5?c American. It. B. MA83ER, Editor At Proprietor. TS. WIL-VFiRT, PublUher. m .m it v, ia. 1804. S. M. TETTENOILIj ft CO., Ne. 37 Tark Kow, New York, and t Stato Strjct, Boston, are our agent fur the 8tmt'r AamticA.l n those oitlea, and are authorised to tnko Advertise ment and Suhsorlptiona for u at our lowest rate. The Tcnce Democrats ex-press wonderful anxiety tit obtain thu soldier' vo:e. Not many wcuk ago tbeir anxiety was to pre rent the soldier from voting. A boy. M years old, came near being! orownell at St. Joe, (111.,) a few days ao, by beinsr pulled into the river by a catlisli, Tviiicli be bad just caught. It may not be too much to say that Maine ill furnish to the market this year from half a million to a million bushels of po tatoes more than usual The road to home and happiness lies over small stepping stones. Slight cirnira Btatices arc the BttunliliiiK blocks of the families. The prick of a pin, says the pro verb, is enough to make nn empire insipid. The tenderer' the feelings the more painful the wound. A cold, unkind word checks and withers the blossom of the dearest love, ns the most delicate rings of the vine are troubled by the faintest breeze. The mise ry of a life is born of a chance observation. If the true history of quarrels, public and .private, were honestly written. it would be Bileuoxl with au uproar of derision. General Sherman is very truth full v de scribed by a chaplain as "it man who (ins a gaunt look about him ns if lie got hungry when a boy and never got over jt. A ner vous man, never quiet, pulling his whiskers, or buttoning his coat, or twisting a string, or rubbing a finger never quiet ; but with n kind of look in hU face, that reminds mm of a panther ; if he gets ungry, Cory, keen, powerful and a genius. Eoral Affairs. I Several men from the mining region, way laid and attacked soino of tho hands employed on the Northern Central road, late on Friday night, and demanded their money. Ouo of them also knocked down 0. 1). Wharton, and bent him severe ly, near tho Central hotel. Ono of the party bus been arrested and is now iu juil. A mafia meeting will be held at Milton, on oa Friday, the 2:id lust. Uev. Mr. Walker, of Uar rlsburg, will n Micsj the meeting. t"5'Cnpt I. R Diiukclbcrger, of the 1st Cavalry, If now statione'l lit Augusta, Mains, lie washers on a visit a few days since. lj'Thcolloction tiikeu up in the Herman Re formed Church, after the dedication sermon, on (Sunday morning last, for tho purpose of paying tho I'lpeusej of pointing and repairing the building, umuutitcd to Five Hundred and Forty dollars. Tlio cost of repairing; and painting, was ubout $1100. of which nbout $.Mff) hud been paid, leaving due about $'110, which this collection will nearly liquidate. Tim rmt.APKi.iTUA A Emu Uad. A through passenger train will bo placed ou this road next mouth, when it will he formally opened for ruisines. Tho truin will mom probably leave Phila delphia iu the crcuiiig uud urrivo at Frio curly the next niorniug. Ijs? Tim !?ot.ni nits' Vote. Arrangement should he made to secure tie soldiers vote, now that tin-law confers on them that riht There- are. perhaps, between 41'0 and 500 soldiers in the army. from this" county, entitled to vole, Sumo sixty tour of lbe.se arc from Sunbury. fTii:iE. John liingrieh, formerly of Se linsgrtne. but lately of Northumberland, went to t-eliusgruve ouuttnday week last, and on the even ing ol the same day ooiumitted suicide by hnniiig liiuiself on his father's garrett. Trouble mid dissi pation, il is supi'i. !, led him to this unfortunate end. JE See that tui SoLiumis aus Asitsssan. M'hilo our sons, brothers anil friends in tin Army are engaged hotly with the enemy in front, wo must not only attend to tho enemy in the rear but seo that our bravo bys do not lose their rights. On tho .loth of this umnthtiio time will expire in which as sessment enn be made. The law requires that every Toting soldier's nnuio must be assessed, and I lie lumi nal sum uf ten cents he paid, in order (list ho Uiuy bo entitled tu the right to vote, if your friends in the fluid aro too bu.-y tu se n 1 their names homo, or neglect it through any other cause, attend to it at once your.-elvcs. You know the districts in which they resided when they entered the service, Soo I'li.t t!,cir names are down on the assessor s lists of those disiricti, and tho small tux paid js'Tha following rocipe for the cure of Ague. Ac., has been handed to us for publication by a litdy f this plaoe, who has seen its efficacy tested in numerous eases, and always with success. We also have heard it recommended as an almost infallible remedy for this disease : 3 oi best Peruvian bark, 2 driu. Virginia Sueke root, 2 dries. Cloves, I oi pulverised Rhubarb and 1 drachm bi-earl. nate of soda, all Hiicly powdered aud intimately mixed To be tuken in twelve parts, in powders ; or pour I quart best wine or whiskey on the ingredi ents, and tako a wiue glass of tho tincture three tunes a day. As a tonic, a luhlo.uoiiful three times a day will be sufficient. There is sufficient streogilt iu the mgiedieuls to bear refuting- two ur three time fy TliiKVaa. Provision thieves have already commenced their depredations. Last week sumo vile miK'renut stole from the eellur of the Itev. Mr. (Jibsou a basket of Sue peaches that bad been pre seulodtohiiu that day, together with a roll of but- lr aud other articles. The Ice huuse of Mrs. lireuiiougu was also robbed a short liruu tiuce. 8uie arraiigemeuls should be tuade lo capture these uiid uight prowlers aud tend them where they properly belong, the pvniuuliay. A few nights since one of tb gentry was discovered in a new character, wrapped up in a sheet ; he was perfuriuiug the part uf a ghost upon Ike premises of one of our jsiliteua. Ibis follow ought tu be iu lb army, but he is douLlIesa a worthless there as here. (yTiia I'saiiiim or Liuaoisv. Though mo hi it abuudaul aud labor Is well paid tW, Ike liuta icjuie the pisolite uf the sirictm e'wuouiy, oa so- count of the high prieus uf Ike keecasariee uf Ids Hal Uiucb eu be doue In eoououiislug all Hiiueees aiy espeuMM Many half wutu gaimvuu, usually csxl aside van be repaired aud Used oue half luuger, end baioUl of uselass) lusuriae easi Imp dispsbssd llb I he auiuuui of luuary tutualiiue elpaadut iu a show, would pay for the butur euawuwed In the luiuilt fi r oue es.k. evea at the preseul btk pt uiee. i he piectwe uf lll.ls self dauial t Ussm UisIIms, I't liie sid, esll pate t the luile pneiu U will i -I 11 .aiai IJukia 41 U,ssssi- ad.y li.lal LjiUji J. It," S"ki u.ea teua4 u.l .1 aa aiia kd Iu fca Uwe ly I'skule 4km, u,u,l J.U lw.fcl; ,sl ,ut ess ! u it.tveit.e,4 mi4i4 iu "S lai4 4.4 tU-M.ku.4 uaA.ui. Ike .- m4 ) 'S". s e eaa, una) weuaj be a-4 ua.l t-i ' eass-4 its bi f Uu kw l-J '4 ike l 1 1 1- via,. 1 I x aiiwvsl to ! sa est 11. , eas ln'4. ! ile 4. a)vic4 UVe a ii ;.!.- eiae Its ll.sA 1 s il u. v., WMw .1 as b4iie 4-4 4 w ' s.Im. . la.e.iiisi.ie i . Hs-Wss S Ml -,.'S (y BfTOCKIHO AcciDtsr on Ma Tisoiieoo tao Railroad. One of the most terrible easualtlea which has ever bora our lot to record, says the Clin ton Republican, took place on the TangascooU Railroad on Saturday last, about one mile from the river and half a mile from the eaw mill. The En gine Westmoreland, an old thing which Is said to hsv been in uso on the various roads of this State for the last thirty years, and had bcon reoently fuir- chnsod by Mr. John Heaville for the Tangasoootao road, on its upward passage, blow up, killing four porsoni, as follows : John A. S.ilUmin, Engineer, was blown nlioiit thirty yards and was fouud lifeless, hanging over the eoupling of the first and second ears of the truin. His skull was badly fractured, his arm broken, and his bowels completely torn out. lie lived at Tun gasoootao. Leaves wife and child. George Shrank, Flroman. was found on the first track, about twenty foet from the engine. 11 is skull was broken in several places. Living when found survived till Sunday night badly scalded'. Lives in Lock Haven widower loaves three chldrcn. Andrew Greek and wife, of Rattlesnake, were passengers on the train, brother-in-law and sister of Saltsman, on their way to visit Bailsman and wife. Greek was found lyiug against the bank at the side of the road about twenty feet from the scene of the explosion. 11 is skull was fractured and his body considerably bruised. Killed instantly. Mrs. Uroek's body was fouud on a treo about fif cen feet from the ground, and twenty to twenty-fire from the engine. A piece of tho wreck struck her in the mouth, tore out her tongue and a piece of the upper jnw. carrying with it ont) side of the luce and skull, laying opob a dreadful wound In its track. The victims were all stripped of their clothes, which were scattered iu every direction, bunging o n the trees and lying Ou tho ground. They wore all very much scalded, and without any contusions they would probably uut have survived. Letter from tho Kiinbiiry sUnnrdsj. Near Ueuiiyvii.lk, Va., ) September 7, IStil. J Dear Wilteiit : For several days after the army had advanced up this valley, the meu were bu sily engaged in building iutruuehments and fortifying their position, two miles west of Uiurfettown. Ihiring thu entire night and the whole next day wero thu boys at work with the shovel and pick, carrying rails, &c, building breastworks for tho protect ion of the regiment, and scarcely was the job fin ished, tho I'ri'jht spade put aside, when "fall in"' was heard, unl the 47th was moved to another place to build other earthworks. Th is they done cheerfully, knowing the work was necessary ; and that it was for their ow n protection. The position held by our army, at that point, was excellent, aud so well arranged was our defences, that an attack uiudu on us by the enemy would liuve been dUastroUs to him, and addu 1 another name to the list of I'nion victories. The enemy knew tnis, uud after limling out Sheridan's strength fell buck towards Win chester, keeping his head quarters at Hun ker Hill. Our forces on last Saturday morn ing, then broke up camp, following them t wi'.liiu one mile of this place, wiieie wi found signs of the Johnnies. The Wtli cmps Lien. Crooks, commanding, was in the uu vautewho rested in lino of battle, v.illi arms stacked, for a couple of hours, w hi'.c pickets Wire being posted. Alter the pickets had been established tins commami went into camp, and hail just finished pitching their tents, w hich was uliout four o'clock 1'. M., w hen heavy ikiniiisliing was heard on the picket line. The. wliole command was rapiuly turned ont uud l'ttiiiied, ami 111. Aid to tueMippoit of tho pickets, who had ti-n dr.vcu I10111 fchmd some iiitrencliiuiius, wliicli they had occupied. 1-'miii fue correspondent of the 15:il'i;niie .lrWMi, 1 learn the follow ing facts of thu light : Tins OG'.h Ohio and Oth Virginia wire formed mid charged the enemy, driving tlum nut of the eiilieucliuieiits. A despe rate struggle now ensued, the rebels being determined, if possible, to regain ptiiscssiuii of these entn in iiiueiils. Willi tliis object in view they mns-ed lull two divisions ol their command and hurled them with their uccusti'iiied ferocity against our gallant lit i.e iiaud, who w ere supported bv bnth Tim- I hum's and Dm .ili's division. They were I handsomely repulsed every time they chang- etl, the co. lilu t la-ting long niter the sun ! initl set, and artillery liriug being kept up until il o chick. Our loss was about, three hundred killed ami wounded; that of thu enemy, from good iuioiuialii'ii, was ut least otic-third greater, besides lii'ty prisoners mid a stand of colors. While the fight vas going on, the fith and lUth corps were pushed forward uud took up several lines, bill not beiug needed, did i.ot share in the punishment given the re bels. On the next day, habbatn, the pickets had hard work and done it glea' deal of liriug w itii the enemy. A member of Com pany C, to w hich 1 belong, told me he lired iiity-lluee rounds at them. What punish ment was inllit led 1 cannot tell, on toe part oi the Jol. units, but to our meu, 1 know it was small ; two men of the 47th wounded bv the same ball, and they slightly. On .Monday the 47th was out on u rccou noisauee. Four companies were in advance a skirmishers, w ho soon were received by a shower of bullets from the gray backs, This did not, in the hast deter them, for they gave as good as they got, uud with the re giment pushed ou driving the enemy be I ore them. The main portion of thu regiment dare not tire, for if they did, thu shooting of our ow n meu would have been the conse quence, so they stood tho wbuziug' of bul lets about their ears, us well as could be expected, uiuUr the ctrcuinatiiiieit. In this work two members of Co. C, were wound ed. David Sloan, tlcsh wound in 'right arm I10111 a miniiiu bull, ami Benjamin McKillips 111 right baud. These wounds are slight, but ut the present time somewhat puiulul, nut an much so, however, us to prevent them enjoying that great luxury oi a soldier sleep. Cupt. Ouster wus struck by u bull, staggering him, but otherwise doing Uo injury. In his being hit there is a cireuni stance- couuected, that 1 cannot help but giving you, eveu you may put it down as a jlth aloiy, though lor tho truth tho whole company will vouch. Thu butt struck him nil thu back of his shoulder, Hindu a Uolu in In vest and shin aud nous iu tin co-it. Two members of Co. K., were wuuudud ouo of I hem has eincu tiled. The w hole- army havo been busily engaged in digging inlriucliuieiits, and tuiowino; up breastworks, and how occupy a very strong position. Whether Iheio will bi au engage ment here, or w lul the movements iro to be, I can form uu opinion lor ll theru was a tieiitral ever kept his thoughts, bliciidmt is 1110 one, mill u is all impoeaiiuiity i umi out au) thing until it is completed. For ma teri.il to wme 011, ous is toiitlDt-d In Ins own llilgude, and lluru isaoiuucll eaiiune.s ia that, that il would I but a rt pt-liliuu to atuU il Ik )ou, 11 1 wne to laku tlosVU I ho ' thnusaiid ami unu" ruuiois that iluily iuiuii into lump, 1 could till columns id thu .1 iaii, wwkly, but as 1 piibr toil. 1 hope )ou will li eallslli'l 1 wud )uu news avusl tM'taaioiiully. 1 arutu Iu you a ftw da( ago of thu pro- mollnlis lul umpauy I'., bul lot l,ai lu, ilid ii'il net 11 )'"i, 1 e.i.,1 tutiu agaiu : liuiin l tl,.lvf, I apUlu ; 111.411, M lies.. tilt ks, 1st uuliii4i.l; aud I hllslUit Ikld, end I it utiuald. I hi) aw tas.ll liked, aud In Hull m w piwilii'Ua yllU 4,llslt Imu, Wltlt Urn taxi'iim ol I bv aimuJul, t lass U) aie will, ii,tili vuultuitU wi'li lUnr lot, tiki) lUal HmJ ! a glial beuasili'g ll the y.,,..sSs thai la iltie In tbtltl. 1 1st, Ills 40I, will ls lullUtuUilkst ia l ilajs, Mil ,e,v le l jwlesil, Uwil aud old Ills iids, t liu.a.u, 1 Y A leJs'se-'yi U P W Forth AmerirxMt Ur. Editoti : Whatever may be the opinion of some, in regard to the policy of the administration, in the conduct of the' war, Alt pood democrats agree that the Union must be preserved, b? force if neces sarv. This is the doctrine or Gen. MrClcllnn anil nlne-tcntlis of the democracy. General Jlct'lrllnu also pays a high compliment to thu soldiers who havo sacrificed lifo, limb and health in the service. inKili r.ien who have perilled their all in defence of their country, should not bo forgotten, nor will they, when a proper opportunity, to reward tlu m, is at hand. Willi this object in view, I respectfully and earnestly ask every good citim-n, without regard to party, to give a helping hntid to John J. Hmilh, who is a candidate for tho ollico ofliegister & lie corder. Ho is a yotlng man well qualified for the oflirt. Ho left his father's farm in Point township, on which he labored, when his services were required in the army, and lost his leg in the great light at Chancellors Tille. Ho is therefore unable to work though in the prime of life. Such men should never be left uucured for aud who that has a son or brother in the army will refuse to support one of iis victims, when crippled for life, while galluutly fighting for his country. Am Old Iahe Democrat. . I'rom Mobilo. Fort Gaines, Sept 4, 1801. Ererything is quiet here, and there is no probability of immediate military movements upon Mo bile. The sunken rebel iron-clad Baltic still effectually blockades the main channel across Dog river bar, but tho Winnebago (dottblc-turreted Monitor) has found a pas sage through the obstructions to a point nearly opposite the city of Mobile, and can drop eleven and fifteen inch shells into the city at will. Tho Metacomct, Scbago and Kennebec have also reached the sumo place, and are in line of battle, ready to shell I he city at n signal from Admiral Furragut. Mobile is entirely at our mercy, and can be leveled with the ground at any time the Union commanders desire. The distance of the war vessels mentioned above from Mo bile is but three miles and a half, and their largest rifled guns cau throw shell into the remotest suburbs. Tho rebel rams and guuboats Arc in plane sight, but do not make thu slightest hostile demonstration. They .seem to have had enough of Furragut and his Meet in the re cent combat. A Wisconsin exchange says, on tho faith of a private letter, thut times are awful hard in Canada. No business done, w ages not sufficient to pay board, and almost impos sible to get work at anything. The coun try is overrun by skedaifdlers from the Uni ted States and the Confederacy, while thou sands of Canadians are leaving for the Slates to procure work. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS I JUST OPENED Fall & Winter Goods, AXD POLD CHEArEK THAN ELSE W II EKE ! ISAAC FTJF.1A1T. Ia Zctli'inoyor's Building, opposite Ui-arharl's Con-fi-ctionery Store, Market street, Sl'XIH'RV, l'a., HAS just oprntd a well selected assortment of litiods. which ho offers (oi sale at very low prices. FOrtEUJN AXD DOMESTIC, such ns Cloths, Cassi mures. Muslins. Khoetiu):, Tieking, Calicoes, le Luiues. Bilks, tiinliaais Ac , Ac. II A'l'S mid t'.I4 of every descriptien. NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Cotititiiij; of llWiery, Ulovcu. Thread, Ituttniip, Su:i.fiH.rni, Necktie!. CuMnrfl. J Inm. kerchief, lliiir J J r 1 1 1 1 y . Tooth Hrufhei, Ktmey Jfc'tul lrcwft'(i, Jinl nionil Skirt. Uoop'Skirt. rnrpet-lmjrs, Trunk. Va li'-ott, Vmiiri'lltu. I'ottou-Viirn, Sonpg, uotl ouniuruus otlicr urticlcB too tedious to mention. HARDWARE, such ns nnils. hinires nml screws, door latches and knobs, aud CL'TLKHV of every description. Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Glass, l'utty, Ac, Ac. 4iif'iivt uro mid alniNvurc of eirry l-M-rit ion. STONE AND EAKTIIENWAHE. An extensive Stock of rtitnjrOSL'd of Snjrar. Coffee, Ton. Ilioe, Corn-Mareh, Mnbi.cfl. Cn miles, Meat, i'iith, theette. Suit, Tobucco, ana ccnrg. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. lso, o smwsaka. Csssm i. s- CZ OWaiJ i fur lnen. women and children. All kinds of Couutry 1'ruduco taken in exchange lor UOOllS. hunbury, PeptlOlWM. i.aiii:m imx v i i KM ! AT JOHN FAUEIIU'S 11 ahlUbcd Fur MANUFACTORY No. 713 JAHCII Street, above 7lh., miLAD'A I have now In store of my own Importation and Mauufaoiure, ene of the LAItiiKST and most BhAimiL so lections of I nnry l ara, for Ladies' and Children's Wear in the City. Also. a Sue assortment of Heat's Furlllovea k Collars. As my Furs were all purchased when (Juld was at much lower premium than at preseul, I am enabled lo disixsie of Iheiu al terv reasonable prices, and 1 would therefore solicit a call from tuy friends of orrnumberlanil county, ana vieiuiiy. It" Keuiembor the name. Number and Street I JOHN FAKr.lHA, TIA Arch Street abuve 7th. eouih side, Pept .10, l'.t -im I'lULADKtrillA. I ff I have no Parmer, Buf euooeelloD with any otlitr store Iu railadelpuia A CAHD TO TllK fUFFERlSO. O WALLOW iwoor thrre hoii-hrails of Doehu, l7 "luiiio llillets," "Marsaiiarlila." "Nervuus Ah lidoloa," lo.. to . tu., and after you are saiisitrd Willi Ilia result, and one Ix.s of Old I'll HI I'll AN KiiKlish MpeciAe fills and be rssturd lobaalili and visl'ir lu loae inau Ibiny dart. I bat are nuri ly ve gvUble. pleaaaul lo lake, prouiil and salulary iu Ibuir vOacle ou the brukeu iIumu and shailarvd es.n siliuiiou. Hid aud young e lake lli.us with ad Vantage. luiputl4 aud suld lu Ibe I iuil Mai.) vulyby JAM It ill TI.KII. No 4JT lir..ay. N.w Vik t ST Aa'UI fiar the I ulled males F. I AB-'lol Ibe I'llls. swuly packed, will be uiailed lu au aldiea uu leuvipi of price, wbirh UliNfc Id'LLAK, p-aMpatd 1-su.M.ey I cl undid by Ibe ji.ui ii so iii aausisiiioSi is aul aueit. Bc, IS, ao Sui . lira let MM lllllMry ('tsllrsjei, ALLUITOWN, VA. H. it L ll'il'I'tillli. A M , IWdsal. i r.i ki.Mx'Uks', upsiiuuud.ul uf Ihi Milllaiy l'a art waul Vla usiiiuiu, kulf4 by Ibe Male uf feus,. s.lsai.1 anb UU t oilasiaie aaasa, will .uu Ha H si tasl"U Sups u ll I laouii u aau4al k.1 au i-aa.'uu 1'laa.isal. sKuui.ka.au4 kij.lajj e4 siuaaJ.1 U).Ui.l laUis,UI Ill's aie s.ii.-i us Ibe 'i.u.i) l'ii-a.ai.las.4 I -llssiale ly.iaslu.suu Ivsi susulas a44eee ibe rssujaul Ji U. l4e iuj 1 A I rase I of 1 1 ess Isar laottsl. bti.sj lies wu isiiii. iaiku.a iksel H IWai I li lkS :ttX-s' Vesiseles i vlu Us Ml MAsvtk Vsy a r 4 Tnsi peculiar taint or Infection which wo call 8cnon;t.A htrkt in the constitutions of multitudes of men. It cither produces or is produced by an en feebled, vitiates) slut of tha Mood, where Its' that fluid becomes m eornpetent so tuln the vital force 1 their vigorous action, end leaves the system to fall Into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination i va tiously caused by mercurial disease, Insy living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, tho depressing vices, and, ahovo all, by the venereal Infection. Whatever be its) origin, it ii hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to children unto tho tlikd and fourth feneration ; " Indeed, it ecmi to be the rod of Him who says, " I will Visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon their" Children." The diseases it originates take Various names, according to the organs M attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produce tubercle, and finally Consumption; in the plands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaint ; on tho skin, eruptive and cutaneous affection. These, all having the tame origin, require the lame remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion of the blood, l'urify the blood, and these dnngerou distemper leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that "life of the flesli" liaalthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual antl dote that medical science ha discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entail. That it is far stipe rior to any other remedy yet devised, i known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtue truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, ia indisputably proven by the great multitudu of publicly known and remarkable cures it ha made of the following disease) King's Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas. Rose or St Anthonv's Fire. .Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuDercuious deposits in tho lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole cries of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute report of individual case may be found in Atf.k's American Alhakac, which is furnished to the druggists) for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the direction fur it use, and omo of the remarkable cure which it has made when all otlicr remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have acces to soino one who can speak to him of it benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses tho vital energies, anil thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and it fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tend to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led u to spend year in perfecting a remedy which i adequate to it cure. This we now Offer to the public under the name of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of SartajKtrilla in alterative power. By it aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders, l'urgo out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow, liy its pecu liar virtue this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thu expels the distemper wluch lurk within the system or buret out on any part of it. We know tho public have been deceived by many compounds of. Sartaparilla, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. It virtue have been proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no question of it surpassing excellence for the cure of the aQlicting disease it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which has ever been available to them. AYEH'S CnERRY PECTORAL. Tho World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for tho relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long used and to uni versally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that iu quality is kept Up to tho best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever dune. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayeb & Co., i'racticai and Analytical Chemiiti, Lowell, Mas. Bold by ail druggist every where. Bold l,v l-'riliiiir A lirant. Hutiburv. II. II. McCoy, Northumberland, Aaron llurrol, Klysburu, W. It. Kutsnvr. huiuokiu, . P. lli'KUi. Watsontown. A n J hy all di-nlcrs ia Medicines every wh:ir. Aagust'lM, lSiil. ly FANCY IIKY GOOD ST01IE. MISS KATE BLACK, RKlSPKCTFl'LLY informs her friends in Sunhury and virinilv, that she has opeued a New Store ol Notions and i'micy dry goods, iu Market street, lour doors west of in. Jt. .Millers lioot and Mioe store. Her stork consists of Triwiuings. nations, em broideries, Ladies and Childrous' hats and .linkers; silk and other linings, Lawns, Uinghuuui, Corsets, llonp-skirts, Crape and Lace Veils; Nets, gloves, stiK-kings, rollers, and corstts. and many other arli cles fur ladies ami gentlemen ; all of winch will bo sold at the lowest prices. h.Vlfc 1ILACH.. Aunbury, May .'I, IMil. . of ire lo lilvrs) by tli .orlliern iVulrul ICuilvv uy. IN accordance with the provisions of Ibe new In ternal Htteuue law, ti bi-oomet iiei't-h.nry ttiai ail reoeipls giveu by this I'oiojiaiiy fur merchandise received fur lraupirialiin. ahuuld bear an INTKlt N AL ItKVK.M t hTAMP ol the value ol lso amis, the risius, ol lhe aulue In ba boiue b Ibe parly riM)eiviUa; such rii.-eipis. All receipts taken by this l'oiuauy for merchandise delivered lo eoaaiueea, ill be slain pel by said Cuinpauy. Consigujtts reouirina; a receipt from the Company fur money paid hr treight (wheu ssoeediog twuul dullais,) uiusl attis Ihe siaiup. J. N M' UAKKY, lleneral huperiuleudent. Office of lli nrral Foperlnleudaut Nurlhera I Cenlial lUilaay Co., liallu., Aug Jo, it j St l.ai kanuuuu A llluussiburi( Hull rtsiitl. 0 N and after Jaa lath, Poasvugur Trains ill lua a ollus : MUVIMU WHT1I. l'jl4Mgtr. Laav Ksianli.a, klua.i". U V. M ' liluouukUls 11 Hupall, 1'ki.ville. V I Anlveal )uilliuu.beilaiid, 4 WoM.SU MU1U Lsats NvleuUf!et4, IS A M l'ai.llla, kill Hi.pi.ll, IK luuaLuif, 1 " kifc"-, 14 II F M anise at skiatiiua, IS ii.Ll Ifswss,! sas (lissl.iM l II t M rsaassis latti-i ibe alail iia-a Ssui) as.asl Ilk taa s.M.se Wasa liwaa K-'SitaawlM)4las.4 asm lt4 U HaiiuLuig, a I ae A al . balinawsa I oo 4 M as.4 at l'l.ila4.iAi. at I M 4 M Ik Mail liens 1 1 umi Puii)au.t..ia44 l.iM.w.s-itai.lji IU4 Iks aiii.ai ol U S.SO.MSS Kaie lies Uaiiis4.ilt al llaliiesuie, lu. resaweMMS Uaiikg slila4l ki 4 I tu tf U , Mi Iwl vibt e lia lw4 deuwsj lie a. si k. a4 a4aa.l llebsk east aaetmimt. U H.U Isa ks aaw.li VK.m. k ..aUU 4 asUv4, Use) ) kMia4 a K 'MLjU ti;T.ir.in i.vi-sis -m itix.i.it Tha ONLY tuliabla self-Adjusting Wringor. No Wood-Work to Swell or Split. No Tbtwib-Sorew to got oat of Order. Warranted with or without Cog-W0cls. It took the FIRST PRKMIVM at Fiftr-Sorea Stat and County Fairs in ISC,., awl is, wilhsnt aa uep tion the ssst Wrings evrs toado. I'atmtod in tha Vnitod Btatos, England, Canada, and Austraria tvitnpla Wringer rt, J i pros pAid, on reooipt of Prioo. Cuesgetiongenta can moke froat 3 to 10 Dollars per dny. No. J.$rt.4t). So 1,17.50. No. F.R50 No. A.S4 SC. Mtinufitrturrt! and sold, wholesale and retail, ty TllK PI TNAM MA511 FACTl Rl.NU CO., ITo-13 PtattSlfsot, ffott Yor!e. and C-levrlnnd, Ohio. x 8. C. NOHTHKOP, Aganl. WHAT FYfcXBODT KNOW, vis: That Imnwoll galvnnioil will not rust; 1'hnt a simple machine Is bv iter than a oumfilioated ono ; That n wringor shoulj he self-adjusting, dartsble, and ofs-rent ; That Tnnih-Srews and Fastsninifs cause delay and trouble to rsgafats ad koep n ord-r ; That wood bearings far the shaft to run in will wear out ; Ts the Pntnam Wringer, with of witSoot eog wriwrVs, will not tear the clothes ; That cog -wheel rrirotators ara n essential ; 'f mil the Ptrian Wrinutr bus all the aslTantagsa and not one rif the disatlvontagea above named : That all who have tasted il, Jroncmuoe il lb best Writer erer made; That H will wring a Thread or O Bed-Qoilt without alteration We might fill P paper with testimonials, but In aertonlya few to o"fiTince the skeptical, it suoh thrro he ; ami we any to nil. test Putnam's Wriugor. Tost it THOHIH Ulll.Y with AS Y and ALL, others, arid If sot entirely satiafrutory, return H Pl TSAH MA.L'rACTCRIXa Co : tluntlomen ; I know from fTarHiml esprriense that irou wull galrnnisod with sioo will nut oiidise or rust one particle. The Putnam Wriugt-r is as near perfect as possible, and I caa eheerlully ra commend it to bo the )n-st in use Respectfully y(nrsf iNt. W. W HKKLKK. Cleveland. Ohio. Many years' experience in tha galvanizing busi ness enable me to indorse the above statement lu all particulars. JNO. 0. LEFFERTfl, No. ltltl ileekman titreet. New YorV.Junnary. We huva tested Putnum's Clothes Wringer by practicnl working, and know that it will do. It is cheap ; it is simple ; it require no room, whether at work or at rest ; a child can operate il ) it doe its duty thoroughly ; it saves time and it saves wear and tear. Wo earnestly advise all who have much washing to do, with intelligent persons who have any, lo buy this Wringer. It will pay for itself in a year at most. Xluu UUKACK UKK KLti'. June IS, 1861. Tho Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that subscriptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 15th Sfi4, with seuii-unnuul interest at the rate of seven and throe-tenths per eent. per annum, principal and interest both to be paid iu lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity, into six-per oent. gold bear ing bonds, payuhlo not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the governinct may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $50, $100, 5UU, $l,0lltl and $i.Ul)0, and all subscriptions must be lor fifty dollars or soino multiple uf filty dollars. The notes will bo transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after tho receipt of the origiual Certificates of Deposit ad they ouu be prepnrcd. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposts subsequent to that date must pny the interest accrued from data of note to Jute of deposit. Parties depositing twcnly-fivo thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a couimissiun f one-quarter of ono per cent., which will ho paid by tho Treasury Department upon tho receipt of a bill for the r.uiouiit, c.-rtifi -d to by the ofiicer wilh whom the deposit wus mode. V deductions for coiumiscions must be uiudu from the deposits. FiM-lal AdvaulaKt's ol i1s!m Lotus. It is a Natiosal Savinhs Hank, offering a hilu er rate of interest thun any other, aud the Irst seen, rity. Any savings bunk which pays its depositors in V. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in tho be?! circulating medium of the country, umi it ciiitint pny in anything better, foj iis own assets aro either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permit. Iient invo.Htm-nt. The notes can always be sold tor within u fraction of their face uud accumulated inle. rust, and arc Ihe best security with banks as colla terals for discounts. CONVK1U1M.E INTO A SIX PER CENT S-20 (J OLD UOXD. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for throe years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent per auuuiti, for the cur rent rato for 6-20 llonds is uot loss than nine per crutt premium, and before the war the premium on six perceut. I'. 8. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will bo seen that the actual profit on this loan, at Ihe present market rate, is not teas than tea per cent, per annum, ITS EXEMPTION FROM PTATE Pit MUNICI PAL TAXATION. But aside from all tha advantages wa baee enum erated, a special Aot of Congress rcm;ij all luii la (tnil Trramry iwlrt rum lucal tajratiun. On the average, this exemption is worth aoout two per cent, per auuuiu, according lo Ihe rat of taxatiou in vari ous parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great lu dui'Cmonts lu lenders as I hose issued by the govern ment. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith and ability of private parties, or stock eouipanies, or separate coiuuiuiiiiius, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole properly of the country is held to secure tho discharge of all the obligations of the I'niled Stales. While the government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, il believe that the very strongest appeal ill he lo Ihe loyally and patriotism of the people Duplicate eerlltleate will be iasued for all deposits, Tho party desiaitiug must endorse upon Ihe snyiio ul eertifieata the deuominailous of Doles requited, nd bother they are iu be issued ia blank or paya ble to order Wbu so tu lorsod II uiusl be left wuh lb ofiicer receiving the deiosil, lo be (ufaarded lo lb Treasury Department. fubauriptiuu will b reouived by lb Treasurer uf the I nils I tilaloa, al Washington, Ihe eral A.' si.lanl Treasurer and designated Depuailauiea, and by lb llral .uiIohuI I lists la s" Ulliwii, .ttttt by Mil .Mliottul llNUltSj which are da(.usllarle of Publig uwaty, et4 all Ikruaj-a.ul lbs aouuiry, (aellug as Igeiiutuf lbs Ne Uotial Depuaiioiy Uaiiae,) Bill furulak further tutor halloa ua pplketha sod AHfoHli KVWY FACILITY TOal kBChlULlli Angus U Wl (' () 1 L i: (i K, kl l lk,UlMi:, sauyslrr ., m, f I ill k Fell r"ael 4 tins losiiiaii- -.Mi !.,,. va a IUtst.Ut, At iii lob. tee w u,iai lilkef kji.ub.l IHIMi 1U i-r.iiis HI' ll' M I KH . ti i'i.. w u.ii.g eikirsm-i Haw t.l k4 I i,l.l al lnu.fc ,u all v i .-In hk4 l le I . lL(wie itlli.M.I .1) . la 4 lik.ial h1.U.i a-aia.i. u4 4 ia Dl l aw. j,.,a l4 ll44 tWUsUlla, kl t ii 4Uis el I If W . U all. 4'i.je4, NEW SUMMER GOODS AT m. 1 ST0RF. UAV r. jost retiirniMl rmm Philad-'lphia with one or ihc luriT'i and best aelcutcd s;ueks of Ooijds uvci brou-;ht to Suuliuiy. DRY GOODS! F0RE1ON AND DOMESTIC, such ai Cloths, Ca-I-meres, Mucins, Hheeting. 'J'iekifsc;. Calic?. fio. lalues. Klunnels. and all kinds of .MlllRNINleljooils, Alpaenas, Itlaok Silks, tlingkams, Balmorul and 8keto Fkirts. Canton Flannels, Nankeens. Car peiinif vt all kinds. HATS SC CAPS. NOTIONS &; VARIETIES, Comprising. Hosiery, (Mores. Thread, Iallns, Sus pciidfrs. Nifk-tic-s, Collars. llandknMMvk), Hair Ilru.-hos. Tooth Hrushes. Uom I'.ib bvu and Cord, tape, rrttchetdjraid, Worked collars, fnnsy head dresses. tidyeHtoS). enrpot binding, combs, fnncy vsips. carpet bags Trunks, Valises, tiAbrellus, lllauk Uooks, Palf, Envelopes, Aa. fflf t y'm. bb at a s TaW.iiiiiii: Of nil kinds, such ns Nnils, llingas and Screws, liisir Lateheaaud Knobs, Locks, and CCTLKHY ol every dcsoriptiiiu. Also, le, Prntra, Paints, Vnrr.lsl,c, YM. Kl:iacil anil lli nitic fil.i. Ulna, l'utty, kr. lur-ss.wvmre nnrt 1h)V rsro of all Kisislsi. STONE AND KAHTIIENWAKE. An Fitcnsive Stock of GROC E U I E S, Composed of .Mogar, CitPre. Toas, Rice. Corn-starch, Moooaroni. fiirli'y. Making-powder, molasses, soups, oaiidlcs. tobacco and stgitrs, slt, I i.'li, Meat, Checae, As., to, Also, a large variety of .WJaVaJj fer Men. Women and Children ( ey All kinds of liraiu and Country Produoe taken iu exchange f"f (IimmIs. Oive us a cull bi-f ,re you purchase elsewhere, we are bound to sell as low a any one eUe. Store-rsim in Ira 'f. Cli-menl's building at tho souih-westcoruer id M;irket .junre, Lear tha Court Mouse. tiuhbnry, May 21, l.sr,4. Sunbury High School, VlTILIj re-open in the old Haptist Cliuroh. on tho fV first dny of August. The course of Inlructi-.-n enibraces all the branches taught iu Auadeiaies abd Heniiaariee of the highest grade. TKHMS 1'F.B PBSKIOS Of 21 WKRKS. Fit Issngnn ancient and modern includ ing all other branches. !5 i Natural Hoicn'os, Algebra, Oeometry, eta. I 'l W) Advanced (lrnrnuinr,Gcugr.iphy, Hisiury, Ao., 13 INI Ittidiincma of above, lu CO Primary, b 00 Incidental expei?es, 60 Tuition pnvahle quarterly in advance. No deduction made fur hut time. Pupils can enter at any time, and will only be charged from the date they enter. For further particulars apply to the Principal, E. P 1UIUUAC1I. Sunbury, A"gnst 6, lrf4. tf . EMPORIUM, InrKel !iiiari-, l ICI ItV, ln. HA VINO just returned from the City with an en tire new stock of I)i-iist, 'li-iii'iil. Icrf!iinfTy and Toils-i Arli-l- to which he invites his fiiends nnd the public gener ally, to call and examine. The 1 'rugs mid .Medicine" are all selected from the best importing houses in the Eastern market with ihe greatest care iu, to puri ty and efficiency and avoiding as much as po?ible, the iutroductioiiof delerious nostrums. PATNT MEDICINES Of all kinds, such as Ayer's, Jaynes, McClintock. llollowavs. Wisharis. llia.nsnds. chenks. lironu's and all other jvpular patent luediciues, always on baud. BRUSHES, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Clothe aud Paint Ilrushes. Special care is takcu to keep on hand constantly every variety of TAINTS AND CHEMICALS, Suitable to the trade. Fancy Toilet Articles nnd tho numerous articles winch .ne generally kept in a well conducted ealub- h l.i..c:,t. ; J it conned ion with the above nrlicles. he nlso keeps on hand a lure ns-or:ineiit ol STATIONERY, '"eh as Paper. Euvelopes. Pens, Pencils, ltiks. Ac. li, Plijaiulan's prescriptions and family receipts I compounded v, ith the great est accuracy and dispatch, , at ALL liOl H.S lMiy or Xighl. I Itemeinber the place. Market Square, under the oliicc oi liie --sunuury American It. A. FIStllEH. t-unbury, June 25, lSiil. TOH I.O I S I oi: MAI.I'. rjvllK undersigned will sell at prlvato sale. TAVl'N' I. TY-SIX TOWN LOW, situate in Ihc borough of Sunbury. The lots are located within a few squares of the Pennsylvania ltailroad Company's .Machine Shops, iu Ihe northern part of tho lown. They are all suitable building lols, siluate in the must pleasant portion of the boroogh. They will be sold on rcft eouable terms. For further particulars apply to PETER 11. MASSEK, II. II. .MAS.-Kit, FKANClSliU'CHER. Punbary, .Tune 1t, lSiil. Executors. ETTER OF ADVICE FOR LADIES FIVE ANATOMICAL EN'O It AXlNtiS. lias iuf'-rmatiou never before published. Hunt rflur lu a scaled envelope for Tr.tf cents. Address Dr. STANFOllD. BosNu4.A52.iNcw Yolk P.O. July 9, 1R6I. 3iu CONTINENTAL CLOTHING BAZAR. 'oi-u-r of .tliii-krt Mifiiure A. Ituml '!, S U X Ii U K V, 1 E X X'A Itail. H'.M.MKH Sl'tiC IC Ol' KKADV MADE CLOTHING, Of Ihe newest styles, cut by tho best Arlisls. trimmed and made i-qual'to custom work, aud sold at ihe lowest prices. .vlt-ss Mini lloy'it Clullilsiif of the best ma terial c.'Lsi.linat ol Dies. Cuts. 1 rock Cuiis. Sack Coals, punts, and Vests ol various volora aud quali ties HESILEMEN ti Ft UNl.-lll.VI llik'lt, such as Shirts, Hver-.l.iris. I ii.lai.lurls. Drawers, t'oliai.. Cravats, Nicklie. Uaiidkeiebiels, SluckiuuS. tiloii-s, A. Itltla tlUtl 4'lla) Ol'ull lalstUa. IIOnTS AXD SHOES, VlllNKS. YAl si:s, CM- HHEI.bAS and NO'lln.SN if all kind., and nume. roua oilier ailicii-a. Ihe public are invited lo call and rl .li, Stink Itvtiieuibar the pbtce, "I'oi.iinet ul 4 1- l.u ; Coluor ul Maikal Niu uu au I II e I X ll.Vllili Hunbuiy. July t. vt I; ur A'B'JSIvC'J llMIrl i:ut-lu.lli ulli-i' 4 u, IHiVOT 1 Ms K..L iu.. 1, N.is Y-aS The khole Comnauv aie ki-w all lbs well I aa Ike .SUM ol lbs tln 1'lefc.lelk.i.e "I Jki. I bale, ia ut Ibe Dmi-u Arf Uli.a aulas H-a Ui,.'l Uioli.ipoli.el. l I'. v ua Ibe lll. ke Ibe uidai.'ua. twao ia a f iaia-t Ibm ..la Aw.l la lbs t kit. I akd lu ike lluil.b I l-,- h ..i a.il bate lu bis IiS.ivui la . I I ,1 Ua. bl. k I". l-iiai.l "I ! k.ai..a.ul 1. iu . a.il i.l s-wNi.,l"h tli.1 U-I.ie t lkliul. ad la Ik I. I ,,.ll kUl ll,Sl I H A'u..ka ... I fl.i... -I k.'-ls a 4 H.UIJ Ivai I i U .l if 1 1 ihu lu i a. a. ail .uwaia a. -i llmJol ol ka Ik. s44 wa Is-atia, I ut- a o ll l. Hi .ul ka -uh, !,.!. al 11,. is la tkilf abl ikak.kl kuaab.sa, kaa, lis ,t. au4 4.-"k I 4 !..,-.. m lui a I 1 . I "a kl saail a-' , Ha I ---' i.p.v (l t..la a, 1.. i .a I i,l,iHlv l I JkVnikH I A-;i A ll I) DlOESTt V K O II o A Kg Ara Curve! ly II 0 0 1-' LAND'S German Bitters, 'i-ss .IV IS 9 Theso llittors hate pevhrn,e.. morti Cures f Itivo and do C'ivo r.ctlor .Saii-l'iction ! Have more 1 stimoiiv ' Hn'o wioro llesi ect.-iWo I'co;. to Vou-li for Tu iu '. Than any olhi-r.iiniele in the market. We d -fv any ON'' t contradict this Aswrtiin, ai n.a. pay tiitMio Ti any ote lbnt will prodoci- a Certificate published, Hy v, I but is not kkni ink. HOOFLATil) fEHMAN UITTEHS. Will nure e,ry rasa of Chronic or Nervous I bility, Jii'i nseof in,. Kv.lm y.i, uu I Diseases aiiring tioin difxH-rod .toina.-u. (iii.i:itVK Tin-: vo.i.i.owixt, symptoms KcniltiLg Iroui Dif.-rdcis of the Digoativo Organs : li.nard Pile-, l'uliii r lllood thu Head. A.-ldily nl the ."to. mnch, Nau-ea. Hc:irt,uii). Di-u! .r Foo-1. l'ulne.- ir V'-iir is. il,c loftoo-h. Sour Eructations, dnkir.or or HuM-rtng at the Pit of tha .Stomach, .wilniiiltig o! (he ll, iri. Hurried and DitVi cult liri-aihine. Fluttering at Dor Heart. I'liokinior utt iCHifig Sef.-alions v.'u:u in u linj po-:nre. D:in !,; of V, irion. Dolt or M ,-l t..f ll,c .:iht. lever ard Doll l'i,:n in lb-i, I. I'cij'-ji n'-y of i1. r-i-.ra-livr . Yili-wn. -o -f t:.t .-i-u i.d Eye. Pu n iu ri'le, lis--!. ( i.s:. L:u,. Ac. i-ud lea i.u-i.e. f il-.-at. t-j-iiir. if. :h'i ll'., Cjr..-u; I Js,-.L-t-.L:i.- ol A.wi, ai.1 jjr'.s: lo.j res-.ii p.zirczircsz:?. TUAT THIS BITTE1.3 IS NOT ALCOHOLIC, CoiilaliiH no Rum or cVSiisikt-y, Anil can't msk Drunkards, but is tho Best Tc-uio in the World. Brail 11 ho Saysi So: From the Itev. Levi O. Deck. Pastor of the. P iptist Church. Peiubert.'ii. N. J., formerly oi" ibo N r;li liaptist Chuich, Pbiludcliibiu. I have known Hr, ni l's (iernwni Hitters f.ivora bly for a nuuiln-r id years. Ihateu-cd tln-ni inniy own fatuity, and have been S.) pleased WUii :l;eii-cfle.-.ts thai I was induced to reooiutio nd th-ni t ma ny others, uud kn-cv Unit liicy have oM-r.i!-' i hi a strikingly beneficial n. aimer I lake I'real pUa.-mo in thus publicly piocl.itiiiin tLis tact, an-l c.ilii.. tl.o atteulion of thesu ullln ie.l ith the disease ,.r wl icii they recommended, to ihe-e I'.uters, knowing from esperience that ifty recouinu n-l.i:i..n will be sti-taii.-cd. I do tliis more cheerfully a IbK ll ind s llitien Is intended lo benefit the atlliclcd. and is "not n rum drink.'' Yours truly. EEN'lU.DECK. From llcv. .1. Neivion l'.ionu. D. I' . E liter of tlio Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, nud Christian Chioiiicle, i'niUiicllliia. Altlioujh not disposed to favor or recommend Pa tent .Medicines in general, through d'strust uf their ingredients and etleds. 1 y.-t know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not tesiify to the beiutits ho believes hiiusclfio have received Irom any .-iu,pie preparation, iu the li ipe thai he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do tins Uu-more readily in regard to Hoofland'J Herman Hitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. .lacks. u. of this Clly, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the mipi-e-sioii ihat ihcy veio chiefly an alcoholic inilurc. lain in-ielted to my friend Hubert Slicoinakcr, Esq.. t-r tlie removal ol this prejudice by propir tesis. and t--r c:.cour:.ge nieiit to' try them, vlu-u suilciing l oin gie.il and long conlinued debility. 'J lie ue of llnce l.ollle-ot' these Hillers. at tlie beginning of the pieseut yi . r, was loliowcd by evident relief uud risionttioi, to u ilegrec of bodily tut 1 uieiit.il vigor which 1 bad not felt lor six mouths bi ftM-e. and bad alitio-t ile.-pail ed of regaiiiing. I llieteloro thank l-iud and my tiiend for directing to the use of them. J. NEWTON DROWN. From the Itev. Jos. 11. kcuuurJ, Paslot uf tlu loth Dtiplist Church. Dr. Jackson : Di-nr Sir : I have been frequently requested lo connect my name vvitii couiuuli t.iln.i.s ot ditleieut kinds of medicines but leM.i.ng tho practice us out of my appiopiiuto sphere. I ii.ncin all oases declined ; but uiiil u clear prool in v arnois instances, and particularly in my family, of tl.o i;-t -fulness of Dr. Il.s.tliiii l .- 0,-ruiaii Ditlcis. I depait for once from u:y Usual course. 1-) expies my full eoiivielion that. 'for general dcbiluy of tlie ,i.-tii,i aiiilespceiallylorLiverCuinptaint.il is u sate and valuable pret-aralioii'. In sonic cases it may fail 1 but usually. I doubt net. it will be very bemucial ts, those who sutler from the ubuv c cause. Yours, very respectfully, J. 11. UENNAUD, Eiglab below Couies Street, Pliiladi iphiu. From Uev Warren Randolph, Past, r of llaptist Church, Oeiuiautuun, Pcuu. Dr. C. M. Jackson: Dear Sir: Personal expe rience enables mo to say that 1 ugard I in, licr-.o.iu liltlers. prepulid by you US u Il.osl excellcl.l mul,- cuio. lu eusua ol severe cold und general d loiity i have bovu greuilv benefitted bv liie useot the lUlu-re. Yours, ll uly', WARREN RANDOLPH. Oeiui.illluwu, Pa. From Uev. J II Turuer. l'ustor of HedduiJ -M. E". Iburch. Philadelphia. Dr Jackson Dear Sir : Unv lug used your tier man lliiler. iu my luuiily trequeuii 1 um t-rep.nc.l to suv lk.lt It has beeu uf gieitt seivne. I la-iicvtl th.it iu most ca-cs ,d general dcbiluy of ihe sy-l. in it is the safest aud moat vuluiible reiuedy ol auuti i have any kuuwledgc. Yours, rospacitiilly. J II. TntXElt. No. 72 N. Nllieteeuth 911 eel. From Ihe Rev J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor ot thu Columbus .. J aud Milvetonu vi'a ) U. pn.-l Churches. New Hochello, N V I'r C. M. Jackson ; Dear S.r: I lie! u a plea sure thus, of luy omu acouid, to bear ic-.tiuj.aiy 1. 1 liie l-Xeelleliew ol Ihe lieriuau Ullters. Souic u.1.1 since beinj much uifti -ted aith 1is,-)m,is. 1 u.c.l till 111 WlIU ve.y bll Uoial la-lills. ili.ne.ilun le- e inuiendcd 10 pc i.s voicci-ltd by 1l1.1t i.'iuon.uig dis-i'we. and I, ,vc b...ld liolu ibclu the lu "i ,l,u i. 111 I, s'ioi-ioi.iI, us to lit. if ,iuui Value lu e e. - ,.t' lUclal ,U o.iil v , 1 tHi.le V o ll lu tc a loi.lc 11, .1 c iu- iiwtOe.iiip.ia.vd J M LVe'Xi Frou) t!.e Rev Tin's v no. r, P.iaior of ll. b ivugii li.ipli.L Cbui.U Dr Jaikou ,-Dear ."or -I 1,1 it due n. y..,r fk., llel.l pi tq.41 .illew. li.M.ll.,0.1 . It, I uo.ti loll' I - i a Id U, ll.! 1..M. I t" Ihc d . I I 1 I 1,,'ll.tt, 11 ,1 1... ol.l.itlo-d. I liu, e l.'l nils, al lino, 10,11 li,.,.' . I Hlit.l .l K, ,,l IU lo,) lll.l .1.1 I'll li - - , Ol I .o ...Klo.l l, .1 loo. I ' ll - I.m.i , U-..I1 !.,. I ""I " "id liJl' I ;i..lt U.ol Ml.iVj .v ! I all I i u. I,. .11. I, ' I ., 11. 10 1 lul.., o, 1., u.i, i I ..... .1 I .... a . , .0 a. ,1 .e .....c I I... . 1 k ., U . .,. ..... . o o. . , 1 1 . , I UUl ilOV I'l'O. uo4i- i 1.1 y ,1.1 U ,1 I .1 J I ha.'pvillui )'-,., I Unlii. J I. ,u . r- I'.ou, R.I J ll :.a 1 I...,. I. h . lo I' M J . ll .,i.. I ., u I',., , lia, v ot , . 1 a-. .1 1. ., . r ii,.- .1. in. ... ii,: , u.. 1 ... ! -a r. ... 1 .1-1 1 1. 1., I. I, 1 1. . . ) la...-, 1 ... 1 a, I 1. 1 .11. I'. 11 1 . ... I jot a ll , .11 iu I s I.. ...1 1 1. , . I lu lo ...I. alb. 1 ... u 1 - hi; ai.t, ie, .,, J l ll. I. U k.V 4 ..ICS .. ,U. 1 I I , I . -I sol qiiU'.l.l.l I I , .1 ' .1 u. I .. . I . II I k..ll S.l. iio .l .l II I a I ..I I 4 l sj U. Vl. k I I N I H I . ' a a U 1 ia ,1 1-. s ' I t i A - k a m ,i . , .1 , .1 1 . . . i 'it- s a 1, 1 ... ... 1.1 .1 q,,l ..I La, In a. ..... s, 4 , o..t u . a 1 1 u. .u- ,. u, 4. . i . .4 w . , . .J 1 1 4 us 1 ' - -- i-u . ,1 . aa, ... lava.lli.l vu'.,-.a-, t , , .-a I 1 . I 14.., i,.., .,. I I 4klii .. I. I !.. iio. Jt U l AS.v. ,... a h V a i..i.l 4 1 . 1 !' .., as I j III d. t, ak-l D. e 14, U. a . u. aVa 44 i ClM I I . 0. -t - .At
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