THE UNSEEN BATTLEFIELD. Thoro it an aneen baUlefild, Id ever; human breast, Where two opposing forces meet, , And wberu they seldom rest. That geld is Teiiml from mortal sight, 'Tis only seen by one Who knows nlons where victory lies, When ench duy's fight is done. Onr army clusters strong and fierce, . Their chiaf of demon form ) J in brow is like the thunder cloud, His voico the bursting storm. ITis captain. Prido, and Lust, and Hate Whose troops watch ntpht and duy, Swift to detect the weakest point, And thirsting for the fiuy. Contending wilh this mighty force Is hot a little band ; Yet there with an unquniling front, Those warriors Drinly stand I Their leader is of Uod-like-furcn, Of count enancc st-rcno i And glowing on his nuked breast A simple cross is seen. H is captains, Faith, nnd Hope, and Love, 1 onit to thnt wondorous sign, And gazing on it, all recttive Strength from a source divine. They feel it speak a glorious truth, A troth as great ns sure. That the victors they inustloarn To love, CouDde, r.ndure. That faith sublime in widest Strife, Imparts a holy cnlm ; For every deudly blow a shield, For every wound a balm. And wbon they win that battlefield, Past toil is quite forgot ; The plain whero carnage once Lad rein. ed, Becomes, a hallowed spot. A spot whero flowers of joy and peace Spring from the fertile sod, And breath the perfume of their praise, On every breeze to Uod. Janitor's bailment. Premium Crop of Carrots. The New-York State Agricultural Society has awarded the premium for the beet crop of carrots to John Drodie, of Rural Hill. Jef ferson couuty, N. Y. The last Journal of the Society contains en interesting statement of the method of cultivation, from which we make a few extracts : "The soil sandy loam, and when the farm was purchased, in 1852, by father of applicant the ground from which the carrots were taken was a worthless swamp, or aoout three acres through which cattlo could not puss it bo- ing overflowed spring and autumn. In the summer of 1852 it was drained stone drains being laid at a cost of 32.33 per acre; In the spring of 1S53 it was plowed and planted with corn, which yielded 60 bushels per acre. Id the spring or 1854, twenty horse curt loads ot manure per acre, and 'sowed to carrots. Id the spring of 1855 it was sowed uguiu to carrots, withiut manure, and on one measur ed acre the yield was 1700 bushels. In the spring of 185C one acre was surveyed, thirty horse cart loads of mixed horse and cow dung and four barrels of bono dust, sprt-al and plowed in. Carrot seed was drilled in with a (Scotch machine, that sows and rolls at the tame time using half a pound of large orange and one aud a half pounds of white carrot seed, in rows nine inches apart. On the 3d of July, passed through with a cultiva tor, and on the 1 2th of July gave it the Grst weeding. July 10th, went through with a second time, and on the lath and 19lh of Au- gust gave it the second weeding. "The yield from the- measured acre was 1610 bushels of carrots, weighing 60 pounds to the bushel. The yield of the white carrots was much greater than that of the orange. No difference was perceived in the yield of tbofe parts whero bone dust was or was not applied. " I'll coat of the crop wrluJing iuterest on land, (?,) was tS 31 The value of crip, at SO cent, per bu.liel, 3a9.(1 Leaving a l!anee in favor of crop, ft'i7'J.7u "The above statement was verified." Applying and Leaving Manures upon the Surface. 1 have long buon in obscurity as to the na tural professes which, us is claimed, takes so much-value from manures spread and left up on the surface, and have given limited sug gestion to the practice recommended by your correspondent, John Johnston. Nature, a Bomewhat respectable aud reproductive "in stitution," of long standing, and which, as proceeding from an all-wise aud beneficent source, never makes a mistake, invariably spreads her manures in the autumn, blie draws her nurslings uuder cover, and luys down her leaves aud surplus grasses to pro tect them from the cold, and yield-their sub stance to the next .year's product ; and mark how uniformly, in our-climutu, a blanket of mow is laid upon the earth before the advent of a cold snap. I believe the recommendation of Mr. John ston, that manures should be applied iu the autumn, will be sustained by experience ; and that on tlrs subject the Doctors of Agricul ture are wise beyond what is written. Jaox M'Vkas, Scoltsville, N. Y. Remarks. We find the foregoing in Iho Genesee Farmer, and do not hesitate to sav that we thiuk Mr. M'Veau is correct. It is becoming the practice of some of the best and most experienced fanners in E iMem Pennsylvania to spread their manure for spring crops in the fall, and they find, by comparing with the old way of spring appli catjon, that it possesses' superior fertilising propeni s. Wo shall ot, t this time, enter ppoa any extended comments upon the sub ject, iu view of the excellent observations !. ready made by Mr. M'Veant but we are Strongly impressed with the belief that a well conducted trial will tutisfy any one of the truth of the principles laid dowii by hiin. 7oto In fond the Wildest Horse fur Shotiq d the Wildest Cow for MiHny.Tha way do it is simplv this : 1' tit ai'iiiinil . Im Hi. an to mal, just back of the fore legs, a strong rope or chain ; into this twist a stick, so that every turn tho rope will be drawn tighter, until th animal will submit to being handled at your pleasure The most uumauairoalila anj, can be subdued in a few miuutss io this man car. John Sanhm.d. Bam st Bread The Maine Km mends tho use of barley for bread, and speaks Of receiving from Aroostook county a spci- uirii oi nour irom grain cut August 3d. The Maine farmers acknowledge early barley bread taken hot, to be a real lujnry, and es pecmlly so as it comes at a seaon when the meai auu uour chest is low, and Genese rath er uigu. i ue overate yield of barley ou ne land is larger than wheat. noRSEs. To prevent their getting Cast in the i stable attack a strap around the neck ci. toe norse, lustened to a rope or chain dl. rectly over the Lorso, so that when be lies down the under side of the strap about the tjesk shall be just twenty inches from the floor, and I will warrant uo horse can cast himself in his stable I know it by trial upon tny horse, which was iu the habit of getting Hfowa" as we terra it, nearly every eight Wtf Xf wis-taM to get op A. S.ltoeis! ED. IT. BRIGHT 6c SON, BUNBUBY, liOBTHUMBEBLAND OOT72TX"'X"t PA., . HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LA KG hi SUPPLY OK Dry 3od, IZendy tuAtle Clolhiug, Boots and Shoes, llard- mi'r, fcirvceriett, iiasa f ueensnare, vi., Among our present Slock rear be found French Lawns, Poplins, Fancy 5ilks, Plaid Ducal, Tissues, Dereaes. Hebeae. Challi, Black Mirks, Alvacca, Uiuahetns, ttwits Mull, Tarlton, Cambiia. IS'ain- onk, Urilliants, Dimity, Hook Mualin, Dohiuett Collate, 8wis Flouncing, Inserting, Laces, Kib bone, Hosiery, and a general martment of FANCY UOOD3. CHAVLS.-SH-VLn,S2:ilWLS,- Km bracing the most beautiful styles, all qualities Oil Cloths and Carpets. (Summer Goods fur (rents all kind of building material, Carpenters Tools ef tion, Cutlery, bliue linUtngs, l.eats,&c. roriuer efforts urpasked In addition to our former Store Room, we have filled up the second atjry of .our establishment which you will find well Blocked with Kvady Made Clothing, Uoots and Shoes combining beauty durability and cheapness. We shall continue to rect-lre Goods Semi-Monthly, thus rendering our assortment at all tunes complete, another inducement to all who wish to purchaae. NEWUOODS AT LOW PRICES We return our thanks to the public for their liberal patronago, and respectfully invite an inspec tion of our (..oiids, a wi deem It a pleasure to wait on all who may lavor us with a call. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEIM IN EXCHANGE. Ear Iron, Steel. Nails, Picks, Gmb Hoes, Grindstones, Glass. Paints, Oils, lish, Salt, Chetse, meat, &c. always on hand. Sunbury, May 8", 1857. If . E. Y. H RIGHT St SON. New Goods for the People 1 BKNJAM1N llEFFNER RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral thnt he has just received and opened a splendid stock of SriUNG AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in I. oner Augusta township. His atock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CaUcoe, Gingham, Lanui, Mouxxelhte lie lvalues and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groccrlen, Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOT & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a gooj selection. Suit, Fish, tsc. And a great variety of other articles such as srs suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold st the lowest prices. UT Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lnwer Augusta, June 6, 1857. Wall Paper & Wlutlovr SliadcM. jL. ISAACS, No. 1G3 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. AVING completed their large assortment of the above Hoods for Spring and Summer Trade; would respectlully invite the attention of Purchasers to the same. Their stock for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be surpas sed. Thev have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold and Painted Shades, liufT Hollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cm tains, Fire board Prints, Borders, &c, all of which they oiler at lower rates than can he hat at any other establishment. Call and examine. A. ISAACS. 103 North Second Street. March 7, 1857 6m w lOOO lbs of Carpet lias VtrANTED at the store of K. Y. Bright cY " Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus otlering to the public the largest and most desirable assorta.cnU July 11. 1857. ISAAC M. AV ILK EK SON, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Snt'uM, IMvaiiN uixl loimarts Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, "SOFA, BREAKFAST AM) DINING TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, euual to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUI'BOAKDS, WOI1K AN D CANDLE STAN DS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION' TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. THE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiei -1 of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of Astivr. a-w sss: which cannot fail to recommend itself toevcry ene who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid linisli, made up of the Dcst stoi'K to tie nail m the city. JNo cllort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with tho many improvements which are constantly being made. He aUe manufacture all kinds and qualities CTTATTIS. acluding varieties never before .to he had ir Hunbury, auch as Mjuocahi, Black Walxct ash Ci nleu Maple Grkciar ; and Wixiisob CHAHiS, a TASrr Piano Stools, which are of the latest afyles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 he subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchaHe furniture in the cities, ss every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on ss eoad terms as they can be purchared elsewhere. C'eun try Produce taken in payment for work. Iv UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Hkarsc, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi. cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place. I s7" The Ware Room is in Fswn Street, be w Weaver's Hotel.' I MAC M. WllKEKSON. Sunbury, April 18, 1857 tf. BROADWAY FAMILY GH0CERY! Flour, Feed and rrovision tcro. Bvadway below Blackberry Street LEVI SEAS1IOLTZ, J.lbl UIH,I.,1 mlorm the citizens of huuhury and vicinity that he has removed to the store lately oec-pieil by C. Gehrim;er iu Broadway near Hie Hail Raad, and is receiving a ehoivs aopply of FA1IL7 G2.CCEPaI33, consisting in part uf Hams, shoulders, ftlackerol, HerriiiB, White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt I'reseived Fru.t, Pickles, Crackrra, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, Sugar, Coil'ee, (sreen, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and block Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow snd wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, aegara, 4e., together wilh eveiy article usually found in a first claaa Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the.lowest prices, either for ea.h or country produce. He has alao nrem.nol to . ply the citizens wilh freah bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and cakes of every kind. N. B. The highest fash prices will be paid for " 'gs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Kunbury, April II, 1837 1JORT and MAUERIA WINES, Schiedam - Schnappa, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies (or medicinal purposes at March I4,'7. V, riHIIEK. IIXAXK&I IIL,aKt BLANK Deeda, Mortgages, Bonds, Warrant A ttsebmenta. PommilmAntd Mnmmn..a u... - - --.-l -' , "UMllUUIl.j U U pcenaa, Executions, Justices' aud Coi.stables' Fee Bills, 4, eea be bad bv spvlyina it thiseffie. "'a and prices. Domestic Goods, Windsor Shades, wear of every variety. Hardware embracing Ilia baal manufacture, Files of every descrip In quantify nnd Qualify. Meson Hammers, Mill Saws. Window Sash. SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PKOOF SAFES. The laiccst assortment in the I'nited States, Warranted to be equal to any now made, and will be sold on as Good Terms, as can be obtain ed from any other house in the Country , at EVANS & WATSON'S IC South 4 lb Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must PrevaiL Report of the Committee appointed to superin tend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Rend ing, Itbruary 2i, lao". Rkadixs, March 4. The undersigned, members uf the committee. do respectlully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by 1 arrets & Herring snd bvans &: Watson, placed side by side in a fur r.acc, vir: The Safe inuse by the Puymaslcr of the Philadelphia inj Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his oluce at Reading, manufactured by l-arrelsoi Herring, and the Sate in use by II A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by l.van 6c Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thc'fire was started at 84 o'clock, A. At.. kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesmit top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the euperin tendencc of the subscribers, members of the Com mil tee. The Pafcs were then cooled off wilh water, after which they were oiened, and tin books and papers taken out bv the Commit! and sent to 11. A. l.anli's store for pufdic exam ined ami marked bv the Committee. I lie boo and papers taken from the .Sale manufacture! by Parrels a- Herring were in our judgment. damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken Irom Evans ii W atson s Safe. Wo believe the above to have been a fair aud mpartial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes. JACOB H. DYSTIEff. DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burninir, we fully coincide wilh the above statement of the condition ot the papers and booliS taken out of the respective Sates. G. A. NICOLI.S. H. II. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March SI, 1 857 FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUN BURY. Fawlilouable, C heap aud rscful npHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet A nnd Chair .Manufacturer in Knnbiiry, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public, patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, iVc, embraces EVI'llV VJsltlETY, I'lnKKUL AND Oil A D.K.MTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices. Cheap fur Cash, or Country Produce taken in exchange. Establishment Sou(A East Corner of farkel Syuare. Vff" These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. fcEIUSriAN HAUPT. fcunburv, April 4, 1N57 tf THE DAUPHIN & SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. CONNECTS the Reading Railroad at Au burn, on the Schuylkill, (10 miles below PotUville,) with the Northern Central Railroad, at Dauphin, on the Susquehanna, and willi the I'liiiisy Ivat.ia Railroad at Rorkville, (5 miles above Harrisburg,) aud runs ui passenger train in winter, and two passenger trains in summer through between Auburn and Harris burg, each way, dally, (Sundays excepted.) on times srranncd tv connect properly with these roads ; with the Cumberland Valley nnd Harris burg 'and Lancaster Railroads, ut Harrisburg, and with the Cattawisra Railroad, and its north ern connections nt Port Clinton. ELL WOOD MORRIS, Eng. . Supt. March 7, IS57. 6m.-d. N K W ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS! IraT. Cleiaent NO. 1, COliXLR OF MAIIKE'J SQUARE, SB AS just received a large supply of Full and ? Winter Goods. He will continue to sell Dry Goods and Gro. ceries CHEAPER Ihan ever, ss his goods are oougnt cheap lliey will lie sold cheap. lie feels confident with his experience and ability, that he can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate artichs if time and space would permit. It is enough to soy that he has everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large to k of l.'eady-Mnde OLOTHINQ, ' HOOTS A.XJ) SHOES, jr., fie, that is kept in any other store in town, and II is banner is oa tlis bia. AiiUlon uwy jt wave O'er lai.d of Hie true, And Ihs u",u of the tvrnvs AVIiile bet Stars and tier Sliipas Hliina out liku t lie Sun, Telliiif ail nations Tuul Froedoiu's luf ua. This ia a flea country as was proved by the election of B uchauan over the Wooly Horse, therefore it ia free f..r all to do their trading where they can DUY he CHEAPEST. All are invi ted to call and se. THE COUNTRY, as well si the town are respect fully invited, and every craon. rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to cull at No. I Markket Square, opposite the Court House. P. S.lle is not to be undersold by any man or combination of men. No sharge for showing goods. All kinds of produce takeu in exchange for goods. , Sunbury, Dec 80, 1856. lushing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Ses GiM by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Liifick aud Carlisle Hooks, Rods. Ac, fc.rji by i March 41, "67. A. ' RESOLUTION Proptting Amendments to ths Constitution of the Commonwealth. , RcaoLvn sv Tilt Ban ats aae Hocta o Riraantn. .mn n tm OF I'BTIJfSTLVA Nl A IK csaaAb AptaarsLVWBT, Thot ttia fnlkiwiiif ameislmeiira rspmposed M Hie constitution or tlis eomm inwenltli, m csuruauca witn uia rHU"',1" " "B iih mitn mwm,. FIRST AMENDMENT. ,. Th.r ahitll ke ndililionat aitiele to aaid eonititatioa to Im dniiiaked aa articla eleven, as follows : ' SRTICI.B XI, OF PUBLIC DEBTS. tni inn 1 . Thr ilit mnv cnnlniet debit, to nnp!t cogunl deficit or fnlloret iu revrnaev, ot tu meet cxpente mitmhcrwiM ntovirtwl frj but Hit nrgrcg ite otnuiint uf nirhipl)U direct and 09ntn19e11t.wheL.1er cot it met ra vj virtue ui" one or iwira artiof the neiieml aaMmbly, or nt didfrrnt periodnof time, shall never exceed seven hundred antl filly ttHHisBrtd d.-Hr.. mtd the money arising fnm lbs reatlo of such new, wmii we nrii 10 ne purpi-j is Which it wni Litmm'(J,or to repay the debts socontrucicu, and to no other pjrptie whntever. Section . inmiotiion xv ine iofito nmiiro ptiw state mny contract oeittii w repel invuamn, suppreaa innur ret:livii, ituiVini the stntc in wnr, nt to rrdee the pront'tit tnitatniitliniriiiiHItteihienof the state; but the nvmey srie- iitt from lite commrtiin nrsuchdebu .hall be applied to 110 irtiier purpoao whatever, tttftinn :l. Ksrent the debts above specifier!, in section onenmltwoof this article, no debt whatever ahull be Created by, or on behalf of t), state. necttim 4. i nrovitie lor me imvmem 01 ins rrwcm dvht, snd nny sihlitioiml debt contrurted as aforesuiil, the lecjilntiire snail, at Us first session, nfter the adoption of this amendment, ereate a siiiknte; fund, which shnll b aulficient U pay the acctueins: interest on auch debt, nnd miiLiiillv t reslm-e the nrincinal thereof bv a mn not les- thati two hundred nnd filtv tbonsnnd d.tllari; which sink in tr fund shall consist ol the net an nun I income of the pull lie works, from time to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sule of the mime, or any part thereof and of the Inmine ot proceeds of stile of stocks owned by the stale, together with other funds, or resources, thnt may bo desigiiutfd bv law. Theaiiid sinking fund mny be niervnsfd, fiom time to time, by atning to it nnjr pan 01 inc taxes, or viner revenues ui me siuio, wn n- quired for the ordinary and current expense of govern ment, and unlef-s in case of rut, iuvusioii or inmr rectum, no pmt of the said sinking fund slnll be used or applied otherwise than in extinguishment of the public debt, un tit tlicam unt of such debt is reduced below tha sum of five millions of dollars. Bctt.onS. The redit of the commonwealth shall imt n any tntinner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any in divnluul, conipanv, corporation, or nsaorhuinii ; nor shnll the commonwealth herenftce become a joint owner, or stockh ilder in anveompauy, association, or corpormtior. Section. The common wealth shnll not annnme the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city. In-rough. or township; orofany corporation, or atsocintiitn : unless such debt shall have been contracted to enable the stutr to repel invasion, suppieis dorrestio Insurre tin. defend it self iu time of war, or to assist the atuie in the discharge of any portion of its present indebted nor. Section 7. The I.cis1atnte shall not authorize any coun ty, eiiy, Wnntrh, township, of Incorporated district, hy virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, lo iwcome a lock holder in any company, association, or corpoiuiinn ; or to ohtnin money fir, or loan its credit W, any curpnru tton, asauciution, institution, or party. 8KCDN D AM HNDM F.N T. Tliera ahnil he anaddiimml article tn said ecnstitattaH, to be dcsignnled a article XII, a follows: AnTIClaE Xlt. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county shall be divided hy line cutting: off over on tenth of its population, (cither to form a nw county or otherwise.) witloul the expiufs assent of such e mnty, by a vote of the elect ts thereof ; nor sliidl any new couuiy be established, containing loss thiui four hundred squuie miles. THIRD AMKNDMENT From section two of the first article of the constitution, strike out the Words, of the city ot I'liilflclphiu, tuul of earn county respectively from section five, same article strike out the words, ''of HiiMelphi'i nnd of (he Severn I CttuntiHs;' froin section seven, Kline ankle strikeout the w-rtls, "neither the city ot Pnilmh-lphm nor nny.' and iiaertin lieu 1 hereof the word. and no;" and strikeont section four, snine4ilicle, and in lieu theteof insert the foiit-wing : "Section In the year on thousand eight hundred and stxW-four, nnd 111 every seventh year inereinier, rep resentatives to the number ol one hundred, shall be appor tioned aud distiibuted etjiwlly, throughout the stale, by districts, iu proportion to the uurnliei of taxable inhiihi tunts in iho aeverai parts ttliereol ; except that any county coiitniinna at leart three thmtsuud five hundiesl Mxables, mny he allowed a sepiirute representation ; but uo more than three comities sludl be joined, and 11 comity shall he divided, iu the formation of a distiict. Any City contain ing a sulhVieht number of taxublcs to entitle it to ut bust two repieseutatives. shall have a sepamte representation assicned it, and shall be divided hit-i convenient districts of contiguous territory, of equal table population us near as liny be, each of wmch districts shull elect cue rvpreseu lative." At the end of section sevn. snme article' insert these words, lhe c'uv of Fiiila.b lphia shnll he divided into sin gle KeuutohiO districts, of c-mtignoua territory as nearly equal in liable populalion ns possible but 110 ward shall be divided iu the formation thereof " The legislature, nt its fust aeFsiou, nfter the adoption of tins amendment, s'mtuiivine me coy 01 riiiiiineiprim imo seuatorinland repteaentative districts, in the maimer above provided; sueh disti icta to remain uivhanged until the appvtrltonnient in th year one thous;nnl eig-t hundfed and sixty-four. FOl'KTtl AMKNDMF-NT. There shall Im an nd liiional afoi ion to the first article of said consliutioiii which shull be numbered and read as follows t SncTto 28. The legishtnre shnll hnve the power to !:er, revoke, or Bimul, any charter of incorporation here.itter eonierred tiy or under, any special, or general law. whenever 111 ilieir opinion it m-iy be iuiuiious to the citizens of ihe common wealth . iu such manner, however that uo iiiju-tice shall be done to th coiportttors. Is SEXsrn. March S?, If37. Res itved, Tlmt this rrsolittinii isisr. On tlie fir.! amendment, veris 21, nnvs 7. Uti the aec.iud iiiiiriidnient. yens 2:1. nay. 3. On the third omn.diiienr, yens lit, na) uu tlis i uitn iiiinjiiunrur, yiu. -j.f. nna.. Extiact I'roiu the Juumnl. JI'.O. V. IIAMKRSI.Y, Clerk, In tu B Hol'SI OS RKrSKMCtTtTIVSS, J Apiil an, ls.7. J Resnlred, Thst this resolution pniw. On theftr.tameud meut. veil. 7S, liavs 111. On the secund suieiidnieiil, ynl 57, nays :lt. On the third HiitetKliitrnt, yeas 12, iiuysS'J, antl nil liiiuin ameiifiineiir, yeuti cu, nuy. 7, J'ixtruct Uuiu the Jiiurnal. JACOB ZIKGU'.I!, CUrk SiirsrTny'. Orrrcs. ) Fikd.Muy '4, loiT j A. O ffHTIN. Secretury 01 the Cuiniuoiiuealth SerRCTAHv'( Ornra, ) Ilarriiiurg, Juu i-J, 1A7. $ Pennsylvania, ss : I do certify that the above and forrtrouif; is true and eor re.t copy ol ill. original "Kesoiuiion relatih-eui uu uiiieud. ment of the CuuiiiuHtuii" a. the uiue ifiiiuiui uu file in litis utuco. In teitimony whereof I have herennt-i Bt II1V hand mid cuua.-d In b affixed th seal 01 tlis Secretary's Othce, the duyaud year above written. AC Ci rtTIN, Secretary ,,1" tho Cuiuuionweulth. I.x Seiats, April 97, 1S57. Resolution propiHin amendinents to the Constitution of tlie C01u1s.Miwe.1nl1, being uuder cundeiatioii. tu the question, Will ihe Senate nprce to Ihe first amendm.ut Tlie yeas and nnvs Were taken uejeeahly lo the prnvi lions 01 tiie tjoniitutioii, and were a. loll'iw, viz: Yens Menus. Hreiv.r, llrowue, I'oll'ev, Klv, Fvnns, Fetter, Flennikeii, Fnir, lnvriiin, Jordan Killnieer, Knox, liulaieh. Iwu. Alver. bcoheld. hM-llen. Miunuiii. lleele, Struma, W1LI1, NVilkins, Wright nd 'lawsuit, pjiniiri X . Nnvs .Messrs. Crnhb, Cresswell, Finnev ris, Fenruse uud Stiuther 7 t llieqiicsii hi win deterruiued ill the nlnrmntive. On the ipie.tion, Will the heutitu ngre tra the aecnud amendment ( The yeas iihvs were taken upreealily to the provi sioiis of the Constitution and were 0. follow, viz : Vea. Mensre. tircwer, Urowu, Crewwell. Fly, Evana Falter, Finney, Fleuniketi. Iiiiiraul, J'sditu, Knox, l,uu buuih, Lewis, ,Myer, Sellers, Sh nnn, SiulhtT, Steele, Syuuh, Welsh, Wiliius, Wright aud i'apgart, Speaker. Nxvs Meisis. CorTey, Cmtih, Fraser, Gregg, Harris, Kllliiurer, I'eniose uud Scoheld S. S i the queaiiou wua deteriunied in the affirmative. Ou the qnusliou, Will the Senate nirreeto the third onunendmeut ? The yea. and in), were taken .jieeubly lo the Cmsti tut on, and were u. follow,vizt VeusMesirs. Biewer, Urowu, Crabb, Cresswell, Ely, Fvuua, Fleuiuken, Fnizer, Ineram, JonUoi, Killiiiaor. Kil'ix. Laulni'h. I.ewn. Myer. Seoli.ld, Seller , Sliuuuin, Souiher, Steele. Slrauli, Welsh, Wilkin, and Wrialit !M, Nays Mi-Mr. Cotfcy, Gretrn, Hums aud P.nnave 1. So the queaiiou wua deteriunied in the aibnuauve. On the (Ue.tU4l, Will ih Senate aeree to the fotith amendment The yeasaisl ua. were taken ugreeaUy tu the Conatltu tution. and were hi. f .Uow. viz : euah- Mefur. ilrewer, llrowue, CoiTey, Cren.well, Ely. Kvan, Fleuiuken, Fmzer, Iukiuiii, KillniKer Knox, Ijiu Iwch, lwis, Mvur, Sc.'lii hl, Seller., Sluiuiuu, Souther, sjteele, Slrauh, Welsh; Wilkuui and Wiigbt 23. - . Nay. Mesne. Crabh, Finney. Jorduu and Feiirnae 4. So the gucstiuu was determined iu the uiiiuuuiivu. Is tue Hues or RaeEEsasirtiivE,, A mil 28, IW7. The tesolutioa propoaing aineiidnicnta to the Constitu tion ol th. Coiuiuunweuliti Utu( undue eouudualiua, Ou the cilesliou, w in in. House aires to the tirl umeiidinxu! f The yens uud uu) a were uikeu areeuiaiy u, tlie provi- siou.of the Cousututioii, anduu the Liu piuouacduoieua. tut-iit, were a. loikiw, vie 1 Veus Mejuua. Aiider.ii, Arlhur, HjclhouK-. Hall, Reck Bishop, I tower, Hrowii.Culliouii, Cuuii,1m:1I. fliaw. Clea. rer, Crawf rd, Dickey, Enl, Kyster, Fauaokl, Foster, laiblmiiey, riihlua, ItuuieJ, Harper, Ueius. Ilie.taud, II ill llilkui, HoDuiaii, Uerk.J linhris, Inula, Jae ihs, Jenkuta, Johnson. Kaud'mnu, Kerr, Knii;it, Leiieuriua, l.oiiitnker Uiveii. aianear, Mau-ie.M'Catiu.ait, M'llvuiu. Moorhead' Aluiniua, Aluiaualuiau, Aieajla, Nichsai, 'uiieinacher Peters, Fstrikeii, Pownsii, FurceJI, Kaiusey! rcarsinl, Wlhrhl. KiiniiMniiun and fii- Ar....Lu L N.ys Measas. itackua, Beaas,iai,.la,a.-k. tiainiltoo, Hait e. k. Ilinc, II .iTiiiuu, (Lehnuuu,) Leuo, Stiulhera, Taofu, Warnsi and Wiutrode W. ' So tlie que ion wu detet mined in lh.amrm.liva. On the queatiuia. Will the llouto are to the eeeonaj araaudmeiit The yeaaaud uss were taken agreeably to the prori- siuii. of the C lu.tiiutiou, aud were ua follow, viz ; Veaa Meaaia Anderson, Backhouse, Bull, Beck! Bosr- er CaUiouii Cumubell, Carty, Eut, Fuusold, Foster. OUdea U.meL Uarpex, H.iiu, Iliestaud, Hillegas, Iloff- Sl"j'k' "i'H'' ,.mh' Jenkins, Johae, " s-""". Kaujta, Uterwrirrt IfukrarVlxTrr.! ii miauei,ui., Kumsey, 1 ora. Heuiuel, Heed, Roberts Hupp, stiuw, Sloan, Siuilh. (OiniUi..) Suntli, (U,iini bleveua ui, T ilau, vail, unrikulii., Vu kera, Voejibiov ivaier. tvestnrooa. wiiurtou. lViiii.ii... ti rhoanej, Maualc, M'Uvaln, MonrehtaJ, Mutselroan, Ni M Is, ik:ij.iimh. NoiKinactier, peursmi, I'eters, tvulkin Powimft, Purceil, Hmnsey, (l'hilndelphia,J Ramsey, (York) ilearrrar, Hoaen. Rupp, Wwrw, ton, Tolan, VaU, Vorghley. Walter, Wesluiuott, Wharlou, ZimuJT mnn and Geta, Speaker ft7. Nit.Ts.MMra Anrthur. Anffnttin. nncfcn. Pen son, Bishop, Ilrnwii, Chase, Cleuver. Crawford, Kyster, iu Ihhiv. ItnmiiLin Hntieiirk. Hill. lime. l4orTmnn. I Ieba nnn, Jncot, Kerr, l-ebo, M'Calmont, Mumina,' Reed, in, (Cambria.. Hmilh fCentre.l Wevenaon, ttruthers, Thorn, Vnnvoorhis, Viekers, WRgimseller, Warner, Win trode, Witherow and Wriuht .14. fi the question was determined m th atfirrnaliva. On the question, Wilt the House mjree fo Ihe third amendment f The .yens and nays were token agreeably to the provi sions of the Oqmtitntion, and were as follow, via: Yens Messrs. Anderson, liuckhouse. llrtll. Heck, Ties- son, Bower, Hrrwn. CoJhoim, Campbell. Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Knr, Kyster, Fausold, Foster, Gibl. , ney, Hiunel, tlnrper, Heins, lleistand. Hill, Hillcgns, HorT man (Iterka) Ilr.frinun fU'lmnon,) Ihrnsekeener, Imbrte, limes, Jacobs, Jolma, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, leho, lmcsker, Lorett. Msttrtir, Mangle, M'Calinont, Moor heml, JlTtnnma, Mnssehnan, Nichols, Nicholson, Nune mricher, Frnrsoii, Peters, Pettikin, FowiiaMs P 11 reel I, Kamsny, (Vorkj) Reamer, Hel, Hupp, thuw,, Slonn, Hiuilh, (Cumbria,) Smith, (Ccntje,) Pteve ison, Tolun, Vnll, Vnnvotirhia, Viekets, Vocghley. WTp inscller. West brook. Willitton, Witherow, Writjht, Znnineimon and Get. Speaker 7'J. Nays Messia. Arthur, Augnsline, Hack us, Bishop, Carty, Dock, (Jildsa, Httmilt'H), llanonckr lline, Jenkins, Knight, I .ctscuriiiK, M'llvnin, Hnmsev. (IMiilndclphia.) Itoherts, Strut bars, Thoin. Walter, Warner, Whartou and Wintrmle 22. Ki the question was determined in the affirmative. . On the question, Willthe House agree to the fourth amendment? The yens and nays were taken ngreeuhly to the provi sion of the Constitution, and were aa follow, viz : Yens Messrs. Anderson, Arthur Backhouse. Hack us, Hall, Beck, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown. Calhoun, Cnmplell, Carty, Chose, Cteaver, Crawford, Dickey, F.nt, Kyster. Fuusold, Foster, liibbom-y, Oilden. Ilninel, Har per. Heins, Tliestnnd, Hill, Ilillenas, nfTinm, (Berks) IlorTtnan, (lliaiinn) Housekeeper, lml-ne, Innes. Jncolw, Jenkins, Johns. Johnson, KnulTmau, Kerr, Ieb 1, liseu nf, Iiiignkr, ltvett, Manenr, Mnngle. M'Calmonl, M'ilvain, Mamma. Mussel ma 11, Nichols, Nieholsiai, Nunc maeiier, Pinrson. Feteis, Fetrikui, Powuiill, Purccll, nnnrscv, PhiladelphiH Ramsey. (Vork ) Reamer, Heed, Rolicrtp, Hnpp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith (Cambria,) Smith (Centre.) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vnnvoorhis. Viekers, voeirhlev. WnBonsuHer. Wainer, West brook, Wharton. Williston, Witherow, innnernian and Geiz Speaker. Nays Mess? s Dock. Hamilton, Ua.xock, Strutliers, Thorn, WiutriHleaml Wright. 7. So the question was determined in the affirmative. Srck star vb Offick. I Harrisburg, June 33, Itv?. J Pennsylvania, $3. I do hereby certify that the alove nnd foregoing i a trua nnd correct copy of the "Yeas" and ''Nays" taken on the Resolution propping amendments to th Const itu tion of the Conunonwcnlth. hs the same npnctn s on the Journals of the two Houses of the fteniTal Assembly of in in vf'miiioiuvrniifi ir rnesesfion 01 ie;. ess my hand nnd seal of aaid office, this -second day of June, cue Ihuusuud eiphl L.S. S I wenty-i 1 and nTly-aevcn. A. U. CI It I 1. Secretary 0 the Cvmmomcculth. Ja!y4,l?:7. Saddle aud Harness Maker. HENRY HA.XTjPTr, Successor to A, J, Stmh, KnsrnCTFUM.Y inform ihe ,$Zi$k ciZun f Sunhurv ami the pub-V--Jslic generally, ihat lie has taken. "Sr the estuldibhmciit lately orcujicd A. J troll ci:d ia f rrj artd to luin out vroik in is line of business equal lo any marie in tl:is, section ot'llie country. Orders promptly excuu led ar.d all kimls of produce taken in I'xchauj-e ifunLury. Mny 9, 1 H;7. ly CEOIiGE UENN, l NNOL'NCKS to the citizens of Pimliury ami vicinty, Hint lie liasoirncl an oilice in Sun bury, aliove H. J. Wulverton's ollicc opposite ('. Weaver's Hotel, wiierc he is prepared to attend to nil kinds of work belonging to the rufession, in the latest ami most improved stj le. All work well done and warranted. December 13. IR56. R. DECOU & GO. Clothiers, No. Chmtkvt Sr., ABOVE FowtTH, 1 Hlt.ADEI.rHlA, Keep couftar.liy on htirul a fp-'endij aflorlincnt of' Ready-made Clothing. Ccoui MAiT to Osra x 9 TO r.r. Nor.iS, l56.y A.t AKTit) Citrate of Hagnesia OK TASTELESS S A L T 3 , rMMUS prepnrtlion i. recommi'iiJcd ns an e celltnt laxniivn and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from auv unpleasant tante resembling limonnile in flavor, prep.ired uud sold by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1 P56. A lA'.'X Ii F.K HCHIt lmporttr and Wholesale healer in SALT. 38 South Wharves, Philadelphia. 'i AfciHTON Fine, Liverpool (around, I urks l.iand tiud Dairy Salt, en I -.-laiitly on hand and for in lots to suit the trade. April 4, 1857 (im 3STEW CONFECTIONABY. . WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL. M. C. GEA1IIIAKT, f 1 AS just received a new and excellent assort ment of goods at his C'linfeeticnnry and Fruit Slur in MARKET STREET, Smtburv, ere he manufactures ard keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, dec, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his slock uf t'ontcctionarics, maybe found : French Secrets, Curued Altuomls, ('renin White, 11 l.fmoa Rose, " Vanilla, Common Sccicls. Liiauerire, Gum Drops, all kinds of .cent, l.ove Droiia, Mint Drop., red aad while. Jelly Cakes, Kiuit Drops, Hick t'liiidtos, t all assets RoL'k Candy, Almond Cauidy,, I'runas, Date., Fig., Curranls dried, Citron., Ahuoiids, Raisnna, Nuts of ell kiada LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Scgars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectionaries, fruit, &c all of which is ofl'ered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He has also opened an fee Cream Saloon, and will at all tiqiea be ready to serve bis customers with lea Cream. bunbury, May 24, 1857 ly Afw Drugs, Paints, &c. NEW supply of ltrugs, Paints. 0iU, Fluid, &c, just received and for vale by A. W, FislIUR. Sunbury, Mny 2, 1857. FURNITURE POLISH. J. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Funtiture PolUh. This polish is highly valuable for resior, ing the polish on all kinds ofTuniiture, Glass, Carriage Bodies, Hair Cloth, tic. Also, for re. moving spots, hiding scratches. Ac. ic. . War ranted to dry immediately nnd retain its gloss. rrtce ou cts. per bottle. Sold by ' A. W. FISHER. Msrch U, I8ST. 'BOAT AND MULES flllE snbscrilier offers at private sale, SIX GOOD MILES, and a good SHAW.NEJi BOA'', with Gxiuree. The abovaj will be aaid cheap, and ou reasonable terms, . iu. JACOB SEA SHOLTZ, agent ' for JOHN BLACK. ; Sunbury, March 28, 1857. 1 I AN I WARRANTS. Tba highest pries -'will bo gives for Land Warrants by the sub. cribai .. ,.. ,.,Jt. ....... H..B MASrEU., STOPPERS fo B MA81ER. I. bar bottles for sal by (I, iunbury, Jaty t, I Si. EAUTHEKWAIIE. rilHE suliacriber respectfully In'orms the citl-1- sons r Sunbury and th publis generally, that he has commenced the manufacture uf all kinds sf , HARTIIEKWAIIE, at bis manufactory In Whortleberry Street, one square east of Ilia River. He has engsged the services of Mr. Haas, and you caa therefore depend on haviag a good article. The public are respectfully invite J to call. All orders frera a distance will be promptly' attended lo. , - ; , T. M.SHINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. S, 1S5C tf J()II. II. A. CO. Noa 1 and 4 Chestnut Street, (wmth Side, below W.tei,) (Taa Oldest Wiws-wss Itntrsa a the Citt.) MANUFACTl'RKRHomt hi rstcnt Macliine mmle HKOd.M?, I'utciit (Jn'vn) Cr.livr- Wnrn, wnrreiltect mit to phr ink, and WillowWare Conl., Brush., e ,of all dsrrintious. I'la call aad exsmhie uur siOfk. ,; , February S9, 1837. ly w . VALUABLE PROPERTY FOE SALE. riHE subscribe, Exerntors of the e.tate of JL Henry Masser, dec d., offer nt private sale the following property viz: A large two story frame dwelling bouse, together with about 60 ACKE8 OF I.AXD, Situate In Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John It. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one fur business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTOS r? LAND, in said township on the river about 5 miles be low Siinbu.y.Biljoining lands of J. T. M'Phcrson and others, containing, about SO acres. Th soil is productive and contains limestone an other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acre on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of tho heits of the late John Conrad and othurs. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For farther particulars apply to the subscribers, II. II. MAS8KK, ) P. B. MASSER, V Executors. FRANCIS 13UCHER. J Sunhnry, January 19, 1856. tf NEW ARRANGEMENT I Fresh A rrirat of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, kc. T I1HE undersigned fiaving taken the store for JL merly kept by William A. Itruner. is now ready to till orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a large aud well selected biock ol lrcshand pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dje-sttifTs, Oil, Points, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco nnd Imported ee;nra of the choicest brands, r ancy Motions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of nil kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphinc and Fluid ataays on hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold st moderate prices. Remember the piece, next door to K. Y B right's Mammoth Store.. A. W. riSHER. Sunbury, Mrych 14, 1857. MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, . Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. r" HlH IS large and commodious Hotel is situs' JSL tod nearly hulf way between Sunburv and i'ottsvillc. 'J'hc scenery the salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the mivt delightful summer retreats ir. the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories blub, fitted up with all tho modern con veniencea. I lie pure mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. The plare is easy of access, being but one and a halt hours ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sum bury Rail Road. From Pottuville, it is 17 niiUs Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable, ( harden mode rate. JF..VJE RICE. Mt. Carmel, May 21, lSSfi. tf 33. NEWLAND Sc CO. Looking Picture Tannics, KiigraTlnga and Ptttniings, rio. ISO Arch Strer.t, abo.o thla, (Late of 2 IS North SecnJ Si.) PHILADELPHIA. O.tisaiKS orssi uiili to riairoaa. Merchants snd other visiting the City who may want anything in our line will d well to give us a call. February 28, 1857. 8m 1. .VISE. CHEAP WATCH AND JKWKLRY STORE A'e 7S North, Seeond . Street, oppotite th Mount I crt, ntt House ) Philadelphia. ""JOLD Lever Watches, full jewelej, 18 K, ca sea, $28; Silver Lever do,, do., 12; Sil ver Lepine, do., $9 : J 11 artier. $5 to 7 : Gold Spectacles, $4 50 lo $ 10 ; Silver do., $1 50 ; hilver lable Spoons per sett, $14 to $18 Silver Desert do., do., $9 to SU ; Silver 'Pea do., do., JP4 73 to 7 50 ; Uold Pens and Gold Ca ses, $3 25 to $5 ; Gold Pens and .Silver do., $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Hold Curb , Guard and pub Chuins. All goods warranted to tie as represented, batches snd Jewclrv, repaired in the best manner. Also.Ms sonic Murks, Pins, &c, made to order. N. B. All oiders sent by mail or otherwise. will lie punctually attended lo. Phila., Oct. 4, 1856. lyw. FEILI? H. FtTPaDT. WHOLKSALB AMU HETAI L Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, & E. eor. Walnut aud Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly suppiten at ine lowest prices. October 4. 1856. tf BR0DHEAD & ROBERTS, No. 135, Ar. 3rf Street, rUIX.ADQX.PBIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants and others, to their stock of BOOTS Sc SHOES, which they .will dispose of on tits most reason able terms. No.9, 1856.- ly . C. EEITKEP.T'S. WHOLFSA1S AMI RsTAIL BOOT STOREj 40 South Fourth S.t, jioc Chesnnt, PJiiVa. BOOTS, Shoes, Gaitera, kc, prntnptly made to order in the very best so le, and of the best materiul, Philadelphia, May 9, 1857 Leather ! Leather I Leather I . HENRY W. OVtR.MAX, IMPORTER of Frrm-h Cull" Skins ami fpueral Leatlial Iruk-r, No. S S.1111I1 Third itrret. IMilluSrlphia. A a.usraj aaaortinent of all Stasis ut Leuthur Moroeoa, Vo , 4,1. Htd and Oi.k Bole I.mlher. February SS, 18.7. ly w Ii. O. IVES' Produte and Fruit Store, No. 15 A'orfA H'Aort'cs, Philadelphia. .hipping snd Ceuntry Oorders promptly filled , m on. responsible orders. Parroers and Dealers' Produce Sold o Com Biisbien, . , Apples,' Bananas," Pine A pplcs, Dried Truit, Onions, Oranges, (Shell Uari.a, Raisins, Beans, Lemons, White & Sweet Pigs, Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry, Peaches, Ground Nunts, Chesnuts, Eggs, dee. Foreign aud D"'''" Produce and fruit sen erally, - ' ' ' ' rehrtiajy 61. H57t-ly. Bhamokin White Ash Anthracitu Coat From the "Old Vein" in the GarCollierv. J H. ZIMMERMAN & JNO. P. PIRREL " successors to Kase, Reed eV Co., will coif tlttue mining, shipping and selling coal from tlM above well known Colliery, tinder tho firm of ....merrnan a I'ureel. 1 be point of shipment s at the lower wharfln Bunbury, Northumber. land county, Pa, where all orders for the rarious kinds of coal, ii 1 hnmp, Broken, Egg, Store, anil l.h..lnnl PmI . .. . .. ' ...... ..o,, nm ua uianaiu T reasMvetl and promptly attended to. Bunbury, July 14, 1855, , , ' Scncar, Jptt , l6. The firm of Kase. Reed 4- Co. ha.i.. their lease In the Gap Colliery and lnl'st in the wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman St. 1 ursei, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers snd others to the new firm, a. they will be able to sell them prepared coal el the beat quality. 'RASH, RF.ED CO. ' HAYD0CK & FIDDLER, TJEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, win . eontinne the business at the old staad m James B. Fidler, iS'o. 12 South Second Street. rilll.ADKl.PlllA, Where they solicit an examination of their tarn and varied stock, feeling assured that the expe r.ence both of them have had in the burinrss and the lacilities they possess for prorurinf goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena bio them to compete fnvorsblv with any otho establishment in the city. They have now 01 hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, I'lHted and Briltania Warer Catlerr r ancy Goods, Ac, Ac N. B Repniring of Watches and all kinds jeweiry atienued to with prompttieee and tin greatest care. Phtla., April 7, 1855. tf. white house hotel. POTTSVILLE, PA. Tmn.ubcribcr respectfully annrannces to hi, old frtcnils and the ii.i t,. i.. . , that old and well known establishment, the "White Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Msha.itojo sts., i. the Borouirli of Pottsville. Tb. hn.J. u. ' '. cently been very much enlarged and othjrw-v improved, rendenng it qi t conafortable .1 any ether Hotel in ih,t Ikill county-whit, the stables are larRe, in Rood cordition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. 1 o travellers snd others who mav atop st hi lioute, bs pronusss every attention calculated ti render thein omrortalle and satisfied. A a ,o.c J0S-M- FKosa. April 5, 135.- if 1IETTRY DOHITEL, ATTpElNBIT AT LAW. Office opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Korthumberlaad County Pa. Prompt attention to lusittois in atiioinia' .ounlies. EAGLE HOTEL. OPPOSITE fftST BRANCH DANK, WILLIAMSPORT, FA. WILLI im 11. hay. Proprietor. C. A. 8ti ss, Assistant. N. B. Omnibua will rnn to and from tb Depot and Pscket Landings, to tiis Hotel, fn of charge. September 13. 1856. ef DAKVILLE II0TEL JOHN KEEN, Market Street, Dant i'.le, Pa, r"HI8 ia one of tho largest and most mtnit X dious hotels in the interior of Pennsjlvsni It as been recently fitted up, in excellent a)! with all ihe modern conveniences. OanVilled, Sept. 22, 1855. Cheap Watches fjJewelr;. IIOLKSALE and Retail, at the "I'hilaJ; ' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," Kj. fi North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Cold Lever Watchea, full jewe lea, If ea.-.t ra. tfl,i Hold Lepma lsk. 2l.oti!Kine!ilvwpeitaclai. H Silver Lever, full jewi'it W Hnpeiior Qiiuilit:., 7 Iio'u luurt-!:., a.. adirt' Gilu fon-.U, l,f Uvrr Tna .pooas, ,t lioltl Sp-tu-!et, 7X0 noiii 1 on., wnn rencii ana Silver Io'dur, , Gold Fincer Rings, 37J cents to $80 ; Watc' Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, 1SJ; Lune 25; other article, in proportion. All goods wat ranted to be what they are sold for. KTALKFEK A HAKLElf. On hand, some (io!d and Silver Levers an. I.epincs, still lower than tlie above prices. ct. 4. IR.Ifi. y. A B-NOLD-8 WR1TI.NO Kl.nU and' sive and legal envelojma, for sale by Ado. 11. B. MAasKtt. Htinbunr, Jan 16. IRSfi GEORGE SCHALL & CO. 31AHU FACI L'atR or BLASTING POWDER, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, Pa. May 10, 18-r)6 1 J LANK Parchmcni Paper Deeds aud Uai'k Mortgages, Bonds, I'locutions, Sumuio &c. forsulcu . B. MASSKV Bunbury Arri SS. 1AA6 STCDVES TOR SALE an excellent second hand Csok' ing Stove, also several Cylinder Cu.l 8toea. Enquire at ibis otTlce. G1 OLD PENS with and without cases, ef a I very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Pluid, for sals y H. Is. MASSEU. Sunbury, Per. 87. lKftt- GOSUEN CHEESE. Jast received am) fvr ttle lT LKVI bE.VSHOLTZ April II, I8S7. CJILVER WATCHES. A few double ease English tsilver-'AVutchcs, for sale at very low pncea by 11, B HASStR. Sunhiirv. April It. lfiRB. AMKKICAN HOUSE, WlLLIAMsrOUT, PA., X II. iil l.i o.v, I'roitrlcfosr. J as. T. U am.. Asst. Sept. 13, 18j6. tf 1 J)i:RE OLIVE OIL for tnble use,-two a at STi aud 6'JJ cents junt received by A. W. PISHFJl, Msrch H. '57. JaJtatioiiery. A large supply of fancy Note 1'uper and Mourninar. I.itp. and Cup Paper, Pens, Ink, ISand, &e., at March H, '57. A. W. FISHER'S. HORT MONAIES, Tooth and Hair Brush all qualities, snd any quajiti v, for aale by A. V. PWHEIt Marco 14, "S7. a siiAWTV ron S.4LK. flHE subscriber oilers for sale his 8IIAXTT 1 Cook-Siove, 4c., on the Rail-Road btluw' Trssorlon Uridje. Apply soon to . L . . h. u. masses: Sunbury, April ili, I8S7. FOB SALE. A Good second-hand Buggy. Apply at this olliee. FOR rtEISTT. f 11HE Store Room in Market street, occupied J. by P. W. Gray snd the dwelling bouse ad joining. Apply lo the executors at' JJ. Maasai1, fUceased. . Jaauary, IT, I.SajT..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers