Prom llit Now York Evening. NOBODY'S BONO. Swift never wrote anything better In tomo than the following lines, from an uukuown corresuondeDt I I. I'm thinking just now of Nobody, Ami all lliul Nobody's done, tor I've a nossijn fur NoboJy, That Nobody else would own J 1 bear tilt uanie of Nobody, For from Nobidy 1 sprung i And I ting Hie praise of Nobody, At Nobody uiina has mug. II. In life's yoong morning Nobody To me was tomler and dear ; And my crudie was rocked by Noborly, And Nobody was ever near ; I was pntteil and praised by Nobody, And Nobody brought mu up ; And when I wua hungry, Nobody Gave uie dine or to sup. III. I went to tchool to Nobody, And Nobody tuuglit me to read j I played in tlio street with Nobody, And to Nobody ever gave heed I recounted my tale to Nobody, For Nobody was willing to hear And my heart is clung to Nobody, AuU Nobody shed a tear. IV. And when I grew older, Nobody Gave me bid ping turn j And by the good aid of Nobody I begin my living to earn ; And htnce 1 e n ted Nobody, And said nobody's I'd be, And asked to marry Nobody, And Nobody married me. Thns I trudge along with Nobody, . And Nobody cheer my life. And I have a love for Nobody Whieh Nobody has for his wifs). So here' a health to Nobody, For "Nobody's now in town," And I've a passion for Nobody, That Nobody else would own. Nobodt. Janitor's geparfment The Ciiinksk Sugar Cane. A eentlema in Now York has sunt the editor ol tho Post a sau'pln of very good brandy, made Irom the yrnp of the now sugar plant, the Borglia, or Chinese suur enno. lie says : A few days ago n cominiltHe of gentlemen examined the mode of g i n the Chinese sugar cune on the farm ul Tliuinas II. Dcus, E.q.. in South Carolina. The report of the CPininiltoe is us follows : The; first fii'ty stalks, taken without selec tion either ut the field or from tho curt, were passed through the mill in less thun ten min utes, prudiic us over four and a hull' gallons of jnico. The next twenty-five canes were pave i through in about five minutes, pro dining nearly two and a half gallons of juice, can-fully muusurod leaving tho stalks almost jerl'-rc ly dry. Mr. Deus planted about half an acre of the cane, upon these grow 3U,:il)0 stulks of cane. From the experiment of pressing out this juice, it will be seen that the yield is greater than perhaps has ytl been reported. The bull' acre will pioduue 3,1)7 gallons of juice, cr 6.434 gallons to the cure. The experiment ol boiling bus nut yet taken place but allow, ing ten gallons of juice for one of molassess, the product or an acre will be 053 gallon of molasses. This uppears to bo a monstrous yield and at present prices of molasses, would Le a tnina of wealth to the planter. Wo le tutuo one reason lor the greut quantity of juico produced is to be found in tho character of the milt for it is impossible for any part of tho liquor to escape ; it must all bo expressed from the cane and every drop is collected. Vineoar The juice of one bushel of sn. gar b.iets, worth twenty-five cents, and which any farmer can raise with little cost, will muke from five, to six gallous of vinegar equal to the best elder wiuo. First wash and g ate the beets, and then express the juice in a cheese press, or in any other way which a li tis genuity can suggest and put the liquor i.ito a barrel, cover the bung with gauze and set it in the sun and in fifteen or twenty days it will be fit for use. By this method the very bust of vinegar may be abtained without nuy great trouble, and f hope who like good vine gar will try it. Ohio Valley Farmer. Hints for the Season. The weed well known us the "water pepper" or "smart weed," (polygonum hydrojiiptr,) which may now be found in ubuud.iuce along ditches road?, lanes and barnyurds is an effectual and certain de stroyer of the bed-bug. A strong decoction is made of the herb Htid the places infested with tho insect well washed with it. The plant may ulso with much advantage be stul' ft'd in the ciai'ks and corners oflhu room. Elderberry leave, laid upon the shelves of a safe or cupboard will drive away ants and roaches. Joseph Hayes, an old farmer in Lawrence Inrg, Indiana, sold 30.00U bushels of com last week lor 60 cunts per bushel, and live cents add.t una! for u lulii g it to tiie oiut of deliv ery iu that pluco. it was utmost wholly the crop ef JSfiti, though a mull part of it was left over from the previous year's crop. It produced the snug sum of S-O.U00, and was raised oil the famous Miami Bottoms, between Lawreticeburg and lhzabetbtown, that for half a century .have turned out. enormous crops, without any appareut abatement of fertility. A Cballenos Tho editor of the Charles town Courier having lulicu'led certain state, tneiits which huvu beeu made regurdiujr tho Chinese Sugar Cauo, a Mr. Kroli.of Wubueh county, III., offers to bet th editor S."00 dul lari tuat ha will manufacture from one acre planted with the Chinese weed," SUU gallons of molasses, a superior article to any manu factured iu the South, or sold by the mer chants iu Uolus county, S, C, in 1857, for 75 cents per gallon: and further that ha will nianuiiiCiura u at tue cost ol IU cents per yauon. Another Good Cow. L. II. Waller, of Eildguwater, 1. 1, states that he has made from a Devon cow, 70 pounds of buttfr in lour weeKS, ending JnlyUOtn: Jle adds " b have a family of three grown persons. neuse miiK auu outter ireely lor coolting purposes. The cow is four year old, calved tba lore part or April, aud has hi in in the highway most of the time. She bus nothing io eat out ma grass ene cropg by the rouu aide." Look for tub Ckr Moth. Those having beef and wishing to keep tbent and have "luck" most almost daily visit their hives. (early io the morning is the best time,) and tip them up on ou aide and destroy the worms which secrete themselves nnder the dgei of the bive. Unless this is carefully attended to, don't expect to ba successful iu leaping bees for they are the great enemy ol tot oea. JB8 OTIS ED. IT. BRIGHT & SON, eTJNBTTRTr, NOHTHUMBERLAND OOTJTTTT, PA., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LAUG1S SUPPLY OK Dry Good, Etcariy made Clothing, Hoots nnd Shoes, Hard ware, tiirocerics, Mian. ifutriianarciAC, mg our present 8tock may be found Trench Lswns, Poplins, Fancy Silks, Ploid Ducal, Tissuee, ges, Debeges, Challi, Black Bilks, Alpacca, Oinghame, Swire Mull, Tarlton, Cambria. Nain . Brilliant. Dimiiv. Book Muslin. Bcbinett Collar, Swise Flouncing, Inserting, Lacsa, Kib- Amon took bons, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY Embracing the moat beautiful styles, all qualities and prices. Domestic Gomls, Windsor Shades, Oil Cloths and Cnrpnt. Summer Goods for gents wear of every variety. Hardware embracing all kinds of building material, Carpenters Tools of the bast manufacture, Filra of every descrip tion, Cutlery, Shoe findings, Lasts, Ac. Former C florin surpassed In sdJilion to our former Store Room, we have which you will find well storked with Heady Mode durability and cheapness. We shall continue to assortment at all tunes complete, another Inducement NEW GOODS AT We return our thanks to the public for their liberal tion of our Good, as we deem it a pleasure to wait COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEMS EXCHANGE. Bar Iron, Steel. Nails, Pick?, Grab Hoes, Mason Hammers, Mill Saws, Window Sash, Grindstones, mass, raims, uus, xisn, a Sunl.ury, May 3n, 1H57. tf New Goods for the People BENJ A 31 1 N IlEFFNElt RESPECTFt'LLY informs the public in gen eral that he his just received and opened a plrrdid stock of SritING AND SUMMER GOODS at bis New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stork consists in part of Cloths. Cassimers. Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO ; CnllrocN. Ginghams, Lanni, MouMNClliic Ue L.alues and all kinds ef Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QTTEENSWARE, of various styles and paiterns. Also an assortment of HOOT At SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ftc. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. ET Country produce taken In exchange a the highest prices. Lnwer Augusta, June 6, 1857. FURNITURE! FPRNITURETi THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, Cheap and Vseful HTMIE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet -- nnd Chair Manufacturer in Hunhury, thank fid for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, c, embraces EVERY VARIETY, ISEPCL AND ORNA NiKVl'AL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as any tbiug that may lie required in his line can be had at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Producotaken in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Marlet Square. ty Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, April 4, 1S57. If ISAAC M. WILKERSON, MANUFACTTJKER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Solan, IHvaiiM atttl lninyris Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, I!K1-. KF1ST Ml) HIM Mi TABLES and also VENETIAN BLIXUS, equal to l'hila- uelplua inanufucturc. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOAUDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES. In short, every article in this line of his business. 'TMIE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiai of the public to Ins large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of ( Viiii; j-u ut; which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery ane who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Ha also manufacture all kinds and qualities of CTTAT11S. Deluding varieties never before to he had ii Sunbury, such aa Mauogant, Black Walnut ixo Ci'hlkii Maple Giitcnn ; ami Wixiisnn CHAIRS, aid fanct Piio Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. I be subscriber is determined that there shall he no excuse for persons lo purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. These articles will ba disposed of on as (rood terms as they can bo purchased elsewhere. Coun try produce taken in pnyment for work. Ekv UNDERTAKING. llaving provided handsome UsAnsii, he is now prepared fur L'ndcrtakini?, and attending funerals, in. this vi cinity, or at any convenient difcujifce, from this place. I v The are Room is in. Fawn Street, be ew Weaver's Hotel. isAC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April IS, 1857 tf. . BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY I Flour, Food and Provision toro. . Breadway Itluw Blackberry Street. LEVI SEASltOLTZ,' n ESrF.CTFUM.Y inform the eitiiens of - Sunbury and vicinity that he libs removal to tho store lately occupied by C. Uchriiigrr in urnauway near the Hull Jioad, and is receiving a choice supply of FAlvULY GROCERIES. consisting in part of Hams, Shoulders, Mackorel, tterring, lute Mhli, tod r isli, Salt Preset ved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese. .Mulaases. Rice. Sugar, CuUee, (sreen, roasted and ground,) Im. perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black i eas, UeOar-ware, btone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lilies, boots end shoes, tobacco, segars, &e,' together with every articlo usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. He has also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and cakes of every kind. N. B. The highest cash prices will he paidfbi buttor and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunbury, April II, 1 857 IJUUTaud MAUEK1A WINKS, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy,. Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal "purposes at March 14, 'Vl. A. V". FISHER. 11XA!K8! nL,4K9i OLANK Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Warrant. Altaehments,CommiiiueuU, Summons. Su. ,'CUlioc ""'"-s' and Coi.atallea' M, officV &C,e"' U b'd by "rr,J'ins ,l UUAK CUKEU HAM A lot just received Apil I9ST. ! GOODS. In quantity nnd quality. fitted up the second stiry of our establishment Clothing, Boots and Shoes combining beauty receive Goods Brmi-Monthly, thus rendering our to all who wish to purchase. LOW PRICKS patronage, and respectfully invite an inspec on all who may favor us with a call. an, vnecse, meat, xo., always on nana. h. Y. BRIGHT V SON. SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The laisrst assortment in ih( l-nited States. Warranted to be equal to any t. nv made, and will be sold on as Good Terms, as ran lie obtain ed from any other house in the Country, at EVANS cV WATSON'S 80 South 4 th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Mrut Prevail. lieport of the Committee appointed to iuperin- tend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Head- ing, I'tbruary 27, 1807. RsjDixo, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectl'ully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrcls & Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side by side in a fur nace, viz: The Safe imne by l lie Paymaster of the Philadelphia snd Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his office at Re.iding, manufactured by Farrela & Herring, and the Safe in use by H. A. Lantx, in his store, manufactured by Evans & Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thcjfire was started at 8) o'clock, A. M.,nd kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesnut lop wood were entirely consumed, tlie whole under the superin tendence of I he subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by tlie Committee and sent to H. A. Land's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The hooka and papers taken from the Sale manufactured by Parrels 4 Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. Wo believe the above to have been a fair aud impartial trial oftbe respective qualities of both sates. JACOB II. DYSHEff, DANIEL S. HUNTER, Having bean absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out ol the respective Sales. G. A. NIC0LL8. II. II. ML'HLKNBEHG, JAMES Mil. HOLLAND. March SI, I 857 NEW AH,RA.lC3-E3VrE3SrT 1 Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, kc. fB'V.HE undersigned mving taken the store for L mcrly kept by William A. Hruner, is now ready to till orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice, lie has a large and well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stiifls, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco snd Imported Scfrars of tho choicest braiuls. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair lirushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid alirays on hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many article it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. Y. Uright's Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunhuty, March 14, 1857. THE DAUPHIN &' SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. CONNECTS the Ueatlins Railroad at burn, on the Schuylkill, (10 miles bi Au- below Pott3ville,) with the Northern Central Railroad. at Dauphin, on the Susquehanna, and with the Pennsylvania Rnilroad at Kockvillc, (5 miles above llarrisburg,) and runs um passenger train in winter, and two passenger trains in summer through between Auburn and Harris burg, each WHy, daily, (Sundays excepted.) on times arranged ta connect properly with these roads; with tlie Cumberland Valley and Harris burg and Lancaster Railroads, at Ilnrriaburg, and with the Cattnwis.a Railroad, and its north ern connecli'ins at Port Clinton. EM. WOOD MORRIS, Eng. & Supt. March 7, 1H57 Gm.pd. N I : W ARRIVAL OK FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Clement A'a 1, COnSFMOFMAHKE'l SQUARE, ASjusUeceived a large supply of Fall and Winter Guods. lie will continue to sell Drv Goods and Gro. caries CHEAPER than eve, as his goods are uuujjiu encapuney win ue sola cnenp. He fuels ennfidettt with his experience and "nny, mm ne can compete witti tlie World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if time anikspdce would permit. It is enouglrto say that he has everyUing in ihe line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large r-tock of Rcady-Mada CLOTHING, BOOTS ASD SHOES, jc, fre., that la kept in any other store in town, and His banner it on the breeze. Aud long may it wuva O'er bud of the free, Aud Uiw uoine of ta hrava While her Start and her Stripe Bliiut nut like ths Sun, Telling all'iiutiona That Kreedom't begun.. This is a free country as wa proved by the election of li uchanait over the Wnnlv therefore it is free for all to do their trading where they can BUV he CHEAPEST. All are invi- tcu to can ana see. TUB COUNTRY, aa well ai the town are respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call at Ko. 1 Markket Souare opposite the Court House. ' P. 8 He is not to be undersold by any man or combination of won. No eharge for allowing goods. All kinds af produce takes in exchange for guuua. Sunbury, Dec. 50, 1858. "JT'iahillg Taokle. Red Cork, Graas, Cot. ton and l.ineu Lines. Out Lines. H. r;,.., by the yard, fiuoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, for sale by Marcn ti, o. a- W. FISHER. RESOLUTION Proposing Amendments to tU Constitution of the Commomeeallh, Buolvid bt rna Bknatsahd Hocii or Ilsrixi stivm pi tii Commonwealth or I'!sivi.vai in kmkal Amamr KIT, That Ilia following amendments rtprfKl In tin eunititulmn of Ilia eoimnuii wealth, la ecuruauce wita the pi oviaium ol me tenin urutie wcrem. FIRST AMENDMENT. Tbers slmll be an Hdriiiioiinl article to mid ennttitatloa to Im tlnugiiated ai article eleven, as follows : ARTICI.K Jt. OF PUBLIC 1) 15 1) T 8 . Section t. The slat may eimtract debit, to tap;ily casual deficits or failures in revena-, "r t, meet esnenaea not othmviee provided for j bat Ihe atjaregnte nmiiuut i.f aurti dehta ilir, r,,.i n,.ntii,treiit. whether enntmcted by virtue of one or mors acta of the general ataemhly, or ul diderent period ol lime, ahail never exceed aeven hundred and rifty Ihouannd dnllara, nnd Ihe money ariainf from Ilia creation nf anrh debu, hull be applied to Ihe purp"ae fur which it was obtained, or to re) the debit rwconiracteU, and to no other purpoae whatever. HtlionH. Inaddilion to the above limiled priwcr the alate luav conrmot debta to repel invasion, tuppreea insar lection, ricfend the ttate In war, or to redee i Ilia preaent uiilsuiniliiirt ind ibtednenof the ttati' ; but Ihe money ant Inefrorn Hie coniraetini uf such debts thai) be applied to no other purpose tvhnlever. 8!Cti"ii 3. Except tlie debu nlmve tpecified, In tecliont one and two of tint article, no debt whatever thull be created by, or on iwhnlf of the ttate. Section 4. T provide for the pnymenl of the pp-aml dl,i. anri mi-., adiliriniinl ilebt eontracted at nforeauid. the lettiiliiture almll, at ite first tession, alter the iiiloptinn of this nmendineiit, create a tinkinR fund, which slmll be sufficient to pay Ihe aecruenat interest on snch debt, nnd jiinuritlv I rluce tlie nrinciiml thereof by a earn not les- thau two humlreil and fifty thousand dollart; which sinks I a sac fund shull consist ol the net aiuiunl Income of Ihe piiblie winks, from time to time owned by Ihe ttate, or the proceeds of I lie tule of the tame, or any part thereof nnd of Ihe Income ol proceeds of Kile of tlocks owned by theslnle, together with uther fundi, or resources, thr-.l nmy lie denipiated by law. The anid linking fund may be increased, fiom time lo lime, by ntrigninn to it any part of Iha toxea, or other revenue! of tlie stole, not re quired for Ihe ordinary nud current expenses of govern ment, and unless in rase of Wat, invasion 01 Insurrection, no I of Hie suid amkimr fund lliull be used or applied otherwise than in extinguishment of the public debt, un til lacnmonnt ol such debt it recuccu neiow ins nun 01 five tniliiona of dollara. Hmi,m s. The erl I ofllie eommoinvenlih than not in anv munner, or eveul, lie pleilced, or loaned lo, any in dividual, company, corporation. nr rssocmtion i nor shrill the commonwealta aerenitee uecoiric a joiih nwitn, ri stockholder In anycompaiiv, nsaociotion, cr corpnrnlior. Heetion S. The commonwealth ahull not assume tlie debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, horouah, or township ; orof any corporation, or association ; unless urh debt almll have been contracted I" ennhle the state to repel invasion, suppress domeslio Insnrre linn, defend it. self in lima of war, ol to assist the stnte in the discharge of nny poition of its present imlclitednen. OCClhMI I, I lie leClfmttue PH., I nwm ly, aity. borouith, township, or inenrporatcrl diatricl. by virtue of a vote of ilt citizens, or otherwise, to become a ttockliolder iu anv company, nssopintion ,or corpoinM"ii; or to olituin money f r, or Iran ils credit to, any cjriora tion, association, inal itution, or parly. SECOND AMKNDMENT. There tliail be anadilitioml article to taid cmtlitatiea, lo ba dosignuted at article XII, at follows: ARTICI.K XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. No enunty slia'.l lie divided lijra line cuttiiiar offnrerone tenia ot us nttpuiuiion, (eimer ii iurm a new enum utherwisr.t without tlie Mtnrcts ossein ,if sucli county, by a vole of tlie eleetntt thereof nor shall any new county be established, containing leas limn lour hundred sguuie THIRD AMENDMENT Prom section two of the 6rtl article of the constitution, strike nut tlie words, "of tlie city "f I'hllaclelnhlu, 111 HI ol encli county rKsiieelively :" from section five, Riniearlicle frikf, out the words, "of riiiltitlelntiia and of Ihe Severn eountieai" from auction seven, same article strikeout tits wrds. "neither the ciiyot Philadelphia nor any." ami lisert in lieu thereof the words, "ami no;" and sirikeont section four, soma article, and in lieu thereof inter! the .,l.v.ow "Section 4. In the year one thousand eij(ht hundred anil sixtv-four, mxl in every seveutn year inereiuier, rep, oMMMitntiv.. to the number of one hundred, shrill be aiipor- tioiiwland distributed eqiKilly, throoghoul the suite, by ili.trW.ta. in nronorln n totheunrabet ol Inxnnie mriatii- tants in the sevenil parts 'hereof; except thnt any county eoiiinimiif' at least three thousand five humlreil taxubles. mnv lin allowed a tenarate renrcscnlnlioill but no more than lltrce coaniiet tiiall be joined, and no county ahull be .liv.rl. il in the fonnntloil of a dlBllict. Any city contain- big a t'llfvrient niimlier nf tnxnblet to entitle it to at Ii nst two remesenlHtives. shall have a tenninte rcpTe.entrllion assitrned it, and shall be divided into conveninrt districts nf ennlijrimus territory, of equal table popnlnlion as near as mav be, each of whien diatricll snail elect one rcprcatn liilive'o At tlie end of section seven, tame nrliole' insert these words, "the citv of Philadelphia shall be divided into sin li ...nrit.iriiil d'isrricts. of conlnrnons territory at nrrirlv eqiinl iu taxable popnluti ni as possible ; but no wuro lliriil he itiviil.d iii the rorinatinn thereof " The Icislnture, at its first session, ntler tneatloprinn oi this amendment, sunn uivuie me rny oi ,-iiiiiiociiiiih nun seiialorinlniid repreacntntive diatriett. in the manner above piovided; such disiiicts lo remain unchniifri d ttiilil the appporiioiimeut in the year one thousand eight hundied and nxly-lour. rorHTlT AMI'.NDMr.NT. There shall Ik' an nilditionnl t.'i't ion to ihe first article of anid conulituliiiil. which sllull be uun.btrrd and read hs followa : Fectios 28. The legislature shall have tlie power to alter, or annul, nny charter of incorporali m hereafter coniernd by or under, any special, rir general law, wnenrtcr in inei oniniou it mav be iiiiurious to Ihe ciltrcn of Ihe common wealth . in such maimer, however that no iujurtire shall ba done to the corpoialort. In SSsNAis, March 57, If57. Itetilved. That this p-solaion pans. On Ihe first amendment, vens ill, lins 7. On the second ameivlment yeas !. nnys tt. On the third amendment, eus 'it, nays 4. On the louith nineiulineut, yeas 'J. nays 4. KxikicI from th Joninnl. OKO. V. IIAMUItSl.V, Cleik. IS HIS IIOlbK or l?FPREeiTIlVES, April '-, rvV7. J Resolved. That tliitrcaoluliou pass. On the Drst amend ment, en 7H. hirvi l'J. On the second uinemimeirt, veo 57, nays at. On Ihe third amendment, yeua i, nujt IK and on fouilh ainentuneut, yean hJ, ua)s 7. Kxtract from the Journal. JACOD ZIKGI.I'.R, Clerk Skcbetakt's Crricr. ) riled MayS, 1M7 j a. ft rrriTix. Hceretary ul the Coniiuouwealtl: Skcsbtarv's Ofvus. Ilurri.liar, June V4, l?37. Pennsylvania, 9t : I tlo certify thnt tiie Mmve nnd forcgoine i true and cor re.'t conv of ihe iiriuiual "UeMtulioii rt-laiivetn mi amend- nirni t r ihe uutum" u the aatue reiiiHiim on file in this office lu twnmony wlierenr l have hiiremito Met mv h intl aixl canse-J to m utT.xeti ihe sen I of the (wretary, Office, tlie ilitymid jeur Buuve wnufii. A.G. CI RTIN1, Secretary uf the Cuinuumwealth. Sr.NATK, ApiiiaT, 1S57. Itei 'Uitinn propmiitg ameudir.e till to the Coimtitution of the CotiiinouwcMltli, bti.. under Oiimileiotum, On the flies' ion. Will ihe irHMiHte tierce to the first ntnentlmpiit The yrn and nays were lukeu ngrmilly to tlie provi lioni of the Count itulinii, mid were ub lollow, viz : Yeua Mftisr. Jrewr, limwne, C'Jfoyt Kly, Kvntu, r eiier, r leniiiKen, i- nnvrt lujrrani, j'nuu: Mmucer, Kniix, IsHulmch, l.iwii, Myer, WoheM, Hellem, Slimnun bieele, Sintub, WtJiU, Wilkins, Wiiglit tiiid Tugart, Speaker Nnys M.isrt. Crnbb, CreMWe!., Fiimey, Gregg, liar- ne. i-enmip ann oirmntr 7 80 the quettioii wmi dctermmed iu the nfflrmalive On the g'itBtiuif Will the Senate ncre !(t (lie arronri nirtfinlmcnt ? The yea naya wrrm tHken epreeahly to the provi aittna 01 me coutnitunon uiut wi re s i.ior, viz ; Vb Metitcra. Iliewcr, lntwii. Crews well. Kly. Evnn, Fetter. Finney, Kluiuiikeii. liiL'roin. Jonlan. iCno;, Isuu- Irnuch, I.ewia, Myer, ISellera. Sli nmii, H-aither, Steele. Struub, Welsh, Wilkin, Wright and Tugt.rt, Speaker. 3fiJ Natb reaan. Coffer, Crabh, Frazrr, Gregff, II art if, iMiiinfr, renroie una ncoiuiid a. S the qneirioii yua df t ryimetl tJiApfflynatifo, On the question, ' Will the. Senate uirreotJ tlie thirifanfmeiKlinent ? The yean unU nay were taken agiueubly to the Comli- mi on, aim weie un loiiow, viz: Yeus Mcaara. Utewer. Hrown. Crobh. Cresawflt. Flv Kvana. Fluiniikeu, Fruiter, lucratn, Jnian, Ktlhnger, wmx, LtUiumem Lewi. Myv, rcnni iu, seller , bliuuian Soulher, Steele. Stratih, Wckli, Wilkini mU Wnglii -J4 Nuya MeisKta CoiTey, liregg, limria uud I'enroae 4 90 me CfUentioit wu Uelerminea 111 um umrmutive. On the qitettion, ill the Sotniie acree to the fotith amendment ' The yeaa und naya were taken agreuibly (-j the Comtitu- luuon, nnn were ut i)iiov, viz : Yeaa Mt-sfsra. Utewer, Urowite, Coffey. CremtwelL Kly Evans, Fleiimkeii. Fmzer, lni;rnui, ivillinieer Knox, Ijiu- Uich, Iewia, Mver, Seofiehl, SeHera. Shumttn, Souther, bteele, Htraah, Welh. WHkiiiaund Wiht 3. Naya MeHttta. Crnhh, Finney, Jordan and Fenrote A 00 tlie qucitiuu wui ileierumied 111 the umnualive. In tub Hocai or RxpftMBNtATivsa, Apiilaa, 1857. The (eaotution propoainy amendments to the Coittiiu lion 01 me uinin m weuitu being ttuder diuJUerutioa, On the, Will the HiiUBe aarea to the first aineudtnftui The yeusund nays were taken at re en h I v to the nrovi sioinof the Cointilutitut, andou the tiist pioposed uuicud- wmi, weir loiiow, via : Vol Mussrs- Anderson, Arthur, Dackhnuse. Ball, Deck Oishiip, Uower, Hriiwu,Cnltioun, Cutnibell, Cliuse, Clca niwii'iu, inchHjf, riii, r.).ic-i, ruusiiiu, roster, GiliUiuev, Ijilddi, Itaniel. Ilatpor, lieius, Uie.tund. 1J ill. niwh'rU, Dickey, Knt, Kytlvr, Fuusuld, Foster, Hillegas, iliiffinau, Burks luilirie, linn.. Jue ilu, Jenkuia, Joliiionu, Kaulfiunii, Kerr, Kniglit, Leiseiirnig, lAiu,;uker, iivcii. ni!inear,niaugie, ni'ciiiiuniu, ji'iivuim, siiMirhend, lleventon, Tolan, Vail, Vauvoorhis, Viekata, Vneiihlev. Water, Wostbroiik, Wharton, Willistnn, Willierow, Wiidht, Ziniinermun and Gets, Speaker 78. Nays Messrs. Uaukus. Benson. Dock. Hamilton II.... enck, Hine, Hoffman, (Lehnuou,) Lcbo, bliuthert, Tlioru, Warner and Wiutlode 14.' Ho the question Wat deterruuietl iu tlisaAlrinative. On the qnetlion, AVill the iiouto asree to the second amendment? Tlia yeaasnd naya warttakeu ugreeubry ti llie provi. tiout of the Constitution, and were at follow, via : Yeas Messrs. Anderson, UackkoUM, Ball, Beck, Bow er Calhnun. Campbell, Curly, Ent, Fausokt, Foster, GlIdea.Hainel, Uarpar, lieins, Hiosiand, Hilleeaa, Hoff ensn,(Brkt Housekeeper, Imbiui, I ruins, Janklnt, Johns. JXaori, KuVitrtKsn, KniV, Lseni1it, Ixykr, Usratt i..u.....h H.MNHIIMII, ..leiiin., i i,-i'.i."ii, i uuemaciler, Pearson. Peters, I'etriken, Pnwnall, Purcell, Huinsey, jl'liiUultlphio,) Kamtev,(Vnrk.) Hnainei, Reeil, Knbcils, Hunn. elliuw. Bluuu. Hiinlh. rCainliria.) 811111I1. iCr..t.A Msne.1T, Wnntle, M'llvaln, Moorehead, Mnsseltnsn, Nb chnlt,Nichoiton, Nunemnoher, Pearson, Petera, Petrlkin rownaii, I'urceu, nnmaey, (Yurkj-Reamor., Robert. Rnpp, Www, Hloan, loun. Vail, Voeghley, Walter, Wllnook, Wharton, Ziininw , UHtll, nitniKyi 1 pur, a ." -. mnn ana npaiaer 07. Nnyi Meaara, Atmliar, Aofjuatlna, Backnf, Benaoii, flithop. Brown, Chatte, Cleaver. Crowforfl, Kyatw.Witi iHiiiV, llnmiltofl. Hancork, Hill, Mine, Hi'ffmnn, lfba wni.j Jaco)( Kerr, I,ebn. M'Calmont, Mnmma, Reed, Smith, Cambria, ttnith (Centre. Steveiiaon, Mruthrra, Thorn, VatiToorliia, Vi'-kera, WRguuaellcr, Wanier, Win trooa. Withmw and Wright 34. 8i theqnetiton wna dctei mined in the rjlTlrmativ. On the qucitiun, Will the Hmmr ugrre lo tlie third amendment! ' The vena and iinya were taken agreeitHy to Iha proTi iotif of the Cniivtihitinn.nnd were n follow, vir. : Yean -MeBHra, Amlermm. Bnrkhoune. Itnll. Heck. Ben- ion, Bower. Hrown, CalhoiiH, CompbelL Chime, Clenvar, CrawfoHi, lJirkev, Ent, Kyater. FauaoM, Fttntr, GiblK (J -1 ul;.. Ii-:.. till tl.n II. .T lie J niuiiri, u u I yri . net III), lIVIHIUIItl, O 1 II, II llicpnat, man (Berks) Huflmnn Qa hi non,) llonaekeener, Imhrie, limea, joroim, jonrm, lonnnon. Kaunuiftn, Kerr, i.ruo, Iongnker, Isovett, MHnenr, Mtilet M'Calinont, Mmr hentt, Miimmn, MuMelmnn, Nieholi, Nicholson, Nune macher, Peiim'n, 1'etera. Ptttikin, Pownnll. Purt'ell, Rnmtey, (York.) Henmer. Keed. Rnnn, Hhnw, W'.mn, Hmith, (Oambria,) ?mith, (Oenlje.) Hteveilnn, Tohn, Vail, Vaiivnn hia, Vickera, V iwg iley, W;iRonrHf r, Weat brook. Willtatun, Witherow, Wright, Ziiumcinioa and lictz. rpenKer -7W. IS uyiu-Menus. Arthur, Aupnaline, Barkua, Iiihnp, Carlv. Dock, Uildea. Humilton, Himcick, Hine, Jenkina. Knicltt, lieiicttnnr, M'tUain, Riwirrv. (Philndclphm.) Robvrta, Sirntharf , Thorn, Wulter, Warner, Wharton ai.d mirmk' v j. r ihe qtieatinn wu deterinint'd in tlicniTirniative. On the qnrMtion, Vi!lthe I lot i no ngree U the fourth amendment f The yena nnd nny a were tuken ngrcenbly to the provi aiona of the Constitution, and were as follow, vie : Yens MeHara. Atideraon, Arthur Bai'khonae, B-jrkua. Ball, Beck, Benaoti, Binhop, Bower, Brown, Cnlhonn, Campbell, Cnrtv, Ctmae, Clenvcr, Cruwford, Dickey, Knt, Kyiter, Pminold, Fottt-r, Gibhimy, OiMcrt. Hnmcl, llnr niT. Heina, ffieatnnd, Hill, Hiklepna, IIofTmnn, (Iterkn) IliifVmiin, (Iscbunon) llouxekeeper, Iinbre, Ittnea, .Inroha, Jenkina, Jolinf, Johimon, KimlTinnn, Kerr, I.ebo, lcisen rinc, lonftik'r, ltveU, Mnneir, Muupte. M Cnlmnnt, M'llvain, Muniinn. iMnnaelinon, Ntehola. Nicholson. Nune mncner, Pniraoii, Peleis, I'etrikin, Powiinll, Pnrcell, Iinmsftv. rPhilRiielnhiiil lnniiev. rYork ) H miner. RpH. RolHsrtt Hupp, thuw, Wimn, Smifh (Cjinthrin,) Smith (lemre,; trvenaon. idiin, tiu, vnnvoornis. virKi;ra, VoealiU'v. Wncnnat'll -r, Warner, Wi'tlbrotik. Wh!trt'n Willialon, Withurow, Ziumterinmiaiul Ot;tz Hpenker. fO Nnys Miimis Do k, llrtmiltou, Hat.cock, Hailliera, i iiorii, v nnroao ann vrifrnr. 7. 80 the question was dtltrmiiied in tlie utT.nnative. Pecrktaht's Offite. ) Harrishurff, June Pennsylvania, 9S. I do heieby certify thnt the nlve and fnretmlnr Is true nnd correct copy of the 1,YcaM and tnken on the Kotolutioti proposnic nnieiiilntents to the CnnMitu ion 01 wie (.oinmoiiwenitri. as tlie mine nnnmrs on tlie lourtmlaof the two H.mim'.-b f ihe ri nrnl AhBtnd U- of hub v'Mnrn,,Ti writn n ior Tlie ieaFitH 01 i;i7. ( ) Witness my hnutl and aerd of aiid nfTite, t I I.!. 1 twenty-at'coiid dnynf Juna. one tliiisiind tight ) nuiMrt'ii aufi iiuy-avveii. A.O. t-l flllN, tStcrctaru cf the Commonwealth. Saddle and Harness Maker. II E 1ST II Y HAUPT, JIT. Successor to A. ,f. Stroh, KKSi'ECTFUM.V informs tli ii.v.r, ruizens 01 ouiiiiurv anil tile pun -ti-iiSt. 'iR gonerally, tliat lio lias taken J the eHlitliliHlinicnt tatt'lr occuiiicd A. J Stroll ni.O is rrrt ninl to turn cut v.ork in is line ol liusincrs rutial to auy mailt- in tin section of tli country. OrJers promptly fxceu ted and all kimlt nf produce taken in Exchange Bunhury, May 9, lhA7. ly IDEJNi TISTRY. (1EORGE HKNX, 4 NNOUNCK8 to the citizens of Sunbury am! victnly, that he has opened an oliice m titin nry, nhove H. J. Wolverton's oflice opposite C weaver a Hotel, wJiere he is prepared to attem to All kinds of work belonging to the profession n the latest and most improved si via. All work well dor.e and warranted. December 13. lSfi. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 141 Chmtm't Sr., aiiovj Fovartt. Pnii.ACKLrirt.4, rCcqj ceniftaiuKr on htn-l a fplcrdi.l aiTortnitrn ot Ready-made Clothim. Go onus Map to Ordhs and Waivia!" na 1 nr. Nov. 29, H5B. y Citrate of Magnesia an TASTELESS SALTS. piIIIS proparitiom is recommended ss an ex- rellent laxalhe and purgative. It operates mildly, entirely free from unv unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flaor, prepared and sold by A. V. FISHER. Munbnry, March 14, IH5G. AM:X tI)Kll UCRR Importtr and W'huhsale Dealtr in SALT. 38 South Wharves, Philadelphia. ASH TON Fine, Liverpool liround, j3 .Vn Turks Island and Dairy Suit, con JjQ3&'tanlly on hand and lor fate in lots to suit the tiade. April 4, 1857. (im NEW C ONFECTIONAR V. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAUHART, f f AS just received a new snd excellent assort- ment of goods at his Cnnlertiutiary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunhurv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the mont chnico Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among hia stork of C'onleclionaries, may be found : French Secrets, Gum Dropi, all kinds of icent, Burned A Imourio, l.nve Dmi.t, freuro White, Mini l)rnit, red sad white, " I-einoa Jelly Cakes, ' Ruse, 1'iuit Drops, 11 Vanilla, Puck Camllea, ( til Oommnn Secielt. Rik Cnnd)', Uquance, Alnvnul Caiulr. FRUIT. tWmni, t'ruiiet, Dates, trie; Curninti diied, Citmnt, Almomls, Raisnns, Nuts f til kiads LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Srgars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confeclionaries, fruit, &c, all of which is ofl'ered eheap at wholesale or retail. . ICJJ3 CREAM, lie has alia opened amice Cream" Saloon, and will at all Ii 'lies he ready to serve his customers with lee Cream.. . Sunbury, May 21, 18.T81y 1 . IXcivUnifrs, Pnliils, &.?. EV supply of Drugs, Paints. Oils. Fluid, &c, just received and for sal by A. W. FISHER. Runbury.May 2, 1857. FURNITURE POLISH. 8. RAE'8 Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restor. ing Ihe polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies. Huir Cloth, Ac. Also, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, etc., &c. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price SO cts. per bottle. Sold by A. W. FISHER. March 14, 1857. BOAT AND MULES THE snbscrilier offers at privste sale, IX GOOD MULKS.and a good SHAWNEE BOAT, with fixtures. The abova will be sold cheap, and ou reasonable terms. JACOU 8EASH0LTZ, agent for JOHN BLACK. Sunbury, March 28, 1857. tf LANU WARRANTS. Tha highest price will be given for Land Warrants by the sub crib H. B MASHER. W)ATENT BBITTANU. 8TOPPER8 fo bar bottles for aale by II. B MASSER. IWmry, July 1, 1H. THE subacrilirr respectfully In'orms the eiti tent of Sunbury and the public generally. that n hat commenced the manufacture 01 an kinds af BARTIIENWARE, at his manufactory In Whortleberry Street, on square east or the Hirer. 11a has engaged tna services or Mr. IIasf. and you caa therelora depend on having a good article. The public are respectfully invited to call. All ordera from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.SHINDEL. 8unhury, Feb. 8, 1856. tf joii ii. a mm; & co. Not. 1 and 4 Chestnut Street, (south tide, brlnw Water,) (Th Or.miT Woop-wtst Hovta 15 riu Citv.) 1 I ANUFACTlTRKRSnml Wholrsnledrnlera In Patent LU Mncliilie made HKOOJI!. rutciit UniveU i:Mnr. Warn, warrcuted not lo sluink, Vo,l and Willow-Ware Cunts, Ilrushra. fen , of all descriptions. I'lcatt call end examine our stock. Fcbruuiy in, le47. ly w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. HE subscribers, Execntors of the estate of L Henry M asset, dec d., offer at private sale the following property vir. 1 A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate In Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John It. Kaufman as a atore and welling. 1 he house is new and tlie location a ood one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMF.HTONK LAND. 11 saul township on tue river shout o miles lie- low Stinhu. y, adjoining lands of . I. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 90 acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 ocrcs 011 the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the heiis of tho late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For farther particulars apply to the subscribers. II. II. MAtsShR, ) I. B. MASfiEK, Executen. FRANCIS 13LCHKR.) Senbary, January 19, 185R. if MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, 1'cnnsylvania. HIS large and commodious Hotel is situa ted nearly half way between Sunhurv nnd i'utlfivillc. The sccnerv the salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the most delightful summer retreats in Ihe country. The Hold, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the modern con. veniences. The pure mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. The place is easv of urn-esa, being but one and a halt' hours ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Rail Rnnd. From Pottsvillo, it is 17 miles. Every attendance still be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable, ('barges mode rate. JESSE RICE. Ml. Carmel, May 21, 1650. tf E. 3STEWLA.3STID Ss CO. Look lug Ulasset, Picture Frames, Kugravlngt and ralntingt, No. ISC Arch Street, above Sixth, (Late of 18 North Second St.) PHILADELPHIA. GiiLsaiit oris nun to visitors. Merchants and others visiting the Cily who may want anything in our line nil i well to give us a call. Fearuury 28, 1867. Rm 1. ATX3E, CHEAP WATCH AND JKWLLKY STOKE So 73 North Second Street, (opposite th irhunt Verh0: II on si ) Philadelphia. C-OLD Lerer Watches, full jeweled, IS K. ca- ses, $28; Silver Lever do,, do., $12; Sil- ver Lepine, do., $9: Quaitier. !5 to $7: Jold Spectacles. ifi4 50 to $ 10 ; Silver do., 1 50 ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to 18 Silver Desert do., do., 4 9 to SI 1 ; SHver Tes do., do.. 154 75 to 7 50 ; Gold Tens and Gold Ca ses, $3 25 to 5 ; Gold Pens and .Silver do.. $1; together with a variety of line Gold Jewelry, CI old Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. li. All orders sent by mail vr otherwise, will be punctually attended lo. Phila., Oct. 4, 1856. I y w. PKTER SIDES, JAS.S. SrOVFIV Late of the Rrm nf Stevens, I jite of tha Union lintel. Hollinpsiiearf .V. Cu. NATIONAL HOTEL, (llTS WHITE itrjt', Race Street, above Tnirtt, rilll. ADI'.l. PIMA. riHI above well-known Kstablishment, have L ing been entirely remodeled, introducing all the modern improvements, and also, newly fur nished throughout, will be opened lor tha recep tion of Guests on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTUM HER. The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort ol'lheir guests flutter themselves with the conviction that they will be ableto give satisfaction lo their patrons. Carriages will always be in readiness to con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and K'ailroad Depots. SIDES iV STOVER. Race Street, above 'I hird. Philadelphia, August 30, 1650. ly PHILIP E. PTTFaDT. WtiOLKSALS A a II BKTAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Watsr Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1856. tf BRODIIEAD & ROBERTS, .Vo. 135, X. 2d Street, PHILADELPHIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants nnd others, to their stock of EObTS.&: SHOES, whirl; they will dispose of 011 the most reason able tems. , m Nov. 9. 185fi.i 1 . C. BEITZEP.T'S WHDLKllI A!ll ItlTllL . SOOT STORE, 40 Smith Fourth S.t, 'above Chesn'nt, I'hil'a. KOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac, promptly mada to order in the very best style, and of the be.l material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857 . Leather ! Leather I Leather I IltNltV W. OYEKMArV, IMPORTKR nf French Calf tklntniiil generol Lealliaf dealer, No. A South Third street, riiiliHelphia. A general asaoitineut of all kinds nf l.cnllier Morocot, Ae., An. lied and Oak Sole I.rotlier. February tj, 185-j ly w L. C. IVES' Produce and Fruit Store, No. 15 Xorth Wharves, 1'hiladelphia. Shipping and Cauntry Oordera promptly filled on responsible orders. Farmers and Dealers' Froduce Sold on Com mission. . -a. . Applea, B ananas, Pine A pples, Dried Fruit, Onions, Oranges. Shell Darks, Hai.ins, Deans, Lemons, White St Sweet Kins. Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry, Reaches, Ground Nunts. Chesnuts, Eggs, eVe. Foreign and Domestic Produce and Fruit gen ersllv, February S8, 1857. ly Shamokin White Ash Anthracite Coal om the "Old Vein" in the GapCollierv. T H. ZIMMERMAN &JNO. P. PLRfcEI. auccessors to Kase, Reed & Co., will coo tiuu mining, ahipping and selling coal from the .oove wen snown Colliery, tinder lbs firm of Zimmerman fc Turael. 1 he point of shipment is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Northumb and county, P.., where all ordera for Ilia various kinds of coal, vis Lump, Broken, Egg, (Steve, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully rtsMOad and promptly attended to. bunhury, July U, 1865, ,, , , Spaacat, JotT I, 185. 1 he Arm of Kase. Reed 4 Co. having aoloV their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest In tba wharf at Sunbury, lo Messrs. Zimmerman & Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and othera In tlie new firm, a they will Le able to sell them prepared coal arf tho best quality, " KASBRF.ED &. CO. HATD0CK & FIDDLER, Y)EALERS in Watchca and Jewelry, wfT continue the business at the old tiaaj f Jatnes U. Fidler, Ab. 12 South Second Street. rillLAUKM'IU.t, Where they solicit an examination of their laraa and varied stock, feeling assured that the ei both of them have had in tha' business, and the lacilitics they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terma, will ena. bio them lo compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now a n aim a 11 ne assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver, Plated ami Urittania Ware. Caller. r ancy Goods, &c, Ac. N. I) Repairing of Watches ami .11 j Jewelry attended ta with promi tnets snd th grraivai cure. Thiln., April 7, 1855. If. WHITE HORSE HOTEL. TOTTSVILLE, PA. T1HE ; subscriber respectfully ann-vinrea ta hi ... 0 J1fr,c,m', "n,J ,,,c PuWic, that he ha. t.kt that old and well known establishment, tha "White Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo St.., fn the Borough of Pottsvilln. The house has re. cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable aa any other Hotel in chuvlkill county-will's the stables sre large, in good coi.dition, and el- tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. lo traveller, and others who may stop at his house, he promises every attention rslculatad ta render them comfortsble and satisfied. .... JOS. M. FKCRB. April 3, lSif. tf HENRY D0NNEL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojfice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prempt attention to business in arlioinintt -OUIItlOJ. ' " EGXCE HOTEL, t'I'POPITE WEST BRANCH BANK, WILLIAMSPORT pA UlLLltM II. II4Y. Proprietor. C. A. Btsiks, Assistant. N. B. An Omnibus will rnn la nns from Ik Depot and Packet Landings, to this Hotel, fro of charge. September 13. 1856 tf fcAKVILLE HOTEL. JOHN BEEN, Jit., Market Street, Danville, Fa, rilRlS is one of the Isrgert and most comiiKw J. dious hotels in the interior of Peiinsrhaul It has been rceently lilted up, in ricelleiil stj !, wilh ts II the modem conveniences. Dauvillod, Sept. 22, 1855 Cheap AVak'lics fyJewc.r. 1 YHOLE8ALE a-id Retail, at the "I'tiil'ilet- ' phia Watch anil Jewelry" .t.i. North Second Street, corner of Qnarrv, 3PniLADELIKty .' unra .ever atL-nes, tun jeweled, t,C tt.ilrl I.Siine iriic. ff't.00 I-lue Mlver Si.r ucim. !.. Mlver l.i. full jewlled, S9 silver Lever, lull jev.'l'd 14 tinpeilor f.lunrtiers, 7 Geld R'aeeWls. J.Mt adieu' tiolj I'eneils. I. OS Silver Tea spnuas, .ot, 4, us luild !pertacle. 7 fin 6id Pent, with Peneil and Silver Holder. 1.' Gold Finger Rings, 37 cents to $80 ; Wauli Classes, plain, 12J cents; Patent, 18 ; Lunet, 25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods wu ranted lo be what they are sold for. KTAL'FFEK 4 HAKLET. Oh hand, some Gold and Silver Levers ine l.epines, still lower than the above prices. Oct. 4, lN5fi. lj. .4 RXOLD'S WniTI.NG 1 I.ITD and AJIi. sive and legal enveloe, for aals by H. B. MAKSEB Runbiirv. Ian 10, I8.ri(i GEORGE SCHALL & CO. 5t.lMFACTl.RliU or BLASTING POWDBH, Mt. Carmel, Xorlhumbtrland County, Fa, May 10, 185C TJLANK Parchmcni Puper Deeds and blink Mortgages, lionds, Executions, Summons Ac, for sale b II. Sunbury Apri 2fi, 1S56 U. MASSEK. STOVES- IOrt SALE en eicellcnt second hand Cook' - in. Stnv. mIua .bu.r.l r&i:n.i Cylinder Coal 8loe. Enquire ut this oflice. OLD PE.NS with and without cases, ef a very superior quality, inst received. Also a fresh supply of Writimr Fluid, for sale by H. a. MASSER. SunburT. Dec. 27. INfS- GOSUE.N CHEESE. Just received and fos sale by LEVI SEASHOLTZ April II. 1R57. CILVER WATCHES. A few double ras English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by H. B MASSER. Kniibiirv. April 12. 1R5I. AMKH1GAN IIOUSK ! WILLIAMSPORT, PA., J. II. KliLTO.Y, Proprietor. Ts.-T, 41 all. Ass't. Sept. 13, la.r6. tf IJCKE OLI.VE OIL for table use,two alitr - .at 37J and 62J cents jusi received by A. V. FISHEK. March 14, 67. stationery. A large supply of fancy ?f ote Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, aud Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, die, at March 14, '67. A. W. FIsHER'8. UORT MON.MES, Tooth and Hair Brushe all qualities, and any quanti y, for aale by A. W. FWiltR. March 14, '57. riTHE subscriber oilers for salo his SHANTY, 1 Cook-Stove, &c, oti the Rail-Road below Trevorton Bridge. Apply aoon to H. li. MASSER. Sunbury, April 25, 1857. FOR SALE. 4 Good second-baud Buggy. Apply at tbia ofliee. FOR RElsrT. I1HK Store Room in Market street, occupied L by P. W. Gray and Iha dwelling hoaae ad joining. A pply to tha eiecators 01 ji. Mstwr, deceased. January, IT, 1J57.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers