V -1- ; , - . Cjje JSimburi? American. U. ). MA93H3, kJlltor A Vroprietor.7 13. Y7TL,V-BKT. Publisher. SVTUKDAY, DECEMUIiU 175 1 804. J-V Ouu National Duiit. The tiutiou nl debt, though Urge, Is not low, nor is it likely to la-come bo large its to cause alarm. Eugland ha not half the resources wo pos se, and yet her debt Is more Ihnti twice iw largo us ours. The 3 per cent conol of Eaglninl are to Europe about what 5-80 bonds ure to the Uuited States, I.uto quo tations o consols are 00 to I1. l'taring the time England was engaged a !ro111 1730 to 1800, the quotations for consols fluctuated as much us gold does with us nt the present duy. In 1703 they run down to 47J; in 180J they rallied, uflcr numerous up and downs, und sold at CCc. ; but in lSO'J they aimi received a stunning blow uud dropped back to 30i. Tor u pe riod of twenty-four years specie payment Avas snpended by the Bank of Eiithfid, from 171)7 to 1S10; and in 1S11 u Bank of England note was currant at the rate of fourteen shillings to the pound sterling. The standard rate fixed by the Mint tor i gold is 3, 17 19J.I per oz., yet from 1S01 to 1814 It advanced to from -1 to JL5 4s in currency. E7"'Tub New Court llocsk. Our neighbor of the HilUmUm Alluding to the action of the Comrulsaloncr in reference to ft new Court House, admits the necessity of n new bnihling, but thinks we showed wait for cheaper times. Ordinarily this would be good advice. But it will not Imlcl at pres ent. We shall never, perhaps, see prices as low as they havo beet: nor is it desirable they should be. There never was a time in our history when the people of this county, could so easily build a new court house as now. This fact is so apparent thut it will hardly be questioned by any intelligent man. Aistunini; the fact as true, as our neighbor asserts, that a new building would cost fifty per cent more than formerly, we ask where is the farmer who .cannot now more easily pay fifteen dollars than ten dollar in former times. The fanner who has a surplus of only one hundred bushels wheat can now realise f 150 more for it, in consequence of Diluted prices, and ho would hardly coin plaiu because he had to pay live dollars more tax out of his $.100 additional income. J If we wait until prices of materials come i down, the price of produce will be down in 1 the same proportion, and the farmer would fmd it harder to pay $10 than $15 at present- The hardest part of the arrangement is that the people of Sunbury should pay $5,000 moie than their quota, not so much to put Jjj?" Gen. Baktkam A. Sii.EFFnn, late a State Senator f; in Lancaster county, died at his residence in the city of Lancaster, on Monday morning last, rather suddenly al though he had been in failing health f r a year or two past, during a portion of which time he was atllicted with blindness. lie was a gentleman of kind heart and generous feelings, and universally esteemed in social life. Ilia nge was 40 years. ZiT" Chinese is Calikoiinia. There are 50,000 Chinese in the Uuitcd States; that Idols are worshiped in two temples in San rraueisco. EST The Public Ledger, Philadelphia, which has been conducted for nearly twenty-nine veins by the firm of which Mr. "Wil li itn 31. tv.vaiit was the chief laumigiiig p-u t uer, hai changed proprietors Messrs. Swam & Co., having sold the paper to Mr. George W. Childs, the well known and successful book publisher. T1IK EXECIITIOSOI' MU.LIiR. In our foreign news received by the China, which armed at New York last week, we find a full account of the execu tion of Franz Muller for the murder of Mr. lblggs, In a compartment of a railroad car. Although the night had been very rainy, the tun came out brightly on the morning of the execution Monday, November 14 and it is supposed that nearly one hundred thousand people gathered to see the death. The London Time of the 15th says ; The occupants of "cheap seats" and "good accommodation", were particularly numer ous. The windows of. several houses in front of the drop were well Ailed, whilst numbers were sitting on the roofs. Preach ers of various religious sects were scattered a I Milt, and workud with commendable teal in the distribution of tracts. In one part u three jointed tithing rod was employed, to which was attached a scroll with the in scription: ''Be sure your bins will lind yon out," and in another instance n party of men was stationed, one of whom held up a walking stick with a text attached whilst the others discoursed on Scription auhiocts, ; and took part in rending and singing hymns. I Another man, more conspicuous than the I rest, was working his way through the i crowd with u bill placed before him as an apron, calling attention to the publication ; of a pamphlet issued by the City Gospel Hall, and called "Should Murders be put to I Death " There were a great many foreign j ers present, anil to them selections from tho Sew testament, printed in the derman und up a building for their own convenience as j other Continental languages, were presented, tor t!ie comfort and convenience ol persons not residents of the place. But they can easily raise the sum by annual instalments so that the taxes w ill hardly be felt by any. Our Commissioners did not uct hastily in the matter. They tiro all economical and prac tical men. But they know that new public buildings are greatly needed, nof only for those engaged in Court, but for the better security of tho titles of our possessions in the recoads of the County, which are now unprotected against tho daggers of fire. The question of location is no longer a matter of dispute. A more central or convenient point, since t lie construction of our railrouds, could not be selected. -puj. 1E1.SI0J( PiiEsnvTEJlIAN. Is the title of a new monthly paper to be pub lished in Cinciiinatti by tho Hev. Dr. Thomp son, Burt and Moi.port, and new school ministers of the Presbyterian church in Cinciunntti, lit fl per annum. The editors ! dres I uuuoie I But while this wus goiir' on in one part, none but those who looked down upon the awful crowd of Monday will ever believe in the wholesale, open, broadcast manner in which garroting und highway robbery were carried on iu another. We do not now speak of those whom the were wanton mis chief of the crowd led to "bonnet" ns they passed, or else to pluck their hats oil their heads and toss them over the mob amid roars and shouts of Laughter, as they came from all sides anil went in all directions, till sometimes even they fell within the en closure round the drop, ami wcro kicked under tlie gallows ly the police. Iho tiro priety of such an nmusemeiiU at such a time admits of question, to say the least, even among such nr. audience. But even this rough play falls into harmlessness !Lsido the open robbery and violence which yes terday morning had its way virtually un checked in Newgate street. There were regular gangs, nut go much in the crowd ltselt within the lir.rriers ns along the liven fegTTnB "Oil PavEii'M rapidly spread ing over the country. The Pittsburg Chron icle notices the recent opening of a tinglt well, lit the Ohio Oil region, as follows; "Meseers. Pennoek, Ball St Co., of this city, who have for several month past been sinking a well on Buck Hun, not fur from Zanesville, Ohio, ore now obtaining one hundred and sixty barrels of oil a day. Its specific" gravity is said to be thirty, and it is selling at Utciityfuur dvllan per'barrel at the itell. Thin is one of the most remark ablo strike in the history of oil." 100 times $31, makes a daily product of $3,840; or$?0,830 per week; o f 105,000 a yatr! which for u little spot of ground that a man's uat would Cover, i "realuing" to, some purpose. But this is one of the lucky strikes' I The country tlirouirout the oil rev'ion, we are told, is thickly studded with derricks that are but monument ol failure, showing where tlinusauds ol dollars was spent in "boring," without a drop of oil in return, or ut least not enough to puy the expense of working. In fact money is almost ns likely to slip through the lingers of the. searchers after hidden treasures, us to stick to them, in these oil speculations, and we advise those disposed to dabble into the "Oil" Pot" to be cautious. Lbanvn Adverti tor. TlIK NOUTIIEltS Ckntual Haimioad. The improvements made on this road with in the pHst two years, says the llarrisburg Telegraph, are probably greater than those of any other line of a similar length. Dur ing that time the company has eutirely re built the road from Baltimore to Sunbury, renewing the rails and cross-ties, aud bal lasting with broken stone, and the entire road is represented as being in a much bet ter condition than at any former period of its existence. A double track has been laid between Baltimore and Cockeysvillc, which is now in daily use, uud which is being rap idly extended to the borough of York, fifty seven miles from Baltimore, the gardingund ballasting being nearly completed, und the lying of the tails already commenced. The j double track from Dauphin to Sunhitry, forty live miles rendered necessary by the I recent opening of the Philadelphia and Erie UVBOVH. Fpeecti f Rlebard GotMten on American Aflulra KlCnAIlD OUSDItN OS AMUUOAX AFFAIRS. Mr. Cobden addressed a creat meeting of Id constituents, at Rochdale on tho 8i!d. Air. Brown was to have been present, but was prevented by domestic affliction. Mr. Cobden spoke at great length, his leading theme being nonintervention in Eu ropean and American affiiira. South as in other case hud Dot put forth a lilt of their grievance. The reason he thought, was be cause they bad but one. They wanted to consolidate, pcretuate, and extend human slavery. Instead of stating their grievance, they limply ask to be let alone, and it is this cry thut has secured so much European sympu'thy for the insurrection. He regard ed the peaceable Presidential election as one ot the most sublime spectacles in the history of the world, and said a people that could do that hud given to the world a spectacle such as never wa before present ed. They had resolved, notwithstanding their grunt sacrifices , that slavery should be abolished, lie reiterated his belief, and with far greater emphusis thnn before said that he did not believe he should live to lee two independent states on the continent ol Aortli America, lie considered the geo graphical dillicullics in the way of separa turn to be absolutely insuperable, lie took leave of the American subject by depre cating the ignorance which prevail in Eng land in regard to the geography, resources, etc., of the country, and bv declaring that he wanted nothing done to carry out his opinion, but was simply desirous by his o'o Bcrvations to turn the scales, so as to prevent undue preponderance in favor of the other side. The London Index publishes a copv of note dated Nov. 11th, signed by Slidell, Alason, and Maun, and addressed to Drouyn oell lluys, formally presenting to the French uuvcmiucut u manucsio auopiea oy wic re bel Congress at its hist ses.ioii. '1 lie r Uiiih oiui, is also under contract, and Is being pushed towards completion ic rapidly ns a work of such magnitude can be. The rebel raids upon this railway in 1803 and-1804 destroyed thirty-four bridges, all of which have been rebuilt in the best man ner. The bridge over the Susquehanna, ut Dauphin, three fourths of a mile in length, is ut, present being entirely renewed with a "til- , - ; 1 I.:... I ucs which led to litem: and thesu vagrants ... ', ... ... ... ., . .... ... ,' , openly slopped, ''bouueU il," sometimes j The OMTatlooi it PoiiiMti twrs Wmi VkI M iSa l XBTTOR OV AMETUQAN t duucTWj of a tempi sf Juno, on lbs nngi of nhib Dba Bin With your pwmtoilon r mttvroti about mora tbao two buudrad abate- I to lb r,Jrr of Tour pnpet that I 1 tut of wom auii obUJrca, whodurlnx tbt trup- ; turn mull, to all Uhln 11 (frav), a It uoa tmbtiua nmonoti to u teuiiao to mipiuro I Uiregtlona fur midline an t unuic a Sim r- w- - i u win QnaoiuftllJ rmuYO, in Thar ara Its hundrvd thouand rmtWa Oermana I P,le,.i. B'oB, .Tun, IfcranklM, ami kl la lb Vuktwl tUAtw. Tb tmiuratioa from Uarmanr to tbia ooanuy, darioj tb fim year alooo, baa bow Seventy tbouaajad tba Hkin, Uavtog tho uni toft, clos iifaauiai. roted, und always plundered; any person led them to think him woiiii toe I ! iin.l iii.'ifli. ntl tli.i til, tlx IkiMiltntu mi road have been replaced by permanent struc- The report of the Postmaster General shows that three millions five hundred aud eight thousand three hundred and twenty" five dead letters were received during the past year. Muny of these letters contained money, drafts checks, jewelry, and other valuubies. home of them were misdirected I church iu their address say : We are fullv satisfied that the difficulties which divided our Church, quarter of a century ago, have so far passed away, and that the two bodies are now so nearly one in doctrine, in policy, and in spirit, that the time bus fully come to dis cuss and initiate measures for organic union. On the subject of slavery, und iu regaid to ull questions of living importance, apper taining to the principles and work ot the we are o: onu mind und one heart the risk was nothing. Sometimes their victims made a desperate resistance and fnr u t'.iv ininnles kent t.hn crowd more than ill nmund Iheni vmli-nllv swaviivr to and I'm amid the dreadful uproar, in no instance, however, could we ascertain that "Police!" was ever culled. Indeed, one of the solitary instances in which they interfered at ull was where their aid was sought from some houses the occupants of which saw an old fanner, who alter a long and gallant btrug- with Ins many assailants, seemed, alter be in 1, ...... .-.J.!.,.,! .i l. ,,, ,.,,i,..p ..! others not directed at all, others uustamped ! " e 'eel assured, that at such it nine as tins, ! 8crj,ms injury us well. This, however, about aud other only partially directed. lwo c",urc ,L'9 ln,u,(i 81 "lc '"b "ose teach- , tl)l. f.in,H.r, is a nK.10 CrS' The following, which wc copy from the Brie (iu. ttt, indicates thut a change in Cubiuct is mere than probable. Col. For ney, as 'War-Democrat, lns been an td.le und active laborer in the Unicn psrty, and his qualificaiiou for the pust referred to, cannot be questioned : "U'e heartily join in the following recom mendation of a personal friend am I distm guijlij.l HientbiT of the great Union party for a piaee in President Lincoln's t.eir Cabi net. V'e copy from the Lancaster ATvr miner ; "'In tli- belief then that a re construction of the Cabinet is contemplated, aud that the claims of Pe'tusylvunia will be rceognic.l in its formation, we would suggest John W. Forney us proper person for Secretary of the Intcrioi. No man has worked with m:ro zi-al und effectiveness ami cur success in Pennsylvania, may in a great measure be justly attribute .!. On the score then of per sonal service, his claim to preferment is equal to that of any other man. But wc base it on higher ground than mere partisan crs and rulers adopt the same Confession of Faith, as containing the system of doctrine taught in the word of God. und approve and administer the same form of Govern ment, ought to become one, unless IhciWnu providential hindrances. Happily measures have already been adopted, which us far as tried, give baUl'..c . tory ttidcncu that the great majority of our jje"pie me ii.mu iw uiiiuii. There is needed, union;; the friends of re union, an urgnu of fellowship und coniinuni- episode; the rule was tn n-s of iron and stone.' The improvements made by the company during the past year havo been indeed very extensive, and yet all has been done so quietly us to attiuc but little attention. About four hundred Southerners have id. ready been registered in New York under the order of Gen. Dix. The rebels, under General Lyon, captured tho government transport Thomas E. Tutt at Cumberland city, twenty miles above Fort Donelson, and used her for crossing the river on the march into Kentucky. The force is estimated ut 4000. Official dispatches have been re'ceived from General Itousseuu at Murfreesboro. The railroad south of that place is believed to be uninjured.- Block-houses 3 anil G were surrounded, and were' abandoned by the garrisons, who fought their way through the enemy without loss. On Sunday niuht the cation it publication in nhie'i methods :m vrains u union m.ijr neeij uineu- ii, I 1)m thellCC to tile press IOOUI. uuu iiiu ii unless ci sent o.'M.ui uiki enoiL may be reported and lead by a!! who are ir.If rrstod in tlm sllbioet. A i'!ti"ii nii-ntli. I ly paper will reserte this purpose. Such tt publication wc propose to conduct, and to issue the first number early iu Jainuuv, 1803. ' such robbing and ill treat men t us made the victims only too glad to lly far from the spot where liiey had suffered it, and who if I even then they ventured on giving any in- formation to the police, could hope for no ' redress in such a crowd. Such were an open ' pastimes of me laoo liotn ;i,'ul till lu ar tue lime ot execution, when the great space around the prison seemed choked with iu ! . , 1 VILHl. lll11llllll.lt' ... ....... ,' : :, , . . , , . , ,. , Ueueral .Milroy went out. nttucked the re p "...to very lase moment no eienieu ilia ., .. .., ,7, i ,,,.,, ,,r .(1S4 UMa K1) -Vt"y l"U,r? t',",'t " clouk 1,0 wa Our l.ooos tl. ri l.oii.,,1 lo .1,.. I Jr-iin lite sessii.il lioure to toe L'uul, and ' lie block-house lit Orviile Creek Was attacked by infantry and urtillcrv, but was not in-i in active sympathy uud aid in favor net l ongrcss at its hist session. The com missioners invite atention to this manifesto. the terms of which they briefly recapitulate, and add that since it wns issued war has continued to be waged by the North with even increased ferocity, n more signal disre gard ot u.l the rules of civil win lure, and more wanton violation of the obligations of international law. The identical note wus presented to ull the Cubinets of Europe, Constantinople excepted. ABSCONDKD. It is reported that Thomas Hall Gladstone, of the bankrupt firm of Gladstone & Co., und Chairman of the international Bank, hud absconded to New York, taking with hint a box containing $;)00,lH)U. A rewind is offered tor his apprehehsion. l'he Tctitj'H and Journal li iKhitm con strue the result of the Preideiitnil election i that the war is to be prosi-ctilcd w ith re doubted vigor until the South is completely subjugated. Tlie Ttiitju says it heralds forth thu approaching re-tstatilishnient of the Union uud the final extirpation of sla very. BlilTISU OPINION. The Loudon UloLe says Lord Lyons lias not resigned, but is about to returu home on six months1 leave on account of ill health. I The Daily 2 ict, in an' editorial on the proposed arming ol the slaves in the Nmlh. doubts if it will be done, but Issatistied with the mere proposal us mi earnest of the ap proaching end both nl' the war und of the sin which generated it. It is stated that, us the Florida on her se-i.ure at Baliiu was taken entirely by sur prise, evert hing on bourd Was secured by I lie captors, uud among her paper was much imported information, which, it is said, limv implicute some foreign officials in high rank ot Ladles' fur. PurehtTOrt may rely upon getting- th bnt Furl at CIlAKLtd OAktfUltJJ 4 bU.Ntf. VvalinimUu Uotol, l'biliidctbts. Hor. 12, 1864.-3m Alt Author who had slven a eomadr into th baud uf Foot fur hi prual, aalleU on hiui lor his bit opinion of Uie l.ie foot returned th play with grav face, Hying:"eir depend upon it this is not a tiling to luuguiu t. IW.ml Forois m IB Field. The Army and ia v Jouriia, wtiicb u very bub autuoniy on all uilitary matter, compute th force which tb rebel now hav in tb tietd at a very moderate 6j ore. Hood's army, now iuTenneasea, it eitnn ilea m 3i,U00. Kurly'iloroe in the bbeuHndonli Valley l et down at lea than 15,0U0,ao t Let'i as leas Hum M, UUU. Tbee figure amount in lb total to loo. 000. Th forum with which Price recently invaded Aliaaouri, and lb gurrieoni of Ulinrleaton, jsavnuoah iiobile aud a few other point may inell th aggre galw to 17 j,vuu. Ladies' Furs. ' The largctt assortment at CHARLES OAKl'ORD i. SONS. Coctiuentiil Hotel, l'liiladcluhia. Nov. 12, ItlSi. Sin The Louisville Journal tnystlic question la no long er how (lavery thiill bosaved from utter wreck, but how it shall be tniully extinguished. Hud with the I'm' jnr to thesocial instituuona of the South. It ndtnits that it has proved a curse to Kentucky; thut .'it the Anti-Slavery Constitution, to powerfully mlvociited hy Henry Clny for ninny years, hd been alnpted.tbo State would now bo inure prosperous, wealthy uud happy than it is. v Some of the leading Drn.ocrMt in New York have engnged in kinds ot business w hich for the good of the State they would do welt to stick to. One uian is sweeping the street; anothnr sawing wood in a pub lic squur; aud another wheeling a negro boy through the mreet accompanied by uiuaic. Ac. Tbee things are dune inpnyuientot beta lust by Seymour's defeat. Oentlemen's Hats. All the latest stvles at CIIAKLES OAKFOUD SONS, Cuntinenttil llutvl, l'biludelubia. Nov. 12, IMi. Jliu Prince Nnpoleon is said to b actively enipluyed lupcriiituiidiue the Inbor of a atiitt of editors engaged upou a complete collection of the letters aud dis patches of the first Kmpcror. Agentf ure siiid to hav been sent to Kni;lnud. OeruiHu, Spina Huasin. Italy And even to America for the purpose of collecting lliee wnluig4 which has taltea luto uie bauus vi uutogrupu huuters. Among the on tins of New Yoik aud in vicinity wo iinvu one lo the c fleet that thcro is a man t:o peddles writing pnper llirouh the ftreels of Urook lyu nho is woriii lotl.Dtit), which sum he hiis invest ed iu bond: aud mortgages. Ho aaya Unit it has been ctiielly made by sidling twelve sheets of writing pa per lor tuur ci-uts, uud carefully husbiiudiu the pre eeeds. Ladies' Furs. The largest a.'-sorltuent nlCIIAHLKi UAKFOKD A SO'S. Continent ill Hotel, i'biludelpbia. ov. 12, loiii. .'Iiu ft is estimated that there ure n!ut five u-.illi'itis of unlive Uermaiis iu the United Slates, l'he eini grHtion to America frout lieriuniiv this year iilon Hia.iuiils In To.ooo (l.her govei'iiments have luade euorta by ullering rich iuduceniL,iitstoiiive',t tUU tide lo their own shores, but unsuccessfully. J bee emi grHiiis are geuurully persons ol iutvlueiice uud cul ture. Ladies' and Children's Hats. Latest styles at CUAHLba OAkFUllD 4 SO.VS, Contiuentiil Hotel, l'liiludelpL;u. ov. 12, lSiil. am - .iru luui lrvv1D 1DDW naviP Bar Pace, stmpl direetiona an that will enable them to tart a full g nrlantUalr, Vbikr, or a Muusuci thirty day. All application answered by rcturr charge. Kespotfully ynurti THOd. F. CHAPMAN Bept. 10, 1864. 3m ' Imt'ormntion I'rr TO NERVOIH SUFI'KRK A Oentlemnn. cured cf Nervous Di patency. Premature lieonv. and Youtl tunted by a dire to benefit others, w furnish to all who need it (free of chnr, and direction' makingthe simple reim o.is. Pufferen wishing to protit by tl had eipcrience. and pnwi. a sura an medy. cando so by addressing him i place of busiueu. The Hecipe and fu of vital importance will be cbeerl return mail. Address JOHN' Ti. No ftil Nnmt ftreet, ."8. Nervous .SuflVrc of both se this iufortnatinu invaluabla pea. , 1801 .Tm KYH nn1 llAlt Profew.ir M. 1).. Orrt uist and AiiitsT. f. rtn llnlland. is Dow locate.l nt An. Mr Philadelphia, where p.-rons afilic'rd wi thoKYKand 1'AK will he si icntineiill cured, if curable. --Artidcinl Kyes i' hut puia. N. 11 No charge m';ido for Exami Medical fiiculty it invited, as hehas no mode of treatment. July 2,14ii4. ly Cotmumptive tufferers will receive a t soriplioD for the cure of Consumption. A chilis, and all thruttt and Lung nHcct enarge.j uy senuing their aiMreas to ltev DWA11IA. WILSON, Villiamshur?. Kings Sept. 21, 1861. 3in Flour. Wheat, Corn, Outs, iluekwheat, Fluxsoed. Cluverseed, BUNBURY 12 Ofl a SO a 2 7rt PiO 1511 75 luti I ti h t; vu MARKET Egg. liuuer. Tallow, Lard, Pork. Pacuu, Ham, Shoulder, V V. Is! . fi-V IMPElvIAL IJfjotogvap!) (Hailt Nus. 70 J and TOO Alie II S'. rillLADEL !. 17. Wot - ilin T.rtuff of a I'orti'in writ of Ft. F i-. tho C'tai t nl' Cointnon (f Xnrtli CituntT, aii'l to mo 1 5 1 ectptl. will li? nxpu Yw S;i.f hi ti Tourf Iluuitr. in Simhurv. t if llXL.!.li;n, Vttr. ut !rt oVIiK-k. A. iiin an iuu unc mi iivi.i'l i.inr)u ti Oeneral .McOlellan-s. resignation renders General "'T. -.Ce. .. "I.""' V" !'". , '' o1' 11..1I....I, li. ..1 II,. I.. "lHira 1.IMMIH.T iureil. On the sani-j iiiuht a fuiTU untle-r Gt'iiei I nei.s ami riiute'ti tiie'in. binall. Grocery cstahlUiucut of Clum-ua, t'aughty it Utirgess, in that city, is noiv soiling gooda ut the rate ol' halt a million tier year. U'e service, however essential that may have j IcanicrJ the same fact from Mr. Clcniciin.l.vhfii hceii. In tho person of Col. Forney, IVmi' nyivuiiiit woiihl havo u represcntativo ever alive to her interest, honor uiul prosperity. Identified with her people ami their pros perity, iu tho Iuterii r Department, he would have ample scope to serve them UAh well and cxcept.ilily. Hi.ACKwooo 8 Magazink for Nov. bin hfen received from the American pub lishers. Its contents t.re unusually good. "My Latest Vacation Leur.-iu:." tho open ing paper is an Englishman's impressions of lift) in Gerinany, with characteristic Eng lish self biifacicm-y but ut the same) time cleverness. Next follows Tart XIV ol 'Tony Uittler," an admirable Novel in CMins. Level's illimitable ttylc. In tho way ofKev inuwa, we have Tennyson's "Enoch Arden," Mrs. J.uiii .u.J '"History of Our Lord," und Ijatiliii's TreatUe on Corpulence very en tertainingly served up; while Cornelius O'D.uvd's paper oa "Things in General," is spicy and Philosophical. "Geu. McC'lellan's C'.tinpaigns,' as narrated in his own Keport, from tho bubject of the conclutlinij article, which is, perhaps, as fair us iCoglish preju! tlico will allow any American subject to be treated, liltcliruod is republished by Messrs Leonard Scott it Co., 33 Wulker' street, New York, ut the low price of f 3 a year. ti Go.oev. kW V Lady's liuulc, fur January, lSilj, is on our table. Goiley opens the new year with a inagniflecnt number, and what is better, wo have leurucd from long experience that in point of Levity acd interoat, the last of tho year is uUvnys mpe ilut to the l'iit. His uiotto ii Lscckit.r Now is tho timo for making up club, cr call at our office, and for f 4,50 wo will furu iah Oodty't Lady't Boot and tho Amekican, tacli one year. CJfTho 6pointment of ex-Secretary Chase, ns Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United State?, gives universal satis faction. Ilia character us a stutcsuiun and ability a a lawyer, is unquestioned , UU Latest Nkws. lly latest accounts, Gen. Sli3rinun is only nine miles from the city of Pavanuuh, heavy firing was heard in thut direction and it Is supposed that Savan uah has fallen. His army is not in want ot anything ur.d all goes well. A tight, between. Co. C. 10th Heg't. Vol. Keei vt uud County Jmupx-rs ia Cletrfield County IV, t,.t,k placo oa Monday last, . i uilu reiuitcu in tlie k.iiing of flie notori ous 7 ou Adiiu.s their leader, und the cup tare of 19 of the cut-ihrcata who fought by Lit aide The Jo ou oux aidu waa tua in Mie, at tlie celeiiruttou oi the opeii'tig of the I'liihi. & Eric road, in thut city, ut whose hospitable mansion it was our gooel fortune to be tiuartered. We were surprised to find stores so extensive and well supplied, in the pleasant little Luke City, now only 14 hours tiavel from this place. There is now no reason why Eriu should lag be hind Cleveland and Buffalo. ti?" KliV. lll.NKV W'AKD CtiLCtlEU, ill his Thanksgiving discourse tlroniied the following significant remark : 'Every man knew at the late election that he iy.aa to be taxed. He voted for taxation and in the election of Lincoln tlie people, by their vote, pleged themselves to pay a debt whii.-h will t-venluully reach three t'l'tu.-iiud iniliimis. Aiucricaiia wouhl pay every far thing of the national debt, und" in that re spect stood a witness of common honesty among nations. (Applause.) Let us show l uat we uro worthy ol those who have sut fered and died for us, uud lhat we were worthy of thu institutions preserved to us." Gk.nmial Muadk'm I'iiomotion. In my desijatch it few days ago, giving a list of pro motions by brevet, I included the name ol Gen. Meade us being ir.rulo brevet major general. This w as incorrect, lie was made a full major gener-d in the regular army, to elate from August 18, 1S04, and to rank next to General Sherman. This promotion was conferred ut the special request of Gen. Grant for service during tho present cam paign. V. D. JIcGitLcon. Coal Di st. There is a company organ ized in this city to inauulacture fuel out o! the dust of coal. They have discovered a process by which tho elust is formed and kept iu a solid compact mass, and their ex periments prove it to bo a ery valuble fuel. It bums I'u-tly and thoroughly, und givrs out as much heat us solid anthracite.. The coal dust, wo understand cuu bo purchns.! at tho niiues, where there are immeusu quantities ut it hitherto unuscil, for the small piice of forty cents per ton, or one dollar per ton if sifted, and it is estimated by .the very inteligent persona engnged in the enterprise, that a ton of solidiUed coal dust can be sold ut from lour to five dollars a lou.IJhiladJihia Ledger. A FEW tlays ago Secretary Stanton dis missed twenty clerks from the Quarter master's Department, some on charge of disloyalty, iiiiel s.nno for intense zeal iu op. position to Jfr. Lincoln's reelection. One of them came directly to Mr. htauton and asked him if he considered a limit dislojal because he favored the election of Gen. iMu Cleilan. '"By no means," was the reply, but when a young iilun receives his salary from an Administration, and spend his evenings in elenomiciug it ia the most otfeusive lun tuage, he cannot complain if the Adminis tiatiou chooses one of hi friends to take his place I Thi4bMj tve lon Uyour walked brisklv ucrofts tlie court vitrei, followed by the authorities. There he was pinioned by the' executioner, und underwent the ortleal with unshaken courage. While all about, him were visibly tone-heel, not it muscle in his face moved, and he .showed no tigii3 of emotion, lie was docile withal, and re spectful in his demeanor. Again und again Dr. Cappel approached hint, and sought, to sustain him by the usu of ciii'ouragiii g words. The convict, repeating tHe words nl'ter the rtcre-tul gentleman, repeatedly said iu Gt-ruiau, "Cln Ut, the Luiub of God, have mercy upon uie." The pioeess of pinioning over. Mr. Jonas, tho governor, asked the coutict to take u seat, which he declined, a nd remained standing until the prison bell began to toil v liii.lt was to sum. noil him lo the seall'old. As he remained in thai lati tude, one could not hc-l being struck w ilh the remarkable appearance of physical strength w hich his figure denoted, uml still more by his indomitable f'ottitude. Tiioitgh shoit in stature, he Was compactly and swu metrically made, and thcro v. eie very strik ing indicalhms of vigor about his chest, j linns, hands, uml the back part of Ids neck iu pnriicui.tr. ins Clonics were wcu inauu aud he was dressed with remarkable ni'ar iitss. When the executioner was removing his necktie and hinrt caiiar, in tirran;ing which lunch care tippctired to have I ceu be stowed, tin Convict held up his head lo til- j low ol LW lining it willi more eaie. This w as al una the last of tho preparations. A sigtinl was give-ji by the governor, and tho lie v. .Mr. Davis, the ordinary, leel the way to thu H'tilMd, rending, us he did so, some of the pcrfuiiinitry verses of thu burial service-. He was followed by the convict and thu llev. Dr. Cappel, and then by the sho ut's and under she-rill's, lie-asceiielcd the scatl'olel with a thin Mcp, accompanied by Dr. Cupped, and as he elid so the multitude on his being confronted with them, rtiisee! a mighty and indescribable hum. At this moment the suu shone brightly, thougn ruin bud fallen more or less all through thu night. After the convict "had been placed upon thu efrop, und the rope adjusted round his neck, Dr. Cappel, his spiritual ndviser, ae dressed him with great animation and so lemnity: Muller, in wenigen Augenblicken stlieu Sie vor Gott; ich frago Sie noehimils, und ziiin let .en mule : bind Sic schuldig odcr unschuldig'f Muller Ich bin tin sehuldig. Dr. Cappel Sic siud unschiihlig Muller Gott wetss was ich gethau habe. Dr. Citppi-I Gott weiss was Sie gethau ha ben. Weiss cr nuch, eicss Sie dies Yerbrcch en gathau habeu 'l Mulle'r Ah ; icK habtn et iJltllllW. This conversation, translated, re-ads: Dr. Chapped. Muller, in a few miuute-s you will stand before God ; lask you again, and for tho last .time: Are you guilty or inno cent ? Muller. I am innocent ' Dr. Chnppel. You are innocent. Muller. Liod knows what I have elone. Dr. Cappel. God knows what you have done! Does he know, jiUo, that lhat you have committed this crime? .Muller. I'm, did it. These vycro his last words. The drop fell, and he soon ceased to live. So greatlj re lieved was the reverence! gentleman by the confession that ho rushed from the scaffold, exclaiming, "Thank God 1 thank God !'' and sink do n in a chair, completely exhausted by his own euiotiou. A farmer near Davenport; Iowa, has forty acres of onions, w hich arc estimated to yield Dl.j bushels t.i the acre', or iiU.liOD bushels in till. At $1.5(1 a bushel, this antiscorbutic patch w ill bring $34,1)00. The Detroit Tribune states that a fall of tibodt two feet has recently taken place in the great chains ot Lakes, unel that the wa ter is now four feet lower than in 1801. At it number of ports on Lake lluran it is with gn-at elilliculty that boats can make their landings. This pheiiomeuon is u subject of givat interest for the a tutlv ol the ciolcgist in my. it is a sinitioani taut uiu: tne lute rn-siitcii. tiul iianva-s has been the means ut depriving the aiiuy utits two runkn.li .Mnjor eictfeiui. .UcikiUu aii'i f'ltniuui Julin lto-s, Chief of the Cherokee Xi.tion, and a refugee from his euuni y. nuw nsidinii iu 1 hiiudel I'hia. Uns received iuiclii;vtu-tt uf the Unatli nf Lis ulilest hid. Jaliies. iienws seveuteeu muu.he e.iU liued inn l el el 1'iiruu Iu 'lexue, auu Uled sLuiuy uller his releiise. Peack oil Waii that's Til Jii: stik!i ! 1 hire at ihubiiui.ds, aye, tens ul thuLMUnih. ul l erwa.s in nur land wtio are .luiruus ut b.iiu ei-e. but itiey I t are so utuioied with lue varium ois.aiis iu ul.ii.-u UCSU l lll'ir Ul. llllll lllL'lti IS HU lt.T.Ml'l Wlir s,,,IJK the town of Mi. (irtoel Pennsylvania, is honied. "l visions if the lots in S'-ver.iiir part W3e .Vey.. to sni I w rflni'iib"rl'in liv.?ev,T r. !-'iifiiiid I, ll' W.l ' I on within on neenunt of the t ni'itm su.u vt Oirir ) county. a?rl to m rilOF. C0LDW1S SMITH ON Tllli l'KIIS-IDr.TI A I. ! blood. Unit ll.ev hale uo lieae Uuv'or l.illl. 'lU'iir ! li S-ilc. at the (.'. Vuriiett 1114UO7 iu, --i.' tlieie u.i l.uul luu 11.1J uf no 1 1)11'. SIC1H11 lll-l'tl : 1 es. es: 1 c 1 i.inr.inv. The Dally AVtr publishes a letter from ' w .nou a.hi Calisava UirrKiis. and jou in mm.m LLUCllu.V from t.'. W . Ile.'illi. rne.M.li, 1 in V.,rl' rminiy in Iieed ) L. I... niiues 1 uii tti iUih I.iy of .M.iy. A. I l.'-.i . Seixel. tuk-'ii iu'o eivunioa an 1 to be rbj.erty ol tt'ia. J,. Lie-- it M M. VF.ATR. biieriu's U3i, e, tfauhary. lie... ,7. ls'.t. rY v!r:ii uf e-rt I'll .win of Aliiu Ve Veu. tips . l'hirins Lev. Knei-is. isu 111.1 IJi.iirt of tj .tun on Tien ,, Xor'l.ii 1 (liier.toil. i,-it ,p exo-'ue lr; li.oiiie. in Snnhnrv . 1 liAV..I.inuirv 1 'j. ;: I o'.-l I'. ,M Uaiii''If-.-.-til..e.l i,.;! j. . wit: A certi.it: iol ,r ..o eeof --r olnd. "itu:i I'lof. GoKlw in Smith, elated ul Ltuston, Nov. i UU,J "! P" "" a comiooio iiu.ory over your : b0ro'i,-li of Norte,. a M-rl-inri. Noriliuioli- rl Utll,- on the rreidential election. He extols I a auaeU wumu lou. i';a ''" ; Jy. reiii.eylv-u..... 1. I ...id .le.vrile -1 i, U.,,. ... ,- . ., . . votilul.iuilv. bevuuse He Uavy irit.l llieii.. uii.l Itie it- to it : lot No. 1,.;, in. ntie on Fourth . ie tranquillity w itn (itch the contest was ! wll iu wur. u wn m,ul i,,,,,. liie.-u b ih-se f, i,,,,., i tfl. h ri'.u. ,.y ,, ?,,. It is reiresented that never hafe there been such collectiuus ol'supilius us now till tho depots. .Arms, ammunition, uluthin shoes, wa,;uus, horses; uiules, corned uieau, live oxen, bread, hour, iu short, there Uuo waut uf any kiud or of lru?iporl:itiou. tsir rter I.cly uinde it a ml never to look at a bud picture, h iviu f found by expai iciua that when ever ho did so his peucil took a lint truiu it. Always, apply thu Mime rule lobjj UooUs uud bi uumpuuy. A Luitio in Paris has b.-en defauiu j; a public statue, ; on llie i'lace do hi Cuiicordj' by cut. uiz utt Us anus ' mid tool. 11,1 ir.ivo tt5 a iu won .u.ii lUo nu loohu.l I loiulucteil, ami looked iu vain lor the cm deuce of the tyrany of the nmjoiityf lie could scarcely conceive a nation in the midst of a great political struggle more tempi-rate, orderly, or respectful ol etich other's lights, lie regards the de lent of the Deuiocrats us a great escape from elangcr for boih America ami England, as the Democrats would have ; udoptcil ii strong foreign policy, particularly l against England, to balance the concessions tiiey wouhl have made to the slave uw iters, j All importation it fresh-grown grapes, I from Xew York, is noted us uu experiment 111 l.oiiilon. General Tom Thumb, wife, aud suite have been received at the Marlboro House by the l'rince uud l'lincessof Wales. ' Lille, a! lllilll-l lllV lire lie :K.-ma ills.'' lUll.::U. ber ibe i,ei,uir.e Vl'bollaJld Cab.suii llitleis Luvu i tlie inline ul Jacob i'ii. kerlou bioisu uu encli Louie. ! 1'ur s;ile by all lespectuuie Ciuitlw and HhvU'ioin ; propeily dealers. j It. A. I'lclILK, Ageut, aunhury. l'a. Lypt will raise ubuut $H 0.ooii.uj0. worth of cot. tuu tuisycur- it will briiij her lout id llntuu t,old, uud will aiid iully tu her luictual weuilti. like hiswit'o, wliom he didn't liku much Tie Puris Indies appears disposed to adopt. f,r 1,'iuler costuiue. very stoat pettieoats, very hih bouts, uud plaid siuckuigsMiiiiyso ucvuulred may be ecu uu the boulcvurUs. Zi.sk .Mii.Ki'ANS.-E.vpiriineuls in England hav reeeully beeu luadu re.trdiui; th vtiecuuiiink up uu milk, uud it was tht milk kept ui ziuk e.-sul will continue sweet luur or live hours lunger Ihuu it will in vessels uf unyuthur uiutcriul. toLl'.Mi:i.v Cofvrv, Pa., has lichly earned the proud title of Slur uf this iorlh" She has given u majority for McClellan on both tho lioiiiu uud soldiers' vote. lUadimj Uuutle. Thirteen shares of the Fortune Wei) in this city were recently sold for $1,250 per shale. It is intended to put elown a luige engine iu place of tlie stiiuli oue now opera ting the well. Other wells are to be sunk iu tlie valley uf Midcreck. Erie Gazette. The lYur iu tlie Noiilkwesl. Cincinnati, Dec. 10. Despatches from Nashville indicate no material change up to noon yesti-rd.iv. I The blockade before Xilshtiilo continues. 'I lie rebels have six batteries along tlie liver, , too powerful for our gunboats, with their i present low range Rliaiaokla Coal 'Iiude. KuamuUI.n, l)ec. 12. 1 Sf. I . i . I fef. V ;o;, , .tul.oOi 1.1 Sent for weak endiuj Dec. Ter lust report, To lame tiui last year, 10. urll;fle.-t l,y h-i iiliev. -tun ttlo .N'ortle io. 2,1. eoit'-iici'i tu I miiii f,.r. iieued, t.ik -I. i':.o tvv.-,i-a ,ii an I to ho f, lld'l sr 1 li.li k. .U..-0: A e.r'fi!n jii-ee of y,i.ur.,l. siinate in the ol Turhuivillr, nly iMel ilnte li I. .re-,o-l fuel di-f'iihrd Iv, follows, to wit: on tlie trout r irct. on the K:i.t by I'urMi.-e .'treto iouih hy an ti'ley, nad on tlie we t l,y ,,i lienii.s. t.,nk!uv i'i widtli on feel", an I i 2'll feer. wii:r--"'i ure ere,.;..,! a larif l k nt. 1 ti--ine dweilin'liouse, lare tr.-iui hrie MIO.iTI I'd ui.nn iu oJ.JO'J IS T3ic CoiilVhHionw ii Jul t'lprrls'iiff ok ax i.sVAi.in. l'uhli-dud for tho henefit. and as a CAI'TIOX TO Vol' Nil JIL'N and others, who i-.iTi-r t.-.nii Nirvou-i llehilily. i'reiutiture liecuy of Moiiho-.d, Ac. up- 1 'lying at the siuoe tiinii TIis Me-in-,.' ,tfelt-t'ure. !- one whu hits cured hiinselt ufttrderoijii; c in- Mderanlo Qiiiickery llv enelnui u poitounl u t- i i'hirteeu colored t'rooos of Conner's I ri- '.' H way wwaei tae i i -. i . i .- t ii I fun or. glide, on its late march Hum JolinsotiviUe to JATHASIKI. MAVl'AIU, Lsq , lirooklyu, Kitis . Ill l l , ;o.... v i -t , o Sluulitcr uf vjsrot's. by Kebclo In Aiiibuoli. A NL'MDEll OK COLOUED di:ov;ed. MEN Sr. Louts, Dc. 11. The JietuUiotn publishes a speciul dis patch Iroiii Cairo, which suvs that consider able exciteiuetil existed ut Memphis on lue Uth, in consequence uf a report that lieauic gtuel was marctiiiig uu Korl l'illovv with u siioiig foitvcuud heavy guns, supposed to be used lor the blockade of the liver. Osceoht has beeu occupied by a small foicu ul rebels' A parly of about 25 rebels recently ap peared ou the liver bank opposits Memphis, waving their hats and Iiuiiulnng lor Jell'. Davis. A force uf about 131 u eg roes were sent ou bourd a tteuuier, w hieh lauded about a mile lower dowu the river. When they sailed out on shore the rebels broke and run, apparently in great couster nutiou, pursued by the u eg toes until they came to a thick bushy place, where the rebels had a large Uiree secreted, who sud denly rose aud tired ou the negroes. Thu latter lied hotly pursued and slaugh tered at a dreadful rate by the reliels. A number rushed iuto the iRit and were drowned. Oue report says that only seven negroes returned, while another bays that nemo got back. j-y.jR r(,lcj c.ODgreM transacts most of its business in secret session. It dure not let the people Snow what it is doing. What u WVtSi UlbUt S J V SUW W ' IVU VS'V"WW I . . . 1 . , , , i i ti I to act in conjuciioii with the Luton General lattt of the bogus Confederacy I These is ; , ,,ai,.. A Hebel Ucneral oa l'arole. New Yoitic, Deo. 11. The Rebel General Beale has ai lived In this city aud bus reported to General Dix. He is released on puruiu from Fort Warren, Cenlreville, lu-lii captured by guerillas, eli awn up in line, l.tce-s averted, nud shot. I Thu ollicial figures uf the battle ut r'ratik-, i lin show our itggregutu loss lo have beeu ! 140 ollicers uud li,0.0 enlisted men. The lebel General. Hay lies, residing be tween thu picket lines in front of Nashville, was killed ou thu bill. His house was used by rebel sharpshooters, uud wus demolished by otir lire. Vit'Ksuuito, Dec. 4, via Caiuo, Dec. 9. Major General 2i. J. T. Dana, by a success ful expedition from Vicksburg, destroyed the Mississippi Central Itailroad tor thirty miles above the liig Elaek crossiug, includ ing the long bridge ut that place. The enemy wus found iu force, but the work was thoroughly done. Our troops re turned to Vicksburg with a loss of live killed and forty-one wounded and missing. 2, 0UO bales of Confederate cotton und about uO,0fJ0 worth uf other public property were destroyed. Nltvi'iuau'aj lclluulion Navaiiunli. Jv'tw Vouk, Dec. 1 1. The Augusta C'hruiii cle of the 4th says the fact that Sliei man's army had reached Milieu settles tlie question that its elestiualioii is toward Savanuah. 110ALS TO SAVAN.VAII llKOVVN'u LSCAl'G. The Kichmond Enquirer of the 6th says the lust uccouuls represcuteel Shermuil ut Millen, and from that point lie has three harbors of about equal distance llcutifort, Savanuah, anel Darlen. It was believed by some thut he would yet endeavor to reach Foster, at Grahamsville, or failiug ia that, would try to capture Savannah. The Savannah JirjiuOliam says when Gov. Drown fled from Milledgeville he took with him all of his own property of erery descrip tion, even lo the cabbages lhat grew in his garden, but he was not so diligent iu looking after the State proeity. All the powder of the State, at Milfcdgeville, w as left behind ; also 3,000 stand of arms, both uf which fell iuto the hands of the enemy. The Kichmond Dcjiatcfi is bitter upon thu Southerners in New York 'und at the North. If the Confederacy triumphs they cannot expect to return to the Boutb. iiviitt iu the txclianere ot not 4 dupotisea in Europe whose Parlia-1 wa trom tbe bo uth tor hO.OOO blanket for Metetaru itsaogikUur)) 1tnclrri doors-1 JUnU jnonr U cur csrreli. 'Gentlemen's Uat. , All tb best style 4 CI1AULLS OAKFOUD 60 .No, UuBliDeoeal JioMl, Philadelphia. o. ii, loo 3ui Ih jroatasl po mao of tb day U Ota. EotUr. for hi urnr prewno in Nw York unusod that ciiy to be m quiet a ItnpsU. guctt U Ut (oros of cUta - fo. N.Y. lieu. IU, lnUL Sm A.NOTitKit Novelty in the Vhotoouahh 1C AttT. A photographer has recently in troeliiced . n novelty in the ino'le? of t iling curtcs-devv isite photogra;hs with tin- siirna tines of tho sitters tippcnduil. This gives but little extra trouble. The sitter siiuolv si'rns his name to a slin of nai.er. mid find i '"" '""': ''en'h: its fao simile, tlimiiiished in size, trttiisfi-rred ; to the portraits. If the sitter thinks proper he can also add to his signature u recom mendation to nil persons to imitate his ex ample, and "sit" in suits procured at the lliown Stone Clothing Hall of ltockhill & Wilson, Nos. 003 and 003 Chestnut street, above Sixth. W are apt to be freo with our jokea upon Doctors and their drujr,s, until sick Mid in need uf their aid, then all alike bow to the necessity ol recourse In their hard-earned and often ill-requited skill. The pre vailing belief lhal ihysiciu Iroivu upon whatever deviates from their peculiar system and usages, arises from the fuet ill- their better imforuiaiion leads.lheta soonest to detect and discard the uiediei! .l..ri,diiina unl i ,..ru 1 i.tntf lliut um ihrllril ItlHIUlh eommuoity. 1'but luey aro ready and prompt to Zerlio lowoship. (formerly in Miihanuj town adopt any really valuble iuveotiuu is seen by Iho Northumberland cuunty. l'a , hounde,", m,j ,iesr, anil H im, out buildings. A-.. t?ett 'it. r-iK.,1: ijito exe-.-ution and to be sol properly t, v.hurie 1'. M :rh"rson. A LSI) : The eastern lu'f part of a eertmn lot of situnto iti the borouli of Supbury, eountv a Kt'oresnM. kliMwo us lot N'o. ill in the c-ene of Slid horonej,, bounded and de-eribe.l :i to wit : fiontii'i or Hhe-kherry stree'. a)j..l No. i'lilou tlie Kn-t. It.i: pl.erry alley on the and the weiern half f said lot No. 2 II. eo: Iu front about UU loet. and in depth ul. nil ; whereon are erecle.t a mhiiM one uud a ha frnme llou-e and -iimIS U:n-!.i--l. I . Seited. taken into exeeu'lou und tu Le sol i property ef lt ;ubi:u i'uely. ALSO : Lot No fl. iu Hock Nu. 1 1.1. in the town of ' tou .eil.e twn.. ei iintv ali i .-lute af -refiii. b ; uu the S u:l. by Coil street, on the North bv a i n the W e-t l.y lot No. i. on tlie L'.ist by lot j in lilo-k No. 1. i'i. cont lining in width 23 'feet. depth Lit) f. et wliL-reou are erecieil a two story I ilon-e. truuie Stable. A1.MJ. Lots v.. 12 anl 1:1 In l!,v-k No. I iiiiuotoHn, township and county, bounded i norili hy .-li.nookil, urcet. on the south by an j uu the w est by lot No. 1 1 in same biock. uu t i j east by Second street, containii.e; hi trout o j feel. Ulol in depth l.nl fe- I. ALSO : Lot No. LI, in 1,1,,-lt So. 7-- eim tied Colltltv. bounded norlhby ll.iuo.ii s reet. ou tii'e south by street, on the eiwi by front street, and on th hy lot No. 12. in s::ic block, tuutaiu hg iu b feet, and iu depih 150 fort. tSeixed, thken iolo execution and to b sold property uf 1'utiick .Mul.en und Wite. ALSO: A certain lot or piece of ground, situate i borough of Milton. Northumberland county. Pi bounded as follows, tu w it : on the north by an on the east by lot of Jacob Hurst, uu tbe sou tValuut street ; said lot containing in wedlh and in depth - lect, whereon aro erected a story frame dwelling House, a largo frame other outbuilding. Ac. Scited, taken into execution and to be sold a properly of Mae-uacl Graham, aud Ihouu Ciru AL60: All that certain trajt or pieee of laud treatment Lioot.J. C. Aver t'hemieul llemeJie hav received at their hunds They apptciate the value nf these luediciues because they kuuw their oomposiliun, and wher U th man who ever heard respectable physioiun either disparage thru or dis courage their us '. Nu profession or pursuit ha done more for llie buuiau family than the medicul profession. Non is fulluwed by nobler uicu or for uublcr ends; nur is there ou wbiuh better defer v us th beat Uiaukiof uiaukiud. Cuutoii (N. )i.)Vema-tral. loiiows, to: li.'cn,: nor at a V. l,li. i iu thence by Alexander Jluutei z nM north Wit. degrees east one hundred twenty m pre a stun fence, lhei.ee by l-atc Jacob Rvv-ai-t' south eleven decree o- jt oue hundred tu.o M' iwrches lo a sluno eover. tbeno Kv aagmallr land south nxlv-ii-.na decrees wastVexty-iiv pei pure lies to a Ch estnul. anj theiu-o hy tiio same i eighty-six decree west eisbty-ei.rht pereht lonecorPer. Ihenoe uia-th eleven decree west liuu-iie.j and sixteen twrubes lue plau of h" niujf. containing cue Luu,irl acres and allows ArrLiCTtois Why will you suffer th terror and ' lr n' exoeptnu, and oxcluding so a afflictions iucident to disordereiiiState oi Ibe liver uu suen pan or purtica ot the suid tract or piec or digestive organ when eertata remedy is w iilnn , '" n souin tlie iluilruad. w tiu b runs your reach lkloojiatid'l Otrmau Duitr will cur I J"f d'rou-h the said tr-.-t or piece of loud you. Ifyoa will onlv discard vour prejudice, and I e'el, taken inlo ex'-eution and to bo soid as giv this arliol trial, yoa will never legret U.i prui'orly U' illUm I.. Ilclieuaiein. Your lomcb will be sreugihfued aud regaiu its! M.M.. N. WEAVKR, Sherli original vigor, and vou will h able to digest your otcnfl 0uie, Suubur, )co. 17, lsCl. fuod satisiaoiorlly. VhaM Hitter ar for ale by all i druggist auii dealer ia medieiue at 74 ooow pw j Altfiit iu. I.uelii-w ultel lau t Iciiti- . . . UaiSKOTVPli AND 1'iIOTvCRA.J MADAME PORTEII S CVKATIVB BALSAM ovLXi-Eitr. 0r J. buwan's Store, comer Market i I'swnS BUNBUK V. lA.. (1 IlxtULY. hi: opened anew, l'ietur Hull t. in ll. ul-.u. .,1 ' l . . i , I - an'i is prepares u) u has long tested th truth dial thereat irst priuoi.es in Medicine as there u in bcience, acd this .Vtcdicio i eompoundeil on priuoiple suite.', to th mauilold nature uf Man! Th curcof Culi is In keruiug opes tba boraa. aud eraiitinir a trp.,!. l..i..,ui u.u...i. ' d tbi. caused b, lb.",.., td'tbi. NioTu.. Tu: I fawl'ZvJZT medial qualities ar oa on it nowei to assut the I ' " u u.auinr. baaithy aud vigorous e,ireulaliuuot bluodlhruui; th j AMUllOTYl'l'S AND VllOTOellt APliS, long, it enliven Vny uiuclo and assisu tb skiu to ar.tokeu in every slyl f t th Art that eancot fern nd ia n'o'l's "D 'b be' f ' 'ur io ' " 5 .everal v.sr's e, fm th! In.?!'', .Kr0Z!Vs 0fl. ' "" ut,nuu : '"' i giv Mill.-f.otic.; or so ch'.rg.. si vu vuvsuriaocol to body, it I uot violeul rme- I Copies will b taken from all u.v. w.i in. moiiiit, wmuiIb. erohiDg and tio. r t,, , una oUL Keioetiibu outran Lb ll ,.l " - - ' bv, bu!4 by alt aru.! i Mtd ii ooLto pw 1-Uot.i. I i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers