3 new family aiioci:nr, i is 'CJi 0 X'C. - ..' : . h'met M.irht & BheUcrrg St. rriCTITLLY iPii-r.ii foe- r"'' "'' ' ,t,n.. i, ...... .i ft i.rii tir.il well fl'-fd nerm intent of clinic Family Croceries. ron.is'iue ii Mit nf llnini. Shnu'dcis, Mackerel, Heriinir. x bile Fish. Coil t-'icifi. f lt Preserved Frn t. Picl Irs. Crackers. Chre-e. Mobissrs. line, bucar. Cnfl'ce. (errrii, foisted nml prnitnilA Im petial. Younir livmn. Gunpowder and Ulnck Teas, Cedar-ware, St.ine-vvtire. Soaps, lirunlirs J.l.tv nii'i w,i:i li-i.-n, hoots mul shoo, tobacco. n'KKrs, Ac. lojcther wit'i cvcty article usually found ill n first class Crocerv Si if. n'l f which will lie so'd al llm l".est prices, cither for rshr country jiTivlnre. We also keep n'l twirl chute Liquors, Port, Lbb.ni. Ac Porter. Ah', beer, fareapatilhi, J r. Wr nie also prepared to nip f.lv the citizen:) with t'rsli hri-ed, twist, rolls, pics, Joelels nnil cr.'.,cs nffvo'V kind. N. B. The highest cash" prices I t psid for butt, r mul i'iti". Ciirn. oats, rye ami wheat. tSuiilmiy, July 7. 6EGAKS- El Neptune, El Dorado, I: I Duemlo, K:u Hondo. Recrca. lores, La. CurirsiJad, La Somiaiiuis, Canalos. Plantation, Havana Cheroots. For Piil at VEIsBil Jc UlXNER. Punitory, May id, IS"'"'. iiotcsTapliyrfagiierrootypes ! I A NEW ESA IN AET I X E. KcCLEES, (.CwYwrf' M-C'cc.y Ocrrion,) TTrOl'I.I) call the nitenioii of the public, fit v ouiv !) the superiority 01' ihe Diirnerrco .tvpes. tho llvnl.i.rrsph. (bv some called Ainbm tvtc) nnil tlif vaii nm styles of Piiotnjrrriphy on paper; but to the f.ict. ibnt parties nt a instance posni-ssins a small daitucricjiype, may. bv semi ine it tn No. It'll Chestnut si., luivo mide from jt .y Ihe mean of 'liotiu. r ill v. n ml tin' tal',iil" of the best Artists, a pnttiait id t sizk, frjm n small Locket to t! c full si.-.e of life. A cinall lionk ro;itainirii? dt-sci ijitiin, priros. Ac, &c. will I'O 6t?ni gratia to any fron ma kinj the itoucst. MrCLEHS' " I'hilaJvliiliia l'liotoirnpli llntalilisliniont. Ad. H;i Clirstnut ct., below 7th Vht'.a., July ill, n.ri5. if. IM.'P.OYKD srpKR rnosrai.irn or MJjn. r)!j(!0 of tln inon euprriur mnpufacturo. t .l-o. (il A.M) nf cviry licxcriution, C'ul cinnl I'la-tiT. C't'iiirnt, &c. IT' 1'rmhni' of ui! liimlii Imuglit an J tolJ on romniU-'ioii. tt. H. SEI.l-KIJS & CO., t. i . . il . I G-" IS n !i W Imrvi s, I clween li;tco and Vine, BtrtM'ls IMtil.ic'.i, j Pluiade! A:iL'ii -t -1, ls.r..r).3mp. AYEirS PILLS, ANK'vnnd v sucfpssfnl rcmoily fcr tlio ci r "11 1 ".-.u iIimm- i". rstivriifs, lntii j'csiiim. "!! ':'f, iT'iyvy, UhiuT)iitliu, TcM-rs, ( hnr, 1 ti ct Sen "!.n''-s, I : rii ai n I y, Intt.tujtn.i-tinr-. :U tti. el-". I'.t;:is in f!u HrtMt, Sidt. );uk, anfl I j.iili'-. . r'titi.tlc ( "irui.niit, Xr., c. Indrft'., f y ;.v ue ir:t'd!s'.tM'-, in h;c!i :t liir'j:it: v Mnii t:i.c i i u ni'iro ir lr-s rf:n'.ii d, nid inr. li wit-k-nrsi a:: 1 s :l:Vi;' j lr.Lltl W lii'-wiiK-d, if n lnn-!--ss Kn f.:'' in;. I ( :t!i.;'iiu w, pi luvro freely used. Mi )v rs.;i c:m iw well whi-e a etivc Imi'it of h',uy j -r?v?.ili , b.io it Pon (pncrnt vri)tts ni:d r,Kui liiti'l iLspjt rn, u Jiirh misfit have hvc: avindcJ Lv ti c thru ly itnJ judi.-inuH usu if n gtod ltirnthp. 1 III . ir. v.XlUv vn: ni" Cu'.ds, lr(:Vcli.-1l s in i toiiio, i:d t r:u 'cmriits. Tfify all tend to I'ciomc ir (jro lnco tin' (U -v rc.itod nnd fcrmidtiijlc distemper l.icli lr;:d '.lit hear-fs .'ill eve! )w laud. Unite a .rcL.ii.'.n r.ir.'.'v '..ysic is of tlio tirni imurt: nce lu ,'.;c ii'-'ahii,'i.!id this Till has-V n pi rticUd wilh cciium.ii.iii- shiU In inert tli.it deinaiul. An t-.v-ltMisi!1 Trial i,f its iitucii ..v liiysicians. 1'rufe-i-s-y., v.d V .ui-iiia, has ii.hov:ti rMiits MitnahMniC n: iliir lu'J.Mi' Ur.i.v.-n ?f any ip.cdiitii. Curri i, 1 c vii; . '.i-d 1 v c.d lie f, cro they iut a;h . '...: '-y i" r-f;r" i Mich ext.lird asi1ii.n and ul;,.: . i' t : '.u ;i ;i il.c rtusicim nt untiuUi. .". u-r.. :h !..-i..v eu:ii.t nt rfi'iitli-mrn ni linvu U ; . t ;"a, i '(l1 ti;t v l'i.., we ni;,y ntfiititiit : i .i. A. H. Vl.s Aii tlytiral C'heiuit, it" iNiMnn, 1 'l;-tc Afayi-i' tif Muss:i' liut-Us, wi.ts hih j r. f ni-'tKil tliai .it t r is endi'ibcd hy iho 3i(,S. Kiw iu r.VKHi.i r. Senator if tho I. S. Kon:;ir C.U im iiwh1, Lx-pcaktrol the lluiibO rf 1U'iirhi ntatlvos. Anit'i iT I a wki nci:, Mii ier Plcn. fn Fuuhmd. f .Ijiiv 1. i''n.i'ATKiCK,Cnth. liislmjud' lioHton. Aivi. Pit. J, II. Ckiiti-, I'ructical Cheiinst(of Ii-w Yci'; C'iiv, t'inl'jisc'.l by lli.y. W. I.. !lAl:rv, S"tictarv f State. M. 11. Asit.j:, iiifst man in Amiuicn. S. l.i.i.AMi - l'lcpr'n of the MitP.politan V r i 1, ;-iid '"'ihei . Lid s;ia. e vcinit, iyp rouM Rivd manv hundred ctriiii U'"., iMm n'l pails htrc the Viils have been liM d, t ut cvulnice ovcti lnirr coiiviiicinff tliun the ( i'-nce Yf einiueiit public men i fuund in their t lit .-tr. upn trial. T)iP'C 1 il!-, tl.e f.-riiilt cf lout; i:ivrstit:ition ar. 3 tuiv, M oil'vii J to the i-uMic as the best an 1 most tinnt let.' vhieh the )rcycnt htalc of medic. d fcCk'in'f cad al:.rd. 'J i,ey aw mr i-G!.iiu''d n-t i-t' the times tl.eu.t-lves, but of the meHlcitinl iru.e only ot' Xc-i t it n n. f'irs, rxtraettd by t hi-mii-al jjiui-ess m a sla'.e ol'piinly, uud CJiul in'-d ti r ihr la such a iii.uiiK-ras t iiuie tho be-t roulU. 1 his ftyxtem of cunt jjasiiiuii tor mfdii'ir.e husbecn fiund in thu Choiry l'ttnral and l'iilh both to produce a more ellieient remedy than had liitheito beta ob tained by ui.v I'lotesi. 'i'iic reusou is pcit'ectlv ub- viuua. rid.1 by ine td iiioclo et couipoitiou, tv- I cry medicine is bui -Uncd With iiotc er k-s of eri- J immiuu and ti.jmioua tuaiilies by this each indi vidual :i me t,iy thai is de:iicd tVr the eurathe erteet i- piTM-ut." Ail the inert and obnoxious qual- ; iticj .t t.a'h si.Ltui.ec eiti ployed re left behind, the ; curative virtue only uti:; lutaiacd. Utnce it is eil-e. idcnt xuti ciu ts should proe as they bavo piovtd n.i.ic puk'li' ri medial, i.nd the Till u euitr, rui'ic pew rial antidote to disease than any other medic. iiKi kuuttii U the world. A it i frequently expedient thnt my n.c.lieine huuld U' taken under the counsel of au attending ruysician, uud an be c.uld not properly jntl-e oi r remedy withoiit buovvii. iiu eo!npo:iitaut 1 huAe iipplitd the ai enratit lYrmuluj bv v.hich both ir.y l'ectorai and I"iU f.re luade to the windc body of rruv'titioneis in the United States and Uritih Amer ican I toviucts. If however there uhoeld be any one w!oi iu not received them, tliey wiil be promptly forwarded Uv mail to Ins addict. Of all the Tatent Medicinea that are oliered, how few would be tuhen it their uunpusiliou va known ! Their life consols lu their mvsteiy. I h;ivc no ruyttiio. Xhe eoniposilinn of my preparations t laid open to ail men, and nil who are eompeteiit to judje uit tin- hul jeet freely aeknowh de their couvu tiotiit cf ihcir intrlni-ie incntt. 'ibe Cherry l'ectorai was pronounced cy ieientiric men to be a wondciful medi'-ire bef.-rc iti elTect wero known. Muuy em inent l'hjiiiei.ins in.ve detlatcd the sr.n.e ihi'iiK of ny Till, mid even more confidently, and are will iit to rirtify ttiat their anticipation were mow th in realized by their etteei- upon trrK Thev operate by their powerful infiueiuc on the internal viscera to purify the bb;d and btimuUle it into hcalliiv autii-u remote the obstructions of the htonnuli, LoweU, Utr nd other uram of the tiodv, restorins their irregular uetion to health, and by correcliiiK. wherever they exint, tiueh deianjic nieiits u are the l ist origin ol distraite. iirii.i; fcutrar wrapped ti.ey are pleasknt to take, and beiiiif purely v. j.m lalle, no bairn eaii artke ttuax their use in anv quuntity. tor minute direetiona, hce wrapper ou the Bo. JAMliS C. A YE It, rinclicul mul AmOyiK al Clicutlst, LOWKLL, MASS. Flic ii Cents it ox. Fiva Bozm for $1. SOLD UX THASK'S Magnetic Oinluicnl at Mav 13. WEISJUi & Ulif.'.NER'S.. nAKUWAKK and Quetnawaie in (-real va rieties a i l of nil dpi ripliin. just received ,nd for sale by W.M A.K.NAUH I.OAPi Aucul. My V. EltMICELI.I, Maccaroni snd Cf.in fc'turcl. lust leceurd by May 19. 1HAS. WElSEtt 4 BRtJ.NF.R. FAUNESTOCiT Vermi uge. for s.ila bv My 19. -VElSEKri BltUNEU' TlEBEKINE, Veratria, CuinoiJiua sud Cm--" CaJiiU, ju.t rcswivid bv LATEST ARU1VAL . ,r. , Of Siirinjj-ij Smniner Crpqds,. J. 37. & IILINE, ! IHEfl'KCTrL't.t.Y announce to llirir frionila ami tl c pul'lic In general, llia't they liave rei-riveil at tlii'ir Old Stand, In Upper Aittnuta town-hip. Norllimnlicrlnnd comity, I'n., at K linen Ciruve, tlicir Sprint; an J Summer llootli, and upenrd to the pnMic a full nsnortmcnt of KEHCHANDI2E, &c... ConiisUiif in part f Clotlm, I'lark and fancj Casiiincrri, Satlinetla, Chrrk, and all Mmla SPKIXO & SUMMER GOODS. Aiaoa lot of Kcaily.tnuile Couta, Veta and I'mitH, Ac. ' Ifidi39 Dress Goods, Cnlicwa, Oiiiglinma. Mir-Iiti de I.Hinea. Ac. Alan Ulark filka. Ac. A lo a frch aiipply of i;i C Cl lr. of nil kind". A fresh supply of llardwarf anil Quepiis ware, Dnio's nml Mirlicint'8. Woodni Wurp. A!J a torce asnrtniPiit of Doota and (Shoe, mitalile for Men, Womijn and Ciiildren. Hut" and Cnpa, furliaa Tal'n Leaf. Canada, Paimma and r.:ilk Hata, and all Ood usually krpt in a Country Store. Call and fee. Cheaper than the Clienpent, All of which 'ill l' old for cash, or in ex 'c'lttiig for country produce, at the highest market niice. I'pper Auguata, Jlay IS. 18S5. NEW SrRING AND SUMMER I. Vi-. TENER & Co , Siailiurg J'a. HAVE just received a new and splendid an serittuMit of (iomls, suited to tho ncuson, ii tiiiiii est uliicli aic: Cloths. I'lisinrercB and Velvets, Heady made Clothes. English, French and American (ting bams, plain and psiinlcd Chnlli. do. do. .avn Harej-e ami Uiiiene UeLuina. plain and puintiil 'J'ifPue, 'i'lssue Uarcge, Thilu't Silk, fringed shawls, Em broidered and Daniiisk Crapa Shawls, Faiuy Mantillas, stri ped and checked Linen, Ta ble Covers, Musqtiilto Nets, Fans, ParasiiU and I'm brcllus, touetlier with a gci.cral a?siirt inent ot Dry (ioodn Hals, Caps. P.ofiis, Shoes, Ilurdwure, (irmeries. ljiieeiivare. Fih. Salt. Nulls Ac. iVc. all of which wiil ho sold cheap for cash or Country Pro duce. Suiiluiry, MayTi, lSflS. PERET Sc ERETY, Booksellers Cc Stationers, P.E now rrlliiiff oil" tln ir entire Ftnck of Eonks and stationary, saved fr in t'le fire of the 1 1 1 1 nil., nt very low priies. 'J'lie slin k einhraci :i every vurietv of liiiu'ellanroiis l!uul:n. Si'hot'l lJotikM, and nil Lituls of blank Unnk. nli.il donicKtie and iiiipiuteil St.uion.iry of cverv 1 . ,, , 1 uescripiiou. .s we are bCiuiii; oui ni inw pnrcs it will be well to cull enrlv uu serure bartmis. PEKl'lY & EKETV, S. W. corner 4tli and Eaec streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June 2.1, 1S.'5. tf. ii'W.'fJ'rtf n-r) .r't Ta':C' )r) XUXEUr.Y, PA. IlE Fiilscrilu-r resiec.ifully informs the public 2 lii.il she still continues to keep tho a hove i. a. tied pui lie bouse. Wic has also received a new supply of enoil !liiiois and wines, and trusts that she will he .ildo to giva satisfaction lo all w ho may visit her house. MAKTA THOMPSON Suir.i HV JiineSri. lS3.ri if. MOUNT CAHMEL HOUSE, nOUIlTCAllLIEL, Kor'.h'ar.ibei-lar.d county, Pa. i'ii tin top ol tint I .(trust mountain, ne 'ily hall u:y I'l-MM't-il Su'ihu.-y Htt'l .'illville. Tli -cciii i liu' Milu'Tity ot' the (itintK'lurf! otitl . iluM'-'i)! m)'iiit-tiri irt-rz.-1. in.il.i il one of lluv iini-t !i.lr t:l fiiiniinrt n trr.its in (lir roiinlry. i T'.,v Utttfi. is i new striu'lurr, lti.r stnrirs j nitcil up w,t!ia!l tlie ninjrrii inivi'l)irnt ps. 'I'll I ;i n? !noiii(t,iiu iviIit is iiitroJucc! into cv. rv i rliaiiil'tr. T!;p 1 . is msy nl" ni-ffss, I.imi ! lull n-hMiip! a hull' I'-nirs t'uh fuiMi Sunliury. ovir th' riii!ii(ir!ji!iiu an! Sutil-nry Kui roml. I'lum i P. ills it fan he rrat!:!.! hy t!it? Mine Hill ! I'm roul l i AshVi"!. mul from tl.i'i.ce to Mt. i Carrm-I 4 "iiiios. !v Um!:i!'iis. i)K t ;ilU'i:;!ntu e uili In j-aij hy t!ip roirip tir la nialvc gutsis coniforUiLilt.'. Ch.ntti niutlo- tatC. JOSKPII M. FiAGKIt. ! Mt. Carincl. Jur.ft C34 IKj3. tf. If.rc;p.in3 at tho CM Stand. A Rl now o riiiiuj a new ai.d very ilc-ir.ililc - kl .ick of Spring ahd 'u;nnier (ioo'ls. em , !ir:i i-it i an eiulli'ss vaiieiy. 'i heir itick cim sUl ill p.trl of Llack & Taney Broadcloths Sc Ca3imer2 , Summer Wares lor men and hoys, all styles and pi ices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain a id Fiijured Wucl: ; An assortment of Plaid (Stripe and Figured Fan- cy Dic.iis e-il';s nt unusually low prires, i bin I. ics. II in ?os, Rriizc lie Lains, Mus. l'c I.nins, Lawns, Ac, t CINtiM AMs from r.J lo i!5 cents per yard. I CALICOES " a " l-ii " " j WHITE tJOOD-S. I i Cambiie. J.icouclts, Kui.-s, 'I uill.m. Mull, Ilobi- ' licit, French and !i-s 1 aces, Ediu;. Ac. I ' L'rown fill I Idem lied .Muliiu. Ilitlliits. Ticks, i Checks, To liii'4s, Tuhlo Ui ipers, 4 c. HAHDWARE and QUEEIIiWAPvE, Ccdar-wure, Hollow-w;ire, Iron, Blecl, I'laster bull and Fish. Aldo a tresli supply of Dlttiirf AMJ MFDICINT.S, Thankful for ast fivors. wo hope by strict itttcntiou and a debite to please, still louu-el uilli l'ie approval of our friends. I -A'' Couulry prialuco of all kill Js taken ut ilia liihest market price isui.hurv, June S. I rt.r-6 ly. anan-ckin WLitc A h Atthfacit.-i CcaL y V. iii th "Old I", i i" i.l ,'i; f.i'n; Colling. B' II. ZIMMEUTTAN J.NO.'l'. Pl'K'EL, ' aueevkurs to Kase, e.i & Co., will eoo iiuiie niiuiii)!. shippiin uti'l i-eiiitis coul Irom ili above well known Colliery, under the firm of ZiUiiiierii'tjii & Purscl. 'J ho point of biiipint'iii i . nt the lower wharf in 8tiiilitny, NnriliuiniH'r l.md cJuiiiy, Pa., i licro all orders fur the various Li.i.'s i.f co.il, vii : Lump. Broken, Eg, "love, an. I Chestnut Coal, will b thankfully received I a 'id promptly attended to. t Ll.bury, July 14, 1R5. Kci arav, dpit 6; 1555. The firm of Kase, Heed J- Co. having sold i their lease in Ihe Cup Colliery and interest in the yvhuif at rtunhury, to Messrs. Zimmerman ot Puisel, would take great plcn-ui in recommend inj our customers and others trt the new firm, as lliey w ill be able to sell them prepared coal of ibe lest quality. KASE. EFED&CO. SILVER WATCHES. A few double rase English Oliver Watches, for sale at very low prices by H.B MASSt'K. Bunkury, Apri 13. 1S1 HATV&1CAPS--Bilk and Slouch Hats, Military and cloth Caps lor men arid hoys, also Gum Shoes of various siies. lust received nd fcr asks at VOl'NG'd bTGKE. wlury IVo. t8,IM. ... . JAME8 BARBER WIIOLESaIe ft RETAIL CLOCK E6ML'ISJIfE.5yT, S.' . Corner bjr&boiid '' jj' 'ChtttnS't -TSli. PEILAhBLrniA. i Vhete may ba fon id, one of the larpot and' iet aortmeni ol t-lorka and Time Piece in the United Ptates, in quantities to auit pnrrhaiera, or Irom a auiBle Cluck, to one Ihoumnd Cloeka einhracint every variety of atylnnnd manufne. tore, auitntle for Churches. Hulls, Counting UouKes, Parlora, Slcrpiiid apartments, ai.d Kitoh ena. Steam and Canal Ujata, and Kuil roudCnrs. N. II. Clocka Repaired and M'arranted. Clock TriniiniiiRa for Mile. AIo, Manuftivturer of Ilarbrr'n t'tl titrated line GOLD PENS Kmhrnciiii; nil the qiiiilitipfi nf ll;o finest quill pen. in B.hlilion to ivhirh Dm durability of llm inrtiil is fully nis.i. inted and developed. Cold an.ajfriiver J'enuils, ni.d I'm lloldera, Ph.ti',1 Wure, wholii-ale uml retail. 'I'hosc wish iii;4 to puiclmse arc invited In cull. JAMIW IJ A UltEK, S. K. corner Clicstmil nml r-Viond Sis., Phila. Philadelphia, June ift, 185!i y, Extraordinary Arrival of r jll I suliscrilier tiiUes ple-isore in infurminir his eustomeis and the pulilic renerallv that tie is now irt lei eipt nf au nininiinlly hirun and E5plendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hiinilrelh ' part of the articles would he tis!ess. SSuliice il I to say, they have, been selected wiili the ceatet care, and they w ill be disposed of at a low iees j as the sriuin quality con be purchased elKewhere. J .My motto is "Quid: Sales nml Smalt Pmtit." lie takes this method of predentin? to the public his thanks f..r the liberal p:itmiiai;e exten ded to him. and by stiirt nttentimi to luisiues', he resprctfullv solicits a continuance of the same. Il will be advisable for purriiiiKcr lo en 1 1 uml examine hi ns4iitiopi,t before piirchnsiii else where. All kinds ol' produce l.il.rn i" peliiiiiie. EDVVA l!U Y. EKIfJHT. Sunburv, Mav 19, I nocnoit vornsKi.ri THE POCKET .KSCCLA PIUS: OR, EVERY ONR HIS OWN PHYSICIAN ?if milE FIFTIETH Edi- K? -" -- tion. with One Hundred fi vfh, Einrrav inu's. -Imuvih Lis- Pases ami M ilforniMtions ol ''vr'i'A 'tJ 'hf HuriianVvstem in every . 'V ,3 shiit'e ni.d lorin. To which added a Vrcaii.se on tiie l'tl ' '''"" females, A -if JPy ol'lhe highest imporlii i?$te?W nnrricd pe iple, or V'-.r'vV''' conleiiiiihitin j marrii ll:-.etisi'S of Females, hciuu nice to thiv.e conleiiiphitiii man iajji'. Or 1 in, Voiiiit; T.f no Tatlirr I," nuMml X i prfsnl a ropy of Hi. CI I.AI'll S to liisflnlil- Hi" iy k ii- linn In. mi an .-. 1 1 i v :i:iv'r. I.rt ii . v. wvz mm or ivcitimi f:;!ir nil , il. s....r. oi.'i ,1 i"is t niiri ifn lu'e wniii.ui ir niiiiL' tin-pi irut ; r -ll-Sl't I. I'll' I.rt IIO "H' St'fl'l IHLr t rr Mil I k lll-i I V- 'l. I1 I II Ii- l'i' l.li'. fsllrm iiil!iI. Iri' "is li-rlln nnil I lit- v U lion, . I Uvs;.r-IK- bi-:.s;ri 'lis. n.,il tlVirl ll'i In lln ir !'''! si.-i III. I"' 'Ml .t-'i l III 'rni' il ti:."il' c ll- Slililnj III- .Irl'l..nr Have Ii .'l.ii.- l. I n..... :i'i -i-.t to I r ii -irrn -1 :oo in;;" 'Il . rt . n -'.I t! ir.il- t J s . 1 1 " l ' I' "1 I'r'lt; i'ie.inir ti !'' in. -l'i i't s ivo.'j l'i ii. i.n'ii ot ii ii S I'r- III till- 'l'. 1 UV f '!t- .:'l tv-Anv s lion! rwv.s rv-fivi: ct'.vrs. Ciic't't,...! in n l.-l'l i w i t rr -i r ' ti-- r ; "f ''i s Ii - k. !..' Illllll, or fiv-r--.irll will lie S'-nl I' M on" ll.ll'll. Ail 'lrs, 1'K. W VIII Mi, i t;vj I-l'KL'Ci: blliel, PI11LA Df.t.l'lllA " Post paiil. Phil i.l-li'lna. St'iifrin!cr !-.",.. 1- BOYD, KOSSEH & CO., MI NFL 15 AND All I PITHS Mf lltb Ss!) Vutljvacitc cal From tlio Lukft Fi'ller Colliery Shamokiu, North'd County, Pcnna. Addres'. ISoyd, IJoswr et Co., Suiilnirv, Pa. , O. M. IIO V it J. lrnssv.ll, JAR, Ilurn. T. llDSSK'l. ' Sunhury, A j i r i I 7, lo.'i. tf. j DR. A. B. HADDOCK'S i CELEI1HATEU WORK on INHALATION ; 1 1 the Trrutni-i t and ('") i f t Coitsttinptint,, .ti'lima, SI t -ii. !it::s, and rllier Dlteutr or ,lir 1 1 rsoirati.l-V Drrails, by Mtiiit':tl liilmlaii.iii. AV1TII NOTP? AND APDITKJNS i tlDn, where ' Titst Anieriran n!iti.n, fr.-m h.tii u . il liaH liati uii iiMp;evi.thii((-it talc. This in n viilniihy v ri mni t; I ho in tl:r lintn1 rt :tl u s:t-r ; I V . i 'nr IH i.1. nil Vt rr ( t ('I hiVaiMl-.a.,.! the Me lK-.l l'i- I WiT.mi frcr it! ea.ir'e, Lv Fik'CV t t.N 13 : ti'Kli (i om: ii' u i, ah U . VAN ljiUN .V (. O. o2 '-rth Xi'ttft J'hUmti tjiiti't, Wo fii i .i i n V' sii'l n-viuws l'i in ati-l .I li-r .1 it r ; i in my c uii!ii':i l.it''ry ii"! Ivi'jIiaIi iui'I Aiiil'i it'.ili .Mr ' UT "li I N"' i. 111'! H 'II fthe I:.! I l. i n i ' !l--i:n- M cl.l -,-k. I'm . M I , Hi- ni l ki, w;i n.c. im hs mvi ).r -u i ,;m til 'I' i? syslt-Ml I 111 it , ir-i-t" I ,. . till- tvstt-ill v I.l.'- .nil : ;. r I's-'l' -V,- 1. , il I . I it- l I.v in - '.i-i I: I n. 1 I'lT'' I '!.'.- tlie V lk. ' V f v-- .ix t ttr imi i.- ."ii "W rt-.' -i mi in i it '..rt, I 'im I i in1!-, in i-nr.-il, rii .ni'y w i i : ! n nf iiiv H'li'ki-ry or lu-n-x-cki' ir I, W' It ,1. " i-.s ii iii.i!, n rj llti'i kn iwI'i'l'i- iii I '-;" rit.-m-- I'S'.'iiili, tl S'TI Ilk f -t T t; . , t , -r. , ? I !,. tint :i J .!'. Is .u.t 'ii Mi il!f I J .tir.nl. Ilft-vm:.. r W- t'li.tk il. tt it t "ii llt'tl. wi'i u! l.i I' il ,::i:i.!i.-tl lint ii 1.-1.'. tr Ii .i!'.l'-, iU It :ip r un nml eiitlri'lv iltvcstcil M-iii-y, ilie WniK iciirc. mi i.ir tiv nur vU r p .y n t "i:ly : U :: I its merits' It. 1-1V 'in f fie fr !! i' pe lt , i,t. w 'I k f :i pr.ir- lea i ai.il exi'ef u m. ea m ui ; in-. I H .1 n nf IM.We - -. Ri f, If, til I' 'tlK l ltptl :i I li, I" he '.i '-.-ji.t j ,f i.Vc.iM.'e i if. -il i m-ht.f-irlh iiniilt T In ike IK It. ,ii I' ii. I.. i't rr "i -t h'ii; M hi tt-i e-.I 1 L t.nciiiu 1 1 -1 tl.l. N veiuhei. " A l-e-I'MIlt "I ihr I. ii- n V. ik nn I'miMi'iipti.tn. Jlr ii nt (i. i' I.v i.r. t h- s ii f-'Uii I W 'ft!. Hie aH-i.ti'-u nf K li i nf Mr M-l.t .ek Ac.; urh it. will l,. ilii-v mi- i'lim .,l ii. i. i-e ,r Thin W le irn fmin it w''at e.f'. I r exp. ,;.! i ,u iL'st i, lre'()iii(! V li.' tlnll hint ntl's'i iiiS-e'c c.t ft-.. nr. t:L'f. I T. M . (fe eVIltclt. s II .il n ( t pt'ii' ii it(t wli lev't-r iticm im ni $ . it t iclril.iti 'i h irtfilieale-l V-ipnrit, he sTMl In iriv li' i;.l t i t.V"' li i. we 2 ' uiitl.cr, a.i.l fciv h;i w l- ar il.at r.e I fri-si hi lave n uive-i PurT.tMect aiieutj n t lies in h f Ii'lcVLililitf the t-'ittvrnit h ifce laic rii i; iii-iW" Hri nf iltStMSc' Ne'.v Jcrney Medical Kcj rl r, June ! I-V i (rr.'iu Prnftit t .! :ran, K.htcr of th "I'hilutleli hm j .M-.Ii.mI unii .ir-',c,.l I urual." J -Dr. MaI U ift j i K "U I1.1...I..II 11 U niie 1 f ie few wlm'h ha t I'H.i ii. il fn in the I ii a ii-li piig .-ti itnh uliif.'i m rc-j, mIimimIi n in i tuitrv. v.'iih 'i-e jn.ii i-ti- N'.'- f l'r d.et'(. wul .nil t ihe 'tt-tlitu t i hit jalnr. lie t't ' If. I i.i p. in.il. .( .s li.ipt.l, 1 xt leu-(! j ia't re-l hi l hf iiit-iii- :t I'f t. i iw.ii 1 'tc - n.p el ttf hiiii I HI 11. a lueanB 1 .1 iienlii'i tilii,.n'ir'. .('" -t ti ih ' ta.i it.l-hiinii 1.1 nt tie in ih.M? ei it a 111 lhj vi '. v. ili.tt I 111 .! nf ireatiiiff t lit-n- ilt,ff"-i-i ti. 11M ia 11 fair tfial ; nii'l Hue ninm-incut in nlc !'r ih U'i.s ie nUvi w Inch In liuklinu I.118 nilltitd at ihe l-ati'l t iiieilit-at in. a JMM I'.MHA.N, M. T , Pmf of Sufjjciy iii Phi'-nh Iplnu -(lleo n Med.ciii A CAIM. nrt. iiRi:ir: win ir.'iu rit'Asr or tiii: ' I.V.Xlit 'HI I .Mil l' s.AUI S. lUT-lit'lV 111 H't. Hi sld 1 s ' fcilcrcs-oi'U ii, l.t. if I i,i ll, prit'li.. t lr. A II. M .'l- j ' s li lli.'l ..lli.T , .i.it. ,1' I In i. ,.f I :,,r. Ily !n i MI'itltMil tr.itiiit-'.t lite il..!.!,) turl.tt- ,. tin llr.'iii'I'i ll'-'l l.ti-is nn- tl.its 1 1 v afi.l iis.ii. il'r villi' iis Mi.-iti.nl'-'l en- ; tr I'.-iiitt irtit-it t ill- mi i.t niinuiH r:itiiit:i-;ili'..is t-i'llie I, units. .r tlii.'i'ttr liftiliiiy n-li'ii; . Ii-'rf h r- iiiiiIi l i .lis 'iiriiiiriii hi h.is ii l t isfit nl.tcc ii:e Ite-t result. hIwii s i Slt'.il'l III. iV'iltti,' ,,' I'r-tt-tit-t-; Hi fai-t. WI'll .lllluttli' ' n't'ltll-l. it is tlir.ni'v re i-llil.' I'tilll -'I' tr.n:iiiff ille:tst f, I tifli.elttsi ir rvtl't''" Itf iu!r'-.l t't-v il uii? 1". fi.'m a'l'- ttlt ti l'i this iart:inl:ir Itrmit Ii .f .ts pr.Ti',.i"ii. ' '1 II. Kt-t'l-.IInUS ul c.nibUllll.g liilllcuil flu St l,y k-tler utl-dtrut-itlii rii.. (Mti:riv m. n -Utie, l'ltiluiln. 1'. O rhiliulj ., Jims SI, If.iS, Dm. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERIMAN, SUEP.N & WEITZEX. jJEsPFCTFI'LLY inlorm the i,lli,- (hut thry have Icsm-.I the new colliery, raltid thrt Lanil'eit c.liieiy, an J are rea lv to deliver coal of suiterior ipialny, nml i.l a vainly of sizes prepa. ,ti on their new roul meaker. All oiders prouiiit attended to by addressing ihe firm, either ut Sunhury or Hionmkin. buubury, June 30, 1855. , rjHAI.V P I'M PS.- A small Inilier ofthc7 excellent pumps have bee a received and art ofler-l for aale by H. B.MA5SER. Sunnurv, June 4. lR.'iS. 1 NK Uourtau's celebrated ink, and also Con. gres ink for aale, wholesale and retail hy lleceinlier 28 IKSII. H 11 MASTER. IJAINT8 of every description just received by . Mav Ifl. WEISER4 BHrER HL'SBIND'S Magnesia for aale by May 19. erFOT it BRPNEII . FIRST AIIIIIVAL S2rnD3J3 2LCDCE)LE)eS3 At S. N. Thompson's Store, In Lntrer Auyutta township,' utile Junction oj the Tulpehncl f n and I'luiii era I' rnadt. THE aubscriher hating returned from tho city with a new and extctisivo 'assortment of fashionable, goods, respectfully calls tho attention of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the same. bPKlNli AND .-SUM MF.lt UOODd, ' consisting in part of Dry (Joods, viz : Cloths. Catsimcres, Cafsintta, Jeans, Drilling, Muslin, Ffs.'tHP..', Tweeds, anil all kinds of Spviitfr nml Summer Wear, LAP1ES DliKSS AND KANCY GOOD'S, Cahcnrs, Muslin de Isiins, Lawnst O'inahums, Iterates, llobrs, H'oo.'fiu. Flannels, cj'C. o r:cii:, Sugar, Teas, ('offec, Uice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, tialt, Ac, Ac., etc. - M:trliv:u-, Nails, Screws, Files. Saws. Knives cV Forks, A.c Queens and Glassxare, of various stvlea anil pntier-is. BOOTS AND BIIOH3. A large assortment of Uoots and Shoes, for men, women and rluhlren. H its Caps, Sir., of various sizes and styles. Pesiiles a larjo arid general assortment of fasbiniiHble goo.ls. ('all and examine for your- py CountfV produce ol ail kinds taken in exchange at the highest market pn e. S. N. THOMPSON. Lower Anuusta. 4 nio. 2N, K.r.."i. NEW STORE. (At the old Stand of S. .V. Thompson.) IVrE Suliscrilier re jiei t ully informs the pen 1 pie of Sunburv and viciuiiv. that he ha 'ta ken the More Room lately occupied hy S. N. j Thompson, in Market direct. Sunliury. below j W eaver's ILilel, ami that be lias just received i and opened a handsome assortment of SPUING & SUMMER GOODS, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, yueensware, lints cV Caps, Moots cV Shoes, Fish, I Salt, Meat. &c. j All of which will he sold nt the lowest prices. All kinds of produce taken in exchange at lU I highest market luUc. ! 11. H.VASTINE. Silt bury, April 21, H.'.V-1 BOUNTY LAND WAHEANTS. rlHE suliscrilier limine; received the necessary fiirms and iiisrurltioiis from tlie Di'piilinciit, ut V asliiwctou, is prepare ! to procure Bounty Land Wurrunls ut toe shortest loitirc. II. 1). .MASSE II. Sunhury, Al'-11 7, 18.V,. Pennsylvaiiia Kasiitratc's Law Library. I. EINII'3 JUSTICE, AND I5U.1NKS.S MAN i.VXi AL GcIDi:. AV tr uml (It Ji(fu'ut)i, hii:nj't:t j the tutc ' t in l.S.V. A T.-f.!i "ii I'ttf dl'.i-e mul d:iti-n if A l.lr:ii:in nml .lu.-tici' 'l Itic i'cai'i' in In'. Oimifiiwcaliii I I .-; ti ! Vim. -i tiulii liiii: it'! liu' i :jom il " i t : i t fit I'loci 0 ami titckT I jilrun : nml cui'inl i uc; ir't rnly vlni'vcr nciy In. (It-ft1i(l VitM't'l'lf ! .llfTM'K- t'V Till: ThAl'lf, l.llt 1' lliiill'inln. M-iots, nil') ( iht:iI , i!"p' ; tml inakin tliiri Viilunc wliiit it 'r--iifcr tn If, A vai'k I.R'tAi. iritK li'K lil' ' N t-.- .IkN. IV .Inllll ItiMltc. lilt if A I'lcrilllill '(' Wall, ill W-irJ, iii Hit' iii- i I l'M.,.uit tln.i. Ti.t i'li Kilili'ii. ris. il, (mi in ! .!, tt.-n'v fiilu."'t l' rreilrnck ('. Iti iirfii iv- r.-; . Ai:iU.r i.i " 'iVf-im. "tl tlilf I.UV 'J t'-t'ts, ' " K I'U'V ,lif ifjirihlcicr," "Nisi i inn I ;.-. ,r! ' I'.irMi oi "I'l'ii! n't: Dumti," . In itiu line! V-'l'JlIU'. ct;i -t. rnct dii!V l.liil, COMPANION Ti :tN." JUSTICE. L'. ;UA DON'S J MS. P-Ti'ifl nf ('ii'' .tirt-i it , aiiJ nl" I'lac! if' in Hie romis nl 1' 'it.ii I'll .if. i i i'lttricr ficsirMiiiis, ( K r an I '1 niinit'i , llif riiilt i.'r llli'H 'r;i!iau' t'iar, Itntl Hit' i lliciH i( !, V:.r' ins Tivil .ll'fiN :u 'I ins-ttci'N if I'.-acf. l'-nn ) it fci'p'ii, t' inftl.f rrt ,'lfil, imi !:irinl, iimiI rnfai'lftl t the l'i-4rni .ait ff tl.c 1'iv." ; Willi '('OHf fxtl-iiiitlny N.iit-s :. i.l ii.-i. i,, -v. :- a I 'HI. ai c aii-r-ti.-, I 1. x. ! II l .f I' Wr,:!.t. I'.-;. In ti...-k C).-Uvii i.-i'smc. Tncc ' nly fc-I. jO. AM ' 3. JSTKOI.'D ANIHiUK.lITI.V'sl'rnUO.N's I I(J-.!ST. i too to i s:.:. I A l):aej1 m' Hit l...ws..f 1 in iii1'' ' 'i ii i't . fr- mi the rsr t (l it ,,!i..-i.i,i IS'Vi-n Iii.. ir.-.l, lu th- I kahili ilnv nf 31 iv. 4m 'I 'tmn nut i'.iiihK 111. a '.ml ail'! l-'iH -Tiv. 'I'm In -! r.-ur JstlOi".. lu ire !aic .! I.:i 1'u.nn.t. I j. 'I'll - 1'iith. an 1 S.-.vi::h.ly I lie It n d.-f. : M S'l"..,;.!. Kiyhtli Kilni'Mi. Kfvi-e.l. wit h Mam nml Uvf rcaeet. m.i N-'l' u ih'.- Jiiitici.il D'-eiM"ii8 ; A Mai, lit .'i 1' aiici f ; u I Vt;.-M.-,i :: . i mis. nl" ac't T lie ; a,; I : V-w. 1'i.ii, an I KxiiauM.ve In.h-x. II I ' tr Im .i k It .uii'.. . V . An-Mi--rit A TientlPH i , t tin' l.i. w o! I l' ;ii,ty. JnrupM!'!''(icf," "im I j i f t'p."ri,'' l.tin n nt () m'- Justice." . c. (tin- In. clt it'-'i.ii :; l'i I f 1 1 1 . '. si li'tli-sl I ,'., I'll.. I.l. riii'iil (.'"." 1 i'-i' Tn.! lu-ivi.ai ri at.il p. ruiaucut vaiue nl l'ari! mi ft are nr-Nervcil li v th- inhhcai iriintally nl a I In I ,'iw e ; l-ii. led in v i mi year. 1 he e annual 'aii'.'i-.l n: ,ree:fM cml'iii tnttv t ti plun nf i it. Thi'v ure. ea'ti ll-etu. I cfin' !thc.l em ii. ctt .1 li'p htT I.v n Ucneial li..le.X e " h v CM'.) w nch emi r: (-' !!. c nieitM 111: i'.V 1 ' Vi'i iMai vcti s id'? the rn1 lic-itl -n i f Pur . ' P'o.-n iii i if V' ',.iU t : nn.) ire. hamul Ui wil'i .t.' !. t,.s:- a. ..I al'i -at -;mu U y. ,1 I' Tii''i- tlf ! ii'i'fl I i Mni 11 S I. Wl!( H'wa" I.l ii t' s - - a ":. ' I I he e nil''-' V 'i the St.-.;. it- I. iw nf rcl.im.K aiia (1- wii tn the very hmir w hen In' pnr-ctia-t' H. 'I'm f f win lrt e alreail". r.i;r'-h i'"Il ''.r ! mi's liiL'th' It-'iV !-! avn mnipli te It tr. !.it.- I r 'he f i. l , , n I'iflV I'eiilit, llie price i'f il Vnhline "ntiiiiiiin; rtill! ' annual !'! -1 ikshi J Min e the trl I u:he ti n ( 'V- f nrtsent in! lt"ii nl run' i l"' a " t--re siali ! I ' K.W A lUioTIIKH. I Law Utinh"! m rr and I'c':i.iii't;. 7 .V l'i ill' I- . ' S'retr. 1'jiftt t m . . 1 1 fm;f . !f fnlr r lett'Tn if iti'inirv f r liw ! ' '. fioui I' .1 HMttv. pr. ni"l'e nlteialfd tn. 1 rinh . .lime . I -.-.- .lu.'5. j .it at At lit: I of i srnzNC. cjoos! I MX A T. CLKMKNT ' !J FORM his friends and customers that he ; just received an elc'iiut assortment of ! spniv; and summku cooos ' At bi S'tiro in Mar.;et Street, Sunhury, which I I e oilers to the public nt the nH price. ! His s'oi k cmisisls of a Kcneiul assuituieut of ! Dry (.noils, viz : Cloth. Ciifsim rs. Cussnets. Jeans. Di dim js MnitiHS. Linens. Cohans. Muslin.dc j Linns, .mm, (iiii-jiinins lirra-jts. ! Also a l-trfie assortment of CLO I'll INC. ! A lar,',e iissurlmeiit of llouls mid Shoes, for I Men, Women ami Chihlren. Sii.k Hats. i Pantima, Palm leaf mid oilier Summer Hats. IMasilor. j ni;OCF.!!IF.S of evoiy vaiiety. i i'uar. Tea, Colli e, Midssses, Cheee, Sj iceo, j Fish, Salt. eVc. j 11 .Ml I) IV A IS R, j Viz t Iron and Steel, Nuils. Files, Saws, ic. ! QUEtlNSlVAltK, 7Vn Sttts, I'lutcs, Disits, Cups, Saucers, Ifc MQUOKS, i Willi'. Brandy, Gin, Hum, Whiskey, it. ITtr" Coiitnry produce of all kinds taken in ex j cli inc nt the hihcsl uiurkcl prices. 1 April H. IS.'!.') ly. j HAYDOCK & riDLEE, fF.ALEK in Watches Bill Jewelry, will 1 onliiiue the business at the old sUnd of J anu s U. I'l.lU-r, i Jo. 'l South Sfi-mtd Street, j I'llll.ADKl.I'lllA, I W,pre tlioy solicit an exainitialion of their large and varied slock, lielintl assured that tho expe riviice both of I lit' nt have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring Itouds on Ihe moat advantageous terms, wilt coll ide them In compete favorably with any other ralahlishinent in ihe city. They have now on hand a line assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JF.WKI.UY, biker. Plated and UnlUiue Ware, Cutlery, Fancy lioods, &c, Stc. N. B KepairuiK of Walcbrs and all kind of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care- i Phila.. April 7, 1855. If. ILEY'a COLtiW IMNDV. ifn eicelj ' lent remedy lor coug-ha, cold. For wis al this offic. tsisjabi, liM. .' o- TAMES McCLINTOCK, M. Late) i rnOFKSfOllorAiiatoraraiidSiirRrrjrliith. Phil silrlplns College of Mmtleine, anil Acting I'rolmsor ol Miilwifervitmeof the Cisisullind Physieans H" thB Thil silelpliia H'..iliil, lll'H'lry; Inlr meinlwr of Hie Nntionnl Mnlieal Assueiation niemlier oT the Philnili-Iiliin Mrill enl S K-irty j mrtnlier of the MeilieivChirunrieal Collrg. of IMiilmlrlpliis ) formerly President ami Prnlt'SS'T if Aimlinny ami tui((cry in Csstlrtmi MHirsI (Jollr(re, Vet inonl ; ami also, late Profrssof of Aiiulomy snd Pln siol. ocy in Korkalure Mudicnl limtiiuUon, I'ltlsfield, Mass., &c . Ac., lo. Ibis Jutely introduced tn a popular form sevsrsl of Ins fnvoritepr-scriiitnais for tha iriueisil disense of llns climnte. The tininr of each uriirV will imply til. disensr for Which it IS lilrndr. to lrf USi'it. Mt MrCI,IN I'ti:K'- PKCTttRAI. SYRUP. Pricefl lilt WiCI.IN'I'tJfK'S) Clll.l) A,U COUGH MIX Tl lrr'or C'-l ls. Coimhs. Ac I'riee 4.r' c:s. ltlt. MeCI.IXTIICK'S ASTHMA AM) HOOPING Ol lilt ltf.MI-:i)V. Piice So cis. lir. MeiM.INTOL'K'H TONIC AI.TI'.tlXATIVE HVII l'i'- I' or I'lirifvin the Hl.st Prne l. 1)11. Mi'CI.I.NToi.K M IIVHPI'.PTIC l-:i.lXin For f'ivinfrtoiiet'i tlir st nnncli relieving rrniiis sfirr euluia. iriiitlnirii, nnil all ilisngrrealils sinpnnns arising Hum inilpienliiiii Prire sl. 1)11. MrCI.IN TOCK-X RIll'.L'MATIC MIXTl'KK A Tii'i-lv Vtr.-talile liemrily lor iiilrriinl use. Price Ml CIS. Oil'. Mrl'I.INTOCK'si IIIII'l'MATlC t.l.MMENT for Klieutnnliiia, sipiains, Bwcllings, tec, Ac. Puce 5') cpitm. l it. vrrPUNTfirK'S ANODYNK MIXTURE Fni Pni'is. Tootharhe, llrnilnche, Ntumlcin, Ac. kc. Price 611 eruii. Iill. MrCI.INTOCK'f FKVKIt AND ACtUF. PPK CIKIC A rrrlrou rurr for nil Inlrniiit'eiiii. Price 81. PH. MrCI.INTOIK'f 111 A It It IKK A ('(lit DIAL AND CIHII.KKA Pltl-.VIA TIVK A snfereninlv. 1)11. MrC l.l.N I'OCK-si VKlill'AIII.K l'i KliATIVh ri l.l.si Foi sliyr-m-ss. Il,.-t:irlie. e Prior -ilrts. I)lt. McCI.ITorK'! AN'l lllll.li ICH I'll. I.S Fur lrrri!iil.iriiy in thr ruiini".s ,.f ii,n l.iver and llowets Ihr hrst l.ivrr Pill ni.nle I'rirr o', rl.. n I, ix I'or .ile liy Dr. J. MrCl.lN I'OI.K. ut his Mislienl De. pot, N V corner itintli mid Fi'Vrt it, , Pliil-nlrli'lnn. mid nt nil Driicirtvt in-l Oralrrs in .Mrrlirinrs. All llriiy; islii rind llrali-rs in Mrdicinrs win wish tn tie ngenls, will plriun ml idrrss .Dr. Mc-Clintock, rnriii.hing refcruiee. ill-liir ol P .l.(l(Ti-r. cunlv nml Male US" For S il" hv Wri.T ,V llrini,.r, Snnlvirv nnd Phn m ikin: Win. Wernier, N rllinniiierliind ; C. Drown. Mil ton ; F. . I.utz. It',. ,,,', ;irii : J ieoh llsrrin, lliirkh"rii ; ("Im Vunlecio, Light Strict j I Sharpie ts it Sou, Ciila- iHiiunry A, 165.1. Om. IMPORT Kit AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEI., 461 Market street, beltttv 13A, north tide, PlHJLABai.PillA. Phils., The. :)ii, lH.-il. lisi HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT IsAVZ. UJjice opposite, the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. Prrnnfil ulii'iilioii lo buniuoss in adjoining Toutities. SALAMANDER S A l" E S . KVA.N.S ,t WATSON. j. 2r Smrli Fourth St., PhUadthdiin. ! A irfvr-Vs CiREAT FIRE. Chestnut l & Fifth Strc-1.1. Friday t '' ) Jfc.' L '-. . 'r luoniiiiir, I h i-cinlier 3'uii, I. E aiis .V Wnlsiui's iiliint;ii:ili'r Snl'es 'J'riuin- : p!i it:t, as tliev el'.vavs arc ! ': -"- ". ' wl.cu put to liie test. Piiint i i em Dec. .",, lfi. I Mes.rs. Evivs.V Wa isii. Nj. 2! South Fourth St., Phihi'lclph!;!. ! (I'l'itileiurn : 'e t:i!:e much p!enrt're in re ! c.immeiiilinii yuur s;il:ini:t!!tli r S il'fs l.i .Mcrflntits i nnd nthi'i s in w nnl of a secure means of prerer vin ihcir honl.s, pni'ers, etc., fr.un lire, as the 1 one we puri-hnscd from you iihout seven months : ; since f as preserved our houli, papers and cnsli ' in as trnoil a cntnlili'iii as they were when put 1 into it, before the prent fire ol this murmns. which ' dcslruyed the entire Muck of litiihliiics corner of Chestnut and Filth t-liects. The above safe was j in use in our nii'iee. on the second lloor of our ; li. ihiiii'j, from ivliii h place it tell into the cellar, . , nnd remained thcic un'tl the liie was out. The I I Safe was then removed and opened in the prcs ' eiic of at least U'I'O pvrsons, who u itnesseil the I ! good condition of the cuuleiil''. Will you please i . h.ive the Safe nnd l."cks rep.iired, as we intend ' l.i i-ul il in use mi. li ivi..i pvrlcct conlidence j in its lirc-pro'il' ipiiililics. I Yours, ltespeclfiillv, ; I.AC' V o Pllll.Ii'S. j Eva us ,V Watsnn tiike pleasure in referring to j the f'l'.i.tw iii-. iiriou the in iu l.uiidi'.'-ls hi) j ban- tln ir Sales ini.-..-: 1'. b. Mint I'Udada ; ; i Fan -'is' nii'l Mechanics' Bank, Phila ; Samuel j ' Alien, lis.,., Hieh Suetill', I'luln; John H. Il.-n- j ili i st'it. City Ciinti-iilier ; Ca'eh Ct'j c o., Nu. ! ! I S :S Market .vi. ; Kiclnir l Xurris ,- S.in. I.o.-o- i ' inolive huildciK, Phihula ; Bancroft iV Sellers, j Machini-ls, eurner H!:h nnd .l imes sts.; Fran- j 1 klin Fire Insurance Cti., I'iiila.; Pcnnsyliauia I I'.iihond Co, l'hila.i Lacey A- Piiilipt. corner' ' flth uml Minor Ss ; Sh.irpless Urn., No IK I South Second St .; .lames Ki t t iV. SauWe, N't. : I 1 7 North Thir l si ; W II. Hor.tmati & Sons, ; No. Til Norih Thinl Si.; Smith. Williams A Co., : ; No. V Market :'.; J. ,V B. Orue, No. 181 ! 1 t 'hcitiiiit si. A lai'i'e ns. rtttii'tit nf the nlmve S.if's nlway-i j on baud (narrniitcil to rland at least 10 percent ! n. "ie lire than anv Hcirnis's Sale now in use.) EVANS - HVI'SIIV also ni imil'tture and I iv;i f. r.sa!i'. Iron shutters, Iron Dnnrs and Inm ' l'ii-h. tt-r ni il.iii tire-prtiitf '-i;!ts ft.r Biuks ! i.'ii's. piilil.c iin.l private huililins. Seal arid j l.i Hi r Ci p inn l'res,ps ; Patent SUte Lined lie- ' J liinerntors. etc. PI ease jiv us a call, at No. Cli ! ' Small Found St.. Philadelphia. I Apiil 7, s.-f. fly. 10. HEW ITJG STOKE! Whole -rile r.'ui Retail rnijisfJ. MaiLcl St.. vert denr to F.. V. llnzlit's Store rVTlV.VlZY, TA, l"l'Ei; to l.ic puhlic liie larijcst and best " selected stock ever oiened in ihis section of i ountrv , c.ill.islii .5 of "rHESH AND FUKE DEUGS, tCllil-lllt'. Cliciuicals, Itiouii'l Spices, Paints, tills, Vuruishes, Ihe-stuli's, imhivv (ia, Pal. nl Me.'iciucs,' lom-iticr with a complete as soiiiiicut of P. lint, t 'io; In s, J I air. 'l'ooih, Nuil m il sluivinij Brushes, Hiessiny, Side, Neck ami j P.icLcl Comlis, Fancy Sua,, i!iav iup, Crcainr , r.i'.'.ui o. Si sals, Port .Moiiijo, Sljliun.iry , Coll I lectionaiies. ! PL'liE WlNE's AND BP. AND I ES j For Me.lit iit.il use. English. French and Aineri I can Perfumery, Fancy l.todsuf every descrip tion, in snort every a:iicio kepi uy uruists i;enerally. uZf" Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. CEO. B. WEIsEK, WM. A. BrU'.NEIi. fiinbnry, May 2C, 185'J. Sjiiiii uud Summer (ioods ! PETER W. GRAY, ff.NTOl.M.S hist 1'iiendu l!mt he lint just received a gooii iiNnitiiirnt of SFEIKQ AND SUMMEU GOODS, ut his .S'loro in Market Sipuie. His stock con sists of DRY COODS, VIZ : Cloths, Cassim.rs, iSaltiuetls, Jeans, Drillings, Baraties, Batae Ue I.aiucs, (iinyliains, Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla Sittm, Winter Shawls, Dress Tiiuiiuii g and all items in the Dry lioo.lt line, Also, a are assoitmct nf Sliot'S) for Men Woir.tn and Children. Hals and Cups, ;i ot( i Kn ol'es oi-y s arlcty. Teas, Coll'ee, ujrar, M dii.ses, Spices, Salt, Fi.li, Ac. II hi-tits' are. A general assortment of Cedar Ware Tubs, Buckets, Wash Boards, Brooms. Brushes, &c. Qt'UkNsvrsHS a general assortment. Country produce taken at the highest market price. Sunhury, May 19, 1R55. If. ("SAMPHINE and Fluid of the best quality J For safe by WEISER 4 BKL'NEK. .Sunhury, May 19, 1855. HOOFLAN iys BiTier at May 19. WELSER St BRCNER'8. ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with books,i alt. snd all ctmptcte, just received. 41 breed by . v U. U. MAS8XR. , isAr.taiitiiV' - ! New Goods fbr-the People t BENJAMIN HEFFNEIt RESPECTFULLY informa the publiein gen eral that he has just rcceivtd and oyenad a splendid stock of Spring nnd Summer Goods at liia New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimeri, Cassinets. of all kttjds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO t CallroeM, Gliijrhnmft, Lowm, MoiinncIIiic Uc Luhtca and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Grorrrlcd, Also an assortment of Hardware, Irou . and Steel, Nails &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles and patterna. Also an assortment of HOOTS ti. SHOTS. HATS k CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ftc. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will La sold at the lowest prices. C? Country product taken in exchanjt a the highest prices. Luwcr Augusta, Mav 0, 1355. Watches, Jcvelpy, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality FOR BALE AT TUB LOWEST CAiH PRICES, AT WM. B ELTONIIEAD'S. Sa. 184 South Second street, between Pint and Union, west side, rHtLASELPHIA. I Tine Wiiiehfii, Jeweliv, Silver NVme, Alhitu Varc. plated Willi line Silver, in r-pfHtnn, Furks. LihIUh, iVi, Jet (i "iln. I'mi aii'l 1 riM'.-y Articles u uperiiti ijiiaai) . (lenerviinr the i xinnitinirui nl' IIkhi w!hi desire tu ptu:ii''f ihr lii9i uMK.t nt the lowest Cash I'tirea. H ivnm ii praeln-al kii'Wlelv. nf il luminrfi'i, nn-.l n! naiiiilih taohm tr liiacrtinn ntnl .Mriicr-ir 't'irimr, li.n I uliaerilwr t"iift"'.eiitlv invites purchfUTH. Iichevint (icit l:n ! ran fttipply them on tTini as invoruixf n any oilier ta'ti'i j listhtiti'iil in ffiihcr nf I he Atlamir I'ltu-it. ! tip All kiiuH nf Piaiip'tul Hid lV-.ul Jcwehynud f iller j Ware inauiit'iictiireil t't nrilcr, within u reann'i'lr tin-e. i'V Waici.t, JuwfTT'y at A Silver Wure l'.tilhfuliy re ' nairt.l. M. ii Ki.roNiir n. 1GI iutli id St.. few il.Mjri abtjve ihe .M iiket AVet Sl.tr I IV In the South Vi:u1iw nf the Stnre. mty hesiitii the '. fam nis I'!U1 Cl.t'CK. wnicU ciiiniauijt the utiimrittii-'i ' 1 nl the ncit nlil1" nml euricn. ' I Pliiia . Oct. 7, ly Furniture ! Furniture ! -Vo. 157 South Srcind a'l.ire Sjiruce.) east tide, rmiiADEJcriiiA. IIIE suliscrilier would respectfully inform the leaders of the S. 'ay Aiiinict'.n nnd the public ucuprally. th it lie has on hsti.l a constant siii iilv ol el.-aut, fashioual.le, and id well ti::idc JcijiB a prucli- Fiuniliire nt reasonahle prices. B cal incclianii'. ai.il hawinj all I, is t;.i.).:s mmulac lured under hi.s own snni riiili ndeni e. piirciiu-i rs may rely on ecttiiijr juiit such nrticba us me represented. Lounges with remuvaliie arms, also new palierns of S.ifi Rcdstpadt, TIukc win) are about guing to housil.ccpiii j would do well to call. JOHN A. BALER. 157 South Second st'eet. N. B. All orders thankfully received and promptly intended to. April list, MS. wl ly. i. s. rryc.T. tvi. c. siout. S; L. PAN'COAST &. CO. COMMISSION MEliCIIAXTS AT1) DKALEP.S IN Fisli and Provision 11 1: V K II 1 1 T , Vo. 17 .VotM IVharvei, PiiiiADricrniA. Philadelphia, Sept. 10, l'S'i l. II EN II Y IJ. l'USSELL, siimcTtni.il or Uinhrc!!:s cj rEriisola, W EVERY VAR1ETV, AT THE OLD STA.tt), wNo. 2 .Vorth Fourth St., ri;iladtlpli:a. ZJ Constantly n hand a larqe assorttnea to wliicli the atlt-iili'tu of Dealer-! is tc.iiteJ. Phila.. Sept. Iii. IN.'is:. Ecarcling'! Eoarding! I!S. W'H li'l'ON can nccoiumodute 9 or i B 1" rcspt ctalile hoarders. Lot iiii.ii: N.iri!i-it comer nf Market fipjire, .Siinlnirv. Persons wu.hiiij a couifurta'jit Law will dud this a desirah'e place. Sunl.urv, A 1 1 1 1 i 14, lb'i).'). if I. I.. EEVAI7. Shamokin Pa- ri-SHE suhscriher heSs leave to inform his (riends S and the pul lie tciu-i jllv, that he has taken iheahove well known stand, and will be buppy lo accommodate ail who may give bun a call. Mijinukiu, Jul,- S, I !--!. NOTICE. 'JOTICE is hereby given that application wiil ' be made to ihe next legislature, of Pennsyl vania, at Ihe session of l50, fur the creation rf a corporate body, with batikim; and dic. 'until.;; j priv ileat s. tt, he called the "Siiimiikii Bvnk.", bicatcd at tSliaiii'd. intow n, Northnn.l eiland Co., I Ph.. wild a capital slot k nf $l.0,t:t'0. with tiie j privileueof increjst'nj the same to $300,0011 if j neiesitarv, shamokiii, May 23. lR.'.ft. Cm'. TOBACCO, &c. troweri'. Coiikicss, Eldorado Fie. Eldorado Cake, Snrsnparilla Fine Cut, Pressed Fine Cut, Andersons " " For Sale al WEISEIt & BKI'NEIl. Sunhury, May 2(1, ISS.i. H(lllT.S, Slioes, Hats. Caps and Cum Shoes, as 9 j""1 received and for sale hv Oct. 7 1854. TENER 4 Co 4 KXOI.U'8 WRITINC FI.riD and Adhe - sive and legal envelopes, for sale bv H. B. MASSEH. Sunburv. Ian 10. I5i QHOES. All kinds of Boots Shoes and slip pers lor sale by G. ELSBEKO A CO, Market street, opposite the Post Ollice. Sunburv. Oct. . 1(15:1 rlLANK Parchment Pnier Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons Ac, fur sale I. H. B. MASSER. Suiil.iirv Arri !S. 1S5 liLANKS. ? of every description i TJLANICS of every description can be had Vty 0 9 ap l, vino at the office nf ihe Amrrican, JJBOL'ND and whole Pepper, Cloves, Cinna " inon, Nutmeg, Mace, Alllspice, Ginger, Liouurice, &c, ii.c., at Nov. hi, '54. YOUNG'S STORE. 1 EWELRY. A nice assortment of (laid and Silver Pencils and Pens, for sale cheap by O, ELSBERU i CO., Market street, opposite the Post Ollice Sunhury, Oct. H, 185.1 WJATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS foi BS Mr Domes lor saw ny 11. B MASSER. 8unbury, April, 13, 1851 DR. II. H. HIfSBEE'8 remedy for eouijhe colds, and pulmonary disease. A supply of this TsJuskls medicios jusl received nd for eaU by ' - H. B, MAMER. skDiWei Him v ItafW . 41 AID AND COJIFOET, : lo Your Own Jflecliniilct. GEOUGE I1ENN. MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. ry ilE suliscrilier respectfully calls the attantiot of the public to his large and splendid a or mcnt of every quality and price of which' cannot fail to rotominend itself toevory otm who will examine it, on account of its Jurirlila workmanship and splendid finish, made up of tha best stock to be had in the city. No effort i spared in the manufacture of his ware, ana" the ' suliscrilier is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly bainf made. His stork consists Gf Mahogany Sofas, IHvnin nnd Loun?o Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST 1D DIXIXG TABLB and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phil dclphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and priev, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his bnsineae. lie also manufactures all kinds and qualitiea of CUAIHS, ncluiling varieties never before to he had ir Sunhury, such as MIA-Ti UttlK WAt!l.r of Ihe latest at vies, B,l warrou.cl to be evcellej J he subscriber ,s determined that there shall be no excuse fir nerso,.. . - ,.. ... il,.. ... i-u'iiiiisB lurnuurc in I mo cities, ns cvi.rv eonti, , . . . . . Chairs a"J of - a'l wi!' d;splwJ of on a. rood U'vul" " J:90"1 U. j" M'"t Street. -...p .ii . .-iurc aim Wenw r's Ti u r i 1 uiarn. i i. . , . ItLOEliE REN.N. tf. Sunliury, Jan. 10, IS.Vi, leu u vi? a.. liiHaa r, Suerwor tj Haul,; J Knight. BEDDING &. CARPET WAREHOUSE, Ao. US Sou,A frJ, lStm,,f.l.tdr,tU Surv.ce slreet. yiiljj ABET, P TIT n 7 . Trhere he keeps C'lis'imtiv lttn,l , jj . assortin, i,t oi eta.-y .nicls in hi, ii, uustiiesr. I'KATUCIS, FBAT'in.1 BEl'S. ..tent Sprins Maltese., curled l.air, Moim urn husk and St,uw .Mattresses, Velvet, Tft. ....... lu,.,,,,,, ufu.iseiL iurco-1' I'lictian, Lag and lleuiy CurpeHni;, 0,1 Ctj'iu. Cumo :,Wtins;t, Co-u3 and Spanish Mat::, i, FI,o, and Star, )ruS;.;..u. Hearth Kui.s. L wr .Ma.s, Tsl.!. and I lano Covers. To which he re';f stfuliy uj,jUb tlif allcnliun of purchaser.). Phils- Oct. 7, lS'il. ly. United States Hotel, Lfiestntit itrct, ui-ove Fonr.'i. ri?rx..ar:t.'KrA. j J Mr.cl.h l. L AN, fhllc f J, ' Hotel) ' .us the ( i.ssuie to inform his fiiends and he traveling cmnruuiiity, that he has Icired Una House fur a term .f )(.jrs, and is now prepared for the reception of Cu.'sts. The Local advanHqtsuf thi tiirorito rslal!i!. j ment are too well kno'vn to liee.l c inu ent. i The House and Furniture have Wen put lu j lir'. rate ,;!.!,; t!.e ro.ms are large and well ! 'ei'tilstcl. Tlie 'J'nl lcj wiil a.'waja'be supplied j with the l est. unJ Hie juoprieUT p" coVe liiirss'.f .that no clorl on his l.uit iluN I,, wantinc to I make the Eiiited States e.iueJ in comforH to any : iio.ei ill llif vuakc- itv. Phila ., July , 1S5L " NOTICE To Trespa;sf rs cu tlio TelerrTapli line. JOTICE iii hcrfiy given, that all persona x found trespaskiiij upon, or injuring ihe line of ihe Philadelphia and Sunhury Telegraph wiil I e dealt vi:!i according to tlie a;t of Aaseiuldy i such casts icade st.d provti!e-1. 11. B. MASTER, Prcs't Thila. and Sunhury TclcrapU Co. eunbury, June il, 1.-5;. CITRATE Of MAGXESI , or Tasteless Salts, Prej ari.il l v WElSF.R Ss DIU'NER. This prcpaiation is recommended as an . : ri'""'u ltve snd l'rati. it operates mildlr, li entirc.y treetrein ui'v ui.t. rasaut lt. seinliiit.i; Iciiiniiitle in ilavor. This medicine is huhly bei.eiicikl fir diseases peculiar to su major snd hut weuii er. Stuiburv, Juiv !,Ifr'4.-- WM. M'CAiiTV, I', c o a i-. l l i. h , Slirk-t Sin,:, tUNBUEY, PA- ll'HT rsie'.veJ and for sale. a f:rn sappif " I.VlXGfXH'AL .Mi sit: j fur Siupiiid Schools, lio it alto opening at j tliis time, a l.iie asx'i'ttncnt of Books, in every branch of Literature, coiiMsiitnr. of I Poetry, llitory. Novels, Koniances, Scientifia Works, Law, Mciiiinc. School and Chil.lren'e Hooks, Bibles ; School. Pocket and Family, belli j with ami without )'.iu;i livings. and every of vari ! eiv of Bindiiii!. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Also just received and for nlo, Purd ns Di gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 18,") I, price only i.00. Indue Leads edition of Blick .tones Commen taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at ? 10,00, and now oll'ered (in fresh binding) at the low price of 50,00. A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re secting Ihe estates of Decedents, by Thomas i Cordon, price only $1,00. Travels, Voyages and Adventures, all ol which will lie sold low, cither for cash, or couu lry produce. February, 21, 1S5?. tt. SAMUEL S. FETIIER3T0N, rtAi.tii in Lamps, Lanterns, CliaiiuVliirsanil Ciintldabrai, 'o. 152 S. 2.1 street, alove Spruce, riiii.sDKi.niu. 1 laving enlarged and improved his store, and havinn one of larit assorlmtnts of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Cauij bene. Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns el all patterns, Glass Lamps by the psckage, at a s".all advsnc over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pine ill!, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, which will be furnished to Merchants at such prices that they will find it to their advantage ta buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions at the loweat market prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1854. ATS AND CAPS A splendid lot of fashionable Silk. Wool snd Fur Hats, also Cloth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps for aale low by G. ELPBERO CO. Market etreet, opposite tlie Post OhHct. Sunhury, Oct. 8, 1853. fOLU PENS with and without eases, tf S JH very superior quality, Just received. Ala a Irtab eupptr 1 . Ik MAsUrKK unkstfyv Duss tt, IfitK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers