DiUKl & . OK 1U IK H" XI CB H lb empobium; Mnrkrl Nqnni-r, Nl'.5SI ItV, IH. HA VINO just returned from Iho City with an on. . IhC licit Stock of ari;s, C'!im!riit; IV IVfttory tmtl liilli'l trtirlrw t tn Tx'iir Ti he lnvpr s h Mt I- antll puhllo poncr ill y. tn cull nml I'x.iinipp Tin- Unit" and Mo t "tin " nie nil selected fr m t',e bet iioonriin;! limis,.- in tho Eastern marl.-rt with Oil. grate-t rsre to I'ori ty nml flu'ii-nov end avel.lhi,r in intied as (ui-iaiL-Ic, llio iutroluctioii ot- ,ctei-ioi, un-urum. PATENT JitF.DICI'YES Of nil Mti'K such Ayer'. .Tavnes. Mi'fl'nt'u-V. Jtnl'imvivs. W islierls. lloolbn I". S'luld.s. Brown s fin'l fi 1 1 oilier p,ini!nr pnii.Mil it'cdieiii-".. iitwavs oil hand. HRU6f1i.v, Ilnir, Tooth, Sail, Clothe and Paint Hr'is'us. Hp. ?. i! turn Is taken to keep em baiid constantly tt.,j variety of FAINTS AND CHEMICALS, Suitable to the Ira dp. Fancy Toilet Artie'c and the .timero"!! nTlc'les vliich lire generally kept iu n well ttjiidtietL-d estab lishment. In connection with Ihc above nrtiele: ho uV. hecp on huinl ft lingo a-sortnicnt of STATION I'll V. nu ll US Paper. Envelope.. Vv. Pencils. Inks. it.1. tr? Physician prescriptions and laioity rercieK eniupnuniled with (lift grctest ueeiiracv unit dispatch, nt ALL Hol'jtS Daynr Xlgh!. Remember tho pi. ice. .Market f-riire. unJcr Iho oflije of the ' 'MiMiury juni' iii-iiii K. A. FISCHER. Sunbury, Juno 25, 1S(M. JB , ii t V.fi B V V V H IW ! fa JOHN l'-VHEIHA'S OltllXtibliNltoil Frn MANUFACTORY Jrn iani f.ii ii'i-hWA No.71SIAUCH Street, f i I w.r.i, nil above 7th., P1ULADA .' M f "- '".,V havo hot in rtore -i-4oi nivown j miorini mi J ' h. --iT ; an-l Manufacture, ono - ' :. "--j.eSFc-T rl -'of the LAKH EST and "cJ5;;-,-- x0f most BKAUXXfl't re jections of Fancy Furs. for Ladies' and Clitlilroii ". Wear in the City. Also, n fine assortment of dent's Fur Moves A Collars. A? niy Furs were all purchased when Cold was at a much lower premium than at present, I am enabled todispiwo of tlicni nt vcrv rcnsunnblo pliers, nml I woiilil therefore solicit a call from my friends of orriiuniheiliinil county, nnu vicinity. fCtf" Kcincmber tho nmne. Number and Street ! JOHN FARKIRA. 71 Arch Plrcet above 7th. south id". Fent. 10. ls4. Sm riII,AlLLl'JUA. l i l hnvo no I'nrtncr, nor connection with any tber store in Philadelphia. COAL OIL LAMPS I beg losvo to inform my friends and the public gi'iii'riilly that I hnvi commenced the manufacture if (JUAIi OIL LAMPS of every description and stylo 01 hni.'li. nt N. M S. PECOXD S: , rilTLADELrillA. M'ith my present facilities for manufiieluring. and a practical expcricneo of tUirtocu ycr.rf inthij man-iigi-iucijt ol'tlio la inp business for some of iho largcft houses in the country, I fl.ittcr myself that my expe. rionec and knowledge will enablo me to offer to the public poods not equalled by any in regard to stylo and workinausbin, and at prices conipotins with the lovest. 1 sliall always endeavor to lead in oflcrinj; to the public new and useful inventions in our line. I have elo taken the wholesale agency for the sale of UEU. YV. 13H0WN & CO'SCKMtiiRATen Mctal A. .1. WKIDKSEK, Xo. "3 S. Second at., Philadelphia. September 21. 1S151-. PENSIONS, BOUNTIES r A COLLECTED, ,Ci B- I30YF.R. Attorney at Law, is duly author 1 , ued ana Itccnsed tn collect B-iiHioaiM, Jltiinli';iiit for Uulows. Ur phans and t'uldiers. - ItVu a ill Jtarket rtrcet, oppo eito eaver s Jlotel, buiiljury, fa. January !. IStl4. ly, I'Uckim sinnii A: ItlooiiLnbm ronil. JtCllil OS and after Jau. Ifth, 1864, raSMngor Trains TOtu ran ai lollavrs : MOVISd sorai. Pafsniger. Leave S-cranton, 4.iu P. 31 Kmir-iiun, " Elocuisourj ' llupert, " l'aiiville. Arrive at Js'oribuir.beriand 6.55 V 15 0.55 MOVIXCT SORTU Learo Sorthnmberlaiid, S.liO A M " Iti'tnille, " Kupcrt. " r.looiiisburg, 41 Kingston, Arrive at Scranlou, S. 10 8.1(1 9.:i5 12.12 P.M. 1.3U Freight A Passenger leaves liljo.nsourg. 10.15 A. f.. t'aeugers taking tlio Mail 'J'rain riouth connect with the Expr" train from Xortiiuiiiberlan 1. arriv. ing nt Hamburg, ni 2..'W A. M.. lialtiiuore 7.011 A. M.. and a' Philadolphin, at 7.0U A. M. The Mail train from Sorlbuinberland loaves immediately ai'icr tho anival of the Kxpress train from JLtTliurg and Italtimore. nllon in I'a.-seugois lein iug Philadelphia at HI. It) P. M..lu reach points 011 tlild roud during the ne.si foreimoii. Scv and elegant Siaeping cars accompany tho flight trainseaeh ivav between Soriiiuiuberland mid Ualtunore, and Xor'thuiuberland and Philadelphia. 1). T. UULMI. .Sujit. LAT1STI MPR0VEMENT OF AGKI CULTUHAL IMPLEMENTS. AT HIE POITITDE "ST, of Oct ihellest (let tho Cheapets (rot tho most F.co uomie.il. which e in bo had ai the ltohrbach Foundry. ll n nig a Inr re a-v,riinent of Hie most approved FiO KS. su.-h as tVokiug, Parlor. Oub a au.l Miop H u ts, wbieii will bo sold lit ilu ln. H ra(e. Also. IveHles ol'all ies, pain. Skill. -N. ,vu. Th-y aro alto iiiamifactiiriug .Machinery, rimigln Costin.-, f e., at short notice. Rop i'n i r 1;!! kmdf ,,f Agricultural Implements di.uc la a g.md Woikmaulikd iiiuinier uud at the " ulioK.t niucu. All ariielc shipped as ordered. Orders rcsroct full tolii-ited uud promptly anooded t.. ItUllHUACll A COOPER. t S- Old Iron, and all kinds of Produco tnkon in t.xi-.Kioge fur Mink. Kunbury, Juno IS, 1WL tf . a LzscTuun to -2-otj:lto 3vnE3sr Just pubUWuJ iu a FeaeJ Envelope. Price ix cettt.t. A Lecture on tho Nature. Treatment and Radical Pure ot Spermatorrhea or Sf uiinal Weakness, Invol untary Euiissi'iiis, Sexual Debility, and impediments to Murriage generally XerwMisness. Cou.-uuiptiu Epilepsy, uud Fits ; lleutal and Physical incapaci ty, resulting from Self-Abuse. .. Jtv ltnLEIt T J C11.V1.1U J-.J.L, M. V., Author ot the ' ir,.ca U'kik," Ao. Tho world renowned author, in this admirable Le turo, clearly proves from his owu experience that th. awlul coiise((ueiicoorSelf-Abuo may bu elf.Diu- ally removed wuh.iut nicdicino. and i.iilioui dan 'er- bus surgical oieraiiui;s. boogies, io-tnio'cits or cordials. TK,i,iting out 11 miloofeureat onec turn and cMeotual. l.y which every suth rer. iu, r.at- tcrnbat 1 eoi.diiii.n may be.'uo'.y euro l,iiu.ir S in?ilJ,.v!.rv'"'l'- "n l '"'lio'illv. 'i ll IS Li t.'- 1 vi. t r''. VJVK A TO TliOl .SAX!.-, AM T110 1 ,. . ls. teut undei seal, to anv n.l lroo ;., . . 1..: 1.1 nv,.ir,r... ...7 : . . 1 WH iiiu rect'liuoi ul srx C.'lit-.w.r twu ugo etumps, by addre 11,,. ,,i.i,.i,... . J o,t Oct. 15, Idol. J , Jo E. C. GQBI1T, Attorney nml 'o.ittH, tP n, i,,uv. uamuajjuuu, 1'JtiKN'A. Win carefully i,u,.,l to eoll ii,., ,! K,i .7i!,.,.'.'V';r 'v1'",;'" tr,r?-U 1 l" '' th.cua.Uie. i Oct. 1j, lb.il.- ly ' "uj all, I iii,7 JJ, II. ( or.,,, l-ra,,!-,,,, i NEW -ORK. rpiIIS first i-lns. H.,Uso-the most quiet, hoineliko X and pleasant Hot I in th .;liv- .Ters i.Vit.-iudm.em.-nti to liim, Xew'York tor bu.iue or plciiKor.1. it i eeninil in i r . . Ih.E. u.i,..:i v l. ;. ' . "HUP bALoo, where refreshment, ouu b. hud all bou-s T sei ved iu tlivlr own roouw. The ehai go are iu"0! tleri.lo, the roMe hii ! am u lui.ce of tho fir.t order lu:u. and .11 lie uioJuj ciiiiiUbw atiacheii . hu J lt-1. U. S. J-30 L0AN. Tho Sccrolary of theTroamry give! notice thnt mhrcrlpllons Will he received for Coupon Treasury Holen, pnyablo threo ycari from August 15lh 38C1, with romt-annual Inlercstnt the rate of even and Ihrcc-tenllu per cent, per annum, principal and interest both lobe pcid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at tho option of tho holder nt maturity. Into six per cent, gold bear ing bonds, payable not less than flro nor more thn twenty years from llieirdato, as the jrovcmiiio"t may elect. They will he Issued tn dennniination of tM, t ion, $5iin. $1,00(1 and $5,000, and all aulxcriptions must bo for fifty dollara or omo multiple of filly dollars. The note.' will he transmitted to the owners free of trnu-portntion charges as soon after tho receipt of tho original Certificate! of Deposit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August l.'i, persons making deposts subsequent to that data must pay the interest accrued from dato of noto to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any 0110 time will bo rllowcd a commission (if one-f(unrterof one per cent., which will be paid by tho Treasury Department upon the receipt of n bill for tho amount, certified to by the officer with whom tho deposit was made. X deduct iens for coi.'mi .-ions must bo ui.ide, from tho deposits. (Sjoc"al Atr:ni!r:s'esi of lliln IjrtR. It 13 A Xatiosai. Savings! Mask, offering a high er rate of interest than any other, mid tht ln t nrrv. riry. Any savings hank v. hirifpays ilj depositors in Sbtes, considers thnt it is paying in Iho best circulating medium of tho country, and it r-rmiot iy in anything better, fui ils own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable, in government paper. It is equally convenient n n temporary or perma nent investment. Tho notes can iibvays bo sold fo" within a fraction of their faeo and accumulated into re-t, end are tho best security wilh banks in colbi' terals for discounts. COXYLRTIULE ISTO A SIX PF.il CEXT 5-20 (SOLD 110XD. In addition to the very liberal interest on tho notes for thrccjyenrs, this privilejo of conversion is now. worth about three per cent, per annum, fur the curt rent rate for 5-20 Ponds is not lesj than vine per ci.Ht. yrnuiitin, and before tho war tho premium on six percent. V. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, nt thepresen'. ninrkol rate, is not less than ten per cent per annum. ITS EXEMPTION FF.OM PTATE OR MUXICI- PAL TAXATION. Tlul aside from all tho advantages we haec cnuin eralcd. n special Ajt of Congress exempt nil lomh and Trtiniini itottft from loeul taxutiou. On tho average, this exemption is worlh nbout two per cent per annum, according to tho rnto of taxation in vari ous parts of the country. It is believe I that no securities c.Tjr so great In diiccmauts to lenders as thoso issued by tho govern. mcnl. In til! other form" of indebtedness. Iho faith and ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate communities, ouly, is pledged for f ayment whilo the whole property of tho country is held o secure tho discharge, of all the obligations of tho United States. AVliilo the government offers the most liberal terms fir ils loans, it believes that tho very strongest appeal will bo to tho loyalty and patriotism of tho people Duplicate eertiflcuteswill bo issued fur nil depo-its 1:10 puny iiopi-suij.fc li.usi CTinorso upon ItiDoi ir;! at certificate tho denominations of notes required and whether they aro to be issued in idanU or pnya- bio to order. When so endorsed it must he left with the officer receiving tho deposit, to be forwarded to the .treasury Department. Subscriptions will bo received by tho Treasurer of tho I oiled states, at Washington, tho several As, s':.-t,mt TroasurcM and designated Depositaries, and by tho ' l'irt Nation::! I!:itiU of .Mil toil, Ami by alt National JSjiiiUm rl,ieh nro depositaries of Public money, and all nnsri:cTAci.E hanks and haxkeiis throughout tho country, (acting as agents of tho Xa tional Depository Banks.) will furnUh furilier infor mation on applicatiou and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. . August 1.1, 1SG4. . IutU i:asl-Iiilia Coilcc Co. DEPOT: IBS Reado Street, Xcw York. The above Company nre known all over tho world as the owners otitic t'otiee Plantations of Java and llata in in the Dutch East Indie s, and are the largest luonopoli.ers of t'olleo on the Olobo. Tho undersigned (who is appointed their solo Ageui in tho L ulled Mules and in the UritMi Colo nies; will have for sale three dili'erent kinds of Cof fee, which, for regularity of grado und eueupucsj of price, will defy competition. Our Datavia Cotleo'' never bejeo intro,lueed in this Country, but extensively used in the Annies and Navies o!' Europe, and richly valued, will bo put up lit prices to reach all consumers, mid our Extra Java will be tho .Magnum Donuni Cofieo of the age. We w ill have, for accommodation of tlroecrs, Fa milies, and (loverniiieiit Contractors, samples (dry, und drawn) for testing. Orders solicite.l. On receipt of cn;h, cofiVc proii.pt ly forwarded us directed. A. LIPP.MAX, 103 Reado Street. New York. i;otu Agent. Jj. E. I. C Co. July 2'1, I80I. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. SWALLOW moor three hog-heads of 'lliuhu." Touio liitlers,'' iarsapauiU," "Xervous An ttdotc," Av.. Ac., io., 1111 1 after vou are s.ili-ile l with t hu result, and onubox f t'Old'l'R. DL t'll AX'i Engli. h Specilio l'llle and bo rrstoi.d In hctilli and vigor iu less than thiily days. They aro purely ve getable, pleasant to take." prompt and salutary iu llu ir etiects on the broken down and shauoicd con stitution. Old and young can take them with ad vantage. Juiji.irieJ i'lil sold in the 1 nit.-d Stuus only by l AS. S. lil 'J LEU, No. 127 Proud. vay. Xew York. liir Agent for the I "idled Mates. P. S. A Box 01 tho Pills, securely packed, will bo mailed to any address on receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, postpaid ! money refuuded by the Agent if entire suibfuction is nut given. Scpr. 10, 1sCl..!iu Uuisliiiigloii House, NORTHL.M11ERLAXD, PEXXSVLVAXIA, (A,r the UriJgr.) rpiIE subscriber having leased this well known L Tavern Slaud, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Uruwn, re-pi ellally intoi ius the public thai he is refining und repairing the premises, and will bo prepared to en teriuiu, in u eoinionablo mai.uer, bis nuiuerous friends throughout Iba eounlv, and all ho may pati,.ni.:c l,is e.-iabli.-huieut. ,M- ' JOSEPH VANKIl'K. ' ICE CIIEAM FIlEEZEirS. A Xew supply of MissKn'a I'ive-Mi.stte FutE ri:i:s. re.-eive l from New York, for sale htr oiiiihury. .May SI, 01. JI. It. MASSER. SUSQUEHANNA FEMAI J?4 C O L L E G E, ME:j..M.:r.oys:, ssotL-r vo ia. r pi:1; Kaii : U Of this losl itlllif.il e,.i.,,iinf.(.rf An i. -u 111 1, SLAV, AIML'ST lhlb. Tho Winter .-.r.-iou eninn ntuoi .November. 'I KK. MS I'Lit sixsiox OF 13 AVEEICS : For Hoarding, Wo.-hing, Furni.hcd Room. Fuel an I Li .--lit. and Tullioa in all tho regular itudie! of tbf t' -lli "iato Deprrli.itnt, only i'jj ti. A Lbi-r ..I I nduction made iu favor of tho Daughter! i .- 'ioiein. For fui I'utr particulrn, or Circulars, apply to ... , S. DO.MLR, iViucij: iptl, 'v, lugun o, IBOl. -JUHW. JACOB HAIlLEy, Fiteertsor to Staufftr o Utirlty) X'o. r.23 -MARKET gtroet, riilLADELPHIA. DEALER iu Fine (iold and HiUer WATtlUFS . iiueUuld JEWELRY; iiolid SILVER-WAKE, und lue best ..f StL r ll-l'LATED-WARE. L'on ntBiitly on baud a large aortiuent of the abova ood at low prices. Watch. od Fine Cloeki, Repaire.1, by .kilful workmen; .lu,jBweIry repairing; Engraving and all kni ts or iluir-nork I oidar, al short notice. .J,i'XV!''!s?t,U oH ,U"J Juket !iii't, iul.,elbbia. I'rpt I. 141 - 4m Tub peculiar tnint or Infection which wa 'call ScnoFi'LA lurlci in the constitntiona of multitudes of men. It either prodiicci or is produced by nn cn- - i'eclded, vitiated atnto of tho Mood, wiicrcin 4l.,ti1 liooninn. in- "n'cl A A. . ....,.!m ,.:ompoicni. in bumoii. l"',i.n;i,,l f,, roes In their -M..l-.....ti nnimn. anil tAVS-lcnvcs tlio eystom to full into disorder nna deenr. The scroftilousi contnnnnntlon is va riously caused 1y mercurinl disease, low living, disordered (lipestion from unhealthy food, impure, nir, lth and lllthy linbits, tho depressing vices, and, above nil, !y the" venereal infenlion. Whtitcvcr ho its origin, it is hereditary in tho constitution, descending "from parents to children unto tho third and fourth penerntion i " indeed, it seems to bo the rod of Him who fays, " I will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon tlieir children." Tho diseases it orifrinntes tnko various nnnies, Hceording to the orgims it nttneks. In the luno;s, Scrofula produces tubercles, jind finnlly Consumption; in tho pinnds, swellings which suppurate and lic como ulcerous sores; in tho stomachy and lxiwels, derangements which prodtico itnli pestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous nllections. These, all having the same origin, require tho same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion of tho blood, ruril'y tho blood, nnd tlieso dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that "life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. . Ayor'a Sarsaparilla is compounded front tho most effectual anti dotes tlint medical science hits discovered for Ibis nflliet'me distemper, und for the cure of tho disorders it entails. That it is fir supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, is. known by nil who have given it a trial. That it docs combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class cf complaint, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases: King's Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Cough3 from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Nouralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole aeries of complaints that arise from impurity cf tho blood. Minute reports of individual cases mny be found in Ayku's Asikmcax Almanac, which in furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo ' learned the directions fur its u.-e, and some of tho remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases nre purposely taken from nil sections of the country, in order that every render mny have access to fomo one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. fSevufula dt presses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than arc healthy constitutions. I It-nee it ends to shorten, nnd dees greatly shorten, be nvcrairo duration of human life. Tho vast importance of these considerations hns led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its c ure. This wo now ofl'er to the public under tho name of Ayku's KATt.SAPAUii.LA, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best cf Sarsaparilla in alterative power, lly its aid you may protect yourself from the sutl'er inp; and. danger of these disorders, l'urgo out the foul corruptions tlitit rot ami fes'ter in tho blood, purge out tho causes of dbio.sc, and vigorous health will follow, lly its pecu liar virtues this remedy stiinula'i-'s the vital functions, nnd thus expels I'm distempers which lurk within the tjs'.eiu or burst out on nny part of it. We know the public, have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparitltt, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither bo deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virruct, have been proven by abun dant trial, anil thero remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of tho alllicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than nny other which has ever becu available to them. AVER'S CIIERUY PECTORAL, Tho World's Great Eorrcdy for Coughs, Colds, Incipiont Con sumption, and for tho relief of Conpumptive patients in Advanced btuges of tho disease This has been so long used and so uni versally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever lias been, and that it limy bo relied on to do till it has ever done. Prepared by ). J. C. Ayf.r & Co., Practical and Analytical t 'hernials, Lowell. Mass. Sold by all druggists every where. Sold by Friling A (.rant. .Sunbury, It, ii. 3leC.iv, iNurthuuibcrluiid, Anroii Karru'l, l.lvshurg, W. It. Kutr.ner. .''hiiuiokln, J. 1. Ilngue. Win.-, ml,, hii, And by alt d. nlirs iu Medicines everywhere. Auguit'l:), lMH. ly SOLIDIFIED EHITTAL CHEAtrT, I'or 4'!eiiusiiij', W iit"jii- and , ! 'I r.ll'II;' This nrlieluis prepared with the greatest euro upon scientific principle, and wuriante l nut to eoni iiu un.Uhiii iu the slightest decree deleterious to tho teeth or kuius. tjuuic ofnur nio.-t eiuinent Dental sjorifeous have Riven their sanction to. mid cheerful ly recommend it as a preparation of uperior utili ties tlir e-leausiuir, wliitt.niiiif Mild preserving tiie 'IKKI'II. It eleaus them readily, renilerin lueni beautifully white and pearly, v.'ilhout the lightest injury to tho cnninel. It is healing to thu guuis where they aro ulcerated and sore. It is also uu ex cellent disinlcelor for old decayed toeth, which uro often exceedingly oflensivo. It (,'ives a rich cfe-auiy taste to tho inouth.clcun-.inB it ihorounhly, aud im. prliui a dclinhtful l'rarauco to the breath. PlthPUiKD ONLY JJY A. HAW I, K V etf CO.. X. W. Cor. litth., A J.uuibanl Wis., Philadelphia And nold by all Druggists. P1UC Ii 25 CL.N Xa. TESTIMONIALS. Tho following opiuiuii oI'Dr. VYuito. as to tho hih esteem in w hich he holds tho Deutiil t'rcain, lout bo suflieient evidence of its value ; to ijuotc other lesti. inonials iu detail is uoidlcbj, conieuttug uurselves by simply giving the names and addresses of pel sous who speak uf its excellency forlhe teeth. Philadelphia, April 1 illi, l.t3. llurinj! carefully examined A. lluwlev's "Solidi. fled Dental IVeiiiii,' 1 hereby cheerfully recom mend it to the public ireuerally. It is au oxcellcut prep.iruiiuu tor cleansing uud preserving tho teeth, ao-l can bu u--ed Ly all persons with the utmost ei.u tiileia-u, us us pioperties ure perfectly harmless. Do. sides preserving llio lecili, it proiuotti a healthy action to the guuis, und iuipurU a pleatautues to tho breath. Dr. W. R. U1I1TK, 1203 Arch St. Thomas Ingram, il. D . Demist, 4'JtJS. i'ourth bt. J. Uiikey, 211 ii. Sixih St. K. Vuiider.dice, .Surgeon Dentist, 425 Arch St. (;. A. Kiuibury, Dentist, 11111 Walnut St. S. Dillingham, D D. !.. 7iM Arch St. V. -1. Dixou, h2f Arch ri. Kdivard Towusend, Dcnltt, 42rtX. Fourth St. L. 11. Dorphlcv, Dentist, KU7 . Tenth tit. M. h. Luug. D'entist, 02'J N. sixth St. ' May 2H, faeii. ly m ETTEr. OF ADVICE FOB LADIES 1IVE ANATOMICAL EXGRAXIXUS. Ilu iuforiuatiou never before publictttd. Kent FHE iu i Sealed envelope for I K cents. Addra Dr. STANFORD, Em Hp 4,052. New York P. 0. juiy v, loo am , F O It SAL E . A l'rnc4i 'l'ibiT I .nnd, bolow Trcv orlou bridge, oonlaiuicu about Wu inrm. l',.,r,il,. ipuruculars apply (o ury.Auxia.l -t. D J' F tU- rv m a . -j 18(11. KMiiln1clilila Ac I'.rte ltnllrond. fTHl IS (?"" ''no Irnvursos tho Xorfhorn and North I west counties, of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie On I.t.ke Lrio. ll hns been leased liy ttia 1'ennsylvama limirona Company and li operated by them. lis entire lengin wnp openeu lor pnnsungur frehrht business, Ootobur 17th, ltffi4 liuio ot l'assonger trains at nunoury, Leave Eastward. Through Mail Train, , 9. 05 P. M. I'linlrn Kxpress Train, 11.45 Lock Unvon Accommodation, 10.40 A. M. Leave Westward. Through Mall Train 3.30 A.M.' Khnira Kxpross Train, 6.17 " L"i k Haven Accommodation, - 4.25 P. M. Willianisport Accommodation, 1 1 .36 " Cars run thrmiKh without change, both wayi, be tween riiilnilclplna anu r.ne Klcgant (Mee d., Cars on Express Trains both wavs between Willinmsport and Baltimore, and Wliliniusnort and Philadelphia ' For information respecting Passenger business apply nt till ami .Murkct rt. Aud for I'reiirht business ol the Company ud for Kreight business of the Company's Agents, H. II. Kingslun, Jr.. Cor. 13th and Market St rhilndelphiii. J. W. Hevnolds. Krle. J. M. l'rill, Agent N. C. R. P.., Baltimore II. II. HoesTox, tii-n l 1'reight Agt. rhilada. II. W. (iWlSNEB, tlen'l Ticket Aft'!., Philnda. Joski'H 1. Potts, . Uun'l Manager, Willinmsport, Nov. 3, m. Ladies and .Children's Hats. Latest styles at CUARLKS OAKFOUK k S0XS, Continentid Hotel, Philadelphia. Kov. 12, 1M. ."m tiKutiGK IIili., Simox T. Wol.vunTox. HILL & WOLVERTON. Allornrys and t'oiiiisu'lorx Nt l.nvv. Office. Murkct street, cor. Centre Alley, (SXTrJBXJ.tT."5r, WILL ill tend prompt ley to the collect ion of claims nn I all nlli'T pr.'fi'siiiinnl buinri intrusted to thiMrcnro in Northutultt.rInnd andndjoining counties. Sunbury, Jnmniry 2.'!, 1SH2. AN INTERESTING HISTORY TH. SCHENX'S OWN CASE. WHILE LAIlOHIXd I'XDKR COXSl'MPTIOX And how his Pulnuuiic Pyrup, Seaweed Tonic,' and Mnndriiko Pills act on the System iu Curing that liiscasc, and the tirrat Siicci'ss AUesulin It! The above is a correct likeness of Dr. Sehenk taken ninny years ago, after lie had recovered from Con. sumption; by a coivrso of his ".Selicnk's Pulmonio Fyrup."' Tho liVccncss, although it does not repre sent hitu any'.hing like a3 bad as ho wnsat the worst, yet it is in strong contrast with the hulo and vigorous looksol'lhe Portrait below, whleh is tho true like ness of him nt present time. Tho contrast between these two portraits is so great thnt many would not Kulifiv-A tlii.tn ti lm thn cnn noriin Vet thfirrt nrn . . , - . , i m i i i hundreds of persons, ill and around Philadelphia, who will recognise both pnrtrnits to bo true rcpresen- lations. hen tho f.rst wns taken ho weighed 107 pijunds ; at the present time his weight Is 220 pounds &f L 1 '4rf .m. 9 New Yokk, Wednesday, March 30, 180-1. TO THE PCBLIC. Thirty years ago I was in the last stages of Pul moii'iry CoiiMimption, and Riven up to dio. I resided in Philadelphia, and Dr. .Joseph I'arrish. then of this city, ordered me to More-town, N. J.', a distance of nine miles which took mo two duvs to get there. On my arrival 1 was put to bed. and There t!,l H.r weeks. This was niy nativo place, where all my family lived and had died of Consumption. Dr. , Thornton, who attended my father in his last illness, ; was culled, and guvo me one week to fix up my af-' fairs. Ilu had seen all n;y family go that way. and ! thought I was to go, too 'Then 1 heard of tho rem 1 dies 1 now otl'ii 'tu iho puhlui, tvhich cured ine. It1 ; (coined to mo that ' could fevl Iheui penetrating my i wlmle Jyleii1 j They soon ripened the uialter on i:iv lungs, and I : would spit otliiiorjil.au a piut of oileuaive yellow ! matter every inoruiin. As soon us that began to subside, my euuh, fever, pain, night sweatsall ' betin to leave me, and niv uppeliie became so great that it bus with dilliailty I could keep from catiug lou much. 1 mh.ii ga.ncd mystrcngiu audi havo ' i been growing in ilesh ever sinoo. fur many years j I havu enjoyed uninterrupted good health, keeping ; the liver und .touiaeh healthy with tho ieaweed To- , nic and M.-nidiuk.i Pills, us 1 am of a billions temper. : 1 uiiienl. My weight is Iho hundred and twenty ; pounds tin my recovery people would send for ma : tar und near, to see if Their eases u-..r.. liL-.. ........ tor this purpotf I pay pi -ofuwionul visits iu the lurgo ' cities. Thccoiisiuiipiives widi to see the one that mukes thoso ludliciues, and who was cured of con- I sumption by lliciu. 'Ju make new lungs it imposi-' ble; but cavities in tho lungs und chronio ulcera tions ot tho bronchial tubes cnu ba healed Such, case arc dying hourly under the ordiuuy treatment i ot pbysieiuns. mid just such are cured by Iho proper ' Usv ot'.Sebel.k's Puluiuuiu Svrun. s:,i I 'l'...,i aud Muudrukc PiiU. ' I aui now a licnlthv Ili Oil. Tilth ft iHrrvn oni'itn in thfl ini lilt. . l, I... lkt iI.m ri.ri.i , .iT l n . . "ueh I, tttdaud VZSl ouSir. ?j?!t.r ! to heotiu lever, and, by so duiug, they derunge tho wholo digestive h)cis, locking up th ioeretions and eventually the patient ciuks aud dies. Alter I make u cart tul examination of the patient with Ilia Rcspii' meter, und find lungs euough left to cure, I direct tho patient how to u.-o iho three remedies. Remove tho causu and they will all stop of thoir owu accord. No ouu cau bo cured of cuusumptiuD, livor couipluint, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcerated throat, miles, tl-o liver uud stomach aro made heal thy. In New Engluiid this canker chrouio catarrh, ulcerated throat, elongation ut uvula, ii mora prevu. lent Ibnn in any other section of the eouutry. This is treejueutly caused by a tout itouiath. ou may burn it out with causliu time and again, and all their will get is le-mporary relief. Corrout the itouiar'u and liver, aud they will h.cul up themselves. flood nutrition is tho remedy. If you have anv disease iu any part of the body, it will remain there ud decay more and more until you cuu got the sto- " 'ia o uigMi iooa ana make blood to take the iduce of diseased maiiu. r e new This is the only wuy to heul cuvities iu the lungs and ulcer ated bronchial tubes. Correct the iloiuach and liver and nature will do the healing. Many persoui have u meu luai eeriain meuiciues are great purilicn of ineuiixHi iviienuood is once diseased it cannot 1 be purified ; it is diseased the same as the diseased matter in the system ; but get the apparatus in or der, the liver aud stomach, and give it plenty of nourishing food it will umke new blood, which will tuke the plaoo id that which Is diseased Scheok's P -liuonio syrup is ou of the best wren. rations of Jr a ue, it is powerful Uinio of iimII, Sbd Mhes . tveed lotiie slisMhee the wieus W:(irw-??tHv "tSeS?Ss V r'-'. - ??fz& the utoiinaeh, and li It carried pofl off by tti tbt Mandrak Pills, th Pulmonto t-yrup la made Into blood. Thii Is the 6nly way to cure consumption. If I cannot get a good appetite, and food does nut diireit. I cannot cure the natient Never mind the cough; remove the cause and will itop of Itself. This is the most trouble I have with my patients at my rooms. They say, "Doctor, I feel itrnnger; I can eat ; my night sweats are better, and I feel bet ter every way; but my cough is fo bad yet;" and they are astonished to hear me lay that doct not matter; remove tho cause and the cough will s;op of Itself. s Kchenk'i Seaweed creates a good appetite In abont nine days, when there is no lung disease unless the liver is so congested that the Mnndrnke Pills cannot unlock tho ducts of tho gall bladder in that short space nf time, tn order to allow the stale bile to pass off. Keep the liver and stomach healthy and there Is less danger of consumption or any other disease. It Is hard to take cold when those organs are henllliv. Those that are bilious, low-spirited, I dreary, feeling stupid, coated tonguo, poor appetite, ""J?- ?"hln2j1' fL, "J e ,!L",h?."Jv!.' wvTiviV '"mSuaKK Ml fi I lijh stomach lull ot wind, everything mat, is trv one Dot tie ot , and one box of LS. It la only a cost of one rioliar and twenty-five cents, with lull ut. rootions. This Is sufficient, in many casei, to satis, fy what tho medioincs aro. Frequently ono bottle makes a irrcat chnniro In tho svstein. Anv ncrson that enjoys ordinary health, by using the Seaweed Tonie and Mandrake rills occasionally, must iret the digestive orgnns in such a iienlthy condition that tncy oecomo ncsny, x can produce a number o. my old consumptives patients now enjoying good hi health. weighing nearly. 200 founds. I will conclude bv relating three cures I have made in New York, and which are all different, and wish any one who feels an Interest in the mnttcrto visit them. First ia Mrs. Fiirlow, residing then at No. IOi Houston street Her hushan'd called npon mo at my rooms. 32 Bond street and wished me to call and see her. Ho said I could do no irood : that he had had ail the best mcifical attendance, and all said she was too fur gone with Consumption to be cured ; bnt she had heard of some great jurcs I had made, and ho desired to gratify Iter vTi'hcs, 1 culled, and found her lying confined to her bed in tho last stage of lironc'oiu! oe.""m'ltion and without doubt must nn. 0 cd soon. I examin ed her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very UiiiC.'' affected, but no cavities hnd formed, tier cough was very severe, tho spit-box was half full of thick pus. Pulse 140, leg swollen very much ; and worse thnn all. shehud chronio diarrhoea. Her bowels hnd been moved cluven times that day. told her that sho had lungs anoughtobe cured, but that this diarrhoea hnd been of long standing, and her stomach wns in such a ulcerated condition that I was afrnid nothing could bo done. Sho iusisted I should try and do what I could for her. observing that sho could not last long in tho condition she wits in, aud I could not miike her any worse. 1 gave her first a dose of my Mnndrnke Pills, and tho tonic nnd .'yrup freely. 1 lint wns on Tuesday, nnd by the noxt sundny the diarrhaa wns carried olf, her appetito hnd returned and she could sit up in bed nnd cat her dinner. Sho is mm well, and g ivo a long certificate, certified to by the llcv. Dr Downing. Sirs. Bartholomew, 83 West Forty-fifth street, emtio to niy rooms with a tuninr on her liver. .Nho was low .spirited, skiu sallow, tonguo coated, bowels costive, no appetite, and lust smiting into Iho grave. The said tumor had been running over fourteen yenrs. I gnc her Syrup. Tonic and Pills, and told her totake them just as iho directions were printed. Siic conic buck to my rooms, 32 Bond street in two weeks, somew hat belter ; her tonguo hud begunj to vieuu a nine iiroumi me euges. ner skiu niter una her eyes brighter and the tumor discharging very offensive matter, much faster than it hud ev.-rdoue before. She kept grnduiilly improving, and in about two months she cuitie to my rotuns ver3'inuxh l'riglit ciicd, suying that the tumor hud ncruly stopped running, and was henling up. and that every doetor hnd told her that if it ever honied it would cause her death. 1 told her ihut the disivise had all tell her system, and nature would heul ti e ulcer up. They arc now hei.led. nnd have been for about a year ami shu is a he-arty and robust a woman u you will' find ina days wiilk. She is glad for any one to ettll uu her. and' takes great puins to visit any ono thnt sho hears hns nnything like her enso, and tries to get tliem to eoiue uud see inc. Tho next ease ia Miss cotictd, from Stamford, Conu.. Mrs. Bartholomew got her iluwu to see lue. ami she has been cicr since at her house. W hen she first c.mie to niy rooms, sho wns luuch eiiiuciuted with a disire-ssing cough, spit ting largo qunntitite of blood. 1 examined her lungs witti tho rcspirouicter, and iu all luy practice never found one w ith one lung so fur gone and tho other lung so sound. I could nut givo much encourage ment. 1 thought she would die ; but to my aston ishment tho Pulmouic Syrup, Seaweed Toiiic. und Mandrake Pills all seemed to go right to work, tho lung is nil hcnled over, luaviug a cavity as largo us a gooso egg; good nnpetite, Ouu spirits', met has giiiued soiue thirty-five pounds iu we i;'lit. She has i oiiie L'(iiub vet, wlik-h 1 Uo not tniitk will Icnve her x ehoula tlliuk it wou,a (, ( gret ! interest to sumo uii'r.-iu.liced physician to visit Ihcse ; ciises. particularly Miss SeoUeld, or any ut tbciu who Have liccn cured hy my medicines. I Iicy arc nuui- erous iu New York : but tho nbuvo threo alt dill' from euch other; and if my medicines arc doing what 1 represent they aro, they should have the credit and tho allliulcd know where uud how they may bo cured. J. H. .SCI1ENK, M. D. Dr. J. II. Schcr.k can be found ut the principal office, No. 31) North fiih Street. Philadelphia, every Saturday, from V A. M. until 5 P. M., to give advice frcu of charge' ; but torn through examination lie churges threo dollars. Priecoflhu Pulmonic Syrup uud Seaweed Tonic each 1 21 per bottle, or $ the half dozen. M.n.drake Pills 21 e. nt per bu;:,l. I is for sale hy all Druggist j und Dealers. May 11, 1SI.4. ly Northern Central iiailwuy ! si'.ti.Mi-.iE xstii: 'iMLa-Ji.a:. H1KEE TRAINS DAILY to und froin llultlmorc and Washington city. Connections mailji with trains on Pennsy.vai.ii P.ailroad. to aud lr..ra Pittsburg and tho W est. TURKU TRAINS DALY to aud from the-Norih and West llraneh Siisuehanua, L I mini, and ull of North ern New Y'ork. O.N and alter MONDAY. MAY loih, D'l. tho Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrivo at and deirt from Suiibury, llurrisburg and ISaltiwore as follows, vu : SOU X 11 W A 11 D . Mail Train leaves Suubury daily (except Sundiiy). ID 25 A. M. " leaves li:irrUhurg. 1 I'll P. M . . arrives at Italiiuiore, 5 4U Expcts Traiu leaves Suubury do'ly (e.veeiil Sundav.) II 45 P.M. i leaves liarri.-burg (except' ivioi.uay.) i ii glaives at linltimors daily except Monday). 7 50 A. ill 00 A.M. Harrishtirg AcCi.u."u'oa;lUun 'caves Harris- ' burg. , 0 . 7 C9 A.M. Eunbury Accommodnii 'cares Sunoitry daily (except Sundsy, t 7 AO A M NOKTHVi'ATD. Mail Train lcnv..s lialtiuioro daily (cr ept itiiduy) " leave, llurrisburg " arrives at Sunbury, Express Train leave.: lialiiuiore daily " arrives f t llarri.burg, " leave, llurrisburg (i uept Mur.duy), " ap ives ut "Sunburv. i.9 at a. i as p. 4 t,'- 9 W '. 1 id A 15 A. 53 llarjisburg Aoeo Jimudatiuii leaves Harris burg, daily i except Sunday) at 3 00 P M arrives ut Jiiirrii-burg, 7 50 V M Sunbury Aceou-ojudution leaves llurris burg daily (except Suuday) al 4 00 ? M Eur further information apply at tho Ofiii'i . I. N. DvllARUV. Uen. Su?t. llurrisburg, June 4 Sti4. CELKI5UATED PlsEPAliED COFFEE W A It ft A N T E D SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. IT is used by first class families everywhere, and highly reouminended for nervous and dyspeptio ptTi-ous, uuinB very uuimuoua ana iroo iroiu h M? 'oS"!V of which I hav persous, being very nuitritioua anil free troiu all : a ,rui dracTrar mua Put up only by l.l'-tVlM A. OSUOK-V, Wholesuie Dcpqt, C9 Warren it. Mir York. May 7, ltitU. THE RED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. Boul ton's.) MARKET BTBEET. BUNBUBY, PA. JULIUS ARBITER, HAS taken this old and well kuown stand, and refitted aud furnished the same is prepared to aocodiuiodate Boarders and Travelers with the best the market cau atlord. He hopes by strict attention tc business to receive a share of publio patronage. His TABLE ountuiiis the best themuiket adurds. His Bar is filled w ilk the choicest of Liquors, both Malt and Spirituous. 'I I,. l.i ; .... ... 1 1 ....... e.. r..i i u tw.,wg uw, ... buuw vj uutn.. 0s'l,jrf- . B.. , . Duuuurji Ajprti w, loot. HOWARD ASSOCIATION,"" rUILADELPJUA, PA. DltK-nMCM tlli ,Tu, Nrmlual, I r I nary uud rJirs.mil t l-m. new aud reliable treatment in reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION sent by mail in saled letter envelopes, free of cuorgo. Address Dr. J. SK1L LIN llOl'tiU TON, Howard Association, No. il tt-iuth Niulb Mr set, I'hiiodelrhla, Pa. Jaly 1, 18M-ly i I I it. n. !tiAsr.n. Attorney nt l.nn . VNHL'KT, PA. Collections attended to iile eoimttes of Nor thumberland, Union, Bnydcr, Montour, Columbia and LfcoDiing. BRFBrKNCkS. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. O. Oattell Co., " Hon. Wm. A. Porter, " Morton McMichaol, Lsq., ' E. Ketchnm A Co., 2HW Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashntead. Attorney ct Law, " Matthcwi A Cox, Attorneys at Law, Sunbury, Mnrch 2tt, IW.2. Cm-A.a' &C DIETZI LOWER WHAHP, SUNBURY, PA. WllOLKSALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITE ASH COAL, in every variety, Orders solicited and filled with promptness and despatch. Buubury, aiay iu, I8ti:i. iy C3-. "W". HAUPT, Allonicy nml Counsellor nt I,niv, Office on south side nf Market street, foflt doors west nf K. Y. Bright 4 Son s Store, 8TJNBTJBY. FA. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his enre, the collection ot Claims in Northumberland nnd tho adjoining counties. Sunbury, May 23, 1S63. ly I'or ICn tsi.ll !-, ICoim'Iicm, Aiilw, ltl E1ug,:lolliM in I'urM, IVoolriiM.&t'., ItitMM't on IMiintw, l'owl, Animals., Put up In 2m, Mo. and $1 00 Boxes, Bottles and Flasks. $3 aud $5 sizes for Hotels, Public lnstitu tions, Ac. "Only infallible remedies known." 'Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family," 'Huts come out of their holes to die." Ijjp-Pold Wholesale in all Inrge cities. Sold by all druggists and Retailers everywhere ! I ! I'.kwaiik '. I '. of all worthless imitations. Sec that "Costar's" naiuo is on each Box, IiottU and Flask, before vou buy: Address 111: II V It. It. Principal Dest 432 Broadway. Xew York, fit--Sold by ail holesale and Retail Druggists in Suiihurv. Pa. Feb. 2ii, lOI.-Sm JEREMIAH SNYDER, Atlnriicy Ai 'ouiim4-;oi-itl l.avv. Ollioe on Sniiili -i le of Mnrket street, four doors w est of i iertrhiirl's Confectionery store, Will attend promptly to nil prufe-sionnl business entrusted to hi.- care, the collection ofelaiius iu Nor thumberland and the aiij ining counties. CoiiMiUaiious iu ttcrinan uud English. Suiil'tirv, March lit, ImU '.y READY ROOFING Ready to nail dunn At less than half the cost of tin roots. .M,,rc durable than tin. ILSAO? TlOOFZNO- Suitable for steep or flat root's. keadyTjoofino Fur fill kindiof buildings, in all cliiuntcs. ItEAm'i7oiFIN(. I!iisi!y, chfiif-ly. ninl quirUly put on. Nci.- lo coating over v Uh t-fUieiit after il is nui'v-i Joiaij. n r:DY liooyiNo Mn ln ,if a sironj,' woven fiihriv. Il.'troiifrlily f ttiinitfil iintl mvort-i ujrf.a but U uri'ict-i wiih a .JrfrLiiv wa tt.Tiirv.tof ct-tii iiioit, nv.l mt up in roils reu'i' lVr ut-li! iiicb w'uh-. nml 7i sng. VI i- u!fO liiiiiiuKiotun r . T ' - i 111. Xoa Lkasv Tlx llii'i'. iid:A oheuper uud mere duiablu tlitia oil aint AI..SD, 'i it. i,s;i.s 'cnical, i'or l.raky Shingle !tot's. Which wiH i ;.tsu save tiie ei..-l of a n. .v roof. Si.iopl-.-s el L. -a 'y I'.-joUnj uud Circulars jctit by mi-it uh.i.'f. ;i.si:ed. Kavi-r.ttileiei i.s u'tide with rc.-pfii.-ible parties who buy to sett aain. Li) ADY ROOFIXU CO., To Maiden Lane, N. Y,. April i",;iSU. WILLIA1ISP0RT. OIL ! NOX-KXPLilHIYE PURE CRYSTAL CARBON jaa:-. IN' TIGHT PACKAGES. Orders will receive prompt attention. II. D. Ili'LI'KV. Wlliitn;!" rt, June 25, lriflt. Propridor. KIHiK'IS'tll'.S'S liM'Oi", JTST r?ccied a new jtoek of Vishing TaeklO A-r Spring mica, uousisliag ol Rods, Reels. Lines, i.asi eis. imiooiis. l loats, Acts, Mies, Artificial Hail mggeit l.iues. tiul. l.russ and Hooks, to w attention of dealer-! is particularly reoucstel to which trders. Wholesale aud Retail, punctually filled nnd sutisfac'.ion wurrawtcd. JOHN KKlDEIt. 2nd and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. JV.Vtiary 27,lMi4 dm ' LILZ JSS CHILLEb"lR0N"s If. The Only oftf Eeliuble aguinat both Fire pnJ But-elnry. I am no prepared to iVr"'!h hr':f '- 'fXtion- alllank Safes. They aro . "'" ' "urgiar- three' of my new Anti-Micrometer KmU oi.' VKeh safe, believed to be the only bank-loc m'w .,n.ul'e that has not been picked or cannot he, tho aid of the niicrouieter. iheso Silica all p c" four to six in"ticsiu thickiiess of solid Iron, :'uaranu a L .u .. , ..... ... .. J :a: ... . - . i . ..t.A in to uu luu MroiiL.es., me uiosi uiliieuil UJ urill "u.. stand the most resistance against both flro .' bursary of any Sato iu tho United States of the sauie sue and cost. - - I huvuoii baud also, and will furbi-li all sizes of Bank Vault Sales, aisscssing ull tho advantages of the above against burglary. Also, all sizes of Mercantile Safes both burglur proof and Are and burglar-proof. Also, Ornamental Dwelling-house Safes, burglurt proof, aud tire aud burglar-proof (warranted noj uuuip). Also, tho strongest and cheapest ualt doors, for bank and mercantile vauiis. All the above aie Liilie's wrought and chilled iron. ., , Also, six sizes Liilie's rough t Iron Fire-Proofs, warranted cuuul to any oommou Safes, at fully one third less price. Also, a general assortment of second-hand Safes, many of them nearly new, and of approved uiukcrs, receivoe' iu exchange for Lillic'i Chilled. Iron bales. These are offered at or below auction prices. M. C. SADLER Agent, No. 21 6. SEVENTH Street. June 11, DWl. . Attention, Ladies und tjacnllfiuru I AMBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. In Deer street, opposite the Central Hotel, SUNBURV, TP A., SBYERLY, has opeued a new Picture Gallery . iu the above place, and ii prepared to tako Portraits iu the best stylo aud uiaunor. AMBROTYPES AND rilOTOURAPHS, are taken in every style of the Art, that eounotbe surpassed in the State. Having several year's expe rience, he will give satisfucliou or uo charge. Copies will be tuken from all styles of Pictures. (live biui a call. Remember opposite the Central Hotel. Suubury, June i, ISC I. BLANK (Parchment Paper,) Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, Ao., .'or ude at the stfiee of the "Sunbury Ateeriesa " I ho . i m ' w l'.xfire.. I'oinnnnr. GIVK NOTICE that they have conclude'! ar rangements with the Northern CentralHailjroad ' Oiinntinv to fflin traitor tvtiTn 1l..ltit.iorn for York. Ifurristmrg. Dimihin. lliilifax, Trovorlon, Sunliary, rsortniiinijcrinnn. Lewisburg. Slilton. Aluney, V, II liamK.rt, and nil Intermediate stations, eemieetinjf- ni iinrrisnnr wiin tno Ultr.A l WJ.SI ! UN J. PRESS fur Pituburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and tho Wet. Also with Uoward A Cn.'s Express at Milton or DaitvilK lllm.nishufg, Wilke'banro. Pittston. Sernn-: ton. and intcrmcdinto stations on the Cnttnwisa, i.acKflwanna liioomsnurg Mailroa Is. At V. il liamsport, by Howard A. to.'s Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, hy Howard A Co., ' and their connections, for Canton, Troy, F.lmira. Rochester. Buffalo. Ningnra, and to all accessible iints in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward McVcliiindise, Specie, Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Also. Notes. Drafts and Bills fir Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed. and every effort will be made to render satisfaction. JUI1.N m.MtllA.vi. Superintendent Pcnn'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. F ISC Hi; 11, Agent for Sunbury. April 5, 1M2. Arrnnfonintsi IwOI. ol w York l.tnen. THE CAMDEN AND AM HOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO. S LINES. From l'ltilarfelphia to AVw York and Way Plaee.t. Jrom Walnut street Wharf and Kensington Depot, will leave as fullows, viz : kahe At S A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) $2 2 At t) A. M.. via (.aindunand Jersey City, N.J. , A ccom mod nt i on , 2 2 At 8 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) At HA. M.. via Camden and Jersey city 2d 3 ( 2 Class ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express At 12 M. via Camden aud Auihoy. C und A. -""n.latioii,) 3 2 '.:;.'... " ""d Auib'iy, fC. and At 2 P. M.. a Ciiuulen .... t At 3 P.M., via Kensington nnd J'r!,c u-nJi. a,..i v v r. i S At flj P. M.. via Kensington nnd Jersey City, (Evening Mail,) - At Hi P. M. via Kensington and Jc wcy cuy, i Southern Mail. At IJ (night) via Kensington and Jei "Bey c11" Soiilnein Express At 5 P. M., via Cuinden und Amboy. (. V'J1"" mmlatimi. Freight and Passcugr, x,iwl Cliws Ticket. Seicond Class Ticket, t V - ,1 l;. 1.1 . C ..- ' ror .. nier viiii, ciniuii-our. eraui.ui, . bnrro. Mimlnc, drt'iil JW.inl. Ac., nt ti jriiin Ki'ii-iititon, via l)tliuvuru, JicV :iwn: Wi'hNth llnilrotul. For Mtiurh C'liunk. Allcntuwn. JUt'iluiitin, (lore, Kujlsn, LHmbtrl villi'. l-'hiuint'Hi, A. M., lVtmi Ki'ifinton lrp't. uml hi 21 ' from Wiilnut -ttrctl Wlmrf. (Tliii A. M. Line i(timc'i. with Tnnm EiiKioii tor .Mi'uu-h Chunk. :it i1. .M.) Vix Mount Jl!!y. nt tf A. Al., 2 .tvA i i M. iui FrueliolU, nl A. M. nml 2 V. M, WAV LINKS. For BrMol. Tronton. at ll A. M. nnl 2J 5 P. y. 'mm K iiin-ilon. For i'Hli.rynt. Uiv.-i -tnv. )vhim-o, Iti-vi'rly. liiiton. FltnL'iicc, llor-iuutnvMi. vo., at 12. "l. ftinl ti ll. M. ijf For Xew York. nnl Way vtwv.i iinH'U Itcpot. tiik titL- Cnri in I'ittb strrt-i, W :i It ut . Iihlt'n hour lPt.-r it-puri up-', 'i'ti run into the 1'cpot. nutl on the ntri ul ot uu'-li ruu I'mui th lkp'it. Fitly pMiin-l .t n.-iiiiL!1 or.lv. nVowc' piL-.Mit-r. l"y-i-Hifi-r nn pr-iliiUt,-.! irnin nu i tliii ii iHu ;i but Iht'ir t-ririii-r iit'tnii'i' TT b-i-;is;H o tr Uuy poiiUils to be p.iii l'nr L-xlrn Ciiuii.iiny limit tlu-ir rr-iMtiibility Uu-j:. Oin' iMlur i-rr outtil. nu will nut bu lmbl.. iiuic'j.ui bi-ofii .ViilU. t'Xc pi tiv -)'i-i:il I'oiiir M. ii. UAIZMLK, A J tin miry 17, IStit. WM- KLOOiiK. yaM.UiTvtT KTRKKT, UAHniSiJUIM. 1) !,! iv in PIANOS T KW l'e-nw.,od l'llillod, from the best from Ji.mi i.i.'.vHi-.l--. -Mi:i.'i.'Ko:s -ii, best umnufieturel iii-.-ois from ft.'i to t nil Oulli.iX luiii.., A.'.-ol-leol:- Plut-s. r ites. Jll'UlMS. I'. ll.joS. 'I'.ITUI Vioiiu and ' i uiiar s:r:ti :s "Ul me--, und lull lea! ei.il.,.ii.c in geli"r;:l. SHEET Ml SIC. Tha litiM publh'atioi.s lii.iav- -i I'.'iud. ? j bv mail to .UlV p;,ll 1. 1' tile ei.uutrv. j O'VAL, Syl'AuE, tiil.T AND R0 I Suitable for 'lo'.ki'i.; gla. .-s, ,.r,.l .,'.'. khid j ul.vuys iu bt.i(ii. A lice is,,rfm.-i.i I I.r.'IKlNH eil.AS.-i:s (Von. i Any style e.l I. tin. e u.ieni t I noti.-e. ; rd V.. :i:o. (-.I : oi'l.iit pluii-l 1 o.-.ler ill t. Si Al. KN rk.-e -.. II.. I yt. '. t':;.i''.a.u;'' Ccnfec ticneiy, rr , nXJXT bTOI CONFrXTinNKUY OF ALL Kl TiYS OF KVKitY IM'( YU'Ci '.. A'., pOXTANT.Y or. hun.l :ir-J l. r U s t-.ijil'!i.-itun 1. 1 : wln.ic'ij'f nA r. ;.. able pricci. Hw is n(rufs fiiri)t'i i;il k'n;1.- t'f to kpi'p up ii i'ull nMi-tirK!t-.t wbii-li nn rntes. Tibncrt, pnr. ;ftit.nL'."y. Xiit!oi', rtrieiy'-f .itlit-r urtiob-.-i. ut ubi wholiiilp iititl riijt;l. Ki-UiciJibcr tl. mimo mi'I p M;trkH strtet, 3 doTH wc-tot'i;. V. J: stro. .Sunburv. Sept 10. KWt tf "WASHINGTON II Southwest Corner of Market t TJ'lE undilsijiie l re-riectfiilly ii.t., I 1,,, h.. l.,.J ll.-l. ,,..r,r.. ll... the j ji,,,,., (I j llsk!1 ,,. eeminuan.e patroiiagc ana would ilivitc ad other cull. TABLE is always supplied with the hc.' 'I"" His Ear coutaic the choicest Hi..'" ling is good and well uite'i re I bv en MICH A El Sunbury, April. 1(1, IS. J. R. HILBU 'oiiii)' .kitirve.vor .V o Jfulwnoi, Xort'iUiul 'erhiml (' Office in Washington towuship. i bo made by letter, directed to tl All business entrusted to his cure, w atteude'd to. April V. lKtil 1y Tov:i i .oin foie i -.trts i . , rPVSi'? L x X'bl , , .,.'"!?. The lots are loes'ed wit or the 1 enn -vlvauia Railrdd Col -lliei n part ji tho . . "T. V ."-, it.,., 'ots.t it late in auvuiiuoie uui..'"s, tiortion of the borojgh 1'hoy wil .unable terms. For lu.rthef -arlii 1-i'TER II. B. MA; HiANClS Sunburv, June IS, ISt'.l G. M. Lacuax. IMPORTE3 WINES AM) L Ml M .V M il. No. 2A South Ninth Street, bet. Vialuut, PH1LADEL May 7, lbtil. .ilA!.si:ifs i'.v'ii.T i ii: ri:i:i:y. Ai Improved for lsj9 By E. KETCH AM 4 CO., 2S!l IV rpiIE only Froezer constructed X eiplcs. with a revolving can scraper. The oue hastens the Ire, the other removes it a. fust as In The must rapid iu freeziug, wit of 1C!. The most economical iucost, as and durable in structure. Eur sule iu all the principal ci' I'nion. Each Frecser accompanied wi and full directions. TRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quart, 6 quarts, 5 tiuaru, I quarts, 20 u uar is, Apply to 1(. B. MA5. Mirth , iCh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers