djc-unbiir? ftmrviran. tt. B. MASSER, Editor & Proprietor. SATURDAY, APRlLr27T8C4. B. M. PETTENOILIi ft CO., Ne. 37 rk How, New York, and t State Stroet. totton, we our afoul for the SumanT Americas In thoto citlet, and are an loomed to take Advertise IxeuU and Subscription! fur lit at our lowetl ratti. f-f?"QoDEt's Lady' Book. The April number of thin popular mngnzine contain n largo number of embellishments, promi nent among wliich arc, a tine steel engrav- tig, "Keeping Company," and a colored fusliiou plate of tin figures. Among tbe engravings of fashion, some sixty in number arc, a c!inuor-ilre9s, L'Elt'gtinte, four liiflVr ent styles of henci-dresscR, etc., in which the ladies feci an interest. The literary contents which we hare not space to enumerate, nrc choice. Godey's Lady's Book isunciucstinp lily, the fiiost complete publication of the kind, published in America. James Buchanan will never appreciate the merits of "Ayer's Fills." In Dr. Ayer's Al manac for the present year, in the column of "miscellaneous events," the following "scrap of history" is found: "Traitor Bu chanan, born April 21st, 1701." Charlotte Cushman, since her return to Homo, her adopted home, lias been con tinuing her efforts, so liberally unci effi ciently commenced in her native land, in behalf of the United States Sanitary Com mission. A Louisville editor says he has just seen a ccnucman who. after liiivinir travelleJ three thousand miles in tho South in search of his rights without finding them, coueludcd to give up the hunt und come home Vigilance committees are already at work in the Idaho gold region, trying, ban ishing and hanging rascals who are given to theft and murder. Idaho is then-lore re peating the early history of California, both m regard to gold and Lynch law. Fkw people comprehend the great amount of sugar used aummllv in the United States. In there were 4:J2,411 tons, or804,t?22, 000 pounds or nearly 2U pounds to each man, woman, and child, estimating the pop ulation at UO.OOO.OOO. SLoral affairs. t'jf'A meeting of the ttnoil Intent Firo Cotnpa. iiy" Kill be iield at tlic Court House ou Monday evening next, at 7 o'clock. I'ersoiis desirous of Con ueeling themselves wilh the Company uro requested to atuud. x 1U:mov.i The millinery store of tbo Misses Shisider, in Murkct r-qiinie, tins been removed to the buildine; adjoining their old aland, where they will be happy to have their friends call and make a selec tioo of their choice goods. Their spring and maimer nock will be opened next week. -.v- t-tf "Mies M. L. Uussler in now in the city purcha sing her spring and Hummer millinery good, which alio will have opened next week. f'i'Mr. Kohbiieh will commence lii4 seleet flehnol in the (irand Jury Hoom on Monday the till int. J .Scholars should report ms early iu possible. See ad vertisement in another column. EjThc Commissioner of Internal Hevrnue, lias ilecidcd that all promisory note hrid due bills, under s.r over twenty dollars, arc subject to a tamp I if "Xbw Goods. Mr. J. O. lieek,lns ju.-t opened a large stock of gentlemen's dresa gooilti. 'those desiring good gnrnienis will lind a cheaper and a ijottcr assortment of goods at Mr. Heck' than auy 'other vstubli.diintut in this section of country. See lUvertinf-ietit. jr- Our neighbor tif thi (iostitr, thus refers to ! Cri ;!it n. late pastor of the Melbodlst Church in ilii. piece t 'I'll e 1'ivitl citir.entof r-unbury will regret the re. 11101 al of llev. A. M. t.'reighton. .Methodist Horny man of this place, to another field of labor, lit- litis now been among us for two yearn, and in that lime has tnudo many friends in and out ot tbo Church, by his u:iliti-)s as n Christian and a hiyul citinu.'! tjg Tho rafting neasou lmsbtouglit down consider able lumber Sheriff Vandyke of this place, who has the reputation of being one of Ihe best pilots on (he river, took through from tho liamokin linm in one trip no Ices than sixteen raft, tho Leginuing of liie week. i ii - 5 Stiikkts axd I'akviats. Sinee pring is opening wo observe that our Street t'nimntoinner,, arc engaged in cleaning out gutters uiid repairing Ihe streets. Wo would Mitrc-int that the citizens who have not yet laid puvcuieut-. that thi is the time to prepare for doing so. raicuieuts thould ho put down us soon as proper material can be procured' which will conduce not only to the comfort and health of our vitizcru, but u an improvement will greatly enhance tho lue of properly. There is nothing more needed in our town than gd pare, incuts aud graded streets, and we hope the Council will have this uccouipli.-hej during the coming sum mer. IJ Oin Firb Dri'iBTutsr. We copy the fol lowing from last week a (razrlte : "The defects in our Gro department were made apparent at tuu tire in Ihii plaeeon last Friday. The engines and h'o are mil kepi in good condition, aud w hun they are brought out lor sci viue, uiuch precious time is lost before lliey can be got to work. Ilesides I liie fire compaiiios are not organised, and the work t a lire it mausgad with bo system whatever iliu Liuuleuant lieuerals arc out of prorti..u to iho number of privalus. It would bo to Uie inler,-t of our uiuscus lo reorgaiute Ihe fire deparlwviil ot tbu tJWU." We learu that tho M'a-bingU Fie Company lias been disbanded (' tome lime past. Tbe Uoud Iu tent Company hato .t their members by tnluling iu tbe army, and eao only muster tome six or eight active members of their oui)iiy. 'J heir Ujm are in a bad eoudiliou, aud neJ oiling fyid repairing, and If neglected much longer will beootue useless. The raetubert have been trying to keep up lutir or, gatilulioA by (etliug Dew weiubera, but to far, their lalwr bae beam la vain. We would further add lo tbe suggestion of tbe Osteite, ' that oureliiiune reor ganise Ibe are department," and thai tbe Towu Couu til bave tbe tngiueaaud bune put iu foud rir aud appropriate a tufitcieut aoiouut out of Ihe boiougb fund to defray Ibe j enttt. stiettiiwi ii -lliua pau ator pauvmea Thai yrutUiont u4 Ibe uietttariee of life aboulj adtauee w as tx t untipevted, but there it no good reaaut) tor tbe ei Iretageiil plieea akd fof tuaay ailivlee that lis ilkri oat ie of dioVull Ui oMaiu. 1 kef e ie su r e.s why beef should tell at bighar ralee Ikaa fioia 10 lo II fcuts per pueud lef axeorjiug lu city pi ices, isuol sjeflii luute. lioud kamt tu be bad al liicfct ranging liutit i lo 50 eenit, au l eue uu4 vf hut e 01 au as ff as tea a.uudt of beef, liutler at hi etuis It altu bigbtf tkta M tltouU ba. I'eikt4 I'.s tlisap4 aiiule, al lie Resent Hate, it abctai, Ibe stittef Me k..iluauly, Ikal (eiuaiut alike old U ,t r.ileielu l p iiatgut ftv ud il i.,v,Miy Mfuf atiMs d4 iu itfuilu Ika Its it lit, aUiaiu Ii "US tbe use ot ew-k 'Ji.4 is tadbf It-itUkevlUN lot tub) pi. .U ai.d li. .1 n..,.il y.Mj4 .eu ie In nb'i4 lsj i J-l aiiblx tufii.. ote evuu'i I ibe Ih4 iiiy i I .. I.i a !l 4 t. I-1 ei "tit i I U ,1 tti . fHt ! 4-l i SlU'l1 lll'll'l'l i. i i s t SrAi small-pot. is prevailing in various localities in this country, the following articlef-on the tubjett of vaccination, whioh we Bud in the Washington ChroHith of Saturday last, will be read with Interest. The physician referred to, is, no doubt, Pr. J. Priest ley of Northumberland : VACCINATION. To the Editor of the Chronicle : Bin : You can bare the satisfaction of announcing that a aew era in vaccination it about being entered upon, which promisee the most happy result. It Is geaerally known that persona vaccinated by the disooverer of the art, who used matter obtained only from the oow, were never afterwards subject to attacks of small poi. The gradual deterioration of virus, however, by pasting it through so many hu ms!) beings, and vaccinnating from arm to arm. hat resulted iu its failure to protect from a modification of small. pox, known aa "varioloid." in view ol mete Ituta u lis been proposca 10 re turn to the exolusive use of virut directly from tho cow ; and a distinguished Pennsylvania physician (Dr. Joseph Priestley.) hat furnished the Medical Department of the army with a itualt quantity for immediate use. ana IS exerting uiuiseu 10 cxicuu me propagation or it. . n'a diii hone Ihe Aomnlete eradication of small pox will apeedily follow u general Introduction of tnis matter. -Hr. P.'s Inbort havo bcrn entirely grnluitoin. Yours, truly, Pr.STniTTtvp. Fire. About one o'clock on Sat tirdn night last, a (Ire broke out in the rear ' up the coach shop oceupied by Saml. Hammer, on Mill Bt., and before it was diteoverev had communicated to the adjoining buildings, which being frame, in a short time were enveloped in flames, which threat ened to tpreod rnpidl v. Tho large hardware store of CO. liiildv took 'fire, but being much higher Uian the surrounding building, and built of brick was saved with but little damage. Tho adjoining Tranie building, used at a restaurant, wss entirely consumed. The frame cabinet -shop occupied by Samuel Henrio, was entirely destroyed, hut most of the furniture was saved, though considerably dam aged bv the heat. The brick tmilding owned by Mover "Lvon and oaoupied bv Mr. Volliver. as a bookstore, was much damaged. A frame kitchen attached to Ihe dwelling of Onus Urn., was entirely destroyed. The losses will sum up as follows : U. I . Ilaldv, wooden building? tolal los. Insurance $170. Urick building, loss J2I0 full imuranco. S. Henry, lot $920 insurance $2:10. Wrosa llro., I ois $MiS lull insurance. Mover I.yon, lii .t2r. (ii full insurance. Mr. Welh'vcr. loss by lire 570 r.,11 Insurance. S. Hammer, loss Sdi no insurance. Beside the losses by firo a large quantiny os goods wot stolen by a pack of thieves who attend fire' lor the express purpose of carrying off whatever they can lay their hands on. They should bo ferreted out and severely punished. The fireman deserve credit for the manner in which they acted in their cflorts tc extinguish tho flames, anil had not boen for their exertions Ihe firo would undoubtedly havo been more disastrous. And hero wo would suggest that if their organization was more thorough, the department might bo made still more efficiently on such occasions. The fire is supposed to have been tho work of nil incen diary. I)anvie AmeriC'tn if Democrat. . The Sclinsgrove ''Post" statct that tho body of an infant was recently found by tome boys in l'enn's Creek. It is supposed to be case of infanti cide. Ail English newspaper says that only one person ever got to the bottom of the Pchleswig-llolstein queil ion. and ho was a Herman professor, who im mediately went mad. Captain Sawyer, recently released from tho l.ib by Prison, has been promoted to tho pott of Major in his regiment (Iho First New Jersey Cavalry) bv tlovcrnor Parker. His new commission dales ' buck to last October. Kishoii Tilnol. of Buffalo, announces ofnciallv in his organ, the ti'rstrrii iYf ir' York Cutwiic, "tliut j the Fenian Hrothers " cannot march in procession ) witli the Catholic societies, nor luko part iu Catholic j ritet ana Holy sacrillccs. A party of Boston capitalists nrc erecting build ings in fouth Boston for the extensive manufacture of olate class. The sand to be used in the man ufacture is to bo brought from Berksliiro county, and four li unit ml workmen aro expected over from Kugland iu a few days. A Hnrtford man has expended $20,000 on a stable- j which is said to be fitted up as nicely at a gentle- man's residence, ' and in which there are $:ln.iii0 ! wo' lh of tine horses among them Princ. tien ! Meade. " I.ady Litchfield, '' ' tiiit, and other famous trotters. I A innn named Phelp. who die I nt f-'alcm. Ct . re" I ccntly. by his own agreement sold his body to u furooii in Boston for 41. U"0. the money to' be up- j firopriutt-d to the use of hi widowed mother, and lis bo ly to purposes of scientific investigation. His" death wut produced by au enormous tumor upon bit 1 ba.-k. j The editor who raid that his mouth never uttered a tie. probably siiitke through his iiosv But tho women who said that Derrick Alien s liold Medal Paleratits is the best in the world, und makes better '. Bread. Biscuit, Cakes ot puddings, out of the same ' sack of Hour, than can he made with any other sal- eratus or Soda. i-Hikc it with her eyes and mouth I wide open, and does not I'enr contradiction. Iiy- I peptic persons Can use it with impunity, and hf all I Ihe better for so doing. Most all the Grocers s.-ll tt. j In jiot 112 Liberty hticct. New York. A voting woman of XewluirviitiH has sent 1 to Mr. Lincoln a pair, of woollen sock", m the bottom of each of which is Icnittod the I secession Hag, and near the top the stars and j stripes, so that when worn by tho President I he will always have the (lag of the rebellion j under his leet. Edward Kvrretl sajs that "whin the hi tory of Kat Tennessee for the first two and : a half years of the war shall be written, it will disclose scenes of tyranny and oppression ' of which there arc few parallels in the an- ; mils of the world ; and this at the hands of ; men who pretend to be waging war for self- j government' mid to protect the rights of the j minority against the rule of 'a numerical majority." The Springfield ItrpuhUmn akswhat mil-! itary order is like a lady crossing the street : on a wet day dress up in front close up ; in the rear. i Tho New Hrunswick papers are loudly lamenting the increasing emigration of young men from that province to the United States. The Uftnio nf llin Tiivnli.l f'nriia iu !v nrilor in mo oar irpuri iiieui, enaiigeii 10 liiui m Veteran Heserve Corps, wliich sounds more pleasantly to the officers und tho command-!. w i i , i , . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. (i. IV. tlKr.I.ER, SO 1.0 M 0 MALIt'l. ZIEOL&R St MALICK. ATTORNEYS AX LAW, Miiuttury , ort liitnilM-rlutxl 'o., u. Offer their profeasienal services lo Ihe public. Col lections aud all other professional business eutrusted lu them, will receive prompt attention AUu, Military elaiuit will be collected, tueh at liouuly, Uack.Pay. I'euiloin, to., dc. Jioth siwak Ihe lieruian luixuagc. Office Mui ket rsiuaie, urxl door lo Prolhonotary i ' uee. fuubury, March J, ISO!. FLAO & BUILDIHO 8T0NE QUARREY TO LET! mill! uiler;i.i ill I asm il.. .. VI.. n.l ll.iil.l. 1 log htmie Ouarry. atoul Ihree tuiUe lioia huu- I burv. ou the irlll llranek il' Ilia Suju uc haitua ruer. ! Ihe tliuie are of the best quality, suitable ur pete menu aud building purputee. V lurtber ptviieulait apply to lIIKIt t M.t It. Tl Hamokiu. Pa ,or 0. l ImU lt. March I'J, !ud. huubury, I'a bUMBUBY IIIUU BL'UOOL. fpilK trsl quarter of twelve Weekt will opea ia 1 Ibt IJreud Jury ttuutn, ea Monday Ibe 4ib of April, loot. ' 1 cant I'aa tji tan a : I'ur flft.llog Welling, Ariibtuslie, doograiky tut Ink liraiauiar. US Alatl'ia, NaluraJ t'kili,pky, I kssuuliy and- laeulogy, ut any ul Ikaae, ti M llihsf, MalbttMUioe, owlitdiai alt ur say of tbuti 4 l0 t'ri b, tiaiwta, l.aiia aud liietk, 14 an oae of ibsui ut sddilioa lu abuse, if (m 'I uilieti payable kail tjsuuieily la adiaate. St 4d!t!iiii o Ism4 liuie I'aill laeetds we k4ol tbe Mesii eed dtcusiil of ta a iedt -Ike toruivr dvawin.4 Ibe ttrdUtuiuftt ol sack In IMIIHU" tad d itk-i ul. Ik lali.i il.e dkkoitutiat esd dslla-Ui:is euiu tf abitk soil be bt lo ibe I estult of (utidiaw al lbs tod ! .!, I 1 1.1 , I I l j a. 10 uil t 1 Ij I . Ibt 4i ' si I Ltittititi , J J lta,U.MIl lat, uk.1.411 i. I I , J w u. N, i . I : ,. e, I 1.1 li li 1 I' I C I 1 r w bt t.ii I. . 1 1 . ..1. r.i 1 i 1 BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL.' ESTABLISHED A3 A KKgUGK FkOM QUACK. KKY. THE ONLY r LAVE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON hat discovered tbe most Certain, Ppeedr and only Effectual Remedy in the World for all Private iMieeaet, Weakneteof the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Ihe Kidneys and Bladder. Involuntary rHsohargce, Impotenoy, Uene ral rrebilltv, Nervonsnesi, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings. Dimness of SiRht or Giddiness. Disease of tke Head. Throat, Note, or skin, AfTeetiont of the Liver. Leaf's, Stomach or Bowels those Terri ble Disorder! arising from the Solitary Habitt of Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the tonf' of Syrens to the Ma riners of l lysses, bllRhtinft thoir most brilliant bopet or anticipations, rendering marriage, ia., impossi ble. VOIt.MIA Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annuollv sweeps to an untimely jrrave thousands of Young .Men of the moat exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwisehave entranced listen ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstaty the living lyre, may cull with full con fidence. m tmti a.i:. Married Persons, 0r Young Slen contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, deformities, Ac. speedily cured. Do who places himself uuder the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor at a gentleman, and confidently rely upon hit skill aa a Physician. OIM. t:KJ Ull tlOllNS Immediately Cured, nnd Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by tho victims ol improper indulgences. Young ficrsons are too apt to commit excesses from not icing nware of the dreadful consequences that tuny ensue Now. who Hint understands tho sulijeot will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lint sooner bv those falling into improper habits than by the prudent ' llesides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destrnctivo symptoms to both body and mind arifC. The system becomes Deranged, tho Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened. l.oss of Proerrative Power. Nervous Irritability, Dyspepssn. Palpitation of tho Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of tho Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. Oilier, o. 7 Month l'n ili-i U-k IMi-sm-i Left hand slda goiug from Baltimore street, a few doors from tho corner. Fail not to observe Damo nnd number. Letters must he paid and contain a stamp. Tho Doctor 's Diplomas hang in bis office. A 41 iti: w.tititA:vri:i i tivo iavn. No Hhrrrry nr Nanseniti flrugi. 1K. .IOII.4'l . Member of tho Itoynl College of Surireons. London. Itradunte from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United Males, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of lAindon. Paris. Philadelphia and elsewhere, hat effected some of the most astonishing cures thnt wcro ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bushfiilness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured iinmcdiatelv. I'Alii: IMiM M'l I. All AO'lli'l' Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them, selves by ioi.r.'MT indulgence nnd solitary habits which ruin both In ily and mind, unfitting theiu for cither business, study, society or marriage. 'J'iiksk are somc'of the sad and melnnclioly effects produced by early habits of youth, via: Weakness of li e Back aud Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimncea of Sight. Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the Heart. Dyspopsy. Nervous Irritabilitv. Deruncment of the Digestive Functions, Oenenil Debility, Symp toms or Consumption. Ac, 'Ihe fearful effects on Ibe mind aro much to be dreaded Loss of Memory. Confusion of Lions. Depression of Spirits. Evil-Furvbudiugs, Aver sion to Society. Self-Distrust. l.oo of Solitude, Timidity, Ac aro romeof the evils produced. Tnols. is its of persons of ullages can now jmlge whnt is tho cause of their declining health, lo-ing tueir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and e iiuciatcd. having a singulur appearance about the eves, cough und vinptom of cotoitimptiou. Who have injured theinsel es by a certain practice indulged in wheu alone, a habit' frequently learned fins evil companions, or at school, the Vtfoots of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body. Miould iipplyimmedintcly. What 11 pity that a young mini, the hope of his country. the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from tbe path ofnaturo snd indulging in a certain secret bulit. Such persons Ml ST, bclnre contemplating Jl A It It I ! .. rolled that n sound mind ami body nrc the most noecs'iirv requisites topromoti connubial happiness. Indeed w ithout these, the journey through life be comes a weary pilgrimage ; ihe prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes sliadoweil with despair and tilled with the Melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another becomes blghttd wilh our own iisi:si. i' iYi.ici When Ihe mis'uidel nnd iinnrudeut votniv of pleasure find that he h inilil.e.l the feeds of this; I 0 in 1 11I disease, it too oflen hapten that an ill-limed j sense of shame, or dread nf ili-'overy. deters biui ; from ppplying to those who. froui eduealtnn nnd i respectability, can alone Ik friend Tim. delaying till ! the coiistilutional syuitoiiis of this horrid' disease ! iiiaUo their appearance, such as ulcerated sore i throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head i and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and urms. blotches on the Ilea 1. face ami extremities, progressing wilh frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the liones of the nose fall in. ami the victim of this Hwftil disease becomes n horrid oljoclof commiseration, till death 1 puis a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending , liiui to "that I'l.i'ilscovcri'd- Country from whence no I traveller returns. " I Jl It mr,tf,o!p fitrl that thousands fall victims : to this terrible disease, ow ing lu the unskillfulness of iL'nnraut pretenders, who, by the use of that Dratilii I'm fin. Mercury, ruin llio constitution and make ! I lie residue of life miserable. vnc a .':. I Trust not your lives, or health, to the care nf the many I nlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. ', Johnston's advertisements, or stylo themselves, iu the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, uieniuioie ,u v tiring, uiey Keep you inning luollin alter mouth taking their filthy and pniaoiiut com ounds. or as long as Ihesiuullost fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health lo sigh over your gallingdisappintiiient. Dr Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always bang in his office. Hit reinidiesor treatement are unknown to all it hers, prepared from a life spent in the groai hoa pitals of Europe, the first in Ihe country and a more extensive Vu (e J'rarliet than any other Physician in tlte world, iiicwi:.m:vr or-riu: iki:sn The many thousands cured at thia institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations perlormed by Dr. Juhnstoii. witnessed by the reirters ol'the Sun," "Clipper," and many other papers, nuticce ot which bavu appeared again and again before the public, besides his stun, Hug at a gentleman of character and rcsjajuslbiliiy, U a tuflicicut guarantee to the atllieted. nkia iI!.i:ai:!. ii:i-iii.y i m:i. Persons w riling should be particular in directing their letters to bit Insiiiutiou. in the following maucr .1011 yi. JIllNTO., .11. Of ihe Baltimore Lix k Hospital. Baltimore, Md. Awd S, ly. It M tiles jf lluilrwutl. WINTER ARRANGEMENT C1HEATTRI XK LINE from the North an.) North-Weal ..r Phila.lelphia. New York. Head ing. Pottaville, Lebanon, Alleiitown. Fastou. Ac. i'raina leaie llarrishurg for Pkilxlalphia, New York, Reading, PoOille, aud all luleruiediale Stations, al K A. M , aud il no p. M. New Volk Laprraslcutea llariitburg al A .'UI A. M , arriving at New York at I 4 1 Ihe saint day. Asial .eeomUHalali.n Paaaellger Iraiu leatrt lleailing at 7 li A. M , aud rcturiu Irout ilarruburg at I. M Farist Irout HarrUburg : To New Yuik li ; to Philadelphia J X aud J Ml. Uagjeje vbavked lleiuroiof leave New Yosk al t A M . II N'umi, and ? P M, il'i'Utmriih iprasal Lvate Pbilad.t. pbia al II A M aud 1 . P M Plaeping tare 111 I he Met ut (.(.prase iraiua Ibrouaa I an I froiu I'ilUburgt wutioul rbauae. PaMgtry Ibe Callawisai Rail huad liaieTa tatuaat t 40 A. U , aud I U P M , o( l'kda.l.. ptiia. Ntw-Vutk. wid all May I'olois traiut laase Pull.iill. 11 111 A H , and 1 -'W I'. M , for Philadelphia lluiiaouls aiol sw uik Ase04iuiiuodelua Pesavasef It aia Isaiea ttaadmi al 30 A. M , aud reiuiut horn Philadelphia at I Ji P. M. 1 1' All Iks eUotlitim rut) daily, Vuudae t tap's! AKuadt? Iiaia laasee rlIIU at I J A M, and 1'Uila.i.lpaia al S IS H M t utkisteiauwti, Miitafe, aaua, tad I tuurw Tu bait, al K-lusad It' as Ui aud flout all pulUII. t I'uads ailuatd task Is A Mild .M. iitmiai BOi.? AITS 1' UK., I ISII ll, I l, (of salllal M 1 111 ISuMllts ail l s.11 ir" 1 1 . it l.'d i I ti itk I. I' I I SOMETHING NEW IN SUNBURY. Latest Good News ! WEAVER 8c FAGELV, HA VK just roturnod from Philadelphia with one of Ihe largest and belt selected ttuckt pf Goedt ever brought to Bunbury. DRY GOODS! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC). such as Clott, Cassi tneree, Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking, Calico, De laiues, Flannels, and all kiadt of MOVRNING Ooods. Alpaccat, Black Silks, Uingbama, Balmoral aud Skeleton Skirts, Canton Flannels, Naukocnt, Car peting of all kinds. HATS &z CJ-AIS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising. Hosiery, llloves. Thread. Buttons. Sus pender!. Neck-tiet, Collars. Handkeit bli l's, Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, ijum Rib bon aud Cord, tape, crotchet-braid, worked collars, fancy bead drosses, tidy Cotton, carpet biuding, combs, faucy Soaps, carpet bags Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blank Rooks. Puper, Envelopes, Au. tmrnjisj tlf all kinds, tueh as Nails. Hinges and Screws, Door Latches and Kuobt, Locks, and CL'XLERY ol every description. Also, Dyes, Drugs, Ptiinfs, Varnishes, Fish. Flaxseed nnd Bcnzino Oils, Glass, Puttv, Ac. ItuccutjM 'tire und Clnt)sjv lire ol' nil kltidit. STOKE AKD EARTH EN WA l E. An Extensive Stock of GROCER1 E S, Composed of Sugar. Coffee. Tens. Rice, Corn-sliuvli, Maeearuni, Barley. Baking-powder, luolusses, soaps, candles, tobacco and tcgari, Salt, Fish, Meat, Cheese, Ac, in. Also, a largo variety of BOOTS & SHOES. for Men. M uuieu and Children. tiT All kinds of Grain and Country Produce taken in exchange for Uoods. Hive us a call beforo you purchase elscwhero, wc are bound to sell at low aa any one else. Store-room iu Ira T. Clement's building at the south-west coruor of Market Square, uuar thu Court House. Suiibury, March 19, 1864. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. "I X pursuance or an alias order of Ihe Orphans' Court J of Northumberland county, will bo exposed to public the Mount Canned house, in the Borough of Mount t'arinel. in said county of Northumberland, Penn'a.. on Tl'ESDAY, tho 12th DAY of APRIL, A. D , INtVl. all Ihe right, title and interest belong ing to tho estate of the Hon. Charles YV. Hegins, de ceased, in and to the following Real Estate, situate in Mount Carmel township, in said county, bounded and described as follows, to wit ltegi'nning at a Whito Oak. llience South ono deg. Eiisl, forty-six perches, to a stone ; thence South twenty . eight "deg. Lust, ninety-eight perches to a pine, Soulh sixty-two degrees West, ono hundred nnd forty-foo' perches to a stone corner. South twentv-cight degrees East, fifty perches to a pine, North sixty-two degrees East, twenty-eight pilches, to a pine, South sixty degrees East. iorly-se en perchas to a pine, North fifty-five degrees East, two hundred and thirteen perches lo a post, North thirty-four degrees West, uno hundred und cighty-tlvc perches to a post, South seventy. flvo degrees west, Eighty-two perches to a white uak, the pluce ol beginning containing 'I' wo Iluiitlreil mill Twenty Arrest, strict Measure, being part of a larger tract of land in the nanic of Lawrence Lnmison. adjoining lands surveyed in the unities of Robert Irwin. Jeremiah Paul and others. I.ato the property of said Charles W. Hegins. dee d. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M.. of said day, when tho terms and conditions of sale w ill be made known by UEO. 11. CLAY. By order nf the Court. ) Adiuiuistrutor. J. A. J. CI MMIMiS.C.O. C. ( Sunbury. March ly, ISM. -Is. J III.I.IM.ICA A SI il.UV ;OIN, IN EVERY VARIETY, of the Latest ImHirtnlions. and of the newest aud most fashionable styles. Our Straw Drpnrlim-nf, will comprise every variety of Bonnets. Hats and Trimmings to be found iu that lino ; of Iho luteal and most approved shapes and styles Soliciting an early call. I remain Yours, Respectfully, II WARD. No. lOIl, 105 and 10 North Secoud Street Phil nbclphiu. March .9, 1804. Jtw Si E'oiirlii A Ars'li Sts., Ihiliit1-Iliiti. AUE Ol'ENlNii l iill SPlIINti. ISot. 100 pes. SI. Eancy SILKS. JO pes. India Sils. J 1. I nO Hood Black 'Jon Ordered Plain, SILKS 4-4 LYONS Black Silk VELVET. Drown SILUS. Sti. 0, 4, a, I per yard. Black " 5. 4, 3. 2, I, per yard. Moire Antiques, all colors. Magnificent tirenadines, Magnificent Organdies. Richest Cliintxcs and Percales. Spring SHAWLS. New Household STAPLE HOODS. N. II. (leneral assortment of Mens' Wear. Murch !, lstil. 3mw NiMMrrtvn 1 :.. iu:imt. Jl'ST received a new stock of Fi-hing Tackle for Springales. consisting of Rods, Reels. Lines, Buskets. Smsnls. Eloats, Nets. Flies. Artificial Bait, Rigged Lilies, tint, (irasa and llookt. to which Ihe uttention of dealers it particularly requested. Orders. Wholesale and Retail, punctually filled nnd satisfaction wuriauted. JOHN KRI'iER. 2nd nml Walnut streets, Philadelphia. Fcbrunry 27, )bt4. 6m I'or ItnlsOlit , liout lirsi. AntM, ll- lluk, .TIoiIim Iu I'iii-h, Mvvleiis.,Ve,, IllMI-t'lsl OU I'lilHlM, low 1st, Alliuilllsj, sV-. l'ut up 111 :(V. and $1 00 Boxes, pott I, -a and Fla.ks. $3 ami Ji titet for Hotels, Publio luatilu lions, te. ''Duly lurullilde remedies known. ' "Free Iroin Poisons." 'Not daugerous to the Human Family," ' Uats oouie out of iheir boice tu die. Jf Sold Wboleaale in all largo clli.a. S..I.I by all druggists and Retailers everywhere . 1 Biw its ! ! ! of ail worthlca, imiiaiioiia. See Ihai 'Coatar t" name it ou cash Box, Wilt and Flask, belbre ou bur Addresa II i:ICV II. 4 ON I'A II. Principal Depot t.a Bnuidway New York, t o" Sold by all bolutule and Rtuil Diugguut lu Sunbury. Pa l b at), I sail -Km ll. Itl. Iillutls litliiu tV I'.rlf IliillrunU. f pillS great line traverses ibt oilheru and Norlh 1 weal volumes of Pruusylvauia lu ihe tny of f ile ou l ake Fiie ll has boett leaas-d by the Pviiusyliania llailrd Cuiopaiiy. aud uuii ibeir auapicrt it boiu rapidly oHryad Ibruulwul lit mure loiia-lll Il It sue lu uae tor Paavtir aud Vrvlghl busiiii-es fruiu Harilsbuig lu Eu..lulu t'SJ .ileal ou tha l-.asieiM DiiitO'i', and Iroiu Sbtdltld to Eue, (is IUllta.1 on Ibt M ral are DlsUlutt tiua or i tsassotu teaite ar ti ti av Ami fcaUtts'tJ I IViia lt'.uis.. Mall Tiaiu. u ;u A M Mail 'liam, 4 .'14 p M ttpiuas tlala, II lu I' M I ksisreat Iralu, IMAM I ait iua iluwuak wiiboul ebaae, hm tsatt, ua iheaa tlalut balwasa PbiltHl,l.bia a4 Luvk lialttt, au. balwtva Balumure aod la'k Hasan KUjaol kleepia,' Case iMt kt-aat Traiut bulb baieaae) W illiaisisait es4 tlaJuiauie, tud Vt iiluuatil and 1'kila.l.ipitia. K' loloiiuaiiua iMiaviiu Ptasaa'rr tuaibisa apply at ibt a f. i'u I nb as. t Mutal au And kl rialjbl bualoaas o Ilia I'nauiil t Aftals, li k'KSUua, J, U I Ilk tad kiaik'l l , 'blltslal b.a i M k.tus.idt. t.ila J ii I'.'ll .,.i k I H II . bJutksae It II lloitiot, '- I ti...W4 Al fbliaJe Lt t it L Hut si 'at. I Ullltll. I'kllaia i HIS I1 t ills j I "4 I V,.rl V (a-fMS J GEO. W.CARPENTEH.HENfoZEY&CO'B AV hulcsiale lrn; 11 nil ( Iit'sulcul At urs-ltonstr. No. 737 Market Street. PHILADELPUI A. f pilF.subscrlbers keep constantly on hand a large J stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pharma ceutical Preparations and erory other artiulo whioh appertains to the business, embracing tho most ex tensive variety ; also, PAINTS, OILd aud GLASS of every description. All articles purchased from us can bs rrliod on as being of tho most superior quality and ut aa low prices as they can be bad. Wc can offer such in clseemenls as will make it the interest of the pur chasers to lay in their supplies from ut. and give ut their future patrontgo and invite all, who isit thn city, to eall at our establishment. AH orders ad dicsted to ut by mail or otherwise will meet with prouipt attention. OLO. YV. CARPENTER. IIENSZKY A CO. i;;7 Market Street, Philadelphia. February 6, 1804. oln TRUS9E99, SHOULDER BBACES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS Foil ENLARGED VEINS OF THE LEG, AC; Instruments fur all deformities. DR. GLOVERS ."Nw I-'Vt-r 'l i-siMM has taken the place of other Trusses for the retention and cure of Iloriiia or Rupture. Acting upon the principle ofa lever, it never loses Its strength. It is coated to prevent rust. It bat Do pad on the back, which ia so liable to injure Ihe epine and ntinoy ami chafe the woaror. It is suro to retain the Rupture, fiving ease and comfort, and effecting radical cures, l is warranted to give satisfaction. r The improved Shouldor-Braoe expands the chest and prevents the wearer from becomiug round shouldered. Ladies' Belts and Abdominal Supporters. Band sges, and Bolts of all kinds, aud instruments for all Deformities nf the Body. DR. GROVER S Office Is Xo. 4 Ann Street, two doors from Broadway, New York. Strangers should particularly note tho uuino und No. April 11, IaC3 JEREMIAH SNYDER, Attorney A l oiiiisellor nt l.nw. OITico on South side of Market street, four doors west of Geinhai t t Confectionery store, BUNBURY, FA.. Will attend promptly to alt professional buinoM entrusted lo his care, the collection ol'ctaiius iu Nor thutnbcrlund nnd the adjoining counties. Consultations in German ami English. Sunbury, Murch lit, 1S0I ly toii it o i:i:Bf. THE suliscriber offers for salo Kiine superior Con ncutieut Seed-Leaf, ami .Maryland Broed Top To bacco Seed. Prieo 2j cents j-cr j spcr. Scud money and plain directions. Also a lot of good Tobacco Leaf for sale. P. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Muroh 10, 1S0I. "VARNISHES,PAINTS &.GLASS ! Wfl'- offer lo Dealers. Cnaehmakers and Houso Painters, nt the very lowest nclt ea-h prices the best Coach and Cabinet Vnrnishes ; Pure White Leadt French nnd American Zincs ; Chrometiieens, and Yellows. Drop and Ivory Blacks, and n fu'l as sortuiciit of all the liner Colors such as Vermillion--, Lakes, Tube Colors Ac, ulso. Paint nnd Y'aruish Brushes, of the best make. Glaner s Diamonds and Points; Paint Mills; single and double thick Glass, of nil descriptions and all Materials u-cil by House and Coach Painters which wc can sell as cheap, if not cheaper, thati any other house, from the fact that wc keep down our expeujes by conducting our business personally. Mr. Rat. one of the fir in for many years manu factured tho Varnishes, fold by the liitc V. Schraek We feel confident that our Y'niui.-lus, are .H!il, if not superior, lo any manufactured in this Country. Wc warrant them to give entire satisfaction, and if not as represented, the money will bo refunded. Give us a call before purchasing elscwheic. A liberal discount made to the trade. FEI.TUN A R YE, Nos. 136 A 13S Norlh Fourth Street. Corner flurry, PhiluJclphia. Oct. 10, 1M63. Cm llAItl.Ot -j, IA t)UHt jVi7ii?. Peulers and C li-uiners of the ab.,10 Celebiuted Wash Ulue, will please take notice, that tho Labels arc altered lo read INDIGO BLUE, Pl'T LP AT AlfVt'.l llllior-s-or'it D R I' G S T 0 H K , No. 2.(3 North SKCGND Street. PHI LAHLLPJI l. The quality of this Ulue will be the siimo iu cvei v respect. il it warranted to color more water thau twice iho tauio quantity of Indigo, ami to go much further than any uiher Wash iiluc iu the market. Jt ills, solves perfectly clear ami not settle ou Iho clothes at most of the oiher makes do. One Ro dis solved in half pint of water, will make as p..,l a Liquid ISlue as any that is made, ut uuo lliiid Iho eo-t. As it is retailed at the sumo oriee i.s il.,. r . and Inferior articles, luuiM-kecpera will lind it very much to Iheir advantage to lu-k tor that put up at 11 H.TllKlill Ktl H. til All llluu put upufier date wilh Ukiii.ow's name on il is au Imilainai. 'I he New Lable dfies nut reejuiro a Stamp For Sale by Storekeepers generally. Feb. LI. IsHil. timw ISAAC K. STAUFFER, AVatclt .vltiKi-i- iiikI .leni'lcr, MANfFAlTl 'libit OK SILVKR WARK A Importer of MA'it'llLS No. US North Socond St . Corner (Juan y, PillLA JiKLPJlIA. Hli has constantly 011 hand an assortment nf Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lepino and Plaiu Watches; Fine Gobi Chains. Seals and Keys. Pins. Karllina. Finger Rings, llracelets, Minialuro Cases, Medallions. Lockets, Pencils. Thimble-. Spec tncles. Silver Table, Desert, Tea. r-alt und Mustard Spoons ; Sugur Soons, Cups. Napkin Rings. Fruit and llutter Knives, Shields, Combs. Pinmond Point, ed Pens. otc all of which will Lesold low for Cash ! M. 1. TOBIAS A CO S best quality full jeweled Patent Lever MoveuienLs constantly "on hand; also other Mukersof superior quality. N. II. Old Gold and Silver bought for cash. Sept 5. w THE I'AKIS MANTH.I.A,CLt)Ali AND li lt IvMIMrltll II. No. 920 Cuesm T Siiiki t. 1 Formerly No. 70 I PIllLAIUiLPIlIA J. W. PROCTUt I Ctt.. Inilte Ihe aitention o their Friends lo ihiii large and Supe.h M.k s. of l ine CLOAKS and Ft Ri . unparalleled ill any former season The increased accommodation iitTerdi d in our nvw locaiiou, tnabltt ut todvtotc the tulicsl aiteutiuu to our I "sir iiiii-m which will be found well furni.-lnd wiihiwiyde. tcrilillon of Fun Class Fl It's, which will le guaran teed as represented, or tho money paid oiil be re funded. GRIiKRS per mail will be carefully aiiended to aud deliiered, Kaprtwt paid, aud dotaucu iuaidu of 1UU miles. J W. PRUCToR A CO. No 2U t heeuul Stivet, Philadeli hit. fept i. ltll,l.y GLOUUS Jlll.1., Si HI N P. Wol.VKIllO.N HILL & WOLVEHTON. Allut-lK-y a utsii I iiuuai-liiiw n litt. Office. Mlllket siri-rt. c.r. Centie Alive, BUNliURV, 1' A. . AIT I LI. attend pr iiuptley to the collet u-o ..f ela.u.s aiul all other pi.ilessiual busuosa iniiusitHi to their care in Noilhumberlaiol and adjoiuiug couniiea Sunbury. January HI. Ins.' s NKW FANCY STU'rtB. ' nUK soleriber resiietifullr iufins ber fi i..i-s and lite l uldie. that she liaa Jo.t ,, eord tan I treti ol ihe I'.i nffne. a M.W Mnl'k I ' I'A M Y liimlis, fi r la.lus und ki iiiIoiuiu, umIuI aud on.aiueul J, vniuuiluifci in a. I ol l.aui' TtiuiuUi, Suiiuuerr, f Uk i.kt, t v.llun ai l oiher TLlsad. Ihaili-a, IlindiHas, M Htinll.Ui. b vks lilt bona. i.lls lots, 'lis, alia. Uii. Inks Mi.s 1'o.kil li ..., Iiau.ea k, l h, J. iva, an l a ail of ahi ahtve bsau aataa'lvd ailll sal and tt ill bs- rld al l'o.i,ai tlew'ow ANA I'.tlMIII ubbul,tcl I) s4J - ly K(it I Ptintl'HltllA I (iswil 11111 I I I. A lioi Itui:, Mtsiula. Uii ait u W J. Is I, JK. t i: Jt H t4 Mlatlv i ttrlutH I'ttftrrtj, ter Hii.tJ-J Maiitl tui.u. I'M 1 1. .! UI ill 4 H U A lut ttoakul UM J .i.W'l Htafc.l. 1 a Laa J r.laaasj tt, l4 - Itaa HII I Mitt A , Mtrtts ttl l4t, tie ! s r.ii tat tnala. .a 1 mi Mid ttstlulliel Led u aJli.H tad as I aib.t taaskWs i lkSI Sslff GllAND oriiNlNd FRESH WINTER GOODS. E. Y..IJMUI1T. & SOX, SUNBURV FENN'A. OFFEK FOlt PALK AT VERY LOW TRICES, a full line of DOMESTIC AXD HTAVUl ID II Y a -D ID C Iia:s3 GOODS of liYKKV VARIETY en lap A. itASimoMi:. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT JOSIhUV AM) l!L0Vl-:s. UKADY MADE CLOTlllSC, BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAl'S, Trunks, Valises ami Carpet Eaiis. UAnnwAui-: and ; hock hies. (Jl'EF.NS AND G1.ASSWAK1-:. iS'oin! nhii 1'itrtliCMtnrc. ' Wotitl nml Willow Ware. liar Iron and Steel, Nails ami Spiki-s, Drugs, I'ttints ami Oil.-, Wimlow Sasli uinl CJiiinlstiiiii'f l'ieks and Jliivm Hummers, t'oiiise and Fine Suit, Fish, Meat, t'htee, &e., Ae., &c, All Kinds ut (Juinl.,, eheap lor cash or Country Ftudueo, can be t'dtiiid ut tlio ONE FKIC'i: bTOlti; BIU(iHTf& SON, N. 1J. All Goods warranted As represented. NO DEVIATION' IN l'KU KS. SMALL l'KOFITS AND QUICK SAL Lb Sunbt.iy, Oet., 10th, IStjJ. MOURNING HOODS ! ! Jilai k Gly Silks I I liliick I ' mi 1 1 s; Super lihiek Mohnirs, Fine Uluek Alpuecns. Iliat'k aud l'ui'pk' Dehiins. M'hitetitid l!l:n.'k Figured Delaines, lllaek Cri'pe Man lz, Lupins liho k nil wool Delaines, lilack Silk IJmyc-s, (iood Illitek Deingr, l'l.iin Iilaek (Jiniiiims, l'litin lilack Culieoss, Neut Fitiured Ulark Culleots, Fine Uluek Sack FlauncU, llliiek Love Veils, .loitvins Hlnt.k Kid Gloves, Hlurk Silk Guiiiitlt ltK, HI ark Gloves in Variety, Fine Mourning Hundki-rchii fs, Itluek rottin and vvool lluMerv, Uluek Thihtt and Wool S1i.imU, cVe., Ac. iiC. A niee line of the tiliavo ttooda now (iju d and for sale at low piiees. F. Y. lllUC.HT ct SON. buuliury, October Blst, 18CJ. A I.Ae :'I14AOKItAlti:.TIi:t l' LROWN S NKW .l-laU'l'i 1 aimp 4'liiuisK-y . ( Vibe Chimney for which the Kcrow uc-Oil using public have so long been in ueed, because I. lt -.-TAMiS FIRI "' lurnuplhe blase till il is-ues from ihe tup of the chimney, and keep it up as Puij us you pK 110 1 11 1 uLAsa wu.i T RUaAk ' 'irv it. 5 lt does not become black or disflguml should the lamp nceideiilully s'l'uke It shorter Ih.iu tbu cemiio.n cbiiuuey- - less I :.lile to accident and more colli, blent f ir tfl.rlyil.fcj c. t.e-ill lliu lo-ua. J. Il il Hot easily hlteele.l by sudden i hangrsl ,d eiiiperaitire : go tail il dir, or 11110 Iho cell, r. sum titer tr w inlet, w iih ihe li.nip burning den I IVui the chimney will net dls.i piar III flauienis 4. 'I he i'P can le ii.i;iiiil rsueiv.d. andthegia.-j Ulpe.l peril .'lly clean lo u l.i.'Uient, i.'tihoHl ti'jtltAt'. biel Wlthuut 1 1 1 flecking Ibv gin: t ('lie tJUlliu lie I i I'll l I VI I IU , ' y Try i; uu t-u . ui uc no t tin r Km o' iti 1 'il li MU 1 l iMltly . ,t In U Kill lit t d bt, lut L t'. iniul:n lining t i , . irutlu.1 CUiii. New Yuik JitllUUI v 'J. 1 li 1 . Siu 5Q STOVES. 1 ;'! n.u wim i.mi i;. .mi.m' Aia: ...k I J-AIKAV I al. lolll'lllll h aV .' : FOUNDRY, UUNJJUHY, 1'KNN'A. till lb Itisl-liil Ihe i h.ui-rl. I..I in. ...... r.-... liou leal, Li, hear, be ba-t allhc It.diiU, h ui lUtir., a Imu t on... ol .. 1,U . ' l- tOV I l. sueb at I o. kil.rf. I'ali.l, I. thee abd rl.". ' M..V.S. t. I'll till ba a.. Id al ills i,., ,! .tt.. , . U-lll.tllall .!. I'au. is-kill ,u a. n W ala, i.i. Masbiu..)' ll-i.,U, t ilia. An , al -I...II ' It. (ailing all kio.l. , .tileullulal llo leoiel.'s l..u in a .'a s sussi tvol at Uw til am. I...I Ii-J ts ! ies. J Mm .,- (all tvll. IU4 twa ii. a I III al:- ! ai J tt I'll l.oilllb Ai II I I l i' I'l I Ii. a Si d all k.od. i, lvda. l.k.u U L. haaias is ault ti tubal) . Hal a. I"' tfi.Btu.jl I III a)Mti I'l iiiimii, f lltt I 1 1 1 1 I. l.ltSf t.Hi4 MX III tt. I I mirni iai .. i, -i..i I ' 'ISO. ha IL.,1 a. a t4 fcj). J .i b a.,. a tiii'ia.l.fc'ia i.,l. ti to I - , el. kial aaiait a4 14 9,,. iat) m M M i . . I vh I all.. ...1 t, , 4 1 .'.. a ..... ,,4 a In 111 t'.l I. , fc ! 1 I- I I k sr 'IS . ,ssi' ,ss aj aa pi in s ma a a f i i a laais, . - NOT A XIUIVI ER1MC. A U1UHLY CVN C st-N T R A ILD A PUF.E TC1TIC. i JlUfVIU I.JX1EVK 1 HI. AMLK'IU), A.t 741 muUr tli tstuUtftrtlft. Ml. JlOUFLAMrS German Bitters Viiia'AIU'D iiV I)J. C- M. JACKSON, PHI LA DELPHI. I , PA. WILL tn'RCTCALKV AVO MCT CI.HTAIX IV II ICi: AlAi OIM urimn fioin n Ji9, Jtrt-1 . Ititrr. aStuiiific.i. ur KHim . 1 h-Hictiiiil: ol" mr Hi' n r ciiffrint,; frnm prj-ift ttu-l I,iir lMHs-t.hc.1. nud to whuui lullw--jjug unvtioiir, n''l --wc );uaj 'tut s . llHJFLAM'S HEHMAS liU'TEIi ctiic Iht-iii. IMm i.I'nia am l.ivhit Ii ynu rtcc with n o-.:itcJ Unuo inoniiiipn. nfth tins' ! in tb. umtiOi uml uor uppvUte tor hrenk tiii't ' I'm vii let I wlirii ynu liri. gvt up so wuk and l.iniii(.. j,-u I'tui itjuicly ubuut ' I'ujfuti liuve 11 ili?iiaH in llic lii-;ii nt liincn. un1 otUna 1 d ill 11 h.-i, wiih lii'iit.Hflu! occioifiuillv ? Ari vmr LrtMi-Iis i iistiivi nii'l ii r ;;iiliir. mu1 fipi't-lit" cIiiiI'Ch Ho ' Do v'U llirnw tip wtrnl tit i!i tlic i-ti'Miti'.'h. unI di you cwt'll up I'ltt-u ' iHt 3011 Ktl lnliM art tiller t'Htiiiif. n 1 1 1 u ittkiiikt; whi n tin- ft'iiniit.h is in p'i v 1 u uu Li L-licurlburii tfC'.-iisitiiiiiliv ' ho ymi I--! low npiriuM. i.iiJ I'k oj tin: il;iik t-llc u'tAU'm Are you not iiinutill y nervuus nt tiinvf ' !' voii not Ijueon.t) rttU J. uii'l tfl'lfii iti v until mniiiiht WtVtre yon enn jfo to .-luvp f niii tn u at tinn-. ilon'i. you IliI tlull Mini ali-rpy nur-t of tin. liinv ' la yout .-Ikiii dry ntid fccly nl-o !ulluw ' In sL-.i t. is iio' viv lite a ijuriln ii, lull i t' fori-lioding- ' HOOb'XiAND'B f ' II UMAN ill ui! cvt ry CHsii- o( 't'hi'oni': tv W-nmt: I . ility , l-i.-cnsi of tin Knin-yfr, MiJ i'lii-H.'Tia aiirin lVom h (!iior'j( red Stonuii-ii. oi:;kk hi; ioj.i.ou ix; b.Mi'i'.M.H Kc.-ultiiig liom rI-jr.i uf tho Pitet. u tib : I'oli-U- pHtitjii, Inwiiid ril'. Kulin-fs or UlooJ to thv Jluud. Aridity ot lloJ Mo tiini.'b, MauM'u. lUintl un., ! H -krusi inr Kofid. Fuliit.N- ir Wuit'ht in tin; Muinm.'h. Smir Krii' lntioKs., iSin kii.r or I'hui. i n.jr ut thp 1'it " Hm .StiintH-li. Swiintiiiiiir ot the JU'Hvl Hurried mid litli cult lireuthin. Flutt rin iti the H nit. t'hi.kniii or t-utlueii tiiir i.-iiMitiiii w li'-n iu n h iii'; p.i.-uire. I 'in,. iiv -t''in. loty or Wel l.rji.n- tin- .Ml'M. 1'uVi.r mid liill l'liin in the lttud 1 'elk'ii (lfV ut I'eiHpittt tion, VHlowio -i of the Skin nnd r'yep. INtin m the Ste. 1 !h ' k , t ti(t, Liinh;. Ac .Sid:n 1 lu.-ln-fol Jhitt. linrniitir iu the l-hb, Cuiistnist Iiiiiiiiiiuirv of K i!( uiA great ipiviou vfpisiii. iwivi ici'LAK :mjj TiVro are tunny prepni-'itiMiii x,U mi l.-r tiie uuino of liittein. j ut up in Jit-tt !.. ...iiip.oui'lt 1 f tttn eh'-npt-stt whlke r filitlin li l tun . eot lit tl'-in U lo 4m eeiiiff pel full ji, ttj tni-le di-ui?ed hy .ui.-o or t'orimitlcr ."ed. Tlii elis ot Uiiter- lin crui.vr l nnd will ciitnttiA to e-iui.-e. iu h'liLr f! tlo-y eti t-e ?'ld. tiuiidn U li dii the ttuutli of the di unkind, lly their Use tin .-y.-'i' in ii ked etiiitinunlly under the lntlueiiee i.i Ale-'h-'Ii.) Stiuiultiiitflul ihe wui-l kinti. the l-'To fur l.i'po.r is ereattd and kt pt np. :n:- th--i'-Mi!l it all Uiu in -tcndiint upon ii di iiiilwiul lit :ti;d dt.:tili. Tor thufu ho dt - tie and v ill iiavm a Liqoor !it tern, we piihlth the fuilun ii. reeeipt. Oft Ono Holtlu Iloellund'? t.eniinii iJit'rs itnd mix wiih Three pilaris of Oood Urmi'ly ti Whitkey, .mil th result will l-o a piPpruutiou limt will fur .e 1 tu lucdicinul virtues and trae excellent1" itny i f thn liuUs'Toiit l.i.juur Litter in the iinokrt. : I will cot tiiUeU Vuu will liuve all thu virtue- of HtK-ili-ml Litters in eoiiiici'tiin w ith u soi.. nrtil of l.iiuar. ut u much U-.- piieu thau ttn-e iiittin r prepuruliou will cwt juu. IlOUFhAMS L.KKM.VN iUTTKU Will ...e You A CS i) O 1 A P V V. T I '! K . Will give you STKn.Vii 1IKAI-T1IY .f II V J.S, Will ixe'yu UiUcK AMI UM.liL'llC i k'-i'.4- Will euable veil to cLl.KV W .L aud will poaitive ly pievent Vllov IV4r, Itiiioiis IVur, .V-. 'J'h'mc sullt 1111 l'l.iin Lichen down nnd I'tlnvi't Coit:itutioii.'. tioiu whulet'ei t'uue, tilJn-T in MnK vr Teuude. will lind in HOi-FLANI-i SUKHM AN LtTll-IUv A Kl:.MI 1-Y Thut n dl re?iotv them to their hmlih lle h:u he. u tho eu-e iu ll."u ti ib el iiiIuiiCt.-'. ni:d it fair tnul it but leuirtd to pio e the atMi' U HEMEMliJ-.; It, that tiiksk un n:us aki: fro 'r .,-. .' -ft r -r r r . Aud .NOT inleiol, I hs a liKVl.UAiii; The rr'rietoishiivo tlioit.-rtnl ,,!' I,, iters fioin tins lH".-t eutmellt Cler.Mntii. Lawyers, i'liy.iel.llj-an I t'ltieus. 'J'estit'yiiifcrot tltelrooll erseliHl know iede, lo the beuedeiul etleels uiid luediLiil Miluii of lh Kilters. Fioui lttv. J. Xeion Itri.wu, D 1 , K liter of Ihe Kueycloot'diu of lleliious Knowledfjo Although uot disj...,, i, 1'nvei ur ree-iinuieiiil 1'.': . tent M etl iei in i- in goners.!, ihnmch io.-itusl ef iluu iiittredieiits and etlecls. 1 yet kn.. of iv nidi ii nt reasons why a mail may n it testify to the l.cneti:.- he bolieves hiuisoll'to haw received frutn uuy ,-iinnl.y I re..iratn n. iu list, ln. thai tie ui.'iy thus vLtiil uio lo tile bebeiil uf ollieli.. I do this the iu .ie i. i, lily 111 re ml to lo-.ll 'i.'l'f. (seiuiun lliiters prej'iire.l hv In i'.M Jm.i. f this city, becauso I as .rejudiee l nituuij tUeni uiutiv years, under ll.o,.n uat t!uy were eliielty an nloeholio uiixtuie. lam indebted to iov flieud 11. 'belt .-heoumkel lij , l-.r l!o, reUiolaloP this jinjudieu ly u te.-is. uud for eueouraKr lueni l iry Iheui, nu -ut'i i my u ai irrenl aud loiiK eijliliuned lebllily. 'I he a..-v! thin, ts lllesof these Itinera, at tlie liei;iimin i t lAo j-rrs nt yesl , Mils IoIIoh i d by evident ; tut 'j,l reslornrii.n'lu a decree ot bodily and uienu.f n-nr ihu h 1 had not fell l . MX lUelHl,. Iiel..rt. ..'.i I '.d llllloot de- liled ol leaiuiiitf I 'hei. lu-l and my unlet lor itirvetius; tu ilie use ot ittrwi .1 .NkW JiA IM, V N l'l.lludel hia. Juuo 2.1 lv 1 Cineustii of Kidney- and Blatidei. In Yvun.j or .!;, .V iioc lah, Are re-lnedily leu.olid, aud 1 1. 4 Vatleul n-soilei iillll ' bt l'i.U..AlKrilil.iKt... Ihuse mi 'h m v frmu M tu ixiit. Ha.-uo a .. lih uuv tleh ou llieir l.i.i. al e niii .1 m U fcely rleill IniK : ,., l.y;ut fci.uill '. mill a most mil). ii.ii, i ll, el. I'A It I N I ."i h.u is. j, s,llir,n ,l,l,i,u a. !.... and i.-hii, t ri, .. tin ii. aul ,i. ,.r n.,oi ihe .1. liny voujiaenee.l (i, tl.e-e l.ll Kit A H "V Ml , Ml , ST.- a.. i1,..m- ..,(. in,- loud Willi ii. ji tin,,... . 1, u.'d ulv.i.) k- i i l .'lMe ,i II , .,', l; il,i- ovui lb- 11 . .w. III. ', ii-! tuu. h I.. ... i,t i,. n, i. ... t. I, it, n,n, i t U.iv. mil.' .ai, a4 i.a ,.reoin,' It Is M1 A l.igt' i. .-Il.dt 1..VM. Ai.d li-ei'e no i ii.-iiiiIiol u, ,,,i.... ...i.u. AM, nil. I lu Me. in mU,hi;, t'i ei'l Ihe a.l, in, .,, . , ii I I. ,,,,, i,,i . , , .1. II II. run. I.i it,,- I .. i a.,! Ill i it . i .-I I ., ... liilLaa ill .. .. , ,. . . 1 1, i, In. ..I I , . i i-.i,, ,. ai. i I i ., , . i , ... i i. i , I., tu, ii ' '' " ' 0. ...I.T.. , . i.. - I ,il, .i. u , '" " I " ' ' ' ' " " " '" ' ' " " !' ' "' '' I" I ' " "'' '") ''. " " I iw l"" " " ,: ''" "' I o I e . l..-lial.,u .,, Jt., , , . ... ,, , , "'r";l Msm. I I. . . . u... II I , ".' -'bi , w a 1 I I - "' I'l'" a-il 0 I.I . ' '"" " " " ' " '" I - ai. i . lMnans.1 II..M I I. '" " " " ' " I' ' I i 11 1 1. I I't I I I I 1. 1 1 I I - ' s 'b.t it., ,'- I .a... I Uv II ia t.. , I.e. i.i. 1 a t . 1 1 as. .. - It., a, ' 1, .,4 , m.u , a, , , , I . 1 . ...I ! wo, I I 1 !;-, t . . t. . 1 4 i.i,... 1 1 ..,.. . U al I ). a i ' II.,-' . --s'" I . t . . 1 . I I , I a I - ' I--..,.. .1.1 I - - a I.i 1 ... 1 .,.1.. It. 4.. I t j, . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers