0 C t X I . Flora ib Colombia Unztlte J AN ODE OF THE TIMES. fit ttlM POET t.ARIBT. The ntherdny 1 asked a Mend, If hit whistle ha would wet. He nizd my arm and smiling raid, 1 will, old boy "jon bet." Tim other night while at a ball, A female friend I met, Who, when I asked her if she danced, Kejl!ed at once "jou bell" 1 wis nt chnrch a few lights since, Where lot of rtonple met, A Dutchman sairl, Tve fntiod the wsy, I've got him now yoa bet 1" 1 met a friend npon the street, Who deemed in quite a pet I asked him vthut the matter wn. He said, ' I'm drunk you bet 1" I nsked a livery stable man If he had a horse to let, He pointed out an iron gray i And (aid "he'll do you bet !" Into a Jew shop then I stepped, As 1 wished a coat to tret, I put one on, end he exclaimed " 'Vis a first rate fit yoa bet !" Then to a barber T did go, A uifger black at jet, Who said, "Sir, if you take a (cat, I'll fix you off you bet 1" I asked a Baptist t'other day If ho found the wnterwet lie said he rather thought it was, A ad awful cold you bell" There was a fight upon the street, Where several loafers met, One said "I am a righting man, Aud can lick your sort yoa bet t" I colled one day t Clougb A Cu.'a, To get the last Gazette, A man wes fitting by the Mora, Who said, '"Tis cold yoo bJtl" Of all the people in the world, That ever 1 have met. The A merieans cannot be beat, 1'or aucb slang as "you bet !" ExTRAORPTNANT ClHCtVISTAKCE A MN DvtKO Twicb. A man died in the Seven teenth ward, a day or two ago, who might be smd tn hnve oied once berore, ana oeon re called to life by a singular circumstance. lie had suffered for a lonff time from con. sumption, and crown weuker and weaker aud weaker, and mora and more attenuated, until he could not stand Dor speak. lie felt that he had but a few days to live, and made every prpartion for .approaching dissolution. J J s wite watched Uesiuo mm, ann one mor ning he beckoned to her to put her head to his lips, when lie wtiisperea, "i am going Jane." and took her hand. A slight spasm passsd through his frame a deadly pallor overspread his face, bis eyes rolled upwards, and a rattle of death was heard in his throat. At that moment his wile screamed, and he started up in new vigor, and asked faintly : "Why did you dothatf Why d:d you not let me die in pence ?" ' From th it moment he began to recover and grow t ronger and in a month he was enabled to leave his bed and work at bis trade. Fie lived for nearly two years after that strange event, but finally was attacked with a return of bis old complaint, and died after an illness of three months. This is a very singular in stance, but entirely true, and would seem to show that the soul of the dying man was'call ed back by the voice of a living heart, linger ed for a while longer ere it left a kindred na ture to battle with the world alone Cincin nati Enquirer. Last of tee Cuknixoh am Affair. The claim ol Mrs. Cunningham to the estate of the murdered Dr. linrdellwos set at rest for. ever yesterday in New York. It will be remembered that the surrogate made a decis ion against M rs. Cnnniughain, holding that she was not the. widow of Dr. Burdell ; from that decision Mrs. Cunningham appealed to the Supreme Court. The matter has been in Court for some time, but no farther steps were taken by M rs. Cunningham Yesterday the counsel for the heirs took an order dis missing the appeal, for want of appearance on the part of the lady. This put a quietus on all the proceedings, and the lady is once uith plain Mrs. Cunningham, and not a doctor's widow Important Decision as to Contracts Falling Dub on Sunday. A very impootant question has been raised nnd decided in the Superior Court of New York, upon this sub-j-ct. The particular case was that of policy uf life insurance expiring ou Sunday, the pre mium upon the renewal of which was not ten dered till the following Monday. But the discussion involved the whole question as to fulfilling any contract, the clay for doing which comes upon Sunday. The general notioo is thatin all such cass the contract must be performed, or the offer made to cjo it on the procediug Saturday. liut the court io this case overruled the notioo, end declar ed that when, from accident or mutuul error, the day of fulGilion au agreement falls upon Sunday, there is enough of principle and au thority to justify the parly in deferring bis performauo to ths Moud.iy ensuing, without iinparing a right or incurring a forfeiture. Hard Times i Iowa A letter from Chickasaw, Iowa, stales that there is nut enough breadstuSs in the country to sustain the people until harvest. Flour is 4$ per hundred ; cora meal $1,75 ; corn 13 per bu shel ; oats CO cents ; potatoes $4; pork 10 coots per pound, and no wheat to be bad. Col. Joseph Paitoo and his Wife, of Cata wissa, celebrated their golden wedding on Sunday the 2'itb ult., having been married April 24th. 1809. They have lived all that time at Catawissa. Their descendants of three generations were assembled un the oc casion. Col. l'axton, wba is well known and highly esteemed everywhere in the State, is 73 years old, but is still a huutty and active man. Stranob Coinhiiiskcii. The Pottstown Ledger says it has been observed as a remar kable fact by the citizens of Douglasville, lierks county, aud vicinity, that whenever a funeral takes place at St. Gabriel's Church, t that place, it is almost invariably followed, loon after, by two others, making three fu nerals in succession. This curious circum stance his become proverbiul among the re sidents of the vicinity, and has been noticed by many of the oldest citizens for many years. At pronf tbat it is no Kile superstition or rumor, the present pastor of the church has recently made au examination of the church register, which proves that this curious coincidence has been of remarkably frequent occurrence ever since the first iuteimeMs in the graveyard. The church is one uf the oldest io this psrt of the country. ' A Curiosity. We were last FrlJjy shown living curiosity which was sent from George town, by Horatio Snyder, as a prest-ul to David U. Cruune, JSj., Our knowledge of coology is so limited that we are unable to describe the animal, further than it la a ( id like a frog, a tail like n eel, daws like snapper, and a body tike a big "chaw of fine cat tobacco," and although it resembles a ju venile sea tiger Ilarrishurg Pat. A Pfdrstrian io Ireland met a nan and asked him why the miles were so plsgne long. Pat replied, "Yoa see, now, the roads are not good, so the contractors Disks sp for it by good measnra." WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS.&C 'MIE subscribers have opened in Thompson's Iirirk liuildinir, Mill street, Danvillo.a Urge and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUOK8, comprling tho besthrandsof Brandies, Gin, Old Kye, Scoti I) and Irish Whiskey, Port, Biierry, Madcria, Champagne and other Wines of all grade, all of which will be sold Wholesale at lha lowest city prices. Tavern-keepors by buy ing of us run save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors Tor FAMILY USE, may rely upon being furnished with pure and unadulterated article. US'" Being determined to establish a reputation for selling chenp thry respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. SHERIFF & HALL. Danville, April 8, 859. Market Street, Sunbury Fa. PffHH subscriber reicctfully informs tho cili--- yens of Sunbury, and the public generally, that he has taken possession of the shove well known stand, formerly kept by John Lciecr. He is determined to use every exertion to make his house one of the l est in the Stale, and oilers r re inducements fur persons who spend a short time in one of the most pleasant towns In central Pennsylvania. His table will be supplied with the best the market can produce. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors. I.' a re hi I and obliging servants always in atten dance, A share of the local and traveling com munity is most reepcctfullv solicited. SIMON SNYDER, April 2 J, 1859.-Cm Froprietor. notice'i ADAB1S EXPRESS CO., Give notice that they have concluded arrange ments with the Northern Central Rail Road Company, to run trains from Baltimore for York, Hairisburg, Dauphin, Halifax, Trevorton, Sun bury, Northumberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Mun cy, Williamsport, and all intermediate Stations. Connecting at Harrisburgh with the GREAT WESTERN EXPRESS fur Pittsburg, Cincin nati, 8:. Louis and the West. Also with Howard & (Vs Express at Milton or Danville, Dloomsburg, Wilkesbarre, Pitlston, Scrnnton, and intermedials Stations on the Oat tnwissa, Lackawana aud Bloomsburg Rail Roads. At Williamsport, by Howard & Co's Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by How ard & Co., and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every description. Also, Notes, Drafts and .Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed and every effort will be made to render satisfac tion. JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent Penn'a Division, Phil's A. W. FISHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 9, 1859. Peipher's Line, Railroad Freight Cara BETWEEN Fhiladelphia & Sunbury.Jujp rHK suhscriher is running a line of freight cars to and JL from Philadelphia without re-shipment, aud hopes to csiHuiisu a gouu uusiiiess ay prompt deliveries ui reasoiiB' hie rates. Warehouse in Philadelphia with Freed, Ward A Freed, on itittrKet street, where goous &c. tor sunuury anti inter mediate points should he left. THOMAS PEIPHF.H, Ilnrrishurg. March 19, 1839 0m SUNBURY FOUNDRY ! iSHE subscribers respectfully inform the cili sL zens of Sunbury and the public generally. that they have leased the Sunbury Foundry oc cupied by George Rohrbarh,andthat they will take possession on the first day of April, next, when they will be enabled to furnish all kinds of Cast ings, such as Plows, Stoves, 4c., Ac, at as tow rates as they can be had any where else. 1 bey are also manufacturing thrashing machines, and do repairing at short notice. All orders addressed to them w ill be promptly attended to. Country produce taken in exchaage for Cast ings at all times. CLINTON ROII KB A CH. JACOB KOHUBACH, Jr. Sunbury, March 6, 1859. 3m NET CASH CRT GOODS HOUSE. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH Jt AUCH Streets, PHILADELPHIA, Vlitlnow openings full assortment ofNEW GOODS, FOR Tilt; SPK1N6 OF 1659. Spring Silks of New Styles, Fashiouuule Double Skirt Robes, Shawls of the New Spring Styles, De Luines nnd Fancy Dtess Goods, Summer Poplins nnd Yuleucinf, Travelling Dress UotMfs, full variety. Blankets, Sheetiugand Housekeeping Goodi N. B. Storekef Ders are resneetfrllr reanegted to amine our Stock of BLACK SILKS, and SHAWLS, bo lore purchasine. P. S. New Hoods received daily, and good Bargains ,.... il.. A...:..... X! ' 1. i s-,.. .. ..w.m ..... nu, i ui new , uir uiiu tiiia tiiy. Teiik Nktt Csh and l'sicics Low. arch 12th, lkM.3 mW3 1)LINS3 AUD SHADES, -L OHRAP TOS CASH. n. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 North Sixth Street, Philadel- pma, is tue lurgesi manufacturer ol HISUOW ; IUaIXDS. A! D DEALER IN WINDOW SHADES, OF EVERY VARIETY. He is the Originutor of all New Styles und hns a Cue stock to lie sow at t KUl Uf.l) I'KUIKS. BUFP, AD ALL OTHER COLORS OF IJNEN (WADES, TKLMMINOS, FIXTURES, fcc. STORK SHADES punned to order. Gf H. J. W. invites citizens ol this county to call he fore purchas.ng, aud assures them he can sell a better article for the money than auy other estahlivhmeut in tiio mr.ru Maim. Aiurcn 30, isas. JnrJJc. SPICES! SPICES !! SPICES 1 1 1 Pure and No. 1 Ground Pepper. Ginger, Cinnamon, Allspice, I'loves. American and English .Mustard. Ceyenne Pepper, Nutmegs, Mace. Suh. Carh S.ida Saltpetre, Salcratus. r?(il. SihIu, ludio. f'urawnv and Coriander Seed. Ashton Ouirvand Ground Salt. tec. Fur Sule at the Eugle M ill No 544 and 210 North ronl street comer of New, Philadelphia. IIOWAlii) WORRELL. tr Purchasers will find it grea.lv to their interest both in quality and price to huy these goods, which sre war. lantu us representor or torfeited. A trial is solicited. Philadelphia, Mnrch 10, leSiT. Iyp8. PLATFORM SCALES, F EVERY DESCRIPTION, StriTABLE II "Aii.iiuAutt, jtc, for weighing hny, coal, oie and merelmndisa generally. Purcliaseil run no risK, every scsts is suarauleed correct, and if, alter trial, not found sutistactory, eun he returned without chares. r- Factory at the old stand, established for more than hi. iii-uvi jeun. A11BOTT to., xr i. .. ... Con"r f X'ntn and Mel.ni Streets, Mureh jtlth, IMP 3iiij-c. Philadelphia. PBENCH BT7HU III I Lis STOK Irll.MFACTOni "IilIK unilersiiineil keeps constantly on hand -- FliK.NCH bURRSofallsiies. and furnish.. every article required by the milling tradu. Complete satisfaction guaranteed for every article sold. Miller who prefer the solid Hurr. bv niv. ing i to 8 months notice, can have their orders eiecuted at lha quarries in Franca. Address, WM. H. KEPNfH, April S, IS59 dm Harrieburg J", u., Pa. JOSEPH FUSSELL, No. 2, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA ANT'FACTURER of bet quality of I'M umlLLAH and PAKA--OL8 invites the attention of buyers to his extensive stork embracing; many styles not heretofore introduced Philadelphia, March 18, 1RS9 TSTANILf.A BEANS, Figs, Dates. Oranges, V Lemons, Prunes, nuts of all kinds, just re ceived and tor sale at the Confectionary Store of M. V. liKAKHAKT. eualury, April tt, 1859. u s THE GREAT AMERICAN & FOREIGN TATENT AGENCY OFFICES. Inventors, Seottr6 your Right! HOW TO. OBTAIN LETTERS PATENT. Memrs. Men tt Co., Krlitnrs and Proprietors of the rVienlifle AmcirCHn, are cimrtiictins; the most successful Agency for securing the Rights of inventors, to he found In the United tiules. They have been personnlly fsmil liar with the progress of Invention and Discovery for the Jin st fifteen years, and hnve prepared nnd conducted with n this perliid, more Patent esses thnn sny othur Agency hi the World. As an evidence of lh confidence lenoscd in their ability and integrity, they mny with proprietr re fer to the extrnnrdinnry fu'ct, thnt nearly two thousand patents have been issued to laeii clients, during the brief space of two yenrsj and during thv snine period, they hnve exnminecf through their efficient llrnnch Otlice in Wanhingtnn, Into the nevelty of ubmtt three thousand In ventions, thus affording to them a knowledge of the con tents of the Patent Oinc,unnvnlled'hy any existing agen cy. Not only this, hut more than one-half of all the Pa tents secured by American citizens in the European eoun Iries, aretnken through Slunn Co.'i Afltnciei in London, Paris, Brtusels, Berlin and Vienna. (ircnlnrsof Advice IfnSv to Secure American nnd Foreign Patents, will he sent, free of charge, to all who may wirh fur them. Messrs. Munn tc Co.'s principal nr. fit-es in New York are in the new Pnrk lluildiugs, No. S7 Purk Kow, eaatem ide of the City llnll Parkj where all communications should be addressed, and where Inven tors are cordially invited to call whenever they visit the city. Messrs. Munn .V Co, refer by permission to lion Chns. Mason, Kx-Commisstoner of Patents. Hon. Joseph Holt, Postmaster Uenrrnl and K.t- Commissioner of Patents, and also loom seven thousand Inventors in the United States, whose papers have been prepared and prosecuted through their Agency. Aanrcss Il UptFi VIF. No. 3 Turk Row. New York. Mnrch 8(1, 1S50. ; EEtTG" Fx. CHEMICAL EMPORIUM. HE undersigned having received a large and T well selected stock of I'm o Drugs nnd Chemicals, Dycfctofls, Oil, Paints, Glass and Putty, is now ready to fillordcrsat a moments notice. In connection with the above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and Perfumery of all kiwis, loolli, Hair, IN ails and Clothes Brushes of every variety. Customers will1 find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate. REMEMBER the place, under the office of the "Sunbury American." Physicians Precnptions compounded sccurate- V and carefully. A. W. 1- ISHEK. Suubary, April 2d, 1859. Select Winter Goods ! VERY LARGE STOCK!! SFLE1TDID TAxlIETT Just received at the People's One Price Store or E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, SUNBUnV, PA.t OUU present Mock inrludpi a choice selection of Dry Goods, Heady Made Clothing, Uootn nd Shorn, Ilnrdwnre, (irocrries, Cuoens ami GlaPswar, Ac, An. Our Dress Gooda for Gents nd Ladies, contain all the new and desiraM Ivies, which for fineness of texture, beauty- du rability and cheapness cannot be surpassed. 0ir Keady Alade Clothing was selected with (front care, and all Roods warranted to ho what they are represented. Boots and Shoes of all kinds, Hals and Caps of every style and price. and we solicit a careful inspection of our lartje aanortment of HOS1EKY, r A1NCY ISOriOISS. &c. Groceries fretsb and pure. Our Hardware embraces the largest stock of any other establish ment in this section of country rleasecnll and examine. W Sxunt TO PLlUtF. K. Y. BRIGHT & SOX. Sunbury, November 27, 1858. NEW GOODS At the Mammoth Store of lit a t ii:tjk: i, NO. t MARKET STREET, SUNBURV, PA. THE subscriber lias just opened at bis well known cstablitlimcnt in Sunliurv, one of tho chanstanj most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that lias ever been nflWed in tbe place, and which ha will sell for CASH or exchange for Country- Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. All Wool Detains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmcies, Shaded, .Tliiin nnd Striped must be teen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and lirocho Shawls. Cloths Cassimcres and Satinet For Men and Hoys' Wear, lilack Cassimcrcs, Fancy CsKsimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cnssiinerea, Satinets all kinds. FLANNELS, White and lied Flannels, all grades and prices, 15 uy Sluto Suck Fluniiels, colors finest qnulitios. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Doots and Shoes, Hats and Cans, &c, 4c, all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. UAUinVAUK, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (jueenswure, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, &c, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him Villi their custom in the future. Sunburv, Nov. 6. 18.18. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland Couuty, Pa THI 5 large and comm.. diuus Hotel, now fin ished and completely furnished with entire new furniture, at a large expense by Sheriff Van dyke, and situate at the K hi I road Depot north east corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and at the terminua of the Sunhury if Erie and IS or th em Central Railronds, will be open fnrthe accom modation of 1 ravclem and the public in general on the FIK3T DAY OF JANUAKY, IBM). The pMprietor will give hi exclusive atten tion, to tbe comfort and convenience of his guests and if determined to make this estublihment rank smoug the first in the State. liw Utile will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage of daily comiTiuninalion by cars direct' from ZJulti- more, and also Iron, those bringing produce trom the surrounding country. I His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market enn produce Ca-et'ul and obliging servants always in at tendance. A share of the local and traveling commumt is most respectfully solicited JOSEPH MOIST, Lessee. Sunburv. Dec. 18, 1 HJSH, IX'FIVED a largi assortment of Saiinett, Caasiinere and Cloth, at J. H. EXGEL'S. 6unbur, Dec. II, 18S8 J UST RECEIVED a lot of Gantlemena BHAWL8 and BLANKETS, at J. II. ENOEL'S Stors. Sunbury Dsc. 11, lBf8. I L'ST KECE1VEU a general " New Goods at tlic Store of aMortinent of J. H. ENGEL. 8unbury, Dec. 11, 1868.- TiVXIE OLIVE OIL for tall, use,-two at 3?i and 62 cents just received by A. W. FISHER, Julr 17, '5S. CAWS. Wood. Cross Cut end Mill 8awa. Superior article at FISHER'S. Suii'nirv, July 17th, 18ftg JUKI' RECEIVED a lot of Ladies CLOTH CLOAKS, st I. 11 ENGEL"8 8tore. Banbury, Dse. 11, 186. WnEELER & WILSON MANUFACTTJIIINO OO.S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. TPIIK unanimous favor wliieh hnsattoiKleUthe Introduc X ti"n uf Wmkbi. Sl Wilsos's Family Sewing: Ma chine, tt sufficient evulrnre of its eiceiknpe. It is need lew now ti my, that this uscrnl instrnmmt is brominK donmtie iiiaViintum i I Visa fnot i fwnrniri tiv ill StlCvera (til use in thou snnds of Families in every rnnk hi life those who hnve hitherto refrained from availing themselves "i " anvuniapes, it may noi ne amiss to sny, mm nn u nty s not a problem to be solved, but a succent already icaliized. The higlient teslniony is constantly olTerel,0'n. firming the verdict which hns given this iiittrucmeiitons wnlc and enviable a reputation. This Machine is conceived on a principle entirely or igi iml, btiuft; specially and admirably adrnteu tothe most per fect work on every kind of material; and, having bees subjected ton threa years test of the most senicbing clmractet by Fnmilies, nnd in various brant ties of Mnnu facture, with diitinmiished success, it is Iwlieved Ibut in all the great ponds requisite to complete nnd practical Pewino; MHcnine, if cannot le approached in excellence Among the undoubted advantages it possesses overall others, nmv he named the fnlloAving; 1. Its simplicity of eonftructiou, and consequent free dom f rom dernnprment mat need f repairs 2, Its unexampled rapidity and euse of opetation. , 3 Its noiseless movement 4. The irrriit viitietv of niirnoM to which it enn be ap- pliwt, which call be achieved by no other mechanical means. And, A". The pre-eminent beauty and durability of the work 'I find your Machine invaluable 1 Have used it a yenr, nnd it has never been out of order. The slitch is very du rable, nnd can be adapted to fine or conrse materials. It works with the rapidity of a dozen pair of hands; saves much time, faticue and exnenee. One of vour Machines is used in my fiber's family ; another in tbe household of a sister; and others by various friends. The opinions of all accord with that 1 have just expressed." Mrs Anna Cora Ititcliie. 'There is but one Sewing Machine ; nnd that is Whee ler and Wilson's." Judge Meigs, of the American Insti tute. 'The Sewing Machine purchased of yon has been whol ly serviceable Itcv. Dr. Samuel Osgood. No family can olford to do without it. Opinions of tub New Yomt Press, We prefsr them for family use.-Trilintie They are the favorites for families Times, Are without a rival Scientific American. Works more iinif.itmly than the hand Herald. Do the work of ten ordinary sewers Jour Com. Kqual to nine sciuntrcsses. Itouie Journal Tub machine, for family use. Advocate & Journal, Most honorable to American gennis Independent. We curi not lmugiue anything more perfect Kvungelist. Will give entire satisfaction. Olwterver. The best ever inventeft, Christum Inquirer. In looking for the best, see these Kxamiucr. Admirably oduptedfor family use. Chronicle. Indispensable in every family. The Preacher. We praise it with enthusiasm Christina Intelligencer, Worthy of the highest uwntd. Sabbath Recorder. A benefaction of the age Putnam's Magazine. Magital in operation Mrs. Stephens1 Monthly, tteyond all question, the machines Life Illustrated. The stitch cannot be unraveled Am Agriculturist. They maintain the pre-eminence Kx press. Saves the time and henllh often women. Water Cure. Our household in in rcstacies with it. I'ortcr's Spirit. Supply the f:shi"nnble world. Ilnily News. Are pre-eminently suncriot. Indies' Visitor. One of our household g'ds I'. S. Journal, rurivnlled in everr qna'ity. Day Hook. Ptetty, useful, magical.- J ,e stir's (iiizette. Have no equal foriiiniilv use Musical World A triumph of mechanical genius N. Y. Journal. Combine every requirement. Family Mugnziue. Vastly superior to all otheis tioMen Prize. We cannot tire in its praise New Yorker. For further particulars apply to If, B. Masser, Suribiiry, Pa., agent of the manufacturer, who will supply machines at the manufacturer. prices. Sunbury, Mny 15, 185?. tf A Valuable Book for Invalids SENT BT KAIL, AND TftiT TO SS PAID FOR UNTIL RECEIVED READ AND APPROVKD OF. IP NOT API'KOVKT) NO CHAOE Ur. tSAMCKlsS. FITCH'S "SIX I.KCTL'lt J:s o llitCHUfk8, Prevention und Ouveol UlfccnrU'S nt the l-uittJv lliroal, llrnrt, iStumach, Huwrls, Isiver, Kuluira. Skin. dec, K finale UitmnluiuiB, and Chroma thaeanei ffcneiully mi the lsiiwi uf Lilc, and the true iwetluxl bv wl.icli Health and vigor nmv be preservrit to one hundred yetin. A vol ume ol 35 ptie, hunrisjuindy bound in muslin, Willi 125 iluiAirutioiit In this volume Ur 15. S Fitch, (who it wultly known at the author uf n new und eminently snc fppsful method of treatment f-ir the above ctnp!iiinli, and especially coniuinptinn, nnd other diteaeei ot the Luiipi nnd Thritat,) explains the lending (eat meg ol his treatment and gives lain directions by which those I nt-lined to these complaints may themselves prevent them or urr-t then progress, over votMiOO conies of tins book have been sold, nnd llieie are peisons in all puitsof our bad who craieiuiiy ucKnowleUge itiat it tuts been the means ol pre- bet v ing their lives and giving them many yeurs of good lir;ili!i. We present a few specimens of the mimemus cominen- ' del ions the h.M.k ha-t received The New York Ti iluue thus closes n lewtliy not ire of it -."The grrtii itnporiiiuce of the sahjeei und our roi.fi itenre derived from ers:iiml knowledge and peip uial ben efit in lr. Fticirs suffcetttions have iinpfllet! unto re cmniend this work. Ve trust we hitvu Sittd enough to induce those atriirted or threatened wi'h t'oiisuiiintu n, to procure and read i)r Fifclt's biMtk " Letter fr an lie Hon Hamilton Kisli, former finvenmr of Nt-w York : "Washington, Fehruaiy !l'h, 11:1. l)r. S. S. Filch JJear Sir : 1 bc)f to return my th.mks lur the volume yu have been so kind as to presi-nt to me. The very hurried examination which alone I have heen able as yet to give to it, has excited i merest and brought tliu c in vicliou that the reputation which thee lectures have achieved is based upon intrinsic merit. l'xtraet from u letter from the Hon. f. II. Haven, lute memtrei of Congress irotu F-rie Co., N Y. : '! have no doubt out it is a practical and very useful work. 1 hope if will haven general circulation, and it will, I luvo uo doubt, d imirh good." Kxtract from a letter from the Hon. Colbert D;m, late member of Congress. ul read your tix (stetureson Cr.u Biiuiptive diseases three years ago, and shall again peruke them. Kxtnict from a letter from the Hon. James Irkliart, hoe member of Congress. "From reading it I have re ceived many vaiuul-le hints. I regniditus a work of great merit. " Says Sidney Warner, Keq., of Waterloo, N Y.:"My brother and most of Ins family are dead of eoiibumpth n, but I mid mine are living hi id well ; and I think it is owing mtieli to the teachings ol your look winch 1 have followed carefully for the lunt nine years." We could till eulumns with similar statements iy Winding to make this IjouK as esetul na possible, we will forward a copy of it by mail, pott pant, to uny addrees thnt may be tent us, and the pi ice 50 cents, muy be remitted in postage slnmps or otherwine to us after the book is received and uppioved of. It may be applied lor personalty or by leiler. Consultation byl)r Fitch, nt his office, 714 Brondwny, N. Y., personally or by letter, free. Addres. Jan. 93, 1P5P. 3in. 7U Uroadwuy, X. Y. VAX MAACEV & 31tIiUOr.'S ORIENTAL DETERSIVE BOAP, PHILADELPHIA. "llrAltRANTKlJ In give perfect satisr:irtiin, nr the V iHiiney wlil tie refunded, and our agents are lierehy autlionzed tw make (J'khI any luilure of it ut our expense A. VAN UAAUI'.N being a practical Kmp Maker, cud having fur the lust twelve yeuis (at different times) expe rimented upon and tested tins particular tfiuip, in various ways, now ofVurs it to the pul.llcas a soap which will save TIMK, 1. AHdlt und .MOMOV. We me willing it sliould rest unou its own merits. All we usk is to eive it a fair trial, and use it nccording to our directions, (lound in each box,) aud if itdoes not give full sutisluctiou, ths mouey will be refunded. Among the many advantages over uthcr Washing Soaps, the following may be named : 9 I. Clotlu-s need uo boiling, aud very little rubbing, (most articles none.) 1!. One pound will go as far, for any use, ns three pounds ut common rosin soap, or two pounds best family up. J. It requires less than one-half ths time and labor to do the washing of s family, that it requires with the best familv soap, and is warranted not tu iiijuie the fabric. 4- For cleaning Puiuts and removing (ireaie, 'far and Printer's Ink, it is unsurpassed Machirists, Printers aud Painters will find it su invaluable article for washing hands, as it does not chup, but greatly softens the skin 6 The superiority of the materials used, and the 8osp Mor CONTAIMNO ANT KXCI.S or AI.K4LIKS, is mora mild than any other known Washing Soap, and undoubtedly the beat adapted for white and eolored clothing, na well us Cambrics and trices, and is WARRANTED NOT TO HOTTHKCtlTHKM. For sale at all resieetahle Giorery Stores in the city and neighboring towns, and wholesale only by THA1N McKFONE, 8outh Wharves. Between Market and Chesuut rits., Philadelphia. Fcbiuuiy ltb, 1630 tin ' liKORGI P. ASBKT. JoUX A. tint. ABBEY Se NEFP, No. 309 North TUIKD Street, (three doors above Vine,) PHILADELPHIA. TUB OLD HABDWABS STAND. (EsTsSLisutB TwsTT-Foua Ysass.) IVF.RY description of Building, Mechanical, Farming 'j and H lusehoki IIAUDWAKK, is now in Store, and will us i feiii at the lowe.l maiket prices, Io Cash end prompt sis mouths buyeis. Nails el Manufacturers' pri ces tor Cnsti. Oiders from aew enstomers will receive strict and area rate attentioii, auS all goods sent from this house will be as represented. IV CotiTa MiacasXTs, on their next visit to our eity to uinke their tpriug purvhsses. are ciifiially invited In call end examine our block ami Prices nefoie pun-Ins-log. March Ul", 1S68 SiuWa. BL'SHOKG'M ft SONS Fluid, for sale at Superior Burring FISHER'S Drug ard Chemical Emporium. Sunbury J:ly 17, 1868. Pure Wlue aud Liquors. TUS 7 received st FISHER'S Drug snd Che " mical-Emporium. Sunbury, Oct. 185. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEW M. C. GEAIUIART, Has returned with new Stock of Confectlonaries, Fruit and Toyi. IT seems ss if s new ogs, t new lire was open ins? noon us. animstins every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims I Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develops sub- limer beauties and grander conception. 3Tie business world too must feel the new In fluence snd every nsrt be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to tne consummeuon of greater things than wss ever dreamed of in tho Philosophy of the past. Animated by tbe enthusiasm which tirevades all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the Age," the sub scriber wduld respectfully inform tho food peo ple ofSUNUUKY snd the public generally, that he has just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He Is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectlonaries, Ate, to fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his stock of Confectlonaries, may he found t French Secrets, Burned Almonds, Cream White, 11 Imon K.e, ' Vanilla, CnmmiMi Secrets. Liquorice, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, l.ove Drops, Mini Drops, red and whits, Jelly Cakes, Flint Drops, Stick Candiea, tt all scents Rock Canity, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Hananas, Prunes, Pules, P'ss, Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, Raisnns, Nuts of all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the sincle or dozen. A superior quality of Scgnrs and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectlonaries, fruit, Toys, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. I" Remember tbe name and place. ., M. C.CEARHART, Market st., 3 doors west of Fisher's Drugstore. Sunburv, October 30, I8S8. ly BLAIB'S COMItiEP.CJIAL ECTJSE No. 20 Sixth Street, above Ciesnut, I'hitad'a. ITA I ERCHANTS, business men, and persons i-8 geneially will find this hotel one of the most convenient and pleasant in the eity. The proprietor will nse his best ell'urts to accommo date his guests, and at reasonable prices. December i, 18!8. ly N0BLIT, BK0WN & K0BLIT, Cnblnct niakcm' rintlli)f Store AND BEDDING WARE-ROOMS, Having HE M O V E D to llie new Iron Front Warehouse, No. 222 South Second Street, below Dock, West Side, PHILLDELPHIA. OW offer to ther .customers and the puMic generally, a new arid full assortment of CABINET HARDWARE & MATERIALS. They invite the attention of the trade to their stock of Hair Seating and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; Also to a full assort ment of HEDDING AND UPHOLSTERY. Philadelphia, Julv 3. 1 Kf8 ly . 1? XX X3 COFFEE POT AND Being based, ns Dr. Hall, of the Journal of Health, says, "on baience and common sense," are rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, BURNIIAJI, & GILROT. 117 & 119 S. Tenth St, Philadelphia, Sole Manufacturers under the Talent. . Cj"For sale liy Drnters in llonae kerpliitf Articles, nnd btorekecpvrs cuvi nil , Dfrrmber 4, 18"8. rziii.ADsrrKrA"AivD xiZ2Aiiwo HAXZiKOAD. CI-3IA.nC3H OF HOURS. ON AND APTKIt MONDAY, July 5, ltSH, the down n.tiruint; Passi'iitfr tnim will lava l'DttwvilU atb.15 A. M., printing It m litis ut 0.51 A.M.,und uinvmg ut I'liiiaitf lilun ut I'J.'J, iicnit. The tiiiwii Artfrihiiiii Train wiil Inave PitttsvilV nt 3.30 P. M., pMintr Heuiiug at 5-00, unit nrrivig at Ptitludei j.hi at 7.40, P. M iMornin unci At'tornonii Passfnger Trains lenve Pliilti drlpMm nt nin. hours ns heretofore, 7.30 A. M . und 3 Uti P. M., piiBHing Ktiuimg at 1U.05 A. M. and tf.U7 P. M. LKUANOX VAM.EY DRANCH Pnspoiicrer Train tenves Heading nt 10.03 A.M. (after nrnvtil of Down unci Up Morning Pussenger Tram troin Pottiville und PJiilaiMplim,) and tirrives nt II'irriRlmrg ot l'i.3.i noiMi, iu time t" f"iuuct with P:iengtr Tiu.ns for Sunliury, Willinmsport, Kirnira, Pittsburg, Chunlnrglinrir, Uuitmiore and IiihubUt. Heturning, Ictives Huinuburji nt Ji i5 P. M , ufter utrivul of Pusseiiger Trains from all Jihcve putR, niul nrnven at Retidmjtul 4 63,111 time In roiint?:t with l'p nnd Down pHssenper Trains t'J Ptts villeuud Phitadeliiiiui. the sume eveiiine. g. a;nicoi.Is9, I'.nemeer and Superintendent. July 17, lS.-$. tf Wholesale Grocery -rl EBY Ss KTJNKEL-' Opposite the PennsylvaniaRail KnaJ Depot HAKRISDUKC, PA. "Wjr"EEP a large stock of the following named 3 articles, ami will sell cheaper than any oihtr house this side of Philadelphia. Call and see pries of ColTi-e, I.ard oil. Fish oil, Tar, Rosin, Pitch, Tea, Spices, Tobacco, Cigars, Vinegar, Salt. Hams, Shoulders, Oakum Robes, r lour, Fluid, Calcined Plaster Soap, Candles eVc. Cheese, S. H. Molasses, Syrups, N. O. Molasses. Also, Cement, Safety Fuse, Crow Bars, Sledges, lion and Nails, for sale at very small profits. July 3, '8.r)8. ly THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, BROADWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET, NEW "STORK CITY, Has been recently refitted, The Rooms ars newly carpeted, Tlie Furniture ana Beds are nprrb, nt tint Bsltis sie unsnriiiKSitl. TAYLOR'S CKl.LllKATKl) SALOONS AUK CUNNSCTKD WITH THE IIOTSL. Here is eoucmitratnt all Hit cnnifiirls of a home, Willi the luxuries of a pulses THE SPLENDID LADIES' FAR LOR Commands and unrquulted VIRW or BROUIWAY, . THE INTERNATIONAL is the most eentrnl of any of the h st cluss Hotels for busi lii'ss, or places of uinusement, and ofTers unsurpassed sd vuitiuges lo fumilies and gentlemen visiting New York. Ai rasD FaiKMiN, l'rcprk-lor. New Yoik, July 3, IbSa. ly STOV;Bg IOR SLE 1) an excellent second-hsnd Cook" - ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal MtovM. Rnqtnre at this nnica. JUST RECEIVED a large lot of ready made CLOTHING, Cheap at J. H. ENGEL'8. Sunqnry, Dec 11, 1898. PORT and MADERIA WINES, SchieJam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry ind Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at July 17, '6. A. V. r lsHEK. IT'iiihinar Tackle. Red Cork, Grass. Cot- - ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Anoods, Hies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka, node, 4c, for sale by July I7.'n8. A.W.FISHER. ALMONDS, RA1SON8, FIGS, LEMONS. 4. Ac., Ac, just received fresh supply end lor sal st me isouiecuonary store or M.C. GEARHART. 6unbury,Msy 16, 1857- P ARRIS' Soolhing Syrup, for Children teeth" ing. For ..lest FISHER'S October 18, '68, FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE J I THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, Cheap nnd I'scTul THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits continusnce of the nublic patronsge. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4 c, embraces EVERY VARIETT, USEFUL ASD ORNA- ItiENTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in hie line can be had at moderate prices, Chesp for Cash, or Country Producetakefl in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Marlet Square. ff Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburr, April 4, 1S67. tf PHILIP E. PTJE.B7. wholisili ann niTiiL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1 856. tf SUNBURY FLOUR STORE FOR li59 CI O. H AVEN, is yet at his olJ stand, South I . side of Market 8uuare. tSunbvry, and keeps constantly on hand a good stock of Flour, Feed and all thinus in his line- ne nas now on hand a fresh suiioly of No. 1. superfine FLOUR No. I Extra, and Extra Family in barrels.; Williamsport double extra in quarter barrel sacks rlye flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn meal and chop cf all kinds for Sale cheap for CASH. He is always ready to supply the wants of his customers, in small or larfre qantilies. AI,SO, Crackers of all kinds for sale at regu lar wholesale prices. He hopes by careful atten tion to business, to merit and continue to receive the patronage of his customers. C. O. HAVEN. 8unbuty, Jan. 19, 1859. tf. HERRING'S SAFE. AGAIN THE CHAMPION 1 I The ony Sale which, in every instance, preserved their en tire contents in the late ex tensive fire. At thff burning of the Arli zan Uuildings, April 10th, jand in the CHEAT FIRE in Market street, May 1st, 156, the genuine HERRING SAFE Preserved the Jewelry of Geo. V. Simons & Ilro.; Books, Papers, 4c, of Fisher & Bro.,and Edward Seamans k Co., after remaining ex posed in the burning ruins for ncirly FOUTV HOURS, and proving conclusively whit we have always claimed for them, TH EIR GREAT SUPERIORITY over all securities now known. In these fires, THE HERRING'S SAFE, standing side by side with those advertised as "warranted to stand 10 per rent, more fire than Herring's," came forth the ACKNOWLEDGED VICTOR, not only preserving their contents in EXCELLENT order, hut being in themselves in a condition to go throngh another ordeal, while the boasted "Salamanders" of other ma kers were badly used up in every instance, and in some cases their entire contents completely destroyed. To the public lie would simply say, that, du ring the fourteen years the HERRING'S SAFE has been before them, more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, CAUTION purchasers against the misrepresentation of interested par ties. The HERRING'S PATENT is the only FIRE PROOF SAFE made in this citv, which is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, and we will guarantee it to resist more then double the amount of heat of any other Sufo now known. Farrrl, ECcrriug & Co., Solo Manufacturers !n this State of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes," ?,i Walnut St., Philafta. t V "Evans & Watson's Improved Salaman ders," "Oliver Evons',' "C. S. Gnyler's," and "Scott's Absetos," Iron Chests, (a large assort ment having been taken in part pnvnicnt for "Herring's,") will be sold at low prices, Philadelphia, July 10, 1858 ly SADELRY and harness making. 'IMIE subscribers respectfully inform tho cili sens of Sunbury and vicinity that they have commenced the above business a few doorsebove the Post Olfice, Maiket Souure, Sunburv, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of business w ill he done promptly and nentlv on the most rea sonable terms. CLEM ENT t OYSTER. February 13, 1858. Farmers Look to Vour Interest. LIME 1 LIME 11 THE sudscriher respectfully informs the far mcrs and the public generally, that he hns leased the lime kilns of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, and that he hns always on hand, and is ready to supply s good quality of lime to all who may want for building nr farming purposes. He has also a kiln at Keefer's crossing 5 miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvdcrtown. CP All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. STROH. 8onrittry, Pec. 58, 187. NOTICE. 4 LL persons indebted to James Beard, late Prothonotary of Noithtimberland county, for fees, &c, are requested to make immediate pay merit, and thus save cost and further trouble, as all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. Payments can be made either to the subscriber or to J. S. Heard, at his office. JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, March S7, IRS8 tf RIVIERE HOUSE, (Formerly Klaie's Hotel.) 7 I-KWISIH'RO, VNION CO, PA. It. G.Iir.TZi:i., Proprietor. rplllS is one of the largest and hest furnished Hotels on I the West Hiancli. It is IcM-tttt-d in the business puU of lha town, (it being the onlv llifel ill Market Souure 1 The prupriri.ie is deteumned, to use vry exriuou to iruke his inmw one of the best in t.ie Slate ; aud it offers rare induci Hieuls for persons wh i spend s short time in one 01 ma niosi pleasant towns in centra! I'euus)ivan;a Charges very nuiderute. Lewishurg, June 13, 1S5S- BTO E. MISS LOUISA SHISSLER, respectfully In forms the citizens of Trevorton snd sur rounding county, that she haa opened new atore of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shainokin street, nesrly opposite Knouse's I svern, where all kinds of Uomiets and Fancy Goods can bo had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to ia (he best manner and latest style. April 25, 1858. tf MOORE ft CAMPION. No. 2C1 South Second Street, 6 doori alove Spruce, PHIL A.D ELPHIA, HAVE now on nand the largest assortment of FINE C All I NET 11 K.MTUIE Than they have ever had at any previous time, and they invite the public to call and examine their stock before purchssing, as they feel confi dent that their prices will be a sufficient induce ment tor all who want good furniture to buy at their establishment. A large assortment of Pratt's Rsck and Pinion Dining Extension Tables alwt.ys on hand, Spring and bair Mattresses f-irnished at lowest prices. Furniture carefully packed aud on reasonable terms. Philadelphia. Jab SI, 185S. If Si ISAAC M.WILKERSON, MANtTPAOTTIRER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Birs. -?nd fc"SM nd also VENETIAN b&S JSffiJ BEDSTEAl)S,ph0r;tttttr , t "DavABBrLAND 1 of the public to hi. ZL .nd .f, '"i":"01 sor.ment of ever, quality .np '" CABINET-WARE which cannot fail to recommend itself to.very .n Who w.ll exsmm. it, on account of it. SuUu workmanship and splendid finish, made un of .h! best stock to be had in the nlyToVJn, spared in the manufacture of 1,U ware auhscriber is determined to keep "p Vi.h , hs man, improvement which sr. constantly b n Its slso anuf.tur .11 kind, sodalities of CHAIItS. deluding varieties never before to be hsd U Sunbury, such .. Msno,, Buck Wtrtf CHALKS1 1 Gsrcus i 1SB W,; pf the latest styles, snd warranted to 1 excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewher.i The subscriber is determined thst there sl.nll be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ss every confidence can be entermine about the quality and finish of bis ware and These articles will bo disposed of oh as goon1 term as they can be purchased elsewhere. CeurJ try produce taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING. -Having provided a handsome Hksusk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this i cimty, or at any convenient distance from this pluce The Ware Roum is in Fawn Street, be low Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right of manure luring and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Excsoir Spring Red, which he will furnish at rrasonable rates. Springs put in eld bedstead for three dollars. I'M AC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April Ifl, 1857 If. GOLD PENS with and without cases, f t very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for s hJ H. H. MASSER. Kunhury, Dee. 27. I85B- WUOLIS4LI Asn RliTllL BOOT STORE, 40 Svth Fourth S.t, chore Chttnnt, Phil'a. B BOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters. Ac, promptly ma,U fL to order in the very best style, and of the uvfi inaieriai. Philadelphia, May 0, I 857. DANVILLE EOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JR., Market Street, Danville, Pa, rjHIS is one of tho largest and most corumo Jl dious hotels in the interior of Pennelvanin it hns been reecntl fitted up, in excellent stle, with nil the modern conveniences. Punvilled, Sept. 22, 1855. WHITE HORSE HOTEL. FOTTNVILLE, PA. npnrc subscriber respectfully announces to hie old friends and the public, thnt he hns taken taat old and well known establishment, the Wliite ;iIorso Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahnntogo sts. i is the Roroug'n of Pottsville. The hou-e has 're cently been very much enlarged and other ii improved, rendering it quite as comfortable , any other Hotel in Schuylkill countywhile the atuMesnre large, in good condition, nnd at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at his house, he promises every attention cnlculaled to renuer uiciu conilor'aule and satisfied. . ., . JOS. M. FEGER. April 5, 185''.- tf JJI.ANIv Parchment Paper DeTds andblu7ik Mortgages, Bonds, Execations, .Summon. for sule b H. a. MASSEft. 1858 unbury .April 26, pORT MONAIE8, Tooth und""llair BrnsUe all quiilities, and any quanti y,rfr sale by A. W. riSIIEK July 17. 'S8. LATENT BRITTA NIA STOJ'PL'KS f B MASSER. bar bottles for sale by Sunbury, .Inly 19, tHSR. P. MELANCHT0N SlilNDjL, JI SJI K t; ;f ISIK I'KACK Ojice in Veer Strtet.immedialetit opposite the 'Public School House. All business promiitlv attemU,) " tm :. collet-tod and all ordinary writings dune. funnury, April as. t57 tf IJURE CONCENTRATED LYE ORSA. POMF1ER, lor sale at FISHER'S Drug Store. Price 20 eta. pATCHOULVrJOt'KEY CLUB, SPRINU a. FLOWERS. &c. r,ui. i.. ....... . . . i ..-u .uj.jjiy just received and for sale at tin urug More ol ifuubury, July 17, SiS. A. V. FlsilER. Obacco and Segars 20,000 Imported Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S, "unbury, July 17, I85S, II EN it Y D0NSKL, ATTORNEIT AT LAW. fJce opposite tkt Court Roust, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining counties. Pt'RE CIDER VINEGAR, PURE CIDER VIXEOAU, PURE CIDER V1XEOAR, By tho quart, gallon and barrel, for sate by M. C. GEARHART. Sunbury, July 31, 18S8. SMITH & CO., OYSTER PACKERS. No. 9 Albemarle street and No. 10 S. Front street, Baltimore, Mil. Akd Scott's Crewc, Portsmouth, Va. RES'.' AURA NTS supplied st sll seasons of the yesr w;th sll the salt water delicacies found in the city markets. All erders promptly snd faithfully attended to. September It, I8"f ly Stationery. A large supply of fancy Mole Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, band, ckc, at July 17. o- A. W. FISHER'S. lROYVN'S and Ureinia's Essence of Ginger ' end Husband s Magnesia at Jiny 17. 'M. FISHDR'S- Citrate of Magnesia OS TA8TELE88 SALTS. flllUs preparation is recommended ss sn ex A cellent laxative end purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and cold jj. A. YV. FISHER. Sunhury.July IT. 158. . 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers