t V.7 :n,! Uic in at fl '.a '. Ib-ial th. in AGRICULTURAL. cium-i A !:! i p T,i .wii'i.- -A fi-w vrniH n;;o, ,'.. .1. V. Uovitfan, i i' lli-t lianYort), vlii!c (..:ln rinr' upland.. waK r mi ii;iji!c U''-'. !" t'l .ilil.'. -.VI ' I I .!(!, I l'L'l ii' ihv iV. i, i-:V.v i !.;,''( . ll i.t i ; ; ( ' r in'.! i1!'. !e.c- i.hi.l '.v':i V ...t!t ti: 1 !'i .'!( i i n v.. ii - i::. a ;li. ;v. V,Y ,.tlw .' !' : .; ,;i a r. ,,( i- '.... :i li.i.-. t r, i.:. i ; !. !'-.', 'if I J .1 T t il. ,; V l i' a ,-.i.o , . M ..-, I i : I : J ft ! i -'iiv ! , ':cy ; V l-ri-ii.t til v. ii;M (I. en. t ,! !,k -i . : i i ; :l' i t.-.. ie- '.! ! ( (hi- :.; i ' .iivii.i",. .: . I . ; . ,- i el (.. ( th". i. ii;:'. ' i ! 1 a :,r,.l I, ,'Vi -,',:-,' no' l! lire !:!:! I! v- j-ti-r ;mhi- .!. Then tlsc . !)!.' ' ii iv j ;! il in i.;:.:'",.'!. iuv l-. :: ..! !. Viver id' li.i i ,..-..!: ! in'.,. r!..-, lis (,'vm! ii' I ;.l.na. . jiny c.:-.v. !,ii nl v.!!i! Cii li.n row r ci , r i. '(";,. ,.,-, . ,.;,. HAVE YOU A COUGH? Then uso JAY NET? llNI'ECTOIIANT. In rot I , your did to 1 ;kc, it umi coiti'sn. Two Him, Is of the violinis of etinsu..i:p'i.n tivvotheir i.tllirti'Tis l' Ihe fatal mistake of '-wnniie for n cough to tfet well cl 'it -elf.'' liu nut fill int'i this cin.r. lint avail yours-i-lf nt onoo of n rcnialy which thirty years' oxpcricnc-o ha." dctitunsiiatid is certain to proeuio a tpct .ly cuse. ji.wi; ov asthma or I'UTiiisis. 1'n-ii u-o.TAYN'i: .- IiXl'EI Tl 'KAM. which will 'li , t i,li"!lif lili' yr IIH'lio f.TiirMflii.ll liic v.ii.,1 i llii',- ' nli.l , ;!!: .' t'li lll t" ' ju t till' l.lll'll,tl or IliMlKT iv i.ii'i 1 1 liu in i; i hy nn c.uy n,i mi! e.xp'je i.ui ii : .ii .v.? : il linirttlry il I'lv.uhni)?. i;av" o;' i'iii'.';('iin'i;j! 71 "v. .i AVK'.'i;.!'t;t.'M;: nt. Thiswi.i..- 'i : t .!-.-. v '' b ii'.'i..' .; rvl'y iln-i'i-l" 1 i -- i ii i . : .j: i " , .1 ,' I'.ii ' ';m c. !.U-!i lit" .- Il l i' t . ; vr 'I' l.'l- ...Ml I'l'l I' I, .1' I --,l-. Jllil.:' ll.tnlir j ' . , v : .,. f . I' r 1 .i- 1 m i i -j i- i.: in I ,k. ii t.T ,',,r. -ii-1 ! ' I i-ii." . !::.; l;:l''. .'.in:.- tli intl 11.,. !',' I ' ''' i..!v- i! ;i-..'t: ii.-.. ,.. M iii. iu',1 .iiia , ' I rr rw)- ! '.!. ii .:. 1 ii I'. .m- v imt ,. In, lm: ' 1 I. :,1 ;'u . i; !y : , lie: n t.i i Y'-.V Ci'N: r.M!'TI'A ? . , , .V.N I! 11 GKOVER & BAXLr,'3 ''' I'ii mi" I. f o BE WING MA 01 roii r.Mii.v ',.,.,.. I:iiiiitirturiim, rilrt HiikUtb, Kc Willi II,'ii:iiii'rnt Fe,.leilIi TSICES F rn,n:G MAClIiyil CO.MrANY, ki' l!m l,'"'k or f .n'llli' J I f!i M.-K'l.incK uf l!n- sum A',.... .... i , ii,.- r.-v.' "' 'Imr ccK'bniicil lull'- l.ucK MiTI'i 11 MAi till I-..'. ti i. i'h- c. ...',':iy i'.i l in I.-I "til l,''r-'p. MmT". m 't.,' Ii; 't ,v'n I' ) 111 '"' '.v.t.itfe 'f tlir uitj- Tl: T! '1. 1 .l.'.YMi :;' .'.'7J 'rn.w.1. or m .... .n..v ") 1i'-".,",:.';r .......I i ;i .city :. U.i. 1 '"'' c:U il- -it-. I:i tliis hi. Vr'V.'.vVnn ' ''l""''""' b' - ''!' .'.J 1 pi on am ,in 1 t'.i u,;,,,. :r,..iv i . , : .' ' 1 '.- ''. . i ... n,o ..nl ii.- i j: ". ilainly s lo jvvv. tit tiil vim' t ii ! iu. ,';u .V- V-.V."hv 1 !'" '",1'."""",r V''.. !l!l1 11, t lirci.if tl. .,., ... !, I,... t:.,l.; I ,..:.,,.. i :.. i ..'.,.1 al.li'it.V :. U.i.' 1 V"'''- :l lull" t!:' ''lidii'P of c illuT :"-lllf Wli'i I'"' i : " ' ;':"" ' . . , , ,. ... ;. ...... r-.:. . i ' L. s . .m. .r r:i'-' ( 1 1 n . . iU : t, t'l Vi I .ii. V i: 'l';"i 'If-" '',' 'I '' A' :!., i,;r r, , I; 10. it iiW ti!i:'-i:st 1 K n: .V ;m;i:iw m. r.. V. I I'!, -y'tt Mr.TI, I'ii, 1. 1. i, li:u. TI. !.. Xi V-..r.n. Hun' H-v Vn.. Aint I, if (lie l,-.ni!.-:..r"r. I.I '.I ly I'.llll'iS (I! 1, . .. ;r'V 1 ill' l' V. or : :i shcil. ' w , ;. ;1 ,,,.. , !'..., j flpp. .vlicro, t.i Keep tin i',i i-i a - . , v.; ).!. : r-'il'K'. i I III' f! . ! . t . I V 0 l".f !': lMOVCll to It Ci.'i! ;,i"y ( I ii i;'. .;' '..:;:: IJlf.lt e.-;ii". i:il! y Ii ;' !', ;:"! , c.-.y.i : . . !. iv ,;;t tl:c ioi li' .'. -.7 , '. i ll !.... 1, t-. M. "''" .. i r, . , -., ,i t v; 1 i i' V I ( VI' .V... H J .'iii'i ii"ici"i !'.'(, ,v.'i;. , ,ii 1 I SI'Kf: I'l'l l.t. .'"':"!'i :.':.:'::? of nil U ill. n I il'V IT. -. 'in ' . I " : I i lm I . ur .vr, , . .: Ii " . ' V ' Ii 1 11 ! - .'.CM. :.'l.i ilitl i'l" :..' 'I'' .'1' ll lm- ",v:. hii.i....li l'i' , l. I nine ' i. , i .1 I r ,. ,1,., i- ti: tl e i -i ...i.-.' in oi,. i. !i MU'.'i -loll, im'i i', i'"" v.n'v Ml !'i !. ll ; l'i' ' . .1 :: mi ii i' IUV Slll jl'l't t ' ) Hi I''1 n ;::".it::.'. . v .. ;i.''i.!'iin'l l!i:il I'.c ! ; -. ;'' 7i.i i;:i-iri' " !:' toe. r l'.ii' "!, " I' ;'..:.( l ,' :;'.'.; il i- ill. t:l.-.-'Vi:;,r v.'!.',i i'ii' - n !;-nt!t; nml !v tl'.o i'r.jci.i:, ;:s i- tri ..c:il!y '. '1. Knr will piiiliial t!'i:. i:i'; ii:tt tliciu: H i.-' i nly When I 111! ti.:i" ii';; i too siuli'i'ii t'.iat tliey tire i ci civil. II o t-iko two fyc7...:i jH'l.i'.oes niiplts or oilier 1: nil, ami pan . one ifuler tin; fluvi'. tin, I I liu oilier i.i ivnter a litt'c nliov! tilt lVceii; point. c viiil tin. I thnf the former wil! 1-e spuiii I, v. liiie (lie Killer is not injui-i I.cai. v 'a ii :!i'.' tiiJiwin;; is ilonc "V.'. tii. 'iy. l'ol ;.;.. 1'C )f 11." t ni) in t'.ic i, al, . nml cviii'.l '.. 'iii t'.'.o or three ir.rlic.-. o.'i'.irt. wt !1 ii..:-!.. ' ,! jm h, tiinl ; J i.H' , i.i mi in , lie ... ;: '.' i u. 1 , r. j.,,, , I,. , I, ....;,.. J j,. I r nml tiliiwii!"'- 'I Kij.i -ir-. ' I Kl 't 111 I lie in ;.'; .,.:..;;( r- . 1' ,!u: '.. . M. l'il'ii.i crllnr. i! sii.iiiM lie n :. ; ii '.t !iox v "tli ii ii.l 1 lew. i'v i.. i '! .i t--, m 1 1.-. !'.,i.ii' !i ' ' " ;' :: ... vi- vm; VT li; Ni : -C'-l'i : il V..' r. li.i o . 1 le. Ii " '-" .M ....... ,1 J .. r..v. i-i i 1 1 ... ' .i'ii t.' ti . ...... i I :ii:t villi "lit .l..'-)!S .ill it' l:''' l-"''r ..r r,.!;.f' t .": o. tlTtm s.ioi'1':..;;: t.. ;!- ..:.: -H-r l..-.;v.U ' ilil !:.. i t 1 l' i - I- ' ' '-'.'' i ... I- 1' I : , I ' : I . .IV. ' ,;, r.-:'.... Olii ' T-'.'.'ili.V Mill i .'.( M.M' Ilil' li.'L'.l i i . .. ' ' 'I'- .i......... ..... t:; c:W T rT IVT A.Ol CTJ K CO-, .VW oii'-AiMVAV. M V:. '1. 7). ,- j ' l'. H'l.'i ..',' (' Wmi. i ill lis lit!:. TA 1 I'M Mt.:i.,..l or. int'lio iil'i'.'i.'ji. of i ron: ! rtiiit. n -ii" n...r tili.l I I I ro.ut iti-n. l-i-ims i.t' all In iiin. yrl in'r.i in it? r, .nit" l!i. :',i Cr.n V- J'ni'i in:. lior.'l'.i .'. rh.-i.! 1 ,U ,-, 1 tVe )''. l"5 til i Ar,'(i..ii., or l".'n n j, i ii i.t ' :i i .'y --crtf iiiitl t! i:i ii -li. , 1. a : i-i:-.. r n. lnii- niW it'll n.. -i - in its s.i!i Tli-'1. II w. ll l'-i:'''l. J i ri'l ll.lttl'l'ill k.i 1 i.'.iv:, cufai . 1-i ' i t. in, a i.i i.v , 1 , ill f, i,;. :: : i'l ! i.v !'.i !. '- w :. ii:;i'i:i"'!ii..,.:iT. V'l'.l l'l, il'-il:.'.. o.' iiiii'.y ; - 'V-i' j. t vi- rr. i.i. in .1 i ii ;-.i,t Ihii- i "1 ii." r. :,:i-: imu. i . i:, :' n. m. ii -m. tl'nt lor .or er.li rs le vo kn iiIh-.o! of cur : l'i iv. Ml' wulllil ll'Mlt:"t.t: f tiril I.V 1 i nr loin. i.l'.i ,u:ii. . i'i'i -. yi tTi;it . I -'ii. v c ti ii i'v , .'!, '. , , ' 'v in ,1- l I" Hi, tliat tin y may alw.r.o In pii'Wiit vprontiii'.' ; for ii" il" sprout, tie.' M 'i':'!i i. :i""li ::i lii.v.li'H ; i- i ' ,'i . 1 '.. : i : lnoro 1'iVi.r.- i"i' t' i::o v.--. i: '.c-n yprotit. Ill v, Kli,' ti, p. a .toe-" :. c.'IKu'. lii--y --'ii. ttiil iVi: . ". ilo .".' 1 '. tlieiii to tl'.av,'. K'.'t covi f t!t .a ' i ' ol'l clotlie-i. : Vivi:: . :. .' . :. .. : '.. thej'i lliii-.v v: : y a !: .::! . ;.:i.t l: cm, to oti! ; -- ; . Ti: v. : i ;;; ' or tif.y i-i.:.-.' r, r '--, t,. ;!. .. . . ; ; oi lii-r iVtiits. 'i'ii. 1.:..':; . a ' .- dry. I'.U'l ii' i a.. . ie .:. . i p.-i.v . V d l' :i i'V ;'.'.. :.'' '.'.a.' v.'i... . a iiie lu. I; e d .l ie. t i i ''" ' t.'e !.e;.it. to j !; l', tiietii ' Un it . a ai'. i ".; i , I '.'...-. i.i I i .. . l i- in .- .. :, i .1 ,,.ai- i:i-'.'.-::'..! . .-.vi'. r:- . I i . - , i 1 ! i ' i i ! i f:'ti ::i i ' . To tl. : i--..".-lit ni- Hi ' llf. '."' ' '. i', a i I I iv i... fl a. .' VI .i i i J ". i.'.T. r.o or.e , :- 1 a. :1 nv. .f"-.i.-! -' I. ..i.v.t-i, ; 1 - t i , ,-, .: l-.T l :. 1 .,1' Hi'. 1'. ,IA N .t.v . i.ia, .a..s mv: .- ! i i y -til la ,'. IT. 1- it. ltall") ' Mr,'l.! i ; li ." .v. . i . I l l-.-l . :a .- i" !l 1 11' 1' illiL WHO WISH TO rUKC'HASE Good & Handsome Goods AT TZ-P.T LOT" PPJCES, AND HAVE A LAIICE VARIETY to hau.ix"!' nco.ii. WILL. rLKASE CALL AT THE ONE rilICK ST011E OF B. ir. BRIGHT &. SOK BXJXBXJU'Sr, PA., ' I'H' i ,,. lav y, i- io i :ritly on haiul, titi'l tire liv.nllily ri .iii '. i IV in Ni'w ork ui.J l'laUJi-liliin, a r: '.' ; (' ' 1 ! a- ,. ; .11 iili'l i'. H. la. ..'.vi. ii ii. I 1 ("til I.i. .V 1;! i t,.i: to- in I'.v i . 1 '..!: i : . '. '.a 'i'l"''!' I '' llao. It- a... i .'i ;i.. v. :l. i,:i I ; l'V.; I.. I '.' ; 1 'a ;- V"'. .-l'i".'':.! !.':"i'. i-V'v ii i A CHOICE AKD CHEAP STOCK in ii- .'..:... .Vn.r. a : . .: -a: ',.:, .'. ' 1 "THEY GO RIGHT TO THE srOT " INSTANT ItlCMliF! STOP YOUR t'OUUli ! I'VIUFY YOVR BREATH! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE! SPA LM N G'S 'i into r t oii i:ai(.n AH (iOOD FOIt C LEP.GYMEN', GOOD FOR I.ECTtltEISS, Gotii) Foit rur.Lic ppeakeup, GOOD FOR SI NO Kits, GOOD FOIt CONSUMPTIVES. Ointknirn Cnrry Kpnldiii'M 'I'lu-oiif 4'onfV-'l!iii. Ln'lics nrc ilelibtcil wilh Spillditi'si 'I'hront 4'oiil"-5-Jio:tH. CliiMrcn Cry Tor KnIIiuuN 'I'liroiU 4'onlt-rlionM. They relievo R Cnui;h instantly. They clear the Tlirnat. They give slrenjjtli nml volume to Hie voice. Tliey itiipnrt ft ih-lieious iiriitnii to the hreatli. They lire ileliglitful to thu taste. They arc liin.lc of siiniile herbs and cannot linrm nny one. I n.lviso every one w ho lias a Couh or i Iln.-ky Voiee or n Hail lireatli. or any ililTiciilty of the. Throai lo get a iiieUae of my Throat Con feu t ions ; they will relieve you instantly, tin.) you w ill agree wilh me that ''they gorilit to tliesiot." You will liml them very useful anil ilcii!int while traveling or (itle)nlitig nililie meetings for stilling your t'ougli or alliiying your thirst. If you try one i.ai knge lam safe in saying that y ti w ill ever iil'lenvarils eonsiiler theni inilispensililr. You will liml them nt the l'rugist anil lie.ilrrs in Mi'iliiini-s. Prico 25 Ccnta. lIy signature is on each liaeakagc. All others nro count erl'i'il. A J'uikiige will he scut l,y mail, j.rei.ai.1, oa neeii't oi Thirty Cents. A'l,lr.-s. IIK.NKY C. .l'AI.HINti, No. l.-t Ccilar street. New York. For sale at R. A. Ei-hcr's 1 rit- .torc. Suuhury. l'a, n RHEUMATICS! Dlt" LELAND S ANTMU1EUMATIC BAND PERMANENTLY CURES R H E U IVI A T I S M ! IN ALL ITS VAlllOl fSFlilt-M.-i. Acuto or Inflammatory : Chronic, Lnmbng, FcinUrn, l'leiiradyne, Ac. Slilfncss of the Joints nml Cram,' (louts. Ncurnl- fia nml all Nervous Alleetions Erysipelas, Salt llieuni and Serofutoiis llruitions oi' the liody Neutralizes the luiiiuities of th,i lth-oil and Eluids if Iho whole system, nml ellecliially counteracting Meicuriul and other poisiinous intlueueen. 1 T7 :n'H Itiiii nmivrnirnt nrnine UK1.T, pnutrtittinp n itiriucnK'd Lopiipttiniil, to he wo 1 11 iiTdiniii the ihmI nl mt the Winn KqCALLY KKI 1X1INU Al iah 1. viK-ii'Vt:i the i1iieiiite mciv he. il can W'Tii willittit injury In the moet ilclir.'itn prrwtn ;niti no eit-uHjc 111 1 lit ir.irr tmhita oi iiviii m re- f jf 1 itm! it entirely it-move the diseiifc from the H symein. ivitli tin: fu'ifimm use, in nurli eimet. nl' i i piiWdfnl inteinnl mijeiiieii, wlurh weHken nml 7' (tt-stroy the 'niiwtitiiii'ti tinu give ti-niporiiry re lifimil pro- (tt-stroy the 'niiwtitiiii'ti niiu give ii-niporiiry re ", lief only hy tupifyiii the nyatem, nml (lemlening rQ its vitnlity. Hv this tieiitment, the nieilit-iiiul pro- , IjeiliR of n hiyhly W id citpiitile t hfinii uL pores of the tkin, , , curs ' 4. .ii . : h v.-.i i i iJO Coiiiu;i.--i.;f. c:'i'ie;vil a "npjily oi' ( I' vi I Li 1 ' ii i' raai i.il' i ii-.! i- I btition in t!m spriiar. ,i,iM froai il. :.;;! ' ' ' 1 " '' , '" '"' '' " !1,r: 1 l'!'.--'"i ! i ' ; -;. , ' ' . '' ) f m Vaita'. - :'i i ii ,',. '.',;,,. : ,1 ,, ' ., ..'iav -I"': "I-"' 'lid v.. -u.:i an 1 ii.".. is i.l , i.r ' ",a- . a a ill m . ! i, ei ' -. !a,., it. l-a-l a ;un I J ' :cc. i ve real 1 .0... la, :'!:i na - liol.i , , ,. r ., . , m ., . , vi,:. i, i, I a , . ,,- . . , , , i-i-.l.l. naiei,: . ri"i uioiloiva'' to raw. , j i e-... , -1. .a , ia . . . n. a .", .,, l . a a.i J-wiaU :i. v.ill be laaivd at 1 ae 1 1. ja -al .1 f-i 1 1 1 T t'nl !.'" I a. I , 'I..- 1'! .- T 'J 1 !.' U i Iv.l .' i A'l! i!;' yet a.' . a !!: fa -a "."l.'.'ie to oi l. Juvcl!,-. 1 r OF our tiinr.' i's, v, illi it ( inn. e v ai n ly i.l m niul valuable '..iur nml ;r. ..-.! if a .i. j Tlic lirst l'ci'.ort ot' the new liijai 'tiaeul v, i.l be pivetitf . . t ) (''aii!.-r. s ihiriiio i!a- w :.:,:'. ;oi. I I'.i'.!. il ic s.ri', '.v a laav a; .:;;:'.'. a an.! niul popular vo'.ianc ttjJ.in aara ia'.'.,: ,.! i.e.! lioi'tieiiltniiil t'liiu haa et bccii i. .aid vui lor the ai'.r pins oftliu (.ion r:'.i..i a'. - T AVliKAT Col riaaT!..' j. :-, v.ai: ni,.''i of e, li, . li.i.. eau -i'ii many e:iae,-i:iu iit'- to lm n; iK: t. ii-, 1 titling .iil..-ti,i:'i -i i'.l some , tl.-.;" :i:.' . ;-l a. t . c iciil V ii. -iral '.' i.ili i!" i-,a nil leti.'!.- i l,:u: ofll.i'lii : -'ll,',.... i il, I .,;nii ; , , .1 I'- sc. ic'ii oil v.'hiait i on,: i-'inij oi',.-'.:l'i'e. : in I ii will make a beverage as a I'ri-cuUe an the uii:nluU.r..ti i Kin. an,! la a'e ,L''l..-.ia.'. i Ca:a it i. Ti.iiM is li is said tlaf U K. I'. .ti nt a. ol l-.l.ii !a, 11 0 i.-ity, lllin. i. r.iisi',1 lii.-i yei r t iv, 1 nasi, els ol eoll'ee. 'i'ii" m-i-I lusm-ii! Ijim li ,m . is ir.i'ia. 'J'he lii.l yei.r lilt- l..,'s Here 11! plu lililiv,-; the sivo n i j-e.ir they h'.re a lit lo. inl ,rn ia-, ."! n lull eraji the liar. 1 year, jij ti.ii.Iii i bi:.-li-l.- e.1.1 be gi 0.1 11 .f r aer..'. - . j.. . 1 ., rr.Tgpwriw.". Tn---r - vFIT AND HUiOli. .1. -1 1.1:1 .it r 11 urn. , it.:-.-. VI tr!lo"r. ." w let!', 'ii';. Loon, x.i-:Ysi'.r:::'. Mryrr. .i.v,' o.:.. ie a , I :.. I- I. i, : ; 1 a-- i-..:.r , -t ,.!. e .! ". . I 1- 1 . 1 : : -i. .! t ...wil- -ill t w K.-r " a..".' 1 . 1 1 ' " v.-l ', iine-l e:n..'..l I,' i r . v. i: h .,' 1.. ,. n' ua - 1 1 ,- . ,.,a-T -i, ' a..- r. aia I '.., , '' r n 1- 1M I I.V -LL -KINDS OF GOODS CURE perlitK rnutriined in the Jnml aroin.-itic Hutt vlntile imtuic nn cmne int'niiieet eoniii'-t Willi the HIimk) ami Rene Q i.u vnumiUMi, h mi in wnn ! iirn tmui:ii , 1 1 10 stmrpM-h, wnieli winilil lend not only todetrnet rl from their rurutive powers, Imt to impiijr tln'in-H tenril o'trmift mi deniuc Hi diirestiou nlso 'i'liUK LJ il void inn tii liijiiie'ii l,-HK, stxtlien the reisult o 4? niteriiiil ri'tneilH!, s:md eflectnnr n p-rieet eure ly purifying mid eipinlizini; the eireiihif ion of the vitnl L tluidf mid rrstoilug the jiirti nift'eted too h')illhy r.'iHli'inii Tins !!;nid in iiIko ri most powerful AN TI MKKtTKJAl. A'iI '.NT.T ("nloinel M iiift ll'e priunry eruife of n luriie purl of the still iiess, Neunilcio ruins nml Htieiimtitie. n prevn- M lent :iud will entirely relieve tlie system from iti" f pernicious eifeets. V Modernte eneen nre cnri"! inn few dnv nnd we m ire eoiifitrmlly teeeivmi: iindoulted tuPtini "iintls W to Wllieh We hlVlte l'.iSpeetl"ll nt onr olfiee of Iv tiieir alii-iiey in npniviiteil ruses of lonj; standing ntlCK TWO nAT.T.AUS. Muy he md of On iri.-ts. it will le sent hv niml upon receipt of l y express everywhere, with nil mcemaiy nn-Hue tions Ironi lite principal otli'.e oi G SSIITII & CO., Sole Proprietors, V.'I HkoaiiVv av, tu:ir I!ro.ni ulre.-t. Xkw VnK. .j Trc.it w, v. iih Certifieil TcstimuniuL-, scut frtt. Al'AnXI) TO SOLTtlKKS. Ar.KVT:' .,ui',tnry. Frilinn A lirfint, 44 tu-nrv UriL'ht. X'.nliufJtcrlnnd. It. ii. Mcoy. (l:rf:e,. j fi.im. '. It'll Cor. Fult-n tr.A I.ri.ii.lwi'y. M.W VlIiK. Will e-ir-fnlly nil( Tl'l to Culleetiolis lll.'.l Jill oilier jmitteis intru.-U-.l l. ilo-ir . r "J.or H nml can mnrc than make wnftc in innin icg it. and when it is dona it is a certain ii',l, n'ii,luiia oi.l no loss. A few acres in fruit trees will insure a lomfor t ii bio living. 'J'ho land is put down to lard limo jiriees. ami iuii rovements can beinadeal uchir.p er rule Ihnn any other time Tho whole Iruet. wilh six miles front cn tl ltail rond. is being laid out with fine and si.a.-i u avei.ui..-, with a town in the centre five ncre h.t in th.i town ell at from 8ir.lt to ?2iki ; two and a halt icre lots, at ' -n to JI2II to S2IIU ; two , l,al acre I ,1a m ii-oni Mltoll'il. nml town lots f.ll feet fnna hv l .u feet deep, at 1110 payable one ,f ,.,,.,1, rnd the h ;!:,neo witlim n year. Il is only upon firms of twentv itere? or more that four years' time is given. To .Manufacturers, the town n iionl.- a fine oi'Mihif of the ,iot lnanufnetiiring budmss. ,i; ,,ihi'r nr-i-cles. being near l'hilailelphia. and the ni-ri)tindiiig country hiia a large population, which all .r-U v -ood market. " This settlement, in the course of s. v. r ,! yt.-ir. will be one of the most l.-iiiutiful pbiees in the country and inost agree.'ihlo for a n siil -nee. It is iiitended to neike n Vino ii. I'i uI! tr. v ' country, as this culture is the most pp.iiail.le Imd thj best ailapted to market. Evuv av,: ,.: at, .1 eon venienee for settlers will be "int.-, a T .,,i ,n in sure the prosperity of the place. T1- I .ud Jii ii.j throughout the country will bo an ndvui.t-igc I,, the si'ttlement, as It compels peoplu to reca ture t..r n living. Large liiinii,, is of peojile are pur I.i : pie nlm desire the best locution fl,, : 1 1 a toner. improve, land is also for nle. TiMiii:n Lund cm 1.'.. bought r.ili timber. The timber at mii'k.'t im- ai.: The title is in Imputable Wnrra.ti! Ic clear of all iiK'iiiiihrance, when Ihe i,ioe, v i. Ilonniiiig eonveiiii.ni'e at bin.d. 1. tlir" promptly an-wered. ai 1 1:,; :'.,,f ltobiiison and ll'tn. l'lirry. sei.t 1'.-:!, ;- .j Y i tnlti int Hum l.onlo to the laml : Ia-avc i, nliai -tn riiiliiilelphia. at 'J o'clock. A..'!. ,::, i (unless there should be n chine."' f 1 n,-., laud, on the (ilitsdioro anl .Maa. ; When yon leave thu ears at Via oiiened, inouire for ciiAiu.E-t k i. Nnrs. r ... 1'oilMl. a ..t :i Vixrt.ANn. I'. 0.. Ciic'ei , , V. P. There i-- a chanji' of ejir- . Abo beware of slim pi-rs on the t ,: '- ,; mi, I l'hil.'i'l.-lahia to l iuelaiid. la : a. : 1,1-s. destit:ri.lioli. .lu. rrieiii 1 pea.-pine- r v. blent '' Is gi'.'' n, p.iil i-l .-' wleirf, !' M . ' I'ilie ,-. N J Ki:r .--OI.UX ItoJllNsoN, I Tti t::i via t I'oN Tin: Vixki. v f - r ' 'I'h.i ti.ltou'inir is an extrm I , plll'll-lo. l.ai.' Vo :.i:-:i;nt '1,, ...rt. . I J. IT t 1... .. ! he ,'. 1:,- ai r-p. pi!..., . I',i'.'.,'-'l a I'l'.iil ." I . , a 'Ij J at , i' il I, a . 'l:: i ion I v i -o.ii. .:,-a . :,::..' a. . : 1 - I : . -i a e c..i .- .ml .u-eaia. y. s.etii iii pertici ju.-,i i i. ie a !1 i- l s ..: 1 ' 'it::sl f.auiia.l a; a i:a ruiNTiN,; i'r.;:.-.-i:-a wi,h ilii.ii' nppiu ti-ia-in i " of al! '.! eiipprovi.l u.alt is IV ii (J j) i V 1' i. . .,,1 ...a- : -a 1 1,-h 111 . 1.) 1 1. 1 . Ml i Vet 11 n by :'. it li 'lev til i in 1 v ,i ;, V "'' , i v I :,re 1. .v. ie . - '."v ,a.i:.' -, i-: . ,-,u . i - . i iiii, .h. ,, . in. . i.a. i- i '1 ,a:r ai ii be. ::- i: i . ' ir I-..- -: i-- a. ' -,;'i : h. r i. a ... ' . - i-'.- ia i r 'a - c Ve ii. a . .. .1. I-' T t .11 ,i.,T CM i 'l l.i ' 1 i.-.i.i.ii a 1.'. v !:'!; ,.f ail :h,. i a I. l-.v-Siili', I'liiaii'L- 1: 1 Ti :a: ii' .i. i - 'vi. -'. ... 1.11 -i... s. 3!, tal K-.IH it'.trc- ! aii.-. '... , -'. I':, I a,. :-. t'l.l'l alur i iM iy liiai.-i : Ihe IVil.UT r.ail'i i':',,'. i. : a i ' ai. a.. ::.::. i.!lT.!' .'. ".. i.-.l oj iiechii,.,.: i.iiii. .i,v iuiii. , ii. if x. i. a. i -in: :l tu -v 1. 1 a- L ' ! ".' a : i ia-. a v. Ji;. .. ' l.'l . l'a. rpiil: Catni -i.te is- '-H.m:ii T:v rs." Ti.e f. !i a.ia t:,.ry ol ii'i Iinji;.-h i.-na-.a.;"..' '- e .-.a ' i.ip v. ) n :,' ..- 1."-.-. u.is --pr.-- at a ' i,: i-.- ;a : . a ex a.:j ! .' v. i:i'e ' linns :i,-e , :y I, n I: --'J ia- 1. dy . :.'. I .-a 1 i- touii.iliiloiise, i,:, 1 1 :h. ' 1. -r l.a in, -,. t . e..a. ' ;-iilt him unthe pi'i jui, 'y. or ,,:,., v i e. ,,t h,-r ;. - e.'i'iin an olli r el iina-r:.. ae w 1 :.-i !;...! i --.-. i , a. Now, lor tile lirsl lime, iia iila 1 :i..' in, ! 1: .1:'. tlie i i ltn ,.f the li'ly i-l:ite in hi- i.-.a..--. -I'lai i:.; :.' 1 so: 1 lu . li.-.k -.-:y :u n,ii: r i-vi r so.,:, V." e-- I a,lt i , ,r- lespoiiili uee. -ll'i II, 1 .-ui.i,.-e vn i, !...,! v . e a; t iiiariy, th.,iii;!i itaai a titit g tue-r o'eiiiri.l to i:'.- . t.efoiu. 11. :e you giveatli- lOieia ui tai :a'::-!i. .- j tivc iiiis-.v .r ' -N".' aire yoar fi.-liaas p.u liei.tni ty t llgngeit in till:' loa.t ; ar : .;iltK-lil.-ii-y. .v.nl. then, J!ii-.l.i!ii.' nil he. tun. in..; lonnl t.'i Lis 1. .ittll.lt be the ease, nad it you , all ili-;, ::io ivi.a eourtsiiip. f .r whb-h I have id tii.ua r.ii t ll::', k y-ai could bo ci.inl'.ri.il'le w ii'i me. tain your l.nmi,:, servant to eoiitiiiniid. ' Tluaa' in re soaej ja-opie who thought tlcit ihe l.ely had a pnri,,...- in goii-,; li --e: but if so. the prudently ili .a-i ,1 P Sh,- i- ( i ' : ',. would eon-ider the lu'at.-.. i :: ai. :'. ii ' : - i la r (.lit with the -at.le Coollie-. a '.! a., c , ' a;,. t iy i. a id lii.- e nvspoi.den.s. an I oh ii .-in- v ;, . a - live ia ii. a.e. . u a.- - ii, a in ore in: in, r v'd in bis I, tar. ; . t , I li-,l:;' is. A p.y ,,r l.io ctier ia a- I a c-.i'i .aiai .. tioo llutll the 1 l !y l'i-,-, i.tieg hi- . Ir. Very i . , -at-. eiiiiely c.i.i-i','r him iroai an etiil.oiii.e e.,.a-i and 1" living hiia to ii..nic .l;c -n'oai e. i.ve-.iivi:. ih .- '1!., v were niuni.da' "m Cliiiii't'iKin t'ii-'. i', e. in:: b. IV. ;.l 1' ... ',-- an i (' ..a ... t- i-, ,1.,!,. n ii d 1 v t i, -iei:, i- :,-, -t.,..-- !:. l M Tal'l 1 '1 .- !'l. I'l'l: Ol. i..r.:,i. I.. I I'e! :i-if.-. I-i -, , j -i a ;.. .la.! i.'ili- 'is la- id.-v- 'i i.-.-i n,.. v In, 1 ,a I . , n i.,iei .i d to : '. .c l ii lie' u.-e ''' ,...:'.,.. v ia ,: .- ihi- i 'a nl i:ji l oai- e. a-,-. I.... , ' 1 ' ' t t , i ' . .1:'- ,:,!'. 1"1' IU , J -Lit". "I Ol 1.1...1V e i' i .'. 1'. :-. 1. , e. a'-. iv :.1.""K'.- l.!'V.r. i'l i ia,"'. 1 I-. -: I'AKil-M I '"' i : I 1 ii-f,aa ' .-.-. a " : .1.'... -wr. .-i u-'.i i.u:r..i. I- i .,.i i ..:.'! . ...i i a i. e i J : '-i.i a " ... i : v ii. i. . ci-..i: t. C lear ,1' ib- -u .m ! t la i.at l.r,.i"..-a .'iai'.l. I. 1- 1 , 1 1 i? i' . ii ii r r. i .-. o A .1 i-A o l' .V ;i Ji i. it k; m naif, a I. i ami ki rati. CLOCK L'.-iTAMJXi'lMXXT, i'. Ci-nur , c,.,.i iral (',). ,. ,ul u.i , GALAMAITDBii ! i.a: -A i . ... .'.'i i ii'.!-!.: )i A I f . ll . 1'A. - It Vy tlio u.p i.fthc Vill? tl.c 1'i'tif.Iii' Mtiu-fc? of Xrr j vm:-nr Sick 1 1 -:i I ;nht tiin v te revente'l ; im '1 if '. of rverv pers.-n. Wo invito tn1;en r I'" toiiiineieenieht t.f un m' Ito-k iietiieli:tt I'ultlie. ui.. rer.eetfuHv ..lieit ; relii-t 1V in i-iin iit:.l -ickin-"-. - nil! Itr o.;iio-.. .r.'-ck, K-clin a.ssuixa'that we j irTh,'-v . ,il , ' P'luoviiv tho Nm.-c.-i r.u-l i Jiejiinu'iie io v liu- u i''iii;ni"" :ue .-o sur eel . They lu't gently ui'ou thu lov,l-.-iui;iv!i.;.; I iv tivel)e-fi. For I.ttersirv n.en. Stn.lents. ! ; tte Femuli--. uiA nil per-Joii-; of (ii di-iititry h;.1 i!.-. they nre v;ilu;thK- ey I,)ixntive. iiniio in the n j't'lito. Lrivin tone ;m.l i visrtir to the ilijiesiive orirjii. m.'l ritni iii the nntu I nil elus.ieitv nr. 1 -t rt;t It td'the whole vuin. The Fliril .H H LI,S ,ire the re-utt of In! iu- I ve-t i'jiti-.H jii nl en 1 1 fully eoinlueteil e.-i -i irnetit.-, li.tviiiL; lieen in ne lunny yenrs, diuiiij which tiire t!u y have j re on'r.l ;nnl v-li'--o.l n :.!-t liinount t f i I'.-iin ii io 1 sulVet'in tVoin ilt.'.'ljii h:. uhe'ln r oriiiiiu.i ! in the in rv(,iir .-y-;eni or in in a dcrat-fi ttalo ot the sNttintch. The lire eiitirolv Vc"t:il !e in their e'-ii!i.'i:in. ntnl iiimv he tnken nt nil time.- with j.ertVet ::frfy. without turtkiii'T unv e!tiii:c t t i t. niul the ul M-m-e ot unv di.-.itrre. :.i.!e t.t.-te vei: i i.- it cn.-v to ailii.ini.-- 1 ter them to chiMreti. x7iMAT .I5ARGAIAS AND i, IV 1, ... the ' 1. - I c i a . Iv .1, 1 11! ,. ' I.v. i .al obi. 1. i 1., 1 . :. a 1 g. -. r.i. J 1 .. Cll A ! 1. : a 1 e. II ..-.li " i; i i CA-Ti.::. .- in l'i . i l i ia e iii.t . !'.!.. ) Auau-t I'-ai' t a v, -1 ...... : a . ; :; : i -: ....... .., ,i : :: li.' 1 .i i.'i I .'! l.r. :,-.:.-, ,- w i,.-,lc-ti o.m d by lire. ,: a. .i.. 1 .. id In-ai v u .-o;.ic ,- i, .i e n..-i.aiae -1 . i o - , .1 i :l .vi b " l,s. a; cic ei.rh. Ae.. . ,. t i in a p, :-.,- ' i : 1: a .n. . fter 1 a, :, i.i, vi ii.a e-1- lo ,.: f a i- - "I il Hours, i i - a. u v.l . a l, l-.i.f von viiil Mil us v. . Oli'v't V fn .A i '.'.tu i, , 11 .'.. i; no . c .' .. ,1 , ..,':. ' .'.a i'A'1 lini Al fir.T-!iiiTv ii ,.t iy i i -::..i :,' '.air'u l,,i Ci..oili .. ' l.. II ii i a I :a! r- Ae. , : I l 1. i.l il.ll pi-;.s. .1.1 iy 1'., 1 The I'.v r Ji i la ,v.n .I.,.', C a Mi 1 e;a-t in i i. t.. 'he inter'.'- s i ric li i- .n il : .'.--n C.-ei'tssi .lai i.- io .- !.i.i.. wits v ery (at--i e .. i' 1 1 i i 1 is : :.! - la cj.in ; i a t e . tie- e .iii ti v. wi ,ii--,la: l".t.. a-- Iii.ly W'.i: 1..1. l.'.'W i. hop;.. .... .1 t:::it 1... -,. : in: !.!,!, b, l'u I lai-ll 'Iraltid Ih, l ..:.- till .!.-.. . p. .--:,e a ol lailll ,ia.y. b-.a wlloll. tie: i-l:-.!,,-,-S 1,'t :l n:u: ,; ti " .-leei. V l.-.-it he rac iM I la. -ai.i.i : l.r .-. i ; ii,' ba-leuvl 1.. t,an, and loioui.,; v.-!i"ia. iiv a 1, . col ai ap -v ii iea ,.f n!.'iv...i- !.. .-a.-. -a :! a. : . t,l!i,-e. lie -..'al : I'm Iral'; d !" ''1 ho d.-u-.e .v mi are ii mini have bet n e. itteitv' man that di :,.,, I y..u !': Weil, I 'a iii.i'.iil and I want to gU out. Ci-.n'l man .1. I'll pay well. " cry well.'' Tl.c tw iiu pi. c.i.lcj ia ii. alii.o i f .lie Coii.ti.l--fcloner. ;!-.... U ii.l. 1 1. .... ' ,:..i I lu-V lltl.siill.te.'' Coiniiiii-l..,i,er Iv ked lit the ,!., i ., i ; ui:...-i: I ; tauie tone. lie won't do ; , ni't in ar.-Ii. but he nai.-l it,,.'' I .i.ii.; i . i;;,. i.i ir 'at'. I niu klu.iv i'..: v. ill ' II. can t liiiua.!, he v,ii';.l,; I t a, him.'' '1 hi.i was what oar .-tnart f.ii nd w.iiiied. "ll-' won't t..., i h ' ' a-. .; ii, k hi t ' "l'i ell, then, feri.teh las i.na'e a:T ihe 1 .-' ur-tf ti-,1 iii.-d Wiiiiislo I-., i xt a,p't 1 ! 'Jhe e on a, L--i. a, i.-L- I.-- -. t ti. 1..: 1 i r Ir m naa utu; then re;;iu,l'-d th. I' . Iiaf. ui. I v'..'l: a; ''i.l. ing u word, MiaUhe.1 1 i.i - a .i.e. tt'ii- 1' e ,! ! : . ' i . "1 li . a V.'r j li , .1 !": 1, . .; h. a ,--illil,l:r .- lis. s 'ii:.-.? v. a j:l t v.. 1-1 Ni.I !iV. i. .... ..: . a e : 1 . i : '! i e"ia.!.i ol ,V : 1. I l. ',!!, lll,ler, .',!,. aiour, Colon., at. r (-,.!'. . 1,-1 l'A!i'- a , fir )'. 11.V-. M., A'- .. I.'. :n s A .a !.. -I.- :ai i 1 .I I. I.lli AU.-TI.n t-. riiiiio. :-.n's l'iiaia : ..'I l'.."l. I 11 I -old "II .'IS 1 r- i- 1 1 t" a. a I'M'.. l'i a I'M:. ') .-r p n n . . 1 i- I a ir -e. t. l iii-ir i-1. 1 i.c on'...-. .ie . a a li" : r's.'f Jii ..:,. i, la.k. .-I., !l,' i ille l "- 1 i' ' i. 1 ! I .,: i '.. 1 ! 1 1--'', 1.1 . I'- I'.. .. . 1 . P 1 1, . II,. I A. P.. , t an A C ... " .1 l'. ill! S''ai ', A-ii::,, .. 1. A ..-.. i.e. al ,-, A I ,, .Mi.e-i ,a.i al l.io,, .M a, -It li'.J. Xav Y. l ii . & ci: : .1 i!;nn' iXjii-ci-s ('iti):i:i.v, t S IVE '..'i !.' ia,! tiny bi.e c.ttidii led i;r- If r.il e .ii.j- i I, ll..' a-'.ahi n: t'.-lal .1 Kl.ilr'.ii I I' i v to r. ii '.:-.i:.s t.oin biiPtieore f-.r I otaV ' -' l'..:-la.. i;.,lii.. '1 1 1 i ,,; '.il. f-ai.i.ori a ii,ii '.'.:. l. I,,- '. 'oi. .-. Mill, a. Mum-v. li il , r . in, a .el it 'eriae It-tii .-' il1 I. . , ..tan . e- ;. ,i"r will, th- l.liliU V.I.-lllilN i.- I ,. a.r 1 .t. i.t...:. Cit'.-ii.iia'.'. .-i. 1.. ui.- :a. 1 ll.e I "r i.i:.-i ( a. ia.,,1. . f :a 1, !j.1.i::. l'i ..-olia ai..:, 1: I , f t'i.il a I', -n't!' la 1. , 1 l'l, II... (':.:.! i '.a.til.. Ion. a l'i. . i 1., .it .Won. 1th -I. il: , ,. i'.e I- ,-i. . 1 a -ti ai: K'll.ivd. It :..h. !' .. Ji.tld. .-f N ".". .. l.ilalllis. ii t'llt: "I.v I'bil . l.'il :llil. ., 1,,-. a ell. k . t J'.a.l on I .-a iit. ll.a.liiTs. r:.!.,.- It . i.. A.! ..alia. A1..1. toil I..'.'. I i ,k. lad. W.U i'.'. all i!':e b'e. li . I. oi :,. ('.. I;.iliig!i. l.eai.-l.nr... Hi. i.i,. Pa. t.'iii.i li. ! , l:,' i.,-, .. ..lilil..- a' ' ur M..re, No PI .-. 1 o'.uiU t.iie., Tl.il.tuilpl.ia. y ,.i-'. a 1 I y .1 totl-t. I. a il I ia a ii h; .u:i's;.v .:rs:..ii fi.oc isim; aiSS.I.. rOHM f.- i.s..--. I. mm,- t.A.-.. p a-n ,f th' I f eh, - t i.arL I.X'! .:',.. i.r, 1 : a na d in- 1 (1 i:v. ltof (a lews (la 1 1. 1 v r t : v . W . 1). !1 Cl.iinniiie l C mt. ni". i ,. . . i.a ,...t 1';'..-, i.-; .M., ti-lier-l .U till:. -,l li"f. ,:r ie i .j.i , . . . , . i. t'l a gu ot the 1. i: .Ie .1. . a ; i t. , . .. . lillllitory l.-ln.-ll. i,ii:,k i ,1 . , l:.,:i ,', ji. . blasts ell ,eeil;g ihe I. in. .!:,!. !'.., l'a ,, tt.ty ra'la .l Uj lo C -a. ii,,- ,-, i,a i;', i ii,, ,. be. v e.-n (1 ,-n. it . ail-j t li il. J i a .:, loa, i a.0- "Is tllis (ieti. lio.-lelali. '. ' I es, mud nta" 'Wll, ti .'li.'1'..l. c ",'l I e ! p 'Minium,'' 1.1 illi a io'A I, v I . l i to tfivu you it t . -: i! : n , e a v i. , . Another la.ty .top... , h, i , .. n :,..!.. t t, -...oi..ii. : r.. begun wi'li u pitiiul i., it. I . -cU Ij lur p. ,,1, dear, siek nl.ele. ' I oouoiu'le wiihymi. n..i ' i-.a . ' .- ii I llnMP-j r tl. i.l tliat itui- t way e: i.i.-. --il i- ia.. ,i ua,..'.i! ih:.t iineltswill toiiii-lliiiis fel s,-iii ualy iuu'-p.-c, i. J. too. lio ll d.-.ir. niaiei, ,1 ttti.-le." 'Tiitni, you u an fymp.,'.'.,. v.i.ii inc." .-he SiiM. 'I es. i,. a. I. im. I il-, ami iihiu my 1. .-'i- an -ttf i vt-r I.i-1 pie-,.ul eiiola- ihii:, oo L n J tail , i,c )vu I. p if .' ll would of course be nt luiii-'aua i.v v, hieu ,v.uKl tuiu llie fit.iy tu lebiiu wb.il tiiu l..,iy d .1. b a: a. a. li , i" ) ia' aa.'i b 'a. i et Mil . n i.r -1 .' (. V.'.lh. ' ..'". i'iiis'-'ia t-' a II. a. 1,- . ,: : .1: ell tae I lit : ii .. 1. a -i A l'i ,. ' ,aa; Ib.ib ..i '. Ai )v .1- 1 . ie, II ,1, ll ,. t'.i. ..if, Si to J.I I I 1.- ll.iv n. Ai- by iloH'.i.l ,v Co!. I e .... .-'ioi.a f,,r Ciieton, 'lioy, iilniira. 1 ft:::; !.,. Ni -ai, mil to all a, --;l I- 1 'l'i ' a .". V K i ' . 1 (':'! ! la. bv v i.i. h I i v. 1 :'. . ' .. ! .- !- .- e. lal; N;.s. J,..,l,y. ia: I a.ui.l! 1 ii'.-lai. f , t e ely il-i-vlip- ti-a. A'- . N-'t s. !a-::l'a piip f.,r C, Ibvlioll la; i- I . ' '. ei !. i ie, ... ii -,ts einplo) t-. It. i e i. . ..:.-it V.i.l be ll.-i-i" to 1', I I, r S:,'i-t.. ;li.,l , i .it i.n i.im;ii..i. . , j S..;. '': t Ii.! b' 1', lll.'.i l'iv ' ' 1. I hiludeiphi.l. ,. I It A. l'l a'lllii;, A.;n.t 1 a-iMaibuiy. -, . ,1 . 1 i :i. .;.. VH -Air us is: vcj-i'i n. ..'.V I,-. 'I lit: Tl.ME T" 1'II.L Y"l'R Al.lll .Mri. "My ileiiri'st '.n ta," Wivtu a rott v.Wy iv.m r'uil lm.ibiiii l to llii wit'o. r'-I.o wroto Imck, "I).:..l'L'-l let tilf tollVl I lithcf your '.itlllMill' t r your iiioi.iIh. Voii ;i :lit!i inc, .My . It-iir-t-ot' Mioin.' Am I t, Mippo.-c tluit yoii lime t!.e;' t'. at .M.tiiic '" , . I N . , us oie nee ,,t tee seiiii'i' v t'f elaiage. 1 v ill Hell ba aae-s .v , ,;.,,; ii,.;uiJKAl'll CAKi L bE VI.-ITli I l-,o: 1 :: x Mvteoit (iirOac Oo!lar. .-: at 1 , Haul 1' a'aij-e pni.l. 1 he.-e eiit.li-s nre bi t publiilicl end are pernia l!el,t. '1 hey eii.t l 'K'e all th') plillclpHt li'liiials of ihAn.y. l'ltfci leiu, t'it' iiiet, Ae. ,!-., ivioof the grcai eat illiniia uiiliiing J tiir' uid LEA I l'.EUAKLi. Cai..li.,;uv: fli'llt on im plication. San, ile e pie sent ua reeupt i.f Ten Cents. JOIiy I' lINTV, T2a Fi:i..a.m b'.., I'lali. tclphi.i. f-re, , i.er ii, i A.tl.i.i"i.i'iii' ui'ioi.K' W .-ii-f. COWDJ.U s WILCOX, HARKI8BURG, X3A. rptii: fc-iei.e Witre uo miulu at tbi tvsublishQHQt I is c.iial tu any u.adu io thUcoui-ti'V. Every va-n.-'v i I ...li ti- i....l!v Ualdo, alwuvs lu". h.Jld lliiris'ur.v Mi, : 1 mi . :r; in ol .ill l.'n -I . ',,.,1 !,.m, u:-1, :.: imik sle ri-.-' l . : e. Ci.-a i.i !'S ),:!! have their .;.';.- ,-r ,ui 1 i.ei-, .,'i eelv ie ..it ',: ir I.i.,': bp t,t t ae 1 1 i ' i . A - :t i- l i ' a a i i : a t t th - Ja ia t , .-i'-ek il e .Mill, n I-:-'. ia 1. -,f grain v.ill be ii.i:-' naly kept - I I'-' .1 'il l'i, .nr iy tin- ipi aei y e.ai ;:lu iys be ' I.'. a,. 1. 'J he ia . a . ! eure will I..- l.il.i ,i to turn .:ii -I ac i i- r tt : .liity i i ti .nr. 1 -r v. la, ', iiie a. ill is ie ii ' i . ': e'"'i a ;i iet i,' : ei.:'. II iil 1,' p i ! to ll'e Wl 1. "I ai-a i'i, is. aa l tile pi,'l",'..l,:;e i f the a' li- i'ii,. . .Ih P : , - , -: i lii 1 v l'. aie -e 1. :-ii! ',:::;. . ,it:l:e ::l. I-..U ' 'VliliA',',1. Ol t itt: i iion," l'i Tu" S. NEWCOMER, lV-pi-Kb r. f pi lis boil I. i -I'ltiul. .'"i.venii-i.t I ;. 1':.-' tea r I I'urs to ell ill- ol i.'.ull'y. cud ill lleiy p ti ll, aim ltd:, "lei lo llid eol'llolla iilid V.t.Uli: cf U.C l,l,in: pul.laa - T. i mis. --'I j.tjr ib y. .-i . ita.ui t 1. l- 'l - iy V.: i-i i". w t u , It m i.Sirt-i ) , 'lei lnn.U ., '1 uuis, JillN'RY i.ll.l:::i.T, ?.!., I . .'(. . (jjt ' MU lilt CvHlt JL'll'f. 11 a u l. is at Hi, . l'a , riEAbUR in nil kin. Is of Uuilders and Manul'.te 1 luiili. lliu.bvaie, llya, Mevl, ti il Chliin, li"pL.-, l'ulb-v l:h.il.s. Ae. l.t..i:i.e, JJi KNisa ami Macuinluv Oit T',, l.iil iii.tiin T Oils nr,-. a l p;, ,1 to every vntict; l f llii. i iiiitery A! . -, nt ln.i ti ... l n iiireis prieia', IVouil ltl.lll.iVU JlA. IIINUII) , vi' 1'iat.a., fia.h. .Moriii-ing m,d ..wiug ila ehinci, Ac. M tcinSHiV Tuul.li, viz : rijners. En.i.e ai.i 11 nul l.tl.u.s, lioii Cuiieis, .'.. . AO , Mu. hi.ic 1U1, iiijr.oi ilubbei ,iud LcaiUer, eoii-t.iotly 01) hand boring's l ire Proof Kiifc, l'laifona Keiiles, Tin I'L.tc, .i.t ,-t Iron. l".k 'lm ai.d lnuiiiier' T.s.ls. I .'' I'ure! ... ela W l.i f.i.1 ii lu iivir iuU'tUt tu glV0 lis a e.dl '! nil v:; M:ir-h ! :-P-2!lid Inducements ::v, 1 '..relia: e bot.t'st (loo'ls lit fair Veil ,!., ' ju-tilii-d in hoa.-til g tlatt we b'' ' v :'. tilthougb we an ftate with ;:.:.: .a.', i .; ;.- v,, mi, ,.i I. and eii.brai'es ie.vel.it- t p -,,ul ,.p,, where. Uur : in- - lai.e i.,j. . i-i-tn all kinJt uf rcrvna:ifAi;D eoliestic DRY V O O 3D .N iis-;,s. tiL'iYLS A. uosiERY, Vlil IE U'li.iI'S VARIETY, boa:.-: asiuoes, Ilj AND CAES. ilAUl'WAl.E AN1 Ql EENSWA Ul.t'CUtlE A.N'U (JLASSW l'AlNTS, OILS AND VAkm;S DRUGS &C OHEMICtaj COACIIMAKVLS kAVVLERS' CO Tar Iron, Steel and Nails, liEM'AI'.E nl' CiH NTKKI'EITS ! The giiuiiiie hoe live : i.rna'.ui. s of 11 a.ry C. S,:il,l:ng on c.-n ii ll.,.. I 1 y l'iug.:i.-;a an.l all olht r Ib-aUrs in Medi- 'iir-a A box w ill 1. e s.a.t I.v mail re e'ed on reeeipt t,f thu t Trijc, 25 Ccsta. All order- fhoul 1 be ii'l'lr.-s, 1 to HEKKv o. or-Ar.TDiisro-, 1 - Ct -i:.r Mr. i-a :, iv . ili , 1'".-sale at I-l.-l.l.K S l'lng r''.i re. Si'i.burv, I'.l i , ' ' I I'l-'.in the llMi-.i.iaer. N at' !'.;. 'a. C,a b -b l'i!!. ae,- ,11-pli-h the ,.! j. ... l .r wi.i.-h ii-, v -v, el e la.ei,, v i: lure ilea. l.ii-l.e a, : ii iia i lii.f. I'iol.l tlie 1',11.,'enit. .-a. I 1 e 1 Mil n. If you are. or In, ve bo, ii o-,,:! a wpd i. .. ii. -he. -end tor ii 1 , x (t'e hiilie l ii:.-.'. a,, lhat you i..ay have ihein in ease ol alt alla.-k. I l'r, in t!ie St. Lord, De-iioenit. ! The iaini.i.ae deiiiiiiid fur Cijhalie l'ill-is rapidlv inel eii.-ing. j From the Cazettv. I'av. np nt. !,.. Mr. Spalding w.mid not connect his nam,, with an article In- Ul.l liol know t pos-eas rv..l merit. Erotn the Advertiser. 1'rov i.leiii-c. R. I. The I, -.aii, i, . n v in their f.tvor is siiong. Iroiu the nt.rt resj.cetitble .lUitrtirs. From the Ihtily News, Newt ert, Ii. I. Cephalic Tills are taking the place oi al Ikiiuli. From the K.ia.ialni Star. Vn. We (in- sure that persons Mitl't-ring with the hea,'.- in lie, win, try litem, will stick to lliuu. I r. in the Advertiser, l'rovi li nee. R. J. The Cephalie l'ills are raid to be a reinaikal.lv efleelivc remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that very frcjucLt complaint whiih has ever beeu dttcuveretl. s:vr2M.!i. r.oii:i iV'iinliiiiM . "Noi-ilt:;nit-i I;Mii '., i TIIU IS l:ir:r." n' d "-liiiio'l't'U-.s lb,t, l. now lnana', I j J by ,1 AMl: AN ii'i Iv I-:, is .-itii.it.- .'it the llni! ' r,,."l I'f'pot. Norlhlai ! i .-r-ler at' Mark.-t S.ptnr,'. Sitnbtiry. l'u.. an I a' the t 'riniiais of iiie Simlniry j la ieaii l N ath'.in t'.-i.lial lo'iiioiei.-. iiial i-opei, l',,ri I til li,-,', Ii.li:,,.i,tti"ll of 'J'i'llV eb 1.- and the public il. I general. j '1 he pro. r'a tor w ill give bis cX'-ln -. ve afte'ldoii to the e.,iii,.;t nl.,1 e. ia ,11 iel,--e of his g'U -t-v iil; l j tb-t.-rniiiit .1 to n. nke this laiitblis hltti-ut rank uiiiolaj; 1 tin' lir.-i in th" Mule. I lbs i il.!.' w ill be ftipi'lied Willi tbeb. sl the m.'nki t can l ro 'ne-,'. hnv it.g the n Iv init-e.-,- ,,f daily r.nnuiit- l:i,-.ltioll 1 y e:irs .iire.'l Ir, 111 1 hi! 1 1 l.u V 111 d iil.-o tl"ttl j th".-e bringing r,!ilee fi'oni the siirrottii'iing j ei-iiiitry. ili.- i,..r will Ic sup plied wi.li tl,e i ure.-l liipior.- the l.-.-ll k'-t e: II I lo-lllee. t'. ireful nnd el.l iging s, rvain's al waiys ill alti ntbili -e. New ; ,'d i oiiiti.o.li.u-.s Miiblieg hi.-jtisi been mid, ,1 lo ti.e 1 1. !oi-es. 1 A share of the local nnd Ir.iMliiig Cotiimiinity is r.--J-e.i'illlvs..ieitid. , .-a;,' :'...-. .lalaialy 12. bill. In 'I'l'i-iil ii: liitl EEolcl. 1 (i j mi, :;tl7 j:,,;!.tirni. ('".'ia r l'i ii a .in St i-i 1 1. NEW YORK. riVUS first class House the ni.--t quiet, homelike I ami pl.-iis.-ti.t il .ti I in the eity- oil, r- sup -.i. r ill'llli-elll. llts to '1 , -e i-itil:ir New York lol' bn-'lltss or ple.-'sun-. ii is i'--i.t ia I in its location. I'll, 1 kepi on till: I.i t:ol ItAN l'l. V.N. ill C"ll!,ei-.!..ll w i'h '1' v i.. a; s Svt.oov. where r't i e-hli.eliis e.m be had at all hours, or s.-rv e-l in liu ir ,a, ti i o.nii-. The ehiii-e.s are mo-d'-rnte. tin- loi-ins iiimI iiti.-niliitK'e of the tirst order ba'lis. ntil ail the mod. rn ei '111 el. it iil'e.- ataielnd. Mal.-h Lib Is,'.-?. ; v a. a. f e i: a i 1 1ST receive.; l'i, nn New Y ak a large asu.rtmei.t .J ..! V.'Al.b I'.'il'l.ll. c,li-i-!ll:g ot tbvi: 111 m.,:i i, ami Si m ) -l ii i: i a: Iui-i'i:i'.kvt Sivi.i:i. am. Pvr Tl ;: s. ,,r v ii, in pi ie-' tioln tl e, 1:1s n w :, r-1 -. all of wtaeti Mil,' l,i tit tile ln,M e:'.a, )!;, .-heap store of J. II. l.Ni.hb. I ll.'Ill S,,lin Robins i. li 'I'i-i'.iiiii . in ri't'-r. nee lo in-l,u..l. read tllis it p,,i i w i!h interest : A1 i-inii.' n .i' l'i i ni i a i? .'..o'. ... -!"..,,. V., mirf, .i Hjitin .1o7 ,v(;7. i' r i .: Tin C, i'i'i- i f l'i riil ':tij.i . .r-1,1 r t Villi II II I Vl lltirilt lll-lll Ii'i . It is crtttinly one oT the m-, ! t ;'.-. f tr-i,-!s. in nn aliiiosi 1,-v i-l p -iti. n. ... i .lili , ii I'.r iib'i'.sntit 1'iiriiiiii r ihi-t w 1 a -. ' -i. otahe wo-,, in prairies. We foot. I ; ,- a-':-, f:,!:, s a; .pif-ia ly just as protii.'i.,;. :-.i i a w lo r. full eli.tred cf forest lil'.y - v .. i.ti:. ir -,1 'I hi' g, "'"::i-t would soon diseov er tin iai'.l. e ii o Cilitilitn d 1 ir.ilil.V. jhe whale eol'a' ;-y is : ai :';, il'-.'.-it. tai 1 all t'lii-oie.-li ihe soil -v . . ;'ci 1 , , j,;. ..... of e ileareoi snb-l..ii. es. g'-nei: ai .- ia tie I'. iai ol inditralt d .",!,-,i, -i.ns ne.rl. sh ; a a -.- .h ;i: , Ibrms el :n, i, at lis. ,.f -,,- ,, y ;' ... i.i,; ,. j this m.-.i I v -iih-::,i..'t is ,-,-:i-' ,-i i I 'i!!:i i .il ill ti very e. iia aiitilf'! I'-ain. ;.: 1 a '.. -. . . ,- t.i'i lion no,-, i :,-i!y a--itailati I l y . .. ii ; '.- . :1a l'.irini r ,li -it, - (.. eiiiii, i.io. Mull, in 'ill ii- f .i'u.-. lies hi-..-i i J ; . ;.i:iii... en.; . in li'ial.-i ,1. I'l'.m the lino ' v I 1- the 11. ui i ill .- : ill it il, I'l :",'" :!.,! i ". i i ; . :, : ; ! , is i ' -1 lit , "1 , n .a .i v .i i ii ,1 i i -. i , a . . . ..i . :-... be d,;-r i:l, l e-.lt, i .-a 1 ,,. :, I ov , . : i...t l"!.-li Ui-,!-,' a! e.-'b; ,-. tie e. i: im:- . ! , ; ; iilri-'t-lv ll.ixe 1 :la,ae h the -,n. V, ! r l,v : .,: i,:.. viii i.l nam 1 no ia. I a; 1. : a.a. . ,, ::,, .; the o'.'.!, . .- ',:-. . v iy ;:n'e ti. -ai ; , II. iv i: til. i: ,-:ili.-!i,. 1 , ur I, ,',::. i- . '. Wil! I:,,! I ,' ,-,-i:. .1 wiOl w,.:..ler lit -- - il ii.o,,i,li:,,,i, t v i'i.-l,,-e of l"i:i!:',.v in ;i .-.il ,il,i. .: :,..i:i ti.i . i.nv in ' iiie si me g,-!:, ia! a, .. . li-'i--,,; ; I.-.:- :.: '.. it!'." n -es. is eta il , i '. la , ,.:'.': ; , v i , -i a- i - j ,, It, :!i i-la-.-s is pioiaoi, t i y 1:. l-.-il : !'. A !' vv iv.r,b ab "at 'he fiiaihi en 1 bin I I, a cut; iv a: i-,'1, oi' wia.ii we hav Ifo-.f. i 'or (ir 1 "i-i1 we- t" William b. ii totvi -hij,. t i 1 ni.-, . . r i"inlv. ia., t-ilit in ii- s nor; h . !' .',1 il i vi, ie. i, :: 1-r ihe i-aj..s."l , -aii.ii.l.n.e: i lip Ihe ti:..b, r ill!" lie, i r. t . r.-llll":i-l. : s will :,s lii,- t;i,., I , I, , , lo- built a in iii -ii tia.-k a nolo ::: I . i . i ii, i,l. o fnrni.-lied si.va-eii mill . ,, tl. , , has no ih.ubl III.: ie ll," lai'l .! , . : l.l.-.in obj.'.a w to ni a iiiiin. : e.; 1 i-o-e n ilic d lhat the soil v.ii.s .iiu;e,:, :...,' . - i c-Ihi- he h..s l:,'t l.ecli I.t .. :.- j... i ,.' ero,- pl'.ve. I'.-l in-i,ll. 1 ,-' . , .. ..., .Pi-:., . fei..ppi .;. ' ti-i., i.- ,. p ..:;,: : .-acre : a h e I.:-u S::-l . I in iho li -in. 'i'..' -. , a -...: , . w t i li. ii' :,i.-i.: ... pi, , in. ,. ,t ::;.., I . - ., 's , : , .... one 1',,'hi. ill !.; -' el'..p w;.- : j :. i :-,.. the 1-,,"!S. M l V i i b .1 r ha-h- ' '. ': ! . .lag al 1 V, ii, "! s av n. .i: i :, ' i , . - : . i tie- -ebb'., i .in, I I,,..;, . ;',,. 1 , ' ' vv l.ieh i, bb l i.i. bli-i . : al: , ; . a a ,! i . , .- vv ii t. ,-l,. , r i.i.d utiio.i, . . w ! : - ., :i . , i it....... Mini 1 v.! mbll-v. Maleh ::. l-'i2. T!-. iti i !i- 1 i Mi'i) issioiis. II..1.S. bad. Cl..-ese. i . -. i . - I OH. In . ,! Kruil. .lenli.Krs, Si,;. i,,,l llerf, 1 li a ns. l',:k. la.".,r. A.-..V-. ! E l Sub by VM V. 'l.A.N!'. 1 l'l 1-1.1.1 .s.reil V. tni I'. I'i.u.eti Ipi.ia. ! Malv'a -lb Isiil-.'iimi' TO .MM. '.; YMA.i B' 4;:iiEN. I Ncv Bjf.l.ir.c-nt of Vinclaiul. .1 ,,.'-.M".".'.-)" -;, Hi 77.VAN. A li nt opj. rttiiii'y in the ll, -t MarUit. in 1 mo t 1.-Ii 'btlul and lit allhl'ul ( limine in the 1'nioli. I Onlv Thirty Mile- S--n'h ot I'hiln.l, Iphi i. on a i Railroad ; l.ei.g a li.'h. h.avy - il. aid hilily prodie.aiv e heal h.ii 1 ; nnioiigsi ihe hiat in the j tlardel: Sail,- of N ,-w .It r-, y. It e..i;-i-ts ,, -.'o.eaii aei a", f RiH.n land, divi led into i'lirins of ,iitl, r. i.t sizes to suit the piireh.-i.-er fioai in-ris :niil iipivar I ill d i- sold at th r.tt . SI '. ., .,1 .r a, r,. ir the ami hind. 1,,1,1'tll ea.-ii. mid the b.'ib.llee bv : lllelits. v.ilil iig'tl ilitt'l'i-t. within tl vcars. all , I th ll .'ll' bi '-a. 1 01 ll ti ,-i : third, -heels. ,1 A i n. .- . l.l -, .11. ,l.:il 1. e It w :.- pi,,.ll! 'in- V'-ar I, at in 1 I, el but or : i .-a... p.. r.'ti iii.ainrel 1 iv ely. tin I i:..,- s,-,-. v.e "...uhll ,f lavill-'e ,.... ii..rter-y. .-,1 ly in-litl- tt im ot tour of h.-e all I I I I I a He p.. Mi We Wil '. Ullllt led . -till' ai a i:. c, ! .-- t.i the- A FINliLE EOTTLE OF 11 - . . . - - x "NT a - r "T -. N r i.CUXMU-DZY 2 'A- 1 I iN,H7 111' I'lfiOPH ! - i 4:ilIiiiM i i pai cil iilue ! SiiiiltliuKK lr'm-,'l 4-iluo! iilIiii'k I'r :ii WILL SAVE TI1. TIMM.S ITS COST ANNUALLY. As neeidt nta will happen, even in well regulated iaiiiilics, it u very desirable to lutve some ehenii and ooiueiiieut wy tor repairing Furniture, Tuys, Cluck ery, A a. ' PAI.PINlj'S RREl'AREI) tiU'E Meeta nil such emergencies, and no liuuscheld can aflord to without it. It is alwayl ready and up to the sticking point. "I'SEFI L IN EVERY liOl'SE." li'.V'Oir SHADES 4- CRIXDSTOXES A Lru-'h c:ou'Piui- "eh Ruttlo. riilCE 25 CENTS. Addrcsi HENRY C. Sl'ALliINO, No. 48 Cedar Ptreet, New Yurk. at it A. I'lSIIKlt'si Tlr., Kl..r., t.,.a... "Miberlaud county, l'a. 19 E.Y. IiRIGIIT&SON. rvuiibuiy, Mttj 17, wrj loi A CAUTION! c Would euuliou nil jieiHoUh to nmi..,"r6 purehaMn, nml ee tlmt the lull oISirJlliU,'i 1K:PA1 Ll K, toon the kit. ' Oihcm tae iwiadling couutcr- THi. Soil I.-, in pn-.-U j'.iit. a Kit h i'lay I.omh. MaluMe for I V. hviit r:iH nii.l I'ot.it.ies jtl-o it daik nixl rich j mi. ly loam, xiiiahlu l .r i'oiu. Swn-t Fut.-it 'e-i. T..- j hiieeo. lilt k ilel- ff eet.-ihles Jllld ft e !..;' ". u the j lilu .-t Varic. ii S'.l l'i uil.iii h Mi(ii"Hie. l'i ache.'. I'eiirs, j Ai'!'u-fN. N ct :u iti--, lil.u-kl'irrii-i, M.-loiis. niiloilnr tiuilr. l'-l iehi;.U-l to thu l'hilmlt Ij hia niul New 1 Yolk lllillkel?'. ill re-hett to the M'il jili'l rolb" there j ran 1-e no mi take, ii- i -liop- e.m e.imiue hotli. tin 1 j none ure expecti U to huy hi lore .- (h.inir. un.l tih'Iii. llioe t:iu mi nt.- ecrrect under tlic-e eiretmolanee.-, unles.'- these et a e iiienls wereeorreei. there woulJ he 110 use in their hem,; made. It ii cuu.-idcreil j Tuk Ursr Fi:t it Sett, in the I'moS. i I IS.-e Uet.oi th of F..lon Koh.n-oti. F., of the New ; York Tthtf ntnl thu well-kiiowu arieulturisi, j William Parry, of i'iiiiniiniiisiii, New Jersey, which he fuiuL-i.eil iti'iuii. ri. Till; .MAKKFT. Jly looking over tlie mat- the render ill perceive that it enj..y the lust market in the I'nion. and has direet ooiniiiunieatioii wilh New ork und I'IiiIh IcI- j j'hia twice a day. hein only thirty-tuo inilcit from tlie lultcr. F rot luce in this market hi ins th-ulde the 1 t rice (hat it docs in l vaUon. tli-tant iiiu the cities. In this 1 oealioii it e iu he ut into tnni ket tlie Ktmu morning it is fathered. And for what the farmer sells lie ct the hihe.-t price ; whilst r-M-eries and other artiehft .e ui clia.-i. he TeU at the lowest jrice. In the est, what he m'IN hiin him 11 pittance, hut f..r what he huvs he pavH two prices, lu locating hero tlie pettier haa imtny other ndvnntaei". Jle is within h few hours, hy railitunl. of nil the peat eitiej. ol New Fnland and the Middle States. J 1 0 is hear hi old friends ami Harociatioiiir. He hu school for his chil dren. diine er ice, un.l all the advantages oi'ciwl ualiuii, and he is near a hire city. THE CLIMATIC Is delightful ; the winters Leintf salulaious and open, whilst the summers are iio warmer than in the North. The location is u'on the lino ol latitude w iih uorthein iriuia. Ft 1 w ns w amine a ehanpo of climate for health, Would he much hem tided in iueland. 'i he mild liesdof the eliuoite and itrf hracii.' inllucnee. maken it excellent lor nil pulmonary allectioiis, dvsp'juiis, or general debility. i-ilois w ilt notice a dilkiencu iu a few da)d. i hills uud Icmts uie uuknuwu. CON'VFN'IF.NCIFS AT II AN P. llulhluig material it plenty. Fish and Oyster are plentiful and cheap. Victors must tspeel, htwcver, io see a new placft. MI1Y THE riUH'FUTY HAS NOT FIXX MIT TLFH ltFFoKt:. ThUqiietion the reader naturally nkn. It ! be" enure it ha beeu held in 1 ur.tr e traet by fumiliii liu1 du-potcd U sell, and heiti without raiiiutid faeilitie tliey liaa lew mducemcuuj. ihe railroad ua just! been opened tUrouyU the property thb waaou, for the first time. Visitor are shown over the land in a carriage, free ofexpeiiM, and alhtidud time aud opioituiiity for; thorough investigation. TIiomj who eome w ith a view to kettle, hhould hrin money to neeure their urcha- j vs. an liK-ulions are int hel-t utou retual. The afiit thing iu hard tiinejt, where peoplu have boeu throwu oui of employ aunt or buniue, aouie little lucani nr auiHll ineoine, U to start theiimelvca at Loiuu 'J hey can buy a piece ol luuditta swall priea ew Sh in He 1 r III C!i 1 ( - 1 1 I itt; sai I ii U.rd. v.-,, hadn't I tit' I- i'v . ti. 1 1 at "1 s e w -il '1 l.c 't U'i. coli-,-cut;. I.v iy. im I n;, 11' hini:; l.'.-::: . '! ? ! thai th-". hy eh.v .-r. which !. .1 tVd'oec i, patch" ha. I Hot been cloWli i. 1 t i ai it-u I v 1 hiJiijli to oi lii' 1 1- rct. ur to t i-it iv. ! i the 1' t:. five n.i!t i. r. h ot .MilU ille. ; of (lie ! nrl'-oatl. aielju-t nh.-o v; hiiitl. Mr. Sh.up ccinniciiec 1 Iter. 1 npou ucres. I m I he litis "i J it acre-ch are. I ai. 1 all w ell nelw-ed and div nied t ; t ei -lar rt.il -r d c ft i.-e , ha- inc i 1 r . al-o'ii m; hy in f- ci. and a laltt-rers. nnd a stable ui.X gi..i...:y m oul buil limr-. t'oii.-i l.-i.ii.le part of tin- l.-anl w.isc) plow al m an acre, and on s tne 1 f i' was buckwheat, limed with ."hi l.;i-t 1 lu re. I In- ct-.t. nut v he Mtt 1:1 .in'v -I viehl- to bu.-liv!t peraere .. ( it, .(,Vc:j'. her; when the bin I bein s. t wnii ),,.- ,, Feruian KUAllo aud hee led wi'lti'vt . jehlc i 12 t-i I.i buhi I per acre and Shi Wo, ;), 'j 1U,", v stubble turned, after kiiochinj ..n a l.irc -t- u.I.'o. oak cproulf. und dresed nnin w iili ttai? . 1. ' 1 to wheal, jrave l- or iti bu.-heh- 'J iiv vtu w llt , ju, w ua I lire.-hi n.-i while we were there j i-nui-e i n.oio uf k very plump rain, and the mimim i er he.ny We went ovir the stul.h!e mi.1 to::a l ihL. il,,Vl.r ami timothy. I'm in seed no wed liit stiij,.. ot the w heat w ithoul harrow in;, looking iu w 1 11 us w e v er s.nv it upon tn.y old cultivated farm, ai.d wi;h ,4 little w th done iu the winter to clear otl . . ,.;., i, ,,,,., stiiuis, und M tt in stake? to 'n i k .. tin., 1 1 , , ... he w ill be able to cut Ihe crop ;U: u x,.r wvt t iinw ijj much inc. and we will .t;:i. r, , ;,,ii or acre, if he will i v the ucij .u ii it c.cri uJ:a the est innite. fart ot uie uiini was phtntt- I wi.h i tat" -'.I I'o th. 1 1 Pv 1" h C'-rn ih a i.'oW Hint nd the thin. are mm e no one nu , s f r nrsi er,,p. nnteii yn-hti-.l K'u '. WIU. ttlelk llllte.l Willi ilil bu.-llel.- wiih wheat and ch.vir. viehl lu bushels per acre, uud the el, ,e-r !;, t, ...Ulj. ful. Other H,rtioiis have been pi . ate 1 first crop, which j i. 1 led .'tu b .a . is corn, and t!ie second crop Id bn-iii ls. crop. Ireatetl to latl tt. ot gtutl,,,. Would Catllliulc liell'W 4ll bushels p. ;- a, . The reader Will recollect thai ll.e v Sveakmg ot Inn, I perleetlv lictv. and which tearecly I.t- considered in g,o,i aiab',-e,-ti li. i,-n. lit.. 111 other etiscs. the cum en. p ol ,-t ,,i-w.-is 1,1 loWid With oata this S,-ll.soll, m t v. - t'i.le ii l. ha. will average probably til r ,'.n Li--''., ;. S vcc. J toes, beans, inch. us. and. in f.tet. a: I : -.-,!.', a v.. t !.!. ; us well a.- young peach and ..tli.r luti. trees pi inli.: this j cur. b,,w lerv plainly ih.it llii- 1,,1,,, -iiegli-iivd tra.-t of land ht.iil.l remain so u,. 1 ,i,ger. and ll., re is now a strong probability il..,t u will n,.t : lor. lmdcr the HUspiees of Mr. Eaudis, il will be liivided ii tu small lots, wilh muds located to ae,',,iaiii,laie nil the survavurs are now busy nl ihi, w..rk ai:.l ni! jiur. haaers will be required to lu.il, 1 ,, at cuiia .it hie houses, und either fence, which would be prclciiihli-, by which lut'iins a good iopuUii ,n will he ncciv who will establish churches, t.dieols. stores, mills, mechanic shoH and homes hmi. t f Atn.ri ti' l iruiem. surrounded by guriicu... t ieh.ti 1. , n,i i.- a: vulntorte of eil ilimed life If any one, from any deraivei-amt , f lm..ui ss, i. desirous of ehaiigitig his pur-uiis. oi w ho L In in ativ cause desiluus to lind a lle I.H-.ni ,n H 1 ih.' ,pl..e, in ihe eoiiiitiy, and w ho limy read r.u 1 i..n, , . ,i i , we have truly slated, hu will do . a i . go i ;.. . lor hitnscll, what may be een wtjan tv... h ,, i, rida oul of Philadelphia bfjL''H RtJlU ' Ii-bruajj I, IpiU If
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers