a V U c to s I HO.U Wtftl'fcKN VlltOINIA. Ciiiut Mocktain Summit, October 4, 18fil. We have had a fibt. and splendid line. Although intended only si rncminpiauc in force, it remlted in haodaoniB achieve- lin-nt. I'.arly j-eatt-rduy morning Uneral lieyimlds and mull', escorted by Urcko cavalry, arrived in camp, and ahortly after on order to prepare two days' ration! created vxcitemptit and cheerfulneai in camp. The men were confident they were to have a fight, and it out them n the tnt I 01 eood humor, The rebul camp in located od a high, atuep elevation known aa HiiITbIo Hill. It ia located at a sharp turn of the road, and o Situated that an attacking furco bad In come directly nnilcr tha guns and entrenchments of Ilia right of the cnmp to ohtnin even a view of tlui Ivft. Tlin formation of the ground ia psrjiciilnrly favorable, for the formal inn of terraces, and the rebels bad made good use of tha advantage. I heir rieTenceg rose one above the other, far up the bill, mending even into the forest above tho camp, ll wan estimated, from the nnmber of tenia, tbat ten thousand men field the posts. Tim solo bt tuck contemplated was directly in front, with artillery, the infantry to be used merely to piotect the batteries. H was discovered that tbe rebels bad placed large infantry force tbree-fonrtbs of h mile in front to dispute oar approach They lay in ambush beside a fence thickened with small trees to the right of tlie roud, and in the timber on the hill-aido to the left. On making this discovery, Colonel Kimball was ordered to clear the way for the artillery With ttm rugged Indiuna Fourteenth. The boys received the ord.-r with a shout, and, firing a volley into the ambush, rubbed upon it with n will) cheer. The concealed enemy-Instantly took to their heali), some rushing acrosa the yalley, mid others tip the mountains on our left. The gull itit Fourteenth, ita ragged breeches lUpping in the air, starred up tbe mountains with a cheer, popping over tbe rebels at every crnck. The Ninth Indiana, ita colors Haunt ing bountifully above tbe green praps, rushed alter those across the valley. A cheer went op from I lie whole line, as tbe ambushed rebels took to flight, tbe Iloosiers in pursuit. The Fourteenth made sad work with tbe rebel ou the mountain. Kighteen of them were found dead in one pile, and seven in another. They also captured several prison era, and took cure of a few wounded. The Seventh came near t he retreating rebefs ou the opposite side of the vulley, and poured a taking lire into tliem us they sought a laurel cover. How ninny were killed und wounded there, thn enemy must tell, for our boys did Hot search the laurel. In less than ten mimutes the rebels were driven into their entrenchments. Loomis immediately moved rapidly forward, uiilim bend his piect a, and gave an invitation in tbe sh ipe of a shell. The enemy immediately responded with pounders, nil of which fell slim t of our battery. In the meantime, Howe bad discovered a favorable position very tiear to tin) enemy's first line of fortification, and bold as a lion, dashed into it, with his full battery. The first shot from his buttery wos greeted br n shout from our infantry. Down with his single gun followed Hows, nnd in u few minutes, before, in fact, the retreating rebels had fairly reached the intreiichments, our whole thirteen guns were liuuging murderous shot and shell at them. The rebels responded with seven guns. Loomis now ascertained be could do better execution a little closer, and took position Hpiaro in tho valley, in full view uf the whole tpi using force. The enemy's camp was in full view. His terraced battery wus belching forth lire and smoke. Shot from our hulterias were tearing op the ground all through the encampment, and she!s were scattering destruction and insuring death. There was no cessation of the infernal roar r.f tbe artillery. Sometimes balf a dozen of our pieces would send forth a simultaneous roar, inaKing ine eiirui irumoie, ann me return fire seemed spiteful, us it whizzed the shot mostly over our bends. For thirty five minutes every gun on our sidn was woiked without cessaiiou. Now a shell would go ringing through the uir, making a beautiful curve, and dropping just on the spot intended, hurst, ond destroyed everything for yards Hro'jnd. Uf all the inf.-riiul iuveniions of war, It U these chells. They teBr men and horses to Utters in iiu instant, as they full whizzing among them. And, u9 you hear their mnsicinl hiss coming towards yon, if as green us I in military tlril'e, will try to dodge the screeching devd. With the shell flew the round shot into theenemv's rump, and all about our batteries. With a whack they would strike I lie earth, and bore themselves into the tuitb liko irou moles operated hy steam. Such was the ilistuht view of the picture. A little in udvunce i f me, mid en a line with cur butteries, standing on n knoll, Wusthe licneral, bis countenance culm and indicative of s itisl'uctiou lit the result. Around him, in the caddie, were bis aids, one or more of whom were constantly dashing over the field, to convey his ordnrs. H wus so near tbe enemy's cump that he could observe their movements with the naked eye. Several shells fell near hi in but did uot ia tbe least disturb his composure. To my reur were the ambulances, with tbe surgeon di.-tiugniiihed by green sashes, waiting to perforin their duty. Some were very careful to remain out of barm's way, while others braved danger to seurcta for the wounded. The ambulances were not long idle. First came a man curried on a blanket, writhing with paiu. He bud received a shot in bis utomuch. Next, another . who bad lost an arm, and was fainting from loss of blood. Then came three or four slightly wounded. leaning on the shoulders of their comrades. Not fur from me, iu a little ravine, lay three rebels, one dead, auother dying, aod a third tlightly wounded. The latter was placed in an ambulance, and carried to our bnspitul. l'KUM MiR'1 IIKM MO.MtOK. FoKniKss Monroe, Oct. 11, A boat bas just arrived fiom the gun boat Daylight, stationed at (jape Heury, bringing the folluwing items cf intelligence : ll appears that yesterday, during tbe heavy blow, the ship John Clark, which put into tbe Lower (loads for a harbor, dragged ber anchor and drifted into Lyuu H.aven bay. The lUhuls, who have a battery at that point thought they hud a Cue priza, but were afraid tbat when the gule moderated they would leave before they could board tbe ship. So tbey opened fire upou bus and were every moment rendering ber position one of extreme danger. The Daylight, however, was in the vicinity, end immediately started to tbe rescue. Tbey ooo look a position inside of the ship, and gave them a few shells. A boats crew was Hunt on board, and, after slipping tbe cable. iuL the shin under way, and she woiked oil shore, while the gunboat taugbt tbe ltebell le.'son Dot soon to be lorgoileu. .The ship lost an anchor, and was saved only by tbe prompt action of tbe Daylight. Paymaster Dannison is entitled to tbe credit of getting tbe vessel under way io ber peril, oua position, aa she was in less than three fathoms of water. I wilt (end mora portitu lurs in my next letter. Ar. 1'. llerulj. CiM'iKKAil, October 1C Yesterday after noon, at point fourteen mi'ei aoutb of t 'antral Uogencrana' advance, and eight uiil-g from tbe Hubel encampment on (ireeu river, a detachment of forty men of tba Th rty ninth Indiana Regiment attacked ttiiee hundred HebeU balf of which vera cavalry, without loss, killing five aod wounding three, Tba whole Rebel lures was drivttu btli beyoud iiacuo creek. ('V FToM IttKTlTLY. Loi isvii.i.K, Oct. 12. The I'rtninij Ante learns, opon unques tionable authority that Dreckinndge, Preston Johnson, Desha William, Haas, More, and other Secession notables, are organizing a large Kebel camp at Trcstonburg, Floyd county. It cays they have a force of 600 or tuuu men now there, and are, drilling them eight houil per day ; and that tbey are uiarmn g tue mountaineers, hy circulating incredible atorina aa to the intention of the Government. I lie Amu asks the Govern ment to place pr niplly the requisite force in tbe moutituius, urouud which tbe Union forces may rally. 'Ilie Indianapolis Journal cays : Lieute nant Colonel Uresham, of the Thirty. eighth Indiana Uegiment, now in General Sherman's Division in Kentucky, arrived in our city on Wednesday nigbt, direct from Mnldraugb'a Hill. Ha states that General Huckner, on Wednesday, Instead of advancing, oa bnd been the report all along, destroyed the costly iron bridge over the Green River at Mum. fordfville, and fell back. He ia in possession of both aides uf the road beyond tbe bridge. Our forces at Muldraugh'a Hill were to advance yesterday twelve miles, to Nolin's Fork. The Thirty-fourth Illinois Regiment, Col. Kirk, which passed through this city the other day for Cincinnati, passed down hi join tbe Toicea at Muldraugh'a Hill. These, with the balance of the Sixth Regiment, Col, Crittenden, and the two which left here on. Wednesday evening, will add much strength to Gen. Sberumn's column. Troops are arriving from other pointa, and soon the General will have a very strong force to cope with the Rebels. Kx Governor Helm came into camp, acknowledged hiB error in taking sides with the rebellion, and expressed his willingness to take the outh or allegiance, which he did. Gk.v McClkixan's Foresight. When the rebels took possession of Monson's Hill, even some army officers were alarmed, and went to McClellati to remonstrate attains! his nassive conduct io this mutter. To whom tbe shrewd young General is suit! to have replied ''1 know Mnnsnn'a Hill very well; the enomy cannot so strengthen it but that I can take tt whenever J need it, in an hour, and with three regiments. Meuutime, it is a great edvai). luge to new taoops to see the enemy before t llulll : it makes them wnlelifl uivua I hum ,f. cusionul rifle pasctice, and put them in spir its, i ne omeiierntes may keep., the the hill till I Want it." The event. bus nnnj lliu correctness of Gen. McClellati ' assert inn. New Advertisements. J. WEICHSELBAUlf, . OPTICIAN AND OCULIST; nto.vr PHILADELPHIA, IjKSrr.CTFUI.I.Y informs Hie citizens of Pnnlmry V mini V inn ll v. Ilml he bus peiml n Kcl.un at the Vuh ingtoii Hoiue, where hei.lleri (ori;ile SPECTACLES 1 Of every variety, size and quality. Anew invention uf Spa turlr. for tlittutrt or el"in reniliiifr, with roM, xilver, Heel, nml t.rtiise-tiell fiamee, mill a in w ant! tipprtvi tt nti amtmrnt ofpcfif-Titt ami pariilfla ground Hint l.liiKFrft of his own manufacture, lie wulil ptmiciiltuly etill alien lltiu ol tlm public In his Sveeltielel nir Near tflghleri 1'er nous, tintt peia.uia who have Itecn oper.-tlett urNin tliu entti rtlel ol tlie eye, and to )n new kind of tittniiei untl Con servei of the light, mudeol the best flint and nzuie liltm. Wei, liootl (JlilM may lie known by then Mripe, ennet een tie, ahiirp mid loi;lily piiliaheil surliiee. The ililiillllun are to bt: t'uuiid ia a illgll degree iu till gluMes. HIGHLY IMPORTANT: Tbe very best Rrazilliun Pebble 1 so univer sally proved to be far Superior to any other Glass. , A mm, Microienprs, Ppy and Quizzing Gloss f every size unit quality, 'I View pel, ,Mtiiolt nig uud Oprrn (jiiiurv Willi diuVrenl ioyem,uf;etiiei with every variety of ar ticles la the Optical line not mentioned. ty Opl inil nun other Instruinents and Glasses eatefullv repaired ul stunt notice, lie can always select G Insaes t sail the vision ol the person, as he sees'lht-m, upon Ihrfirst trial. Ilo wilt reitidiu in this nlnee ttuiiim Novuiulier Court and those in watil of the uhuve urticlca will please give If He will, ir reqiiijrd, go In any respectable house Where Ills serviees may tiew.inted. l"T" The veiy best Ka Wxkb and the best Hunting Glasses niwavs hir sale. Ucti.liaf 111,' leHl. LIST OP CAUSES For trial in the Court of Conimon I'leas of Nor' ihuinhc Hand county, November Term 1861 risinlilVi. i Defendants. J obit Miller, dee'd hcira vs Wm I.cvan, with no' tice to Mahoiioy and fibttiiiukin Imp t'o. Win I, Dewart, va Suiilmr) Canal and atur Hewer Co. iSumuel S Uarton, v We, McKinsick, .Maim Goujjer va Jacob DeiU'cndcr and Uellllc. David Miller, dee'd. udtn'r va Llruckemilltr and Vouti((. I'eter llubly vs Joseph l Kennedy, lieu W Kieiiiing, dec. udin. vs W 1, Ileitensteiii. Uulen M Hublus, dec. adm vs Mury Ifeese, Same, va eipencer M &. Win H Kate. I.uwrence Tierncy va Win H.irr, Win r' iNuglo vajohn U McMiclicr, Iluua md flow, n, va Ueoj Seboek John Keller, V John Slimjler, Kreiiier A Case for J va liulph bojjle, deceiaed, Frederick. adm'r, John Kei.er fur Mary v M A Kceter and John Keilet Blnssler. . J.ieiab Keiler vs Same K Thacker and Harah hia wile va Martin Kissel. J U Masoer lor Wui 1. EltxubetU and M Mu- Uewart len. E V bright vs Jonas, Michcel and A liohner. Henry Tharp, vs Northern Central It It Co Jesse C Horion vs Hewarl and iteacbam, Uauiel Miller & Co va JatnraiSmith. C H fc A Abbott endoiscravs S (f Wheeler & ol IS K Wood I V L Hewitt. Tboa Craig lor tbe use of Wm H Mider va Miller Si Bowar. Wm Wcidcnliuiiiuicr va John Mc.Mathtiw. John Wagner vs J ucoh Dressier, Joiiat. Duukleherger va John Humfurd, Mary H Grt-riilaud hcira vs Northern Cen U It Co Kbtttnoliill 11 a nli v Albeit Worrall Same va David Loiignecker, Kluia and Duchner va Wm 1, Dewart et al Francis Kluzo, v Same Mary C Vincent vs John 1, Watson. Hiram Voung va Ira T Clement Daniel Weidner doc adm'r va liluir and Iteed. Kobert Saxlon dec adm'r va Ucnevilte K llaag. I'eter Hanaelmaii, va .(oburt 1) McCoy, Decatur Herb, - va John A Mnyder dec. adm'r. Wm 1 Uarler va Win II Kite Jaioca I' Armstrong va James Bminana dec adm'r (iabreil Kline lor Anion Bieberva Uej C McKee Zuern and Hevan va Joseph W Anthony. Wm J, Dewart vs Charles W lliggius Samuel Hendricks va Northern Central It K Co, Win L Uewart va Hume. The first 20 of the above cases will be for trial the tirst week and the balance for iho second week. DANIEL BECKLEY, ProthV ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF Millinery Goods, at the hlore of BlHsCi n. Si. Iu. SlllSSI.RR, Siimpsou's Building, Market Square, BUNBl'ltY, Pi r I'HK public are invited tn rail and examine .heir Milli' I uerv Uoods justoneiied such as Indies' Dress fiords' K.Iks, 1 4i win and ih latest New Yvrk and 1'bikidelnhia styles BON NBTs). LA OIKS'. DRKSS CA PS. Corsets, Skeleton Skirts, Notions, loulies' Gloves, Hosiery llaiulkeielnrf, e., Ae. tieutloinea's Uixals such as Collars 'Unioa," Anderson' and a variety i( nalleina. Wa luteiid Ui aelilow, eallaiH eiamma mir etnek. U. 1.. SHlttfl.Kn. Kuiihury.Uclobrr 11, lsol. Ten Dollan Reward TOfef r etolrn. nn the elli of September, a bir t IIKOW.M PIHMKM IXMi. with a wliiu st4 .h. i.k breast. The almve rrwaid wlN lar Mld f.a kts seshjA ei MIIV b,fetllistlui lla.1 u il. lul 1. I. ri VMrw. J OtilJ,lM)l. 'J. ll. JtrTlllU. SHERIFF'S SALES. TtV virtue of sundry writ of Ven Exponas -''and Alias Yen Exponas leaned out of the Court of Common I'lras of Northumlterland County fa., and tn me directed will bo exposed to public sale at the Publie House of Jesept moisl.tn Ilia tiorougb ol Milton, nn 111 tK DAY THE 3Ut 1AY OF Ot;TOEK, A. h. 1861, at 10 o'clock A. M the following described propet ty Io wit i A certain lot or piece of land situate in Lewis Township, Northumberland County Pa., bounded and t'afcrlbrd as follows: On the north by a public road, on the south by lands of Samuel and John 8lnde, on the esst by land nf Henrv Ptm, and on the west by land of Minion Dictritk, con. tabling 14 acres more or less, about 13 acres of which are cleared i whereon are erected a two rtoro brick dwelling house, a writ of water at the door, f'uil trees, &e. Seited taken lit execu tion, and to be sold as the prnpererty of I'eter Weaver. ALSO t At the same lime and place, a certain lot or piece nf ground situate In Pottserove, Chillirqua que Township, Northumberland county !'., hounded and ileribetl at follows, to wit i On the north by Danville road, on the South and west by lands of Jatne Heed, on which are erected a one and a half atory frame dwelling bouse, a blacksmith shop, a well of water, fruit trees Jtc. Seized taken in execution and to be aold aa the property of Kobcrt C. Deal. Al.SOt At same time and place, a certain lot of ground situate in the uorotigh of Milton, county and 6'.ate afbtesuid. bounded and described as follows; On the north by a lot belonging to John l.awson, on the south by Wm. P. Hull and the Episcopalian Church, on the east by an alley, and on the west by water street, on which U erected a large two story frame dwelling house, a frame stable Ac. Seized taken in execution and to be sold sa the property of Henry A. Moodieand Robert Hays, pnrincra trading under the hnn or Moodie V Hi)e'. ALSO, At the same time nnd place, n certnin lot or piece of ground, situate iu 1'urhut town ship, Northumberland county, bonnded on the north hy land of John Kartholoniew. east hy land of Genree Hertz, south by a lot of Solomon Hitter, and west by a public lane, containing two ecies, more or less. Seir.etl, taken in execution, ami to be Bold as tho property of Jeremiah Yergy. DAVID W4LDKON, Sheriff. Sheriff's OffiVe, October 11th, 1801. f sx- Nicholas hotel, Ilromlieay, AVtc VmH: Ifoiirl Ilctluced Io $' a Dny. Since tbe opening of this vast and commodious Hotel, in I54, il has been the single endeavor of the proprietors to make it the most sumptuous, convenient and comfortable homo for the citizen nnd stranger on thimddu the Atlansic. And whatever has seemed likely to administer to the comrort of its guestt they endeavored, without regard Io cost, Io provide, nnd to combine all the elements of individual and social ri j yiiient which modern art has invented, and modern tn.it approv ed; and the patronage which it has commanded during the past six years i a gratifying proof that their effort tin been appreciated. To meet tne exigencies of the tunes, when all are required to practice the most rigid cionoiuy, tho undersigned HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE OK BOvRI TO TWO DOLLAIW PER DAY, at the same time abating none of tholuxuries with which their table has hitherto been supplied. ill K A WW EI, I,, W1HTCOMD & CO. Oct. 1 2, 18011 mo. Bank of Northumberland- rpitH annual election for directors will be held at the JL Hi nk I M House, on M.niiliiv, the tilth day of Novem .t. Iietwea the Itouti nf lOu'doek, A M., and 3 o'clock The nilutiuliunetint of the stoakhoMeis. in arntrdiuiee with the elmiter, wiN be held on Tuaaday, Iks Sit (Wof November, at IU o'clta-k,- A M. J. H. I'niKMTl.KV, Casinef. N'oithumberlnnd, October 14, IMil. 3t "STOVES ! STOVES TC FOR S.M.K AT TI1K IMIKrtTR I A t, STOVK WORKS No. 3.1 North Slid Utieet. I'kiladeluhia. nnosita Christ's Chureh, the most celebrated litis continuing C.Mikiug and iicimti'4 stoves ,a tne oav. l.l-.HIttjl, Vltj i un CUM Hl.h I h, and all oilier Cooking and Healing Stoves All "I wtiieli ure Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. rtease give me a call. , WM.C.NEMA.V. Oct.ilier 13, ICGI. 3m j e c. JVOTICK." VflTICK is liereby given, Hint n nnmber of Ies hove 11 been taken up while Honliua; in the nvr Siinpiehaiino Norlliuinlx-rliiuil eountv. be Join, shiMlfir r. . I,i.ri the following marks upon iheni : 48,5; O.I ,!; THtl.t!, II , t ; I M It. 1 ; ' 9 W. It; JIM.lt M H (i. I : V ... I II l Mi's. I t II, ; O B, ; ri K K,l ; til D, I j , 1 ; I. C M, I ; fi, I i C C, 3 ; CUM; k, K ; C S j, I ; I A 11, 4: :l W , I ; 11 I. W. 4; s, 3 ; . I ; 8 x U, 4; (0,4 ; M, I ; J M M. I ;J C 11, 4: II O, I II, 3; C A N.4; K. 3 v. , i , a , i it ll, ; X u, a j , I ; J B 1J 1 j w x M , I ; I . A stiiteineut and deserinlloii irm filrl . in mi- nrt".,. on the Sam of Septemla-r, IMII.at fuiiliurv. Nollhimilierlniid county, I'o., lol Ihe iusiiieiiou of all ein.eeriied. The owner or owners thereof ore reiested to prove properly, i., u ,r,.i ,-iiiira nun mse mem away or otherwise die same will be foifeited. FRKD. I.AZAItrs,J.P. Jiialiiiry, (let. IS, If 01. NOTICE. N OTICK is hereby iven ih-ii the pnttuership heretofnre existing between liaorae Kinerieh mill Dmiiel Arnl. in Ilia Tumiiiisr huaiuess, in leiwer .Miilmnoy lowutlep, Noitliumlieiliiiid eotinty, tus dissoleid by mutual eimseut on the Ut instant i'lieuecounts will la settled hy either of the parlies. The busiaess will lie, hereafter, carried on by Hie suluuTilier. nt the same plsee "i-i iv, iroi .ii lil.tlllliK I'MKHICII. VOTICK is liereby given that a number of Ige have i.v been taken up while loulint in the river usqiiehMniia la Notlhumlierianrl Roiiutv. bv John Khissler. iMiuriinr .1,. following matks upon them: T H O, I ; C A N, I ; O, t ; W z t, 1 ; B k P., 1 j ,llTO,l; JM II I ; S, I ; C II, I ; (!,; 110, I ; )li. I; KM.I; I. 8 I', I ; 11 l, I ei-, 1: I.W.I! J W, I ; I, M ll, t ; S, I ; O R H, I ; e c, t ; () ; K H, I ; 3B, I; u M D,l ; 8x11,1; , 1 ; I.M, ;MI) It, 1 A statement ntttl deseitptinn was filed in mvoffis in the .'III nf September, lull, nt Banbury, Northiimla-rland en , I'a , for Hie inapei-tinu of ell eoncnrtied. The owner or owners Iheieof nre requested to prove proierty, ay all legal eharges and luke tboni awnyor otherwise the suine will be lorlelted FltED. LAZARUS, J . P. auubury, Oet 13, JP0I. NOTICE. N'OTICF. is hereby (riven, that a number of T-ocs have been taken up while floating in Ihe river Siisuuehuimn in Nortliiinilierlimd counly, Arnold A iletlieh, bearing the following n in iks upon them, viz : P F, 1 ; I. W, I ;.HI, ;,; 00, Hi n.S; (M);elt, I; S.I; U I 11.3; J A II. I ; S, 6; HAP, 4; J S M, I ; C A N. I ; W X X, 1 ; V, 1 ; C M, I ; I. IK, I ; 1 I)- I i ' i (. I i a, ; x,l ; .1 v. I; cB, I OH 1,1; c i. I ; H, ll, t,;HEK,l. pVpiure limlatrs , 9 ; W t M, I ; D B, I. A st-iteinent and description was filed iu mv oflteenti the lh of Septeailier, led, at Sunbury, Niirthumhellaiiri eouuly, Pa., lor the inspection of all concerned. The owner orowuers thereof are requested to prove property, ptiv ull leirnl charges uml take them away, or otherwise tlie same will be forfeited. fiu:d.i.azaiu:s, j.p, October 11, IS-OI. Ecgisters Notice. lTnTICE iiW.I,v.iul,, .lit r II. ...J other tfrtiii iittcrt-itett iit the f'.llovving eatiitn. Unit I lie ex wot' mi, ndmiuiiliuliMS nitd tiuurduiitt f the tama h.ive tlvu their ntnouiiU U'lih the Heftiuri! Kurlliuuther IhiuI ouii(v, ond tlutt the iiii nirctmiiltf will 1m nrrieiiteil t'i the Orphauft' Ciiurl for (Miuliiiimtinii and alliwance, on 'I'nefcluy ilinAtli dHy of Noyeuibur iiexr, nt lDu'viinrk in Umj I Bird Ziua, drceaned, settled by hia ezecHtors Jttarpb Hirduml ShhiuI Reeder. 4 . owiiuiu lUiiry, dee'd.. lettkd by hii ndiu'r Ilniry iiwiiiN, s 3 i:iym Jiiines. dtt eaird, by hia idin'r Wm.B Brvn. 4 letiurt Wilhatn, " J Wnrnii Hriiwu A Koilmrr Datuei, cx Ji'iinthnh Kidlimr. II fiieiln-k Juh. i eJin'r Uuvid Hoiit-k. 7 Hnriison Aiuiiudo, ' her HOin'r Aim Vusttiie. 6 Kiiy Jamei, one -if the cbihlicn of JumriH Kay, dee'd, 0 Keillor K ml prick, drr'rt.bv hii rxecut'tr John Kehlrr IO Krieghbimin Win , deteaaedt by hit executors Dutuel vrnic tiiittuin niMi Annul uurrei, 11 lmoii RelHMc, hy her (Junrdinn M. II. Print lev. I - pdrgruflrThtMiws, flrvcasftl, by Itisudin-i Win Oainan :) W ens Ciitluiriiie, by her liutirdian John A.tnyder. II WenriH J.lm. decf-ased, by his adm'r AUakaia aini iiium cmica. 1. B. MABriKH. Register. RtBSKler'soffire, I Sunbury, (let. ID, lt8l ( A om eo"' ia' b"wn. "J'i'O ana hack. Any persim returniag her or giving ui'ormation ol nar w nereauouta will bo auitably rarurg oy uie aui'K-rirer, " Wm, I, GliEENOl'CH. : CctjUr 3, I60J. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. In pursuance of an order of Ihe Orphans' Court of A'oitburnherlxnd County, will lie expontd to aale, on the premises, on Tuesday, the U'Jth day of October inslant, All that certain tract or piece nf land, situate partly in Shamokin township and partly in Cmil township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, bounded anil described as follows, to wit:-Begin-at stones) thence by land surveyed to Martin Oass, Hubert 'J'sogart, John Miller, Obrdiab Campbell, John Tiltworth, and Thomas Hamil ton I containing lour bundled end twenty-eight acres and fifty one perches and allowance, more or less, Alio), all lint certain oilier tractor pieco of land, situate inMhamokin township as afori" said, adjoining- lands of Clint lea W, Snyder, Emanuel Cardcll, Jacob Hcliull. sod others: rotr tabling sixlv.flve acres, more or less, forty acres of which are cleared and in a good elate nfculti' vation, anil, on which are eiected a two-story frame tavern stand, wsgnn'botife, stable and other out buildinga. Uate the property of Chiistian Kabel, deceased. t Sale to commence al 10 o'cloek A. M. of staid day, 'when the terms and coddiliona of sale will be made known bv ISAAC N. MA USB, Adm'r, Ily order of the Court. ! Court. ) M'k. O. C. i . . ) J. It. Massrr, CI Wunliury, Oc , PROCLAMATION. JV OICK is hereby (tiveti tltnt thn eeritl Courts of Common I'leas, lienorul Ounvter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court uf Oyer ami Terminer and (!eiieral Jail Delivery, in and for tbe county of ISortliumlierlnnd, to commence at tbe Court Hiuse, iu tbe borough oi Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A.M. on Monday, the 4th dny ol NOVEMBER next, and will continue TWO WKEK8. Tba coroner. Justices of tbe Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to lie then and there in their proper pet sons, with their rolls, records, iuqultitions, and other remembrance, to do thosa things to their several olficea appertaining tn bo done. And all witnesses prosecuting behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner arc also requested nnd commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute ugninst him, as shall lie just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, at tbe time appointed agreeable to their noticea Given under my hand at Hiinbury, tbe 1st dny uf Oct , in the year of our Lord one thous. ami cijrh' hundred and sixty -one and the Independence of tbe United Stales of America the N5ih. Ood save tiin Commonwealth. UAVIU WAMMON.SucrilT. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, ) Oct. fi, IH01. Auditor's ioticc. TOTICE is hereby given that Ihe undersigned J- Auditor appointed by tbe Orphans Cotttt of Northumberland county, t; dietribute the iiinntiiit of mtineye in Ihe hands of Ihe executors of (ico Derk, lute of Cameron township, Northumberland Uoontv, deceased, will attend to the duties of bis mi ill appointment, nt his oluce, in Sunbury, on Tuesday, the 22d doy ol October, IWfil, at ten o'clock A. M. of euid day, at which time and pluce all persons interested mav attend. ' WM. M. KOCKEFEEInEK, Auditor. , funburycSei.t 28, 1801. SWAIM'S COCEDHATED PANACEA. For the cure of Setol'uLi, Incipient CoustinipV"U. lieuera) lleliility, 'hilu Swelling, Itheiitualisin, Lnse?ses of the l.tver and Skin, foul ull Diseases Arising frutn Impurities uf the lllood hikL tlie Ktlects uf Mercury. Swaim's Panneea hns been for more than foitj years C'tlcbiiiteil in tins country and in Kurupe for its extra otilluary cares, for the cetttlienles of wliteh refersnee is made to the duections nutl books (which muy he hd grutisj aeeompiiiiyiiig the I'auaeea; some uf winch gtvu the pariieultirs ol eiises l4i Itiuhllul for general publiea tion, where Hie patients have keen almost eaten up with ifcrufulu, uud weie deemed incurable hy likysienois. H bus heen im-i in homnsals nad rl'ivule pruetiee, ood bus been reaoiuiaeuiU'il by ttl uinst trelatirntutl abyeicaiua and nkber eminent ieiavs. Arnuaa; oliieis, hy W. tidisna. M. 1., Trof. of nurgerv, Peiui. t uiverity ; " Vnleunioi .MoU, M. IW ( iirn--ty, N. V. Putveisitv V. V. 1 wSCs, M V., If of. UJ . fetiri. I'siveicnv ; N. LVmpiniin, At. V.. Prof, mfhislc, I'etm. tnivemty i 4. I'arke. M . D., PrnsiuVnt College i'tiTVieouis, I'la'advlpliia ; Dr. L)el Vulut, 1'iof. of Vlieuie, tiavai.ti; Jose Koutencit lie l.uz. I'rof. ofXuigeiV. IJvLniu ; J. l-eipman. Member Itoia! C'dle-.-e Surgeons, l'Uitou ; C. W. Irving, lure. M inisier to Spain ; Sir I'hninus l'eurs,in. Major fieuesul lliitish Army ; (Jib bert UtSaiitsaii, llnlish Cotuiul. Ac. The woluleiful sines ettected I yslWAI.M'S lAN ACKA have lor many eire made it aa iitvalunble remedy. The I'atlUfea does mil eonttu mercury in any fmm, anrt, being an hiuoeetit prepnruqeit, it laaj be gitsu to the most ten der infant. The retail price tins been icdaeed to SI..a per bottle, (conUiiillng Itiree halt pints,) or Ittree bottles for &4. llf.WAHK JP IMPOSI TION. Swaim's I'liineea is iu round Utile, tinted lotigiludirialty, with the foll.iwu c Ictteistitowiiou tt'e.ylnss: "SWAIM'S PAN' ALT. A -Pill I.ADA." Ilaviisjt the name of J AS. SWAIM stiimpeil on the seulieg wax and vritlen on the label eoveritif- theeork, and a sp eutlul eugrnviiift cn tlie side of the bottle, hy llrupei & Co., hunk note enter ivers, in the centre nf which is a por trait t the late Wm Swsirn, (eopyri!ht secured.) If persons pure liusinc; the Puuueea will la- catefnl to ob serve that the wad SWAIM is t-orieetly spelled, tltey need not be imposed on. AI.SC, PWAIM'S VKt'.MIFl flR, A vnlaable family mtilieiue. beiiur a hnilily approved reme. edy foi all disetiues nrtsine In m debility of Iheditteslive ot paus, sneh ns, Aonlity of the Snmmi-h, Wormn, Choltirtl Morbus, iJvsuulurv. Pever unit Acue, Itieedunr Piles, Sick Headache, &&. See the ptiiuplik-l (which may be hud gra tis,) iieeoiiipuavini; t,ie Vernnfiiire. Preimred ottiv at SWAIM'S I. ROIt ATOtt V. THK fil l) rS4, SOU I'll SKVKN I'H STKIT.T, HKI.OW t'llr.MMIT, Philadclpliiu, uud sold tiy all druggists in the I'nited Stales tieuernl Agents n.r tlie Vtiited Slttes. SCIIIKKI-'KI.IH HltorilKHS cr,., 170 William Street, .New York. rhd'a, Oct. 5. Ol prt. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. T N pursuance of an orJer of tho Orphans' Court - oi' NorlhuniberUnd county, Ihe inideraiunril who waa appointed by the snid t'ourl 'I'ltl'ti'l'KE for that purpose, will cxpo6 to public aale at lha public house of K T. llruinheller, known aa the "Snsnmhanna House" in the borough of fil.'N- UL'RY, Pa., on Salurdav. the I'Jih day of Oi). TOBEIMS6l,at 1 1 o'clock A. M.. All Hint certain TltACJT of LAN 1, aituata in ('utr cron township, Norllnimlierlnnd county, 1'ennsN Ivunia, anil marked en Ihe draft annexed Io the itiitiei. lion hail upn the estate of Philip Dunklebcter. ilecaaseil, af in. 1, bounded and described aa (op Iowa, tn w't : Iteginniinj at stones, thence hy I a ii il ol Oeorga Krrslctter, north BJ ilcRrciw cunt 101 perches to a post ; thence by lands of John C'Hevlman. hcira of John (JntUtchiill, dee'd.. anil Daniel Ktncltz, aout'n 8:tJ degrees, rust 173 perches tn stones ; thence by laud of I lie hcira of the aaiil John tiottachall dee'd , eouth fiJ depirees weal 101 percbes lo stones j anil Ihenie by the Line Mountain, north denreea west IT!) perches, to the pluce of beginnir.r;, coutaiiiinr; One Hundred ami nine Acrea anil twenty-four perches strict measure. The iuifirovrmcnta runsh-t of a good two atory frame llwellinc llouea Darn. Wagoosheil, &c, tre. Late the property of Philip Dunkleberger, deceased. A. J. ROCKEFELLER, Trua-ee. By order of the Court, 1 J. I). MAS.sF.H, Clk.O.t: Sunbury, Sept. SI, 1861 ) Ti:HMa or tixvs vixan i-v th OoraT : Ten per cent of the purchase money to he Cash, and Ihe balance to be paid on the first day of April' ItJHJ, when a tlaesl will be delivered. A. J.POCKEKELLEIt. ANOTIIim AIUUVAL or SEASONABLE GOODS, AT TI1E MAMMOTH STORE! OF FIULING tL QUANT. Sunbury, Sepiamber 7, )S5I. Efirely Vogctablo. No Alcoholic Trepa ration. I) It. II OO 11, A KD'H CELEUilATEl) , OERMAXTBITTEPaO, Prepared by DR. C. M. JACKKO.N & (JO., Philadelphia, Pa , will e (Tcctunriy cure LIVER COMPLAl.MV bVUPEPSlA. JAUN blCK, Chronic Nervous Debility, Discaaca of the Kill- r.eya, anil all disease arising triun a disordered Liver or i-Uoniaeli, Such ns Cnnstipnibw, lmintd Piles, Fulness or lllon(. to the llwul, Aculityof the Worn ueh, Nausea, lletirllultii, llisfiiist I'm Final, l ulnens or V'ei,ht in tlie stonuu'ti, !out Kructiitiiins finhingor l-'lmirrlm at the I'll of the Wonini h, tiv:t oijt ol ilm Head, llu'irteil and Dilbeult llrenlltiii)!, K 111 tiering ul the Heurl, Choking or gefToeatlng seiimiliotis wlieil In a Ivltirr ionnre, Dtiniiem of Vision, Dots of webs In-fore the fiuht, Kever sttrt Uull Yam in the Hide Uaek, Chest, l.itnhs, Ac., huilileu Khishesol Ileal Hurtling ia the Flesh, Constant liungtultles oT evil, mid greit Denieeeiotis of Ppittts, ami will piwitively iirovenl yellow l-'ever, IlilliouH Fever, Ac. The prodtietnr bi eiibttig the attention n( the public in Hits prenarulioti, rlix s so with n leelitig of I lie ulinosleou fiileneein its vtrltn s null iuii).Uitioii t,i the diseasus fur w hich M hi rernmnreiulcil It Is no new iitul uiiiumI article, but one that leta stmHl Ihe test, ol a twelve veins' trail la-fore the Anietieilli pen. tile, and its tentnliou niel side are iiiiiiviill.il liv uny siuii Inr ireariilioiis exiaiit. 'I lie trstiinonv in lis favor given by the inoM pr.Miiiitf nt. nnil well fctiown I'hj sicians ttnit lliilivutiiiilsliii.il pmls ol ihe eounlrv Is limn e, nnd n eiuelul ierue:il ol lliu Aliieiiine, i.ili!isheil nii'iihnlly ,y the pro.rii-toi. und lo be be hurt urntts o am- of their Agut, ciiutiol but satisfy the most ske.tieal that this remedy is reullr deserving Ihe gteateelilnily it lias obiaiued. RKAD TUB F.VIDKNCli. Rcnilwhnt H,e emlaeut tilnss Miiiinriietiirer, .tnilN M. WHITAI,!,, snya nf the ISAI.SA.YIIU COHU1AI,. Dr,C. M. Jncl, son riespceted Friend : Huvini: for o I'tig lime been initiiiiiileil with the vitlues of thy Uulminic Cordial in Couiths, Colds, Itifiiitnnmtinn of Ihe l.nues, Ve, 1 thus freely lieur lenituouy to its ellicnej-. Fur sevrrul years I hnveiiever licen wilhout it in my I'niitily. It. also gives me pleumiretn stale th-it I hnve uscit it with elilitc silccesa in the tp nttueut of llowel (Jonipliiints. Thyftieuilly trulv, JOII.N iM IIITAI.T.. Fifth .Mo. ir, lefls. Knee ureet, ulive. 4ih, I'hiluri'a. These nieibeiin-s me for nil by nil rcspeelnble Drngpints and deiitiTS iu meiltclncs in Hie I'niletl Ctntce, ( nniiilns, Ornish I'roviiienrea nnd West I tubes, at T." cents per h a tie. He siireinul gel the rren'iine, wuii tlie signutuie of t iM. Jiicksou on the wrapper in eneh honli-; nlliilUers toe counterfeit. I'rineipnl I mice and Miiiiufaelory. tlri Arch street, I'liiliiiltlplnii, Pn. Bepteinlier II. h(; y N tobbsTtrbes! 'I1HE tinilcrsigned invite attention lo their larcjo and well grown stock of 'RUT AM) ORNAMENTAL TREES, fchrul a, A c., embracing a largo and complete as Hortinent uf A pplen. Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apri. coin, and Nectarines, Standard for the Orchard, and Dwurl lor tho garden. English Walnuts, Spanish Chssnuts, Hazle' nuts, c$ c- Kusberncs, Strawberries, Cu'ranta anil tiooseherrii , in great vaiietv. OKATHS OF CHOICEST KINP8. Aaparagiiii, Rhuburh, Ac, Ac. Aluo a fine stock of well formed, buflty K VERGIiEENst, suitable for the Ccmetry nnd Lawn. lU'ciduous Trees for street planting anil a gen eral assortment of Ornamental Trees and Flow erLug c-hruba. Tioees of choice varieties Plants, Ac. Camtllins, IJeJdii'g Our slock is remarkably thrifty and fine, ami wo oiler it nt prices to suit ihe times, lo" Catalogues mailed to all applicant Addtesa EDWARD J. EVANS A CO., Central N'ursericts. YORK, Pa. September I t. 1SG1. Ilm A Good Choiice for an Enterprising Man. ""S'llE Mil scribcr wants a partner in the Mar A. ble businees, a sober pcrnervcring man who can speak both the English nnil Oermnn Inngua ?ea, to one that will suit, mi caah capital required. Far patticulara inquire uf JOHN A. TAYLOR. Northumberland. Aug. 3. 1 nr. I 3m lACirslLK" COATS; (jwreil Mnntlcs, Pnplin UiiHttr, Friin ll Snqiicn, Silk HoMjiiiiv, Newest lJi'rfigiifl. A'emJx Mmlo, or NmU tw Ortlcr. COOI'KK & CON AIM), N K. Corner Ninth ami Market. riutudulpHia. Mnv 1H. 1 SU 1 . FANCY IUE5I! FAKCY FURS!! .loliii Farolrfi, 7iS Alien Sirwt, tictwecu "lli., liiid Mh., Sis., (Lute HH Market,) Pliiluilffphia, )tnprtcr fc .MiiniiOi-tnrpr hi, hikI Dcnt'T in nil kinili nf FA. NOV FI HS, f..f Mtnec,' und Cliil i (Ircn-i Wfiir. Iliivinji' now mMiiufnt'tur ett aud nt irniie my iibiuiI t ic-ri:ir,i.i tin, I l...-...tirnl .,t -jjni:iiiifi ti tho Full tint, "'ii-- Winter SeaflniiB, I ja'duUI rcBpentrtiliy inuil un exumitnititii vf my Uh-V nnd prices from ihune iiitfiulihR to ptiirtj ipe, hs 1 uiu unublt'd lo oiler tliftu vtty Hfiirnhle inilucemf nt. AH my Fur hui'e Iwcn piu I'lumi-d fur Gush, nnd inmle liy expfnenctd imuriu, mu1 im tin- prfft nl innia-t'iry tr 'uhli- rt-nder it itucesKiry tluit I shuuld (Itupniie f my ginttltt ul a very iiihII tiilvnurc on ctt. I nin Bsiticfiei) tli:tt il would tie In the inlet Put of those who deiM piiti'hiini.jr, to give uu n cull. VW Kpciillcrlili- imiiir, iiuiiMut hhH mreet : J. Faiiern, (Nrw Fur Store,) 7 lb Arch. irvet, J'hiltuU'lplua. T 2k E m,:omh The Great Cure for Consumption. If you have a cols', use Wisha'l'a Pine Tree Tar C'ordiul ! If you have acoituli, use Wishart'a Tine Tree Tur Cordial ! If you have Aalhmn, un Wishurt'u Pino Tree '1'ur ('ordiul ! If you have Sore Throat, use Wishart'a Pino Tree Tar Cordiul ! Ifyou have bronchitis, uko YViahari'a Pine Treo Tar Cordiul ! Ifyou have Cunsumptiun, use Wibhari'a Pine Tree Tar Cotdiul Wishart'a Pine Treo Tar Cordial ia an unfail ing remedy for disease uf the Kidncva, I'rinary l omplainla, Illiinl and Jlleeding Pile. Nervous Debility, and fur Female tveukuesa and Irregu larities. The well known efficacy of Pine Tree Tur in the cure of external a (lections or Mores, pointed it out as the Natural Jieinedy for whut Piiysiciuua call Tubercular Xllectiona (ihut is to say, ciorcs.) upon tbe Luiis. It remained lo ili.-cover the bust meana of application, which discovery has been made, aa a thousand testimonial piove, by the Proprietor nf Wishart'a Pino Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have DYSPEPSIA, use Wishart'a Great American Dyspepsia Pill! A euro cure Warranted for one dnllur, or the Money licfunded ! lluy a box and lake them according to direc lions, and if they do uot cure you, the money will ha returned. Auemt Win. Weinier, Northumberland. A. W. Fischer, friunhury. Call at either place, and get a descriptive Cir cular. v 1.. Q. C. Wishart, proprietor, No. 10, Narlh feecond, Philadelphia August 10, 1861 ly S. L. BEItG STltESSER, PnOTOGBAPniC ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHS, AMUKOTVPEi. and all - tha modern atyloa of Pictures, eiccuted in a aiiparior niaianer. (7 Room in hit CAR, Market Sijuara, Sunbury, Pa. Atiijiist 10, IBttl. fpiN WARE. A very cheap and deairabl -- auMirtment lust reeeiveil ibia Bb .1 iK. Maaunolh Btora of .ik tii.... ..t L-Ull IMl A. I1UA vi FKILINU A. ORA.T. fcunbuiy, Januaiy 4 IS6I. JjiL mm k t'l?il--l.,tC jr. THE LATEST STYLE OF SPRING AND SUMMER Ann ,cciMS!TAiri.Y hade at the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment T-A.0013 O. BEO'Z, Itlnikt-t Btrct't, ftlMU UV, lrt. 'ItHn atihscriber liasjuM reciiiveil and openrl a,lar)te assnrimctil (tplMNfl AND f JiM MF.KCiOUn. auchaa CLOTHS, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION IJCALtTY. Plain and Fancy CassimcteaiVestir.gs, &c. of the latest atvlca. In a.iiliti.m In liis slock he ia constantly receiving tii w supplies Irom the cilv kecpinp; a Ml aanortmrnt (.f Ihe most Kiilmtaiiliul anil Intent stylo of (inmla in tho city markets. lie U prepared lo make to order all kinds of O'rii'lemen'a ami Jlay't wear, such aa DKEss COATS, FROCK-COATS. IlKSf-NESS-COATS. VESTS PANTA LOON. A c. Ac. of the verv latest etyle. and in the most substan tial manner, at short notice. Any (funds riot on hand, will he furnished from Philadelphia, bv giving two ilav'a notice. Call and examine my stock, i.-a charges made for showing. IACOU O. HECK. Siiiihury, May 1 1, IBM. JOHNS & CROSLEY. SOI-: MANtTACTi:ni-H9 III' THK IMPROVKH CJ-XJTTV PRECHA. C E M 1'j K T 11 O O F 1 K G , The cheapest nnd most i!brnl.! lio-ifing iu ur.e. Il is l'ira imtl Wilier I'riinf. I' ciiti be ni'plinl to new uml nkl Hunt's nf i.tl kinds, anil tn !liiiit;1e Ittii'l's without retnnviiiff, tliu sliinuirs. The Cost is orjly about Onc-Tliirdtlint of Tin, nnsl it is twice as Durable. OCTTA ! K R C It A C K M KMT, For presevinc ami repiiirinr; Tin anil other Metal Honfs trf every ilesi'iiplioti, frmri ns pteut clustieilv, is tml iujurii-1 by the conlriietiiitt smt expitnslon of nttisls, and will not eitiek" in colli or tun iu wuiiii weathet, t'liese tiinlerinls luiub Ii, en lleiroit:lily tested ill New York utnl all pans nt the Poullietu unit Western Scales, and wc can give ubuitilitnt.ptiHifot' all we clutui sit tlieir luvor. They are rettdily applied bv or inory laborers, at a tri fling expense 'NO IIF.AT lrtKQFIItF.r)." These mnterinlsute put np mulv for use, onil Tor ship piiiH to nil inula of the count i y, with full pt luted direct mis lor upplieHtion. I-'iill ileseriplive circulats will be rnriiisheil on npplici tiiin by ni'til -t in pi-rsonut our I'riiieipul (tiliee aial Ware house, 78 Wll.l.lASt tSTBKKT, (Corner ul Lilieilv Street,) New York. JOHNS CROSI.LY. Ae.rnTs tViirra ! Torins Ctish : : Jut e I, tt-GI . ly A K E ( I d. Piieh I'isured raret;es. 111, 2,) and 31 cents, Jliirego Kobes. S3 50, If -1 00 and $5 00, ili7ambiitie Kobcx r.t ijiQ 00, Traveline; Drcsg (londs, tShephard'a I'luidn, Mnhair Plaids. (iiiiBham'a, Lbwub. Prints, Challics, (ray Figured Oooda, IJOOPER cV OOVARD, S E corner Ninth ami Market, Philadelphia. N H. Host quality lionp Skirts, 84 ccula to May IS. IPOI. WII0I.K9ALK AND RKTAIt, CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E, Corner Second and Chestnut Ms.t riallailelpSiia. AGKXCY for the TATFNT F.qUAU'IMl THIRTY DAY CLOCKS, ii very deniruMe rirticla fur Ctiurch vs, Hutt'l), Hmikp, Ciiutttinp HnuHt'n. 1'iirlnrR, c. Mm,. Manufacturer ol FJNK (iULD FK.NS. Clock rrp:iirt-d nnd v;iirantt-d. OlnrW Tiiiniiiriirra of iery dewript'iun. Fhilmlfl-ilun, .h.uunry IH, li-Gl. Hy MANHOOD. now lopt, now kkstok jlt rtausiiKD IN A KA1jF.D KNVI I.OI'K : A IsECTt'RK, on the Nnture, trimttnrnt, nnd Rndicol Ciirwuf SiennntorflT', or Si-minal WwnkiiPrn.Sexu.il De bility, Nervoumie!- and iuvolnutarv einismuiiP, pniducing itupt'tcney, Coiinun.pl iin and Menla! and I'liyBicul Dl'ilily. Hy ROBT. J, CIHA'KRWKLL, M D., The hnportant fact that the Hwful cnsef'titMicea nf iclf. nluiFe may he tffectually rernnvd withfiH internal nu-di-(4ues or the dunifeioiis upptii-atioitB uf eauKtu-ft. instru ments, mmliratL'd tHugies, nnd other empirical devises, in hmt dearly denhiiiRtruted, nndihe entirely new nnd lnylilv J Purt'esHfnl tifntiutnt, hs udptt:d by the ceJehrated uuthur I ully uxpiinrd, hy nir-nut ul which every one 11 enabled tocurij liiiiiPt-ll perfectly, nnd nt the len at pniiitililu cnt, thereby Hvoulnitr all the ntlvcrlioed iit'striinm nf thedi-. Thin lecture will proven k-nm to thniibaiidKnud iIidmsiiikIi Hfiit unilrr uenl, inn plain riml"e,to unv ud'hrftf. p"t paid, on the leceipt uf two pnstmre flatrip. bv ailtlieKtStu!;. Dr CII.J. O.K1.1M;, U7 Uiwery, Muw Yoik. 1W Oilice Uix 4,-"h;. April 3ti. IHiil. typl ! LIVE AND LEARN 1 LET THE rEOTLE STILL. C'OXTIXrE TO 1AXV, AND TI1KY W I LI. SOON LEARN THAT rUlLlNG & Gil ANT. AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, ARE k ELLIS "a GOODS CHEAPEK tliuu can be purchased elsewhere. A. FHE3H SUPPLY Just received hy 1! nil roud this week. K KMC MB Eli THIH, AND P1JOFIT II V IT. Sunbury, December l.r, 18110. SUNBURY ACADEMY. rplIK Sf.MiMi:it TllltM of Hie tuiibuiy Acailcmy will J eouitiieliee ou ttieeJl ol' A ril. The eouise ol' iiistttielioti einlirat-es every iti-pmv inent of tduetilion tntiule. ill our liest Aeuiti liiles, iei-iiirini stieteiils iiiiv eilliel for a tloleSflolt ur lo elitel any class Hi U'lleue. TKIt.MS l'i:il (ILAIITKI!: Ootnmon Pi liool llniiu lu., ?l CO lliplier Kiillisll llraiielies, SIKI Latin und titeek l4ititiiat-cs. 7 HO Tuition tobejiaul before the niiil.lle of (lie term, liouriteait lia liuil lit ii i ulu Imu.llt-s ul llotii frl 75 to $-2 tier week. t P. WOIA'KKTDX, rrineipal. Punbury, March 30, UtM. SUS BUSY STEAH FERRY AN D T W IIS O II DAT C O M P A N V. t KAVKLLV'R!! and olhcra are respectfully informed that the subacrilier, iu onler io ac commodate the public and facilitate travel, has reduced Ihe rules of f.ftine ut his Ml' AM FKIIIiV, over the umjih Iiuiiii.i. at Sunburv, and will carrv I'ussenijers, Horses, Carriages, and other vehicles, at the lollowing ratea, vi ; Foot raoM-nqers, each f cents, Horn and littler, la " llorse and Vutgy, i " 'I'wo-Horso Ccnvcyance, 4'J 4 Furmt-ra and ollii ts, wiUiiug to tranapnrt Coal and Produce, can inukt arrange menu ut still lower rutea. A largo, safe and commodious Steamboat will rnn regtdurly and promptly at ull hours of the day, and to accommodate those who desire In at tend the Churches at Hunliury and tSeliunjraie, the II out will run on Hunday. The Steamboat will run from Maiket Street Warf, and promptly convey Passeugera from both sitlca of tlie Kivi-r, without delay. The Steam Ferry now aH'onla not only a safe and convenient transit over tbe Nusquehunna, but also a pleasant and agreeable ride, 1 RA T. CLKM E.NT. Lease and Proprietor. Sunbury, May S, 1861, . " THE V Hid liy " Arch Slrtet, above Third, rkiUuklj.hia, LTTO.N 8. NEWCOMKR, Proprwuw. rplllS HU'l'KI. is aeiilisj, eoevetiienl by Passeiifer Cars J. in alt Oiils of ll.a city, aial iu avery oirlieu.ai aslujui-t! U, thn oouituria aiul wauls of tin: bu&uu te put'ae. l- Tirtiai, l..il per day. eeplciubcr il, Islit Ij IMTOnTANT TOI.OVERSOK C33 C2a OO irj tj jrjjj URIGHI' A cttJN, Invito attention to their Stock of l'linio Urccu and Black Tea. June Ifi, IHfil. SUMMER (iOODS At Pl;f(;Lvfj TO SUIT THE TIMES. B. St. BUIGHT &. SON, HAVK I'KCKtVl-.D ALL ISIN BS OF aOODF, HA NQ SO 1 E DURABLE A X li Z2 03 , GREAT I5ARGAIXS AND Splendid Inducements TO PTTRCEAOsfflaRS. AT J lfl ONE TK1CE STOKE, OF E. Y. BRIGHT & BON. Sutdiury, June IS, 18Ci. J . A . CRANDALL'S PATENT SPKLC HOUSES 47C SROADWAT, W V.W "JTOItK. SShotiltl b in every family, School, (ivianaai- 1 ll in . Asylum, and Hospital ill the html. Aro not DAM." KUDUS, like the common Iloekiin; Horse, islands lirni on ita Pedestal, will not wear CAHPETS, end hus in. Koikers to injuro the Feet. 'llcallh uml !U;iiiicsg iu tlie saaie saittlle." X. P. Willi a FROM THE "HOME J0lTX.lL." "Of all the child-furniluro we have ever seen no article cumtnnea so muen ol moae two unpor i. tout things health and htippinesa aa tho Ad-f justable 1'atutit Steel spring ISaddle-Horse, in- I, vented by .lease A. Cramlull, It ia nut lUnger. II oua, like a conimon rocking-horse, to children's feet, cannot be upset, does not wear cstp"ls, but stands linn on ita base, and ita acliau ia so like m tku gullop of a live horse that the child never h w earies of it. This .uleat of child-novelties ia ex- tr ceediugly elegant and artistic iu deitn ; and s.itll adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it wilier last a lifetime, ll ia inditjicai-ahle in every m family w here there are children. It should be ,u ill every piimary school ami gymnasium in lha country, aa it can he made Urge and strong Jiioueh to sustain rown persona. A a pedestal a for photographic picture, uolhiiia is uioru beauu-ai ful. Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution wharai children are eongregaied, should ha furni.hfil with a number of these beautiful articles Tbay u are fitted with aide aaddlea whee required." DIRECTIONS FOIt ADJUSTINC Open'f tha after part of the base fulficiemly o alius iiinn axle to go in ita place ; then raise or lower ' Uni, Horse to auit you. hcrew the holts i I alia sidi very light. Cr Tbswst Hors- are WARRAFrCU vi'v yssr. ' , .March 16, I'bl tl f f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers