TERT LATE MOM t'TAH. Arrical of Mormon Eldert from Great Salt Lake City Pour Thoutand Mormon Immigrant on the Plaint A Hountiful The Mormon Tempi, Ac, frc. (From the N. V. Tiroes, of Kept. ath.) Yesterday we bad the pleasure or on inter view with Kliler Samuel W. liicbards, ol Utah who arrived in this city on Thursdny, evening after the remarkably Bbort trip of twenly-eigbt days from Ureal SnU Lake City. Oft dutes from U tab by this arrival reach to , the 1.3th of Agust. : i The harvest in Utah this season lifts beon remarkably abundant. All the crops have yielded in larger tncusuro thau for some years previously. Too Suints were joyful ut the cheerful prospects before them. Peaeo aud plenty were with them, aud their causes of complaint, according to the statements ol Mr. Uichurds, must be exceedingly slight. Wheat, corn and potatoes, parlicuhii ly, were tall crops, aud the harvesting had ended pros perously without adverse weather. Business was reviving as tho result of a good cm', and merchant ile pursuit bore a thrift yTTir of enterprise. No alarm existed in Salt Lake City in con sequence of the march of the United Stuie-s ruillitary forces towards Utah. Authentic or detailed particulars of tho movements of tliu t 1 . . : 3 . . I.. . .1 troops UJS not neon reeeiveu up to uic pcuou of tho departure of this company , but rumors of the disposition cfthe Government hud come to the ears of tho Monnous with a stifiiiient degree of distinctness to causa them to ap preciate the entent of the recent demonstra tions. They expressod themselves nable to understand the motives of the Government in despatching a force againgst them j declar ed that they intended no harm to anybody j disclaimed any intention of eutering into a conflict, armed otherwise and simply asked "to be let aloue." It was not apprehended that the troop, would Cod any wrongs to re dress, nor was it in the Mormon purposo to place obstacles in tho way of tho performance of their duty. In other words the most pa cific intentions and indications wero expres sed. An immigration of our thousand persons was passed by Elder Hichards' party. This includes the entire immigration of this season. Tbero were eight or ten distinct trains, each under the guidance of its own F.Ider. All were in good health, first rate spirits, and the parties looked forward to their arrival at Salt Lake, with tbo pleasurable anticipations of fieople goiug home. Among them were Eng ish Welsh, Danes, Swedes and other nation alities; the Welsh, especially, being strongly presented. Tho immgrants were passed be twen Independanco Hock and Fort Laramie, nnd so far as could bo jadged the "hand-cart" portion of the companies were having the best time a fact which will gladden the heart of Brother Brighom. Iland-cnrt travel over the Plains is one of his great hobbies Elder Richards' party ulso passed a portion of the United Slates troops between fort Laramto and Tort liearney. Mr. Kicnards nassed down the north side of the Platte. Tho troops passed op on the south side. The commanding oilicor was unknown, nor did Mr. Richards ascertain the esact number of the troops, but ho presumes they were tho greater portion of tho force intended for service in Utah. A number of very heavy freight trains, with twenty-six to seventy-five wagons each, wero also passed on tho way. The presont Mormon population of Utah is estimated by Elder ltichards at 00,000 There have been some flnnctions in tho pop ulation since tho last census, but tho arrivals ' have exceeded tho departures. The total population of the Territory, Gentile and Mor mon, is S0,000. At the next session of Con gress a determined ell'ort will be made by the Mormons for tbo admission of Utah as a State end the uecccssury papers are already pre pared. From t!. Sclinrgiove DemacratJ NORMAL SCHOOL MEETING AT 9ELI.NS CltO VE. Pursuant te a call of the citizens of Salins rrove, a meeting was held in the Union School House, on Monday evening, Angust Slst, 3 837, to tako into consideration tho objects proposed to bo accomplished bv tho act of Assembly, of tho 28th of May, A. 1., 1857, relativo to tho establishment of Normal Schools throughout the State of Pennsylva nia, and the bust means of executing tho same in the sixth Normal School District, compri sing tho counties or Dauphin, Northumber land, Columbia, Montour, Union, Snyder, Perry, Juniata and Milllin. Mr. John App was choBen President, and A. C. Simpson, Esq , Secretary. Tho meeting was addressed by Iv. Mr. DoBier, Prof. McFarland, Mr. Buyer, County Superintendent, and Col. A. C. Simpson. The following resolutions wero unanimously adopted in their order : Rejoiced, That tho object proposed hy the recent legislative act, in reference to the es tablisbmeut of Normal Schools in this State, r.eets our warmest approbation. Resolved, That Seliusgrove being neor tho geographical contro of the sixth oistrict bo proposed to nil interested as the proper loca tion for tho Normal School, and that wb invite the attention of lha State Superintendent, County Superintendents of this district, teach ers and all active educationist:! wiihiu its limit, to this matter, and respectfully aek their co-operation. Resolved, That if BufCcient a?snronco and encouragement bo given that tho Normal School cf this district shall bo located here, the citizens of ehis place will contribute libe rally towards tho erection of tho buildings and the establishment of the .School. Resolved, That we invito all interested to a friendly correspondence ond consultation as to the propriety aud modo cf commencing operations, with a vicv to effect the enter prise in hand. Resolved, That P.er. S. Donier, and A. C. Simpson, Esq , be the correspondents in this Matter aud n committee of invitation. Resolved, That when wo adjourn wo adjourn to meet on Wednesday, tho Tin of October, at 10 o'olocl;, A. M , at Seliusgrove, and that Gov. Pollock, Gen. W. P. Packer, tho State Superintendent, llou. Thomas II. Borrower, tho County Superintendents' cf this district ami all others friendly to tha caaio of educa tion bo invited to attend. Resolved, That theso proceedings be pub lithed in tho Pennsylvania School Journal, tho papers in this county and others iu the district friendly to tho cause of fcducaliuo. On motion adjourned. (Signed by lha ctT.cora.) An Inmate or a FitK.vci! Mao Hoi-i-k Chuienlnnjis the model mail asylum in Franco and worthy of a visit from ail touribts. The luft comer at Chnrenton is M'me de C , who was, two winters ago the hello or Paris. She was equally celebrated for her ease sprighthncss and beauty. Ono night, feoliug slightly unwell, she totk by mictake one vial for another In her medicine chest and swallowed a poison. It wus believed for a long lime that tho must suruly die ; the prompt and skillfull action of the family physician van quishes the poison but at the expense ot the luce which was terribly ravaged. When tho victim was in some measure restored to life Ler first care was to ask for looking-glass. ller request wus imprudently granted. Bho saw the dreadful truth at a clauoe; her beaut v was destroyed, hor eyes were bl o Uhot, her cheeks swollen her niouth twist d, and cru.t' feet and wrinkles furrowed her brow and eye 3. 8he gazod with haggard eyes ou tho wreck for soma time in silence ; she guvo a ber. reading ehriek ; she was. lunatic for THE AMERICAN. SUKBURY. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1857. II. B. HAS8ER, Editor and Proprietor, To ADVKRTtrtm - -Th etrrtilatlnn of tht Banbury American among the different towns on the Siiitiurhnniia nut excreted ife'unl!ed bjr any paper published in Ninth rrn PemuylYsni. rww cy -mjkb ac ti iimijt vtfMwifM UaWim mm uurwi Demooratio State Nominations. lor Governor Gen. WILLIAM T PACKER, OF I.VCO.MIN'O COfNTV. Judges r.f tie Supreme Court, flow. WILLIAM STni0,!ila,Brrl. CftuHly. Ileti. J. M l.H TIIOMI'SOW, of File County. Pur Cunul Cimitiiimntier, MM ROD V1UK KI.AM), Cf CtlWTKR t'01'J.TV. PUIIOCRATIC Coi'NTV NOMINATIONS. ?i:xA'ro;t i . C. WI.LKI.lt, hnnhnry. Subject to the decision of the Conferees. APSKMBI.V : JOS. C. ItllODLS, Turbut. HIlF.nUT : HUNRY J. ULADKn, Lewis. vnoTtioxoTAnv i DAMLL niOCtCLKV, Zo.b CO.MMISSIO.NXIt : l l.Ml tL l.T, Shnmokln. TUEASUHF.lt : JESSE M. SIMPSON, Sunburr. AUDITOn : O. .PPAI'TOX, limb. C3T We received a communication last week from tho upper end in relation to the Democratic nominee for Assembly. As the difficulty is of a local character, we did not deem its publication in our columns, advisa ble. Route Aoiint. Mr. John .T. M'Lanph lin, of Ilarrisburg, has been appointed route agent on the Northern Central Railway, be tweon Treverton and Ilarrisburg. Wild Piokons. We observed several flocks of these birds of passapp, lust week, but we have not yet heard of any having been caught. C3" Trout. Tho Lykenstown Journal says, that Charles Miller, of the Union IloufO and Copt. Evans, caught two hundred and two fine trout, in five hours, on Saturday week last. t3T Tho American Mass Meeting, which was to havo been held at this placo, on Thurs day evening, the 17th hist., did not come off, in consequence of tho non-arrival of Mr. Ila zlehurst, who, it is said, was culled home on account of sickness in his family. A large number had assembled to hear him. . C31 The difficulties between the Northern Central nnd tho Iutiphin & Susquehanna Railroad has been settled. For a day or two last week tho passengers of tho Northern Central were carried from Dauphin to llar risburp in omnibuses. Tho diliicirity was iu regard to the timo tublo. We presume tho Northern Central 1ms yielded, from tho fact thut the packet now leaves Northumberland an hour eiulicr than before. 35" Wo understand there is some difficulty between tho Sunbiiiy and Erie Railroad com pany, and Messrs. Lungdon & Co., coal ilea! ers at Klmira, who receive most of tho coal shipped to that pluce, in regard to tho toll on coal over tho Philadelphia and Sunbury Rail road. Messrs. Langdon & Co., contend that they wero to pay uniform rates over tho entire road. The Company demands ten cents per ton more, on all coul brought from tho mines above Sbamohin. CJT Tun Pavi.so or Maokkt Stiikkt is pro gressing. Henry Donuel, Esq., Mr. Edward (uss, Mr. Sebastian Ilanpt, aud Henry Ilaiipt havo laid down excellent stone pave rrents. Mr. Geo. Glass and Mr. Simon Marti! havo also completed theirs. Our neighbors on the opposite sido uro also ciukiog preparations. T Handoumi: Caii. The car, got up ex pressly for the purpose of carrying President Buchanan to Washington, descriptions of which were published at that time, is now runuing daily on tho Noithern Central Rail way, between Port Trevortoo and Baltimore. Tho pninliiif,' is emblematic each window bearing tho coat of arms of a separate Stutoi A handsome carpet covers the floor. It ie now running as ladies' car, cn Mr. r-lade'g train. QjfTuv. Aor.icii.Ti-K.w. Fair. Tho Nor thumberland Couuty Agricultural Puir will be held at Milton on Thursday and Fridtiv, tho 13th and lCth of October next. In a:iotl.tr column our readers will find a lift of tho premiums to bo owarded. We trust there will be a general turn out. Let every one bring tho hett he has, and there will be ubth. inj wanting to mako a fino display, as there are but fuw countius iu tho Stale that can excel our own, in tha quality of agricultural products. li Lauoiis loMATOk.3, Tho P.loomsburg Vemocrat boasts of some "tremendous toma toes" raised in that place, "five weighing exactly fix pounds." '1 hU may do pretty well fur Columbia county, but would be uoining -iromeniious ' lioro. Wo were pre sented with two tomatoes from tho garden of . 1. tji-ecuough, Esq., of this place, which weighed exactly thieo pounds, tho largest weighing 1 lb. 9 ounces, fcj" The new Lutheran Church at Blooms- burg will be dedicated ou Suuday, the 20th lust. Pkacues. Mr. Jos. Reader, of Rush township, is applying the people of Danville wan peaclies Irom bis orchurd. If onr farm, ers generally would pay more attention to fruit thoy would find it much moro nroutuLla thou rahiiug wheat nud corn, Many of tha tmmll truck and fruit farms, near Harriaburg ate jieldiug at the rate of five hundred dol. lMi ,. nrr.fil , - . - - 4 Mir or itnntnr. Mr, Hughes, who has bad some experience in getting op maps, exhibited to ni a baud romo map ofDctvidere, N. J., got up by him; nd proposes getting up one of a similar character and style for this Uorongh, if suffi cient encouragement is offered to undertake the enterprise. Every lot or parcel of land will be distinct Jy shown with the owner's name thorebh j nil streets, lanos-cnd alleys with the names thereof also all rivers, streams, railroads, &c, ond in 6hort every object worthy of note within the Borough limits. The map will be embellished with views of public buildingst churches, and residences, subject to a higher rate ofsubfcnplipii. The price of such views will bo from $10 to $20, according to sire and degree of perfection. On the margin of the map will bo given a list of the subscribers' names, with the profession or business of each, which will servo es a permanent ntJvcr t'Scmcnt Tor the business portion of tho com m in'ly. The whole will be Gnu-hod and mounted in the snnie manner as tho map of Belvidere, which Mr. Hughes will exhibit. Price of map, $5,00 g'Tho coal trade perhaps never W119 more depressed than ftt the present time. Our operators in the Shamokin region have not been exempt from this general depression. Though rconomicul and industrious, severul firms, wo regret to sny, have been obliged to yield to tho prersure of the times. Others who are weathering the storm, under adveise circumstances, do so with a view of tho "hot ter time coming." In Schuylkill county, wo unJcrs-tund, the effects or this depression havo been most disastrous, and thut many of the most energetic ond industrious business men havo been driven to the wall. The coul trade in this country has ever been of n most pro. carious character. This should not be, ond why it is so, it is, perhaps, difficult to deter mine It is a business that, requires close atteution and considerable capital, aud should be more certainly remunerative. CJTJIandsomk Iiii'ROVKMKKT.-The (lermau Reformed Church has been cncloHed with a handsome fence. The workmen, Mr. Wm. Hoover and Henry Pctery have made a neat job of it, combining ornament with dura, bility. We understand that wo are indebted to the ladies connected with tho church, ft r this improvement, which has cost them nbont ono hundred dollars. When the ground en closed is sodded and planted with shrubberyi tho dome nnd the windows painted, nnd tho steps nnd entrance completed, it will add greatly to the comfort nnd nppearanco of tho church. Cuaniib ofTimr. The train from Wil liamsport now arrives ut Northumberland ot C.45 in tho morning, and this pluce at C .53. Tho packet leaves Northumberland on tho arrival of the cars. Tho mails will be taken over the river from this pluce at G o'clock in tho morning. I ho editor of thu U. S. Gazelle thinks lion. David Tupgart is like the tail of u Newfoundland dog, "an immense wag." Ho attributes to him tho appoint irent of the fal lowing committee on hams, at the nest Sluto Agricultural Society, viz: Governor Pullock, Ex Governor Johnston Ex-Governor Porter, Ex-Governor Ritner, Gen. Wm. F. Packer, Judgo Wihnot nnd I.-aac Huzulhurt, thu lust threu, cuudidutes for Governor. V& Fink Flock. We have received from Messrs. Snyder & Co. a small grist of most excellent wheat flour, manufactured ut their new Steam Grist Mill in 1 his pluce. Wo have tried it and can truly eay never saw better, or more beautiful bread. t3T Tho first "Grand Annual Soiree" will come off at Trevorton on Tuesday evening, the 22d inbt., at tho house of Henry B. We:, ver. Froai what we cm learn we imagine our Trevoiton friends will have a pleasant time of it, as nmplo arrangements have be 11 mudu for that purpose. SlUAn Cane. Friend Gutelius, of the .Seliusgrove Democrat, referring to a para graph published fomif weeks age in regard to the Sugar Cano growing in our garden, says : belinsgrove bents yon, neighbor Musser, as you may infer wlieii we toll you that on Mon day, Aug. 3Ut, Mr. Ono. Schiuiro measured some Chinese I Sugar Cane, growing 011 a K.t of II. W. Snyder, Esq., uud planted June'Jr), wuicli wus louml to lie twelve lei-t high, measured from the Biirfuco of the grouud to the top of thu tUMRtl, Wo planted about thu 10th of June, and sirno ol tho stu.ks no measure nearly 13 feet. Wo have no doubt thitt Mr. Snyder's cane will now exceed curs, which Utoo much iu the khade. I&T Lebanon, IV, in 1330 it had only 2.184 inhabitant". But a census which has just been taken shows its population to have reached n,4o2, of whom 2,838 are mules nnd 2,094 females. From this it would am ear that there are now more mules hy C74 111 Le banon than the wholo population amounted ttiiolSoO. The town Iiub more than dou bled its number. C5"The Columbia County Agricultural Exhibition will bo held at Dloomsburg nn Thursday and 'Friday, the 22J und 23d of October next. . Tho Union County Agricultural Exhibition will bo held at l.ewisburg 011 Thursduy and Friday, October bth and Oth. Akab Stw:ds. At an agricultural fair in Lexington, Kentucky, a few days since, Mr. A. Keenu ltiehards of Georgetown, Ky., ex. hibited his splendid Arabian homes, Moklatli, MaRSoud mid Kaeklowre, and two Aarabiau mares. All the best races in Europe and America ore said to be derived originally from Arahhin stock, and hence, to improve the American breed of horses, it is deemed best to go to the Arabian stock itself, instead ofimportiug English descendants thereof. These Kentucky Arabians were brod by the, Bedouins. One of them Masjound, a rich cbesnut, fifteen hands high, lias great action of power, and Is said to be altogether one of the finest horses ever seen in this country. TTorrks and A Pi mp Tha Delaware coun ty Republican tells a story of two horses in Itidley township who provide water for each other, the one takiug the wooden pump-handle in his mouth and pumping while the other ki o"0Bl'', Do bolscl r0flSon J 1 A.' vUCUCS icr iso trutu 01 ino J ttory. important mow t'TAti, Excitement about tht Cuming of tht United States lrooptGo, Ywig Taltt a ISM Stand,, The following is the clc:!pir portion of Governor Young's sermon delivered in Salt Lake City on the 2Gth of July What is now the news circulated through out thu United States? That Captuio Gun nison was killed by Brlgbam Young, nnd that Babbitt was killed on tlio plniua by Brighnm Voung and his Daiiite bund. What muie! I hut Briehnui Younir has killed all the men nho have died between the Missoaii River uiid Califoruia. 1 do not say thut President Buchanan has any 6uch idea, or the olhcers of tha troops who ore reported to be ou lhir way here j but such ure the newspaper stories. Such reports are in the bellows, and editors nnd politicians are blowing them out. Ac cording to their version, 1 nm guilty of the He 11 in ot every man, woman nuu coilo tnai has died between the Missouri River and the California gold mines, nnd they lire coming here to chustiso me. Tho ideii makes me laugh and when do you think they will get h chancer Catching is always betore hanging. They understand, you know, that 1 hnd gone North, and intended to leave this place with such ns would follow me, and they ure coming to ueclaro a jubilee. It is their ilesne to eay to the poople, "you ore I'reo j you ore not under tha bondage of Urigham Young; you need wear his yoke- no longer; now let us get drunk, light, piny ut curds nnd race hordes ; and every one oTyou women turn to lie prostitutes, and become associated with the civilization of Christeudoin." That is the freedom they nro oudeavoring to decluio ivte. 1 will make this proposition to Uncle Sam 1 I will furnish carriuubP, horses, the best of drivers nnd the best food I have, U transport to tho States every man, women and chilU that wishes to luave this place, if he will send on at his own expense all those who want t') come to Utah, and we will gnin u thuusiimi to their one, as nil who understand the matter very well know. It would havo been much belter to have loaded thu wagons, reported to be on the way here, with men, women nnd children, than with provisions to sus.tuin sol diers, for they u-Vl never pet here teilhovt we help them ; neither on J tliii.lt that it is l lie desiiju of President Buchanan that they hhouid come here. I niu not going to inter pret dreams, for I don't profess to be such a prophet us wero Joseph Smith und Daniel, hut 1 urn a Yankee guesser, nnd 1 guess that James Buchanan has ordered this expedition to oppease the wrath of tho angry hounds who nro howling around him. lie did not defign to start men on the 15lh of July to cross those ph.ins to this point on foot. 1'iif sel & Co. will probably make from eight to ten ten thousand dollars by freighting tho baggngo of the expedition. What would in duce the government to expend that amount of money for this Territory ? Threw yeurs ago they appropriated 8-13, U00 for the pur pose of making treaties with tho Utah Indi ans. Has even that diminutively sniull sum ever been sent here ? It is in tho cutlers of the government to this day, unless thev have stolen it out, or improperly paid it out for some other purpose. llav tht-y ever paid their debts due to Utah t No, uud now they have capped their meanness by taking the mail (til of tiie hands of Hiram Kiinbnll, s mi !' because they knew ho wi s a ineml er of this church. If he had only have uposta. ti?.ed in season and written lies about r.s, it in not probable that, this mail contract would have beon taken Irom him without tho lenst shadow of right, in has now bo. n done. He was to have S23.U00 for carrying tho mail from 1 ndi'pendence to 1 his city once a month, which was the lowest bid. but because he wm a ''Mormon" the contract must be disannulled ; aud tkut. too, after hn had put by far tlu most faithful and efficient Bcrr;ci on the route that there ever has been, us is most well known at Washington. Jf! Uu.ucht that my prayer might be answered, 1 wi uM pray that not another United S ates MMl m iy come tn this city, for until Mr. K.mbnll began his iCi vico it had btren 11 constant source of an noyance, disappoiutuieut, and t.i us loss. We can carry our own n ails. r;.ise our own dust, and sustain ourselves. Put u;ie, tret to that man u-lio comet here t tr.n;"i,.'i f:if,v. fere with my ojj'airt. Woe, woe to lh,.se vieti who come lure to unlawfully v.th!le with and this penyle. J (wore in AVitoo, when mine en-witx were looking me in the ace. that J wnJJ tend tin in to lull across li'ts if they meddled tcith vie. and I ask no more o1ls ' all hell tu-diiy. if they kill n.o. it is all right; but they will not unt;l the time comes, and 1 think that 1 shall die a niitmvl death, at lea,t 1 expect to. Would it not mako any man or community angry to endure and relied upon the ubuso our enemies have heaped upon us, nud are still striving to pour out upon tJod's peopluY Brother Benihijel says that Mi Graiv' mail contract was out in August last, but they demanded ot his hands and would pay him to carry it two or three month lunger. The Post Oflico ih parlment knew, or should have known, that it had for warded thu ucceptuncii of Mr. Kimball's bid, for tho new contract iu that mail, which Mc Graw was not carrying, und then it took ud vantugo of the luiiuie of ti.r.t mail und trumped up u false allegation of the unsettled stuto of Utah, nnd on those g.ountls disan nulled the contract with Mr. Kimball. Our mail rights and oilier rights uud iirivilei'es are most unjustly trampled under foot, but they can spend millions to raise a hubbub, and make out that something wri-og is being done iu Utah. Let me be the President of tho United Stales a littht while, Hnd I would say to the Senators, Ueprt'seiitnlives and other officers of government Gentlemen i U must act the part of huh und statesmen' or will reprove you. W hut ure they angry ut mo far? Because I will reprove men for their iniquity, und becirso I have such intl 11 eiico lit to tlm very thing they ore nflcr. They think that they are going to obtain it wall money, hut they cannot do it. Tho I'oiluaing ore ixiracts from tho re muiks of Governor Young, delivered to the Saiuls iu Salt Lake City on the 2d of Aug. usl : When I think of myself I think just this I have the grit in me, and I will tlo my duty, anyhow. Yheii 1 began to epcuk in public 1 whs ui destitute of laiignuge ns a man could well be ; but tell about being bashful, when a man bus ail the learning and words he can usk fori With scores and Iniudrvds of thou sand of words with which to convey one's ideas, nud llan tell about being bashful be foio a people I How 1 have hud the headache when 1 had ideas to lay before the people, and not words to express them ; but I was so gritty that I ulnats tried my best. ' ' Should not I taka mv tea and coffee, mv bet f und pork, and every other good thing, and put it into tho bunds of thu men who sweat over the rock for th.i Temple, instead of feeding men, women and children who do not ftrive to do nil they arocapable of doing? lt.ni tried In that point, und 1 uul say that if there j anything in the world that bothers me, it is the whining of women and children to prevent mo from doing that which 1 know i hat I ought to do. I will acknowledge with brother Kimball, and 1 know it is tlm ense with him, that I am a great lover of women ? In what particular? 1 love to see them happy, to see them well fed aud well clothed, and I love to see them cheerful, J h,ve to tee their faces ond talk with them, when they tnlk in righteousness i bat us for anything more, I do not care. There are probably but lew men lo the world who cars about the private society of women lets than 1 do. 1 also love children, aud J delight to mako them luppy, 1 uccumuluto a largo amount cf mean, but I would just as toon feed my neighbor as myself; ond every one who knows me kuows whether oi not a pieco of johunycake and butter ccd a potato setif Ccs Crigbaui. I can live on as cheap and ei plain food ns can any man in Israel. 1 Lava said to my family a f;reat many times, I want you to make me lome-made clothing, but I would meet such ft wiiitsmg about my tars, ir 1 tier to nave even a pair of borne-made pantaloons made. 1 do not know that I have a wife in the world but what would say, "You are not going to wear, thorn you ought to wesr something more respectable, for you deserve to as much as any man docs." It would be hard for the people to explain owuy tho Idea that the government of the United Slates ie shutting down the gate upon us, for it is too Visible ; nud this Is what has tens the work of the Lord, which you ore praying for every day. 1 do not believe that there is a man or womnn who prays at all, but what prays every day for tbo 'Lord to hasten bis work. Now take care, for if ho does, may bo you will not bo prepared to meet it. The time mutt come u-hen then trill be a separation between this kingdom and the king doms of tf is world, even in every point of view. The time must cim:c when litis kingdom must be free and independent from all othtr king doms. Are you pripnred to have the thrtau cut to day t Now K-t nie tell you one thing, I shall take it as a witness that God designs to cut the thread between us and the world, when an army undertakes to make their appearance in thi Territory to chuslise me or to destroy my life from the earth. I lay it down ns u rule tliut right is, or ut least should bo, might with Heaven, with its servants, and with ull its people on tho PBrth. As for tho rest, we will wait a little while to see ; but I shall take a hostile m ivemsnt by our enemies as an evi dence that it is lime fir thu thread to be cut. 1 think that we will find three hundred who will lap water, and wo can whip out t lie Mid ignites. JJrother litter said thnt he could turn out his women, and they would whip them. I nsk no odds of the wicked, the best way they can fix it. Somr Don. A gentleman left ilolyokn on Friday afternoon for this city, in n bngsry, taking a favorite doir with him. As they progressed toward Williamsctt the gentleman amused himself by pluguing the dng till he had got the uuiniul into Htute of complete worry. Presently the gentlemnn's hat blew off. and he went back after it, leaving lis horse and bugpy standing in the road: then the dog took advantage of his mastcr'e ab sence, to jump into thu buggy ami Fturt the nninial, who trolled gaily toward tho river followed by the Koullemun yelling 'whna" to 1111 purpose. His faithful dog now took a position upon the seat, where ho could keep uu eye on his muster and another ou the steed to see lair play in the race. They approuch eil the Connecicut ri er into which the wag gish brute drove, nnd keeping his seat limited out behind the horse who swam, after getting beyond bis depth. They were s.ien. at this juncture by portions 011 the south shore, who put off in a bout and got them safely to land the dog in hi-rh gleo ut his successful ex periment in drivingand then went back after their owner, who will no doubt, leave that ib'g behind tho next time In goes ti ride. The best of this story is iu truth. Springfield Muss.) Republican. A. M Jackson of Mississippi bus been ap pointed Secretary oT State for New Mexico, vice Davis, resigned. (Lfiivesponiiciuc. tl'nrltie Sinilury Anii.tle.-tn. Eltjiicko, Sept. 12, 1S.17. Mb. Axkricax : Don't you think thnt not withstanding the fi'ibiiltiiug presence of the prince of Winter, J..ck l'ri.n, in our valiiy l'tst Tuesday morning, it is now sooppreiv -ly hot up hero that nut" can scarcely affirm that freedom of breath if his own. Th.i coui-oquonco of this dry weather wi predict to bo, a shortening of thu present inn luring crop?, Tho corn nnd buckwheat aie ripening too soon before thr-y till out. We hear sonic complaint about the potatoes. 1 sv.v a gentleman tl'gging sonifl yesterday that were ninth affected some entirely rotten. The potato tnj'S nro already tiding about here; which iu too premature to expect poifecth iljvtli.pr-d tubertl.e from thtui Our farmers erencuvtly rngiged putting in their winter grain, b r doing which, thu weather ic vor I'.tvnrabio. Wit regret to record another accident. A Mr. Hobert B.Swnyr.e of Maln rry t w i tthip, Montour county, wan returning h me ward on lust Thursday evening with a young and but partially broken horse, the animal became affrighted while descending a hill (supposed by something breaking about thu harness and allowing tho wheel of the wagon to strike h;s heols) uud commenced kick ng moat furiously. Jt struck off the Fplnshboard of tlm carriage at u blow, and hy some unac countable miiniciivre, oveiset tho wagon in rUtitly, thr. wir.g Mr. S beiiPiitli After drugging the overturned vehicle o icrt dis tance, tho shafts broke oft', freeing the horse, which run a few hundred rods, when it was caught. Mr. 8 way ze was seriously though not dangerously hurt received some severe bru'. scs, und a wound on the left limb below the knee. The wouud was evidently produced by a kick from the horse as 'Mr. S. wus thrown out. lie is confined to his bed, but doing well at present writing. Politics are easy here ut this time, the of fice parargms having abated. We untit ipuiV, however, a recurrence of some of the charac teristic symptoms about the second Tuesday of October. So mote it be no personal ami iety shall be permitted to disturb our wontt d compoBute iu such ce. We rejoice never theleiis, thut to good a man wa- found in the democratic ranks Tor the office of Comniis. sinner as tho catididute. Mr. Put of this place Though differing with him somewhat in points of politics, 1 openly and cheerfully ussert that as a Man und candidate, Mr. Ent highly me rits tho subituntiul support of ull his voting friends. And now, Mr. American, beforo I again take leave of you, ullow me to suggest that joo look to th" types to the cWrography per haps I had better said. 1'lease do not trans lute 'unveiled" ''involved," us was the cuso iu my last. Yours it ever, ECHO QUI LLP EX. Cmmminteafcb. . Sl'.n'jji-bv, Sept. 15, 1857. JJr. Editor : For various reasons I have deemed it proper to decline being u candiduto for Couuty Treasurer, leaving the contest for tho office entirely between Major lei in and Jesse M. Simpson. To those who know Major Heim, we need Dot say that from his well koowo character and business habits, tbero can be no doubt as to his making an excellent Treasurer, and that there will be nodiQlcully in the settlement of bis accounts at the end of his term. PETER 1ULEMAN. For the Sunbury American. Mb. Editor! I observe in the papers the names of a number of persons as candidates for the office of County Treasure. Permit me to recomuieud Damkl Hkim, of Upper Mubonoy, to the voters of Northumberland county as a suitable perjou for that oflice. Maior Heim is a man iu every respect rjuali. Cod for that office and would uudoubtudly give peneval satisfaction ir elected. JA0KSOX. tot th SunVarf American. la n. Editor i 1 observe in the papers the name of nnmber of persons as candidates for the o31ee of Prothonotary. 1 have notliinff to say against either, and some of them. I have no doubt, would in time muke good officers. My purpose is to recommend James Beard, the present incumbent, whom we all know has given universal satisfaction during tho Jnm cix years he has been in office. Mr. Jeard bus all tho ncceppary experience, speaks English and German, nnd is always obliging and attentive, and will, therefore, receive the support of many, without distinc tion ol party AUGUSTA. CS Briebt & Son have lust received ono ther supply of new goods, and now offer to close out their summer stock at erently re- duced prices. Judging from the quuntity of gooits they nro constantly receiving, ineir louiiiicsj must bo increasing in n rnpid ratio. But "small profits ond quick sales" will draw 1110 patronage ot the public. Tim Crisis Restoration op Co.ncidk.ntb The financial crissis is now nt on cud, nnd confidence is onco more fully restored. This desirable condition of things has been brought about in a singular manner. A certuin heavy 0 cnlor who nosallv looks very solemne veBterday mndu his appearance in the banks iooltinir remarkably cheerful. The cheerful ness was contagious and the directois of tho directors of the institnion discounted freely. This rxnmplo was generally followed ond things becamo easy forthwith. The capitalist who caused tho graud result says his pleasant looks were brought rbout by the fact that he had on a new soil, purchased ut the Brown Stono Clothing 'Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. C0U nud CJ5 Chosuut Street Philadel phia. Many are tho preparations oro offered to tho public for the euro of Chronic Diseases, but no medicine huu over done one-half the amount oT good for sufferers, n3 Du V 'all's Galvanic Oiu It is applicable to ull sore ami painful diseases. Will relieve paiu iu a luw minutes. WurAn'!! lli.M nr Wild Ciikeiiv, The Rttut wiir tly f ir CU.NS i .MI'TloN iiml nil nllier diMiiai-i of tho i'ulin iit'iry Orirnm 'J'lie qn-nter li:e value of any diaej vvly Ilit' higher it is held in II. e t-sti-t'iii of the public, onU no iniieli in prop'Ttion is licit. )iuliie linlile to he iiiini,e(t lilKin by liie spuriitUB uniutti jii ol' igiiuiaiLt, tli-fliginng nm! (toh'tm t-t nu n. Nuw t!i:a thin prepnralioii i v.e!l ttenwu to tie n nvirn critiiin cure In i pirnt CONSt'.M I'll' N. ASTHMA, t,i 1:1! l OMt'bAi.vr, coruiis. DIIILNlIHTIS, ami all iliiiilitr i:ii-c.'tio.i. ttiiia nny other rem ily knuwii, there tire !' ilntil tluiPe no villriiiiiti!, wirkert nil te e tnctiet a sptt ri !), nnil pt-ilmpa ti pni3on iu mixture, anil try t-j inlm il ml mm the genuine jfulhani. Thia in to enntt'ili ilenlt'TS atut ttie pulilio i-em'tally. lliViiiiKt p'ire!l:i-iii'l reiv iiilii-r linn tlint hnvii'f; the written eicmauie ef 1. HL'T'I S 011 the iiulfiiiie wrapper. I'it piirnl only liy r-v til V. I'nvi i.t ,V Co., UnsLnn, Mn" t wiioin nil onieia fcliouiU Lo mUhvtscil, find fur dale by llii-ir uveitis. ty" 1 .COD II K V II l II he pnnl I'nr liny Mi-helno t! ill, wiil extl rUA'l'l A. 3 JTLIll'.U'S MAOIC Ull, f.-r llie fi llowilii: il.sei.M-u: lil,t'un:;!tirm, Ni.nr ili;in. S itiat Atiteti.m. OiMilluciri! J jIiiIr, tjli- ile I'niits, Vuln in the tJiilc ot Ilru-lc. ilen-hlilii', 'i'.ii.llr'ehe, t.iliin, Sme Tlir.wit, Citlit, Miuii'a, Uurns, unU nil disetii'-i i f the akin M'm-U-a unit the WniuU. None tteimine without the aig- P'ltirenf I'niTT.V llfTrilHlt etlaelli'll tit each Lal'fl I'rineip'it oii'.ce, Suit Wmiaiajyai tlroet, Brooklyn, New York. S .1-1 l.v Allien Y. Fi.lie-, Diupi;it, Murtct street, SuKbury, CiT This is to certify, thnt I have made hut one application of the Magic Oil on my linger.'', whicn have been drawn Irom contrac tion of the coiiIh, brought on by rheumatism. 1 1 was of seventeen months standing, aud 1 now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend it to ail afflicted likewipo. J. M. riNnr.ooK, Harriehurg, 7U Locust otreot. July 23, ly. S!)c Markets. PldJadelpliia Market. Spt.16 , 1857. Gcaik. The receipts of Wheat continue finite Urge, though thu ninrkt M inactive Good r .il iit held ut 1 27 a 1 1 1, and SI 3U it CI ij for pod white. Sales of choice Kentucky at -l 5(1. and very superior lioa:i o'.itf at 2 '25. Kyo i f.te:ly r.t 75 cents Corn is dull, aud light Pule are making ut 7t a 7eY. Oats arc iu demand nt from 28 a 2 7 cents per bushel. l.luvei'sccd bales ol prune at tj per 0111m. Whit-kev Sales at 2C cts. in bbls. od in hhile., nt 27 cents. EXIIiEL'BY FEICE Co'RP.EKT. Wheat, . . H 1)0 Uuttci, . . $ !0 l!;.e, . . . . I 00 I'.' go, - - 1- I'ern, 87 Tallow, I- O.iM f.j I. aid, ... M buckwheat, 7.r Pork, .... H Polalot a, . I CO lirrfwax, - - 25 I'laXKHt'd. - - I SS Dried A . pica, l 5 ft ITew Adveitiscuients. To the Electors of Ncrthttmterland County. Comity 'ffrcuirrrr. r I 1 1 1-. subscri'.'cr in ohcilience to the wishes of 1 a large number of his It How citizens ban con touted to he a caudiilatit for Treasurer of North umtieilunt couuty. It tlcclcd he promise to ill-charge his duties laiihfiilly, ami in order to do so, will take up Ink icsnlrncn in Snnnurv. Li.MKL HEIM Upper Mahanoy, Sept. 19, I Hf7. lVrlf of I'arlltfoti Alexander Jordan, In the Court of va I Common Pleas cf William Dvis and rienrge I the County of K. Lee. Kx r. of Thomas .Northumberland. Davis of I'hiludflpliia.dec'd. I anil ulsoTii'sicr ot the widow November Term, anil In irs ol euld dec J , and 1857. .1 s.1! It Warner of I'hihidcl phia and Willium Mct'urty ol rSoiiInirv. V.'utTor Partition. The Tlefcndanta will take notice, that hy viituc of said writ, an inqui lion to make paiti.'ion in valuation or llie ro pertv therein mentioned, will he held on tho premises ou the 'Jlh day or October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. HENRY WEISE, bheriff. PheiilV's Ollice, Sunbury, Kept. 10, 1857. J STATE AlUUCULTL'HAL EXHILIJ. TION ! '111 E Peiinsjlviinia Stuto Agricultural So- ciety will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIIHTIOX, At Philadelphia, (I'owulton grounds.) On tho 29th and ,10th ol Septmbnr and Pt and 2d days of October next. The usual reduction on passenger Care and free pitKsngo for stock, will be furuhhed by the Kailroad Companies. The books or entry will be open ot Phila delphia, on and after the 1st of September DA V II) TACliAET, Presideut. Rohkbt C. W.u.kkk, Secrelury. Sept. 19, 1857. 2t FANCY FUKS FOH LADIES. JOHN PARKIRA A 'CO., (Xsw Nn.) Bin, No Murket St. ulmft! Kik!u, rinludifl.lii Ijnnorttrs, .Muiiufiioluieri und-diulrrs in IjiJif", Heutlemrll ill id I'liildrens Fancy Fins.' Wh "Itstleuilrt Ketuil, J. K. St Co., would culi he atteniii.il ( Drulers and the Public Kenrrally to tlutir nuinnme S.oclt of I'uugy. Furs Chr (jidtes tinillrmni suit : lldrcit llicir ass 411111111 milt uees vr ry nrlu le and kind of Fancy Futs, that will be wm during this sensnil such us nil Cuies. Half I'npcs tiusrtcr Ciii, 'ruluuis, Vli't.irinos Un is, Muffs k Muir-ttrcs, liorn li Guest llus sisn Httle In Ilia Uwl price linnteslic l-'tns. For Gentlemen tlit largest iisseritneitl of Fur Coltais, Ol.iVfS O.iuutlels 4c, bring the direct liiiporlcisof all out F uri anil .MHiiufiK-luiers of thetn undorour nwa supervi Sinn we feel satisfied we am o8er Itetter liiductrniciiis to dealers and the puMio generully thuu anv oilier In 'use, having an assortment to select finis and ut the Munuiactnr rs pnoe. Wo only ask a cslll . JOilX FAREIRA i. CO. No 611 Sliuset fireet bImt Ciglnh, FhUad'a. Dtttadelftila, feyl. In, ItW w1m. M . avmeia t Jsatjbici H. O. K1MUAI.L, late ut Klmir., having become a resident of Hu ii'i ry, lenji-ctiull Informs the citizens and others, that ho intend lo form a Singing UIukb, both socular on J aucrrd and will imparl ins ruction to all who may deuro ' H' iiirmn.nci nutter his charge. ai. o. ivirs. u Kimball is prrpared lo give lns:ructiona to a few more pupils on the Pisno forte. Sunbury, Prpte ruW 10, 1857 tf 1 1 V' 'Rlr',KG, havinir obtained the agener for PRKKfiSrjlKr DOOK Lnterumu is now preparfd to furnish any Book pulilUheJ at retail price wilh a Rift worth Irom 25 centa to ONE HUM DUE U VOl.l.AHS. Godfreys Nanvtive of the Ifn,. bound in cloth, price 1.00 (with Uifi.) Bound In h.n. r.lil. ...1 :r.r. . puj.r, imuivui glll OU CCIIlfl. l)r. Livingstone's 18 year' Exploration and Adventures in the Wilds of friea, SOOK vo.. pngea. One hundred splendid Engraving, bound in cloth with gold, price I 00 (wiih jif-,) Taper edition 61) ecnia (without gift). Sept. 10, 1857. Ct. fjlLBKK IlYlJK'jj Exposition of Mormou U mm. Price, $ So, lor sale by Sept. 10, 1657 31. H. Y. FKILINO. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I N pursuance of sn order of the Orphans' Court or iSoitliuml'.rrlatii1 county, will l exoo-U to public aalo on 8ATURUAV tho 10th ihiy of Octotitr next, ou tho prt-muM, the rolluwiil described rcnl entuto le wit A certain Tract ol LAND, siluato in Lower Augusta township, otlioi tiitiir tMntU i.f lnu..m Gjss and otliers. Contoinini 40 Arr. L ens, oliout 8 acres of tho nni,l lanJ ;. ..i The improvements are a weaiiK.t-tVnr.1 rw.1.;. '. Houve, a log Uarn. an OrchurJ ofwin.l rr,.i, ... t there is also a giioj Spring at the house. Tho premises are in good repair and the I tihtte of cullitolion. I. ale llie esrate uf Hnrtr Hanuharh.tlrc'd. S.tlo lo euinmenca ut I0o'clo! A. M..of said ditv when tho terms of anl. ;il be made known hy jot.1. wm v ny orJcr or the cnurt, 1 1. Pursel.Clk. O.C. I Sunbury, Sept. 19, 1'JS7. ) KJ. SHERIFF SALES. Hy virtue of a certain writ of Yen. px. Real to me directed, will b exn Bed to rniUm mis ' at tho Court Houe, in Sunburv, on SATUIl- DAy, the 17th or October, at 1(1 o'clock, A. M., the followiiiij uronertv tn wit A certuin lot uf ground sittialii in thu tnwrr of Shatnokiii, in (,'ual township, Xi tliumber Ittnd county, and nmrke'l in llie general plan of said town No. 327. Fronting on Suntrury ami Commerce streets, nud bounded by Diw. art street on Uih West ; and lot of John If. ttouflurmul on the east. Peine 200 let-t Heeti nd sixteen fnut iu width, whereon is fcrectt-.t a two story frame house, including thu teiie itiHiits, lo by 21, wilh a brick kitc'Lun 15 by 20 feet. - ' tie.z d. t.tken into execution, ho. I to h.. c.,' l as thu property of Willium C. Kt-neduy. ALSO : At the sami time and pluci. bv virtue of certain writ of Lev. .. to me directed, will b,j exposed to public sale the following propeity lo wit : All that certain mossuage or tract rf hind. r-ituuti, b.ing and being iu the township e'( Delaware, conn'y of S'oi thnnihei :n,. nR.i .State of i'ennsylvani, bounded ami described hy he following courst-s, and distances begin, uing ut a chestnut ouk, running Xorth C'i degrees East 6d percht-s to n pout; iher.ea North 53 degrees West CO perchu to n chesuut ; thence Soul!) 5 degrees Wmi l perches t;) a chesnut ouk to ti,.t p!aCD of b... tf nniiiir, cunUining acres, 152 perches art 1 ello'J.tuce. S'ii-d, tako i into execution, an i tn b-s .11 as tho property ot i't ter (Jrow. H. WlilHH .N-n...;,r biiitiii s urucp, Sunbury, Hept. 19, 18 OTICE. jVOTICE is hen-l y givu that sppliention hs x ' berii inuiie to tlia t.'ourt of CiiinmDti Pleas of N'orthiiiu'.ierlnnil county, bv the nirmlwrs of tl.o ('rritian b'ef.iriuril and' Evtingelical I.uthersn Chinches in 1,'ppcr .Valionoy towiifbip. for Charter of Incorporation under the namo and itl'e of tho Truvttrs and Church Cnunril f ttt. .loho's Coiled d'ermnn Kt firmed and K vrt i-tgcli. cal Lutheran Church, in Upj.er .Mahunor sn I that tho same will be pre-toled lo Court fjr hrin3, the first Monday et Novc w.hn- nm t. JAMES UKAKi). P.mh'.. it .t . v. .wi- ' J t i uue'iiui.ii J s iiiiro. h'uiihury, Sept. 13, 1 807, , tc PENNSYLVANIA WIUE WOP.K3. Aw. '.''IG Arch St h t. Second Ti.ird, fVi'-'tits llr.a-tSntct, t'!Ula.:i!ji!i!r. QF.IVn.S, Hhhllrs, Screens, Woven Wire of nil mrshr and wid;hs, v;h ull kin is of nhtiu and I'sncy wiro work. J-vjr 'I w.lle.l Wire for Hpark Catchers ; C'osl. rvid and (in vel Vererns; Pajjer i: u'o-r's Wiru ; t.'yler ilor and Dundy Rolls, covei td iu tha best manner ; Wire r.nd Wim Ki ucing. A vo y anoerior a-iicle or iVsvv Founder.' 8ive. 111 kiu.U olTion Ore t ire Ni'ives. litVI,!SS, luKliV ,v I.VNN. Philadelphia, Sept. 19, IS67 c'Jin. EAKLE'S (;ALl.F.T!lts OF PAINTINGS -Vo. BIG Cifi;iul Street, opposite the Girard Ji'use. PHILADELPHIA. W OOKlNli Glass Warerooini ami KcposiiJ. UJ of AxU Ui.gruviugs, I'uiiiin.iis, I'm trait and Picture Frames, ill every vuiii.lv. or llie Inln oiigin-ils and Kurojieun i'ulicrns. 'ier 'J'.i'ni-ts. Consols, liiackets and Cm nievs. The tm it t tinsivo and elegint asoitmenl of Lo.-lit.g (i'st es, ol suhslautul woihin unship, a d at .Vjcttun prices. (.old Medal awarded hy iI.b iMarjlm.d Insti liito, ISTiG. Ii ijjhrsi i'reutiuiu uwanird by the Franklin luf.ituto ISjj. JAM Fa S. EKLE. Scpteniher 19, l8f-6 c3iuJ FEVER AND AGUE! QU1M.M-; suits rtTL'j'i: on nkuvk tomo Tliis well known remedy iliacovered In- my line asr' lier Uoct'T U J. Leeds, is a sure cine I'.'i'ilie rt!ive tlVa -r-der, Si.'li-Hiailuclie, anil all oilier .Neiv-rsnili-i-n. t cmitUMis no yiuieiie, Arsenic, or oilier ihiiiii. iia ii.uutii. Aiiift h siti..i.Tii,u.. ii ...... ... n , "' """"h'itii. iur Rieiii, cues tune tn llie ueii, anu is liiV-'llu.lUiu l'i lllsiieptics tllldllli'Se vt 'in. iirtceteit wiih ivc.mneKs i(i hiiv pint -.1 tile FVMein tt is es'istlv rec'inimeuiieil tn leittnles irmililcd with Fi llli'U of the vv . inn, uue h -tile is siiilii en nr in in. 'st cases, wliuie ilin at ptrlsif the 1 in -ii S -UI by the limes. sis e-nernly aid t.y J. II. l,r,l, ii leulu l;rusist, and b .le, I'l.iniietor Ul Molilea ii'ie, New i.rl.. New York, f ept. 10, tP37, v3ni. P,tate cf AlPXASDLIl CAIDV.'ELL, deceased. rO'l'ICK is hereby piven to creditors anil' ! others intercstcit, (hat llie Orjihana' Court of IS'orthtiniherlrtnil county have eppotiitcd the nuhscribf r A tulit.tr to ilistrihulu the monies in thu hands or Wm. MeWilli.tiin, Administrator of Alexander Caldwell, deceased, to and among those legally entitled. Hit B,l an,.j for that purjmse at his oliii'e, in the Uorouith of Suultury, on Wednesday, feiepteinlier .'tilili, insl., at 10 o'clock, A. M. Creditors are cautioned thai it i not Buflicioiit lo have given their claims and accounts to tha Administrator, hut thev must sett that they arc presented l0 ihe Audiior ut lha time appointed, and duly proved, otherwise they may nut be included in the diatrihutinii JO.K.CI.!:MH.Vr, Auditor. Punhury, Sep. 12iU, IS57 St SI WAY llOitSC. CJ V t0 l,rimic ot the iubtcribe r, en-- (Mondity, the 7lh of Septemhcr, tnsl., a CRAY HOUSE, shout U or 14 tears old Tha owner is requested lo come forward, prove pro- ' party, pay rhargra, and lake him aa , otUi .u he will be disposed cf accortlinri a law. ' v" j"', , UAAC S.VirGB, Kmh to , i)j.i, 1 J, 165. tnj '..'"'-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers