-J" mnrnaa.1 a na taii hpii mmnwi T-CU.U OF XIIIU "A-lllilUCU." mm- ti.iciis of ,ivt:nTi!i3i. fsTTI T0 ItuLLA per annum, to be paid nall-yoiirly rvlMJJ. So I'.ijxr tlimioutiiiueii until all ar rearage are jjaU. TO CLl'BI : Ono wiunre of 12 lium, 3 liiuea, hiery suliicotii i.t i, ,,...,;,.-, 11 (1(1 2 J a no 6 00 8 i.O 1 00 1 " "!'"". i uionUin, ' NX llinillii, i 'ne year, ( lluMnvsf Cards r S li,, per ,,,, i "'"'""' "'hers a..vei-ii.ii,s l.j the year, T?irtv colo to cut adilrcn, 9 8 00 buwn do do 10 00 Fillet do do 20 U() Fiva DoUaM, m advance, Will pny for throe yeara lubwriplion to the Amen can. CltVb trabacrlplJotiB muat be Invariably paid In act tnnco, and aont u one adtlren. It ub,Hcribcra iiei;leot or refuse to take their new, jancve li oin the ulliuc to which they are. directed, they ate ro.iKusiblo until tluy liave nuillod the billa uud ordered tbum disooniiimed PutiUnuetera will pleaee act in our Ajrenta, and frail H Itinera ooiitiiiniiijr aubacriplit.u money. Tbey dre pcriuilUd to do Uii uuilcr the 1'us.t Office Law. ' "i ii.5i.riii g Uitler.'iit ad- Yerlisiu,- weekly, i no I l.iiJiii.-s n.nic.g inserted hi the l.nrAi. Cu:w,i B-lnn. .MurrmRL- and lie-iulu, H L ChAl'S l lill J.i.x I. .,r mi'li iiiscnif.u. j ajr J-nrij. r Adwrll-eineuU. as pur igraut. JOB PHINTINO. N'e biivo sniinc-tL-l with our establishment a well a.-levM JO It OFFICE, which will ouabie us to executo, tbo neatest sljlo, ovory variety t( I Printing PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNLNC, RY II. R. MASSEli, SUKIiUllY, IS'OliTlIUMRERLAXD COUNTY, PENXSYLYAMA. NEW SEMES, VOL. 17, NO. 25. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1801. OLD SERIES, VOL. 24, XO. 51. SfTIBTJEY A ? A3 AN .vin-Ti;t "itirf i.-rc rr'STirl.t ' IB I -MI LOCK HOSPITAL- ESTAliLIfllED AS A HF.KU1K VKOM L"ACK YUX. rim OXLY PLACE U'llF.liE A C Villi CAN BE OBTAl.XET). DU JOHNSTON hns iVix-ovcrcil Ihcmn't Cerliiin. Speedy nnd only KftVctnnl lltniely in tbr Vorld lor all VrivateMwasi, Wcakmn" "I'tlie liavk vr l.imbn. SStriotures. Afl. ctii'in id' the Kidneys ami UlniMer. lnvoluntiirv l)iji-liri.es. Inip"trncy. tipne . ml Debility, Nervoimnew, I'vrpopfy. l.nnjiior. Low tmrile. C'ld'tisi'iii of Idea. rnlpitti-n ol the Ilenft. Timidity, Treinbliiij.-c. liinne-f Siniit or Uiddineiw. Iiiwnne of the llend. T'hront. No-e or skin. AftWtioiu of the Uver. l.un s. Ktomiifh or llowel Hhw Tirri ilo DiKordiT uriinis t'non tho Sulitury llnl its of Youth tb"e secret ini'l F"litary prneline. mure ftliil lo their Tieliuii1 than the ew: "I Syr"n to Ihe Ma--increof I'lvws.bli.'litita their ln.-t brilliant hopes r iimk'ip.ilions, rcuderins li.nrri.ve. Ac. unpiwi- V-reel illr. who hnvo heivme the vie!iri if Solitary "liee. that dreadful mid de-iiu.'!ive hiihil whieh '-mnillv nweeps to mi untiniilv cruve lh"ii-alid-of Yum; U-n of the ii'.e-t ex.ilt'W talint.- and l,i i!linit i'lciii-.'t. who nii-lit iiiherwisiTave eiiiraiu'ed listen ;.l!r ,.!,e wi;h the tl'tin leys of (doom nee or waked o'ee tniy tbo liiti lyre, may ci.l with lull con- AT 1'IKJ. ?i Mtlll lliV.. ?!ar:lMl I'e M. or Yor.n r eonten-ptatin'; Ul mi i 'e. .-:ui aware ol 1 hy.-ieal we.ikne5. ur.'-iiiie iv'.:!:i.deioriiitti.K. e.. .-,v. di!v ,- ir,: I. llewl.o iaee! liilns.'lf I ' lid r ile'l'iire oflr..I. reliiou-lv eolilide ill l.ll..r.l.' K-lil!e,rill. au.i it i.tl.v r. l.v u.-u hif .-kill a l'nj.-:. i.i:i. it :': V It-: iai.NS.S' ..Co-in Vete!-.- 'i red. al l ! -nil i r Ki -I'C-d. I bis I'i- 1. . i.'u ui.t ii rttid.'i'?' l."e ... ii -. - ' ti e ; 'it'll.'.- ! 1 11'. I '' ' ' 1 ' " ..I 11. pi V, le I pn n 1 1., i-.v U, y i. , t: e I - 'r.e-!'i'."."i" ...... ,1 1 !! ,.-1 !.- p! ii.. 1 ,-.;- .1 ' .1 . I : Iv at. 1 li.e I'. I ' I' I.S W - ! 1. 1 . ;,. ;-'iy. 1';. .-,': ' ; i- ,r: 11. t', lot i'.'l Co; I r. me. V' . C5ti-". "ti. V !'-,' .' 'It loit.d sid. L'oill..- t d ' -v.- I l-olli tile C'.nu.. I': 1' .-. :. i. ! :e min e up. l'l.i 1..,: iu I.ad l.i.ti.t.er. : ','. 1- leu :: l e paid M. 1 eor.tiai; .ei. r's I'ipl.ai.as haia: ;:. l.i-. ,;f!.ee. K "l'S?i: .'A5iti iA'i '.!" rvtl" '. ;u (v, '.' x..it ' r-!Z. .l!El.N'fi's:'' ,. 1 - ,.f .1... i;,.v,, r..;!.-ol's-nrj l...r..l- a l,t f,. 11, ol.': i-l't! l-.'t 1 11.'; i.t 1 i S at,", and the ."i at. r 1 art ..fwl s:,.'llt in tie' ill-!- I 1 1 t.'.tin 1.1 1 elr -Ahei .-. 1 ..-..i i. ii:. .; e - il.-tt e er e er kieiwii .:' !, .i v i-i. lii.'ii; it; 1! ne-ol i n 1 en "1 rut t'i - . .. ill to t ,. no. I y Ito lo ll thu eu: l.s tl..! f,:l vl ' i: :e i.n-Ui. !lu:i. -- t' .se l ll.at ' ' 7 stiiulioti and a. , s" M ft A Itllltrt .ir :':, .-r l.-i.ti'i. to the ..'.r- le i a: I tt . i le-. I'lvi.'t.'l. i . i ... ..r ,-i..i n-l.-r. wl... e .. y .i , i t . i- ..o n: o . r :.l.v le I : , e -. . i -1 . r. ...n.i '.v 1 die ..i- I I'l.j.-:, If.-.. '''. tee;, j a tr.lln ; 0 I li.'.ll : il- ir li.tl.v nn I p ".-. He .. ! ,. ... i! ,;l,'-l p ,. . .,i, bo .... ., . . 1 11. c. ... i I.- ..I. I. e It nin- .nili oil" , l.e I I .1-1 i I, I -111 I, I., I -1 1 I 1 1 - - " . t I . an .o ..I. : .1 : .. . 1 ' In Il.e .'I- C I. .--u, I .- e ...a, a.. I n n. ru o tl.dU ni l "' .. l PI ,- - l .a '. t s.. ai.it i .n. or i ti ii I;: ii. 1 '.l i. ... I l :,- ..-:.' t t in 1 al 1 1, .- I..-: I' ill l a. t .. r t r ,.-..r. a.. I i'" i .i ". u- la p ii..i.' " a, a , . I.". ! I . If .1 to- t ... ..!.. f I n . . .1 - - ' ' , ' ' , I.' 'I I '--'- I ! I ' - ' k -' I , ..- I .". ,- i i . I a i a I.. o;..i I .11 , I ...1.1' V , I.- I KI.I lJs.l Isl.'.M I.Ulll,. a I I.I. la. , , (.,,!. .Io n I I i.rll ..tar in , i . s' ,t i , , i , ii. , . i. I ,. 1 1. -1 it ki ...... li lb. a ll. ... i .. . i .lllin M. .Kill M'H . U. I... ii'. I:., i ,i ...- I.. k llx " M I Aj-.-i i I"-' t - 'i iii in:t m a . ..r. ,. ill I .IK, Ni lsl C'f tulno ' I I ....., ok dl .-.Ud .' I , , : n I. , 1... . 1 I..I..I in.. i... ii.i.u.i.1 iu ,1 it 1-al ILolT; iV- i ELD hiOKL i, Ml1, SU USI ill. Ml . -,.i ... i.i I . I . a -I. .1 ! - Ui.l f kM an! lb. .l. Ul,. I ..' , Ml k.kl .1 IU k. ,,,,,, il -I I .. o- '- ,' !' '' , , , i.l til I. I . kill It., k.u.1 ..-. ,, I ,.i . .... -II..1 tl l". I ..... a ... .kl. ...I -i I- - ; .... .... u 4 .i a. ..- i-'b i-.i .- li.e . : 1 -i. - I at .i 1 i-u " ... u. ..!; 1 .. ... 1 n't.'!. :. 1 . . ;--.uos ...... 0-1 j , t. j. 1-:-. .1. i.::.-e-c all i:,-''e v t.o hi.ve .1 fir. -I ta.-ai. . . ,.. . seh.-'v inl-.e-.l' il. ! : I '- al 1 s.'l.-.ry hal-i's. ' 1,1... s.i.i v.-to.h 1 i.ai '..-ill o.. iv ; 1 ! :i,;:'-l l.l'ti'lin ti.vinl.r III- -k e '. -. ! Ci! '., 1-: s n-lt. i-.'-:.v ":!: l- e.kii, ,!. 1 1- .m-j t;,-.. . -.-.' -,i;i- il.e ... I 11, -o 11 a.-Iv , fi. .s 1! -. 1 ll.i I 1 I ....... 1 , , ( .., ; imi,;,, v ..11... ' ".i. 11 .-ss of h '., ill n, i.i. . n 1. t 'li-ri'i f , l--i ;. el' i '. :'..' !' .. ' li: .!:. lie-. !. I'iinn, . s ,-t .., -.n- i-. . ;. f ;o;-, 1. . .1 v": ! i. . . ' '. 1- !' v, i'. I'.,:. :l. i'i -n .t'ii.e I,::,... 4 .... J,v , s , 1-. , -. . . I . . ' . . !' i nolii' nt An v ' 1. !.-a -' 0 , ; . J.'i,i;.', r .i.i.. ;:.! l'.- i.. y.S n.p- I'i.ii-'b . ...-1. - : a ."-1 i.. ..ot- 1 -v ' . . '" "'' ' ' : .: 1 i. Tie- .-ii t ' 1. in I "' ... 1 "i I-.- i"'i .'.:;. !,.'., ., j.,. - V. -.a- . ; I- '.'- n :' -l. w'.ll -1. 'i.-:.e l-.lt I ,','.'. I,.-...'..; , s, ... J o -:'., r. l' - i: ', -. . r- e- i - 1 :, ;e:t.n, t : - ..-v.' .-. : i .-i-- : - i.- v i.f--o-.-'.i-,''i;-i'--;ii-'';''- . . :r -,:n' :.s 1.. 1 ,. .1 ji :..-. -.-i ! i f ji;.'i ii : ."t V:i ! -j-.:.'.. ii (' I I v.-l. :. ;-r. .', il- 1: l- a - .:!' ,r:i"i.-e ( , 4 "' ;M :i '::'(;.r' ,, ' . ' . ', 1 i , I'd., '' -. a , 'o ' -ot' - p. "1 lit t - t i"r.,i r. -.fir- i.-ariiiiJ" i 11. --". i '1 '- t.i-1 ' -tr-'.'t ; . ! 1. .,. : ! !. six..' 1 :.t 1 'y itoin. l- '. . V- I :.'. :' ' III.-'. II vl'..- l.l '.. ' 'I'1 ;,;;';: ,;,.'r l:;; .;::..;-' i:i--. - -..-'.: ,i. '.i.ta.-..- Hon. tl- l all. ot latt.'o E r .1 ... ! ise-ia a -eiMii. ..-iV. Ubii. wi pei.-i.s P''"i o .. ' fe . I.t- n., I-.'-:--: j YA'M 1 Wit Mi':. Y It t. :...( t'ni' n ...ui.l rni'.d red l..ly r the wet j tf -i--.ni a.- in jT-eeit iiuil.i d lo.pi te -s. c. j v I . . 1 . , I web. "ii tae-e.t! j-...i-i. y t.Tou.M nn I.- , i;il.,,p,.,. . .. oes wet-ty pil.TMin-i : : !-. P -)'"; '"J I..-11 -I'l.M-l.i v.1':- ;' ::;ir' ;"i-v :"' -.' .. 1.1 .. , 1 - t '''' t. .''.''-: 1'' ' " " 1:1 ,,s-... ,,!. UrPens. f - ' v. i fi'i.i.i.i 'fi'...,:. ;. I V'i't. to' I ' '.;V '' V "?'.i'- We l... ,-l,:-.,,,-s , 11.. .1 1. 1'-'' ,-f :. -.. -. or !.-" - : .-, .. ,.-'.,. to ii ... " ' !...ia drt-:. -"I ' . . ' . . I. . I ..... ,1. .. III! 'I ' - , f.e ' -i ' " ri " ' i:,- a ..... -,; i..- . s- ; f '- t .- .,. -! ' -, i : i.. - . I j l.a. -I 1 i.l-s ili I u;A i... I . .-. I' '-!' d. -ft: I- 'I'--' e K' ; : .,; I ,1 ;: ... I jl.O t. 11! id. f ' ' - I :,-: : i-t. :' i' M ,:li l i,i : i ! '.- ' i.ie'a ol the I- I es i l..e ,,..,:!!'. , t 1 1 1 - :, 'il.' of li.'s ..w:tli d:. a-, p. -, I o1 j ol e. ti.loi-ei. I', I., till dea'h I i-,. ,. j ,, ' i . !, - di-nll'in s.ltf lii..'-. ly-eal.l.; I - I ; ill,.'- -O, il-, i C'UUtl J liOlll Ii. 1 CV I-' . o. ..'',.., I ' Oeo. W. Smith. Cn. B. 0 knther. suit:-: & gsitther. M irket (freet, one door ctt't of Mr. Doullon'a Hotel Have opened A N I W T 1 V - W A E, Mici'l Iron mail Jl- Nlorr, nn l intend keeping constantly on hand, and manu facturing to order on shortest notice, TX.N AND S1IKET IIIOX-WAKE of nil descriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Stove? of the following Brands: V tilt. mi l't iiii, l't iiiisy It until, I'ldlM', t iiion, mill lii lVl- kii:ti'il Niagara Cook Stove, unturiiassed lor beauty of finish, -simplieiiy of or i'ini;eineiil. eonilaiiio idn apiie.-.s and tlurabi'lity. tnel each s-ove warraiited to perlortu what they are re presented ALSO. PAllI.nr, and OITim STUYrS. in Rre:it variety, i mliraeiiii; all tho Lest manufacturer, and must fashionable designs l'o:tl d(il, Cuttl Oil I.:nii. S1i:m!cs, 4'liiiti;i . nil iii-ti l unu-uiillv kejd in nn establishineiit of this kind. Vi'e are also pi ci Mled lo do all kinds ot S;mt illi;. Itndiii. U.iii(.-e ii I'm i. ace ,,t k. tia.' Kitliiij;. Ac. Kepair l.i.r rdi'e.piy and in at! y exeented. t'oi.n.r,' pioK.-e t:J;cu hi tX'.d. 111140 nl tnarkct pi-'., . i;::m i i i it. K".e tl, 1 i. U I-. . i..-v f..r l:i it" ; cid.i.i'KATiii inn: I-..-. i,.r the ..iiiiti ;'. I i.i' li and .Mon'eiii , f A. a ilniiiibv r- t Willow ir .1. .. 1 :!!' i,l.-o a, I . , 1..is,l-l::. -1.1, n- .April :. i-ri. .fv)XKS IIOUSH, (. d iii i .M.nki t u -ct i:i,-t M;.i '.i t Sjuiue, .t ..- a Ci House. rpi!i; lr,.i.ru-..r ui.uM in-:-' r-w- -i'tiM v c-ill the I :i 1 ::; . t: -.: i - i ; M':Ji. c mi l t!i' Mir- r in ift in r ! irry. (. tl:.: .ri.: u.t. im. nf liis !. 1: :; ;i :!j 1. 1 i!.,-v k.iil til, t - i-i y filing I hut .. .!.' . . 1,1 : i.t t'.i ir Vi' i.ii 1 1. h i- .;nifitcil ;ir I. i-'-.-e and eontu n 1 at iiie same I l.e S..IHC. .Sl .ti, l,s mi the , 1 ; !.. I a; il.e C. 11 HANS' I'nptaetor. pl a J. 1 .' in A C O B oT"33 X2 G iZ3 MEU1HANT TAILOR, Ai d Iic.l.r in n'l'liS. ( AS.sl.:l-U.S. VKVI'lNi!. ic. IIM.HI'P I'll't MS. .".V L.lz.ivl- !,; 5 3 ii".vii s t r i . son t II l" le, . tier's ilotci, P, XT 3NT Ii Ul'.Y, . , !'t io Ms ti.e (C:v-i-s ,.1' 1 -, iv ni I i.iiity. i,-t l,:'i;i!io. Ilvt.i 1 .'l.' i- :J 1. la witlia mx'j:;: .';cnni--. j MS AM' I;! .'.1.1TY. .,i s. 1': . n. ! !'! :U HUek ;., I es. It' :.i K ri'iir. ,1 .- aft"-: l.s 1 I ...s. hi... : vle lo suit Il.e IM-lo of l .i tile most 1 c.i.-ticni.Io r ha:-1. will l.o fiin.i.-he-l fr..i:i ::v 1 -.v,. it. y-' ii.,'i.-e. y e.:.-:t..lneis w i:i 1-e li.a-ic up to xp- ri' l ,-ed i.orkic t(i' 11" ,...i k well done ..wed. . c ..-I i. 'J oo. 1 . hi V ASS hi. 'O li. .X. a li.e t ' I'll rt Hoii-e. I i'.e .'tr'i.v fit';;s. an 1 e '11 et, iir-i.ios. a.rj:i:y. back tay, I'ti.'ivtti. ?; iii.. I h!1 other ,- ed iC'.nli'.n lo elail... ill v- n I'Ml.l.l'. orwi.iel.h'.ve; I. W e I lie l.tl.ad.V eolteel ed : !.! ai- I ii..-ir lu-ir. over $-'.Hi... . . . . - -.1.1- o; in . .... .-in..-.- ll I we will send J.'U H Hal ": li lloiinty. r in i. iv i . v ritni ii,i' .V 4 '.t j aiicrr . .. A' ,.,t r..r . '. -l.ip. lln ri.Jei.ieit's can t.-.i lo lie-1.1..1 e tiddress. ere. w.ll bo pr.-u.pt 'y AH l u-;.,,- e:, i .. t- ! io. M 1 1. LI N E U Y AM) FANCY GOODS, f"U. O ... AI lit ll.t .re nt 1!. c- 1.. MllS-I.KIi. Mali.-t s.i.i.r-. slM'.l HY.l'A. .'he .Mi---- It .V I., si i-ler. I. o in.-! a, -d th ;Veia-nl . in!". lo ,,- ii,, I I a t. .,- li I no I ' e. in .1 e e.'le.i., tl.'. I..- I ' V a'' tl" r I ii lib n I- m l . ',.-:.. ..c i.-. : I...,- and r m. r I . - ni :i. .i li, - bai an 1 w .-, I - 1. e 1 J i of Mll.i IM ill AM. 1 AMI i ""b.s. in-T11IM- ctii. lii. : Oil! "I lij.M.iiit.. HAT'S. utnnoNS .t HlMid ('i' .U.t. KIM'S. ill. I all i.t h r a. U' I" i.. tt" If line, wbiell l'tl be a Id .-.. 't' l 1 ,.,,.! ,- pi . t..., . 1 ...1 I... o C id. I. I '. . .sU..b I., . A 111 Is' I in 1 1 j n i : . V- it ek a a ii a - ri'! ,,. , ... le : I .1, I I li ;..'!! k.i I .-..'. . I a . ii.in m ! tir Cl It 1 ft . .,' I,, ti. I l.o l.dioai I " p.o-l l" i.e.-.. -. .11 .Ik '. L.tlta .11 ..II .1 - I "."!.! I lis I'll . ,! 's. I ' i ; : s ; l ,. i 1 1 s, ' i.Vv 'I !! I I l I I.'-. II J l- ,.U. I ,-p..., I . lull., il th. Il.llliiiaui ' t ..' till bl 1. 1, tl Lmll, '",. "" ' o ,,. ,,, ,,i in, ,-u. t. Ii ,,r .1, IUii. .1. I. . e llil,"k..l. a..,.,. o ,..U , Ibe l..l r.i t' .'i'-. , A N 11 M.ifcikJUHl l ti.ii.ll, I.. :, , a . .....J n, ,1 i ... .i i .N .lO.,,.1,,,1.,, , ( I,, ,u i I... I ..lll.l I l" ",' 'I f. f i.ii. Uu I... .k I i i." I. ...i. . 1 .... in, I ,.i l. ll. U 1. ... I . , a. 1 ll ' '. I... will. tj .Udl. .! I I 'i ' ,l ..f , .... a , ol. It- k. II.. I.. ). A I I.'-. joil , ll I l,l. ISI A j . I i I .1 ,V,i,i.i,.ii.. p. li kki li.ll, i.wlf kuiiiait.1 llll la aV WOl.VfcU.ON X llul'Nl I MWtl t taWMM'lwra, Ml I.WM. Ilia aM.lk.1 allwal v I lahll . 4il. 1411 IN liWUV, I'A. It II I ,. - tl p. a'!', l.iii l,.j.ja 1 I ... , b. i ....... a .1 a.a- load .1 U-. -'..- - .k , I s ' a.t-Jsta a.a.iy IV',' sa P 0 E T I C A L. For tho Sunbury Aniericnn J NiK'i-i iI l llio .'Hi'inoi-.V !' .tllijui- J. It. Ciillalian, of I lie hi It Fa. Hon. lit RET. J. HILTON AKEns. Yule ! li't''iunrtts in jme:. Kesl thee, brave nnd gallant soldier, Peaceful be thy slumber now ; While in dust thy form shall moulder, LaureU still entwine th.y brow. Art thou gone my fiiend beloved ? Yes ! and I must kiss the rod ; But my sail heart is t-ncuuraed, '1 hut thy soul doth rest Willi Hod. :n.ttlin for the truth of heaven, 1 or humanity, and ri-lil, Thou hast for thy country fallen, In the fiercest of the tilit. Northern sympathy with treason Aimed at thee (lie tatal blow, Fiendish malice without reason, Nerved the unit tbat luid thee low. Tear drops elo'jiiently culling To thec in the spirit land. X' I-.-111 the eyes of her are falling, 'lo whom thou hud.-t pledged thy hand. Cnuslaol .-uul. congenial spoil, Loiely. swceiv.-l .Miiut Uaj", l.li. lies,- life Willi him inherit, In the realms of perfect day. FonutT s, Au;. i'ti, lSiil. Stales and sketches. M iii'ill.i.lt, il-, il on please !'' "lii.k.t. 11. '. w , i ll go. 1 1 i-I I lie so:., all,! t i dusk olid ia , lic-lit- the Muflii into ci'im- iii.M-1 sky just laiiiti Lviu'e ii .ie iiiio.,l, ii.i,r iivi r Lie ir.-li Hack I.Ue s ..-lie sIioiil', lelociotis demon. Call Mi ,ei he.-., dimly conscious 1 o. tiu-.-e 1:111,0., . I,., statt d from a hnef. i res-less Miiini.i r, l.cn in his knapsack had j se,.dasa lii I lo o . and slared Viietu Iv into ; the shal-t, anluv face of. '. oUluiate con- ducior. 1 -Tickel ! I supp.r aliout me," lie mm nr-t one pocket a here il is. 1 say, New- ork :" "Twenty iniiml Jersey City, sir time.'' And the shar hatrass the lux' llegiecled to pi u h:ic i .ipl.un sitl nig po.il i, re . his ..cad , I. siio.i.l lo iciiil l!iai had chasid In .1 . ..iititig Hi a.- uni.'a r, h challenge had r. l ody in.ll !,-lit in.,1 i .e.) le.l od. a d I i.c snlphut, mingled w ith i.. a "o. ... a 1. Hind, ai t .11- I, .s-,!;g Clou I , If. h the- Kxon . A ...i 1 iii ii l other liiings. "Coil in. tor '. ' '.. istuli ti tiling .siiy, searching .no'tlier. "t li, w e Hear lu Into I'ood r I n, to had uitid ; no a nick mil , II I si lita un- or's c.ii (.1 tid v ill' op;.- . 11 Lie s a:ti 1. i.,'' said lie in 1.!.-. tlal, ; ll.s ear. tiling; m.oi nl.ru 1 1 ,.c : , ! -l and t p. ieo,,..,. : t.c hi. r 1 hope he am T .... . -i.ieil luiiii- , d tip 111 ol.lii r clot In s. ' I if herd 1 o ,-.o !i I ,.mgs. And 1 don t like ii hit the i w..;, h- i. i s gi iniiin' to hiu-c'.l and ruli ' h h' i. is tiiti hands tilLCther. lie's acted qi.ctl- ail day, and I'm tiavcllin' all uluiic, , con. Inc. or !'' Tile conductor laughed and passed on. The o.d lady bridled in ofcuded dignity, li.e-.i her iiiixiolls heart ! how was she to know thai Captain ."silver was only rejoicing in Ihe t houuhls of the glorious "slllplise" he l.a.l .u More lor his mother and dimple I., ce.l slrt. r thai iii.;ht i- Was il nut a car ! twelve long, long months since 'he had looked 1:11.11 tiuir f-lCe, lust? Alld HOW- ., ...icd on voi.r way. I'xprcss train, ,. , ,. ,' , . ,,.,'., .,!., .1 ,. i t .,.,. , -'""r." 'I - . ...... L- .. - , i. i ' S .,... I ov . - r- i - it.e s.i,,iii. ci.s iio n laint, deln.oi.s slued Hint brooks hab- l.lo o..,:, .- .i.o.i ok, It nt.ni J tliisl lolielv Cllllt, h ill lotiuc r.io.i i. ...... I.. I.;,.. hniMS i. ....... .- I -. or loLnll tlilollol. ill- ...v..-...-.. 7-.. t iiigl.t tun i in your iion pu;.-e ,,. i.,.,.i..,r .Tugs one true laartneaier';'1''1 '"'I't'.v, Cad i li.iii.e lor il. ,1 i,., I si!' I iv.. .oil-, 1 li .. I . . .. 1 . . . ! S.lt r: leia i- :,n.l l i slllelice all, I ti til ' lever ami I t si llelicc s-ed him hy ; uud now -e ll.t re si:.. 1 ol such 11 d be an accident ! lie .. d ... iligs tin t ai .- i! ..I It ll.l.g I i. li-., .-si.ppose lie slioi.id I c cairi, d home U. n. o I. 1.1 ,11. li'.l CO. psC, the Words ol gleet- ing 1; o.-ii lalo ci. l uai sileiiee on His lips, t.:e 'lot sight scakd fonicr under the li. ivy cyclM-i,' Mraiioelh.il silcll moll. id fauces should never h ue as. ail d him ill t I lie I. re an . I siniiki- ..I I ,ol 1 , .1 .aro Vet CO I Ili' lo iiiiti I. mi, like gu-ts tiiat would Hot be driven awn.., w hen he wus will. in twenty: minutes ol home! Would il bleak I is u.o j lini's lni.it, or would sin hie oil .' And: .mi fid K ..te M li.Ui. .' Kate Muiolii, Il.e . hie IM I, -ll . Ittl.e laliv , W io. W ol.ld l.' V ' f j I....1. ... l.o,, .it.- loion '. I..r I ' hlo.ttl .. . .. I.. .. . ,'...,..1, I.. hoi .In k o, M.r. it iheiin. ui.d roses dl S'letl 111 .it ll. "T o tuii.k '. ' . j iciil it.sl Car! Silver, briu - in g th.ii u I,., i loi.i ,1 l.-T on il.e wiu.ioii. i -I,1 "an n.-.i ...........-. . 1 1, o.i. : iiio.r.' i ..nd t I ai k 11 l bill to I he It. ..it ol I he o I I . ly ill the bomb i.'it e bol.mat "I I think ttl.lt I, Wlel would kllotk llowll the mill win. tl, lur'd lo tell mi' 1 w.i-l a i t,, i in , , .h, .aid be ith aid to ., Iiiii k y to a nitle .'end. i girl thai I hue lor! to thin ( tl Ihe i. r, toil, li d h. I gi' Vi, lilt ...till. I ol her footstep, Ihe ru-tle ol 111 I III. boll., Call Il I hit l. Ill) a II p' loit ait in , al.. I lu. tin l III'!.', ,, .1 ll. Ill', l ul idiot tl me ! Alter all, wl. il ni.. gc ll oi lh I Tin it . I. li.e ill lb. i, hi. i.; o it. I i li ib .lie an "I I l...t nu ,.i, I .- ll in v. r in u i any Holii an I u'. Kale . ii .1,, ..a l I ii.-iir .n i l lUif i" 'lt 'id my to. - Willi Kite. I H l-U 1 l.ldl.'l .ill It "il .1.. nl .: i , .k o I , ov nd ii" titioiig.. U.f." . . l t .u.t ,iu Snli l . Ii.ell I. id I' I I 4 d.l lt It lit I l.o M i, .1 he ho ll.l ... 1. 1 1 1 I h- I . I' l-i' i , i , ,i ,n, ,, Toil i h oge ul Au'iii'.ni ....... il,,,. ulo a, i A ,1 II, llltl lilt. I l.i u 1 ,l. II. 1. 1 III, I Hold i ..in ., g. ! i' .i i i.i g ! N i, I Hon'i ! tniu.u li.iM-i.y Horn in. . )..u , Hot.! b.u si. H"l.ollini I liii I. ., ii.l a t! tvpl, no. I I. it lliiii ui Hoi.) ," , rt. I I I .m M. lii i a. . . lu ill. ..an. 4 Ul. ., lui, 'tiai. I'.f x.i.n. 1. 1 i4a-.r li. km. u, h k.i aim i.i.kn.4 in.i.i In l..n ai iim o..( 1. 1 I ii l U..I.U..I, '-(i.i , ., t iiiiiiiimi lam ."ii4 1st pui Uaj plkvlju. aullaltw hi tll,4ill ' tat'.-alaaa) I.) u.lli.l.ll ll It. ),i ie 4 I.,.. llltl, il aiil..l I" lb. I.lt.n.li.j ll.., H.IU It. .1,1.) I-4..U. Ul lit.ll'.kl - l aVaaiUiu, awkalB,; UiWJ i tl "i fotindut ions of quivering firo, uinl its tln-onos ol'))ioili!, coming nnil goinir i:i fvi'il;,st,n sticcisnion, liku tlitt ideas of' 11 ncvtr ntiii'' ...... c:i. 1 1.. , , o. ni 1 pim-i 9 tieiii u it',i(ii:u up 111 1,1s 1 i rtast with ti quick, joyous tiiroli tit liic o!d aci usloiiii'd sights iiini sounds. It An gmxl to litar lii footsteps ringing on Miinliuttaii. mn ground. No lipihls in the liotisc! lli-t liotirt stood nilll Ik IIIIIIIII'III. I Ills Bl r It I ll t 111 I t ( kl I J lint tlii-ii ho rI.i.!,..,,l,..r...i i.t. , -"-" "M'lio'in ...... r. 1 r .. . " , '- ' n -fS" UV:';'"nl .'l,r ,v !w.,.m 5&. i,lv7m.nU8',n ' l,,i.,.l y ' . , , lush! not a creaking rtair or e! ankinp; f Ln,US . ,.'t',ray 1"'.n ' t 'r,,""l,, "' hl- a , i.t passed, ami into 111s moinei s room, nu'iiieii only 1, v the 11.1 I.T 1111 '', ot a bright coal lire. "Where the mischief are they till ;" ejacu lated Captain silver under his limit ii. "No nialter they'll lie along soon: inctntime I'll wheel this hig chair up, and taken l.n-l:, for the air is chil if :t is the lit: 1 of May. Won't they he ustouished, tliot.uli. when I they I'limu in? I'pon my w-.rd lliin;;. I could n't have happened nicer! l'au::li. what a smell of paint white-wash, loo, as I I I'm u living sinner! (.'oni'ound il. I've kick- ! ! ed over ti pail of the stull ! U the women I lolks aren t house clennini; ri'i . . . ' . . llie lap 1 am gave mi indignant to:.',, 11111 Ituous suilf um he surveyed the desolate1 I I scene. 1 i.U'1,,,1 ,,.. ,f.., . r. 1 1 . , ....... vo,., ..it ,1 iciitaie ..11 nn . 01 uiio-. in,r iiiioj ,.,s,.l,. ,1, ...... .....1 . .. .... .... ... i'1""' with soap anil water '.wire a year, I il';l"'t Imogine. Carpets till it;' - 11-.. 1 --'.'i.-nap i cunaiiis torn down 1101 one laminar "' ."n""ll" ejesa, ,1 a 1 -., til.sence lrom home. JK-igh ii I 1 . .. . 111 !!.!. 1 1 V ' " 1 '.' " Which he did and bcan to sun k. meditate. There was a rustle nnd tr TUv Wils rl,sl,' 01 -I'i'i"-.' fot'lTa!! on Ihe stairs. The Captain ti.c.i; out hi : ci ir and listened. "Thiil's Minnv," said he to 1,'m f." M.,:.i ma doesn't dunce lip stairs like th .t.' lie arose, ami leaned iion tist tin .er- casing as the danc ing feet c.-ne n. ,ir. r ,..,.,.. . . o i, n it, ... t . cai ii I I.I' I , I t -: .- I , i II l.i.. 1 t I...... . . :... '")lu-' "poll a merino tlrc.ss and a ii;' : w , j t . tipron on the threshold ! And ti e next i.e.- incut he had caught tho slig a ins and was show critiir hi I'M','. in his I d.i .k. i l,e ex-! : ! No. i I and hrow, and lips, and hair. "Caught for once, Mi-.s j-'an-;.-;" !,e cloiined. "That's to pay vol: . a pr-.o to lean house without my per i,:- s.o.i ! j-oti'ie not going to escape!" Midi a inert inn scivain as -,.. p wa his IVatcrtKil demonstrations v ; h ! Cat I Sil ver let go her waist and ri:iva'..! tuaiiisi t lie wall with the taint id. a of hn-.i! thioiigl. the lain and plasti r, ai.d hi. ''l; ; I. insc t m the L'ci-.eia'. ruin. For, a, tun 1, . tis he stood t liciv ipiaking ill li s r, ; inn : l.i t c voice was not that ol his ti-K r Mini! U.t Kate Meriam !" "llo.v dare inn!" she eiiculate.i will.' i .itn -oil chei ks and quivciing ips ' Tl' r-ng me u, ii 111:11 ca.i tne s,,-.an:s i: ea uon i i-iivc toe House mil instat.i ; "I pon my word. I'm not a Pcrgiar or an I :.s-u-s:n. p. called I ail. noiv enng his tcil- p..-sc-s,o;i , a measure, as he saw Kate s I i r.. Hides tei'ioi- "It was so i.i.I'k 1 , c. uldn 1 see your lace, and 1 thougut it was j nr. si-:,-!- Mi..i.y. Don t ;., La ,.. me, ,1,. .'l.iniln -l.ipla.,1 tsilver." -u-.-:n : lileaded I ai l, n en ci ing his tcil- 1 till are nn linposter, sal,. Kate, wil.i spiut, "I'iiptain r-:tei-is wilh iiie A.n.y ..I ; the l'otoinae." i "No, he's not, he's lii T-'," urge I Carl, j ' Mow shall I prove that 1 am ;... j'.' Kate ! j Miss Mciiatu '." i l'or cl.e had sunk into tl chair and hegun ' to cry. lie knelt beside hvr with a lan.-ii I a t nipt at comfort. I "No," she sobheil, "mily only 1 was to . frightened. !" " Tne little trembling, blue-cud ll.ii.gli I'arl Silver had never seen her in teat be- fore. No shy assumption of digaiiy iio.v - j no royal airs only brown tlis ac a .led h .ir. i '"e 'i a e one . lie was the brave one now how i.a::.ial it S'''"'! to clasp the tiny pnliil ni h.s own St ri'ltg llillld ! 'Katu ilcarcst, 1 love you! , ,;h my ,. I... 1 . I...,. N.IV, do i,,-i he s . . . frigllttlletl I would die to :ave v. u "la inoiiieiit's terror ! Only tell i..e that vour i...:....: .., '"' ism.uei .Viul w hen the tears were dried, leaving , ,., mo eyes us. trenched iolc.s, and tut diii' ha. I ling little t't'' II. m l.eeiise ... m-.. ....v.- i,-ni I I it. I,ij ,..,.1 I... Lnoii tleo .1 vt . ' " Cepte.l ioVi-r. "iitit ii In re are my motlur and s.st-r heiiske.l at length. "And whe:e l. ll'.e l-.tioii of this strange riddle ;" I "Don't ou know," laugh, -.1 Kite, "th ' do not live here uiiv llioie :" ! "Not live here :'' ' I "Have you forgotten that yi-terd.iy was' the tirst "ol May ( We uci-npy ti..- h a: e j now, papa and mini Millicent a i 1 1." I "l ho !'' tpiolh Captain Mini, "s , tiny Jiave moved, nnd 1 never to hioi oli;. I poll iny Word lliey treat me pretty co,.;iy." ! "Ah, hut ou would have In ud of it," .iid Kate, "if yoll had staid qii . I ly ia i ..i.p to g.t oiir let 1 1 r.s, instead id' roi ,i.g .mi : a. try il illoail a W old of w ai i..' . . . -mi 1 1'il lids." "Cue me tu.e luoro kin, K.it. , i , ', I i i to at.-th. i.i. One moie, my I . , t.. i . I lot il Hot ni la like u tlieiuu ! ' "And j.'ii an my Mildier now ." w hi p , t K.i1. , play in g li illi the p.ddeti l,.:t ..is tm i oi.i iih in ii.uloim lingii- " '.' lid ii. to die I altle lit Id, la do .Mi id n I r..y for. I' , I, I have uiw ay i.:ned I. ha I no nit ..r mv foiiiuri, 1 , ,a - i 11.) In t .111. I dealest lo aid I.I r . o.-e.'' "Spoken like il soMirr'i ni .-. M .1. " . Mini, with kindling lit.. ' ll ..i I k ne, i how iiiiii h hi : '. i v, ,- r .1 h i. . n t I'ol knoll in.! that "It. ..I. 1 ' - - . ... .. '.. . pi t.l I I . f ll.lll 111.' II. M II ll g'l. I 1,. ', , iici iit.iisi-n.u ! i iii pt'.iii.,; i .'.i '. lioo.l night." So th. ie Hi le ll.r.i, ui.:i . , t! ,t V iii-i.iu: on, 1. 1.' ii M' I i.i. a, ( ..... I t oil lot 1 1. hi t Ii ant p. ... d, Mi'1 .... . I e , iagl.1 il.i ki--. I Hi I li.: ti.'.., a I i 1 1 kll 't H ho t In' k - r H t. : . n,e I i i nun Siaii. i i tirv a.tit.l li: ll. ... 4. I t . fid i.t i-.' ill d .nipii.e il .- I. il tut lu "I hi r un I .i-li r Ail t ,, I 1104 I. II oil , ol.g'i.1"! ,'ia 1 kin." I il.i I' 1, I, "I. 4ie ol at., i,t " ,..ppi in I to l.i ii ... in.gr il ni in. .i.i Ii i. M i I'.-, u I..' I. . I loin. I. 1.1 ll.t. Ml. Ml!. ill'. 1.... . 1 kit. 1. 1 In r I ) lui.l ta... II.. Iib I , ll I .I I l I'll.. Iplt.l, il l 4 I' ", I"' I ' ') I" I " a day Ii H mil, I l.i 1 1 1 I. ! lukloi, I enliii In I'll ll' . I'I Id. !" Aul whin lh Ion srua.l it f I i.'J ii Ikk.U laMtc at"l it "ll U . I.al I .,, at, ai. I l.4 Id., Haial 0( la 'U aia."i"'l ., I l.j bid. U .li.t.ul l.'il. I'.ll a) i. t ' lia I k I ..al la l M' 4-t v4'U. Halia 4 4 iMlSCELLANEOUS. 'I'll' IiMliaiin 'iiipirm-y. Governor Morton nitiile tin uiliircss in Iniiitititipolis, August 2 J, it) wliitii lm dia- ; Cdssed tit leiiL'lli the recent (leveniiin iit re- 'yarding the a!;e-e,lti,nspiia;;y ami tho iit-.d- . . in.' ot nuns, iiinmiin. lion, .'.c. lie says; iti.ri.t. !.. .1 1 ,,, .. A.-m II,...,,. , III.: HI illlll,. IllHillllllilltill, UL. liL riUi . : .... -. .'. . . ' . I Ho nniis 'iil'l tiniiiiiituliuii tiint vi re sviz- c.linll,M,!iy,.a.S.l....il arc l,u! a drop !ut li.i.kot t-.itiipand to the in.nn t,'t: ! tity Unit l,,s 1,,,'t, imported in,., tho ! Stale in a similar nrinnir duiinu' Hie last v.(. or ,.ia,,u,.n IUnt,H. ftll. MK ! t.i....i.t t:. tlti, : Some f.M.r or live l,ndre,t , ,..,.v,,o ..,. (llu. h,u,lu ,, ...,, ,,..... ,... sand rounds of itiiimm il i 111 ; t !iat is to sav, o:;e litnuireil ami t !i:i t v liv limti is lor ti ' l' :.:imi lit oldno thiius-iinl im-n. I'vi. lent ly w lien he took out his savings and lioii'.'lit j 1 itis lf:;e anuiiinl of iiiiiiiiitni' i. ,-i w.is 11.1t t'le Holes, more than one was surpris";!, , . , . I intended simply for the n-e of f.ji.r or live it iw no wondi r rich Mc hmilh al.ed whv. : hundred revolvers. T'lie revoheis sei.i d So l'oor Kiehard, in a very quiet hutHhle ' are ln:t ti palt of ihiity thousand yet lo vvat for he never assumed an vlhiii;; 1 e i come, tiiii I a large aim. in. t of iimiiriniti'in plied. ''I suppose, Mr. Ninth, von know a ' eapliit i ii i- hul a pot tion of a lot of forty- ' -.-rent di al holler than I do w hat to do w llh j two luxi s, coiitaiiiin.i; alti-::i-tln r, uhout two money, and how to invest ; for I never had ' hundred and ten thousand rounds. j much, and ail I got 1 had to work hard for. 1 lien alter a prolractcit 'It-cushion ol t In: tcrriMc ei.mlitioii of ail'-iirs. he said further: ki"iii .it.win iiiu ti linn 11. . ..,.. :,. ,-,..., ,,.,,t ...,. f th.se 1 ..,, ),..,-.. 1.....-., . men thei.. . secret political i orre-pondeni c. 1,,L. ..I .,.... ,.1',1...... I..,,,... , t ' """ "" f- if. o i.s ,01 in. 1... ; As a.i example, t..k A .. , ,..ampe. t..ke one w r.ttcn l.v the .. 1 . . . . one w r.ttcn hy the l-resei.t Atidlloi' ol Ihe i.t At c. a tn I a cam in late 1 ocl'ore the pie I .;' re election to 'hat high ami iitiportoiit in.-ilion. 1 lettir vmis written llir.e ct.i ago. not long al'ler the . i.' :.;"i. tng ol t lie w ar. nil. I la-lore the inau- itiir it imi of .Mr. Lincoln's smti slavery war policy, w hit h these i. ie:i now a-scrl lo l e I lie gr. at source of di .-comfort ami .lis ; s.iti;f.ietto:i to I hen : at; 1 what does he say 1. 1 his fiiend Mr. Yoorhct-s ': "Oiir s il etiott ; i.- i:i tin- siuvi of ihe' Se.itiicl'n nn--. If I iicy nr." crushed down, then woe - iidc ; ii-!' What thii.k yo't. n:y f.'lo-.e cidzens, ! ot t!.-:l, coinii::.- from il.e Auditor ot your i own S',:,!e ? Ii",y do jou lil.e his ascilioli tioit l,i s ,'v.oi.o, ,'. IK .1 I.I-; l.,,:i:ie-,l , . i , , , , l ,,,,,,,, , . . ',"" I " ' I .I at!.;-. il' tlic-o wi re l.i. ,! the re--etil iinent s M ars aoo, and if -'lit ii.c i,; s i.o'v, as IV-'til l:i;- loci th: he ct:'i i tains tile s suti'e iently e i . he is on.' of tin- ( irder of the Sens he iva-oloil'lc to OIK .1, ait.t'-li. Ill.'l.i: -.'! s ol to i! i.i ,, rt v. would it i:,.t It: . 1; .m tl: :.- -ii 1 ' f H t- irii.i.' etii-ie ,! time to tm' pres. nt he ;. t: ing "II i'is t il'.u-ts to !ai..i.y o! l,a ing the r. -Atal let me s:i V to . that the sei. tin. -..t'ts of Mr. Ki-tinc are the tc-u with whom !:e has ii-.it iated l.ituself i:i a oliticitl t .ip-icity. - My lellow citicns, it is tune tor e.stoeon- sider here we at'.' stuiii'.ing, and it is tune fili-laad. Id.in.it mean unac. hoi i.e,i or it.!. ;:. pi rate acts. Imt such action a- hail it uini il- iv s..c-tre us : ttahut the tt rii'di- late ei'l. iv hi. il no or,. t!o,.,t,i,l !!,, s'.,:i!l ! i os I.,. .!,...,,' Il ,..,,.,..-1 I,.. I.v i j.p n. an I altet. iitig to coy hi:-l- I fe If we do so, we shali kayo civil via here in Indiana: cud wl -n it cime V(lUr h a, .. u ji; vatii-h ::i a ,i,;iv j,- VoU Wl(i.M Si, ,i:v voiir home-. VlU;r v.(..i,!,, xotir hu-in. -i, o-.:r prosp.u ite. :,., t!, ,.f t!ie robber, ..u it.tet "I .i'.e p,. ;, ' 'Il:-' o a.-tion has '.en a-kel me. tlti- c 1 i;::il. j.-ml.-il v, In.t uiotiev il i- Itn.t has l. -eti ex- t. '.lie -::icha-e "1 lice arms aal luc'io li as i. ii-, a'-,. v. I.t ic it fi.tne 1.. Ill .' it. . tease ..I .IcLt l-n I hail llmt ( w e i:i ..-gi ,.,v it: aiiiwi-i- to that i,!.. -tioa I tncst say that I ingio-.'i instead ot poorer, a- John lt.iil au-l il.i not I w; hat 1 will It II what 1 do . the t r ..ikers would luve Us tiiiuk, T 'hen know. S .me men i:i In.'.iana who are realiy the debt will be paid, anyhow, no matter nn il !e lo jam ide a cow tor th.-ir fmi!i.-s i how long the war is. Jlc- id.-s, i',j,i you ever have been spirting uv-lvi is sitae t hesc ; Icar of a ( ioveriiinent that broke b lore the operations b.-.sin. i.ei,- ii.c lii.-iay that ; peopk did ( Look into your lug histories, hi. tight the weapon which tic-y entry came, Mr. Smith, ami you wil ;ud the people iioai 1 .1., m t knoi.-; 1 ot. y I. now that break h. lore the li.'Veruineilt. Well, lh' tl, lalge sill. s of mniey hlc bet n atll still art , 1 tail that stoi k J -.rfcCll- ft'i-.t. I'eo.g- prni.l.-tl s.'in.-w here, by soliubo!... ! Si condiy, you want the lncoii: (... r'f ' ..--sj to sen t anus aiioiniii.t.oii into ti e S ate I . o( rni-n,-- it. ell 1 want you to "take oi 'lndiati i. Si'c:i.i:it best ..my im.fii.i-' j up a list of hanks, railroads, mines , iu-ui unce , u Ci c I ue si a, ol this lund are. 1 1 iiel e, li .ni v I a t a- I at.i l-.'t in sl'i'.e :-. u:..l am as con,!. lent u tl ie ifii.iy .tin r fait ol'whc.lam an.', ind-.i' iltd'.e t 1,1: tiee, lhal I . 0s money with w inch t I.i -e op.-i u! nms are ..nil have i,':i carried on i.i 1'idiami ha-. ! i - II s'lpp'.tc. I by the rebel li. .a, t il her d: 1 1 1 1 iv lio n tne to:.:'.-.!, r-ile :i.it::..iitii- -T by their ai.t'.i.'i-i.'.ed agon's in New York. I:i the i ry ... .New oik t!.. re are linr.i.roU ...id ihoiis.i.ids of nn n who have hci u c.i.u p, I t i i' li e tlie r. bi! Mates, aad w tin .. U-. I,. : !. '.lie lie a: is ate 1 tne i! ; : .. 'sit let lo .i.d tin- r. ' 1 i"t. in '.hi- way. la nd-liiLei II. ,- . t'o ; a:.- al- i ta ic a i.-tg.e f .inil'i l of , -1 :.l ip.1.1: -I-. w :. . l:a . e el . lo.e: li1. iii : hi v :; , in t !,!..: l i .1. ll i '. i!l by i. a ai. . i i ii .i , ti, i'-, or l-v ti.e ov. i ;., v.. ::,'!.i. n w , P : the I';.,', In .-j i. e to, o.i t .,,-:,; .a o : i . . -r of w i.t. ! : a ii..-I'.-! I a'., I I. e , -.n:.:i ;. in; a'.l.i.-e.l ti: t. o w la tin r lent lit Il.e IlloU of ihe -hall eliit : With tin I It is all ! VVl'slllH I a c in- n. la .'I of w iio i- .: 1 1 - Mil 111 ,,,1.1.::-, , w I, . Is. la i. l,t: l...vi-. oi.f al ao. s i ; the in. It l onf. , lei . lev, ,,f I ...' .' .., l i ... ,iii t:i ,: ..! . '. j".si as i tl , tu..il i :,, -l,,iii'., ...e ainiil.i it. .1 tli t a. I. - ia tl"' I 1 1. Ill ad T I.. t ;. I . . '. hi. " i: I : ' :, 1. . . : i . 1 1 : ' 1 t! t l.e '-I., f . I to' -I I'- : r in. I. 1. i ,. t :,.n d. tap . I. p ll I t n .r a,, i w . .11. 1 t i to .1. I ! .' I 1 -I. I' V .1: I t I tie I. 1. A t 1 1 p'.-p..s.l: i .i , il - i, .1 hy th t,i " . .., .11' I. , io, i -l , I 'f I .1 . ...t I .1 t .1 I ol I 1 I I i . i I 'l i i ... i p, i ' 1 1. , i i i 'i - i ' i. a I. . I ' I I.. I I . I p.. ... . I t I I" : I "I .... I ol !,.!,! ll' I -I I .... I ' ul I 1, a., 'I. I I i.llut.l l HI, I I tl .1.-4 III I f. .1 lit ,.,. ... p. ..o I.t it I:" ; III.' l.ka I., ll. I ' I. I I . .1. 1... I ll.k I. ..lit I "I 4 th o. . I -o I I. ... .tm. p f i. ..i :. i " I'd'' l ... ..11.4 ll p's I . '' ' "" I.I.. II. t.o. a lit... . I t'.n 1...-...-I V , ''' U U.I .',; 14 1. 1 1 Hoi ' l'owr KIi Iiim-iI'm U'ii,u-i for liny lit;; I ni I -d fXlali s. Si-cin itiiw. The oilifi- tlnv wo licanl n rich ni'iolilior an e I,.. I,.,. I -.. I...- 1 : , 1 . . . i, 11, , Him; iiiiiniim htocKs I linn I . h. stockH, (or thi'V ligd liioli, i- if,f,.r.., Just tlan I'oor lucliiit'.l C iiiu- til), nnd mid ,llilt '"'Ui-dit some of L nele Sam's ,l'r,M';"- ". P'ving sey.t, and ll,r ,t n,lls l"'r ""it. interest. My lieh l;ii nd exclaimed, "Yen ! 1 tliomdit' von 1, l ,. . . Iivn .iiin.i. tt I 1 1. . " iiitni,'Hi you n. no tnoncv to luiy tl i. ' Yes " sni.l Ki, :, !',! -Iliad,', li.i laid ,p. f, r v, L w ' fll to Imve sonittl i,lir ,, " wet day, and I liuvt! kept a little of niv eiirii ma l-v me." Now I'oor Kieliard i isi own to all il,e eounti v round to hi , ri -lent and industrio,,,. and with,.! ! ! , r,,.. lii, ;,,,,,. ,...,.. ,,..,,,.,, . know how to make Use of. litid hh ui.iLm ami pniileiiee had heeomc a urovero. h i i iul 1 nave looked rouml a i;ood deal upon ! Iiiv neiohhors. nnd seen what thev ili,: with - tni'tr iM.nti.t' ..mi r ;n ..n ,1 . nun ( lull ll'll ( ! hfilllU I II ill fS I 1 saw and what I tliouodit .it it n,. I rich man was tilwavs deulin; in nionev, anii !l,i 11,1.1 !.!..! I - .',,, , ut 11 Kmih ,n-,ii, uia as nev er nitiue'i j w ithout f,fjh interest. So he lent most of ins money io some people who he thou "'lit were very rich, at a very high rate; and he often to'.. I how much he got, till one uuy the people he lent to went to smash. ,. got hack l. out ten c uts on a .h ilar of his mom y. 1 know another old gent I. man, w lo had some hank stock mid lie went to the I-. .nk and got ten per cent, dividend. The l'reside.'it and enryhody said it was llie lust stock in the count ry paid ten per cent. lint, what did the .'.Id m i:i do hut vc his stock the next day! Why ? why; said everybody. IS. cause, it j ,t, .,. ?,, -,-.', lit fluid. And in t-i months the l ank v,t nt to smash. Now, t,n 1 know to he a fact. Well. Mr. '.smith, you say i.ii'road stocks are lu st, hecaiisc they p ty 1,1-jh dividetnls ; mi you till how long tlity will pav them? I like railroads. 1 helped to I, nil".! one, and I go ill for Useful Ihings. Jim u il y,,i; what 1 !;."--aliout them. One-third of" the rail roads don't pay .... dividend, uud two third, land some of them cracked up, too.) do Hot pay as inie.-li as l inn: nnienl -.tucks. -Now that hiings Hit: to tin: Oovcruinent se curities, and iwiil tell you whyl pri-ur th. m; I take it you will admit. Air. bmiih, llut in tile long run the investment which which is .i'.. should have these qualities. : first, n should he j u .v'-'y . second ly, tiiat tin; incoiiic s!,' uld he u.: r,,yi,i and ,i'n.;.ii iJ -t'i.t up one year and down the nexi ; and thirdly. llc.t'it should he ;i. ;.,,' ul,:; mi when your w..l day comes, and via: W iil.t oe, - li.o;:e; ,,,,,, ,;,'ott i! hack. A till 1 liii"i-. It."-.: :i,ue- or bonds have o,.,t the-e i': li-te - l.o i. than any other kind i f pcr- p: 'p.-i i you can name. I rv it. tl,. K V, '. 1 have ihvii looking into that a t.-i.l il.e I elistts Natistics. -ti a! l.o. 1 u--c 1 to think it w a-n't w ott h much ; but ! siu.-e 1 began to study it. I t. ,1 von, 1 hiund . ...,t a g I t.-.r.uv thing v-rv us.-mi for me to k:...w. I found'out, l.v lookmuut the crops, ,ri.i ;,, p1('l.,nes ami sVoq-im., Ac , tiiat we ' tl don't m. ail Ihe Rebel Male-) are mak-ti'' a t hoii -i:: 1 milli. uis ol i loiiu: s a .v.arinoiv than we spend. So y 0.1 sec t hat I since t!,u companies any ii.mjf you choce ami till me i Honor brignt, now !l how many ha-o paid a (...iV.i iiicoine f..r tenor twenty .yi ais. Not one ina hundred, Mr. Miiilii', , and you luio.v il. i "Nov. !., re is ihe Covernnii lit will p.iy . o. i without viryuigii linle. Novv I ii,.e something that guts me- my income eiei v I year. "fhirlly, you want something which i. ',,,.,..',, ( any tl.y in ihe year. Nov., if yo't wiiia-k any o.oik I'r.-i.hiil, lie will nil you mat M, j n.;-:.!t tW .'- hi 1 ,o' !':'( i 'U I'l l t til ' ' ,1 , .1 j. ( ' . hc Cil Is, ,i,y Vli.l sei! i' ,' 'i t ' : --N...V, Mr. Smith, this is r.- 1 put my ; ii'.tl. s.ivi.i". in ( i o l e ! II lu ' u t t.. civs. 1 con- lis., too. t ii.it. 1 u.ir.t. d to hdji ihai t'ear oil f.iimtiy, w iii. ii i. j.jy home aid a,,' i coin. try." 1 .-..tit', ..." ,:d Mr. s-iiiiiii, ! ; h ..iT.t th i.lga! i f ell this. T .,.,. is a go. ad deal of : eu-. ill ll I. at Jtol s ly, al:l I 'a.. I go ' - i 1 tt' as I ' put loo ..j three' th ... I d. 1- I n - ill l ulled .-:.(!-. i stochsl. It c ill i! , l.o Uc 1 It Mr. bit,' :d I'. . .'. I'll ll.it t .' a to I 111,' .-. t, ..! '.."tug il l ft . I ,o: - I. :. tow ;lf U ll- : r . : tl . r 1 1 i a . . , .j i i i I it. I I- . d , I I lie 1- h.. 1 1 ' a u ; oiit.t: ii:ici in'iiAL t . ui ii.l.- i , . . I .r :.l o .. i I'.o . . I . .. :,. 'ihe ie.l kl : i. -.. 1 1. I , 1 1 1. We 't . ' I 1 I 1 . . I ' . . 1 1 ' I 1 .1-1 p , 1. . 1 . l .1 t 1.1 I.. -i i . i i.i i i i -.... t I ... lo I a. , I . . i .. I r . ; -. .. . 1 1 1 . I I I I f it',) l.i ... ,l,l I lo ' i i. . . i . a , 1 - ., li iil'l . .....i-af. - ' i .,( I -.- I".'- ,. ii, . i . i . ; I w . fi I' I '. I. 1 ' " " ' I. h , I i The Inst crop of Tea should bo sown now; a dwarf variety is the lu st, fiiv Dwarf liluu Imperial. They will ripen bcfoie frost, nnd c me in very opportunely. It is quite i.c- ep.iioh: to have a few dishes of green pi ns in ii'itunin, when tl.ey arc so rarely lo he. ohtalni' I. limlive shotihl now be transplanted. When properly bleached, endive makes n pretty good sith.d. Tilt: last plan to bleach it is to spread out the plant when done growing, in a circle, and lay lint upon inch plain a piecn ot "slate. Some tie up tho plant, and sotnetiines succeed very well. ! Turnips for winter use may slid be sown, cither in drills or broadcast. The Turple. j Top and White Flat Dutch are the best va j rictii s. I The !asl crop of "snap" P.enns should now ; be sown, to gather late in the .seasons to pre i ry,: in salt ami water for winter, con sumption. We atL' some la-t l'eliruary, put up in this way, about as tender and fresh us if just Inken from the vines, j Cut away the old Ku-pbcTry stalks, cut back tile new stalks should they indicate nil overgrowth, and you w ill obtain a greatly increased crop next year of liner fruit ; fork up the ground carefully, and then apply a good mulching. This will keep the ground moist, and cause the new canes to grow itnd upright, lly so doing n dotiblocrop of fruit may be calculated on next year. The Cur-ant bushes should also have u n overhauling, forked ami mulched. Don't delay another day, if not already done, to cut back the new 'canes of the llo ch"lie or Lnw'ton Blackberry, to from lour and a half feet. The branches should also be nipped oil' a few inches. This will give you fruit nearly er quite double the size, than if left impnined, nnd the stools or busliej will stand without stakes or sup ports. Thin out your peara, where ilicy over brar, removi't,'. every knotty nnd wormy speci men. There are -oine varieties that grow i:i i-lifters, and do not gtiicrnlly over-'.icar lrom these the wormy or worthies ones only should he removed: but w here the trees are not to large to manage-, and urn not cluster irr-.v. ing, no two specimens should he allowed to touch, us they arc almost cer tain to become wormy and both are lost. Many persons, not well acquainted with liiiit raising, hc-i!utc to thin out their trees, on the ground that the crop will ! e dimin ished. This may he possible, but not posi tively tine if tin: liuit is intended to be fed to l!u pigs. Bur even should it be other wise true sometimes, who would tint pre fer to have one bu-:hil of httge, beautiful, luscious pears, to live bushels with probably not half a peck among the whole lit to put upon your table or send to market if In planting new Straw berry beds, it ist much latter to delay the plant insr until September than to use small or feeble plants. Strong vigoicu ; pl-ints w ill soon catch up to and pa -s the weaker ones, and given full er crop following season. This should l.e remembered. Ot'r.icnss which are not properly attended I to, iisiutily look very forbidding at this sea son of the year. There is no reason, how ever, why they should net wear a cleanly, smiling appearance, by removing old haulm and vegetables, we"i'.s and all unsightly or it less iinitii r, and substitute the liuiueruus fall crops. I'V.'-ik i. '....r.i TiU'jruj-h. !"av.u;r C'atitmjri'x. A correspondent of one of our "exchanges," tisks lor a good met in id to preserve given cal ibag'i s i hrotigh the w inter ; and the edi tor tails upon others for information. The plan we have adopted for a number of yea fi -eetns to answer tin: prt:ptv:cas we'd us any with which we are acquainted. This we have made kn.p.vn on several occasions, and it may not do any harm to repeat it. It i ; imply this: Seh i t u dry part of the garden die: trenches of .-uliiciciit depth tn receive tho cabboge roots and stalks up to the head into these tr.-n..-!u-3 tr m-plant the cabl.agi s, heads up of course till in the dirt caretiiily about them up 1 ihe heads plant four short p.a.ts, two of i hi'iu being higher tli i'i : the others to give a pitch to t iio roof -nail shii'g'iiig lath, or strips of old bo-.r.l from one po i to tite other, and another board li.il' way cp - lay upon this o nnmleri.f b an po'ij, and upon these throw straw, co'iii'odder, or I'cail-h.ului, protect ing also the iky.". ami your fiMmge will keep iti good condition until .May. Whete there is a leiice, only two po3t- ' will be m ory, tout I eintr f mj. loved tv the apex of th" ever er roof. Hon lo I:t iiintxi-; 'fro.'. j A gi ntli inaii wilting lo the 1'i.imer..' 'Club tftl.e American Institute, give, the f .ln v. ing nn th-iil ot' plow ing nn.. -to; tn-t -I in rows; llil.-ii th,- trace., foil h ty.'h di rectly to the plow; t hei! t ike a crooked 'ack sl.ck. like a piece o! eld sey t he siiat eh, t w J and a i. -ill' feet long, s!i:,r;i- n i-h.-'.i end -. i it v. i.i y o it. to l i.e !.n I.i t'l'th" ita-'e ciciitn-; tic n put il under lh li ir-e jit-t '."iwurd of 'h.t hind iegs, an 1 .ti.-k i i, It :id in li e ii.ii. s; tiit .i i-.-t astniilnr abcit tigl.l ) .in .:. - 1 ,.:,g, in.. ; put it its i ii se t -1 t he ; ., cv ),!!. ni ; ' a. v. .1! g! . . t S I:, , . '. -. v 1 .. r '!'" !' I '. l.i .It I. an i I. an v. '1 , i !'."! a.' ..i.-t t l.e '. te.. at: .1 h. -en a a a t In or I I1 . no . ..enl. I 1": .'-i- 1! ' C' tilth: t ,' A'iMC.'A 1 T..e ,. -, ;.i I i .... . ,.t to Am i , .i ii .a . ... v.. a- ! i ..I. i b , ( ' 'I','.. ., .1 . . ... I l ' . . . . I . - . .: 1 i J, , o . . . . ,i I ..... il t , v .. 1 ..I ,' ,i ,. .i .. ,. , ,'.. ! . ..'Vl i li. oi I ... I . ., i ii I , ; . r '. ', oi. l.i I ' I '. . ..,', i I'i. '.-.I...:, I 1, i .'.1 ,- to , ' .1 , , .r 1 1. ; . : i.t;', ii.. I. i.i ' ! . I I ' ' -.".-l.i .- I I " , . . o.,, y. .. . , to '.' I 1 . I'd .. , I .:'..' ' I , . i . tl .1 ,'. i'. : . . - 'A i -1 I ; . . .. . ' 1 v- I i . . a i '. . ' i " ! l I - ' I . t.a .... ' oe 1 .... . t l I II,. d . 1,1- 'I . -1 l. i: . ,. vt-r t , . i .1 . , ...,r ' , ' . 1 .... I I. .. ,.i ..i a 1. . I I I , . t ' . , I i. ... i . i i , 1 1, a, iio i , i, a V ., I )-. I i. -t . i . . . '. . i i o i . i ia .. u i a. I .. . . , I ... il. i .. v ....I '....., I , '. - i . . a I I i ,. I ... .1 .. I I I I , I I ', .. . . I I . I . . I .. I .. . ..i , . , i.ii, I... ,,"! . i . ... :,. . I ., . . I., i. . ...l .'- . . J I ... -i.. .... 4 .... i ... s ... .1 . ., . . a.... ....... I'.M.I.l ,Mi ,u. I a ii - 11. .I'.'aj V I, ,,.. .1 I ..y 1. . I I . I .I.ii., O, o-l i . , i ... i i. . i i , . i .;.-,.., i u A ,i ... i, i I .1 r. ... l ... J ... .1 a .... I u.. , a ...j ..I,, 1.. ll -t k, J at w. J I 'l ti ....
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