NEW SERIES, VOL. 14, NO. 30. SUNBUllY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA .SAT URD A Y. OCTOBER 19, 1801. OLD SERIES, VOL.22, NO 4 The Sunbury American. l'CCLISHED EVERY BAT'JBDAT BY II. B. MASSER, Market Square, Sunlury, Penna. TERMS OF SI) US CRIHTION, two uoM.A 11 rrt aanwi-a. lo he paid hnlf year- Ik1- TOOLUBSt Three Cophjstn one aild-ess JJJ Peven !. " . I Fifteen no. do. - ' ' Fire dollar, ill advance will pay foi three )er'.elr I meraeimtniiiiii eubseriplion money- hey Pe"n IjJ to do III I. under the Poet Office Law. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. OiictJniireifl4lnies'3 times, "J? Every suluwqnctit insertion, , Due Square, 3 raontha, 4 ix month., . f (in Jne year, .11.1, Merchant, and other., adve: liinw hy '"' with the privM-areo! mseiluig different advei- I i.enienta weekly. . . . CT larger Ailverli.r-mmita, a per agreement. JOB PBIMTINO" We hnre connected wilh nnr estatihiOimeiit well a Irrtwl JH OFFICE, which will enable na to execute i the neateat style, every viiiirtv uf Briutme ATTORNEY AT LAW, BHNBUBT, PA. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor. mmbcrland, Union, Lycoming Monlour and Jolumbia. References in Philadelphia: Hon. lot-, chns. Oihl.nn. V.l.. -nuier. A Sii'MluniM, Linn Smith ft Co CHARLES MATTHEWS 1 1 0 v n c ij a t a tu , IVo. 12S Broadway, Kcu Tori. Will cmefiilly nitenil to Collections nml oil other mnltcr ittnif1ed lo hi. cure. JliivHI. IMS. FHANKLIN HOUSE, R K II U 1 1.T AND REFURNISHED, Cor. nf Howard and Franllin Street, a few Square lies nf the N. C, 11. J!. Depot, BAX.TIMOBE- ri:nis, f I rr.n Dr (V. LEI.SENRING, Proprietor, July 16, 1?."fl. If From Sclnit Grove, Pa. WILLIAM K. miMKtlH CIIALKLF.Y ROM Kim. G.'SOMEBS & SON,. Importers and Dealers in Cloths, Cassimeres. Vestings, Taylors Trimmings, &c. No 32 South Fourth Street, lietween Market and Chesnut Si rods, Philadelphia. Merchants others visiting the city would find 11 to their advantage to give them a call and ex 1 mine their stock. March 10, I860 J. P. SHINDEL GOBIN, Attorney j Counsellor at Law WILT, attend faithfully to the collection of claims slid all professional business in the counties of Norlhumlierland, Montour, Union and Snyder, oinisel siven ill the German language. CtT Ollico one door east of the Prothonotary's since. Sunbury, May 26, I860. ly thFinternational hotel. ".'ROADWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET "NEW YORK CITY, ITcrs inducements lo Merchant, and Tourists visiting ew York, unsurpassed hy any ll' tnl in the Metropolis. I'he following are among the advantages winch it pnaatav t a, nml which will he appreciated hy all travelers. I at. A central lociiliim, convenient to places of business, is well its place, of amusement. tScrupiilously clean, well furnished sit'ina; mom., ,vnh a nuiitinficent Idea Pallor, colimuiniliug un cxtell kivi view of llronilwny a.l. Ijirire and supeilily fnmi.l.ed siltimr room., with a lotniiolieut Purlor, commanding an extensive view of Ilcmilwny. ... (Hi. Hems eonilncted mi the ' uropean phn. visitor, live in the le.t style, with the giculest ttxmtm.f 5lli. It is connected with Taslor'sj Celebrated SaloonM, where vUiiors mi have their meala, nr, if they desire thev will lie furnished in llieir own rooms. Kill. The fine served m the raloous uml II. .lei is ar kiiowltvltfeil hy spicules, to be vastly aujierior Ui iliat of unv oilier Hotel ill Ihe riiy. With all these aclvaninitrs. the cost nf livnn in Ihe liileriialional, i. much helow Ihnt of any other fir clans H,4e. UllJO.N It CO , Proprietors. Auruat 4, Jfmn. ly C0NFECTI0NA11IES, TOYS &c. CONSTANTLY keeps on hand all kinds of Con feet ion ar ica, Fruit and Toys, which he is nulling at wholesale and retail. Having the necessary machinery tee., he is manufacturing ell kinds of Toys, and keeps up his stock, so that purchasers will not lie at a loss for a supply of almwt any article they may desire. AfTLES! APPLES ! ! APPLE8!!! Just received, a large lot of apples, which he is selling at wholesale and retail, at low prices (Jive us a calU M. C. GEARHART Sunhury, March ft, 18fi. tf M'ALDl.N(i't) Prepared Ulue, and Blielle)s Muvikige Uordml Elixir of Culisuya Bark ft Ucnzine, for removing S'U"K'' FOR 8 VI.E AT THIS OFFICE Onuharr. March 17 ltfo. A NEW LPT OF HARDWARE & 8AU. DLERY. Also, the best assortment of Iror Nails and Bteel to he found in the county, at the Mammoth store of rKlLINU exUiCANT. Bunbury, June S, I860, CKACKERS! CRACKERS, just received and for sale ly the barrel or pound, at the dmfeciionery store of M. C. GEARH ART. Sunbury, OcloirJ3,l860. Kerosene Lamps. AVERY LARGE and cheap assortment will be found at the Mammoth Store of Dec 15, 1860. FHILINU& GRANT. IJ O! YE LOVERS OF BOUPI Afresh supply of Macaroni and Confectionery at r itnuixj at uitAii i o. Runbury, June 3, I860. P ATENT URITTANIA blOrPERBIo bar bottles for aale by H. B MA8SER A FRESH HUPPLY OF DRUGS at Ihe 1ft. Mammoth ts tote. Also, a new lot of per fuiuury, boaps and Fancy A rude. V ery cheap FRILING & GRANT. Sunbury, May 3, I8B0. SKELETON BKIHT8- AT tlio Msinniolb Stora will be found a very largo assortment nf Skeletou Skirts Irom (even linups up to thirty. Oct. 6, 1800. FKIL1NU O'BANT V U Iron. Meel. Nails, Picks, Uiub-Hoes and Muun Haiomets, at low prices. Hlilt.liT A SON. buutmry, June )S, I860. 0 c tr-D . Frmn ihe Ouatdi in ) DA8 ALT BCHUL-HAUS AN DER KliICK Tlif rollowine Poem is written in what is gnn rrnlly called "Pvuuaylvania (ieruiaii." Tins is a pfclilmr dialect, creatul by a airange mixture ol jII the European O'erman dialecla, with a laro epiinkling nf Knglirh words and pronunciutions. It is pausing a way before Ihe victorious progress of Ihe Kngl ah, and must ultimately beci'inc extinct. It will, however, always remain aa a curiosity in literature. This Poem, written by a Penaylvsuia Pastor, is here inserted at Ihe request of literary friends who saw it in msnusciipt. It has, we believe, the ring of the true vernacular. En. Guakiuax. Heit ishts exactly zwanztg Ynhr- Das Ich Inn Uwa naua ; Nau bin Ich widdcr lewig x'rick, l'u' stch' am Sihul hans an iler Krick, Yusht naekst au's datty's Haus. . Ich bin in hundcrt Haeuser g'west. Von uiarbel Stein un' Uiick; Un' alles was Ich hab' gesch, Del Ich verchwappa any day, Fuer's Schul'haus an drr Krick. W'cr mued da heme is uu' will fort, So los ihu iiuinina gch 1 Ich eug ih'n awer fmna naua, Fs is all Humbug Owa draus, I n' er werd's selvcr sell. Ich bin draus rum in a Me he' Getravolled high Uli' low ; Hab awer noch in keiinem Spot, Lfe'mol so liel Joy gehat, Wie iu dciu Schul-baus do. Wie hacmelt mich d j alles a' 1 Ich sleh, Un' deiik, till' guk ; I'll' was Ich schier Vergessa hab, Ktimint wider z'liuk, wie aus seiui Grab, L'u' stuht do wie e' Spook ! Dcs Kricklu ttiiielt voibei wie's Kbt, Wo Ich noch i;Vii-lt hah do ! I'll' miner sella llollerlineach, Sprila noch die kleue Flsch, So smart wie long ago. Dcr WeUech' stecht n.x-h an dcr Tuehr Machl Schalla ucber's Dui li ; Ilie Trnuberank is a' noch gruu'--Un's Ainm'l neecht- gukv) ukIiI 'mol hi ! U was is dcs en Such' ! Die Schwnlma skiyppa ueher's Fcld Din fedilvrat is ilie beahl ! Un sechst du, dortam (uebeleck, Kn llaus von Sloppta un' von Dreck 1 Sel is e'.Scliwulina Nci-clit. Die yunge ia stil just now, Un' sclilofe allc sound ; Wart bis die Alia kriega Wern, Nord herachl du awar gro gclurm, Vtin Mruler all around 1 Ya, alles des is noch wie's war Wo Ich noch war c' Buh' ; Doch andere Dings sin' net meh so, For alles ilut sich enera do, Wie lull mich enera Ihu' ! Jch ateh, win Ossian In eeiin Thai, Uo' sob ini wolka Spiel, Hnwect mit Freed un' Trauer arh t li Tracna Komma wan Ich lach! . Kanacht denka wie Ich fuehl ! l)o bin Icb gnngaMn die Schul, - Wo Ich noch war pans Kl ; Dort war der Meschter in aeiai rituhl ; Dnrt war sei Wip, uo' dort lei Ruhl leb kali's Doch ulles 6eh 1 Die lanpa Desks ring's an dcr Waud Die grnaa Scbuler d'ruin ; Uf ener Seid die grosa Maed, Uml dort die Uuwa net 8a blaed Guk wie sie peep 'rum ! Der Meochter watch'l sie close just now 8 in Rewa besser ae lit ; Dort Seller wo love Letters nehreibt, Uu' Seller wn fin poucliU trelbt, Un' cSellcr Kvrl wo lacht. Dia prop a un' die klcna all, Sin' nuner ener Hole ; Un des is yufht der rechta wpp i W er Kules Terbrechl der ueuirut Fie Sl'bleg. Oder verloet die Schul. Imwendig am der OIU 'rum, llockadio klenn chaps ; Sie studya all gar hurt, you fee, Uu wer uet iernt sei A. li. C, Set Ohru kriega Hupps. S'ia hart zu bock uf so Honk, Dia Fues net uf em Fluor ; Kn inancher krickt en weher Ilneck, In sellem Schul hnus an der Krick, Uu' fuehll about right euro ! Die anna Drep ! dort hocka tie lo misery I yuscbl deuk ! Ks ia ko' wunoer nein oiy Wort laa sie so wuoig leroa doil Uf sella hocba lieuk. Mit all da' Drawbaks anyhow, War's doch e' (irst rule Schul ; Du Boscbt ke Meshter so geb such Der cypher kaa dureb's gauza Duel), Uo' Skipl ke' ehue llule. Does war er ! ya, des mug lcb'k'steh ; U'wipt hot er ull around ; Usr kreisliuh gute ltules observed, Uo wer Scbleg krickt hot Lot's dusarved, Completely, I'll be bouud. Wid'i DiDOnr war, on Schul war aus, Nord bol urr gut gehielt ; Deel ben der bulla Game gechoost, Deel hun sicb in der Usee amused, Uu deel beo Solger g'epjelt. Die grossa Maed beo ausgekert Die Duws uaua gestaubl 1 Z l bells, beo det'l pri teod, Der Meschter hoi sie Dans gesend ! Die Kules heu's out erlabt. Dia Kleoa Maed hen Tliog gespielt, Uf sellem Wassa da ; Wauo grossa Maed siu' io der King 's is ducb wounuervolles Drug ! Siu' grossa liuwa a' I Die grosa beo die grosa 'tagg't Die Klena all vermiesll Wie gin' aie g' rprunga, ab un' uf, Wer g'wonna hot verlos dich druf Uol tuechtiglich kekisst I Am Cbrislag wa' die recbte teit O wao leb juscbt d'ra deck I Der MeBchler beo uiir oaua gesperrt, De Tuebr anil Fenster, vest ;ebarrt( Nau, Meschter, ' Geecbeuk l" Nord bot er mightily brobirt, Mil fore komma Dei Un' aiir hen all ar bol geklopt Ko Kcbraiwrw aoo naus gattopt, "Waoo's seiosbl dao kauscbldo raL" Nau bol der Msscbter rans gvlanst Gsr Kreislicb sheepish 'gukt J Appel uu' Kesbls, on' noch neb, S'wer ynvht a nient in fsct recbt schoe Mir Leu's ui.! Lu.vbta k' slucbt! 0 wn sin' now dia Schuler all, Wo bawa do gelerut t A deel sin' weit awek geraost, Hy fortune uf uo' an guchsest, Deol hot der Tod guuriil I Mi'i Ilorta tchwellt mit Gedanka of, Bis Ich scainr (fr Terl1ck t Knntit heuU's dnt mir nau no lend Un'doch gebt mir die Krofchls Freed, Des Schul baus an der Krick I Good bye t nil ScLiil hu., echo Kreischt Good byo ! Guild bye ! y.tiruMck ; () Scliu! Iiiius I Schul butis I mus Icb gob ? Un' du steli!l nord do alio' aleh Du Schul bans au der Krick I O horcht ibr Lent wo noch mir leht, Ich Schreib eui h uoch dcs Slick ; Uli wnrn eucb, droh rucb, gebt ducb acht Uu' oeiinnl for ever gut enncht, Des Sclml liuus an der Krick ! mistAl anrous. Kno "ChuinlHTB Journal "J SNAKES I HAVE MET. If (here is anything in the woild for which I enler'.ain a deep-rooted hatred av.d uuconlroll ablu dread, Ihu I object ia uuduubledly a snuke, und next to a suuke, unything in Ihu sliupo of a lir.urd, fcorpiun, toad nr other reptile ; never thelesa, it veems to huve been decreed thut frti: isty t-utliiHt iufuiicy upwards, 1 (Lotild be dimim-d to be exposed to perpetual encouuteid and udveutures wit li lhcte louthaome creepers upon the earth. The tirst clear, tuugiblo ob ject t but lixcd ilself upon my memory I could have been but Very lit tie tuoiu tkuu two jeurs old at the timu of 'lie occurrence Was a hideous cobra coiling ilsell'ooder the pillow of my I nd iu ti nurse, who slept on a mat on the Hour ; aud lUe li is t word 1 could distinctly ar ticulate was "J'umboo" (tamul-suake,) with which cry, and puintiug with my finger, 1 drew ailenliuu lu tbri uiiAelcouiH intruder, and loithwith got linn desputcbed. Then a long blank iuteiveues, reaching over nearly three years ; alter which, my udvetitutes may be tonne (I legiuti. The next incident relating to replileb nlucli I can cull lo imud, is connected with my brother Hill m ho was older than my self aud a Binull while scorpion. Hill hud been trying to uuluck u larye padlock on the fowl-house ; ubd being unsucceFsrul, poked his little linger into Hie k.'jliolo, aud immediately, to my immense ohtoiiirbuieut and ainusenieut, p-rl'iirmed a most ejci monlii ary dance round Hie ytrd, accotnpiinyuig the same with the must hideous bowls, coiilortiocs and grimaces. Hal 1 had no idea at the moment, of course, thai be bud been stuug by a vvuuinous rep tile. Ono very heavy monsoon at Madras, when (he rain had swollen the river to such an ex tent Ibul it Hooded the coo u try fur miles around, 1 was standing iu the billiard-rnom surveying the dreary utpecl out uf the win dows, when my atlentiou was suddenly arrest ed by the nioribuud groans of a frog, and (uruiug ro iml, 1 saw a huge snuke under the billiard labia in the very act of engorging it. Sliding iu at the opposite door was Mrs. Co bra aud bar yoeug family, driving before tbem some wretched little frogs, which were vainly itudeavoriiig to escape from their releDllees pursuers. One bouud on to tbe billiard-table, and another ofl it, aud into tbe veranda, clear ed me of my disagreeubln neighbors ; but, before nightfall that day, twenty seven snakeB of all descriptions and sizes were killed in that billiard-rooru by the servants. The wuters rose so bigb llinCevery house in Madras suf fered from a perfect visitation of reptiles, and not only reptiles, hut j ickuls und birds, sought uo asylum in tbe homes of men, with bandi coots, rats, scorpions in short sufficient rep tile material to fit a very decent museum of natural history. 1 was sitting in a traveller's bungalow once at a pluce culled Outagherry, between Madras and the Malubur coast, and my friend was sit ting near the tloor, so as to catch as much dulipht as possible, reuding some work froai Ihe little library k it It nlucli government and voluulury coiitiibutious furnish these bucgu lows. Suddenly, 1 perceived tbut a large sinikn' had coiled itself around the buck of bis chai r, mid was poking its head between his arm and bis I ndy, us though seeking for some other hold. For a moment I wus paralyzed, und the sn iko bad shifted its search, and was rapidly coiling round tl.e young officer's neck. At Ilia fume instunt, n servant made bis ap peal ouce opposite Ihe door, and got sn fright ened thut be lull to the grouud iu a fninting lit. My Irieiid wus luckily a mnu of itnmeusu nerve uml great presence of mind ; he saw that his only cbunce was to remain as still as a stulue ; the slightest move would have ulurined Ihe snukn, und then nothing csasld have saved him. l,on my part, sat motion Icfs, wilh my heart frozen through and through, lo a very fow seconds, fortunately, the servant and pulkee bearers returned from the tope, where they bad been having their curry and rice, und the tioise of their approach alarmed the snake (then coiled round the bo dy of S ) so much, Ibut it unwrapped ilself rapidly and slid away to its hole. K fainted instantly when he found himself safe ; and my anxiety had been so iutunse, that 1 felt ill for many days afterwurds. On re luting my adventure to Major W , whom wo met at the very next station, be told us one ol his own serpent experiences. ' I commanded," suid the Major, "the de tachment of tbe foot-artillery, stationed at Masulipitani a horrid place, as you know, geuttemen, fur any ('hristiun to be quartered. M rs. W was just recovering from a severe illness, and, for Ihe (irst time lor many a day, was able to join me at the tifliu tabln. Most fortunately, 1 was on garrison court martial that day, and hud oy sword hanging by its belt to a chuir-back. Our bungalow was a tiled one, wiib do intervening platform or other roof; bdJ suddenly there dropped upon the table between us an immense cobra, Ibal had been most likely bunting for squirrels' nests among tbe conical tiles, liaising its buoded head, and hissing horribly, the reptile threatened alternately to dait atone or the other of us, i'.s veuomed fangs protruding full one inch. As for Mrs. W , she had fallen back in ber chair perfectly unconscious ; and, Dever for a moment removing my eye from the snake's, 1 gradually uusheathed my sword, and suddenly hounding aside at Ihe same in slant, severed its head from its body. It was a hairbreadth escape, 1 assure you, for botb of us." Soma time afterwards, I was residing at Cbittoor, iu North Arcot, and there was little detached storehouse, or yoduwn, as tbey are called, where 1 kept my supply of beer and other European luxuries. 1 always kept the key lo Ibis placn myself, and one inorniug, as was any wont, went lo to get out some ar ticles for Iba day. The door was tbe only place of ingress or egress, and tbe godowo, which was tb-itcbed with palm. leaves, could Dot boast of a single wiudow, darkness being requisite io those hot countries for that kind nf storehouse. What I required took int. to ih very further extremity of tba room from Ijc dour, aod I was jusl stooping duwp to is, lect what I wanted, when I heard a tremrn deus flop bebiud me, aud,thno a scuttle. Turn ing rouud, 1 saw a cobra and a rat having a regular pitched battlo. The cobra had bneu after the rat's young ones, aud the itifnriuted mother was thirsting fof ' refeuge. Thongb much alarmed fur oiy nun (awiy for 4 bad 00 means uf e(cupe wilhont pussing Ihu cobra I soon became intensely interested in the combat. At first, Ihe rat fought with the greatest caution, bopping from sidn to side with remarkable agility, and avoiding the poisoned fangs of tbe cobra ; at Intit, however, tbe snuke winch in the interval bad received many severe bites Btnng his adversary, and then tbe rat, apparently aware that IU case was now hopeless, grew reckless, aud closed in with its (j'potieul. In less than two min utes, it succeeded in killing the snuke, aud then crawling a?idu upuu some straw, the victor died, apparently io the greatest ago nies. 1 had another illustration of tho enmity existing between rats and snakes, many years afterwards, in Syria. 1 hud sat up lata read ing a file of the 'J'iimn newspuper ; the ser vants had ull been in bed fur hours, an ) when 1 withdrew to my own, it wanted ouly a few hours to daylight. As 1 closed my bet'room door, 1 was startled by a trusting under the chest of drawers close hy, and the next instant a rat darted out, followed by a huge black suake, aud these two set to work fighliug right against the door.. In my olurm, 1 upset the chair on which 1 had pluced the candle, and fouod myself at once in tutor durkness, locked iu with a suake and a fero cious rat. To jump upon my bed wag tho woik of an instant, aud loudly did 1 bellow for assistance out of the window. 1 might as well have called to the winds to bid tins. 1 hud neither match Dor a weapon oT delence. save a bolster, and the room wus so durk that I could oot distingntsh my owo hand though held close before my uose. When the ecu Mo ceased, 1 expected every instant to feel the horrid clmny snake twisting ilself round my legs,' aud iu that unenviable anticipation 1 remained three long hours, till broad da)lighl relieved my fears, and 1 found botb comba tants dead befoie the door. j 1 have never, in all my experience, found snakes to be the aggressors, unless you get them into a in I tie ac, or during their period of breeding Then the cobra is indeed tcrri- ble, aud 1 was chased by one at Tellicberry I for nearly half an hour, escaping tho biuie ' only by doubling quickly round until 1 stum- j bled over a stout bamboo, armed with which weapon I soou despatched it. At the best of times, it is nervous work coming to close ' quarters with a cobra one false aim, and you ' uru a dead man. l'eople have a notion tbut : the green suake of ludia which is certainly ' a pretty specimen, if anything io the shapa j of a snake cao be pretty is burmlcss ; 1 can prove to the coulrury. One any 1 saw a beautiful mango bird dutigliug from a bough ! of a bamboo bush ; tbe glare was iDteose, aud : 1 wore blue spectacles, fur whicb reason, j perhaps, I could Dot well distinguish tho , causo of tbe pbeuomeuoo, and supposing il to have been trapped by some wile, 1 seized tbe ; bird as a great prize, for I was making a col lection lo bring home wiib me. lo a second afterwards, the glasa of my 'right eye specta cle was shattered to pieces, ami 1 burdly recovered from my amazement, wheu the snake disappointed of bis aim, wriggled off into tbe thickest ol tbe busb. The glasses saved my eye and lue, fur the pour mango bird was riddled through the bead, from due eye lo the other, and every atom ol bruin had 1 beeu extrac ed. Tbey are dainty geo'.lemeo some of these snakes, aud 1 was well acquamt- d with one that preferred turkeys eggs for I his breuklast lo auy other. 1 used lu watch my turkeys as they strayed about the grounds, ' aod maiked tbeir nests, leaving them undis- ! tuibed until tbey begau IcTait. Oue beo bad ' bxed upon a myrtle busb, ruuod wbicu she ' used lo flutter aud scream every day, pukiug ber stupid looking bead out in so strange a fashion, that 1 was ouce induced to watch , her. No sooner had she deposited her egg, ' than a cobra made his uppeniuiice, und with tbe greatest dextiity sucked the egg. With greuter wisdom thau the fabled destroyer of tbe goose and golden eggs, the cobra i spared the turkey to supply his daiLty 1 breakfast. I Hut if the reader wishes to study the natu- 1 rul history of reptiles to per fiction, 1 recuin- ! ineud bun to live a mnutu or two ul Hung- ( kok, in Slum. He will have the satisfaction, I wheu ha wakes iu the morning, to see a suake ' put-ping out of u hole in each corner of the j room, aud two or three little ones amusing I themselves ul hido and seek on the Hour. If ' ha looks up al the ceiling, be will perceive a specimen of tbe lizard tribe, called t tie 7 '" from its peculiar cry a lizard that looks us if it was afllicted with leprosy and whicb has the astonishing faculty ol Hirowiug itself teu yards across from one upright wull lo another. If he curry, his inclination for study still farther, be Can investigate Ihu mystery t f a Siumese stew, and Gnd uilegulor Ihe chief ingredient. He will liud ample opportunity of collecting out of his soap plule teacup, wine glass, or the buir of his head, or Irom va the back ot bis bund, specimens ol moequito by, aut, greeu bug, grashopper bug, vulgus, earwig, Ilea, io all ihe diversified brunches of each genua. Nor wheu Ihu fatigues of a day are over, und lie dons his slippers for eusu aud comfort, need be be sur prised to und a scnipioo in one, and a ceuti pode in the other, nbiln a colony of white ants are investigating the merits of literature io Lis book-cube. lo this conopctioo, the following additional infoi mat ion will be interesting : If a boa six inches thick can swallow a gnat, it is not dilhcult to believe that ouo wice that size can do the same .to a duo. In the I'billipiua I.-lauiis, a criminal escaped tbe officers of justice, aod bid in a cave. His fatbur alone knew his biding place, and brought him fuod. Going to the cava one day as usual, lie discovered oot bit sou, but a huge serpent lo bis place. I rocuring am. lie killed the monster, and lonud the body of the young niBD within it. A serpent, thirty feet in length, attacked and killed a Malay left in charge of a bout oo Hie coast of Cote-be. Tbe arrival of bis comrades prevented its making a meal of him. A Lascar, also left io charge of a boat fell asleep. He was awakened by finding himself wiiiiiu the coils of a serpeul, said to have beeu sixty-two fuet long. His comrades arrived, ana, attacking the reptile al what is the weakest point io all snakes tbe tail which was coiled around a trie on shore, rescued bim. A German author asserts that he saw a buga serpent attack a bull'alo, tbe latter being gradually reduced to uniform muss, bis bones crack ing wiib loud report uoder tbe Botes corn, piessisjs of tbe enemy. The uilst appropriate place for the teeth or any creature would aeem to be iu lie mouth, but thera is a South Africao serpent tbat has them io bis stomach. I'liis creature lives upon bird's eggs ; -if Iba teelb were in Iba usual place, Ihe egg would be crushed as soon as seised, and moat ot the coulents lost. It Is wisely arrauged olberwise. Soiiie of the back touas throw out projections which enler tlio tlomacb, ero Ihero covered with enamel, and become to all intonts aud pur poses teeth. There are ten of these pointing lorward, end teo backward. Wheu ibe egg is seized, It safely, pusses the son nmulh or gullet, is received upon the teeth, and moves backward and forward npuu theui until it is sawed open. We now como to pononons serpents. In these, the body, directly bebiud llin head, diminishes somewhat, funning a sort of neck, which is not the casH with non-venomous ones. There is less stretching power in Ihe jaw, and Ihere ure no extra teeth in the upper roof ot Ihe month, fur the venomous serpent does Dot Deed to hold its victim ; one blow of its fangs, and the prey is secured. The possession of these lungs is the grand point of between these two varieties of serpents. These uie in the upper jaw, one on euch tide, iu front or the uidinii'ry leetb, lo which they ure similar in shape, though much longer, being in somu cases no inch in length. They nie broad at the roots, sharp at the poiute. Through them runs a hollow passage, opening nt the point l.!;e a peti slit, by which the puison squeezed into Ibmn by Hie poisou.sacks or elands, hiim near the root of the langs, is conducted into nuy wound j mano oy mem. lo the most dangerous kinds Ihe fangs, when not needed, lie down in a fold of the gum, like the closed blade of a pen knife; but ou tliu approach ofsn enemy, or of prey, the creuturo but opens its mouth, ami tbey riso instantly from their conceal ment, to defend its life or secure Its loud, the latter being the piincipul purpose which these natural weapons eeive.' The lungs are easily taken out, but just behind them there is a natural hag of glowing ones, iu every stage of development, from a pair nearly large enough to tuke the place of those lost, dowu to those so minute as burdly to be seen without a microscope. Thus, if a rattlesnake be disarmed by buving its leetb pulled, a few days makes il us duitgeious as ever. In the less venomous serpents, those iu whicb the poison is sulliuieut to kill mice and other sinull cruutures upon which they feed, the fangs do not lie down, but are permanently lixed iu lha jaw, and, instead of a passage through them, bave only u groove at tbe side, for couducting the venom. The most poisonous serpents knowo are the rattlesnake, the wute.r moccasin, tbe dart serpent, which, gathering into a coil, throws ilself upon its prey a distance of several yards : the cobra, cupella, or hooded serpent, the horned adder, or cerastes ; the pulled adder, and some of lha sea serpents of the Kast ludiuD waters. The homed adder is supposed to be of the same species as tbe asp, whicb Cleopatra, in accordunce wiib Kgypliuii customs iu sucb cases, seleced as a means of suicide, the effect of its bite beiDg quick, but not sharply painful. I he cobra cnpulla, or hooded snake, is so culled because when enraged it iutlutes its neck so as to give that portion the appearance of a tnouk's bood. The pull adder bus a somewhat Bioiilur bubit of expanding its bead aud Deck, from wbicb il gets i'.s Dame. The speed with which snake poison acts depends upon the place struck by tbe fangs. It a vein receives the blow, the action is very rapid, for the venom operates only oo the Mood, decomposing it, aud making il "clot" in Ihu veins and arteries. If a muscle be struck tbe action fs slower, and if fatty nutter, the bite is almost harmless, fat being Dearly destitute of vein. The pigs which roam the woods of the Sooth and West of America have au instinctive kuowledge of the parts of tbeir anatomy wbicb tbey may suffer to be bitteo with impunity. They are very fond of snakes as food, and enter upon a coutlict with the fiercest serpent with a cooluess and courage for whicb we are Dot uccuslotued lo give a pig credit. When one of these pigs perceives a rattlesnake, he gives uotiticutioo of battle by rattling his tusks. His bristles rise, aud bis actions be come altogether mora lively than ia nanal uuder other circumstances. The suake ! gathers itself iuto a coil, for it is only lu this position thut 11 can strike, und prepares for Ibe onset. The pig gels upon bis knees, aud by an awkward tidelucg movement works himself near bis t-uemy. When the latter strikes, the pig receives tho blow in the falty flaps uu tbe side of the jaw, and, if need be, be turns the other cheek ulso, receiving ucother blow. Artful porker) be knows Ihul two Bucb blows exhaust the poison of the snuke, aud give bim tbe victory. He rises before it cau escape, puis a lore-tool upon its tail, aud wilh bis leetb strips its 11 "th from its bnues, end devours it with many grunts or satisfaction 1 Tbe usefulness of pigs us suuko exterminators is Su well known, that iu tbe West und South of America, when a field or furui bi conies infested with dangerous rep tiles, a sow and her litter are turned iuto il. Tbey soon abuta tbe tiuisauce. lo Martin ique, wheu lha inhabitants bave to pass through a wood, they drive a pair of pigs before Ihem to clear the wuy of suakes, lha valiuut porkers having their snout guarded wilh coverings of Uu and brass. Tins pre caution is adopted, wn presume, against the dart serpent, winch prevails in tbe West ludies, the manner of Us attack being differ ent Irom that of ihe rattlesnake. Il must be remembered, however, thut if the pig bu thin In flesh, and tho cushions uf fat are wutiling. its atlucks upou poisonous reptiles are apl to be atteuded With fatal consequences lo ilsulf. If the body of tba animal bitten be warm, the poison is swifter io its uctiou than if the reverso be the case, und a bita in a warm climate is mora dangerous than iu a cool oue. If tbe reptile have not attacked anything recently, its bite is more apt to ba fatal, for the poisou is disl.iled but slowly, two or three biles exhaust it, and someliniu must elapse before enough can gather to enable the crea ture to do any mischief. The snuke charmers of tba Kast, being well aware of this, always irritate the wild cobras whicb they culch aud intend for exhibition, niuking tbem bite a piece of cloth several t nies, after wbicb they may be handled with impunity. Tbey then extract the fang, the bug of growiug ones bebiud, and tba poison glands, searing the place with a bot irou, thus preveuting their future growth. Snake charming is of very great antiquity. It is meutioned in Ibe fifty-eighth I'salm, aud viii chapter of Jereuiiuh. Il is also a curious fuel Ibal the Kgyptino jugglers still pretend to change snakes into rods, and these rods into snakes agaio, as the magicians did before I'baroab. This pretended mil acla is per formed by grasping tbe animal tightly between thumb and finger behind its bead. This checks the circulation, aud causes it to stiffen out. Being tbiowo upon tbe ground, after soma lima it again revives lha rod thus becoming a snuke I This tenacity of life is also shown In lha snake's remarkable power of eudoriog hunger. A boa has been kept six months wiibuut food, ralllusouka ayear and a balf. In many parts of lha worlJ lha snake Is made quite useful. leather is oiada of the skin, oil uf the fat, and guitar string uf tba leliduua of the South Auiencau boa. Tba fiesta, loo, is eatuu. It is fouud to itsvuibU veul very much in color and flavor. Dr, Livingstone tells of lha natives of Africa .arrylng home ofl their MnnMera., as they would heavy logs, portions of 'the huge snake, culled there the Inri. The snnlte has mar.y enemies. The perrary of , South America, tlm ichnenmon, llm birds of the hnwk species, the pig as already men tioned, the deer, the nnts of llraz I. all are its foes, and we have even known a cul to have earned quite well merited reputation as a destroyer of serpents. The manner of an A mericBQ buck deer's attack upon a rattle, snuke is curious. When he first sees it, he inns around it with great rapidity, end in constantly decreasing circles. When near ennngh, he springs into the nir, btinuing nil bis four feet Inqelher to a point., ami drops upon Ihe coiled up serpent, rutting throngh it wilh his sharp hoofs, and instantly throwing them out, scttcrs its body in ninny parts ubnnt the scene of the. conflict, nfler which he trots oil us ifconscinns of a duty performed. Hut the snke is most defenceless against certain ants nf Hrazil. These ants migrate from one spot lo another in immense swarms in search nf fond. Woe lo tho snuke that cio?pes llieir truck lie cannot strike tbem with bis fangs, or press them in his coils: they crowd upon bim, secure by thnir very insigniliuunce, and in a very short time there is nothing left of tho reptile but its white skeleton, more completely cleaned of all flesh ihnn if it were the preparation oT an anatomist. A VOl'XU GIRL SHOT DEAD BY HER, COl'SIS. A shocking affair, the thought of which causes the blood to (low hack upon the heart, and seems too horrid lo bo real, occurred in Bristol, R. I. on Thursday evening last, the particulars of which are Ihus at n ted by tho Providence Post ! "Wm. James Tilley, e son of Mr. Benjamin Tilley, about 16 years of age, was standing in the yard, with his father's gun in his hands, which he had taken up for the purpose of snnpping soinecnp. i ins cousin, a young and beautiM girl of IS, daughter of Sylvanua Pease, Esq. of Edgertown, Mass., who was on a viit to liristul, and passing the afternoon with Mr. Tillev's family, was standing in the house at a window, within a fow feet uf him. He raised the gun and deliberately aimed it at her ho id, remarking playfully that he would shoot her. Awful to relate, the gun was loaded, the charge took effect near the temple, passing through her head. She fell to the floor, and breathed about three tninu'es only, showing no other signs of life. It seems Mr. Tilley had loaded the gun with shot, a fe v davs before, for Ihe purpose of shooting a neighbor's cat that an noved him, and moot unfortunately left it loaded in his house. The hoy knew nothing nf this, and supposed it empty, us ho had frequently played with in a similar manner before. Mr. Prase lefl IiriKtol only ihe day before lo return to his home in Educrtuwu. Who canimacine. or what pen can describe the anguish Ibis thoughtless ' act has inflicted! When will peoplo Irani to be careful in the use of fire-arms. Tim Urkatkst Wkix Ykt Tho editor of tba Mercer Derpatch gives a description of an extranordinnry vein of oil lapped tbe other day oo tbe McKlbaoy farm, at a d-plb of four hun dred and sixty feet. He says : A watch was held while it ran into a took, holding, by measure, one hundred and eight barrels, and it filled the same in f fly fee minute'. At a fair estimate, takicg lb s as a data, those who were working and watching about it are con fident that in tbe first twenty-four hours, it flowed two thousand four hundred barrels of oil I And when we left oo Friday morning there appeared to be but little diminution. What is also rmarkable, is the fact that Ibis well is located not more than twenty rods from the Funk well, which has been flowing some four months, and bns yielded an almost incred ible quantity of the greasy fluid. It would bave been supposed that the latter bad draiued all tho oil for a considerable distance around, but bere is oue still mora prolific within twenty rods These oil wells are certainly ouiong lue wonders ct lbs world. m m A Nonii Exahtlk General Lynn, who lost his life in the battle near Springfield, had previously willed his whole property, valued nt $30,000, to the United States Govcrment. This sum wast lie pecuniary expression of all his self-druiul, hard toil, and great military talents. These he devoted to the Republic, aud having offered his life upon its altar, crowned his career by refunding to the same Great Master tho moneys it had given him. Does not his example exhibit more glaringly the infamy uf hundreds who, like him, derived wealth and renown from tho Govermcnt, and who now lead the aimies of its enemies to menace tho rapi tal and overwhelm iu defenders? Let the boaslcd "chivalry" uf Virginia learn a lesson from the noble soldier of Connecticut ! Nick Way of Cooking Kims, Take thn whites of six eggs, add one half spnoufull of white sugar, frisk till the plate may be turned upside down and not spill : beat the yolks wilh a tablespnonfull of wh'ts sugur ; boil one quart of milk ; lay tho whites on the milk with a tablespnou ; turn io a moment or so; cook all tbe white this way. then add tho yolks to the milk, boil a moment ; flavor with lemon when cold ; keep Ihem separate till wanted for thn table, then lay llio white balls on the custard, which, if made right, will In' ihe thickness of a rich sweet cream, i'ly them, they are very nice. Michigan Farmer. . An awkward Waiter, handing a plate In a gentleman, spilled some nf the gravy upon his clothes, and immediately cried out : Tuke care sir." "Why, you rascal 1" exclaimed the gentleman, who thought be had suffered about euough from the fellow' uegligeuue, "are you going to do it again ?" A young lady, fond of the pnmpaanJ vanities of this world, bad a la-auliful set uf jewelry. She 'ecaine "converted." In relating her experience, she said: "When I had louiiJ the Lord, I was con vinced that if I continued to wear the jewelry I should go lo hell, and so I took it all ull and gave it lu inv sialer." A sow er (I nr.1 who was very ancry when any joke was passed oil physicians, nin e defended him self from raillery, by saving: "1 iLfy any peraon whom 1 ever attended tu accuse ine of ignorance or neglect." "That you may do safely," replied a wag; "for you know, doctor, dead men tell no tale.." A wao being axkrd the name of ihe inventor of hutter'atamps, replied that il was prokilily ('ad. mus, as be hrt brought loiters Into drease, A rich MAS,wilhnut the capacity for intellectual enjoyment, is as aor as Ihe moat bumble laborer who uvea under ihe shadow or palaces. It il justly said of woman tbat she divides our sorrows and doubles our our joys. I'll; sbo quadruples our expenses. Though the clouds rear their battlements ia tbe sky, tbey are easily carried by storm. An arch young lady should be an archer for sha cao beod ber bean as she pleases. A compliment is usually accompanied with a bow, as if 10 be( pardou for paying it. Kmuatsa is a laiiguag whicb the jlumli can ..peak aud the deaf cau uudtf.Ulid. Select )octrg. A Qfi&IND POEM. The Atlantic Monthly has published many fine lyrics, but we do uol remember aoy no bler burnt of song, since tbo great national crisis begun, thun the solemn chant whicb wa Hud in the forthcoming September number. 1 1 U worthy to b remmibered with the stormy (lays ihrnngh which the Republic ia now passing. Once reud il canuot be forgot ten. "I'KnKR TIIK CLOUD AND TIIROUOH TtlK SKA." So moved tbey, when fulse Pharaoh's legion pressed, Chariots and horsemen follnwiae furioosly, Sotis of old Israel, at tlieir God's behest, Under the cloud and through the swelling sea. So passed the;, Tearless, where the parted wave, With cloven crest nprcaring from the sand A solemn uisle. before--bebintl, a grave Itullcu lo the beckuning of Jehovah's band So led He tbem, In desert marches grand, Hy toils sublime, with test of long delay, On, to the borders of that Promised Laud, Wherein' their heritage of glory lay. And Jordan raged along its rocky bed, AoJ Amorite spears flashed keen aod fear fully : Still the same pathway must tbeir footsteps tread Uuder the cloud and through tbo threaten iog sea. God works no otherwise. No mighty birth But comes by throes of mortal agony : No man-child among nations of the earth Dut fiodetb baptism io io a stormy sua. Sons of the Saints who faced tbeir Jordan flood In fierce Atlantic's unretreating wave W ho by the li-d Sea of their glorious blood Koached to ths Freedom tbat your blood shall save I O Countrymen ! God's day is not yet done ! He leaveth i.ot His people utterly 1 Count it not a covenant, that I hi leads us on Beneath ths cloud and through the crimson) Sea I D u in 0 r o w s . Anecdotic op WAsmsnTON. At Cambridge, Gen. Washington bad beard ibal the colored soldiers were not to be depended ou for sen tries. So one night the password was "Cam bridge," be went outside tbe camp, put on an overcoat, and Ihen approached a colored sen line). "Who go dart" cried the seutiuel. "A friend," replied Washington. "Friend, ad vanco nnarmod and gib de countersign," said I'ompey. Washington came op aod said'Roxbary." ' No, ear," was thn response. "Medford," said Washington. "No, sar !" returned the colored soldier. "Charleston." said Washington. "I tell yon, Masaa VVashetoo, do man kin go by bere out'o be any Cambridge !" Washington said "Cambridge," and went by and tba next day the colored gentlemen was relieved of all further necessity for attending to that particular branch of military duty. MakiHo a Dkvil. Rev. Mr. Foster was a facetious man. and usually ready at a joke and repartee. He had a parishioner, a carpenter by trade, pretty well stocked with ready wit, and withal somewhat given to boasting. One day while at work for his minister hewing a stick of timber, the carpenter was boasting;, in his usual style, of the marvels that he could perform. The pastor, to put an extinguisher upon bim, said: "Governor," (his nickname,) ''do you think you could make a devill" "Mukc a devil!" responded tho Governor, "why, yes, oh! yes," (his broad axe moving a little more rapidly.) "Here, put op your fool. You want tho least alteration of any man I ever saw!" Il was rare that the minister came off' second best in an encounter of this character, but be did this lime. "Wife, which way do yon suppose the wind is tonight?" "Well, really, 1 dont know John, but suppose you light a candle and look into our straw bed." "How can 1 tell by that?" " W hy, bless you, dou't straws tell whicb wsy the wind blows ! " A Wao being asked thn nunieofthe iuven tor or butter stumps, replied that il wus prob ably Cadmus, as be Brat brought letters into G ruece . Paradox -Vanity Fair gives the fullowing amusing paridox; " Old tray's ever faithful, "they say, Uul the dog who is faithful can aeve-r be Tray. Innoi'kncp.. " Is your father at borne ?" in quireed a man of the lille girl who admitted bim. "Is your name Hill ?" sbo asked "Soma people cull me so," replied he. "Thon ha ia not at bourn, for 1 heard him tell John, if any hill came, to say bu was uol al home." An Knrahko Gknti.kman, addressing, from his chamber window, a youth who had been serenading his daughter half an hour, said : "You are a great boro. and I think yon mean lo keep on horing until you get water,"addiug, " here it is," emptying a pitcberfull upon bis bead. You may inert a thousand excellent things in a n.iwapapar ami never hear a word uf apprulwtloii from the readers j but just leta paragraph slip in (hv areiilunt) of one or two lines not suited t- their ta-i'ea, anJ you will be shure to hear it. A drunken lawyer, on going into church, was observed hy tlio minister, who addressetl him thus : I shell hear witness against yuu at lha day nf judgement " The lawyer shaking his head with drunken gravity, replied : I bava practiced five years at the bar, and hay always found that lha greatest rascal is tbe first lo luru Stale's evidence " "Massa, spnse I wis to tuke an axe and knock your t-ef down yuiii throat, what would you do?" Why, sir. 1 would bave you arrested for assault aiid battery." "Couldn't do nulbo wid m, dough." "Why not?" "Cos 1 could prove il ax-i-deutal," 1 1 is pleasant to see roses and lilies glowing upon a young lady's cheek, but a bad sign to see a man's face break out io blossoms. "Well, Mr. J., bow did you get through the 4tb?" "Ob, very well iudied. but it was lha 5tb thai troubled uu." For life is general there is bot one degree; youth is a blunr meouood a struggle ; old ag a regret. A young lady lately appeired In malo attire io Baltimore, and ooa of the editors says (hat bar disguise was an perfect (bat sha might bave passed far a uiuu, "bad sba bad til I la mora modesty." Wljy ar good busbauifs like douyb ? L'e cause woiueu utid Ibaui.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers