afes AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. The Exocutivs Commltt.s appointed by tti President of the Agricultural Society of Wor'.hunibenund county, met agreeably to ftutioe and appointed tlia following ees . contrrri or AnRANOKMKNTS. Iff. ffm. McOlecry, Wm. P. Nnpla, J. II. K kbi-rt, It. M. Frick, J I. A. Moodlo, J. M. Huff, A. II. L!lair, Tims. Bwcuk, E. W. Cliupin, Jlenry Kohlef, l.Jj. Davis. Frederick vYlluelm, J. H. M'Ourmick, J. It. Kwcd, Chna Stout, J. V. Uoudluoder, Cyrus Hrown, Ueorge W. Btrioe, John Koueh, James Montgomery, It tens resolved to hold tlie Exhibition oo Uic lytb and 16th days cf October not, LIST OP PREMIUMS. licit stallion over 4 joars old, tjl 00 2 00 3 00 1 50 4 00 2 CO 4 00 2 00 robn R i, Wiu. 4 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 2 CO i CO 4 CO 3 00 1 50 1 00 'id do do 11 under 4 years i-IJ, 2J 44 2d ui.ue aod colt, pnir ofinalub horses, " single horse, Amos E. Kapp, Jesse C. Ilortoo, Eek, 1J. C. Wsuou, W illiam Heine il'C'k'try and Jubu Nicely, Judges. C ATT LB. Beet bull over 2 jer nM, 2d " " " undur 3 yea cow, . brifiT, ad 2 J yokt uf ox-n. ml (.ix or cow, 24 calf under 1 year. Wilson Ilutcbiton, Slnion Cameron, Ho. tert M't.Yiinick, Kiliuu Duukel, Jacob Han ticker, Joseph Nicely, Jobu M. Wyguer uud Geo. Frederick, Judges. smxfl. Erst boar, ' . sow, ?3 00 2 00 2 00 1 fit) 2 00 1 M) 2 00 2 00 puir of .liua'.s, litter of l'iu uodvr.3 mm lbs, " fat lio, E. Crawford, Daniel V. Caul, Wm. Taylor David Engl.', Franklin Funk, D. 11. Dieis buuL uud Win." Fullmer, Jadge. siiBitr. Lost rm, ewe, " lamb. 11. ck of 6 or more, Huniuvl Jobu. L. I.. Ireland. D. O potm-iy, NaUiuaiel liiitt.iii, Jams Judge. aOr.ICtXTl'RTAL ritOLVi'Tt. Host 3 acre of wlinat,, .. ;j .. ry 3 " euro, ' a " ot 3 CO 2 00 2 00 2 00 Miiit. Unkej, 1 CO 3 i;o 3 00 2 00 Tim carliScatu of two respeeUlila men an tw lavusuruiiii-nt and product rsipairad. Uut btisb.ul of wlnsst, 01 rie, 1 " corn, I 11 outs, 1 ' polutce, 1 A " aweut potatoes. 1 McCortuicU, Joseph Nubit, Deuuis Wolvu.tcii, Andrew Armstrong, David Mrr Joarpli It. I'riObtly, Franklin. Davis, J udei. rotLVUT. lio.t pir of turkeys, geese, " chicken. CI 1 1 co lii '.tlon of 10 tliichto, 21 William Fulkanon, Jatnoi Covert, Cliarl.a l.x, W. F. Foray tUe, J. Ai.i'ladl, Henry, J LH.tya. r o;taili!. Fn leou. it t Uea .l a i te: 3 ' curiuU " " turnip, " ' taldily or nyatcr plant. Oiiiniis, uot !: liiKU U". $1 cabb.ijjo, UK. thri, iTUM), ' p:iniiktni, ' : toniiiluet, " Utlve, ' plant, I'l-iltiy, 12 fl.i'.k, BSiH'rtii.cnt tirgardoa vi gctobli t Suimiifl .Shaniiuii, F. W. Foliuck, Lei.jatn.u ;,! iit n, D-vid Marr, l'aul Mtwllr, Jan. fa.r i, JuU:i Twufd, Judge. rh'JIT. tict i bnhul of ippK, rpiiiicc, 4 pfbra, $ griipva. iJa!t price for aveouu bes-t, eAth. C2 1 1 I Win. I. On LMioiigb, Wru. II. Frymir, II. J. Mu-r, Julia V. lionrd, lleurj Itnu-er, J ami's llwutl, John H. Tucker, Uoburt II. McCur.nick, Judgca. St 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 " ronper, " 8Pt:d drill, " tvumowm tn ill p com ebo.leT, ( plovr, " cultivator, " roliwr, corn plnK, KiraM cuitiT, " farm wiioti, " Belt of h irnf ia, 2 w l.ur:u ruk, 1 " grain rake, 1 riiiliii FwllnuM. Jainei Cameron, Simon LatiU. Joli.i Mor.t-'omery, IV tor SchutfVr, Jobu U.iax. li. W. Chiipiu, Thomas Mervite J udts. t'AIRT, RTC. lal but tor, not leva ibtin 5 lbs., ' ht:Dcyt " loil bread, not loss tbut i its., 11 h tm I'utvd by exhibitor, bard aortp, ' 6 tb., applj butier, 2 quarts, preetil'Vt:S, $1 50 1 00 1 uo 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Jubn Utihh( J. Wcoth Brown, T. A. Fox John IJ. Brown. A. II. Blair, Martin Billmy r, Cioo. 11. Iluru, Jude. PUMKKI1C MAKf rACTt'RRfl P't 15 y.irdi woolen carpeti, 2 - 2d " 1 Of) 00 50 75 00 00 00 01) " rag carpet, I 21 qiilt, 1 " hearth r ttcrt 1 . ' pair bluiiii ti, I ciotU (houitt-Muue) lOy&rJa, 1 " a.mnt-1, 1 M gloves or mittona, 00 75 AVirain Siraub Thomaa Swenti, Samuel T ProHii. Wm. V Nai;U, Jobo fc. Lavrson, Hugh Mai tin, Judaea. 1LOW1NO MATCD Chat-Inn Kiddlea, Samuel Blain, John B. Hell r, lvdiati Dutiktl. Isaac Mursh, UobrV Noi;e but niombors of the Society wiU1fl Ttarmttted ii compi le for prizes, lraoii8 r.uin uny county, Stato or country lan bt'cuuiu nu oib ra ou payment of fifty cent., tu the '1 reusunr, or lomufcbip com lmttfti-iiiiin. Pnrfina brinirinir articlt! for aibibitiou ll be recjuiivd to fitter the same ou the Ht day Of tbtt fcXblDlliOU ilU vue propir vuicria tut" tSLlOlliOtl w.iu vuo propei Competition is earnestly icvited from parlt of lb county, and from Neighboring couiitiet. Judges will commence tbeir duties at 10 o'cloak. Addreisrt will be dulived after Hie report of commit teo, awarding prwniiuint, on tbo second Uuy. W. 0. LAW60N, Pret'l M ilton, Sept. 1 1, 1857. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. . FITsUfci fluufcrihtr oiU rt at priva' tnle Hie house .. a ii J l.ut now occupici) by liimit.lf, iiUHcd on fho curnpr of liiver and ii'IJrhcrry atrecU, Sun bury 'i be iniprovenn nt re two itory FRAME DWELLING, nearly ticw, a Wnh-houso and Wond hnuso and a good Hallo. A lo on excellent Well of Wi tcr. There U olio on the lot a chojea variety i-f rooJ hint. Tetmn cany, r or further parli culal4 apply to CHAKI.ES GOUIX. Sunlury Sept. 12, 1857. tf . EXCELSOIR BTIIINQ BED. (GoM 2'u'ent, Septaultr 2d 1856.) IOR whirh a diploma wan awarded al the Kighth Kxliil'iiion oftboAfaM. Cliurituble Mechanic Association. Tli if U an entirely new application of spiral priii to beds, mukinj; a more coinfortaole, neat er, and etienper aprtng fed l!uti ban been ottered to tba puhlic, applicable, to old aa well aa new be.lsicadu. The prruliar porition of ihe springs elevate the head i!;htly, saving t!io trouble of building up the beud with extra bolftcra. TUo conhtrurtiun is so pint pi r and every pat so exposed, tbnt bugs have no hiding place, and the most iuexperienced rnti tuke out ea h for Wflfclting. as thev are only fastened hv a hultun. . . r . . . S, - r j v.i . . ... r..... j i.u public lire. I only see this lu'U to appreciate it. 'J'be aubrcriber has purclmffd the right of manufactuiing, and aelltng, in Northumbtji land eouuty, and will lurnih th articlo at reasonable rate. LCtV springs put in o!d bcJitoaun for throe dol lars ISAAC M. WILKEKbPN. Sunhury, Hupt. V2t 18i7. if rilOCLAMATlON. 1) fliSh'A.NT ti an act of th tier.erul Aembl of the iVmiioiiweuhh of pt.tmvj lemon, entnlid An uet iclulinif tii lUti ciertK'ii of this CouimonwcHlth," approved the Sf:..nJ day oi July, Ami. l,'oi:mi , one tlfiifcnul e-ht huiKlred i;nd tfmiy-inne, 1, ill.MtV Wl.iM:, llti(h Sbetitrcf Ihe e.iuiity of .N'Ttlniniiji'iii'iR!, l'ciii.RyJ vamii, rt't (ureby m;il;e fc-Vn nnd give tU'lict l i the eUe tors m the county nfoies iid, lira a cncrul fleet i n "iil be beid tn Mid eotintv of NortliU.n:eluti.l the bKCO.NU Tl'i.SUAV KUh rf ll 'ltli,K, If57 tit wheii lime btate and County Ollictis, ua iolk'3. tire to be elected : One p:iyon u U jvcrn. I cf the C,miu.uuve;lu i f I'emi- 8) IViClM. i wo peisoua an Judges of the rupieme Court of rein; sylutmu n- ! On person a Canal uc of th'i C mm we;4ii;t. tJtiw pers-u ns member i f the Semite of tl.e Oeueml AMetoly of J'rni.aHunm in eonjuuetiun with the ccun ties of Sii)der, Montour nnd Cj!uinhia. One peis n r.s Mienil f.r the cunt) Norlhc.mVrlarrt. One peison as Metnljer if the iloune -f U ej. re ecu lu lives to repr:fflt tlie county of N'.uthi'.uibvr!aud. One ptiMi cs Coniinisviuiier for tbo county of N'-Tlh-uinheilumi loi u at 9 yeats. Due prison us Piuilionulury fT the eounty of XotOjuin bet !:oiJ. tbte rersjH si Trmmrcr for tlie county of N'oxthtnn Itrlu.d. One person as Auditor fr the county of Northumber land. I s'so heTtby mike kit -nil and five not. re thai the p litres t.f h tiding the af re-.t;d r.tiit-iiil eleetiui in tii-; Sev eral rtTorbs nnd towmliips wiihin the county of Nor lUunibiTland a.; a & full Wi : The Sdiifc'irv Uibtrijt, eompnsed ef the b T.iiijrh cf S'jiil'Uiy, a:tU L'picr Aoium, ut the County Court Home. r Tot Aueivyi Lditriet, eotiprfd of the township c L 'wer Auj;.kia, ut the iiuuc ot JJunUtlbkiger, hi L:a' towtinhip- Tiie N-iitli'jmbprland DUtriet, coinpoiied of thu bornuIi of Nor!bi:nibeilaiul, nt the of C. r. Jlr iwn, of the U-irMiiph of Norihnmhcrtaiid. The i. i-r. Districl, at the hcuse of Ilotity lluus, iu the boroi''li if ZV'jrtiiuiiiberland. T!ie V.iltMi Liisuict, at the house cf l'rcdenek tickt, in s-iij O'lruttca. Tr:c T'jrttit l;iti.ct, nt the hou occupied by Abraliam K'ssinirrr. lbs UIaware District, al thu f:n.i;i; Spruis hobol II 'uet. I lie Cbd.MUacue LMstnct ot tro h use f ITeiucm.u roTdftman. . Tiie Lewis Disiric. at the house occupieil by Michael Reader. l i e Si:mi 'Vln rutrxt, ct the In. use of Chains Ltificn- rtI'o'i. f-.- .U Tt f..l.,i i t'- I. ...... . ..f i iiiC 11 ..utn'ifj Kuiuii, .ii tlia ii"urt atiai I jvetibart. The l.tit.o Slauonoy D:i:rirt, at Ihe h' nse of wk!ow r . Raker. Tlie Lower MajnoT District, ot the h?use of Arrvesst. 1 uo littun j.'jsinei, ni nc i.iceny I'oir rcnocj iimpo. The Jacun l-isuict, at the li iusu occupitd by (wilrn Suilh. The C.-.V. Disirirt. a! U'c heme of M t'iinm M. Wwiver. in the t'vn of Sh;.uioV.iu. Tue Zria district at the hue T jubn caver in Trevort o. Tha Cani'Mn ihstrirt, at the hnuse or c mT ! Vtf, Tlie Jordan iisiriet al ttie ii..r.e of Hcnjnmin l.eitz-!. Tue M. hi to. (Jut met Donrict at tbo rttbuc h une it Fe ll tercb. TiiO N aU':tV n IJIsirictattlie houic of Godfrey II. Uc- b;ck. AMENDMENTS TO THU t'ONf IT I L T.CN. I s!s- bffeSy mukc kw-wn I'mt at '.be kui.c ho.r si d place the foil-'wirj .ro;vfcd Amei.'.hin-nts t the Cot tut will be Vt'lcd up 'i), t:i ucc"U':mce with un Ait ol Awetubly.'ed tlie V h i'uy ul AUy, Itj. as .iU.jwi: VHEiti:. A i unt rt-i ilu'i'. n ct rum umi-nd- ments to the Constitution cf the Ct inuionwettlth i.:a Lc u ucd to by a inaj rily of lla mcntbeia to eucii II ,ukc oi Uic ljt git;uiure, tr. J siHt:i,i.Mv u vi ii oi uie u ::e, the Jb.l fcesrt.'ii rnmieiicing on the brt I it. zlny of J..uu ary, in the year (I t:ur l-oul one thou or ml eibt bu.uli-d a id fifiv-siX, ei.d tlie sicond sei-iou coioiaeucmg on ti;e fust 1 ties ay of J:oai:iryt in the y r of our! cue , tuous-iud et! tit hundred aiul tilly-st veil. j And W lit-recs. it is proviicii hi the leuin artu.c oi tiie j Constitution, tbut i.ny Hitieudnieut s i irjr-t-d upon .ln.!l lie : submitted b the people in s.icii a muuucr ul rik-ii lime ut bNiiil three in. nil s ultei being so tiered to by tue iwo i li,ms, ns the lislnture. tlmil priscuha : Ami iiliii.- : ai, fly nn Act ot t;ie l.t ij uf anre of this Com:nonwei:lt!i, emit I tti ''An Act prfscrjtiintf lie lime and nnoutri of nub initting to the i e le 1 n tbttf rai.iicatioti or fcjcrtioii tl.e prvpot.d Auu-nJiin i:U to liic Consiiiutiun," nrproved .!:iy twebtb, Atmo li:.iiui one thounauk t'ilit liu;i(litl and ti:'ty-sevenf it is HinOjig oibvr tlintjif, pr us lob l t" w.t: hxc. 1. Tt.nt f r the j.urp f rf :'Lfsrtaimng tl.e sepc of the titijEcnaof this uiinonwtn'ifi in ictM t ithe u.-! p tion t rej-etion f tod a;:ieidnn-n:s, or eit!:ei of tin-in ihe G ivern ir of l!iis C Jintrt itiwciIMi hiM isue a writ ol F.leetiii directed to the iietnf of each m-d rvtrj c uni ty of this C 'mo: iMwer-lte c.ii.iti:-tti'lii. t!:em t give m lics in the usu-il niunuer, tit nt let tlun two urwpuptia in eieb c atuiy, pr.i t-lrtl t.i it so nuiiy me p,n!-litlitd tii re in, tlii'.t j'oi ei-.ctt.'ii will be he'd in em-h ol the lowiiMiips, wairis, indd.etiii Is therein, on the fcecoud Tjesdio, in Oc tober, in tbevtni of our 1 id one tlr u iti.l eiiit bun dTcd and tifty-stven. for the puiprtte of deciding upou the adoption or r jccln u of the and uinendmciit, oi uny of them ; which nu:d e Iti li'-u hhu'A be. I ti ul the pUc?s. nnd opened au-1 r! .ted ul the lime at uiiJ within which the general elections of this Commonwealth ure he!d opneJ and closet) ; and it shall be the duty of die judges inip-c. tut ard clerks) of eaca and sutd towniinpi, ward and it ta li icts to receive at ihe siod election lick cist cither wmlen or prinled, or jKirily wrillcn uud partly printed, from etii zensduiy quablied It Vole for tiiembcis of thu lien era) Assembly, and t uiep-'Stt ito ni in a oox or u -ie i-i te tot that put poke provided by tiie propei uluoees j whicli lick ets shall be respectively lalw-itcd on liioouUide, i,lvnt amendimitt," '-rccoud amendment," tnuu uii.Liniir.ent," and fviititli ninettduieui," ami tisnbe who are favomi.le to said ameiidineui, or any of them may express their den." by Voting e;ich us rcparate written or prn.tetl b:ill t i r tickets, e nit. on i. tg on t e there"! thu words, - t--r the buiLinhneiti," nun in waoaie opj.ojeu io fiu a amendments, or any of theni, ion espicrslbcii oppoc:t,.n bv Votms each 'ik many sepeiate wnit ii or prmh-ii iicacts coiiiaiuinif on the inside thereof ti;e wnnlt, iigumst the ttiucinlu.eiits. rii-c 2. That t'ia election on the tnnu prop umenn. menu shall in all respects be coaducUtl us the aciierm e! tions ol this Lommoiiweaun are now tuiiiuaoi, nun shill lie dul v of tlie return juris es of the Tespeetive c tin tu a and dittricU thereof, liret Imving euu-luUv ai-cerlaini i ihe number itf votes nil en for or ncjinbt each of amendmeuta in the nuoiuur at'orrwiid, to tmtke out dupli eatii rwiims thereof, exr recsi-d la words al k ii"th and ti 't in ttcarcs only, "ue ol wlucti rcutrrts s J iivnie buia ne lod ge I in the prolhonotur 'a office of l!ic court nf counn- n po as il tne proper county, oi.n me om r rumi aim u.n t: ted to the tJceretnry f the CMion n wealth and by lie ol said iitdtiea Uviioirilud foriiiAith in the nioal cunveciO'tit rust oiiicu.' The tflreiion to ortcn between the -hours of 6 and "10 o'clock in the foreiio und hbail cotitniue with :ul uiter ruption or Ldjounnnent until 7 o'clock in the evening wnen lite polls alia!) ue c: -tto. The several Inspectors uud Judges elected nn the 3d Friday of Mjtch, lK in of the 3d Section of he uct of the yd of July, ljxif, wilt livid ibu election on Tut&day U e iV.iU duy of Ceiobcr tuct- And the Mid Art of AuanibJy, eotillwP'an aet relating to the elect iona of this Commonwealth' passed July the 2 ol. I'm i Her piovidcs us follows, to wit : That the tusectms uitd Judges chosen us aforesaid, shall intet at the n(HMt ive piucej for h kliug Ine eleelioii in Ihe district to wlncU they rospeclluily Kl'-ng before nine o'clock u Ihe niuruiug of the second Tuecduy oi Oc tober in each und every ear, and each f said tnspeclors ahali aprHnnt one clerk, who saaU be a quuliUcd voter ff such d strict. hecTioa 8- That any fraud committed bv any perfc n voting in the maimer above preset iticd, shall las punished as similar frauds arc ditectcd lu be punished by the exist ing laws nf this Common wealth. "In esse the person who shall have received the second, highest ntonber of votes f Inspectors shall not attend on lUe nay ot any eieimou, uku o. riHmi.lian nuvs received the scckI highest number of votes for Judjre the neat nreedimt elect ic a, sliall act as an insnectoi in his ' .M : T .1.. uraL-a lnfl Jitilatt SvAbII nnl all. n.l ;r;c,,ainBst).p".ltea Jud,. uol ua,a all fr..iiit-T wbri"H h'giMt aambnef rt, kill arrant a Xuriffa bis fiscal and tTanf Tumney hall ouliuu In Ihe Unrd for lli (( ol tin ll nil hour Hf tar the tima taxed by Utr for tlia oveuinn of Uic eJcU ii, ahs qunlitied voieis of lit township, ward or no district, faff which such oftioers sliaU have bit, clvcfed, prt-aoiH at sii pfaoa ot olcclKiis, snail ouo of thair uunibor io tilt such vacancy. iliatt bs the dnlv aaid assasaors reapeotlvely to at iond at ills fines of hf klinsf a very general, apocifit, tr iwnaht, ereciion, duriirg ttM whMa lime an id eltrrtlou is keptopttfi, I r the purpoM of Riving irtfuriimilou to ths Inspectors and Judge, when en i tod on, In relation to the iiUiaiot any person asstseed by tliein to vote at such elre tioii, or such other luuttrrs In iclutiim to the aaacasmetil ot vtitrra, aa the s.-tid inspccttir or judgu or sillier of ikvta shall I ruin lune to time require. No person stioll be permitted to vote ot any election as aforesaid, other limn a white free man ot twenty-one or m ret who shiill have resided in the stnte at lea tone year, and in the elfcti u district where he orti-r to vitn nt letist ten duys immediately preceding the electi n, nnd within two roars paid stale ot county tux. which thull have been arseMed at U:ant tfiidoyg before the election, Jiut B vitizeii of the United Suites wito had previously been ft qualified voter ol this state, and removed therefrom and rissimied, and ahull have resided in the election district, and paid tax as nfort-Miit. ahnll be entitled to vote niter ruiiliiiar m this state six months, Provided, 1 hat the white fni'inn. eiti xena of the Lotted States, f)vtween the se of lwiit, -one and twenty-two yenra, nnd in the electi'i district ten tlnys as nfoes:inl, vliull be tntitlud to a vote, ultluugli lliey shall n t hnvo prod tuxes. No pcrs 'ii shall be permitted tti vnte whnsf nnmf is not Otilmm-d in the lint nt taxable tnlinlutunth fumihltid by the roinmtxrtionera in nloit'iuiid, unlet?, First i Jlu priKlurea a receipt for the ymeiit, within two years, of n tlnte or c mnty t;ix nssemed iigreenbly to the c iiAlit;iti"iit and enve nliafactoTy evklenes either on his tiwn ootlt oi nlhiino ttoti, or on the euth or atTiriTint i-'it i f nnothcr. he hrs pnid audi tax, or on failure to prKJt.ce a receipt, si ml! itfile un OLlt tu the paymeiit lltweof; orseroiul, U he eluiru a right to vote by being nil electi.r between the ttptn nf twenty-one and twenty-two years, he nhnll drp -se on with or ullirttiattnn, Unit he has resided in the State fit lemt tim year next beioru bis iipplm;ition, and ninkesucti pro f nf nsidinre in tho rlirtiif-tBS is required by this act; roid th:it he does verily believe from the ucc unt Riven hi in dent he is o ths ec nfurrsnirl, and Rive such other evi tlmces us is lefjuntd by tliis art, wheriupn the name i-f the person so m mi (ted to vote, hi ml I bo inmted in nlpha bKictil list by the inspectorM, unci a note mudc opptiMte tin ret ) by wniinc; the word tax," if he ilmll be penril 'td to vote by reuron of having paitl tax, or t'e wrd t'npc,1' if he shall bo permitted to vole m account cf I is a tie, and in either cue the ictia n of sitcli voles shall 1m euibtl out to the clerk, who shall inukc n -tt s in the list t f Voters kept by them. In all cuses where the imtuc of tlie per n clniminir to vote is not found on the lirt turnmlntt by the t'ommisti u- ! trs and A'sor( or his ri-;ht to vtc wiether found there on or lift, is objected to b) any qi'Ml.tii-d ciiizui, the In apcptiir shall exiiniiuesueli peisi n on ivtli n to liifi quiilifr ciiii im, .ntu ii nc t'juitus t j nave r ided in the flute one year vr more, his oath M ull be a proof thereof, but he shall ! prove by nt bust one competent witness, who sl-all te n qiiHlifigd elrrlor, t!i:it he lecnled within the distiiel at least ten (invs next unim-ilMlt'ly prceeduic the election, nnd sli:il nnre ol luwtul enllnitr is vithiu t!te disttiet. ami tbnt hn initiavn nnrai ainii inn lonil lint rf'Kllieiire. Ill PUTbU- dul nl rem )c into si; id district for llm nurposo of voting therein. Kveiy pesjn qn difird ns tiforenM, and who shnll make priM.f, if required, f reKUleut and pm uicnt of t.ixr, ns uforesnid, fl.all be ndmittitt to vie in tl'ie township, word or diftriet in which be s!iM! reside. If any person not qiuliiicd to v.te inlhisConiininwenlih a'eeably to law, (txeept the sons of qnhfid cittzcm'J slmllappeiir at nay p'.ice of clertiou i r tt-r j urp he of Piiinir tick cf, cr iuibieuei:;g eilit-ns qmnihi-d 1 1 v 'te, ba slifill, on e mviti in, f -rtt-it and pity nny s-im not excuw! inp one hundred t llnrs for every inns mc!i i II. nee, nnd b; im,risuieo f.iritny term hot exrvrdhjtr, ihiw lomitl.s. llsliull be tfic duty of every inny.r, 'sheriff, idil.-Miyoi I justice of lite peace, and rnnM:ii :c or deriity e.ii.r:ubi-? i,f J every eity, e-'unt), bwnvhip (-rilnict within tliia cm ( mouweulili, wlu-ncver enlkd np.m by onv i l!:cr of no election, or by uny three qiuiliiird elceitiis liiere- f. to ele.r j any wind v or nvime to any window, to the plao f ; ifcurtttl election, which aliatl be oliMriicted in rueli way n io prevent v. iters irom npproueiiina the ure. at:d in lien!' ct or refus-il to do so on :u h reotiw n, fid officei f.ill brj deeireil cudlvl ol niiMVmennor in otl;te nnd on r mvirtion ahull he laud in tinv man n t b-tei ibn one bun. dred nor tn tu tlinu one thmiMmd U-dUrs ; and it ahull be the duty of li.t u -sj eel ive eiF:nble of ward, district nr lowuvmp, fi mis commeuwrfith to he prerent in pcrs -n or by deputy, ut the phee nf h ddiug such elections in each ward, district or tuwriihip, for llie purposu of nreecrvins tl.e peace ns af ueKiid. It shall lye the duty of even- fence officer, ns aforesaid, who shall be present at nr.y such ditturhiiures at an e!oc tiisi as ia ilcfctibed in this net, to report the rrore tu the next eouit of qnnrter si-siiom. nnd ulsu the mimes of the wi"thefses who can prove the same. The Jiidpen ate 11 nml.e their relnrur f -r the cuntv c f Northuiubrrlnml, ot the C-'Urt IP-iise. in Sunburv, on Fri day, the ICth d.ty of October. A. l IM7. tiiven under niv bund, nt Sunbury, this Ht dwy of Sep tember, A P. IS.' 7, nud in the b. d year of the inUenctu! ence of the (,'n.ted ISutts Kr.llNY WE3SI', SltaruT. Sl.erifl 'a Offee. Sunbory, ) Sept. IS 18i7 4t J . . . hah lr,tt.,rr. nrU ia ino- rc nft oj-a , 1 ihao Mht v - r wan.1 in nn Ivfu-l S.i,-.; Jr, La; cnJ ,R.iiii .r. i,i f'vi,i;.f Sriilfif . ra !!: Ultil n tha o' n''ir Pf atn.y rj run C U .13 UK a IftlUUiOj II Jv lt l ilVV! ft Vi't, It I'l'ttttn! t- Lcrp r'J nrtiVi rut i mr-Hn totli-ft-M il.t..l iu 1,11 r t. )., erjfft.lLr-.. !,.! Tu lf C.-.H la- ftw:ilii'i-,n.U !TaC(witia Pit- li ndnlt. rr.te't I rrtaj asa Outr. d .Te . Ht trr.m O t,ri:ia o- n by f.i.r. Tla .In:.rj U n rMlriy r.w p io.. il OriV-l Th o;.nio,t U Jurat feh to s t- it a full-alt.! rr.eii. 1 hd'tia no Kb til ft to aftirltrla n. Uivo?iliiU( i. iinn Yciil -tjly or 1 .p. ThUi.rihcn-'a e: riui In at ot t teit f. r7hrv( r, ti-i Ul wbi litava L-leU Uitin Will BM a liukkai. nisr.'.fNT to tub t. ar r, LUBtOW CAN CO. l.'luofu, ..V. HOVER'S LIGUID HAIR LYi2. ' Sx II I' frllowin', I'ruin lli it eniineiit 1'lnsiriin - of 1'htladi'lpl.ia, lr- li.iiiclile, added' to tlio tcFliniuiiy it I'l.d". unr Uooili, only rnnfrnis wliat Uevi.lcuicd l y Jlioiiii.ii.ds who Iiao ie I Hover's Ihe. "(iinuiii lli.w, Ciir.srsrT S'jnrr.T, ) riiihidclphia, lirceuilivr S2d, 153. $ "In rr:;afd Io llo kh's 1&ih IJte, i rni) ftnte unhuhitatiiigly, that it coiit litis no dt'leteiioiis in. grediehti., and nmy lie rsi d wild cntiie safety, u:id with the utmost r .nfiJcncrf mul siicees." W. D. UUINt Kl.i:, M. D. Hover's Writinrj & Indclil le Iuks, Arc so will und widely known, cs to require no rnlufiy of tlu-ir merit, il i only nrcossary to nay. that the eleui'y and incrcu-ius; deiiiaml, give, liio l ent cviden.'u tlial they lu.iiotuin thoir chsriirlor superiority, which ilUtiuguishcd litem when first iutrmUiced, years sro. Orders uddrcssed to the Mnnufnrtorv, No. 41U RACC Ftntt, above Fourth. (ld ;o. 1'biladrlphia, i!l receivo ,rom.t a, l.y JUStr.l t. Iill Etc. .viiuiutatturcr. Rep. Vi, 1S07. -d pt il US, '57, eh. CCl vV'SlY 3 ! CI 1 V ! 3 A T?! ' The Appla Hcrest of 1557 hns Arrived, rs L 11 vou w ihIi to make money, please your customers and save cuiivu-iiiig agents (wlio mil make one, two uud even ihrte luiinlrj.1 dol lars per month) Coin supply ing thu good in your tewn ami county which you ought to sell, vou can do tt by Krndmg ten dullars Tor a sample box containing tlx of 1'ruti's Apple l'arers (ifiO.. 000 alreudy sold) uud Pratt's Apple Mieer, (u new arlii le.) and ono tlu.nd pi int. d eirculat s to distribute in your town or country. l!y so doing you will I'm I no tronhle in onleiing nnd selling at a very large pn hl ten. twenty or even a hundred do.en maihinru ilintiig tlie scoii. 1'KATT'S Ai'l'l.K 1'AliKK was patented in 1657. Having a loo bead or kti'iic. carrier an arranged as to readily udjtibt i'.-clf to the ine qualities ul' the surface of upplci. or other IVuit, tlie working qualities i f which have proved so eiccllrnl uud advantiigrous to the eouiiuuu'uy, that the maiiul'actureis, Mcsri.. eUrgcant & I'otter, have already been called on to tup; ly mure than half a million nineliiucs. rilAT'I "S APl'l.K SUl'UK. made tooecom. pany the Purer, was lialcuted in lHf.7. Il is a .mall neatly constructed miuliiiie, nnd like its companion, the l'arer, docs moaj excellent woik, rutting, in ahout five spc..ik!, esch apple int. twenty two equal parte, leaving, will.cut waste, uulv a smull core to he rrcovcicd. A child can readily work either l'arer or tiiitr at a speed of about three bushels pr hour. RETAIL I'liICi: !)!' EACH S1.50. All oruers ny mail or ainerwiM. uou:u. u meci prompt atlentivn, be addrciscd to l'i. i.. r k.w.j . ei7.Sar.som St., I'hiladclphia, Pa Rep. IS, IN57. St, L. tLATFORH BCALES. OF every description, suitable for railroad, &c., for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasers fun no ri.k every scale is Guaranteed correct, and it after trial, Dot found satisfactory can be lelurneJ with out charge; Factory at tlia Old Stand, established for more than twenty years corner of Ninth and alt-ton blrcets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT & CO, Successors to Etlieoll (i Abbott. Philadelphia, Sep. . I T. tjrj. ns. T TBAOHERfl WANTED. Al'i'LlOATlONa will bo raeeived by tho board nf School UirfClnrs of Sui.hnry nnlil tlio 19lh of September text, v. lien tlia election trill be madd fur two mala and two funinla loaclieri, vis t Ona male Uucher for room Nn. 4. firf t class mnlcs onp femula tenclier for rcmni No. 3, first class females; ono mnl teacher for room No. 2, second class j one fcniule tvuctier lor room No. 1, third cIufs. All applications must be accompanied wilb tlie necessary certificates. JAM K8 BEARD, Sec'ry. S anbury, August 29, 1 H.jT. 13 Teachers Wantod. !" Y tint bourd of Si liool Directors of Slia inokin lihtrict, NortliiimbcrlutiJ county. 'Clio bonrd will meet at the liunse of C'li:irltn I.eisennnjr, nn the duy cumiiioiily culled Fri ilny the 2,ith duy of he'teiiiLer next, nt one o'clock I. M., to employ li'iiela-is for the Schools of siiid district. The County fSnper iiitendiMit will be in nttendnnro for the ex aiuiuation and grnnline rvrtilicHtes, Ac. ily order of the linard, KLIL'A JOHN", Sec'r. 15. S. I. S. District. Shnmokiii twp., 8th mo. 20lb, lw.")7. 4t iMi:TCltiriiTl7rTti (.EC). Y. WEISl'l commerced ami will ronlinue to Ixl.s A K'O'I Vl'lis, A c., dt his Itoom alioc the lut Olorr. IVisoris wiKliiiiff to hate cod likenesses taken, will .lvn-:e call and sen us. W'e will take pirtuira at reiiiued piii-cs nnd take trade in puymeut Uit Ilia same. All kinds or pictures cniiied. Bunbury, August 28. !Hi7. if rN(sit ol'Telix E.crcli, :rt'I.. TOJOTIOH in hereby fiiven. that letters of ad 1 v m'nistrntion on tlio estate of Felix I.rrch, Into of Mount Cnrmrl trwiibhip, NorthuiHbt:rlnd county, uereased, have been Kianted to the suh Kcrikcr. All persons indebted will plrsss make immedinte payment, and thine having claim present them duly authenticated for settlement. AMOS V4.STINK, Ad;n'r. Shsmokin twp., August 2'J, 1857. Ct ICE1 ICE 11 ICE 1 1 1 KOK SALE BY M. C. O'EAUIIAKT. Sutibcry, Aujusl 15, SS7. Tlia $10 ar.d 015 Sir.gio and Eclla Thacacled Empire Tamily SewLnfj Hachincs. I N AOKXCY for tho 'e of t'.nie Sewing Machines enn be secured on liberal terms for the County of iN'orihuinlierlniid. No one need apply witimut capital sufficient to conduct tiie business pr. perly and who cannot bring refer ences as to reliability and capacity. A jieraonal application will he necessary. The peculiar adaptation ul' these Machines for all purposes of Family Sewing, will, where ever they are ottered for sale eouiiuanJ a ready and unlimited demand. JOHNSON 4 UOODAl.I.. S. E. Corner of filh and Arch Sts., Philadel'a. August IS, 1857. tf .i53. . eei:as:l7, ATTORNEY A.T Ojjice in Mackcl St., opposite the Court House, Colleetions made and Professional nu:i,CBS generally ultciidcd to Tromptly and C'uuful i. PcinnKiran Ilritr. Kvcs : Hullitt 4- Fairlborne, Diehl Jf W'ertr., Davia e Hirney, I'. T)lo &. Co. Sunhury, June 50, iyn7. H" YIHSOLEl'M PA I VT?. These paintsaro - mited with water, thereby saving the cost of oil, for sale by March U. 'til. A. XV. FISHER. TiOKTER'S Spirit ef the Times for sale bv II. Y. KiHI.INJ. AugK'l t. HS7. rPII K ( Poisoning ('ace. 1' k:m ',n the Nations! Police Gazette, for enle bv August I.V.7. II. Y. KIHI.INO. To tlie Electors of KcitLtU3iberlar.fl County. r('II E subscriber hereby offer himself ns a candiJata for PEOTHONOTAF.V, Having always been a stesdlast IVinncr.-it, nud coiisiderii g himself cumjietent to perform the duties of the uli'ue, he would reptcllully ask of the Democratic party of the county a nomina tion at the primary election. Among other qualificationr, a thon.uch knowledge of the Ki.i'li-h nnd Herman laneuaes would enable him to ntt. i.J e&liafactorily to all having buuillCrfi ill tho (line. DANIEL L'ECKI.Y. Tie. orton, June SO, IN57. Candidate for Proihouotary. To the Infer. of Xavthumberhin'i County. . V the solicitation of many friends from dif fcrent parts of the county, the undersigned has consented to become an Independent Candi date for the i, (lire of I'linTHONOTAHY Rttln ensuing election, ir'huulil lie l e surcr.sslul. no ell'.irt shall be spared upon his purl to perform the duties of the cilice Willi fidelity, promptness and impartiality-. JAMES II EAR I). Sunbury, August 8, 18.S7. to. CsmdSrtRtc fur Miraif. 7V the Voters of Xorthumbcrlainl County. T the soliritalinu of muuy friends IVoin dif fir. ul parts nf the counlv, tho tiniki'signcd has consented tol eci.n'.e an ludi l endrnt Can li Jule for the fi'a-e of ."silEI'Jl-F ot the ensuing election, tdiould l.o l surrcsslul, i.o ell'.irl kI.iuI 'e rpared upon his psit to perform the du ties of the otl'.ie with 11. tlity, promptness and impartiality. JAMES VANDYKE. Northumberland, June 'il, ltf.'7. Uonjiuiiu (.'handler J Ne. 40. August Term, vs. 1857, August tth, 1657. Burlier, Ayres, et at. ' On inoliou of William SI. ItuckcfrlVr, Esq., attorney for plaintiff's rula on the u'efvo defend t ills Io plead by t lie il i si day of next term to the above e.ctin.i of rj,-ciment for all that eilaiu tract or piece ol laud, situate in Sliumuktn (now partly ill Coal and pailly in Zei'.w town- ships.) in tiie county uf Nonhumheii.Mid, con. tuiiiuj; two bundled and seventy .flute ucres, morn or Ics, adjoining lands in the iinnie of Win. Wilson, Peter Movvrir, .Michael Kroll. rrederlck Kramer end otliers. Surveyed on a w.urunl granti'd to Mall.ias Ziuiiliermau. P. cur. Extracted from recorj and certified September 3d, ltjr7. JOHN 8. flJ'.Ar.D. Deputy Proth vy. Prclhonolary's Oliico 1 Sunbury, Kept. 4, lts"'7. SUNBURY STEAM HOUSING KILL 1111 E suhsrri'.ieii respectfully nnnouuco to the M ... . . . .. public, that their new bieaui r iuui log Mill in this place, has been conip b led, and whl go into operation on Monday the 9st day ol Au guv, iiisf. Having engaged a competent and careful Miller, they trust they will l e able, with nil tr.e modern improvement adopted in their mill, to givo entire satisfaction to all who may favor them with llielr custom. ISNYDER. I. IN EH ART it HARRISON, Sunbury, August 39, l."7. Il 'T'HE War Trail or the Hunt of the Wild Horse by Capt. Mayne Reid, for sale by August 1, '.".7. II. Y. F RILING. J. ri.n: & Ci. Market Street Wharf, rhikuctiliia. CEAI.iatSlN FISH AND HlUVIrtlONS; nAEcoa.tantlyonhanrtna sswirimnl nf Mackerel, Brunt, Herrings,, Beef, I'oik, Uuri, t-leTilJrs Hams. ( fciM, Uic, a... .ORPHAN'S COURT HALE. jVOTICB is hereby given that Joseph Wolver ton, l'.xeculor of tlie Will of Isaac Wolver. ton, dee'd., In pursuance of an order of the Or phans' Court, of Northumberland county, grnntej at August Term, 18S7, will expose to lale by public outcry, on TUESDAY, THE S7lh DAY OE OCTOBER nest, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the dwellina Iiouko on the premisns, nil that certuin FARM OR TRACT OK LAND, situate in Ruth township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Abraham Hoffman, Simon Interline, John Yea gcr, Samuel (iillioger, J.icob Weaver and a bit of the widow Wolvcrlori, (cut off from tho farm.) containing ICO acres, on which arc erected a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a Unrn and Outbuildings, nnd on which nro an Apple Orchard, a good rpring House, ambabout 100 acres nf well cultivated land, Il is about Cur miles from Dnnvi.'le, TERMS OF RALE. Tr x per rent. down, ore half lhc balance on tho 1st of April, INSM, tl.e other half on the 1st ot April, with interest frotn Ul April, ISM, l.i be secured by Uond and Mortgages on the preinisos. JOSEPH Wul.VEKI ON, Ex'r, Ily nnlrr ot tfcc Court Court ) O.C. R, 1 657 ) fa C. IJ. Pursel. Clk onbury, August R Jim a' Kt.Ti.TtKK.ri.i.v, OEHPECTFUI.LY infoims bis friends, and Ihe public geueriillv, that ho has just receiv ed iV Stock of GOODS, at his tiewVore. at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, nn-l that he is pre n red to sell oods al the lowest prii cs. His block consists in psit of .SPRING & SUM M ER GOODS, Groceries, Queenswcrc, Hardware, .c and every variety usually kept in a country Store. Trevorton prices pnid for nil kinds cf produce. Lower Augusta twp, Aug. H, I tJT. tf ESTABLISHMENT I N T llli CITV UF 11 A I. T IMORK. MATIIIll'l ' Cny Sir. el War. moms .is V.'.1 a.iH as Noiih (.lay street, ihui Kuvetie, H.ittna irn : vviieic ia kepi nlwsvs i.a Irind, nr 111:11V to oriier, every si le oi' French l i-.TK-A-'l l. lXs5, in I'lutli, llair,' tlutii or I'ri'iiuelle. Freaeli Full PtiilT anil M.,V!i, ii Parbr Ar:n Clalrs, la I'ihkIi. U tir, Cl-..h or lir.e:i'..rile. l-'reuelt l-'o:i !iuil'Oi.iv.'.l I'urk-r Ciiaira iu ets, with ri'j;.l!, tlair, Cl.i.ii or llriHi.ti!!e. s o r a e llii:t l rsee.i rpru-g M:,::i piny Cleors. in Ihiir, C'l.-lli un! I'li sl,. K '.'.n. ( eairi, wirioiia iiiu;i:i M and tVii'.nut Purlf in Ilir. CLi!i niH . n.:i. tM i.lT sSjn incr T.-'impf!" n Ir.rp np:..rtfii,-nt phvais eri hnii.t, or uo ullLi')i Itiiiijoi- cveiei) il!i aey jjoujj l i wril;r. c ii a r.r 3 x; a s is i t s . f;i!Mftb unity nr W.i', civ.ijiicU', fmrn .r-,..ri tin. C.iue I' m un.l Htiii ij.' tic l-i-vot us-,' rlmt'itt rmJy nn. ilc tn tmy tnc It'Huc n: -.lit L'uitLd tftatL :r,ni 31. a i!'i;:cit n,. Jinr flvx -in, 0;li.e nn.t DiiiniR C!i.-hr. in iA:, WM.iut or Mah-'p niy, wuh Can, Vt'Kl ur SflLiud tii'ttta nu itist'rtiiienl t. ii. in acing v?r Mu'iuvi n. Wi.fil ju-nt C'liaiis attfJ Srctlcca ami Kitr'uing Cl.aira. OVf IM) (il'."!!. (jiit. mill V :iitt Kranr Ir.,:i:' f;!-:cs, f-f tvcry -arie!y A.I kit. Is fl l' lirt, lluir uuii AlitUJiist. A. .MATIIICT. N. GTitn-T C'j N. Ci- ui , mnx .t:u at , I3:i.;i:njre A u?"ii I, If'j7 ly iTrH0 HAS UEEN CURED OF ORE VT ' NERVOUS DEEILITY, niter ina-n y cars of misi ry, i'e.-:s la i.oil.u known in til leliovv-sulli-rers the rur; means of relief. Address enclosing Ma;n t P:,v return postage, Mrs. MARY E. DEWITTlloston, r.lns, ,"Bn.l the prescription will l.e sent bee, t, next post. August f, lb.ri7. :im I t (;iutl):i I Ci:-.:tai ! ! Gitaaij!!! A!. I. KlNtf. LEINACt SCPKIt rilOSfl'H.VTr.Cir l.!K. 7C00 TONS. f a it m t: it s i For ynur v.-l'int ero,-f, use I.t.lNAt 'S Siiur Pti avli.te ot' l.inl', 1.1 I'l I'l i . a I'.. . r s l'l -. T ,n ; ,t t se ,K. At:,s am; .it i t"ii. Ui.e of When... UN FlUfl'll.iZKIt. Ml n btil. or .trii.-li-l eiiiiur is &o.iie:i-iii ti.r nu Aoia Tin;:'!1: ai;k r!-.:t:.rAN::NT.MAXi;i:i:s, mnee of reli'il-i ChJiua-iil I.!ei:'eirK, I.avi. b''?a i-i itia-e.-Hhliil L?t tr th-' u:isl 'ii Vi -uw, ua;ilovii:j the fc .1! a-i,i iiu.l.iis-n tl.e value of t'-.v l-, ul l,o ;,,ili.s :r in llm s;u!e ArK-uinir..! 0' :'tv "l IVn-ivylv mi';:- ; . tv J. rey ; Drlt.waie uml liia lii .rittl l':i!iil-e A-f i':'i.i"M f tlie fitv New Yorlc, luvi; tteii riet ll-e.1 lol IhiPf!e I' ei i::z-ra '...iiplil' is in t!it- K-.-'ltsli M..J Griii.i:i Lai caa"e can be liail l.v ripi'lieiitniii lit Ihe Olj'-e. A ni-enil i.."' .i!il to vv liiei-aie le:i'ir-. 'I'heiiii-ive Fern'.:.. 1. .'eliveieil KitKIl of Cartage Io miv v.'i:-irf in t!.a ol't l.'.ly l' Or.Iera sent l;v .M.o' aeeoii:iioir.i with l urn r Urails, will be Sl.i'M'e-l Io nuy i rot it..- U".,t !il. ..i .. 'll.,!. .V. I..' . . i . i-n.,ir.eiMr Nf. in S null l-'rmit ftlleel, I'ii.UJ. h hii. City, July Co, I'-.-.r tin w 1','iue ) Ivnidii. "I'ICKLEci of vaiio ii iiuds. Lobsters, Snr 2 dines, Ac, i'.c, just received nud fir sale u the Drug .Store nf A. W. i'lJrllEK. Sunlinry, 1. 1SS7'. 'jCbaCCO and fJcgarS. 'iO.OilO Impjrted - r-iegars of vaiiuas brands. I'.ldorado, I'i'. Cavendish and line cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Hniih.iry. March 14. 1 P.'.7. . A l t'H'M I.V, JOCKEY CI.'. U. STRING I FLOWERS, Ac, of ihe lst onaiiiv ; a frch supply luc. ived nud for si!n at ihe Wrug Store ot A. V. i'lMIUIC i?u.ibu.-y. Aug. I, 1 S.-.7. ,r LMONDS, RAlsONS. Flvis, l.EMON. A e... A c, jutt received a fresh supply and for sale at the Confectionary store cf m.'c. gear;: art. Sunbury, May IC, 1S.-.T. VALUABLE COAL LAND FOR SALE. 'jcMiK subsciiliei will olt'er lor sale, at t'.-.n Ci u.l House iu Siiiil-urVa N ol t huuii-erlun.l ..11 Vi EDNES DAY tiie 7ih dsy of OC I'O UK II in xt, al II o'clock, A. M, the one l.HLiujY.1 ONE THIRD part uf a valuable 'I rait of foul B.;iii,l. situate in Coal townsliij', in the countv of Nor thumberland, sutveyrd on u warrai t in t.o name ..f LI KE FlDLEil, toutaim.ig in I'.e who e Fi.e Hundred and Fifty Acres, 01 thereabouts, i.uuiol. d funis sun ew. I in the i. iniu of John b' raily, Samuel Claik, William L-iinbcrl anJ oilieis. '1 iie improvements on the n;.i.l tnu t of land, aie :t l.vo-t-)ry frauio Dwellings, one log inn house, Iwo s':anlya, and a l;'l shop. Comjeiti l with the st.ij tract . f laud, is a Uigo C.L LKEAKKU. 'J'be leims ntid coiidiinHis of ssle, will be maJo Uiiowu ou the uay of tain. A. JORDAN, Tiuttce. August 59, lK.i7.-ta What e.u er.ormcus Vrricty of Toys and Ftncy Goods ha has I Who T Our Friend JOHN DOLL, .-If .Vo. 141 A'oriA 2rf lit ', above Arth, Phil a, f"!K has just received diieel from Eunpe s very large assof tmeiit of Toy of alt kinds, fancy JJa-kets, Pipes, Canes, Segar Cases, To. bseeo Hoxea nnd an endless variety of 'ancy ar. tides. Call upon hiiu I c fore purchasing else where. Philadelphia, August 29. 1857 T-3in2"nv COUNTY ORDERS County order taken as cash for goods, and on note or book ac count by E. Y. I) RIGHT A BON. HEWS FOU THE MILLION t B71MERSON3 United States Magnxine, 8 turday Evening Post, N. Y. Picayune, Magistrate, Nick Naa and Yankee Notions lor leby 11. Y. FRILING. N. D. Persons living'st t distance can have list of prices forwarded by addnming as above. Magutliiea, Papora and Rook liul on hand, constantly ordered. Wunbury, July 18, 1 8.17. tf A CALL TO FARMERS. Fjirmers, drop pour Tooh, Pause a little, Jkail this ami flijlcct I THE F A n M lill'9 P HUM OTION BOOK. A new Pud Scientific. Manuring S)ilrtn, f t Ilia Cultiva tion nt all kinil. ol'llniin. 1.0:5x1.1.. Fort.ler and I'usiiire, UMia all Kinds ol Sal j Proved t.yaeiutil Kxyernneels end hiiaed on evident truths ; liesicnvd to itnj.rove As.ieuhare in nil Ms liii.iiehei. ; re(lr. sente.1 l,y tipvv-irda 01 one IiuiuImh! nnd til'ly eueravings t f tne tnovt valutt b;. tirassea and I'tauts cjiuiceltd .villi thu S)Ste:u. Ity t v. fi. ilt.lsj(tH.f, toAisnuiir;, ciiNTrr, ct., r a. 1 N this treatirc il will I e seen that ll.a object has been .1 I i give the Fanner lied kiir.l uf itifoi-timliuii wliieh enali e.i him to innUo pntetieul Mpjtiii-ntiv.ii to fertilize Ins lima and inereasH ne, l'ei!t!er. und p:n'iin.;'e. '1'ha il icirini-t! ;i. taught by this in.ii.iuinc. and beMer'imd jws tute enltivalion yyrnn i.ror:iliitiii!. eleill at.d evident, met r'.i;:i.-eM nn iin, ia tl.e inodenf nnenlturu ln-Jier-to uiikn.iWi. Io our formers, nnd which, ll adopted lor! earef'.il.y pineticed, ciil.ii:)! fail Io ndvi.neu tlio interest., of Itie fmnin. eoiii. minitv. Sueli n wi-ik been nines wsn'.i ii, ... it Ii!'. a void vvhieh hni. I .ne, besn f.ti, but vvl.ieh llieie Ii;.. Intherto ben liototein.t to up;ly , nu.l ns fnrnieis ol Cetilreu.ul ilii:;tingil'i. e- nnlies. we r ,-e 'in nii'ii.1 ll c vvorlt to every tanner, as we feily I elievo that th-'y will reap the gniieK'. -:ssit;le benf: l'r,.ni it rllliel, I'iliiip Mover, 1. In istian -.le, Cci lne, .iHeiih M'irs. t, Ih.iley, 15 OliUel ll:ii;i .-.ll, .l(..Vll:.nrps, lt(.-rce liayei, Jr. J-ihn .'nrp.r, John Hu'S in, H llllUB. "V'il.T', J.n; U .li.yer, Henry yer, Snn.e.el HifJlisnd, On r( - Jiick. J hn lI'Tin tn, tleure llm-h.oina, 1 'r;ill--is A !i'x:ii.lbr, J.'I'ii N' f. Kca-r. J .)... liohVr. tli.i?!l;in li-fn.r, fieorae W . Mo a, r- The uoove vvorlt is fa alc by lire, j 0. MeKKft HA V. Milton. N-'Hhninbcrlaiid c.ainty, Fa. I'ricu S'0 August 1, l(.'i7. 3ni . Jonri ll IftiKer II U S S E Y S A JI Ell I CAN REAPER, Fun ( I'TIINO HO 'I il T1 RE AT improvcnicr.ts for 1S57. 'Iliia Ma- chine W as put in slices ful operation in 1 N.l'l and continued to be the only lenpin-j nnd Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practical value up to IS 13 twelve years after its introduction. Other Reapers are now oPlred with glor. ini; ad vertisement!, Certificates. Diplomas, "Gold and Silver Medals, &c. Hut the Farmer in search of the best Reaper, and not posted in the mailer, had better a liltlo Anther. If there is any value in St years experience i:i building I"enpr, nnd using them in the liar vegt field, and in the improvements made during tint long period, ODED HUSSEY, the Faiher of Reapers, can claim it. All who nro satisfied with the IJest Reaper nnd Mower, aan bo sup plied by sending their orders cirlv in the season, as the crops indicate a large demand, and we can not have over 200 Ecadv for the vaU harvest of lSf7. We guarantee that this Reaper und Mower enn not be beaten 011 fair trial by tiny ol'iier Reaper that may be brought into the hat vest Oelds in lr.'7. nnd wo also insure it to he the ii';est nn.l mst durable mne'iinc In ufc. We would respectfully invite Fanners t-i examine the machine thoroughly before purchasing, an:l si'i-fy theinselvcs uf i:i supcinrity over all othets. During the lar.t fot-.r yenrs, the ub-eri'. ers Lave sold between f.p.O nnd CilO of tlipi.o M.ichitics, to the hestand most sueres-iful Farmers in Montour, l uioii ni.d the lu-iirhboiing e.iiintii-s, (whose naines ore too numerous fj insert) to whom we respectfully refer. The subsciibtis have '.he exclu-dvo light in the following coui.lits: M ontour, Union, Snyder, Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Perry, Mi I'd in, Ct-r.lre, Clinton on J J.yc.oning. All onltrs thankfully received ulld promptly ntteud cJ to. C.EDDES, MAKsll 4 CO., Lawi.hur, Union county, Pa. July 11. ISC7. tlilviia'i-i-iiJ f'N3CSlcc 1" J;ttii'!;j .!f.c,crf rplIIS nrtlr'd is earefuily pie;-Jir..-l from the I est. J. tea X O oilier, ail if i viiluaoij nic.tijf'.ial cr. .f v h:i it It is wiirii.iilcil 1., p.iaias 111 u i;oiiieiilrUd act! l--iii-, c toenl I1111.1. It is ao'el'oct rf a-e,!v in dyspe-sa, f.;itiileii!;e, elu lie nn.l in.p.ilie.i and 1,-eine stte id Illy .liv,el.livo lune tloM... Fr- 1.1 iti re-fi rsjil.ii strength and piopeniea ns a toliiiir tnnie it is vt.-!l u-i e-tid to i-.t oiiei- net tlie 0.; oinaenee of tiie exlrellie i.t.'l'.S i.f su.ll uier, ;l,e ellei-:. oi tii.llin -:i:.iij'.et, A e. I'nnidy .ii-u.M be WUii-'uL it, wj its timely cse v.'i!i r.ivt- them from man-,- an seiinii.i noaeii i.f il.oi-ss. Friee oj cei ls per Ii Uic. 1- or s:.U- by June -J, l-."7. tm GTOSK. tISSI.OITs. llIISSLEB,resrcetful!y in- forms the citizens of 'Trevorton an 1 sur rounding county, that she has opened a new store of Millinery und Fancy Coo :s, nt 'Trevor ton in &'lianio'.;i:i i trcet, nearly opposite K nonce's Tavern, where ail hinds of li-.iniets an J Fancy Goods can bo had at Ihe lowest terms. Dress unking alto attenJed to ia the best manner and latest sule. Apiil S, I s:7. tV PArE?T&lfIA!zfi;E3." rg.;iE New York Ledger, Parlor Casket, Flag g. of our Union, Frank Ledie's lilu!rat.d Newspaper, Ilullou's Pictorial, National Police Gazelle, Weekly Novellette, Waverly Magazine, and Harper's Weekly Journal cf Civilization Alio, Harper's Magazine, Goby's I.a.l.'s Rook and Putnam's Mat;r,zine, jut rceeiyrdnud forsilcly H. Y. FRILING. Sunnurv, -Inly 11, l!o7. BALD EAGLE HOTEL. .Yc2S-l orir.UC .V. Third St., l'hit.uUtiUa. JOHN CLYKER, Troprictor. (Successor to DiMCt- Ditctt.) "BHE Proprietor returns his thanks for the liberal patronage bt stowed on tli's will anowii uoiir-e. ana rcsprciiiui) usits n eoniuiu i sic.f nf tho same, assuring his many fiiends of Nurlhiitnln-rland nud ndjioititiix couiities, lliat no j pains shall be spared to render cm. foil and plea- sure Io nil who may (live llii.i a cull. I TERM.-' tril.Oa PER DAY. Philadelphia, July 2. 1 W. 3:n Eisstluticn of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby givrn that tba f.rm llird. Doniy cV John, of Rig Mountain Colli.-: was this duy (luly 1st, l:i."7,) nuituslly ill's. eJ by the withdrawal of J. J- John. !'',:'.V'A !.:!'P. JOHN' IL DOLT i". j. j. joiin. of The butiness of MinV.i; and SUp-, : Coal from Ihe above named Cu.'ii. ry will I ei rafter ! e carried on in the name of Ui:d 4 Donty, who w i1! adjuut all the unsettle! a-Toinits .1' the lalo arm. Joseph i:it;:. JOHN !!. DDL TV. Phaniokin, July If. lti-'i. tf ya!l Vnper & V;r.:vv La::iie). X rj CJ C? .Vo. 1 03 .Y.oA S.a.iol itiit, P1IILADELPI1IA. HA V1NG coiiipleled their Urge s.sortmer.t uf tlie above Goods for Sj.riii;t and Suinmcr Trade; yvould resp. ctiuliy invite the elleniion of Purchasers to tl.e same. Their stock lor beauty, cheapness a-id vsriety cannot le surpas sed. Thev liav ronstni.tly on hand every descrip tion of Gold nnd Painted Shades, Hull' Hollands, anJ bhsdo Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cinti'.nis, l'ue llou.d Piints, Roidius, Arc-, till of v-nti.i they tiller at lower rates than ran be ha-l at any other establishment. Call and examine. A. IS.IU'S. 1B3 NorlU Second rtieet. MarJi 7, 1857. 0m w 1nr.O1L1.1f t'.ii nel Itattsl X VTA NT El) ut the store of K. Y. L'right & iSon, who are c-nsiaiitl receiviug a fiesli supply of Goods, thus offering to tho public the largest and most desirdh'. asoitu.rnl. July 1 1. I8?. Isn't It So! Use ART HITR'a Ubratfrl felf-Sfaling Cans Sid Jars, nr.djoii w. II have fruit rresh Fruit i"ii mio vrnr af nmn:er pneoe. Flltt itireetir.,.. fnr r-n.ti. ir ll kinds nt' Fruit and itoes, accoinpnrey these crtusnr.J TI.ev sr. n.r.. r T: m... QuceiiMva.e and 1 iic sn'd Acid' jirooi 0101 e v are. '1 l.o sixr-J are from pints to gallons. Thesd nns and jnrs are entirely epee it the lops, and net, to ec eur IB WISTEI conomy in irausportritton, For sa'e by a t or e k r e pn hrough.iut tlie United Sletes. L'csKiiptivo circulars senlo 'pplieatioii. nr Orders frc 1 he trade solicited. Re sure Io ask for ".dilhtir's ' t hrs stood the test of two Sos ons, h iving been used l.y hun Ireds of thousands of families, iotil and boariling-huurjj ktc wrs. We me now Inal.inj thru .r .1... 2XTTER THAff BTcelEcnt-' Arthur, BumLam & Q;lrc7, 11 ii.utacturers i.niler tne I iitcnt v. ii eor. I fptb A' f Trr.Tc eta. PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, June 13, 1R37. 3m S UiiiMijnuOURT NORTHERN LIS TRICT. JJOTICE is hereby given that tho .Supremo x Ccurt tor the Northern Dii'iict of 2'eniiij I vania, will hold it sesiijii on October Term for said District, in U illnimport, Lycoming county agretnbly to the lollowing order of said C-ourt. ris crr'.itkd by the Protbonolury of the Eastern Dis trict. CHARLES PLEASANTS. 1'rothonotary, S. O. IN. D. rrj'.hi-iiulsry's elVice, Juno 'il, 1857. Bsi the Supresne Court ef E'mjbssj irnni.'t : Ti O R T HERN DISTRICT. AND now, June 23, 1 H.r.7, It is ordered ihst a Special Trim nf tho Supreme Court bo held under tho Act of 20th April, 1H55. n Williams port, Lyccming rounly, to comnienco on the first Tutsdsy of October next, for the purpose of hear ing arguments on writs of erior, appeals, V c, from the counties of Lycoming, Northumberland and .Montour, and such other from nny ol the counties composing the Noilhcrii District as may bo by mutual consent argued nt the said time and plnce. The said special term to con tinue as lung as may be necessary. Certificate Jrom the Jitcord. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sot my hand and the seal of the said Supreme Court nt Philadelphia, this twcnty-lii'th day of Juno, A.D. 1S.-.7. J. F. EEL9TERING, Tro Proth'y. July 4, 1E57. tc Spring and -Summer rnsliions Tor 1857 -A.T IP. "V7". GHAUT'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Iilnrkct Square, Euiibury. TVOW received and will cni.tinuo to receive, the laigest ami hi st s.-lecled Sloe-'; of Black filths, Cufsinterct, CjuLkUs cm Ue.vtiUfV, -c. An aesorlment of Dress Good, viz: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Do Lain's E uescs, Merinos, Caah inert, Alaj-acas, Drc STlvs, Ginj,, &C LINEN AND WHITE GOODS, trish Linen, blciche l nnd brown Drilling, Sheet ing, i'lllowcatrin;, i!tc. Ercss Trimmings in Great Vaxiety. Douti and Shoes lii't and Caps, Hard wo re, Cvdarware, Gcoceries, tuaetuware. SALT end FZ'.'H, Cheese, Crackers, Segara, 'Tobacco, Snuff, Ac, nu assorsment of cihur Goods too tedious to uicnti.-h. Feeling grateful for pact favor yvc I eg h avo to assure our old friends nnd the public no elb.rt on our part shall be wanting to muita continuance of our patroiicgc. Country produce taken in exchange et tho highest market price. P. W. GRAY. Sunbury, May HQ , lS."i7. tf i in: .rivu . i.i i 1,1.0 Ttii: lilXFNT TI'.IAl 8 nt Ii yudlee, ha. e '.leuteti .lie ci'nenl ol piil.Iie irpininn, nnd eont.tiued t'.e Veutict oi n,ire tlinn L'..i .(-ei-ile-iiid frej, pinvinir c-'iic". sivt'y t--at HeiringV' is llm 1 1..) SAf 11 that w ill hur.i. i''r'.- I-n ''"tn:- h. 1 l! Kxtrnet to ol Ihe C-minihtsv v.iA.'ak.-.jii'- Hepoiion tl.e T.ial of Iron bat'u a' lieading : ''Cii ihe 0:!i r.f rel.ruarv all the lueinoe.a of theCom ivei o wiini'.-s ll.e s-aie. n:.o n'.i:s enil papars, (;. lu-iil in Ihein) nnd were perfectly salir;i-d li:ut tl! was ri '.it. 'l'ne ..t.iy falh.ivin, the burning p.r,:i pi ij,;. uillior ti.t sn;'.e.'ic!c..!enec of V'-Mlinottee. Atlera fair ami in.p-irlwil luirionjr for r.;e hoars, the S; le nf .Mifnrs Fvans A; W ats w;in firs', opened, the S.-ite hi-iii ou f,r. In .ii'e.inel tiie c.m!ei,M purtmlly C"'-.'jlili i!, vcliiie tl.e c-n -tecs ia ihe fMS'o ,-f .Me. sis. rariei. u ticrroiit wvie .a ;m .! i-.n.iio ion. nnd n , fire iiisi'dc.1' Il.-ndinir. Miucll lST. (sieii,; n. F. rni.ix. 1 '.y. Kil.K.i , I C.-.-nrallte.. A. II. I F A. in?!;. ) An t e-i.torsrd by over 50 of the. I est Men of Iferutti-p. 'f iiealsiveSnfcscnn l.e infipcitej Tit el v::iiieil Sliee., vviltrc tlif p'.lhlit.- .-'ill s: lis.y Iheni.ielvc-i nf l;e .ireal SU-r-u i ily cf t!ie "Ileil. nil's I'alenl C iajiii' ici.," .-vur tl.. de.ta;eJ uiai a-jed up "insi.te Ir-'.i ll vr isY.'in inJr.. lrreJi & Ilcrrlng, 31 ll'a,;itif7., Vhilada. Only n.akets in this state of Ilmri.ig's pau-ut L'haiii,iica fiefea. . Tue attempt imute bv other p:mies tn hn!?ter ui ths repun.ti 'ii ia a S ee which bus nuie.i k- up. !i- ii eci. de,it;d tiiea in I'liili.delphiu, (Itioistend FI-.'.a.) ' y t--1v i . UT one mil ia'ioi iieni'a sr-re, (tl. A. LunlK.) ii:.nbltt liiieloi, .--', ti-..i"..i'elit fri'lll these the) sel l I ) --trtl up" 0- :e i i ll.-i riis's (ha'f as thie!;) let. inel with lis tiue is w-arJ. Herro.c' . afo eoa'd not tiehtout. pi'oi ieir e. 'fiela-s-velv lint : l.o only reliable Snl; n,,w mule is-i!iTtincl,.' o:"vih"!i o'i-r l.i.i-isl are n iv i-i m-m..l use. a: id inwi t l-.-i n '-I'll hiire been tried l.y fire w.tlioal a siii-V 1-sa. I'l". J., June so, 1.J7 ly. THE TRUTH ABOUT KANSAS ! CiO'V: O-EAKY'S ADMINISTRATION IN KANSAS , Large I'jnu. 3 IS pages. M'Uh a ewpUte History (J the Tiniicry. L'xTit. Joe, I si."i7. F.-, h.a:-ic a full acvoe'it iT i;i Cisfi-verv, C,--irmpliy, S. il, ;.l:i,:n.', I'r. .i.'is, i! J --luaioi ilioil uin 'l'en ll.'iy, l,'a::.t t -i . I '-l.-ola u::.n r Ii v...:i.s llet..:f nn',1 :) ;. r. 'ii, n 1 i'- 1 bsecs.-i- i s. IVrm :il i;'i..:.i-iii, 1 !ec lion ii-.oi!-,. l.i..!'-s led oulingc. won t'.-itr.-ots w'l proia r.cikl uvt.-li.lli-.'.e;;i,ail fail)' ua'ii'i,tli.ili'l Ily JOIIM tl. (. IIIt), .11. u. l'rivi'.to siti-retaiy to tl v. Uc'.iry. (.'rrs.'o'iye'.inpii.-.l from the (i.r..:: .l i:.icuihii;8 en fll ia t:,e Ut-, :,il;i.. i.t ,f Siute ni y usii ,.t u so.i oihjr per. Ill the p-'fiJli'iil ol the A in h n. with fn II IU v-i L'l.l of 1'ie hivii.i .i i f i iiiiia'.H t'roiii .Vii.-s niri ; llta eaplitie, t.if a. ul ti.-.oi.ieiit nt l .e I'.ee r ;,-,- n. :i--rs. I::.' t-iiulaeiej' a. -il inn. eiin-iit-i i a" rii.- M iss.iorl Holder Uu.'':':ii., Lie li.ur il-r 'A and otiieis 'i'l.i; Ci-.itr. v;s) Leuietn Coventor Cesrj- unit JaJgs I.e.- ..o-i'.e. ''lie p.-H-eei!''C!i of lt:e Tern.-Tial ?..'ir"'..Vt ire, of if. prvV.'-.i'ery e ini'tfOlioil, unit tile oic;m!to i -n i f lbs Nu ll j . ..: ti -if. ere. it- Fioly, n ilh h si-nvh i Kansas iliirtnj 1- S e.'O.v to i.l '.'s lin.'er Ib'l . Itee.L-r ii-.d Ilsline.'.'iii. M-O'lfs, Oair.i.e. md f,ii,:.-,g A t py hi? -ol to anv p:irt of tiie l'niic.1 Siato, !.v iiiuil. i': 'e - ii p'.oce, on tin; re.-ei, I ,,. ie.1 :oi pi i -e. A llh' u:S.'.'-l'.t ... tie tru.'.e. tr llk''.l A'.:ii'. W'lill'.eJ. l'r:ie IO c'lot'- 1. I'aner. ( n. Cil.Vitl.l-3 C. KIIHUFr, iauuuer lliiiiii-ir. PnuaduijIoB. July ts. lu. P. IIELAXCHTOX SHIHDEL, JfS'i'ici; nt' 'i' in:, f'7tc; ri Veer Street, intmedintefy ofposil4 (At Public School House. All business promptly aileiuitd to, MooUs collected and all ordinary writings duns. Kuiibury, April 25. I(a7. if ,, , ; ROWN'S and Breinig's Esssnca of Girga anJ Husband's Magnesia at - - Mir.l. It, '67. riSKER'SU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers