NEW SERIES, VOL. 8, NO. 31. SUNBUIIY, NOltTIIUMIVLItLAND COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1855. OLD SEMES, VOL- 10. NO. 5. The Sunbury American, ICDLimlEII SVKIIT ATini)iI BY n. B. I.1ASSEH, Market Suare, Sunbury, 1'enna. TEH MS OP Sl'IISCBIPTIOS. TWO DOI.I.VU9 per niinnin In lie piil Imlf yearly in uee. .So pupei ilui-oiiln'i.-il until all tirenriigea lire Mil. Ml C'iinmlliii-il!iini or If'tf7t I'll Innim-M relating t" In. iidicc, to umire nttrniiwi, rai tie POST PAID. 'It) CI, U 113. Tl,r p.-inif. to one aildrets, ff5 00 Save.i Da Do FeU'en i'o l' Fiveil iMart in sJvnnee will pay for three yen II) no 2li mi nti. leripMiin to the American. P mm men will pieaee net ne mir Aemis, ami frnnk liun pciiihiniiiig eiilnrriptlnii mey 'I'liey ui perimi ltd o d i tine umli-r Hie lM diliee l.nw. T HUMS OP A D V E U T 1 8 1 N 0 VW 9-nmii- of U line., 3 t'.inef, Kvitv uliai'i)eill iiiSftrtioil, Oat fS a.ue, 3 month., IX m intiii, On' ye-ir, U.isiiiimi Caul" "f Five liuee, per iimun, Mstchaiiienwl other.. inK-tnii-im ly tiie year, with ttie privit'-ec of i-erting iliSV3ii: mlvnTtntfiriri.te ivrril1' I 9 sn 3ti5 6i full Son iooo UiT l.vgor Al-rtiae.r.eiite.a pr arrtir.tni. J O II PRINTING. We hive cn,ir.tM with out e.u' V-Wiit a well tled'-'l .I'M! ' TICK. .;. U will eim!;ie us to execute in the ne-ilCit ttyle, ewny v-.irify ol' pfin:iiie. - e fir i c i1 "? TT. .:, . J.'-..4-iwf--ij-j ATTO tt K C V A T L A V CuvinfJn AttriitlcJ ! in ihe C'outn'.ci uf Ner tliunilifr'.iij, Uniuii, Lycoming Aloutour and Columbia. J'fjirtnctf vi . n M. .inii ii.'tvh -,i. ll.m. Cil.l r.j.i.. nilli k C i. uui'i'i': ill M'iilHAClli: COAL Fitim r:is I. a Cortiiiiuii-i' iCTKU (.'in ! 1J.HT, l.'.'.id rouiiiv, r. y.?:7 lW.VA'i v.o have very extensive lmfirore " V iin'i, aril are pii";';iri'd to offer M llir pubiic vry etlie!-, p..rliru!ar!y suited nr I'm in i", iif.u i.'.r.e uf i.nii &..J linking fcUam. Cur '.t4 n! tiro: I.I'M !', ) f;ir Saie'tin; furpeaea, 8TU..V.3lAT, for uu. aoJ KtL.inboat h::oicen, j i'lli. FaraiiT ue ai.J Sit;n. STOVE, ) 1E ' r '''mo'ur"ers fcteam. Our point uf Shipping is Snnluny, where ar iitngrtients nro made to loaj boats without any delay. COCHRAN, I'EALE CO. J. J. CoehKAN, I.unriKtrr. C V.'. I'f.a lf,, b'liiimukin. Hi.n.1. r.KiNiniLti, Liincaater. A. liAUXfiAvntEii, do. tny Onlera a.lilrrmed lo Shamolin or Sunbury, ill reriv' prompt oltention. h. in, lxS.') ly EXC ELS01P. EATING S U 0 0 . ! ECASifl l.H E. WIUKTOS TJAVK Pikfu the f iloon fotrnerly occupied K A ).y J. , N'.'a.hinijtoii, In Market .f'varf. Xuulvry, hre they will be happy to dinprnse t their fume's nnd t'c eaiii.p pu'. lie r enoral'y, all the !rUi-ci'- of lit" ac-ta.ia, iiii-laiiiuu tlystern tresli tut ; ' -"d. The hill of liirn will iu.-lii,lt) aid - iriiiia'aat-.d dhcit-M-a. .il-ttAtcl to aalirlV tV-se ho 'el.unsrv, nr.. I rffi-ie udii cr-ire p-.erolv lo r.are Ihc'r p.ilKiei tickled. !i will h, "pen at all houta of the d iv, and ail icusui, ihl leaim of the .iM. (iivr t.s a call mid t;it. f r yoiuarUea. IV Families and partus fuppiit-J on e'.ioit t.eiire. Sunhnty. Pept. 52. ISa.Y-- LEATHEl". rstlTSE. IMS-.Si5?V &, Co. JVo. 23 Sorth Third Street, I'liUnleiphia. Tj OI'.UCCO Mnnl.ictiirets, L'arricra and Iin porti-ra of I'KIjNCH M.F-SKI.MS. and ilenlrn ia lied nj Oak L.LATII Kl! Si K1P1'. Feb. 17, HS5, -w It F. II. SMITH, PORT MONNAIE, POCKET BOOH, AS'I DrPSNlns t'aity Saimf.ifi'Cr, y. II'. cor. of I'.urih .V Chulnut St., rilll.ADIXHIllA. Alwtrson har.d ft larse. ami varied assortment of Pail Monnnif i, Work Uoxea, Pocket ISooka, Bankrri Ciej, Note lloldera, Port Polios, Portable Denka, Cahaa, Traveling Di-, lcit;a.amou Bonrtla, diets Men, Citjar ('aaeJ, Pocket Memorandum Booka. Drrasing Cajra, Ainu a ctMirral aasortmeiit of him!l.-h. r renru and (iermui Fancy (ioods, Finn Forkct Cutlery. liazira, Itnzor 8tropa and Gold lVna. Vhoie.aie, Second and Third Floors. F. II. SMITH. N. W. cor. Fcortli & Che.tnut Stu., I'hilada. N. On the receipt of a Superior Gold Ten will be tent to any part of the United States, by mail; dcacrihius pen, thus, medium, hard, or aoft. l'hdi.. MurrS 3t. lo.15. ply. Do vou wiiut u liargain? IF SO, THEN CALL AT i. "SrOUNGS' STOI13, 'n 7 UK KB you will find the cher.jiest ussort- meiit of SrilLNCr AND SUMMER GOODS ia Sunbury, coiidbting in part of Dry Good, Groceries, (Jueenswarc, Hardware, 'ejar ware, Fancy Art'nica. Stationary, fun Itctioiuiics, &c, which will be s.llil ut the lowcal 'ric-es for ca-'u of country produce. Ground Salt by ihe cli or bachcl. Bunburv. Nov. 4, lhol. Tl) GltCCZHS AND C9NfECTHJ.NTF.E3. ..rv .r u uaii ft fi-tr li .i;; ' rive pr c-:it, Sll Hns III .11 r in- I itikC'iunt il J per cent, lor CJl!l. Haisin.-, via. lowent pi u-e, with a Vv'i vrrs (M':iiU'W, U.N.F., a afriVllhl vii in "(T- iiti i:-i, svi.'r on,, 0K.L'NUXrT. liATia. 0STILBOAI'... All wdar. by ...ail pi.....ily "'fift tnND, 4 1 . Waier Mireet, TuiUiJilplca. Phila. cpt. 13, lc5 Imp. nARDV.r.K.-T;d'lt Cutlery, Karora, Pock tt Knivia, Hand aawa' Wood aawa in fnimea, Aea, ChicU, Door Lock, and llMiRea, Naiid Bulls, Wjitew, r., juat reirived and lor .Uehy I. W.TKNKU&CO. K-jnhury Dec. S. IRS. W7AMLLA IIEANS iul recenetl d hv y WKISKK A UKLNEH. Kunbury, May 19, 1855. WINKS and Li iuora for Melirinal purpoaea at WKISKRA BKUNEB'S. 8niibur. May 19. Iff5.V itLACIC Putty a good artiel for aale y OCTOBER. BY WILMS QAYLOItD (TArlK. Solemn, yet beautiful li view, Month of my lu'urt ! tliuu dawncst here, With sad unci faded leaven to strew Tin" BiuitiiuT'n inohinchnly bier. TliO moaning of the winds 1 hear, As the rt'il sunset dies afar, Ami bins ol' purple clouds appear, Obscuring every Western star. Thou solemn month ! Thenrihy voice; It tells my soul of other days. When but In live was tu rejoice, When earth w:is lovely to thy gaze : 0 visions bright ! O blessed bouts ! Where nre thcirlicing ruptures now? 1 at-k my spirit's wearied powers 1 tibk my pule and fevered brow. I look to Xuliiri! to behold My life's dim vmbrrs. rnstlin?; rotind, In hues of crimson nml of troid 'I'lio yciir's deiid honors on the roiinj And siifliinsr wit h the winds. I feel. With their low pinions murmur by, llow much their swecpim; tunes revetil Of l;l'e and human destii.v. ' V.'liPn Mirjiir's deliehlsriinp vnotneiit sll me, 'I'liey c-.ime in zephyrs from tin) Ves! ; TIt.V boi'.! the k's I'.leltililf tune, i 'J'ln-y stirred tiie blue lake's 'y ms.-y breast j j Through Summer, litintinjr ill Ihe heat, I They lingered in '.he direst shade ; But changed and stien.'tin lii d now, they beat In storm, o'er niuantaiii, glen and fflade. How like those transport!' of the breast. When life it fresh ami juy is new ; Gofi r.s the !..'.!'.'yrn's downy nest, And transient all, as ihey mo true ! Tiiey stir tiie le.;'.".' in that briyl.t wrenth Which Hope tiboiit her fur, l.-.i.! twines, Till iiri.'i's hot si!is;ouiid it breathe; Then rieasura liji its "-iniie resigns. A!-is ! for Time, and Death, nml Cure! What f:looni our way they fling! Like ciuudj in Autuina's jxusty nir, The burial pageant of the hpr'nfr. The dreams 1 but each successive year Seemed batln tl in hues of brighter pride, At last l;ke withered leaves uopear. And tleep in daihness side by side. 17? F-ETURNiiD AP.CTIC EXrEBITIOIf. We ("ml in the New York journals many iliterestinp facts and incidents relative to the ref.irned Arctic voyapei-i under Dr. Kane. Dr. Kane hail been absent nearly two years before any serious apprehension for his safe ty was felt. At l ist 'ivi(eps appropriated one hundred and fitly thousand duller? fur the tittinj.' out of a Mpiaiii uu to proceed to his re lief, 110111 the incidents of the voya.- out we take the followinp : I.tvilt.T iimks AT Plsro: C-i'il. Ilafsti PC aic.l his com. iiy, who went oat with the baric Relief and steamer Arctic. in search of Dr. Kane, have hud un iujrly gay t ime at Da-cu. On tn'e l!Sth of July in id- Di co island and anchored in tin; limber of Leively. when the royal Danish inspector, Mr. Olrie, came off aiid tendered the hospitahties of ail North Cireenlniid. Leively is a town of ISO inhabitants, com posed of ten or tv.'dve Date-s. and the rest hull breed Dalies and full-blooded I'snuiimiux; j one of the offa-irs. an old Arctic cruiser, sent ' I for his friends, ani two of tliuni danphters of! Droburp. Sophie and Marie, came on boaid i and prcted him ripht heartily r we invited I them to tea. and after speudinp the eveninp j in social conversation, ihey were escorted home by the officers. Every uipht, Sun. lavs ! iin bided, while we remaitied there, we had i balls and parties, and passed the tine.- very ' lAasatlv. IniapiiiK a ball room full ol Green. I l.ii.d belles, dressed in seal skins, moccasins, and breeches, ornamented with (.'.iv-colored j leather, and dancing to thu music oi' melodi ous liddles. The fairest ladies of the place wrro enter- j tained in the most acceptable style, with but- 1 t'-r and cranbi rry sauce, wiih which it tei rued diflieult to satisfy them. In the dance tln v excel. Several of tin; oflicers say they had neier seen better dancers in their lives than these Disco belles, and. what is mure wonder. lul, Ihey were perfectly liiniiliar with the pol- I k i. tl llcilowa, .Mazontka. niul all tiie inest recent fashionable dances in Europe. A.N JIo.nkst Pixn-i.E. After takinp in coal in the Waipatt, we ad vanced (duly lath) to L'pernavick. tiie mo.-t northern Danish settlement. This place con sista of some half-dozen rude framo-houscs. and some twenty or thirty white inhabitants, and uboiit cue hundred Esquimaux, who in winter in stono huts, nnd ir, summer in skin tents. Thu majority of them are hall breeds, tlm propeuy of imirriape connections formed by settlers in the cieinti-y. These people hare us few fault.- us most uborip iaces. Uood-iiatuied, kihil-heul'leil. hiimorous, liviu" tupether ill such broiherly love us ulniost r-n-ders the property of one the properly of all ; hospitable, disposed to share the pains of their hunt : almost universally cha.-ie in the inter course of -l ho sexes; peaceable they tire all the.-P, vi ii hunt beinp utterly ipnnraiit. Most of the adults can read. Thev ure obedieiit to llio -ominands of their church. Their faults an? laziness in matters of routine and of daily occupation. They will dunce ail nipht to the fiddle, but they won't po out for a 8e.d unless ihey want it pretty bud. The family of Mr. Peterson, who had ac companied Dr. Kane's parly as interpreters, in which capacity lie had before sailed under Captain Tarry, were living here, and wru in preut uuxitty for ids safely. The two vessels left Lpernavick. the highest nut post of civilization on the American con tinent, a few hours alter they made it, and passed on the Mirth. Thev met the ice about thirty miles north of tpernavu k, and weri working their way thronph for four weeks by a constant waicbfuluess and unti ring labor. Incidents Actiijf.nt8 or the Exrr.piTiON. About the Crst of September found the ex pedition with bay ice forming: ubout them nrelty thick, in latitude 78 37'. They found in this bay a good harbor, tyid moored their ships there to granite islands. Tl is formed their first winter harbor in the winter of '53 and ,ft4. After oar vessel was moored. Dr. Kuno started with a nnrtr to examine the ice North. They left thrir boat about ten miles North of I .1 1.1 Tl... tne Bntp, nun men pro t-rumi 'n mi'i. party returned in about week, having made a good uiauy forod roaj-cho wheo toey com. menceil making active preparations to pr into winter cpuirters. A warm nml ffimfoitublt! house was built over the deck, cxtonditij; from forward of the stern to the far end oT the pul ley. Stoves were put up, and comniiiniealinu.s were Hindu between the btcerasre nnd cabin, and the men were transferred from the fore castle to the hold, where comfortable quarters were made, for them. The galley wa put be low. Nil regular rations of spirits were served out. It was very necessary to have Ihpior in ca.i-es of sickness, but none was used regular ly fore or aft. No Sunshine rott Foi rt Months. On August 22, 1853, the party lost the sun nltoiicthor. It went ut a dip below the hori zon fur the first lime, and the nights bcan ir: initially to increase prow loiiper unlit Oc tober 2'Jd. when hiivinjr the day previous just raised his faco above the horizon the sun vanished aiiain. mid did not. honor them vith his smiles for lour months more. At twelve o'clock for two or three weeks there, was considerable twilight, but this wns soon lust, when fur three months the twilight was Very iiiconsidiTable. The moonlight days ' and tt'irbts were bountifully bright. The vast expanse of snow nnd ice. with its millions of i mirriir" ri'th't'tiii'..' (lie s . cry rays cf the moon. pi'uiliii'ed a brilliancy, beauty and .-raudenr ' w!,o!!v incoic'eivable t i those who have never j wittde an exi'iirsion to t'e si.' reL'ions. These l illumined scones were pom-raHy edu'ed by black, sonii-uv and barren rock.-, which added , to 1 he my st ci iuus tub! 'mi! y o'' ! he whole. I The car in this i:; divii.'i d into I'o'ir mrt ions, two ul whit !i ale nil ei'iiate day and , ni'jlit, each of two niieiths' utiijlion ; one of I four lin iitiis with I'io sun In low the horizon 1 1 1 1-: 1 1 n the entire t ivwity -f, er bun is ; and one I of fulir months wit li l he snu coiit iniiailv uliuve i j the In liz jii, i horizon. revelvii,-' in one circle above the ( r::A KFfT. Colds. The fir-t winter wh'ch this expedition ex perienceil is n in-ii :;ab!e fur beinp one of the I severest a-id the longest darkness ever t xpe j rieli'-ed by civilized man. When the cold be j pun to increase it was ten deprees below zero i nearly in September, nml as the. season ad ! vaneed. nlthnuph it proved to be a touch tiiild I er w inter than maipv described bv the natives, 4'.-, 50 and even 00 ih precs below zero was re corded. Early in Novetobeu, if not on the last or October, at a temperature of 'I'.l deprees below zero, old M onnnpahchi whiskey so famous for its strength was converted into ice. Visitors vhom thu Ksi?tM.rx. Iu ihe month of March the party was visited by some Ksipiiniaux, of whose existence in that rcpion Dr. Kane was not before aware. They came iu sledpcs drawn by fine large dops. evidently of a very superior breed ; these dops would make a journey of sixty miles a day fur several weeks, carrymp a man. and in some instances two men behind them. The slodces were curiously formed ; some were made of hun-ln d pieces of bone lash ed together willi si riles made of the oisook. a laipe seal. A few of ihetu were made of wood. There can scarcely be a people less dependent 0)11.11 the assistance of civilized men than these Esquimaux. To be sure I lay have their picres cf iron iu their harpoon, but veti their lances are termed of the sharpened horn of the unit urn. In many respects these people present the lov.e.-t form ol hunianil v. 1 T!e-ir notions of lelipioii arc cxi-.-c, Imply j crti'!.', -and ri soluble that d. 'cribed by Parry 1 in his voyages aa Leiongie M lie- Labrador j E-nuimaitx, i They are pru-sly filthy in their hi lots, and ' indulped in culisiilerabli- looseness i f life, es i pecially in the intercourse of the sexes. Thev Lave marriapu rules titnl repidations wlncli are very sinpular. and apparently are derived from various traditions. In this they also re semble tin- Esquimaux described I v Parry. They nre utterly reLrin'dh ss of nil honor ex- I cept in a very few iust lin es, in which they npp.e.ired to In; anxious to obtain urlc-les of 1 uselnl value. Ihey are ini-ori':t.'ibb- thievis revoltinply tiithv iu their per.-ons and habita tions, and live as much on r..w us on cooked I fji sli, which they eat voraciously nml euor 1 tuously. What chance they have of HenVen j is a question for llieolopialis ; tln-v appear to i be happy mid pood nal 1:1 1 d 111 their way, but lit si 1 11 s ll.i y a:e 1 ually ilyiiip int. They I have 1:0 kyiu ks. Ti eir pi :t,c pal nipioi t is I the walrus, the bey;- and ihe nnk, (a small I bird which twiuius in Ihe Arctic lopiens:) j occasionally theycaleh seals, unicorns and sometimes even, tlionph ran ly, white whales. ! All their flshinp has to be cal.iid en ill the ' eracks f t in; ice. i They have a s lky suspicion of a beard. ! which disiiupnishes them fro in the Labrador j Esquimaux, and they ure pom-rally smaller, i thotlph there are ninonp them some remtirka- b!y line specimens of Savapes. The lace j srcuis lo b.. deeayinp atid ilisappe.n inp ; it is I supposed that there are not more than a hun- died ol tin 111 from Cape York to Littleton 1 Island, sonic live or six hundred miles. These Esquimaux visileil Dr. Kane's party, and a trade was opened with tln-m. Tliey remained only a day or two; tiuthin more was seen of them diiriup the splinp. Si.f.umiim; Exi'i'iisioxs. Life on board the ship wa diversif ed by excursions, m,, by various e.roi -e,ses ; some or I hese exeii! sivlls Wi le imule when the teiii. pciiiture was exceedingly low, nnd the length of the iiuillieys varied IV0111 11 few milts In Iwei.ty, twenty-five and l'i-rty miles, tin these trips they took their 1 n visions on sledpcs, camped at nipht nr. do- v -, 's ripped ovi r 1 li" sleilL" s, and 1.11 1.I1 -a II wi fe absent for I hilly i!.ys. The point at which the Vessel is Lipped lelnbi llill ll 1 h the ice) is about in li.t;-.t;i!o eithlv di-LI'KS. CHi the onpest iouiiuv lo lb- iioitl.wiiid, reach ed eiphiy two dipriis thirty minute. lo-ii the crepiise ilium to show the tints of the KUidiuhl iu the spi ilip, they In eall to look forward to all that reutuiittil lo tln-in 11 journey to tint neaiesl station ofeivibitt- tiun, I periuiviK. 1 he dislaiice.niclndini; lie lours, was at least a thousand milea. This could only be traveled by eoiivcyinp the boats on sleilpes to tne Iiearesl water, ami placiup the sledpcs on the boats and proceeilinp by water, until the ice compelled them to reverse the order again. A Pleasant Simuf.r. For nearly two months in the year that is. in July and part of Aupust, tin) weather wag verv tine. The sun was up nipht and day, anil when its beams It'll direct, the tem perature was comfortable, almost hot ; thu thermometer niaknip perhaps Ml to CI) dep. It was a peculiar fact, however, that while the sun was hot euoiiph to melt the ice, where its rays hud full power, thu ice still held Gnu in tiie shade ; so that 011 the sunny side ice melt ed, on the other water would freeze. After the middle of AiipiiKt thuwiut' r rapidly closed ia, ami by September, or ut the time when the Advance, was caught, the season was already fur advanced. The Governor elect of California is only 30 years of tga. TIIEKA.NF. KPKDITI05i-TllUILI.a AD- vion i vnu. Some of the episodes riieonnti red durinir nr. rvttues pcarcli, have wild interest. At one time it became necessary to send a fati piu mrty with provisions, to nsisl the main I party under Dr. Kane, in iiti attempted pus. j sa;:o across Smith's Sound. This party was j under the command of Mr. Drooks, first ofii I c, r of t lie i xpedil ion. lie was accompanied ; by Mr. Wilson nnd oilier volunteers. Pur ; ills tiicir travel thev found the ice oomnicto. ly impend ruble, and u snow drift nt hist swept wildly over the Hoes, and ill thn midst of u heavy falo from the North, the ther mometer, to their dismay, sunk to fifty-seven j deprces below zero. Human nature could i n )t support the terrible cold. 1'our oT the ! patty, iiioludiiiir Mr. Drooksnnd Mr. Wilson. ; were iiostruted with frozen feet, and with i (front difficulty three of their companions, nf- ter encountering prcat snlleriiiir reached the : ship and aiinounceil the condition of their comrades. Their eliaices of beinir reseued ! seemi i! e.xtn ly small. They were in the 1 midst of the w ilderness of snow, incapable of , motion, protected only by a canvas tout, nnd ; with no land marks by which their posit:,.ii could be known. Kven to drap these imiinn d ', ineii would have been, under ordinary cirenm . stain-i s, a work of dilliculty, but to t he sit n , del- patty left at the ship,' it seemed to be j impossible. Dr. Kane, with the boldness and tourape which jusl illed the warm attuch 1 mi-til Celt towards him bv nil under his com- 111. mi!, in less than one hour on'-miyeil u ti.s. cninp party, leuviitp on board oniy those who were necessary to receive the sick, ami star ted oil" in the teeth of a ten Hie irale, stcerin:; by enmp i-s to rescue the sufi'i-rers. Alter nineteen hunts' consiant travel, ilc.rinp which two nl' the party fainted, and others reipiired to be kept ironi deep by fuice, they struck lie trail of the lost party, and fin;, fly, stair ncrinif under their burden--, one by one reach e.l the tent, which was almost hiifdcu by the snow. The scene as Dr. Kane entered the tent, was effect iitir beyond description. The par ly burst out iuto't. ars. A blubber Civ was immeiliately built, j.t miuicaii cu.-'.eil. auu l'ie party ate for the liist lime u.'ti r 1. acini.' the e.-sel. Ice was ul-o tiny havinp been to this time without drink. Worn out as tney were, but four hours were allowed for the halt. The mail. .oil of the frozen party were sewed up in liuffulo robes, placed oil sledi s and drapired a!"nir by their ctinipau ions, Dr. Kane walliiiip; iu advance pickinu tin: track Cold of the utmost severity again overlook them. IJoiisall nml Morton, and even the Esquimaux bey, 1 lance, sunk upon the snow with sleep, ft was oniy by force that they were aroused and made to uroeeud. as the cold seemed to have destroyed uilcon- j ccption of danper. A large bear met on I their way, wns I'm t-inat.-ly scared off by Dr. I Ivane, by the simple wav'inp of his hand. j They reached the ship after a walk of sixty two huiirs, still drauiop their companions behind them, but insi iisibie. Dr. Hayes, the iiiti'liiu-ent surgeon of the ship, from whom we obtained the particulars ol this fearful ad venture, received the ri turniii!' parly. Two ' of t he number died of their injuries, ai d t j others umlcrAout amputation, who nre now re.-lured to pi fleet health. The condition of , wiiu oniL-port the s-r; was most lament- ! aide umi". Their memory for a time was entiiely ! i ii ' 1 the ship, in the midst of in'it tcivcr j m, resembled an hospital. Ti.o Mir- I .ml one reinainiu'.' attendant was in sole ' deliriu p.-iii a 1!. trye fthe ,-liip. In tiiis state of semi- madiiess the sick remained for two or three i day.-, but al'terv. aid., they i lit. rely recoven d. i and the party under Dr. Kane started three ' wecl-.s altciwaids cud resuuied their labors m the field. Intrepidity like this, has never been sur passed. It is spoken ot With emotion, even ti'.w, by the stoutest hearts in the expedition. A M UANGi; I'M. At lll ll. His name was Strange. Many will think his coi.'duct was strange. He was a zealous jiieacher and u sweet siiiger. Nolhinp gave liiui so imich I'liasuii) as to go about the country preaching m.d sintinp. A benevo lent gentleman, well oil' 111 worldly gear, tie sinnir to make him and his family comforta ble iu their declining j ears, pepeiously pre senteil hnn u title-deed for ihice huiuiied and twenty acres of land. Strange accepted the d 1u.1ti.n1 with 111 inkfiil'ie-s, and went, his way preaching and sinpinp as ho went- Rut after a few 'months he returind and reques ted his ''.cn. .roils IVieiid to take back tLe title deed. Surprised at the reipiis'., the gentle man inquired : -Is there anv flaw in it V "Not the slightest." -Is not the land good '!" -First rate." 'Isn't it 1 thy ?" ' None inure so." 'Why, then, do you wish me tr take it back '! It w ill be a comfortable home for vmi w hen you grow old, wife and children and something for i ur if Mill should be taken uw.iy." "Why, I'll tell you. Ever (dure I've had that deed I've lost my 1 nioMiieiit iu singing. 1 can't sing mv favorite hvmn with a good I conscience anv hnper." 'What is ttiai i" This- 'No I'i'i'l i'f limit ilol piMts, No cotlinre in I lie- ill ii rurs,, A poor w ayi'iu 'af.' mini. -I ilwi-ll 'iwl.iir in triit. iieiow, O, gli.Py winnlvr l-i ni.'l 1'ro, 'Tilt I in y Oilman pi. in. Vo-Ktf-r". mv li 'usc niul p irlion, My trt-iisurr nml 111V la-iul :ire there, Aad my t I mt i 1 Invitr !" -There 1" sari Strange, "I'd rather sing that I yt'in ihnn (.w n America. I'll trust to the I .on! tu like care of mv wife nnd children. 11, itinued singing uud iireurhini'. and pleaching nnd singing, and the Lord, said the lecturer, did tuke cure uf him, uml his children after him. Tiik P.iit.t.Rs ix ( Captain Hart stein and his compan, of the Relief Expedi tion, says tne xuiv nor '.veiling I'ost. had an exceedingly gay time ut Disco. They were waited upon promptly by the fairest la dies of tho place, whonr they entertained iu the most acceptable style with butter nml eruuberry sauce, with w hich it seemed diffi cult lo satisfy them. When they hud eaten all they could, they joined the officers in the dance, in which they excel. Tho officers say that they had never seen better dancers in I heir lives than these Disco belles, and what iii more wonderful, they were perfectly I'amil liar with the polka, thu Redowa, Mazourka, and all the most recent fashionable dances of Europe. The latter circumstance may be ac counted for by the fact that, in the'fonner exteilitions, tne officers instructed the Green land belles iu the fushiouublo dances of the duy. Jrtow to tljf Moyyr Advertise. fovttdtt lie to ARRIVAL OF TfiG ATLANTIC i.iTun mini litnopu Se'm.itnfnl to I, """'II I'll. Mnremfltl pf tlm Allinl anil A'i.v I'M Armifs. f ViiviV' itiiuir. ami Ih tt -it ni thr ,.,. i t i'i. l'i tnie of 11 Turkish Cat my' hf tht isnm-ix. .;ertre nfthe I'.'ect on a Srci-rt lUiiclilirm. The steamship Atlantic arrived nt N. York yesterday illumine:, nt hnirunst s ,.vi,.,.l 1 The Atlantic arrived on Sandav luorninp i Sept. Until, ut Liverpool. " ft j ) The Erriesuii arrived ut Southampton on j tue'Jlh, after a boisterous passai;,.. j 'J'he A ratio arrived at Cowes "on l'ridnv evenint', 2Sth. j The leadinp events in connection with thn ; war are tne quurtenup of detaehmeiits ' I ol , ! 1-i-etieli ami hiiM trouns in Selewtun.d I and the fact that the allied armies of ojiera . tiou threaten iho Russi. m army. ,(,, fri1In , Ivipatoria and H The l-'rench cavalry, ; under Cell. il'Allotiville, defeated the Rirs. ; siatis near Eepaloria on the 2'.'lh, llnssian loss, f.ll killed and 10.1 prisoners ; I'reneh, 9 I killed nnd 27 wounded. A toimh eiunpaipn I is expected, us the Russians are inakinp tre I meinlons pri pnrutiei'.s, mid the Empeiur , himself is nt Odessa. The (led has sailed fiotn S, basti 1 ol on ti'.ecret e.vpeili'ioti, it. is . supposed either to Nico'aiidi or Odessa. . Kars still held nut, in iiiim 10 hist ueoenuls, ; Ihiiiit'h the provisions were lu-uily exhausted. I It was expected, however, that the sm-w ' would compel the Kieuus soon to retire. , I n 1 ranee t h a o,,i ei i,'nei;t has i.iterfi red to ii-.'itl.ite the iriceid' biiichi-rs' meat. Corn ' has tvacle-i! ils maximum price. The chief item iii the English news is the i rise in ihe rate of interest lioni fi to .' per : Cent, which took place oil the ih. A p. oil" I d al of c, mm, ore;. d interest has r snlied. ! Tin' revenue retains of the United Kiupduin ; show an increase in the year of nearly c'uht and a hall' niaiii ns sterliup, chielly caused by t he add;! it. eon, e tux. The Hoard oi' j Trade returns fur Aupiist show 1111 incr..ase 1 iu the value of importations aseompared with j same monlh iu l.S.i l of XI H7.7M. ! Hesl.sle, Jaiivriii A- Deslisle, merchants i and bankers of Loiulun, have failed. Larpe 1 advances in Caniidit and disappoint metits in receiving remittanceo imvc led to tiie sus pension. Liabilities. X-tOO.OOU THE WAR. Position Movkmknts, asp Piiosrr.cTS of tiik Ahmiks in- the Cui.mka. The ho t official despatches report the South side of Sebastopol, to be occupied by detachments of I'reneh and Ent'lish troops, who have hud distinct fpiarirrs of tho town assigned to them. The Russians concentrated their forces in the Northern forts, and were occasionally fii-hip upon the town, to which the Allies re- piieii irom 1 lie two torts wtneli remained in tact, (Nicholas and Ouarauline.) and from the ruins tifut her fats. PrinceGoit.-ehakoff. in his reports, describes tin: tiling of the Al lies us heavy Preparations were piukinp by thp J'.ritish and French entrineer-, by t !:u sinkiiiir ofiin-ineii.-i; mines, tn ,!,-! 1 ny the splendid docks, arsenals and ship Iniildii.p yards of Si-b.-isti-I'ol. uml thus uproot the placu ns a naval slronphold Tliuuph there is nn oll'e-ial in fonnalioii mi the subject, the Alliid pi in-, r il -. for obvious reasons, be.i.p sdi-nt ns to their future operiiti.,iis. t here nre various pre monitions of a v.goroiis t-atniiuii'Si in the open field. Prince Gort-ehakoff on the 2ud ult.. re ported that 'Ji'i.O'UI men had been landed at Eupatiifia, and that on the 'JClh this force was increased to Hit, 000 men. lie has since reported that "iniposiuir masses'' of the Al lied troops continue to threaten the left win of t he Russian army from I he valley of 11. li dar, whilst a force nuiiuml inp to between 3d, OHO and 40,(100 men threaten the right wing ol the Russians from Euoatoi ia. It is uncertain, and will remain so for some little is th. time, which of these threatened attacks real one, but there is faille enouph u 1 Gortsi'hakofl s ih-spati that he cuns-ilei-s himself serioii. ill front and on In t'i flauk.i. hes to show dy t hreateiied Another t-'t'- ' iniie. li.t fact is that Ihe English laud t raus- ' port corps are in full activity ; that the li.-hi batteries 11! the nililieiv are 10 muM-lnti'; ! n'-iier: that large number of t he Flench cav- nlry have ciiib.u lied lor Enpatoi in, and by ; the telegraphic aecuunts from leiinu, it is stated that the allied lleets had left Scu.i.s- tiipm oil some secret exped.te'li. The V Vfics' cori-i-spiuident, w ritiii; 011 the : 21sl. is Hot at all sanguine that the Russians ; will be loieed to nbaiiiloll their position 011 ! the approach of winter. j The correspondent of ihe Daily News takes ; a different view. He sav-: ! 'Thu belief gains ground that tin Russians ! are preparing to evacuate the north side of the harbor of Seh-.iatopol The extensive earlhwoi ks which have been lately construc ted, aiid others in course of const 1 uctioti, are regarded ns simply inieinh d to coM-r their lelleat and protect the leiiiplinl'd of the Ru.-si iii army. Carts have come in empty liolii Ihe o i'tclion ol' the Mackenzie heights, and have pone away laden, it is supposed. With pr'uvis ous. "Tl-ese mi aligemeiits ure snpposid to in diciile an intention to it is still liii dei'slood that a coi-ibiiied un veipent is to take place against the 1 noun's pisitien on tho Mackenzie heights. A dinct ultaclc fiotn li.ikshi-Serai in spoken of, the approach from 'he South being made by a route wiiii h is kept seci. l, and which will h-ivt tin; eifeet of avoiding the enemy's foili'.'.cd intiench nients." Lo Nurd, of I.'iussels, takes a hopeful view of Russian affairs in the Ciiiura. A wider 01 that journal says : "The situation is not ( ntin-ly to our dis advantage, and the honor-vf mir arms h is been in uu way cuiiipi'oniisid. ti n nun will no lunger be obliged to offer themselves up as a holocaust, but w ill now be able to defend themselves in a ciosu lijiht, and sell their lives ut a high cost." The same paper statu that out cf the 1(1,000 seamen who ha I undertaken, w.tii their oltiet-rs. the defence of Sclustopol, only a fourth survive, uud somu six or seven oflict is. lu an order which Prince 'GortschukoB' has addressed to his soldiers, the Prince ad mits a loss of from 600 to 1000 men per dav, during the lust 30 days of the siege. To continue to defend thu south side, he says, would have beeti to expose the troops to be uselessly murdered. He concludes by sav ing : "It is not Sebastopol we have left in the enemy's hands, but burning ruins, that we have set tire to ourselves. Sebastapol euchuined us to its walls ; with its fall we ac quire freedom of action, and a new war com mences." SAYINGS AND DOINGS OF THE t CZAIl ALEXANDER. Tb Emperor, ho has tseen making jotirncv tn tho South, via Moscow, hns is sued, throu rh the (lovernor of that, place, un address to the Hussiuii people, in which he sayst-- "The brave defenders of Sebastupol have done evei-vthiii' possible fur human pow.-i to do. T hp I'.irm.:- otiil tiros, .tit ll n !' i vro :i I ,ln to iiIs I nccent nj tin.' inscrutable will ul I'rnvidenco. wl.ieli visits noun Hnccin b...ivv hours of trial. Hut Russia's trials have b"i-ti milch heavier, nnd God Alniiphty has always sent her His benevolent and invisible h' lp. Let ns, therefore, also, now trust in Hint. Ife will defend Russia, tho Orthodox, which has drawn the sword lor a just cause the caus.-i of Christendoi'i. I urn rind to see the incpssun' proofs of the readiness of evervbodv to s-u-i-ilice family, property, u 111 1 the last drop of blond, for tint integrity ol the empire atid the honor of the country. 1 find pomt'ui-t nnd si rotiu'tli in these popular S'.-titimeiits nnd aspirations, and with my whole heart, united with my brav and faith ful people. I shall repeat, o'onRdei t of God's help and aid, tho words of Alexander the Kirst : 'When there is truth, there is also Goil !' I remain your well wisher, At KXANimn." A letter from St. retersburt.' stales thai thn evening before ihe Emperor's tlepiiiture fur the South a prnnd council was held, at which it was decided to carry on the w ar with the utmost eiierpy. The Emperor went from Moscow to Ni.-o-laieff. the front Russian I'-ivtil depot, on the Euxine, win-re. on the 23d lilt., accompanied by til" Grand Pake" Constnininn, Nicholas and Mieha.-I, p'of", forti luiii'le -itinns, str,ai";t hened h" made nn inspection of the cations and doek-yards. The it is stated, nro to be prtatly and extended. I!v t, I. ft Xie i'pr.i It we leant that the Czrir l:-.s hue!!' for the Crimea, his ob-ect in iiioceeilini.r thither beinir doubtless to inppirit his forces by his presence, uml tui uthe tide in favor of Russia. arious R issian nnd Prussian nccoitnts stale that the war is to bp rarr.'ed on with the ureat'-s? determill.ition, uml that the Crimea is tt lie defended to the last cxtreMP ty. Gen. Monravieff. now in Au'n, will, it t' in limated. take tiie place of Prince Gnrtscha kofl'. who i:s to become Minister of War. Moscow advices state that 20(1.1.00 men have b.ien added Lo the military force of Russia. WAP. MOVEMENTS. IN APIA Letters from Kurs describo thp thc.rreiph devastation of ihe siirroundiiig district by the Russians. Tiie provisions of the (.nii-ison could not last longer than tli. l.'ith of Sep tember, nml if reinforcements did not arrive. 1 General Williams would bu compelled to ' submit. The Russians, however, were themsilvc's hard pressed by the snow, which had already set in. and which, if the garrison could hold out a little longer, Would compel the besiegers to retreat. Another letter from Kars sav. "fV-m-r Pasha has arrived at Piitouni, atid was r. reived with pn at enthusiasm bv the lad'' star. oil eaiiisen oftliiit place. TliP strt-t pth of the corps d uruice. which is represented as lCi.blhl men of nil arms, docs not exceed ut present 4000 sabres." TU E RALTIC. A brief tele'jraph from Hamburg state? that, on the 2".lh ult., fix En-IM, vessels app":'.i-eil In tore Riga, nnd bombarded, fur several lioiiis. the batteries of and irraee Doiicliet:. fcms of Jlffos. Chase's (fiep.soil) majority for Governor in Ohio is over 20,01)0. Gold is aid to have been discovered on In diana river. Niciii'.igau. Four s of snow fell at Wilkcsbarre. Pa., on Friday, the 12th inst Misfortune adds n new lustre to the ftlory ofpreat men. C vs. . ott. The Administration, it is .Kowe.I General Scott tho leek I us a Lieutenant Gi.neiul. 'I he oK'nx-rs are engaged in settling up i s-'-i". have j pay claim 1 aecuuni.i.g the llllOllllt. It is said that for Profes-srr Apns?i;:'sgrci;t work, which will cost $120 per set, there are already 10. 000 subscribers in this count rv. This probably is the greatest subscrintioil' list any scientific work ever obtained. Wisconsin, bi her new census, has a prp'i. l.-ilioti of .ri.')2.3'.ii, rpaiiist ,';o.'i,;'.!ii in lis.'.n. Gain in five yeara, 2li'i.70 or about eighty per cent. There ure but 753 blacks in the State. Great Corn CorxTitv. A Mr. Riooks recently made an ascension in a balloon, from Rockford, Illinois. I'pon his de.-ceiif. being ashed what he saw beneath during his ilcv.i tint), he replied, 'nothing ! nothing but ecru.' Nkw Yoiik, Oct. 14. The clipper ship Adelaide, from San Francisco, arrived here to-d-iy, bring.-, a t-irgo. consisting of -10.01111 bushels jf wheal and barley and lOOi) Larrtls of Hour. K.wti.? ?sow. On Friday mcrti'ti, fall in Olsegu cuaiiiy, , . Y., to ihe 1 from 3 to 4 inches. m:i w also loll il 1 county, Illinois, on ihe -1th inst., and Mil, th.j-e Was u heavy fall of sinuv w ted fur some hums, iu Li e.isville, Kv '. i llt'. V. epih of .Kail. Oil ihe lii h i.ia- A.Vi-Ii-NT Cupio nine l-in-jllsh and wards of eighty y lit', I'll seveiily .in twecil sixty and i II Pi'iNITAKir?. Of tl.i.t ,- 1 lis), b.s'nops. f..iir are up. of a -e, eleven are be. I eighty years, foui teen be 1 v. nt-.-, five In tne, -n fin v 1 am I sixlv, and five between for'y a:id fii'tv. F.i tscoi'Ai.iAN Statistics. In New Yoii; city, there are eighty Episcopal clergymen : iu Uniuklui, N.Y.. twcnty-ciiilit ; in Phila delphia, Ph., sixty-six; iu Huston, Mass.. twciily-two; in Rail immv. Md., t wnt v-i'our ; and ill Charleston. S. C, tweutv-one. A Political Rtiiri.. Tiiere are thirty-six distinct parties in New York with all smisuf strange uml whimsical names, adopted ap parently more out of ridicule than us clmruc leriotic of political principles. It must be difficult, amid such a confusion of parties, for any individual to know exactly to which be belongs, or 011 what platform lie stands. Cuks Foa IlfDROfnoBiA. The New York Times has heard it suggested by a medical inuii ol large experience, that probably the poison of a rattlesnake would act as an anti dote to that of hydrophobia the one neu tralizing the effects of the other. We give the sugjrestiou for what it is worth-r-if any one wishes to satisfy himself b trying tbe eiperiment, he can do so -io to tsoo of nukfi Oprat Sgt inrtKL IIcnt. Cn Ihu 20th ,'. Sentember tiu-ri: weie two puiti s cr.finized at Heliatire, Oliiu, for a f(,nirr I hunt j one pitrtv, headed bv II. L. Down, end ti e other by Mr. Iluilini'iir. Tlm wlmlo iiember ol squii n-h kiilcd was cipht hmidred and fifteen, uveriivii!,-r over ftrty each. Down, himself, killed 119. . Thk Mot sTACiiK it tiik Y' A wrilnr in a late London periodical states that nearly nil the Hnplish rdtrrryincn, living between two and three hutidied' years npo, wore the nioustacha. In his list of thoso who worn tiie beard on the upper lip, wo find the well known tinmes of John Donno, Georpo Her bert. Robert Hot-rick, Jeremy Taylor, Tho mas I'nlier and Robert South. Thn famous John Knox, and Hot celebrated John Uun yan, w tr-j the laoustuthe. Tlui receipts of tho Ga'cr.a and Chicnpo .'Tilinois) Railroad have been over S1.21O.O00 for the past six liii-mths etuiiiph after allow Tiitr 5il per cent, riiiucnp expenses, to pay a half vearlv dividend of 11 pprcent, 0:1 the cost of the road, f .',,000,003. The length of tho road is 221 miles. i Heavy .)a-ivii Miss Mary E. A sherry recovered a iudpomcnt for !j?4.!llG npuinst Georpi! Swarts, in the Nicholas (Ky.) Circuit Court last week for slander. A trial for broach of promise in the Eltuiinp ( K v.) Court j last weelc, resulted in an uwiui lo the pluiu- lili 01 C'j.'OJV. Tin: Pins: C ?.r,o rv.r,A Jwax. Tho fchr. ('an, line E. Puerto, which arrived at Sau I'l-.tiici-co, Ci.l., on tiie 17th ult.. broupht a caipo from .T-.ipnn, consist iti;j of Jupane-so rice, faid tu be of a superior qunlitv, itl.d 140 cases 1 lured I line s:. us una oilier n iv that curious race. v! ides This is the first tu the United canto brou .I'la'.cJ. lit from them A S:.iu;iT M :?ta;:t: A v: Cava since, a River Railroad . on a punning coialuetoi- ir.i the Hudson stjricd f'ro-n Atbany, N. Y. excursion, and was luuliv en pii to lull 111 ' ii,'ios"d to b'; with e. sp'er lid lot of w hat ho s i w ild g'-e-.e.i. of which he shot five. Tiie ta bles were turned however, when the poor fel low found they were choice imported geese, t'm property of oil" of the directors of the Railroad, and he ead to rnv -r 11 piece fur I his game. 'I'm: Grat.v Jf APtirr.The New York R.t press ol'T'eursday rist says : A reaction 'i"S ii'lluHed tiie exeitetneiit W'tinssed i in t J grain inarlit-t a few days past To Sell w l,.-t,t in any considerable quantities, holdet-s huv to concede ten a cents bushel. Corn i5 r.tthti better, owintr to the light supplies 00 hand. Fiuiir is from oiif to two shilling? h,Wer. Thu ) liichi.bts for exuoit have cease! for the present. t'fii.D in- the Ar.cTin Ttsnioss. Cold in the Artie regions is much inure endurable! 1 than would be supposed. On going out in i li e teoiiiiiig, the first lire-nil you take gives 1 u tickla.p sen.' al ion to the luups, ami Toll feel 1 it clear ihroiijji them, us though yi n w.-re 1 bic-.itl.ii.g seine exhiti-ritling gas; lift after tho llt'st breath tie- lungs seem to nd 'pt them selves to il. and tiifiuali the tiierinci-i'tters stand ut fifty i r s;.iy degrees 1-,-low zero, they experience no pr.-at iu -i iivet ieiK-c. At such a tcuippratui-e, if you aie wf-.rc:! cloth ed, you may go out and t.erc;.-o on the ice, Tatty t-tiiitspi-.ibly. when 1 ;ii 're u 1.0 wind. A TV'St! FO". N.VTl IIM.1Z ition. Since thd ISMi of Jaii'.t-.iry last, -I.'I'm aliens have recei ved their fitial papers of naturalization' from' the Superior Court, in New York City, and 4013 in tiie Court of Common Pleas, making the whole number in both Courts f .7 fill. Du ring the past week 11:1 average of about 100 per nay hav 1. received their cert iticates from the Court from the S of Coiiiu'.'.i::" Pleat, nnd 40 or SO upei-ier Court. On 'l ues lay tlci win.:.' iiciiilier 111 both L'oilrts was 1-13. At rate the nninber yet to become voters before election will be 1 ball, or a total of 10.003 from the 1st of January to the 1st of November of the present year, or exactly one thousand per month, or t'volvo tliousuud per year. PhU'j. .Tun. "Aitencan geniiij," savs a laic btter from Russia, "ni A legiiMl cl ie.-i the hovr ut St Petersburg. ' accepted war inventions :t.u un iter t-arelel d'ial in w ay of t-xperioients. be. sides an infinite number that l.avo been de clined as impracticable or uin-anted to tho pi-rset-.t exigencies. Tiie cxptriinenietii aro conducted w.lh tho silent thoroughness of Russian tactics, yet it is known that two, if not three, motive owris of Yankee origin are :u course of scientific test and compaiisoil. One who ought to know, tells me that some huiuiied th. lisand dollars are being expended in trying their application to coast defences. A gigantic rocket (or rocket and shell com bined.) has occupied the ntlob'ioil of the tu gineeis for the last five weeks, and after r.o than seventeen failures, lias come out so successful, that u foundry or-workshop is tobo Iniiit immediately for constructing these ter rilde missiles ti.e like of wlii'.di, a scientific "oilici r as-iiies me, has never traversed tho air. This is a combination uf a late French with a new Yankee invention. The most striking tt all tho 1 hois for next suiiiiiie-.'a wo1!; ,s purely Yankee, and novel in ull its f-auir s, ihon.h what they exactly nvi is locked ..I the li.'ircvealiug breast of the Fni- ,-..i-,l 1 cr ir aiiu tiia sworn oti.eer., 1 only know; I . 1 il it . ace, a: .il vac, f ,:iilu . rs." : a s bin.uan" I altcry !'or coast do. '.I that :.;! th i t 2'tcvrs here bel'eve it V ;i!..i infallibly ifestvoy every hostile .t :i.a'. d.ires to nor. roach their bar- An Umtiocitai 'i k arc 1:1 the l. ib.t i.fih ia igiu!4. iiij t v, rv lilt the i.-.iii'ls of others. . ii'tT. Soi:'.3 pcr.-pr.s liing upov, ittni'grci.tly injury they receive rjt Thev thus render them- r-elves il'V d:t.'greeal..!e tu ear.) they ui" coi'.tiur.uily p th.ise iato whose nring their Coin. plaints : uud i-t same t::i:e neatly lii-ura iheinse.v. s in the estimation of sv.vli. whiUt liny are coiitribatieg very ntiich to li.cir own pi i -uiiiil mi-en-. 11. iw niiieh belter would it bo were s'ich persciis to buiy their lit '. le tri'ii-, .or, at least, to Keep ir.eiii entirely out of sipl.t. It is pi-esiitited ihut they do not snfu-i-ieutly reflect upon the true nut ure of their conduct, else they would certainly be m,re careful to avoid it than they are. Jamison fi rcibly exposes the great folly nf such conduct, by thu following nirikinjr i.lus. t ration: ' A man strikes me with a'ew-iri and inflicts a wound. Suppose, insteud of binding up tho wound, 1 am showini it fj bv erybody, and after it lias been bound tip, I un taking oil the banduge ( oiit'nually, ondex iniining the depth of the wound, nutl make it fester till my limb beromeB greatly inflamed, and my general health is materially uflVcted t is there a person in the world who would nol" call me a fool I Now such a fool is Le, who, by dwelling upon little injuries or instills, cr provocations, causes them to agitate nnd iu flame his nv.nd. Jlowinuch Utter wtie it t put a baudaga over the wound, and never look al jl j;a:a.(,rinan HtfomuJ Mtr Otr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers