SHERIFF SALES. tSy virtue of eorUiii writ of Ten. Ex. Real to ra directed, will d Kposea to pnoitc t th Court IJoase, in Sunbury, on S ATUIt- DAY, the 17th or October, t 10 o'clock, A. AJ.. tbe following property to wil I A certain lot of ground situate In the town or Shainokin. in Cos.1 township, Northumber land county, tad marked ia tbe general plan of said town No. 327. Fronting on Sunbury and Commerce streets, and bouuded by Dew- art tlreet oa tbe West; and lot or John u. Roadarmel on thoeaet. JJeing 200 feet deep and tixUen feet in width, whereon erected a two store frame house, including the tene menu, 1,6 by 24, with a brick kitchen 19 by 20 reet. Seized, taken into execution, and to he told as tbt property of William U. Keneday. ALSO: At the eame time and place, by virtue of a certain writ of Ltv. Fa. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale the following propeity to wit : All that certain messuage or tract of land, situate, lying ead being in the township of Delaware, county ol XNorinumDeriaea, ana State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described by the following courses, and distances begin ning at a chestnut oak, rauning rnortn cz degrees East C3 perches to a post ; thence North 53 degrees West 66 perches to a chesuut ; thence South 5 degrees WeBt 14 perches to a chesnut oak to the place of be ginning, contaiuing 12 acres, 132 perches and allowance. Seised, taken into execntion, and to be sold l the property of 1'eter Grow. U. WE18K, SheriJ. Sbe.ifTs Office, 1 Paubury, Sept. 19, 1857. ( aVEXJSIO I IvlTTSIO 1 R- O. KIMBALL, late of Elmira, having become a rciiJent of Suubi.ry, tespietfully informs the citizens and others, that he intend to form a Singing Clan, both secular and men d n d will impart instruction to all who may desire lo place themselves under his charge. N. B Mrs. O. Kimball it prepared to give instruttions to a few more pupils on the Piano Forte. Bunburv, Scptemher 19, 1857 if II. Y. FHIL1NG. having obtained the agency fjr IMKKE.KS lit FT BOOK Enterprtee . row prepared lo furnish any Book published at retail price with a gift worth Irani 25 cent to ONE HL'NDKED DOLLARS. Uoi'freys Narivlive of the Kane Expedition Hound iu cloth, price $1.00 (with liifl.) Bound in paper (Aithtutgifl) 60 cents. Dr. Livingstone's 18 years' Explorations and Adventure in tho Wilds of friia, SfiO, R vo., pages. Olio hund'cd splendid Engravings, iiound in clothgpith gold, price $1 1)0 (witb gif'.) Paper edition 50 cents (without gif). Sept. 19, 1657. Ct. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I N puruanco ofauoider of the Orphans' Court " of Northumberland county, will be exposed o public sale on SATUKDAY the 10th day of Ktohcr next, on the prcmues, the following escribed rral estate to wit ' A ccit.iu Tract of LAND, situato in Lower ugutta township, adjoining Innda of Joseph iass and vt'ieia. Containing 40 Acrea more or about 8 acrea of the said land is meadow. 1'he iniproreinents are a weatherboard Dwelling Jouse, a lug Bern an Orchard of good fruit and here ia also a gco I Spring at the house. The remises era in good repair and the land in a good tale of cultisation. Late the estate of Henrv lunabach.dec'd. Sale to coninence at tOo'cloek V. M., of said day when the terms of salt will a made known by JOEL WOLr", Adm'r. Py order of tho court, 3. li. I'ursel.Clk. O.C. Sntibury. Sept. 19, 1857. J UN OTICE. VOTICB is hereby giveu that application has L ' been made to the Court of Common Pica ,f Northumberland county, by the members of he tieruian Reformed and Evangelical Lutheran 'hurchea in Upper Mahonoy township, for a 'barter of Incorporation under the name and itle of I ho Trustcea and Church Council e St. lohn't United Herman It t formed and Evangeli- al Lutheran I hurch, in Upper M ahonoy and hat the same will he presented lo Court for a tearing, the dial Monday of November neit. i a kiVu iii.. i lilt o . i. ' Prothonotary a Office. Sunbury, Sept. 19, 1857, PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WOBKS, ,Vo. 246 Arch ft. bet. Second j- Third, (Opputit Brrai' Sliest, rhlladclphiav iEIVES, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of u mesbea and widths, wilh all kin Is 01 . mill ir work. Javy Twilled for fnark Catchers ; Coal. Sand and Ora lellicroens; Paper Maker's Wire; Cylerder nd Dsndy Rulls, coveied in the best manner; Wira and Wire Fencing. A very superior e-ticlo of 7eavy Founder.' S.hes. lil kinds of Iron Ore Wire Stivet. I3XYLIS3, DRIIY 6t LYNN. Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1857. c3m. Writ of Partition Alexander Jordan, 1 In the Court ot va I Common Pleat of William Davit and George the County of K. Lee, Ki'ra. of Thomas Northumberland. Davit of Philadelphia, dee'd. 1 andtltoTruatetol the widow (November Term, and heira of said dee'd . and j 1S5 Jeaeph Warner of Philadel phia onJ William McCarty uf Sunbury. J WaiT or PinTiTios. The Pofendants will lali uotire, that by virtue of said writ, an inqui ii.ui to make uurlilion in valuation of the I ro- perty therein mentioned, will be held on the premises on tho UtU day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1857. $ STATE AGRICULTURAL TION ! EX11IBI- itllK Pennsylvania State Agricultural So ciety will bold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION, At Philadelphia, (Powelton grounds,) Ou tbe 20th and 30th or September and 1st and 2d days of October next. The usual redaction oa passenger fare und free passage for stock, will ba furuished by tbe Railroad Companies. 'I he books of entry will be open at Phila delphia, on and after the 1st of September DAVID TAGGART, President. RorjmT C. Walkkb, Secretary. Sept. 19, 185". 2t FANCY FURS FOR LADIES. JOHN FARKIRA. CO., (New No.) 8IH, No Market i. shove Kiirht. I'biladiilliliia. InMiorters, Mmiafuetuiers and dealers hi Ladies, Gentlemen slid Chlklreus Fancy Furs. Wholesale and Retail, J F. Co., would call the altenliou of Uailers and ihe Public generally lo their immense 8.ock of Fancy Furs for ladies Oenllemea and riilciien; their ess .rliuent emb ares every article and kind of Fancy Furs, that will be worn during this season such as Full Cspes. Ilulf Caiies Qusrter Capes, Talmas, Victoroiet lluas, Muds t MufTalees, liom the fiuest Kus. tuoi kable lo lbs lowest pries Domestic Furs. For Gentlemen tbe largest assortment of Fur Collars, Aloves Gauntlets Ac, being the direct Impnrteis of all oul purs aufl Msiuifmurers of them under our own supervi sion we feel satisfied wt can niter better Inducemeuui to .deiers and the public generally thau any other house, having an assortment to select f rom aud at lbs Msuutactur- rt prices Wt only ask a ealll p JOHN FARFIRA k CO. NnSII Mwkst Street abive Eighth, Failad'a. , yhitodelphla. gepl. 1, IKT wm. PORTER'S Spirit of the Timet for tale by II. Y. FRILING. Augott !, 1857. T'HE Glasgow Poisoning Case Particulars 4n tbt National I'ojics Uaietle, lor sate dv .""-August-., '57. ' 'fL V' FRILING. To th Sectors of Northumberland County. County Treasurer. 'THE tubacriber In obedience to the wishes of a large number of his tellow citizens has eon senled lo be a candidate for Treasurer of North oraberltnd county. If elected be promises to discharge hie dutiet Itithfully.and In order to do to, will take up his residence in Sunbury. DilNIEL MEIM. Upper Mahanoy, Sept. 19, I85T. To the Electors of Northumberland County. TH E subscriber hereby offers himself tt I candidate for PBOTHONOTABY, Having alwava been a steadfast Democrat, and considering himself competent to perform the duties of the office, he would respectfully ask of the Democratic party of the county a nomlnt tion at the primary election. Among other qualifications, a thorough knowledge or the English and (Jermtn languages would enable him to attend aatisfactorily to all having buainoaa in the ollice. DANIEL BECKLV, Trevorton, June SO, 16S7. Candidate for Prothonotary. To the Vuters of Northumberland County. ,4 T the solicitation of many friends from dif- fcrent parts of the county, the undersigned has consented to become an Independent Candt. dale for the office of PROTHONOTARY at the ensuing election. Should he be successlul, no effort shall be spared upon his part to perforin the duties of the office with fidelity, promptness and impartiality. JAMES BfcAKU. Sunbury, August 8, 1 887. te. Candidate for Sheriff; To the Voters of Northumberland Count;. AT the solicitation of many friends from dif ferenl parts of the county, tho undersigned lias consented to become an Independent Candi date for the office of SHERIFF at the ensuing election. Should he be successful, no effort shall l'e spared upon his part to perform the du ties of the office with fidelity, promptness and in. partiality. J A 1 EjH V rtiX U 1 lib. Northumberland, June 27, 1857. EAULE'S GALLERIES OF PAINTINGS, No. 816 Chesnut Street, opposite the Uirard House, FHILADELPIIIA. OuK INU'lilass Wareroomt and Repostlo J of Art. Engravings, Paintings, Portrait and Picture Frames, in every variety, of the lata originals and European Patlorns. .Pier I ablet. Consols, Brackets and Cornices. J lie mom ox tensive and elegxnt assortment of Looking lilts- sea, uf substantial workiu anship, and at Auction prices. (Juki Medal awarded ly me Aiarjianu insu- iiio, ISTio. Higlicst rrouuuin owaruou uy tue Franklin Institute 1855. JAMES 8. EilFLE. Seplemlter 19, 1850 c3ro3 ELDER HVDE'S Exposition of Mormon ism. Price, $ I 85, for sale by Sept. 19, 1857 31. II. Y. r lilLINO. FEVER AND AGUE! yUlNINK SL'tlSTITL'TE Oil NERVE TONIC This well kit'ivvn remedy discovered by my late part ner Diictnr Q J. Leeds, is a sure euie fur the nlKive disor der, 9iek-Htndniahe, and all iither Nervnus arTevlious. It eonlnins no Quinines Arseme. or other injurious infriaui. ents. It strengthens the system, gives lone to the stom ach, and is invnlunbie to Dyspeptics end those stlVeted witli weakness in diiv rait or the system It is ospecisllv recommended to females troubled with Falline. of the Womb. Clue Ir'ttle is sumrient in most cases, where the DirsrtioiiR nre foil wed. Ceitificale can lie fun.ished from II pans of the Lnion. told hv the Onmists eetiernllT sin) liy J. II. Hazard. Wh kmle Drucaist, and Sole, Proprietor 121 Maiden, New York. Ntw Yi.rk, 9fpt. 10, If 57, v3m. LVtae of ALEXANDER CALDWELL deceased. OTICE is hereby given to credilore n olhert interested, that the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county have appointed the subscriber A uditor lo distribute the momesin the hands of Wni. McWilliams, Administrator of Alexander Caldwell, deceased, to and among those legally entitled. He will attend for that purpose at his office, in the Dorough of unbury, on Wednesday. September 30tli, inst., at 10 o'clock, A . M. Creditors are cautioned that it is not sufficient t have given their claims and accounts to the Administiator, hut they must see that they are presented to the Auditor at the ti ie appo tited, and duly proved, olherwie they may not be included in the distribution. JNO. K. CLEMENT, Auditor Punbury, Sep. 12th, 1857. St STKAY IIOKSr, -iAME to the premises of the tubtcriber on V Monday, the 7th of September, mat., a GRAY HORSE, about U or 14 jearao'd. The owner it requested to forward, prove pro perty, pay chargea, and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed ol according to law. 1SAAU BAV1UUE. Rash tp., SetA. It, 1857. 3m Uenjamin Chandler Ne. 40, August Term, vs. 1857, August elh, 1857. Oucher, Ay res, tt al. On motion of W illiam Al. Kockefel'er, Esq., attorney for plaintiffs rule on the aonve defend- ents to appearand plead by the Crat day of next term to Ihe above action of rjectment for all that certain tract or piece of land, aituale in Shimokin (now partly in Coal and partly in .erbe town ahius,) in the county of Northumberland, con taining two Hundred anu seventy. three acres, more or leas, adioining landa in tbe name of w in. Wilton, retcr Mowrer, Michael Kroll, rrederick Kramer and othera. surveyed on a warrant granted lo Mathiat Zimmerman. P. cur. Extracted Irom record and certified September 3d, 18.17. JOHN 8. BEARD, Deputy Proth'ry. Prothonotury't Office Sunbury, Sept. 4, 187. J bUMBURY STlSAia J!XUU111JIU milii,. . . miE tubscriliert respectfully announce to ihe -- public, mat tneir new cteam riouruig miu in tbit place, baa been completed, ana win go into operation on Monday tbe 3 tat day ol An null. inst. Havinir encaged a competent ana careiui Miller, they truat they will be able, with all the modern improvements adopted in their mill, to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor them with their custom. BNYDER. RIXEHART & IIARRISU.N Sunbury, August 20, 1857. tf The $10 and $15 Single and Double Threaded Empire Family Sewing machines. A N AGENCY foi the aale of these Sewing Machines can be secured ou liberal terma for the County of Northumberland. No one need apply without capital auilicieut to conduct tbe busineta properly and who cannot bring refer ences at to reliability and capacity. A peraonal application will be necessary. The oeculiar adaptation of these Machine for all Duruosee of Family Sewing, will, whare ever they are oilered for ta'.e commanu a reauy anu unlimited demand. JOHNSON GOODA.L. 8. E. Corner of fiih and Arch Pbiladel'a. August 15, 1857. tf PLATFORM SCALES. OF every description, tuitable for railroad, Ac. for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchaser! run ne risk tverv scale it gutrauteed correct, and if after . . 1 . , .i t.... 1.- 1 trial, not louuu aausiaiwv - u umu siw out eharoa. ' Factory at the Old Stand, established for more than twenty yearf rorrier afik1 tPi ?e!B .r ABBorrco, Successors to Ellicott ti Abbott. rhdadelfhia, g,. Bj (857 c3ra. AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. The Executive Committee appointed by tbe President of the Agricultcral Society of JNor'.bnmberlanil eoonty, met agreeably lo notice and appointed tbe following Commit- OOMMITTI Or AUBAKOKMINTS. ' Dr. Wm. McCleery, Frederick Wil helm, J. II. M'Cormick, J. 13. lioed, Chas Stout, J. V. Uoodlunder, Cyros Brown, George W. Strine, John Itoush, James Montgomery, Wm. P. Nsgle, J. II. Kckbert, K. M. Frick, II. A, Moodie, J. M. HuO, A. II. Bluir, Tbot. 8 week, K. W. Chnpin, Heory Kohlor, 1.13. Davis. It wag resolved to hold the Exhibition on the 15tb and 16th days of October next, LIST OF PREMIUMS. II0R8K8. Best stallion over 4 yean old, 2d do do " " under 4 year old, 3d " M " mare and colt, 2d ' " pair of match horses, " single horse, (4 00 2 00 3 00 1 60 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 Amos E. Kanp, Jesse C. Horton, John It- ticK, v. u. Watson, W illiam ueinen, vv m M'Cleery and John Nicely, Judges. c ATT LB, Best bull over 2 years old, $4 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 4 00 5 00 1 50 1 00 " " nuder 2 years, 2d " It 2d tt 2d cow, i, heifer, yoke of oxen, fat ox or cow, 2d " calf nnder 1 year, Wilson Hutchison, Simon Cameron, Ro bert M'Cormick, Kilian Duukel, Jacob Hon- sicker, Joseph Nicely, Johu M. Wagner and Geo. Frederick, Judges. SWINB. Beat boar, 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 2 00 2 00 2i ' tow, pair of shoats, " litter of pigs uuder 2 mouths, " fut hog, E. Crawford, Daniel P. Caul, Wm. Taylor David Eii'Ih, Franklin Fuuk, D. 11. Dieis bucU aud Win. Folliner, Jadgus. SUKBf. Best ram, $3 00 ' ewe, 2 00 " lamb. 2 00 " Hock of 6 or mora, 2 00 Samuel John, D. L. Ireland, D. B. Mont- 5ouiery, Nuthuuiel Brittaiu, James Oukes, udget. AORICULTORTAi. PKOUUUTS. Best 3 acres of wheat,, $4 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 " 3 " ryo " 3 " corn, " 3 " oats, Tho certificate of two respectable men as to nieusuremeut uud produut required. Best busbul of wheat, 81 - rye, 1 " " corn, 1 " " oats, 1 " " potatoes, 1 " 1 " sweet potatoes. 1 John Mr Coruiick, Joseph Nesbit, Denuis Wolveitoo. Andrew Armstrong, Duvid Merr Joseph lt Priestly, Frunkliu Davis, Judges. rOULTKT. Best pair of turkeys, $1 00 " " geese, A uu ,' " chickens, 1 00 '" collection of 10 chickens, 2 50 2d " " 2 00 William Fulkason, James Covert, Charles Fox, W. F. Forsythe, J. Aogstadt, lleury Kohler, Judges. V: QgTABl.KS. Best beets, m t less tka:i tan,3 $1 I carrots " turnips, " salsify or oyster plaDt, Unions, nut less than ten, cabbage, " six, squash, " three, pumpkins, " tomatoes, " twolvu, egg plant, cellery, 12 stalks, assortment of garden vegetables Samuel Shannon, F. W. Pollock, Bunjan in gin,m;,tun, David Murr, Paul M fceiirJ jonn Tweed, Judges. 6 aglellr, Jai FBUT. BeBt i bushel of apples, j " quinces, 4 pears, i " crapes. Half price for second best, each. Win. I. Greenouch, Win. 11. trymire, 1J B. Masse r, John P. Beard, Henry Reader, James Reed. John U. Packer, Robert 11 McCormick, Judges. IUri.KSIB.NTS Best threshing machine, ti 00 ' reaper, 3 2 ' seed drill. 4 winuowiug mill, ' corn shelter, " plow, cultivator, 14 roller, corn plow. straw cutter. 3 00 " farm wagon, 2 00 " sett of harness, 2 00 " horse ruke, 1 00 " grain rake, 1 00 T. 1 ... Tl 1 1 T fl.wAnn llmnn i ii 1 1 1 ii r onmer. o auies . mc , w o, uimvu r - Inun M nummary. Peter Schaller. John llaair. E. W. Chapiu, Thomas Merviue i judges, DAIRY, ETC. Best butter, not lebs than 5 lbs., ' houey, " ' louf bread, not less that 4 lbs., " ham cured by exhibitor, " bard soap, - 6 tts., " apple butler, 2 quarts, " preserves, John Rousb, J. Woods Brown, P. A. Fox John II. Brown, A. 11. Blair, Martin Billiuy. er, Geo. II. Hertz, Judges. DOMESTIC MAN UF ACT CRIIS, Best 15 yards woolen carpels, 2 00 2d 1 00 rag carpet, 50 15 00 2d quilt, 1 - hearth rug, 1 M pair blaDkets, 1 " cloth (home-made) 10 yards, 1 " flannel, . 1 H gloves or mittens, 00 00 00 00 15 Abram Straub, Thomas Swenk, Samuel T Brown, Wm. V. Nagle, John b. Lawson, Hugh Martin, Judges. PLOWINO MATCH. Charles Riddles. Samoel Blaio, John B Heller, Kilian Duukel. Isaao Marsh, Robert Russel. None but members of tbe Society will be permitted to compete for prizes. r . . m ... Qt 1 ersons troui auv cuumy, K7i vr swunj i a .see... Can become memuera vu payinvnv ii uny cents to tbe Treasurer, or a township com mittee-man. . . Persons brinewK articles Tor exhibition win be required to eptP.r the same oo the 1st day of tb bibilieQ witb tbe rroper officers. Competition Is earnestly invited from a!i parts of the iotroty.-end trvvt Neighboring counties. Judges will commence their duties at 10 o'clock. Addresses will be delived after the report of committees, awarding premiums, on the second day, "W. 0. LAWSON, Trts'i Milton, Sept. 11, 1857. . EXCELSOIR ' SPRING BED. . (Gould's Pu'ent, September 2d 1856.) FOR which a diploma was awarded at the Eighth Exhibition of the Mass. Charitable Mechanic'e Association. , This it an entirely new application of spiral springs to beds, making a more comfortaole, neat er, and cheaper tpring ned than hat been oflered to the public, applicable to old at well at new bedateada. - The peculiar poaition tf the apringa elevate the head slightly, saving the trouble of building up the head with extra bolsters. ' The construction is so aim pie, and every part to exposed, that bugs have no hiding placea, and Iho most inexperienced can take out each for washing, aa they are only fattened by a button; The Springs used are made expressly for these, bedt on a Patent 8iirtl Spring Machine. The public need only see this bed to appreciate it. The subscriber hat purchased the right of manufacturing, and telling, in Northumberland county, and will furnish the article at reaaonable rates. t3" Springs put in old bedsteada for three dol lars ISAAC M. WILKER8PN. Sunbury, Sept. 12, 1857. if HOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE. FIViE suuscriber offers at private ante '.he house .L and Let now occupied by himself, situated on Ihe corner of Hiver and Elderberry atreelt, Sun bury 1 he improvements are a two ttory FRAME DWELLING, nearly now, a Wash-house and Wood house and a good stable. Also an excellent Well of Wi ter. There ia also on the lot a choice variety of good fruit. Termt eaty. For further parti- culms apply to CHARLES GOBI.W Sunbury 8ept. 13, 1857. tf PHOCLAMAT10N. IlfrtSUANT to nil act of the General Assembly of the Cminnoiiwenlth of Fennsvlvatiin. entitled "An act relsting to the election of this Cointiionweattli," appruved ths seond dnv of Julv. Anno Duinino. une tliuuKind eight hundred snd thirty-nine, 1, IIK.MIY WKlpiK, HUH Micnlt or the county of NnrthninUerluiid, lVnnsyl vnnis, do hereby muke knuwu anil give nntice tit the elec tors uf the county nfLiiesnid, that u gciiem! elecliun will I held in mid county of NMTthunilieilund on the SKCOND TUtHUAV 13th rf OOTOHKIt. 1S57 at which time Btnte mid Counly Ofliecrs, us follows, are to he e!uc-ted : Uuc person us Uovernoi of the Cuiiuuouwciilth of l'eiin- sylvunm. Two peisons aa Judges of the Supiem Court of L'enu- syluanis Una person as Canal Couimiuiouer of the Common wealth. One person as member of the Senate of the General Assembly of I'ennsvlvunui in conjunction with the coun ties of Snyder, Montour aud Columliin. Une person as sheriff for the county rvorthumtierlsiid. One person aa Member of the House of Keiirescutalives to represest the county of Northumberland. Oue person as Commissioner for the county of Nortb umheibnd for a term uf 3 years. , One person as Prothonotary fur the county of Northum berland. One person as Treasurer for the county of Northum berland. One Dei sou as Auditor for the countv of Northumber land. 1 also herehv make known and aive notice thm tits places of liolding the aforesaid geneiol election in ttan sev ernl boroughs and townships withiu tbe county uf Nor thumberland are as follows ; The Sunbury District, composed ef the lx rough of unbury, aad Upper Aucustu, at tha County Court House. The Augusta District, composed of the township ol Invcr Augusta, at the bouse ol Peter Dutikelblfrirer, iu I sui4 lownslup. The Northumberland District, composed of ths borough of Northunibei land, at the house of C. S. Brown, of the borough ol ivorthtimberiana. The I'uint District, at the house of Ilemy Haas, in tha borough of Nortliumberlund. " 1 lie .11 moil uistrict, ai me uouse or f reaenca ?ticssr, in r.iid lioroui;h. '" The Turbut Distnct, at the house occupied by Abraliam Kissinrer. The Delaware uistrict, ai ma mining spring Bvnool House. The Chihsquaque District at tha bmse of Benjamia Fordininu. The Lewis District, at the house occupied by Michael Rentier. ' The Shamoklu District, at the house or Charles Letseu The l'pper Muhouoy District, at the uouss of Daniel Kiscuhart. The Little Muhouoy District, at the house of widow r . linker. The Lower Mahouoy District, al ths house of Arbogiist. 1 He Itusn Llisinri, at nic i.iocTir run rrnooi iioiwe. The Jscksiiii District, at the h-juse occupied by Galen Smith. The Coal District, at the house ol w illiaun M. Wearer, in the town of Muuiiokiu. The Zerbs District ut tne nouse oi junu vteuver in Trevorun. The Cameron District, ai tne nouse oi uiueon urtw. The Jordan District ut the house of Beujitmiii litzel. The Mount Cannel District at the public house of Fa il lroh. . The Washington District at the house ol bodirey B. Ke- liock. AMEMJMfc.MB TU 111b LUil! 1 1 I I, 1IU.. I also herebv make known thut al the snme time si d place the following proposed Aiuenduieiils lo the Consti luliuit will be votrd upon, in accordance with an Act of Assembly, approved the tilth day of Muv, It47, aa follows: ukkka, A Joint resolution proposing ccruun aincua- nuta in Hie Coustitutioil oi ine coiiiinonweuiiu nus been uureed lo by a majority of the members to each House of the legislature, ui iww auwMivo bcm.w.i. m...o, the 111 session commencing ou the lirsl 'I uesday of Janu ary, in the yeur uf out Lord one thouaritd eight bundled S'Kl fil'iy-sia, and Ihe second session commencing on the hist 's ues av of January, in the yeur ol our Lord one .I,..,.,..,.! i,.lit hundred and hTtv-sevell. And Whetcus, li is provided ill the tenth article of the Constitution, thut auv amendment so agreed upon sliall be submitted lo the people iu such a muiuier and at such lime at leusl three in liths ultei lielng so agreed to by Hie Iwo bouses, as I he Legislature shut! prescribe : Anu VYiikkk as, liy ail Act ol the Legislature of this Commonwealth, niiiird An Act nreaeribiiig llie time and manner of sub mitting to the people for their ratilimtiou or rejection ths proposed A nu'udiuellls to the Colisli.utiou,' approved May twelith, Anno Domini out Ihousauk eight bundled aud Sny-scven, it issmoug other tilings, provided as fol lows, town: . , gc. 1. That for tlie purpose of ascertaining the sense of the citizens of this Commonwealth iu legurd lo Ihe adop tion or rejection of suid uniendiiieiits, or either of them the Governor of Ibis Commoiiweulth shull issue a writ of Ek-elien directed to the Mierill of each und every coun ty of this Comiuonwealte, eoimnnnding I hem to give no tice in the usuul maimer, iu not less than twont-wapapers i.i Ku k rouulv. nrovided Hint so uialiy are published there- in, thut .sii elcctioii will be held ill eucli ol ihe townships, wards, unddisliicts therein, on the second Tuesday iu Oc tober, ill the yeal ol our l.ord oue thoussud eight bun dled aud tiny seven, lor the puipose oi ueciamg upou ine adoption or rejeenou of the suid amendments, or any of them which suid election shull be held al the places, and opened aud doted at the time aland wilhia which the general elections of this Commonwealth are held opened and closed : and it shull be the duly of the judges iuspec- lots ai d clerks ol each nod said lowusiiips, warns anu dis tricts to receive at the said election tickets either written or printed, or partly writleu aud partly printed, from citi Xeua uuiy quauneu iu vuw ... . Assembly, and to deposit them iu a box or boxes to be lot that puipose provided by the pioper odicfes j which tick eu shull be respectively labelled on the outaido, i-fiist m,iiliiu.iit oaeoud aiiiendment," "iniru ainenumeiii." and fourth amendiiieut," bikI thiuw who are luvoiuble lo suid amendineuls, or any of them may eipiess their desire by voting each as muny separate written or pru.ted Uillot t tickets, cvmtaioiug on the inside thereof the words, "lor the sinendineut," and inose wnoare open v sucn Mi,dm.nti. or anv ol tlicui. may express ineir opposition by voting each us many sepeiale written or printed tickets containing ou the inside thereof the words, against the aineiidmcnis. ... . Kara 'I'hul tha election on ins sum proposed aiciiu menu shall in all respects be conducted us the general elec tions of this Commonwealth are aow conducted j and il l- d.nv of iha return iudses of the respective eoun ties and districU thereof, hrst having caiefuliv ascertained ti,e nniiilsf f votes uvea for or agaiust each of suid ....ln,r,,i. in the manner aforeaaid, to muke nut dunli cate returns thereof, expressed ia words at hrugth and not in figures only, one of which returns so made shull be lod- . ; IK nr.ilhonnlurv's office of the court IH common .a. .mm mania, and ths olh t sealed and direc ted to IheBecretary of the CommceweaUh and by one of said judges deposited forthwith la the moat convenient rost office. The election to open between the hoars Of 8 and 10 o'clock in the rorenoiu, ana snnu cmiuuua woou. ruplion or atljourmnent until 7 o'clock in the eveumg t .1 ..! .k.ll h. -LmwI 'I' uuua 1 .i.n&.i.r. and InAaem eJerteH on the 31 Friday of March, lb56, in partuaiice of the Sdcliou if he act of the 1 i July, wm uu -M vn Tueftday the lUlh day uf October licit And tha a-id Act Aiaerahly, .tiUe.l"n t retting lo la ekct iona of thia Common wealtti," paaaed July the find, fOi, lurthar provuica aa ii..itwa, w ws . a.'Pt..s I.. u sasul Juiisrea clviaeu ea arireaaid. ahall meet at the rapedtiva pUioce for h"Winf th asertioii in tha distnct to which, they respectfully iwi-imj orl"ra runs o'cloek iu tha morning of the stoma Tuesciuy or iJc. ..." ; i. ..j ... .... ..ul Mrh itT said inspectors shall appoiutoua clerk, who ahall be t qualified voter of ""stcr'ioli V That any fraud committed bv any perar vo,,, in the maimer .We pre-rr.oed, sl-11 J ss similar fraud, are diiected tn be puuished by the exist ins laws al tin. Common wealth. ... .i u -v.-it k.v received the temnd high;7au.b,, v-ae. f. l.unctors atted i o til dav of any elect!., thea the pereo. i who isbatt havt MMnuai, mat m i" ,. . . . aid hlahaM oumher of vol- t the elenCiB, shall act as an hisnerioi la his s the nerVn eleelcd Judge shall imt hltend received tne aacono nt prefeaiut uitaattiiwaw-" is, inspector v. .hnjl appoint a Jortge -lti tita ptaoet anl if any rtmrxy ahalj eintiuue In the bsard tor the apace of half an hour af ter the time Aied by lew for the opening of the elrrllim, he qualified voteta if the townehip, ward or no dieutrt, fot which auch, officer! ahall have lwen Hfcttrd, prwiit al he plaee of elecUoua, ahall one of their number to fill aueh vacancy. . , "It Khali be the duty of an id aiweaaofe rMpectivety lo at tend ni Ihe place of hi ling every Ajeneral, Bpecial, or township election, during the whole time an id election ia kept open, for the pnrMee of frivtna; Infonnetioii to the Itiftpectore and Judge, when called on, In relation to the lifrM of any peraon anreard hy them to vote at auch elcc thm, oi anch other ivattera In relation to the aitaeaameiit ot Voters, aa the fetid inapeetor or iudge or either of them hall from time to time require. "No person aiiall be permitted to vote at ny election aa aforeRid, other than white free man ot twenty-one or rrtiire, who ahall have reshted (u tin state at lea tone year, and in the elti'm district where he offers to vote at least ten days immediately proceeding the election, and within two years paid state of county tnx. which shnll have been assesaed at teuftt ten timyw before tha election, Hut a citizen of the United States who had previonaly been a qnnlihed voter of thia atate, and remove.) therefrom nnd resumed, and shull have resided hi the election district, and paid tax aa af(essiti. shell be entilled to vote alter remding iu thia atnte six month. Provided. That the white freemen, citi xena of the United States, between the age of twenty -one and twenty-two yeur, and in the cluctior district ten days aaforeauid, shull lie entitled to a vote, although they shall not hnvc paid taxes'. No per in hall be permitted to vote whom name is not contained in the list o Un utile inhubituntarurniahcd by the ommniMioiierB as afoicsnid, unices, First t He prmluceai a receipt for the puvment, within two venra. of n alate of county tnx uascased ngreeubly to the constitution, and gave uiiiiuciory euner on ins own ontn or nnnina tion, or ou the oath or atlirmutioti of another, that ha hus paid such tnx, or on fuilure to produce a receipt, ahall iiinste hii outh to tke myiin-nt there rf-, ut second, if he claim a right to vote by being an elector between the acca of wetity-one and twenty-two years, he hull depose on oath or aiiiTinHiiuii, mm ne nas resiueu in the Mate ni leant ona yenr next before his application, and irmkesuch proof of reaidence in the district aa ia require! by Ihia act; and that he docs verily believe from the account given him dint he is of the uge afutemid, end give such other evi tlinces aa is leipured by Ihia act, whereupon the itnme of the person ao ndmilted to vote, sliall be iitserteil in alpha belioil lint by the iitupector, and a note made tppoaila thereto by writing Ihe word 'lnx," if he iliall c peiinit ed to vote by reueon of having gnid tux, or the won) t'ngc," if he shnll he permitted to vote on account ef his apre, and in either cnae the lenani of auch votes shnll bo called out to the clerk, who ahall muke notes in the list cf voters kept by them. In all cases where the tin me of the peraon clniraiug to vote is not found on the lirt furnished by the ConmiiMioii ers aud Assessor, or his right to vote whether found there on or not, is objected to by any qualilied citizen, the In spector ahull exuinine such person on oath ns to his qualiU cnl ions, jitd it he claims to have resided in the stnte one yeur or more, his oevh tludl be a proof thereof, but he shall prove by ut least one conifteiit witncmi, whoahnllbca quu lined electrt that he lesided within the district nt least ten duya nxt iimncdiotclv nreccdnur the election, and slial olacr bin self swear thnt his bona fide residence, in pursu ance of lawful ralliuir is within the dmirict. mid thut ha did not remove into auid district for the purpose of voting therein. Kveiy pestn qiutlified as aforesaid, nnd who shnll make proof, if required, of resident ami ptiymeut of tuxs, us aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in the tuwnihin. ward ordiFtricl iu which he shnll reside. f any petaon not qualified to vote In thisCommmwenllh 'ecab!y to luw, (execnt the sons of aunlifit-d citizens) shall appear at any place of election for the purpose of ia auing tickets, or iiiHueocing citizens qunlificd to vote, ha itau, on conviction, lorieii ami pay any sum not exceed ing one hundred dollars for every one such offence, and be imprisoned for nny term not exceeding three months. It shall he the duty of every mayor, sheriff, nldcrmnn justice of the peace, and constable or deputy constable, of every city, county, township or district within this com monweallh, whenever culled upon by any ofhecr of an election, or by any three qunlificd electors tliercof, to clear any window or avenue to nny window, to the plane ef fcneiut election, which nlmll bo obstructed in such a way us to prevent voters from uppronching the snnfc. and on neglect or refusal to do so ou such requisinu, anid olTicei shall lie deemed guilted of miademennor iu office and on conviction shall he lined in any sum not leas than one hun dred nor more thau oue thousand dollars ; nnd it shall be the duty of. the reRpeclive constable of each ward, dittricl or township, of this coninionwentli to I present in peraon or by deputy, at the place of holding such elections in euch ward, district or township, for the purpose of proserviiuj the peace ns aforesaid. It shnll be the duty of every pence officer, oa aforesaid, who shall be present at any such disturliauces nt an elec tion as ia described in this net, to report the snme to the next com t of quarter sessions, and alio the jinnies of tho witnews who can prove the same. Thetludges nre to make their returns for the comity nf Northumberland, at the Court House, in Sunbury, on Fri day, th 16th day of October. A. D. 1857. Given under mv hand, at Punhurv. this tut dav of Sep tember A. D. 1857, and in the bind year of the independ ence of the United Statei HERN Y WEISKa SherliT. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury. (a ttu. i. , t..s. . , . '""JtTina; rrurti, '".ttaniirt. err. of CcDitnt. wh Inat.ntlr, mr,4 la mor uIIt MUd nl nittvnai 1 4K m n a. -. l . . . . . ... IB tMtrferl V Kraah Ht.l. tt 1 u ai . Minilt Of VTX and Cairuunt tM auinaall Md worthed in Mlinv n " Ip Uu. .ni.U o thr rut'U, Inrf nt t liftlUoRM ik world ia m lnfs.ll.bU. Simbtt, Ktwy ud lUpi l rort of H.-ntif.l li.r. rsdUtM iolrtMttxt in ih lnfrfr Cmn mmy try tsri'T.eUvj tiltnrfeUby fbx .Ui.n-nt-i bist fl M;ntltl snd nraftie! him who bsiva xatmini.rt It uv I w rTtr ie.l ui kp ll ajrtlW f-nt aetVrrttlDt: ws...n..Un lTj n, mna in ttu emtn whers failnru - tutt t. an W monT win m rvlnmlail Tli KMhrt n pr, TJrdoltTi4 TMte'M Qm, dirTer-'-iH frnai tha ffrDiT on uatxl by othera. TbMa)inciaonan antiMlyrtjw plan. lh Onakt la paritetly SUU, and annot lerlnpti or rraat vtiL a Fir t in a;Nikt woultl rloon any olharCan Tha owrrin ia lure anoutrh lo admit a fall-alMd raca. Thcra ia no !.ad b nt it to dcUriwraU laa UlatJOntSDtol It U inarltt onti rt.W of Tin. I Ti prluci.!r of .liDr haaaV-o-1 thatatrt forThraa r7- ikvaa who bava Uied Uiem will ut taw mntr I ana. A MfitiKaL DISCOUNT TO TUB TRDB Fept 12,18;;. HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. rMIE following, from that eminent Physician -l of Philadelphia, Dr. Urinckle, added to the testimony of Professor Booth, only confirms what ia evidenced by rhoutauda who have used Hover't Dye. "CiiRAUu How, Chkstnct Strkkt, ) Philadelphia, December 32d, 153. "In regard to HovKa't air Dtk, I ran alate unhesilatinRly, that it contains no deleterioua in gredient, and may be used with entile safety, and wilh the utmost confidence and success." W. D. BlilNCKI.E, M. D. Hover's Writing & Indelible Inks, Are to well and widely known, as to require no eulogy of their merits, it it only necassary to say, that the steady and increasing demand, gives tha beat evidence that they maintain their chaructor for superiority, which distinguished them when first iutraduced, vears ago. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, Ao. 4 1 li RACE street, above Fourth, (old No. 144.) Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. Sep. 12, 1857. prilS5, '57, ch. COlXTItV B1I IIC4IITS! The Apple Harvest of 1857 has Arrived AND if you wish to make money, please your customers anil save canvassing agents (who ran make one, two and even three hundrad dol- an per month) from tupplying Ihe goods in your tewn and county which you ought lo tell, you can do it by sending ten dollars lor a sample box containing six of Pralt'a Apple Parcra (250. 0UO already told) and Pralt'a Apple K I iter, (a new article,) and one thousand printed circular! to distribute in your town or couutry. l)y to doing you will find no trouble in ordering and telling at a very large prolit ten, twenty or even a hundred dozen machines during the season. Pit ATT S APPLE PAHER was patented in 1857. Having a loose head or knife carrier to arranged aa to readily adjust itself te the ine qualities of the surface of apples, or other fruit, the working qualities of which have proved so excellent and advantageous to the community, that the manufacturers, Messrs. eergeant dc Foster, have already been called on to supply more than half a million machines. PRATT'S APPLE SLICEK. made toacroin. pany the Purer, waa patented in 1857. It ia small neatly constructed machine, and like its companion, the Purer, doea most excellent work, rutting, III about live tecundt, etch apple line twenty two equal parts, letving, without waste, only small core to be recovered. A child can readily woik either Farer or Slicer tt apeed of about three bushels per hour. HKTAIL PRICE OF EACH 1,qU. All ordert by mail or otherwise ahould, to meet jirompt attention, be addressed to E. I,, r tlA I I , 617 Sansom 8L, Philadelphia, Pa. Sep. 12, 1857. 3t- L. HVDROLEUM PAINT8. These ptintttre mixed witb water, theroby taving the cost of ail, fur tale by March 14, '67. A. W. FISHER. nLANK Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Warrants, Attachments, Commitments, Suinmont, Bu poenas, f-eutlons, Justices' and Coutlablct' Fee Bills, ie., Oct., tan bt hij V anclvin (( '.ultoSc. - s. LUDLOW CAN CO. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. NOTICE It hartby given that Joeeph Wolvcr ton, Executor of the Will of Isaac WoNer ton, dee'd., In ptirsusnee of an order of ths Or phans' Court, of Northumberland county, granted at Auajust Terra, 1857, will espote to . tale by public outcry, on - TUESDAY, THE S7tU DAY OT OCTOBER next, at 10 a'clock, A. M., at the dwelling; house on the premitot, all that certain FARM OK TKACT OF LAND, situate in Hush township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Abraham Hoffman, Simon Interline, John Yea Iter, Samuel Uillinger, Jacob Weaver and a lot of the widow Wolverton, (cut ofl' from the farm,) containing 166 tcret, on which are erected a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a Darn and Outbuildings, and on Which oro an Apple Orchard, a good Spring House, and about I DO acres of Well cultivated land,' It it about four miles from Danville. TERMS OK SALE. per rent, down, one half the balance on Ihe 1st of April, 1S5X, the other half on Ihe 1st of , April, 1659. with interest from 1st April, IS.'iS, to be secured by 13 ond and Morago on Ihe premises, JOSEPH W01.VEKTON, Ex'r. fly order of Ibe Court ) C. 11. l'ursel, Clk. O. C. S Sunbury, Augusts, 1857 ) ts rf.V Z.W.T,IA'K.W..V, T1ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and ihe public generally, that he has just receiv ed h New Stock of GOODS, at his new store, at David Miller's Mill, in Loner Augusta Town ship, and that Lo ia prepared to sell goods at the lowest prices. His Slock consists in part of SPUING ct SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Quecnsware, Hardware, &c and every variety usually kept in a country Store. Trcvorlon prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 1857. tf iiat: riAEtusEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY OF II A L T I M O It C . MATIMOT'S Hny Stret Wnrrronnis Nns V.I nnd S3 Norlli Ciiy street, nenr Kavetts, Ilaliiinnre : where is kept always mi linnrl, or lllaile t'i iinlcr, every style of French TETU-A-TETKS, in 1'lusli, lluir, Clotb tr HriK-iitelle. French Full Stuff nml Mrdnllinn Tarlor Arm Chairs, in Plush, Hair, Cloth or llrocilellt.. French Full HturT Cm veil Tiirlor Chairs in sets, wilh riutli, lluir, Cluih ur Urocateile. S O.F A S - Half Froneh Bririncr Muh.ijniny mid Walnut Parlor Cimirs, in Hair, Cinlh and l'luli. Kwkiiig Chairs various designs, in Hair, Cloth aud Plush. StulTSpiinit Imnftes a InrRe assnrtment nlwaja tn hiiiid, ur aii) pattern niatleor covered with any goods tu order. CHAMBBH SUITS. tnfMiiiiORnny or Wulnut, ciMnIftf, from S-'V up. Cnne Chuirg uiul Ko kiu do. the Inrnt unrortmnt re;iJy nmile in nny one liuuse in Ihe L'niteU 8 la tea from t$l2 u d'zen up. liur KiMiin, Uifire ami Dining Clinim. in 0k. Walnut or Mahnnny, wilh Cone, VkkI or StuiTtd Scuts. uii sBortineiit einlntiriiifi; over 50dizeti. W'immI Brt Cliairs uud tttcea uud Hocking Chain. ovit 1(H) d'zeu. (jilt mid Plain Frame TkiiM' GlnKBt. of every variety. Ail kinds uf lleds, lluir uud Hunk Mutlmssin. A. xMATIIlOT. Ntw. 23 and Ha S. Gay at . near TuycUB at , iJulinnore. Aiigust I , .S."7. ly WHO HAS BEEN Ct liEU OF CHEAT NERVOUS DEMUTV, after manv years of misery, desires to make known to all tcllow-sulTerers the sure means of relief. Address enclosing stamp to pay return postage, Mrs. MARY E. DEW ITT, Boston, Mass., and the prescription will be sent 1'rce, by next post. Aufjust P, 1857. 3rn Tt jA TUHOUI.Y, JOCKEY CLUB, SPRING L FLOWERS, Ac, of the best quality ; a fresh supply just received and for sale at Ihe Drug Store of A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, Aug. 1, 1857. 4 I.MONDS, KAISO.NS, FIUS, I.E. MOMS. etc., cVc, just received a fresh supply and for sale at the Confectionary store of M. C. UEARHART. Sunbury, May 16, 1S57. VALUABLE COAL LAND FOR SALE. rS'MIE suhacriliei will oiler for sale, at the Court House iu Sunbury, Northumberland countv on WEDNESDAY the 7th day of OOTOUEll next, at 11 o'clock, A. M , the one undivided ONE THIRD part of a valuable Tract of Coal Laiul. situate in Coal township, in the countv of Nor thumberland, surveyed on a warrant in the name ol" LI KE l IDLER, toiilaiuing in the whole Fie Hundred and Fifty Acrea, ol thereabouts, bounded 'y lands surveyed in the Haute uf John llrady, Samuel Claik, William Lambert and others. The improvements on the said tract of land, are two-story Iranie Dwellings, one log dwelling house, two shantys, end a blacksmith shop. Connected with tho said tract ol land, a large COAL UIlEAKl.ll. The terma and conditions of sale, will be ma ie known on the uay of sale. A. JORDAN, Trustee. August S9, 1857.- ta What an" enormous Variety of Toys and Fancy Goods he has ! Who T Our Friend JOHN DOLL, At No. 144 North 2nd St , aboee Arch, Pl.iht., TIE has just received direct front Eur, pea - very large assortment of 1 oyt of all kinds, fancy iiaskeU, I'ipes, Canes, Segar Cases, To bacco Boxes and an endless variety of lancv nr. tides. Call upon him beforo purcha.inj cUe where. I'hiludelphia, August 59. 18.Y7 -3in?Jw .TTOR3STE-S' LAW, Ojjic in MacLet ft., uppusite the Court l.'uuse. EUNEtJBy, PA. nollrelinna mad aud l'rolessionul lliisii.ess generally attcuded to l'roinptly uud t'uiefullv PHtitDtLriiii RtrrtE.ica i Bullitt A; Fairthorne, Diehl Sr W'erti, Davis & Birney, F. Tyloi A Co. Kuubury, Juno 50, 1857. FICTl'RU G.1L1.LR Y. GEO. Y. WEISE hit again commenced tnd will continue to lake A MBHOTYI'ES, cc, at hit Room above the Post Olhce. I'ersuns wishing to have good likenesses taken, will pleas rail and tea ut. We will take pictures al reduced prices and take trade in payment fur tut tame. All kinds of pictures copied. Sunbury,' ilugutt 23, 1H37 tf tbt ate of Vellx Lcrcli, Utctl., 1J OTICE is hereby given, that letlert of nd 11 ministration on Ihe estate of Felix Lercb, late of Mount Carrael township, Northumberland county, deceased, have been granted to Ihe sub scriber. All persons indebted witl please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them duly authenticated for settlement. AMOS VASTINE. Adiu'r. ShamokU twp., August S3, 1867. il PICKLES of Various tiuda, Lobsters, Sari dines, ic, 4c, just received and for tale .1 the Drug Store of A. W. FISHER, Sunbury, August 1, 1857. NEWS FOB THE MILLION ! !"MKnsONSlTnittdKlntes Magazine, 8 2J turday Evening Post, N. Y. Picayune, Magistrate, Nick Nax and Yanke Notiout for sale by II. Y. 1 TII.INO. IS. II. Tenons living nt a mstanco can nave a list of prircs forwsrded by addressing ss above. Magazines, I'npert aud tloox uot on nano, constantly ordered. Bunbury, July IB, 1857. If A CALL TO FARMERS. Pe.rmert, drop ynur 'J'ooh, Pause i little, Read this and Veflcct ! THE PAtlMEB'9 PROMOTION HOOK. A new nnd Scientific Mhiiumhs Hyslein, for the Culiivii' lien ol all knuls ol t.ruius. Urnmes, KiKliler nutl Pnttiire, Um,ii nil kimls of S ,il ; I'rovtd hy artuul Kxti?rii,ieii,M Bud Inini-d oil evident truths ; IH'tignr-d til mipr.r,-. Aciiculliire in a!IMs Itianuhes ; reprenentrd hyupw'irdM of une liuiitlred mid ritW riitrnivinps i f Ihe lm1 vuluu ble Uriisscs and Plants cnunecled with the syslcui. ITy Ir. V. C.KCISHO!.!, l:OAI.flll'KQ, CKXTIIK CO., PA. IN this trcnturi it will 1 e trrn thnt the oljert .hat h.r.,. ti, pit p; Il,n l.'nnni'r tli:tt kind ot" liiforuuti"ii vlnr-.i ennb'ei liim to irrnko pmclicnl upplicihn lo lYifilize hi Imifi and iiicrc'imp his pniin, PtcldiT, nml pntnrtigf . Tin; lnt'rrin'Hn tmu'lit by lliii msiuui iiiK, nnct I'mUIrr m.-.l pan lure rtiltiViilUm ttyntem iirerriti'iiiiil, vlvat nnd evidtnl, ai:J nur'-flt tin improvement in tlic irntdfof nrirultir Uv.Uvt M unkiiowti tn mir iiirmer. mid which, if udoptrd untl nircfully practiced. caim'H Oiil lt ndvnnce Oie iiilervsts t' the ):tru,inir conimiiiiii v. Hnrh ti W-fk lim hecninm-li v:miUm1, ns il hilt ti void wlik'ti hus ini'H inen it it, t-ui which th'.-if hn liiihurM bren no fttlrmpt to miinily , bmt ns farmem '( ('enlrr nn-1 Iluntitiffdnn tminti?. we rtn-in- int'iid the wrk t' every ftin r, as we I ully bnlifvu li.ul tlicy wiil re.:) the greatest rvfi&ible hcmlit friu it l);mit'l .Mop(ier, lM.ilin Mcyer, J tc'li Mnyor, llenry Mi'tT, Kunmcl 'iilliliii.d, ieor;;e J:ir:k, J Am llarm.m, Cic'i.'gf? H,uhu!inn, I'rnii'-in AlejuMid.', Jol.n Nctt, Wcu'r. John IIcll'tT, Chtitinn Ilotfef, ?hrift:mi D;il, (iMirjje Ittinl, .Itiroti Mnnsur. J.iImi UnilfV, A nnuel Dmici'ti, J'Hiti. RIi'Vilitiin, O entire Gtiyei, Jr. Jtthii (,'nrper, J'lhlt H:.f Mil. Fiiniuni t.Vili"iB1 Oeorce W. Meek, J'tpcph linUcr n" Theuln'V? v..iktR udel.v Ke.v. J. C M- H t Y. IIA, MiUon, NoiihfliilierlamJ county, Pa. Prk-u 4iu. AUgUM 1, U07. OIIU HUS SE YrS AMERICAN UEArElI, FOft I CTTIN'G BOTH GRiim AND &XS.ASS, GREAT improvemculs for 1H.'i7. Tin's Mn cliino was put in Buresnful owrntir?n in I H'.i'i nnd continued lo be the only Reaping and Mow ing Machine in the World, of any prnetienl vnluNi up to ISIS twelve ypaM after its introduction Other Reapers are now oilered wilh glowing ad vertiscments, Certificates, Diplomas, Gold ntnl Silver Mednln, &c. But tUo Farmer in tearci, of the best Reaper, and not postod in tbe ina!tc had better see a liltlc further. If there is any value in 21 rears c.tpeiicnce in building Rcnprrs, and using them in Iho linr vest field, and in the improvements Hindu during thnt long period, OBEL) HI.'SSEY.lhe Father of Reapers, can claim it. All who are tatisfied with the Beat Acaper nnd Mower, aan be sup plied by sending their orders early tn the season. as the crops indieutc n large demand, and v. c c:,n not hnvo over 200 Readv for Iho vast harvit of 1857. Y'e pinrantec that this Reaper und Mower can not he henten on fuir trial by any oilier Reaper that may he brought into theharvc.-t fields in 1SS7, ami we iilso insure it to be (!io strongest nnd moat durable machine in u?e. V. o would respectfully invito Farmers to exnmino the machine thoroughly before purchasing, nnd satisfy themselves of its superiority over all others. llurtnglho lust 'our Tenrs. Ihe suhcril ers liavn sold between S00 nnd (iOO of tlipse M idlines, t the best and moM sufeersrul Farmers in Montour, Liiion anJ the ncirlili.iripg counties, (whoso names aro too numerous tu insert) to whom wo respectfully refer. I ho suhxeuuers hfive '.ho cxelusivo litht in the lolloning counties: Montour, Union, Snyder, iNortliumbcrluiid, Columbia, Luzerne, 1'crry, Miliiin, Centre, Clinton and Lvoming. All orders Ihunkl'ully received and promptly attcud- d to. Uli UJJJSo, MAKhill H CO., Luwiburg, L'uion countv, i'.i. July II, 1857. SMITH'S Essence ol' Jamaica Ginger. rplllt artide ic cnrefully prefiired frimltiie het J;nnnu t JL Uiliirer. ull the v:tluu!e li:c:lii;iiial prt-iR'tlies el' wlil. h t is tvttrruntLa to jvseea in u ctiiiecntraltd and ccmvi.- iin.iitMriii. t is mi excellent rrmedv in dv?peps,n, n. tu.enee, cho- lic mid iinuired tnul I'eeLtc LLute ol' t lie theestive I'une tiniis. I'ri'm itsrui'irsliint suenth and eoiuial pmpernes as u geiitlti slinuitutiua tunic it is wult adapted to countei- net tliu licliilitiilinii iiilliieuc-p ol l lie extreuiti lieatsui suiu liier, Ihe ellecls ol sudden eiiaiii'., c. No finally should he without it, n in timely use win suve them from many nil eri.uM uttuek ol ihurris. I'riee v., cents p-r bou;c. 1-ur ta:c i.y June'JO, ls.57. -lill Dissilution of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby given that tho firm of Dird. Douty & John, of Big Mountain Colliery, was this day (luly 1st, 1857,) mutually dissol ved by tho w ithdrawal of J. J. .luhn. JOSEPH BIRD, JOHN II. DOLTY. J. J. JOHN. The business of Mining and Shipping Coal Irom the above named Colliery will hereafter be carried on in Ihe name of Bird & Douty, who will adjust all the unsettled accounts of tho lule firm. JOSEI'II BIRD. JOHN B. DOLTY. Shamokin, July 18, 1857 tf SUPREME COURT NORTHERN DI3, TRICT. JVIOTICE is hereby given that the Supreme Court for the Northern District of i'ennsyl vania, will hold it session on October Term lor said District, iu Williumsport, Lycoming county agreeably to the follow ing order of suid ' certified by the 1'r.ithonotary of the Eastern Dis trict. CHARLES PLEASANTS. l'rothonotary, t. C N. D. Prythonotary't office, Juno 27, 1857. In t!tc Supreme i'ourl ef I'cmisylvaiiia t NORTHERN DISTRICT. AND now, June 23, It is ordered that a Special Term of the Supreme Court be hel l under the Act of26th April, 1855. a Williams port, I.yccming county, to commence on tho firs' Tuesday of October next, for the purpose of hear ing arguments on writa of error, appeals, ic.. from the counties of Lycoming, Northumberland and MonKiur, and such other ennses front any of the counties composing the Noithern District as may bu by mutu il consent argued at the sail time and place. Tho said spcciul Uiut tu con tinue as Ion i as may be necessary. Ctrtijirate Jront the Jlerord. In testimony wherer-l I have hereunto ret ir.v hand and the seal of the said Supreme Court at Philadelphia, thia twenty-tilth day of June, A.D. is:.t. J. F. UELSTERI.NG, Pro Proth'y. July 4, IH.Y7 to (iuuuu! Guano!! Guauo!!! Aid. KINDS. l.LlXAL'SSLl'i:!! PUOnPHATE OP U.MC. 7000 TONS. tr V A K M K H ! For your wheat crops, use l.l'IN'AVSi rtu,,er rhosphits of I.i 1 1 jt-, ni J 1 a Ih, or 1 10 a Toil ; or t'se l.KI NAt. 'S A.MI Jtll.'.V.N I KHTII.IKKIl. ut 3..K a bhl. or &-Jri a ton. Ut..' hanel of either is suJieieut tot an Aiirt ol Tlli;si: ABE Pi:riMAXKXTMA.M'RI3, mnde of rettrdile Chrniietil I'.leineuts, nnd hove ln in snect-ssiul us. loi the Mist 3ia Yeur3, iiuprovie.g the soil unit iuert'utiiiu tlir value ol the laud Foul 1iiIoiiii:s from the Slide Agricultural Soei.-ty of Peiin.x Ivauia ; NflV Jersey; Detnware and the Crystal l'aluee Assoeiniion of Iho City ol New York, nave been received foi these Yiilti.'ihle Fertilizers. Puiiiplilet. in the Kii'h.h and Uenuau Laiiguage can te had hv aplieatiou ut the Oinee. A hlKial dlM'ount tu Wholesale Penlrre. Theillive Fertilizer., delivered 1'IU.U of Carlaje lo any wharf iut!ie old Proper. Orders sent hy Mail aeroiupunieJ wi'h Cn.h or Drufti, Will be promptly blutiprd to any iwrt of the Wnild. i K 1 1 1? ( , K A . I . h I N A L' . 1 ror r i ewr. No. 1(1 Routh Front tstreet, l'UikJ.-l, Ins City, July J, le57, iiu w Pennsylvania. ''pobacoo aud Scgars 20.00U Imported -1 Segart of various bra, it! s. Eldorado, fi. Cavendish and (iiif cud tuhaci'i si - A. W. FISUER'ij, flunbury, M.inli I I, lb.i7, i 't
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers