ill I iiiiiiumiii iiii m ituumumw mi ii:kmh or Aivuitn,ij. PISGLE SLUSCRIPTIOS : Two Dollars per annum, to be paid half-yearly I v.m,!e. ' No faptr dtwootinned until all ar aragci are paid. to CLrm : irea corlo to one aJdrom, $ 8 00 tcd do do 1" IK) Itoon do "do 21100 Firs Dollnra. 10 idwie, will pay fur tlirco joara' ascription to tho Amtrican, Club tabmripUont mnrt be Invariably paid In ad jicc, and cut to one address. U' subscriber negloct or rofuo to tnlio their newa. pen from the oflico to which they are directed, they ' responsible until they have eculcd tho bill null lorxii thoin discontinued AMEEICAE One aqnnrn nfl2 line, 8 times, r.veiy miIiso.iui nt inwrtiou, (in.) iure, .1 mouth, tl on 2.i .1 00 b M 8 III) 6 00 fix Uiotil).. (Hie your. us-i.,.. Cardn of $ lio... r., annum. Merchant..; .;..,., ...v,.iti-ii ft l.v I ho Tear, "lib Ih.. nm-iler,. i ..!...? .,:v i . .' . . - s- ....-suing uiuureiu bu-Jelli',,,-. ,,, ,-lily. ft , ItMMii.-. n..ti.-. In the Wai Comim-.-. helot'. J.,rrl1Tn ,;1 Ucalua, fiVK ULMS Vhll ulsl: lor each liinrtion. Lai' LikK..r Adverti-.-mni't? a per agreement. JOB rfllNTIKO, Wo hn-r ooiineot.-d willi our wtabliFlmrnt a well reeled JOB Vl-Tl'JE, -hi-!, raill enable u- t. ciioruto, th. net-ten Itylo, every variety of l'rintlis ' PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. B. MASSER, SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Postmaster will ploaao not as our A (rent', and SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1804. IpwrnVS SL1ULS, OL. 17, i0. 2i. 4 OLD SERIES, VOL. 24, NO. 50. 7 C-JJ?Z& vmfur nn-mrr' uiiiatrr wucmt" BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. STAllLISIIED AS A fcFFriiE FROM QVACK KKY. fB cylf rLicK irirEKiz a cvun cax rn onTAixnn. "T!. JOHNSTON has ilis-covercd the mot Cerlnin, . Speedv nnil only F.ll'eotuiil Renicly in the nrhl f"T "II Private Iii n.cs. Weakness . it the Hack Limb-. Stricture. Affection of t lie Kidney, nnd idler. Involuntary lib-charge.. Iiiipotency. Uene 1 lielelity. Nervousness. Pvspepsy. hntiguor. T.nw h it. Confusion id Ideas. Valpilniion of the Henri, ini.lilv. Trembling. liuincss-if Sight or lii.1. linos?. oeasoVf the Head. Throat. Nose or skin. Alfo,'tiun. hie Liver. I.un ;. Stoinneh or HoweN those Ten i c l.iior.le nrisinjt from the Solilnry li;ilitn of mtli thnp secret and military priietieci. inure f-ital t!,e!r victims than tho finjr of Syrens t" the Mn i'.rsnf I ly.-ses. hlihtiin; their most brilliant h".es imtieii:iticr., rendering marriage, Ac, iiujK.ssi- voi". iib-:.' "o-ially, who have Lerouie the victim? of Solitary i.'e. that dreadful nnd de'truclivo liabii which .rui.iUv Mvce; .n to tin untimely jsrnve Ihom-nmls o :,ns Men of the mo-t exnlted talent" nu I brilliant ieil-et. who tniirht otherwise have entranee.l li.sten - Senates with the thnnders of eloquence or waked ec-ta'y the living lyre, may cull wiih full con lence. Ma"-i...1 rer-v.'. or Your. .Men coiiicoi!a!:.i . :x -- l.eini a-vire ol phy.-i.-nl wei.Kue!". .rftii0 i iliiv. .Ictoneilic-'. Ac. P.redily curcl. 1!,. who ,.1: hiinself tind-r the care nfJlr.J. av rc!i"io'iHlv c.i.ti.le in u l,..m.rai :: i.: I. nnin, conlideiitlv rely u)on his ikiil as n I'hvsiciun. nmodiatelv Cured, and Full 'i-or l!.-st-.r.l. n,i.t l':-;'i . s i".; Affec,i..u wl-i.-h voider I.ifc i-eiald- I I 1 l.v lb. .1 mariiiiifn f llic i-nitlty i i, -i;:.s ..fillipn.) iu lei. . Y.U.11 ! to .'..n nit; iv s i on r.oi. dr-:tdtol e..!i-e..ii-::.-i- ".;: ti.:-y ! i :ise mi! j'-.O will ..t j j,t ii' i:i i: o'-rf nl it. u is inst 1 iu-r into iui;.r.qi.'r hahiis tlrin tiy lies belna d'li-rii;d the .!-:l.l!res tlie Ulo-I srrious ami l. strui'live .odv and luind arise, 'fhe sy.-teiu . .i 1 to ilei.y lii i.T I'V those fat .re l-l.l ' 'l-.-l . aliiiy . li'-vni OtotllS til !.ut!l . ollll is ieri.n:" I. the Pl..:c:il " .1 M"i.:a! l-'uii"-I:ier. N' lvous ot li.c Heart. . a Wa.tiii.' i t n.- 'e'j1.;ci.. ii. 1 li.ioi'.ilV. 1'cl .tl l'i oi l ealivi e.ssa. raiin::: i: -. .vi..!.. c't i!-tiiu!ionat l'.ji J 1'j.iiiv. V oi L"h. Coii.-uin; iion. lVcuy tin I IK-ath. .'-:. V SoislE: B'i--l-:-i-U !'Ss-f.-l -It Hand id., L'oini l'n.ln l!;.Ui.eire sireet. n few r lr in the eoiutr. Fail Mil to oh'erve mime l; I li-'.mher. l.i tt. r- mu.-t l.e j uid rr l e"t:iin n slau p. tin outer's liijileuois hani; in hi", t'.iee. i CliiS; H.IKi' ' l'i. J) I? I 'iVO EiAVli. A'o M r.-v ry nr Xmisroiii l)rn: Ittt. .J MN' V. t.-tnlier of the lloyal C-Ilcu'c of Surgeon. I.oiiloti. ri'dtt'ite from one of the iimft ctiiineiit Cullejrej in io 1 'i.ited P:ate.'. and the greater part of whose life In-en s:.. n! ill the In of London. Tiiris. i.;f.U'l;.hw an I .dti iihere. has tVc-u-d :nt of .. most' n-'.'!.i.-liii cures that wire ever h-n.iw n ; r i.v ir..:i'..led witli riie.'ii'i; in the head and ears : l'i :ij ront in rv uio -s, b-ii aiiiriiied at l id ;i S".i.n'is. l.-i'afal'.ies". v i: li f. i q'i-l.: I.lii-I.:l .; .. so:i..iiiiics wilii d .'raneuunl uf liiiic! . were i'r. I ,,,1.1. i--seJ nil tliose who hii-c niiiirial ih-m. l.v improver it.dul; ,.l Miliary hat .ti ruin'u l.o.H and in. hi-'l' t m.c Hu la f.r 111., r h.;.-i! study, muddy or luarrni.e. 't-M ,.r i. e of ilie sad and nietioi iiol v efi- sad and nietioi n .-. i, ...... 1 l.v e nlv hat.ils of VUHh. V:.: W- i:.i, of lo of vunh. v:.: Vi' l.s ill l!l- Ilea I. Hi Power. )';.'. I il.'lli. i . lia -k i.iVl i.:r..' s. p..; '.t. Loss of Mi-.'iilnr .I .he .-..r'. livsi . i.svN I'l oils I II iiae.:i ... !Vr-i I the liijii slii . 1 iiiicii. lieneli.l ll.-lo.i.l yu.p- ,!',s i.ri.'oiis;inii '.i-n. .vc. . MiivTMi.v The feaifal efl sen the mmd m -II 1-1 !' a.-. He dr- ad.-1-l.o- rt.;.o c. I .1 1 .isl-.n t l. ufffi.iiiK-. K :! !'' i.- lWiJ .-. Sell-Pittrust. lev.- of .-..iiru U-. Ac :ii ... ? iineof tho evils pro lu-.e i. iM.s . f 1-rs .ns of all Hires, can ivhv jud :c ;!..: i- i i .-.-r their .iecliniie; hctilth. lo.-iu;t e. r. !.. ;unt w-ak. pal", nervous and Tn al-.i. iin; a islnjnilur e;.pi ai anee ei.out tt.o id svll'l'to'll- ..fc...--iiti.pii.iii. -.-..-d t!:it:.s-!ve--1 y a ci -rfiin j r-.-ti-e h .i a'.ou.-. ii lie'ii:' t.i:-i.ily 1. i-i-v-l . 1," '-l 111 evil e r 1..5 :u;i. i.s. or at s -I I. iin- do ot .t J.I'..- fell. 'Vlll lie K'Seep. Kiel if led ler iuirriairo iti. os-:!-l. . i-o I .l-stio;. u. 1 I ;y. sl.ouM i,.p!y iioine iiat.-ly. pity that a y-mi-a man- 1 I-1' of hi. ii ii I'll-: ol'ois I' tr.-li's Slllilll l sll l'.-tl.- 1 r. V. l.a' a .-a tl ' . Ii 1 1 :s nu I i nj-.Ml.ei is nt lite, liy tl-t l-i initio' from ti c I a'h na-urc ' la! i:l -I ill a eel Iain ci'let liai-it. L-ii i-l - "US . i.. ! ae e. l teluplalivf I itii.l a -iiili.l mind I I- 1 ere tl . ...rv r.-.ilii it-s .. roia..t. cot li-. i I v.i l. -i t these, tiu j -..nicy tl.i -ii.-:. 1:1 In 1. uu-.-s li wearv 1 ll jlit'.l.i-'- I Ho- L-l-c . le l itk.i.s totl..- i. M-. the ii. in ! l-r.-oii.i s .-had. ... (,.,-..,. an. 1 It .-.I villi li.c no on. -io ... i 0 a ll,e liiil.t ilies of 1111 ..ill I' I.ICOU.. S 1.1 j.t.-i v i;li our iv ii ..... i (MM,.; vfi: o' an i ws :5t: z'. l'l...n tl... loi'Mlid.-d lll-l ill 1-III ill. t votaiy id ,,-,,retii.d- tl..'" be 1...S i:,.i -.l..-.l .l.e s. ol llo- 1 . -n fro r. - .1 .li;:--. it t-o ol'.-. ui"p!' n taal en i.i-- mo .i ,.f shaii c. or .li.i.dof 'd.-.-oMiy. dd rs him Hpp:vui4 to llo--' f"i'i e i..-o.t-.'.ii ii. I t!,.V. cat. n1. -lie hi t', i.-i.d liim. .l.-i.iii..' oil ., ..t.iu.i-nal syn ptotus . I li. i-1.-in-' .ii a tl.,.,, a) - .-. su -ii ii- no '. i-.-.l. .lis.-a-- .1 I--.- etui mil pai:.- in tl , i I i . 1 . . .'i. ol fi -ill. il. -tll-n I. - h-.a I u ll.e I 1 i.rnis. I.l., lo s ol. Ihe In- I I. f . an 1 r.-mili. s .n -i-.-.-'ii.; w idi vapidit.. . I,.., .1... , .!. .....i' tin. 11 ..ii Ii 01 the o . Ml! 1 the i- t .il I...-' a li. in d Ihe it- ; in id II I- nwii.l asi l...llil i.i j. el id .o' till .lelltli . I to his .ll.-!-lt,,l Ulli-lll s by -elidlo.' - a , I III I.. - It. at t ll ,1-e. I ire. I coilli.l, I. u. ....s.. linietl.-r re-iin.s." It i- ..--... I ' lliat Ihoa-ai.ds f.ll M.'lli.s I , 1 1.,. I.-.-. ,le . lsei.e. lining lo I lie nun m "I I 'n-1 1'a ll t .-t telidel, who, hv il ' ,. . .I.'--. - V. ru .li ll.o c ot that Dr H.'tf -uiutiou ulid Ihe l. -l lu.-ot tile ini-elahlK. S 1 ttVxUI us Tro-1 ii..t vour liv.s.or 1-alth. (.. the care of the l. v l id,-..ii.. -.1 and W orll.K- Pi . . t.d. rs. d. .-'.lille .1 l.a l-lr.. nam.! ..r I -r. i.o cry I'r. ! ..,i.-t..ii'. a.'oeiii.. in. ins. or i vU ll.eie-el in I he ll- M -1 a. . I - r.''lilHllV Phi " -U'l". ,,-ai ul le .d l mil ar. ll,.'v'k.-..p -.u Iritlinn uo.uih 1 1 1 . i' in -i. ' h 1.1I01.4 iheir' liliby n l i-oi-oiuK Colli- . o.l.. I- i.i n- I a.g a- ll.. ruinll.'-t f-- '-an Ik- i.l.lull.,.1. 1. I ill if - .Ol I. ' oU Ob ruined IllttilU l .lll .1,1 I our ,'ulllli4 di-ap .11.111. el. I. I'I .1 i.l....-! I.- Ill" only l'b-l,-mil ..Kerlhin.' il,. . ii- I. ii.u.l or'l.ui. all... . bauu' iu hi. ..ill e II;. ii no lies ..r III. U. I. . 1.1 on- Unknown In ail .t!fi I I. 1. il.d ll'.lli life "l-'-i.l in lb" lll'i'l Ics. I . l..ii....., luv lii.,1 iu luu v and a inoro .m. n. o k I . . jii i j. .m u.uu ni.j ...i.-r i i, i, i.iu ill It.w liol Id. i Mtoit i:iii. i- or i mi: iitrs 'In. la..s l;..iu.lout ri.l.d at III.. i.-lilu'.:..i. v. ,,r l.f sr .i:..l. lint til. lolliolotl. lll.'l '.i.i rui,:i al 1 1. i ui .i.. . 1 1 t u.ed l. i'r J, I.i i-si w iiu.--. I l.y tie. i ,-..ii l . ; -I ll. o ' .s.iu. -lli-ir, " i.l luui.y ..III. I ..l Uoliie. iil.h, tl . U l e I H g .i t. .1.4 fcwin u. i.,iw 0.. pul.ln-, l.ile l.t .lui. tu4 m nil. luult wl I'ilttl.. Ur .1 I r. -iMll.ttltl; , im ult,-i- i.i U'lsi .l.l'- I" ll.w .III- U- I IkLIt Ol!: l xfl'l.lill.V I . p. i. i liiinJ .l.i.uld 1.. l ain-ulttf in dlll inj i: .. Colon u iu 11 li il- 11, t u .i .i .14111 "I. Ull ! "H. . .. 1.. II. I t.n .1. l..-sk It'"! n.l, I'ttlH'""!. AI 4 i.4 1 s t I 11 A i 0, (M..IIKI. Ml 41. '" K-P' V.. l,. ..U- N U' 14..I...I, .1 ' ,. 1 t n,.i., .u4 .t "lUur U..I .I iu 1 .1 . .i .ll I Is41 n:i:i stow:. II '?. 1 . I W I.Kt U (1111. .-1 !. io..H n.l-1"-. it. f.iai. I I .1 k. '( SS..-1..1 ) W. i-'-4 ! " . 1 1 I II' 1 I u. It. L. ' '' I li.ov 4 .. ,.' ... FlM'l'l I !-' l .-"1 .'' . 1 ,,..ll Ib'lb " l . .. 0 m- i - ik. ,..,U. . 1 .. 1 x 41 .IUUII CitAa. B. Okntiieu. r.iTT Market ftrcet, one door east of Mrs. Botilton's lloto1 Have opened a n i: w t i w a k i; Mieri Iron null SIotc Wop Bud intend keeping constantly ..n hand, and inann- fictutin lo order nn shortest notice, TIN' AM) SllKF.T IROX-W'AKF or all descriptions A Lnro Stock of Cook Sto csuf the following PratiJs: YVilliiiiu I'tiiii, INiinsjIviuiiii, ICopo, l ii'io". iiixt ll 1 ''(' hnileil Niasiara Cook Stove, unMirpn.'sc I lor hrnufy of fini-h. FtmplitM) y "f nr r.iniMTTiit. cmiliinin clu'iipnr-!: ariil ilurnluhty. mifl cnch sluvc warnintfd to I'lllorni what thoy are ru-irn-ontciI ALSO. IMRTH nn.l OFFICK STOVES, in (Trent v.'iriffy, ( Hitti-n-iiiir nil iho best liitiiiuliu'turt's. hmU lifust tioliiuiuiblu tli'sin? 4 :ilOi!, Coal 4 ; 1 VmtpM. Sh:i1, 4 lii;niiir, nil nrlM lc unr.niiMv kt'it in nn c?lnlililiinciit tf ihi kind. We vrv .i!-'! T''i ;tri ttt J.ll kiiulf nt nulling. iicifi:i. Hmtii: nnil hin.ih'p Wnrk. ( Fitting. Av. lU.:ur i'iL" lu-'i'Iy I'n I tc:tt!y ixv'iMitt d. I'fuuiry pLO'Uuc taken in ixvliane nt miirWi't 1-ricc SMITH ,V iENTITF.ll, iinvo tiA-j-ivy fnriuisirs n:Li:itiATi:i) fiuk lLAi l; STOVI-!s. fur tliv Cuut.tif! of ri liun.bur 1 nul. uy i-r. I n iiinl Mi,tour A' tn : it!.-i ti.'i'i.ia t..r thu IMjilior k Willnwrr I. ii. ' X;' Mij'i.i rfn ifii. J ONES HOUSE, Ci'rtit r M.n lii-l ;roi:t nmt Mrltet Stunrc, HAHHISBtJRG, IP At '.viiowh JsoJ n J? i f : : t Class House. ril!U: I't'.ii.riidir w-nil l in..t r ...(vtful'.v cull the ' 1 itii' i.triii m1' tin.' t-itizi i tC xv,A ury mu the snr ! roun liic; I'linn'ry. to tkt iH-t'-'iPino Lilian.' of his j I.oti--'. nt-: ni 'r.Lr Ihciii IlH'y will Mill f 1'iylliinj ttmt t-:in i-'-iitrii' t "t:cir V"h,lirf. It is hituaifl lnr rti.'UiJi 1'mtu tin.1 Hi-ptit to tivr.i'l llii' uoiso ii 1 1-1 cunl'u--inii iid't I x 1 1 tu rnilr'.nl m J itM mul nt tho tmiu litiM' I'tilv n t-w liiii.uti'i ua Ik iVtpiii the smiiic. Aii iiiitili!i u ill l c f-iuii-t nt I tiu Hit ii'ii! on the ah ivti! ol' each li'.-iiu "C. U MANX. Proprietor. April 11. Dm JAC"5 B O- 33 33 G II, And I'eaHr in ( LOTUS. CASSi.Ml.lIKS, VKSTINd, Act ";: r'i; ! into lit". .i'v Ikiiiltl n Cutt u sircii, soiillt tVi im r S3;. (el, SUN BUHY, y A. . , M-tihM:;t!.c eiiiyeiis of Sunhurv an 1 vicinitv. liait l.e iia.- 'apt returned Ii. in i'' lldiiu withll fie I : ssoi 'luel.t l .is.;;.: .ra n. t;i. (mxids, F V l'i!: ;;il 'THIN' A. 1 I.. l AL1TY. ..f Cloth'. 1'roia-h Cloth', lllnek 1' i i'ti:.- c. iv.. ill:., k .iiii.. Figured - l-i al..l l-'ane Ci ..en I..- I IMiS. which . :-i . . !.- . ... ... , j. i- i . . ... .i i. 1 1 i ji, ..r ! oi ,-!. on . le-rt uoti.v. and tlie most rciu-onahle i ,- .i 1, I' -lohll.. li.,..l- to. i, I.. id. i.ii! ho furnished from days iiotu-e. i .. .1 ivill I... in... to 1.1. ., I " - - "i- - l A- ,,i.:-. as to l -I.i- i!l ml-lov 1 ;-. I v on - ;; .11' tin ii i need workmen, rk well uouu at 1. ...r- 1. .--lowed, ol do same. lii 1 -. k 1 ul : h. d I C G. iiKUCi; .t. i !.: l.el Vi i I- tiiiii) 0(li'-H. W-t hiti-tL-n, 1). C Covelnivl, Ohio. 44'! ;m 11 .- iii::i:t. .V.. 1 . Lv. ' I'l oi K. I';.;.-',:,. IVii. i. ni "I:'.-.-. .Near ihe Court lliure. t Sit.ii-.SieM tin- .Iriuj K--iill. ami c ole-ls. IT.NilOl.'S.EuUfY, EACX TAY, l'i y unl nil ntlit- a: I'la't- Wo av e-.e..o:l attei.tioii to claims In , i.i.-ll .1 in r .-.'li -. i'i-v- bile FA 1 1.1. 1 1, or will ll lia e I-.:, si P!.M. l'i. We hae eoll.-eu-d ) and ai 1 ot r to -ddi. rs 111 d th. ir heirs over ?-..llO.- . I. ati 1 are I-liil. It l.-al. 1. dally- No ehai-el 111.!. s- s . iee.'---l ill. rile it'', and e w ill s.-nd you a , c -, ol oar .a -I-, free. . I . 1. rn.l,i:i"l from sl-lll to Slull C11.11 ll-unty. ! e ii-J our hll-iliess Willi-. I 1 KKI..VV 1 I A;. ril 2. I-U j J. XI. KXLX3U5II," i I'n.m'y ii--jor A 4'oni -J iiniM-r, Oth.-c in asn he u...' t.y wth.-c in Wasiiiiiitoii town.-hiii. Fnai-ments can b-ttcr. dir i -leU lo the Hoove llddl eMi. mire, v. ill be proui t!y lilt I. I s Ctlll i.slca I" I. I l-.'.l l. led lo. Atail ;i. I l l Iv MA MIL LIN BUY AM) FANCY (300DS, Full at the Store of ii. iv L., .Malkel Sjuare. . IMH ItV, I'A. Ti e Mis-en IS ,V I.. Shi-Ur. 1. u in r. moved lln-ir l' .l.ll-l.ll.el.l t" lu'Te ....iilll.o.liou. mid colli, elilent r... n.s. .l r nl. oc i!.. ir I -run-r l...-.iiion. inlorin their ft i-lid-ml elfloiiia thai limy Lave received and je-t " ' I" d e and well s. l.'.-led us-oi l. in.-iii ..I M1I.1.IM HV AMJ FANCY 't'S, in- eluding every .1 le id UO.-.'MuTS. HATH, lit HDONU A TUIM- MlMlli Oi'' A Ll. KIN DM, ui.d .11 other .He le. iu line, wbicli Hill bo ld 'c.oiiitry produce of ull kind, lakiu iu t-fhai'S at i-a-h pi lee., .suiilcjry, April tl, s.l TO CONSUMERS or Mi I .111 1, r-i gi.ej .1- ir in h . 111 In. loll.. a 11. . ell kt.oMU I .dill III . I. p' ll. I. eel V, I .1 In. I.i II. e .ale.- .1 IL. I.. .wi.I Milk. I I, ili. ti MiiEIUH'AI S Dl VMo.ND MIM..1 i-lt A ' I'AltltlNll A; (US I ii.N-siil.ID V I LIM'O It. i .lui 1 1 , i. 1 Iu fu.i.h Ik ll.illluturv I w'a I t Irlti'ulrtl I'uul, .(. Ille I l'.,rl:tl. Oi. i.t In.. ..I il,. .u., i,.r i.d ll.if. d. III... il. LttU..L .li.t,,u,ul. t'4 lb. I..l I'l'l'TUTuN AMI PI.IUOUTII (Oal.a, V 1.. ll b. U .. 1 u. d.l.l.l ... U..i4 lt".l.l ll,4..UlUl.i "I l U, S.4IL.IH I sUU.I IU..1..I ud-mU In., i it. I'liiittKti Li .ul ., l, . ... " .... II. u, 1 1. 1 ... 1 1 lui .11 11. 1 .. .ub 4,.i, l,, 4k s .w.Ull ..WIU, W 4. lo U. I ,a.v Alio- JollN M 4 Si A j il l-val NL.wiife4 u. .... Il.11, biuvi f VI. itiaiwa 1I1LI. it WOLVhiUiON !W1M )U4 I WWM.t ltr Ml I , I- Uuk.tMi.tt4 ..4 l w.u4llj, UlltlUUtiY. I'A.. U. It L .n.i.1 H"i-u wil .ii.ik btt4.ii tt,4 ..1 Miibtt. kttvi.-4.4 uJtatti-4 1 ..I. Ut Sw...'.-1 M.4. 4J- !... Oko. W. Smitit. MISCELLANEOUS. From the Baltimore Loyalist, AiiR. 13th. Tli ICiiMiu'C l" Oi' 'iini Tn rrwtiril:iv'a it S Stated "lr'ev -President Tvler denies the plate- . liuMit nmde in the New York ILrnUI, that a ! I hey keep what they call dctmsdiT, spies ihiuuhtcr of ex-President Tyler hud recently nnd Yankee lnishwhacki rs in Castle Thuti niarried n Vuldier, lie has no nniiiarri"d dor. There are not many prisoners now in inartiiii'l'le datiijlitcr, nnd the story record- J Hichmond; !nit there are twenty-seven tlum ed liv the correspondent from the Janus t fund nt Andersonville and Macon, C5:i., nnd river is n pure ineniion.'' i they are ilyinif very fast of scurvy, chronic The aliove iscnsat ion is simply nn evasion, diunho ii nnd drop'.y. If they nre not .soon which i ponictiines resorted to, it seems released there will not lie many left to re even ly the "first families of Virginia." Had , lease. While I vns nt Andersonville I saw Ihe rorrespoiiiletit of the Herald stated that them Imryjiifj our prisoners every lay.t n niece of ex-l'resiilent Tyler had married n j There nre no prisoners now nt lielle Isle,' common soldier of the I nited States Army, ' nnd very few in the other liichmotid pris lrs. e.v-Presitli iit Tvler would not have "ns. There were only two other pri..o:ins found it so easy to deny the tact, ami which 1 liy the way, we look upon ns honorable to the vottiio; ladv, as well ns to the lamily willi which the soldier has condescended to connect himself. As the true story is somewhat romantic, and carries with it an interesting political and social moral, it shall be Jiiven, for the lietielit of the readers of the J.inalist, and, as Mr. I.'.ncolui says, of "whom it may con cern. It must he premised that Mi.-s Adeline Tyler, niece of ex-President Tyler, has for snini'time resided near the .lames, near or within ihe lines of (lui, lluthr. who had h id some correspondence willi Mrs. Tyler, who expressed (Trent anxiety to visit her niece, t.n account of her delicate health, and solicited a pass for that purpose. In the meniitime one .lack Kick, a stout, well -formed, hiiiul.-onie soldier, helonointr to a New York Ii. L'iment, on his way to the trout, was providentially taken ill, and stop ped at the hospitable mansion of Miss Tyler, where, in spite of I. is Yankee origin, United States uniform, abolition principles, and his l-einir one of "Abe Lincoln's hirelings," lie was kindly received, humanely treated nnd tenderly watched inc. by the aforesaid An geiiuc. John Kick lingered nlmost too long. He was on the point of being inscribed on the roil nf deserters, w hen he appeared nt lien. Ilutler's heail.U:irters, smiling, hale and hearty, nnd liumlily.prectiti d to the Ucneral a missive, neatly folded and addressed ill a feminine hand to humble rep rest illation that the husband of the undersigned, hav ing possibly rendered himself liable to mili tary punishment by overstaying his time, which delay was explained by the fact that he lnr I been taken sick at her house, and had ii-ipiired considerable time for his re covery and nisi) for the celebration of his inani age to lu.-r.-elf, whicii w as substantiated by ii-siion-iiile witnessed, she prayed that, in consideration ol' the peculiar circumstances, lie mi-lit be foro'ivon, and, furthermore, that a luilo-.ioli of thirty days be granted him t'a-tllicv might complete their necessary i mil si I, 'old nrrangcmcnls. On impiiiiiig into the facts, Gen. llutlcr found that Kick did not belong to his com mand, but was under Gen. Iliiitiside, where upon he kindly wrote at once to that com-manili-r, slating the fuels, and, congratula ting him upon the propeet ol raising up a generation of Union soldiers in Virginia, ad', i-ed a compliance wi'.li the. pi tition of M.s. Kick, i.e "Tyler." We may presume that the gallant Gin. liiirnside promptly gave his its-eut, and enabled the newly wedded pair to enjoy their honeymoon, w ith no apprehensions ot war's alarms, or dis turbing visions of invading "Yanks' or "Johnnies." To crown the whole matter. Gen. Butler addris-eda note to Mrs. Tyler informing her that her mice would no longer excite her anxiety for her health or lonely situa tion, inasmuch as she had taken for her hus haiiil t.nd law ful protector John Kick, a brave soldier of the iirmy of t lie United Stat, s; but still, as she might wish to wit ness the happiness of the newly wedded pair and i;im-them such advice as a matronly lolaliw only couhl bestow, he tok pleasure in fir", itf.ling her t!:e pass she had so long desired. Such an' very tft-ariy the facts of llus ro mantic all'air. C.ii'Ti itiNo . a Ssak.k. The Or ient 1 N.-w York) !! fhr,-i, relates that one day la-t week ex ( 'oiit roller Lorenzo Iluriou s iliscovi red. in a building beioug iag to him, a small snake su-pended by the n. ck uniier a shelf On examination, the suspension proved to be accomplished by liol'liing more substantial than the threads of a si.iih-r'! w cb. The main w i b or nest of the spider w as iiist under the shell, perhaps two ami a Halt li et from the floor. From th'.9 deiiendcd a cable formed of ft number of strands, and from This hung the snake. The upper half of the snake's body seemed to be wound around willi the tiny thread, which was so tightly draw n about his head and throat us to iiievent the reptile opening his mouth. I lav ing thus secured hi in, the spider seemed inteiit on dtiiwimr his lircV Ull to his in, and w hen ili-coven d had so far succeeded as to have half the length of the snake from ihe floor. The snake manifested il dislike of the treatment bv occasional violent struggles, in w hich he" would spiing Inm the lloor and exert its utmost pdwers to break the filmy b inds. The atrugg'es wcro very com plain nth and iineonccri'cdly watched by the spi.h r from his nest above. The snake was about it foot in length, and the spider was by no inciiiis a huge specimen of its species. The upi'ircinW mieipial roggle wa- wit in id l.v more than one hundred person during Ihe .lav, attracted by the report ol , the Miiguhir 'lolitcst. I'.lll that the cable was aii i leittidlv broken by a per.oii who nti r. d ihe 1 .1 .in. the sp'oh r wouid Inn undi.lll.te.llv dl4Wi'd the .nuke lo hi. dcl. ! . . - j fl l u K ('liS. - -llm ('Mllicil 111 i A '. . uiiiioiimi that lut ii ii(i bcil I ile.ilte.1 b) Ihti i rnili r bo)., vho l.e , "goiiu to the v itr. il ha "i nlUlcd'' about hut a it . 11 of Ihe I'd looking fcif U in lh Ccn, and j. no "Icitiing i' ' a o:p. i f j t-i'ii'po.iloi. li"l .id.jiil to the dntll. Thu JiibiUnl c.'.ilor it I la ; l'i. lua 011, lei, (.lilt your "1 all." nnd ! )uuf "l hum I iplH'll," lalhif A1 laliulll, e I me r li l 'i ton . I iko all (he "l bu. u Muni, only I. su- u. o'U pre.. 111 in. Aii'l ', perrtlllllulillll pl'.lllel., ul I III! UltM'llbllU pi r I ia.ttl .ii, ilt'it I t'ii. Hit. ) I W4111 It .im ol )ui4 ; t-til) tik I. I.kiu ; l.s 11 ll. .tti a 1- u.i.i llltauil I si I llliolll.i! Yrl'l. Ihe Ui. of Ilia gfr! l.oUill ItVkl bU U UH'l.d, '')'U, Ul lu.ll.olUl lu.l ; ' I'vUi.ll HUIMiU, )u4 l . -.Ut,.!' Xl't 41 ''.' - s 1b.)tl I. icm.i(iI In Fkava .LCata-l lb i.ut I i,jHf U X I 4i , wU-JU,l' Mhr. Maiki.mif.t I.r.oxAitn, of BuMon, re cently rclonsie.l 1'rtim C'asllo Thundir, mij-s nil tint ia.tiiii- the prisuincM Imve in ('nstle Tlmmler ii corn lirend im.l w titer nn.l rotten I'tu-tin. Theyjmvc not half euott!,'!i t Cat. For the last live weeks tliev ytivu ntc no noaji, not so mtieli ns would ivnsli mv ImiuU. in the tcmulu department of tire Castle with Kom.toN Falsehoods. There is a report in London that Mr. Chase has invested i'000.000 in English funds; and ',-, - , which speaks under the die'.tliou of Mr. Slidell or his agents, tells the Ureiic'.i pub!i. that the late raiding col tt mn curried b v !; from Maryland provisions enough to feed Lee's nnny nt Kichmond six mouth-:, a large amount of material, nnd liftee.i millions of dollars taken from the treasury of G run's army! A collection of the lies which the confederates have circulated in Europ.i would make the most curious of all addi tions, to the "Curiosities of Literal nre." I I EXTKXTION OVTIIK Oil. ClIKICK ll Ut.IIO.M). ' The principal object of the meeting ol' the. ', Philadelphia and Erie and Oil Creek Kail- , road otlieials, in this city, on Friday even- j ing last, was to adopt means tor the iin- j mediate extension of the Oil Creek road, four niih-s further down the creek, below j the Shaffer farm. A committee was tip- pointed to obtain the ri-ht of way, nnd other arrangements entered intn us w ill se- 1 cure the immediate prosecution of the work. Erie City JJitj'tttch. The North Carolina Times, speaking of tho recent election, says, "The HuiiK-ii l.-u-n have a majority In the Legislature." Mr. Myers, of North Carolina, desired place notwithstanding the fact that l'i bel hayonets were useil to overawe the conser vative party, who supported Jlolden. In the extreme western counties we learn that Jlold'-ti obtains some very heavy majorities, but these votes arc to be thrown out on the ground that they are not considered loyal to the confederate government. At Kiiiston several men were imprisoned for voting fur llolden. I Don't I. ikk my Hi isnkss. There is no greater fallacy in tiie world than that i n tertained by many young men that some pursuits in life can be found w holly suited to their tastes, w hims, tnul fancies. T liis phili sopher's stone can never l e discovered; and every one who makes his life a search for it will Le ruined. Much truth con tained in the Irishman's remark "it, is never easy to work hard." Let, therefore, the fact be always remembered by the young that no life-work can lie found entirety agreeable to man. Success always IKsat the top of a hill. If wc could reach it. we can only do so by hard, persevering i-iiort. while beset with dilliciihies of every kind. If you think you made a mistake in i hous ing the pursuit or profession you did, do not make another by leaving il. Spend all your energies iu working and clinging to it, as you would do the lifeboat that sustained you in the midst ot the ocean. If you h ive it, it is almost certain that you will go down. A Stauti-in'o Fact, A couple of weeks ago a number of the large cannon manufac tured at the Scott Works, iu Ke.nling, were shippeii to New York. Upon their reach ing the latter place it was lound that five of tlicm had been spiked on the way. Two or three of the guns w ere so badly injured that they will have to be plugged and a new veutdiored. The others were not so much damaged. We also see it stated that tho 20-inch gun recently shipped from Pittsburg, which passed through Weadinu a couple of weeks ago, is now lying tit I'hilipsbuig, New Jer sey, opposite Eastoii, where it is awaiting the strciigllening of tho bridges on the Jer sey Central Hoail, several of which are not considered capable, of p'Muning the enor mous weight. The gun is said to be upside dow n on the trucks, and two men me i in- ploy ed to w utch it night and d-y relii ving each other by turns, to jifitnt it ', 'iio The iptestion recurs, who spiki'l the guns shipped from the Scott Works i Was it one ol the rebel .pies sent North to g. t up "Peace Meetings,'' and organize treasonable secret societies, or was it a sneaking Cop perhead i In either cuso tin) patty i! de lected, and his guilt clearly show n, should he blown from the cannon's 1.1 ;:th. H ing ing would be too good for such a witch. i. iiiliiij Jittrii tl. lilt It M in I'irol. A i"'.;;l. Wither tirst, the egg or the hen; Tell me, 1 pray ye learned men. l'irt Srriln The hen was first, m whence the eggf Give u no more of your doubts, ! beg. mii .s'.-r.'w The egg was tirst, or whence the hint Tell how it canto, and when. Tut: follow ing letter was received geiith in-ill of PhilaJi Iphi i through thu itary I'o.-t OllUe. i ie ur - EuklottCil Jilee fill. I Ten it y.ill kail. by a S an il H- cry li-spi liable yuuf, Jo il Itll.l IM... The tell dollar had Hot bu ll mod .it the lint m count.. - - Hill. .11114 i'i Ml i l4 the Ib vil is nun ll of (;i nlli lllall III l..l,ipuii-"l V. illi man) Mini hiin. In one ol h. late ii'l-u. liiigliam retail tin follow ing : -- "A gi nth m ill .il l to mi, I Moul I like I.i v. I il.luh btllur.l Ublu an I a diiekicg .ilooii in ) "Or ill), )ou In u have .a. h plait lulu I) and bl, any ho.' Mi) be Mr will not, ' .hall mu hi Ihir I -VI 'l.ulity u til Ii it'H hiiioiu hi. " ,lc. ' Wtull'lf J. d. til ui.l. Iih.d k.p , l tiil.tlaii in. Million, l.ut i. Ihlitil) . u 1 14U." "'rl "IlM." lUlllliU, I'l'.lh lil rf l-i tut au I uittl'iklU Iu U l) ut ali.'ttii, "iMllttlt Ul Isl l ).. Ul." ' l.." IU'4 Iv' UU," M lU lll'll, '."'I m I Lt I'Utili ul Uii tav.Uei I id ll f4 U. f '' YV ia.coM r.. "Pap-i will soon bo hire.' mamma, to her three year old. l-ny "what can George do to welcome him';' And the mother glanced at the child's play-1 t lungs, v liKit lay scattered in wild contu sion on the carpet. "Makt'lhe room neat,'' replied Ihe little one, understanding the. look and at once be ginning to gather his toys into a basket. "What else, can we do to welcome pap-i," asked mama, wh.-u nothing v;vj wanting to the neatness of ihe room. "lie happy to w hen he comes?" cried tlrr- dear little fellow, jumping up and down with eagerncs-i, ns he waited at Hits window for his fal Iter's eomii.". Now ns all the uiiliottaiy makerj will testiiV it is very hard lo -ive good f 1 1 15 - r.i;:-u- l.ut did m.l 1; vi rv substance of a w i ;! , . utile! t ;.ive ,1-e l.e h-ppy ill know. uinpl nous ' t." , will to liium when l-e come.-,'' All parents who lead this, that elegant ap.iittin-.Us; and eiiloitiiiiiini-'.its nu l u-ii-.-il on irt not avi'il i;i welcoming their di:.-l when j they come. 1 ) children, will y.n: i.h-o reim-t. .'.-! wii'.nvimr linie l'i I -n-is i- ,iu.. t-.s, .,: ' that nil yot.r be.f.n it'ui lo ' and nice treats, w ill not : I ":-.i.) 1 time." Lidos jou wiicn thev conic. ('.. old line your g l.a,-!' 1,, Id,: I ueiii An Amkuicv.n t;: into an Kuglish port, ant wcnl on shore t nu ot-- ah had an I the Fiist Lii-ti li-eoniioitre. In i he ctilcred a ti'.-, put ..-ti Ihe course oi ins travels ue ciilere.l a tt'.vi-r!i w lure a liiitiil-er of Ihiii.-h oliie-.-is were, iiaroiising. They at unci' recognized the Lieutenant's nationality by his dress, nnd de- ; tetiiiiiied to amuse themselves by bullying j him. 1 "Well, comrade," said one, "you belong to the United Stales, I see."' " i "Eight," was the answer. i "Now, what would you do to a man who ! should sav that vour navv did not contain i nn oliicer M lor Englishman. "1 would bl. x buud'oat: ti .v his brair.s out.' retunied real CO' ilne-s. among her Mujcsty's ; liuallc, one of iheiu. the Lieutenant, with 'flu re was sitciii servants lot- a i mul more muddied in, m the rest managed to stammer out ;-V-cll, Yank. I ony it." The American walked to his side, iind re plied, calmly "It is lucky for you, shipmate, that you have n'o brains lo blow out." Stiuel; by tho dignity of the answer, the olli-inlerat once upoi ig':-j.l, and our hero m viled to join the i.i-.-ss. I'lt"M!'T Ui- ri v. A post iitllce clerk s-iit the follow ing to I !o brook's United States mail : "A man called at our general ih livery one day, when I happened for a moment to be ciiiMged i h'e-.vhciv in the odice. lie w hi'th-d loudly. 1 stepped 'to the window and sav.tgi 'y iiniiiiiv.l, 'Whose dog pe was whistling for,'1 'One of Uncle f'ain's pups!" said he unite composedly. I had nothing to S.lV." ' What I admire in Christopner Columbus is not his having discovered the New World, hut his having gone to search for it im the faith of an opinion. -Tv'j-t. Did you ever see the mail that asked for a "little good advice" and then followed it ? What's the news, bub;"' said a mantoa newsboy yesterday. "Four cents, sir," was the prompt reply. Many who cast their beard upon the w a ters expect it will return to ihein after many days buttered. Some men pre like certain stints, beautiful on one side, hideous on the other. aWMMttKWattl. WHTft..MaM II E C T P E S. llciw to Makc Sot p. Liebig, in his "lie searches on Food," say.".: "When one pound of lean beef, free from fat, in tlie titiel y chopped state iu w hich it is used for beef sausage or, is uniformly mixed w ith its own weight of cold wa ter, slowly heated to bi.iliig, mid the liquid, alter being boiled briskly u minute or two, is strained through a towel from the coagulated alb'imi-n and the librine, now, become hard and horny, we obtain mi cipi il weight of the most aromatic soup, of such strength as cannot be obtained, even by boiling for hourr, from a piece of t! sh. h' ti mixed w itii s ilt and ot her usual addition, by which soup is u-iiailv seasoned, nnd tinged some what darker by iiiciois ( r.-,si.. unions or I ut rt sugar, it f"rns t he cry he-1 soup w hit h can inativ Wav lie prepared I'loin one pound ofl'.ish."' I'oci.l n cs. As lo inll iiiiiii .it i in. sores. cut-., wounds by rit-ty nails, ite., tne great remedy is ainith and moisture, beciiise these promotes i vapor, il bet mid cooling; win, lever 1 ot pou'li. e is appiie I, ill it is lu st which kei ps moist (he longest, and is in its nature in il. I ; hence, cold, light, t w hen t. tl bn id, soaked ill sw . et ll'lll:, .'s cue of vi ry best know ii. There is no specific virtue in the n pulsive remedy of the "en trails of a live chicken," ol scraped potatoes, turnips, beets, ciirioi., or tin y other scrap ings; the virtue i-on-iM in the mild moisture of the application. Heine the nn uiory need not be burdened by ihe rccol-lei-tioti of particular kinds of poultices, but only with the print ipd that that poultice is In st whi. ll keeps moist l!icfsl without disturbance. - I'r. 11 '.. ri All's AMI lit tss. I he best, nio-t stautam otltt mi l most a. reined;.' lie- woll I, i. to tl.nisl the injured fait in iii in i ..Id w at, r, n il. I l r a piiy -ii i oi, mi l vhi!' he is ro loin eovcr the pill uu inch "r Inole vt it h i-oiiuu hi ll ir. The in i giw . ittst uita- In ii. I. li 111 f b) ei llldillg llic o II "I I he air; Ihu llour ll". the nil'' 1'iiiig, but i. I . t, ruble, bu .i i-c il cm be kept Ini.ic i U.i!lc., Willi le-s ,l,ci.l lenience ih in by !i- ping ti.i- p.. it. tiud. X U llicv li L Wi 11. tin llour .c.ih oil', .1' i A ilv lii,,U I. in. I in. I n Ii. "tel. II Ihe ii.iui) i ut i!l tt. Hie. llic I. .1 it-lit ttho ildllte I'lU.'l) on i t - t an I I'-a- I. "r '" '""I P "'"' '"''' 1 m -tin .4 lied) i Veil di), by fitiiig ti up 1 Idi .. .ti .1 tnul mi l like. So l-ctt.raii l ui ili f i it tin t uii- .r hi " I lil.HI. In 1 1 . 1 t i i .i pr -p.-tt. I. ! '' ' '. - - - I Ik. II I I M A I'I I I- I'l KI.IMI .- I i li. li Hue I, i'l il. ' u ti".Wiiii uppl P. 1. 1 an. .. I'.MI , pal lo.j iii.n, -i-i oi i ... ' '.. in tl.u.i'l fci.lil Ileal mi I I'll, of bultir, lit Is). 4 . f til opt. I appb ttllll UK.r i. I UUHif ii, u 1 I' p. tllid the dl di I lull . i . . i .... i .... i. . i ... .....i. otrl II, lt.itf Itaiup nf t"i'l , I.i. I" .U'l ki iiuiij iiiiu'iu ll r'4siist 51. l.'ilsj jr 'a'rajM- Vi'ii:. The directions which follow nr- by Mr John E. .Mo'tier, a well-known vintner o1 Cincinnati, and is said to bu well-adapted, to domestic grapi-s i In or.h r to mak.. go.i-I win?. It i" nocc-ipfi-ry to have a i'oo.I cellar, clem vuk, pre.-;, c!c. J-'ii'-r!- of n'l, h-ivis your grapes weU ripened ; i; itl,( r them ia'drv weather, nod lie h mil careluly ell the unripe lu rries, and ! all the dti.'.l and thoiiiiocl oms; then ri:e,h j mid grind tiietn w iii a mill, i! you h-ve it proju-i- mill for that purpose, lie careful r.-.t ! to tvt your mill so cloe ns to mash the j !'-. oils as they will give a had ti'.- tt; to tiu x.'ine. If you wish 1 1 have, wins o1' a l o-e clor, let the giapi s rcfiain in aj large tub a few hoiir, .-ore -in r. 't;r ; l-'i:g. r time von leave the gvai..- h.foiv ' pre: sin color 1 1 gr.'.pcc. er tin y -0" mas ic.i tin.' l; lie -.vill !'nve. For pressing tl' pii-o will answer, provided it kept ' I.-;;; nr.. :-.v.-( I A fler von have co i'Cted the mi:-.t in ,i;ve il trnnsl'e cellar. Fill t! ii Clean tub t'.'lil the led ti..- o;l.; i 'chin t.-,i in jii: ' otic e. ,1 o a po. -, i,i tin- hung, otti'-r e-i 1 li.n-t i.e cold v.nte o.i I'.om !: i'i-'.. ; pi I . in the lies of Ihe Intiio thi- -ipl'iin, mmle for lie; pur ii' I i: air-t I; ht ; t': -. pi'i'-l iu a I '. i-i con :. The gr.s tln-n nt--.-; oi'.hinii tlo' n'.r ci.iiiii'g i.i 'vine, -.vhich would des'voy contact wuli 1 1:0 i mil line crane tiuvor. .1., whic mokes o" Catav. bit. so cclebr.ittd. hen (.'i-operly made, d- rgo loi nii iio,! ion. ),', , siphon that is in the win deep. SO u -i to evi.-blde III tlie must wiil nr.- ' i the end of the i f"l'y four inchi s , air from the .vine, i hen it has fermented, which will be in: til teen days, till the cask with the same kind 1 of wine, and bung It loosely for one week ; then make it light. Nothing more is need- ed till it is el.'ir. whi.-ii. il ail right, will be in January or Ft brt.ary next. Then, if pc' ; fccliy clear, t-t I; it i-ii' if. to unotlur cask, ; and b"!tg ii up tightly till wanted. 1! tile . wind remains iu the ca-k till lull about i November it will improve by racking it , again, lie sure lo al-.vr.yr, havy sweet c !:" :i Casks. Do nol bum too much brimstone in I the cask. 1 Imve .-rcn much wiue injured by ; extessive Use of brimstone generally by new licgiuners. 1' or my part 1 make Utile, u-e of it. Yon can make difl'i.r:"'t qualities vf wine with the grape, by scperating the different runs of the same presoiiig. 'fl.e tirst run is the finest, if you w ant to make use oi'i. the first season; but it wiil keep 'long with loi'j- ii.g its line ipiaiitie. t To make g iod, sound wine, that will im prove by age, the plan is to mi;; all to gether. The very last run will make il i rough, but it w ill have belter body and bet- ti r tlavor when two or three years old and will improve for a number of years. The first run will not be good utter t.vo or three years. 1 have fully tested t'.ie different ways ,.f making and keeping w ine in-! '.,ciily live vears. Sai.i.v Leys. Sift "into a pun 1 lb of lloiir, make a hole in the middle and put into it 'J o of bttUt.T, warmed in a pint ot milk, a saltspnou of salt, ;j w eil-bcuUn eggs, and two tablespoon ' of the best J'ruh L.;,t Mix the lloitr well into lheothei ingiedients. and pl.t the whole into a s-piare till pan that , has been greassed with butter; cove it, set it in a warm place, and when it is 'piite light, bake it in a moderate oven. Send ii on the table hot, and eat with but ter. ffi n;uitt''tru TtU'li'tiph. Iloit.l.ii Eons. New-laid cggi re.piire a hail mill -.ite longer to cook that others. Tlie I're.slier l In v are the belter, and the I moie hc.illhfiil. Egos over a w eck old should never l.e boiied ; they will do to fry. I'l't tltcui into w ati r t o:.t l-.-il.-', but not fio-iot'sly, ns it will crack tiiem. J I you like them very soft, bod it, cm line,- iiiinuus. If you wish the volk hard ihcm live minutes. To by served w ith, they should be bg'led twelve minutes. FitiKf Eli drop iu the c . After you have tried ham. rr 'v ' '.me. ill no.. ill i. minute dip the boiling fat with n spoon over them again and again. This will pte Vent tiie necessity of turning them, which it is ili.licitlt to do without breaking' the yolks. Take litem up in about (wo u. ionics and a half with a skimmer. The tat that roast out of a ham that is browned in uu oven, is good for living eggs. ! Ci;i:i.s Vt'tiN l'i uniNi.. Take rf gir-cu ! coin full iu the milk, uiclve cars, and grate tin in. 'l'o tiiis add otic ip.iarl of svicet n.iilr, one oii.u icr of a pound of I'ris'n butter, lour i g ;s well ' t-ilcii, pepper and s.'.lt :,s inucli Us .lecliied llecessaly; stir ill t!ie iagl'edi. I.t-: , a n.iarter of a pound of line and eal 1 who sauce, it is an excellent Vus'i, c..ld or win in, w ith iik at or Mince. " INTKllliSTIMJ XliWSr 'l'lit 11 t'tt.lei-11 'ti-.;irni j . Ti e Iii lial: ipolis Diily Jouiual "l" the CI -t iiist., has the following additional in formation about i he folio ting tica-otl ill India oia : - - l.-llcr ti out (.mi'i'iiiir llorlon tll'lll llll.l ,k lllllllltlillllll. On j nr. i.i y a;iei tiooii I i iv i t i'...r M u t.ui nci-.i.-.l it idler ii'o'ii an E.t-li i u i ity, w VMl- is I l ow , ci i il smile II. lilies, , ,,iil wcit'ii no pi u I. in id rc..s.-ii: An.:, i;. iiior i li. Mori Sir Iin IhU hereby t.itid hit e i my knowledge in a iu, mn. r and limit a .nun c sin h us lo h ave no iu i.iy lion 1 ol III. il iciial-llity. II..- t op pi I of I ii. 1 1 inn have old, r cl nnd p nl f.r t h.i iy Hi. .ii and tiv..;vii. tt I. li foil I wo boli ' I' Vi I n.i. in i.i . 1 1 1 on, to la- 1 ...1 1 1 1 ' i -I nliioiig tin .in tag,. i, i 1. to . r Gov , i Mn, iii , ..r i he p,ii p..,e i, I io:;t r --I.iu,; liic I'n si. I. nl lal i li elen,. Align"! -'Ih, Ilie .liiiiuir '', s' i. lamb .1 III Ni it ol k loll j I w o In. vi of 1 1 tt.iti I. and ioiiiouioii ,ii, Augu-l (en lit. I ity id II. Ull. -id l i'n.l. d Ivtn.iy Uu I .ii. .. in i li ,1 1, II l. .11, th lined l-r Loll u, ..-ll I hilly Uu tioi . Ul, di .lined I if Iii.i.iii.ii..i. I I. i) la. i of Ihe itlsive Intte tM. ii i.k.r.hit L' J J, 1'al.on.,, tiu b nli. nl. I .pan h, and III. I kid , Utu baldlliu I. .t.'U'l ut N.I tl.d, Nclt lolk, .Wllllu.j IL. toll t.l.illl.v ul III" I opplU4.l.a .) 1.4 I tn I uu.- la l-n .b p". lllllll ill.l' I) "It " t Ipl 1. 1 Ull. l.Uif, li ItllU'.l 'I -.l"ii fUml ll.u Il,l. (iil4ll..ll II i.,iiiliiiil l l'"i li.U'l. t l p .lui m.u J. l o n u.M,l, 1" t - 4I.I1) In 4 tli"il I line 1 1 i p..l I pi' V I l- '"I 'I" I JttUll.U Join., Ami.UIiI 1'iuto.l M.i.h.l, Vthii, ttilh I .'I 1.1,1 1 ain't f, fl Ihe iltlait IU ! i-'"' ( milt If's'U" il4.i, MkJ i.l 4 the printing nnd bookbinding establishment of H. H. Dod.l it Co.. en fhituruiiy night, where they fi.'tnd thiity-two boxes, such us wre ilescribcl in tlie h ttcr. After the box es were op. tied their contents rrv found to consist of four hundred l:"-gi tn'.vy rcvolveia and one hundred and thirty-rive thou.-and ri't'i'ihj of tixed niiiiuiiii'.tion" ior the same firm. Anii'i'g the cultures lnade at the tame place were liv: great sea! of the Order of the ".".ins of Libery,' the oliicial list of t1'.;: ivi 'u!.e,-s ofthe Ouhr at this phice and :-.'vt-i..l hui'.iire.l print';'1, coi.ier ofthe ri'mih also, a large amount of coin.. iion.ieQce of an tin port cut character, which 'i;'.y be given 10 the public t.t the proper lime. "Tlie pen phi wiil begin to understand bow much the,., unmitigated seoiuid'--1. desire peace. Tiiir.y tlious-uid navy revolvers, with utn mu'iitioii i-ti-.rgh for tin army, ei'itph-l with iht negotiations of '"Mr. Voo'.'uecs for tin purchase of twenty th-'t-aiid Garibaldi rilles, wouM I hat tl.cti; is a good leal cf the disposition ofthe tiger hid un der their sheepskin garb of peace. When iv e look at the large sum (if money " Id- h the ntiioiitil of arms and auiuuuiition named in this ht'.jr rein ...(i-,., the oucstiou pi -.-s.-n't-; ilseif of the w.tye and menus. Tho pi-10!, 'lion.! mould cost do-'o on to one' miliioti os dollars nt manufacturers' prices, and the twenty thoii-an.l rijlcs, without thu import duties, would cost two hundred and eighty thousauil dollars, of course, no such ..nun are provided by the tnetnbers of the order in this State, but there have been some Peace C onuiiissiopeis prow ling along the Canada border t'er fevtf.d veeks. John C. Welker and other men of lndiiina have been visiting them. Some month, simethe Confederate Government borrowed fifteen million dollars in Europe, for which they issued t-.'i'eu bonds, and every blockad'j niiu'.er carries out cotton to repay the loan. The object of 'he loan was, primarily, to purchase u :i ivy in European purls includ ing I In: ci ielnated rams. That speculation having failed by the tefitse.l ofthe Govern ments of England ni'd l-'iaivja to permit the arms to depart, and they having been sold -to nlber persons, tiie Peace Commissioner!! are in I'moi-, nnd they cooid not make ail invo tnient more to the. advantage of their master than to purchase arms and ammuni tion tor Northern, and to pay North ern demagogues liberally for shrieking for pe.'.cc. free speech and i'betty. William II. Harrison, Seerctary of the Order nf which 11. II. Dodd is "Gran 1 Commander," was MiTei"d, and is still in custody. Messrs. John J. Parson and Charles 1'. Hutchinson, partner: cf Dodd, wire also arrested, but discharged on their riltd'ivits that they weru not mcpuhers of th- O-der, ami were not ud vised oi th"; contents of the boxes. We have given a brief account of this the most startling event in the attempted drama ofcival war. The event r.aturely created 11 u intense e.veU'.tneiit iu our city, and It w ill be nu in 1 1111 i t ioii to the people of tho Stole ofthe danger which surrounds thtt'!. Dodd is absent Iro'.n 'he city, probably making iiriaiigciueu'.s fur the distribution : f ihe uriih nnd cartridges 011 hand and ex pected, but w hich, to h'ii "I'rprise, will be devoted lo other purposes than enforcing the peculiar peace notions of a gang of con spirators against the peace and safety ofthe S ' a ' ;. 1 he jn 1 nm also publishes a number of the papers 1111. 1 letters seized in the ollice of Daniel W. Voorhees, member offJongress. , One Hundred Thousand Men to Rule the I South. ' IlYiiuisoNPCito, Feb. r77, 1SGL My Dear Iciiiew We want you to hold that one hundred thousand men iu readings?, as we do not know how anon we limy want them. J. IlAUDItSTY. Addressed on envelope : lion. Damcl, . YooiiUKKS, j Terre Haute, Indiana. Arms for Voorhees' Army of One Hundred Thousand Men. I Lose. EiiANcii, Aug. 21. 1803. My Dear Sir : I inclose you two letters lVotn a man by the name of Carr. in reference to arms. A" Idler directed to him simply Philadelphia vill reneh him. I can voilch for the excel lent quality and great ellieiency of the rilli-s. Yours in haste, Jamks W. Wall. ' Envelope endorsed. ;nn:i-. Hon. Dasill Yooiiukls, Terre Haute, Iud. j E. W. Carr to Koc. Jas. W. Wall. j Piiii..viu;i.pni a, Aug. II, 1801. Hon. .lames W. Wall-licai' Sir: Your letter, wilii one enclosed about rith'f, lilt becu re ceived, li the jinnies wish to buy them, the la st w ay would be for them to have nine one in New York appointed to pur ee i-e them and cuiitcr with you and tne. 1 am sali-l'.c.l that it is tiie Very artield tiny want, and as y -f know all about thin: you can "speak by the card." You huvo recti Ihe nrlii le tried, ulid tin doubt are well ; satisllcd that it will speak loudly ill a j;oo J ' cause, ; Wc w ill sell tin 111 iii bond for fourtetn ', and 1 h ae no doiil t that if the pro pi r 1 our-. is iui sued, t he duly can be re mitted. The lilies are I'.'iUr nnd chciijur than anything etcr olfere.i 111 this cout.tty, or heic, and u good us any ever im pottcd. e 1 lialh ngc it compui isoir w ilU any riSr tx'iuth'ui u lutt-vei. j 'i licre are ul out tivciily thousand rifles, and we dc-ire to sell them all at once. Tin y a gival bargain, and are worth to-day iii'ii.- in En tope 1 h.iu we oiler I o .ill for In re. , '.' he pi ice ot I.i . .inns w ill adv aiu e w 11 hill a year at Icay-t thiny ii-i.e iu-r cent., a arm. lire ill tl uiand ell uttr Europe. A yoil know, lime i moio iil'niire ;m in th j Wol Id th ill this. 1 uui with gnat rc-l'ccl. '.ours truly, E. W. C AU.i .1. .1. ItiutitKrt to Ohm loeiliir lliitf lite .uili Iti ttiiunl . lit ki t i lite I uinu l uri l't ul V , t. U'ol l, July II, I "Mi I. - My Deal "1 . '.. t. : I and like your pnv.l.- op.u 1..11 n. I i ll.c pi"- Ii-.iV ll tV ."li.c I I, 1 1 1 I at' his, 11. .1 1 lo e 1 1 p.m. Do .1 . 1 , tloi.k Hi. ".-iit 1 l.ave 1 1 1 iiio'uli l i j k. . p Ihe I io. mi loiiii at I an.l t.n.:., I .iu- a i.i. 'uiti.'ii I Hon 111.11 p-ii-iiii't, 1(1 lit l.l'i ' I-', i 4fin 1 ru-h lll'lll I'Ul I "J i.,:,l Iiiite.iiili'. "I in I 'l 11. it 1 'll Wh.tul 1 ball' lot. t"'U "!' ;."ll"l"HU a.'ill'l vpiu. j Ion 1. p. . I tl.i ! iii.ilt. i. j 1 1 I in- I '-l.' '"s " ' .ll'Ai I uui il lo I Vi l l-.oil l I .il.'lihl t ' .Jli I I "il I' I 4 fl, ail I .1.) l'i hi I ('.l'lit iM.ot "I 'Hi ll lUllI' .1 I iI.ioh Hi- is i null, a ll'.'4 jt!t.tit l,. I. .114 HI It ti 1 k in .) I.I ll.ll U.I, u4 ill. I 1, 11. .Ill ' llll.l. I.p-.ll Wol I I II J t I IU I" -I lll'lll ) "ll kl ti.U l Villi Hi' lit. V U.l I M 'llvi lid., 4 14 II hll I ultli.i; I J 4 'm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers