otovvcspon'baxcc. (Tut the -tunlairy Amenemi.'-J Letter from tho Sunbury Guards. "Cami Ciiksm-t," Ve 1 October lilth, 16C1. J Iikar Wii.vkrt Asyoo perceive irn have again moved and are now tun milt distant from Washington, location of our camp ia fine atic! th scenery n-nuhl he splen did il the view was not obstructed by heavy thickets of pine auil innumerable chestiut tree. The country ornuoil us is excellent for the Rebel scouts to display their bravery ; that is. to lurk Id the dense woods ami pick dff one of our unsuspecting pickets. Last tiipbt, however, t!iy (the Hebels) calculated wide of their mark ; some of the New Ymk .'KM hoys were out on picket some fourteen or fifteen (hols were exchanged, when our side succeeded in bringing to the dust, (nr rather mud,) an officer and two ptivates of the enemy's mounted pickets. '1'be (dicer was shot by Lieutenant in company II, of the .)3d. Our own boys have seen hard service sinre wi have been on the "sacred soil." One dny and night on picket, next day working on entrenchments at the Fori, (Kihnn Allen.) another on guard, next on march anil so on continually, bet the hardest whs on pic ki t from last Thursday morning 'till Saturday morning all the time four miles from camp, and both of the uiglits the raio poured in torrents, SO much so that their clothes were completely saturated with the rain. They stood it nobly not ono complaining ; but Irnm vue s7.a ui meir naversacKS on wieir return, it U no wonder they were satisfied end are so eoeer to go eeain to morrow, 1 heard one of them sny "there was such nice cabbage, sweet and Irish potatoes, turnips, Ac., out where thpir duty called them, and then there was a likelihood of a llbel sheep or yonng porker advancing over oor lines and then ho could lake them as ' contraband" and luive them for his own use." When they were out they saw ubout a dozen of the Hebel cavalry and would have bad a bout with them, had it not been for ah unlucky circumstance one of the men caught the hammer of his rifle iu the strnp of his knap, sack and caused his guo to fire ; the Kebel.i heard the report and scampered in quick time, much faster than tbpy did at "Fulling Waters" when the "Woody Uth" was after them. There was quite an excitement here yes terday ; oor whole division was called out all expecting a Qght. A fter supplying the regiments with ammunition the arms were stacked and the men were ordered to hold themselves in readiness, as an attack was momentarily expected. At night the men were ordered to Bleep on their aroiB and have their ammunition buckled around them ready for action. Coffee was mado end provisions rooked for any emergency, but the enemy kept out of danger and we were not molested, however, every precaution is taken and if we get in a fight with them tbey will with a wrrm reception. 1 think it will not be long ere there will be a heavy engagement, if there is one I 111 write, that is if 1 don't got "popped," but as you have telegraph and newspaper facilities better than we bnve I suppose the news wonld be in the "Americun" before you could recceive a letter from me. The boys ere all well, and as a jockey would, say ia "Goo condition." Yours, fraternally. II. 1). W. FROM MISSOURI. St. Louis October 12. General Cameron, Secretory of War, and Adjutant Generol Thomas go to day, by- special train, to the head quarters at Nassau, to the beld near Tipton, to see M.ijor liene ral Fremont in person. They will be accom panied by the Judge-Advocate, Major Corwine, Assistant Ailjutaut Ueueral Mc Koever, B. Rush Plumley, Major and Aid end Mr. Williamson, of the New York Tribune. A lurge delegation, presenting the German Citizens and soldiers, and many of the native population, called on Mr. Cameron last evening and presented an address, urging the Government and himself to sustain General Fremont, as the.only hope of saving Missouri aod the national cause in the West. The Secretary is gatberiog all the facts, and his visit here makes a great impres sion. NEWS FROM MATTER AS. FORTRKSS MoNROK, Oct. 11 The S. It. Spaolding arrived this morning from Matteras Jnlet, bringing no additional news from that place of interest. It is cer tain that the achievements or the Monlicello haje disl.eartened the Rebels, and it is not likely tbey will try their band with our boys again very eoi n. Two hundred shells ere by, no means a pleasaot relish to men who think they are to do "a big thing on Yankees." The Rebels have lost over two hundred oieo, and a General (liarstow), besides several transports. Lieutenant Braine, U. S. N., of the Monlicello, showed bis skill, as be nl ways does, in throwing shells with such accuracy. The precision with which tbey were thrown was truly wonderful ; one of them burst in a boat contuining about sixty killed and wounded Rebel soldiers, and of course the effect was terrible. Waiiiinotoj, October 13. A large field glass, which cost the Govern ment one thousand dollars, and which would enable a man to be recognized at five miles, blew off of tbe top of Upton's house this inoroing in a gale, and was entirely destroyed. Professor Lowe had a balloon inflated and towed to Lewintville this morning. About daylight, however, a whirlwind came op and tweuty live men could not bold it down, when it escaped and went off towards Baltimore. It may land in New Jersey or in tbe Atlantic ocean. Professor Lowe will have four more ready in a few days. General McCall sent out a party this morning and arrested Mrs. Jackson, mother ' or hllBttorlb s- murderer, and her half-brother, no mid Moore. Her boose was situated within the Rebel lines, and was used as a head-quarters for their scouts. It is believed tl..i - !. r . , - t iuv uiucu luiurmauoo ens ooeo turmsned i tbem from this source. She said there had been some thirty there, aod she gavo them a cap of tea. She or Moore would not give' any satisfaction to tbe men sent by General MeCall, and were accordingly hauddd over to tbe Prjvost Guard here. It is estimated that the Rebels have sequestered property cf Uuion men in Vir ginia to the amount ci'over thirty mi'.iions of dollars. There is several million dollars worth of property in this city belonging to notorious Re be I b, which should receive atten tion at the bands or our Government. The Post Office Department has already issued fifty-five millions of the new stamps. As many more will be required to supply tb demands for tbem now on 11 lu. A Dumber of gentlemen are here from different parts of the cooutry, seeking con tracts to furnish the Government with horses and mules. An oQicial notice has been given that no more are wanted, as the stables are all full, and the Governmeot has already on band some eight or ten thousand bead more than is Deeded at present. The decuioo of the pending question in reference to tba Department of tbe West is still unsettled. It will not, probably, be determined ootil tbe return of tba Secretary or War aod Adjutant Ueueral from St, Louis. t St. Louis, October 12. Secretary Came ron and Adjutant-General Tbomai, accom panied bv Major Plumty and Cspt. McKeever of Gen. Fremont's Staff, left for the General's bead-quarters, at Tiptoo, at 1 o'clock this alUniouu. THE AMERICAN. SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 19, 1861. II. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. VST Npn-Pavino: StnscRinKRs As we are about to prune our subscription list, we shall he compelled to strike off all subscribers of long standing who pay nothing and makp no effort to do so. Those who can do as they please ahont "paying the printer," will please take notice. To others we shall send bills All kind of produce taken on snbscriptiuo. (J-5P Hkchi'Ith. Almost every day a car load or more of volunteers pass over the Northern Central road, from this place, on their way to Washington, The army under Gen. McClellan cannot be much short of iJOO.OOO men. SUP Nkw M ii.i.inkhv.- e call attention to the advertisement of the Misses II. & L. Ships- ler, who have just received from Philadelphia a new assortment of Millinery and Fanry Goods, at their Store in Marital Square. Their gfiods havJ been selected with care and good taste. The Shamokin Company bring on picket duly li.l not vote. That vote, probably, would have elected Dr. Manser and William Ui'ppin. Krport says, Col. Geary at Harper's Ferry t with 4 CO picked men, drove hack 3,000 rebel with 500 cavalry, at the point of the bayonet, killing 150 and wounding many. LiT Mii.i.i.vKRY Goons. Miss M. L. Guss ler, by her advertisement this week, calls the attention of her customers and others to new arrival of Milleneryand Fancy Goods, just received from Philadelphia. Miss Guss er has both taste and experience in her busi ness". COT 1'be full returns from Lycoming show that Judge Jordan hos a majority of "0 in that county. His majority in Mootour county is .158, and in this county 001, making bis majority in the district 1179, without the ormy vote, which may make a differenco of. perbups, several hundred. C3T Our paper of last week went to press, by some oversight, without correction or revision of the proof sheet, by tbe editor. This was more particularly the case in regard to lb? returns, which we will re-publish'afler the 2d of November, corrected, as they were intended to be in onr last. 63" A Cavalry Companv. Wm. Brisben. of this place, who was one of tbe returned volunteers of the Sunbury Company, is en. gaged in raising a cavalry company, to be attached to Col. Wynkoop's regiment. We ebonld be pleased to see Mr. Brisben suc cessful, and trust his industry and perseve rance will not go unrewarded. CiT Our neighbors of tbo bogus Democrat and their friends rejoice at the result of the late election, as if it was a great victory instead of a very narrow escape from defeat, Their boasted majority of 1000 was reduced to aboot 100. Judge Jordao's vote is not to be considered in this view, as he received the votes of many Union Democrats and Republicans, independent of party conside rations. ' CJ"Ve have been asked by some if we were not greatly disappointed in the result of the late election. We answered that such an event was not unexpected. The masses, wbo do not always understand the true issue, are apt to attribute to whatever odministration may be in power, all the good or evil the people may suffer. Tbe opponents of the Union ticket did not hesitate to use all means, fair aod unfair, to pervert tho truth and keep the true issue from the people. They were told that the success of the Union ticket would Dot only increase their taxes, but prolong tbe war, just tbe contrary of tbe truth. C3T The reported loss of the U. S. ship Preble, and defeat of our fleet off New Orleans, is not credited. The report crimes through the rebel papers, and is not reliable 8 Anotiikr Si'nhuhi Company We are pleased to leurn from Mr. John Buyers that bis company, which be is now recruiting, is nearly full. The company will be under the command of Mr. Buyers, and the energy and caraestness which bove characterized his efforts in raising the company, are sufficient evidence that be will muke an excellent officer. Mr. Buyer's company is to be called the Augusta Rangers. The company desigu leaving for llurrisburg on Wednesday next in the 10 o'clock train. An election fur officers will be held in the morning before starting. A greater portion of the company will be made op of individuals from Sanbury, some from Upper Aogasto, some from Nor thumberland aud Poiot, some from Turbut ville, and a few from Lower Augusts. The company will be made up of excellent mate rial, and will comparo favorably with tbe best in our army. tST Gkn. Vhkuost. Gen. Cameron, Sec relury of War, bnviug relumed from a visit of inspection of Gen. Fremont's Army, oeot St. Louis, we preduine the case of General Ftemout will now be shortly decided. The worst feature iu Geo. Fremont's case is, ao assumption of power in mukiug a large Dumber ot appointments aud disbursing money without authority, aud wliicb the Governiueul refuses to recognize, m C7 One of tbe luteal large ideas is, that "the hostile finur.cial tone of tbe Londoo Timet towards this country is instigated by the Rothschilds, who desire to get the loan exclusively iuto their bauds. Tbey owu large ly io tba Timet." Gouky's Lady's Boor- for November is at band, and as usual, GMed with matter useful as well as iotteting to every well regulated Uu.il;. Lverj lady desires to read Gut'ey. ftSTDER'S BARS-TUB MYSTERY SOLVED. Wt are rejoiced to learn that the perpe trator of the incendiarism of Snyder's barn, near Selinfgrove, out ofwhich the Selinsgrove Timet and the Northumberland County Dew ocrnt labored to make political capital, has been discovered. The Selinsgrove Timt of the 4th Inst., thus rufered to the burning of the barn tKe second time : Harm Burnkd Aoaik. We are under the poinfu I necessity or again announcing the outrageous fact that George A. Snyder's new barn was burned down on Thursday evening of this week. Last spring soon after the war broke out and the mob spirit became rife in this place, Mr. Snyder's barn was burned down ; subsequently bis bouse was set on fire : after that bis bog stable was set on fire ; and now his brand new barn, with all its contents of bay, grain, etc., was again burned to the ground. It was covered with $2000 actual insurance, we believe, but this can never repay all his loss, even aside of all the labor and trouble bad all summer in putting op this barn. These, fellow citizens, ere the fruits of political niobism. Some days after this, a bed Ic one of the rooms of M r. Snyder's hnuso was discovered ! on fire aud consumed. Mr. Suydt-r, who had accused some of bis neighbors politically opposed to him, but men of excellent charac ter, began to open bis drowsy eyes, and charged the act upon a servant girl, of doubtful character, in his own household She Confessed to the crime of all the different burnings and attempts to burn At first Bbe said she was threatened and persuaded to do I so by a negro, aud made somo other nbsurd .' excuses, but finally confessed, on her way to prison, that she did so entirely of her own accord, aod without any provocation. How Ibis dennuement will affect our neigh bor Purdy, of the Democrat, we cunuot say. Had it occurred bufote the election, half of his political capital would have vanished, and I iucendiarism would have been Inst to tbe world. We trust that our neighbor will now relieve as from the accusation of encouraging incendiarism aod the implied charge of having something to do with Soyder's barn. His friends should see to this, Dot so much on onr accouut as his own. This strange hallucina tion had takm such a deep bold on bis mind that his imagination was hauuled day and night with imaginary conflagrations, of burns, hog pens, and other' outbuildings, in flames. Hence, almost every article in bis paper i-eneoioH H.io mnrl.i.l iomni.r.muni f Hie. ...it, ,- . , i ; i i . t ,i. I c:U .u.ug.uuuuu, . ,ut .u.. ....,. , incendiary's torch was ever oppcrmostln bis thoughts, aud followed birn like a phantom tbtoogh all the conjurations of bis brain. We trust tbe above facts, which dispelled his illusion, were not too suddenly revealed, lest such a sudden step from the sublime to tbe ridiculous, might be attended with serious consequences. His meuds, especially those skilled in medical knowledge, should recom mend gentle opiates for the present, and a bottle of aromatic spirits of hurtsborne con staDtly to be kept beside tbe itikstuiid, so that hereafter, when sucb words as Snyder, fire, barn, hog pen, incendiary, ic, occurred, the puogent ammonia could be administered without dtlay. C35" Tbe Selinsgrove Timet thus announces the result of the election iu this county : "Good. In Northumberland county the "entire Breckinridge ticket bus been trium "phanlly elected." Some of our sensitive friends found fault with os for calling their ticket the Breckin. ridge ticket, and yet the papers of their party claim it as sucb. In designating it thus we do not mean to say tbe candidates were all Breckinridge men, for several, we know, were Dot, bat what we mean to suy is, that their county ticket was got up by a few Breckin ridge men, with tbe aid of a few Douglas Democrats to give it character and some appearaoce of Democracy. This is Dot true Democracy, sod will out be tolerated by those who can see through the devices of scheming politicians. t3F Germans in tiiic Army. Theru are no more true patriots in the world than tbe Ger. mans. Iu this country or io Kurope they aro always ready to battle for freedom. A Ger sooo adapts himself to tbe customs and insti tutions of this country with an ardor anil pa triotism as fervid and strong as if be was "to the manor born." Tbe following is given as a very nearly correct statement of the number of Germans in tbe United States army from the different sections of tbe country : New Koglaud, 200; New York, 12.000! Now Jersey, 2.0(10 ; Pennsylvania, 10 000 ; Ohio, 5.000; Indiana, 4.0UU ; Illinois, 6.00U ; Missouri. 1 3.' 00 ; Minnesota, 1)00 ; Wisconsin, 2,000 ; Michigan, 1.C00: Iowa, 700; Kansas, California and Oregon, 2,000 ; Western Yir iuia, 1 .000 ; Maryland and District of Colum bia. f00 ; Kentucky, 500 ; Delcware, 100: total,- 5S.0OO. Wish once boasted to a friend that the military qualities of Yirgiuiaus wete so extra ordinary that with 5,000 men he could march North and South through Ohio, aud then Kast and West through the neighboring States! When it came to the trial, hn was found dodging from pillar to post, afraid to fuce enemies whom he outnumbered. And now, tbe tews reaches us tbat he will probaby be court-msrtiuled by tbat very government which his inflence io bis native State did so much to fasten on its wretched people. Soi.dikk' Pay. A private having served one year, and that being the end of the tbe war, bis accouut with tbe government, at a cash valuation, would stand about thus : ror 14 iiKuulia' piiy, ul SI3 prr rrnnili, l'ir l-i iii'intlta c-i.iiiimilHiii.R I'm tl, iihi,:, ol 9" For IS iii'tiiihs' rumuiuiutioii t'or lutuius, ut SU Kor bounty. l-'ui igrtmi of 160 acres ut luml (iu profped) rallied ' at, i:8 4 ut 1110 ISO When we consider besides all this, it would appear tbat "soldiering" is about the best business a poor man can get at ia these times to say nothing of patriotism. CiT Tbe Suaniokic Jleyitter says that Mrs. Slocum, widow of the gallant Colonel Slocumi of the Second Rhode Island Regiment, who fell at the engagement at Bull Run, is at pre sent sojourning with ber kinsman, A R. Fiske, Esq., at tbat place. Hod. John W. Dawson, of Indiana, bas been appointed Governot of Utah. (7 Call at your druggists and get one of "Everybody's Almanacs," no charge. You will God iu it much useful matter, aud mora evidences io favor of Uoofi.and'i Balsakio CoRiitAi. than can be produced by any otber remedy for Lung diseases. Eva advertise intcl in BiiolUr cuIuidu. The New Yotk Tribune bs an ble article on the war policy as connected with slaver. We make the following extract in regard to the views of the editor of the Tribune on this Subject. : There are many who think that slavery In the rebel States should be abolished, if sncb a course be deemed necessary to save the Union. 8ocb Is the opinion of Gen. Cass aud other die tinguished statesmen : "Those who think with tis do Dot ask flie Government to torn aside from Its great paramount duty of preserving and maintaining tbe Union In order to abolish Slavery, and we insist that it shall not do so iu order to pro tect and uphold Sluvery. Let the Rebels be again proffered a general amnesty if they will lay down their arms and defer to the laws, which are os much theirs as ours ; let them be proffered peace on the eimpfo and sufficient basis of mntual deference and obe dience to the Constitution ; but let them at the same time be distinctly notified that, should they persist in their rebellion beyond a day specified, they shall then and thence forth be held legally negrnless as having forfeited by treason their legal right to bold P.PT . human beings in bondage and they will either succumb, or it will soon be seen that onr proffer of emancipation hns tied up one of their hands and released one of oars. All the world outside of this country seothis, and wonder why we persist in Gghting in fetters ; they Jannot imagine why we should be so forbearing toward those who evince no forbearance toward as. The fuct that the Union upholds that which is doing its deadli est to smash the Union, is a riddle wbi.'h Kurope canoot read, nml induces a belief that we are not really in Secession struggle." earnest in our atili tF Pkthoi.kim or Roi-k Oil is aboot to snpply an important want, caused by the uV ficienry of turpentine, of which Secessia baa furnished the malo'supplj. We Gad io the Philadelphia Pres a communication from tbe well known D. Juvne. Ken., of that citv. in wbicbi af(er aU(,ing ,0 ,te(n w efcr l0 be soys : "To the above I wonld add a word of my I experience in the nse of coal naptha in mixing paint. I have tried it effectually on brick , walls and on wood wmk, both inside and out ! side of buildings, and I am decidedly of tbe ! opinion that its use in paint is far preferable ' to tbe spirits of turpentine. It contains no oxygen, and the paint retains its color twice i as lung as when turpentine is osed. I had my i area well painted with white lead mixed with ! naptha, And the result was that the walls were much whiter than if turpentine had been 'used, , Bl t1P ent 0f seven years the paint was as clean and white as other walls were whicti had oeen painted witn turpentine out one year. When used on wood the paint was not only . , , hnl l,.rHp, , retained iloenlnr ' and brilliancy twice as long as it would have , done had turpentine been used. 1 would say I that the nuptha was of tbe bust quality, aod I as limpid as alcohol." W e have news of a battle in Missouri, at Shanghai, on the 27th olt., in which the I Kunsas troops under Montgomeiy and Jenni I son defeated and pursued McCuIloHgh's i forces. i It is believed at Washington that the order just issued there for an exchange of prisoners : is the foreruuner for a general exchange of ' prisoners. ! The State Senate is reported to stand 22 People's men, 9 democrats, 1 Union, aud 1 not heard from. The Assembly 23 People's, 39 democrats, 13 Union, and 14 not beard front Judge Higins is re elected in Schuylkill county by over 1,300' majority. Judjje Woodward', majority in Berks ia 4,001. The rebel Senators, Mason and SliuVII, com, miosioDera te England and France, eacaped in the Ktcamcr Nashville, from Charleston, on the 12ih. Three of our steamers are in pursuit of the rebtl steamer. I ELECTION KRXTS. In Columbia county, the whole Democratic i ticket is elected by tt.'O majority. In Montour connty the Democratic major ities range from 200 to COO. In Lehigh county the Democratic tioket is elected by a majority of 1.700. In Philadelphia the Democrats bnve car ried their Senator, and ten ol the seventeen Representatives. The majority of the Dem ocralic candidates on the City tickets are elected. Old Berks has gone Democratic by majority of 4,000. In Lancaster county the Democratic Uuion ticket is elected. York elects the Democratic ticket by 1.G00 majority. In Centre county tbe Democrats have car ried their ticket. Lycoming county has gone partly Repub licao by a decreased majority a local boom question operating against the Democracy In Clinton county the Republican county ticket is elected by a close vote. In Schuylkill county the Democratic ticket is elected by 1,200 majority. Lycoming and Clinton Following is the vote of this Representative district : A rmstrong over Smith 249 Armstrong over Jarrett 405 Chatham over Smith 477 Cbatbatn over Jarrett 033 Skydkr County. Gone Republican by tbe following majorities ; Sheriff Frederick P. Banse, 0C Prothonotory Henry S. Boyer, 27 Treasurer lfloac Beaver 39 Register t Recorder John Darn, 275 Commissioner Jacob Pteffeo, 321 Snrveyor Aaron K. Gift, 516 Dist. Ait. A. C. Simpson, U. Dm. 1242 THE VOTE Or 1 HE EIGHTH JIOICIAL Dl- THICT. Jordun, D. Menord,U, Lycoming county 2.928 2,908 Montour cniiniy 1,302 744 Nortbumberluodcouoty 2.804 , 2,203 Total 7,o:u ft,855 5,855 Jnrdan's majority 1,179 The army vote, yet to be received, will not materially alter Judge Jordun's majority io tbe district. t'JT Tbe following are the reported majori ties in the Lycoming Senatorial district : Liluir. D. Johnson. IT. l.ycnmlog Center 702 Clinton Union Johnson over Blair Tbe army vote, yet to come, will 80 190 f3G 197 bardiy change the result. ty Tbe Selinsgrove 'YYines seems to have very poor opinion, of all Americans except the followers of Jeff. Davis, as appears from the following extract from tbat paper s "Tim Ameiiinu people, especially th Yaukea Iril nf uiiumis, run ucmi ail)inu of lying. The whole war run heal an) Hung nut of b II in tbe business baa bcaa a aeries of blunders lleepej in an occau ut lies." What rebel sheet lathe Sooth coald say moref And yet we bear it said everyday there are do Secessionists amongst us. Tbe roatria Railicad Company votsr to invest sboul $ 500,000 ia Tisssury notes. FROM R tAV MEXICO. St. LtH-w, October 12 Th correspondent of the St. Louis '' tican, noder tbe date of Santa i'e, N. M . Sept. 2, writes OS follows : New Mexico Is still frre from Invasion by the Texan. On the '3th Inst., at Pauntle toy, 400 Navajoes mai.'c n attack on that post and were repulsed with a loss of 20 killed and 44 wounded and tuken prisoners. The troops in the Fort had but one man wounded. Colonel Kt, Yrain baa resigned, and it is understood that Kit Carson will succeed birn in command. The Governor's call for the enrollment of all males between IS end 45, does not seem to elicit much attention from the pnople. I have yet to bear of the first man complying with its requirement. ExPtBIKRT UlTHH AH II THE WlR. At a Union meeting at Hajrmville, Chester county, Pa, the following letter of ex'Presidenl Buchanan waa reed WmiTLAsn, near Lancastor, Pa., Sept. 33. Dear Rin I have been honored by j nur kind invitation aa chairman nf the appropriate com mittee, to attend and address a Union meeting of tbe citnena of Chester and I.ancaMer counties, to he held at Haynaville on the lat of October. This I ahould gladly except, proceeding aa it does Irom a much valued portion of my old emigres a or al district, but advancing years and the pretent elate nf my health render it impomible. You correctly estimate the deep interest which I feel, in common with the citizens who will there be amended, in the condition of out cauntry. This is endeed serious; but our recent military reverses, ao far from producing despiimlenry in tbe niiiiila of a l.iyal and powerful iieoi'le, will only antimate them to more mighty exertions in sustaining a war which has become Inevitable, by the assault of the Confederate Stairs upon Fort oum.er, For this reason, were it pnsiMe f, me to address you, waiving all other topics, I should confine my self to a solemn and earnest a lineal to mv coun try men, and especially thiwe without families, to volunteer for the war, and join the many thouoaiiils of brave and patriotic vulunleera who are already in the lield This is the moment for action; for prompt, ener getic, and united action ; and not fer the discus sion of peace propnaition. Theje we must know, would be rejected bv the State that have seceded, unless we should oner to reensnire their tndrpen denre, which ia out of the question. Uetter councils may hereafter prevail, when these people snail ne convinced that the war is conducted, not for their conquest nr subjogali in. but solely for the purpose of bringing them bck to their original portion in the Union, without impairing in the aliuhtert decree any of their con stitutional rights. Whilut, therefore, we shall cordially hail their return under our common and glorious flag, and welcome them as brothers, yet until thnt happy dav shall arrive, it w ill he our duty (o support the 1'rcaidrnt with all the men and means at the com mand of the country, in a vigorous and successful prosecution of the war. Yours, very rrsperllully, Jaxi: Ui-chanah. Sai.rofa Railroad. The maio connec tion of tbe Penns)lvauia Central Ruilruad, the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne ond Chicago line, 4C0 miles in length from Pittsburg to Chicago, will be sold on tbe 24th of October A special enactment was passed last winter by tbe Legislature of Pennsylvania authori zing the sale. This was also sanctioned by tba various States through which the road passes, and J. Edgar Thomas, Samuel J. Tilden, J. F. D. Lanier, Sumuel II anna and L. 11. Myers will become tbe purcbusers, tho lowest price for which the property can be bought being $500,900. Tbe old Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, the Ohio and Indiana Railroad, and tbe Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad first mortgage bonds and accrued interest will become merged io a new isswe of $5,250,000 7 per cent, sinking fund bonds, secured by a Grst mortgage over the whole road equal to about $1 1,000 per mile. Bi morkd Diatii or John C. Brltkinridok A vague rumor reaches os from Frankfort that John G. Breckiotidge has been killed by a mountaineer of Eastern Kentucky ; bnt we are nut disposed to credit the report without more nebnite vouchers. At last acennnts be waa in camp about thirty miles from Grayson, surrounded by some fifteen hundred kindred spirits. It is possible that it) scouting about the country be has been shot. One thing is certain, the mountaineers of that section are in earnest, aod wonld as soon shoot the Kx- ice President as "any other man" who at tempts to convert Kentucky Into a confede rate hear garden. Cincinnati Commercial, bth inst. Russell, the famous correspondent of the London Timet, waa recently fined 820 in Illinois, for shooting paritie hens nu Sunday. Shamokin Coal Trade-. Suamokin, Oct. 12. 18C1. TOSS. lWT Sent for the week eudiqg Oct. 1'2. S,MH 16 Terlabt lleport, To same time last year, Increase, lGfi.SGO 03 172.464 19 153.34C 4 19,118 1ft KMI-LOYMKKTl AGENTS WANTED! 1 175 We will pay from to if?! per month, and all expensaa, to active Asenls, or give commission. Particulars sant free. Address F.an Btwiss Machiis Com r a sit. Ii. JAME8, General iff-ent, Milan, Ohio. October fi, 1861. Tint Wokiikrs of tiir M iCRosroi'E. We understand it is through tlm agency of this marvel viewing machine that Ir. Ayer has at leugth succeeded io finding the pam-pai. mi asm and determining its character. Of its ef fects we io Ibis section have abundant evidence io the Fkvkb. and Ant'K which it alone prndu ces when absorbed through tbe lungs into the blood. It has long been held to be vapor or something in the vapor or water from de cayed and decaying vegetation. Under a great magnifying power, the Doctor has found this vapor to contain distinct organizations nr living bodies, corresponding exactly with those found in the blood of Agu3 subjects.- -Tbey are 13.000 times less than visible to the naked eye, but have distioct character and form. He thinks -they are reproductive in decaying matter or In the blood, end hence their long continued life or the remote effects of them to tbe system. He maintains that they resemble in character the other fermen tative poisons, or such as the virus or rabies of a dead body, ic, all of which are known to reproduce themselves with great rapidity like yeast in moistened flour, so tbat the slightest quantity impregnates tbe whole mass. Yeast through powerful magnifier is seen to be a forest of vegetation wliicb grows, blossoms, and goes to seed in a short time. Miasm is not so distinctly vegetable, but bas more of tbe appearance of animal life, although it motions cannot be perfectly distinguished. What the Doctor claims to have settled is that it is an organic substance, and he bas further found aud embodied in bis "Ague Cure" what will destroy it. Leader, St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 6. Tin Stars akdStrifks on Muksok's Hill. 1'be Stars and Stripes base taken the place of tbe Secession rag on M orison's Hill; its ramparts bave been deserted by tbe ragued rebels, while stool hearted aod loyal men are oow doing duty there, dressed in substantial aod elegant snifurms from the Brown Stooe Clothing Hall of RockbiM & Wilsoo, Nos. 603 and COS Cbestnnt Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. , 1'bis firm continues tbe im portant work Ot maoufscturiog garments for loyal soldiers, and every rank, from a major to a nrivata. can nrnear hi anifnrtn thra nn I ha Kborteat possible ootice. oct. . Gitta Perch Cfmfnt RoortKO. We IhviIm the Biteiit ion of onr readers to the advertisement of Mtio-rs; JOANS A CR08 LKY, New York, in another column. The numerous experiments made for the Inst few years, to produce a substitute for tin, slate and shingle roofs, havn at last led to a perfect triumph in the Gutta Pkrciia Cement Roofing offered by these gentlemen. Possessing in a gre.at degree, the features of elaiticity, (which la qualification nf a Cement llwi'ini actually necessary and long after.) durability and cheapness, combined with tbe fact that it is weather and fire proof, its genera! adoption cannot be too earnestly urged. Their Gntta Percha Cement for coating and repairing Metal Roofs of all kinds and for preserving all metals from rust and corrosion from its great durability and cheapness, is fast superceding points nf every description beretofors used for such purposes. I hese materials (for which the t irst I re- miums have been awarded by the American Institute and many or tbe principal Mate Fairs throughout the country.) are recemniet! in the highest terms by the New York & Krie R. R. Co., and many of the principal Railroads North and South, and also by the officers of the leading lusurance Companies throughout the country DEATHS In Shamokin, on the 8th Inst., Mr. JOHN G ASS, aged 74 years, 2 months, and 5 days. Near Paxinos, on the 30th tilt, CLAR ISSA EMMA, eldest child of Conrad and Mary Yeager, aged 3 years, 8 month.', aud 1 day. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, $1 OOat 10 Butter, . $ 14 Rye, .... 62 Fees, . . 13 Corn, 8(1 Tallow, ... 12 Oats 2H Lard, ... g Buckwheat, . 94 Fork, .... H potatoes, 45 Beeswax, . 21 JTew Advertisements. New Millinery Goods. ItliMM .11. I.. ftl'SSI.EK, i-oirn Street, tu-o ilnnrt tnuth of the Shamnlin , Valley I'ntttville Hail Hnad, BTJNBUBY, IEISr XT'A... ' O KMI'KOTFUI.I.Y informs the citizens of! tSUNIIUHY and vicinity, that ahe has received from Philadelphia a large and a lemlid assort ment of the moat fashionable slyle of FALL AND WINTER G00IS, comprising of HO QD T LS3 tO 323 , II AT 8, FEATHERS, F 1.0 WE US, TIJIM- MI.NG-i Ac. which she is selling at the mot reasonable prices '4 0 w hich i-he directs the attention of the ladies ami invites all to call and see litem. Thankful for pait patronage, ho hopes by keeping to beat axortmeut at reasonable prices to continue the same. Sunbury, October 19, IRC I. 9m ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS ! 4 BI.E bodied, rcli.il.le young men, between 11 the agrs of Itt and 35, are wanted to fill up a company of Fnfautrv. authorized bv (iovcrnor Ourlin, to be raised by EDWIN A -.EVANS, nf Northumberland Uorough. Pernios enlintiiiR may be assured that no efforts will be spared on the part of their officers tn prov.iie lor their comfort, by the selection f aiicipinte clothing, blankets, &c Promptness in the pny nf the soldier will also he Insured by the pracltcal business experience ol llie tsptmn. It is tho dvHgn ol tbe ollicers. as far aa pnasiblc, ! to receive young men i rooiI sotial and moral I character, and to pay especial reeard to tbe moral condition of the Company. The pay of non-commissioned oflTicers and privates ranges from 13 to !9 dollars per nionlb, ! with a bounty ol -11UU to lliose unit serve out their time of enlistment. Aninle iiruvisinns have been made fur the aillll .' UIQ lUtUtlll. u. i married men who enlist. Persons wishinit to serve iheir country in this its hour nf peril, can do sn by culling on EDWIN A. EVANM. Captnin, Northuinlwrlatul, Pa. . CII AS. II. EVANt, !' Lieultnai.t, I.ewiah'irg, THOS. 8. I.OTZ, 2d Lieutenant, New llerlin. October 19, 1861. Widows' Election under the 300 law, jtaJOTII.E ia hereby given that appraisements of real and personal properly have been made to the willows, respectively, of the follow iir named decedent, aureeably to tbe acta of Assembly, in such case made and pruviJed ; 1 Krcdorick Fiedler, deceiiavd. 2 Frederick Haas, " William Mayes, Philip Foc-st, James Cameron, And that the same will ha presa ntn.l to tbr. Orphan' Court of Northumberland i nniitv. for approval, nil Tuesday, the 12th day of November ncit, utiles exceptions be filed thereto belbre said day. J. B. M AWSEIi, Clk. O. C. tSnnl.ury, October 19, I NO I. Assessors. THE Assessor of Northumberland county are requested to make return of Iheir triennial assessments to the Commissioner's Office, on the X7ih day of December, lNtil. at which time there will be a meeting of llie Hoard of Commissioners. Dy order of the tiuard, H. D. JORDAN, Clerk. Comrrissioiier's Office, ) Sunbury, October 1, IHGl. J t HE RIFF SALES. Hy virtue of Sundry writs of Ven. Kxpnnas sad alias Ven. Fxpnnas and Pi. Fa. issued out of tbe Court of Common Fleas of Northum berland Couuty, I'a., and to me directed, will be exposed to I'uhlic .Sale at the Court House in the borough of fc'nnhury, on Monday, the 4tb day of November, A D. 1S61, at 1 o'clock 1. M., the following described property, to wit: All that certain troct of land situate in Coal township, Northumberland couuty, Pennsyl vania, surveyed iu pursuance of a warrant dated the 2-7 th of December, A. D. 1792, granted to Ksther K'amer, containing accord ing to a re-survey lour hundred and twenty eight acres tweotytiiiie perches and allowance and bounded by land surveyed io the name of John Carson, Thoaias Hamilton, William l Itrady, Magdalene K. Leverson, Sam'l Scott and James llepborn ; on which said tract of land are erected, on the eastern ride of Wow ery's Uon, eight blocks of miners' bouses, frame aod two stories bigb, each block being thirty-two Test square, oue frame stable on tbe west side of said run; one otber block of mi ners' bouses, about one hundred rods east of Mowery's Hun, aud four blocks of miners' bouses about ten rods soulb of Carbon Hun ; also one large Coul Breaker, with screens, scbute, inclined plane, eogiue bouse, station ary engine of thirty-two horse power, with boilers, belting, and all otber neaessery fix tares: Also aa old log boose, a saw-mill and blacksmith sh.op. Said Tract contains seve ral valuable veins of anthracite coal, three of which bave been opened and worked, and about nineteen hundred feet of drift railroads have been laid leading from tbe breaker to tbe several drifts. The Carbou Kuo lateral railroad llao runs throoph ibis tract, ALSO i All that certain tract of land situate io the township of Coal aforvssid surveyed upon a warrant greoted to Andrew ltussel, bounded on tba north by land surveyed io the naaie of John Carton, oo lb rest by the William Grees survey, oa tbe south by It Luke II sjj- tin and on the west by the Father Kromor snr . vey, containing seveiitj-lhree sere and seventy-one pett bes ol land more nr less, wberon is erected one frame bouse, two stories high with kitchen. Said tract is well timbered and con tains several veins ol anthracite coal. ALSO! All that certain tract of land sitnate (0 Coul township aforesaid, surveyed in pursu ance of a warrant dated the 27lh day of De cember, A. D. 1702. granted to Frederick Krasner, containing three hundred and forty three acres, twanty foor peiches and allow ance, hounded by bind surveyed in the name of Peter Mnnrer. John K ere tetter, Michael Crnll nnd Boyd it Zimmerman : ahout fifty acres of said tract, on which is erected a log arm nnuse, are cl-areil, and the reinaing part is Well timbered. Said tract contains several valuable veins of anthracite coal which have Dot been worked. ALSO ! All that tract or land situate in Coal town ship aroresaid. beginning at a fallen black oak (now poBt and stones.) corner of land anrver- ed in the name of Jmes llepborn, of Luke iioguo ana 01 doiin iinglin ( ther.ee by tho allies llepborn survey west, 1!)5 8-10 parch es to a post, thence north 15 min. west 100 9 10 perches to a stone, corner of land survey ed to S.iaioel Scott, thence by said last men tioned land sonnth 8!) deg. 4-0 min. west 155 3 10 perches to a stune, tbonce south ;0 min. west 45 perches to a stone, thence south 89 deg. 52 min west 158 610 parches to a post, corner of land sarveyed in the name or Thus. Grant, thence by tho some sonth 15 min. east 158 610 perches to a block oak. thence south 8.) deg. 45 min. east 19(i percfes to stones, thence north 82 l.g 52mio east 9C 310 perch es to a black oak, thence north 89 deg.i fi min. east 117 4' 10 perches tnahii kniy, corner of laud surveyed to John lloglin, thence by tho sxmd north 40 deg, 35 min. east 157 0 10 perch es to the place ol beginning, containing threw hundred aud nineteen and one half jcres morn or less, and being the same troct or land which was snrveyeu on llie z,tb day or October, A. D. 179J, in pursuance nT a warrant issued to Alexander Hunter. Said tract ol land is well timbered and cuntabs several veius of umbra cite Coal. ALSO: All that crttuiii truet .r piece of fend situate in Conl townlii ill in-isiiil In-giiiuiii)! at n while il, cirner i t I mil mllie t.HHie .11 MiiK'lulriui K l.nli. rn.,1, nml l-'ininirk Kriinirr.llH-iiie by llieHinl l- mltrrirK Krium-r ti:,ct ntli Uiileg.au nun wtl 1: 6-IU -n-rcln-a Mb while luk, Ihence 1101th 7 deg. IS lion, vrrt, 15 8-1(1 puthis Ion lii li-n . mi-(now potl unit si. ,,. :.) ciiriliT of luml surveyed Ul llie name of Htrnwid liul.lv)- I hence by rhe mid lnt mentioned lnil.l Mirveyrll III the linme i.f 1 hillmi IJitml, -uih -Jill l-IUticieliM In a slime, theme puillv hy tho aid lust turiiti, ni-l hmO nz.il l.ii.d survey eil in llie luiino ,'f Alexuiidt-l tinnier, uotlh l-y deg nun nisi IM !l-u per enes In H t"lle, thence. II -rtli Ml ii, mules euat -5 ieii-hes to a Slime, lhei.ee n .till Milvn III i. ,,t 15.-, ;j ltl -eirriea l-ia stone in the line uf IuimI surveyed to James Ht-phcm, Ihem-e liy the stune luirth to nun west l". pen hi - Inn kisi, iheuce n,-rtli:ijdei 15 11,111. ensl !'!, pciehes it. u mlleii clieHiiiit aak, (now pom nml .Imm) corner nf land survived iulhe mime ol l.Hl.i-r Kr oner, llienee hy Hie said ii,t mentioned hind norih ii 111111. enxt. ti-.i perches 1,1 post, tones mat Ineuee s uih ?3 detr. II 11,111. west liiili-ln p rci.es to tl sti'in , Ihelicr north 'ifi ic. fi wilt. w. l lit 4 -Hi perches 1'iaii lute onk, c,-riier of imal surveyed in the naiieol Miiiliileiui K. Levi-rnui, ihenre hylle mid h-st mentioned lutnl icith -J.'i ttt-v-lau in. werl (ill 4:l(l petclits to the place of In-a n il, p. contain ing lour l.uinlreil I went y three mid one-ion, th in-ust-f nnd, more i-rl-ss. Iieuia ll.e same ll:,ct of Inuil which wnn sniveled cuthe y-ihitay 01 del her A. ll. 17:11 111 piirKiim,i-e of' 11 waic-nt graulei'l loSainuel Scoll, s.i,d lliiel ol luml is well liinliered 1n.1l conotiu scvernl veins of mil litui-H e t-ou! ; 11 tunnel Iium l en driven In the Mine dimunce n uii.ut one hundred nun unity juiils. AIM) : Three full, cijunl tiuitivid. d fourth purls of nnd in nil Ihnt et rl-im trucl ol I-1111I si unled iu C. nl t wi-,slup nloiewiid survey 111 puisi-nuce of n wuirnnt dated lth day of Nov nnlejT A. i). I?:i:l g-nntcdtii llernard HuhVv, 111,1: him"; nc,.. TTonKlo 11 reserve! miidc iu Nnveiuhei Iti.VJ, four huu died seveuly-six iit-rcsnnd sixty three pert-lies slricl men sure, nnd lioumled liy hinds surveyed iu the untile i.f Th s. Hinnt, Samuel seml, .Michael Troll. I'et. r Smisaii,nu mid John Oowde-M, said tract of hind is well liiiil'i-rt-d mid voli tions several veins of Aiilhiucitu Ctul. ALSO : All that certain tiuerial titilrotnl wiili its appiirteunnrcs lieguiniuc tfn the tract of kind warrnnteii iu the name of k.i her rvrnmei and lending to nml c.-n ting wiih the Miamokin alley unit rotinville Knilrmid (lately the Phil.i. delplnn nnd ruiitiuiy mid formerly llie Diu.yille nml lNilts. ville Hiiilrouil) in the townof Shamokin, Norlliuiuhcrlitud rolluty, reunslvuui:i, which siotl Intellnl linrlroad waft ciuifu mill liy Ihnt CVurl nf Cimniinii t'le.-is of the saiii county of Nolthuilllieilaiid, ul August Term A. t) eighteen hundred nnd tilty. Seized taken in execution mal to he old as the ptopi-rty of the Curls'ii Hull improvement Compiiny. A I.SO At Iheanmr time mid pticen certnin trnct. nr piece of laud, si:inte in Ctiirit-rou towu'lnp, .N'ortamiilierli.ud eoitli- I'ciinsvlvalilil, iMinul.eit nml -letcnheil i,s t,!l,,vA. (Ill I hy'-eorge Horniierger, nn the norih l.y uiouii- .1 llllil Inn. I. ml 1 1. oust l.v I l.tt ii.o.l,. ll.-i.rl. I .... tk.. ..oulh hv l.eorce lloiuhc.ri.rt-r mid J lti? im in i 1 1 llverlv tabling SO at-ics mote or jess, ulnait in ut-les nf wliieli n r """' r " " "'7 " ," 1""v . .'"I"'"- " ten. Also a i,-thei trnct nr piecenf lunil. ot itaitu' loivnshin. rouiitynnil Slnte. I, mntletl o the s--uth by Hryen lloiu lierv-er. oil the West hy him of Michnel NVehry, nn the? iintth liy Mahonoy llieek. nml on the east hy lien. Horn. Iiereer. cnutuiniiie: III acres more ol lev, nhout 17 acres of Which are c'eiirctl, p. Setzeil InVen in execution ami ,, he soul ns the properly of Kilns Wehry, Ou-irjr Wehry unO tjiileou Deik. ALSO : At the same time ami place, two certain lots o" ground, situate in the town if Trevorlon, .trie Township, Northumberland County I'enn.. descri bed a follow, to wil : I, nls No's. 1 nnd 3, in block No. Ii3 ailj-'ining Minmokin Street nn the north, an ally on the south; lot No 3 on the ear, ami lil'lll alrcctoTi th west, whereon i erec ted a two story frame bouse, -eiwil taken in ex ecution ami tinlila the properly of Harriet ('. (inllilh and Wiiliuin Oriliilh. ALSO: At the same lime and place, two re lain con tiguous lota of ground, situate in llie town of Tnv vcloi), in Zi-ihr To vnsliip, Norllitiinberl.iinl County Pa., hriue Ion Xo ft ami It. in block 1 17, containing together M feet in from anil fruniing an Shamokin Mired, adjoining bus i lUrny Mur phy an.l Chiistain Kramer, whereon is erected a two story frame house. (Seized tuken in elocu tion and to be sol, I aa the property of lic.nrce lloleboe, soil -l-u-i. ill llolthoe, Willi uolice toaiuh HoUhoe terrsteiianl. ' ALSO At the same time mid place, the undivided one half part of a certain loi nf ground, situate in 8iinbiiry, Northumberland County, Pa., lioumled and deacrilieil as follnwa, to wit : On the north by laud of Jacob Young, on tbeaou'h bv an alley, on the east ny land of Jesse M. Simpson, and ui) the nest by land of Catharine Oysttr, containing one acre, btrh't measure iSeized tuken in exei n. tion and to be s U the propeily of John Vouni;. ALSO: At the same time and place, a certain lot nf ground situate in the town of Trevorton. in Zerbe 'I'on nsliip, Northuinberl tud County, 'icing lot No. 3, in block Nn. 71. hounded vn the north by ljailroad stieet, on the aoulh by Market street, ra.t by No. 2, and west by No 4 in same block, containing 3.1 feet in front, and l-iO feet in depth, w hereon is erected a two story frame house, and a framealable, outbuilding, Ac Veiled, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jacob lieincr. A LsO : At the Court House io Sunbury on Friday the 2d day of November, A. V. 1861, at I o'clock P. M-, two certain but of grnunj aitoalu in Shamokin town, Northumberland county Pa., No. 07 and u'P, in block I'ot, containing in width 28 1-2 feet each, and in depth lilll feel, bounded and described a follows, tit wit : On tne west by Harmon tSnviler, east by street, norih by commerce street, and (oulh by Sunbury street, whereon are erected a two slory frame house and labia and other out buildings. Seined tuken in execution and to be aold a tlm properly of Ella Einenhart, indorsee of Jacob Weimer. ALSO: itt the same lime and place, a certain lot and a half lot of around aituaie in the Town of Tre vorton, Zerbe Township, Northumberland county 1'., bounded ami oes ribetl as follows : On tho north by Shamokin street, on the aoulh by an allfy, on lha eat by George Keiser, on the west by Iienjamin Knouae, in block o. 177 rontain. ing in width U7 l-'i feet, and in depth IftO teet, whereon ia erected a oue Mid a ball story frame store room ; also two oilier lot in aame town, county, township and e-iate bonuJed on the north by market street on lha aoulh by an alley, on the west by Henry Mirsiler. oil tba east by eie,iil Ircri, No. I and 13, in brock 87, coi.tMinug in wid ib S ft feet each, and in depth bS-t feet, whereon ia elected a small frame bouse. Seised taken in execution and. to be sold a the prn' ty of Ltiac Keiser. DAVID WALDRON, Slieiir Sheriffs Office. Sunbury, ) Oct. 1 161. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers