Jfortijn ffcto.. ARRIVAL" OF THE WESER AND BO RUSSIA AT HEW YORK. roiR oxrs lateii moM .nor. THK WAR COMMENCED. Action at the Bridge over Ih 'Jeintlttreat of the Sardinians Capture of Sardinian Vessels Prussia nnd England preparing for War 40,000 French at GenoaFlight of the Duchess nf Parma Neto Govern ment Established which tide) vith Piedmon Turkey preparing for War the En glish Elections Result Favorable to the Derby Ministry Wreck of the Ship For menu Three hundred and eighty-six lines lost. Nkw York, May 15. j Tba steamers Wescr and Bornssia arrived tbii evening, at half past six o'clock, from liftmen via Southampton, with Liverpool dates to the 3d Inst. The reported wreck of the clipper ship Po mona proved to be troe. "She was wrecked oil Wexford. Ireland, aud 386 lives were lost. iSbe had on board 375 passengers aad 62 of the crew, or whom 17 of tba former and three of the Utter were saved. Tba ship sunk in nine fathoms of water. THE WAR. In regard to tbe war, there can be but lit tin douht that the war has commenced. In 11 probability there was a sharp action at the bridge of Hnfllora, on Thursday, the 28tb alt. It is reported that the Austrians, after a considerable lots, took it at the point of the baynuet. :lt is also reported that Motara had been tukt'n, and that the Sardinians had retreated before the Austrians near the Lago Maggi ore. The telegraph line to Switzerland has been cut by the Austrians. Nibhk, Sunday, May 1. The Austrians have occupied Jutra, Tallauza and Arona, tha Sardinians retroatiog at tbnir approach. Tfiirs, Thursday, April 28. The steamer which arrived at Genoa on the 27th brought a proclamation to the Tuscan army, inviting it to await the signal of war, and advance in u compact body of 12,000 men to reinforce l'ied uior.t. A similar proclamation has been addressed to the troops in the Liouiagmi. TuniN, Friday, April 2D. General Can rubsrt and Nifci have arrived bore and gone tojoiu the Kin;;. The Austrians are concentrating in great musses at 1'iacenia, where a proclamation bus been issued by tba Austrian Commission ei Extraordinary. Fifteen thousand of the French Imperial (inards laud to night at (ipuoa, making the t'orcH now trier 40,000 men. The force at Sosa is also increasing fast. Tuny, .Saturday. April 30. The official Hullotin confirms the passage of the Ticino ly the Austrians. Yesterday the King, accompanied by (Icn- rrals Cuurobert nnd Nil, visited the line of the river Dora. The corps d'armoe, ftliich entered Pied mont by Uravellona, consists of twenty bat tnllietis and eight batteries of cannon. Turns, Sunday May I. The King has gone to assume the command. ThetAustrians are at Novars in force, and tilso at 1'avia. The French infantry aad artillery continue to arrive. Nj decisive movement has yet been made. ISkunk, Saturday, April 30 Thn Austri ans have seized several Sardinian vosselg nu l.igo Maggiore, aud commenced hostilities 1 tst evening. Yis.vka, Saturday, April 30. CouDt Huol has forwarded ciretilar notes to to the foreigu governments, stating the diplomatic and po litical reasons for the declaration of war by ttiit F.nipcror. The Wiener Zeitung publishes decrees, or tiering tbe income tux of the third class to be retained by the paving officer, immediately vpnu the tuteresl of the public bond being pud, and ordering a loau of twenty million pounds sterling, but as ul present, it is Im possible to contract it, the National Bank will advance two-thirds or the nominal value uf the loan in new notes. A third decree reloases the National Hank from thn necessity of meeting its noUs with specie, and ft fourth orders the duties and ex cise dues to be paid in silver or payable cou pons of the National loan. Is England a royal proclamation has been issued ofleriog a bounty of tea pounds to sea men, with the internum of recruiting 10,000 additional mun. The greatest activity prevailed in the En glish dock yards, preparing tor war. The Emperor Napoleon was expected to loin tbe French army ou the 31 iusl. lastructiuns from the lirilisli Admiralty were received at Woolwich, April 30th, oj renting all possible haste in tbe completion of the new class steam frigates now on tha stocks. A despatch was received at Sheerness, on tha 29th alt., ts send tbe -Royal George" to ltdveoport, the "(Jollotsns to 1 ortsaioulb and the "Edgar," "Qnetiu" aud ''Trafalgar' are to be got ready fur sea immediately. Tbe Otborne steum yacht has been ordered to be cot ready for immediate service. Its destination is reprrted to be the Mediterra nean, to be placed at the disposal of tba 1'rince of Wales. Tbe Prussian Government has resolved to put its army in readiness to march. Vikmna, .Sunday, May 1 Tbe Archduke Jerdiuand Maxuuilliao la discharged from the Governor Generalship of Lombard and entce. Hekuh, Sunday, May 1. The lacroasing uncertainty to political affairs has caused l'russia to resolva to put herVemuiuiug corps a armee la readtaess to march. Mabsriixes, Friday, April 29. Advices from Home to 20th, state that a proclamation had been issued by General Guyon, recom mending tba inhabitants to remain tranquil, disapproving of any manifestations, even of a pacific nature, and reminding tbe populace that tbe assembling of crowds iu tbe streets is already forbidden. Eight thousand Austrians bad arrived at .A ocooa. Tims, Sutiday May 1. Thn king left Ibis -morning to take command of the army. Tba Austrians in large numbers have quit ted 1'iaceoza, and proclaimed it in a state of seige. They appear to have concentrated their forces on tbe U ft bauk of tbe Fo. Trikstr, Saturday, April 30. Tbe Austri an Lloyds has discontinued tbeir ships to for izn norts. Ukrnb, Tuesday, May 3 The President opened tba Federal Assembly wi'.n patrio tic speech. Tbe Couucil moved tbe follow Ing demands for tbe consideration of tba As aomblv : To sanction tba declaration of neu trality which accompanied tha recent calliog of tba contingents by the Government: to authorize defesisiva measures j to opea a ere (lit, not to be limited to tbe contracting or loans, and to appoint a commander io cbief cjf tha Federal aruiy. Vs.au. ilav-2 The Grand Pncheas of Farina left, after instituting a Council of Re gency, and tba new government las expres- tu Uf adhesion to I teumoni. Turih, May 2 Tba King of Sardinia has accepted tba Military Dictatorship or Tusca ny, to facilitate tba eo operation of tba Tas- cans in tha war ot inoepenuence, ana to pro i art nnhlia order. Tb Sardinians io Yeniea have placed thamsalvei under thsj protection of tba Uus dan IAnaiii tta. Stcttoard, Msy 2. Tba Wortamburg ( bainliers bava unanitnously voted tha Gov. e.ouat.t projai ta (or calling tot tta Land- webr, for forced levy of horses, and tha opening of a war credit of (even million flo rins. Tha Taria correspondence of the London Times says that it la rumored that M. Delan gla leavea tbe Cabinet. Tbe declaration of war against Austria was expected to appear in the Faris Moniteur, of t e 3d or May. Tbe Austrian Ambassador baa net yet left Faris. The Vienna correspondent of the London Times sajs that the Forte ia preparing for war, and that Omar Pasha is on his way from Bagdad to Constantinople. Faris, Sunday, May 1. Tbe Moniteur publishes a circular note, dated 27th of A pril, addressed by Count Walewski to the Diplo tnatic Agents of the Foreign Powers. It describes the present position of political af fairs, and expresses much satisfaction at tbe conciliatory spirit of England, Prussia and llussia. Jt states tbe wish that the other powers which compose the GermaBic Confe deration may not allow themselves to be mis led by remiuiscences of epochs qnite different from the present, and hopes that tbe stale men in Germany will perceive that it depends on them to put limits upon the extension and duration of a war which France conscien tiously feels that she bad not provoked. Sardinia has uiade proposala at Madrid to induce tbe Spanish Government to join her in tbe cause of Italy, but Spain intends to be strictly neutral. Tbe following is tbe official letter of Prince Gortschakoff to tbe British Government : "1 do not deny that there may exist a written engagement between France and Russia, but I can assure you in tbe most positive manner that such arrangement contains nothing that in tbe most distant manner could be iuter proted as constituting a hostile alliance against Eogluad. If Lord Malmesbury should be questioned on the subject he nay answer with confidence in the ubove sense, and 1 give you my personal guarantee that tba de claration will not be falsified by the facts." Turin, Suuday, May 1. Two thousand Austrians occupy Mortara, and No vara is occupied by 4.")0. General liereut died on Saturday, at Susa, of apoplexy. Wkiuab, Sunday, May 1. The Czar Alex, ander, io a despatch to the widow of tbe late Grand Duke, gives a denial to the reports that Pratsia aud Austria are threatened by Hussia. Yikkka, Saturday, April 30. The French A mbassador is to leave to day. Paris, Suturday, April 30. It is rumored that ou insurrection has broken oat io Sicily. STILL LATER FROM EUROPE. Cai-ic Race, May 16 The steamer Vigo, from Oueenstown, ou the Glh, for New York passed this point last night, and her advices were obtained by the Associated Press' News Yacht. Her advices are two days later tbsn those furnished by the NovaScotian aud Arago. SWITZERLAND. Tbe Swiss Federal Assembly has approved tbe declaration of neutrality and the measures for defence taken by tbe, federal Council, ai.d appointed Gecerul Defariur Ccuiiuaudcr-iu-Cine I of the army. INDIA. Later advices from India have been re ceived. Mann Singh bus surrendered to the British forces. Tautia Topee has been cap tured after a desperate struggle, in wbicb f00 of tbe rebels were killed. The news from India was received by tele graph from the British Consul at Alexandria. Ou the 2d of April. Muun Singh surrender ed to Major Meades, tivo columus of his forces at Murandia. Tautia Topee was captured on the 8th by that force, assisted by Muun Singh himself Cols, de Salles and Recbes, by a Couib.und movement, attacked tbe rebels io tbe front rear. laooe ght, 500 were killed, iucludiog three officers ; the chief however, escaped. A body of tbe rebels are still iu Nepaul. Sir R. Sbakespear succeeds Sir R. Hamil ton, lie is now iu Oudo. TUB KtWS BY TUB STISAMEIl VIGO. St. Johns, May 1G. The summarry of the steamship Vigs's news was made up on board the steamer, and hence is not as complete a synopsis cs tbe one usually prepared by tbe Liverpool agent of the Assouiated Press would have been. This is unfortunately tbe case in regard to tbe report of tha Liverpool cotton market, tha papers from which the summary was made ceotaiuiog nothing concerning it. THK WAR. The Londou Times says that tbe invaders of Italy have not advanced over thirty-five miles from the frontier ; and it seems that though Austria staked heavily for tbe oppor tunity that she won, she has uow thrown it away. The Paris Mouiteur of the fltb contains the following ; "Ai.kisandria, May 4th Evening. The .Austrians, who bad crossed the Po io small numbers, at Camnedia, and pushed the van guard as fur as Sulla, have uow crossed tbe fiver. "Tbe Austrian division reported on the right bank of the river are still threatening tbe passage of the Po at Trassinutto. but the river is much swelled by the rain, and offers, an obstacle to the crossing. 1 be rain coo tinues, and all the low grounds are covered with water. "Pauma, May 5. The reigning Duchess entered tbe city yesterday. Part of the troops went out to meet her, and auother part was drawn op along tbe reads." GREAT BRITAIN. Tbe Duke of Malukuff has bad an audience with the Queen, and presented bis letters re calling him to France. The members returned to the new House of Commons op ta tbe evening ol tbe 5th was 0j2. I be London Tunes estimates the aim isterial eaio at 17. aud the Herald at 24. 1 be death of Duke Lewis is announced. Lord Godolpbio succeeds to tbe title. American Officesr i.t tub Ei'roman War. Tbe Paris correspondent of the New York Times writes : Capt. Jerome liona parte, who lately returned to Prance from a visit to his parents at Baltimore. lias been placed in the most dangerous tervice in toe army. He will command in tbe Chasseurs d' Afriqne, a body of light cavelry, every man of wuicn is mounted on an Arab stallion ot great speed and endurance. This body is divided op and thrown forward in advance of tha army ecweimg parlies, and is employed in all dangeroaa and rajid recoonoisaoces. The eaptain, on arriving at Paris, ten days ago, lelt immediately for Algiara, to join his com pany, fram whence be will most probably land at Genoa, on Sardinia territory, which ia to be, on account or ita proximity te Toulon and Marseilles, tha future base of operations of the French army. 1 have been told that Major Kearney, or New York, has entered tbe staff of one of tbe French generals of division, as a volunteer Major Kearney, it will be recollected, distin guished bimselfin tbe Mexican war, in wbicb he commanded a volunteer cavalry company, raised and equipped entirely at bis own ex pense. Got. Packer bat signed the bill passed by the late Legislature, authoritinr the Courts of Common Flees to. change tbe names or o; persons. Jt Is a great pity that aome court oo earth could not be invested with power to change the nature of individuals Tbere would be werk fur such Judiciary. Dr. D. II B. BeowER, of tbe late American having returned from Danville to boiler county, eras complimented with tbe public preseutattoi oi a gold watch irora &:s person friend.. ' - - Stkanoi IIisstort or a Mdhdirer It was mentioned a few days ago that Felix Sanchez, a Cuban mulatto, who, In January last, killed bis father-in-law, and stabbed bia wife and mother in law in New York, bad been arrested at New Orleans. Tbe Dee fur ther informs nsi He was bid away in a Spaniard's house some fifteen days iu New York. Tbe Spaniard then took him to timore, and by reason of bis naturally dark skin managed to sell him as negro Tor $1,400. Lie was subseqnently taken to Mobile, wheie be was sold to Mr. Brooks, and subsequently to Mr. Ladbotter, who sent him here to be sold by Mr. Foster. Tbe latter put him in tbe parish prison lor safe keeping, where be was subtaquently ideotifliod aa the alleged murderer. Sancheiis said to be the child or a free negress in Cuba, and tbe son of a wealthy Cuban planter He has a wealthy nncle, he says, in New York, and was born iu Trinidad de Cuba. Tbe accused doubtless bad to submit to being sold as a slave to prevent being exposed as a murderer. Arrival or Ma. Rkkd. The late Minis ter to China, Hon. William B. Reed, arrived it hit home in Philadelphia, on Wednesday last, after an absence of nearly two yeara. He was met at Jersey City by a number of his persona! and political friends. An invi tation to a public dinner has been tendered bini and accepted. geveral families cf Mormons passed over the Cattawiasa Railroad, last week. New Advertisements. Estate of FREDERICK MUTCHLER, Deceased. NOTICE i hercbv given that letters of admin istration having hern granted to the sub scribcr on the estate of Frederick Mutchler, late of Shamokin townshi,), Northumberland county, deceased. All persons indebted are requested to make payment on or before the 18th dav of June, next, to the subscriber, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JACOB MUTCH I. ER, Adm'r. Shamokin township, May 14, 1859. 6t NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE- JAMBS BEARD having returned from Phil adelphia with the latest and most fashionable styles of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, would invite his numerous friends and the public generally, to call at his store in MARKET KQKAKU, one door east of the Post Office, where be will bo hnppy to exhibit his general assortment of good. His goods consists of Gentleman's Boots, Shoes, Call' Skin, Morocco, Patent Leather, and Slippers, Patent Leather, Morocco, Calf Gaiters of all descriptions. Ladies' Shoes of everv description and atvle, such as Gaiters, Low Boot, Slippers, lius kins, &c. Misses' Shoes, Boots, Gaiter and Slippers of every description and sivle and material. Boys' Shoes, Ituots, Gaiters, c , of every de scription of style and material. Youths' and Children's Shoes, Hoots, Oaiters, Slippers, 4c , of evety description and style, &c. ALSO: A general assortment of HATS and CAPS. All of which he will sell low far CASH or Country 'reduce. His motto i ' Letter a quick sixpence than a slow shilling." JAMES HEARD. Punbury, May 1-1, 1859. tf Estate of Samuel M'ejore, !cceac Joseph Haupt and wife,") Writ of Partition and vs I Valuation. Returnable The heir of Samuel Mo August Term, 1859. Moore, deceased. J Te Joseph Haupt and Susan his wife, James Merrill and Hannah his wife, residing at L Eprty, Tioga county, Pa, Wm. t'ulkerson and Sarah hi wife, residingat , Tioga county, Pa., John Moore, Elitha Moore, Relat Mocre and Esther Moore, residing ia Shamokin town, ship, Northumberland county, Pa; Mirhael Moore, residing at (as is believed) Saint Antho. nv's Falls in the Stale of Minnesota, Mariet Moore, widow of Isaac Moore, deceased, (who was a son ot said decendant) and who died Willi, in the lifetime of his said falher, leafing isue Catharine intermarried with John Rostian, liar, riet, intermarried with William Nabor, and Ann Charles, Miles and Alice Moore which said Charles Miles and Alice are minors and all ol which widow and children of said Isaac Moore, deceased, reside at Jackson, Lycoaiiog county, Pa.,) heirs and legal represenlalives of Ihe said Samuel Moore, deceased. You and each of yau are hereby notified that by virtue of the above writ, to me directed, an Inquest will be held at the late resittenie of the said Samuel Moore, deceased, in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, on Friday, the I7lh day of June, 18.S9, far the purpose of making partition cf or to .value and appraise the real estate of said deceased, at which time and place yoa may aitend if yea si proper. JAMES VANDYKE, sJherilT. fltonuV Office, Sunbury, May Hth, 1869. ) Eatato o Jacob Jiirrett dt tvaacl Henry J. Reader, alienee") In tbe Orphan's of Isaac Jarrett, j Court of Northum vs. Sberland county. The heirs ef Jacob Jarotl. Writ of J'aililion deceased. J Valuation. Returnable fo August Term, 1S.')9. To Henry J. Reader, alienee of Isaac Jarrett ; Henry, Samuel, Daniel and George Jarrett, and Catharine Smith late Catharine Jarrett, David Lilly and Lydia bis wife, late Lydia Jarrett; John Rarrelt and Elizabeth his wife, late Eliza beth Jarrett, and John Doebler and Sarah his wife late Saiah Jarrett, hairs and legal represen ts ves of Jacob Jarrett, deceased. You and each or you are hereby'notified that by virtue or the above writ to uie directed an In quest will be held on the Real Estate of said deceased, to wit : A certain lot or piece of ground situate in Lewi towihip, Northumberland coun- l)ty, bounded by lands of George Christman, Pin.-!-.: 11 t I. si 1- 1 - . L. uurisiiuii mviiaeuioyer, aacou ouaiiu aim vuici containing about four acres. Also, another lot or piece of ground in same township, adjoining land of Jacob Wertman, Denjamin Smith, Wm Levan and other, containing stout four acres, on Tuesday the 28lh day ol June, 1S59, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the nrem'ses, tor the purpose of making partition of or to value and appraise said real estate, at which time aud places you may attend if you see proper. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, ) Sunbury, May M, 18AS. I Estate or John Dockey, Deceased, Jonathan Dockey, "j In the Orphans' vs. Courtof Norlbura- The heirs of I. Dociey.aec'd J berlaud county. Writ of Partition and Valuation, returnable to August Tern, 1859. To Michael Dockey, John Dockey, Philip Mesaner and Mary bia wife late Mary Dockey, Jonathan Uockey, David feterman and Elisa beth bia wife lata Elizabeth Dockey, residing in Dauphin county ; Joseph Dockey, John Uinga man and Catharine his wife lata Catharine Doc key, residing in Dauphin county ; Casper 'JVopp, and Sarah hi wire lata Sarah Dockey, David CnerkoQer aud Magdalene bia wife late Magda lene Dockey, Benjamin Dockey and Eliaa Doe key, heira and legal representatives of said John Dockey, deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified that fey virtu of ib above writ lo ina directed, an in queat will be held at Ih let residence of tbe saij decendant in Lower Mahonoy township, Nor thumberland county, on Tuesday, Ihe Uth day . io, o ctock A. M,Ioc tha pur- poMofmakmi partition at or to .l... .n,l prais tha real stata of said .Uu.il .i h time and place yoa may aitend if yoa ae proivr. ShenfTe Officer, Sunbury, May t, leaf. J SPRING & SUIMlttEIt JCST ARRIVED AT THE 8TORE OF J. II. EXtiEL. of Sunbary, Pft , A splendid stork cf Spring and Hummer JL. Goods from Philai'elphl.n, to whirh he respectfully invitee his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in show. Ing them. Among his stuck of gooda will be found, FINE BLUE AND BLACK " FRE1TCE CLOTH. Fine It lack and Fancy Casimeres 1 weeds, Bat inetta, Jeans and Fa'cy Vesting, also a large as sortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, 13 lack and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, liererrrs, Chsli and Chali Kobrs, llerege Delaine, Uorege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of o.her Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseille! Drilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry (lo ds. Also a Urge stock of Hats and Caps, Roots and ahocs, Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedsrware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar A c. &c. N. 13. Wall and Window Taper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. IT. ENGEL. Sunbury, Msy 14, 1859. tf. Auditor's Notice. In the Orphans' Court of Sorthtimberland County. THE undersigned, having been appointed by the said Court, Auditor, to distribute ths funds in She hands of Dr. R. B. McCay, Admin istrator ot Mary A. McCay, deceased, to and among those legally entitled to rereive tbe ssme, will attend to tbe duties uf the said appointment at his office, in Sunbury, on Morday, the sixth day of June nest, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which time and place all parties may attend, if they see proper. A. JORDAN ROCKEFELLER, Sunbury, May 14th, 1859. Auditor. ATjT0R'SN0TICE. riHE undersigned, who was appointed an JL Auditor to distribute the fund arising from the sale, by virtue of sundry wiits of Kikhi Facias issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, of the personal propertv on the premises of. Charles Weaver, sold as the property of Charles Weaver and '.Villiam L. Dewart. will attend to the duties ol bis appointment, at his office, in Ihe borough of Sunburv, on Wednesdav. the 25th of May next, nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when and where those interested may attend. JOHN K. CLEMENT, Auditor. April 30th, 1859 3t FLOUR" AND" FEED. CO. HAVEN has constantly on hand a largo aud full supply of FI .0 111 and FEED, which be will sell at as low, or lower profits, than any place in this 'Market. Those wanting flour will find it an object to call at the Wholesale and Retail Flour Store before purcha sing clicwheru. icing thankful for past favors, asks a continuance of the same. C. O. HAVEN. Sunburv, May 7, 1359. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. IN pursuance ol an order of the Orphan's Court of Northumberland county, the undersigned will expose to public sale on SAT Lit DA V, ihe 28th day of May, 18S9, on the premises, all that certain tract of land late the estate of Ludwig I'lleegar dee'd, situate 2J miles from Lewisburg and the same distance from Miltnn, adjoining lands of John Rest, Tim's Allen, John Gucker and others, containing about 91 ACRES more or less, about 50 acres of which are cleared and under cultivation. The improve ments Consist of a good Urick Houselately erec ted, a never failing Well of Water near the door ' with a Pump in It, a Rank Ilarn also near, with other Outbuildings also a Tenant ouse with Spring of good water near it. There is an Or chard of bearing Apple Trees on the farm. Sale to rommenre at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, when terms will be made known by JOSEPH M. NESUIT, Adm'r. .May. 2nd. 1KB9. 4U t. i . c; oo m T's NEW DRY GOODS AND V-AIFtl ETY STORE. Market Sytiare, tne door West of the Post Ofice, SUSUUHY.ra. HE subscriber has just returned from the city with an entire new stock of Dry Gooda and a gei.eral variety of Notions. Ilia selections, which are ditferent from anything ever brought to this place, have been made from the most extensive wholesale CBtahlishmcats iu Philadelphia. His stock consists of Itlat k Clothst, Faucy C'aiislnicrcs Silks, Ginghsms, Delaines, Alapacas, Ohintt, Calicoes, White Goods, Flannels, Muslins, Circulars, Mantillas, Shawls, Merino, Marseilles, Cotton Plaids, HATS -A. 1ST ID CAPS. Flats, Children's Honnets, Trimming of every variety, Gloves, Hosiery, Shirt bosoms. Shirt Collars, Gingham Cravats, lilack Silk Cravats, Fancy ScarU, Ac, Ac. The list of NOTIONS comprises in part, load DrrK?N, Head Xccklacci, Fancy Deads, Fancy lls.kels. Toy of all kind. Fancy Hair Pin. Fancy Urarelels, Gold Ear-Drops, Gold lireust Pins, Gold Studs, Gold Pens, Ladies' Recti cules. Uultons, Drushea, Toi lets, Combs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery. Faucy China Waie, STATI ONEHY, riCTURES, and a variety of other Fancy article too nume rous to mention. All articles not on hand when asked for will be ordered from Philadelphia immediately, with out extra charge, the proprietor having made arrangements to be supplied with deficiencies whenever required. His stock will be disposed of on cash prinsi pies, deducting & per cent, from purchases a mounting tojnore than one dollar. By strict attention to business, he hopes to receive a share of public patronage. He invites all to call and examine for themselves, and be convinced that he has cn baud the largest stock of Fancy Goods ever brought to the place. THOS. G. COOPER Runbury, May 7. 1859. pur)Tsi AND READING KAIL ROAD Suiiiiuvi Arraiigemciit. APUIL 18, 1869. TWO PASSKNGKR Trains leave Itsfitburg Daily, (7unaMya exeeiHea,) at e.uu A al, ana r .i , iw mil' adelnhiu. amvii tin;ra at 1 1 SO noon and 7.40 P. Af Returning, Uve rhiUpt-lphlust 7 WJ A. At., and 1.10 P. M., arriving at Hainsburg at 19 40 neon and 8 2S P. M. Fsaas: To Phdadclpbia, No. I Cars, (M Mi ; No. 9 (in annis Usui.) S2 70. Faaas i To Headin.. SI SO and tl 30. At Heading, cauuect with trains fur Futtivilla, Minors Villa, TainaqM, Cuuwiasa, Ire.. Four Trains Icuva Kwiding for Pbiladrlphia daily, at S as, iu it- a at, 19 M uisa ana om r. ni lave Phlhutelphla for Hauling al 7 SO A M, t 30 P. M S 30 p At ., and 4 4SPM I Ksaas: Haadina hi rhiuutclnhia. (I 7S snd tl 43. Tha Aloriiing Train friaa Harnsburg euraieeu Kaudiuf wna up train lor WiUiasuarre, FitlsKul and BcranKni. For through tickets and olber infortnaiion snslv lo i J.CLYUE, (Sontr.l Agsut. April SO, IM0 Sf A GOOD EOTJSE ND LOT for stle in buubury. Inqutr at Una ollic. April ao, l89. VANI1.I.A BEANS. Figa, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Prune, uli of all kinds, just re ceived aijd for sal al tba Confwlionary Siore of JH. liEAKIIAItl. Bunbut Afril SS. 1 ... LOOK TO YOUR OWN INTERESTS ! !, II O O T S AND fS SHOES. " EMOVAL The subscriber respectfully In forme the cititens of Runbury and vicinity that he ha removeikihi establishment from his old stand to Ihe office formerly occupied by Dr. Awl, in Market Square, Sunbury, near the Nor thern Central Kailrmd. Having on hand a well selected stock of good material, he ia ready to supply his customers and others promptly with work ready made or made up to order, in the latest and best style and on the most reasonable term. llelieviug the cssh system is the beat for both the customer and himself, he will endeavor to offer auch inducements a will give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. P. S. Those indebted, are requested to call and settle theii accounts, without delay. WM. II. MILLER, 1 ..nury, April 16, 1859 ly VT1HE appeals will be held at I fie following na. -A- med places and days, for the several town ships anil Uoroughs, in the county of Northum berland, for the year IS'', to wit : Northumberland llorough and Point township, al the house of Henry Haas, May 2. Chilisqu iq-ie towi.ship, at the honac of James Miller, May ;. 7'urbut township, at the house of Abraham Kissinger, May 4. Lewis and Turbutville, at the house of Hiram Ilrynolds, May 5. Delaware and McEwrnsville, at the house of II. J. Header May . Milton Uorough, at the house of Juhn M. HulT. May 7. Lower Mahnnny township, at the house of A, liolharmel. May 9. Jordan tp., at house of Elias ha!Ter, May 10. Jackson tp., ' Galen tfmith, 11. Washington tp , " (J. II. Kabuck, " 12. Cp. Mahauoy tp" J. II. Adams, " IH. Cameron tp., Peter Weikel, ' 14. Zerbctp, Wm. Fonlds, " 16. Lit Mahanoy tp " Vi0W Kaker, "'17. Low. Aug. tp., " Klins Kmerich, ' 18. Sunbury borough and t'pper Augusta town ship at the Commissioner's Ollice, May It). Kusht tp., at the Hush ."School House, May 2'. Khamokin tp., at house of John Neshit, " 2:1. Coal tp., " Win. -M. W eaver, " 24. ML Cannel tp" A Lerch, " B5, FI.KDKR1CK HAAS,) SAMUEL K X T, Com'rs. JO-KFH KV Kit ITT, ) Commissionkr's Offiok, 1 Sunbury, April 30, 18.r)9. 3t J ""iwlrTjiuririN es. THK CAMUUN X AM 110 V AND l'llil.ADKI.I'lll A AM) TRKNTON KAII.HUAD CO.'S LINKS', From Philadelphia to .Vric York uml Way l laces. From Will Jin I Street Wharf, rhilailelphin, will fence aa follows, viz : rRB. At 6 A M. via Camden anil Amlnv. C ,V A Accum- HH-uti"ii, 2 35 At A M, vis Cnmdun and Jersey City New Jer- scy Bec.tininluttin, 9 23 At I) A M, via Caindeu and Jersey city Moruiiig Muil, ' J 00 Al II A St. tiy SteiimlvMt, via Tjcony and Jersey cny Murmur: Kaprrss, 3 OU At i t' M, via Cuuidcn and Ainbiv C and A. Ex press, ' 9 00 At3J 1' At, by Pleninlsmt, vis Taeony and Jersey city, Kvrutnpr Kxiress, 3 00 At3J f'.M.Iiy Mmmlj-'st, via Tacnny aui Jer.ey cily.'l Class Ticket, 3 45 At 6 I M. via CntiKlrHi Jersey city Keening M nil 3 eo At II I' At, via Camden amlJersey city .liit Mall 11 25 A I 2 1' Al . vin Cnmttm and Amtsty Aceuiiiinoda- Uuh. (rreititand lenger,) 1st class ticket, 9 25 2.1 " 1 6U At .1 P At. via Cnyjilen snd AmbiyAcc.'.intnoda liull, (Freight and I'ussengur,) 1st cltt ticket, 2 2.5 2d I IS TUt S I'. AT. Mail Line runs d.iily. The II Night Muil, S:i!urd;iys excepted. !'" Kxpfess Lines stup at principnl station only. K.t Nelvidere, Knst.m, rieiuinglnn, &c., at 6 A. Al., an.i - r. , iroin w nmui street wnuri rot witter uup, mrouasunrg, ncrsnlnn, w ilkesrturre, AUuitrnse, tjreut Bend, Ac., :tt 0 A M, via IMaware, ljickitwiinna and Western Knilnind. For t'reehilil. nt A. Al. and 2 P. Al. For .Mount HoUr. at S and 8 A At . andS1.lt and 6 T At. WAY LINKS, Fr Bristol, Trenton. -cat 3 and U P. M.. from Walnut street wharf. Fur I 'atmyrn. Jielsuco, Dsverly, Uurlington, uorueii- town, Ac , ul 2J 1" At. SttvonUout John Nrls-.in, fur U'jrdeutowit and intsrmcdi- nte places, at 3 I. Al. Mkiiuii ml I rKiiton, rrr iins'oi, uuiitiigtou and interme diate pUres, ut 12 M n.ul J j P. M r niy pounns ot u.tfrggc only, auoweu enen issengi-r, P;iisriii;-iB nre piolubitt-d from taking anything: us Burr- pace hut their vttring apparrl. All Itiicioige over tifty pounds ti lie pant rnr extra. Ihe Cornoauy limit Iheir responsibility for ItjcK-ice to Onn Uoltur per pound, and will not Im huhle foi any amount leyoiid 100 ilotlais, ex- cepl by ipeetsl contract. v m it. u a .ui.it, .igrui. April 1st, I3i! ap. 30, 'M. NEW FLOUR. FEED. FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE! riHK subscriber respectfully informs the cili 1 xena of Hunbtiry ami the surrounding neigh borhood, that he haa opened a Store at tbe north west corner of Alaikcl Square, oppoiile Vandyke's Hull road Hotel, where l.o is receiving, and will keen on hand. Flour, Feed, Fruit and provisions of all kinds, soch as WHEAT, RYK ir BUCKWHEAT FLOl'R, Oals. Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shod in sea son, Eatly Vegetables Fruit &.C., from the South. He will constantlytTeceive, by Hailroad, from Ilaltimore and l'hiladelihia, all the delicaeiea ol tbe season, as they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable prices to re ceive a share of the public patronage. WM. HOOVE U. Sunbury, April 16, lftnO.- ly. Health ! THE MOS1 Health!! Health!! I HEMAUKAliLE CURE OS it ECO It D. DR. PWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF wild cm3i.E.-r IVlMT Of Rt-f., KKKDEUin Ct'V.NTT, Mil. Da Pwaynb leaf tir Believing H m duty I w to Ihtr public, Htul ill jut.ee lu ou. 1 buvc thuuftlil pruei to m-ike knuwn ime the int rxTf-ordiiiur) cuit'i, iu my uwu cuir, iht Iimi ever bit truly recordrd. lit the raouib oi Oct 'Inr luit, I whi u III u-ted with severe p.tti ei inn iu my Iireukt, wbicb fi-mird m Un-e nlc-u, and utau coiitinuuifuicd to my L1114;- and very murb titiiictfd them, and diiehufufd Uirge quuuiitiva -tf ctrr UiinM, external and inteinal. My brmlh viuld puia UiriMth my l.unga aud uut ibiouph the cuvily of my breast wilb upniiieni euse, attendtMl Willi a violent c uij(li, duy and n glit, ltss of ap pclile, and extreme debility, ao that my pltsiciii tlioiiM my euse bpelesa and beind tt.e pnwcr I medicine. I reinuuied 111 tbta wretched condition for a ! iig lime, until I wiis wealed to a meie skeielon, aud there see med to L to bope for me; but having read iu tti public papers uf tba iik-tny Wi .ulertul curca perfttrmtH) by your 1'ompoc.nd hThtiV or Wild Caicfta, 1 munu.liaiely sent to BaiLimore ftir live liottlcs nud commenct-d 11a ut, and lu my grent suii.l-clKsii mimI my anxious family, the ulwM-raa r 0111 n) in my Isuns begun to beal, aud lite cough aubidedt aodou usin lu bottles 1 w is rrtrd lo psrlcrt health. Dver tive ye'irs have eliipsed, uud 1 still reuiiiii a per fectly hearty man lo this duy, June 11, 1 have not bail a du'a sickness lor eighteen iiu'iillte. I' lease aet rpi my xraceiul arkn wielgeiaenta. Ycurs, veiy resptx-tfully, THOMAS D.XON. Ths subscriber is well aeauaiutcd with Thomas Ln ana cm 11 testily mat ne uut been ailiictvu aa above repre aented I legard bia rerovery as almost a miracle, lie is a worthy inembei of society. jami-:s R n RBIIROW, Tastor of Dsrliii Circuit, Hull 1 more Conference. 7 The above invalvntle medicine prepared only by Dm II. Watnk 4 0tix, No , .North ?lh rtt , above Mar set, riuluilelphm. otiiia Wild Ciikxkt raaraaA MWAYNKS SAUHAPARHsLA AND TAR PI LI A The sick per St ui whu stands in need of a prompt purify ing pare a live, should use I'. hwiTNs's Hlgab Coat so rARSArRtLL4 AND Ta I'ill. thev remove all unbealtby biUiousserretionaof ih Htomach and Uewels, causittj a periect state of health. BWAYXKH CKIsF.DR ATF.D VF.RMIFl'OE, DR. BWAVNK'S IIOW KLCOKDIAL, Aa Invaluable remedy for Dlarhtxa, l)jsulery, Crolioe, Cholera, aud all Uowe. tjompiaiiiia. PY-U'KPTICN ! There is no treatment tliat has ever beait UiJ, that is so rilectual iu eunng Ineiacstion in alius lorms, as M1'K. w.VAVNK'M Un'TKli CAillOUCUy." U iinoacU aew life and invigorate the system, the pale and denu- will gam at length and a guod uptile by usuig uteae ou7 vaiualtis Uitiera. riioe juy eo ceiu.. Preimred only by Dr II tWAVE k BO.N, Ntf, N Ktii 7th tUrect, Pfailadelpbia. SOLD AT Fisher Drug- and Chemical Store May 7th, 1940. SILVER WATCHES.A Trw doull raaa English Hih WaUbfr, for tale at ?ny In priees .7 If 15- MAr-hCn. NEW ROUTE FOR TRAVELERS I iVorthcn. Central I.niiwny!! 8UMMER ARRANGEMENT. O Ar A FT Kit MONOAV, APKIL. IHlta, IKaa, tha Trains on this rd will run lo Un follow ing schedule i COINO NORTH. BUFFALO AND MAtsARA tKXI'ftC) TRAIN. From BALTI ViOIlE to 91'N BKR Y A WtL'MfPOH T. Arrirs l.'ave. 8 Wi p. M. S 02 S or 7 IS 1 SO III k 4T oi a oa 311 S 3M 42 IS a m ti ud 10 l' 10 IJ in yn III 22 111 K III M III 4 'I IO 42 iii n nit his 1 1 i.i 1 1 22 1121 1 1 :it II at II '14 II Jt 11 3 HOT 11 44. II 44 12 Ul 12 01 12 II Calvert Station, York, Bridgeport, Hnlilan, Millerahorn, ttcviiKt-towii, Trevin Junction, Peliiis-tirtive, si.iBtitr, Norlhuuiuer!.ind, ChillisiiuRqua, lewisburg, Milton, Watsonlown, L'niontnwn, Kysters, Montfomef f, herper's Alitliry, AIniitoursvittA, Wtlluiinsis.rt, oi.tu sou Tit From ViU.ij..ror W SUMlUltY BAt.Tl.MORR Arrive. 10 12 to vt 10 rr iu :a in 42 to is 111 Ml 11 lit II 15 II 21 It 31 1 1 :tt 11 51 l-J 10 12 1-2 11 47 I HI 8 I'S 4 l T 13 TRAIN, Lenr. IO 00 . M . 10 12 IO :S' 10 37 to ;u in 42 10 42 lu : 11 tsl II It II 21 II ti3 II 41 11 AS 12 III 12 22 12 60 I US y 4 IS WitUamsprtit, MiHitouisvibsf Aluncy, liergsr's, Aloiitg-.mry, Lystt-r'a l.'niontown, Wutsoulowu, Milton, I.ewiBhurir, Chillistiunque, Notthunilirrlsirt, MIMUHV, ri-lina-iruve, Trevorlnn JuueU av t-ieiirjretowu, Alillctsliutg, llnlifax, llrnlpeiort, York, Calvert nation, MAIL COINO MIRTH From BALTIMORE to SUNBURY k WIL'AWORT Artive. J rnve. 7 -stf A. At. 10 ! Ill vr) 1 1 37 12 40 1 SO I 2ft I 44 I 4U 1 s; 2 Ul 9 isj 9 Ofl 2 It 9 II 9 27 27 32 2 40 9 A4 2 67 3 09 3 13 3 VS 3 VI j as a 35 3 IU 3 IU 3 SO 3 Ml 4 0U 4 03 4 II 4 II 4 H 4 II 4 21 4 24 4 4 29 4 .13 4 31 4 49 4 IV 5 nil I SOUTH. INBURY A UAI.TIMORK Aritve. Leave. UllA.V 8 40 f 40 H St t SI no e i o tf l j B I I 5 Ol P Ut 9 10 V 10 IS V 16 ii 04 9 25 9 33 U 33 9 37 It 37 0 47 it 47 9 .12 9 S3 10 07 It) in 10 2 'J 10 2 10 37 lu 37 IU SO 10 SO IU S7 til S7 1 1 02 1 1 OA II 21 1141 1 1 Si II SS I. 13 13 19 , 40 I 40 r4 i us 6 2U Calvert PLUioa. York Bridgeport Clark's Ferry Hallux Allllcislnlrg Buchanan Al.'ihoiiiongo tlrorgetowu Trevotton JuuelAi !Mitis-(iruva HfNBL'HY. Northiitnberland Chlllisquaqua l.ewislnirg Milton Watson towa Uniontmvn Kysler's Alontgoniery Bt-rper'a Mu.it-y Aloutoursvilla AVilhnniBport WillisniBport, Atostoursvtile, Aluncy, Harper's Alontf ornery Kysler's Unnnitnwn Watsonlown Milton, Lewisliure Chilhsqieiciue .Northuiulierland St'NBI'RY, Helms Grove Trevorton Junsri' m fjeorgetown, Alahruitongo Biichaiiau, Allllersburg Halifax rhrk's Ferry Iaithllt Urulgeporl York Calvert Station. April 23, IM?. ?.lVt Sf.I2-!. FtMIE subscribers, heirs atad legal rcprescnta JL lives of Jacob Shatter, deceased, oiler ul prite sale the farm of the said deceased, situ ate on the Shamokin creek, twe miles from Sun bury, in t'pper Augusta township, Northumber land county, adjoin'iig lands uf Alexander Ji nl.m. George C Wrlkcr, and others, containing 174J acres, about 100 acies of which arc cleared The impravements are a Log House, Frame 13am, Wagon blieJ, Ac. There are also Two Orchards on the premises, all of which is in a good state of cultivation. One third of the purchase money will remain .secured on the property for the widow. If said property is not sold at nva!e sale, it will be oil'ered at public sale, at tho Court Iloufe, on the first .Monday of August next. Terms and conditions will be made known at tho time cf sale. WM. BHAFFEIi, ISAAC SHAFFER, OA RAH SHAFFER. Heira of Jacob Shaffer, ilcc'd. L'pier uguata, April.:), 185U. 4t SARATOGA WATER. Analysis of Empire Spring. The Analysis of the Umpire W ater, by Fruf Emmons, is as follows t Chlorade of -odium, $69,006 Bicarbonate of I.ime, I I I N'1 bicarbonate of Magnesia, 4 1.94 licarbona(o of Sda, U0,ia HydrioJato of Soda or Iodine, 12,(i(i0 liicaibunate uf Iron, a trace, tdl) Solid cpiitrnts in a gallon, -'peiillc gravity, 490,352 1,03'J EMPIJIE SI'MXG. The water of the Empire Poring is bottled Willi the utmost care, and packtd in str ng boxrs, suitable for exportation, by the subscri bers. Tha Corks of all genuine Emiro W'uUr are branded, -EMPIKK 1KTX.." G. V. WESTON A: CO. Orders may be addressed to the I'roiirietors, G. V. Weston &. Co., Saratoga kJprins. A. V., or at iheir DEPOT, 410 BliOADWA Y, Aear Canal Street, .Vtu- York. CsaTiri.ATss. Eitract fom a communication from Dr. North, of Saratoga springs, to the Uoston Mrdical aud riurgical Journal, dated June the Mil, IMM i "'J'lie New Empire Spring ia woikiiij; charm ingly IVir Serolula. Uo the prolusion knuw ital there ar twelve (rains uf Hydiiodate f .vh,I i. ur lmhiie. in a gallon of watrr double auv uilcr Soring I Tlivre being only a traee ul' Iron in the Water, 1 send my consumptive pntieols lo that Spring i. nhe.-it Unl j , l.uhcito with lou.l saii.factory results." Empire Spring, by Ji. I.. Allen, M I) , a Jitsi'lent I 'hyrician, Saratoga Sprins. This fountain has more than aiuweir l tli exppi'lalioua of ila friend as a Ix-vcrnc. our inhahilants who have diai.k il daily far s. ve.sl years past, .'annul be induced lo make a substi tute of any oilier spring. As a lalhanic aud alterative, my past riperi enca cempela me to say, that in my opirion il has no aupriior here or rleMlirre. In remi tion from clay, and Ihe small relative quantities of iron which euler ila coinru.iiioii. remlrc il ona of Ihe lsl if not ilia very I'esi uiiiirral water for commercial iurposea while ila ability to iih sland the trying inllurnrea uf warm clunatra and sea voyages, mala it a very desiiala wairr for buttling purposes. These properties, together with tha cenllu manly cure of ita present proprietors, hate yitru Il a rirrulalion and Uso ahrojd whirh hs hurt l.v fora been uo recedenled iu the history ol rele brated mineral waters. May, ls)57. K, L. AU.EN. M. U. For sale by II. 11. M ASSEK, April t3, 11-59. hunhury, Pa. NOTICE. y OTK'K is hrrsby given thai tha Auditors 1 of L'ppei Augusta township, will meet al the Cuiumissiunei's Otlica, iu Suubury, oa Satur day, the 1 1 at a.y of May, lH.VJ. All srans in. debied, or having claims against said luwahip aia requested to atlei.d. WOl.VERTON, ISAAC ("AMIMtK!.!.. HKUMAN CAMl'JJF.LI. 1 May 1, ItV'J iudilurs. i SsW.TrJ $40,00 Pnyt fof a full enprsw iu the Iron City College, lire hr gnat, inott ejittitisivoly patmiiiCfrl rimI beetoigatna-'l Ciru merci il fVbool in tba Cniled KUstes. 3hi7 8Ti;ilNTS A'rrK.NDI.XO DAILY, March. 1S5i. 1'sual titne to cmt pl.le a full amse, from tl (n 10 wecki Kvery fttudnnt, Utiii grn1unling, is funrnutei d to be cmi- Ktsteut to nifuiuve tbe Mii-tks tU any Murines, and qnb cd to euru a stiiary of from f ji0 to 10it0 indents enter at any Ume--Mj Vacation neview pf plcftsuta. dl Premium fr best Peutnaiisblp flttTtPilad in 1frt8. Miiiitrs' -ns receivud al half price. Pot Curd tlirc'itir flftftrtireiis if llusineaa and Oniv ! muiilnl Wiiliig iuclosn two it uniw, and a.Mreste. F W. JKKl.t, Pittslmigb, P.i I Apt HP, I?: clisep J, ly I NOTICE. , lVTnni(KAi lett. lcbtini:ntr.rY lr t!m Pa " late of Nuncy lluntvr, l.ito of iunlmrv. Nor InitnlirrliriJ county, I Vtinylvuuia ilcr. inei?, havener!) cntfj io the l-rriltr. All prr ona irnlrhtrd 1o tl naid estiitr ore rct:ie-tf tl t m-ike ii'inn tlnilc pnytneiil. ami lhi hn inf cluiins or dtM)umi!a adjust the Kalate cf the sv dect'nied will make? nowti thf aim ft witlioul d lay to Iin.NHY IJ. TATHAM, EtU No. GG8, South Whsrtr Pl.iludn. rhilaJt'liia, April IS I H.r;t. Tt Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional ilispaso, n cnrruiitian of tlio blood, by which this Huid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Deing in the circulation, it pervades tho whulo body, and mny bunt out in disease on any part of it. No ursjan is fn o from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint it vaiiuusly Caused Ly mercurial Uisense, low livinjr. dis' ord fired or unhealthy food, impure nir, iiltH nnd fiilhy habits the deproinjr vice, nnd, alxivc all, by tho venereal infection. S hat ever be ita origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, dvsecnilinc; " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed. It seems to bo the rod of Ilim who snys, " I will visit the ini rjuitics of tho futhcrs' upon their children." Its effecta commence by deposition front tho blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the luns, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands swellings; and on tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which RendeM in the blood, d;'prc?ici the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous cmn- I plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases : conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in tho system. Host of the consumption which de cimates the human family has iu origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by tho same cause. One quarter of all our people arc rernf ulom ; their persons ore invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must reno'vato the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AVER'S Compound Extract of Sars the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times ran devise for this every Where prevailing and fatal malady. It is coin Lined from the most active remedial. that hnvu been discovered for tho expurgntion of thi foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of tha system from its destructive conssquuicc-s. liencc it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those ether aifec tions which arise from it, such as Kuittxvd and Skin Diseases, Sr. Antuon-v's rum, Hosp, or Ekys.tki.A'S I'lMn.F.s, l'rsrui.cs, IiLotcHr.s, !i..uN3 and Bon Ti mors, T-Tteii and Saw Kufxm, Scald Ufad, Kixoworm, Kiieumatism, Svrmi.iTicand Meiicimual Di.-"-' eases, Dnopsr, Dyspei'SIA, Derii.iiv, and, indeed, all Complaints aiusixo j-uom Vitia ted oh Isipukb Hlood. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is "a degeneration of the blood. Tho particular purpose and vhtrie cf this Sarsapa rilla is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURFCSES CF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the raucc of their action can rarely withstand or cvafle them Their penetrating properties Sfnrch, nnd cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human orcan ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a conscquenco of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with Jiain or physical debility is astonished to iiud his iciilth or e'nerpy restored by a remedy at once so simple and invitii g. Jvot onlv do they cure the cvery-day enmr'aiuts of every ody, but also many fonniduLle and dangerous diseases. Tlie apeii't below named is pleased to furnish gratia my American Almanac, containing certificates of thtir cures and directions for their use hi the follor.inif complaints : Costive rtess, llrartbtirn, Iliadacie uribintfrom disordnid Stomach, A'nusi r, Indiymtion, I'hm in and Morbid Inaction of the Ilcueir, I'latuhtiey, Lol of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred coulphunts, arising from a low state cf ths body or obu ucliuu of iu funcUJiis. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ton tup juriu ccre op Couplis, Colds, Influenza, lloarseutsx, Croup, Ttronchitis, Iucipicnt Consump tiou, nnd for the relief of Consumptive l'ntients in ndvauced Etngcs of tho disease. Bo wide is the field of its usefulness snd so" nu merous are the eases of its cures, that alinoit everv section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have V een restored from alarming ami even desperate !ie:iea uf the lungs l ita use. When once tried, ita superiority over every other medicine of ita kind is too apparent to cscauo observation, uud where ita virtues arc known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing end daSperous alfections of tho rulmonary organs that are incident lo our climate. While manv inferior remedies thrutt upen the communitv hsve failed and been discarded, this has pained friends bv every trial, conferred bei.etira on the afllicted they can never fornet, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remaikabk to be forgotten. naAua) DR, J. C. AYESl fc CO. LOWELL, MASS, Fiiling At tiiant and A. W. i'isher, Suribory, K. U. McCoy, N orihomlrland, A. T. liel, Turlmtville, F. Stoti, Wind tiap, I. V. Caslow. Milton. (. U (.'advtalder, Shainokin, I. Chler, t'hleiaville. And bv all U';isls aud Meit-hauls. April 16. ly BUY WAIVISUTTA PRINTS. They are the l ed Culioes v et oflerad to the publio for tha utonry. Vuolssalk Asit I DrCB6T, AltMSTRONa U CO t U W Y O K K. April 53, IMoU. 4m3l COAL! COAL! COAL! From the Coal Mountain Colliery. FTMI E subsctibcr, now operating the Coal Moun lain Colliery, at Ml. Camiel, is piepared ta furnish all sizes of White Ash Coal (umo his colliery. This la a superior quality of W'hi'a Asb Coal, which Ira ia prepared to futuish promptly to order. i FREDETICK FAURION. I Mt. Carmel, April VS, 1859. 1 CjVMPHO.MA.Na. grand musical InstiumcLts 7 just received bow buow Hill, London, ami toraalahy T. O. IDiJI'lill, Kuabury, February IS, Ur.. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers