t - Ji!i,l4.lr,s tp nilllS rent line t re verse, the Norlhciii n.i.l X'uih J wcl count ies of Ponn'ylMiiii.i l,. tho city of Erie en Lake Erie. J( hnsboou Icn-sid liv tin? Ponnylrnnln Railroad Conif.imy. nnil m,l-r tlieir iiu-piee-i' is being rapidly ii'iic-il throughout H entire length. It Is now tn u?e Idv Passenger nml Freight luiilne. from II irri.-lnir loSt. Man 's (2M mil -y t im the E'siprn Division, nml f'-oiu ' f'l,i llkld to Erie. (7S mill-.) 'n the Western Division. TIMK III" I'ASSKMiKil TIIA1NS AT Sl SltlUV. Arrive E,T.Ait',iril . hear Wetnml. Mail Tmlii. 1(1 2 j A M. Espren Train, I A'i P.M Mail Truln. 4 )." p. M. Express Twin. ."i.;t A. M Cars run thrimc.li will, cut. inVinre. loth iv:v.. cm these trail be, ween Philadelphia nml Lock J fit veil, find between Lclliinnre nml Lock Haven, Elegant Sleeping Corn on Express Train both ways between Willinmspnrt nnd I'.iiltimore, anil Wil!inmporl nml Philadelphia. Fur i n f in i m : I en respecting Passenger business apply nl the S; E. (Vr. I llli n'ml Market Sis. Aii'l fur Freight business of lho Contpnnv's Adonis. S. 11. Kingston, Jr., .(.'nr. Pith nnd Jliukct St., riiiiii.iii.hi,i. .1. W. l; rl,K Erie. J. JI. Drill, Agent X. C. K. 11.. TbiUimnre. II. II. lim STUN, tlcn'l Freight Agt. Pliilmln. Lt-'.W IS L. llol I'T. licn't Ti kit Ag't.. Phihuln. JosKI'lt 1. Poll's. (icn'1 Manager, Willtnnisport. Vny ST.JMfit .u. rr si 3 SOLIJUFIGU ID1S1TTAL CSSA-fcC, tv 4'h':snin V2RilMaiiii iiimI Thi nrt ie.Ie i. prcpurpil willi the grentcut enre upon cicnlilii' ti ini-iittf.a, nntl w.iirimtcl not to eonliiiu nnythin;; in the slightest rtereo deleterious to the teeth or tfiiin.-i. Some ot our imt cutim-iit leittal SurfiHHii.- h:ive i.'ivin iheir itiinotinn to, iiml e'leorful ly reeoiiitmn-l it :s tt prepiiritlioii of iiperiur ounli I i - liif el en O;-in,;. iiiu-iiin nml presen intf thu TKKTH. It eliNths tln.ni ii :nlify. rein'ei iiii; theni henutitwlly while tin. I pe;uly. without tin- 1 i.h tct injury to tin- eniiiuet. It is licilin. lo the ruins wiit-n- tliry nit' ulufititi'il tmd ftn'c. .it is til so 1111 t-x-et'lleiit di'-inU-i-iov fi-r (Ulmvl-.I tvctli. vhiuJj tiro often xi-i'i:tiintfly otlV'iieive. I givi's a rich eveiiiuy ta-te to the luout'li. eleiiit-iuj; it Ihunmhly. and im partin a delii'litfol frMinuee to the Invulh, I'UKI'AHKD ciNLY MX A. IIA WLKY V CO., X. V. Cor. Mlh.. & Lombard Sis., I'liilmlelphin. And told hy nil iJrubi.t-(. l'KICK 2i LLS'lS. TI'STIIONIALS. 'The follow in.j; opinion ol'Dr. M hite, as to the hih c.-tcem in whit-li la ln-M? the J'eotnl Cream, must be idli'-i. iit v idrni'c t-1 iif value ; to (piote other lesti jnoniiil.'' in detail it needless, contenting ourselves by simply giving (ho iminei and addresses id' pcrsuii3 who spt:ak id' its exeelleney for the teeth. l'liilmli lphin. April I 3th. 1SC1. Having riirefuliy exumimd A. liawley's Solidi fied J'ental Cream. M 1 hereby cheerfully recom mend it to the public, generally, it is an excellent preparHtinii ftir cleansing and preserving the teeth, and cm be used by all persons with the uiniust con fidence. as lis propertied are perfectly harmless-, lie nides rcserving the teeth, it promotes u health action to the gums, ami imparts u pleasantness to the breath. Pr. W. R. 'IIITn. 120r Arch ft. Thomas Tngrnm. M. 1) , Dentist, 4UI Fourth St. J. JJiikey. 1V1 S. Sixth St. K. Yandersliee. Surgcnn lentist. 423 Arch St. C. A. Kii.sbury. 1'eiitist, 11 111 Walnut St. S. lillim;ham. J. 1.S.. HA Arch St. V. M. lixon. b'27 Arch St. Kdward Tounsciid. Dentist. 42G X. Tourth St. J. 11. Dorphlev. jJenti-'t. S07 .. Tenth St. 1. j. Ji.ng Denti.-I, tiU Sixth St. SIny 2, UStU. ly O S li O H N'S CKLKDU.VTKD riiEPAREU COFFEE. U' .1 A' 7.' .1 X T K D SUPERIOR TO AIIY IN TEE MARKET. IT is used by tkst c:l:i:-s fiiinilies everywheic, nnd highly ri'i'i'iiniKjiideil for nervous nnd dyspeptic persons, be'ii:: very nuilritinus and freo from all dcleli't ii. us suiir-ianei's. in tcslimonv of whieii I liave ceilifu'tites fnun the most enimini'iit Physi'-inns in t lie Country. Try ii. nnd you will he sure to con tinue its use in preference to nny oihcr. Sold nl retail for Twenty-l-'ivo Cents per Pound by First ehiis (liveers throughout the L'niled "tntts. f- A liberal discount to the Trndc. Put up only by I.BVIS A. OXajWEC.'V. AVhoIesalo Depot, G'J Wurren st. New York. Way 7. ISiil. LATLSTI IrlPROVEMENT OF AGRI CU1TUEAL IMPLEMENTS. AT TUB P O TJ IT D E "2", of. "2 9 "I'r'TST1 - w K. Cf i... tJU3M13tTK,-X-, PENN'A. t!ct the l'i-t - (let the Chenpefs (let-the most Eeo uoniictl. which can he had al the liohrbuch Foundry. Ilr'vin a large ti-.-nrtineiit ot the most npiroved s'l 1 1 Vi;. .-neb as Cooking. Parlor. Otlico imd Shop -liivi s. ubieli will he si, Id ai ihe nwe.-t rates. Also, Ki mi. -sol all .-i.es. Pans. Skillets. ,W'. 'I ! , a--,, a!-,, m.u' ul'aet n ring .Machinery, rioujjhs, C i-'ii Ac al -li"i't in tiee. U. jdrii8 l' kin-is ' !' Agrii ultiiral Implements d-.iH- in a "--'il ie iiii:;:ii!ike inai.uer and at the W.f i-..:i.'-.-. ! Ail i .i: lis!ii;,i.el us oriU'red. CnUrs respect fall,) .s'.ili .-i.cil an I pn.lr.ptly ntti'iali'd tn. . IK'HUUACll A CWU'LU. Li ' 'J Iron, nnd all kinds ol Pioiiuce takeu i 'l'.x hnttgo for win k S.inbury, Juno IS, lsfi-1. tf U. M.Lai van. A. M. Sallaiik. IMPORTERS 1 IQl'OKS. .. b.-twrii Chesuut and I...,.U'1.LI'JJIA. i;Ai .A . l.liiil. 1 ON SATE 1 l.c Vuly Lata ittiliubla iiKiiiiiht bctli Viro nnd BuiRliiry. I am now Tcpnrcl In furnish three iie of Nation Hlb u.k Sati s. TI.ey are boih I'ire and llurghir- l .ot i;l!i twudistlia-t ili-i le Ilulglar Satis, and llil' t li'V lo w Aloi-aili-mtiicliT Locks oil each .-ale. I eliei cd lo he llie ol iy baiik-loi k now ill u-e thai i as i,.il been piekid i-r eaniH-t be picked by the aid "t lite Ihii-li'li.eli i. 'these Safes nil present to.il h.-; Uielic- i.i ihukl.e-f ol .ulid il'oll. gun I inn eed to lie lid . -n. . . - in...-! ,,;tl':, ull lo ill'lll KIlU III sla" I ll '- I I . - i-t n,f aaui-l both lint mat biil'.a'J "I i.l.y Safe III the 1 nil, d Stalls of til : c.llli.: .-i.' and e..-. 1 ba . on l.:ii Hu., and mil furbi.sli nil sizes of It.il.k noli k.. inK allltjo udluiitages id lt,e lit.i.l e i.lil..-t I t.i ;l it V. Abo. ill Hues ..I Mi i.-iiiilile Sales both burglnr T.,"I anil 111.' nnd Ion l"r-ptiit f. Also. Ilii.iauii!.,l l,lli,,.... Safes, bnr-lar !"!. t'l'l "i d bl,i;-l: l- ,,.! ,uU.ll.U-a Lot .l.iio; . AI--H, I he siioii;-s' i, I i In 11 1 -t V11.1I1 ih. ors. f-r I ti.L in .1 lin i --.inl ile 1 -nl'.. .Ml if.u ui-ove arc l..llu'. m.-uhi and ibilbd ', t'lii.i'i l.iM'u ftrou-'hl lion Kire-Pna,!'... I'd 1 -tial lu uny clou uu .ate., ul tully otu-- 1 '..., - .a '':. 11. 1 -. llurlil i-T i-t'i'olid halel Sadal. ' ' t 1 1 1 in I - 111 U Lew . b 11 1 ol ii pi ol id hiaUils ;' ' ' ' ' ' " ' I- ..,e I"r l.libl- a t Inilud J lull Cute.. I " .'I' ' I I . l Ul "I I. 'oM MU'I i"U pi u'1'4. .M 1 VI 11 U Aj nl. No ;l r M. V i.S 1 li Mlevl ' .. II. N I Iriv. .vltii a .(- i.V'i luN, in ; 1. i i 1 in 1 i- I 11. ul Hi.- . 1 . n, , iuIiihI, I ' . lililil) III iu.ll 1,,. - I I ' 1 t a ' 1 ii. II1-11 1 a I 1 '1 1 I ii- r U .. I' 1 .1 si 11,. ' - ul V, ,1.1.1 I'-l . ' Il I I 1 1 III I . -I . . 1 1 ' " I I ' I. ,1 ... I I ill 1 l.ll l" 11.. a N -il. I P I ... I . I .1 I , i()Aiii)iN(jiiois!:. MH.. t kill I Ui.U , I .u .l) ,. ,1., I.,,,. . . ,, , " 1 v' 11 t im , : .11 r ' ; .... ..... .. , 1 , v I II.. I I , .. 1... , 1, . .,,,, ,,,,., ' " J W I' I I. . .... M 4. 'I.. ........ . 1....... (,.,,, .,,,! . 41 1. v. .... si ri.i-i.'t .,' mthi'i i. ' I ' . I ., . 1, I- Jvl .-,'! ," t,"" '- t -.. I. .. II.. '...... ri.ialt.oM .,, i,tl t.,. I i"l 1 ) ...! I j LADIES BrBINO AND BUMMER FANCY DRESS (JOODS, Two doors West of the Pot Olliirc, t f At ins t-irvW.l ntwl nonnrl n huM.ln.nnt I I (if J'miry lrilAa tloo'l-, duch Hluvoa. Jnnviitu Ki 1-L'l 'Vi'-. ,ilk nml liln tlirond iHovpn: l.n.lii'ii ciitlun lli'.c. CLililn u'a 11..p. Silk Mils, llninlkir pliii'N. Ci'i-i'l. KiiilirnuliTPil Sli)'icri. Kililmrm li'AN CY 1 ltl;.-S 111 'I TONS. Iliiglt' (tiiiilw, Trinimini?", HiUtons. lU'lt Rilion, Vitlvot Uililmin. llrniil. Ili-lt i.'ln.. Lmliin' Nock-llco. Kuni-y llultinia. ( KAl'K liinilO.N Hml Till JIM 1U ; fitiibriii.liTlii llrnidn, .1 acotii-t nml K'.visa K'luinn nml inMi'iiicms ; iMnItrcfO Iiiicp I'lillnra, llrrnnilino Veils, Vnticy I)io Conil.H, ll'imi IlrciHcii, Mvttn, and a viiricty nl' other urtielia. r II 0 T 0 Q ?. A P II ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATlONEItr, Bonk". Hymn BdoIik. lilunk Unrks, Momnrntiiluin Hooks, Diaries, I'nckct IinnkK. Ink Slnnds, Tuns, I'onpil.i. Ac, Ac TOYS AXD (.MJ FOR citildhkx. All of whii li linvo hcclti selorU'd with enro ntid will bcs'ild nt ri'Hioninble price?. AXXA rATXTER. Sunbury, April 2S, 1801. THE I1ED LION HOTEL (lato Mrs. linullon's.) MAIiKET BTKEET, BUNBTTRY. PA. JULIUS AEIBXTSR, HAS liiki'n tlii." old nnl woll kmiWH etnn.l. nml refittcil nml furiiislicd tliu smnc is prcjinrcd t" iii'cimimii'lnlu Bnnnlcrs nml Tinvrii is Willi Iho best the miii'ki't c.ni nl'iiril. Ho hopi'sby strict iittciitiun tn hnsiniws t receive n slmrc of public pntrnnnKC Hi." TAI'.Li; cuiitiiiiis llio be.-t the mnikct. ntlonl. J lis linr is tilled with the choicest of Liquors, both Mult nml Spirit'iuus. The sl.ibling is good, nnd nttended by enreful Ostlers. Su'.iluiry, April .",0, 18IH. ly T l'ST received n new stock of l'i hinj Tnlle fur Spring snb'S. eoiisisliii ol Hods, lloi'li. Lines, ISitskets. Snoods, i'lonts, Nets, l'lies, Al'tifu'iiil Unit, Kied l.ini-. (inl. tlrnss nml llonks. to wliich the lilti nliou oide:iU'i' is pnrtieiibirly rtuested. Orders. lmlesi.lc imd Hetnil, punctually filled und sntisfiiclion wni'rutited. .mux Knino. 2nd nml Wnluut streets, Philiulelpliin. Febnnvy 27. 1M1I. lini AN lNTKHESTlNG HISTORY W!. E CITE UK'S OWST CAES. avium LAimiuxtj I'Xin.'it coxsv.Mniox And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,' nnd Miiiidi nko Pills net on the System ill Curing Unit Disease., nnd the iil'Filt SlK'Ct'MM .tlK'IKlillJ' 1 ! The above i a correct likeness of Dr. Schenk'tukcn ninny years ago, after he Und recovered from Con. sumption ; by a course of his ''Schcnk's Pulmonic Syrup." Tho likeness, nllhough it docs not repre sent him anything liko ns bad ns ho vaunt the worst, yet it is in strong contrast wi'.h tho bale nnd vigorous looks of the Portrait below, which is tho truo like ness of him nt present time. Tho contrast between these two portraits is so great that many would not believe them to be the same person. Yet there are hundreds of persons, in nnd nround Philadelphia, who will recogniso both portrnits to be true ropresen tnlions. When the first wns taken ho weighed 107 pounds ; nt the present time his weight is 220 pounds Xi:w Yoiik, Wednesday, March SO, lslil. TO THE PVLLIC. Thirty yenrs ngo I was in tho lust stnges of P11I. liii narv Consumption, nml (riven opto die'. I resided in Philadelphia, nud Dr. Joseph Pan isli. then of this city, ordered me to Morestowu, N. J , a distance of nine miles which took 1110 two days to get there. On my arrival 1 was put to bed. and there laid for many weeks. This was my native place, where all my family lived nnd luid died of Consumption. Dr. Thin nlon. who ntti nde l my father in his Inst illness, was calli-d. and gave liie on weak to fix up my af fairs, lie had seen all my family go I lull w ay. an 1 tla ii :!it 1 was to go. too 'Then I heard of the'remc dies 1 now offer to tho public, which cured me. It Ma ined iii me that I eoiild feel them penetrating my w' '!- sys'elu. 'liny soon ripenesl tho matter on my lungs, nnd I would si'il oil in,, re I him 11 pint of ofleiisive yellow n ailer every nu.r 1 1 i a '. As soon us that began lo nihsidi'. my cough, level, pain, night sweats nil began to lea e me. and my appetite became so great that il en- villi ililhcully i could keep tioui iMting too much. 1 soon gamed my slrcmrtli mill haie been gnming in Heh ocr since. For iiimiv venrs I have ei,j..ye. omul 01 1 up' i-d good health, keeping the lnei'iind stoma di lieal.liy with the Seaweed T'o- I. i.' an 1 Miiinlii.ke Pills, us 1 1.111 ol a ti.llious tcnipi r ii'aent. .My wetgbi i.- two bundled nud twenty i...n Is do my leemeiy pe. pic would send lor 1110 far und nenr. lo. e if tlu ii ca-es Hi nt like mine. 1'or this pin .,su 1 pay I'l.-li-.-.-i . iii.l li.sii- i the large oiiic. Tliei-oii-iimpiiie. wish u, see the one that linikes tloe no ii.en,i. un.l who v.11.1 elired ot Colt, miupii. ii 1. 1 I hi'iii. 'I u make new lun r. is iinioi- lie; bill e i: i. - in ihe luug.nlid ehroliie ub'i'i'H la. n. ol hi. I. n 1.. I,:. I i,.l.. ., I, healed Such e.i nr-d ing li' iiiU ui. ler ilia orduiay iieatmi ill 1 I plu-i. iai. . 111.1l j-.-i -.1 . h lile eiitid by the ptoper U.i i.l Mf, k 1 i'lllli. ililj Sirup, Seuwei l Tome, and M. nun aku 1'lllr. 1 h. aliliv mini, wi'h a large envity In I I. .- Ii.iii.ll' I ."i-f llo- ri.l.l lung, ll.u ,.ner lube lei v ?: l"'l'""-l nit ."i.'blea.h.,i...i.ftbe pleulii. II . l.ii 1 11 1 . 1 i- i.jii-1. and tl.. ui 1. r b.l.u ol ih ' '" " ' ;" I ' .Iii. v comlm,.,,. ike IU""," ,I,! ' I l.v ... . .J..- .1,, ,., cuu ,..,.,. I a U.,1 III I .1- I... ; llieyjjllo Uiedlello-. " -a p ll.u c u.l, l ,.,,, , ,, ,u ,Klll I... 1. .'..',. ..,.1 by - do,.,. ,Uy .u. Iu, ".' ' I ""-l- I '.'..; Up HlO MClclloli. "' ' "- I ". 1.1 ... .. ui. 1 di... Aiti-r 1 ' ""'" ' ite l'Ulll',,1 kill, , I I I I li.l.,.l,...Ui. UU lu ll, 1 -- I.U.lsl,i. .. . .,.1 ,1 ,v , u( ( X " l"" ''V '""III Ol .ob.UU.1, M l,, '"' "' ' 1. . UU..l.l ''O I I.I.I, in L1..I. I.. ..1. I..-I " lilt 1 1 1 II I Li 1, ... v 11 . hi it a. ,1 I I 1 - i - it a-'. I ,.,..' en'. . It. .V '. I IWU' I II. I. I4.,, v,,..lv t4U,,u ' 1 "' -'."li ol inula, I. u..Jt l.vi. ...I... .. I I' I..I .U. I loll Ol l. B..UI.I,, 'UU ...tn ...i.. ly li.ul i4.,u.s, Vom u... , 1 i.t ,. ul. iittu li 1111.1; i. I i,tit, i,ui ill I u ! I, It. . ... 1- ' I ll 'I- I I "I I I lit. MuUifcfc 1 1 1 1 . ' I llo ) a ul l.il uu li.tu.M.lt a. 1. I 1. 1., 1 it. -u u II. 1, a- l, Il j a b.ia au; ,i . .. tu a, ) ..., ul i. utv, il nul iaa.ata tUmim - . I - ' -. , 1.. o .1. I N..111 .1.I1I ,ui gu lua aiu '..i lit a i, a w I" .1 ... i .a. at, I tn.ka lu 4 1- l-.k. il.a .la. t .11 ....t, 1 u.all.-l Iboju II ..... t., tl -.1 ..I 11,4. W bV iui.. .tt-i )Lf. Ji I .1 . ,1. I lul.i I ,.nl lu. l .u.a.fc afcl IllM .. I . ..ui. a. , a.. .. I...!,.... M,N kaia u . .. . II..! ...I. ..,...,.. M, lk4 j uloV.1. il ( I u. .U. . l. uu.a ti.-a. I 14 naul "I- ' ' " ' "" 1 la. 1. a., a. Ik. 4i.vJ k,.l. 1 ... .. ......a. , k.l ,.i,a. a, n, w- .i iu. . .ul 11 a., a, mt.4 44 k.ialf u a 1 ... k. a.a aba,, . lit .... ... .-a 11..1 .u, a u -I ...... .4 .ik I'llta.- i.'.n.i.i.,i, 4,4 i.i..... -, ., a 11. av II i ( ., I "I I ,., I .1 .1 I . , ' 1 ul I a.. , 4 4, .,( i . -a u.. 4aa.na a. the. stomneh. nnH It Is onrrlcil off by lit niil nt the' Stanilrnko Pill", tho Pulinonio Syrup is innilc into blond. This Is the o.ily Wiry to euro, eonnimplion. 11 1 naniioi jjem (roon appetite, Mini luo't Hues not digest. 1 cnnnol euro the pntient Xcver iniiid Iho cough; remove the nnnso nnd will stop of Itself. Thisis the most trouble I hnvo wllh toy patients nt my rooms. They say, "Dootor, J feel ' stronger ; I can eat ; my night swcutii are better, nnd I feel bel ter every wny; but my cough Is so hml yet;" nnd they Are nstonlshad to henr me say that does not nintter; remove tho cause and tho cough will s op nT Itself. Kchenk a Seaweed crentes n good iippetitn In nbont nino ilnys, when there Is tin lung disease, unless tho liver is so congested that the Mandrake Pills ennnot unlock tho ducts of the call bladder in that shoi t spnee of timo, in ordur to ullow tho rtnlo bile to pf;i off. Keep tho liver nnd siomnrh healthy nnd there is less dnngor oreonsumption or nny otht'r disease. It is hard to tako cold when those organs lire hcnlthy. Those that are bilious, low-spirited, dreary, feeling stupid, eonted tongue, poor nppetite. nervous, stomach lull of wind, everything Hint is eaten lies henvy. loss of memory, try one bottlo of tVCIIKNCIv .v.si: AWF.FH TOXlO. nnd 0110 box of SCIIF.XK'N MANDHAKE PILL. It Is only n cost of one dollar nnd twenty-five cents, with full di rections. This Is sufficient, in many enses, to sntls fy whnt tho medicines are. Frequently ono bottle makes a great change In tho system. Any person that enjoys ordinary lienlth, hy using tho Seiiweed Tonic and MnndriiKO Pills oecnsiontilly, must get tho digestive organs in such n hcnllhy condition, that they bocome fleshy I enn produce a number of my old consumptives patients now enjoying good health, weighing nearly 2011 pounds. I will conclude by relnting three cures I havo mndo in Xew York, nnd which nro nil dilYcrcnt, nnd wish nny ono who feels an interest in the inntterto visit them. First is Mrs. Fnrlow, residing then ntXo. 107 Houston street Her husband culled upon mo nt my rooms. 32 Ilond street nud wished me to cull nnd see her. He said 1 could do no good ; thnt he had had all the best medical attendance, and nil said she was ton far gone with Consumption to be cured ; but she had heard of soino great euros I hnd mtidc. nnd ho desired to gratify her wishes. I called, and tiiund her lying confined to her bed in the Inst stage of bronchinl consumption and without doubt must have died soon. 1 examin ed her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much allcctcd, but no cavities had formed, her cough win very severe, tho spit-box wns half full of thick fms. Pulso 1-10, leg swollen very tmieh ; and worse than all, she had chronic diarrhieii. Her Ixovols hnd been moved eleven times that day. laild her thin she had lungs enough to be cured, but that this dinrrhrcii had been ot long standing, nnd her stomach was in such a ulcerated condition that I was afraid nothing could ho done. Sho insisted 1 should try and do what I could for her. observing that she could not last long in tho condition she was in. and I could not make her nny worse. X gnvo her first a dose of my Maudraku Pills, nnd the tonic and yrup freely. That was on Tuesday, nnd by the next sutnlay the diarrhoea wn. curried off. her nppetilu had returned and she could sit up in bed nnd cat her dinner. She is now well, nnd gnvo a long eerliiicate, certified to by the liev. Dr Downing. "Mrs. llnrtholomcw. Hll West Foity-fiflh street, caiiio to my rooms with a tu-iuor on her li er. 'h was low-spirited, skiu sallow, tongue cmt'.-d, bowels costive, no appotile. and fast sinking into the grave. The said tumor had been running over fourteen years. 1 gave her Syrup. Tonic and Pills, and told her to take them just as the directions were printed. She enmc back to my rooms. Loud street in two weeks, somewhat better ; her tongue had begun to clean a little nround tho edges, her skin w hiter nnd her eyes brighter nnd tho tumor discharging very ofl'oi.sivo mutter, much finder than it had evor done before. Sho kept gradually improving, nnd in about two mouths she came to my rooms very much fright ened, saying that tho tumor had nearly stopped running, and was henling up. und that every doctor had told her thnt if it ever healed it would cause her death. I told her that the ilisi nso had all left her system, and nature would heal the ulcer up. They are nw henlcd. nnd hiive been for about a year, nnd she is a hearty nnd robust n womiin as you will find in a days walk. She is glad fir any one to call on her. and takes great pains to visit any ono thr.t she hears has anything like her case, and trif s to get them to come nud seo me. Tho next case is Mi::s s,enfield. from Stamford, Conn., Mrs. 11 irlhobiiiicw got her down to seo mo. nnd sho has been ever siueo lit her house. When she Jirst ciiine to my rooms, she was much emaciated witli a distressing cough, spil ling large quantities of blood. 1 examined her lungs with the ripii'uinetcr. nud in all my practico never found one Willi one lung so far gone and the other lung so sound. I could not give much encourage ment. I thought sho would die ; but to my aston ishment the Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, nnd Mandrake Pills all seemed lo go light to work, the lung is nil healed over, leaving a cavity as lurgu ns il gooso egg; good nppetite. line rpi'iils, und has gained some thirty-five pounds in weight. Sho has souiu cough yet. which I do not tniuk iVill leave her before June. I should think it would be of great interest to some unprejudiced physician to visit these cases, particularly Mi.vs Scolield.'or any ol them who have been cured by uiy medicines. I'licy nie num erous in Xew York'; biit tho above three," nil differ from each other ; and if my medicines are doing what 1 represent they arc, they should have the credit and tho ulllic.ed know where and how they way be cured. J. H..S'CIIEXK. M il. Dr. J. II. Schcnk can be found at the principal office, Xo. ;iit Xorth bill Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from it A. M. until u P. M.. to give advice freo of charge; but tor a through oauiinaliou ho charges three, dollars. Piieeofthc Pulmonic Syrup nnd Senwccd Tonic each SI lia tier bottle, or Sli the hall dimcn. Mandrake Pills L'.i ccnis per box, and is for sale by nil Dru gists uud Dealers. Mny 11, 1SI14. ly 1804, 180-L AIT.ES1I SITI'LY OF SPUING AND SL'MMEU M I L L I N E It Y (JOODS, At the Lnrge Millinery Store of liiM .11. I.. allM!ll'l. Fawn street, two doors south of Shnmokin Valley & Pottsville llailroad. Sl XUl'KY, Pn., Consisting of tho very late.-t styles of b c ar ' ns '.a-9 Alto. Trtintnin fliirh n. Rihlnn. Laces, French aiul American Flower. Feathers, Ac. ALSO. A LA HUE ASSOHT.MnXT OP Fancy Goods & Notions. to which she directs the attention of her friends, and invites all to eall uud see before purchasing else where. Thankful fur pnst patronage, she hopes by keep ing tne best assortment at reasonable prices to con tinue Ihe same. Sunbury, April 9, lSt',1. :iin IHl-llilillK' Itiiilrosiil. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT- (1 RLAT Till XK LINE from the Xoith nna J North-West for Philadelphia. New York. Head ing. Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown. Ka-sinn, Ae. Trains leave llaiiii-luirg for Philadelphia. New York, Heading. Pottsville, uud all llttellileJiitUl Stations, at h A. M., nud 2 Oil P. M. New York Exprcsaleuvcs llarrisliurg nt 0 .'III A.M., arriving at New Voik nt I -1 j the saiiiu day. A spc -iiil Aeeiiiituiit-iiiiii.ii Pu.seiiger iraiu leavts Lea, ling at 7 I j A. it., and returns from ll.iiii.-bur ' at j P. M. Funs I'n i m llairisbiirg : To Xew Yo; k if j li ; to Philadelphia J uj and J b'J. Lagi.e el. celled thiougli Learning, leave Xew York lit (l A. M.. 12 Noi.n, and 7 P M. (Pitt.sburgU Lxpress nriiviiig at Il irri burg at 2 A M ) U-uvu Philadelphia ui s li A. M and .1 :ai P M. Sleeping ears in thu Xew Yuili l-'vpi-iss Trains through lo and fi'.'iu l'in.l.tiigh wiihmii change. Pm-sungi'l i by the Cultuwi-a Kail Load leal e Til Inaijua al si all A.M., uud J la P. M, V, Philakl- hiu, New-York, nnd all Way Points. Tiuiin lean- Pttit-ville al ti I j A M . and 2 :to P. M , fur Philadelphia. Hun i-l.ui , und Ntw Voik. Auaccoiiiiiiodtiiiou I'.Lvieni r it mi li.n.- lleuliii at li UU A. M , and return, tuon Philadelphia al 4 UU P. M ( y1" All I ho ubuve trjins run daily, Sunday, cx crplcil. A Sunday train leave I'oii.iiflu at 7 A.M., uud Philadelphia ul .1 la P. M. I ollilliulalli'll, .Mtb,.i(;e, Si. mill, feud lU.'iu.iuU Tii k l. al reduced I uli to m, I i ui nil .,.nu. SU I'ouitu. llaifua allowed e.i. li I'mi u ,a r 4 A. Mi nl.Lsl. (ivui-lai ."upiillululidt.nl- May 27, lull. llu lial. Hum lli-aiurril, Il'kt i,i,l,l,.l,,,l i,.w liil..iii,r It CI I.Vm;. tt 1.1.1. Bill. Hilt U n .SA ui. Ib.noal luiu aithoul M.1I1111111.) of Si-aiiaAroiiUM.kA, or .ili,ll.al w.'tflilitw. Ii.ioluitlary Si-iiili.u4 I.im...., a 4-ulL.. I M.-nul an I I'hy.littl In.-upat liy. lui.,.,. 4uviiia Ui Manuka, aut ; .U1.1 mn urtiu, r-pilip- . and 1 iia. laJu.ad b aidt iuduiouia u( Mttasd AiiaiaMitia v-'4u.iv, 14 4 utiltti ,'.,, a..'y ,.r lent I The cil.bfaia.1 uil...f lu Ibi. admiral, la aaay alkally iliuiuiaillalaa. Iluiu I ill I -)i.ai .ait.Mlul platlH-a, lllal Ilia alalliilai ikJihijiiiiwii i. a.tl aasaMi a..; la ladualiy nui. I al.n.ui II. .iinin.a. jim af lud iuk4 a.u-li. ma ui lb a-.lnaii.,ii ul iha kbila - la.14,111.4- aa. lltwl.tl iu4.. a u.u Mu. la ".ltai44 aiaj iUau4aa. Iy uaui U atiliu.i.ty u laia, bu a.allM afcal 4,1. iaa JiIuji a..) U, (aiay tuia aiux.lt . Lt.( I; (-maUlji, aa4 la l.. ali i I Iku l .-lui. .1-a.ia aa ta ik. L.ai. u .in. -aili au4 ..i.j u..a Ui Ilia lii-4 I..IH.JUK.I iu. ,.l.u .ai .-..(. U a. ) atl litsM (-.1 .lj.la..(l. 4, a l-m,,. , .l.u.1,. t. dii-11.4 laa aUui,ui. ' ... 'l J I' KIJM. 41. . 1 1,7 ia... .a ..a, J'va. ta... ku, iaaii Jul. II l. I I j aa 11 lMi 'ai. ..,l .far a-.l tin,. .4 u,.,u; bai. .s . a. .a... ... 4, aJ. a4 .k. s4k.a vl uk. ' .aaa, A.,.,a II la A I) Y HOOFING Heady to nail down. At less than half the cost of tin roofs. ItS ABIT "rOOPSNG Mure durnblo tins tin.. nsADi? "nooriNa Suitable ior, stoop or But roofs. ltEADYTl00KIN0 For nil kinds of buildings, in nil cliiuntes. READY HOOFING Easily, thonply. nnd rfuiekly put on. Feeds no coating over wilh ceuicnt after it is nailed down. READY "HOOFING Mado of a strong woven fabric thoroughly snfurn'cd nnd covered upon both surfaces with a perfectly wa terproof composition, nnd put up in rolls rendy for nso 10 inch wide, nnd 76 leet long. Vi'e also manufacture LIQUID CEIOITT, Fon Leaky Tin Hoofs, Much cheaper and more durnblo than oil paint. ALSO, 4'otnponml 4 Y mi nt, For Leaky Wiingle Hoofn, Which will often pnve tho cost of ti new roof. t-Nunpk of Heady Hooting nnd Circulars sent by mail when denired. Favoialilc-erms made with responciblo parties who buy lo sell ngaiii. READY K00FIXU CO., 7-i Maiden Luno, jN. V,. April 23, 1S04. t: very body t'un be nu Ai-tiii. COOPER'S PHOTOGRAPH AND ART GALLERY, No. IM Chesnut Street, ophite tho IT. 8. Mint. liallery, Reception and Operating Rooms ALL OX FIR'T FLOOR. Allptylcsand sizes of rbotorniih.''. Ivorytype, Fermtyjiea or ''Tintypes' nnd taken ut prices' to suit the tunes. Fieturcs Finished in Water ColorSj Oil, India Ink and Faftil Hows and other iinininU, E(i:ipne, Country Seats Ruins, Modelnof Machinery, Ac, tor Patenting ac curately photographed. P F Cooper desires to call the attention of ;er Fons visiting Philadelphia to hie new ('round Floor (jallery, where he hun introduced ncwly-patouled 'cameras, eapahlo ol' taking, in a few Reconds. ono hundred Photographs, from the email stamp or auto graphic, to thu Imperial and Life iSi'.e. Alter many exneriniCLts he has succeeded in pla cing his ky-liht at an improved tingle. ditiuini; the light in cipial projvrtions, and produein.; that soft gradation of tone Vihieh cannot he given hy tho siile and sky-lights generally lined, and which of hi inuch importance to thu beauty of n pieturo. It is mado of French glus and is the largcM iu Plnla iv'l phin. Mr. Cooper hns been engaged more than twenty year.1 in the ftuiiy and practiee of the Fine Ai t;. ilis long e.irrienco as a Miniature and Portrait Painter is smthcient guarantee fur tho perfection of the pictures made at his cetaoliihmcnt. The art of idealizing is well under-loud ; none but (ho most fkillul artist-are employed iu the respecTive department. All Pictures M'arranted ; the Ivorytypcs will not ch;iir;;e in any climate, and will stand the tet of acids. Particular aLteulton is paitl to giving grace ful and c.isy iositious. Daguerreotypes and all other kinds of pictures Copied, trom iniill medallion lo life nie. iukI lini.h ed in colors or indinn ink, to look eijual to pictures taken frm life. 'J'bis (Jallery possesses raro faeil tits fur taking K(Uuttrian Pictures tVuiu life, in the rear building, where from one tolit'ty hoivcs can bo photographed ut a time. X. i. To Photographers. Colorifts and others. Just l.-sued.- A New Wmk on Photograph Coloring, ivory typing. Knamelling, Ivory Miniature Painting. Ac. Complete instruction,. given for making Ivory types wilh soino valuable receipts, never before published, useful to all photographers, fur one of wliieh a largo hum hai been ottered. tv following the directions contained in this book. otn inoi-ic pD sons u llli no irevious Knowledge ol Painting eannottuil toeolur photographs iu u boau tiful and crtLctive style. One copy with model of culoring 5 00, without moJefs.l 00. ly remitting $10; Ink model sott of colors, Ac, wilt be sent free of churif". Will bo Published Shortly. A VaI.laulk Wouk on Dhaujno. With progres.-i c illu.tUuliou of the Human Fuuo and Figure. ALSO, A Hand-Uook o. Positions, With Illuirntions. Designed for tho use of Photo graphers nml Artists. Mr. Cooper continue!) to receive Lndics and den. tleinen into his Classes for instnietnm iu Drawing, and Photograph, ivorytype. indiu Ink und Patd Painting, and u beaulilul pioeess for J.iKiiiiiling Pictures. Circulars containing list of prices of pictures nnd further information respecting .be Houks and 'i'eruis of ititruetion may be had by cnclo i. I'osi Otlico Address and a Stamp to P. F. COOPFIi, , 13M Chesnut Street, Philadelt hia kflj;kl.cl.s. Caleb Cope, President Academy of Fine Arts. Dr. 1 bos. U. Wilson. Ornithologist and Kntomologht lUv. Thomas Miles Martin, P. K. Church. linn. ictor A. Sartori, Consul ot Leghorn. Robert lr. Clarksou, of Firm of Jay Cooke A Co. New York, Rev. W. A. Muybiu, Reel. St. Alban s Church. Itoston, J. K. Tilton A Co. Deitry iloubmd, Ksq., Long Branch, X. J. Daltiuiore, .Mons. Amedee Suuvou, French Concul. Mny 21t, mU. IAM)S FOB SALE- rilllE suhscriher offers for snlo low, soino vnlunldo X I'riicls of Tiniher Land, in Chnpuiitn and Colo lliool; toiviishipi. in Clinton county, und a valu ihle tract ot L'oal liiinu. m .Mount Lnruiel tuwiiMiip, ! Noithiiinheiliiiid county. Al.-o a 1'iuin, Saw-.Mill, I ami 't iniher l.nnd, in l.iiuestoue touiichip, I nion i ei unlv. AImi. a dwolliiiir house and two lots iu the i lioruugli of iorthuuihoi Innd. Apply soon to I'UAIII.KS J'l.KASAMfS, Kxeculor of Hugh llelliis, deceased. Hunhurv. Mny J1. ISiJI. WILLIAMSrOHT OIL W0KKS ! N0X-KXri.0SIVE rum: crystal carbon IX THiHT l'ACKAUES. Order, will receive prompt attention. . , 11. U. 1HI.1'TT. i illiumsiKirt, ,'uno Ii, l-WI. 1'mprielor. Xortliern Central liailwav ! 11111:11 11 111: Ttui.i:. TllltKH TRAINS DAILY to aud fioui lialliiuom and N a.hintoo eily. C'liiiiei iiiiiis 11. 11 .1 o hh (rains 011 l' nn.ylt juiu R iilrond, 1,1 und from Pitt ,urg an ) ltt t , ,i 'I llilf.l. I II A I.N.I 1ALV to and In. 111 ln.-N.nlh and ut Hi uu li hiiniucl.aniia, Lliulia. and all of .Suriti. i rn New Voik. ON and after MONDAY. MAY tilth. Isill. ilia I'aaM-i.Ki-r Tiains of ilia Noiibrrii Cei.iral Ituilaav a ul arriia at and d. parl fr.uu Hu'bbury, lluriuhurg aud lliiliiioora a, toll. .a., ,i : HO V T 11 A It H . Mail Train leavna Sunbury dally (eieept huudavi. HI ! A M " li ana U .rtiJ.uriJ, I 2o P. M ' anna, al Lull uu. ue, i ij l'i.ru Truiu lean-, hiioliuiy du.ly (cpi riuii.lay.i 1 i p M " Imva. Hjiil,'.ui4 (I'tcipl M 'U-Uy 1 id ( " ami... al Halliuiuia daily tn... l Jb.i.Ux, tJua m iluni.burji A,;. ouiuiodaiioii liairas llairi.- buiji, 7 UU A U liuiitoii .i. eouiuii. laliua luavas liuiibar v ilailj (iAc.'l Maudatl al MILIUM AUD. Ua4 Tlam kiln l,.lliia..ia i4.il ( , a. . 3u.i,4 l j " lia. .a ll.u il arg ' " an 1 1 1 at aai... , Llaaa. lia.a I. a.a. I.atl.uuoe ilalljl a.ilii. al Il.1lul.ai4, " I ii.. liaimUal t.4..pl o ai... 4 aai.aijf . lu A M I .i 1' ai. m M IM11I. i Ui M .4 " 11-.u.Laia 4--ia-4.i.4i laaiwa Uaila I Lai -, 4.o i4.H i-nd. al 4 lal f at j ai.ua. al li.ni.i I a t il Oaaal j Av.va.a.is.1.. a laaiaa iiai I ta- I. 4.0; ...4-l Auli; i as Iwfll ll Wai.u ii p) al li. ta-a . . I DitlilkV I liallatals) Ja4i I, ' Oia .lt 18G3. & GRANT llMUXC AT TUT? MAMMOTH STORE, I "701'T.T respectfully announce thnt they have just received nnd opened a very largo nnd well seloc i ted Ptock of COOPS OF ALL KINDS, which they are willing to dlnpoio of nt a VERT SMALL ADVANCE OU ''irKt font. 0 OUR STOCK. IS COMPLETE ANT) EMCHACES EVEUYTHIXG GIVE TJS A CALL. Thank Till for pnst favors we hope to lncfct a con tinuancc of tho Mine by etill idling (londs ns cheap if not II ('.A IM'.lt than enn bo purchased eUe. whero. . FRII.IXti OltAXT Punhury, Mny 23, 18153. U. W.XIKHLIIR, SOLOMON UALICK. ZIEGLER & MALICK. ATTORNEVS AT LAW, 1 Sinilniry, Aoi-ltiuiiilM-i-liiiiil '.. Isi. OlTcr their profesiennl services to the puhlic. Col 1 lections nnd all other profossionnl husincis entrusteil ; to tliein, will receive proiupt nttention 1 AIo, Military clninis will ho collected, such ns Homily. IJnck-l'ny. Pensions, Ac. Ac. i Holh speak the (Jerinnn LnnLMinge. l tlico Market Siiunre, next door to rrothnnntnry's otliee. Suiihury. March 5, 1 Sf.4 . ; li.' if. iAi:ii, i A liorii.-j (it I,inv, SlXRl'RY. PA. x I'olleclions I'tten led to ill tho counties of Nor Ihiiiiiherhiinl. Vnioii Snyder, Montour, Columbia nud Lycoming. iir.FKiiKxrE. Hon. John M. Reed, rhiliidclrhin, A. 11. Oiiltell A Co.. lion. Win. A. I'ii-'i !-. .Mur.nn .M.:.M..h-.i I. I'-fj.. " E. Keii hiini A Co.. Jsi pearl Street, Xew York. Jnhii W. Ashniciol. Attorrev at Lnw, ' Mailhcws A Cox. Attorni-vs'at Law, " Sunbury, March 2W. ImI2.' ii:ieics iitiii:i,, Jl'trrislitirg, Pa. HIE Tnnnntreniont of this well-known Hotel hnv- inir been resinned by Messrs. CHY1.E A lll.liR. liic present iroirictors, lo-i; lein c toinfnrni the public that Ihe hoii?o is now lieing tlioroiitily reuovtiteit. retitted. nnd improved, with a view to the proper and eonili'i-tnhle .-icooinuioiltition of those who limy l.-ivor the estalilislinaent with their emitoin. tinesls will receive due ntleiition and courtesy, nnd tm e.iens will be sjinred thnt mny conduce to initiiitaiii hotel iii a tirst-clnss style. Fiiinilies and others deirin to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer mouths, will find plcn.-titu bi.nrdini; and large and wetl-ventiliitcd rooms at our c.-itnblistiineut, upon uioderate terms. SfOTT COY I.E. Miirih 211. 1S2. J. Hi l.l'.ERT 11 ERR. .ISA .! i.Wf iMiiai rii: .ii. S'T'i: i i:i:i::::s: : As Improved for 1S."i9 nnd 1800, By E. KETC1IAM A CO., 29 Pearl si.. Xew York. fMlE only Freezer constructed oil scientific prin l ciples. with a revolving enn nnd fi'ring blude sernipr. The one hiisteus the fi ee.ingof the crctnu- -theother removes it as fust r.s fio.en. The most rapid iu freeiing. with the least ipjnntity of iee. The most economic! in cost, as it is the most simple nud duritl'le in structure. For sale iu all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Freezer accompanied with a book of recipes nnd full directions. PRICKS. 3 quarts, f.'l M) 4 quarts, 4 Hu rt qutirts. & ml 5 quarts, . ti 111) i 14 quarts, ' S CO I 2ll qiiarts. 12 (HI 1 Apply to H. D. MASSER, Suuburv, Pa. March 211. l.-"02. WASHINGTON HOUSE, : Southwest Corner of Market Square, !l Mtl ICV, IA. rilllE undersigned respectfully informs the public, 1 that be has taken efinrgc of the above named Hotel, and nsks for Ihe continuance of the former pntiointo and would invite all others to give him a call. I HIS TABLE 1 it nl way supplied with the best the market affords. His l'jir contain the choicest liquors, and his stab ling is ood and well alleudeil by careful Ostlers. MICHAEL W1I.VERT. Sunbury, April. 10. lsr4. THE MISSES JOHNSTON'S 11 O A K 1) 1 N (i AND D A Y S C il O O L !'! Von ll l,iili'ia, Xo. 12i)'J Spruce Street. Philadelphia. REFERENCES : Rev. lir. Howe, David Webster. Esq.. Rev. Dr. Suddiiids, M 111 llayward Drayton. E.-q Rev. lir. Cooper, l.eorge M. Wharton, Esq., Henry M Fine. Esq., T. li. Hollingsworlh. Emj.. It. R. .Montgomery, Esq. Hon. Alexander Henry. Thomas Duiibtp. Esq., Philadelphia. December i, lsaiii N E W GOOD S! Two doors west of 111. II. Miller's Shoe .tore, Sunbury, Pa. Just opened a fresh supply of NEW SPRING GOODS, Sueh as Fancy Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, (Doves Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Linen Collars and Cutis tienl . Linen and paper Collars. Xetts. Hells. Lace Collars mid Meeves, Hnir Rolls, Velvet Ribbons, Red. Uili' nud lllue Xeek-ties, Corsets, (junker Skirts, Sun I uibevrellns. Vokes and Sleeves. ANo, a new style of muslin for Onrrihnldi waists togettiur wilh Swiss, .lueoiiet nml 'ictorin Muslins Crape ,'olliiis and Veils. Ilrenndine aud Lace WiU and u variety ot other articles Ion numerous lo uieu Hon. MAKY L. 1.AH.UUS. Sitiiluirv. April Id. I-Mil. a.L. IvV HAliPEU. i. .vat i:t ii IM.IIiiil. llilii. MAM' FACT I i l li i DEALER IX w-aTcats i-.S.: Ji.VIRY. ; uLlilslLVtR WARE An I ltlHipll'S Sup. I lor Pliil.-d W nro. I All kind ot Silier-Waiu. nin.la on the preml. a. . W . CI I II Hep iii iug caivtully Uoue ! March id, I'-lil jin i' tiii: PARIS iM A NULLA EMl'OIUL'M, Nu. 2U Cuim f SiaraT, (K.ruicrly Xu. 7u ) PHILADELPHIA NOW OPE.N'-laUt-ia.T4ltl MANT'lLliAtt aud CI.OAKU. Ali. Siting and tuuiuiiMr lluriui'iila, of our u.u M iliutaJlule, id tha Lala.1 Mylll and lu glval la iiuiy. J W I'UOCTOIt CO , Tha 1'aria Uantilla tluumi nun, Nu U -il I lii'iiul fiiivvi, I'tiiladilpliia. ApUV, al th .lupl 4, Itvi., -ly 1SAAU IC. bl'AUHltU. uit-la lal-r wattl JvMrli r, h iMfni utu w Ml.VLIl WARE luipoilar uf W ATI lira J Its Ikiti amiuud M I'.iaa Quwiy. P1I1I.A v X. 4.1 4144 f. k. .a.laoily ua k.ad aa aalui.al of O.J4 aa I Mill I'ai.ol L.i.i L-oia. aiJ Hlatu .Kb.. u.a il. 1 1 1 bal,,!, a.il. at 1 k.t. Hi.,1 1'i.a In h.i.si I i.a hma. ii..al..a. Uiuiaiiua iu.. ali.l.m 4 i..- ti.U. V.im.iI. ll.lu.Uia. a,. ta.1.. n.u.l al,la DMiil,1.a Sail ai.4 MaM.i4 . . !, I apa, .S.4ia tt aa. lai4 ai.1 HalUl ktfllaa aa.,14. I '.a la L I a. -1.4 flkl. a4l .j.. a.l i an a aiil La.Jt u.a a I ari, ' U 1 Iwlil 4 44 wal aaal.l. lall U-.I..I fa4M I ...I 14 I. a.. a l aal. a i4 , 1'rr M.4a.. Mibaiua aal.ix k M '1.4 w4 tu.M Walt M ) i - - . . . . . . IVftstliinKfon lloniip. Tf OrtTHCMRKIlLAX D, PKNNSYLVANIA, (Atr ti l!,iil;rr.) fTITITi anbierilier linvii: leaned thin well known Ji Imerii rjtanil. lately kept hy Mrs. C. H. Iln-wn, rtrpietf.iily informs the puhlic 'fill ho is refltlintt and ri'ptiiiin ine proniifes, and will ho prepnred to en tertain, in a eoniforlnhlo mnnner, his niunerniis friends throughout the county, mid all who may nntronir.ii hi, establishment. April 12, 1HB2. JOSEril VAXKIRIC .tl . '. f.lMIt 1 1 A HT'NJ Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE, CONFECTIOXEIIY OF ALL KINDS, TOV8 OF EVEHY DESCRIPTION, FRUIT, Ac, &c, C0XPTAXTLY on hnnd nnd for snlo nt the nhovo estnhliiihuient atwholesalo and retail, ut reason able prices. He is mnnufncturlntt nil kinds of Confeotlonnrict to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rntes. Tobacco. Peirnrs, Stationery. Xuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whioh are offered wholesale and retail. l- Remember the name nnd place. M. C. (5EARHART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. liright A Son's store. Hunbnry. Pept. 19, lSliS. tf Illll'l-llIlllOIIllI llt'l, 3G3 and 307 li roadway, Cvmtr Fratdlin Street NEW YORK. rpHIS first elnss House tho most quiet, homelike L nnd pleasnnt Hotel in tho city offers superior iiidiiceuieiits to those visiting Xew York for business or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on Ihe Iii uoi'KA I'LAH. in connection with T.WLuH'a a i. oon, where refreshments enn bo hnd nil hours, or served in their own rooms. Tho chnrires nrc ino ileriite. Ihe rooms nnd attendance of the first order bnilm, iiikI nil the modern conveniences attached. Wept HI, 1 Stilt. Wall l'apii HlllO fii-ioH, OF WALL PAPER OF EVERY IjESIRACLE KTYLKS AXD PATTERN'S. Tt'ST received direct from the Manufacturer, nt 1 the ,M..M.U"in Ptunr. ot FUILtXU & GRAXT. Siiiilnirv. March 15 1SC4 liOOTS AND SHOES, "I VST received from Xew York and Philinleljihin f, ( fresh sniiplv of the latest stvles and ol the best Quality, which he hns hnd miulc up tn order, nnd warranted to iiive good satisfaction. He bus mndo nrrani'cuieiits in the cilv to have his best work liuide to order, which can be hnd nt all times, if not on hnnd thev will be nrneurnl nt reasonable noiiee. Manufacturing of ROUTS und SHOES of nil kinds as usual. I will also wholesale Roots and Shoes by the box Cull nnd examine before purchasing elsewhere I nnd snti-l'y yourselves. j Thankful for ptnronage heretofore bestowed, ho , respiH-tfuliy solicits a continuance of thesnnie. ' -sdiup ittul Store room, three doors wot of the Rail ' Rond 111 .Market Square. WM. II. MILLER. Suiihury. Sept. Ill, ISiVI. ' " IJAXTED immediately, a Jour Shoeuinker, on Mens' W01 k. tjiMid wages 1'iiid. . PRIVATE ACADEMY, K 0R1 HXJMBESL AND. riUIE REV. JAMES DICKSON, will re-opeu his .1 Acndeuty on Monday, the 17th day of August, Isii'l. The follow ing brnnchc." will be taughl : Latin, tlreek. .Mathematics. Philosophy. Rhetoric. Logic. Book Keeping. Vocal Music in theory nud j practice. Also. ieogriitihy, (Irauiuiar, History, ' CoinKiaitiou W riting. 1 TERMS : I Per Ouarter of 11 weeks. fii toS 1 In Ihe nhove brniiches ivitlnmt the liingui'ges sii till ; Latin and ahove lu-anehes. $7 t'tt ' 1 tlreek nnd above lutiuches, !?.- in' ( See Circular. ' Pol- further particulars apply to 1 REV. JAMES DICK'SOX..Tiaehi-r. j Xorthuinherliiiid, August 1st. ImWI. ly ! i2 veiiiMv iacmio ita.i c:. iH'altT. iiii'l CtiiwunuTf ot tin' nbnvo Cvlrl'iaS'ii W'nA lilui'. will jilfjiso tako nutiow. thnt tin; Lab 1. I nro 11 1 tired tj rem I IWDIGO BLUE, j rrx I P AT .UVmI XViUBM-i vr' j H H l (i S T O U K . I Xo. 2".:i North M.CONU rt-ct, IMIlLAHKLriltA ' The quality ot ihin lllue will la1 the tmme in tvcrv i rtitc'l ! " Ii ii wnrriintril to color nmre wntor tlmn twii-c tl.c ! pimio iii:iiililv of hi'lijro. mitt to n inio-h lunlu rj Ihnn any otluT Wit-li lihif in the inuiki t. li -Ih- Milviti icrtcclly cleiir nml ilo.- not oitl' on tin clolhi's nn uiiK-t of the oilur uitiki-f lo. Ornj 1. (iolvi-d in half iiint of wntrr. will nuikf it- gondii lsiquiJ liluo ns any that u uuuit nt ono toial tho CO!t A?" it is rotiiilt-il nt tlu- sntnc priee tho Imitation niul IntViior nrtirloi?. hou-i kt rpM will that it very lunch to tlu'ir udvitiitn'c to uk tor thai put U at Wll.TIIKIitiKU's. t Alt J.luo out upufUT till.- . 1 It t o illi II Vlil.OU V muiu' on it ii tin Imitation. The New La Mi doc not require h Stamp. For Sain hy St tin keeper generally, leh. l;t. lStU.i.mw cJ-irt-A-INJ T 3c DIETZ1 IiOWEtt WHABP, BUJTBURY, PA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX WHITE AS II COAL, in every variety. Orders solicited and filled wiih promplness and despatch. Suiihury. May 111. Hi',.1 ly m:s it tisiti:ic-s W IIOI.KSAI.B ANO IIKTAIU I. CK KSTA BL1 s? 1 1 M KXT, S. E. Corner Second and Chesnut St . Philadelphia 4 tlENCY for the PATENT Etjr.M.lI.Ntl 'llllll. i TV DAY CLUCKS, a very desirable aniele for Churches, Hotels, Dunks. Counting Houses, Parlors, Au Abo. Manufacturer of FIX E HOLD PEN'S, flocks repaiied and warranted. Cloek Trimmings of every description. Pliiltidlphin. .iiiiiiiiiry IU .iMil. "y C3-. "W. 11 J-ZJET, llloriM'.v mid 4 oii'iift4Ilor nl l.uv, Ofliee on HUith siile ot Minkr't Htrect. foiu iloou Hest ol' K. V. lri)ht A Soii n Sttire, SUNBURY, FA. Will alUiixl proiupily to nil proft Moiml hu-tlnM fhtruoled tti hut cure, the ctilttx-lun 10 eluiuu iu Northtiiiihei ImihI mi l (lie Htlj iiiiiny count i erf. Kuitl'ury, .Mny LM, lhii.l ly aAiM I 'or Hula, Mli IJiiim . .mi., Ili-a Ili4ua, nli Ik l'M a, ouli Ma. v U'4 la M I'lllMla, I 0 I a, Ull444lla, 4'. Pul up ill ! 'C !o and II Uu IU,ia, Itolllia and I la.k. I and -i lH l-f llol'l", l uldlu ll.llllu j II in-, 4u j 'Only iufallilda rami lie. kli'au " I'FlMI lloUl PUM'l '' j ' Sol danauii'Ua In lha Human family," ' Rai. v.ai.a wul ol tlivii tuba Iw dia." (0 r-'ld W liulimla iu all laia iiiua 4v.l l l.y all .liuuti and It. lail. i . at ii a bi t 1 ! t !,!. a ul ail a..ihliM liuitati.aw j haa that Cualat ' Uau.a la u4i ta.tl ll" Uvllli ai.4 lla.li, U.taia 4,a lu A4iia III.MI 4 II. 0l III. I'lluipal Dil 'ij 'li. -. la.i N.a I ..ill I if fcvl I ii) all W UuIim.1. ai.4 ti . 4a.il l'ia.,uli iu Cui.Cuiv Pa hi. 4 I vo 4 . aiu 4 a i 4.. iAil VL L.l lllarar) 4 aiiuM-llar 44 1 I-44M, II. aa Moult! Il 1. .( VI .I t.l alla.1 laal 4aaai aaat al ii.ailiaii t vala.lt..1 y a4.'4a. Ull IN tUlt V. V. Mliaina4 iviaily w all aalwaava.al La.ia.a svliaaiaJ ia l- aaia, la. -K.lia.lai al aiala.. la k4. aaa..iaa4 ai-4 ll.. ai...ui aaaau.a i aia la"sn la liiiaaa aa J agi.a .. al I 14,1 a 1 I t f 'l'io (mai B'pri'K 4'oin fl it v . 1 F, NOTICE thnt they have eonclu led nr. TI rnngeinnnts with the Northern Central lititlroml Coinpjiny to run trnlns from lttilfiinine for Yorkr Hni-i ediurg, Dnuphin. Halifax. Trevorton, Sunlsary, Xorthiiniherlnnd, Lewisburg, Milton. Muiiey, Wil liamsport, and all internicdinte slalioti... connecting at llarrishurir with tlio UK EAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis nnd tha Wet. Also with Tlowarol A Co. 's Espresn nt Milton or Danville., Rlnomshuri, Wilkosbarre, Pitlitmi. Scran ton, and Intcrmediato stations on the CnttaissaT Lneknwnnna A lilnomshurg Railroads. At M'il liaiusport, by Howard A Co.'s Expri'ss to Jersey Shore and Lock Karen. Also, by Howard t Co., nnd their connections, for Carrion, Troy, Eliiiira, Rochester. Ruffnlo, Xingnrn, and to all necessibla points In Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise. Specie, Rank Notes, Jewelry, nnd Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Also. Xotcs. Drafts nnd Bills for Collection. Experienced nnd efficient messengers employed, and every effort will be made tn render satisfaction. JOHN BIXiillAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 6, 18C2. ki:aiy iioi ni:. Ctrntr of Slatt and Third Street; IlABRISBVilO, Pa. THIS nOTJSE, in oonsequeneo of its convenience and nenr ligation to tho Capitol, hns made it ( dcsirnble stopping plnce, not only for those hiivinp Business at Ihe sent of (Jnvernuient, but for other: visiting Hnrrisbiirg. March 29, 1SH2. 101. Arriingfiiirnla l6i. ol 'v Inrk l,int. THE CAMDEX AXD AM ROY AXD PHILADEL- . PHIA AXD TREXTOX R. R. CO.'S LIXES. From l'liilndrlpliia to I'ev Yorl aud Way I'lnrei Jrom Walnut utrtet Wharf and Kriwhur'oiu D put, will leave ax fallaie. riz : Kvni-:., At 6 A. M.. via Camden and Amhoy, (C. nnd A. Accommodation.) $2 2C AttlA. JI.. via Ciimdcnand Jersey CH v.X.J. . Accommodation, At 8 A. SI.. in Camden and Jersey Citr. (Morning Mail.) " J At ri A. M.. vbi CainJen and Jersey oitv 2d Class Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kendngton nnd Jersey citr, Express At 12 M. via Cnind. n nnd Auiboy, C and A. ( Accommodation.) At 2 P. M., via Cain Kn unit Aiuboy. iC. nnd A. Exja-css.) At 3 P.M.. via Keii'ingliiii nnd Jersey City. Wash, nnd X. Y. Express At tl P. M .. via Kensington nnd Jersey City, (Evening Mail.) At 111 P. M . via Kensington nud Jersey cilv Southern M.iil. ' 1 At I) (night) via Kensington and Jersey city SoutiH'iii Express Al j P. M.. via Cani lcn and Aniln.y, (Aeeiim- nii.ihiii 'n. Freight and Passenger, First Cl.'l-S '1 li-licl. S.-eoud Class Ticket. 2 2;. 3 no 2 2 3 no 2 2 3 (H) 3 tin 3 no 3 (Itt 3 III) 2 2 V 1 ii) J ul- n liter dun. Mrou ls oir" s..r,i.,i..n Arm,... biirrc. Montrose, lirem llend. Ac. nt li A. M., fii'iu Keii-ington. via Delinnnc, Lncl.nvaiiiia und Wesiern lt.iilro.ol. For Miiueh Chunk. Allentown. Ilethluhein. Bclvi dere, Easton. Lambert ville. I'leiiiiiigt.in, Ac, at 0 A. M.. tioui Ki'iisiugion Depot, and at 2i P. M.. from W nlmit street Wharf. ('I hell A. JI. Line connects wilh Trains leaving Elision for Jl.-iueh Chunk, at 3-211 1'. ..) For .Mount Hull v. at li A. JI.. :iM, ( p jj For Freehold, ai ii A. JI. and 2 P. JI. MAY LINES. F ir Bristol. Trenton. Ac. ut II A. M. and 2i and j P. JI. from Kensington. Fin Palmyra. Iliveiton, Dolimno, Beverly, Bur lington. Florence, llordciilown. Ac, nt I 1 'l 2 41 im.l li P. JI. ' k For .New York, and Way Lines fenving Ken Miigioii D.pot. lake the Cars on Fitih street, al.ovo W iiliiul. hull' 1111 hour belore di-pmtitrc The Cars run into the Depot, nud 011 the urrivnl ot each Train, run from Ihe Dopot. 1 Hi.v Pounds of P.iggngc onlv. allowed each p.i.-.-i-iuer. I'nsM'iigers 1.1c prohibited 1Y..111 taking iiuytl.iiig as l.iiggng.. hut iheir weariiigajiparel. All lingc over liny aiuuds to lie. p;iid f n extra. Thu "i....i.i limn wn-ir respoiiMiuiitv r linggage to Hue J'.ni.u- per oiioil. uud will nut he liable for anv .illiount beyond lllll. except liv sneeiiil eoiilraet WM. 11. II.YTZ.MEil. Agent. Jiinunrv 17. Hill. Ci-itniliis., Wiiifsi, (.'in. T 1II1-. subscriber, hiiviii.' oneiied in TliMiuiu...... Ilriek Kuildin.., Mill street. D.nn Hi... l..r... niul eotllplele sioek u( Fnlli.lii.N AND DOJIES'l'IC 1 . H.Hi i: S. coiiipi-isiiig the best brands of p.r.-indies. tli'i. ll.',' Rye. Seoleh and Iri-h W lii.-kev. P,,rt. Sli rrv. Ji;,- b ira. ('loiniiague and oilier W im-s. ol .ill ora'les. nil ol ahieh will be s.d.1 Wholesale, nt ihe iowot citv loit'es. Jiiieiu-Keepers. ny oil. lli us. ciui sal o II lea-1 Hie ll elgllt . Pcisons desirous of jutrehasiii. linni.i-w fur FAMILY I Si), nay rely upon being furiii.-hel ivi antidiiUernleil nrtielc pur.' and yj iieiiig determined to establish a rcputati. u f.. selling clioap; he respect lul ly .-.!. it., the' iir..u.-l of the public. All orders promptly m ..,.l, I i,, ., , .lEKI.jilAH S. JIAl.L. D im ille. June M. Im'.ii. I.i.euIh'i-! .iittitii-:-: PHILIP SHAY. Jliincy.l.y nifgeounv. Pa.. JNI'HiJIS his Iriends and the public in thai be couslaully keeisou b in 1 Hoar I-. tiel'.il a in. .ii i.-ts. ami nil Ku..;.-.,! l.nn,!,..,. 1:. i.uildiu, i.i. ei,.',. ii nu n ue urn ,i.i al u,c wti puces. ui.Miirch .'.II. Dm! I. KMCCIIE. U3 .MARKET STREET. IIARRISm RtJ, PA., Dealer ill P I A X O S . "TEW llosewo, J.N from 2iin u d Pianos. from' Ihe best iiiukers Howards. JIl-.l.iiDEiiNS.'I'he hot milllli:'i.ellll-e.l Instru- IllelllS In. Ill to 1 1 III liuilnrs. Violins. Aeeordeol.s. Flutes. Fil'.-s. Druiiis. ISiiig.is. 'I'aiiibourini-s. iolin mi l liuilurstrius and ion and niusii-al iiier- chniiduo in generiil. SHEET JH SI', The latest llbliealiolis always on l.nnd. Jlll.-ie sent I'V lo.'lil to ii li V p.-lli ot lb" eounifv OVAL, StilAItE, ti t I.T AND ROSEWonD FRAMES. Suitable f.irli.kingg!n.-ses. und all kinds id pictures alaays on hand. A tine assnrtinei L't'lKI.N'i; ill. A -.-I S lr. i Any style of frame tne-li Uotii-e. April II, I will. .". .t ..ri..-t :.s:. i il slii:ilbl lo liiigest si, s to order at the -li .rtu.-i WM KXnCIIE. .Ma: ket si ., lt..rrisburg. I I. arse Amaorliiu-iil off,.. ; K'l . i EVAXS & WATSOX S ti V 1 V Ivi ANDE ri SAFES. liltLAT FIRE AT READINli, PA. February 13. 18152 Hkntlkukv tt give me much Kiti.f.ietioii ti. inform yoU thal.iu lha aevrru lire whieh. on tho iiioriiiiig of Ilia 4lh iu.!., entirely di-Mr..ve., all mv soa k mid iiinteriaU, 1 had one of your .Nilaiuaiider Firo "Proof Safe. After enduring au inieiisn red heal lorseieu hours. tlie(-te , opened, and Ih IkNiki aiu4 4 aera were pr.a. iveil in au uuible Uli-he.l 1 .hall need another ule u jl u. 1 tours, uio-t ri-sp tfullv W P. DlChlNSHX, Reading, Pa FIRE AT liREEX CASTLE. CuAuatiiavi uu. Frunkliu ixiuuty, IV, i August .lilt. IniT ' J Measrs Ev ixa A Vt...v. Pbiladelphitt .).,., i, . uieu : Oil ih morning of tho 2;'d of Augu-i lw our Stocidiuum al lirei ueail waadcairoved by tn '1 ho Sulauiuudel Sale a pui , hased troiu vou a.uiv lew year, .lueawaa iu the .! uuiitihuid n..io hou.e, and voulaiued all our b l.i. paper. , , whnh aeia pri'M-i-vinl in a peifeel endiii.i a;t.r I cing kp.rd lua Illuat ii,lell.e heal for .. leial hom. Pleaw ll.l'HIU U. Uiu44 what luima juu al .all ua aiioihi-i larger afu. oui. tiuly, DAKS A Al VM halauialider Oalea, r Hauk.. Sloraa, pm.to rauiiliiat. 4c , 4a Alai, t.ian.4 W ai..H . l'.i..,,, Ali'liaWiieal Rank Lu. li.au I liiik aull li . i. a-iual luauy load, lu lha ioui.u, and .ld on J ..lleiu.. E4W ..ul.l r.-paellMlly , , lb. ..IU,aio( ll.iik. aud olher par ii.a. I.aiin4 il., r Bat., and Uak4ua luuaa, I.i 111. lr auma ,IU, Inn,, aud aiauy oii.ai. on eu al Hi. h M.a 1 "!.' M,M' ",,,"h ""k,.'h-n i, .ii, I l.lla.l.l.,la 1 .Miliiaaea ' I inauM.la. Aa.a4t I II. Il..ak . f Phil. l. I, ,. 1 allloiuia 4 "lia li.ial. .u 11 k ..1 l'i P..lui..au p.i.k Pa I uall.1 Ilia llauk Pa Mioad'l uu lLak I'a Jam y 1 14 a l.ai.ll Pa l' k llaiaa tiai a I'a I 1.1.41 I4aa llalltuwaa an'ii.Mitnili i k .a I uln a liaok ailai.m I, a Sva.lk llauk. I'.4 L.k al .N 4 . Ran ,li, VJiaii nliiMa... , . .a l a.. Ill lai.k ..I I I. . . t lialal... ,a II. i. k 1 . on I'll. Ul L.u I .... 1.4, .1. nai.k al Vmkuu.i tin I. tl." k ..I N,.iik a Linn I'lsila-I. I( !... HI a,. 4 Kaill 1..I I A lahwa. a W ii ai,.,ii. f vt i ty i- Aa la a 4 .p4 . I4 - If .... i a 4" ana au.vi, f in: t:i;i:M y:y with -1 Mini t y etniiliiit'U in order. ..4 1' a. a ia.. Ii O
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers