n:mis ot' AIMKBTIM.IU. One square of 12 linen, 3 timet, $1 OA lirery suUequont Insertion, 25 I'ne squn.ro, 3 nionllii, o Hi.i months, - a 00 One year, ' 8 00 Business Cards of flltns. pffsnnnm, ' I lit Merchants and mhers advertising br the year, a with the prmlrjin of inserting djBer.nl ad tertiriiig weekly, 10 00 Business notice, inserted In the lOri, Coi.tmi, or before .Marriages and Deaths, VI VE CLM6 vkt LISE for each insertion. 13 Larger Advertisements an per agreement ' StNOLK BUBSCRIPTION i Tars Dollars per annum, to bo paid half-yearly n advanos. Ao pajnr discontinued soul all ar Tsaragea art paid. ' "' ' to CLtss : Tares, soples to on address, Peven do do .1. At. $ 00 10 00 10 00 Vita Dollars, In advance, witl pay for three years' sjabacriptton to ths American. anbiMtwripllonamu be Invariably paid In ad vMoe, and sent to one address. . - If , briber, neglect or refuse to take their news. .irs from the uOioe to which they are directed, they .lionblentiltheyh.v. .cttled tb. bill, and 0i:Sd;mK'.et a. our ABets, and , 1 ? h fior. con dmnir, subscription money. They 2S$&S tod! i tb -nder the Port Office Law. JOB PRINTINO. We bare connected with onr establishment a well elected .TOR OFFICK, which will enable us to execute, la the neatest ityle, every variety ef Printing. . NEW SERIES,' VOL. 17, NO. 1. SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 18G4. OLD SERIES, VOL. 24, NO. 27. TliUUM Ol' TIIK ."AMGKICAN." s SBUBT PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. B. MASSER, SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. "iVromlnR lnuriiii-c Comvnay, " WILKESBABRE, PA. Cnpitnl and Mtrplnn, ft 18,000. DIRECTORS : T M. TMlenback, T.. D. Shoemaker, John Hciehnnl. 1 Itrtwibnch, ti.m.tcl Wadhams, H. 0. Smith. K I. Laeoo, "ha. Porrnnco, 'hiirles A. Miner, Win. 8. Row. W. W. ketchaui. .M.!-"nl,ln! , . It M HOM.KXHACk. President. L. D.SJIOfcJIAKhK.Vie President. K. C.f?Mtrn, Pecrotnry. W U. Stkhlino, Treasurer. This Coinniinv Insures three-fourth c.r tho I net) valuation, Uikea'no Premium Notes, mnko tin Assess ments, Policy acknowledges all moneys poid during the term of jour Insurance. .,.,, , , A. CRAWFORD, Agent. Mar SO. lSfi.T ly oTwrHAXJPT, Atfvrnry nnd ('oiinm'llnr tit I.nw, Office 011 aotilTi side of .Mnrket street, four doors west of K. V. Ui iKut 4 Sou's Siore, SUNBURY, Will attend promptly to nil proTcssior.nl business entrusted to his cure, the collection 01' cluiuts in Northumberland nnd the adjoining counties. Fuiilmry, .May 2.1, W.3. ly JT. 33. HELLER, VlSee, on south iide of Msrk.'t Sinnrc, near the Court SUNBUK TT, PENN'A. Will Mtti:nd promptly tn all prWeMioiiHl hiinlnciei Tuirtiste.l to Lis cure. the collivlion of clnims in Nurtliiiniberliiud mid I lie hI joining counties. buobury, Mny 'M, lSii::. ly .1 UHM IS UtlU'.K'tt WIIULKHALK AMI RKTtll. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, K t. Corner .Second nnd ChcMitit St . Vhilwlelphia t OV.NCV .r the PATEN T Kil' AI.IZINtl 1 llllt A TV l'AV CLUCKS. 11 very iliwirnlJe arlicle lor Cliurcbcs, Hotels, Jlunks. Couuiiug Houses, Piirlore, 4 c Alwi. Mimiiiuctiiier of 1- INK HOLD PLNS. Clocks ri'puiri d and warranted. Clwk Triminniirs of every d.jription. Pbiladlphiu. Jmiiiary If. ISO 1 ::y PENSIONS, "BOUiNTIES". AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. t II. ROY UK. Attorney ut Law. i. duly aullmr iiV, nna liovned to cotlc't l-niona, ttimli-nml ItnvU 1ii for Widows. Or- hnns ana Sohli.-r?. t'fiieo in .Market lrct, oppo Weaver's Hotel, Siiiibnry, Pa. January lo. Ib'if. ly THE MISSES JOHNSTON S I! O A i: I) I N C. A N I) I) A Y S C il O O I. I 'or oims' IittlifN, No. U'otf Spruce Siriet. Pliiladelbia. i;i.n;ni.Nt i.s : Itev. Hr Howe, l'aii.l V.I.l.-r. tfq., Kev. Ir. Suddards, Win llavnaid lnyiuii. J-.MJ P.it. Jir. Cooper. fleorae M. Wharion. Hciirr M Fine. Ksq..- T. H. ' Hidliuir-worlli. K4 , It. P.." .Moutpnnerv, K. Hoy. Aleaaiili-r Henry. 'Iboinas iuiilnp. tsq., Philadelphia. lci?olnber 6, " OYSi KliS ! OVSi HHS ! C1AN OYM T.US. wbolo or hall'. Cans, fresli from j the City inaiketa. enn be had at all limes at the Coneelionei v S:oreof M. C. ULAIlHAKT. ' Suiibury,"Junuory 'J, lSol. V.X 1.0'llll. A- I'liniMI. iij sioin:. flUIK subscriber respectfully iid'urma the people o I Siiiilniry ami ieiniiy. thai he ha opened au en tire i.ew aiuclt of .dothini; and KuniMiin? ;rools, at bis new store in the buil'lin;: of Charles Pleiisnnls I'mj., in Maikvt square. Hi stock consists in part 20I1T3- CLCTHIITO- HOYS' I.O I1IIV.. Such as Coats. 0cr Coals, punls, vests, shiils, nnili-nhiria. drawers, Hue kind's, nccklie.", handker chiefs, glows, Ac. Alao, Haii and Cap. ot all kuiUs. I of all kinds. Tilt NKS. and Vulises, uiuLrcilas, i and notion of nil kinds, besides numerous other ar ticles, TI10 puldie are reiuested to give l.iiu a call ( end examine Ins stock. LEVI HLC'HT. Subbury. Oct.. 10, 1 V,?,. M. V. (.laitll.tllT'M I Confectionery, Toy and 2?.XJIT STORE, ; Mnrket Wlrt-et, Nnnbnrr, lu. C O.NFKCTIONKP.Y fr .M.I. KINDS, TOYS OF KYKHY DKSfJJIl'TIOX, j FHUIT, Ac. Ac, . j tONSTANTI.Y on hand and for ale at ihe above ".. e.-tii)ili-limtut utwholi-sale aud retail, at rcaeou- ; llc price. i H. ii maniifaetiirini; all kinds of Con feel ionarie to keep up a full assortment which are old at low I rt. I I'ol.aeco. Se.L'ars, Stalionery. Nuta of all kinds, and I arariciyuf other articlis, all of whijh are offered i fcuolcsal and retail. ! tf ltemcuibcr Ihe name and place. .IT j M 0. (iKAIlllAUT, Muiket street, 3 doors w est of L. Y. lliight A tfou'a lore. Sjiibury. Sept. 19. lwiS. tf ""PRIVATE ACADEMY; " NORTHUMBERLAND. f MIIK r.TV. JAMKSMCKSON". will rc-o.en his 1 Academy ou Mon-lny, the I Tib day of August, 1 .-.ilS. Tha following branches ill he taught l.aiiu, tireck. Mathematics. Phihwphy. Rhetoric, l.ugic. Hook Keeping, Vocal M.isia in' theory and practice. Also, Urography, lirauiinar, 111. lory, 1'L.iuisj.iiioii riling. TERMS : Per Quarter of 11 weeks. (n tot In the alsiv branches aithout the languages $A 00 Latin aud alve branches, 7 00 Orcek aud ubove branches, S (10 K-e I ireular. Per further particular apply to KKV. J VM1H lilCKHOX, Teacher. Northumberland, Augiwt Ut, I soil ly FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREESr ii 11 1 tt, mi:M UuuriAvi:iiN. TIIK uUoftb.T uorlerlnic at I ha lowest CJ uri.es, the pr.alih'lioli ol Ike reliable Nur-sLTJ --..-rt.aof H)W'Alti J. I V ANSA I K , at--Yl'lth, Pa., coi.J.tlngufsllklud.uf I HI IT Villi D u.i..lr I and lwwf, aud of tha most luiprottd far fiviiue. I'ruaiiarutal Trees aud MiruU. Tb luuat faabiofi-.1.1- .1 le.o( Hoaeis. tillAPr sues) a Cats aba. I linloo. Ilalaaars, Couvoid luai.a ilrlfid Prxlibo, l lwlla. As.. lbs Mial'ia ho will dlie.r. are ul (ba Must HM rosed flll; also all ulbet klkds of eulll.a ,. llarrlM. , , , , , H. (!. W to Jtlisaf Ik abok MlklrsUi guu4 "a'uu-, hi:njami ik.iinlh. paiiuua, North J C 1 l'a. ec.Ur , li3 &iii;iLi)iN(isT0NK. Mitt: UnUi wplfulljr Ut'iout lha liitn .ibl uit. ' ih'jr a M'l'fso iuiuuu l 111 II . XI tl"l; Ol NMIOUIM.0 ,. a I at i' ..it. h. -ufc. a. 1 h d.lt'o-l ' In 4 W soil aa4 tssioiM b.lo j.orofca.i. ot. Mirit I MUflM aikkoiy, l a S 4 li. i; Is' Sonu-lliiiis iNew in IIilIaloIplilit. COOPER'S PHOTOGRAPH AND ART GALLERY, No. 13:iS Chcsnut Street, opposito the V. 9. Mint. Onllcry, llccoplion and Operating Room. ALL ON FIRST FLOOR. All si vies and siics of Photographs, Ivory types, Ferrotypes or 'Tintypes'' and takeu at prices tu suit the times. Pictures Finished in Water Colon, Oil, India Ink and Pastil. Horses and other animals. Equipage. Country Scat! Ruins. Models of Machinery, Ac, for Patenting ac curately photogrnphed. P. F." Cooper desires to call Hie attention of per sons visiting Philadelphia to bis new Uround, Floor Ciullcry, wdiero be has introduced nowly-Ptentcd cameras, cap.'iblo of taking, in a few ibcoiids, ouo hundred Photographs, from the small stamp or au tographic, tu tho Imperial and Life Siio. After many experiments he has succeeded in pla cing his sky-light at an improved angle, diffusing the light in equal proportions, aud producing that soft gradation of touo which cannot bo given by the side and sky-lights generally used, and whioh of so much im)srtunoo to tho beauty of a picture. It is made of Frcnoh glass, aud is the largest iu Philadlo pliia. Mr. Cooper hnsjliccn cngngod nioro than twenty Tern's in tho study and practice of tho Fine Aats. His long cxpcricnco as a Miniature and Portrait Painter is a sufficient guarantee for the perfection of the pictures made at his establishment. Tho art of idealizing Is well understood : none hut the most skillful artisu are employed in the respou' tivo departments. ' Tho art ol" idealizing is well understood ; none but Ihe mo-t skilful artists are employed iu the respective department. All Pictures Warranted ; the Ivorytypes will uot change in any climate, and will stand tho test of acids. Particular attention is paid to giving graceful and easy positions. Datiucrrcotypes and all other kind" of pictures coppied. from -mall medallion tu life sIko, and fin ished iu colors or Indian ink, to look equal to picture taken from life. This (iallery possesses raro fucilitiea for taking Vijiiif tin in Pictures from life, in the rear building, where from one to fifty horses can bd photographed at a time. N. II. To Photographer. Coloriots and others. Just Issued. A New Work on Piioiocn.vi'ii Coi.oiiinu. IvonvTYriso, K.iahci.l iNti. Ivouv MiM.tri RK Paixtinu, Ac. Complete instructions given for making Ivorytypes nilh some valuable receipts, never betore published, useful to all photographers, for one ol which a lurgu sum hits been offered. ISy folio dug Ihe directions contained in this book, even tlioso persons with no previous knowledge of Painting cannot fail to color photographs iu a beau tiful and effective stvle. Price. One Copy. V-' Ort, Fivo Copies, $;0.ni. By remitting S12onc copy, w ith Hox of Paints. Palette, and pn 'partitions complete will be furnished free of charge. Will be Published Shortly. A Yai.i AIM.!. WuXK ON llll UVl.tO W if Ii progressive Uluslratiou of ihe Hhiuan Fuca and Figure. ALSO. A lLiND-Iiook o.n Postrioxs, Willi llltKlratioi.s. Designed for the UK' of Photo giapliers and ArtisM. Nl r. CiMiper continues to receive Ladies and Gen tlemen intu hi Classes lor Instructive in Drawing, and Photograph, Ivorytypc, lmlia Ink and. Pastil Painting, and a beautiful procec for Enameling Pictures. Circulars containing list of prices of pictures anil further information respecting the Hooks mid Terms ut Instruction may be had by enclosing Post Office Address aud a Slamp tu P. F. COOPKtt. in."! fhrstnnl Street, Philadelphia. KF.FF.KF.NCF.S. Cab b Cope, President Academy of Fine Arts. Dr. 'I hos. U W iliou, Oruithologist aud Lmouiol-oui-t ltcv . 'I houirs Miles Martin. P. K Church. Hin. Victor A. Sanori. Consul of Leghorn. Robert tj. Clurkson.of Firm of Jay Cooke A Co. New York, Rev. W. A. Muybiu. Reel. tn. Albau's Church lioston. J. V. Tiilon A Co. W orcester. Mass., P. Do.lge. K-'. Daliiiuore. Mons. Aiucdee Sauoii, Frercli Coucul. 1 12. Mi.;. lJLACK)()DliA(AZlNE AND Tilt: RlilTISlI E'IKVS. Prices Cheap. as I-Ver, to those who pay promptly iu advuncc. POSTAGE ltLDrcri) ! ! Premiums to new Subscribers ! ! Notwithstanding the cost of Reprinting these Peri odicals bus more thau doubldd iu oonseq uence of the enormous rise iu the price of Paper and of a geueral advance iu all other expenses and DOtttilhstandiug other publishers arc reducing the size or increasing price of ilieir publications, wc shall continue, for the old rules, viz. : 1. Tin: Loudon Quarterly (Conservative). 2 Tho Kdinburgh Review (Whig). 3. The North liritUh Review (Free Church). 4. The Westminister Review (Liheral). i. Ulacknood's F.diuburgh Magatiua (Tory). ILR MS. Per Ann . i 00 9 00 7 till 8 00 3 00 6 00 7 On 0 Oil 10 00 1'or any one .f the fmir Reviews Yvr any two of the lour Heviews Pol any Ihree of the four Heviews Fur oll'four of the ltcv ion s For 111 ticks .aid's Magazine For lllackaoonl and one ltevierr For Itlaekaood and tuo Heviews For lllucknool and three Heviews Fur liluekwood and tho four Heviews PUSTAliF.. The postage to all part9 of the I'nitod fitates is now only Fifty-six Cents a Year for tho Whole Five Pub lications, 'vis : twenty-four cents a year for lllack wood and only F.icjii Cents a Year for a Heviesr. Postage is payable at the oflico wheia tha numbers are received. PKKMU'MS. New Subscribers to any Iwoof tho Periodicals for Isiill, will receive ut a pr muiih their choice of any our or the four Heviews for l.tu.'t. .Subscribers to all fivo will receive their choice of any two of the four heviews for lo.l. Subscribers to any or all the works for Irtol, may procure any of the tour Keyiewa lor lMi'1, to which they may uot bo eulitlod as premiums, ut t ' a rear each. t if Tlie Third Fditioit of the September Nuuilr of IllaA-kwiKsl, coutuinini; an au article by au Fu)(li.h elbccr who war prettuut at III tUtLK ur Utlrlfsai au, is now ready price Jj cents. Hemittauucs aud communications should bo address ed to LL'ttNWrtD SCOTT A CtV, Publishers. No. Sri Walker M., bo., lliuadway aud Cburcb St. W e also 1'ubli.h the FAUMKII S (ll'lOK, Py licit a V Srr.rUHais ol Fdluburvh aud the lata J. P NuHiuts.of Yalo College '4 iols. Huyul Oclatu, IvlUU pais aud numerous LnK'aiiu.. Pricu o, fur the two vuluiucs. Dv Mail $7. I..bCu'i'f AtO. January 9, InJI It-HtllssK,' llisllroutl. WINTER ARRAN0EMENT KK.Af TKl NK I.INfc I row Iba North ana V 1 Vflb-V. el i Vliiladelpkia. New Yurk, Head il'g. Poll., III., I.elutiiuu, Allelilown. Ktvlon, la. Iraiu. Imis llarri.hurjf for Philadelphia, New. Yoik, Itt-wliu PulU.tlle. aud all luUruttalialo (ituiions. al a A M , and t 00 P. M. -Sew ..ik Kiprr.lccves llanrtobora; al S 00 A. M , aHim at New krkallll j tho Mine ruiruiiii(. I I' m llariuburg : Tu New Yuih J U ; lo l'tiil..t. lplila 4 JO aud f i Ml. I'hwkad Uii'UKb lUiwndug. Iaa New Yutk ail A. l , U N'uusi, and I P M. ,1'iitsbuuh Faw. La l'biladv. I nia al a Ii A U and I i P M. tleeiHi. ear. U (Ha Kew York Ki pesos Tralno, thr.Niiili Iu aaut fl.-ia I'tlasbuih ubuui alwuuiw. I'ruMiieis by Hi. t aiu.UM Hail H.4 I....Ta aa.,ua a. a 00 A. M , aud 1 II P. M , uf I kdad.l. plita, N.w Yusk. aud all U ay Poiuis. 'Iiaius l.as. Puii.nlU al Ii A.M. aad M f, M , In Pkila-Ulpku llaruuui aud V.o Vusk 'Voltl4aj4sUM4staAi 'aMsMlgf llalM I H4lsC )' " ' i'bila.liilpbHi a i H I f AU lk abuts baUo itiailailjr, (oaday 11. 1. Ah..uUy ti.ii Uim ruibtUlo alTSJ A.M. ad Pu.i.4' ii4. al J U P VI tuu.o.wiati. u( Mdj, SHNst. a, as.4 Fi'niaiuS) Tu k.u, ol s4u4 ioi.o w aud fiuea ail puuu. 00 t'o4 ()' olwows OkS l'i" Ii A kUolLS. tw II lA Qaoaial u).oi'als4soi P 0 ET 10 A L.' THE OIEL3 AND THF1 WIVES. Bomcbotly litis written tlio fo'ilowing nbout tho jjirls, nml set it afloat, ou tho sea of news pttptTiIom 1 God bless tho girl'", Whose golden curl Blend with our evening dreams ; They Imtint our lives Like spirit wives. Or us iiaiuds haunt the streams. They soothe our pains, Thry till our brains "With ctrr-nms of summer hours ; God 4ilesa the girls, Gnd bless their curls, God bless our human flowers. The wives' wo think, nrc quite as deserv ing hii the girls therefore tho following is respectfully submitted : Gnd bless tho wives, They fill our hives, With little bees and honey, Tlfy ease life's shocks They mend our socks. Cut dtiu't they spend the mtmej 1 When wc are sick, They heal quick That i if they love us j If nut, wc die, And yet they cry, And place tombstones above us. Of roguish girlr. With sunny curK We may in fancy divatn ; Kut wives true wives Throughout our lives, Arts everything they seem. TALES AND SKETCHES. tVHV 1 U.H AWAY. Ponaltl I.c.111 and myself were good friends at fourteen years of nrc, nml wc both regarded with little more than friend ship, pretty Helen Graham, "our oldest girl at school." We romped ami danced tngi tit er, and this lasted for such a length of time that it is with feelings of bewilderment that 1 look back upon the mystery of two lovcr-t continuiii'i friends, lint the time was to coino w hen ji alousy lit her spark in tny bosom, nnd blew it into a consuming flame. Well do I remember that how and when the 'green-eye" peipetrut .-d this incendiary deed. It was on a cold October evening, when Helen, Donald and myself were re turning wilh our parents from n neighbor ing hamlet. As wo approached a ford where the witter ran somewhat higher than unkle deep, we prepared to carry Helen across as we were accustomed to, with hand interwoven "chair fashion," nnd thus car ried a pretty passenger over the brook. Just as we were in the tiiiddlenf the wafer which was cold enough to have frozen anything like feeling out of buys Ics hardy than onr-elves a fuitt pang of jealousy nipped mv heart. Why it wn I know not, for we had carried Helen across the brook ere now without emotion, but this evening I thought nr fancied that Helen cave Don ald an undue preference by castin her arm around his tu eU, w hile he steadied herself on tny side by holding the cuff of my jacket. Xo Ihmie can burn so (jnick or wilh so little fuel as jealousy. Before we had reach ed the c.ppoaite bunk I wished Donald nt the "boitnm of the sea." Iking naturally impetuous, ! burst out wilh : "You need nrt baud sue gingerly, Helen, as if ye feared a fa. I can :iy.! curry e lighter than Donald can carry half of ye." Surprised nt ihe vehemence of my tone, our queen interposed w ith an admission that wc were both strong, and that -he had no idea of sparing my power. Hut Donald's tiro was kindled, nnd he utterly denied that I w as at all qualified to compete w ilh linn in feats of moral courage. On such topics boys are generally emulous, ami by the time ( reached the opposite bauk it was set tied that the point should be determined by our singly bearing Jklen across the ford in our arms. llclcn w as to determine who carried her most easily, and I settled with myself pri vately in advance that the one w ho obtained tho preference Wiiuld really be, the person w-lio slooil highest in her ulfeclions. The re faction stimulated me to exert every effort, and I verily believe to this day that I could have curried Donald and Helen 011 either arm like feathers. But I inuat not antici pate. We suffered tho rest of tho party to pass quietly along, and then returned to Helen. With tho utmost care I carried her like an infant to the middle of the water. Jealousy had inspired a warmer love, and it was with feelings unknown before, that I embraced her beautiful form, and felt tho pressure of her cheek against mine. AH went swim mingly, or rather wadiniily, for a minute. But ulas ! in the very deepest part of the ford I trod 011 a treacherous bit of wood w hich rested, I eeipposc, on a smooth stone. Over 1 rolled, bearing Helen wiihnie, nor did we rise, till l'ai.ly souked front lieu I to foot. I need not describe the taunts of Donald, or the accusing silence of Helen. Both be lievud ttiut I had fallen from mere weukness aud my nvai demonstrated his superior ability, bearing her in his arms a lonj; dis tance ou our homeward path. As we ap proached the, housf, Helen, feeling dry and better hnmorod, attempted t' reconcile, me. But 1 preserved a moody silence. I was luorliiled beyond redress. That nlht I packed tip a few things and run aw iv. My hoyUh mind, n u-itive ami irritated, 1 xuggcruud the negation which It had rtecivc.l, nnd prompted uietii belter re stills that geiieiiilly attend audi irregulnil tito. 1 ,i nt to r.diu'otirg, wliere I found an uncle, a kind In .tried, ildldless man, who gladly l'tvu me a place III Ills liotlst, ami employed in" la lilt busim.s. Wealth flow ed in iipon hiin. 1 bi-enni Ida partner cut altroad -resided tour Jours on th continent, and dually r turnc.l to Scotland rich. eduiMted, iu ahort,vcr)tUliif but umf rled, Ouo umin, wlilln at ball lit (ila'gow.I wat.lrm k by Uly of uuprtW'mliuu' ap. pt-arouia, bill Ikii rviuaraabU Uuuly au I Llyli I'iticd npfili'U ludnalid mind i( caliaui.liuary pi.siir. I as introduced, but I no r :..iiuU usuir bad hmi; I evu uufaiuilur Uttuvrar, au I I tout t n. irulili l.cts. ll a He. .11 aoiMvlhiut;, and lU.io ooihh thluii In Ilia I, a, l., U at Sw tft. I Uu.L.ar autuilUlug ovstaikaUt Hi k'44saiw hUl pala l.ut o Uctuo oo'l Uluta.l that iu , I laaias i iloul diltuuli) htl hof She was from tho country, had been edu cated, her parents hixl lost their property, uml was now governess of a family of the city. i was fascinated with her conversation, and was) continually reminded by her grace and refinement of manner that bIir whs ca pable of moving with distinguished success in a far higher tphrre than that which for tune seemed to have allotted her. I was na turally not talkative, nor prone to confi dence ; but tltero was that in this young lady which inspired both, and I convcrtu'd with her ns I had never conversed wilh any. Her qucFtions of tho various countries w ith which I was familiar iadiuatod a re markblo knowledge of literature, and an in credible store of information. We progressed in intimacy, nnd os onr conversation turned upon tho" causes which induced so many to leave their native '.anil, 1 laughingly remarked that I owed my own travels to falling with a pretty girl into a ford. 1 had hardly spoken these words ere tho blood mounted to her face, anil was succeed ed by a remarkable paleness. I attributed it to the heat ol the room, laughed, and, ut her request, proceeded to relate my ford nd- tuiventure witli Helen Griilmm, painting iu glowing colors-tho amiability of my j love. Her mirth, during tiie recital, became ir- repressive. At the conclusion, she rcmark , ed : ".Mr. Kohcrts, is it possible that you have lorgolten me f I gnzod an instant, remembered, and wns (luml'tiiuntleil. 1 lie liulv witli whom I bad thus become acquainted was Ik-leu Graham liersell. I hate, and so do you, reader, fo needless ly prolong a story. We are 1.0011 uiartied. Helen ami I made our bridal tour to the old place ; and as we approached in our car riage. I greeted to .1 stout fellow working in a field who seemed to be a better sort of ; laborer, or perhaim a small farmer, by in- i qtiiritier some ptirticulurs relating to the I neighborhood. Ho answered w ell enough, i and I w us about to give him sixjience, when j Helen stayed my hand, and cried out, in the fold style: I "Hey, Donald, moii, dinna ve kin vour old fren's ( The 111:111 looked up, in astonishment. It 1 was Donald Lean. His amazement at our ! appearance was heightened by its style; and : it wa with the greatest difficulty that we could induce him to enter our carriage, and answer our numerous queries as to our fiiend-t. ! Different mm start in life in different ways. I believe that mine, however, is the only 111 : stance on record of a gentleman who owes j wealth and happiness to rolling over with a ! pretty girl in a stream of water. ITIoiliesi bf Ihe 4'oiM'rlsi'iitlN. Next to the rebels we know of no eluss whose dilemmas are more numerous or de . plorulile than those of the Copperheads. Wc give a sample : 1. L'uless they can pass for Democrats they have no party, but ! 2. If they try to pass for Democrats the : patty won I huve them !!. l'uless they can combine wilh the rebels neither can succeed, but i , -1. II the rebels succeed they call no longer ',.;,,-,,, ,,,.., J o. So h'ttg as the Union cause triumphs, thev can never rule the country, but li. When the I'nion cause fails lucre will be no country lo rulf. 7; Before lighting lliey would seek a dis union peace, but 8. But before getting a disunion peace they must light the Unionist. Peace to them means peace with those who are lighting, against the Union, aud war with those who are fighting for it, but 10. They find it costs more "knocks" to fight the country's friends thau it would to subdue its enemies. 11. They belieie in all the rights of man, especially in his right to own men, but 12. Tiny oppose "woman's rights," par ticularly the rights of a Ithak woman to her chastity nittl her children. l;l. They favor the largest liberty, to wil : the liberty of a State to accede, iu order to promote slavery, but I I. They oppose instirrecti .11 and rebel- i I! .. t UT. .1 - ' . II'..!.. .1 1 t. . LS I .1 j lion, i'..ijce.i.ii 1 mu icwimi'ji 111 iiil- 1 aaiui i Government against the supremacy of the . slave Si ales. 1 1 1. They sympathize with the conserva- live effects of Jellerson Davis to preserve ' the "Union as it was aud thu Constitution as j it is," but ! 10. They believe all the acts which Abra ! ham Lincoln bus done, can do, or ever mav do, to maintain the L nion, ure unconstitu tional and revolutionary Usurpations. 17. They wouU.1 colouiio all aoldicrs of j color, but i IS. Thev do not believe in roloni.ing ! the Vullaiidihams who desert their colors. 10. They fear abolition, least it may kud to umaliraiiititiou, but 20. They like aluvery because it compel amalgamation. 'it. Tl.i Im lieve that God lru made the ncgn their Inferior, but 'Jv. They fear uboiition will make him their superior. "M. 'liny know McClellnn to be opposed to thu war, or they would U.'t Uomiuulu him, but-- 51. They want him to carry on the war. because he is opposed lo ita being curried on. 11. They pretend lo U lieve that McCUl l..;i made wur on thu rebels, bui - '.'J, Th'-y republish his ollkial reports as a Campaign document, In show how suc cessfully he made wur im tliu Adu.iu'uir lion. '.'7. To reiu'ue rebels to swear to support tho Constitution and U'As, bil'oie soling, ia to iulrisge the right of aulliage, but ii1. To prevent vob.inltvra w u r fight ing for thu I uloii from voting, la to auauin the right of aiitlrap'e. '."J. They deny that tho 1 Ii ilialioii of Ihe North U aiipilior tu that of (hit runith, but HI. Tlil Involve tho admission either that bad as are; the; riU-U, tha copjVerhiada ar no teller, or ii.u that lha I'oppuliiads vliy ii.i sharu of Northern t Ivili.itl.iti, Ul. Thu a'.xivo lacisleiid to allow thil tld is S cont.'.i ut Im Iwdoii Slates, column uiliua, r iuslilul Ions, bi t but wvuu all lua ib rall (f lha UuiiMU he ait, vit tins uiis aid.), sUl l talilt III aesw-aU orfaHs l'puly d!' si, aa "livl aud hiiiuauiiy,' ois lit uliier. t A.aiyw Jiti-,, Ta autass -adras, Mlata, Ulks Wl. Isuj s-Mky H t lsa karis W ls sea ls ss is. Issasma s us ii al b.ua, w ks'l, a4 all us as a to Isif1-! " 4'tiplntrl i'orresiponlo'oo. . An officer in the? 10th Missouri cavalry, w ho accompanied Sherman's late expedition sends to the Missouri Republican a largo butch of letters found nt Meridian and Kos ciusko, Mississippi. The letters are all in tho original form, nnd are certainly genuine. The first relates to tho des pondency of the people, nnd is ns follows : HnooKHAVr.x, Miss., January 10. 18C4. Deaii HuoTHKit Hkshy : I have been ow ing you a letter aomc time,' but have neg lected to write. Mr. Kohbins got home yesterdy. I went lip to sec him last night. 1I: gave sncn a glowing account of things tit Mobile that it gave me Ihe blue, and I have felt very badly nil day. He says all the Yankees have to do is to attack Mobile, nnd they will get it; that we have no forli fiealions there worth anything, and 1 mil very much afraid that you w ill bo all order ed there. ,1 cannot bear to think of you be ing a prisoner. t do not feel much like going to parties while our country is in such a dreadful situ ation, and so much distress all through the country. In fuct, I believe I have almost despaired of ever again living ns we did be fore the wnr. I am almost ready to give tip everything ns lost, but I trust U may not be so. 1 linnllr ever see a paper, and do not know what.is going on. l'a received a let ter from brother last week. He is doiim; ! tinelv, nnd thinks if old Ann frets the mil- lion men that lie lias called lor, Hint be will not be able to whip us then ; but while there is one that thinks that, there are hun-' dreds that think we are already whipped, I Irust the war will soon end, although I sec 110 signs of it now. Write soon, and may trod bless pou. Your affectionate sister, I.tzzij-: A. IIokkins. The next letter wo take up is from W. C. ! Leonard to his sister Marthr. He tells her ' he "don't intend to go iu nury fight," for J it appears that he was one of the Vicksbnrg ' prisoners, and it "iss dougpted abought their being exchanged." He don't beeleave j that enny of the vixburg boys will tight to do nnv L'ood." third letter Is from W. W. Wntkins to his sister, and i- dated near Hesaca, Ga., December 8th, lf03. It is remarkable only for its reference to the scarcity of food, ou which point he says "We fare badly iu the way if rations. We don't get much to eat,excrpt corn meal; we get beef once iu a while, but not regular. I wish tiiey would move tie to some other point, where we would be better fed. T hope the war will chwc soon, so w e all can come home." A soldier w rites to his M ile from "Camp near Jackson, Vebruary 4th, 1SU4," in regard to the dissatisfaction of the soldiers, in this inglorious strain: "The citizens mid sol diers are in great confusion here. I have teen a great many soldiers who say that they are going home soon. I think that this war will soon end, unless the soldiery should become more satisfied. I do not know what may be brought about to reconcile them. I thiuk the thing is nearlv wound tiv." Ax Oi.u Soi.Mr.r:. A count of rings in the wood of one of the big California trees, cut down several years ago, shows that it was not more thau 1223 vearsold. It was o, r . . ,. . 23 feet in diameter. CnniCK or Diuths A singular law f lists in I'tah Territory prattling to criminals under capital sen tence, a clusjo of deaths. Thry may fleet to bo hau led, tu bp shot, or to bo beheaded. In tho enso r.f Jii-oti Ii. Line, who wns executed at Salt Lttko 011 the l'Jth nit tor tho uiurder ol hatnuel lluiiton, tha prisoner doelinej. at Ihotimo of sentence, to mnko any choieo, so the presiding judga had himself to do teiinin tho mode ot exioution. Ho ordered him to be shot, and at thu hour apoiutcd ho was taken to the ooiirl-hou.a yard, aud Volly of fivo shot wero fired at him from the viudows of tho basciueut, where tho oxis-tionors w-ere ouieeuled from view. All the shuts penetrated Luce's bri'uit, aud ho full u er a corpse. Ax affecting Inetdent oetitrcs at the New Haven burrocks Ihe other dar A w oman desired to see her hu.diud emhraccd kiiu. br'sn to cry aud fob lujpst violently, llusliaiid gnvr her his handkerchief to t i pe her eyes, alter which she curiously manipilatrd it under btr shawl aud relumed it to Liia. llushand took it as if ii were a hriekhtit. t'flicti of guard iu vcsiitrnted, and found a bottle of old rye whiskey ill haudkerchief, Sntr.ET EnccATtos. Tha city Missionary risite l an unhappy young mau iu our jail, awuiiiux hialriul for a Stale plisoii crims. "Mr,'' said tho pns..ner. w"' rui.i.iug down his cheeks, , - Ud a good homo eiiucaoon; ll was my .-urrrt jui.iui.uu.on. .u.uv-a me. I used lo slip out of ihe house aud good wilh tho I Inn iu the street. Iu the street i learned to lounge : ! in 'the struct 1 learned to swear; in tha street I j learned to smoke ; iu the slice! 1 learned to gamble; 1 iu the street I learned lo pilfer. 0. sir. it is iu thu i street the del it lurks to work tho ruin of the , young." lslliisso? Jicwareiheu, boys, of a street Ldu cntiou, and stay al huitiu- Aud let parents sea to ll I that homo training is pleasant rial stioiig and sound ! enough tu grapple wilji aud conquer tue b.-.d and evil lutlueuce of ilrcel society. Child' Vupr. I Tukiik i a arar.a of the eouteuiplato.1 abdication of Vueen icloria, and thai the Ptioce of W alea is ki ascend lha ihroucut Luglaud as king hdward Vll (iE.i. Siu nvAN, bv Lis late raid across Mississippi. ItoUL'htoll S.000 urgroea. and. as Oeueral toaiil thinks, struck a heavy blow by dusiroyii g Ike tail ruauj. The whole amount of gobl coin lintirdcil in thu tinted Mates is vsiiiuaud at 100,. 1100,000. Ciik.w Siavk PitoPKitrv. There were aoj.l Ht auction, at Frederick, Mil., on the 2d iust., one slave girl 1 ight years old for (I, one woman for 1 13, and woman an. I child 8 years old for )?3 1 all slaves for life. General Pricu la in touiman-l of tho Mia aoiirialia ill Texas, Gen. Grant has jntrtiilputtd In twenty sewn battle. In Berks county, Pa., the tnltru qtiola is l,.'liU, and alauiiy 1,0. luvu h. Kuli.t ud. Vermont has sent llftr ministers til tha sr ill Vuliotia 1'iipiU.iliea, from Colonels to privates. The lock of thu Cell iu which John llrnn was con rliird si llarjier's Firry lias beu ami tits Albany Fair. TUrrs r said tu U 1,200 essos of small. 11 n in I ttvil-ud, Ohio, ami tu uuuausl lurij'o nuintier lit t'im iuiiatl. TU Nw Yurk-dry s!ls U.ltrs Usv glisn (tn.tx.ti t " Mvttv'Miltais t ail U that tny. Oil Jton.hy idsihl lh fs U lh wars). bou .f Baby .t l , al bhipiiburil. lJ , a Lloattt uJult Will) (JUUl.os.tUl, sua foU Ud of I .'13. Kof list) -('! of? Ositrral KtMl'il k . L -.1 . w. Uail a.i ul aaia'suia sss. vi - ' iba I sles i.iis.usie to Ilk Ui.WU.1 J", , ss plus t, S ! s-ss I Gen. rcmbcrton is living in seclusion at Columbus, 8. C, having becu laid upou tho shelf by Jeff. Davis. Another colored regiment is to be raised In Philadelphia making the seventh from that city. On tho 4th instant a fire occurred at Oil Creek, l'a., destoying from yO.OOO to 411,000 barrels of oil. PKnsoXAL. Govornor Hicks is lying in a critical condition. Erysipelas attacked his sprained limb and nccesiiation amputation below tho knee. Tho operation wns per formed 011 Friday morning by prof. Smith, of Baltimore, assisted by Dr. Bliss, of Wash ington. His condition is auch as to make his friends anxious. a .: r t a . a - r , , voj ,t vuwiii, itiioiu 01 paper ami 0:1111- boo, covering many square miles, ami con- 1 taining 70,01)0 inhabitants, was burned by I English sailors throwing bombs and red hot 1 shot into it. It burned like straw, and it is ' supposed that many thousands of women! and ciiuriren, ami lnlirm ami sick huve perished from this wanton act of cruelty. Tho Suhiirlan Hcportt r snvs that the "statement which has appeared in numerous journuls to the effect that Mrs. Tom Thumb had become a mother is somewhat prema ture, as we are assured upon the very best authority that tho great event is not ex pected to occur betore the month of July next." TrtrE Patihotism. Smith, the "razor strop man," early volunteered in the 104th Illinois, at $13 per month, though he was making almost a month's pay in a day. He participated in all the engagements of the regiment till the battle of Gettysburg, where he vim wounded in the leg, w'hich became near losing by amputation. He was taken to a hospital nnd finally discharged, notwith standing his protest and asseveration that he had one more left of the same sort." Since his return he has been devoting him- j self to procuring recruits gratuitously I The fact is ascertained from a number of! returned ofliccrs, that whin Kilpatrick was . approaching Richmond the rebels placed one hundred kegs of powder in the base- j mcnt of the Libby, to blow tip our prisoners 1 in case of an attempt to rise, and it is not ! doubted that the lebel president issued the ! order. The stairs connecting the depart- incuts of the otlicers nnd men were cut j away, and a crowd of sentinels posted at j every, point, under thu special order cf the hyena Turner. A Letter from the army of Texas says tho inhabitants of Iudiunola and Old Town, above six hundred in number, have volun- I tartly come forw ard autl taken tho onth of allegiuucc. . Biehnrd Cobdctl sends his autograph, bv request, to tho Brooklyn Pair, placing it over tlie expressive sentence "I ree Trade The Internutioual Law of the Almighty I" Col. Gowan, an American, has leased 50, 000 acres of land in Bussia. to carry on ex plorations for coal oil similar to that 01 Pennsylvania. In Cincinnati, tho other day, a wealthy Quaker refused to give any money to aid tne war, but sanl there was a loose $ I I'll note at his office the committee might lind Mr Everett's subscription list for the re lief of the East Tennessee Unionists ha al ready nearly reached $-10,000. The Washington correspondent of the New York Times stales that a letter has been received from Gi n. Grant's army, say ing that nine-tenths of the soldiers aro iu favor of ilr. Lincoln's re-election, and w ill vote for him it they have the opportunity. On the 22d of February votes were taken in several brigades and dh isions, and out of nearly 111,1100 ballots polled only oS3 were cast against him. Niucty out of the one l;titidrcd and six Ulliou members of the Ohio I.pplsla: urn have bigned a paper recom mending tlie rcnomi- j nation of President Lincoln. Three mem- i bers were absent, w ho would otherw ise have attached their names, bix other members ' endorsed ihe resolution, but refused to sign, I nit of their personal regard for Jlr. S,. P. I Chase. I Mr. S. P. Cox is icpnrtcd t.i indignantly deny the truth ol thu New Herald's recent story that Gen. McClellall was unwilling to be a candidate for the Presidency. The Ileruld itself seems to have, no faith iu the story, for it has dropped its advocacy cf Gen. Grant and returned to the suppert of .McClellan. U.NioN Mkktims at Ik Nrsvii.r:1; Ai..nv MA. A meeting of the citizens of lluntsville. I held on Saturday, March Oth, w ith Ibm Jere. Clemens 111 the chair, adopted patriotic reso lutions. Tho first denounces the attempt to break ' up the old Goverumcnt ; the second declares j that the onlv hope for deliverance is by the j pifoplo casting ofT leaders and acting for I themselves; the third and fourth express j thu belief that all past ditlieulties can be ad ! iiiste.l iin.ter tint (oiititntion nt'ih,. l'nito.l Mates and the tribunals tlicreof; thu lii'llt asserts that it is time for Alabama to look for herself in what manner to secure pence w hile it can be had on honorable terms ; the sixth tleclures their unwillingness to Imii r continue tho rebellion, commenced ami con tinued iu crime; thcacwntli culls 011 the (iowrnor to rouvetiu the Legislature; for the purpose of Culling a Convention to provide lor restoring harmony to our distracted land, reunite the links so mournfully broken, und on his refusid pledges thu people to act with out such authority; the eighth calla for a liiicting of all I'uion ci'.iins of ai. lining enmities in lluntsville ou the litht f March. s'l... .... n..u... 11.. I. uv uivi-t.il' is its hi-ii uticiiiici iii, iriti.iii Ivully addresMil by tho chairman. YnuM Ms.xirii.-AU pirts ol tho c eititrr Comes I lie iiittlligs'ticu of 1 It J occupation of various law ns by thu French troops, ai d, among other places, tiilauaju'ilo) and Mm kill Inn. Alter Making aU allowaace for the f.iet , Unit Ultt news iroul Slesica v.ura ikhu t'reiieh sources, it Urvnltni that the national I A simplk I'mji 11tr.11 V d.vout but sun cuuae Is rapidly loalnu; I'r.uiml. Tb" Juan' ' plu I'pist f(.ui.i!i now. . d dttriti Ihu a4oi Goreiniiiei.l is now Kshjcsal ta four or Uvs ol Li nt, Uiui ihe tluovh U l was runn (Jiult-s. levy iUy, aiil uot lui.h rstamliiirf il, h -, - i tunud o.iu .Ly tn a br.ihir in tho iLui.h, I aud ake.l l.i 1 vilmt Hair Ull was rutin l.-r (Ul. 4 Amour I "rlsiulm, Is Jour loa.li t w, ,,,,,,, .-vii "s il I his I'thndl "It U g.uJ farinsr I ' "U ie, ua4, Ium 1 l liU tharmiin,' ai.11plU .tv. ha is- lanuttf - h. HisktfS -'vroo. bi os... jr.", ,,;U , l i(ul, , ,.,, j " "II j Is thai. ''" "h),hs ad all , ' his hat In 1U1 lad sd ui.k.a muu.y oo.t; , A ri u.w was it'i.bilii whelW or h.. .1.41 lis ita sprii., lo as II U hide. ..b i!u . sl.oi.H o! iiilccr 0. Iii5!il. t'.iu of !. llu .Ut ilia U a- si4ut,uU.W Uy, sa l dl lKi:s sv.oaj Ul sis tu u..a. iaoiu Wis U lu.kaa auuau laava." .ai pli..i S l l.-ry t IksiIi, 'usrhat -Mary,"saa4sss fsr -tU'ass u .kI ii,,., k. sid b..t sby out aba as yt SsasS to lM Ito slw. ll. 1 ... Iu ,i . tks.lai aa Jlu.. aaa Ik. ,.. ' t-I kS kt sU las ,s l.l. m M -. 4 RECIPES. Throe Vnliiublc) Itors-iplsi. I have the pleasure of sending for thu Housekeeper's) Department thrco original receipts I received from a Yankee lady aud friend in New England. I.KMOS I't'DPINO. Tike two large lemon", jsjitcec the juice and grate the peel ; takeUtinu eggs, leava half thu whites ; oti; pound erf loaf sugar, one-third pound of butler, rose water, pint of cream, half pint of In ead crumbs. Mix butter a id sugar together, thcu add tlin other ingredients, anil do not put in tho lemon juico until quite ready for the oven. Baku half an hour. PRK.NCIt msciriT. Take three new eggs aud their weight ii flour nnd sugar; beat the white to u fino froth ; then .y liecrecs mix in flour aud sugar; then the yolk j. When all arc ud li ed, take a spoon uml drop your biscuits on sheets of paper, and powder wilh sugar, comfits or curraway'secd. Bako iu a moder ate oven. ciii;i;sk CAKL3. Boil a pint of new miik ; heat fivo yolks and two whites of eggs; pour in the egg when the milk boils aud then drain tho cunl until quite dry. Taku half pound of alm onds, beaten fine, and mix w ilh curd ; then bent in four yolks and two w bites of eggs ; stir iu six ounces sugar, quarter pound but ter melted iu rose water. Bake in tin pat typans line with paste. m. o. b. licrmmttotrn Tt ivjrnph. A Hist to liot -.KKfu ei ns. l'ho amount of injury iluuo to tho lender stomachs of youne; chil dren, invalids, scdcntury persons, by outing had bread day after day, from ouo year's und to another, must bo enormous. A cook whocauuut make good bread of every discription. ought not to bo nllowod hnii-o j-ooiii lor tin hum , and Ibut mother is crimi nally negligent, whatever mny bo her position, wlio docs not teaeli her daughter to kuow what good bread u ; aud ulso haw tu mnko it: Oii.ino Boots. The application of castor oil to new boots' renders them as soft as buckskin glove. It is also the best applica tion that can be made to render a new boot water proof. Am.i: Cn.i:r.oTTi;. Pare and siieo thin one quarter of a peck of juicy, tart apples ; grease well your baking dish, i;i which pla.-u alternate layers of stale bread, grated, and the sliced apples; between which sprinkle, sugar and powdered cinnamon, adding pieces of butter. Bake one hour ami turn out before serving. To bo cuten with a beaten sauce, of sugar and butter, or w inn sauce. G'crmantoicn Tel. 11 u Foli o u s. Local Lihtok's Annual Rei-okt. Tho Local of the Memphis Bulletin publishes tho follow iug animal report, w hich may be taken ns a fair average of the experience of local editors generally : IM-.l'OKT. Times asked to drink 11,393 I:ank ll,atl3 Kcquestcd ts retract 4UI Didn't retract 418 Invited to parties, reception, presentations, etc., by peo ple fishing for ptitls 8,333 Took the hint B3 Didn't take the hint 8,300 Threatened to be whipped 171 Bceifwhippcd (I Whipped the oiinr fellow 4. Didn't come to time 170 Been promised bottles ofcliam pagne, whiskey, gin, bitters, rum, boxes of seuars, if we would go after thcu 8,030J Been after them 1 (iood again 0 Been naked "What the news I" 800,000 Told U Didn't know 200,0ot Lil about it btf.ol'J Been to church 5 Changed polities rut Lxpitt to cliangu et 111 83 I a--.li on hand f 00 Gave for charily fi Gave for terrier dog tf'-M Sivorc otf ba.l habits 7.'-J hall swear oil' this year 723 Number of our bad habits 0 - Farmer B was tiltint; in a country ! church. Ho had been working hard iu th ! harvest field; hinds were scarce, and Farmer i 1 was liozir.g. The loud tones of tho i minister failed lo mouse the farmer, uutil, at. j length, the good man closed tho lids of thu ! BiOle, nnd concluded as follows: "Indeed, my hearers, the harvest is plenteous and thu ! laborers ure Ii w. "Yi," exclaimed Parmer I B , "I've oil'ered two dollars 11 d.iy for I cradhrs, uid can't get them ut that." I A Piuioii.ii Ttvr- "Wow do you do, Mr. I Printer .' I want a Sunday Ssehool banner 1 printed ; w- rtte a goin' to have) a taiiu' 1 iourth of July celebration, and our school 1 w :ict a banner," "So 011 ought, air. A l.ut dj jou waul on it ' "Wid, I don't know; we ort to havo a 1 text ol hi ripter on it, 1 reckon :'' 1 " rimi's a fjooil idea wliai ahall it la) C 1 "U by, 1 thought this would bu us good as ' utiy - 'Be sure you're ri-lit, then go ahead."' j A Wimi;ihi Law. "Viss Luereiin F.I ir.t," iid a toiiiieal l' How to all old luuid. "l.uve 1it1 beanl ol tt.u mint act of con- I ' wul,., n (.,,1;,., wltit ,1U,! mouths .. . . . .. uiv providi d w ilh luisbainla ( ' "Imleed. 110," alio replied, sen wing up her mouth villi a j'ucki r. ' It's a lai't however," replied thu ag ; ".m l aiiollier i l.uise In the act pro l.les that tltosO Utiles who have larfn Uioiith. .hall h ue two husbands : .11 Ii." "i, im evel.oinitl lliu ol I l idv, I'l'vitin her l.ioulh as big u a bucl.i t, " list woudcr- . t.liril)U, ... - - 'U' aud I .1 4 I ..all
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers