i C!)c unbut American. II. XL MAS8EH, Editor & Proprietor, hil .MII KV, IA. SA T L" K D A VV. C KMBKU 13, iWiT "aj Affimmi menme' iiiiiai 8. M. PETTENOILL ft CO., Ne. .17 I'nrk Row, New Vork, and 6 State Street. Ronton, are our agouti for tlio Sixncnt Amkhicas In those cities, and aro nuthori.ed to tnko Advortiso inrnta and Subscriptions for us at our lowest rates. J-"Fiiie at Wii.i.tAMsroitT. Taylor's Soiip and Cnnille factory, nnd a dwelling liousc noar liy, were conmimcl by fire on Satimlny ivtorninjr lust, fit Willinmniinrt. There was nn insurance of $3,000 on the property destroyed, in the Lpcoming Mu tual. A man in Iowa recently hunf himself. Ito had I teen a constant reader of the Xcw Vork "Tribune." lhr-hlitiihje 1'tiper. A man in Iowa was hung recently ly the ollicers of the law. lie had been a constant reader of Ureckinridge Kwrs.-Min( rx' Jour. 2-TTc difference between these two un fortunate, individuals seems to lie this ; one was a fool and the other a traitor. I"miJ)Ky's Lady's Hook for Jnnuury. ISfiS, in already upon our table. Tho Book ennunences tlic new your with bright prospect, notwithstanding the rebellion. If the number befi.ro lis is nil index of what C.odcy intend' to do for hi subscribers tho c.mingyeur, it is worth double, the jirico of su'j."ei ip- tioll. Terms : one copy rnic year $o. Two copies one year, ?,". Tlirec copies one yew, iiV Four copies ty Ri.v swoon's F.mxiu nn Mao tmr. fur X v ember, contains the u-uul (iianlity of interesting mailer. 'Things on Waterloo'' and "1 'lie Crises of (no American War.'' nnd articles, of interest to the American reader Slocal B (fairs. ;"i?"T"ii'iTo'iHAi it TkAmkis. (lilt nnd Rosewood j Photograph, ii'uu.n of tho luteal stylo, F.nriuiro nt ' Ihil I'fi'.ci.'. I j"''""SiTi atiox Wantf-ii. Ry n Printer, aa eom ! p.-itor mi l pressman. Hood references w ill be given, j Addrr.'s !!. C." lit Ibis office. j f v'Cnntnin Julm MeClocry of Milton, of the Pol- j luck liuardi, has resigned his position in the eonini- ; ny, on :ie;onut of physical disability. j r- Thc CiiUnwissn Itnilron 1 company in nddition i to their now engine house a Milton, have create,! a new tittn-luble. j 7 Pi-:'s.in w.. llui. Pinion Cameron and Adju- . I'm: (i. ir r: 1 Thomas, of tho I'. S. Army, were in ton n on Monday and Tuesday In-t. While here tin y wit- the liio.-!s of .1. 11. Packer, F.m. This was the . f r-; appi -it-aticc of tit n. Cameron mining the early , nnd st"ilf.i-t friend- of Li boyhood, since his, rciurn from Itn-'-ia. lie looks well and enjoy.-ex- , cellcn' hoal'h. i lien, "t ii'-nias i -a. jdn'.n ai, I gciiileinr.nly. looking man i:. ined locks. .. i- n craduutv of West r-iiut. a'.:d li':e iii"-l of our di-rmtruished (ienertils iva lit fi'' biiilels in the Mexiean iar. 7"'- 'I'm: Uivi:i: l.'.o-i:n. 'iuter .-'et in upon us o-eie -teldeiily aiul rarlier than UMt.tl. t hi-- n'ti'U- 'i,r vere -' id weather on Sat urd::y ni'illt last.elo-'ed the ri'. T a: pll'tMr and ot I'our.-e the Ila iation of t lie i'iiii::'- wi s sa'idenly to( i' .l. Many buatt laden ,J:h 1 f'-nd un-rehaudi-e were fri'y.en in. but we ha ') --oine !i"i' 's that the r "ent nniderale n ealhcr ,iU ' 'i. :lie til. Ill to ovlrieate them-elves, P::U'.o-i:sT. Wiintcl. at this oliicCj in pay. f. r -lib- 'i-ipl'ion acoiints whieh pcuple liuvc it ,iii'!' idL to pay on ueeutint of bard times: ...e. -I ,..- '!:-. ii'ouc ttas, jtiek knives, s-oir -l,:r: I' i:i"iis. o'dsu.v,' i'i c. eorn husk, knife atid l;i '.'s williout blades, niiitehes. toot li i i r-if -tittii; s, "ld straps, waxed end-, xv m , 11 -. -'.rif.s.ul. I b"l'-e shues. bees in the hive, re .-: :i i ; i . iiair dye. raor strap-, pit-.c shingles. aw. !1 ou' barrel-, w len piiu:ts, lai"p skirts, d.v--. cellar d,".r.". Ac.. Ac." I ,ir. ! 1 1 I.'.m; blii.b pi -k- lie. We M l V." 'I'.' the tib-.vc frelll last week's .'Jtit'UtitlH. ; : ft"hi it. thai the editor i-conipclled r .io and j:o t" leoisekeepint; xerontl- .'.,. . A: i- '. the i r pititi r, bis troubles are ouny and hi' reward but .-ina'l. JT TI e iT'Jl Ite.'llilelit ol 'drill'u-d Men left llar-i.-l"ir; la-t v.eek fur the .ic.it of war. The fiillowini; ire the of, . r- : Cnloncl '"li AHI.l'S Kl.Iit'KNKll.from Vniou cn. l.ie'll. I'ulon I lint !i'poiiited. ,l lwt al'poil.trd. AoJ..t i:,. .'aim- A. .Ii'bn'-n, Illair. i I'lartei't:'.; - i r I 'h:n le-' I low it. nyder. Mir 'i:.- -i"i tp in' i 'i . A - i Mu;.'"i.ii I'r. .Miller. t ai'.t.ialil J.jlill 11. l'.'tvi i.- in. Perry. liMI'AMi:s. ("apt. Mi.'b.tiel T. lliiiteliiian. Pnydcr 1st I. ice.:. Sol 'inon 11. leiwet liiau. I'aupliill. J 1 Lieut, ,1'ibn li. Ilcrrold. Snyder. It. t'tit't. .1. noes li. Itniiey, Norlhuinberland. 1-: l.'o.'iit. Janiesd'. Ituelier. Xori hitinberland II Lieut. A'b.tn D.ibsoii. Noribuiiiberluiid. .'. C-ipt. lb my 'i. Hitler. Snyder. 1st Li. 'in. .i'i! n A. Kuiin'er, 1'idon. J.I Lieu;, li '.-.vi 11 liiti. .-ny.le.r. '1. C.:p". '. r.-c Shipp. N 'iihi iiil-'ilnnd. 1-t l.i, ut ' mi i-ti.;''n-i lioilnie. N'm ilii'.niberland. 21 Lieut. 'I'ti'ii.ife llniiil.le. Xurtliuinbcrland. IV dpt. .1 "P i:i:..!i II ll.-l.y. ri.-uifi.-U. 11 l.telii. A'll'i'W I'i til. I'll al field. 1 Li-iii. V.'iibam W. Wilbur, L!k. t'upl. 1 i i: -l i ilarri-.ui. Snder. l.-l l.'nit. Harris liroiisc, Snjder. d Lieut .b.liii . tieinberlini;. Snyder. 1 fait. .M i-1uii-l Sinilh. Snyder. 1-t l.i' -.it .b.l'i. .Mi'iit''iiuery. Snyder. 'J I l.i. iii. lli hi-y lie-iili r. Snyder 'I f'a'.t Herman K. la-kiuaii, NorihuiiiberliinJ. l- 'l.i' i.i. Alfred li. l'atl.ni. Mmiiour. Li. m. Tie itii.i .Miijn s, .M Keun. I. ('apt. licornc Kulins. Snyder. 1.-: Li- at. Charles Uoy.ti'. Snyder. '1 1 Lie.it. Jehu Walls, Snyder. f iit.t. 1'raTikliii A. Hoffman. Lebanon. l-l l.ienl. A raliam C. Williams. I'dLieiit All rl Adiiins, oi thuiuberland. The iib'-ve. lii.ik. -: a poor show f,r Norlhuniberlaud uunly in l'.i iineiital or Field Officers. Capt. lilair, if lliiiiiin'di'ii and t'apt. ileintzelinnu of Snyder ounty, Iihvc iieen lleeled Lieutclialll Colonel unJ d ij ir, in the pluec of Cai.t. lioirle of Milton, and fiieut. lia-" .!' iiu.-it. ko had been rejected as re. ined oH'k'its in llio army, hut who expect to have hese objections renn vi l. Important tu Iiksi iitkiis iuom tub Uiiakt. lho follow ing order li .in Ilia Adjutant ticncral of ho I'uil. d Stales is of the highest iuiportanec, aliko o thoec who are attempting by fraud and duscrticn o escape the draft, tmil those who uiaj beeoiue liable i) allot her ordeal of that system to luako up defieieu ,ies ri'Wth out of ftueh desertion. It hceuiuos a nailer of general duly and importance, then, thu ail r.od citizens sh'iuld interest themselves in securing he return uf all deicrteis, and that lho drafted men huiild know thai the tervico of nine months which ley owu to ihi i.ci rnuicnt, will be sternly exacted, o date, ml from the hour uf tho draft, but from the r.oiueiil they report for duty '. llAiiiiisui hu, Pa., Dec. nth, lrt2. The undersigned deems It nec.es.-ary to coiiimuui :ilo tho following fur the infunuatiuu of all cuueern .1 i Draflcd militia who disregard their obllgntions to heir country and keep out of tho way and avuid h'livcry to lho several camps of inntruction, cannot lives! themselves of I heir liability to fuilhfully per oriu nine months of military service ; and that ser ice can only commence from the date of their do ivery to tlio niiliii.ry auihoritics, The cnli.-ns t ubje'ct to draft, are deeply intcretted In seeliej that he rocusants are promptly sent in, for as the general m eruineiit has re jiiire I of tho tiale a certain num. er of men. ..me of their eilirem may bo iuljseipuent. y di al led in plae.. of -ueh rocusauts. I rafted iniliiia w ho have desertod, will he pursued, nl when apprehended, will ben-faired to make todlhu lime lost by their unauthorised alienee, n.l also be subject to such punishment as may be eterniined hv u "icneral Court Martial, under the rliepi of wnf L. TH'i.MAS, AJjataot (Jto'rsJ l"y-ThoBew Lutheran Church In Pnntlllo, nndct tho chnrge of Rer. P. P. Lane, will be dodionted on ho 25th inst., Christmas dny. A publio dinner nnd tuiipnr will bo given on tho pnmo dny In tho bnso incnt slo y, by the ladies connected with the congro gnticn. Tr. vrn or A ("Lr.nnYM Rev. O. L. Ham., re. cently tho fu'tor of tho Dnplist church, of Selins (trovo. died at hi" residence, at noon on .Snhlinth Inst, of smnll pox. His body wns Interred on the night of the same daV in tho Luthernn Cenietory. He wns Jt:i yenrs of aire, nnd a native of Suwiuehnnna county, lie' abandoned his pastoral charge in September Inst, nnd enlisted in t'apt. HaviS' company as a pnvntc, but wnssubFequenlfv appointed Chaplain ofthe 117th Uejrimctit. his commission arriving tlio night pre vious to his death. He came homo on Saturday week, to pnv his family a visit previous to joining the regimen!, when ho was taken ill with that loath somo disease, smnll pox. which he hnd contracted nt llarrisburif, nnd after the most intenso suflering for tho period of one week, death folded him in its i--i-ulehrnl coils, nnd his foul winged its flight to Him who pave and cherishes it. A wife and thrco child ren aro left to mourn his untimely death. -belt its gruvc iV.vl. Si tti vt.KM.i. Cot sty. On Thursday afternoon lust, in St. ('lair, ns a young woman, whose nania we have not learned, was passing from her house to an oven with bread for baking in her hands, she was shot by a hoy named Williams, aged 14 years The jlinrr.t' Journal rays that there seems to have been no motive for the act ; but ho wns observed some time previous to the shooting going around the si reels pointing a gun at different persons'. , The unfortu nate young woman was wounded horribly in the side, nnd lifter lingering in great agony for two hours she died. 'J'hu l.uher ot Williams is in California. Mo have not learned whether the hoy has been arrested. The occurrence i the more shocking in consociicneo of Ihc deliberate manner in which K lecnn Williams perpetrated the net. lion. Jacob llmitr.ingcr died in Orwihurg on Paturdav week last nged 81 yenrs Jlis descendants, number "eleven children, fifty-nine grand-children, and twenty-six greal-irrand-eliildien lie filled inn ny imiioiiaut positions in Schuylkill county during his life, among which wns that of driil'ting couimi-s-ioncr in 1 r-1 it. FROM FRKPEH1CKS3URC- tm:m: vijtujr.vr or Tin: err v. I(i ciii OtM-iM-ri Simnlliiiieou-Ij viifii liieii- 'I IiiiimIci-. thk tho ops (.' I! O S S I N li. CAPTn:r: or nn: city. a hatti.i: to r.i: l-oixniT To-n.vv. HKAIKJt' AltTKKS AltMV or THK l'oToM.M . Dwetnber 1 1, Thiiri-dny Kvenin";. I Hut little tirinir took place between one i and three o'c'.ock, dtirino; which lime all j the available batteries were iilaced in nosi- ! I in post- ! tion. Thev then ntiniLercd 170 mills, and t at a iiven si-jtiid all the batteries, opened on the city. The lire was toiribl.'. but the rebel sharp shooters could tu t If; driven from their hidin"; place. '1'lie shot and shell went cradling lhrot;v;li the houses, in many casc. srtlin!.' ihi in on fire, eaiiinir a dene smoke, t'ui-tlii r with the cxploviun of so large a quantity of powder, almost hid the cily from view. It sunn heeaine evident that the biidu'ts co-ild nut be built except by n boldda-b. Vohinti'i-i'i wire c.illrd for to cross in stiiail biii'.ts. Tin- ord.-r wu- no sooner given : than In i ii . I vi ds nl' br.ivi s siepped forward, but all co.ii;! not pi. About oil'.- hundred were -i leeted , they were soon on liu-ir way, while the artillery ! threw a perfect .-leriii of iron hail on the j opposite Lank. The r. iii'iied tiie ejip.i.-ile shore, but not i ; without los. AVith lixed bayonets they ' niMied upon the enemy, killing several and taking; a hundred and one prisoners, ho : were safely landed on this Mile. At ha!l'-pat four, two bridoes were finish- ed oppo-ite the city, when the troops imun - ; diiiti ly beoan to cross over. Tlio enemy were soon driven from tin cily hack to tht.ir line, of works. The two bii.lui-s 1 i in front of (ieneral i'rankiin were micitss- j fttliv laid carlv in the dav, but his troops i ' did r.ot cross until the two upper ones weie '. ready. ! ! A siifiieii nt force is now on the opposite j aide of the river to resi.-t any attack tliat is ! I likely to be made. ' Tlic rebels fired but few L'uns inthetr.orn- t ' iii'. and none m the afternoon ; although i their works wen.' in t-a.-y range during the i forenoon. j The rebels burnl the railroad bridge jtint ollt.-ide of the cily. lletween thirty and 1 j forty houses were burnt, mostly in the buM- ness part of the city. During (lie day between eight thousand -i and nine tiiousand rounds of ammunition ' ; was fired by our artillery. j Ku-rythiiio is ijuiet to-night. Thcindiea tions are that a battle w ill be fought to uior- ! row. Approved. A. V.. Jil'lJ.NSIDlI, I'i-oiii El:irrilui';'. llAlllllsnt'Iili, Dec. Ct. It is tliiitiejLt liy -onto tluit tlic trarU id tiic mtirilirir of little Mary Ciiiiiun. tlic particiilura ed' vlmst! horrible imir lir nrc t.iniih.ir tu the n ailers id "I lie In iiun r,' lias lici n ili.-cuvi n il at last. Sninc cliililn n, Willi saw till' ililll'ili l'i r 1'iiss llirmili tuwu with little Marv M. in Ins arms, u lew onys no.), while til:iipo' ill the street, lmilite.l cut a man who somewhat aiisweii I tlic ilc-enp- tion iilivaily olMii ol the In n.l, cry in; "There he ii thai is the 111:111 '." ami llnl fright from his liriM iiee. Ahlerman Kline, who witnesscl the inei ilcnt, ininiedialely took the proper steps fur the capture of the sn-pecteil iiuliviilnul. lie was traccil to. Mount Kaltna Cemetery, where he disappeared under shelter of the woods and iinderliriish ! This is the place, it w ill he recollected, where 14Ue Mary was found luiijTi with her jiiL'tllarvein severed. This man has licen oliserved on several occasions endeiivorin; to intice little chil dren away from their homes hy tempting oilers of sw eet-meats. l'rom orlli 4'arolina. XiAVitPnx, N. (.'., via PoinuKPs Mnxnoi'., I)ec. 8. (ireut dissulifuetion exiiU in the interior, tunl the imiiressioii generally re vuils there that a signal victory timh r (ien. IJuriisiile. in Viruinia, ill Lu followeil Lv the immediate uml entire til.aii'lonment cf thu Herder State, ineluiling North Carolina uml Tennessee. Information of irrt'tit value has Iieen re eeivetl here, the piiiport of which cannot be divulged ut rirescnt. A detachment of North Carolina I'nion Volunteers went out from Washington a few days ago and mii-prised n force of IJelel soldier iu u church, taking them ull ni soner. l'rom the Daily Progrea of Nenbern. Not ?2. Tiie Huvannali Hepulilicun makes a pite oiii caiiiiUiint over the Uelu l loanes in recent I nit lien. It saya that the total loss amouuts to Mcventy-five thousand men. It says the people of Charleston have pulled up their liai I pipes, and contributed sixty thousand (110,000) pounds to Government, and that the Confederate Government will issue re ceipt for all leaden pipe and other fixtures and bind itself to rvplac them at th end of the wr. Awnnl nt 4'oflVc nnd Irt llon Conlrneti mt Ilalllmoro. TsAt.TiMonn, Pec. 8. Colonel Sullivan, I'tiitcd States Onmiisnry at this post, to day awarded the following contracts : Stnrresfi, Iknnett & Co., of New York, 100, 000 pounds of llio coffee, to be packed in bnnels, at tf31.87 'er hundred. To the same parties, 100,000 pounds do., packed ill sacks, nt fill per hundred, nnd to a Phila delphia firm, 200,000 pounds of Hio Coffee, roasted and grmind and packed in barrels, at $:Hl.rjt per hundred. All the 1'ork wns taken from parlies in this city; 4,000 bbls. of mess Pork nt prices raiiEtinir from if 14.50 a iiM'i.75, and 1000 bbls. of prime mcs nt Jl.l.Cl. TSic fii' lit I.oK 1 1 si veil Lows IK IO.MIOO. WlM.tAMSl'OKT, DeC. 8. The fire nt Lock Haven, on Saturday, orioinntod in a carpenter shop in the tear of Scott's 1U!1, nnd before the flames could be checked tlio entire business part of the town was destroyed, including tho Lock Haven Hank, the Clinton House and u Iaryc number of valuable buildinm. The 1'allon House, llarkcr's Hotel and the river bridge were saved. The loss is esti mated nt S0'000- In all tiic general hospitals of the United State:' there yre now 5.",810 sick and wound ed soldiers. Of these, 11,0811 are in the Department of the West, and lT.Sl-'J in the cities of Washington, (leorgctown, Alexan dria, and vicinity. The resl nrc in the vari ous hospitals throughout the Atlantic and Gulf States. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. si'icAV si i:i;ics aai iit'.ii i:ity. Ci AMI' to the prcmi"s of the rnbacriber. in Mount j Carinel township. NVrtiiutiibot land coiinly. about the 1st. of Auirust. tlirec stray Steers, then about Pi months old. Two of them nrc dark In'iwn color, ami thcother spotted. Also nt tin' same lilnc and place, eauic three stray lleill'ers. red. while nnd spotted, and also about 11. mouths.. id The owner or owners nre reijuested t. call and eIaMi -h their elaiin lor said callle. pay charges and reiuuvo the same according to law. T'Nocn i: ciH.i:. Ml. Carina' tv.p.. Xov. IS. IsfiJ n;i- if.i v 'oei:. ,-l'llSi'lill'Tlii.S AliLNT At JAY COOKE & CO-, Bankers, nt sol'i ii tii rrn srnrbT, l'liiladclphia. Xov. 1. !Sn2. The undrrsiirtird. haviier been apj.ninted Subserip- tion Aelit bv lite Secretarv ol llio 1 reasurv. is llul' prepared to furui.-h. nt once, the VHV TW'KVTY VI'Alt ft Tt l! CKNT 1:01)S r ,,, i :,.,. ,, ,a, ,,,., i o..i-:,. T,...i:., re.leciiial.le at the pleaeurc..f the Com rttiiieiil. after five veins, and aut!iiri-;.e.l l.y .et ot 1 i-ngie-s. up. preved l-'ebruary Ist'.J. The Coupon lloiids arc issued in sums of $."ifl, $!illl ff.'.nii. f Hum. '1 be li..L'i-l.-r Ponds in sines of S.'.n. f 1 (. f.'aio, $lii::ll ami SMOon. In'M e-i nt Six j.er cent, per annum will cinmcnee from date of j'liri lia-e. and is j l'AVAI'l.l-: IX Ciil.li. j Seini-Anniially. w bi. h is ciitrtl. at tlic r-. r.t Te- ! lniutii on p.l.l. to ab'.nl 1-julil percent, pi r milium. 1 Fanners. M. rehiiuts. .Meelinnies. ( a'itali-ts. an. all who have any lin.ncy lo inve-t. .-la.ulit kn..w and relueinber that tlu-e lli.ii.l-, are in clleel. a l'iit M.'rtaire npnn all Itailro.id-. Canals. Hank Sio. l.s ; and .--eeni ities. an, I the iienii-n-e ri'duets uf all the ' .Manufactures. Ac. Ac. inilie cimtiy : and that the ' lull and ample pn. isiiui ninde f..rthe l aynu-ni of ' the interest and liquidation uf 'rii.ei.al. l.y Cusi..ius I liuties. Lxeisc Stamps and liilcintd l.evenue, serves ; to lliahc Illi ee Id. lids the. 11. -I M...1 A vn'il.,!,' .,,,.1 M....I 1 l,,r I. ..,,! I in the .Market. Sub-eripli. .is receive. 1 at I A It in Lesal Tond r Xo'cs. or notes and cheek- of banks at par at l'hila dolphin. Siif-eril.ers by mail will receive prompt attention, nnd evi ry f-n ility and exp li, nation w ill be afi'i'tdid on n..lii-ati'.n at this eft'ec. A lull siiju'ly of llun.is w ill be kejit on hand f.T illilnediatl- dcliverv. JAY COdKl'. Subserii'ii'ii Aent Xov. S, 1 f'T. "in 1 1IIK STMH l; V Al'AHKMV nillKo "r lied tlio lirst Momliiy of Nv.-nilnT, i'2. Tniio.-i'j:u -QrAUTKu .luvcnilc x-liitlitr-, l.iciiish liraiicluf , .'ii'in'cs iitxl liihrr Malhrrulltio,', Si- nn i no ;. on 10 X P.IPil'CS Pi inci' Sunbury. Xov. 1 . 1-02 t lin i ii i-l i-a I or' !J !!'. "Tll'f !: i.- herel'V L'iven lb; ;t li Iters of adlelnis .4.1 Iration having lisen irr.-n - 1 lo the sill.-. Tiber ,11 the i .-lalc ..( l.-a e- S. 1 'iini, !eb. ro-r. laic of Lower Au;:n-la tow u-hip. Na tlnuel.. i i-ir.l enniy. Pa., dc-cea.-cl. All (a-i Sons indebted lo Said i-late are re ouesled to make iciviitcll!. and tle.si. bai in elaili.-. lo I re.-ent thos'ilne for scttlelnenl lo lite undor.-L'iicd I at his re--i!e;,ee. . .11 '1 lnti -.lay tlic -'.'.. h day i.f 1'cccn:- ber, next, (ln'.J). AHM S. lil'NV. A.liu'r i Lower ,ii;u.-t.i livp . .Nov. s. 1..'.- .-i S-T-1S0O-X. 'n t'liinl:il3ii lrI ; 'I'ln-y purify, sti 'I In-y create a 1 lordi -n. end il.i iz'.l.iie :i 1 1 1 . y 11 1 'l ,.'! i 1 1' I i hey are an antidote I '1 hev o ereoiac elici ts , ebiuiLrc nl w -iter and die di-il'.'ltioa and latele ui Tli.-v str. ia;tlieii tin- si -tern and eniii en ilic in n: I J 'I bey 1 rex en! niia-liiatie and ii'.tern.itleiil f.- . 1-. , 1 bey mil the b: entii and a.-i. lily ot tiie sloioaell They cine 1 1 -; ci-ia and I'on-iip.itioii '1 Ik v cure 1 liai rbea. I 'lioleril. iiid Cider a Mor-I.11-. Tln-v cure f.ieer Ccinplainl nnd X.-rvous llcad 1 " 11, -he. They arc the b.-.t Hitlers iii the woold. They make the Weak 111 mi strong. 111. d arc exllau-le.l lialure's L'leiit r.'.-toi.-r. 'J hey are made ..t ,nre St. 1'ioi.i i lliiui. iheeel.'l.riited Cali-ava Park, root- and heil. 1 and are taken with the plca-urc of a beverage, wide , out regard to nje i.r lime ot day. Particularly re- eoinuieihlcd to dcln-ale persons re'j itirin a L'eiith I slilinil.ini. Sold bv I'll iiroeers. Ilrii'."'i.-:s, Hotel: j and Sal s. 1'. ll'. lillAKi: Co., 2fJ Uroadwav ' Xew-Yoik tub.-r :."', 12. I fAXHOOI); ! fl Iv i: s.loi-cl ! 1 Jt Published, in a Scnled Knveb.pe. 1'ricc C cents i Lecture on the Xalure. tretitiuent nud Kndicnl 1 of Si.ernialorrha.'i or Seminal V'eakncss. In ol- uiitnry l.iiiis-i..iis. Sexual liebility. and 1 iiipcditui-nls. to Marriiezc ieiierally, Xcrvou-ness, Cou-umplioii. Lj.ilepsy and l-its; Mental and Pliv-ieal lucapaeilv. re'iiliiinr from S.-'f-Abuse. Ac Pv lloPLPT j CI LYLUNLl.L, M. 1 , Aulhor.of 'the Crvcn Uook. Ac. 'The world-renowned author, in this ndmirnble Lec ture, cleurly j.rovei from his own experience that aw ful coiiseouenres ot Self-abuse niny be ctlectually removed w illiout luedieiue, and without dangerous surgical operaiions. bougies. iustrumciitK. riiiL'-'. or cordials, pointing out a luode of cure at ouce ceriaiii and effectual, by which every sutferer, no inutter 1 w hat his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply privately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to 'thousands and 'thousands. Sent under sen), in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, ou lho receipt of bix cents, or two postage sliiuipa, by udJreasiug. Hn. CIIAKLKS J. KLIXK. 127 Kowery, Xew York, l',it office Box, JoMi. Xov. 15, lsiii. ly Be IIEIMSTREET'S Inimitable Hair Iteii-ai vo, IT IS NOT A HYL, Hut restores gray hair to in original color, by ?uppy iiiJI the capillary tubes with natural .uslcn'uiicc. nn pui.'cd by ajre or diea.e. All iustauiuucous dye aro Coiiiiauic-d of lunHr caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of Ihc hair, and attord id tin m-elvcs no dres-injr. Ileiuislreet e Iniiuilublc Coloring not unly realurea haij lo il iiaturul color by un eu.-y process, but given the hair a LLXl'ltlAXT BKAl'TY. promotes I'll growth, prevenu iu fallinir off, cradi culm dauilriifl. and impart health and plcasuutui ftutaclure any luoriy I'ur. and t'-ll them ut Ihc to Ihc head. Il baa flood the leal of time, hting thnno prices, owing tu the uuseitli-d stuleol ihe atluiis orixiual Hair Coloring, and il constantly incrca.-inirthu Counlrv. . ' j iu favor. I cd by botliKentlcuu-u and ladie. ll itjjf ltiuiiuibcr the name, nun. ber and struct old by all respectable dealers, or can be procure. JnlIN FAHLIU A. by theiu of tho eonimcrcial apfeut, J. S. llAKXilJ 7IH Arch Slrcct, Philudilphia. I 202 Uroadway, N. Y. Twuue, ill eeuls and l.- Seplrinbor 13. InV.' Sim ' October Si. 12. ,7". - , ' . I . I ur t unli'kkloiiM iiiiI lixperlcuiT ol imporlanl to vrr of l.ood 'IV IKIfUITA SON Invito attention to their Stoc If I'm Prime tlreen and Illack Tea. Sunbury, June 15. lMil. i it ti. no n.i, roit nai Nil rpillti well known Hotel, located in Puubury1 J junction of ihe Northern Central with the r" ry a trie Kallroadl, u oSerod at private '.'.....,. .. r ... 1 . ,-n I . , r 'I emit of (ale will be made eav lot furf formation, enquire at thu efSce August 2, it:1 ji.i.a:i m ivrr.it kti.i:i' MILLINERY GOODS! ! Miss M. 1. Gussler, lawn Street, two lioorn tnitllt of the Fhamoltn Valley V I'ntl'vilh lluihon't, 8rxnutY. pa., UAS just receWed from Philadelphia, nnd opened at her store, a large and splendid assortment of the most l'urihionnMo and latest style uf Bonnets, Hats, Shakers, Trimmings &c which she is selling at tho most reneoniililc prices. LADIKS' llHKSy CATS. to which she directs the attention of the ladies, nnd im ill- nil to call and sec them. HO.SIKIIY, (JI.OVKS. MIT?5. COLLARS. 1IAXU- KLRCHIKl'S, Cti.MUS. Ac find numerous other nrtteles for ladies' wenr. to which she invile.7 Oie Indies to call and examine before purchasing i Nowhere. Thankful for pn-l pall il;'e. "lie ho)i"? by keeping the best assortment, ul reiisoi.aMc jiri-.-s, to eonlinuo the shiiic. Sunbury, October 2". 1'''-. r.m JACOB O. BECK, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market S(rvr(, ncurly oppilCo thk STJNBURY, X3 W . , I XFl: MS 1 1 f ? citi.n t V Sinilmry Mi l v'u'i?i!y. that hf hupj'i-t it'tiinicl I'rom I'll 1 1 fi'it! i:i villi :i lull H-st'i'tim t.l u OFKVKKY MtIlII'ThX AND fjl .M.ITV. His stock oii-i-M-' -.!' ('l-Mi . Vr yi h VAwk Iiif Skin un l'.'tti' V l.tc.-i.Krc-. IUjij". Mitin, I-'i-rn I j StUis. IM'iin nii-i I ink y rit-fii-u n: i..- iI N : . nh'-!i j ho will innko U t orliT i'i .-?y li- l 'nit llu I.t-!'1 ( t'li-tMiiH'Vs, on shmt iioticu. nn I t'l" it."-t rc:i -jti : ilo Any (JioU- in. I cm luni'l, U' fiirhiiil t'rem I riiilttticli'liin. I.v Jvin lw l:v f.if tlo.uls liinii-!ii -I h v i tistiiluoi's w ill l-e laaile no t.i .-W he will eiol.'oy n'.ll" bill rx n rienecl w..l ktlli n. persons l I his shot. is may r.eiy on g ;ting IlKir wor.'i weil ili-ne at Thankful f-.r t':n ivifr-uviie le-r ..f.ile 1-i'stowe ol' tiic same. he re-p.."'tfu!l .-nii.'it'- a i t.nuaii'.: Suiibiirv, Oetolu-r I. ImI-'. .t!t.4 iLLovns xi.w sirn. i'lati: coi .ntv col- 1 oliri) MAT nl' THi: I XITi'.I) sr i i:s. ! CAXAl'AS, AMI XLW LK1 N.-WIrK. I From recent urey.-. coiepb lid An,;, la, 1?:'-; ! C 'st $J0.0iiU to t-iigrio e it. and i.i.e year lin e. ! Sti .eri.ii- to any Slo map ev.-r ma le by t'n'ton ir I Mitchell, and sell- at lho low re of liny cents; ' ,'i7i' ot'il names arc engrave I .-n llii- aif;p. It is ie. t on'.v a I'.aiM'v Mae. I -;' 'i i- i'1- ia ! ( i'i N l Y AM' ItAII.Iii'AH MAP j of the I llite'l Stab s all I ('an.'l.l.i. e.nit.ilnd it, oT:e jgiiil i-rery lloaili"l"J Sia.i,.n and distanc-. -' l-e tWCell. U ii.'ivint.'c any weiimn it lean lo pi r day. ! and w ill take bio-k ell iiiaji- tliat cannot be .-.Id and I ri'lund tl.e ir. .in v. I S. ml li.r SI w.'-i ih lo try. I 'Printed instructions K.u to eanvri--w ell. f.ir'ii-iiid J nil our ieeiiN. ! Want. 1 Vh. b --.il" A-:. :i'- f r ..ur M.-i in every State. California. V tei la. I'll Ian 1. l-'ia.i.-e al.-l i Cuba. A fortune In-iv 'a- t 1 Jr . 1 - wiih a fe-.v lilllldrt-d ' dollar-- ea'i;:il. . i .Mint" 'ilioil J.T. Al.'IYl'. .No. l-;t ;r..:i'P.vay. Xew-Y-.V. Tie- N'.'iir lb pai ; en t.l i;- - our .Maj. of u-.-inia. : Maryland, nnd I. ! x ;n ; . i .-t s!i niii,i.. (,. w iii -!i i- mark. d A';! i. t.na I 'r k Si-'ir -l.ii:. M nl I laud llioils. Willi. .1 ; -ill'ir.;.. Pie rei i.'e . .V, I land'- I ' i.l. aad -i!i olie i - n to I ....,i,e. and en ry I other place in M ..: , land. irii.ia end l'e.oi -yl , ,::;i,i. or n. v r- li-r.il- t. ! l.i."Y'i .-'I'M- -.I:.! lii-.d M o. of k, ,,t,.iiv. i ;,;.. ! Indiana, nod I llil: !-. i- lie . n! v nallioi i;y .i lie ; Pnell and lit-. ". ar J I. p:" t no iii . .Money' 1 1 1 ..u l ; to in i v on e f.i 1 ! a j en i r t "i it. it I'ri-- ..oe.nl-. ' l'r... ii ill. 'hii-ul... Ah;'. 2 -Ll.i'YIi S Ma;. of V.rJi.iu.Merjhiii.l.aiid P. :; --yh aliia 'l itis Maj. i.- r,v l.-o l; ; it- eo.l i- I.;-;, cent-, ainl it is tl.e l.e-t wbie.'i eat. be plircba-cil. Ll.i'Y li S (ir.ai Map "I ll.e Mi--is-ippi lliv I'roin Actual Sarvi s bv I 'apis. I! art and ,-'lo. 1 en. Mississippi liiv.'r Pilots. ..r Si l.oui--. Mo.. -w e cry man s J'lanta'lon at-I aw net s nalec lr-' 1 l l.olti- to the Hull' ot Mcx: . I ..'..'.II II, iie- ' .'V i sand-l.ar. i.-l.-tnd. town, laiclit.-r. l.t:d ail .!-!. 1 mil. s back from til-- lixel - ..lored ill eout.ll,",d ' Stales. Price. SI in siiei-ts. s '. p cUet ..rl "I'd SJ. . 'ttl i.u linen, w itli roller : P.- oly Sept. L'o , I X aw Ji:i-Aii r)t i:xr. W isiiim. i ox. se,.t. 1 ls'12 I .1. T. Ll.ovn. Sill : S.nl lae your M.n'f the Mi i-sippi lli-, er. with pri- l r bar. Ire.'"!'!'-' , lt.-i.r-A.liiiti-nl I'iiaili - II I'i. w Mi--i--ippi s jllt.-iiot.. i- etitiii i Inaliv as arc reouir. -l I.-r n-e .:' t ail' : t 1 1 !-: :-; v. ,.I.L; Oct V.r 11, I -;.'. isiiiiiii i:i. yuTlCi: is hereby gnv l! Iration Ir'vil,.: i. ecu :. oil tl.e eslate ol I'oclor S. S town-hip. Xoriliuieberbind 1 p'T-. n- indebie I are iv'i'-; ..i inclil. ali-1 lie I.al 1:1 I-a s--itlelllei.t. . I'U'.NSWr Slialnokiu tM p.. ' '.-iole 1 led to tt0 ,11. h. late .uiilv. d'" I,, lie:- lo" ; i' 1 1 1; i' ,dia'r A cum l'uK 'in;: miJn. ?ai:. bu'.j isi:' x0 Ul NN'IN'i .-TI'l' SEWING- Txt'-j-E. Ti i 1 ' 1 rraeii.e.:. rcid. 1 'U.-i.-nfi ' diiiable Sf .Machine. : ' n-l. 1 I . I I aliti ! .-ew iu-. .: i 1' la :,.i ; I- l,i-'i.ly orna::; ;.f:.l. .'it.d i ! ,11 . iloioi; !' - I;. ..11 01 e -.'in l.icltt earl led ill 1 lie .o. !..'! I I :- "p. l at'ell 1- . 1 y -ie: j II -ii'nl device ei jil'L 11 ; li tl.e .-illll'b' tarliil. ot' !'' and giiidinjr t lo' w- ri, with I von 1 a j idly v i- h a c f.i, " ' Hilar -titcli ix.- 'tly like l'4 nei ie -I r icl n -el ar : put,. . I"el p It i.l . .'.- lie 1 1 11- -l.lv Ici'e ll 'li o.tVr. Ho -.i t ,i, ... 1, w . . !i a Mil. 1 " ' ,.! to il.l"iili-' 1,11 ii;- Prea.pl .-' 11e1ten.1l Sliiel i'i.ii l!ie lijihii -I and liiiina l up t1' rv silk or iii.i-!iu. 'J lo- ,;t tie- . .- of ,,;i:.a. I!y tin tiM-t ''iie I t ler 1" 'l'.- MM: '- dii'iieuli lo 1, ii U ot! ':'. ; scive.l tl n-l .ti l . r.-l. an 1 other in .ie'.e of ll III i it u ill I tin reloie be f-llo I !.l:i.Jv: . '-'!:' ' I ll i- m 1 1 -.1. ! t.. tl:- '' having no tel. -i, n. :.i.-' i lit. : l.i I. . iMUMi- .1 . r ot cr:.. "I!. II': I Id.. "I -iior ,.i!t,i '. and .-c it --lie- ' enaiiL-e ol stit- n, i siieh a inar'. 1 1 of -i Vears ean under.-'.: Ie :-v:i '''' liiiiiic-lii: CCSStliUv. 1 1 i.- not at all 'ia'-'"-"'' 1 ,,p'!' r Laeh ma.-htne i- . ,:1"" 'it l"C acoica nied wiih full 1111 If1' 11 dii. cii .1,- ai d l,iei.ly-U,e needles. Sent to nnv add '!' "'" 1 ""' ' "" r"''' '! 1 of an order. 'iii"li-,," '"," " ''"' -v cllecud bv Lxi'le-s ' I, f V ol il.e lliacl.ilie. .v.'onts wauto" . ' " " " liberal iu.lileclii.,ul.1 ""' 1'i.r niiriieulad"'' itiHi.- .1 s.-iv st,.,,.lor rcl.i.1!1'' A Idr.'.-S. xx In tu 1'no nio-l n etc.. scud a Jim:, li'''"'- No- -l.-i l:i..dw-.-iy. V. fir 11 1! 1 "'-' i!t in ' -' '.-' I a- L'vcrv Lto' ,'er- li1''"1 r and l'r makir should have i'1 these valuable Sew lie; Mtichines. Il.ool.cr o.V l r.vx'Y I KS ! I' 4'l ii ijs! JOll.V I" A Ii V. 1 P, A. No. 7KAr.-hSirect.br. low l.'i.-lllli. rolltb -,1c, l'lllLAl'LI.PlllA. Iiiiioner nnd Manu facturer of. mi l liealir in till kinds of Pancy l'urs. for Ladies' and '- Childrcii's wiar. 1 dc-irc 1.1 s:iv lo inv T''ihc'1 friends of Sunburv and urroiindinif eoun- Ihat 1 have now in lie of Ihc lai'ifc-t tZV -1 '" and nil! beautiful a- w,r.ls of all kinds and ijualitiesof 1'i.ncy 1'ars. and Childrcns' Wear, that will lie worn dur- Full and Winter. T'ur were purchased in L'tiroj.e. -ri vi -u- to tje in Stcrlinir Kxi-hnne. mid the New 1'iny ed on all Luis, liiijioitcd since the liit of Au- ould also state, that as my slock last--. I will it at prices iiroporlioniiH- to what the .roods eost - I but, it will be. nnpi.- iblc f , r me to liuiK.it and uu lutiilld.. I TUPI.ISIIPI) for lha benefit and as a wnrninir I 1 atid a eaulion tu youhi? men who Miff t tiuiu Nervoun Iiebitiiy, Premature li'ay. A-o ; aupplyiiijr. at the lame tiuiu Ihe incnii tf Self-Cure. iy ouo who baa cured himself after being .ut to jrreal ex pense through medical iuiMiiH.n and ouaekery liy enclosing a p.t-paui addressed envelope, siiilo Collie may be had of (hu author, NAT11A.MIL .MAYFAIH IVi . Iidf rd, Kirii Co , K Y Mrr IS, IM: -ly mm 3 TOHS OF THE Vl Wo, triljv tify that tioVsisriotl M.iyora, hereby cm. Phystoiantof ogKiata, Anothooarics, nnd a doenmentof ft!iireriil oitio have BinrnM BAPSAPAEILLA Ifi? to ub that, AYEK'3 a romedy of Kror.t excfe.oon founJ to Tl tho conlldonoo of th.o oorS.00' and worthy uity. nCK". JAMES COOK, Major of LOWELi 'AIA33. nOlT. ALDIN I5EAED, Ilujnr of JJASIXTJA, IT. , non. e. v. EAnniNGToir. Mayor of UANCHESTEH, N. II. EOJT. JOHN" iUBOTT, Kr.jf of CONCORD, Is". H. nosr. a. n. tjzlock, Mayor 0 WOltCESTEE, MAS3. 1LOU. IIATIir. GIL3BEE, Ilyor of SALEM, MAS 3. nOlT. T. V.r. INCOLIT, Jr., Kyor of LOSTOJT, MASS. nOXJ. X-rJL. I. RODMAN, M.-.7onf PKOVIDEKCE, II. I. IT.ON. AM03W. THENTICE, Mayt or NOllWICH, CONK'. IlOir. J. N..IARUIS. Uayor of.'EW LOUDON, CON7. nON. CIIAt S. EODIER, lOT of tiOIJTREAL, C. E. HOIvT. D. I'.TIEMAUJT, Ll.Vfr cf EEW YORK CITV. nOXi. n. Bf KIIJSTPwEY, Ilror of HAMILTON', C. W. HON. ADil WILSON, '.ayor of TORONTO, C. W. noK. n. i. bishop, Mnir cf CIKCINNATI, OHIO. no:i. i. J cuAvrcRD, Jayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOJN SLOAN, ! Iuuyor of LYONTJ, IOWA. HON. J VIES iilcl. EETEHS, Kayjof nOWMAIJVILLE, C. W. HON. J.IE3 X7. NOHTLT, ' Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HON. IJlNItY COOPER, Jr., Meyer of IIALLOWELL, ME. EON. .IKES E. BEES, 7or of rivEDERICTON. H. TJ. 20N. .VILLARD NYE, Mror of NEW 3EDFORD, MASS. I HON. T. ELAI3DELL, Mayor or FALL RIVER, MA39. HON.VA n. CRANSTON, I Mayor of Ix'EWPORT, R. I. j HON FRED STAECL, Mnyor of GALENA, ILL. HON JOHN nODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. no.v. TnoriAs crutcltfield, Uayor cf CRATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT ELAIR, Mayor of TUS0ALO03A, ALA. HCS". R. D. EAUGH, Mayor of MEMFmS, TENN. HON. GERARD STITH, Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, LA. IT3N. n. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. T. ION. B WITT C. GROV, Mnyor cf UTICA, N. V. ON. GEO. V.1L3CN, M:.ycr cf PITTSBURG, PA. HON. C. II. EUUL, .a.iyor ct uriioiT, Mien. HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor cf MILWAUIOE, WIS. HON. W. W. VyVUGIIN, Mayer of RACINE, WIS. HON. A. FAER, Mayor of KENOSRA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. ECAINE3, Mayor cf CRICAQO, ILL. HON. K. J. A. nEATn, Mayor cf EjELMA, ALA. nON. A. J. NOT2LE, Mayor of MONTUOMRV, ALA. HON. W. S. nOLYEAD, Muyor of COLUsM-US, G.Y. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor cf VEHA CI1U3. DON PIETEE DE CAEALLO, Mayer of MEXICO. DON ESTEPIIANIE RODEIGITES, Mayer or HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECHEVERA, Miiyor of LIMA, l'ERU. DON M. G. MILANGNO, Mayer of VALPARAISO, CHILI. DON MARO SESQUrPEDALIA, Mayor of RIO JANEIRO. ERA31X. Certify that tho rcmlfnt Drussists have nsaureJ thoin Ayer's Sarsaparilla la cncrceHont rDmctly, and v. orl'.iy lho coa- Ldcneo of tho community. . I-or Spring ras. For Purify lug the UIooil. Tor Scrofula or Kln8 Evil. For Tiiiuori, 111 ir, and Sor, for r.iupl ton a nml 1'lri pics. i ur uioii-ati, mania, ami unlit, I or 61. Aiitho.,,', M,r, Roae, or IT, y. j Por T.-lter or Salt UI.euin. .Iprlaa. ! For f.cal.1 Ucna and Itlusxvorm. j Per tamer on.! lan.iroui Sorci. I For Sore P.yea, Sort- Kara, and Humor. For Ftmale Dltrani, ' c , , , , For Kuppressioii au.l Inrgular it, . For BypUllU or Vcnrrtal OIca. ! For Liver CompIniutK. ! For Dlwuci of tbc Heart. j ! The Mayors of thn chief cities cf the Unl 1 ted States, Canadas, and British Vrovinros. ' Chili, Pom. Bra.il. Mexico, tnd in fact U- j most all the citie on thu continent, have tiptned this document, to assure their peoplo v hat romcdio. they muyucev-ithaafety and! conlidence. But our cpe will only admit a portion of them. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Aycr'3 Cherry Pectoral, AjrCr'3 Pill3, und Ayer's Aguo Curo, l-i:i:i'Aiu li ur Dr. J. C. Ayrr & Co., LOWLLI., MASS., And told by I'rut'i;lt every where. Sold by Friling A lirimt, and R. A. Fii-her. in Sunbury, Pr. R R McCoy. Northumberland. J. F. Ciuduw, and C. Drown, Milton. J. Chriiniui, Turbutviile, HcrsU i Co., Ml. Carmel. H. ll..rgstreser. lly.uur. WL-st. M.iln.iioy. Weaver X M.:U illiami, Tuinr-a. And IiealerKrerywIiM Aogut!, 1B6:-Iy ooo.nou ot.i vrr.r.ns w.iti i:i TO BCIMI Till: Kl.ltf.l.I.10. t flHE Fiintonninber of pnrons are also wanted to I wenr the loo'ir nnn rn"i.e, imw oimoi; oouni lactured.by the sulieritier. of the latest styt.-s ami t.psl of material. Having a large e'oek of material. I r- iimt ni'T he will make up to order in tho bct workmanlike' manner, alt kmasot tiJciiliriiion'Hi llool-s n ml SIiocw, l.iMllcM MinrHaitd !i5lcrx. 4'ltilflt'vii A: ;., At short notice, liming several years' ox-pori. nee he feels confident nf giving freiierally salistaetion to ; all who may privn him a call. ! All work must be paid lor before leanntf the sl f p when six percent will be deducted "IT. Call at his Shop nearly i ppo-iln tho Court lb" -". , in Jlarket failure, nnd ii-i-vtain his low vr: -oi and cxaniiire his stock before pitreliasins elfv. b-re. .It.UIN Wll.M.K Sunbui'V, Aii(ruM !1, lSHX i.iii I.iiiiiIx'I ! S-timUcr I ''.''.l.II' slIAV. Jlmicy I.y..,,uiiii:,'c. in.ly. I';i , I I'''"'MS his friends ud tin- public in c uera!. i ,i i h,nstaiillv kocpson hi,d lloard-.Shiilis. - r TMTf't'tll TlM fTl TflT1 Lath. .loi-K IMlHli hh.'.in.f J.uii.b. mud building li Xli A iUuis) maierial- wh h ; fM at lie: rn.:-s. ! Jllll'ell .'ill, l.vf,. ( llAlilMNtv,,,:, pv. j 'Pills IIOVSK. in conseria.,. f.f i- c aivcni. nrte ! 1 and near loeatinii to th. 'a.ii,,!. bus mad' it h dcrirablo sto'pinjf place, not tr lb"e baitiil bu-iness at the seat of tiovcrameat, but torj others , vis'lin Ibiiri-bnr!. M.ireh.2'.'. lsr, NOW OxT3ir. CAMMOTII rUHKITUPvEWARE HOUSE. j ! ! S(3 H j t-Ucunt Slrcrl, I'hil'iv I j (Lain LFA Y i. CO'S I-'ry Ciood Hrt.) 1'onncrly 5-1 Walnut Street. I .'''WM-. Aut i.Oj.-Sm j J -tffjrp RSC2IVI3D ! ! If:u juit ritiiincl from I'iiilaJi! aia with a -I' 1 bpring 6c bummer trooas. ,,.,. ,nr. ' ... ,, ,. ,., , .. (ll-'iu. ( as-:nicrc. c-iii.l. Ilalian I loth, 1. 11:111 Coatinc. Liu"ll Cheek eiel Colloiiaic ' " j i.adi.-s' Wrnr. a lars a.-s..rlii:ci. of lre-s'(;..od.--. .Uak and j I'nncy Silks, Silk Ti-.-.ie-. Fancy P. raje. . Sliall-y, v ""' I'clanes. Mosniiil.i'iie tbsj l? at low pric.-. I Silk Lcvellas. l'ehmis. Lawns, Ciinpbiims and I Print-. A full line of Irish Linen and W kite Woods, , vm,,.r ,, KlllK.y .,,-, Shuw-Ls, Silk and ; L..-e Maiitilla?, Ac. I I . . ,.. -.r . 1.. r 1.. 1 -.. , , liraoj ..liioev.o A g'v'l a- ctinm'- of Hats fetid t-V.r-, A Ittr.' ".-"rtTur-t of l---'.3 nnJ SI;oe ! A full s;.vk ..f ir.ic.-ric!. M -1 fir.J ;"n;,:ir. Ilni'tI:ir- aii'l I..i--l-it M :i.t fi-T..I , A fuU tt-'!v f yuon ir.i'l 'i-'L.firi A full k f n.-ii. ShIi, Oil- hu 1 V, liiu- LchJ, A lnro ook . I ' A V:. ,r. A now ftock nf fc-tcr.o un-l I-.uln r.v- hrv Anl I'.'Hi'Rii-U of nrticl. i i -t tr.ur.n nit"J All thu above il! be SvlJ chi'ip fur Cu.i Ojuiitrv ri..tu.'. ii i:n. i:l I Sii.ilmr . Mi v 17, I.- GROCERY & PROVISION STOKE. tJ.-irLct rjiiai'.-. Siu.'.iti y , t'ii. JOHN GOOD, OrALI'U ina'l kin IsoftiP'u'l l::i-:s. rc-rc;,i:l. ly ine.rni- ti.e e'tti.e:.- of Siinl.niy and !.-:iiity. i TTli '',""J' ( " l .va;riir Sot-l'. Cai-idb , Tobuc-., :-o.r..i --, Priii Fruit, I'ttlilic.l .io. I'l itie.--. ..p. t oiocti. n iri. -. Si'i, Slar !', '' II. . .11-11 aad tiir.e t i'h.i tl.u i a ! 'he i.i,..-eiy line. ' XCiXJ01lt? j ,,fl.,0 ,a,ily , u i,ol,-.i!c and i:..il. e.-.,..-i-,. i in' ..f Piaidv. l.iu. W m.s. I'ilisbiirirh V li.Acy. nod ''"i" t" '"';',11.v-'"''' i:'1' 1 ublie l.i test bc.ore jail, h.i-ilr.- e.-i - lie! e. Ca'.l :n.l - -e lev r-.a-k. NoJ'i.r.f- I. r -la-v. U i J' 'UN l.i " 4' i - Mll.ourv. .1 ui. t l l. i fa.-.,.. ,. w Vl.l. PVPPlt F KVKI'V MyiKAMK VlYl.LS AM P.VI'TLliNs'. I I i-T rcceiv ed dire, a trom Ihe Meniii'.el ai-. -. a- ) 'he MA.iM"Tll Sfntil'. of , , , - , K1U-,li ,v ' ' 11 AN unl.urv. Marvh I... M... - - SIMON P. WOLVEHTOIx, ,,.. .' 'l,B.M.r nl .- nir.ee. Market street. do .rs w. st .1' p., p t, SUNBURY, AA'II.Lanendpr.'I'ip'l.vtollieco'icclioii, a'el.e!. - and nil i.ihu 1 1..1, s-i..i.:.l l..i-u..- - ii.ir.isi.-d i.. l.i care in ...riliii.l.erla.,d im 'i adjoined cui.tu- :t' I, ' . , W lM' " ' "u'1' ir '.""'' .. J?? VtZt- Vi'l,e,l-.,l.ils:,lo KS.h,.i,ia,,AI o . celeb.:.- liilPalelilPeuduiuuilui.iOnllNllU' Sin, bmy. March .I. M.J ' T 4'tll.llllli'f. milK Adverlir. hat ins been ri-tornl It health I in a few week, lv a i cry simple remedy, alter havinu Mtfliwil Jtverai vw.r wi'h a vere lung af- f.elioll. and thai dread di-elise t ol.sumptloli is aux- I , ,,uiltn kndatn to hi. lcllim -sut.cis lllu means ,,1',... . To ull who dusiot il, he will fcnJ c.) y of lho prescription uit itvas'oi enargei, won .ue omi-i.e... f..r preparing ami dug tho miiu'. which they will ii,l i. e.: f i n i: ' lir Co x si ui ii.'X Arni i. Uiiox. i :. I. .1... .1 :.......: (Bins, ie. Tiie .iIy object of lift' Adverii r in nelidiinrtbo rrex-ripli'ii is lo beuetil I lie nniieli .1. an.t spread illformaitBl! wllich he conceive, to be inalua- 1,1,., 1,11(1 he b..i4atterv sullerer will try hi- n-i ly. an it will eot y..s nuihiug, aud may prot e a bbis- i'nrtica wishiiiu lho prewi lotion will please nl-dre-a , ,lttv. J.lV.ltl) A. WlL.st.lN, ' , illiaiiisburg. Nov 1 WJ Itiiv Kinrs County, Ni w Y',.i a. fI.Nk (l'arhuient Paper J JM..ri(rg, Hiau, ieut fir aale the eoVW tbQur (l'arhuient Paper.) liecsla aud blank yuiion. huutmons, at unburv Ainerifau (JRANT Alii: ll.ll l I l" il.'.i'a.o i. m il ;.i.n v"w 3u:"i:ivim an em'Tht. ft l-r r P flnni'.G " X r iiLCv-XS. Ut ViOVllOss MANY 01' vMII' lt ARU ' aud alihoitgh preTailin repoi'a may iulue thn ! b'.'.iof that ID R. Y GOODS a.-e a-h ausii.g, j cl a tiu'.o visit to tlitit ' tttricti' THE HAMOTH, w ill ciLniiic'' nny candid n.un er wcn.an that, bo Ilia I rop'jrl ut it may, yit tho propaicteu of that, ''inatiiu I I Cmu" havo Uio ficiUtii. f.-r faruiliUis i i CI-H3vJ3DR GOODS w!ii?h ils ts!.f) luy n:i.l t: nn Lodj Crouit I but, at'J cui:not 'v5'Sia in: KEEP EVERYTHING, AND AKE i.riLP.MINri' TO 1 1 ; QUIiIm C II 2 A P EH ' Ti.l-V fl.Y .'.' VVnCll.KD V-LSll- i ; W1IEUE j ' rr.iLixo .t GRANT fjiit-urr. M..v 17, 1 HOY TO E0L1ESTIC HAPPINESS. , ii-1 y,r. Smiili I" "Ii-- Prown. A.- tie u. ii' w.ilkii' liiroiiL-ii llic t- an, - '.'i cic .',., you do x..'..r -h..pi.in ' 'I ii'.l dri yoii r' in. - neat and f.ue, 'in t ui.i.i 1 il. rea'Jv luiliu 1 k- p-illi.!; lioei-i!.' l io sure your h'l-1 ai'.'l. Mrs pr.-wn--I., 'i i, -a, t'l,.- M .-ri. p'-al and l'i'owu I. i l."t ricl: a- loil.c, A I'd j ct y..u c n n'ti.r.l to buy ,le-l ti.'o'c e- i.'i:o'-. r la -ii' llian I, An I lev, . I ,i.',"l 1A inc.'' !' v- J.r-. Ur-.c.ii ' Mr.-. Mniih ''l';.. lei i v. ';! be -'..ililed ivith. l; i, -o ,!,.. r- Y"U buy i a -ii-li'. I f ..-e.a-h. 1 1 i,y b,.r.;.iii:s. y-ci bay irath, I cheap, while yon p..y iK ur . " io n" it van v. :.'.i a drrs-i ..r shawl. A c li.i.-. h"'-e. er whal-i."l. call At I , .1. ap M in' " ii St.. in:, Ti .--, il M-ll ; I- -- v.ry l.-iv 'licit j. u v ill e- ,m- ii. won Ur so, II. ia much rich i;eo.l- 1 e wor 'My hu-'.cir..l. a- y.,u 'iniy say. I- j -er. far. 1i.aa"itrs l.j-day, An I vol 1 can I i y in. .re. P - ao-e c:.-i ll-'li li "! hi- f.'W 1-. lo n.o. Jll-t n- '.e od a- lo. .'.I lb--eiici.p .M MMorn .--rtthr. S" -..' :. 1 ut- Mr.- S'o'.ii itii Mr.- I i.c.'.i - ihi, i uicii--. m)i:' Ii did c ,:i ince i t I Tl.e lir-i. ai. i opci, .1 m. In r ecu, ! Sl'e h.i-n't ei t,-"l lo paii'oi.i,-.o 1 Ti.e Mammoiii ci er .-ir.ee. A. ...I t on . , ,., -1 y,c. eio.u.'e t" ireet It' r l.ii-l aii 1. Si.ViiV ep.ei ihci-u-e"!, A .'1 1: I 'itc .ll'cl '..tllill-.'. 11- I'.., - i- 1.. lite 1 with a s i i!-, Jil- -'. .. i i ,-li. a I I' c Willi.- A ; ': v ..-a i.r tunc In- .- huiiiniii. La li"-. if lik.. e1.'.', : y i M Ii. y.-'ii- .1 er -; oi;-e. n tii'-h ,u- and hft. Pel l.i: I , In e r -r. V b.-'o' e. ,l.i-i Mt -. P'- ,.ii- , . -l ioii.e, li v. And - il ; a.i t,-i i i In .- i 1- l av '. ' 'be eaea n M 1 ' '..-, tl MoT. . TJTt-7 AMn Trv"PrTTr ivrri" j UAH V. ..OIl.TJ ft LOYLU-VS I .".-' ,( IIV ltWa lo.U.w liii-.r ' i: .i.j... .c-..i.i .-nl. I'e'.:.1 1-, -i.i 1 i- nt l.i.il b. to v; 1(,, V, .'-: '- Adj,, - in-i Vx it -. r i- . n.-, f ll... r.-.. -I i.nI..-.-i....t ot ihc nine..-. ,.iii i-.-!.;urv. and I :.-.,.; ..U-l.u..wu m.d tn-d. t-.-... In'om-ral 'I I.. .-m in; .-f ,-l..t in i;, p.o--:-.i ; cm i'je water ', nber n.ll.. ii-:,-i 1 of . ii,-ii or , .v : a'a i-.o i.u.e i !:..iy.-i'c ,..ai..'i". iiat the l'..i..'i-,,'-r wiii -in- . of el--: ,,.. ,ir.l,i'n and break- tl. tof.; tut li.t ' ' i.ine pi . .- - i.icn -o .i.ly lha! a r.i-H.-pi.j.er j ". '''.v M'kc I-'';'" ' '"',' ""a"'" 'ckinc j tZ iZXXt. 'Ti u,i,.r d'...-. n.,i injure Cm roll-, and w.k,ii, tf.ii , , i. wreec ,.t ..t I -ilinj w..t-i ' i..e..ut tullm-, ! ' ' ''.' '."'.' ... . j ' :, ' ,;; ',. j( Uves lli.. U.a, "I, ,-, 1 be ci.lhos pel feel 1 1' e V. I. llWlll Wring , , , ' ,,..., ,,. k. i. l.n,l. ki r.a i.f. ihier limn can p. ib! ooiie l.y baud , I v. i .!'"' I alter.-iliou ill liiall -eilll Hie lime , Un i ,,ci hk is .-, .-.mi-le il.il u i-- I t ii'o e ; n i . : r-pai-. . , . , ; I'l.e n, . i.rpr. t em. n: m :.' ':' '' I 'to l.i ; M.-ci.iio. yel i I !- ' - ll t' .iil.- - I te : i i .1 elnenl. rt-.i-.u li,' i" i. t . w i iii a, ( h..i..ik rebici or 1 1 d -pti l' i.on.iit .iii.uit eau .-,' iai. it. II. l,li . the luo-l i '1 lie machine i. In , 1 i l' w i-.d . ll 111 so HT..l";i d , thai no in n nil .. . . i , t x i lee iu .nuict with ll il cloth, lb, rel.y 1,1 oejll'.. ail di.l Kr "I iij'.ry Iu thl lotln -. I.v lion I,: 1 , 1 tu- L-u.e n.i-i . mi, pie ai i e: m a - a- ' 1 er et iin liU'i 1 ' . I l. t. i 'l'-' can Ib. ul I w.. w-.-.-ks. und it th.-y ar.- p"i' i-t:.-.l. r.- turn iheiu. lilc.n '..:.. i,,il J., !- 1..11.I. d Ur II U. MA.-dF.li, A;;-ol l.u Noilbuiiibulaiid co July 5, iscj. OPAl 1'IN'ii's Pi. imn d lil.i' i.i-I ln IK t a Mu- cilage. pri.-e p. r b.,iie and brioh. i'a e. nt. Cordial Clixir.-f Cali. Jrimk and Vmuii'i. f"r rin.i.tii.ir greaae, for eal a" 'h etfr ef ih. Pwr.bmt Arn ri iran .t iniri - . , FIULX; .2 1 f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers