(00( ' ( 0 r f v ' - , w ' t v j . , . ........ . - .... . . . . . . I . ,.,..... ii.i . , I. !. -o ;:.;. 'I .V- I V IS ". " i i "wO . (V - i.,i i ; - it m i i I ; ' V ' : p., I Wu NEW- SEKIES, VOll'U), NO. 29. ' SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND : COUNTY, PA: S A-TUIID AY,- OCTOBER 3, 1857. : WAY. M :H - - . Tlie Sunbury American. ",, PUBLISHED EVliKY SATtKPAY BY U. B. MASSES, " ' Marktl S'jarc, 6'unlury, fcnr. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. TWO DOLLARS per nuunm to b p. Hi half yenriy ui ilvai cc. Nu pHpcr tlifccuittii.utd buul all airmgtt ur ' A U AiraiAuiiicationt or letters on bu.itirM rrlntiiif to as t6i-, tu ni.'ii. Bttctilkm, mual li t'Oti'l' I'AIL. TO CLUBS. Tir.auiipi.i to on. ddiet, illeoM lo Da SIX) IU Mi Five dtllri In ttlvniire willpit)' for Utrs. irur'stul (Oriptioii tn llir Amrrican. Pxtmntera will plwiie art nur Arnta, anil Onrli t.ara c-iiituinmg aiibarriptlim Bmii.y. 'I hejr are parmit c4 ttf JjiIiii amler tlia f 'ist O ucb Law. TERMS OF AbVKRTlSINO. flM "f I Hue". S Uwaa, ICvcrv nuj'qui't in.wtiaa, line Sci' 3 inoaltu, i t nviilli, ttx. ;'fir, m ,.i.viin Cir J. f Fiv Hnoi, iw, W.r'lniil unit tMhrra. mlriimn !) Ibe Tr, with th privilege of iiKeiling ai''"e'it ii.WBtMi-oin-iitM wkl)-. iy- Ailve'timeiiti. pe' ?'' JOB PRINTING. v t.v. i.M.iiirteil with our mtuMi.lirflent 3(U 81 10 lull 1000 wrl ..,..,,,! iiiil OF KICK, whirh tvitlriMMe ua tu eltcato A T T 0 N E Y A T la A W , SUNCOJIV, PA. II nttaiiil.il t. in ttm Countifn f Nr- i .miI.t1!i,I, Cni.m, l.ytomint Montour ami tflain Iiia. J:rfn ix:cn i. rii'athlyl'tn : !,. i..i. n. Tion, ch.. nirs ft ii'i.lvat, Linn, f milh ft CO. LOCUST KO'JSTAIN COLLIERY SUPERIOR WHITE AS 11 aniibac:tb coal, i'wm ! Mammolh Vin, fnf T'lm nrea. Found ' riri, iteainliat anJ HUiily u", iJjJ, i:JJil iViiJ b-iJoi lr.(IL. .uTUi:L.ll I ULrt, 1 A CO. VI.. I.t'MP. for illa.t Furnaces and Cupolas, TBAMUOAT, for SloaoiboaH, Hot Air f ru r and Sit cam. UltOXEN, ) pJf Qrtlt.,( Blares and Slea. Klitl, S ... it I'l'VlJ, I For 8lov, Hteam and burning Nl,T, Line. PEA. for Limeburnera and niVlii Slram. OrJera rwctrivod at Ml. Carmel or Norll-.mn-arlaad Wharf, wiil recai'O prmit attention. H. C. HKI.L, 1. J. I.HVVH. WILLIAM ML'IR. Wat , HJ6.-lf rniLADBLrniA Wood Moulding Nil!, WVote Street alev Tueijlh, .Voil.'i Side. R O U I. IJ I N O H auitaMa for Carpenti ra iijSL liuildrra, Calinet and Frame Makers, worked from th best and thoroughly aaasoned loaterinl, alwnvs on baud. A 117 pattern wori d from a drawing. Tbo sulMcrilicr batint purrhas-d the en ira lu;errt, will continue thu business with increas ed facilitifs. A splits wantfd in the various town in Ibis portina ot the Stntr. tu wliom oortunitiva will be ofleied for largo profit to tlieinarUea. SAMLUL 11. HENKY. July I, IS'i7. 3n jp IMMENSE EXCITEMENT ! ! fi.volution in the Dry Goods Busiuew ! ! ! J. F. 6c I. T. KLINE, Keapecltnlly announce to their friends and the pabhe in tsenerul that they hiive received at their Utor in L'pper AugiiKia luwiiship, Northuiiiber land county Pa., rat Kline 4 (ir,.ve their Hprine; and Suimaer GOODS, and opened to the public general aisnrtnient of iBi-rclLindiie Ac. ConsiMing in part of Cloths, black and fancy Ca.anii rs. SS.ilin.'lH. I .becks, Kentucky Jeans tagethr with a ga'ieral assortment ol Hpriiij; and Summer Goods adapted to all classes of per esus. KeaJy n;ade Clothing, consiling of Caata anil Yeats. Ladies Cress Goods, Bum it ir Miswls, Giiighsmt, Lawns, Ducals, tlaliriM's, black Silks 4 e. Al a fn-sh supply of Drugs and Medicines, roreiies Ac, of all kinds. A new supply of Hardware. Qurensware, waodeu w.ire Liroomsje. A lar;;e assorlmeiit of Hoof and Shoes suita ble for men women and children. IIT3 AND CATS, f eliool Books, Stationery, Envelopes, Ink, 4e. FlH AND 81I.T. And ail goods usually kept in a country atore. Oon-e and Hce, Come one, roine all. The public are respectfully Invited to call and lamina our stocU be lore purchasing elsewhere. Alt of the above named stock of gooda will bs awld positively at low prices for cah, or in ex change for country produce at the highest mar ket price. Thankful for past favors wa hope by etrict attention to busmcss to merit a continuance of the same. Kline's Grove, Pa., May 10. 157 tf HOLLOWING UUN. U ESI'ECTFin.LY informs the public that Ji ft., he has replenished bis Store with an c eelleut ass irtineut of New Goods just received Irom Philadelphia, which he will sell on terms aa reasonable as any other establishment. His assortment con.i1e in put of CLOTHS. CASSIM EKES St SATTINETT, Winter Wears for men and boye, allatylrs and . prices lifiilie l)re CSoocU. Consisting of black Silks, Merinos, Alpacaa, Do Liiuas. Ca'.icoos, GiiigUama, Muslins, Trim mint;s, die AlsoatresU aupply of GROCERIES of all kinda. HARDWARE and QTTEENSWARE. CaJarwiire, Ilroorna, etc. Also a large aasort mmit of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men Wo men and Children. Hale and Caps. Silk Hals, ml all e;nnds usually kept in Country Ktore. All tho bova named s.ock of gooda will he old poailiveiy at low prices for cash, or in ex change (ot country produce, at the highest Biarket price. Il.illowme Ritas. Nov. l, IBS. 1 lTET WIIEbl. C. Rt: 16 to. f.t HIS Gmass is recommended to the notice of Wagoners. Livery dlabla keepers, aa beinz nurtHiou to anytbtnz of the kind ever in troduced. As it docs not gum upon the axles ia much more durable, and ie not fleeted hv the weather, remaining the eame in aur.imer as in winter, and put tip in tin eani.lers at 37 and TS eente, foe sl rv - A. vi.rinnrri. Mreh H.ISJT- ' Spring and Summer Fashions for 1867 FANCY DllY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. VUW rrcai veil and will coi.linua to ratalv Ilia largol and brat aclected cilock of Hack Llulht, Caumtre,- Cussinttti tin? Vrttings, jr. . An araortmrnt of Drraa' Gooda. viz: Fancy lirinled Calico., C'hillira. piiniaj Lawna, De Lain llaregc.. Mrrntos, Uaalimerca, Alapacan, Ureet ciixa, unifnamf, &e. LINEN AND M'tllTE GOODS. Iriali Lilian, blaaclirj and bruwn Drilling, Sheet lug, 'illowcaai llig, Ae DresS Trimmings in Groat Variety. Douta and Hnira II. U and Capi, ' Hardware, CedarwarA, (focerlea, IJufennware. SALT and FISH, CI Totwireo, Wnull", Ac , an aaaor.mrnt uf oilier uondit tin) tedious lt nioniiol) . Feilinj ijrnlelul fur pl favor we beg leave to assure uur uld friends and I lio tmldic tliat no ellort on our part shall be wonting to merit a continuance uf our patronage. Country product taken in eiclisr ge at tbe highest market price. P.W.GRAY. tiunhury, May HO , 1857. tf . ' HERRING'S SAPD. tiik ackovi.kioi:d CHAMIJION 1 1 TITK PIXF.NT T.I1AIJ9 at Rrmlhi)r hove rnilrrd th fimci.l til j nlitic jitinti( mitl ftilirin'tl tisB veidict ui nui tluui m. dei it hi firett pmviitjr Ctt'C!itiivr' t lit llrirn gV ihti'il) hAKaU tiiia will tii t orn. y Itcmut on IhoTiial uf Iru bttfe 'On !h COth of Ftl.runrv mil ih mrmV.f r rf the Con mitivr n'i In wilnri the SiUc mul b'Nika and ptTit (j.bi-rti in tiim) aiiii were prrOetly aMiislirU lltnt all una rtKht. Td 1l.1v I'.iflnwM.if , the .Miming t-mk place, miilrr tSt tiu(H'riiitiiitjriirt nf tliu OMiimitter, Altera fnir and jin;nrtiiil Irumfnf fttr five hura. the 8fif f Mtfra, Kv.ans A Wniinn wna firat openrHl.ttic S:it"e lriii mi fira itiiide, aid Ilia rimient partially rouiiimeil. while the e"n tenta iiiihe fai"e of A1rara. Farrela k IIcniMf waie in at eobdition. and no fire Juiidc." Kt .Undine. Marek f. Committee. A. If. PKACOCK, And endorsed drover 50 of the tert men of Rtidine rhaHhfiveSnrViran W inapceted at 31 Walnut turret, where the puMie ran mtiufy Iheirtaelre of the ereat aupe- n -rilv nf the "IlerriiiK'a PnU-nt Chainition,'1 invr iba defeated and used up "inanlc Iron Door Ailmundei." 31 Walnut nttada. Onrr makett in thia State uf Ilcirir.g'i Talent Claampiwa Swif-.. 'J'nen'tempt made by other p?niia to 1 dieter up t'i re,iuttti'n o a !ne which hna fathd aignuliy ii acei de.itnl fin t in Thilmtelpliin, (Itnnstetid JMnck.) h) tk:itc one ifttt of an Mpent'a at rr, (H A.lJinU ) luude d-'uLle tlucktiran. (ciitrrent from thone they aeh) to hum up', one of flrrrinif'ai (Imli'ua thick) haa met with ita true it wnrd. Ileirin'a Sift cm 1 not bv humt. provtiifc ronr'u. aivtlv th:it the "only relial.lc ftifi now imtlf laHerrins'i', of which orl5 000 are ii"W in aciicil uae. and uiur IhMi '.f'X) Imva Ifen tnnl hv fire without a Singiv 1 si. IMiila., June 9ti, o7y.' THE TRUTH ABOUT KANSAS I O0"V. GEARY'S ADMINISTRATION I.N KANMA9 Large I2nio. OtA page. With a comj ttte History oftht Territory. Until Jitnk, 1 8157. Kmhracing a full ucv'uuut of it dincovery, Oe-'prfiphj , Knl, C'liumic, 1'rotl'ifta. i'.a orgiiitiz ititu aa a 'IVrritory, traniuit-ii'itia and eveuta uudir (i vein ua l(e-dc and Si'Oimnn, potitienl iliaruiti nm. IVrsonnl It'-ncoimttr, I Jec ti n frauil. baflei aud outrufa, with 1'ortraiti ol u.ui ncuK ecV'tr therein, all fully nutlM'iitit-atfd lty JUIIX II. til !!, M. D. lriv.ite Secret aiy to Gov. Geury. C.irefuliy compileil from the Official documen'a on file in the dt-imitiueitt if Suite ut Wnaiiiuctou and other pa pera in the po)neaioii of the Author, With fuH a coni.t of the luvuaioii of K:inaua frnni Mina-uiri; tha CHplurr, trial ami trenluieut ol llie I'n e itnle pgsoticr. the chuinctcr mid movriMf-uiaof the Miiaouri UoidcT liLifmna, tJie itur dcr of liinlum uud oiheia 'J'he Controvcrby bctwetn Guvernor Graiy ond Judge Kect inptt. The pioeeedinga of the Territorial I.efriilit ire, uf the pro-a!:ivery e-Miveutioii, and the orpnniZ;iii"it of the Na tional teiuocra;ie Fnrty, with n akeli-U of Kanana during tie noiy irounien iinuer nova iwreutT ni-u rnniiiK'ii. Jta luv.-ifiona, linttlt-a, ()uirupa and .Muiivn. A e-tpy will he emit tn any l"it d tha L'nited Slutea. by mail, free of p"lpe, on the rcript oi retil price. A lihvrnt diwount to the trade. (71000 A tenia wanted. Trice ui Cloth Tatr. So Cta. CUAltl.i: C. IUKiPKP, rnh'irher. Iiniuiiar liuiWiiig, Tiuiadciphia. July 10, 1557.-4. STORE. MIPSLOT1S A 81HS8LKR, respectfully in forms the citizens of Trevortou and sur rounding rountv, that she haa opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shumokiu street, nearly opposite Knouse'a Tavern, where all kinds of Uonnets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress nnUnij also attended to in the brat manner and latest style. April SS, 1H57. If BALD EAGLE HOTEL. Ao. 234 mid 416 N. Third St., l'hiladelpUc. JOIIN CLYMEH, Proprietor. (Successor to Dakicl Dalbct.) 'TMIE I'rnprietor returns his thanks for the liberal patronxie bestowed on this well known house, and respectfully asks a continu ance of the same, assuring his many f iends of Northumberland and adjoining counties, that no pain shall be epard to render comfort and plea sure lo all who may give him a call. TERM!' SI.OO r'KU DAY. Philadelphia, July SS, IS57. 3m PAPERS & MAGAZINES. T HE New York Ledcer, Parlor Casket. Flag of our Union, Frank ' Leslie a Illustrated Newspaper, Ilallou'a Pictorial. National Police (azeite, Weekly Novelletle, Waverly Magazine, and Harper's Weekly Journal t-f Civilization ' Also, .!!arier a Maeaziue, uoiley a J.aov a Rook and Putnam's Magazine, just received and lor sale by 11. Y. FU1LING. Sunnnry, July H.IR57. T MF.IAWCHTON t?HINDEL. JlSTII i: OF TUB I'EACEM SXJ 1ST 33 XT Ft, -2", PW. Office tu Vter Street, immediately opposite the I'ullic School House. All buaineas promptly altended tn. Monies collected and all ordinary writinga done, buubury, April 25. I57. if THE War Trail .r the Hunt of. the Wild Horse bv Capt. Mayne lieid, fur aula by Auguat I, 'ST. II. Y, FKILLNG. L'GAl. CLlitb- HAM A lot just received and for sale by. LKTI 8t ASMOl.TZ. A pal ISRf. (10VKVY OKDEKS County orders taken aa i cash for gooda, and en note or liook ac- count by E. Y. BHIGHT HON. Nov. l,. 18.1. ROWN'8 and Uremia's Essence of Ginger tul Husband a Maynesta at mm NEWS FOR . THE KILLION I -fjMKRMONS Ui.iUti 6tttM Maain, Sa M J turdajr Kreiiing foal, N Y. J'icayune, AiagiaUat. .Nick Nat nd Yankee Notion for tier . , Y. FUXU4U N. i). Perionf living nt e tJiatance cn tiavt a of price torvrtled by aUJreaaing aa shove. Magnxinoa, l'ajera and Hook Mi on band. comUiilly ordered. mi bury. July IK, 1SST. tf A CALL TO PAEMEIIS; Farmers, drop your 7Wjr, Paus a liitte, Head this and Reflect! ' TIIK P A R M K R 8 lRO.MOtION DOOR. A new and teieiitif.c Mitiinrinc Svanrm, for Hie Cultira- mm in an xitHif m uruuia, iirtmaa. rudiier and rtiaturu, upou all kimla of Soil ; I'five0 by actual I'.xubrimeuta aiui hiiavd mi evident truth, j j3eaj:im t improva Agriculture, in all'te btnnehca; ft-pref rntetl byupwunla f on hamlrril ana" fiity ei?ru ingi i f the mt valaa bleOrua.fi and Pututa CJimecUd with the ayiteio. iiy.Ur. c. g.;;iiciuoliiv BOAI.SBi nO, CK1STRE CO VA. IS Ihia trentire it will l e aVeii that the ohject hill ben to cive the Fanner that kind uf infuriuuiion wliih eimb ea him tu inika pmcticnl upplicniiuu l'i feitilize hta linid and iiicritise hia 'eriiin. fdddcr. and Dnvtiirnae. 'J'h dKtriii4Ha taufluSy ihit mainiiiiie, and lKkler and paa. lufeeiillivuiii'ii t-yatem arerutiimtt eli-ai and evidt-iit, and aujrgeit an imprvenirnt hi llie irnt!eof Hgnculture hither ti uiiktiiii to oaf farmer, end which, if maiptcd and carefully practiced, runm fid lo ml vat ice the lulrrvata of the fnrimni; ruiDinuniir. ISnrli a wrk Ima been mucli wntiied, Ha it lilt a vnitt Which hut ,nir tjreti Ml, Uit Which there Ima hitherto Ix-eti no alleii'i4 tn aunnlv . and aa farmer! ol Centre and Huntingdon eeuntie. we rt"tn inmtl the work to every farmer. ie we filiy llifVe Unit utejr win reap the grctueei a4aithle oeiietit in.ia it Dnnirl Monger, " ChnatiMii Utile, Georie Una I, Jneit Moaner, John Bui ley. S miuel lunrH, Joiia. MeWilliama, Gj rff Ouyei, Jr. John Carper, John llaww, Hjtmue. TVitaoH. Genree W. Meek. P. ilip Moyer, Jjtvb Ali-yer, . , flmiry M yer, fUTTUl (illlllllli, Gotrre Jiirk. J hu llitrranu. CJrHi lluchanao, Vnii'-ia A IfxaiteJcar, John NelT, Sau'r. J 'hii li.-rler, Chi in inn IP'fcrt Joenh Riker TV The HiMVa work la fl Bait t.i rv Ha, Mil ton, NoilhuntUiriaiiU cuuuty, Ta, Fiiee S O ugu 1, 1D07. -um ESTABLISHMENT 1 N THE CITY U F H A L T 1 M O RE . MATIII(TK Gnj htr-et Wnrrroonta V3 and 25 North Gay ftrcct, neat Favctte. Kiltinir wlierc ia kept aUrava on lnnd. or mud- to outer, wery atyleuf Firnch Tii't'K'A-TKTilti, in Tkiab, Hair, Ciutii ,-i i nwiuriir. I rer.eh Ftttl PturT and Me.h.!!iou Tarlur Arm Ckalre. In I'lugli. tluir. "! h or lrc:itrile. rrnich luii tSlufl Cai ved Tarior Chaiira acta -:th Tlush, lUir, CMl cr lirocaitV. SOFAS- TT!f frrurti Pnriii Miilirritiv m.J Wal.:,.. P.l t"h:,ir. hi II .ir. C 1. 1 1 . and I'luih. liockiii!: tlmirs various iitaii:iia. In Uafr. Cloili and Plvsh. hUiVSnrinr Ionepf a larre asirtment alwaia en ItHriil, or mi) pattern uiaJor e.jvrcd wiili any gArii to orjer. CIIAIMBBXISTJITS. lnM.ih' tiiy or Walnut, C'unpiri, from ?:t5 up. Cioir Cl.alra and Knrkiii dntlie Uirvr.t uu.irtmeit rnuly mude in any ouc hu.e tu ike L'tuicU Sutea iruie 9I'V a rizcii up. Kar lluini, Udi.-e ami PiMine Cliairs. in Oak. Wnli ul or Maliip:itiy, Wl!h C'a'K, W'.hkI or riuIfcU bcal, ll e.attincnl ru.i'iniug ovrrStlilnXro. ,oid sou CLaus anu sctteca uno uorkiiig Chairs. nvrr lJ di'zru. tiili and Plain I- none THiknij'ClaMrs. t.f evrry variety. All kiwis ol Dels, Uair and Uuta Maitianra A. MAitllOT. Nos. 51 mid t K. Gity at , urar Fayette al., liulinuore. Amu.t 1, 1857 ly HUSSEY'S AMERICAN KE.U'EIt, l ull t ITI'IMO BOTH GR AIN AND GRASS, GKEAT improvements for I8."i7. 'Jhis Ma chine was put in rncessl'ul operation in IN33 and continued to be the only leaping and Mow ing Machine in the World. of any practical value up lo l4' twelve yera slier ns introduction. Utbrr Keeper. are now olVered with glowing ad vertisements, Certificalea. Diplumua, Gold and Hlver Medals, Ac. Uut the Farmer in search of tha best lteapcr, and not poaied in the matter, had better see a little furtlier. Il there is any value in 24 years expeiience in building Keep- r, and uing them in the har vest field, and iu tbe improvements made during that long period, OUF.D Hl'SSEY.the Faiher of Keepers, can claim it. All who are mtinficd wilh the Uest i1 caper Pin! Mower, uan be sup plied by sendina; their ordera rarlv in 'lie season, aa the cropa indicate a large demand, and we can lint have o.er Uu Kcadv lor the vast barve.t ofl6.7. We guarantee that thia Reaper and Mower ran not be lieaten on fair trial by any other Keeper that may be brought into the harvest lields in 1AA7, and we also insure it to be tbe strongest and moat durable machine in ue. W,e would respectlully invite pinners lo eiamine the machine thoroughly belore puri lis.ing, and satt.-ly thcmsvlvea ol its superiority over ell others. During tha l ist 'our yeara, the subneriliera have sold between fiOU and 6'0 of these Machines, to llie beat and most surcmaful Fanners in Montour, Union and the neighboring counties, (whose names are too numerous to insert) tu whom we resiiectlully refer. J lie subaciioers have '.he exclusive ngut , the lulluuiug counties: Montour, Union, buy de Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Perry Milihn, Centre, Clinton and L coining. All ordera thauklully received and piomptly attend ed to. UELDEt?, MAl. bli & CI)., LvHl.buig, Union county, Pa. July 11, 1857. SlVIIT-'Ii'S Iseuce ol' Juiuulctt (.Ingcr. rpl!lS article is earrulljr plHimt I'mm Ilia liral Jamaica 1 X Olagv. all Ula vuluabte luwliclual irutrlUt: ol wuivb li la wuuuiUvd tu KNuwaa ul""a Miticcatiulrd aud eouva uicnt I'lrm. It ie un excellrnt reinnlv linlytpepaia, flatutruee, etio lie and impaiml and tcelile stale ol ilia iligrMive luin tioiis. i'riu us roll calling snuiiKtb and eoiuial iioMrtica as a eciitle sllniulullng Umlc 11 is wyil uiaiittil lo enuiilcf- act llia.dcbnilttttng liiliurnca of .llie VAtreina Urals ul sum iner, tuaejlecls id sudden cdanges, :o. No laiuily sliould b witlnui.al, aa its timely use will save them fo'in iiuiny an asiinus aiuick or lilueM. 1'iics 'J6 evnis irr ouilla. r or sukr by JuueliU, lo4T tin iATClloLLY, JUCKEV CLI U, BPH1NG 1 FLOW E Kit; cVr., of the best quality t fresh supply just received and for sale at the ,. . tr L'lwiii'D Drug Store uf A. W. FISHER. tfunbury, Aug. 1, I8S7. ALMONDS, RAISONS. FlUS, LEMONS. Ac, Ac., just received fresh aupply and for sale at the Confectionary atore of , : M.C. GEARHART. , i 8unbury, May 16, 185T- 'PHE Glasgow Poisoning Case Particulars -t in lbs National Tclice Gazette, for aale by . August 1,'ftT. , p V- FRIL1NO. 1 From tbe Village Reeonl. ' ' ' "LIVE FOR EOMETIUfUQ." "Live for aometliing -M let thy purpose, De aa broad as yonder sky t PIrcb the atandaril speak the wstchward, ; Point the golden arrow high, DsrinR souls have gone before the, ' Making smoother still the way ' Fare the danger meet the tempest, ' Craven hearts alone delay. - 1 i . "Live for something," though the Father, Gave thee net the arasrun mind. Fill the measure of Iby talent. Fpuming not the task desiiiiied. . Th'y are worse than drad, who basely Leave the field aa vet udwou i Dend thy ear andtierve thy spirit, i uougli it be tbe aynut gun. Live for something." hold r.o treaty ' With the Jemon of desnair. Keep tiy forehead lo the sunlight. ' J liou ahall see "the promite" there. Thus the olden prophets striiL'iilcd, 7'hronnh the flames that upward rolled, Thus the great men of the present, Have their glowing names eni oiled. F ear not ( cowards may be near thee. li nr. their tongues to poi.son faiib. Lend no ear but lace thy duly, Even unto chains and deaiu. Llettcr far to die relying, . Un lout truth tha crowd haj spurueJ, 'I ban to live forever sighing, ,.. 'J hat no atoue i lett unturned. Live for something ;"' make ll j Mission, Woithy of e noble soul, bland nut trembling lest the life bark ctril.e again.! the fatal slloal. ripread the auijs, and favurin 4 brctzee, Vet shall waft Hire safely on, Will Ilia Islands ol the bleasei!," ' ' Lilt their green shores tu tho un. ' Live for somethng ! ' from the ajaa i.orurs a deep propbetic tone, .p.-aking through ti ne a mouldy caverns, "Make iIih bidden ihiiiKslbv own." Grap and give with hauj unsparing, rutin luture liaili lie ktore ; And the world like hungry children, Cries unceasing ' Give ma more ! ''Live fur something" though a N us. -ton Sent ln greut thoughts round the spheres: Learned tin ir secrets found their motions, S ored them forfoture y tars Though with simple kite a Kianklin Drew the lightning Ij bis aide They are richer pearls unbalanced, Greater power yet unapplied. "Live for something ' win a garland. That shall stand the blasts of lime 'Mid the shrinking forms around thee, ' Fearless tread the path aublime; . ' T.inn, though but reining cypher In thiHong Eternal sum. Thou shall sit beside the Faille-, 4a tbe Kingdom yet to come. iciorits roKrcrKD with tiik loss Oil' llltCkMUU a 11 title A, The incideiils roiint'tfled with thu loss of thu steamer Central America urn various and inturf ftinir. u copy tlie following from the various statements mude. Ouu pussenutT. Joseph M. ltasslord, writes tbe following: auverul ol the pussiMii;'ri, whose position and intelligence, unil withul, the trying cir cuutstancca in which tho ship was placed, might to have restrained from deporting themselves other than properly, drunk ex- ceisivcly of litpiurs on board tbe ahip, proba bly I10111 their own private stores, uud muue ihi'inselves wry noisy and trculil.Miiine. 1 know two of the liassenuers of libit social and political ussociutitms, who refused to woik, but gut ulai ininuly drunk, so much so that their more sober companions had to put ilium 111 their berths, in that condition I hey luy when the steamer sank. - llu ulso imputes the loss of the ship to Ashby, tho Chief Kugiiiuer. 1' u 111 sati!!ied, liu 111 what I afterwards learned, that hud Abb by immediately went to tvurU III endeavoring tu remedy thu d.hVu.ty null tbo engines, that bu miglil have gut them lo work ttLtuiii. and tuved thu vensel, as every moment utter tho stoppage of thu en gines was of great importance. After Ashbv returned hu callud together the engineers and tiremeu, and consulled us lo what should be liono. A pipe hud broken uud u great deal uf stcjiii was escaping, which was ull the difficulty visible to me. KO'oits were made to set the engines going, but this proved iueO'ectuul. 1 inquired ol uuu of llie lireineu the extent of the trouble, end was told that the sluauier hud sprung uleuk, undthat writer fas pouring in (pjile rapidly, uud that it was impossible tu puss thu coal; uud for this reason thu engines had slopped. As yet the water hud uul touched the lire iu the furna ces. After all the remaining lidy passengers, excepting three, had been tukuii on board, A shby, the chief engineer, made a move to get into the boat. Captain Hei-ndon told linn uul to" get in. Upon which Asbby be sought the captain to place him in charge of the boat, lie promised the capUiu that be would come buck with thu bout, and what whs inure, prevailed ou the captain of tho Marine to come up wilh the vessel to where the steamer lay, uud get b'ui to send his small bouts out. Captain II. said that be feared to trust him, us he was ufraid he would not come buck. Upon this expression of doubt relilive to himself, Ashhy said: ' promise yu, cup uiit, most lolemiily, that I will come OocA- to llie steamer, ana u:t desert her, or words to this purpose. 1 hoard the re murk diittiaclly, and Holed it, a the fact of the doubt as lo the bout's return caused me to think that possibly the present, would bo the 1.1st opportunity 1 would bare to lave myself Many of the ladies hod great deal of money thut they did nut give lo the purser of the sleumcr; two of these went into their state rooms and louk out bugs of gold 20 pieces, $H. MO in ull and threw them down in the cubin, so thut any persou who wanted money could tuke what they pleased. The two ladies had just returned from California, aud said, wurpiug, "Thut that money wus all they bad uiado there, and tbey were returning home lo enjoy it." None of the ladies could take more Ihua'two $20 gold pieces with them. . Among the passengers on board, not heard front, are the ponies of John Denout, Phila delphia j Geo. Kidgewoy, Philadelphia 1 P. rid Jones, Schuylkill county; McCloy, Penn sylvania, end ttlijab Spoouer, Schuylkill county. Laurence Darcy, on hie way to his rbilrlcn in reDDiylvsni. Mr Le, proprie 3Hffcrrcb Mailer. tor of Leo's Oartlen, Sun Francisco, Jtiteuded 10 vuil i hiiaUelribU. otathssm or u. m. i.ng, a Nativ or riitsiiuitoit, I'a. A CcMoua Ikciuknt. j he captain of the bark which brought us lo 11 nniptofi I'.oada treated every one with the Kmuiesi Kinuucss iu his power. . lie told me the following incident which occurred imme diately before he fell in with us as we were oririmg about at the mercy ol tho wuves on cnirpbin!s &e. The captain any?: I was ruri-ed by the wind to sail a little out or my course before I came np wilh you, and on til lering 11 a small bird Uew across the ship onco or twice uud tlicu darted into my face. however took no notice of this cirsumstunce ami tha earns thing occurred again which caused me to regard the circumstance as something extraoidioary. ulvi whilo Ihmking on it in this way the niyaturiiras bird for a third time appeared and went through tbe same , ry extraordinary ninufxuvers. Upon this I was Induced to re-alter my courso iuto the onVlnnl one. which 1 had been ateerlmr und on tryitig to discover whut they proceeded from, discovered that' I wns in the midst of people who had been shipwrecked.' " Mas. Capta! Small. Dosciibo the de- raeanor of Captaiupluriidon as aud but firm he round time to say to her,' Oh! ill. Small this is sad. I am sorrv 1 could not iret von home safe." She says: "Some or the ladies succeeded in saving thi ir money and valua bles. I remember one young lady to whom ber father banded o0U'J to keep for him and take with ber but shu thinking it was too bee fy cave it buck egain. The futhut was lost. There were five ludies in the smite bout with me crossing over to the brig. The sea wus very rough und we were obliged to bale out ull the way. The chief stewurd who bad a bleeding of the lungs aud was quite feuble. wai in t'te captains room with the Lt'ies, to h tuken off with them in the boats; but he 'used saying he preferred remaining on the ttjamer. Cue old gentleman was saved. It seemed to be the general desire to save tbe feeble, sick, woman and children. Mk. and Mita, O Conkek Statrmsnt. Mr. II. T. O'Couner of California gives the chief engineer the character of a man either trunk or crazy. He describes in interesting language the whole voyage, lie was saved by the -Ellen, lie closes bis statement thus: There was no carpenter on boarJ and no tools to be fuund to make box pumps ; I think we might ull have been saved had the pumps been in rood order, and had the vessel been supplied with capenlers uud tools ; e cculd have kept her up until assistance readied us. In my opinion it was nol tbe storm thut de stroyed her. Mrs. O'Connor says that her suffering from suspense in regard lo the Tate of her son wus terrible beyond imagination of tuose who liuve not had similar experience. It was Gve days before she knew his fute, uud each day seouicd like years She has not recovered from the effect of her sufferings und says thut tho joy of tho discovery thut her buy was safe comepletely overcame her. Mrs. V FS 11 awi.kyskjs she, her husband and her two children were on board until she and the children got ou the Marin by thu secoud boat. She thinks her husband was lost, as be went down wilh the steamer. She watched the progress or the bulling ull night and says; I asked my husband if lit' was not tired and replied "Yes I am tired, but I cm work forty-eight hours longer in the same wuy if necceas'ary. I am working for your life for von und my children." He had beeu very sick und had scarcely recovered. Mis W.imfkbd Fallon U.ves tbe fol lowing among other facts: "When we were being taken on ooara the Murine the waves rati very high I should think as high as fifteen feet and we had gerut diffi culty to get into bouts. There were a greut many of the men before the brig came iu sight, who went to bed or locked themselves up in their staterooms und refused to work. Some cursed und swore, and the sceno of con fusion terror and anguish has mude un ini- uression uiion mo which can never be effaced Otukh Statkmknts J0I1111 Cummiiigs und Thomas IJride pilch into engineer Ashby savagely for his conduct before deserting the ship ilridi. paid (600 in gold to he let on board Aihby'a boat, but Ashbv polled out a knife when he tried to get in. C'utnmiogs "ai . Mr. Asbby landed at .orunn nnn wanieu to come ou in the hinpire City out cupl McGowan would not have him on board und tuld him thut if he hud served him Cuptuin McGowan) se by dtfciting bis sbip bu would have shot iinu." Extraordinary Fkicaks or a Lunatic. A young muu iu Mercer county l'a., named Davis, has for some time manifested symp toms of iusauity. Tbe Pittsburg Dispatch says : . He imagines himself to be a cecond Dun Uice, engaged in gelling up a circus, Ou the lolli iust. he caught a snake ; which be took to belli school bou:.o iu the neighbor hood, where be says be had a graut peifor inance after getting through which he swept I ho bouse uud broke ull the windows with the broomstick. He then went to the residence of Mt. William Curry a mile or two from towu in the absceiice uf the family, and de. slroyed nearly everything iu the house. He says be went there to "have some fun," broke u gun, wilh thu barrel of which he smashed the crockery dishes glassware and windows : took lo pieces a clock und two watches grin ding up the works in a cider press It then struck him that tbe ground where the house SU'O I would be an admirable location for a circus, wheteu poll h built a fire oil a floor, und it wut suuii iu llamas, from which bu nar rowly escaped by jumping from a window, cutting bis arms and buuds in getting out uud leaving a broadcloth coat, which the heut induced him to throw off a prey to the flumes Cousideriug the buvs appropriate peiTuruier in bis now circus be upset several hives, aud uudertouk tu put sleigh-bells ou the insects, in which "ierlocuiauce" be was very badly stung. When tbe neighbors came, running to the Ore, they fouud him under a shade tree, congratulating himself thut this was the ' best perforinaoce be bad bad yet it orougiii the largest audience !" The housu wus en tirely destroyed und the poor luuulio secured aud tuken lo. Mercer jail. Ti'RKisu Extravaoancr A Taris letter ssys the Sultan of I'urkey has ordered Fro. meat Meurice to make hi in a splendid mirror set in diamonds. It will cost above $100,000 and is destined for the favorite of the harem a beauty who not only exhausts the im mense allowance given ber by ber lord, but manages to ran up bills iu Constantinople to tha amount of half million of dollurs a jeur. . .;.., . 1. . , 1 ii 1 a a a t It is stated thatMr.Lumley, of the London Italian Opera, io order to release Signor tiiugliui from bis engagement at tha Theatre ltuliua, Paris, bus paid 40,000 francs, tbe sum al.ich was fixod for breach of contrast. cdlanemts; VIBOCQ'S IiAfaT fcXPlaOIT. The following in relation to Yidocq, the celebrated Paris detective, whose death has neen recently annoauced, we cut from a Pa ris correspondence of the New-York Daily irncs, , Yidorq'i period of glory was the Uostora- lion. He was the Creator of the popular unyunt aa otrere, 01 which ho was a long time the t hief. His memoirs, which he nub". lished, 1 boliuve in 18-9, in futir large volumes nave oeeu translated into Jingltsh, German, iiaiinii und pat.i4h. Fur a long time hu us ine nero, the mystery, the god of the Parisians. Himself a thief, he cuiiio out ol the cliain-cnnif to enter ibe notice. If a rob. hery or an assassination was committed, the nrst question was, "Is Vidocq utter the mule. luctor?" Or if the muleluctur escnned. every oouy exclaimed, "Dials because Vi docq was not in tha ntfitir?" F nally Vidocq fell into the exclusive business of watching for hiru infidel wives and husbuuds. a Inclilc lucrative and umusiug occupation at Paris, out certuiniy not very reputable. liven in his later years so creat wus bis renown in this business that bis aid wus freouentlv sought by wealthy people. His last explwit was me lollowm : A rich mercliui.t went to him to consult cn a deficit of K0,000 fruiics which he fuuud on bis books, Vidocq demanded "Whut is tho age of your cashier?" "Tweutv-fivn. Hut 1 am us sure of him aa of myself : be has ulso been robbed : bo is a victim like myself." "Are too married T "Yes." "How old is vnur wifo ? Is sue baudsotne ? Is she honest ? ' '"Oh, Sir, my wife is virtue itself honora ble, attached to me, above " Never mind all that ; your cashier is twen ty-five; is your wife handsonio T' "Since you insist upon kuowiug, she is handsome, but " But! but! no matter about tliebuts! Yon wish to find yonr money, don't joo, and yon nave conuuencu 111 inei "Of course I havr., since I ant here! "Very well, then ; go back home, muke be lieve that you are going on a journey, aud in troduce me into the house." This was done. The merchant loft home, and Vidocq hid himself in a closet near the chamber ol the lady. Itrenkfust .was served, a young iiiiir was shown 111, uud wus thus ad dressed by Madame : "Very well, Arthur, he is gone, bathe sus pects us, and we are lost." The rival of Curpeutier went over lang ti rude of love aud desolution, concluding with these words : "Only one road is left open for us ; let us take whut remuius and embark for Vidocq stepped out of bis concealment. Tubleun I "My children, b calm, or I'll break both your heads," said Vidocq. "We understand each other, 1 suppose I Now, tell me, where is the stolen money V We have only lOi',000 francs left," replied the woman. "Are you telling the truth?" "Oh. 1 swear it." "Very well! Give it to mo." Tbe money was given over. "Now, then, let this affair be forgotten ; never speuk of il to your husband, and bu shall know nothing. As for you, Sir, give me your delicuta little thumbs." He plied handcuffs on the gentleman, conducted him 10 Havre, put him on a ship bound for A me. rica, und left him with the Frence adieu," "Go and hang yourself elsewhere." Vidocq came- buck to Paris, handed the 100 000 liuiica to the merchunt, saying, "Your cashier was the thief, but he hud spent 50.000 francs of the money with a danscuse. 1 em barked him for New York." Afterward no happier family was ever known than that of the merchant. A Singular Fact. A stock ruiser of Fay ette county, Ky., lost eight colts one season, four uf them thnrough-breds, and Tour of them scrub stock. He amptituted the legs or all or them, und boiled ctl thu flesh, cleaning the bones thoroughly, to learn by examination, what difference, in respect of bone, l.bere wus between pure blooded and common ones. On taking the brnes of the thorough bieds, aud holding them up to the light, he noticed thut they were utmost transparent, as much so us white horn. He tried the same experi ment with tho lones of tbe inferior stock. They were opaque, and transmitted light no more than buffalo born. He then tested the bones by weight, and found the thorough bred by far the heavier, showing the superior substance and solidity. They were hard aud dense as ivory. 'Phis is a singitlur fact. Sorghk SlxitK F.xi'kkimbxts. The Char leston Courier or the l'Jili instant, contains tbd following : "We ar indebted In the po liteness of Cupt. A. Koiiuiillat. popiietor of the well known manufactory of uoiifeelioiinry 111 King street in Hits city lor the results ol a trial which he has given to the Sorgho cane, for tho purpose of testing its possibillity of crvstullizatiun. Cupt. U. procured 100 canes Irom the farm of Thus. II. Peas, which alter being properly crushed; produced 21 gallons of juice. Thi juice after boiling and evapor ation yielded three gallons and three quarts di of . sti pe loi sin' urn eig fiV.v eno owi win and The beei ea, Mai of K A the in tl the Bat C (Va' cars fays Tub Tonokr. A white fur on tbe tongrJe attends simple fever and inflaminall in. Yel lowness of the tongue attends a derangement of llie liver, and is common to bilious and typhus rovers. A toogno vividly red on tha tip and edge, or down the centre or over tho whole surface, nttouds inflammation of the mucuous membrane of the stomach of bowels. A white velvet tongue attends mcnlul dis ease. A tongue red at the lips, becoming brown, dry and glazed, attends typhus state. The description of symptoms might be extend ed infinitely, taking iu all tl e propensities and obliquities of mental and mnrul condition. The tongue is a most expressly as well as unruly member. Dkath or a Tamocs IIorss. Mr. Felton's famous stallion Ticoneroga lileck Hank, which, took the first premium at the recent United Siaiei Agricultural Fuir, at I exing tnn Lty.. died a few days since at Uovaustnwu Mi'., quite suddenly, aud his death was gener ally imputed to poison. He was vulued by hia owner at $10,000, and he is suid to have refused 8.000 for him a few dava before hia death. A Cure For Dyspepsia. The Oxygonated Hitters have been guccussfulv used iiiNnmp.il the worst, cases or Dispepsin on record, aud proved to be the best remedy ever discovered for the core of this troublesome disease. kpavlmtnte New York Premium Butter. B. O. Carpenter, or F.lmira. N. Y.. to whom the Now York State Acricuiturul Society at the last Fair, awarded tbe first premium Tor butter, gives the fullowiutr inter esting account of his process : in compliance with tho rules, of vour So. ciely, I submit the following method of our uiiuur-muking. -j tie null:, when drawn, is strained iuto tin pnils, holding twelve quarts each, and set oh tho bottom of our cellar. which is a watcr liinn cement, whero it re mains until it becomes loppered. It is then, both milk and cream, poured into churns. which hold a burrol each a pailful of water to six of mill; added, and the whole b ought to a temperature of CS'1. Thu c-Iiu rnir.2 ia done by horse powtr, mid requires ubout two hours. J ust befjre the butter has fully come. uuolhcr puilful or two of water to six of milk is put into euch chui u, to thin the buttermilk. so that the butter may rise freely. The butter is taken from tbe ciiiirn into larire wooden bowls, thoroughly washed with cold wutcr. mid salted with about one ounce of Asbton s ill to a pound of butler, and lightly worked throngh with a common ladle. It is after wards worked at intervuU of about three hours, for four or five limes, with a common ludle, and packed iuto firkins the next nioru ing. "The GiKins ore filled within on inch or go of tho top a thin cloth spread over the butter, and thut covered with salt und brine, through the whole season. 'When the weulhcr bo comes cool, to hasten tbu thickening of the milk, we leave a quart or two of buitermilk 10 each pail when the onlk is strained." The butter which obtained the premium was made during the. month of Juue, from livo cows, fed ou pasture alone. The wholu amount of butter made from the five cows in thirty consecutive days was 201! lb., or ubout 1 11. 10 oz. per cow prr day. The cows were natives, with a slight mix ture of Duibam blood. The oiiik irom the' five cons, on the 2d of June, weighed 25L lbs. measured 118 quarts, or about quirts per cow. The Apple Treo Borer, Again. Something is said about the borer, in ano ther place, this week ; but the following facts ns tn its habits, we find in the Massachusetts Plowman, and ore interesting : Tbe Apple Free Borer never stsy's less than two years in the tree. The worm enters in July and buries itself under tho bark the first season. In October you may find him, white, and one fourth of an inch long. The next year we find him boring into the ' sap wood of the tree and his course is usually upward, yet he is sometimes found descending to the roots. He comes out pretty uniformly ' in Juno, boring through to the built. Hero the worm-rests till its wings are formed, when it Hies ubout in the night and fastens upon tbo apple tree, tbe quiuce, the white ' ash und the locust. Many of the flies full grown have been brought to our office for inspect iot One was found iu Hingbam, in his hole, with wintrs well formed, just ready to fly. It was a full inch in length others are usually three fourths of an inch. Dr. Harrisi. of Cambridge, the State ento mologist, ut one time bad some doubt whether the worm remuined in tho tree two or threo years. Ha wroto to us ou the subject. From what we have seen of the borer and learned from others, we incline to think tha worm remains nearly three years in the tree entering in July and coming ont in June. The J'eack Trie Jiorer is a diU'emut worm and not so rerulur in its habits. Tho worms ere round it, the roots, generally, and ihey are of all sizes, from three-fourths to one-fourth of an inch in length. This arises from the fact that the peach Hy luy her eggs at tha roots, in May, June and July, sometimes in August. They ulso come out and turn to Hies before laying their eggs so that by ritririr ustios nrnntiit l- ...i- u 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers