j nAPosnir.n, OR CONCENTRATED LYE FAMILY ROAP MAKER. WAR make high pricM ; Saponiflrr help le rotinco thru. It make Soap for Four oeut a jx und by Hiring your kitchen grease. tL?' CAUTION ! A rpnrlona Lve are offered also, be careful and only buy the Patented article fat up In Iron cans, ail other being Counterfeits. PENNSYLVANIA BALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ' ' Philadelphia No 127 Walnut Street, rlltsburg Pitt Street and Duqiierue Wav. November 21. 1803. 3m 18037 1863. FR1LIXG & GRANT AT TUB J HAIIMOTH STORE,; "yy OULD respectfully announce tLat they lave j Jest received and opencdavcry large and null scire- tid Slu.k of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, I which they nro silling to dispose of at a VERY I SHALL ADVANCE ON j 1'Irst font. j 0 . I OUR STOCK 18 COMPLETE AiND EJIBHACES EVERYTHING OIVB XTQ A CALL. Thankful for past favors we hope to meet a con tUinance of the same by still selling Goods as cheap If not t'HKAI'KK than cau bo purchased else v here. FRILIXU A ORAXT. Sunbury, Muy 23, 15C3. fii. is. .-tiami:k, A llorBoy nt SUNBURY, PA. jtV Collections attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland. Union, Snyder, Moutour, Columbia and Lycoming. RrrEiiExccs. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. (1. Onttell Si Co., Hon. Win. A. Purler. " Morton Mc.Michiicl, Isi., " 11. Kotchaiu i Co., I'm) Pearl Street, New York. Jol.li V, . Ashinead. Attorney nt Law, " Matthews A Cox. Attorney. Ht Raw, " fc'uzibt-.ry, March 211, IS62. iii'itirs iiurt.r!, " " Ihrri.hnrg; Pa. TTiV. nianr-gcmcnt nf this will-l;nown Hotel htv irg bicn resumed by Mum COYLE A IIERR, the i ro.-ci:t proprietor:-, beg leave to inform the public that the house in now being thoroughly renovated, reatted. and improved, with n view to the proper uud comfortable ncoommodation of those who nn:y favor tho t-i'.iiUislimtrit with their custom, tiupsts will receive iluo attention and courtesy, and no expeus will Lc spared thai may coi.du'ce to uisjuta'n hotel in a tirst-?las style" Families rml others during to sojourn in Harris burg during tbo summer months, will find pleasant boarding mi I large mid well-ventilated rooms at our establishment, upon modcrute tern-.?. SCOTT COYI.K. Mimb 2.1, IS.. J . G ILBKK'f UERR. Vi'illl C::ii- 14!Ms liOH, CF WALL PAPER OF EVERY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PATTERN-;. JUST received direct from the Manufacturer, at Uio MAMMOTH STOKE of FR1LIXO A ORAXT. Kjuliury, March li 1SU2 MAs.i:a:-s patot i'ivk c te i'2ti:i:v:i:i: : At Improvod for lijiU and 1SC0, Ly E. KETCIIAM A CO., 2S'.l Pearl ct., New Y'ork. rjlllE only Krcejcr evotructed on K'ieotiue prin .1 cipkt1. with a revohin can aud epriug blade tr.ipi r. 'l ite one liavten the frv.-.:nguf the creaul- -the other remove.- it a, fiwt u frozen. The most rap'd in freerii.g, v. ith the lcJt quantity f The nvAt eecnciuica! hi Cut. us it i.' the most siuiTiij lir.d liurnble in structure. For tu!c iii ull the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Frt'eicr accumpauled with a book of recipei and full directions. PRICES. 3 ;!-?, 3 CO 4 qiiH.'ta, 4 i-9 6 ijunr.s, 5 UU H (UiirU, C CD It ijuttrta, S ot) I) iiuailt, 12 00 Api !.v to n. R. MASS EH, Sunbury, Ta. March 21), 1S-J2. j 'JiZ'o o 23 o. b'e'c , MERCHANT TAILOR, Nilr-'(. iiritrly 0tionite I lie r:iil ISoikI !r2ot, OUKTBUK'S', 2r A . , INFORMS tho c'.liieiis of Sunlmrv und ieluity, thiit he kn juM relumed truia Ruiluelpuiu with fu.i as.-'rtniei.t ot 'Al. Ail AVTB:it ;ttiis, OF EVERY HESCRlPTKtX AM 0.1 ALII Y. . llif stock ennai..ts of l lotlii, Kreni h ClotLs. Rluck l)i e.-kiu and Eaney Camitavrva. Rluck Satin. I'i rured r-ilk?. Piaiu ti.d I'uncj Cansimeru VESTI.NUS, h Licit bo !il niuku up to oitUr in Mykf to uit the taste of tabiuiuci'B, on ruort uolL-i, ud lLo uiusl tcasonublv tciu.s. An limnl.not on iiard. will 1 1 furui-hrd frcui F!il:nli't"Mi,. !y ;!'ii i..o u:i" ro'iee. tilio In l.tri.illetl by cu.'lt.iueis v. ill he inude Up to or-l-'r :ai hi-r.'ioti.rt;. As lie will eiapti y none but twoc-ienocd woikmcn, rcr.-t.n umy rJ; fii getting ihtir urk will done ut Lis bop. Thankful for the patrona: heretofore bestowed, be ri'Hi'cittull v Miiieits e.i,ubuant f tut tao-e. fuubury, pept. IU, Ido3. ROOTS 7 S II ois, Il'ST rcei ived fiom Ne w York m l Philadelphia' a fre.li supply ol tho Int.t .lU uud of the bt.i iiualily, whieii Im bas bsd nia.it- op to order, and i i allied to ;;ivo giKul .at i"laeliou lie ban ma,e anuii)(eiiieiits iu li e eily to l.c In be.t )ork umtte to oi l, r vim h can be bad ut all lin.i. it n,,t tin baii'l ili'-y will In TiM-ure,l at reasonable ao'ii-iv I M Ji.uuu tiirirg ol LU'Ji.S and pll'JLS u alt kinds U-lllil 1 v.ill iili whoI,iili Roots and Shot by tbt l..s. Call m ii i ti noli. e livfoie ptitchutin 'tlrttMb.-re 1:1 tnli.ly ,iiil.elvc. il.ni.kiiil I r patrona.t'e bereli.fora IhkIi wihI. be !,. u. iiully lu ll, a tutitiiiuuiitie 01 the ..lot . . I". (' ai.ii Mm iijiiui, lline otitis ui the Rail Ruad n AluiLvt cxiuaie VM II .MII.I.I II. tfebbul J, tt J.I 1, "l)1. AY f .1 M 1 11 iiuinidiati ly. a Jvar hhoeiiiaktr, u 4ci. ioik. Uutid naj'es paid. NEW FANCY STORE. II A IM. lu.l itiirmd fu.ai M.illtli bl, 1st H"S . I a l i b M. j.ly if 'I i iwttulMu.. und l iiut ) rll. Ir. 1 iu "' J; ie rntdriwa vt ;.. I'.. In, Lti al.iktl Ntiu t.ilwii, 1'a. I. .'l .Uni, V'J'1 Ni Uli l lll.. tllloM ii,. I.,, pIIM , " Ih..., t ,. iMt.i i.fi., I! .a.,.i,,,,.. r k .id Clta. Hi... ,i,. t.in.a, ' : f.-uu,. ..-t l. It IL.t. pull .4.,, I, l,, I"",',',',' ' ' Uit'kfe. Ilf If ' I ll.il .l. I. us., J,.. . h. hu , u .i.: u ,,.r t. .i i U.. . i.... II. ijuWi.ai., R.lu...l r,i., II.. ue. i n , i,,,.tli Jt, t-. t.-... hi.., a,,. w. , .M i ! i. . i .. U, it s.u i ,, MMii.(W u, a. ..m, . , ' s. ... 4 t . i. 4. ta.t.t m mu.I M.IUU. 14 t biUtM ,..i.i , -i.,...,e A.t r- ...... tr-.t w Iv, . k.. , ....... 4 -...,....,.,1. v;nl u;"u A I.nrsr Ataortmrnl of EVANS A WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. GREAT FIRS AT READING, PA. February 11, 1842. UKNTi.miff It gives ma Binch satisfaction to infirm you (but in the ovr fire which, on the morning of the 4th inrt., entirely destroyed all my stock and materials, . I bsd one of your Salamander Firo Proof Safe. After enduring an intense red tit ! far ...van hnnni th. R.fa wm nnened. and tbO Book and Papers were preserved Inanumhlemished condition . i shall nerd another Safe as Boon aa i gel In order. W. P. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa. FIRE AT (HI LEX CASTLE. CiuiWKnfavno, Franklin annnty, Pa., Aufiust 31t, WH. Memie. Rvams A M'atsos, Philadelphia Ocntlc uirn : On the morning of the 22d of August, litfl, oar Siorehou?c at Urocneaatle wae deatroyrd by lire. The Salamander Safe we purchafed from you aouio few year inee wna in the abovo nicntihncd ttore bou'e. aud contained all our books, papers, cash, Ac. which wire preserved In a perfect condition, alter being esposcd to a most intense bent for aevernl hours, riense inform ns upon what terms you will cell us another larger nfc. Yours truly, OAKS A AUSTIN. Salamander Nufcj, for Ranhs, Store, Piivnto Kimiilics, ion Ac. Also, Evans A Vatin' Patent Alvhobetical Rank Locks and Rank Vault Lioors, ii jil to any made in tho country, and teld ou ni ftood lorinn. K A V. would ru.peetfully refer to t n.i following Ranks and other parties, having their Safes nnil Liwks now in uso, to their entire satisfac tion, and many others niven nt their Store. I'kitimi States Mim, Rmnch Rank, Shclbyvillo l'biladclpliia. Tcnnewee. U.MTrpSr.iTEtt AltSEMAL-City Rank of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation R'lc of I'hilu. Pi tt'toMii Ri nk. 1'a. Com'th Rank of I'hilu. Coaicviilo Rutik. Pa. C'liataurogaRank, 'i'enii. Stroiuifftinr Rimk, Pa. Pre'ru Loan AtsTon, 4h ft. Jcisey "?l:ore Rank, I'u. Iiock llav.n R.mk. Pu. I'uiou Rank, Rultiuiorc. Jmuk ot NorthuuitH-rliuitt. Rank of Noi th'ii Liberties, l'liilndehjliia. hi iuthwi.terii Rai.kof Ya. Paul and Swift, Rankers, Fuiton R:iiik. Atlanta, Uu. Alahnnin. lvcwark Rank, Del W. (I. Sterling.'Wllkesb'e. Rank of N. C. Rnle'u'h, Lew bburx Rank. Pa. Other references given upon calling nt our Store, No. 1A S. Fourth Street, I'hiladolpuiu. Kept, i, 1S03. ly i iisliinlon Iloii-x', NORTUUMEERLAXD, PEXX3YLVAXIA, (.Yrnr the ISriilgi.) flIlE subieriber having lca.td this well known J. Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Rrowu, respectfully informs tho public thnt be is refitting and repairing the preiui.-e. and will ho prepared to en tertain, iu it comllrtiilile innuner, his numerous I'riendn throughout thu county, and ull who muy patronize his establishment. April 12. 12. JOSEPH VANKIRK. VSATSIl'S ZCTEL, Comer Fawn and Market Streets. tSLIIl KV, IA. fpilE un-.U-rsigncd respectfully informs the public, X that he has taken charge of tho above named Hotel, and asks for tho continuance of the former patronage and would invito ull others to give him a call. . II 1:5 TARLE 13 c'.wnysstippliod with tho best the market affords. His Eur contains the choicest liquors, and bis stab ling is good and well attended by careful Ostlers. . MICHAEL W1LYERT. Sui.bury. May 3i), 1S63. A First Class Farmers' Mngmino for Pennsylvania, 101. The lViii!ylviimu, 'IMS. FARMER AND GARDENER, Dcvo'.id to Agricultural. Horticulture, und Rural ATuirs. Edited and Published by Wavr. s. -srotJisra- &c co, i2 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. TERMS : ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The Sixth Yoluniu commences with January No. Having obtained the services of eminent and prac tical Agriculturists, Horticulturists, Stock Breeders i-.n l EcL-Jvcepcrs. we confidently offer tho Current Volume as and of the best ever ssued. for origiualsty, practical (bought and reliable information. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN. January 23 loo. F'.-r tho Fruit. Flow er and Kitchen Garden. ISO! tiii: l&UJ GARDENER'S MONTHLY, W. G. 1. RRINCKLOE, Publisher, Office : 23 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. TERMS SI f0 A YEAR. Edited by Thomas Melhan. The Monthly CoutcutsArc : Il'nts Flower Garden und Ploasure-Ground ; Fruit Gurdcn ; Vegetable tlnrd'.n ; Window Garden iug. Coimiiunications Embruc'.n -.ho views of tho best wiitir? ou lluriiculturc. Arboriculture, A Rural Afl'ui"i. i.aitoriiil I . i i i i r 1 li e Editor , views on tho im p.irtiiui horticultural improvements. Scraps and Queries New bruits New plants Domestic and Foreijrn Intelli;renc Foaeign Cor respondence Horticultural Notices. V ith inch Department handsomely illustrated. These general fwitureswill bo retained, and the publisher pledges himself that no labor or expense shall be spurdd to render the succeeding issues of tho Magazine every wuv worthy of the favor with which has previous ctlortslmvo been apply rowarded, SEND FOR A SPECIMEN. January 23 1331. TO COCMPIIVES" Conjuinptive suQrrers will receive prescription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Rronchitis. and all Throat nud Lung aflcctious, (free of charge.) by wind ing their uddriss to Rev. E. A. 'WILSON, illi.inisburnll. Janitury 2". ISiVl It Kings Co., Nov York. (TCSK VOI It COt'tall B'OH I3-. lhc REST and CHEAPEST Household REMEDY in the World, lladni.io Z.lllOt' fOUI 'Klt'M GUEAT COUGH REMEDY Mahamb z-toc ron- 1EKS CurNttvtj J.'nlsum U wrrantt-l it' iiucd ii: ciTilin to tlio din'ct.otui, In (Mire ill ill) triti'.'!) Ci'UliH, lMtt, 'miKli, Axitiiiitt. nml nil hlTi ttH t.it ut tbc 'J bru.it a ad Luua. Mtnlriine Zk'W Purtrr'n L.iImilu Is ri'i&rvl with all ibe rctjuiMtu enru mxl vkill. i'rniu a cuiiiMiiiUiui, i t' llu- lnt r lui'.li ft ii tt't inhlo kiuilimi tttliirU li .i-iiiflinl ;unhih are l.kjyt-tt on ilm . iwtrlo avit tli hfHhhy nml iriuu eircuUiiun ' thu bluml, DikmI, thru' dm l.un. Ik it tsit n iolttit icbitily, Lut ruiolicnl wnriuiiit;, Iwttivhil';! Mini tftifllVfj ; filll 1( t H K -D I'V tlltt Oitiftl v-sl'1'V I"" " or you .$-t'-;1i Ma.luino t 1 Ralsam ba. SjJi V" J the ul lie lor ur.u r yuuujj;'t child. aud bo . quired soul mI .imply by hehiif rtM-oiiiiiipudrtl by tti,o ' who have u.td it U llioir .otieu I irieud. atidoilur , Most Im-nkr iNr Mutl.ui.udui' Porter Cur, lit. U.Inuui. st.ld .1 a pin. kUo-h biin. ii iu ill. r.i b ul 1 1 tr) uu I., kt i p it voMit tiieiii P'r uw. Tb I. .! ur ul a .ingle boll!, will lut. tub oHh llJ UU... iiseurtl. I Nn'IIt E Save your Jb ai y ' Doaol b. pi r.ua did in piir.-li... .nu ll', .i 1. 1 ,ii a .1., u.,, euu Uiu ik. .inn., of . la . at lloiil o Mad.a.. P,.r Iti ( aiatit. R.u.M., III. i-i of Ibtu.ul4.iltejii.ft ui. b u w ki.uI a. liiat ul alu.t uy uib.r aittti lia. , ai.d tii. t.iy lo piu. .1 wkltb II l 4 I, I ui.bi.lb. piout U. it-. M-llur appariitlly .ui.ll, and uuaint i lt'l tlual.i. mil iu.iiium reooatiii.ad ! uiii.i u.rii.iitt ua ,bub tittar prihui at. laugt-f. aa Itn. III. ituliiiuvM lit.1.1 u'li b.lili Mfci.u.. Puf t s . .ld loaii' ulber A.k lt al.il.li.. I'ulltr , I'll I. it.. iI.Ih.ui. pita. 14 i-tii 4 Ui lu. bull It. at 'mj ..ui.. .ia. i.ku au uib.r li yuu mutwt git ii at wit. l . ).,u i .u .1 .Ull.tf 1 1 1) .il I'lu.ni. . .i.d iattkv.n at 14 it , u4 ta l.ii'i L. ui.. ?- .1. II ti l. i. Ill t Kr.L. Piopil.u,.. J.ku.ll "1 u, ly ... , ul I M'WDU WlltUr, kl'KIIUHt, C4. V) li"t sj-AI t M hMt.IL I k tl II M WHITE A S 11 COAL, I I M .. .! Lu4t s4.s..wl s4 a.:., vu i,vaviitMs a. 4 4'.b k ' II. f 14 ri1 , lli lii'l.i.l l.p.i I lu.si. 4 I4.i, ... It ft , l I.. ... i ) A.t. .1 IBS WM. KNOCHE, 93 MARKET STREET, UARJIISBURG, PA., Dealer in PIANOS. "TEW Rosewood Pianos, from the beet maker iX from $200 upwards. MELODEONS. The best manufactured Xnttrn menta, from K5 to 1100. Ouitara, Violins, Aecordeona, Flntea, Pifos, Drums, Ranjoa, Tambourine, Violin and Guitar string and musical mer chandise in general. B1IEET MUSIC. The latest publications always on hand. Music lent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, BQLARK, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FBAMEB. Suitable for looking glasses, nod all kinds of pictures always ou hand. A Bne assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest sir.r. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, April 11, 1SC3. 93 Market St., Ilorrisburg. Northern Central Hallway ! sr.miEn ti nt: taiji.i:. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from the North and We Rraneh Susquehanna, Eluiira, aud all of North ern New Yrk. ON and after MONDAY, APRIL 20th, 1803, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury, Harrisburg and Rnltimore as follows, tii : SOCT II W A R D . Mail Train lenves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 10 10 A. M. 1 15 P.M. b Si 11 OT P. M. " lcav es Uiirrloburg, ' arrives at Baltimore, ' Express Train leaves Sunhnry daily ! (except Sunday.) " leaves Harrisburg (except j Monday.) " arrives at Rnltimore daily i (except Monday). 2 00 A. M. 6 15 A.M. Uarrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris burg, o NORTHWARD. 0 A.M. Mdl Train leaves Rnltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) 41 leaves llarrisburg " arrives at Sunbury, Express Train leaves Rnltimore daily ' arrives at llarrisburg, " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday), " arrives at Sunbury. V 15 A. M. 1 15 P. M 4 1)5 " 8 15 P. M 1 35 A M. 3 00 A. M. 6 : 1 For further information ainlv at the Otti I. N. Pi -BARRY. Snpt. I.tK-kiiM umin A: ItlooiiiHbui-K Knll. rotid. AS end after November 17, 15C2, Pos3cnger Truius will run us follows : MOVING SOUTH. Freight i) J'afist Hirer. 10.15 A. M. 11.40 P.M. Pasnruprr. Leave F.-rnnton, b.00 A. M. . Kingston, 9.2U " Rupert, ll.:: " Dauvillc. 12.li." Arrive at Northumberland. 12.15 P. M. MOVING NORTH. Leave Northumberland, 5.211 P. M " Danville, 8.110 " . Rupert, 6.35 " Kingston, H.45 Leave, 1.45 P.M. Arrive at Seranton. 10.U0 P. M. 3.40 A Passenger Train alo leaves Kingston at 8.00 A. M , for Serauton, to connect with train fur New York. Returning, leaves Soranton on arrival of train from Now York, at 4.15 P. M. Tlie Lacknwaunn A Rloomsbiirg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail road at Scranton, for New York aud intermediate points cast. At Rupert it connects with the Cnttawissa Rail road, for points both east nLd west arriving at Phil adelphia nt 0.1 j P. M. At Northumberland it connect? with the Philadel phia A Erie Railroad and Northern Central Rail road, for points west aud south Passengers arriving ui jiurrisuurg4.ju f. .-i ; i luiuucipiiia iu i. 31.; and Raltiiuoio 10.20 P. M. I Tho Freight and Passengers Train north, leaves . Northumberland at C.ia A M., Hi d arrives at V,20 P M., passing Danville at K.2o P. .M I JOHN P. M.SLEY, Sup t. ( J. C. Wki.i.s. General 'iicki-t Ageut. I Nov. 2U, 1:52. 'I'o rrieiiM fulf.'r-rM wflsolli Sexra. t REVEREND GENTLEMAN having been :o X V stored to benlth in a few days, alter undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensivo modes of treatment, w ithout success, considers it his sacred duly to coinuiuuieato to bis nlHiiited fellow creatures the mkaxs ok c l he. Hence, on the roccipt of an addressed envelope, he w ill send (free) a copy of the prcscrptiou used. Direct to Int. JOHN M. DAGNAI.L. ISA Fulton Street, JJrooklyu, N Y. January 24. l-.fl:t. TAILORING ESTAbTiSHMENt! JOI23SX E. SaVIICK, I a n li fttrreet, oipo.iitc Weaver's Hotel, BUHBUHY. Northumberland Co., Pa., I "INFORMS his friend, and tho nublic irenerallv. that he huatukeu the Shop ol Jacob S. Rake, dee d., and is prepared to do all kinds ot TAILOR. 1NU in a good woi kiiiiinliko manner. The patron age of the public is respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May IU, lbGa. ly JUST HEADY. NEW STYLES OP JEWELRY. N opiortuuiiy not to be lost sight of. Rare eh.iicu for Agents. Ladies as w ell as Gouts ean iu.-i as Agents. Ajiply curly and secure the agency for your locality. 100,000 V.A'lCUi:$, VEST CJIAIXt?, LOCKETS, JtlXG.i, OOLV PE.S A.XD PEXCJLS, EKACELETS, STUDS. J1CTTOAS, aYiCA" C11AIXS, SETS OF JEW- eu-:v, .ye. I To bo sold for til each, find not to be paid for j until you know w hut you aro to get. St nd 25 cents j fur CtTtiiicate. telling you wluit you can have, with j u circular, giving full particulars to Agents. Perfect satisfaction guaroutued ill all ciuies. Address, 8. M. WARD A CO., LOS Rroadwny. Rox4,e70. March 5L lfbRI. ly FAMILY DYE ;COLORS Rlack. Dark Rluo, Lihi Rlue, V rent h blue, Claict Riot.u, Dark Rrowu, i.i,;lit Riowu, Snutf Rrowu, Crimson, Dark Drub, Lir'ht Drab, Dutk Greeu, Light Green, ?dug.-nla, Miuouu, ruU(o, i'liik. Purple, Royal Purple, t.lllmn, Starlet, SUte. Solferluo, loltil, Yellow. I. Dying Silk, Woolen and Mixed G.d,. Shawls, I-cail., lirtiuti. Ribbons, liloies, Rt'Hiiel.. llau, iiatlieis, kidttltrtrai, t hiblreii'. Cloihuig, aud all kinds of Wearing Apparol. Asiiiilnit ol'fo IVrt tul, For 2a ceuu )ou ran color as many .! aa would olb.r.i.e cit lite time, tb.t .uiu. ' Vunou. shade, eau be piuduced fruui llicitiiit Vy wilh perfect suv- Direeiioiis in English, French and tli-ruau, Ui.ide of each packagu. Ftrluiibir information lu Dvlng, aud giviug ptrliel kiiuwlttlgt' what volor. ar. best adapted to dv.uv.r others (with u any taluablo rtvipt. ) pur elnuv Ho. A Mtpbt u.' Ti.ali.uu Dvuibg and Co loring. Hem by mail ou r-c ipt of pit.-.-lu cmt.. ! Mauufaolured by liUSt E a r.. lis.-,, i Van Rioadaa, Rtaioa I lor sal. by Dragiitu and Dialii. ui-uetall. ; fr.pl. W, iMi.i -out .H. Ill HKII, H.in r.utuicd to ku u.a W art.(u.uus. i I H r llot.tua riiaiif, h., Yoaa, T.k gi.al plMsui. In ..llmj lb. allM.llnu of lb public lu but N and Full mi.l. I tXl.t. RosEVliwiD I'U.su Foititri, 1'uataii.lug all Ik uo-d.ra iwptt.it atii.1. : tiraug lu ki..' k Ui.i.4 A.iivm, U uy I'.J.I, aad fall l.uii 1 i.e.. Iiuat ItwStt l . I T I t Ro.ii.nOOD I'lAM'd, ' trt Ibblt lluat atltA la Aw. 111. i.l !... a.a.liii(f l DimIm Nt llial. I'i.tu Kurt.. U, ul tta.ll. a tt.lh.'i.Hi aaaiau. i U lot l hi n Miptiiutily Ikry wi.1) a.. I b, i lt.4 Ui tua.. iuti.iMl 'at'.ilti. I I I iik UH PUko iHtk4, i akitk iL. piu. kU.i M iwai.i at Ik. last 4wusw Iwiiiui. ,ii i a au udw . ulua I Ml t Vti.U t-ut-1 fta l aJi.l IklllLD- '.llt .utoi ,a. I I.M I'liM 1 J. ,v4 l-vuti Mil bk.M. ,tia. l..i a. aoa .1 la. kiL.it, to, t .;!.( buai lw lu i I im MKit. iti,tM,i4 .mm fwtaat.at i.! to I. 4 twiiait,.!. ! luv p..... i, . i ttMi.a All tkt. la.il. j. .lwtv4 U a. k.f. u a 11 tat4 u.ttti.i .l itl. it 4 u, ib.k'M (I - I'lUI't..,, .4 .u i to ..... It I. It,; i '.: I - la. . -I' ll. I..s.lf.t I .. DXl SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, THE GREAT REM FEY For llhevmatitm, Govt, Xtiiralyia, I.umbtig Stiff Neck and Joint, Upraint, Bntitet, Cut and Wvunth, Piles, lhadacht, . and all Rheumatic and Sertou Disorder. For all of which is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and baa been used in the practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. ' As an Alleviator of Pain, it i unrivaled by" any preparntion before (be public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by single trial. 'Ibis Liniment will cure rapidly and radically. Rheum jitic Disorders of overy kind, and in thousands of cases w here it hus been used it has sever been known to lail. For Neuralgia, it will afford immediate relief In every ease, however distressing. It will relieve tbo w orst coses of Headache in three minutes, and is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it cure instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Actiug directly upon the nervous tissues, if strengthens and revivi fies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not tail to attord immvdiute relief, and in a majority of case will effect a radical rcu o CJuiney and Sore Throat are sometime extremely mntigmint and dangerous, but a timely applicatiou ol this Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains arc sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur if ucgleoted. The worst caso may be conquered by thi. Liniment in two or three days. Rruises. Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, Rums and Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful hi-uliug pro perties of Or. Sweet' lufullible Liniment, when used nccoriting to directions. Also, Chilblain Frost ed Feet, and lnsci-t Rites and Slings DR 8TEPEHEN SWEET the Great Natural Roue Setter. f Connecticut TEPHEN SWEET, Conoecticnt b known all over thu United States. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of "Dr. Sweet' Infallible Lini-nest." Sr. Sweet's Infidliblet Liniment Cures Rheumatism, and never fail. Sr. Sweet' Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Sr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rurus and Scalds immediately. Sr. Swoet's Infallible Liniment Is tbo betnowu jrcuiedy for Sprain and ruiac . Sr. Sweet' InfoJlible.Liniment Affords immediate relief fur Piles, und seldom fails te cure. Sr. Sweet's lufullible Liuimeut Cures Toothache in one minute. Sr. Sweet's. Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and lea-ret no scar. Sr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for Sojes in the known world. Sr Sweet's Infallia) Liniment Hus been in use by more than a million people, and ull praise it. Sr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cure Colia and Cholera Morbus. Sr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly a '-friend in need," and every family should have it hand. Sr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is for sale by ail Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. A FRIEND Ilf NEED." TRY IT..; DR. SWEET'S INFALLIRLE LINIMENT, a. an external remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other prepa ration. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorder. it is truly infallible, and a a curative for Sins. uuuus. epraius, iiruise. JO., iu Booming, neuiuig and (powerful strengthening properties, excite thu just wouder and astonishment of all who have ever given ita trial. Over olio thousand certificate, of remarkable cure, performed by it witbiu the la.1 two year, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! DR. PW LET'S INFALLIRLE LINIMENT FOR HOUSES is umirule.l by any, aud iu all oes of LamenvM aruing trout Stuaius, Rrni.es or M n-iiih-ing, it. ellevt i. magical aud certuiu. Hemes, or Saddle Galls, Scratches. Mauste, 4c, il will also cur ledily. Sviu and Itingbone may be easily pre vented and cured in tlu-ir incipient .lagc, but eon filmed cast, are beyond the .Hi.ibitily of a radical cure. No case of 111. kind, buwever, i. so desperate or liui less but il may be alleviated by tin. Liui uiviil, ami it. failhlul epnlit-aiiou aill ! remote the l.am.ui-ai, aud eu.ol the hone. Iv travel with couparali. ease. EVEItr JJUIiS E 0'.EK should bav tblt remedy at baud, for It linu-ly use at tb. urt appuarauee of Lam.uat will t-tlccluatty pr.vvut tbiMa- foinudablu diM-uM-s, tu which all bor tv. are lial.lv, and Inch render u aiany vthtlwuMi yaluubf. hoi.M aiaily wurlblis. DR SWEET'S Inallible Liniment. is me SOLDIER'S miEND, Aa4 UutttaaJ Iwa4 U Uuly ji. rur.ND in nwn i l'NMtli TU ...a.l iu,,..!.!.. 11.. Bl.lu.. ... I l ikMiwaol lr aupUea aa m) UtW a4 au tka ..! . I.miiii. ..aiw.bl ' bluaa ) itasjUuju but ii., aiiktrtti aki.ka at i aiaata. j HllUAkL SI to , j Kd l'1' ltt.ka. kuiSUB. I'l I MttU4i A Al l I V iiuimU ..i.. m t. l rt.t t l . i 4 It ..I 4t4j.it (it l I.ku LOOK H O BP I T A It. EBTA ELI SHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. 1 THE ONLY PLACE WHERE .1 CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. JR. JOHN ETON ha discovered the most Certain, ) Speedy and only Kffeotnat Romedy in the orld for all Private Diseases, Weakness nf tb Back or Limbs, Strielnre, Affection of th Kidney and Bladder. Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, Gene ral Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings. Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head. Throat, Nose or skin, Affootion of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Rowels those Terri ble Disorder arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victim than the song of Syrens to the Ma riners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, impossi ble. YOlIMslMK Especially, who have become the victim of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Y'oung Mon of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senate with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstaty the liviug lyre, may call with full con fidence. MAItKlAftK. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, deformities, Ac, speedily cured. He who places himself under the care ofDr.J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. 01t4.iA.M4J WHAIOESS Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible Is tbo penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those fulling into improper habits than by the prudent ? Resides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to Doth body and mind arise. The system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened. I-otw of Proereative Power, Nervou Irritability. Dvsr'wa. Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frniuc, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, 4MI1cf, o. 7 South I'retlerick Slrvrt Left hand sid.v going from Raltimore street, a few doors lrom the corner. Fail not to obseire nanie and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in hisotiice. A C I It K WAltltAiTKU I.H TWO DAYS. JVo Mtrevry or Nauntoui Drugt. 1K. JOllSTO.V Member of the Royal College of Surgeon., London, Graduate from one of tho most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life lias been spent in tho hospitals of I.ondon, Paris. Philadelphia and elsewhere, haa effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, peat nervousness, being alarmed at ,udden sounds, bashfuliicss, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of miud, were cured immediately. 1'A 14 K lAitTI4'l I.AK AOTll'i:. Ir. J. addresses all those who have injured thcmi selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them fur either business, study, society or marriage. TntrsE are some of tho sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vii: Weakness of the Rack and Limbs. Pains in tbo Head. Dimnees of ,ight. Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the llenrt. Dyspepsy. Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption. Ac. j Mkxtally. The fearful effects on the mind aro much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory. Confusion of Ideas. Depression of Spirits. Evil-Forebodings. Aver- i sioti tn Society. Self-Distrust. Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac arc sonic of the evils produced. Thoisasd of persons of alleges can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing neir vigor, becoming weak, pule, nervous and uiaciatcd. having a singular appearance about the cough and symptoms of consumption. vonu si have injured themselves by a certain practice .dulgediu when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, aud if not eured renders niarriago impossible, und destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man. the hope of his eoumry.thc darling ol hi parents, ahoulit be snatched from ull prospects aud enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviuttng from the path of nature nd indulging in a certain secret bubit. Such persons mar, before contemplating .11AKHIA4.K. reflect thnt a sound mind aud body are the most necessnry requisites to promott connubial happiness. Indeed without these, tho journey through lifu be comes a wenry pilgrimage ; tho prospect hourly darkens to tho v iew; the miud becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the happii.tts of auothcr become, blghted wilh our own. tVISKASK Ol-' 1711MU ii: K. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds flat he ha. imbibed the seeds of ibis painful disease, it too often happens thnt an ill-timed sense of sliauto, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to tiioso who, from education and respectability, cau alone befriend him. delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease uir.ke .their appearance, such aa ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains iu the head aud limbs, diuines. of sight, deafness, nodes ou Uic shin bones and arms, blotches ou the head, face aud extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or tho bones of the nose lull in. and the victim of thi. awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death mis a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending liui to "thnt Uuuisoovt-red Country Uoiu whence no traveller returns." It is imcliiucliuly fact that thousands full Victim to this terrible disease, owing to the uiiskitlfuluess of luoraut pretenders, who, by the use of that Vrtuily 1'uiaaii. Mi rriiry, ruin the constitution and tutrke the residue of life miserable. STItA..'I'.KS Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the aiany Unlearned and Worthies. Pretender., destitute nf knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's advertisements, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you trilling uiuuth after month taking their filthy aud puisoiiiui com Kund. or as long as the smallest fee cun be obtained, and iu despair, leave you wilh ruiued health to sigh ever your gtiltingdisapHdntment. Dr Johuslon is the uiily Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always banc in his otlice. His remidie. or Ureatemeut are unknown tu all Ither. prtqiared from a life speut in the great ho. pitalt of Europe, the first iu the country and a more extensive 1'ru'utt Pim tiee than any other Physician in the world, lM.OItMK.Tir.Vr OF'I'IIF IMtKKN The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical (ieralions perlormid by Dr. JohusUui, witnewed by the reporters of the "Suu," "Clipper," and many other pajicrs, uolices of which llav. appeared agaiu and aguiu before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and rapetuibiliiy, i. a suthcieitt guarantee lo th. alllieled Nhl DlkEANI M ftli::iII.Y 4 1 iti:i. Persons writing should b. particular in directing their Idler, lohia lii.tilutlou. in the lolluwiug maner J4ll .11. J4III.M'rO.. M. !., Of lb. Raltinior Lin k Hospital, Baltimore, Md. February 21 . h13 1 y . MANHOOD, Hum I.4bI, Hom Itralvreil. Jutl PuUfktd, tn StaltJ Euvrlojt. I'rn4 $1 t'nili. 4 I.F.I TI KE on th N.lur., Tr.atnieut and Ha 4 diu.l t'ur.ul nperuialtarfBwe of tMuiiual Vrk am, txauel D.biluy, Nrfvousaas. and lutuluuiary Eluimiuu., inducing Iiuput.ai-y, Cubauaipiua, aud Mvui.l and I'by.ii-al iHUlny 1J ROU 1 J. CI L Eft WILL M D Tk. luipuriaiil lac I Ih. I lit. aalul riiw.ui ae of sWlf.AbUM la.y Is ilovtu.aily rutwv4 aiiluit vq. lutaal Utetlujiu.s or lit dtuiyvrou. applitiiu.a la eau. tic, inrtrututoU. aiedieat.4 Uglu., and ulbi-r .aipuioal d.tk-M, is b.i. tlvatly Ututuutiiul, aad lb. .ulii.l. a.w au4 bigbly Hii-evailul Uraliaiul btuptmt by lb .I.Uattf4 sulltut, fully tapUiuid, by ai.au. of a kink .iy wo. at i.bi4 ui ur kiai miII ixiittiiiy. au4 at lb It ail uumiW eust. Ik.iibv atuidiag.il lb. adv.rtuwi au.li utu. ef Ih. day 1tU Iwlui, Bill plut buva to ti.uata.id. i4 Ikuu aaauj. Mtiaadn. Us pUia alup.'a any ad Jim, ptt p.i4 .a iM.i4 ul law u.4.,;, .lua, by a4 divastas lb. uablu4.M. IHA J C KlINKilO, IJT Rua.ty, K.w uk, PuM iHtut Rut, 44 Aa U. 14 -.b J.,-1, t ll-HMtlMM ll(rl, 444 m4 M Hi.Jwt, .la, fitmiltm butt tW Tottk f pills) lial la II Mi tk Baapt a,.!, Ituaa.lik 1 .a i atswMkl Uu.l la Ut. .ujr t-S.i siia4 I .,4 k . t. It,! tHulla, k.B Im HT ktkS w ltwt II tt wiaial ta u LaattM, 4 k.pfa laeitBu. lit. u, auaatoaai l.icua S.tuu BkwliMaiit.t a be bad 4 ku.i, s a4 ta UtM ., iwsi la ikafat) i aw ,M.t la.fUM. 4 UiHlt vl I, fit ui. . I 4 'i i4'. . aufc.ia.. . .tt4 I ., . av. THE ALL SUFFICIENT TIUiEE. THE QUE AT AMI RI CAN REMEDIES Known a "UelmboW GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. HTLMBOLD'S EXTRACT ''BCcnC,-' - SARSAPAR1LLA " IMPROVED ROSE WASH. tlET-iaVraSOLaO'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED " COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVE!, AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increase th power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbent into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calccrous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements ar reduced, a well as pain and infiamatiou, and is good for men, women, or Children. IIKL..MltOKI'K KVI'ItACT 111 4 II U FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abnse. Attended with the following tymtoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of power I.osa ol .Memory. Weak Nerves, Horror ol Disease, Dimness obv isiita. Universal Lassitude of the Muceular System, Hot Hands, Dryness of the Skin. Difficulty of Breathing Trembling Wakefulness, Pain in the back, Flushing of the Bedy Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenance, These symtoms, if allowed to go on, whieh this medicine invariably removes, coon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which tho patient may expire. Who can say that they are uol frequently followed by those "uirelul diseases, ' IXSAXITY AND CCSSIMPTI0X, Many are aware of the causeof their suffering, but none will euufesa. The records of tbo insaue Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear amid witness to the truth of thu assertiou. Tho Constitution, once Affected with Organic Weakness, ' Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and in vigorate tho system, which "Uelrabold's Extract Rucbu" Invariably docs. A txiul will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES, Old or young, single.murried, or contemplating marriage, In nianv affections Dceuliar to Females the Extract j Ruchu is unequalled bv any other remedy, as iu i niorosis or Jtetentioo. Irregularity, ruiululness, or Suppression of the Cuslomarv Evacuations. Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the Uterus. Leucurrhen, or Whites Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex. whether arising from Indiscretion, Hubit of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. ' See symptoms above. NO FAMILY SHOULD RE WITHOUT IT. Take so Ralsam, Mercurr. or Unpleasant Mediciuo for Unpleasant and Dangerous Disease.. IIKLMI.OI.II'H KA'I'ltACT ltl'CII Curia ; bECRET DISEASES la all their stages; ut little expinte ; liui. or no change in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Uriuato, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures ol the Urethra, allaying pain und iufiummatiou, so frequent iu this class of discuses nnd expelling PoUouous, DUvued, uud Wore -out Matter. Thousauds upon Thousands M 110 HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF tl A4 US, Audwhohnvo paid Heavy Fees to be cured In a short time, have found thev- were deceived, and that the "Poisou" bus, by the uso of "Powerful As tringents," been dried up iu thu system, to break out iu an aggravated form, and Perhaps alter Marriage. USE . iii:i,hhoi.'k KvriiACT m 4'in: For all Affections nnd DU-eurr of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from what.ttr causa originating, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDING, Diseases of theso Organs rcouire the aid of a Duuxric. HELMBOLS'S EXTH ACT BUCHU. Is the Greut Diuretic, And it is certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases, for which it is recouiiucuded. BLOOD I HLOOD! BLOOD I' lleluibuld's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Saraaparilla Syphilis). This is an affection of the Rlood, and attacks the Sexual Organs, Linings ot thu Nosu, Ears Tbroat. Windpipe, uud other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance iu the form of Ulcers. Helinbold s Ex truet Sar.aparilla purities the Rlood, aud remov es all Scaly Eruptions of the .-kin. giving to th Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared evpressly for this class of compluiuui, its Bluod-Puri-fving Proprietors aro preserved lo a greater txteul than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. Helmbold's ltose Wash, An exoclleat Lotion for Disease of a Syphilitic Na ture, aud a an injection iu Di.t-H.es ol the Urinary Organs, arising from bubit of di.sipaticu, used iu connection with the Extracts Ruchu aud Sarsaparilla in such disease, as recommended. Evidence ol theutuat responsible and reliable char. aclertwill secompauy the lui-dicihcs. -'ff tERTIFICATES OF CURES, From to twenty years standing, with names known to aeienee and Fame. i or Metlii-al Pruiiertiu of Buchu, tea Dispensatory the L'uitei tw-utte Se I'rufratur Dowees valuable works on the Practice ot Physic, be remark, wad by the Ul. celebrated Dr. I DltKt, .'lillauelplila. See remarks mad. by Dr. Fpbraiin McDowell, a celebrated Physician, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Ireland, and publi.bvd ia the Transactions ol th. king and Queen s Jourual. Se MtHlii-o-Cirutgieal Review, published by Reujaiuiu Tratcrs, li-lluw of the Royal College of Surgeon.. St e uiol of tlie late Stundard Works on Mcdi ciue. LxiMAi r Bi t lti', f I 00 pi buttle, or six, f5 00 ' BAU.APAkaLA 1 on " 4 no I.t-ttostu lluta A.M. Ml " . "150 Or ball' adioauf aci li 111 04 anieh will b. aiuicirul tu eur. the luus4 ubtibal. iu., II dirccUua ar. alb.r4 tv. D.lit.rrd u any addria, se.ur.ly puked rota 4ibs4t i .rtutt. ( tf- DtsKilb tttuptuui lu all toaiuiuukatioa Cain giuuault -4 A4 tv gtalts. Al t IRAN IT. Prnotially parl Ukat. w.aa Aldwutaauf tk cilyufpbilad.lpbia.il 1 Ittluibuld, wbti, Uit duly sautu, ttutk say, ku) pi.pMaliuti u4,taia aw uaiiotu, uu aiaicui), w uibtit u juttuu diu.s, but at punly t.gtuul. II T HEI.MLOLI bw.ara aad 4taetb4 It fa. turn, tbst 124 J.y ul Xet.UttMtr, Ia4 UK IllbU.tl.l', AI4ittbatt, Nuilk Uii ha, I'tuia Adli.a l.ttsis luf tukratallust lu swaU.isr 11 1 lULMRoLD, l k.u.i.1. lip4 1 04 Ovtitk T.ulh stitut, Ulua ( btdul 1'k.l l)EWAllkoriOliTkslHII Aad lbNUipla4 D.aiu, M k. u4mv ta 4lrs "ulk.if at,4 "HkH' fitiiM ua la f.i'uUkii'-a aiiou.s4 b IUIu.kwi4 Uta.iu Pi. i .it 'U.. ' " tlia i.i. " " a-,M,..iii. " lablti ts M a.4 IK44 b aH ll.s-M. .t.)la Alt ' Ull .M anil li -14hl HO l1 III It t ! vt Ifc. kllNliMaiM, at.4 Mod l u, 4.4 Au4 I.,.."'' a4 i.fan. Ilst.k.i k t In. . H4 I Ita itl tititw I'l iu.i a, .ii t M ... ) . lM. - If (37; AflniiiSt Kipressa Company, IVB KOTICR that they hay oonelnde ar J rangenrau with th. Northern Central Railroad tympany to ran train from RaMmor for York, Ilarnaburg, Dauphin, HaRfax, Trevorton, flnnbury, RorthumUrland LewUlm,,, Mmon, Money, W&V liainrport, and all totermediat staUon., connecting vnvSli eAT WESTERN EX- PRRbB fur PitUbtrg, Clfjohtni, St. Lord and tb n.,HTn!"Tii n1'ui Ce.'tKxpres. at Milten er Danvill Bloomsbnrg, Wllkeibarr., Pittston, Soran- lV.li". ''- " the CatUwIsa., Lackawanna A Bloomsbarg Rilroad.. At WiK FTTh ir ?7,"'1 & Exprt to Jeny fehore and lk Hayen. Also, by Howard A Ce , aud Uielr eonr,octlons for Cawfea, Troy, Elmlra, Rochester Buffalo, Niagara, 4 to all accossibl points In Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Note, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every doriD lion. r Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills for Correction. Experienced and efficient messengers employed, and every effort Will be made to render satisfaction. JOHN BINGHAM. Superintendent Penn'a DivMon, Philadelphia R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 5, 1802. IiitTil Y i7o f sii. Ctrner of Stat and Third Streets, IlAKnisDt-Rn, Pa. THIS HOUSE, in consequence of it convenience and near location to tho Capitol, has made it a desirable stopping place, not only for those having business at the seat of Government, but for others Visiting Harrisburg. March 211, 1362. rilERRIBLK MsCLbsURES-SECRETS I THE MILLION' A most valauble and wonderful publication. A work of 400 pages, and ."0 colored engravings. DR HUNTER'S VADE MECUM, nn original and popu lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Funotinns. and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure. The practice of DR. HUNTER has long been, and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of numerous persons, he has bc-n induced to extend hi medical usefulness through tho medium of his "VADE MECUM." It is a volume that should be in the hands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vires, as a guide for tho alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive . sconrges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to any part of thu United State for 50 cents in P. . stamps, or 3 conies f irjl. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, Xo. 3 Division Street, New York. June 6, l-u3. ly. J3. Arrttnitt'tiK'nlH 1MOS. of Sew York Kin-. THE CAMDEN AXD AM BOY AM) PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES, From Philadelphia to K' er'irrf Jt'oy Plarei, from Walnut street Wharf and Kensington Dtjtnt, will leave as follows, viz : ria. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) 2 25 ai v ... ji., via v. amucn ami J ersay City, N. J., Accommodation, At 8 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City. (Morning Mail.) 1 " At B A.M., via Camden and Jersey oity 2d Class Ticket ' At 11 A. M. via Kraington and Jersey city, Espresj ' At 12 M. via Cumdos and Amboy, C and A. (Accommodation.) At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and 1 00 2 ii S 00 3 23 ft. jAurwa.,1 I CO At 3 P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City. Wash, and N. Y. Express At Or P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City (Evening Mail,) " At 11 P. M. via Kensington and Jersey citv, Southern Mail. At 14 (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Soutneru Express At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy. Accom modation. Freight and Passenger, First S 00 s ou 3 00 S 00 i. loss nchet. Second Class Ticket. 2 a 1 50 lor WuU-r Gun. Slloildsburi. R,' bane. Montrose, Great Rend, Ac, at 6 A. M., lioni Kensington, viu Ielawure, Liwiawaona and VV intern Railroint. Fir Mnuch Chunk. Alleutown. Rethlubrm. Belvi dere. Knslou, Lumberuille. Flemington. Ac, at ft A. M.. from Kensington Duput, and at 2) P. M , from Walnut street W hart". (The 6 A. M. Line connects with Train, leaving Easton for Muuch Chunk, at 3-20 P. M.) For Mount Holly, ut 6 A. M., 2 aud 4 P. M Fur Freehold, at ti A. M. and 2 P. M WAY LINES. For Bristol. Trenton, ic. at II A. 31 and ?! and 5 P. M. from Kensington, For Palmyra, Rireiton. Delanco, Ecverlv. Rur. lington, Florence, Eordcutowu, Ac, at 12 1 2 4s aud 6 P. M. C.jr- For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken sington Dt-iot, tuki- the Cars on Fitth street, above Walnut, hull' an hour before departure. The Cais run into the Depot, aud ou the arrival of each Train, run from the Deot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage onlv. allowed each passenger. Pais.n.ers aj-o prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to bo paid lor extra. The Company limit iheir responsibility for baggage tu On. Dollar per pound, aud will not be liable for any amount beyoiid i IIK'. except l.y spe. ial coutract. I Viii. 11. GATZMKR, Ageut. January 17, ISC.t b JOIS im iGHT A, "47M ' ua.-ufai rmrjHs or BALERATU3. SUPER-CARR. OF SODA, Ac, And Sole Agents in the City of New York for CREAM OF TARTAR SUBSTITUTE, Iiivciiud by Prof. Eben N. Uorsford, of Harvard University. Office, 11 Old Slip, Hanover Square, (Upstairs,) NEW YORK. 'pilE high pi ice which Cream of Tartar commanded 1 in lda4. together wilh the alarming extent to which its dang.-rous adulteration had been carried , with other considerations, induced ihe distinguished '.'liemisi. whose nnme is given above, to couiii.en:e what proved tt. b. a long ami laborious f-iei.titjc re search, to discover a desirnhle substitute tberetor Hi. effort, were crow bed with abundant success, and hundred, of IhoUMindj of pound of the Substitute have been sold and used during the l:it five years, throughout tho United Stales and the Canada. The following true comparison of its nature and the results of il. use, wilh ihose of Cream of Tartar, aill convince the most incredulous of its value. Cream of Tartar is a bi-tuririite of Putash. This Substitute is a simple 1'bo.phaie. aud contain nothing but what is found in beef steak, nnd in corn, wheat aud oilier cereals, and is therefor, highly nutritious. It also hat a healih-giviug influence, and supplies that for which there is a constant de maud in the system. ( xr' It is sold lot a much leas price thun Cream of Tartar. March 2L ls.f.3 . ly Itritntlifs., Wine. 4.1tk. Ac. flMIE subscriber, having opened in Thompson' 1 Rriek Building, Mill treet, Danville, a large aud complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising lb beat brands of Rrandirs. Gin, Old R.v., ScoUb aud Irish V) hi-kt v. port. Shorn, Ma deira. Champague and oilier iues. ol all grades, all ul which will be Mild Wholesalu, at the lowest city price. Tavern-keepers, by but ing of us, can save tt lct4 the freight 1'trsou. doiiuus nf purchasing liquors for FAMILY USE, nay rely upu being furnished with a pur aj.4 auadull. l.ud arlu-le. I ,, Being dcivruiiaed lo esiabluh s rcputatiun for t-lliug cheap. hiesteetlully kjIiciu thu patruuage or lb. public All order, promptly atteuled U ., . JEREMIAH ti. 1ULL. DsJinll. Juu. 14. lbOO. Lumber I Lumbt-r! PHILIP SHAY, Mun.Lyeomiug county, Pa , INFORMS Lis friends and ih put. lie In (-antra that k. eon.i.ully krefaou baud Hoards. Miingl. alb, Juuu, aud all kind, uf Lumber aud kuildiuj L.i.ii.U. abicb be Bill tl at the Uiawi uik-m kaMareb SO, sb. i:H I Alll latlll lk llo. PETER l iThTll. L R l , NunU'Jk 'l ebuerw IhmhIU Issrtrr It A IS CIMMIU ,M T , (Furia.ily 41 t'k.ia.ai smimI.Nsb Yetk W ould call Ik all.uiiua ef Dealers to lb ailit-laa u( kt. uiaaalavtaie, tit : LROM N M IK. Maawbuy, l.a.'iu. tit.. K. p, I .i. iiiua.. t uais, t.u., Ns,Lii..b A.iiuui tl.alltai.a, lvpk.,, sllLoW tMfl rV.vi.-k lt,a I'. Rl.k Uwuttlk. I a II. . I.B Ki. tt Lask tl'ilk IumI, tM4ivtib a Lea4k4. ' rf Ait.alka U lll U. Ik nduiH. .taf Ilk. t at t k.Bl.f t4 Baut-kn aj I.WM, i.4i Bill t Iua4t4 .itut VuaJ.i t'Aflt Hwuklaf iu. t'.l lkt.u.4 auki4 L-l. f 4 I a Ial, -k. I. t ..4aaj. M .! "4). It. , f.t.ia.i. 1 ....... I .mUI tVu. I 4 I a-itat, la. 1-4 t.4'-k I a 44) liaaabMaal N fe - 4 tat ,..! W fi.l' lll t 4 K I ' Bsa . . 4 tv' t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers