Iv-. II. B. MAS9EH. Editor ft Proprietor. KIMI1 ItV, IM. ' gATlTtlUY, SKFTKMHKKOI. 1Sli4. W ATIois AL" "U il'lO Sf T.TCKJ3-j roa PHLMDF.NT: Atll! il3A.tl.l.I A ).., V JHlxrir. TOR VICE PIUlSH.r.NT: A,1KIVV .fOJIWOV Or" 7 c. Rational TTnion Electoral Ticket. il;SAf.'nii!. Morten M'MioWl, I'liil.-li.; .hi Tlio.iiV CunniiiKlinui, Uonuf cuun'f. ni-l'HKFEM invc. 1 !!.,t..Ml V. Kirc '.' Oi .T'.'P M. Com,'. . ." Ib-m v T: ii in in . 4 Willi'mii II. Kern. ," Hirlin II .Icil". n ('lini'lv. M. Hunk, 7 lcol.ert l'mke. 5 Wiilimii T.-ivliT. V .', I'll A. II" Htm! I. in hiiM II. I'nryi .1, 1 1 IMimrl II il'i In. , i; Clmrl.' V. llwii, IS l.'li'i. W lhi'e 14 I l,-il II. Shinier, Iii .lolm V out. M lnicl i t'olilll'. 1..V. t7 l'nii Vf. W.mili., 1 . Is.'clc Hi li'etl, lit .1 !in I'-nton. I'll .-'.iiiiiii'l I. Lick, it l'vcrleirl liii'-tr, :" Jnliti IV I'i'ii'iv. L't I. In hi -r M .liui.iin, 1!4 Ji'im W. lilam linnl. cofnty i:niox tick n r. T."rv Tl T'Ar'irT!! nf Hnnlilirir. ! F11l,iL.cUobeilcci!iiuiiiiftlieC..iifem'aiifU'.illlTiot j l or .l,i.i'.Vy : JACOB M. FOLIiMEH, of Turbut. y,,r 7e ;(.' ir if" HtCvttUr, &t. JOHN J. SMITH, of Sunbury. For C'ct'i """' 'in i' ' AKDHEW NYE, of DdUware. .1 ttn'ifur : n. H. WBWEIt, of Zerbe. n is iv i i:w ii jri.ir. Owit.u' to Hie pri M iit hii;h yr.c o of paper, lai'or, j 1: tit in inau rial mid every iirliele c i.'i i'i !' ir. onr Insitu'swe tire compelled to iwiKO a ror!i"'t iHii;r advance in our i .".:.! s li r suli ri ;ii.n. tidMrti.-ir.;; and i' ' I it'it. iirceil t.j ell nml toh'pted l y the jui! li-l.r- tit.il pi inters of N'oi thlimlierlalul em:i:1y. lo i.ii.e i lit 1 1 en nnd nfter the !:tt i! iv of ScptciiiU r. lii l. SriiscniT'TioN. si per nimssm. TO if t:ot ithin the year. liA ti.s fr Ai'vi-:i:tis:xo : Ore KCtnare of 10 lines 1 time 1 00 2 CO 2 30 1 00 G 00 10 00 y oo 3 dO 5 00 " " " 14 one nsoalh, ' ' HiiiL month " " ' " six lnoi.ihs. " " " " one year, cuti i's an.' Atluiitii.-iratnis luitiees Ai.ilitor notices, Busiucss cards of 3 lines one year, ierehanis and ithcrs advertising hy the year w ith the privilege of chang ing quarterly, ns follows: One Quarter column, not exceeding 4 squares, - - f 15 00 One half cuhiinn, not exceeding 8 tvqur.rcs 25 CO One column, - - - 30 00 IMitoriul or local advertising, any litinil cr f lines not exceeding ten, CO cents per line; 10 i lists J'nr every additional line. Mmriiige notices, 30 cents. oMtuaries or resolutions accompanying notices of deaths, 10 cents per line. Jon Pkiviini.. Hand-! rift. -l.iet. . or less. $2 00 iiiidiiioiiul 100 cojtiis, 1 30 il.-.i.il I ills -In it. 25 or less, T. 00 J. i i v additional 100 copies, 2 00 llnmld.ids I i-luet. 25 or less, 5 00 Jlvi ty iidditional 100 copies, if 00 ll.in.l-!. ills full sheet. 23 or less, 8 00 i..ery additional 100 copies, 4 00 La! .!, per hundred copies, 2 00 Kery ad. iiiionid hundred, 1 00 Jii.ANk. (Cup.) Ti r one quire only, " e cry iidditional quire, I.f ' ' r lii ads. one i.nire nnlv 00 1 (10 1 .10 I .1 1 CO 1 00 2 00 ('.;..! ':i i'' i s '. ii.i st-per l.ui. ilred I i. ..Its i'.i:i r-F.ool.s per pi.ge of lt.00 ems, All iiulices i ...ei; :c:d or h i Miblic inc. lirgs texcepting e:si n v.ri be paid lor nt ..dwrtbir.g Mies. All tran.d. nt adv. itising taust be paid for nt the time of insertion. We the undersigned Publishers t.nd Prin ters of North.unbei lend county, ngice to th irge for Siib-cri) tion, .lobbing and Ail M rtlsing, aeci, i , lino to nboxe seheiluh; from and alter this dale, September 1-t, lMtil. .il. I. M VSSHli. .1. i. A A. A. YdrNGMAN, Fl'UDY .V: li At I IMA N, Fl NK iv MoKTDN. OWI'.N M. FOWI.Kil. 2 ," T Di i.i l M s. -' As the c.n.Lr : " i t ,1 i oii:. inp'ates un, kin:.' a change in the -1 ' i I . i i i a' ion of t he A'lll.riM'.', on and after the I i : it i::-t., a i.ew -it of I ! s will le ! I y t he l ew' . rideble I to 1 ,.',i an I s. ul . .' '. ,t. I'.e. Inn, the the :.bcl'.bi I's and -tai li-luni nt, w ill ai ciiun'.s w ithotii .1.1 -tie ol ' ..lie I Lch of i!.. e of oil 11 I a- p ,tb c I ill. i 1 -i ih. r it.-. I .H I I' 1: .. In ', I I , , '. : Vo l 1 I I I I I . d: e r ll '. V o I I I EDITORIAL COREESPOKPEKrE. OiiiAiti) Hoi .u, 1'nii.Anri i-iii , ( ficptember 0, lM'il. l The 1 n.dticn prospects of this city arc not M f.mir.il'lt! ns liml Invert expected, nnd for Hi'1 cun:i it in considered rather dull, than otherwise. There is n limit to nil thing, nnd exhorhittint prices nre no exception. People nt'e every where pra. lising eeonomy, nil old fashioned virtue, that ha not yet clien t v died out. There U scarcely n fami ly or individual that, could not tiled ft fiiv iiiiT of twenty-live per ot nt of tin ir unitil ex pense, without in itch sneriliec of comfort. The world i. taxed more for its vices nnd follies, than it' virtues, yet these cause the hint grumbling and discontent. The news of tlic victory nt Atlanta so closely on the heels of the great victory of our licet nt Mol.'ilo, has inspired almost uni versal confidence iiAjir liltimate ptieeess, in putting iiiMvn this wicked rein llioti. This feclin-j sccln . wide spread and general. I rcmnr he.l to day, to n inerchnnt, that n few inure vieiorics lihe those of Sherintin nnd l'aiT.ii-'-tl. would f:natly reduce the Miiue of his toc!. He said he was well nware of the fart, hut wtm willing to niahe the s.icii tiee. (!oh! hii fallen nhout 3D cents from i:s hij'he-1 point, nnd is now fluctuating nt ,i pn tiiiiini of 1.40, nnd the impression is tltitt it lilllst coti'iince going ilnwn It) II IllUell lower figure. An eminent banker reinatked to-day, that there was no reason whatever, why gold should command a premium of more than thirty cents. Willi the fall of gold (here must be a corresponding fail in many of the necessaries of life. In political circles there is, at present no great excitement. The nomination of Gen. MeClellan cannot be satisfactory to truly loyal or war democrats, as they fed .that he h is a dead weight attached to him in the nomination of Pendleton, who is a true disciple of Vaiiandigh.iin and l'crnando Wood. It is said that Ceil. MeCh llan i preparing a letitrof acceptance with a pro-ler-t against the per.ce policy laid dow n in the pl.it J'oiin of the Convention that nomi nated hitn. It is to be hoped that he will do f , and a.-.-ert he- manhood and ind. pi n denec, by reji cling a platform that Would place him on a level with a more than half cotnietcd traitor. That hN nomination will caiifC troiil.lc among the Mc;.';hd peace pally, is very ev'nhut. The secc?ior.its of Maryland and the border Wales were all opposed t'i hi- iioiiiinatii in. A rumor w;, afloat t. day lint the iVc-1-dent had appointed ihiee lV,;ee Commis sioners who Wt re r.he t'ly engaged in the pcrfonvu'.ncc of tin ir duties, and h.id i very prospect of st:cc(ss. On impiiiy, it w as n certair.ed that the names of these three dis tinguished individuals were dranl, Sherman and Tarragut. It must be admitted that their late arguments must have had great wciiiht with the rebels. K?"TiiE Tb.ctini.s anii Tin: ri:.c't: Drxto. CitAiT. A letter taken from the pocket of a rebel prisoner captured near Petersburg, who died on a transport which was convey ing hun and others to the North, contained this significant passage: ''The news from tho Pcare party North was lievi r nioie tueouraLrinir than now. They are bi ioinintr morn bold nnd dcf.aut every day. Yahiudigham has ntun;o lto Ohio nnd del", s Lincoln to a' U tiijit to re arrest him. These things are very signo'; cni'.tjnst now, in view of the inqiortai't tlec tlor.s they ate to have this fall." 'Grant has crossed and n crossed the Po tomac so often that hH extensive practice will soon enable him to jump the stream both backwards and forwards!" (''; jtr .;. '.-. The above beantif'il extract is, ;:.-.? taken from a Southern rebel organ, as might be ; expected, but fiom one near home, which i r. presi tits truly, t'ue f. cli:i.: of thus,, who would like lo .-i e Grant w hipped by L. e. Is that the democracy ol .letVeison or ol .lackson ('' A true democrat need no! :;-. ;-.' "T:i:-. niiVilsiox. The signs n!l around indicate that the speculating mains has reached its highest point, and is now destined to recede, more rapidly than it ad vanced. 'At present writing gold is deelliiint;: provision dealers very coinidi ntiy iisseil the neei -sarii s of life w ill be "no higher;" coal is tumblinir, and wherevir yfiti go there seem to be anticipation of some favorable event. Whatever these sions result from a o. tieral unavoidable col'seiousni s that na tional a'.l'airs have r ached a crisis which cannot be parsed without a decisive tarn, or whether liny are hitnply the fruit ol the con tinual peace smoke visible in the air, I h ue w i-er he. ids t i determine. I he immediate illVct, slioit hved ;is it may In , is, n u rate, t,ot unplt .-.!nt. IVmi; 1. p, ti o ,i 11 ' i.tis p. ' in ..! I o e, w l.o .p il; jr.. m t, l .In lil .'. oil ll.e II III 1. -, I ; ' t's ! , ial I c a 1 'I s. w in in".;,' 1 i,'W !'.. ..! !, I 1 .'. hot'i'e !!. CI tbl of I'l w s i 1 1 r mm ..!!, I .I. , I .; , Iii-. s tl, l 1,11. p, e L.e I, Id I p lii.i. nl'ilio l.liiiu,ie, . to I'' I I I I I I ...... i l . l i I , ' t ' Oi' e a'. I 1 i.e I l, m i't"" " !" ' ' 11 I 1 out ll o , e.l lie .1 .1'. lo, I I llie pi.l.,.., , i i'' !' 'i' S i I ul i l li il o. ; .1, .1 . on il ion .if ' 1 i'i ,i , ,, i ' ion in. I a I Li d. -.I'll.. I Ie , , ,, ,,, Dm. 1 1 1 t'i l! n a 11, ) t II I I'l t "i ie. I ' I 1 1 -a . I" 1: 1 i.i I II oi I. .. ' 'I II I I I ...'.U lliil, 1.. 1 .1 d , I Ihe . 1 1 I I. I I. II. , I I ' ! I tiav, Slot-Inn ol'IniKnun on tk Itc ImIIIoii. There are few Incti m the :yM S-mc te whotn the nation i more indebted than ev. Morton, of Indiana. Ho ha fiom the be g'nnitig ot the rebellion devoted nil his en ergies to ntd the entire of hU country, pud in his high position ns tiovirnor of the pal hint St i!e of ledian i. lei rendered str5ee of the mo t vabt.iMe cli.irarti r b the ran.-e of the I'nion. lie has be n opposed tit td most every step by n most rcck'.cfs btxnd of home traitors, at the head of wlim-i w as the now clearly i xjiosed V in Yoorhcis, w hose complicity with the plot to raie the Mand ard of rebellion in the Northwest, has just been exposed by ticn. Carriugton. The last Legislature of Indiana, under the direction of such men ns those implicated in this conspiracy, adjourned w ithout mak ing any pro ision for the payment of the public debt or the civil list, in order t.i nit harass Governor Mo:ton ia lilting out the soldiers of the State for the national s rvice; and the Governor has been fore 1 to borrow on his own responsibility to cany on the business of the State, lie is now presented as n candidate for re-election, and is can vassing the State with his oppomnt, Mc Donald, ami a most animated contest is be ing had. In a recent speech, in a rejoinder to his opponent, Gov. Morton remarked: "My competitor says that Mr. Lincoln itiht have avoided this war if he had lelt 1111 so disposed. He fullhcr s.iys thai it has been brought on by the agitation of the slavery question. Now, one word in recard to the asset I ion that l.'nm in comniciici d this ;ir. In Octobi r, 1S"ii, more than one year before Mr. Lincoln's election l'!od, llie :-tVrctary of War uudi r Iiiiehanan's Ad.uin istralion, i-sm d an ordir s. ndin;; 113. 'MO niuski Is lo the Sou:1,, ro ar.-i nals, and . : t;r ing the pi'o :i'oi i I' that A Iiuinis t ;on order were liequeiiily i--a, d .sending guns to Southern torts ui.ii evs. i;.i',., and p :u icg them where tin v eoe'd ! e si ",, I. la O to ber til t.eial Scott :.o: !. that prepar.it w i re bi i'ue lolls and doi i. ti' ..marl t it; !eii,,t !;i c.; During the I in i-tralioii. i' lot ll.e. . :j.: -: of Mi Mr. 1 1' :;.! . t!, n.inisM.i'iion W.i io! I,. I ,!, tid :.- I'n ey. Mr. 1' . coin i nun ii t e.i. , the M Old .'. -, I o ; ' : :- i.i!..- "s 1 i C I, r i i.., I inec is p'i- a' I il t ii.,ta IV h. v r. el "So e) III . : i in.i.M , r't s' S'.ti'.h. rn : iii.; e , .! i.iueoin s in., l'ii ur.oi r.iii I, -;, I,!ei:t .".,01 11 On oi i.. ,r. Four d... : i ; i i : id c::s'.i the r. In I Cor,,,, - I da I i ll .1 t, : i:,.i .: I....; the re, : :,!:.i. lo : before Mr. I.i u shiinard, iiocki.,i, house in the Smith had been m-: v.!, sin I every fort except Munler w .is s( i, ed. All this was done during l'u. hauaiVs Adminis tration. Kcmendierth.it tight St it.s h a I seeeded under the Democratic Adminis!ri- tion. when voti eltarue secessi, n as a. , Tho rebel Coii-'itiuion was j.d.o.!.! while weolt'ec North hi I tl 1). n.oct at ,c Administration. And yet for Ih.' purp.i-e of di iding the people of the North, we arc lold that Mr. Lincoln made this v. ar, when it is a in liter of puli'ie liisioi ih .1 the p:,- par.ilton t::e noe::,,:i leeli, nt '.!.: on, not only thtfiigh Ihief. tratiou, but for thirtv I 1 1,., s Aoi'Uais ll. V, ii. ii d in s ordinance oi' si cession :,s ,, ('ill i, iua. Mr. Ino.'ilb., in ll.e Con. n'.ion, said "It is ll.e v, b i ,,, f . Mr. Kei.t said : "I ha e i i.i ,1 :i.:'.i ad lay lite." Firiiwi 11 Kiu'-tt s;,i.; have been it'gai'id in this war lor lu.-r: tl.ilTx liars. I: is no i oi;s;' p.n eee el than l.hi- 1 1 .i; s i :, eiio:. nt ;.,,.,:., to ,,e je :!. l"i',.i::c S.a'.e Law: I t.t wo have I e, u i, ga.ed in this war for m-ire years," That Was true, and tl iai'iilior.s xyeie lua.'.o in Gcor ,n llolt a'tle lin Ala! .un and oiln r S, ittiie:n States. it we are still told .th it I this w ar. and that he mi-ht h.i !,-;:! in.nie ;.i i.hd it tin re evi r if he had been s,i I: t" w a a time whin wawiie called Uj on 10 de n truly nnd hoti, s:iv v. ith tl I'.e, l! is now. e h.a e l.o i'. .h; a-we are .ecu, an I as we loe oi;r country, and our h 'ices and our fam'ilii s - w e h.. e no ii ,i.t to deal uiifaiihf'.tily ;.:id Lntrit'y to the ;vop!e. M f.i. ud should not h t hi-- p..n prej-t. lie's had l.im s i far :i-':,le :V, :n the path of duty and the truth of h'.-lory. Y o-t have In aril him denounce my adininistraiion, and you have heard him denounce Mr. Lincoln's ad ministration. 1 Want to l.tio v if any in this asscml ly'has heard hi:n say one word di rectly or indirectly iigaioi ihe n liuiiiiai.i tioii of Mr. D.i is; lias lie ai I one word r.".ainst t'lo-e l ien w iio arc i udcaioi in.; to kiil your btoihirs and sons on Siiutln in b it t lr Ih Ids.' Ha, he said one word agaii'st those men who slud llu: blood of the gallant Col. Hathaway, o! jolirown tout'try.' Not a single syllable. I'..s i, iy fi'und no i 'i.llp imt i. a ece.t f..r th. brae nik'U w ho tally urouad Ihe old ll.i". and an Hue to ll.e cu-o of the I i.i it.' lias he o i syuipithy i v a pt f..r those who are oppesiic; the Go 1 1 mm nt .' Js there li ithin be - : tl i , .0 t' It.. :l Who HI, l sp.., 1 t the ! 111,1 , i'l till .1 r t I 11 iiii1', .1 1 :'. ,.!,.'! .,s m t . a.; i:i.-1 :',!,' y 1 ; aim i.-i is ... .... i 1 : , 1 . , 1 And I c oi 'loo t a.l :i 1 , ' . 1 l i. a b, en : l. w , : ;. e.e . n , !, i c oise." 1 ,. . o ., : .a i't.. , ! .1 ,, o. . "i e . . .tl,. I 1 . . 1 1 . . 1 ...... , ' 1 el t. . ". . . I 'l ' a !i. .', I. Ill' 1 a I that ' ' I 1 a o . ' I I , i :..u i e , I ' .1 t . . I 'i . . i ' : '4 I. I . ... I , , , ,' I ' ' ,. , I I . I . , . . 1 I I I.,, . '. I .'III I 't.t'.- .0., ,.. I 'I'm I 1 -. I '1 v. 1 1 .1 I'i. m.I. ll ll ,, , , .1,1. d e i, 1III1 ll.i.,'. I 1 i'. ! !i ,i, , it ' ll III bi ll.' flat Oil. I I , . I II I . . j . : , i l lil be In ele. M el . 1; 1 ' . ,, I , ' I e I tl I Ii ,1 I 1 .' Vl il II e I 1 I . I. II .1 . ',. j ., 1,1 I II, ..I. I I lo Il . ! 1.1 II 0.1. . , ... 1. ., , ll ' 1, hi. I In ,1 bo , . L 11 00 1 1. 1 1 I . Ltii.il I 1 lilt. 01,1 I l ... 11 tin 'i . , I. .1 , I ,1 I ,, ,1 t' L 1. nni l I '1 II I, 1 1 , I j 1 , t I .ol . . 1 ..... I 1 , , t, 1 1 ti . 1 1. 1 1 . . a " 1 "I I' 1 ,0 , 1 f . 1. , ., I .1,1 ( ,, . I " " t I I'.t ' 11 ... a 4 1 .... l , l I ton. J ' O, ... , il I. , 1 M ,1 .... I M'll If I'll I siii:kman"s gkuat victouy. Confirmation of Mi f5uccc. SLOCVMS CORrsJ IN THE CITY. norn ;.otrs vv jus i;.tt.;.4z.v;.. ?U Cnr nn.l 7 Iijcomotlto Peitrojivl. ;i:. ni .iiti-M vii niitv at .l4M.SIIOIt-. D.tW Itehcl Iioiici-! 4'utnr'l. OFFICIAL WAil GAX11TTK. ".H ll I'AllTMFNT, ASIUNOIOS. IV ('., Sept. 0. Kajor Gmeral llix, New Yolk: No intelligence from Atlanta, later than my telegram last tit:;ht, has been itciivcil. 'I lie lcicoraihie lines between Nashviilo and Challiinoona were broken hist liiulit, and we have had nothing south of Nash- of Fort Gaiuc. General I'aue endeavoured ille tu day. This accounts for the absence i to obtain more faxoraMu tirms, but without of late inlormalion from Atlanta. j success. No doubt is entirtaii.ed hereof the Cor- ' 1 letriet to state that, nf'.er the assembling rictncss -of the report riceixed here last j-f the IM i I ollii cr nt the appointed hour night, which came from two independent of 2 I'. M., for the surrender outside of the souivi s, besides the ollicial dispatch of Gen. fort, it was discovered on exainiuation of Slocuni. ! "'e interior that most of the uuns were An ollicial n port this evening front Nash- spiki d. many of the gnu tarriages wontoiily ille states thai the damage done by Wheel- ' injured, and the nrtiis, ammunition and pro cr lo the railroad will be spi-cdily repaired ! visions, vve., destroyed, and mere was every and that heeler had rettxalid. Gi neral reason to believe thai this had been done Koussiait is in pursuit. Abo, that in nil alter the w hile llag h id been raised, engagi nient U tween Ionseau and Wind- I It was also il'iMoxcrcd that Gi liciid I'age i t's loives, llicnbel General Kelly was mor- ' ami several of his ollicers liad not sw ords lo l.iily wounded, nnd is i; our hands. deliver tip, and further, that sonic of these A telegram lVouiliener.il Sheridan states 1 1 U , I il HI II (II m III I ill i'.ii I tii.iil ciii.to it baH has rem ated lip the Shenandoah tin j Vally, and is pursued by Slu iid in, w ill. his whole army ; lh.it Avirid liad attacked Yaii.'hn's Caxalrv and captured Iweittv wa- irons, two battle ihis, a number of prison- ers and a herd ol caille. 11. M. STAN TON, Secretary of W ar. - s.-.'itv.) "I'lirTlV W.mv.V:.:-;,:'.'-'-;!':!'!!.',,. Vts, ! New Yotk.-Tlie following uhgram liotn lG.ll. Giant haMi-t 1.. '11 r.iiicd: j f iiv I'.um-; 'S.pt. :!.-llon. 11. ?.I. S:..n- iton: I have K.el-.mond p-.per.s of to-.k.v. 'Ihev e.,;r. ,o' r.eioi-ol'a i itl.e ;,: Aloinu, ' b.:: ;,.v Ih v, t!:e t.r D -partiiu t:t. It .via r c. ollicial' ii.t.r.n Cion. d.C.l'l.a to Ion:, an I'tll'.oll Hot. i l he I U'llots. 1 h ie .... do'ib', howivcr. Vet that :''.!;'- O'U.I .1 : ,C ill- e: ::,.. t!..'c. l if 1 e . i. ,i, , e i re !, ;i '.lo-Uiit i: t'.c .'ve a'.i n of A.l.;:i l i ! , . ur no,,;.;, t!ie fi'-t v. ;-. kn a t . utir I' t,'., lite f. . Is li.'.i . I., i... .' .. ; i .l'o , i !... t; ','...: Sherman ,i i.i w.epp. ! u id, , ih.: :.! :.; h.e1. 1 t vtty :'... ;...::.. :...::, a'.-l thil o'ir t : ops w i ie ::. . '.lain a. j A'.i is .. ... t !i, iv. I. S. G WT, Ll-n io: lii i:, 1 . , i , " '' ' .. u :' i- -'! .-1..S "!;.: l;.' t.ow Ii, a. , 1 : . ' , w .1 .i a ... .. y ; :, t in , n it o'l'.vviiu'.l in t h" ai: i ":o, ,i, :oid i s .!! , :.-,.i!.i:i-. : . .o. I Lot .-m" . : .: d ,;;". , toe !::i, - so as to hinder :1c ;,i : i . :! of loo ; Vi lai.s l,o;.i A ',!.,::: : t" r a .1 or :m . i ;:. M. 'ta n f.i.:. Secretary o; Y ;;'. LATI1ST OFFICIAL DIsFATi. lI. iCenit.,1 Di.x. New Yolk : - (icticr il Slur- ! in aa'.s oleei d rep ', ; of the capture of Atb.ti- ! t i h.is j,: ! I , i, i, i at by this dep.-. nr..-!.:. ; It io!..:, iHi.ii; ! iiuh s s-'iitii i I Atari- ta, at six nt ..vis. esti td.iy liiorvni:;, but , ; , as ib Viitied by tin- l r, akin:.; ot' the teie ! t:raph lines, ii.en'.ioiu ,1 in my dispatch of; I las, night. " ; ' "As ahead.. ro;vr. !. the arm; drew front 1 about At'.rsl.i. :.. I on the :.i::'.i had tic, h :. v : . .-e.-.k of the Witt !' ';.i: ro.id, and r.-i. bed a goo. I position fi. 'in wlecli to .:ril.e the p Mi. ni road, 'file ro;h' 'lien Howard i near be I i'.i -S .io the h a .i. s, ho:v'.d i.,or Ih r h and Ih adv. Mid the c. i :.'e t.i t r-t1 Tliomnsi at l ,".,oi,'s. ;i,ui,,:.; found the : en. my in lot,, a, ,!.:.,-' ..... ..i. i ia! tc n in I ; !.! ti'oops, t;ies ;:! ;.t wi.'.liu l..l!f II llliis" i I I t he r o'i o id. ! 'I ho . : ..'.. i.-"... d him :.t thive V. M., and was .'y r, ; lib.d, le iyli.gh.s dead and wont: I -.!, Folding ,-!i,i;i;; opposition ; . i... i. ..... i ...i.. i .h.i i... i.'u.u ami .... rapn.y r.olro; I, nade a good 1...,.; I oi. i.i a.i. i t'l.'i.i ,i .i.i u.e a.i o eu nu.'.'ll 1 I ... V.' . I I l ' 1 l.l I lllll '.,', . t ' ' I 1 ' II' j j I ... ti, s. . ., , y i,u s, . tii.netni in i i.nei OMt ie. wt.o.e aril, o, ,.1.,'U A'l.mia a .,. .... pa., oi i. ie ea ,:.y iiiiici.ii.c.iia .uia lea . .lone .oc. o. " c tna.e a ? :a ii :i',::.e, on ihe i i;c:av at .bi::,s!,. ;o, on Ilia It of S, ptemb, ;, t lie ; Fouftccnt'i Coins, tic i. .hi!. C. Dai, car- ..-...' ' i . . , . . . , lying ...c wo. as i.atu.s a,,,,.,, wr.a o n g.::is I ii-el aootit one t'lo.i.-aud p:is.. :.,r-. Ll the I'.l;;:;t tlic i ,ie:ii rilliatcl s.'Utn, aiut we I ban follov i d him to allot l.er of his hastily I On the par f AduiiralVari': :t,'couimund . cons-rue:,, I lines 'aar Loiejoy s Siatioti. i,e; t he naval forcis. .loo i.ai ail i. it.., Liiiarg me on l.isroa.i, ! K. Ai.m,:.:., -G,,,,: 1 1' S Umv the only one thai n aid supply h.m, and . ,),, ,. ,u.. ,;,...;.,,, ,;,ivv, ;. eou.m.'.nd b. tween hit.i and a con-id, table pa.t ol his i j,,,r flv, s;. .-, ri.r, am.y, blew i:p hts m :.ui,i, iu Atlanta, and ! ."nr )ui:.-s. AilV -y'l iv, . Captain lell in Ihe ui::ht tine, when the Twentieth Hrayt,,,,, Fni'ed St o. s av lir -idicr Gcli Corps, i,enu..l Sioc'il, took possessi.,:, of ' eral'i:. Arnold. l'ni:.-d -s, all s Av. i.e.iiio . Lie place,-... At;.o.t.i is ,.rs and l.u.ly won. , Mtiee the ..th it May wo have been in one coiistan; rattle or si.iimtsiiai.a neci rest. "1 ur !o-s w ill not cu'ci il t wi Lc hundred hue I ,'..; Ol of thlae h'.indi .d , label ii, ad, two bundled and f.l'tl WOUU.ll , ... .-r 1,0 .....I ' I. . I . 1 ........... ........ . .!s'.!''' NS- NiniMlX, ' ".ia,or G.Mii lal." ,.,01 .11- etiiti iioin in in ial .-10, 1..11, I I . I ... 1 ' , . , . : " 1 c.i .11 ii' 111. a, .as-, nie.i', un. v r. M. s iie, (a a l'ie 1 0, in ,, 0,. 1 ia. .,.,'. a; Ali.i'i I I I, 1! -1 ! oy c I -1 , n lo, '.11 t ; w s :."ul e.iit '.' I o.,l ur, lolled Ui:'l i.l.l'.l .,1, si, 1 L.l ,.111,1 sioii .; anil, II lo.,':.,.l ;.,,e,i i.t ; 1 1 i.i : y , in ' ol I ie :.. 1. .i.e;.... ., .a. I 1 ,: j in. li, I , r ol s ii .11 ie j si ,;,: i, i ,'iui.i : t a. D. il.e IV.' i. -r v , . . y rl i , , r . o i. l .1 . . . ' i , ir l'. ! - t' 1' 1'. I I , in, i "' -' I in,; , ' I' .11, 1. of. a 1 i - LI I "'"' I ll l , u iu. .1' I 1 .1 .... I,,, ll I I ... .1 ... I . , ,1. It, Hit. i I I. ', . I , I ,, 1 , .-I 'I'lt in II d ... ,',. t ... ... ,i ioi"' if 1 1 1 1 1 i'i,'i j la.r.ii.p.a'.i, f , v.',,, ni,.,,,, 11 loch. 11., I.i.' I .1. ll.e liiu , I t. 1, 1 1 , .' . ' ' "' "' ' ' '' '"" ' w ni ild i. .....a .,..1... . ! ii.. 1 1, j .a. i. 1, . . i 1 ii.. 1 . , y ;,. ! ., -::::-::.:::;: :;.:;.:":;iv;'-'l;;. ,i. , :: ,:':;: ',i,.l',. . , ,.d .. c I 1 Hill a o . I to e .( I'."..,.,. ' I .. , . 11 : no ,1 1 I, ..i.e I o.i I .. II ,., ' , I. . , I ' 1 '"' 1 ' 1' I, 1.0. ,. I lit. f I I ' I. lot' l.l I H III 1. II i ' . , 1 '. . ... 1 1 " . . I .. ; 1 11 . I I .' ! "'lull ri'-K' --"i' 01 (f'lli gtill-iMia'M liav tlOl V'l I'M liV'llieTll. IUU "o .:iw llisfc uiglit w cni'8i.d by the b.i't.iiii; of the ipjnrttt-i. KKvipnti-Ti (Hni AUmlml I'lirrngul. AV.M?tNOToN, Si p. 3. Tho Nuvy Depart ment to-day icccied ihu following from Admiral Fairugut ; 1' i.. n sin i' ' llAierrouj)," W'lht Gn.K iil.oi k l l.-.'l Svjl AOKON, Mctiu.i: l'.vv, Aug. .5, Ue I.- -Sir : -1 had tile honor, in my despatch No. ;l, to state lo the Department that Foit Morgan had surrendered on the .l,l in. I I., II it,...,.. I, ,.l the lime (hat d'.silveli was' w i bleu and mailed the eeremoiiy of Mitrciuicr had not j acttmlly l.ikin place. The corrrp n:,leiiei preliminary to that event is hcrcwhh foi waided, maiked Nos. 1. 2, ;i nnd 4. 1 iie Di pal tan lit w ill perceive the terms , of capitulation were the same as in the case wluo.i were surrendered h id been broken, i " " 11 " " 1 1 ' ."ii I i ii' (i i t ii it.i'i .nil I'm 'ni lit ' The whole conduct of the o'.iWrs of Fort Cairn s and Fort M.ugan pi ! striking contrast ia moral pt cuts such plilieip.ll t h:it 1 crunot fail L remark up.ni it. Colom i Anderson, w ho commanded the former, tind ing himself in a position perfect! v untenable and ineumbeted willi a sniiiiliUotis numlar ol tons, i iiit s, m. my of whom were boys, ih o i .nun ,i i'i Mil i emu i u ioi i iiieu in: coiliil cot ile'V.id ' ll d... he was supported by all his ,.;!h i s .-ai c one ; let -..., ,j. , ti riiiitu .1 to siirreudi r a tort which he could . lue.'t I." l.oUl.-d the ulii-' li-u he seiii;.,! ' lously k.pt cverthino ill Met. and iu t ,i ceiidilion ilebi. r.-.l I Hem over, whilst Gen u il Fat;.- and Lis oilh.-.s. wi:., a chi'di-I. . sp'.L :'.o:n d.-:rou. I he u which ll.ey h.. I s ;.. M,...! iiiU',1 lull... hist, lu.'l which ti.cv ncv.r. hi. nded at ..11 and threw iw.tv .o: iVri-iie la -ew-.o,:. w i.ieh lltey l..i lV. ::;,, :;.;.'. i'.t. to n- t the.'r ...i.Vis: ier i'.ct M. I.;-.:. i.e,.r"l.,i 1 a g.m am i.i , t,j- ' tI .if, . I'.vn! , :,ii, , i if r . e . , t . . , V el et '.. '. i v on its :: ;.ee.. of sitrreii- i'.o v.,,,,,. As o. ; ire slate I. tie' e- rem 'iiv , r to .s. s f V. ,,n i i Wc'e s, nt to New : :i I :;o.'U nil I ,i t r in I. essli o i -s 7'.;oi- le v Hiriuat sale o'.i 1', t serviitt ar'lA, i, ' - a.l Yew r " 1 Wj ! Fe .: . ii. S. , V of lU.v r i!n Sura rytn, I. blear Ad s' . M ijor-Gcn. -' o'htionicn : ' in.; iiniiccessa I nil ring and . a oids thai 1 t;..,-. , r,- A I i ii' i? L. Paok, .'- ra! C. S. A. -s r us i'Vini rs. ir i!c- ire to en i hostilities wiil ! I r ue.sal will be ',' li.":t servant, ' . ( v. so:. ii, , . oinei.oi.liri';. I , J',, , ;. . j M,..i, (;,.,. .d T?t Fa.: 'oniniiui!- i I." S i a i :'s I'dli . i. '.sc. l. ... I'.i iL'adier- c 'i.iii.aniiict; Fo: : Mori'tiu. General : .;. r.-idy I.. vm:r cononunication of tl.;., d..!e r. c tve.l by Cap'aiii I'aOor. asl; 1 o 1 , r t e ll.l s . ' , . i 1 1 hi I , ,11 i . . . .. I o siv .1 t . I . ... . . . ui.ii ioi-i;o i. ill. s we can InaM' are-- I si. , l he i:neon,;iiioi,al snrreiuler of m uiself and t i,c : u ; ': .si at ! Miirean. -..i'lt all the public propett w !:!.'.. iis It.iiit.-, and in the ,,!,. iu Ii .,!. ..... I t ., 1 1 ... same coii.t:;; , :i it is now. a: -i'i . , ,, i.ta, t. ,r....t. ' with tl! ti",;-! of' ! e no s; ti uis toward i ii .nur- of war. e'. iii.ed in. I . , ::,. p.i.aU. prop ilv, with tho exception ' 0f ai uis, nil! be r.-..'.', -ted. I i),.., ... , ;,, i- v..,.,. im . r.,IMr:iv(.lv f A,b,.i, dFarraoiit : ,! General Gr in;,,': - . : . ,, ! ,,1,,-n :-- Your i e,in.liti,,s in . I, ,.,.., .. ,,,., .. ... a.... ! r,, ...... i ,., i ( ,,' ' . . ..i..:. 1 1... i,.r... i ,. ;. i. ... , n. i.j,,-.sk linn n-'.t, .ii,..h..,ar;.i,:i."i. , .... 1 Wl.ll'e ll'iliitiM t i o'lloi I., and to coil ir', j I;, spectt.i'ly. Ac, . ..i i.i iii I l1""'1'11'' II L. I'lei', , , . , .1- '."' 1 . IV i ller u n. , ICS i ! " I " ' ' ' ' ' . - epl. li. 'l l.e I l.l :i r a' tl.c 1 . i 1 1 i . .1 ,,, i 1 1'. M. . u, l i, .ii'i. , ul i. s,.;ai;.,,, they , 1 s, , , ., , li. ,1 Sali.li : , , ' 1',' i 1 I ! ' t 1 ,. ...1.1 1 io. 10 I i l. i :i !, r U d I s, f .! Si 1.,,', a.l ,i i . I I '. .I.i, . -, Wl.l.ll '.l. 'li.e 1 I'd, la ' I ' . 1.1 ,,i,t . 1 "I . t , ll,,:' ... I i. ..i I i .1 I . I I - 1 1 . . ,i .. -.. t : . ! : i : if i .,.' i C, o. . ii -. I I III. III. .11. j ll. al Fla :.' W I.. .', ., . I t . 1 M. i i: i I ' 1; , ,.,,,' ; d.i .. i.i... 1 1 1 j , i 1 , :. ,., , ... 1 io..., ! I ,, , . , . , ', . , ' 1 11. .1 .,,'.'. ... . 'V , .. I ' ' ' 1 " 1 " i I 1 i-r v l, lil , h.i Iii I I., ,.t h. iii , , IH1 ,,0.,i, ,, I U 'I t N'.. hi,;;., 1 i.t.,. 1 ' ... I ... I TUB AHMX BUOUll 1'liTLKSttUKU. HlKOKK T'e.e i iiort 01 A( iiiilu ipi-d i I , hoioiielils eireiihiied Hi ,:ell t.ei We all feel , of the m.od tidim-s. M-.o;j donln in, lion leiir t lie liens is too good to be tfito. Our limn is now iicetmicd in diseussilii"' the probable late of the 1'otomac nnnv. I'oli- I 'ff"r ''i Irw Omn thirty .Iny. Thi v nro par' 'wo- tics, plalforins, politicians, are nil lorgottoii. ! fe'.i ''L ,.,!a"",',, ,,'ko'J fmmpt '.M filui.iry iu i i i i .i i . .i ll" lr ali'i't en the lir'ikfn duv.n nml slmtli re I cn'i Iheinenwlio have thus tar lought their 1 -tit..li..n. H, ai.,1 vonr. tX tl.-'m itli w ay through this bloody nnd prolonged Mnitimo. ImjrUil un, i,, In t!, t'i.ito.1 jKtcj eainpaigii are anxious that Grint may have , 'y f J A, s. nt'TI.rn, similar success lo Sherman. If lig itlug ! J""- p Hr'lwy. N'ow V.,rk. ,. i.i ..: : i- i....... i. ! .. I Airi-nt lor tlip Unit! .1 fcwtin. ......... ..i- ,s ,ossess. , ,,,,; ! 1K '. 1 "".' M1"' "" soldiers are more Hieliiiioiid. I nni sure no soldiers are more capable o! 'heroic and daring achievement than the veterans of this army. No outward si"iis betrav thu movements or intentions of our fue. Some of Larlv's me., are reported to have n' rived, nnd the r .in.,cr,it is reported, will ,.,., reinforce Lee. This continued silence isnnusual, and has a world ol meaning. Opposite our ex- Irvine h it a larue fort suddenlv looms u,, be- tWO HitllUli show signs of the tnetny's netiily and in dustry, telling us in almost express words that Atlanta may be abandoned by Hood, and taken by Sherman, but liichmoud, the rebel metropolis, will never be forsaken by Lee. or capture I by Gran,. All of wl.itU w ill be mole Lilly known herealter. There is little 'doubt workmen me steadilv eniploM'ii in building a junction between .. , ,, ., . . the Weldonand N.ulhsido. Hallroads. A place about tilt' ll iniii.s Iron. 1'etersbiirg, and five miles from LY'inVs Station, is said to be the spot seli'Ct.'d for this junction of 1 , , . .. i. .. j , , . ! 'V r,"K l' M'rlorm:Hice ol such Mai or is q.i:;e e i-y, w lien the greater poriion of a corps could ia; tletailed to build the mad. This is probably one of the main reasons for (he nniiti (piietude nlong our c.x- Ii nded front. While they ; are ntUndir.K to the matter lily I'otnt railroad, which will be comple- . . . .. .. ., ted to the bellow House, or Six-mile Sta- 'i-. Tin- will save a vast , un, ol labor. I Mules and in, n can scare.-.y -taud this ion- Mru.r leam.ng oi . i.e. ,, ... ..-.. i j ocr indill, r.oit roads, olten made linpa-a- i bh: by oay rains. ! N w men are being dr. led in the m muel "' iini" ''v- 1 '"l y'- i '. !'''' exercise, bi Co il and ileii:;nt ! "" ' pi.sonei- .ice s, , .... n- J (b.v, the pio.lii. t ol Mil VI scouting pait.es, . ' "il0 S1 """r" " LrlM,l"'r "r 1 " " '!' ('''"'M- ,l'1"' "U- t'wtng ' 1111 i,.i."o;i uiiiaaoii. iii.ii .i hi oi iios i seei ion oi i oe i nun 1 1 , ami i lie u 1 1 .1 1 in i.i ion of new ii,i n, to w horn the soldier's life iinkiniwii, eiery sanitary precaution is, made to pn Vent the I iinel'ul ef'eets of.lna-i ' f11'''1- lininiue is ued in liberal ipu.ntilies ! 1 """ apparent success. I lie sick aim 1 - ! "'' !"! '" 'oippc l oil' r.gnloily, othat the ! w o o ;, u', i', iiiainh.o ,n iie d.llerent hospitals receive eXi e. lent attention. 'i wiiii,:M,1!,i"-:"- .- 1' M 1 1 .: a o llo: it v 1 1'oill tile War deliat't i incut lo raise ten new leo'iini i.ts. (,,,eriior Cuitiu has ahi adv enlistid oier :l"i.0l0 vh iinieers. inn- i.uyeinor is ueeiueiyii live man. nnd a!vnvs succicds iu keeiiim; his Stale in I he I runt. SIiiimol.il I'oiil 'I'l'.xl. S.IAMuKI.N, Sl'Jit. I'll ' 1U-..4 1 1 (is f'lMit f,r work cieling siei't. 3, 1'iT l.u-i i ' 'i :, Sii7.!ihii 16 17t'..ll.' 14 To Fiui.e i" iu- Ust year, H I, its i'2 i.ows-s liuoNcntALTitociis, r Cough '.eliu s. cure Co'ol, I old, llo.irseliess, i . 'I i.y. am. in. i .en, a, o. aur .i r.taiioii or rvircness ! ol tlic I l.l, .1. 'OYo..' ... 1 1 ,'ee i'i .i'.','' inn ',' Hi tiwt iit ..s.'' io v. D.imki. W-i-e, .New Yiuk. 'T. t l ,'.,., Hit U ; lilt ti lllf,', l'iioi'. Lli v. Alii) .N'olil II, Pies, ilainiilon College, Ci.it. Ii, N. Y. ".I . t'ljii.t C'i", il ,'.' Dit. G. F. F.i .li.o w , Huston. Pos : in moi as IloMiiis. Whose memory o t. l.tsiiiatof the celei, rated I'm;-,. sian p ... .cm and philosopher, Clirosioi I V.li,e,.' .looiland: Tnrouliout thewh,' ! 1 , 1 1 . 1 . . . . nai.ic n.is i,,- ears In i n a lain:. tar household i I word, aii't im re are Imt few iu our own coin, .i.a.i win. I,e.. not -v oeii.o,. .1... I I .!. ,.1'i.i, 1 1 .... i ... i ..a...:.-.. ben I his gnat medical and si h ntilic ati.,..i.,.i i.ts. His celebrated ilicovtry for the lu.e ol i.ivir Coniplaint, Dyspepsia, Nel l o.is ! leiiii.ly, v.e., i.. a ir. ;ir:il lull of tin n'lii.l merit, and gins the utmost saiisi . a.,,i in all ci.si s. it is prepared, in tin ma, by Dr. C. M..Lukson, Philadel phia, .nidi r the name ol JI nj'ii..ii'.i (;,ni,,u, ''' ", and can be liad of i.ny druggist or ih a i l iu im .li. itie.s. I. i.e.i are so tar I'l ain I tin- linn s us n,,t t or used IKrrick Allen's Gold Medal S.llMlliS, ll II Mil tin li,!ie' I', IUU o.l llllllll- dii.tely. and purchase a paper. Lvery body who has eier um-.I it. pro, .aims its good iiiaii'iis. It tnkis less in iU.ntity, is a savin ; in llour and sl.otti niliu'. nn.l w i, I make Heal, stomachs -.1 lull''. Do not tail to trv it. Mosi of the Grocers and many .Mn-i-t.-H Yo.k. Klitiult ol' A.MIIIGOAN : liK.iu Sin -Will, your ,.'rn.isi,,n T null lo -nv , to il,.. r.'i.'l.i's o I your ii,ei ilo.i I will -. u l l.v r :- ' Olll. Intnl. I., nil -,1.1.11,4 u ar.-.-'. n li.-.-i.'. mill fu'.l .I.r.vil.,11. t..r lioikni.' i.n t ii-,n; ii -iii,i,I.. ,';,'l'il,!,' i.'tilu. iiihi Hill I'll.-i'l an;! y i'.'Iiii.y. in leu .li Vs ruu I'l.n. Illol.-lii'.- Lin. I i.'.'kle-. mi l nil iiii'iirit ,. . I' -.. ' I III sk ill, li'io 1114 tliu -unit M.l. i'l. l.r, rllloolli un t lonllllllll. I I ill 11I-0 Haul free I,. Hi., ir llitr.' la.... -ai.j.!.. iltr.' Ii ,i .1',' 1! .11 Ib ii.l ion naoiie... , 1. .1.1 , , 1 1, ,..'. 1 ie m 10 11 1 i . .1 : ., .1 a ,.1 1.1. r. 11n1.nl llu. r, Wliii.. i.. i- u M,a.-.. I.e. in l..,lliiin; t iloiiv lo. - "I D'-""'"'"-! ';' 1 ...... .nml .il,at 1 1 el. i,., '1 11!,' I 'lll'i.s 1 . iUl'MW i'i.ii.-i. 1 S.,1 I,,.,-:,,, V"'k - ' ... .'I no 'a. 1 " 11 i . 11 s 1 1 ii mi i. iiii.-i.u I. a I 1. l.-.i. I il..- 11 in I. 1 1. .. ii,, a in 1 In .1 1 10 ' 1 I. . II. VI I. 11 .' . III. 1 , - ,,, s . i.,, lie. .. a . 1. ,' ,111 1 . II 1, 1 . I, I I 1. ' .1 . I la I . I . .1 .im 1 .a m 11 ' 1 ',.,,., 1. ,. , k.. 1. "i n ! .1,1' .,.l l.l. I , . ,1 1,4 ....... Ill . I 1 11 H ... loll . I an I 0a .'.in.. I I 1 i! , .. ,.: 1 ,1. M. . ,.' ,,,' Ii. 1. j 10 : . .1 .j .1 1 1,1,.. 1., i, ..h. it. 11. 01 11.. 1, 1 , 1 1 1 1. 1 .1 1. 1 1 i . ..i , ,1 .. 1.1. 1 .1 1. 11 b.i II ,1 III 1 o,.- 1,...- I. . . 11 I 1,-. . . I l.e 1, 11, l., ! 11 ... in 11. , 1. . . 1 1 . a 1 ; 1 1,. I,. .1 1 1 ,. ' 1,1 HI I ill '.,'., I, ; , II 1 1.,' ll . .. . n. !..!..,., ,. . 1 .11 I li- a 1 1...'. . 1 I.. 1 ii ll 1. . . I 1 I- !, 111 1 , .11, . t .1 . 1, 1. 1 I I. ... I, ' H .,.k,l. I.. I H . ,1 I , .1 ,.. 1 I - a.l 1 , :,..l V. I I ...I ....... "'a iiv. m 1 1 ""' ,: " ' (" ' J '.' I' " 1 1 - .' ', I , . I- II !'" " '' ' " V ' - " '' ' i' ' 1 i" 1 I " ' , I 1 . t . . 1 li. I. U. ... I I tl. ...I .. '! .1 1 , '"I.IO',.,,. L J -UO.I '.I I ) . o .. II, J U. u;'i; i, ... ,. . I - V . I- I' , ie . to f r I i ..,.1 an 1, , , t.. 1 .1 .11. .. . j.i.ji-. 1, ' ah U...I.4. a. k ..cu.,.i.,..i,uiii ..llk,ll,.4l,l II..1.. ' '- t.l ill 11,1 lit.., l "l Hit .Hi II. I . I . it I ... l. I..., J, II I Leo 1 , ,1, 1 ,, , 1 ,1 . , ... . , 1. . .... , 1 p.,,.,, i. . 4 1 ., 11... ..... 1. WW I IWTPnIO IMnU'Tn a r.Atin to tun srri'T'uvT, li'o''"'- '' ; '"'"' V A,. wlih tin1 rtvnlt. ",l ono bn of Oil lilt. Ht CII N''s I Knifli'li fiwifn; ri nml l,n r.t.....iV . i i . i. , r.Hrjt.,f Mm I'll!,. ,..! .....v...i .in bo mntlH n, n,,v nMr"! on rwli,t nf j.rioi., whJ,Ji " ,1V l: ''''LI.AR. p-wliwiil inonry r. fnnW t I ''',ihtMiicn U 001 6'TCU- . ' ' "'" f f-7-Tl. ,.n,i i ... i i . . t l?M , T 'TT' E 1 " ! I Z' , ?"V' ",n'r-v' i I 1 ,, 1'V '""'V ' '"5 '"m " ''"r, ' '". W work f ! ' : Wl" '""""''"I "-In n rrctic W.M. RKXXYS0S. Fuukury. f-'ij't. 10, ISCi. A ' A It 1 lr....:.. .1 . 1 r.'n , n ,7m , v o ,'" n."ml'V'"n '' tlnion ' lZ , "r ere" 'ohm hi. en mv t int, nn.l i ,.,i Wl" 1 ny il.-ir.' to in-).ire tu V.fllc.-.' 1 tnko tliin "" m .i.v ile..,ls i ,v kiiw iillz(.;M w"' 11,11 -tone I iIih union- lei honor in on in.' Ail vi,,,-.. ,l. ,i: j,.n , l...n M, ,. J., m, ', i ,1'!. J ; tiii.li'ri',1 m,., , ( t,.,. j.ji,.,i in ilo.-tiiiin it. 1 ".'" elo-.'i fully j.,iM with my fell,. l.ni .ir.'iiil h.T,..".'.! ,"".kll," ''"r: ' liW.'. cl.vii,, . tl,0 "' net I'laee I in n,iiiiiiiiti,,n : Kie., in t,n ,..... ;t . ... . t irii-- HI II' I a r,niit, i, .,.., le oni' ,-ec ivorlhy the liile-t etiorts o p.. ry Iim-i.i.in-r.n l leivi.u; ll,,. c,,i,.,,i- i "" '' ! i.f I'.iiliiic. ..f r-lii.tr iha mv name Ut j ""' 11 ,',ri1'' "r"ii 'lie l j'''''n"'. '"' i.'.j',' ll",.'",V Sepltnl.or .1. ) ( . Wui,P,.nM. inri lK,tvUt l" l'lt llllii;i. ATiVner ;.i i . ,n ,' ''"r"''.v P'y-n Heit t l,o .vm.r. m c,...rt : l,; ...,,iH.r ,.,,. , ., ,(.,..,. in S.,al..';ry. ' " II AIM.Ks I'll: s i is I'roih y S'i),i i'i,,,.. I ,,nrt N oriiu-i ji li..i., I'a f-e-;.i. ii,ln-r lo. I s i i, l.l'l uf ( .11 i: l l .Viilll .I.T AT I '' T. T.. 1 si', j, 1 I'.-I. rv, Powell, !..,, iir..' mt,- 2 l'-'wnri v (;. o i.'. ...'ii,'. :. :i W.,.. :!y v- !; ,l.,,l. 1. v.", a, i,,,., .,:,; 4 M.i.ni il,,-' i j l. ,,,',., I'.aih'v .i. i.',,. , 6 SpiiMi.',' ..- At, lr. i... " ,,, 0 M,i, , lie. . ; ill i . s ,'i.',..r , t -p!ri-.t ,. .in.',-, 7 Itelllie! iv I'.- v. t alloi-r ai, ,1 elii.-i.. .v . ,. ,' b Xi-H-n...s.'i..i,.i,, t J,.,-,,.v -i,. !'.;o,'. l.vcoaii:,i; i',i,i!; v. 1. II Al: I. l-iS I'l.KASA.VfS. Pro.hv. . , s'i' t'oiirt .N.oih-lU I'i :. I'll. .sual'iiry, S, j,t. 1,,. js.vt. u'ACOIJ IIAKLEY, ('''"'''"'"" ."s'.t u;r, , K- U.lrlr,) No. 22 .MA!;Ki:i S.r.'i'.. I'lIH.AI.KI.flllA. DI-AI.KI! ii, -i, .. i; ,,. 1 s:!l.,.r (V vfCI!'---! l'iio i. .ll .M.U I I : s ;.! srt.V KIJ-W AKI". ,, .-i 1. 1 I...-et, a i . hi; ( ,, . s',iiill on I - at 1U' l,ri ', I . I.i i -oroiiiMit el '.!,. :,la , - , V nt.-li.. .-,t.. ; .tt. i'.cr.'.l. !,y A I'M iy ro rt n.t : i i u'i .-n ,,,, j vfoi lini. n : i,l- nil kin I- i.f Ilier.'... i k lo ..p'lr r III' . .. o ,,,,, , , ' sliii. I'l.ih, I 'l.o ..:, ;, ,, j Sioit. III. JACOP, O. BECK MEHCli.WT TAIL0H, -W ! b'lb-r in CLOTITsi. ( ;--IM!:iM.S. ! -sfiN,;. I':mn v-l -e.-t. s.,,,,,1, t.i s -s 5ol, !, : I ,! ii-'t;,,'..t fre;:;;::.; fail ;..--ortii;. i : . t ' i'as.h. x is"v ;y.::; c;v;rro-i, "K i:vi.!:'. ! ; . "in ; i.. ...... 1,1 lb.- it,..'!; .... . ,.f rioii.j. :, y. i'i, i , I',,. i'!"i!,-. ''.a 1 S'.OT, lt i ........ :!k. I'luir. a: I !''.. lit" iviil Hint , .; ;.. i' lis' "II . IT... on ; t e f 1 o s . . "'la-i'-'. Iii. i. a. s " .s i'i v; -;.'.i..., !-r in -'.'.i". ' .-; l-. ''.ii'f. ai. I !... ... I' .'l i.i.'l; ii: i. i . mi a :, . , , ti-.,, Is fun. "lo, r ll- l.e' . - lie io . P"i'-"l.s laay I i,is ..,,i,. ' h' '"I'.-lK nil! ie.. i- a" ' : ' hut i i i ririi. iir.n' lie ;r i a i ii.n. k fa! !' r :' ;a:i .'.,i:, in Je r, lie r.- l'1 1. '. .' " . i .' .lita iir.t.,... ,-, ' ' A Ufeisj ir t r r t Fall & Winter Goo :!s, AND SOLD cni'AFKU THAN F.I.SI1- winiui: : III Zel !. IH..J. i s I : iii! l:i .,r. i:r liearl, rl s i'. r.. fei'lioi i-ry ;. . . X ir!;ei s'r" -I. l Mil K V. !'. . , . I ."i"'., .'.U?.! , m''.'.;" i TlTj T ft j 'H, .'TJ J&J JLv 3L 1; ? W JLLJ-l? I""Ui:bi '.N i Imv: ll.-Tir. -a 1 :-("..:-'. ' j '"'." l!:'". -"""tu I'.-l.i.'. of ''l'"' .! '""s"1""1" -.A s ii -ki f ss "i . i i NO I IONS iv AI!!Kii!v r. ii-istin- n II ,-i, rv. i il-i , - 1 a I f '"l-H'I'i-. -'" .I.i n-. 'r..i;i -. II ,i li,, : ; i ' . i' Uru-li.'s. ..il. I: u-!n Fun ;. Ib-u i la t. ' liioml .-kllf. Ilf-.' .i -. . ,n a Iiai.t-. . "V 1 ";"o-1""- a -1 ' a I . .- . -V' ii . i.lli.T nr. ii-lt i. I- o lea:.,,.- , uu nil, -a HARDV7A II 12 . ini.-ll ll- iim'- lull.', . r. I , . I i-.Ti'i... 1, ..- 'a'. ! . - , l-i'"!'-' iii 'l I I I I I K V "1 every .1. - n, . a ,o : ll'.is, iri.,, -a, ,,s, al'II is iies, . Lis, I.i. - ; ..... . ' 111'.'. -. vc. (JuifU'W nr' inwl Idaxiiiiii' .. n.ry il.--.i'i-iii..ii. 1 .sluMl AND L A, III 1 ! l.N W . i' Aa'-i.-.'Si,.kf I Q' R o C E m I 1Z ( .., M -I..,, Ul. I .. I . f Su.'.ir I' 'uu 11... M. I li . I 01. 1 KKAl'V-MAl'i: i l.'i'l'li ( AI- ', o f w mi w o 'r. w f 'I 11.. I. M an.- 1. 111 I .1. I. i, tl kilelt ,.l t . i ... I'i . I 1 . I .. ti I . ' . 1 , I I 1 . 1 ; y , Si j 1 a 1 - I.tllll a I M I I IIIX A I .L 'UN J Aid III. I l.l..! I . f , .. ) V. I '. m i f 5,1. .-n ' iV.'ii A ' iV.V' i 1 . A r IV '4 !l : i-v. JP''-'"ht: i' . .' Csid' V' t-1 ' .-...'" " ' I'MMI'T I Ml. (ii.i.. ..1.1 1,.. ', it ... 1., i h.i.. 1 .: .:. ,' . .!" . 1. . . , 1 I 1. , ,., 11., ; i . o . to ly . . . I ... '. I . I ! 1 . , , 1. , . , , ( .1.1.', I . 1 I I . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers