CTlje unlmvp iHmmran. II. B. I I AbBEK, Editor & 1'ropHotor. bATLKD.VV, NOYHM'JLK 15, lsdi. 7 MrrETTCXniljt & CO., No. 37 Park Ron-. Jtoi Yolk, and 6 State Stroct, Iitto! aro our .?ouls for the BcxiCRr American la tlioso cltion, nnd aro authorlied to tnka Advertise menu and Eubsariptlobi for n.i at our lowoat rate. C37"Judjo Maytmrr, of Willitvtnsport, has been elected President JuJi,'c of the Xortliampton District. .Tutk'c Mnynard is one of our ablest lawyers, nud Lis tiuiiiificiv tions for the bench arc of the highest order. -t7 It is suggested, and very properly, that every soldier should keep in his knap sack a card, upon which tdiynld he itiserilied liis full tititne and address, with hi company and rcL'iiiicnt. so that ii'hc should fall upon the field or die iu the hospital his identity can be fullv cstalOishe 1. 557" Tub Tiiiikk Isokuoi-is. In 1777, Jarod Iiifjr.-rsoH was arrested as one who was opposed to the liberties of Ann idea, and lie was afterwards rewarded by the Uiitinh fur his treachery. In later years. Charles J. lngersnlj. son of the above, over his ow n name, in a newspa per of the day, said, that if he had lived in the time of the revolution la icvithl h-nv ban a tjnj. Ckarlts Itvjer-oil. the jrramKon-Chairman of the I'.i-nk'iiiiid.iojul.i'ieo in Philadel phia, a few weeks r-inee. raid in his speech : "To what advantage are vu to turn our The Suit IHncovcrlo In tfliliitin. j J.,PinK Ilxplolt ufKlgcV ClnTnlrj-. In eomc iiir-ncc of the Mipplv of salt from southern Kill field beinjr cut o!V by the re bellion, Riid tho increased duties on the imported article, tho price had reached a liuure never beloro known. Tliu riifju of pine must, to a irat extent, bo controlled by the quantity nianufacttircd at Saginaw. Ths8 works have been in operation only about two years, ytt the productions of these regions lvave been widely felt, and must materially nM'eet the nmrkc t. The extent of these lield.4 is nltnoit unlim ited, and the supplv inexhaiistable. They are between forty and fifty miles in length, stretching from the bay westward to where the Chippewa river pours into the Tittehe wassee, and even ten milts beyond, atid in breadth extending !r more than thirty miles, thu whole country thus bounded forming an enormous basin that is full and constantly filling with S3.i!)2 per cent, brine. Uoro anywhere in this immense field, to the depth of chrht hundred feet, and the brine is f.mnd in exhaustible supply. There is no lonirer either any question as to the quality of the brine ; it contains impurities, but it is l.clieved no more and none different from those found in Kanawha and Onondaga brines. With this vast extent of territory, continuing to yield such immense quantities of brine, there can be no doubt that the Xorth will eventually be bountifully supplied lroni this region alone. In ()ArNi:svii.t.!:, Va., Nov. 10, via Wahic iNaiox, Isov. 10. A mo.-.t brilli.mt achieve ment was nmmiplishcd this morning by tieneral yiqul's body Kiiard, under the coin inand of Captain Dahlgrccn, of Gen. Sifrcl's Staff. For real daring, perhaps nothing wqieh has occurred during the present cam paign can equal it. About ten o'clock in the morning the guard, numbering fifty-four men, when nenrly opposito Fredericksburg, forded the Kappahanuock liver and entered that place. The nil vent of our force w as so sudden that the llcbcls were completely taken by surprise; they had five hundred men stationed in dificrent parts of the town. He-fore they could be collected together our men engaged several bodies of the enemy's troops in numbers greater than their own.' On several occasions, Captain Oahbjreen's men were completely surrounded, und all avenues of retreat were apparently cut off; but they were not to be to conquered They forced themselves from this embarrassing position, with the loss of but one man killed and another wounded. After having at having at least twenty men killed and as many more wounded, t hcllcbels lied in great consternation. There thirty-four of them capture. 1, all of w hom were brought in this evening, w ith t lie exception of six who were pnroledf A large Secession flag was also taken. Captain Shcrra nnd Lieutenant Miller nnd ( 'nrr ilrservn i.inidi rr..ltt f..r ll... consequence of the importance of this : ( rt u,uy took in the affair. They acted eomnanitivelv new coitntrv, as a great luni lr and salt manufacturing region, it is being rapidly opened up by the enterprise of capitalists. Nigitiuw, which in 18:3 had not a white iuhabitart has now n population of li.tinn, and is u thriiiig commercial town. Irailt docks now alternate with lumber vards with great coolness and discretion. Harri-'burg city councils have decided to issue small notes of the denomination of 5, 10. '.:." and 50 cent notes, to be redeemable in the current notes of nnv of the lbtrrisburr ie.i. . .. i ... ': 4 .. . ... .1-11 1 ILU.!.-,. lull rilllllH;'! IU .- U 1 II 111 t' .1 1 tlUl' lor tweuty-hve nulcs on he river banks. );u. , .,., 1 or the ni.itmtaeliire ol l.nc .--alt. mere are I 1 I nineteen blocks that boil d.iv and liieht I Seven tiion-and men are now buv in coin- Sunday f -xceptcd - an nver.ure of sixty pleting the iron-rlu.U in and around New kettles each. About t.vittY mory blocks York city. Iu addition to the-c, ten first - ate ncavly completed, which wi'l soon I e at ; class tottnurics have all their men cngag-d I'lMi.lM) I VI I. It iVMi I.IISOiV MILLINERY MODS! I Misn M. L. GiiBFler. Vnh Street, t'Po Honrs aoutJi nj the t'; iiiZr:: Vuiiey iV 1'otttvillc UuHiumI, Kl'NlltUY. l'A., HAS jnat rporiftd from riiilutlcliiliiit, nnd opened nt her Bloro, s larjje ord fplendid iiKrortiutnt of luo uiot 1'iuabionuhle uud Intent ?t(vlo of Bonnets, ITate, Bhakera, Trimmings fro AYKlt'S -WK fpFIR f".Uxxiivr luili:? furcift Ihe Itv.'lii f'T n: ,liiu. I ,-);!. d i-'ilo ' v. i !:' ri fur !i:ile 1 .S 1.1 V I f'L A I. iLiul TOWNSHIP ItnillT?. Thin V.m.m if mi ('X.-elli nt nnd danililo nrilrlo urd " rnily cor. piructed tlmt n child rim rut il tncetlior. 'flic on'iie Arc rnrhTff llio New to nn rin:i never nix emu. liefore known of nay ittrdirine. c ''; ;i'T't "r1,.',v,,'! "rT" f? r,v'; CI! ANT Aim n.rrr to annoinc:: that zv.v Bonnets, Hats, Bhrutera, Trimmings fro ivvt' ir? rrr "T win l P ' ! 7" 'i ! ' " c l'...-nhin in ein ni ! t t 'h- r--- re.v.'..-:We , . , , . ... , ,, , , , . ill II l. I lx, I III. I 1. 11 I . I 1 ul. I t 1 1 . I H L 11 i C , I. . . .. 1 ! lll'V 1- . , . , ! wli eh slif is sel 1112 at lU inns I r. n-. o.-.l . er . -. " .V, -n,. .C 1 i. Lit 1 . . i t t.tf. hUKToW . .1 . i , Jft.'T HMTI.. ! .'I 11 I rl -,.,r. ... 'iil'.V'.-.: -' l ntten'.iiD uf lire ludies, uiid invit'n ;i!l te i-uil r.uJ .- I i. u i ,i i-im.-r r-.cij n ! : , - .... ' i t Ct w OC-'" Oi IsOCClS nOSlERV, GLOVES. MIT.?. C0:.T.AU IiANL'- ':;' " i ,, v. , ... iv.i.uir.t vv.iio.. ,e.. or.d numerous oilier arlieles for lii'lii' we:ir. l'i wliioli ah inviic-4 t!io ladi.a to oil nnd vx.m.ti... bcfro pnrelinsinj; el.:"wtiere '1 h;'jil,ful or p'il p:Ui ninre. h liof.t I y k n u the best ii--oiluieiitt ul rctu-'oijuUti iu- s, tu eoiuii.iie Uie s.'iim.'. .Sunbury, October 2j, 1S02. Hia 'l'o CoflMlfil v'. t ' luo- i. :!..- M ' I I I n.i .:h '. i...e i, I.e. - 1 I I'm !!. ... .1 r'f l(i III ll. I II. l ' I w lit n a. i . .oi- I r vi Conrr vf ,VV- ! t ;.':.V, Jl A t.r:"-l-: V. ' ei. 'I. v rprrs n-tvr. i.irfl.-mi.'i -r v-mvi-v ; , ... i...... i.i....,- ,. i.-.-.ri..-..i:-- i f - ; ..it. i. !' i s- " ' ' ! I; I!..' I .l ' ,!.-.,.,,!.... j. j ;. .... !! .,y ( - l!;.- . I. ; j . l...-o . in i!, . .1 ..I C.A . !:.:!. ;i!. hi I'vrS ..:'ie!- . '1 li" vi ii-.-.iM" i 'i. iki''' i . A'.;lM. V v. n;. Sum V...I- .:: :, ,. II, ,;,, I.-.C, A,.e!, V , v. i. -"' t la.. J. r. I l,iv.. I-Aei, ). I eh -J". J rvv-;;1:"'',':,::.1'::;;,;'.:!.:'-:.':;';, : ..o.K"vr':vVi:s:je"tv.t.:-t'?:L: i?. ::.'. vv .? : iu ::i aki; rpflE AdvcrtiFer, llllVillR been restored In lie:,:il, " " in 'lie -I nl.J. A ten A - e: V ' ' - ' ' "-'I e ' I 'l 4'1 S 'Vtif. fi. ".MX .fc.4. ! I. in n fe.v weeks, bv very iiiipl retne.tv. nl,,r .m' "'''i! .v-. rl: " '' ', ", .'"' "' " ' ,?",:v rpijt- ,f,( ). r ,.f ,;,r -,i,. fo ;' . wi.nl, , I Inivml-uHeredscVflrnt yeuo. nidi n severe fiiuK III- , 2 UJl " p! i ,'",,!''" i I '-i' i'- l- ll'i'I'l : 1 sip s. ...;(. .n- I feelion, nnd Itiut drcaJ di--enie. Consumpiii'i: i-:iii-I t,.r ti- ! ,,-i l:.-.-.. !..,,e :e. i " . o,,. .;1i,...r,t,. .. d,.. ..-. . , v! - n.i ' long to muku known to In felluiv-.-uneid Hie iihviijs 'iiimvk r 'i p., s 1', t i.i- 1. - i, -e , 1 1 il . !!;:. be; 1 : loiillnlio desire it, hi" will tool II ere.v ..ft!,"! " ft. !: n. ;'', ...'....'...-, t.--. ; ; nit l::.,.i ( preserip'.iun mcd (free of ehurpo, the ,i'ieeii,.e- sir : I e.'.e i Iw-iu' m' ,i...ni; u. i. t da ' , ' ' . ' ' ' '. , , .,. ! for prepnrinj: nnd wdng Ih aiii. nliedi lie v niil ' em, ,, y ..,n n . . h . . , .;.o.,i ten !.,:on,. . ferilM'UM'U '.' ' find n SriiE Ci UK for Cuvsi Mi TioX Asthma. Vtinv- , - . -1 1 1 le in n.r i i u; -ir lv..-.i i ( ..ilirnin B.:sti! Miim' U:i S i . I eiMTis, o. Th only ubjeet of thu Adverii-.r in 1 ,vl- 1 :"" ' V' " ,' ' "' ' ,"" ' "' ' " " '!. ' "Sii!af-n Shos--. .... BendinS the rreSerip.i.;n . u, be,,, li, the liliet-l . -,,! , " '"' ' I " ": T-T' Z .' M.I r., . .! 1 n..ev..r,. r-J'-,- ble. hiid h hopeseverv mlerer niil Irv hi-i.'n,.: h. ' ;!.. V II.. ni.: v". eoi.iideH . . -,. . ., , i, i I P, i llfl II l',l ,'H1 ' 1 II .e-lf 111 1 - I" 11V e-.' ,, . I n v in lieiv i'ive iii it will cost lucui liollung. uuU limy troie a Lie.- , t -, ,,.,;,. ,, ,., . .: , , ,,. ' , Ki ... I le. T..1.I, l-l l-O. I',-:, .r ... . . . .. ..j wtl, h..,lK ....uA i til uvs m.iiii ine j 'i1 rl j) viii i(',twit ui- ;f ;ii.", I.,-, i). ,if.--i'. i., r.i-!., llTL-.l Ji L V. i.L' wl I i I ' J I J .vt. , i i:-'Ji- - i-i i" ".'. t ; ' it i I i.m ... in -ii ; :,y . ,, , , ., ,-. . I.i. I. 1 el i iff. In ; 'i r.i - w I'i'ir : ,ui, i' -m. in- y i- i r .1 - 1 - ' " ' j I1"" ', t , ' t , v h I i rilt'H li U' I1 II Mil It; liu-f I ! ' I ' f II " (i.i . . ..mtm- n vw t i fw(-t l. l t :r !!. l I ,,-(i -.pi i ' ih t. v I" - . i.. .1; 1 : " - ! 11: ''. i!i mi ;. i': - ; -ii ;vi;i !' , 1 I f.T Ii . 'ii 1 i"tn ." ' n ;; ." I .1 I ( ' m . in ll-r m1'; ; ;i:.ti t!:f" i ; . tu ti f i-t in.. 1 1 - i, ;,i h ',.! '.u-n-.i: ti rilt in : ,M.lf.rl'ef..re!,.-.:,i;l I, p ; 11 k I k M. Jt KS k il!iuniliui Nov. 1.1SC2. ."in Kii:i;st.Viieev, Vur IIEIMSTIIEET'3 Intitilltihl- Hair Ses!i';tilo. IT IS NOT A IjYI:, 1 nt r.vitreii jrrnv hnir t.i i; oi-iienl c,j!e.r. bv sure.1v- ui. nt , i ili.r ;- u. ll.e eiipiiiiny llil'vi iih luiturul su?:ei.:ne.'e. i:,.- ; paired by ne in di-:e;tse. All iii-t;iiil'ini''".ii iiv. nn.- " 'i' L'.,nipi.-e..l et Ju::ur c:i ati-?, ilestroymr tli" u.;;, y ; ,,'.. ! . . ., i'iid henuty i.f the hair, nnd allied of tii.'ii:-. !ve- i,'., i ,'! ,' '; ', , ; 1 I" - ' ,ll:!'. i-.. K ..11.11!U ,i:r :,leei4 1 'Ii .: ,l'.r,-v. i .oe. ,:i !!- ! ! t .::ta'.x r I p".. 1 1, 1 . .1. . ,1 I. I '1'" I V 11'. I. I'l! I IW.f surc-r One of fie tir-t tliin-s is tlic ork im.l will l-c run lo their ntiiio.it tijinn tin- liiaHinierv und tiim-t. while tin- Ji-iii'trert s Jnimmii.to v..i..r.i.n- ,..t .,ni,v v ,.. T- ', , ' re I .api.citv.lurit-tl.c winter. At i-ivset,, I he ..nlntuic..- sl,,,S i the country are rrqwh l"Z """ 1 '.' ;"-":- J . , 1 t-t I'loeUs turn out im nveinne ot loi tv ; t lie :u iiliiliti. i.t ., 1 , 1 1 n: There never were crer.ter tinstoL-r.us than .urr(.u (i ,r nr., t he ..'ir -i"i-i-i i , . ... .. 1 .! e - i . . . ., ,i "Uf l'i' a ,y l i' -iu 'or. ...ui.i.hv O.ii . nn-'-t h in' iiior.- severe than this l"-""'"'" ';-! i;re:h. prevents n- f,ilnn ..r. era - : ,,'.. ,:. :liese I:igi;roIU, ami yet tacy -.a:in to l-e hu liM-luoea tihcvit Cotl.Oo') l.tirrcls. ; , , ,. , - ,. enten t-o.Umfl. mid imwiri liettllli and li-u.n'i .;., r . ; ... , ... i 1 1 mil t .ie i .oiu-, i ne j on 1 1 ; , , , , , . , . , ,. . . 1 , . , , . , , . Democrat lie lli.ljortiir.'-e mel est-nt o t.lesut ,., ,. NT , , ,, f, , , P. the h.e.d. Il has sux.d lh te..,! id nine, ben il,.- b.-or. nn 1 I, ireinoir.iii.. ;,,,. , ,.,, ,,, -'" Mei!::ry. tlie editor ol the C o'.umi.tn 01i-;lml Hair C,.l..riii. fin 1 in coi:sti.tlr inuv:;..- " " Ultl'teM in.MlClllli.lll ll.MHl..s.,le. mi ...i- . u, .... . , ,.,.,;,,.,,., ,,.,, T.v.r I i.v hZ .i.,.. 1 I..!!,.. I i"1 -v ',.,', ' The WUlitimsprirt H-mtU- !m a two-eo- ft" j. the tut iii.m.tMetu:.!.:; it ami ; ,!f A, ,, ,. ,ms ', hl ,i.l l,v all r.v-Aubio eal... or c'n. h- , p.-.;...:! T,. ' " .,' 1 '"i umn nriiele. end.: m.rinu to pr ive th:U there l'.!C. ,I!n,:",,,s tir.'trr:t.ii:iily . ,,, -,,;,.r i j.u.K xin two f-ieK-Mnmtiiv ' !'' l!,"'m J,""-'"rct Kui..I- S- UAilM..-. r .;.,,,-,,; ., ,.,.:,i;; ; ire more Dtmoerat in the iu-M as sol.liers !?v;'nr way to tie-hew proee,. ot v .pora-I ,.(u. t!i.(, jn " til..;in,. j '"-r?. l' iWl"11"' "v Bjt'1" ! "Wf' ' I Ji J.:.::; , . , .. han K,.pul.lican...-J;...i... ,,-' 'V "UMr'" H'" V ' V " ' I''; I im'ii 1 !- the couples uud leiiehin of -- J.L"---. i h.r. in,;',.', Ili.'V.i. .'.! . ' .. : , , ... . . al'i'tl'i- .iiioltlv ol -ill! , iiii'.l at a re'Iiu-eil , , i, VJ 1 Ailiiiiitisiralui' s .Ali-i. hihi.,i.i ,,i -t i t, V - e venture to s'iv the f .hliev.i in the , ; ., ;. ,, la.hei.s. .,-..... . , ...... r , . . .i .i ., i , eo.-t. j ;.,' t ',, ','. A'JIICL is l.erebi Kivcn that li ttivs of ndu.i.,:-- . '," 2 '..: 'i :, 1. 1! i. -i i i, j ill. v. ll . .. .. .' I...RI I- 1 ...I l.!l..'.. ..i" I.um' : . '" I i 'l .11! ' 1 . v.i -.eU at Inn '" I ' j it- '. ,. : ..II :,. . I ' '. ?i..i l.ipl .. I' r I irrov, with few rxcptiotis. .'.re :ill ('. MioTi'ts, ; . . .. I lr-"i; v.ln tr.av 1 e .Infn-1 vi-l who n-- I -N trnti hnvin f..'-n i;ne.'.ed :o ihc miUcre.. r. i ii;it,ftiie.:et:Vrson .Taek..n se!.,,oi.-- ! a5s r !. ;"....,. to u. v.i!i l.e-lourt m.it liale-i Jiitel j wtate ot ..;ct..r S. S tuii-h. late ol Sani.-....,,.. I rLc i:.-;rkiPi;U 'c uu;i" -vM. howv r, will I Mrs. i.ro-.v i.jnu r.. :li:M! il po..-m o;i tin inipn -uhed. J( 1.lji, in,i,.pl.,a ri, ,tu.'at-1 i.V.ahf iu.n.. ii.it ' I i1 1 J iii-l' v. .! hi ti ict Mi In in. I tcv mi' i v i vcutu'tii p n.n . llip'.U i 'lrt( I' il 'i i hi- - , i .',...;. .:, ' ' ct . .. . .. , t i i i . , . -i.i n 1 'i , r una ..-it t iidii"! i.-- in ituni'-, r.i:iiiai,i 1 u. . ,i.n,';i it... u r:i, I '.:t r.nf :uvavs re:1.-!. au t'o oI::ccs 1 .. l siinilar i;v-!:tM'-t- iu own ct.r.r.tr h.-w . ' 1 , t " " ! r.....iitk- I: i .-. :,lty,..J ! m1 I". Vir-li.i . : Til I-MV ii t-A V.-rk r,:v:,! Si'. - SNYIDEJ-t BROTHERS, , i 1 i .i: l.l 11 "'it-, i 1 1 1 1 I ilvii' I llilli' I in r" .1 ' I ' l e ...in.l ery M"f.rce. ry hive r,, ,,.,r- , ,,.:,;.,.,, A.i-trian H.l.iierv "'"'" !'-f t" '-''at ;!:l"'r lltlivm h;".Ii- j wiii.-h has Wen haneih ,1 .idial to v.ioio- :i, 1 '.:t t'.re always rea-ly t Mil aii the oJUees 1 s;. l similar jn-taiie.- iu mtr own c..p,ntry. lias i .... ., ! r. ee'.ttl v heen r, alieil in n al ii:'.- i:i V iivinia. " 1 "" .'...-1.'.''.'.'. . .- i A cav l.a, , .uie I., our kn.nv ie.h'i of a ti".n I' -r t he ar. Ii.-riin..ia i.i'in t!i V() J V l V X' ( ' I j TQ :V"T5ie .h...th of two .Kstin-ui-lie.l o!li- j youth who fell wenule i in ilie r'nl fatihs 1o enlis f,.rii:; !mn..!ivl the': -.in.i v.;,,ld ! 1 , i " ) t Yt -v' , . - . ; ... t . .... i . i:.. : ... n , ooil .1.. ..... - i - , . i , . 1 . i .... '' 1 1 1-'-.-. Ui.I, 1 !... A. , ... ,1 v;,,. I.,. M .,.! l-;,.t. 1, 1 at Alitii dam, al'.'t ille, at II. i. malls larm ooo -i.iii:;' "' '. .. " ,' ' '., ' ' i P.ear the I'alll.: li.l.l. on til,- 17:ll. n-llie ; ihal'te-l. e'.nc . i me .pare oi a lew wee. i ney . IS j.,;,. ,,;,, .,,, lh. Uil lV,n -v,., to 1 ,.Lh i;TU'leii.. s ot ee't I'oir.t. 0ll. j that Mime Slate wleanv v.ehae t.-iaivcl 'inn, and (Jen. l;i-.harlon of his. wouu.k : the battle of Antietatti. ". if " VoTC UF THIS CoN'olt.tSSIONAl. I)H- ;tc r : fiiehraii. Sl'.'tiher. anplr.n, 4.1 10 iniata. l.ni.H ..rtltifnl.erlan 1, O.'i-.l ly.'.er, l.V.i'2 tiion, l.o'.n) 1 7 V' t l-j l.l r. eruile 1 i,r i M.iMi Ai Ti ia:!;s er i I 1 r. n end 1 1 i a-s ra-tii 'i-. Steam la,L-ilie Mill l .-o--- ' Vt'iiliin tiiv hot tv, o iilonths f.vo ihoitsalnl ' "A ii.-l Maeiaiery in ..-eiietal. Cemeirv Ituiiil f inf.- - h:l.' lie. a -hi :t i.v .-. I. -r nf ll... .r.,v..r... 1 '"el Ar.dliteelnral Ir I. . "ik. I'., at. tli" allitiials liuviv." 1. eeutne useless .v : ."evi-re n.-a;'e. ,. -V I :t'-ivi'N c miiiel'leit two (1,., ar ' V itiiain-puri. ectjb':r ij. Ie02 ot a (..em run the mu.-'.iux I I ;,vr I.i v. btr l1.,,,;1 e. ll, :u..i j , , i ' Cl', . . . I el I'.e 1 , C'.ii '. .'"I !. I'l! i I'. , " I l l',"- :, ,'. . r i -. ii , -oi e. i , , hi , v.- - I : . , : i :. ,n. a i, . .a i- 'i . i-i,, '.' i 1 1 1,,.- i. i. . , . '' i'..u l! i I .': i. 'I ,' '. v i 1 - i i. it ' i" -i I,;-. ,ri i v..-'... i. . i :t . i i ' : a i . . ., I, .:.!.. I,,.- L , ! r . I. kV...I .: fi. a. ll i- ,' I i", it, i ., ... I r. : el I.:.' , li, I. t I , ... e.r.o -1,' r-: v i vf . . i . .a, i. : .i , '. . . ; . r. .......... ' ' 'i- i ! - r ti...'. I i.. i .i.i .' i ..l.l i. !ttlii r- . 1,135 Uiiiiiii f. e.;ne. A eo!i'i'siiiin,h at who s;vnt a forlniuhl aniom: the woiin.le.l at Antietam il"e':'.ri-s i that this poor mh, who enli-ii.l iiis kia,l- i note on the ranaeiV Uaai. v.f IJerUs ceunty. est care aiet s tniial liv. was not at Heart . i n. ewi-i.iati.iii. i ,i1 'V- V!-, ""au"M ';" ,,;a rrrrhe j)..i:f.r i,;r. r,nr.0rtin" to i-i bewing- machine. day his l,-h wasanipmate l. ail .pir.,tt...l i,.,,,,, ,,y t ;;, i..l.li;,l.fVc.it.s"lMl!,m. ! 1 1 n rrnrticiil. rapid. effi-ieM nnd durable S-w- " ' ' ", . " ai" in e.fenh.ti.'n. There i.s no hank of that : ivsivi, ii Tr retviveJ. A nMh on the neck was n -s : , . , t, lati.iiy actm.u i..r ,, l , ... '" '. . .!...- I , .uil.l, ev, re. no nan :ain luo ,i;i' on uie ' an. ;-o I I liyi 'l .-'I ,1 e, arl-H'i)i .: j KOUtsE. t.r; A 9,12 C.I-M-t,i:?st !:!, 5ViUn. i::a. .5. ss:.siit-:i.s, ' r:;, r'; ,'21 V:,:i.i.: Mr- t l'i,::.id. i. Au-a-i :;. ivi r:a I I'U $5 r.VNNI.VG STITCH J W Am i. i.j c v s . i a .. i .r in Maebine. Hdapted to a lut'L-e taotfirlion .a' lilaliul.iv till ll, ' t in 1 ',-', -. It ::-l I l- l.i'liiv ..il'aa.eatul. lilel i- . lulit imo portal ,,'. ...... . " ,. -, , ii. .. t. ..o . . .wellltule-. Iliali one f. e;.,lj tLal It can bcCiLV,- t'.ehl I '..lor,: I..- wa- ilisroveiv,!. A hen ta!.. n tli M !.. utns. I he (rovrrnmi tit has ifl- ).. .,:,..i :., ,i,,. u.-t r.ti, ,,. ! r ire of l.y hi'-pltahle I'liion sohliet lie nai.l v rl; .cl for tuo thousand head Imards for ! It. .'.pi'miie-ii U wry timjil.. that it requir's L;.! ! that he wa- at m'1io. whin tiie war IimIci r'ai'S.io i e 'unii re, I vw!li:ii tlur: v il-.ivs. I u .-iiiri.'. ,ie,-r. e oi ju i-m. in ioLeu. 10.301 ll'l.vOl) u;d that I:..-wi-heil to remain th.r-j. ' ;. a.e to b,- ,.f M.,ek walnut; crcf! Kv il.s:i.ih.' luti.iLrf .fa crank l;h.' U:A. , , . . , , . i . i . , , I ur.d itaidii.ir lh" ..ik vtiih tl-e u'.ner. n sin-i ilv vel lat the (oii.. r,,'i,.u 1,,'vtan in his t.eon. -n,',.-. i rt l,,n;; and ten inelies m ide. ; very rapidly with e.omiioii .Ne.d'.e ini,l;,a ihe'riin. l.i.t had a majority of Onl votes in this !:,jre..sioiial District in w hieli a Breeklu-ii-i' eat.didate for Confix ;s was eleetid. e , i in, I "! -.,n. :.. i:-. !' . i . t.l In i.nr l;.ii,;,, , ;ii,.; I,-; . v. .;! n.iii.a.a , i a. , ,.i is -, . I.t .'.', ,'.' ( ', -. " I 's. j . I'. A ill: II. I, I , .- ., 1,'iil li ;.l , : t! .- I ,u ... i. i ,. ,.. ' , t ,, .; ..;:'.. i ' i , ,..i x.iy.ii r.'.iu-li ixa.eiv lilie flan I .'s.'iMii -. oaiy la-jia.- " , : ; . , ..... ..ii .i. t : i...:. i : . ' "' !' ' ' 1 "a i ,.i I ,.. , : .r ' 'vi i i i .. lei .in iiii ii i , in lii'ti.., ,iao iii.i..:.. ir , ... , , ,..,.'.. 1 . .. . . i . i . . ....... , "for the Shn 1 si-io, , " ' ' "' 1 Ul' lu' " 1,1 " " ll"l't ; It vt'.ll Hell.. iL.t'oT. Itufi'.-. ?lerr. Ta.!.. V.-.-n v.- ',, ' , i ." , Ml ll.i M. I, an, I . t.tp. -. . , ,., i l.l : io. Ui"e , naai,: I.v thu arinv ...mtraetor,. ' I!re.il.s. itl, a .i,.v-!i' .,r Uoubi Ih.'.-ad . a M.V I " . .", ;;, '. Aninei.'.eni.'eeuriy.i iilt.irn i-i',i'al ai.i.M , .' . . , 1 n.airiid leiip:. i io li,.' Ilia,, .-.ii,;,. f. n, i,.'e i ,. . shows the nol.Ie m-II al!!et::ilii:i of a I ii.on ' e; !ii,,. :.t ,'.,i.:iiet j. r i .,! initle : i,,t. noi tun u . tv tU.d.i...5,.i'. ' i ', . Soldi, r. a::d nrmes tieit (1.. in, !en va- aim re- 1 uour.U.l ut I.i t.i lllv i.l i-td; ier --ah . i i,.i:-:a:. 1i; tl.ini,'-', .:tai!.v the inn cia'.ed hy his i, inner Alter ti.e atojnt- I ne.ni. t;it ion, tin: si:r'reoii sent l"r a eiis'mj.i i, t ,': " -i. I ( . .. , , i . ami -.: , i :.,.'., . : ii li.iu i r , I..;- .a ri 'i .o ' ' ' i- o. : .. .. a , I.., . . " . I . 'Tp i ,', li :. ,'--... :.: I .... t.i,0'. 1, 1. 1 ,. n n.i' i, : - . :,: ., 11 .!. ',: , in lee, I, e He; , .1, ::l. !,. .1 l: c . , li . t I i;., , l .l.,- I 1 , t ' - ' ' '' '' 1 f ! Ii.j- in-! i'.ar:.ol fr-ui I'Lii;'. !. 'thai v r.h a 2TG-1ZXJ ui j bdviu.iii.j. y.-i a i.i.h, v:t U.U 'xtlrcclir rwert. will vimviuc: nr.;' cix.liJ Baa cr ncaaii ttut, bu tho t p-it ui it inr.y, yi t tLc pre; jitters ti Lint ':uiiu'.u t. .u" Uuv e t).e L.tiiitits fjr furui-hh-g CJilSJJPJnTl GOODS v, Uii -t v Lav uj .-til cn 1 ct. Ciciiu Vi: KEEP EVERYTHING, AND AKK i'tH:i.MiMl TO t : I: K II t. I out ! but th ! and lie was f, ir. i d to join the urniv. And .i .' 'i ii ' . 1 1 ! 1 I . i,' i". e.' ., i i. r ; l JT' 4hJ wLmi Mb i U mm lJ tm W W S B L Ii CHEA V 311 - Spring & Summer Gcccls. plaee ii:;. !, r tl ,e s'.e.'uli . f a thi',-' The neeii Vietori'i with thu-e da'.;. diter- n s'Hi and ail, -lid. d I -Win- ol I Kie- l.'-opol' Mr. Ilihlrel!:. ..fllie St. Clia-h's Mot. I, in di!l'..'.;!l t s'lli li I'l i.'l.i r .-e-.iitiL lilileliil.' -. h. ;,,lel the.Oiii-t. let pi'ii. 5' lii.l eliil'i,, li'a :.pp r- !. in:-1 ell l.ltl.-!.- Ili.l 1" , 1 lull lili.c-, f. ..! i I ... .. I I I .. I- .1 ... .. .. 11:, r. '.o. I- ".' l.l..! a ,-' ,,,V:' II:: , .lii.-el., ret 'int.-. I wii'.i u.'id '.hat there !,!.;; ,,i i I.-;..,; i i r .. ,; It i- !'.:ii.el.vdl..il..-i..l.l.' like a fcn-in l.i.d. i.t.d PwctKh'. ar.a Anaiyttr. 1 1 ..em !; i r i'" M.'iiNiNii MAii.-Onr Sehnsgrove ,!i'-o expeet a jiuintin.; tna'.l at that ..e. ,.'i'e l:al I'e.'H oloi.d one eevtral . . i ... i: , . ...... .i . . . . ........... ...,.,.., .. i. ..: .. ,,il,f -la ,'!l i; -, ' 1 . . ,' V ...... tv.. ,1 t. - , . : .. ..... . i. i i. ,,: .-: M i- 1tl.li-.il. ..f,l,.. si, I 1 II.... I ;.. : di.-T.- . I -'l!.!! . . , , iirn t jiii'.i,';. no i v. o i ii.;. m ; oi. ,.i- n:.' I li i. t i, il , . - "t --..:.- ' v ""'' 1 ".., jj .t ,t ia ' . ih-' I'.-t M e ier GetHTil won!. .-ive us , .i:-ii.titate-l. In aritik" tn;s, pat h:- ini-.d .i.i-.vii "'-'. "' carnal ie. i .i'l -, to 1,0.1- x, ,... ,. ,,, u,:. J i: i.i.uii ,1,1 'i -e . .:. .. , , I and takiii'' Ir's own I iihiv. . hin ied it to th I'i-i's ;ea ,111;. i. '-i.,ev,.n roitii;, . , ..... ... ! ! ; , -,; ..; i;ai.'. ., ,,,, ;, .;r. i'r.a'.'V."! from his del". thi i . , ' ' " , 1 nie K". ; 1 s ir.aia-ry h hi.. p. r-1,,0 1 i:,.:i ,. I.u-e i- 1 ..t i.p in a 1 at b. x. 1, 1 . . : IL- ' - , 1,1' r 1 I I ti.-erc ver :;'f.-.4 1 e r U i i fl , ,- " r.'-i ,0, ; ln.-,a I, ill . :l ; ,.. tV.r "etO V.'wv, (' --ai. re. V. I - ::vt Cl a!-, I'. u C'j!ii..". l.:i.v.u l'i.'.. .; iii. I Cat : I c-.-t.v an : u-.cu.i:i i.?r- l'i-.II.'S'ti A ldl.151. Ivcr.r.:v..l L" LH. J. iilwiiy- r,:ily fr 1 p.-i iti.-i,. .- i d no a : v ..i t, a eii'ld .f - ;x ,.r , i :'. : illli't :i I, d'.'i 111 that illy. 1 fi-iiilly. .0 him n 1 li. 1 t, . 1 , . - i ...... i I.,.," 1 . .i.i ., .... ,,.11 . 1 .... 1. .:. .1; ..... 1 ....... - . i'lf. S'-Mrv'.:;u i.Il.tvr.s I.nirpiii 1!.mi,- j ;-,:,ne. '.-, eitp of tvatu t-.i this .' And; 'y"u- ' ! in -' in tie- I'nln-! S;n. - .01 r e.i; : '-'. - -5 s"' - a: in ion lit-cks "J'tjis '..'' 1..- I . ... j" ,.r .'rll.v h,, -pi la's neh ease.-, of sell'- 1 It i- l:t i tlitst il.'!-J p-noiis had t..knt "fmi "raer. ind-inihi- i.ninia. m n.ay he I ' ,'' , . , , L-. ' I ' ""- v"" " -1 lib. lal indne.'lii.'li's will he utter."!. ,, ,;. ....I. in .1 li'oii't.'.-f.; i:e Heaviest f : i ' y 1 . Sui.l .:t.,'. !. 1. il j. r. 1 . 1 ,t y Nor:,.:' .:.'.! .1. ! I ". I i",Ml. Mill 1 J: A 1.,' : .1.1 nM W ,,.1 li I.' m -:tn:i.: 1 ii .o .:.. t!..., 1- 'I'l: :; Ul I ';. I !- ' . . c: V" , ;. : M.I Vii: ' ..... ; :h.y 1:, a ncv7 to j-sglict; .',::. or. :i tne t::',,. J;,.l Cowp.,r..y, ;.r. .' ::t. h.Tve ro t , t hi. I an r.-pt'or v ! Si::-, r;l ,'. 1; is, I,, !i,.v...r tinit a - Lit ,,.' in: Mr. fi. ief.d M-Ch-'.l-ia li:. L'otl.i to ' l;"'' '"h"- --l'--'eu.ici. .. CIW..-. ttc, l.'l ... . . ,. , - . ! sliili.t, t.r .'i:il I "-':ero. Aim--, ireiifn. tt here sne xiieCU to rtlisaiu j .ti-. In Moi:i.,i. .No. 17. looadivav.N. V. dnrin I tie M in! 1 ". Or II li. Masm.ii. Ajjoiit. .Sunburv. P"u. Fr:i;u 1 Hli:iii.;f 011. Vi-A.-.lll.NtiT.lX, Xov. H. t'l .... .....ii ,: : , ,.,t . i,i,,,.,,i.ii..i, in, . ." .,.,.,i'. 1 . , r c t lmtv l.a'.v. ler. .v.i n.t-r una 1 'n sj. maker ... .. . up ...I i .e.r l.i.-tal- ; ((f ti,.u.r.aM,.(.t.ii.ltl l.ein-relieved of the . A ""I'''"' 'J ;' ," '.' n- M'-'CK-iltui !,,.,., ll:lXl. ; , wllu;lL;, ScU M,.r,i;,... io.i.'C, a the U.st mv.'.:t...,(iimlili ((ft!i0 Annv , .. j,m:,c.v.a. ! " " '"" luia-U ..li:.i. j Vc..,heT ...... B-T-1S0O-X. P:-;i '. I'iiiiiliilloii Itinera. - ef i'v-'ea f;'-'n,;'L'v:i;oaiv;vn 4 ta 1 !hrjU;iU li"-" V'V-r;"U '" ! vnuT 'lU PPT l'o rVlT YTO ...:v ... '. . . . , ia. 11 and eon. meiit, :ind 1 , at, M:rpll-e, tue ! . . ,d'.',;;a V'si'V'K a'so. ' l' iUI" l,r" j-vent ''; -aiini- In- iltievpeeledly. 'I h" ; " iniivv i 4 -lii":." " r v 1 , .'.': 1 m:o 1 mi tool; 1 Vj i-i i:.-i i;n'ii,i.N Ai;i..T I ! limn in l).l!,.l. .,--.. i ,",u : t ..w ...... ... tm pi ,.-lv to theste,.'kof't:;MC,ini- i'-i '""! V , '"' kn.'.w "'"' ''' , At JAY COOKE & CO.. Hunkers, ires of '!''' ! M;v,ji r;c to I'uiriii'ihi'.: .tpeettluti..!!. iie i. K' 1 ii .'. o . ai- !. .-. I' . :..-..'. ..: . - v .it :.i. r .0 I oi. '.1 1 i:.... . r.'.V!..'J, At. i ! I i- I v. ry. !..i. Au a : 1 -iy t.n &" i. i-iiiii, a t! e:. 'IMIIS veil hn oi'i 1! ',;. 1 . " ',- i in ,:ta,iy. at !!. I C'i I. ..:!e -11 I 'ii.-a: e, 'ill l!.,' Sii':l,',i- ry J.ii-' il. 'i:' : ;-. 1 - i ' l .a t ; . - u' -'.;.. T. ri: s t ' !. t.il! i !..... . ..y. r i.:i .in r i:. foriniiii ai. t , . , ... n.i -1:.'. 't Au-u-. -J. I-' .J JAC013 o. Z3 1Z.C , iiiiiii ii.i.i i l.;itv.ti, 1 1 hi i., i lt.-n ly M11 ic Cl. :IU .;, A p. I ..---rtn.. i.f Kai" u. 1 Caps, ! 11 1 - r: .. ..- 11. e. Ai . I a ;.'".i .a: '. : I ' ay Ji;-l t 1 e 1 t .'1 ' V iit'O'e tiiaa I, 1 ',i !.... I ,.' . 1 , t .' . 1 no.'.'- A l..-.'c -rliiifut nf I.wW iii.i irliiiv. ! t':0'- M: -. la,'' 1: ! "r-. -1 V :: . a. : : I I.; :. i:i !.. ' ' :! 1 ..:.i. 11 sew In, t I'j'ii. l I ;m a ii. ".- !--ii. an. 11:1 atlve ai to tiiattera an M"t.'ie!lnn, it s:ii. I p.i.-i 1. tiiroia. li a-h if.' I' m, t'l-day, on hi. tt :iy to 1 1 em n. til i''i"i 11 1 until i 1: 1. it. 1 l.iind, ipiiia. x.,v. 1. 1 1 i;r ne !. r-:t 1. hi it. f - en nppnin'.d i.i-- a ip. J t'i..ii A." 11: l.y (In- ",'i.l:ity of I I.v irensiiry. j l.iov I t r l-.ii . i 10 t uriii.-li . al i li,-,-, the ' (.:-N!-.!i vl. tl'i-KKI!. fae lepirt rs , 1;,,,',. a ,, .1, . . ; N h'1' '1 li.N I V VCAU t. I'ldl CKST l:NH? .: h is, M.iiie:ait:v r eoMn dtVoin hi, wound ' tot, .1 m ,1,-. .1. .,,,::,, . ."i o . r.-i i..-s.- 1 ' " " " : ' ' "-' , . . . ..... :r i, , 1: ,.t .- at li-- pli'ii-ure ,. li-,. .rim,. 11,. att, r l:.''",:,i'. li.an -n ,!::;. and Hie e.tll'l.-!, t l.ali.r, s otlnr side. M... ( Miiieroii 1 ittiiiiit . 1.1 11,1 : nova:-. ,a. 1 aiii!,.ri.'., bv Aet tf foi.eu-i. .11 . Si.v! rt-i-r. r. 1 i y are ,1M... . 1 pure C.is "' " " ' I I I, v.-1 I , "il.'l, I ; ;: Siti't'i'H'.i tlir. In' is 1,1 tal.e 1 .11 rii-i' u . They iirify. ti, ii .-thcn. nnd in, iornti. '1 ii. v ore, it" a he '1:1 v at peiile. ., , in r .111 . i'.' 1 10 .iiiii.t ui iiiti, r flno ,11, a JJarlil I X.vi't. .L"li'!-. 1-n -.: e Ci 'I li.y .11 ,.,'., ii. eeii",'.'!-oi ll--:j ttti'ili mid lat.-h,-lo i i.i.l.. Loit-3 i i ir..l, '1 1'.v n ."ir't!i"iul,i'.--;.i,i and eiiiivii. tie lain 1 T, , - - ' . . 'I l,.y pr-ii t,l liait-nia'ie nnd ililei mitlen! f. vei '. ,1 , .. lii'-y pui ale tiie I'teathaiid leadi'v ,d ihe ti'jai.ielt M "1. .: 1 1 i. - :: i w i '. 'I ,:, v eu.'e iH-p.j..-ia nnd Ce.i.5(.p.iii,.u. 1 tier ! .. -.- . '..: .. . i . :. . . . p ..t..'...t 'ii.,-'.' .-ma lnniheu. Ci.oleru. and I h j : ra M,,r. l' - '"'-I'' be.-. , ca.i. t wwrv.iz i--:o,ri. .Ley cur,- l.n.r tnipiiiint and Ztervi as lU'tid- Minii.a.U r of ,,--'' t ,i" i',' a: , I ! .. in Unit l.c im r, . li-ai a- t, . ! ut will l.-a;--! :'..i- ... M...,.i .- .. :.' . i' i I'.a.'c as ..ite e ,u-i- ,,i t ii i . 1 1 i.i" . i i . . i : ; -tioii. .le' report, the irif i.v p. , Un.- a:" rsi nil i lit. c-M .:.u f. lin-dan i im a rnineiit to hi. a .-.'i a i A r. rtain eontilt or. hoe n me i- Kino, lli" -. ! 1 rat.-1 C, it-ivn li.rl,. l.'.i's and h. rl In,- i ni" a I n i, a;-.' I.-.. i:e 1 in nie. of f.'.O. J100 . "' 1 1,1 ' l-'k-u !!, ti,.- i lei.-.ti', a u 1., v raj -. i 1.. - Ine'l:.. .'t-i,r r."r.l- in sua.a i-f $o0, flOO. oea-!-i"i"lfl d, lionte m..i,. 'r.-uuiiii..' n L'-tai' J l-'O'.l and jpioo. sain. al. ii. I Nd I I.v nil i.r,."-ii. h.u.''i.- Il .l, U Inter, -t al mx per cent per iir.tanu tul! c, simt'Ot'O , "'' 1 s ;' 1 'HAUL A C'V., m C tr i-i.,y, ficiu dale el I'lir-diiis,'. audi.-. : N"'- 'rk. i' 11 . i:Y i 1!.- ' 1'-. ;.!: " 1 I ., ia ": : . i i I..- ii,;: i . . i.' A nv ti Pi'i.a'i"' l'AYAliht IX (lOhP, ca.iiir ::. I-:;. i i - ho ii- ever. I'll.' otli. r Lnropeail 1 iovirn- ! it ' aid to have vi-ittd a ifall.l.iiti holite, , .-'.ill e-!l i dorill'' the ril:e:i,0! ,t' in'.r i sitleite.l I : 11 ll't'i-. I.etui'en 'I'l ii it . i ii 1 1 1 . Mr. Cimeroa Haiti th .1 t.itte 1 and l'ourie. nlh f tie. is let ni-tht. where he . -' na-.tr.niit.i y ifia 11 ennai. ut tne prnent pre- . i,i .Mule or IVnmle .lOMt- . -V,,';. ...j , , . ,. , i i ' i . .- ii. i ii . . n.iuiii mi g,,ld. Ut al, .nt l.itd.t p. r cent, per aniiuni. IIWl'l'l'l' lu Sell . 0 iion-elad sieaiti rarns ;.ri: heir.-eon- ; I'ai.'.ed at luro. anil lost two lilindnd and; ( ,,r,..,. " Mt-r.-L..i t- .Mt-.-'i ,i.i.- in iinlinn mid , ,,. ... . 7 ,. ...... 1"' i i..tiv- 1 in lai'iland, with w!ii"lt it is sup j seventy-five th,.ii.aiid l.it.hel.i of oat-, vnha d nil U h.,i e'l.ny n'o ney tu inve'.-t. should kn,'.' nn I , , l'"vi' '" -N,'W l !1' ' '" N n (''''L" . f1..! an at! u li will I e ti.a 'nt upon rate sevem -lit e t llts per l.il-'.n 1, ninontit i:rr lo r. in. iio.er ihat 'lh, -e 11, i.,l. ure in i ll.et. n I'ir-t ( I.I I' M A P ( ,1' i 11 1. I NI 1 1. 1) 1 A 1 1 -. ! ,! ,! The oat- Hire -oied u'.t av lle'e ' ""V" iil '.n ail liaili.'a,l, i ai.a Hunk : sn. -ki i CAX.I'.. AM M.W J'i:i .Ns- 1 K t'ohedeiiveriid totl.e ( love, nltu ;t! to-l.,v. i t'A I".'"1 ''"'.T, U,.C ',,?'.! o" I ,.. "'"'"V' -.n, It-tt-.l tno In. IroJ; . , . . . . . 'tlitU.i t Ul A . VC ., in I he Cull l.t I , IU.J thill the , . .,, ,, ,.,,,,,. it in ,1 ..i i v.-.i lit. .. Mr. t.;ut..,.'.r hit .1.1- ..."in.iiir. lor llal'i- ; till an. iiinple pr,.,,-;-, made h-r-h. , ",yn en, , f : l' u,: ;n ' anv o ,:" i":';'.'; n,',i,",, 1 ".i.,,,, cr :!i i.. : i. A lull .-to.!: of ilr. . '-r-.-. M- '.:'.- nv.i sa.air, ; Ili.r I'.var" f.n.l Ihiih'.ii M : : ;1, A fail t'.ick ,f (Juei'U m:l Oh.vni.nt, j A !..!1 !: if I'i-h. S ,!:, ('il- i.:..l !:i!e I.en J. A lure t ..'I: , f " V.V1! Paper, i A l;v. . f n:.i V. nv.sr. j Ar.-i th i. !- -f r. t .". mr : - :. . .1 ; i- Al! ih il.t o tt l.l U .-.li vl:- f.r CVh r ; C, '.i..'.j IV, in-. j i; Li-' .i.i. chccDv.Y i ritOvisiQis' Tor.:v ot:irJ.. l f-i.r-iiir.'. r.mii'iii ;. , JOJ i 17 ( iOCU , 1 I! '.' re It . ., -ii: Y. '1 I.M- Oil ' I L.y I .,; .-.: 1 tio i'l . it ' V'..',,' a i v A " V r. i. - . . 1,1. I t'-r :"'-h, . I ,u '.'.IV tt: -h. I ill i.o.t ; -;i " I.: ' . , ll-w uii h i . "Mt I---' : ".' 1. - v 1" t 1 t . l Ai. i v. : 1 :'i I'. e !' i i. ; Ti. i - 1. i,,rn run.-. 1 lie. svinjaithy p,r the I- in Minope is represented" to he in !it:,' daily. Mr. Cameron ixprted ine at tiie tinprotst ltd condition of thii Til id COAL TltADE. .e .pi int'.ty tent I y niilio.nl thin week tan i - l.y Caii.if ys.lMill 111 for the r,'..!'.'.i o.i t tns a.'.iintt 111,111 for the 1 1 - -1 : -1 : 1 1 r v,. ' !'. la.-t year. . ihiiiai.d-. ',,r nil kill 1-. of f'o.,1 coil- la. K. I'll.- dialer, i'l hi.int uf l!:u 1) li mi it : more, in a Mate d mil. 1 li'-lel in on n.-an , li int. re-t un,l li.,i.laii, n i l ra..ai al, l,y I -i, n.s , ,, ,,,, i ' . , ... a,., i .... ... , .. ,.,.,.. itv Tin- s.-i-nri 1 1. at- .. ,., I e.i-it i.o, I i t i . ' i'li'l,-- r-l,1 l-" taii.p- nnd Ii.lt ll. al liet I'l.ut', hen ei -. o .. ' 1 thoiipht that tiie Covernment will ...,t lost' j " "'"' lliu "it ,-"i...i . ..:y' ..'.?t M -p bu' ii Ut'.U.a. I., .-i. niiiioi,' ai.i .h im laipinar li.vctiiLeLi on tn .t.. i. ii.i.,' 111 oi.vr la Hit- .d.i, ..et ' i f the I i.ite.l .S'.ii. - ant I -ti.-' - v 'iiO'iiied iii.no ; f-'ul--r: '."'li- reeiiie I at PAlt in I.e-al T,ii 1, r ' U' t n f I y lljailloal ttu'-KU aa-.l ,l.-li,li , - I v N o, - ,,r lo i' - :n. .1 el., eh. ..;'b:,i.k at i- ,r' nt Pl.iin. lite. n I' ii hi:. .-iib-.i,b, i'!, I v it uil will ri .-eife rt.'iiii I liuiininiee any tf iiii-n r n an - , t-i er d.,y, , utiMluiii! I' tiie tran-ai ti ii. I'l'vui 11.. t-ii-l.ur. llAiiUi nt in., .NiAtitiher 8. TfIE tiliATT C 7 ." .l..-.iv XTZCU MLS UT TO .lo IMO t i n 'o.i ...... it. iy liu-ilny n, d . ,pl.,ii:,li,,D n and a, t,:k" r. ail iinip: 1; ,t n... . I If ...1-liu.l' tf, .' ' J . be iir!..i,,', , n i:ppli,nti,.u nt tin-ul:-.. , r I ui,d Ine n ,,i.o y . a- ' Itr.olMi.N ;s. A lull mi pit -I' !'."iid.-niil i. j,,.,., Landf.ri Nnlf rl ..iilit.. try. I t. '" Tl... .11 Ti,...!... . ,.... ,n. .1 .11 .......1 Ul.lll.a.lllf uiliterv ' L'.i V '" :!! j "ii v ::i: ii. a . t - r.i I I , , S : 1 : -.1 '. . 1 !'!;.- :.'-' I': 1 I'll I -1 . III. I , -. I .' ' " . ' k.'-l.'t i :. ' i '. ' A ' -i i a t .'...ai 1 I: 1' i i 1. - p - . A p.. . :. l .. ii. :. .. l.l t l'i- ,.t 11 y - j H ' Al. i . " l . I i. ' e: . .. : . . ii lien;.! '.o, ' . f. t . - i; ' -a try, i i , ;. C i I ay , .: -. I . r i 1 1 i't aa.- l ii,.-li u.".i"!.s li l" i"nit a- ,t , lari.i.l.. I . . ill , . . . . ; . i i l lie u 1 1 :ii-,ui in r, o r, in e to i i.r in -i , . , , r, ... r .. , ... , . - ,, . - - ,!s . . I :i, K etl'ii'llii the i.ii. t, I .. i i .- i -,- . I , 1 JA CV'.'KE. Satwcrii'ti-tD Ail.t "''' -!"! ' I t' ". have I , ',',t i,a...,i,. 1 "' ,i''!t"1 IMlUti-l Ilaa .. ii Lappf.V w S, ,' - an " 1 "no i-W h.d. . ,1.- A i in. I r ...ir M . - in . T.-rv ' , . . ,' . . " i ! 1 rar.e.l si.iMiietol Iv to all pari.-.,. . , . -- Ft I .,,.,. .., ... L . I u.,1, iiain,a,i; , ! ' "'"-'"V" "', 1 A'l,..t fell, rat Tl,,,,,,;' is isn,,e. ,., ! A,l..,i,.i.,,0r'. ! , ,.. A f.,,..u, , n.,W u K.t Uad.tl , '- , v a. I e..iv addtll.inal -t. anief I t;i!t I , ' .... . . . . . iTK'l. i- l.-itl.t e.wu il,'.' I'ti.-o. . f a In In d ...n-,":im' d S..'-i.o- 1 "' ,. ,,. .,, emivey the u.olltd men to tilt' old ftjjllilelll-, ,, t!ii. ,..,..., ..,n,..-. ln.akK'.. i p r Uie ,. Utt.f Th. W..r l' I niio.a . . . ... M ,p ,. 1 . 1 - .' ; I mid the l'i nn- Ivan! I State Milili.i, now In Aa ',:::i l.tttohip N, r li.iml . rial I e,,univ l' . ile- M.rtliu.d. und 1', i.i.t ;vi.iu .'i'i , (' ,' , ( , v.T 'll ' (.mil, uto In ie llll'.tti d tlpr.il'l.l ill the ce:,-.d Ail n. r in t lo. I ,t tai I ..ta'lt. al rt tllii. li t lii. n L, 1 A i.t i, I .... I i . a -!.:.. i I..,, U.i)- , .Nl-U. -lh.t IK'Wi frOIIl I :. . . I . i , I t 1 i ir !' ', I llil i'l itnl, 11' V 'i1'1 ''' l" '""kf I. .'lilt- little at il.t-nt. and lliiio hat - ' I'tn 1 H'-l." t i.l. I.. - : , 1 1 I . i i i l.l..,-,i-,.l., ... ... ... ... ..-I- i. i. t'i.,1 i.Vt. III, the li'orki.le r 1t-''!r '' ' Ul,,l,''l U ,,.i;cla.u..,lop,...ilili..,ii..,.,.,,,,,tn. I,.l ,rda al.. , . ... I ... 1' :. I... t , ',' ,' .. l olh. rl, iu I,, lore- tin) .a!i, iial (.oM.nilllert - 1 M.V Itl.N N. Adiu'r ! ft. r pi..",-n. M o t laid, i. itne . al I', n. ;. ! , , ' ,' I I.t, til 1. !i v.ai i'po id t. ft an iloil- 1 ll nin.'! i.iliei,l,-, ti.u to lie u. u. lu ir rlt-tht i L'r Aiuiutu . S. h.lsj-tlt , or v i. tui.-l.-l " hip, Ik.iii the lut tl. ! tei;ly to and piiM'.e ,. ... it a , i ,. . : . ." ,, ,, Til. itiiiiotii.i'i incut w.sri.aivi I I v l! - , l.l-.'l ll I ..'l to .1 .'l i , 1 i.i I. iii k V "i N Mil lit tt'li:IV. , li.l.ai a an ilea o t; . i.l.v u.,.. !... I . ..... , i t,u ' in. at in i in it r ia j at :u. i i.i .i i i . . t i.a.i.i i n.te t'.i, ;'aili.l ln.,lia I.v the' ". , . ,,, 'MIIR M Mil l'.V At W'l.MY tt id I et . n, 1 ,,u ''I t " " I -'; 1 -N' " i' ilW 'r,ve.-rf:::;:, j.:: l b':: -rv;,;.rA..rv 1 ih h.r. Thii., tto thiuk .h.uhl- l.l-.l I., ili.n, all tn.v nsked Uf....m- rnitl , , , , ' 1 V Allltll , ! loll" .M.,.i l,. ,.i, M.,,il m I I ,..,,..;,. ... ... ... ., I it. i.. . ...... . I .ii.ii. Jul in.! .U'ua, ISM I (,,ttu -Tin. M i. i. i.i . In,.' ti. . i i : . I . .' It , . I.. . .... 1 111' 1- :i- vr. i i t..i in t . ' , . .... : i i ; V all k'ii-.x i - : . M i. i i i. , : i t i i' i'l:. I' l . 1 I. ' -'I ' i . . I ' t in: ,i ;t ii i .'. t -. - " ' i .... , i ii.i.i-v, :.:'jr2 i i.y v:,;..",m J' ' ' Kei-.tiViKiin : t :::i -. TV ii -.-, ,- . . '. 1.- ;'';.. ' '. ,:i I ii i t J .. ., t.. r : .'.'. I , r V.- ','u-. -,.'' ,i t ia. - !..,. f ; : : ! I i ill...:.' : : i'o : ' I ',, e a. '. I i . ,i a' ! , . ;. i io 1 .1 I. " '... . I i, tin ' e. I at I "IV 'l ' ll.t I I . It . . '. . I . .'..--.-'. t 1. , I . I I'.l I l.a.-li loan, u, a, ,.in. aoi L'4i..l MallitlnalK t-aigL.ta, rdntury Nov. I, I'Jl M I.llold.s, Pliu.lpal ! . i -1 it'll I t.-iil. and II li ll.t t. -.-I a Li. I. li 1 1 I .1 I. . - I 4 I 'I I 1 l."W .-.O.at Mi,, ,. tn. ),i I..... A f'J 1 1 i i.i A lual tint. I. i y I ..pi. Il.ul ai 1 V) in l . I I lie III. Illl Consul Who li ll a.tva. the em'ti 1. 1 In,- lent pn . o.ia nil 1.11 al I. . im.. u Moini uuhu.h.t,,.,, .., - .,,, .M;,;;i;uriii.-rii. , t.l.. I Ii a. .lad v,,..N ure Hurt r.M.ly , ( rh.,u ,NV. i - In tne Putl, f.ur,.,. ., I, tt.tiiin.! lor lh. ir ir.ni uriuor Tin' si , nil liquet U.iMaii. i m in... n.i i h how If n i-nti'l a a ill iiiar l.illTi tta- i 't ilteitd. 1 hu MU I'ia'.i.tl U sldl u , K . ..t ... k.t. " ,l"u,' 'I hu Mu hib'im Lrgiaialuru VI ill HUlel hti'it I Ol l .l Ii oliM I HXU 'Ul' I'.u IHC tnl'olii.1: I t , ,...t . eV f v v. v . i , Miio U l, n j U'p. Ikmt 'Ol ; 41. u I ml l.l. lil.i.nl I. ..r I n 1 11 i. a' a ll, t.l 1 a., oaia lillo..lall l.ui.a u.i., . M .mix. I . I I'a f ana I , I, ii i 'o.i ll. I I nt In f n. t. I a t. I II, .tit tt ii ta . a... in, a, In. till a in lb. b.nuu.li t t, Lul , It... A l.oilal I hallo U I.t.. -o.u.... Jil i. i ,.,;r.'..M.riU..; -u ...ulM if lh . Mijor-CtM-. 'jU U' ' " XXtLV X" . 1 1 . ti ' r . I iUio K-t AWttUia J4cu4 ilJ.i'i.M a.v-l lu IJ.k ubi i. II-4-1 J I Mi IU ,Mkl. I) I 11 i I'l. "I ul M I u M 1 uuli l. iKr Hull t l M M '" I ' " .. f -- : tu l Uittitl lulu, Ub l'i'4 aii"! 'l " I,' ili uU I b U, ) L f' ilta IU I f I m.u'.iAj i.Vnm ii.i4 atatM.l , hu4 lo ' J T ItotU-bi .(.! U4 ) i-i- M ! tl ii in ... I ti '''' . , :. . .. . I I. .... I., ill'..,' ll ,. I lie 4 .n.i. -.li. tut. i i tj.i . . i.l ., j-, Kit ll.t.l I. I. i I I . a lit. ,! ' III I. I. : I'," I M . .1 blMON .' WOI A 1H1UN i. i.j. i. - ,u I .... I . . k.a Im I .' 1 . 1 II t 1 I Si t I I l.l I I II , I I... " ' ' I . Vlllil'.l, , 111.. I ....t. a. I. Ml llUt, t'l l I. ' ...,.'.' t i a i f I . .... j I i . (.U.MJitlKV, l'A. It'll I. . . - .. 1 ' , I I O - ' I- U ' ' a 1. 1 a i "i-'i 1 1 . 'I I... ....... . 1 u, '...'. ' . . , .... ..a , ,i - ... ... J I. . I I I "t I : . . , ...I a . It .'.I I I d'n. I . " . I ... . , . ... i .... . '. t .. J ..... 1. ..i : ' . a - i a ... ... ..a. I a , ... i tna. (4 'k.4.t 'I i. tt t (..,.... ,ta - I ,.al,l, ... . mr J a j 4 , ...'.. kl. I J. I at Vt' I ' a
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