEa ARSANGEEtENT. Kovcuibor 7th, 1S0-1. p.EAT TRUNK LINE from .tho North unit X North-West lor Philadelphia. New York, Read-h.-ndsome Parlor Stove, go to :,, i,,,,,-. iii,. Lebanon. Allentuwn. Iviston, Ac. Trains leave ilarrbburi' for Nc-Vork, as fol- j lows : S lat and S.lii A. M. and 1.4a P. M., arriving at New York at IU A. M. and 2.4j and It 00 1'. .11. T'1,0 ataive aonncct with similar trains on the Penn- ' sylvaliia r.iilioad, and leepint; Cars accompany the j dirt two 1 1 nil. s. without change. Leave for Reading, Pottrville. Tamnoua, Miners ville. Alltulown and Philadelphia ut tvlo A. -M. and 1.4a P. M , stopping at Lebanon ui:d sta- lions only. ' J Way trains, stoppitn; at all points, nl 7.2.1 A. M. j mid 4.411 P. M. Kvtuiiiiiig, leave New Yoik at U.Ui) A. M , 12 uoon, mm T.HU I'. M.,: lJi.iladelihia lit b A. ;1. and S.3U P. M ; l'.tsvillo at i.M A. il. and 2.."j P. M ; S it) A M. an I 2 L P. M., . ,.nd Rea.l.n at 12 n.i iiiighl, 7 oj ami A. M., l.Xi uutl t) u.'i P. M. j Readiiiti; Accouiuiodation TruMi leaves Rending ot i A. il. reluming fioui Philadelphia ul 4 ;t0 P. M. Coliimbia Uailmad Tra't'.s Icav Heading at BIO: and II A. M. Ephruta. l.ilir Cuiumbin. A.'. On bundays: Leave New York al 7 P. M.. Phil i- ! delphia 3 l.'J' il. P.iilsvillc 7. "it A. M . T.-inmua 7 A il. ll.iri irbuv it I j A M aud Reading at 12 mid- , 'night, lor Harriaburg. Uouimutalion, .M.icage, eeuson, anu r-xcursiuu Tickets, ut reduced rules to and from nil points. eu Pounds linggugo ulluwed eacti t'ossenger. G. A. N1COLLS, i General aupcriutcnuenl' Nov. 2C, 1SI. - Sunbury High School, V17ILL re-open in tho old Uaptist Church, on the II first day of August. Tub course uf instruction embraces all Ihe braiiehes tuught iu Academies iud Seminaries of the highest grudu. TKltMS PKIl tKSBION OK SI WI'.r.KS. Fit Languages ancient und modern iu dud- ing all other branches, 15 00 Natural Sciuneo. Algebra, Geometry, etc. J- Ul A .4 J 11- 11.,..,.. ...1,.. IL...... A.. I ' Oil fu, nueeti uiouiui.i, w,inj.uji, j . v., . . .-" Rudiment of above, 1J 1)0 Primary, b to Incidental expenses, iiO Tuition pavable quarterly In advance. No deduclton made lor lost time. Pupils cau cuter ul any tiinu, aud will only be charged from thedute they enter. For further particulars apply to the Principal, E. P. ROH1MCH. Sunbury, August 8, 18B1 tf. N E W GOOD S! Two doors west of Wm. II. Miller's Shoe store, Sunbury, Pa. Just opened a fresh supply ol FALL AND WIN TEH GOODS, Such as Fancy Dress Trimmings. Ribbons, Gloves Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Linen Collars mid Cuff Gent's Linen and paper Collars. Netts, Heps, Lace Collars and Sleeves, Hair Rolls, Velvet Ribbons, Red. Whit and Hlu Nck-t'e, Corsets, Quaker ban is. Yokes and Mvn. WOOLEN GOODS. oompi isingof Fontagi, H wiery for ladies aud childreu, Cap of all kinds, Scarfs, Gloves, Mittens. As. Also, a new style of muslin for Gambaldi waist togotber with Swiss, Jaoonet and Viotnria Muslins Cap collar and Veils, Grenadine and Lac Veil ad variety ol other riioi" o D'iuirvut la n.o lio. . AUltV L. LAZAhUo- Muv, (W U. iU l ALL AND WINTER MILLINEUY GOO Da AT AT REDUCED PRICES!!! 1MU 71. 1. Usitsler. Fawn strt, two doors south of Shamokin Vally k Pottsvill Railroad, SU3STBURY JPJP. HAS lust opened her Fall and Winter stook of Millinery Goods, LADIES BONNETS, Hats and Caps of th latest stylos; Fronch and Air.eriian Flowers mid Feathers, Trimmings of all kinds; La dies and Cbildrcns' Hose. Gloves, Collars, Veils and a large assortment of Fancy Uoodl and Notion. Call and soe her stock. Sunbury, Oot. ii, 1884. 2m look at the Returns ! WM. II. MILLER, Market Square, 6UNBURY, PENN'A , JUST rooeived from New York end Philadelphia, a fresh supply of th latest styUs and uf th best quality of BOOTS AND SHOES, for Men, Woman and Children, which he oQ'eri at r luowl prices. Women's Shoes at $1 50. All his Koud stook WARRANTED. No Paper Shoes sold nt his store. He will also wholesale Boots and Shoes by the box. The nublio (teneittlly ure invited to call and cz- omine his stock. SuuburyOct. 22. 18M. pWnWi v "juaim: SHOP.- The undersigned bavins; purchased of E. Y. Bright, Esq., his Machine Shop, Foundry. Ac, at Sunbury, nnd has now commenced operations. All Kinds of Machinery, WILL EE MADE AND REPAIRED PROMPTLY. Persons dsiriiiu MACU INE WORK immediately, will do well to cull l.Li examine his facilities for doin work uLeap. . cu iui.i: i on lUTTiitns. WILLIAM EENNYSON. jSuiihury. Oct 15. 1S01. J X C O B O. 33E!"G MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer in CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VESTING, Ac I'uvvu (i-'Cl, moiiIU 1' Weaver's! Hotel, BTJNUJ3 KY, P. INFORMS th citiicns of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has just returned from Philadelphia with a full assortment of 1'AUi a xvt. rt:is (.ooos, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. His stock consists of Cloths. French Cloths. Black Doc Skin and Fancy Cas-imeres. Blsck Sntin. Figured Silks. Plain and Fancy Cassimere VEs'J'iNGS, which ho will make up to order in styles to suit the taste of customers, on short solice, aud the must reasonable tei nis. Any Uojds not on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by icivintr. two dtivs notice. Goods furnished by customers will lu made up to order as heretofore. As he will employ none but experienced workmen, t'lTaoii! may rely ou gelling their work well dona nt his shop. Thankful lor the p.'itront;e heretofore bestowed, he respectfully solicits a coiitiuuauceof tho same. Suubuiy. Sept. IU. lsG.4. GREAlInilBimONl OF FIUE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ELEGANT DIAMOND RIXOS, Diamond Brooches, Ear Drops, Bracelet And a very large stock of Elegant Juwalry, valu ed at $500,000, CERTIFICATES., limning each article af rain are placed io SEALED ENVELOPES, and well mixed. Due ot these envelopes wiii be deliv ered nt our oftiuo. or sent by mail to any address. wi:houl regard to choice, mi receipt of 2i cents. We wi'l tend by mail it express, the article that the purchaser u.ay draw, for ONE DOLLAR. i'il rxrhjnisr for any urltrr article on our ijf, vf the iame value a the article drawn. NO 33r,A.rMIC3I Entire s iliifaciion guaranteed in n!lea;s- Y u ui''y obtain u Goli Watch, or Diamond for ONE DOLLAR, which you need not pay until yon know what .u have dr-iwu and its value. lav ' Five scaled Luvcbipcs for tl, Eleven fur $J Thirty lor ti. -end lor Circular. Aitnts wanted. GOODWIN, HUNT & CO.. JEVi LEERS. !V7 Broadway. N. Y. All letters should be addressed to our box, 570(1 Poit Office, NcwJYork. Nov. 12, lilil. il MIL LINERY GOODS, AND IMACY .'VriO.'!i A'l'ISI.lIMI.XtiS At the new stand, in Market Square, SUNBc. RY, Tl AVE just received from Philadelphia the latest I I ....... .... u: l.i .. ... ij ..." ,,iu n i. wch lls Uomit.,,s HhIs. Silks. Velvc'is. Ribbons and Laces, Feathers A Flowers. Head Dresses A Nets. Old Ladies' Caps. Woolen Hoods. Sontags, Breakfast thuwls, Silk and Woo. eu Scarfs, Hosiery cloaks 8c run! lilac It Crnpsjfur.d Lac Veils. Crape ami Linen Col lars. DriMs Trimmings and liuttont. Co sets. Z'phyrs, Soap and Perfumery, Cloak Trimmings, Woollen A Cotton Yarn, ir'iimliiiij, 'FoakiiiiLiiiK' nnd iSi-ailinu l( no in hilosl Nlylf. Gents' Linen and Paper Collars, Neckliea, Ac. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken iu exchange for Goods or Work. Thankful for past patronae wo solicit the same. L. II. SU1SSLER. Sunbury, October 22, l6 AtlmSrilklrRloi-'M ottrt'. N OTICE is hereby given that Ictlcrs of iidminis. tration bavin been pranted to iho sabseritier, on the estate of .lueob Kiebaeh. l ite nt Lower Maho noy townbifi. Northumberland county. Pa., ileo'd All persons indebted are requested to make immedi ate paviueni. and thu.-e having claims, to tlieui tor setllement ISAAC L. WITMER, Adm'r. Lower Muhonoy twp., iVt. S. 104. Ct IF vou nam a goni Cooking-Stove, go to SMl'lll A GENTHER S New Shop. dr.l IilBdOliUTlO-V OF rAKT.VfiiMSIIIP. riHE partnership heretofore existing between J. X W tiiiing A W. T. Grant, ui.dcr lb firm of ruling A Grunt, has been t:solv.d by liuu'aiiou. All persons indebted :u tho ubove titm will fileaee call al once nt the oid eiund und settle their aocoun'S. Mr. Giant tender, hU mni.ks lu the public fur Iho liberal p.-i'rouago extviiue 1 to the old firm in il:tir loog eoiiiinuancu iu business und hopes that ihey will exten I Ihe suuie (aironugo to the new firm of J. VV. Filling A Si'u. , T lie buMiie- hereto fore carried on by Friliog A Giatii, will bu cou'.itiued by the undersigned under the li r in ol J. W. Fi lling ' Son. nt the old aturd in Market Souaie where we icspcc:iully iuvi:e u!l to call. J. W. r RILING, . JI V. 1R1L1NG, Sunbury, Oct. R, lS'il I m I'vvo Nlru.v llo'N f l.lMt lo Le premises uf iho subsciiorr in Lrper Vy Augusta lou nsliip. iiUmt lour weeks siuce. t Va white sbouta weighing at the liu.eubout llily po .n.ds each. Tiiu onuer i requested to come fo.-uurd, wuva property, pay charge and tako Ibs'j anv. I . , . . ...I i ... ...... - ur eiso ILCV W III OO SOIU ttCCor.lll'g IO I a" . DAVID W. al A LICK. Upper Augusta twp., Oct. B, Ii3ti4.--2iu Dini-ioM I'm- 1NJJ,-Au f.s,irltuent of Piv rir lor tWi.if varies stv'ies end sise. Also, Cap, Note aud Letter Paper, Cor file ly ANNA PAINTER. Sunbury, Nov. J, 1665. " Novicn, ALL person indebted to lb trio of Fiiling A Graut.are requested tu call ut ilieoldstaud and pay up their uccouiils by th 1st of December. All accounts not paid by ihul tune, will bo placed in Ui bauds of a Justice lor collection. FKiLING A GRANT. Sunbury, Nov. i, 18S4. mXi. T II 1 1I O N I A L ! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN if you wish lo marry, add res Iho undersigned, who will tend you w.lhoul OiOi.ey sn.l without pr:. val uable iuforiuatton th .t will enable you to marry happy and spaedily, irre.-peoiive of ego, wealth or beauty. Thu inlurinalion will cost vou uothiu. nnd if you wish to marry, I will eboerlully ait yi.u AH lettors strictly oouBdiitil. 'IBs desire i ililor Batioo soul by return iuil. aud uc quesihms asked, I adereas BAKAll U. LAMUEHT, I OrwpritH lUiXSS itusry, Nr lorsl AJ0 7SiSE9 RESULTING FROM ElSOB.DEr.3 OF THK LtVElt AND DIOE8TIVE or.OAS3 Am Curod Ij II OOF LAND' 3 Gorman Bitters, TK Great Slrengilxninj rsa." Lm .w it : 9 These flitters lave performed more Cure! liar aud do On Better Satisfaction! Uuv more Testimony Have mors Respectnhle Pcoplo to Vouch for Thu ! Than any other nrticte in th market. W defy any ONE to contradict this Assertion, Al WII.I. E.iV 8IOUO To any one that will produce a Certifies. published by ui, that is not oisiui. HOOFLANDS GERMAN BITTERS. Will cure every esse of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of tne Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach. OUSERVE THE F0LL0WIN0 SYMPTOMS Resulting I rum Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Const!- . pa'hin, iLWurd Piles. Fulness or Rlood to Ihe Ilea 1, Acidity ol iho Sto mach. Nausea. Heartburn. Disgust for Fuod, FuluefSor' Weight iu the Stomach, Sour Eructution. linking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Slomacb. Swimming of the, Hurried nnd Dim cult Dreathing, Fluttering nt the Mean. Choking or Suffocating Sensations when iu a lying posture. Dim ness uf Yisii'ii. Dots or Webs before tlie bight. Fever and Dull Pain iu the lleud. Deficiency of Perspira lion, Yeiionness of the tkin and Eyes. Paiu in the Side. Hack, Chest. Limbs. Ac Sud'ien Flushesof Heat. Burning iu the Flesh, Constant Imnginlugs of Evil, and great Dcoruuion of Spirits. THAT THIS SITTERS 13 NOT ALCOHOLIC, Contains no Hum or AVlilskcy, And can't mak Drunkards, but is the Best Tonic in th World. iy Heiid WUo Nhj-9 So From the Rev. Levi 0. Deck. Tastor of tho Pip'.ist Church. Pcmberton. N. J.. formerly of the Norlh Uaptist Church, Philadelphia. ! I have know Hoofland's Germsn Hitters f.ivor.v bly for a number of years. 1 have used them in my own family, and have been so pleased with tU-ir cfTee's lhat I was induced toreoouiuictul them to ma ny others, und know that they havo operated in a strikingly beneficial manner I take great I 'ensf io in thus publicly procluiminj ti: i- fact, nnd sailing il.u attention of lliose elilicted wi'h thedtse.:se f.r much they recommended, lo these Ri ters. knowing frm experience that mv rei'oinuieiilaiioii will Le sstHiii eJ. I do this more cheerfully as'l s Litters is intended to benrfil tt alilicicd. and f. -not a ruui drink." Yours ttuly. LEVIG.LLCK. From Rct. J. Newton Drown. D. D., Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, und CLrislii.n Chronicle, Philadelphia. Although not disposed to favor or recommend ?n tent. Medicines in gcuerid. through di5tv.;sl of their ingredients and cfieels. 1 yd know of no sutBci'i.t reasons v. by a man may not testify to the ben' tits i.e believe himself lu buvs received from any simple preparation, in the hope thai he luuy thus contrihu'.s to the benefit ol othcis. I do thi" the more rcitdi'y fti regard to ilooE 'ti l i Gcriuau Litters, prepared by nr. C. M. jnek-on. of IhU city, beoause 1 was prejudiced against them tor miu v vears, under the impression that they wire chicdv an alcoholic mixture. 1 nui ii.debitd lo u.y ti-ieiid Robert Sheomnkcr, Esii., for iKc jeuiov r.1 of this prejudice by proper tests, and i-t enc.' menl lo try li. cm, when tuCeiing gr, at and long continued debility Tho usu of three boitlesof these Hitlers, ut ihe beginning of tho present yiai , was followed ly evident relief and lvatoiutloL .0 li degree of bodily and menial vigor which 1 hud noi fell for six uioiiths before, mid had almcii despaired of re-uining. I Iherofore thank Godaud my friend U dueain; to ;bo u.Cf .. jjROWJf. From the Rev. Jos. 11. Kcnnard, Tastor of th3 lOl'u liiiptist Churuh. Dr. Jackson : Dear Sir : I have been fitoiuenllv requested to connect my name with ciiiiiii' iiJu'.iciis ot dill'crelil kiiiils of uicdicines but reg'irdii'g :'iu practice as out of my u jirooria'o sphere. 1 have in all cases declined ; bul i:h a clear prooi in vmiouj instances, aud paruj'.ih'rly in my family, of tho use. iuluetsol Dr. lloollami Girmnii Hitters, I depait for once from my usual course, to cxprtti my lull eouvietion that, for general debility of tho system and especially lor Livci Complaint, it is n sale and valuable preparation. In souiu c.sus it may fill; but usuully, 1 doubt not. it v. ill b very beneficial to. thosa who sutler from the above cause. Yours, very respeotfully. J. 11. KENNARH Eighth below CuatesSlroet, Philadelphia.. From Rev Warren Raudolph, Tas'br ol" liaptiM Cbuioh. Germantown, Pcuu. Dr. C. M. Jackson : Dear Sir t Personal expe rience enables uu to suy that I regard tho German Hitters, prtpurei by you us u luosi vxcelknt ined. cine. Iu cue- of severe cold and general ilc'jility 1 have been greatly benefitted bv thu usei f the Hitters Yours, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH. Uoimuiitjwii, Pa. From Fiicv. J 11 Turner, Pastor of llodJihj M. E. Church, Piiilivlctpliia. Dr. Juckson , Dear Sir : Having od yoni fler iiian Riiters iu my family frequently I am prepared lo s iy th il it Ins boen of great service. 1 believo that in uiosl cases o! general debility ot' the a tteu. it is the safesl aud most valuable remedy of which 1 have m y kiaiwlclge. Yours, isspeollully. J. 11. Ttrr.NUR, No. 723 N. NiuciecniU tvtol. Frnmth Rev.J. M. Lyon, formerly Pastor e tha Cxlumhus N. J and Mues'.own vPn.) EaptU. Churches. Jfe Rjchc'.le, N'. Y. Dr C. M. Jjckeon; Dear Sir: I i'cl it a p'ea sure thus, ol ivy own ucco: d, t bi.;ir lesliuior.y to Ibe of tho llei ,,uM Riliurs. Sur.i yeuts .luce being much atiiic'.td iih D'rep'ia. I uted them with very benih. .ml results. re commended lo penoijs n,:evo'il by lhat tormenting disease, and have b jui I from them L wst duller, ing testimoniuls u , tu ibair grealTalue Iu cases of general dibility , I believe it to bo a ionic that ooti. nui b surpucsj J. M LYONS From th P,cv. Tho. Winter, Pastor of Boxboronjh iJuplitl Church. Pr. JtUson; Dcarir: I foci it duo to your exco!',t.ui pj-epaiaiioo. HiH'ilaud's German Hi. UT. to "!''. my iM.iuiuuy to tlie deserve-1 repuutiou il ha ioiuined. 1 have for years, at linns, becu troubled ,i:ii 'real ui-Oider in my teud and nervous s(sieni. 1 I i.n advised Iv luei.a lu uy butue et.vour tier j niuu Hiltuis, 1 ui 1 so. ui.d lav vxp rii:e,-l ; aud untxpecicd reuol ; u.y be-.ltu Lus betu veiy ! ni'i.tfiuilv OeueU.tei, i uui.lidonlly reei.mniend li e araet Muuio 1 uiuoi witu o isui sin.uur io u.y own, Md k):.vo fceon Mssttied by moiy ul ibeir g"ol etecs. .. J 1 11, -eV. ivesi'oiiuuy yuuiov i. " i., isoxiioiougb, Pa. From Rev. J. 8 Ueruian, of the Geriran Reformed Chuica, Ku.ttuwD. Hoi ks couuty, I a. Dr. C. M. Jacksou ;Uespeotd Sii : 1 l.uve been trouijed w lib Dyspepsia l.e ily luon y years, and bav never used uny Uivdicine lhalUil mens 'nuch good a Hootl.tiid's Hitters. I ma very much im proved in health, alter having tuken Uve bottles. Yours, wi.L rcsj cot, J. S. HERMAN. PRICES. Large Six (holding nwily OruMc quantiiy.) tl 00 pi'r Im i.Ui i;,.j. f, () mall Si ti eut per lli tile hail dm. l t'J REWAKE OF C T 1,'TERFH la ! See that th Signature of C M. JACKSON" Is on the Wrapper ol duU U till Sboul i your airet dr.", .,! . nut hnv tlio itrtbio. do not be put oil by any ol t ' lnti.ic .:'u.-1 . e, .u.. tior.s that may lofl'e.el I. t ' ijoe bu' v,i,l u, us. and w will birwurd, sjoui 1) p .okeJ, by xp-fs. Prinoipsl Othn and M.ui( ory, No. 'b it 1,011 Sliest, I'liiUdeltliU. f J NEi EYaNS, , - (Suceiscr to C I i ksc U.. Pi',iri t- . I V For S..1 by Di oi -u i nd bualuis In est v ! c'j iu th Unheal Si ne 1 mii, llH-l. V
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