. - " ' rtm Uta-ordif. Destitution among th MintrtDtatht from Starvation Dtparturt nf If tract O'rttltf. Lkatknwortu, May 16. Letters from Denver City, .ated April I8lh, stat that there is great sclrVcity of pro Visions among the minor, tod several deaths have occurred from starvation. Emigrants were arriving in destitute condition. Thore (a fin abundance of provisions on the way however, from here and other points. Con tradictory reports prevailed regarding the mining prospects, bnt Inn general tenor of intelligence is not enrotirngiug. lint the unfa vorable accounts are ascribed in the destitute and discontented emigrants. No romiltan-ri-a of dust or rich discoveries are announced. Measures have been initiated to form a new Stale Conutitnlion. Delegates are to meet in Denver City, in June, to form State Con slittttion. The Overland Express, with two weeks later news from the miues, will be due here on Wednesday, and arrangements are making for a public demonstration on its ar rival Horace Ureeley, of the New York Tribune, left with the Lawrence delegation, jesterdoy, for the Opawattomie Convention. KrxsAS Politics ritorosr-n Annexation or Sol-tiikrn Nebraska to Kansas. Lea vtnwtrth, May 16. The people or the South ern Nebraska are agitating the subject of the annexation of so much of that Territory as lies south of the Platte river Kansas, thus securing the admission of the latter Territory into the Union a ft State at the next session1 of Congress. The popular sentiment in that eectiOB of the Territory strotigly favors the proposed annexation, and it was receutly re solved, at a mass meeting held at Nebraska City, to nominate delegates to the Kansas Constitutional Convention, which assembles at Wyandotte in July. The Nebraska delegation will undoubtedly be admitted to the Convention, and it is prob able that ia defining the houudary of the (State of Kansas the Platte river will be des iguuted as the Nolbern line. Srriocb Fires in II Ar.Rutn-Ro Tin State Lunatic Asvlu and Dai-I'hin Count Poor House Endanorred Freaks oka Madman. llarrinburg. May 13 Last night, the barn attached to the Slate Luuatio Asylum was burnt, together with all its contents, consis ting of four horses, wagons, reapers, mowers, and a large quantity of agricultural imple ments. The flames communicated to two ten ant houses, which were considerable damaged. The loss by this fire it estimated at $4000. At 2 o'clock this morning, the barn attach ed to the Dauphin county Poor-troose, wag destroyed by fare. Four mules, five horses, and sixteen horned cattle perished in the flames. Twenty-five tons of hay, one hundred bushels of oats, fifty bush. Is of rye, and forty bushels of potatoes were destroyed. The loss is estimated at $1200. It is supposed that both of tbo buildings were fired by a man named Martin Henry Wolf, who was formerly an inmate of the Asylum. He has recently been an inmate of the Poor house and effected his escape from that institution yesterday af ternoon. He was arrested this morning and committed to prison. Oca Navt F.very A vailaiilk Vihsil to bji in AcTivg Servicb Wathiny'on, May ad. ah tue new naval steamers will be pla ced in commission as soon as tbcv shall be successfully finished, and before the close of this year, every available vessel will probably be in active service. This design ia sot, however, with reference to the'Earopean war, as no damage to our commerce Is apprehended from that cause. Vera Crux is considered, in official quarters, to be one of tbo most important pointa where a large fleet it required, and hence additional vessels will be despatched to the Gulf of Mex ico. , The facilities in the ceigbbotliood of Cen tral America afforded by our squadrons either for sea or land operations, aie contideied sulfiuieot for all emergencies. Later from California, St. Locis. May 16. By the arrival of the Overland Mail, adviass from San Francisco to the 22d alt., have been received, two days later than the datei furnished by the mail steamers. A land slide bad occurred at the Mining town of Monte Christo, by which four persons were killed. The accident bad caused a sus pension of the mining operations, besides con siderable damage to the improvements. The State Legislature has failed to provide for the $200,000 outstanding in old bonds, notwithstanding the expressed desire of the people to pay every dollar of the State in tlebtedne. Business at San Francisco was brisk, though the quotations received by the last advices are unchanged. Hold dust was arriving freely from the mines, and money is, consequently, plenty. The wheat harvest throughout the State promises an abnndant yield. Holitml I'lke'e I'eakera al at. Jon pli, Me. fc'T. Locis, May 18. The 8t. Joseph (Mo) correspondent of the Democrat, of this city, notices the arrival at that place of a hundred returned Pike's Peakere, who bring most de plorable accounts oflbe mining prospects, and rf the sufferings of the disappointed gold bun tors un tbi plains. It is estimated that 20,000 men are cow on i their way back, all, or most of whom are des titute of money and the necessaries of life, and are consequently perfectly reckless and desperate. Threats have been made, by tome of the most desperate, to burn Omaha, St. Joseph, Leavenworth, and other towns, in souse pience of the deception nsed in those places 0 induce the emigration. Two thousand men are reported to be fifty lies west of Omaha, in a starving condition. Some of the residents of Platsmouth have sed their busiaess places and flod, fearing v.leoce at the bands of the eorugod enii ffints. rue Ferry across the river bus been sus- 1 e.ded. The pott to wbieb the wire was at lacied, on the south side of the river, was cut dowi on last Friday morning, by the ton of J lie muor of the land, on which it was placed The friends of the Ferry aver, that he bad no "Khlto do to, in as much as they had leased .he ground, which, we believe, it denied by he former. We havo no means nor disposi on to ascertain, who it right or wrong, and the matter wilt probably be adjusted in a 'gal naooer, must decline to interfere either ne way or the other. The people or Rush iwoship are in state of great excitement, d many of tbem take their produce to the wns in the coal regioo, being anwilling to os the bridge. W mnch regret this state things, and hope that the matter will soon satisfactorily arranged for the mutual ben t of both Rush towLship and Danville. P. 8 The rriends of the Ferry replaced post and put op the wire again yesterday ernoon Danville Democrat. Powdm Mill Burned andoni Man Kiu. "l. " d"-fi 0 Br brt,k out in Kay. U.'s Powder Mill, in Lackwanna - tire originated ia an old press mill, which og to the quantity of powder dust in and u the premises, was speedily boraad to jroand. A man was in the building at time, and was bornt to ashes. Another it lying in a dangerous condition. . r. Bear, swell to do farmer of Olandford .. became suddenly Insane the other day m toe most uopropitioei weather be roll, awards of fifty acres of wheat, so that "P will be destroyed. He carried er en hit perton, bat without commit, ny overt art of violent upoa bis Beige. He was taken in charge t-y the polio. THE AMERICAN . NpE.NCt. BTJNBUBY, FA. "bATURLAY. MAT 21718597 II. B. MABSER, Editor and Proprietor. To Anrmtneiii --The circulation of the Suubary American emon th diff-.nt tMUMia nn Ik e-Mnnhanita l not exceeded If equalled by eny paper published in Notth eru t'ennsvtveiiin. fS" Reliuioc Notice. Th Rev. Dr. Picket of Oxford, Pa., will preach in the old school Presbyterian church of Northom" berland, on next sabbath morning at 10 o'clock, and in the Presbyterian church of Sunbory on sabbath evening at 7 o'clock. (2 Cull and see the fine oil-paintings at Cooper's variety store. They are beautiful. Perry llileuinu and Charles Waters, formerly from this place, died at Trinity, La., during last April. Hileman died of apoplexy. KT George O. NVelker, Abraham Ship man and Francis Bncher have been appoint ed by the Court to run the division lines, to form a new township out of parts of Jordan and Lower Mahonoyowtiships. These gee, tlemen wTIl meet on Monday next, at the house of KI ins Shaffer, in Jordan township, to attend to the duties of their appointment. CJ" Soda or M mural Watkr. We call the attention of those who would like acbeap but exoellent Soda Water Fountaiu, to the advertisement of Van Allen's Fountain, in another column. These Fountains can be procured through the agency of the editor of this paper, who can testify to their excellence, fJ- Firi. We learn that a fire broke out in Milton on Friday night of 'last week, con taming five ttablea aad a cooper thop. On Monday night last a fire broke out in Williamsport, consuming the First Presby terian Church, the Masons and Odd-Fellows' Hull, aud tome five or six houses and stables. The lost is estimated at $25,000, partly covered by insurance. It it believed to hare been the work of an incendiary. A blacksmith shop, owned by Mr. Kannan, In Chilisqnaque township, was also burned on Monday night last. tJ A Military Election will be held by the several companiea attached to the first Brigade, Eighth Division, Pennsylvania Uni formed Militia, on Monday the 6lb of June next, for the purpose of electing Brigadier General, Brigade Insp'ettor and Major of the first Battalion, and Captain, first and second Lieutenants for each Company in the Brig ade. The captains ef companies will super intend the election. &T Tan Mahanoy Battalion will come off at tbe public bouse of Galen Smith, on Fri day the 27lh inst. Four military companies, with the different staff officers will be in at tendance, besides a small army of office-hun-tert and politician! who are anxious to serve their country. A lively time it expected. tST Loor out fob Countereeits. Peter ton't Detector, May 11, says, "Refuse any note of tbe denomination of five dollars, hav ing for a vignette, a 'men feeding bogs.' A portrait of Henry Clay on the upper left eor. ner, and a N in medallion work on the lower corners. A man carrying a basket ef corn on the lower right, and a figure & in upper corner. A doe lying down between the sig natures, and purporting to be engraved by Wellstood, Hoy & Whiting, N. Y." Tbit plate wat engraved for a begot Indiana bank, and is being altered to various bankt through out tbe country. Cy Latest News from Kunore. Tbe steamship Canada intercepted off Cape Race bringt Liverpool dttet to the 7th intt The Austrians were repulsed while attempt ing to cross the river Po, but no serious colli sion had occurred. All the Austrian mer chant ships lying in tbe harbor of Genoa had been seized by the Sardinian Government. It wat expected that Napoleon would leave Paris on the 12th, to take command of tbe French army in perton. Tba Emperor of Austria wat alto about to take command of bit army. Several important changes bad taken place in tbe French Cabinet. The olection returns in England, for members of the llonsa of Commons show a ministerial gain of 25. riREMEN' PARADE. On Friday afternoon or last week, Thr Good Intent Fire Company received from Bultimore their new Suction, Reel and Hose. The apparatus wat accompanied, by a Com mitteaof Baltimore Firemen, ameng whom were tbe Presidenti of the Columbian and ' Dtjitford Companies. At 4 o'clock P. M., the line of procession was formed on Market Square in tbe follow iug Order : Chief Bargees and Council, Committee of Columbian aud Deftford, Grant's Cornet Band, Washington Engiue, CI Members, Good Intout Suction, Hose, Engine. Tbe procession then moved through the principal streets and returned to Market Square, with the apparatus covered with wreaths, garlands and boqaets, which bad been thrown to them at variout poiutt on tbo route, from the hands of fair ladies. A trial of the different engines then follow, ed, which consumed the rest of tba afternoon The trials were perfectly satisfactory. The Suction is a beautiful piece of machinery light and graceful, yet strong and powerful. J It r tide pamlt tie tltrs-nar.ne blue, with maroon borders, Tbe eud panelt ar, covered by gilded moulding elaborately carved. She it built in the new style, without a gallery ; and bat a tuction tcrew, two re ceiving tcrewt and on discharging screw up on each tide. Id tba evening Grants' Cornet Band sere naded our Baltimore frieuds, who were highly delighted with the music. Indeed few if any of tbe emattur beads in tbe country eeoVquel them. wm KuiroaiAt. coRRKaroieoKRce. New York, May 17, 1859. While the whole temporal world, or at least tbit portion of it, it progressing with rapid ttridet in the arti of civilisation ia commerce and improvement! gonerally, it waa not to b lepposed that the religious comma oily would remain in a quiescent state and that torn new ideas woald not be pat forth to eroise the slambering and iridifferent to a ense of duty, by striking oat torn new path, or the adoption of tome novelty to attract tbe attention of the multitude. This bas been accomplished by holding religions meet ings, in public placet, without regard to sect or doctrine, where the sermons are senten tious, shott and practical, sometimes by lay. men as Rail as tbe clergy. Such meetings are now held regularly in New York, in various places. On Sunday evening last, I concluded to attend the meeting held every Sabbath evening at the Academy of Music, where some four thousand persons, can be comfortably accommodated. Taking a seat in a Fourth Avenue passenger car, I was surprised, while goiog up the Bowery, a street parallel with Broadway, at tbe number of placet of butinest open and as brilliant as gas light could make them. Perhaps every other bouse, for three or four squares, was thrown open some of them crowded. I ob served that those were the quarters of a foreign population, mostly Germans and other Europeans who keep Buuday in New York, as it is kept on the contiueot of Europe( as a holiday. The German theatrical enter tainmenls, were in full blast, and In some places a transparent sign bung out, announ. cing tbe usual Sunday evening entertainment, Most of those are opened only, for this par pose, on Sunday evening. The excuse is that the poor or laboring class, have no time for amusement and recreation, except on that day those, with the lager beer saloons, segar shops, drug stores, groceries and hotels, gave to tbe street as much of a business air, as any day is the week. On nrriving at tbe Academy of Manic, I found that immense, but beautiful Hall, at ready crowded with visitors, and with ban dreds of others, took a standing position. Tbe sermon was a good and practical one and was distinctly beard in any part of tbe building. The past week was on of great excitamec being tbe week or the usual anniversaries held by th Anti-Slavery Society, Bible Society, Womans Rights, and other conventions. Wm. Lloyd Garrison, and Wendell Philips, of Boston were as usual the leadijg spirits of the Aoti-Slnvery Society. Dr. Cheever, and Henry Ward Beechor, deeming thesa too radical, have set op a new society. This brought down a torrent of abuse from Pbilips t ollisbury, and others. 1 bese ootod ouoli tionist individuals, thoegh men of superior abilities are practically insane on the subject or slavery, as was evident from Mr. Philips speech, in which he actually invoke a seivile insurrection, Mr 'Philips, said : "The Anti-Slavery Society began at the root. Tbey said that tbe ne;ro wat a man and being a man, ir he cat bis master t throat be would be a Tell, be would be a Washington a hundred fold. (Seusntion.) Tbey laid that, first because it waa the truth, and next because it was tbe method of edu cating a people. He bad no doubt that be could easily get any New York gentleman to admit that the negro was a man, but the American heart shrank from language like this ; it would go home to day and tell its wife that it beard a bloody fanatical speech, and would repeat the substance ol it. Perhaps tbe little boy who was present would be read ing tbo battle of Bunker Hill, and he would ask if a white Bunker Hill was right, why not a black f (Applause.) But bis father weald say "Ob that would make him a man." Well, did you not admit that be was a man t "Yes, but 1 didn't mean it." Did yon ever stand, said the speaker, in a black smith's shop and tea I restive horse shod 1 When be baa kicked down the box of tools and tbe blacksmith, the smith takes a piece of cord aud ties up his nostrils until .the blood almost starts. If you as!: bim why he doe so, he will tell ynn that it is to give bim something to think of. Now, 1 think that the Soutb, having kicked through tbe con stitution, and tbe whig party, and the demo cratic party, I would liko to see aa insurrec tion there to give tbein something to think of." "We stand here to day not merely animum libtrart meum, but to free the souls of other men, and their bodies, too. W. U. Seward, in reply to some remarks on a speech of Stephen A. Donglas, recently made nse of the witty remark "No man," said Seward, "will ever be President who spells negro with two g's." (Great laughter.) Saeb men as these, indeed, could never be separated from the foul system of whieb they formed so inti mate a part. Anyone these may sit in the Senate, but his place is the kennel. No he corrected himself bis proper plac was ia a Senate of slaveholding comparators whom people wrongly called a government. The presont war in Enrope it of course the all absorbing topic of conversation. The probability is that this war will become gen eral and there is no telling what the effect may be upon this country. That a vast amount of foreign capital will be invested here, it, most likely. The various gover meuts ere now groaning under their heavy public debts. Louis Napoleon asks for a loan of 000,. 000,000 francs ($100,000,000) to carry on th campaign in Italy, in which he is to lake tbe command in person. Tbe loan put in tbe market by Russia, is 800,000,000. Tbe loan for Austria of 30,OUO,000, which eh bas been unable to sell, but has seized instead tbe gold and silver of the Austrian banks ; a loan for Sardiuia or $25,000,000, which she bas succeeded in obtaining ; a loan for Prussia or 845,000,000, and a loan for England in be half or India for 830,000,000. Tba total amount of new loans In th mar ket is $21)0,000,000. The efleel or the war way be to make them all bankrupt. Tbe anuual Interest of the debt of England alone is $120,000,000. Tbe annual expens of ber army and navy is $157,500,000. Her whole annual expense is $440,000,000. Russia owes (960,600,000, and tbe arnual expens of ber army and navy is 873,500,000. Franc is in a similar predicament. A failure to pay th interest woald shake ull Europe. 'I' be great demand for oar sgrieultaral producti will add greatly to oor wealth. It it also hinted, that in this complication Spain may be induced by Franc (opart with Cuba, in order U rait fundi for Nspoleoa wbo boldt controlling influence over Spain. (3- Tri physicians of Milton and vicinity have formed themselves into a "Nortbomber land Cosnty Mcdicsl Association.'' TTst Wateri.i Novels. The enterpri sing firm of Peterson A Brother, of Philadel phia, are engaged in furnishing to th publio an unabridged edition of Sir Waller Scott's Novels, to be completed In 26 numbers, at 25 cents each; or, the entire set for 85,00. Tbey ar now issued at th rat of en a week. Th "Abbot," is sow before us, printed on good white paper and in dear type. Send your order to Peterson & Brother, Philadel phia, and get a work for $5,00 wbicb costs in England $72. 17" The Lady's Book for June, is already on onr table. The embellishments, as usual, ar rich and rare consisting or a domestic en graving of "Home and the Homeless," and fashion plates, colored and plain, patterns Tor Needle Work, and Netting, plates of all kinds of ladies' sad childrens' wear &o., &o. Th engravings number some fifty, and are all ex ecuted in th best style. The reading mat ter is various and entertaining, and no lady, It seoms to ns, can afford to do without the "Book." TUB ARMIKS or EUROPE. The prospect of war in Europe renders a glance at tbe extent or military preparations tber interesting at this time. It appears from official statements, recently made, that lb military forcea of Europe embrace more than four millions of soldiers nnder arms, without counting sailors, gardti, civil, nation al, or militia of all kinds, of which tbe num. ber reaches a much larger figure. Tbe effective force of France on the 1st June, 1858, waa 672,400 men, 165 batteries ile campagnt ; marine, 417 vessels of war, 300 sailing, 117 steamers, 27,000 marines. The Austrian army consists or 670,477 men or which 620,400 were infantry, 70,500 Caval ry, 69,292 artillery, 11,115 engineers, 9,217 pontoneers : matioe 104 vessels of war. The Prussian army consists of 625,000, of which alO.OOO are or tbe active force, and Landwebr of 1st con ; marine, SO vessels or war. 3500 manners. England has an army or 229,000 men, in cluding those dispersed in tbe colonies; marine GOO vessels or war, 309 sailing, 251 steam, 40 vessels of tbe line, carrying 17,292 guns and 69,500 sailors. The Russian army consists or 1,067,600 men, including the reserve and 226,000 irre gulars marice, 177 vessels, 62,000 marines and gunners. Spain bas a peace establishment of 75,000 troops. The Sardinian army consists of 50,600 men : marine, 40 vessels, and 2560 sailors. Two Sicilifs The army is 100.000, of wbicb 10,0000 ere bwies ; marine, CO vessels, 12 sailing, 25 steamers, 100 canuoniers, 63U2 sailors. Rome maintains an army or 16,000 infantry and 1315 cavalry. Tuscany bas an army of 16.009 men The German Stales have it federal army of 200.000 men. 1 he German Confederation have an army of 525,000 men, 49,500 cavalry, including tbe Austrian aud Prussian contin geuts. Boston Jettrnal. leanings (SDitorial anb Selected. Coming out Candidates for office. Larok Failure. Jacob Little, the well known broker of New York, bas failed to tbe amount of two millions of dollars. Anotukr Victim. Jacob Woernor, of V illiamsport, was recently found dead in his bad. I be coroner s jury rendered a verdict of death from intemperance. Six Murderers Sentenced. In New York, en Saturday, Judge Davis of the Su preme Court passed seulcuce upon sjx mur derers, as follows : Tbe yonng Chinaman, Quimbo Appo, who murdered Mrs. 1 letcher, was sentenced to be husg ; Jean Bosquet, the Italian wbo mur dered a fellow countryman, to the penitentary for life ; Michael Flynu, who killed Freeman Cutting, ten years' imprisonment ; John Glass, ex-policeman, for the murder of Wil liam Decker, twenty years' imprisonment ; James Hippies, an accomplice in tbe same crime, twenty years; John Peromer, wbo killed Charles F. Sturgis in a restaurant, four years imprisonment. I he Court also aen tenced Joe Coburn, the fighting man, to three years in the penitentnry, for a ileadily assault upon a policeman while in the discharge of his detiet. Great Mortality of Hogs in Illinois. Mr. Wiley Crafton, a farmer of Pleasant Plains, Sangamon county, writes to the State litqxster, under date of May :tb, as tollows: Last night 1 fed my bogs at usual, they all seemed to be feeding and doing well on pus lore. 1 wont to the pasture this morning about eight o clock, and found seventy nogs dead, ami many that were eying. At 10 o'clock there were ninety dead, end at 12 one hundred and nine. Tbe averge length of time that they would live after taking it, would be from fifteen to thirty minutes. All efforts to administer relief were in vain. Tbe fatal disease is carrying away large numbers of bogs m tbe vicinitv of Decatur, It is said Sangumon-riveris covered with their dead bodies. Great Hail Storm at M adisonvii.lr, Kt. On the 29tb ultimo an xtraordinany hail storm passed over Madisonville, and tbe adju. cent country of Kentucky. Tbe Mercury says : Three of the stones were 7 8 j aad 10 1 inches. Utliers, apparently of greater dimeu sions, were broken to pieces by falliug. Up on close examination these stonos were foond to be porous in texture about the centre, and in some instances hollow. Tbe weight of one some time after the storm, was squal to one pound. The descending of these extraordinary masses of ice is said to have presented a spec tacle truely magnificieot one of terific splen dor. Tin roofs were indented, ninety panes of glass were broken out of the wiudows or one or the hotels, and a cow killed outright in the street. Tbe cloud was from the north west. Thunder, lightning, and but little wind accompanied the first shower, which lasted nearly half an hour. In leas than an hour this shewer was followed by another, with some wind. Fire.- During the past waek fir bas bten ragiug oa the mountains surrounding Cogan Valley, and gieat destruction of property has been lb consequence. Tbe fire burned rap idly on th mountain, and at some poiots it came down into lb valley doing considerable damage to lumbermen and others. Mr. H. J. Parkins lost a fin lot or logs, valued at least at $25,000. A pile of lumber, contain ing about 60,000 feet, belonging to Jaa. Wood was also cenaomed. A large lot or staves, owned by Mr. Carter, wer baroed. lo ma ny places it was almost impossible to keep the fire from th mills. The mill of William U. Cline, aud also that of Mr. Carter, war in eminent dang.tr, th fir being very close. W have not learned th total damage, but a great destruction or timber bas been occa sioned and th lots it vary heavy Jertey Short Ilepublicun. Suicide. W regret to leara that Joba Hotter, residing in Turbut township, near tbit Borough committed tuicide on Wed net day evening last, by banging himself in a stable, near bit rstiuenc. 11 wss a quiet, inoffensive man, and oo reasons can be assign ed for bit rash act except that b was under the Influence of liquor. Formerly h was addicted to intemperance, but bas been lead ing a sober life for torn time, and becam a member of th Lutheran Church, at thit plac. Forth latt few days h has beeo In town and getting in company with soma of his former associates, was iaded to drink gain, and thus ended bis career in this world. Ut wt about 6ft yttrt of t. .ti7rnt'a. .fiCDrrcsponbcncc. For ItieSuubury American. Srlinbokovk, May 18, 1859. Ma. Editor) I regret exceedingly, that my time will Dot permit roe to go into a regular- de tail of matters and thiogs as they exist in this place. I shall, however, hereafter endeavor to set apart a few hours in collecting matters, the most importaot, those of general interest, for an insertion in your valuable paper. 1 have often in the snort ride from bunbory to this Grove in th cars, been highly de lighted with th beauty of th scenery, the rapid changes which ar brought to view as you glide swiftly along, bat I must say, in my opinion, it is no comparison to the grandeur, tbe magnitlcence or the great variety of sce nery that is presented to an individual, riding in a buggy along the eastern banks of the river to ibis place. In fact tber is scarcely an object in tbe whole distance, bat what bas some intrinsic source or beauty and in addi tion to tbe various associations, creates deci ded emotions or pleasure. 1 am forced to acknowledge that I have, like many others, been laboring under quite rrouous notions in reference to tbe character or tbe people her and also or th place, and i woum nere state, lor the benelit of those who think as I once did, that before judgment is passed finally they should make it a point to become acquainted with tbe people, suffi ciently so, at least as to be able to judge of merit and demerit, and not as is too often tbe case, be governed by tbe miserable prejudices. 1 Doa them a kind, sociable and moral peo ple, just what every other town aboutd have, and always willing to receive those who ore actuated by proper motives and act consistent with principles of right. But thry need no defence from my hands, particularly at this time, and 1 will therefore pass over. Tbe principal topic among the corner groups, seems to be, the foreign war and ILe consequences resulting. The most important one, which attracts the ntteution of the farmer more particularly, is tha ascending scale, or the going vp in the price of grnio; and, as tho fight has now fully commenced, it will not belong, I presume, beforo we will be able to see what correctness there is iu the present impression. By the way, 1 may say tlint all kinds of grain, have now, tbe appearance of yielding most abuurlautly, and 1 am informed, will be harvested some three weeks tooner than last year. I ahull close. Imping to be able hereafter to communicate something more important. Yours, Ac. S. (Fur Iht Scnbcst Ainiiu J rnoiiLKM Siipposine the mammoth tree, ,:Beanty of the Forest," in California, wua to bend over in a violcut storm, in a regular semi circle, and the top would be fouud to strike 1he ground 210 feet from the stump, and then break off at such a point, that tho top would strike ISO feet from the stump and the trunk still resting on the stump. How high rould tbe tree be and where woulJ it break off t Puocian. Answer to last week's Problem, 1C5. sU" Pictorial Dictionary. A new and pictorial edition of Webster' great American Dictionary is now in press, and will soon be issued by the enterprising publishers, G. & C. Morriam orSpringfield. It is evidently their purpose that no expense or labor shall be wanting to keep up the superiority and high reputation of this standard work, over every other of the kind. Mauy thousands of new words have been added to its vooabalary, and mucb new matter in the illustration and die criminal ion ofeynonyms. Some 1 500 or more beautiful pictorial illustrations have been in troduced into the work, which will add much to its vain. We have reen and examined specimen sheets of these illustrations, and can hanlty tee how thty could be improved in beauty and accuracy. No in Commission. Tbe steam sloop "Lancaster" was uot put in commission yes terday, in consequence of the uofavnrubleness of the weather. Her Marine Guard, togeth er with a detachment for the new steam eor vette" Hertford," preparing for sen at Boston arriverl here yesterday from Washington. Tbe officers lost no time in proceeding to the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Kockhill ,t W iison, Nos. 603 and G0:" Chestnut Street, above Sixth, where they procured for them selves new eutlits. A Small 1 nstiiiment of Torture. Havo our lady readers ever reflected upon the fact that so small an instrument as a Bewitig needle has destroyed more I'ves, and caused more Buflrrinir, than the sword It is true, however, as the molality among seamstresses every where uttests. anil our only wonder is, that parents will permit their dangbtert to grow on slaves to the needle, while the Gro vkk A Baker Sewing Machines will do bet ter and moio beautiful sewing than can be done by hand. The time ia coming when tha parent who consents to have his daugh ters continue hand-sewintr, will be regarded as wanting in affection for them. FABniiL, HEUnino & cos PATENT CHAMPION SAFE. l.ATB rirtK AT ULlll'Ql'E, IOWA. PBBl'ijVK, Jail 7, 1S30. Oenti: I em requt"lri by Mr. T. A. C. Cuclirane, of thin plttee, to euy to you thut un the morning ol' tho 4th itiMunt, about 3 u'clorlc, hil more took bre, and the entire tot-ll .of good wna dretroyril. The heat bct-anie eo eutl denly intrude that none of the ftootta rould pon-ilily be saved ; but fortunate ly hie books and papeis, wlm-h were in one of your Cliamioit SiU'ee, wore all ptrservt-d per fectly. And well they tnny be culled Champion, for during the whole conllitgiHtioii there wna one rni-easiint pouring of rhirne directly upon the safe wlm-h contained thettl And still, upon openmf it, the inside was round U) be scarcely warm, while lire outside was moat severely scorched. Yours truly, N. A. MrCI.I'ltK. Heiuuii's I'liU-nt Champion Kile und Bui glnr-Proof Safes, with HALIS HATKNT I'OWUKK-l'KDOK LOCKS, afford the itrentest -runty1 of any sufe in the world. Also t-lileuosrd a:id Parlor sates, of elegant work manship and buiih, for plute, Stv. FAKKKt., HKRItlXn A CO. hnce removed frem J Walnut (!., to their new store, No. 6i!l Chestnut St, (Jayne's Hall.) where the tnrgest assortment of status iu the world csu be found. FAKKEL. HRRRIN'O ft CO., 6iD Chisinct Srrtrtrr, (Jayne's Hull.) Mereti in, IMS. 3ra PIlll.AliKI.I'HI . (.IIOVKK & II 4 KICK'S Ct'.I.EBHATKD FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, A New Style. Price $50. 4!U BROADWAY, NEW YORK. T30 CHKSNUT STRK.ET, PHILADELPHIA. These Machines sew from two spools, and form a seam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will not rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut. Tbey are unquestionably tbe beat in market for Family use. tW ISEND KORA CIRCULARa H. B.'Masseb Agent, Sunbury. Northumber land county Pa. November 87. IB8 Save Tliue and you save 91oney Hence if you proceed n your arrival at Phila delphia I ZIElil.ER 6c. SMITH, (Wholesale Drug, Paint and (.lata Dealers) Comer of SECOND - GREEN STREETS you will hav an opportunity of purchasing from larger, better and cheaper stork of WHITE LEAD, ZINC, Colored Paints and Window Glass of assorted aiiee and qualities than caa be found at any other store tbere. Feb. 6, 'oLL lywi Iteligiou Notices. Siviua'eervica will, be i4 every Sahballi w Ibis Be lougb as follows : PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Noith west eomev el Blackheiry and Dcei streets, Rev. J. D. Husnoa, Pastor. Divine service every Sabbath at in J A M . Prayer meet, nig on Tbursday evening-. Al Ka-ihamberrarMl, m OH flehonl Presbyterian Cswrce, at I o'clock, P, M , every Svbbste. OF.HMAN tlt'.FORMF.n ttlllRCH. North west corner of River niirt HHii-ktir-rryMn-et-, He. I. W. SJTtnn MSTS, Pnt"r. t'lvnie service, alternately, every Pehbeth st In A.M. and 7 P.M. I'layet meeting a Friday evening. F.VANOF.1.1CA1. t.UTHF.RAN CH I'nCTt. Dt-ef etreet below V. A V. Hall Head, Rev. P. Hoan, Pattot. Divine service, alternately, every Mnblmth at 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesdny evening; METHODIST FrincofAt CHURCH. Dewberry et-ee vreel nf . a E Rail Road, Rev. O. Wsrtam end F. B RimjLB, Pastors. Divine service, alternately, every Slab bath at Hf A.M. and 7 P.M. Prayer meeting utiThurs. day evening. RAPTIPT cnrnCH Fawn street, below 9 V. it F. Railroad, Rev. A. J. Hav, Pastor. Preaching every al ternate Sobbnih at 3 o'clock, P. M. During the present mouth as follows : Snd aud 4th Bubbelha. Lecture every Thursday evauiug, at 7 e'clock MARRIAGES. On tbe 1 5th inst., by the Rev. Geo. War rn, Mr. Frruikand KnoADs of Coal town ship, to MisS LCORKTIA ClIAldlBRLilft, of Shamokin township. t Pitrhcls. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. May 19, 1859. -Graib Wheat, sales of fair and good Red at $lp,t)a$lg2 per bushel, and Whit from $2 00 to $2 10 per bunhel. Rye ia wanted at 103 cents. Corn, sales of Yellow at 65 a 08 cents, and 87 a 90 cents from store. . Data are selling at 68 cents per bushel for Penna. 'I'll- u SUNBUIIY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, $1 60 a CO liiitter, . $ SO Rye, . - - 85 Eggs, - 13 Corn, . ... 62 'fallow, . 12 Oats 45 Lard, . 12 Buckwheat, 62 Pork, . 8 Potatoes, 62 Dceawax, . . tt New Advertisement. rBlll)ACC'(), Weirara, Snuff, Ac, Ac, for sale at COOPER'S variety store. Sunbury, May 2169. OIL-rAINTLNUS with Ciil.ie-l Frames, a lot juet received and for sale at COOPKK'6' Variety Store. Sunbury, May 51, '69. waiI ineFrope!" FAC -A.T HOME OTt .)5 BARRELS of Kstra ami Double Kitra " Fleur, just received and for salo CHEAP bv U. O. HAVEN. h'ubbury. Muy SI, 1959. Hauling; and Work Done Cheap. THE subscriber having located in tbe Bo rough of Sunbury, takes' this method of in forming tbe citizens, and public generally, that bo is ready at all times to do small job's, such aa hauling goods, coal Jkv., plowing lots at reueouuble catb prices. He can be found at all times, unless engaged, at Simon lias- lian s, in uroadway above the Kuilrtiad. Ho well also keep riu6terers Huir for sale at all times. RIL1.Y DAST1AN. Euubury, May 21, 1W9 ?.t. L'y virtue, of sundry writs of Levari 1'aeiat and lVi('ti'om' Exj'Onat to me dircuted, will be exptieed to public rain ut the Central Hotel, in the boruiih cf Sunbury, on Satur day the 11th day of June, IS.'!), at l'J o'clock, A. M., the following property, lo wit : A curtain Lot nr piece of ground, aitnat in the boroagh of Sunbury. Northumberland coanty, bounded on the nurlh by Whortle berry street, cn the south by au alley, on the east by a lot of William McC'arty, aud en tbe wettt by an alley, containing in front on Whortleberry street CO feet, width 230 feet, wiiereon are urrclett a two story frame uwel. linjr house and kitchen, and a carpenter shop, a stable, out-buildings, &o. Seized taken id execution and to be sold as the proprity of Samuel Clement A l.SO : A certain tract cr piece of Und, situate in Sbamnkin township, Northumberland county, bounded by land of (icorge Keller and Al exander Yocum on the north, Jaiib I.eieen ring on the east, Urn SUbtown or Valley road on lite south, and Und of Havid Adam's on the west, containing one hundred aud four acres, more or less, about forty acres of which are cleared, whereon are erected a frame dwelling house, a new bni,k barn, or chard, ilc. Seized taken in exreetitta and to bo sold a the property of IJ (i. Taggart. Josiah 11. Ftirmun aud Klisha C Barton late trading under the Gnu and came of Tsgjfart, Furman Si Hurton. ALSO : All til nt certnin tract nr piece ef land, se nate in Shamokin township, Norl humberUnd county, boitnded on the north by land of Julio KUse aud Ceorge Wetzel, south by the turn pike, east by Jacob Treibly and west by Und of (Jeorge Wetzel, containing 117 acres, about 00 acres of which are cleared aud wbvraon is erected at 1$ story frame dwelling honse, bank barn, well of water, orchard, tc. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the pro perty of John Lc tiler. ALSO: AlKhat house, end lot whereon the same is erected, situate in the town of Trevortuit, in Market street, and numbered in the gener.il plan ef said town No. it, in block No. 73 in the county of Northumberland. .-eizd taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William 1'biHips. A LSO : At the Public lloiif-e of Alexander Blair, in tbe borough of Milton, cn Mouiiay, tbe IStb day of June lei!, al one o'clock i". M., the following described property to wit : All that certain half acre lot or piece of ground, situate in the borough of Milton, Northumberland county, bounded ou tho west by Locust alley, on the north by Samuel Hepburn, Esq., on tbe east by tbe Sunbury and Erie Uailroad, and on the north by lot of Win. F. Nagle, whereon are erected a two story Frame Dwelling lloute, Kitchen, Irame Stable, Ac. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Michuel Graham. JAM KS VANUYKI!,SheriiT. EheritTs Office, Suubnry, ) May 21, 1859. f "GET THE TE ST" WEBSTER UNABRIDGED PICTORIAL EDITION 1 I 1SU) I'ltiorial llluslialloua. Webster's Unabridged DICTIONARY. .cw notorial Edition. WE bave in I'reis, to lie issued st sn early day, s new ediuou of Webster's I'uubriilgea Dictionary, con taining 1SOU I'lCtnrlal llluMraliuna, beautifully executed 8000 to lu.UOO new works in the Vocabulary Table of 8yilia)ms, by f ruf. (iOUDKICH, 111 wuich more thau two thousand words are careluiiy discriminated, ftrinitif fuller work 011 Liiifliia 8)uniiyaia, ul tuelt, than any other issued, beside Crabb, aud believed in advance of that Table givine I'roiiunc ialienol Nuruesol'huoudistini;ui.hcd persons of Mouern Tunes, peculiar use cf VYoiue and I'enus in the ILble, with ether new leetu,ee, leeelher witball tbe MAT ILK OF I'UiiN lOl'SKDITIO.SS. "We have seen specimen sheets of the Pictorial lllustra" tions. They are well executed, and will often be found usetui in sivinf a maca more cerreel idea of an object than can be obtained by a defiiit 1011." New Vuik Tri bune, Apttl IS, lettl We buve seen specimen sheete of these illastrious, and can hardly see how they could be improved lu beauty or accuracy." Boston Evening Ttunsmpt. 'An examination of proofs bas convinced us thst this is by tar the uuiet perfect form any JJwuonary has ever assumed All the mgeuuily ever applied 10 language will uot give that idea of a meehanieal device which a simple cut will d. It is almost impnuible lor the in t inteili. traly eieeUent, m full keeping wnb the sun 'or iky of great standard work Several il.m, also been edde t,. , , that it is not possible lo iuerine a 1,".? wmko( reierence in schools. r-necirneu pages will be furnished without charge, oa itilicatioatotbepablishete. -,- Will be sold bv all B. ...!,. apt. Or"Ot t THE BKtJT." Oet WEBSTER V..,., M. , May ,1, M" su. -.iiiu u ei s eiear luea ol a metope, a ervebel, akin or quee.i post roof, or anything else in arcbilectarc, fr.uu ad.tlniiiou,vh:leasinall et.g.aviiie brings itupat once. Ibe illustrations of the uaw .lni,,n ... J..,......a GREELEY'S OVERLAND LErTERt HOW IS THR TIMS TO SIBSCRIBK. Mr. OPEELKY has Jast started on a Too to Kansas, Pike's Peak. Utah and California to return via Central America. All hi. Let ters will appear in the Bemi-Weekly and Weekly Tr.bone, as well ss In tbe Daily. 77e New York Daily Tribune Is mailed lo subscribers at $6 per aunam, in advance : 3 for six months. th New York Semi-WetHy 7, Hunt is published every Taesday and Friday. TERMS t One Copy, one year, $3 00 , Two Copies, one year, 6 00 Five Copies, one year, 1 1 2ft Ten Copies, to one address, 20 00 Ten copies or over, to address of each subscriber, 2 20 each. Any person sending us a club of twentr, or over, will be entitled to an extra copy. ' Tht New York Weekly Tribune is published every Saturday. TERMS: One copy, one year (2 00 Three copios, one year, 5 Oil Five copies, one year, 8 00 Ten copies, one year, 1'2 00 Twenty copies, to ooe address, at the rate of (1 per annum, 20 00 Twenty copies, to address of each, 24 Oi) And any larger nnmber at the rate of SI 20 each. A ny person sending os a club of twenty nr more will be entitled to an extra copy. W continue to send the Weekly Tribuue'to cler gymen for 1. Sabscriptions tnav commence at anv time. Terms always cash in advance. All letters to be addressed to HORACE GREELEY k Co. Tribune buildings, Nassau st.,N. Y. New York, May 21, IPSO. It. NOTICE IS hereby given llmt I have bought the follow - ing property of Frederick Dipner, at Collec tor's sale in Shamokin on the 7th dav of May, 1859, vis -Three stoves, one table, one wash stand, one wash-bowl and pitcher, two looking glasses, one bureau, one sink, one lot of ruaire, and one lot of hooks. Notice is hereby given that I havo Idancil thr above properly o Itebecca Dipner, dnrinp; my good will and pleasure, and all persons ere cau tioned against interfering with the name. REUBEN 87 AM B.U If. Phamokin, May SI, 16A9 :t attorney at n tu f JVo. Ifromltvay, !iv fork. Will csrefolly sttend to O'lleclii us and all other nn.r.e'e entruiled to Ins usre. May ft, ISO.". FIREWORKS! FIRKWOKKS : 4THJULT, 1S50- THE Subuciiber is uuw n-enviuf! fn-m the Factory a full and complete aahurtmenl of FlllEWOUKis. Tie Hock is luieer tint tho variety greater than thut of m y Mlicr Lo in the United tftulox, nud cuinpi i.-es ' blue Light-, No. 1 & 2. (irut-shoppers. No. 2 A 2. l'ju V bet-Is, Nn. 1, 2 A S. Chasers. No. 1 A 2. Scroll Wheels. HniKD Wheel'. 6-Poiut Stars. M mes, 4 sizes. Caprices, No. 1 & 2. Chinese 1'euny Kuiki-ti. Fire Cra. hers, to make a tienii oJnas rej r.rt Fulling Craclwrs. Komnn Caudles, nine sizes from !aIi to IS Halls. Itntuar Candles, rnlortd. Flower "ots, 4 sir.is. Triangles, No. 1 A 2. Open Tiing!en, 4 airt s. '.'riantles, colored riuns Torpedoes. Kickils, 4 s:zes. Double lloaiters. Chinese Maootiiis. l'uuk, or Jutitick. le., tc. A Is.), a rral variety 1 Funry CoVn'd Works, fur 1'rivate and Public Lxuiliilii'tis, from JM) to So-UO, furnished and wuiiul1. iI tu give satisfaction. All wotks Carefully put ti ed and fin warded. Application aliouid Lo made as early in the season as pusr-iLle, to JOSEPH M. PL'. -rtll.lt. Principal Fireworks lUpnt, P10 South VYIiurv.s, Philauolphia. May 21, lf5'J-3b. IntcrcNting- to Druggists. AND ALL OTHF.Ri WHO SKI.L SODA "WATER. 1 HE AMERICAN TRADE COUi'A.XY, -V. 22 and 2t Frankfort Strut, Ntic York. MAMTACTlRKItS Or VAN-ALLEN'8 PATENT PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAIN, fflAKE gresl plrssure in calling the attenlicn -- t,l Druggist, Coitlixtiouers. and others lo this invention as its simplicity ami economy can not tail to coniuienj it to all who prepare the delightful aud refreshing beeraga for the Sum mvr season. Tha Van-A lien Soda Fountain may truly he regarde J aa invaluable. It enables any one lo manufacture, with great facility, en indefinite supply of tbe most delicious ISoda Water, at a cobt of only about 2HREE OR FOUR CENTS PF.It GALLON! The risk and eipenac of Copper Fountains are not incurred, and a lew momenta only aro it quired lo pi epare the water. Uut litile us ia needed to keep the fountain so cool aa to render it unnecessary to use any in glasses. The two ingredients ued are dissolved iu senerate stor.a jars and are forced by action of a simple pump, in rnuBi .ii..hiiic. inio tineu cast-iron gasome ter, where Ihey become instantly united and tbe Soda is formed. No copper or brass comes in contact with any ef the ingredients. No Mineral A'ater can be more delightful llian that maim faclured by this process ; and whilst it is, perhaps purer than any other, it bas all the requisite pungency. No manufacturer of s'oJa Water who once . uses the Van-Allen Fountain, cat. be induced to resort to any other process of manufacture : as evidence oi this bee accompanying te.liuionials . The above cut represents the whole apparatus in iu simplest form ; but they will be manufactur ed in many ornamental styles lo suit tbe taste of purchasers. It i not at all likely lo get out of oider. because of its great eimplicity and dura btlity ; besides being sa portable aa to be handled with ease, rendering it peculiarly valuable for PIC-KICS and other RURAL FESTIVALS. This little contrivance can be made attractive to tbe eye, no leu than profltahla to the pocket No VILLAGE or CJTV DKL(J STOKE or CONFECTIONER should be without one of these HEALTH-GIVING FOUNTAINS, Nor can ownera of large FACTORIES do a better thing than lo have one, to refresh their oiralivas during the hot summer months.- 2'hey can he introduced into private families to great advantage, aa the expense ia ao trifling 1 he ingredients used are to be had iu any Drug 8tore, and a receipe lor preparing syrups to flavor the Boda Water, will accompany each Fountain The whqjs apparatus oecupiea but a small apac -' an oicnnsry aiud wash-stand and can be used on the earner of a street of $1 or $t for busing, and orders will be filltd promptly by Li press or otherwise, ajjretui, UALLAHER'8 Purchasing Bureau, M LIBERTY h TREET, N. Y or 11. B. MAfiSER, Sunbury, J'a. New Yo.lr Mar.Jt. lK'9.,f SI SI wen aa in-guors. A lull aizcd one can be seen ",,'!.m"'B.'i'r'd, t:mVy' Office. i ,V?-om 20 10 . "cording to sr.. and tinish. 1 hey ttn b. .hipped to any pari of tbe I niled Slates or CanaJas .t . ..f 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers